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The Ankh is the Key


Yvon Bois

This Thesis is made "outside the box".

Why someone shall feel sorry for telling the truth?

The Torah gives us plenty of psychosocial and ethical secular data which are fit for the psyche
(body and mind) consumption, thus "Kosher"; these data became religious faith when the word
"nature" was replace by the word "God"; nature is made of light self-interaction under the
various processes of a basic and elegant “first principle” of physical cosmic character, and so
its God!

The universe is eclectic and we have the tendencies to compartmentalize our knowledge of it,
this is why the united field theory can be hard to grasp if there is only one secular discipline
involved. We need to be eclectic, not to compart ourselves anymore so we can see the whole
picture; otherwise we are plaguing ourselves with the mind-tunnel syndrome.

The spread of the truth in the world is called "Shofar", at the image of the shofar - the ram's
horn - that carry the echo very far, to indicate how the echo of the truth in the world will
resound aloud.

"To be on the heights and to sound the horn" is a very old Hebrew expression meaning "to
know the truth and unveil it aloud".

The universe is the Holy Grail, our intellect quench its thirst in that chalice that contain the
ambrosia of the truth: an ocean of light!

The mythical Jesus of Nazareth and the mythical grail of the last supper are allegories; Jesus
representing humanity quenching its intellectual thirst from an ocean of light a last time before
the righteous ones will be metaphorically crucified by the innocents morons at the beginning
of the Apocalypse.

The Apocalypse won't start with Moshiach coming down to Earth from Heaven; instead it will
be his message to the world that will trigger the Apocalypse, and by the way Moshiach is
already here on Earth.

Fundamental common sense is innate; to reject it is part of a learning process.

This book is an intellectual adventure into the dense forest of religious metaphors.

To be normal is to be a realistic individual according to our normal stages of

development, even if it’s not in the normality of a nation.

This book (in two volumes) is a clear update of what was previously metaphorized into
various esotheric forms concerning human knowledge in the field of existentialism.
As matter conveys the form, which are the natural principles, so the Jewish faith conveys that
form in a human esotheric language and the faithful call them: "God's commands".

Moses was the Egyptian chief scientist of the Hebrews who knew that the universe self-
interacts by the means of light-motility.

For the infantile bigots any humanist is an antichrist; as for the humanists they evolves
normally trough each step of their psychological evolutionary process by leaving behind the
infantilism of early age.

"God" is not an individual; that word represents the remaining of nature mysteries to
mankind, that word belongs to the Chaos Theory: what man does not know yet.

The bigots who are plague with the Moshiach complex and the Elijah complex will fall from
great heights when the humble Moschia’s coming out the populace and out breaking from the
sludge will rise by surprise. Elijah can only sound the horn from the heights of his communion
with the cosmos when the "white on white" become black on white in his mind.

From the depths of our unconscious lays our innate hope that's makes us to desire with fervour
to be one with the universal truth without losing our individuality, our personality, nor our
human interactions; and that hope is legitimate, and that hope will be fulfil.

It is by combining all our personal capabilities into any goal that humanity as "one" can reach
incredible feats like the building of utopia; for now we are mostly egotistic and most of our
goals are in a personal level, and that is the weakness of humanity, its own hell were our evil
side divides us to better rule and better destroying the planet.

Theory of a Self-Programmed Universe

Yvon Bois Thesis

The Kabbalah uses an ocean of words to say simple things.

Demetaphorizing religious metaphors is to go from "white on white" to "black on white" to

understand their secular meaning.

Explore the universe, explore what is yours; is the duty we owe to ourselves to develop and
keep a sane mind.

As soul we are living computers, our mind

processes data, and so it’s our body; Freud
understood that fact and he call the union of the
body and the mind "the psyche". To understand
how we function as self-determined computers
we have to study how Freud perceives its

Memories are
eternals in time

A belief is to have faith in an opinion; a religious belief is to have faith in someone else opinion,
within a culture, without questioning it. Religious beliefs are culturally imprinted and are
fixed; on the other hand man scientific opinions constantly evolve worldwide with new

According to the Kabbalah (of mouth to ear) the truth is the essence of what is there: the whole
universe, and man looking for the truth the adequate way called it: "the scientific aproach".
We are the living products of the truth, therefore it is in us and we can evolve only by its
dynamics. The truth lies in the light and its movement, the light is the essence of nature, the
light is the source of everything, so we are products of the light, literally! Thus human
knowledge is gain by the scientific approach and life experience, and it is our innate faith
toward what seem to be logical that leads us naturally to have confidence in reason. The True
occult sciences are simply secularism been hermetized, some of these occult sciences
(hermetized secular sciences) have become batardized from the misunderstanding of the
litteral of the primal religions (primal occult sciences) and the Kabbalah, and that has
produced various contemporary kouac religions. The sanctification of the Spirit is his
knowledge and understanding of reality. We cannot really believe with certainty in something
without the proofs of its validity; the question becomes a blessing for the truth because it is by
the presence of the question that we are able to evolve by looking for evidence of what is true or
not. Even the God-believers (Theists) are saying that faith is beyond reason thus
demonstrating their own stupidity, they are simply swimming in the pool of nonsense in their
immature infantile mental sickness. The universe is our highest truth, and in order to adapt to
it we are trying our best to define it through our scientific researchs, we can only believe one
thing with certainty and it is that the truth is actually the universal natural principles that's
make our universe dynamics since our universe is our supreme parent, even if we recognize
that we still do not know much of his mechanics. The word "Eternity" means that the light
(literally) was always present, then the universe never had a beginning and will keep its
presence with no end in sight; we already know that everything is a matter of evolution
through the movement, so everything new is based on what there was. Eternity is made of
light and that light is the gold of the ancient alchemists, thoughts are made of light and the
light is what generated matter; we handle matter in our discretion for whatever results we are
looking for (or not) under the causal laws, for our own good or our own hell. Hell is a state of
mind that can occur at any place, and the suffering of the body and mind (the psyche) are
closely connected by the phenomenon of neuroplaticity, and the so-called devil is simply the
weakness of the psychopath mind who drives him to make others to suffer by his associal
actions for his own temporary benefit. It is only man who dream to gives a soul to the light!
The light has no soul! The light is only cosmic dust on the move call quanta; but the light is the
"soul" (the source) of all things. To seek the soul of the light is to search the non-existent, and
the lack of movement; therefore to say God is the soul of light is to give a name to the
nonexistent, and the non-motility. Neverteless it is the light that creates the souls because souls
are made of light. Our body is not a shadow of the light, it is also made of light, but it is simply
a mortal mnemonic unit: a biological machine that is undone over time. In our quest for truth
our unconscious drives us to continue in that direction since the truth is the blessing of the soul:
the drive for pleasure; that drives leads us towards the intellectual pleasures where reason is
the master. A real initiate in the kabbalah is an atheist-humanist, and so was the Moses who
handle the Torah to humanity, and so was Abraham, David, Solomon etc... and all the biblical
patriachs, and so was also Noah (from the biblical flood); and between Moses and Noah were
also all the Pharaohs and Egyptian High Priests, they all leads us astray!

