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Materi Bahasa Inggris: Procedure Texts

READING, GENRE: PROCEDURE TE T Materi, Soal dan Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris Ujian Nasional SMP Procedure!Procedura" Text, Te#s Prosedur, adalah teks yang berisi prosedur, instruksi, proses, cara, atau langkah-langkah dalam membuat/melakukan mengoperasikan! sesuatu" Ciri$ciri Procedure Text: %& 'tru#tur u(u(n)a (generic structure) terdiri dari# Goa"!Ai(# tujuan dan maksud isi teks" $ontoh# How to make sandwich Materia"!Too"# bahan atau alat-alat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat/melakukan sesuatu" $ontoh# The materials are as follows: 1. Two slides of bread, 2. Fried-egg, strawberry jam, chocolate s rinkles, . 'te*s!Procedures# langkah-langkah atau prosedur dalam melakukan/membuat sesuatu" $ontoh# First, take two slides of bread and +& Mengguna#an tenses ,si(*"e *resent.& 'ering (e(a#ai #a"i(at Perintah /i(*erati0es!orders1" $ontoh# T!rn on the lam , "!t the rice into the rice cooker, #on$t forget to ress the %on$ b!tton, 2& 3ata$#ata urutan /se4uences1" $ontoh# first, second, then, ne&t, the last, finally Contoh dan Pe(5ahasan 'oa" Procedure Text: Soal UN SMP %&&' Bahasa Inggris $%-P(%/P()!" Selengkapnya, silahkan do*nload di sini''' Exa(*"e o6 Procedure text +o* to charge hand phone battery prepare your # - hand phone - battery charger

Steps # (" $onnect the charger to your hand phone, the ,lash symbol on the charger plug must ,ace up*ard" %" -ait until the battery icon appears on the screen" ." $harge the battery appro/imately 0 hours or until the battery icon indicates that the battery is ,ully charged" 1" 2emo3e the charger by pulling out ,rom your hand phone Procedure text is a kind o, the te/t that tell ho* to make or to do something " - The Generic 'ructure

4itle/5oal # It states the goal to be achie3ed" 6ist o, materials # It list the materia,s needed " It o,ten gi3es detail on the si7e, color, numbers, shapes , 8uantity, etc " 6ist o, e8uipment # It lists the e8uipments needed" It also o,ten gi3es detail on the si7e, color , numbers, shapes, 8uantity, etc " Step/Method/Procedure # Itdescribes steps in logical order to achi3e the goal "

6et us look at the e/ample belo*" Tit"e!Goa" : Mi/ It Up Salad 7ist o6 (ateria"s : (/. cup o, orange juice ( tablespoon o, honey ( (/% cups honeyde* melon - cut into cubes ( pint o, stra*berries - cut in hal, % cups o, grapes ( green apple - cut into cubes % oranges - cut in bite-si7e pieces 7ist o6 e4ui*(ents : Measuring cups and spoons 9 large bo*l 9 *hisk or a ,ork 'te*s!(ethods!*rocedure :

:irst, make the dressing by putting the orange juice and honey in a large bo*l and mi/ them *ell" 4hen, add the ,ruit" Ne/t, mi/ until all the ,ruit is highly coated *ith the dressing" Put it in the re,rigerator ,or one hour"

:inally, ser3e it cold "

Procedure / How to Make Fried Noodles

8RITING : 'E9UENCE 2ead these sentences" 4hey are ,rom the te/t"
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

:irst put some rice in a bo*l" Then *ash it in running *ater" Next put it in the pan" A6ter that put some *ater in the pan" :ina"") plug the cord in"

4he underlined *ords are used to sho* order o, actions" 4hey are called discourse (ar#ers to sho; se4uence iranti kohesi !nt!k men!nj!kkan !r!tan!" ;o you kno* other *ords to sho* se8uence< 6et=s see *hether you can identi,y them" Study the *ords in the bo/" $lick the *ord i, you think you can use it to sho* se8uence"
2. Teks Procedure: Teks yang menjelaskan atau memberi petunjuk cara/langkah langkah membuat atau melakukan sesuatu. !eneric "tructure: #im/!oal $ %aterials/Tools $ "teps/%ethods #im/!oal& misalnya: 'o( to make )ro(nies *ake %aterials berisi: bahan $ bahan dan atau alat $ alat untuk membuat )ro(nies tersebut +ote: %aterials are not re,uired -or all Procedure te.t "teps/%ethods berisi: langkah $ langkah membuat )ro(nies

