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 School Name : SMK Indonesia

 Grade / Semester : XII / 6
 Skill Program : All Programs
 Subject : English
 Time Allocation : 2 X 45 minutes
 Competency Standard : To communicate in English
Intermediate Level
 Basic Competency : Comprehend in a simple business letter
 Indicators : - Business letter is expressed correctly
- Content of business letter are expressed correctly
 Lesson Objective : - Using sentences related to application letter
- Knowing all parts of application letter
- Arranging an application letter
 Materials : - An application letter
- A job vacancy
- Parts of business letter such as opening letter, content/body,
and closing letter
 Teaching and Learning Method : - English learning communicative approach
 Teaching and Learning Process :
1. Pre – activities:
- The teacher asks the students about their understanding about letter
- The teacher shows the advertisement of job vacancies
- The teacher asks the students to mention parts of letter related to application letter
2. Main Activities
- The teacher shows the students a sample of an application letter
- The teacher reads the sample of application letter
- The teacher asks one or two students to read the application letter
- The teacher asks the students about an application letter given
3. Post Activities
- Students are asked to arrange jumble paragraphs of the application letter
- Students are asked to compose an application letter based on the advertisement of job vacancy
☺ Assessment : Teacher asks the students to express their opinion
about an application letter whether it is important or
☺ Source : Text book of English Grade 3
☺ Media : Advertisement of job vacancy

Jakarta, June 15th, 2009

Group 1 CLASS D:
1. Dedi Supriyadi, S.Pd.
2. Lailah Qodariyah, S.Pd.
3. Fariah, S.Pd., M. Hum.
4. Noor Rohmah Yuni Astuti, S.Pd.
5. Slamet Sudiyanti, S.Pd.

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