The Key of Reality is in the Ankh

Turning our back to reality is to embrace illusions

The indecency of the naked and crude truth, and reality, is to be found in the mind of those who
seek to cloth it their own way.

The Devil is now running the world. The Devil is our evil side, and our evil side is finding our
pleasures over the frustrated basic needs of others when grabbing the sweets of the world

- But harmony is around the corner -

The wise man, knowing the one thousand monkey theory, has only a major doubt: is it possible
that some of the rightness escaping from his lips didn’t already come out of the mouths of other
wise men before him?

The devil ruse is to make artificial ethics condemning the truth to be malicious.

The sociopath shall be afraid of the optimists since the optimists see any obstacles on their path
to be challenges to overcome for the good of man. Therefore it is the downfall of the sociopath
who by their evilness constructs obstacles in the path of the righteous ones since the righteous
ones have the innate tendency to be optimistically and sociably inclined.

If there wouldn't be any bigots, or Nationalist or religious, there would be no wars.

Agnosticism is the shackle of life, the path of secular knowledge leads to mind liberation where
the freedom of the mind reside on the full understanding of the natural principles; when that
understanding has for companion fundamental ethics then we become the heralds of wisdom.

Reality is not a religion

The word “God” means “the essence of nature”.

We shall not seek to be saints; instead we shall seek to be normal; that will sanctifies us.

Our basic perception of reality, which is plain common sense, makes us to identified our
biological body and the rest of the universe that surround us as phenomena that can be explain
by the scientifical approach, therefore the universe himself has to be simply of mechanical
character which somehow produces life. As we can see life is simply a part of the universe
evolutionary process where the mnemonical phenomenon is involve; thus the source of any
phenomenon can be found and explain from the scientific approach since the universe is an
automatizations. According to some religious beliefs the source is a "First Principle" creating
the universe, thus multiplying itself trough a self-interaction. It seems at first sight that
religions are scientific data that went haywire!

This book contain: what your parents never tell you; what the CIA don’t want you to know;
why big company’s control major newspapers; what religions are hiding from you;
information Islam is most afraid of, why the Pope will quit his job! This is an apocalyptic
book…in all innocence. This research is what scientists desesperately are seeking for. Any
students would become wiser by reading the finds contain in this research! Wisdom is a
learning process. The over-simplistic religious concept concerning the Unified Fields Theory is
represented under the word “God”; “God,” among other definitions, is also a word that
indicates the presence of the “Chaos Theory”: man searching for answers. The word “God”
follows the same principle than others ancient gods: they are all representations of natural
phenomena. The Christian “God” encompasses all the other ancient gods into one. How “God”
came to be is to discover how the universe came to be, and what the pre-requisites of its
presence were. The thinker, whose mind is alive, will have pleasure to read this book, but the
zombie, that mechanical puppet, who only exist with the impression of thinking will turn away
from this document because his mind is dead. This book is the beginning of the judging of the
living and the dead minds…one step away from apocalypse. To speak all the languages at once
is to come up with the United Field Theory where all philosophical, and theories, approach are
contain. This research is made with the intention to untied the most paradoxical and basic
concept of Christianity about “God”. Christianity, Islam and religious Jews tells us to adore a
god on the detriment of having faith on the human potential for man to better itself, by itself,
throughout human interaction, and under the stable guidance of the natural principles. Even
the religious Jews are considering "God" to be a living being -as a person- who is over the
natural principles but command them; that’ makes no sense at all. It is an insult to reason! It
come down to this: nice metaphors are like euphemisms made by poetic minds, those who can
make metaphors to adorn reality do, and those who do not understand the poetry of
euphemism in metaphors takes them literally and go astray.

It is certainly not a bloody extremist bigot who invented the wheel!

Marketing our vanity and our wants from the deeps of our unconsciousious is the devils way
(our sociopathic ways); by it the devils ruse is to make its own appealing artificial ethics.
Incrusting them in various religions and human laws, he gains control over our human factor
(our unreliability) linked to our sense of pleasure; it is from that ephemeral throne made of
deceive that he can condemn the simple truth to be malicious. Part of being agnostic (not
knowledgeable) is not to be aware of that fact, therefore the Ankh is the Key, the Ankh
represents secular knowledge.