*ontoh Teks Procedure: 'o( to make /emonade 0ngredients: 1or each glass use: $ 2 tablespoons o- lemon juice. $ 2 tablespoons o- sugar. $ 1 glass o- (ater %ethods: 1. "lice a lemon in hal- and s,uee2e the juice into a cup. 2. Take out the seeds. 3. Pour t(o tablespoons o- juice into glass.

4. #dd sugar 5. #dd (ater and stir (ell 3. Taste the lemonade. 4ou may (ant to add more sugar or more lemon to make it taste just right 5. Put it in ice cubes. # drop o- red -ood coloring (ill make pink lemonade atau : '67 T6 %#89 P9#+:T *;:+*' 7hat you<ll need : = 1 cup o- peanuts = 3 cups o- bro(n sugar = 2 tablespoons o- =inegar = 1 cup o- (ater 7hat to do : Place the sugar& (ater and =inegar into a large saucepan. "tir slo(ly o=er a lo( heat until the sugar is disol=ed #dd peanuts & increase the heat and allo( to boil ;emo=e -rom the heat (hen the nuts ha=e craked and the mi.ture appears golden bro(n #llo( bubbles to settle "poon into small paper patty cases or pour the mi.ture into a -lat greased pan and mark into bite$si2e pieces. eks Prosedur > procedure te.t? adalah teks yang isinya menyampaikan langkah$ langkah atau cara$cara melakukan atau membuat sesuatu. !eneric structure: #im/!oal $ %aterials/Tools $ "teps/%ethods$#im/!oal& How to make Brownies Cake -Materials berisi: bahan $ bahan dan atau alat $ alat untuk membuat )ro(nies tersebut. +ote: %aterials are not re,uired -or all Procedure te.t -Steps/Methods berisi: langkah $ langkah membuat bro(nies. Contoh-contoh teks prosedur:

How to make Popcorn crunch

%aterials: $ 1&5 cups o- sugar (heat cereal$ 1 cup o- golden syrup -laked almond$ @&5 cup o- butter $ A cup o- popcorn already pop$ 2 cups o- pu--ed$ 1 cup o- toasted$

1 teaspoon o- =anilla$ @&55 teaspoon o- cinnamonTime: 1@ minutesPlace sugar and golden syrup in a heatproo- dish& stir and cook until sugar is dissol=ed >appro.imately -our minutes on high?. #dd butter and cook -or si. minutes. 7hile this is cooking& place popcorn& pu-- (heat cereal& and almonds into a separate bo(l. #dd cinnamon and =anilla to golden syrup mi.ture& combine syrup (ith popcorn& cereal and almonds and spread o=er a lighty greased 25 cetimeters . 3@ centimeters baking tray. #llo( to cool and then cut into pieces."tore in an airtight container.

How to make Lemonade

0ngredients: 1or each glass use: $ 2 tablespoons o- lemon juice. $ 2 tablespoons o- sugar. $ 1 glass o- (ater %ethods: 1. "lice a lemon in hal- and s,uee2e the juice into a cup. 2. Take out the seeds. 3. Pour t(o tablespoons o- juice into glass. 4. #dd sugar 5. #dd (ater and stir (ell 3. Taste the lemonade. 4ou may (ant to add more sugar or more lemon to make it taste just right 5. Put it in ice cubes. # drop o- red -ood coloring (ill make pink lemonade


7hat you<ll need : = 1 cup o- peanuts = 3 cups o- bro(n sugar = 2 tablespoons o- =inegar = 1 cup o- (ater 7hat to do : Place the sugar& (ater and =inegar into a large saucepan. "tir slo(ly o=er a lo( heat until the sugar is disol=ed #dd peanuts & increase the heat and allo( to boil ;emo=e -rom the heat (hen the nuts ha=e craked and the mi.ture appears golden bro(n

