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Name:Alberto Ramirez


is about ...

Understanding word processing tabs

being able to professionally edit word processing documents with

Main Idea Main Idea Main Idea Main Idea

Home Tab
Clipboard: paste, cut, copy, format painter Font; name, size, grow, shrink, change case, clear formatting, bold italic, underline, strike through, subscript,superscript Paragraph: bullets numbering, multilevel, list left, center, right, justified alignment, line spacing shading border. Styles: normal, no spacing, heading 1 &2 change styles Editing: find replace, select

Insert Tab
Pages: cover page, blank page page break Tables: table Illustrations: picture clipart shapes smartart chart Link: hyperlink bookmark cross-refrence Header & footer: header footer page number Text: text box quick parts wordart drop cap signature line date & time object Symbols: equation, symbol

Page Layout Tab

Themes: themes colors font effects page setup: margins orientation size columns breaks line numbers hyphenation Page backround: watermark page color page borders Paragraph: indent left and right spacing before and after Arrange: position wrap text bring forward send backward selection pane align group rotate

Review Tab
Proofing: spelling & grammar research thesaurus word count Language: translate language Comments: new comment delete previous next Tracking: track changes final show markup show markup reviewing pane Changes: accept reject previous next compare: compare Protect: block authors restrict editing

So what? What is important to understand about this?

knowing where functions are located and what they do help make editing quicker and more professional

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