Strangers to fame, or famous in this existence, we die already the moment we are born. As we
adapt to this existence we seek to offer to humanity our work and our sweat. Alas there are
some souls, adepts of Machiavellianism, who steal our breath and shed our blood. We need
wisdom to know who to trust. Man, listen: it is of no matter if your name is present today in
the archives of oblivion concerning human history; archaeology fond of these dusty archives
will reveal, in the light of time, who you were and any of your achievements. Whatever hell
that you suffer in this existence and the honors been stolen from you today, know that your
present tears, your cries of pain, your fears and anxieties are doom to be the passed-away; it is
from them “burning-out” that you will rise as a beautiful phoenix. To be a human being is to
found ourselves to be those important drops of life forming an ocean of social harmony.
Frustrated love, fears and anxieties, strength our spirit and our soul. Man, listen: ensure that
when the time comes for the death of your body, it is with joy, and be prepared, that you will
leave that rotting carcass, leaving to hell what belongs to hell. O illustrious strangers and men
of fame alike, you who love humanity, be aware that what’s awaited behind the curtain of
death are the much deserved honors that belong to you. You will find yourself to be in the
beautiful bosom of our loving mother, Aphrodite, where we can find our true self.

The 'God" of evilness has nothing to do with the logic residing in the pure objectivity of the
natural principles. The "God" of evilness is man projecting his own self with all his asocial
defects into a god he creates, and that is the evil side of the duality of Allah. The social side of
the duality of Allah is simply the natural principles as long we understand that side of Allah
represents the objectivity of the natural principles. Allah is not alive but we are.

Modern Metaphysics

All that has been said in this thesis was already known by Man, but Man in his shyness to look
at the naked truth doesn’t know how to phrase it clearly. "God" is a "cliché" taken literally!
There is Metaphysics and there is Modern Metaphysics. Modern Metaphysics is to rediscover
what was already known. This is Modern metaphysics.

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The only basic difference between the Jews and the ancient Greeks is that the Jews stick to their
guns concerning their mythology and the ancient Greeks did not. Both the ancient Greeks and
the Jew mythology contain the same secular information’s under different mythical stories,
and both are the source of western civilisation.

Primal metaphysical law:

Since the universe is self-programmed, therefore, any form of life can be programmed and
self-programmed under the automatism of the primal principle which is responsible for the
presence of the universe.

When the Moshiach will be unveiled the bigots will say:"He is the antichrist" while the atheists
will say:"He is the Moschiach"!

At the beginning we learn how to use our body, and as we mature we learn how to use our
mind; but somehow some aging morons never realize that nature equips them also with a

This Research Summary

We are integral part of nature, and as such we follow the same laws than nature does, as
theses laws are simply nature ways, these laws are call “the natural principles” which is an
universal automatism from energy self-interacting . It is by knowing the fundamental nature
of something and its relationships between other things that we can adapt better to existence.
Thus the fundamental aim of humanity is to discover the universe ways in order to adapt to it,
that's gives us all a scientific mind. The laws of nature are observable and by the empirical
method we are describing nature ways. The law of physics and the physical laws, like biology,
are all part of the laws of nature. The law of nature, or nature ways, (Latin: lex naturalis) has
validity everywhere in the universe. Let's makes things clears as we are about to conduct this
research, our covenant with nature is one way ticket: nature on its total objectiveness set the
rules! And the ways of nature is not man ways; causality is there to remind us the reality of
that fact.
The followers of different religions talking about the one and the same God, in their different
perception of its reality, are in a constant wait for someone, such as the "Moshiach" or another
individual to finally gave the world some adequate explanations regarding their
existentialism; these explanations they are longing for cannot be handle in a spirit of
religiosity but throughout an ethical and secular searching to defined the various compositions
of light, its origin and the many phenomena generated by light.

The universe is a treasure that gives itself away, and who do not want it join the ranks of folly,
for refusing reality is to accept all the faces of nothingness where minds lays in vain without
rest; but even nullity having for function, for the righteous, to be compare to what is useful,
then nullity has its own usefulness just by being there. To be righteous is to be socially inclined
toward the exterior and toward self as a psyche, to seek social and self harmony. In our
solitary pursuits of happiness we are developing and perfecting our own techniques to listen of
what we consider as reason tell us to be the adequate behavioral ways to adopt in order for us
to find meanings in our life while adapting to existence. That what is called searching to
produce meaningful accomplishments according to our innate potentials while adapting. To do
just that we have to transcend matter to find its riches. There is two kind of richness: 1) The
economic richness; 2) The intellectual richness. The link that unites them is matter being
energy, as previously mentioned by Einstein. This is what this research is all about, to find and
gives away richness to be more rich and more mentally powerful in order to build a realistic
Utopia base on secular knowledge that face reality as it is, and combine itself with universal
ethics to become a research for wisdom. Human values are not always base on the objectivity
of the natural universal principles that guides us in any situation. Unrealistically we are
making our own subjective rules base on economy and questionable ethical suppositions. This
research is about us searching for the truth. In our humanistic approach toward consciousness
we will reflect about what we can do together to fulfill our hopes for harmony and our dreams
to build a better world. Lets push forward what we're doing right and lets science tell us what
we're not, that is atonement. This research by developing some provocative insights reclaims
the meaning of being human, and restores our human dignity by cognitive means. Our human
choices should be based upon these considerations: as part of the same universe for all, an
individual identifies himself with the history, culture and future of man. Religions like
Buddhism, Catholicism etc..Is part of the historic political metaphysical view of the culture of
some of the people of one or different nations. Any tradition is the products of human activity
having as a communal source of humankind: men adapting to his environment. All
phenomenon’s’ have a natural source. Science shows us that people possess naturally self-
determination, and develops self-responsibility that goes with it, to use the power that nature
gives them to shape their own lives: the acquired knowledge being base on the innate mind
freedom. Libido is not only about sex, libido in its broad sense is the sharing of pleasure, those
pleasures can be intellectuals, sensorial, to be secure, to belong, sexual, economics etc..;
basically in the human context Libido as such is the pleasure of sharing the sweets of this
existence, and life in general, with others to respond to humanity basic needs. Who befriend
money turns his back to libido. The natural logic of libido leads us to the concept of ethics and
our rightful cultural views of morality. Even now, without a proper acquired knowledge, and
purely by instinct, the world societies already follow to a certain extent the "Moloch concept" to
burn-out human desires within to reach the purity of libido. Causality is the main motor of the
mechanical universal logic that created and separated libido from mental oblivion; as such
Libido serves the needs of one’s psychological well-being within a social environment that is
what creates the possibility of humankind building utopia. The “essence” or the “spirit” behind
this whole research is to find out whose God is not, and what God is in reality, meaning what
natural phenomenon, or cosmic singularity, the word “God” defines, and refers to; and also
what is our relation with it; it is all a question of definition. So far, we realize that it is not man
who tame nature, but nature that is taming man for man to be able to manipulate adequately,
meaning harmoniously, the products of nature for his adaptation to existence. Is the word
“God” defines nature? … Or the universe is a singularity? Let’s do “Tikkun Olam”:”To repair the
world” by this research. According to Jewish faith “Kikul” (the void) is the damaging force
being strengthened by the absence of “Tikkun” which is the “Divine Light”.