#llo( bubbles to settle "poon into small paper patty cases or pour the mi.ture into a -lat greased pan and mark into bite$si2e pieces. %akes enough Peanut *runch -or si. people Biposkan oleh eneng sinarti di 2@.21

Makin% iced-lemon tea

%aterials: # glass o- tea T(o spoon-uls o- sugar 0ce cubes # slice o- lemon tea "teps: %ake the tea a bit strong because (hen you add the lemon it (ill get thinner. #-ter the tea is ready& s,uee2e the lemon according to your o(n taste. #dd some ice cubes& and your iced$lemon tea is ready. This good -or someone (ho can not make a cake C6nde$6ndeC& and this instructions ho( to make ONDE-ONDE -rom Denanyar cuisine& here (e share the recipe (ith di--erent -la=or:

&$!!"'!A" ("S()! Leather Material: 25@ g sticky rice -lour 25 gr sago -lour D teaspoon salt E teaspoon =anilla 15 gr sugar )tr 1 egg 15@ ml (arm (ater 1@@ gr sesame cooking oil Contents: 1@@ gr green beans& peeled 55 gr sugar Pandan lea=es 1 E teaspoon salt E teaspoon =anilla

5@ ml coconut milk How to make: 1.*ontents: steamed green beans until cooked and tender. /i-t& then blend (hile hot. *ombine the green beans (ith sugar& pandan lea=es& salt& =anilla and coconut milk& mi. (ell. *ook o=er lo( heat until the dough can dipulung content. *hill. Take the contents o- 1@ g dough& then round it o--. "et aside. 2. "kin: mi. rice -lour& sago -lour& salt& =anilla& sugar and egg mi. (ell. Pour (arm (ater little by little& (hile diuleni to be dull and dipulung& set aside. 3. Take 15 g dough skin& pipihkan. Put the dough content& a round up o- green beans co=ered. 4. Bip into the (ater brie-ly& then roll in sesame seeds. 5. 1ried dumplings (ith a small -ire. #-ter the dumplings -loat& raising a little heat& -ry until bro(n yello(. ;emo=e and drain.

OTH!$ *LA+O#$: GURIH dumplings (S rimp !la"or#

MAT!$(AL: 25@ grams o- minced shrimp 15@ g minced chicken 2 clo=es garlic puree 1 tsp salt& 1 / 2 tsp pepper po(der 2 tsp sugar 1 egg (hite 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 tbsp chopped coriander lea=es 1 teaspoon cooking oil 1@@ grams (hite sesame seeds 6il -or -rying Complement: chili sauce& bottled or mayonnaise

Makin% wa,: %i. the shrimp (ith chicken& garlic& salt& pepper and sugar and stir (ell. 9nter the egg (hite& cornstarch and cooking oil& stir (ell -or the dough into 13 parts& a ball and store in re-rigerator -or 3@ minutes. 'eat the oil& bolabola coat (ith sesame seeds and -ried until bro(n. "er=e (arm (ith chili sauce or mayonnaise. Biposkan oleh #;8'0T# F #B'4"

:rida), Ma) +<, +==<

Makin% Sandwich
%aterials: T(o slices o- bread "omething inside >-ried$egg& stra(berry jam& chocolate sprinkles& a sausage& etc.? "teps: 1irst o- all& take t(o slices o- bread. "pread the bread (ith butter or margarine Then& put anything you like on top o- the bread on one slice. 4ou can ha=e a -ried egg& some stra(berry jam& >or any kind o- jam?& chocolate sprinkles& a slice ocheese& a sausage& or something else. #-ter that& join the t(o slices o- bread together& and your sand(ich is readyG >Taken -rom )ahasa 0nggris& %ateri PT)8 )uku 2? Posted by ;enungan at @1:23

title # +o* to make a cup o, co,,ee materials # co,,ee, sugar, hot *ater" e8uipment # a cup, and a spoon" steps # ,irst, take a cup" second, put sugar and co,,ee into a cup third, pour hot *ater into a cup ,ourth, stir it ,inally, a cup o, co,,ee ready to ser3e

% tahun lalu

:rida), Ma) +<, +==<

How to Make a


%aterials: 3 pieces o- cane Thread /arge sheet o- strong paper >e.g. tissue? "o-t pencil "cissors Paint and paintbrush !lue "trong string 7hat to do: The 1rame Bampen the cane to make -le.ible *are-ully& bend the cane to desired shape then tie securely (ith thread The *o=ering /ay the -rame on sheet o- paper Trace around -rame (ith pencil *ut co=ering appro.imately 1 cm larger than the outline Paint bird on co=ering >e.g. bo(l? 7hen paint is dry& place the -rame on unpainted side. +o(& -old edges o- co=ering o=er the -rame care-ully& and glue them do(n. The )ridle *ut 3 pieces o- string& each 2@ cm long. "ecure one end o- each string tightly to -rame at the shoulders and tail o- the bird. Then& tie the other ends in a knot. Posted by ;enungan at @1:14

Contoh Procedure Text

Posted: 25 %aret 2@1@ by -uan in 9ducations Tag:causati=e =erb& contoh precesur te.t& Bo(nnload& :nderstanding Procedure Te.t


Maa, ya kalau lama banget posting contoh procedure te/t,,, banyak banget yang nyari,,, Ni aku ada % contoh te/r procedure,, moga Bisa Membantu belajar temen-temen"
How 1irst To o-(nsert all&s(itch o-S(M the Card phone

"econd&pull the battery lock on the back the phone& and hold it in thus position. +e.t&slide the co=er&and li-t the battery. Then&insert the "0% card into its slot.but& remember&do it care-ully. :m&&one more thing&don t -orget to make sure the golden connectors on the card -ace into the phone and ah&the opposite end o- the battery until it snaps into place. +o(&slide the co=er back onto the mobile phone 1inally&s(itch on your phone and you ll see the signal o- your "0% card on the phone screen and& do you kno( (hat that meansH !ood& it means you can start using your phone. How To Operate Computer 1irst& plug the cable into the socket and turn on your computer. "econd& (ait a moment (hile your computer is starting "caner data. +e.t& enter a key(ord iyou use it. Then& the computer (ill scan in computer about =irusess. #-ter that& choose programs as needed& -or e.ample you (ant to type& the program to choose is %icroso-t 7ord. 1inally& sa=e your (ork at the computer.

:riday, %&" 9ugust %&(&, &%#.(#%. 3e"as : 'e(ester : % 'tandar 3o(*etensi: 0" Memahami makna dalam teks ,ungsional pendek dan teks tulis monolog/esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrati3e dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan mengakses ilmu pengetahuan populer )" Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk# recount, narrati3e, dan procedure 3o(*etensi Dasar: 0"% Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk# recount, narrati3e, dan procedure

)"% Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk# recount, narrati3e, dan procedure Indikator >etuntasan# - Mengidenti,ikasi makna kata dalam teks yang dibaca - Mengidenti,ikasi makna kalimat dalam teks yang dibaca - Mengidenti,ikasi sumber berita yang didengar - Mengidenti,ikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks - Mengidenti,ikasi tujuan komunikasi teks dibaca - Menggunakan kalimat imperati3e dalam membuat sebuah resep atau petunjuk - Menghasilkan teks berbentuk procedure Pur*ose o6 Text 9 piece o, *riting that is to help us to do a task or to make something" It can be a set o, instructions or directions"

Generic 'tructure - 5oal - Material - Steps Exa(*"es 4e/t ( +?- 4? $??> 2I$@ Material needed # 2ice, -ater Steps # -ash the rice in cold *ater" Put the rice *ith some *ater in a pan" Boil it" $ook it slo*ly ,or about %& minutes" Put the rice into the simmer" Steam the rice ,or about 10 minutes 4he rice is ready to eat"

Procedure Te.t
Posted by# utari dhina on# %& ;esember %&&'

0n: Tak )erkategori *ommentG

okay ne/ttttt subject berikut/,",", yyyyyyyyyyuuuk lyatd The Definition of Procedure Text P rocedure Text is a text that is designed to descri5e ho; so(ething is achie0ed through a se4uence o6 actions or ste*s&It ex*"ains ho; *eo*"e *er6or( di66erent *rocesses in a se4uence o6 ste*s&This text uses si(*"e *resent tense,o6ten i(*erati0e sentence&It a"so uses the te(*ora" con>unction such as : 6irst,second,then,next,6ina""),etc The generic structures of procedure text are:

!oal / aim > or title? %aterials > not re,uired -or all procedural te.ts? "teps > the actions that must be taken?