Instead to look in the scriptures of their cultural religions to find out if our scientific secular
data are correct it would be wiser for all the bigots of the world to rely on the realities that our
proven secular data are spelling out to demetaphorized their religious scriptures in order for
them to become united in one unique truth: the mechanisms of the universe and its real history.
Law: where there is neither light nor any particle of dust there is a void.


This Thesis is being made with the purpose to erase any inconsistencies in our mind concerning
our presence in the universe, and the presence of the universe itself. These present documents
may contain some typographical errors as well as a number of syntax mistakes and computer
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Primal pre-cosmic law: If there is nothing then something has to be there also, and both
have to be completely opposite in nature and substance for general evolution to occur.

The Kabbalah essentially teaches us to seeks to reinterpret the data contain in the "revelation"
to understand reality by means of secular knowledge and through life experience. Meditation
is focused primarily on the interpretation of the concept "God" whose essence is manifested in
its attributes. These attributes are also the stages of the evolution of all things, God attributes
are active and present in everything that exists. This multiplicity of the levels of God attributes
is based on a single principle known as "God" and is the source of all existence; God is
represented by a triangle. Both primal and essential tools that make it possible our search to
comprehend the Kabbalah are: 1) the Torah, 2) the Hebrew language.

The faith of the world lays on the shoulders of every human being, and the sum of the human
residents on this planet is call humanity; the faith of humanity reside on its knowledge of the
natural principles and how to use that knowledge wisely to respond to its own needs.

There is nothing new under the cosmos, the only thing new is what previously unknown data
to us was; we call them “unveiled mysteries”; and all mysteries are mending to be unveiled.

Check out with the universe who we are, we can ask it anything we want, it gives us all the
data in its natural principles, it is up to us to search for them.

Where is the wisdom to believe in a living god without searching what's making him
tick? Even some believers and creationists are studying the mechanisms of the
universes to comprehend what makes their god to tick in one direction and to tack in
another; tick tack, the dual pendulum of time will eventually open the eye of their mind
when the light is passing by.

A mature individual overgrows religious beliefs.


Metaphysics’ or speculative philosophy? Actually this research is an Ethico-philosophical

Humanistic approach to the Unified Fields Theory where life is involved. To approach the
United fields Theory uniquely from the angle of dry equations, without considering the
presence of life and emotions, is to renegade our emotional roots in order to find ourselves in a
"morbid rationalistic" situation. This is why socio-psychology is involved in this research. The
ears can only hear but it is the mind that listens; the ears are to Earth and the mind to Haven.
Body and mind (Earth and Haven) become one in a psyche. When this research will become
tomorrow basic scientific knowledge then we'll know for sure that our past faith in cognition
was our godly faith in life. Today we are speculating on cognition more than on an unnatural
god in a natural universe, and we see that is good... The universe is like an ass that bigots paint
with black and white stripes in their imagination for it to look like a cosmic zebra; then the
bigot called the white stripes "God" and the black one "devil"; but despite of their distorted
perception of reality, reality tell us that an ass is not a zebra no matter what anyone want it to
be, and a can of paint is not a person. Bigots tell us to think an ass is a zebra and to adore a
white can of pain, not knowing in their agnostism that a black substance is a universe by itself
that contain all the colors! Just like the Astrophysical Dark Universe is; and that a substance is
not a void. Therefore bigots need secular knowledge, and the Ankh is the key. This book is a
key, and this key is a mind opener. The ultimate key is the ankh. The ankh from ancient Egypt
is knowledge symbolized by a hieroglyphic character in the form of a key. It means “Mental life
is mnemonical, it is the constant process based from new aport of knowledge that makes
wisdom a natural occurrence for any unit of life to adapt to the environment”; it’s all under the
mnemonic phenomenon being constantly under the rules of natural causal laws. The Ankh was
associated with ancient Egyptians gods who represented scientific data in hermetic forms.
Proofs are easy to find from ancient Egypt that the Ancient Egyptian high Priests told us
millenniums ago that the key of any kind of puzzle to be resolve is “knowledge” being
symbolized by the Ankh. Christians should be wearing the ankh around their neck instead of a
cross. The Christian cross symbolizes an instrument of torture and death. The Ankh symbolizes
knowledge, life, and the human journey toward happiness. To worship torture and suffering
as a mean of salvation is masochism. Mind salvation is in knowledge, not in pain. The star of
David can be considered as a Ankh in disguise since it symbolize universal steps of the creation
of the universe by the natural triadic process (see page 37) that interactive energy creates
naturally. That symbol is an ancient symbol found all around the world.

To search for our roots, to look for the “beginning” of things is simply a question of wanting to
resolve a puzzle, or to understand the core of the universal puzzle that we are part of. By being
objective in our search, the whole picture can be full of unexpected answers and surprising
facts. Movement is the action of force call energy, and energy is the dynamic of the structural
engineering of everything. The “Big Bang” is the point zero of time taking-of space; therefore it
is before the “Big Bang” that lay the simplest answer of the theorical pre-beginning of things:
to find out how, theorically, “stand-still” becomes energy.