:or the e/ample A= +o* to make a sand*ich A= aim/ goal! Bou need materials!

2 slices o- bread Peanut butter # banana 'oney

-hat you should do are steps! #

Take t(o slices o- bread "pread peanut butter *ut up a banana onto small slices and put them on one o- the slices Pour some honey o=er the bananas Put the other slice o- bread on top

Nb# $an you make procedure te/t selain ,ood,stiil many ,or the e/ample yang can *e make to procedure te/tCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCD!

-ednesday, :ebruary %0, %&&'

Definition: To Tell How To Make Something. Generic Structure: - GOAL - MATER ALS - STE!S

GOAL How to Make "rie# Rice

MATER ALS $hite Rice that%& 're(iou&l) *een cooke# an# refrigerate# Two +arrot& ,-. an Onion +eler) / Egg& 0eef 0ullion 0lack !e''er Garlic !ow#er Groun# Ginger So) Sauce

0utter 1egeta*le Oil Shrim'2+hicken2an#-or 'ork-tofu3o'tional4

STE!S ,. !ut a*out 5 cu'& of rice into )our rice cooker. Let it &team until it i& rea#). .. $a&h the (egeta*le&. Then2 #ice the carrot& an# onion& into &mall 'iece&. Set them a&i#e for the ne6t &te'. /. A## oil an# heat u' the 'an to ,77 #egree&. 8.To&& the (egeta*le& into the 'an for a*out / minute&. Then to&& in the carrot& an# onion& for / minute& with the (egeta*le&. A## the , tea&'oon of &alt into the 'an. 9. 0oil the chicken or &hrim' with the re&t of the ingre#ient& 3o'tional4. 5. !ut a *it more oil into the fr)ing 'an. :. To&& the rice in carefull). ;. A## an egg an# &cram*le with the other ingre#ient&. A## a''ro6imatel) . to / ta*le&'oon& of &o) &auce while fr)ing. <. !ut frie# rice on a #i&h an# it%& rea#) to &er(e=

:rida), Ma) +<, +==<

Makin% (ndomie *ried "oodle
%aterials: T(o slices o- bread "omething inside >-ried$egg& stra(berry jam& chocolate sprinkles& a sausage& etc.? "teps: 1irst& boil t(o glasses o- (ater in a pan. Then& open the package o- 0ndomie -ried noodles. 7hile (aiting -or the (ater to boil& pour the seasoning: chili sauce& soya sauce and oil into a bo(l. #-ter the (ater is boiled& drain the noodles. +e.t& thro( a(ay the (ater. Then& pour the noodles into the bo(l. #-ter that& mi. the noodles (ith the seasoning& sauce& and the other ingredients. +o(& your noodles are ready. >Taken -rom )ahasa 0nggris& %ateri PT)8 )uku 2?

:rida), Ma) +<, +==<

Makin% *ried 'anana
%aterials: "ome good bananas "ome -rying oil "teps: "lice the bananas into thin slices. Then& -ry them in =ery hot -rying oil until they turn bro(n.