This book is unique, breaking new grounds in the field of science, spirituality and
consciousness. It is a new stepping stone dedicated to (and supporting) the awakening of the
mind which would be the mental resurrection of the brain-dead. It is a full-length work of a
modern metaphysical research of high quality. It is an original and innovative approach to
our ancient cultural sources. We will pay ourselves a spoonful of the psychology of the depth.
The writing is fresh and bold, totally unconventional and sassy; sassy in the sense that it is
totally unrespectful toward stupidity and hypocrite “morality” (forget about euphemisms) for
the morons to see themselves for who they are, by shocking them, and eventually waking them
up to reality in order for them evolve toward adulthood; it will be some kind of natural
electroshock therapy (see stoning page 468).

The aim of this thesis is a broad appeal to our faculty of reasoning. We will make the biblical
hell to freeze over, and it will be so cold out there that we still wouldn't want our journey to rest
over it even for one night. Millenniums old science became religions. Our research is not a
conventional genre metaphysic. It is a contemporary and avant-garde way of extrapolating
ideas from both mythical and proven historical events. Careful consideration was given to
what science has to say and the truthfulness of various sources. What does it takes from a
moron to become a scholar? It is the will to acquired proper knowledge according to one “I.Q.”
and under the instinct of life which is the libidinous feeling within every one?...Or to wait
quietly for the second coming of Christ? To answer that most “fundamental” creationalistic
question, the contains of this book is the most logical approach concerning metaphysical
matters that is possible to make from the author of this research. His aim is to formulate a
metaphysical theory leading us to discover ourselves even better and to understand with more
acuity what surrounds us. If we want to reflect on why things are the way they are, and use
our reasoning on ways to formulate a theory about it, in scientific and also in common-sense
terms, it is then necessary to ensure that our theory is based on elements that are very
consistent and from some well-established sciences. Information from physics, biology,
sociology, psychology, and others, like psychoanalysis has been drawn, this is because we may
not hold some firm and consistent grounds if they are not consolidated by sciences. We have to
base our minds on science to understand the nature of paradoxes. It is not by relying on the
craziness of the paradoxes that we come to understand the science of things. So, let's do
something. Where is the knowledge? At the source. What is the source? The Universe! A large
part of the morality in the Anglo-Saxon (European) socio-political culture came from the
Greeks and Hebrews, which both find their sources in ancient Egyptian knowledge. This is why
we will have some close look at the Torah as we go along in this research. Our approach of
thought has to draws upon eclecticism to gain complementary insights concerning the subject.

Here, a warning: do we really want to know the truth? Do we want to stay with the
impression of being a bunch of neurotics? Do we want to bring order to things by leaving the
paradoxical stuff where it belongs...nowhere? There is the question...as William Shakespeare
pointed out: “To be or not to be? “.

This book possesses a dose of philosophy. Knowing some dogmas of various religions as well as
the Christian religion and fragments of the history of the people of Israel is also a help. The
Hebrew bible it’s like an onion waiting to be peel, it contain layer after layer of metaphorical
sayings. Our mind can do it. A meaning will lead us to another meaning and so on. The use of
various dictionaries was necessary, and during the search, some relevant information has
been drawn here and there from the use of the Internet. Pieces scattered from the history of
humanity have also contributed to the realization of this document. It is in a non-religious and
non-biased thought, and void of any prejudice, (as much as that is possible because we are all
human) that we will start finding ourselves in a maze of contradictory values. This book has
the mission to reveal what lurks behind the hermeticism. This book seeks to make clear what
seems complicated at first sight. Our goal is for oneself to reveal to oneself and to all why some
things are the way they are without being a bunch of Einstein's. Hermeticism is the envelope
(the shell) that surrounds and protects the nut which contains the delicate flesh we want to eat.
We will dissect the seeds from the tree of knowledge to assimilate the nourishment of the mind.

Since our childhood, we wish to know who we are, why we are here and where we are going.
We'd like to know from what mysterious mechanisms of the universe we owe our presence to
and why? In short, we want to tell ourselves who we really are. To answer these questions,
there are several angles of approach to do so. This book is the result of one of these angles of
approach. There are lots of other angles of approach, but given the times we live in, it is
regarded as the most gracious and diplomatic. For the benefit of the reader, a few humorous
points are dotted here and there in this document in various locations, as a way to create a
relaxed atmosphere while reading. Quite often the use of popular language makes its
appearance for the comprehension of the reader.

We live in a world within a universe that gives us life and then removes it from us. It makes no
sense! We want to know why. Why do we live? What is our function so that we and the
universe can be buddy-buddy as equal partners in our differences? The religions talk about
God, and a lot of us are very uncomfortable listening to what his representatives tell us about a
God who allows very random and controversial acts.

God is a subject full of paradoxes. Socio-political structures controlled by representatives of

God have caused blood baths throughout history. If God is there, which is an uncertainty, what
is His social policy? On the other hand, we are confident that there is a universe. This is a
certainty. We will cut ourselves a path through its science toward the beginning to discover the
nature of its social policy to all living things and things inert, which will drain the abscess of
the mind once and for all; craziness is: “mind, or forehead, leprosy” as the Hebrews called it.
We are all spirits on earth, each with our own unique mind composed of memories and things
known and learned. We experience different things relative to each other and that's what
makes us entities (characters) different from each other, with the name: Peter, Paul, Jacques,
Alfred, Philibert, Gunegonde etc.

We must, like detectives, research if is the universe a god? Made by a god? Or the word “God”
is simply a personalization of the universal dynamics. Are we only flesh and blood? Let us go
into more depth. Through the laws of physics we realize that the universe follows a
programming. It has faithfully followed orders that indicate when and under what conditions
it must pose specific actions; are various stimuli the orders? Are we then only human robots?
Together we will find some suitable answers about some of our key issues. Each answer will
enlighten us a little more about the why’ and how’. From answer to answer we will develop this
work. Answers are messages. This book will contain a series of messages for all of us, and
therefore, the structural approach contain in this book will makes it be the messenger that
illuminates our path. The universe is “The” messenger that informed us of everything through
science. Its content is a lot of messages to all forms of life; all we need is to understand it when
reading it.

Slipping into the sweet madness of the psychoanalytic path will make us marginal. We will
swim into the heart of the energies, using our intellect to create astonishing ideas. We will be
switching into unknown spacial thoughts. We will partially use only some scientific tools
(because one cannot know everything) from known science in order to cut for ourselves a
passage through the dizzying vortex of our unconscious. For one to get deep into oneself and to
look in our own mirror to face our fears as never before, and recognize ourselves for who we
are (it is call atonement), it is necessary that we know the mental structure of our personality,
how and what we are made of mentally. The universe we are about to enter is a universe that
welcomes the deep emotions. With an overview of our structure we will start, little by little to
identify the reason for our presence. To erase all nonsense that poisons our minds from our
unconscious we have to use our reasoning. The revelation of logic will be tortuous, barely
slipping silently into the sickness of our unconscious in order to heal our mind. Sometimes we
will ask ourselves if our mental equilibrium is still under our control, if ever it was.

Negative? Not! Positive? Yes! It would be a good idea to begin a study of the structure of our
personality so that it can be the first goal from our point of departure. That first step can lead
us to the third stage of positivism. The stages of positivism are: 1 ) Theology, and therefore
religions; 2) metaphysics, that is, going beyond physics; 3) The positive state, which is to
finally find the ultimate explanation of the source of all phenomena and developing the laws of
their enchainment as we go along. As we do so, we will eventually reach our ultimate goal: this
should open the door to the “revelation” of things and were our madness came from. We want
to know don't we? Yes, we want to know. Everyone wants to know! Do morons want to know?
Maybe morons know the wrong things...At the very beginning of this metaphysical research,
some people will find the first pages a bit complicated to read and understand, despite the
desire of the author to simplify things without removing the integrity of this document.

We will be looking at our evolution from an unknown world of thoughts, a different way of
putting things together, an almost parallel world. Please be patient with yourself as things
may appear a bit arduous, it will be only at the very beginning of this research that they would
seem understandable for some insiders only. It will take a few pages, and after that we'll enjoy
ourselves, as crazy is hell, leaving the beaten path to discover new horizons. We'll discover the
feelings that Columbus felt during his trip to the Americas. His uncertainty, his hopes, and his
wonder at his stupendous discoveries. You'll see, we will marvel at ourselves! Sometimes cry
and sometimes laugh about the splendors of simplicity. This will be a lot better than science
fiction, because it is the naked truth that we are going to help gently out of her pit. We will
discover her beauty! Finally to see her naked and smiling to us will send to their own hell more
than one naive sociopath. We'll have chills along the spine to finally see her as she is.

In our unconventional research, even if we home alone in our solitude, we can team-up with
the best minds of the world like Einstein, Freud, Newton, Buddha, Charlie Chaplin, and many
more of the greatest minds; some of Nostradamus quatrains, relevant to this thesis, will be
translated, demetaphorized, de-idiomized and being written down in a clear language. The
informative aspect of the Internet is a good thing, it help us to transcend time for us to do just
that. For us to get to that point, it takes a beginning. So, let's come back to the present reality
that we belong to. This document will start by us having a look at what Sigmund Freud had to
say about us and our psyche. Fasten your seatbelts!

This research was only possible thanks to those giants of science who devoted their life to
making mind-redemption from ignorance a constant reality (the Jews called it atoning). These
scientific minded individuals were the pioneers who prepared an environment in which
humanity ideal, utopia and harmony, based on reason, can be realized by revealing to us some
of the secrets of nature ways (also called “God's ways”). May mankind continue evolving in
their path and complete the pedagogic and messianic mission they were starting. This is why
this book is dedicated to all martyrs of science. Yesterday, their tears where made of blood so
that science that we know to this day will become integral part of the future sources of
harmony. This research, leading us toward the Unified field, is a theory based on a humanistic
speculative philosophical approach of metaphysical Character. The study of the nature of God,
( or the nature of the universe, which is nature) being a philosophical topic, and the study of
the universe and life within being a metaphysical topic of astrophysical character, it was
necessary to include the science of physics and astrophysics as well as the psychological angle
of approach to be capable to unite duality with bipolarity in the broad sense of the term. It is
not prohibited for anyone to believe that this unusual and highly creative document is simply a
work of super-science fiction. The sky will not fall on their heads by thinking so.

A belief is to have faith in an opinion; a religious belief is to have faith in someone else opinion,
within a culture, without questioning it. Religious beliefs are culturally imprinted and are
fixed; on the other hand man scientific opinions constantly evolve worldwide with new

We are living in a universe made of energy. Energy is of physical nature. Therefore the
dynamics of our universe is controlled by energy interaction, and the universal dynamics
known as "natural laws" are made of energy. There is no other "essence" than energies ways.
Since energy is measurable anything is measurable, our thoughts as well as our "divine
inspirations"; therefore the "god" of the bigots is measurable and can be bring into light. The
amazing part is that somewhere in some religions it has been said: "God is the light", how true
that is! "God" is only a metaphor to indicate that it is the dynamics of light, which is the
universe that rules the universe; in short: the universe rules itself objectively.

Law: The universe is the whole of the dynamics of light, therefore the universe is being rules by
the dynamics of light.

Law: Beside light there is a nothingness call “Ouranos” by the ancient Greeks and “Gravity” by
our scholars.

Law: Light and Nothingness together is a dual action.

Primal religions are made of primal myths and the ancients myths makers whom created them
submitted them to humanity as riddles to be resolved for us to find all the millenniums old
secular data, “from the time of the olds”, they represents; all primal myths with their allegories
have the same source: universal phenomena which include psychology as well as astrophysics.

When one's mind becomes one with the Cosmos there are no more secrets and all become
sacred and the titan Ouranos which is the "Abysmal", better known as "Gravity" by our
scholars, leaves our mind as we gain knowledge and wisdom.