0- you like& you can sprinkle some sugar on top o- the bananas. 6ther(ise& roll the bananas in -lour be-ore you -ry them ro$edure te%t is a te.t that is designed to describe ho( something is achie=ed throught a se,uence o- actions or steps. 0t e.plains ho( people per-orm di--erent precces in a se,uence o- steps. This te.t uses simple present tense& o-ten imperati=e sentences. 0t also uses the temporal conjuction such as -irst&second&& them& & ne.t& -inally& etc. 1. The generic structures o- procedure te.t are : $!oal/aim >or title? $%aterials >not re,uired -or all procedural te.ts? $"teps >the actions that must be taken? !oal/aim >or tittle? I ho( to make a -ried noddles I ho( to play boomerang %aterials Ia sachet -ried noddles Ia pot or pan& etc "teps I -irst&second&then&ne.t&-inally..etc

9J#%P/9 :: ho( to make a -ried noodles you need :: K a sachet -ried noodles K 4@@ cc >2 glass? hot (ater K a pot or pan K a egg and some sausage (hat you should do are :: K K K K K boil 4@@ cc >2 glass? o- (ater in a pan&add noodle&stir slo(ly -or 3 minutes pour the seasoning on a plate&(hile noodles is being cooked take the cooked noodles -rom the boiling (ater and drain it. mi. noodle thourghhly (ith the all seasoning& mi. (ell. add an egg and some sausage in noodles and...

your delicious noodle is ready to ser=e..LL gmnaH..hhohoho..udh bisa bkin mieHpastinya donk..selamat mencoba..LL

;iposkan oleh 4au,an Iskandar di %("(%"&& 6abel# Belajar Bahasa inggris

Eune %., %&&F

?o; to (a#e a Cheese O(e"et Ingredients: ( egg, 0& g cheese, ( cup milk, . tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch o, salt and pepper" Utensi"s: :rying pan, ,ork, spatula, cheese-grater, bo*l, and plate" Method: $rack the egg into a bo*l -hisk the egg *ith a ,ork until it=s smooth 9dd milk and *hisk *ell 5rate the cheese into the bo*l and stir +eat the oil in ,rying pan 4urn the omelet *ith spatula and cook both sides Place on a plate, season *ith salt and pepper Choose the /est answer0 1. The te.t abo=e belongs toMM #. narrati=e ). procedure *. ne(s item B. spoo9. recount 2. The te.t tells us aboutMM #. ho( long to make any kind o- -ood ). ingredients o- making omelet

*. utensils o- making omelet B. methods o- making omelet 9. ho( to eat a cheese omelet 3. The -ollo(ings are methods o- making a cheese omelet& e.ceptM.. #. ). *. B. 9. 4. cracking the egg (hisking the egg adding milk cheese$grater heating the oil

'o( much cheese do (e need to make a cheese omeletH #. ). *. B. 9. one gram three grams -i=e grams -i-teen -i-ty grams


MM is a tool (ith a -lat -le.ible blade used -or mi.ing and spreading. #. ). *. B. 9. Pan 1ork "patula Plate *heese$grater

"eptember 2& 2@@A

I, you *ant to make ice tea, ,irst prepare a hal, glass o, tea, one or t*o spoon,ul sugar and ice" Ne/t step is put the sugar into the glass o, tea, stir it *ell" 9,ter that, add some pieces o, ice into the glass and stir it again and the ice is ready to ser3e" (" I, *e *ant to make ice tea *e need to prepareG""

a. ice& sugar& co--ee& glass b. ice& tea& chocolate& (ater c. tea& (ater& sugar& ice d. ice& salt& sugar& tea e. sugar& tea& co--ee

%" 9,ter putting the sugar into the galss, G"" it ,or about t*o minutes"

a. make

b. add c. stir d. ser=e e. prepare

." G"" the ice into the glass and shake it *ellC

a. drop b. put c. send d. buy e. sell

Posted in Procedure @ 6ea3e a $omment H

?o; to (a#e a :rench toast

Nune 23& 2@@A

;ecipe -or 1rench Toast

4ou are going to need:

4 pieces o- bread 1 spoon o- sugar 2 eggs # ,uarter o- a cup o- milk )utter Pan 1ork )o(l

)e-ore you start to cook& you ha=e to read the recipe.