The human devil wants to keep us ignorant of the real affairs of his domain: cosmic gravity,
the literal vacuum of nothingness! That keep us to be his slaves, otherwise he would be losing
his grip on world economy and his evilness will disappear into nothing.

This book is protected by copyright © February 2008, number: 1056356

Where is our personal social merit if we are not passing on our knowledge and
wisdom to the rest of humanity before death occurs? There are so many constructive
ways to ensure that one's life did not ride the waves of this existence in vain.

The social zombies are afraid of the truth as the truth will raise some controversial issue that
will clash head-on with the "armed and dangerous" asocial zombies call sociopaths. The social
zombies are so apprehensive of the life of the mind! They fear the truth as the truth can trigger
situations that will shatter their zombie existence. The righteous are fearless of the truth
because they know it is the truth that creates harmony; they know it is the lies disguise as
euphemisms that keep the statu qo dragging longer before troubles start by whom do not
desire to wake up to real life -the life of reason, the life of the mind- and therefore stalling the
time of the events for the truth to finally come into light for the building of utopia to become
reality. The social zombie is a coward who prefers to accept lies in exchange for an apparent
comfort where he can put his mind asleep, thus “selling his soul to the devil” (the sociopaths).
Social zombie lack social creativeness to better humanity on its way to maturity, they are
afraid their body may get hurt, they are the mind-dead who are fleeing away from the face of
the truth saying it is by reverence and respect for peace that they do so, but that is only
rationalizing their cowardness.

To know who we are, to accept that fact and to know why, and then to make these extra steps
to march toward self-improvement is already wisdom that guide our steps.

Wars of religions are wars of metaphors. Ancient Egyptian gods represented natural
phenomena. Ancient Greek scholars imported their secular knowledge from Egypt and created
their own Pantheon of gods, and their philosophy still influence our western culture in its
secularism and ethical values. Moses, in Africa, assembled all the Egyptian gods into one.
From Moses, the Egyptian secret (sacred) universal secular knowledge become first and
second hand “religions”, and to this day keep influencing the Jews, and also the Christian and
Islamic peoples alike. Our present scholastic circles are aware of this. Sects like mormons,
Jehova wintess etc... as third hand religions become more farther away from the secular
Egyptian truth. Universal secular scientific data was transformed into metaphorical and
esotherical knowledge called: “the first philosophy” which is a syllogism of secular science. This
book explains how man-making allegories depicting the natural laws of the universe were
simply a metaphorical way for the teaching of various scientific disciplines. Antique gods were
being taken literally to end up creating religious beliefs to the detriment of reason. That was
the beginning of man prejudicing reason and finding godly excuses for his extremist religio-
political folly. This unconventional research unveils the surprising secular scientific data
lurking behind ancient myths. Also, as the pieces of the universal puzzle are placed together,
there is the astonishing discovery of how, and why, humanity became the leading race on
planet Earth. This is the making of the third stage of positivism, the revelation! the Apocalypse!

The ones who loves mankind loves the truth, and as such they won't uses any euphemisms to
call an idiot "an idiot" since an idiot won't comprehend euphemistic communication and
therefore it would be alien to him to realize he is an idiot; that why someone who loves the
truth and humanity will call an idiot "an idiot" in order for that individual (that idiot) to ask
himself some fundamental questions -some time down the road- why he is been seeing as an
idiot, and that will be the beginning of his atonement.

Law - Light is made of particles of dust on the move call "quanta"; a "quantum" is only one
particle of dust on the move; a non-motile particle of dust is call a "Gaian particle" of dust. A
quantum not subject to any friction (thus totally invisible) is a "scouting quantum".

Before the righteous atheist’ can convert to Judaism, Judaism have first to convert to
Yvon Bois Biography

Yvon Simon Bois was born in Belgium in 1946 and immigrated to Canada at age 20. Part of
Yvon's journey was to study psychiatric nursing and to work in that field. Interests include
Psychology, metaphysics, and world history, which encompass man-made creations of
different philosophies of life, based on secular knowledge, and leading to various religions. To
decode the ancient scientific data that was being encoded and embedded in various
philosophies and primal religions, Yvon decided to use the secular humanistic approach to
form his own idea concerning the how and why of the presence of the Universe and human
evolution by confronting the ancient metaphors. Fascinated by mythology, Yvon sensed that
there was a link between astrophysics, mythology and psychology in the social field of human
history and general evolution which encompasses Darwin’s theory. The appearance of
humanity on Earth leads humanity to formulate different theories. Yvon put all his studies
together and extrapolating data wrote this thesis. Yvon has a vivid inner sense of what seems
to be logically and ethically correct, like most of us do. The problems of general human
behavior and his determination to solve paradoxical thinking led him to a strategy of his own.
Yvon sees himself only as a dilettante decoder among many others, and considers this
document (this Thesis) as a mental brick, also among many others, as his personal
contribution for humanity to be able to build its temple of wisdom. All the information found in
this research was already out there in different forms of communication. Yvon does not ask
anyone to believe in the results of his research, he did it from a good heart with the available
amount of data he has in hand and this is enough for him. Yvon regards the major
achievements of science, past and present, as stepping-stones for the next discoveries.

At the start of his Catholic religious instruction that was forced upon him, Yvon realized at a
young age the inadequacies of Catholic teaching in their futile attempts to reconcile the natural
laws of the universe with the subjectivity of an elusive God. He knew by instinct that all
universal laws were merging into a simple natural explanation, and that wasn't a subjective
and vain God who instigates sado-masochism for our pain to be his pleasure. For Yvon, pain
can lead to pleasure only if we learn how to avoid pain through previous pain experience.
Plenty of data, philosophies and ideas to be found in Yvon’s research were already out there in
different contexts and under different forms by an astronomical number of different persons,
over time, all over the world, concerning the world history, and beyond. It is an amazing
puzzle to assemble; patience is needed. Yvon’s lifelong goal was to reconcile the best
psychosocial part to be found in religions with the common sense of ethics. Also linking the
pragmatism (utility) of human emotions as a valuable component of the scientific field (like
psychology) touching the Unified Fields Theory, where the factor life has to be included, Yvon
uses the Ethico-psychosocial part found in various myths and religions to unlock their secular
astrophysical and secular psycho-sociological secrets to become scientific exactitude
concerning reality; therefore making the merging of science and religion an ethico-
secularistic possibility.