+o( you can get ready. #-ter you read the recipe& put e=erything on the counter. 7hen e=erything is ready& break the eggs& pour a ,uarter o- the milk in the bo(l& then add a small spoon o- sugar. %i. the eggs& milk and sugar. +e.t& put a piece o- bread in the bo(l (ith the eggs& milk and sugar. Turn o=er the bread. +o(& put some butter in the pan. Turn on the sto=e. 7hen the pan is hot& take the bread out o- the bo(l and put it into the pan. #-ter you cook one side o- the bread& cook the other side. #-ter you -inish the -irst place o- the bread& cook the other pieces. +o( you ha=e 1rench toastG

Choose the /est answer0


The type o- the te.t abo=e is called M.. #. ;ecount ). +arrati=e *. Bescription B. Procedure 9. ;eport


The purpose o- the te.t is MM.. #. to describe 1rench toast ). to e.plain about 1rench toast *. to tell the reader ho( to make 1rench toast B. to entertain the reader (ith 1rench toast 9. to persuade the reader to make 1rench toast


7ho is the te.t better addressed toH #. #n e.pert che-

). # student learning at home *. # husband le-t by his (i-e B. # mother at home 9. # boy/girl le-t by his /her mother


O)e-ore you start to cook& you ha=e to read the recipe.P The underlined (ord means MM. #. a set o- learning instruction ). a (ritten statement that one has recei=ed money *. a (ritten statement that one has recei=ed something B. a doctor<s (ritten order -or a particular medicine 9. a set o- cooking instruction


O4ou are going to need.P The e.pression and (hat it -ollo(s belong to M.. #. e=ent ). steps *. materials B. purpose 9. orientation

Posted in Procedure @ 6ea3e a $omment H

?o; to (a#e a cheese o(e"et

Nune 23& 2@@A

How to make a Cheese Omelet

(n%redients: 1 egg& 5@ g cheese& 1 cup milk& 3 tablespoons cooking oil& a pinch o- salt and pepper.

#tensils: 1rying pan& -ork& spatula& cheese$grater& bo(l& and plate.

Method: *rack the egg into a bo(l 7hisk the egg (ith a -ork until it<s smooth #dd milk and (hisk (ell !rate the cheese into the bo(l and stir 'eat the oil in -rying pan Turn the omelet (ith spatula and cook both sides Place on a plate& season (ith salt and pepper

Choose the /est answer0 1. The te.t abo=e belongs toMM #. narrati=e ). procedure *. ne(s item B. spoo9. recount


The te.t tells us aboutMM

#. ho( long to make any kind o- -ood ). ingredients o- making omelet *. utensils o- making omelet B. methods o- making omelet 9. ho( to eat a cheese omelet


The -ollo(ings are methods o- making a cheese omelet& e.ceptM.. #. ). *. B. 9. cracking the egg (hisking the egg adding milk cheese$grater heating the oil


'o( much cheese do (e need to make a cheese omeletH #. ). *. B. 9. one gram three grams -i=e grams -i-teen -i-ty grams


MM is a tool (ith a -lat -le.ible blade used -or mi.ing and spreading. #. ). *. B. 9. Pan 1ork "patula Plate *heese$grater

+A Agustus +==A
P$OC!)#$! T!1T
Procedure Te.t !oal

To e.plain ho( to do or to make something

5eneric structure

#im %aterials> ingridients& e,uipment ? "teps

6anguage ,eatures

action =erbs nouns& noun phrase imperati=e sentense


Teks Prosedur adalah teks yang isinya mengenai langkah-langkah/step bagaimana membuat/ melakukan sesuatu. Generic Structure: im/!oal - Materials " #teps - im/!oal $tu%uan&' terdapat pada %udul - Material $bahan dan alat& - #teps $langkah-langkah& (iri-ciri kebahasaan teks ini antara lain sebagai berikut:

- Tenses yang digunakan adalah #imple Present - Pola kalimatnya dominan kalimat imperati)e $perintah& seperti: *on+t' cut' mi,' stir' pour' dan sebagainya' yang semua kata-kata tersebut merupakan action )erb.

- *ipakainya Connectives untuk mengurutkan kegiatan atau action-action yang ada seperti :then' while' the ne,t' a-ter' dll.

- ada pula Adverbials untuk menyatakan rinci waktu' tempat' cara yang akurat' misalnya -or two minutes' two centimeters -rom the top' dll.

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