Real data from different cultures concerning their ancient history and their secular scientific
knowledge were presented under parables; the mental imaging of these parables became
concrete allegories in stone, painting and various other media. This is how primal data
concerning reality from different sources became metaphorized and becoming myths leading
to various and different religious concepts.

A real atonement process is where fundamental ethic, logic and reason are involved otherwise
it would be masochism: a mental disturbance of the individual who experience the basic
human libidinous feeling toward humanity but realize -for some reason- that need has to be
repress and the carrier of that need has to be punish ... and that will give him pleasure ... Islam
is a good example, or we love and adore Allah more than humanity or we get our head
chopped-off from our shoulders.
The Instances

The torches of the stars projecting their flames into the cosmic night, although silent to our
ears, answer by their presence many issues that arose in our wandering mind. Even the
presence of the dark of the night is the reply to one of our question, and yes there is a presence
of a spacial "nothing". The night is the tomb of the stars and matters without life. Stars can
only glow their messages into the cosmos because of the presence of space. Matter as we know
creates itself due to the presence of the dynamics of the light. The universe self-creates its own
beginning and its own end by constantly recycling each of its components’ throughout an
evolutionary process made out of cycles where light is involved; that’s makes physical matter
that ephemeral concretization of a present that illuminates its own tomb –its own death- for
the matters of the mind to be born from it and to become eternal. Space and its expansion is
time, and time is the universe and its dynamics, and time belongs to itself. The universe, in so
many ways, overflows the domain of an infinite void, an infinite dead; spilling its well being in
many states, mental and physic in what was once the domain of the infinite night; the universe
is now constantly lighting-up where once was a void made of emptiness and darkness. It is not
the night that moves away before the day, declining territories it owned once before; it is
rather the finite amount of light capturing the infinite territories of the night. The night cannot
move as energy does, if it was, the universe would become nothing but darkness. Therefore the
universe will never collapse on itself, only time does, in the form of matter made of light, in
various parts of the cosmos, creating stars and planets. For the night to escape the light all it
has to do is not to move, be an infinite stand-still. The eager desire of the night in his infinite
darkness is to keep nothingness for ever without becoming the lover of time, but time is the
light that conquers darkness. Without truce and without remorse, the dark arms of the night
are the arms of Thanatos who carries away the dead’, leaving to time the light that produces a
universe of life. This is why to this day nature smiles at us in so many ways, and even if nature
remains insensitive to our human passions, being only an automatism of dual action, it makes
its own presence to be the happiness of life to be a reality; simply because life cannot be born
before the presence of nature became itself the first reality. Life, self-reproducing its
enchantment, is always, endlessly, ceaselessly, and over again, leaves to the domain of the
night the various states of dead. Leavings nature free to reserves for itself the ephemera of
mental and cosmic ever-changing flames and waves of radiations, life become mnemonic
purity thus leaving matter to be the impure that evolves to its own constant death. The night of
the void in its infinite death and the light of time intermingle in the cosmos ... becoming a
universe, a primal dual action, and becoming a confusing duality in our minds. In their race
for a supreme oversight these two singularities: the void and the primal matter, created the
universe in which death and life disappear in the light of nature. It is the abnegation of life and
the greed of the night that we can see appearing in the glutton eyes of our lovers. So life is love
–caring- in a logical way and death belongs to nothingness. Our poor body, as for it, belongs
to the domain of things ephemerals. It is the desiring of our senses to keep reunited with
everything that was created to meet their endings in their cyclic process (matter), which are
the responsible for producing the pulses of desire to be satisfied by not respecting any human
laws or physical frontiers. This factor inherent to every living organism to capture the object of
his desire for only self-satisfaction in order to survive is the motivator in hiding pushing our
mind toward associability and surprisingly also: to creativity! Sigmund Freud calls it the "Id".

As soul’s we are living memories, and so is our body by its genes. We are, as psyche (body and
mind), in this physical existence, living associative memories where the mind (also call the
soul), the body, and the universal principles are part of us. Memory tells us who we were, and
common sense tells us the reality of things and who we can be, and also where our present
limits reside. It is because the presence of the universal dynamics of the light (or natural
principles), making the natural principles –as we know them- to be a reality for our mind to
grasp, and which are responsible for processing the memory of things that we have built-in
within us, that we can act consciously and unconsciously within reality and common sense.
Everything is a logical process based on the physical presence of the light (energy) which
forms the universe in its countless interactions.
The existence of the phenomenon of remembering enables us to keep the hope that it is not
futile for us to think memory is necessary for life to be eternal; how can eternity would be if
there wasn’t the presence of memory to remember past events? The mere fact to know that
behind all phenomena there is the presence of universal principles that has never been in their
own funeral, points out memory to be a phenomenon which is here to stay; therefore this is
also valid for the eternal presence of our mind since it is a mnemonical unit in constant
expansion. To be united and then to become separate is the fate of things with no soul (matter);
but the presence of a conscious mind having the faculty to love or to hate and having the
memory of it become the purpose of life to evolve in harmony throughout its own experience
and toward its mnemonic eternity in its journey toward wisdom.

The “Instances” is the term used by Sigmund Freud to pinpoint the three factors that constitute
our associative personality.

Under the influence of the causal laws that runs, among other thing the physics of energy
(some people call the dynamics of the causal laws: acts of God), the Freudian memory, made of
quanta of different values, is divide into three instances. The Freudian view of the dynamic of
our memory it’s an interactive council of those three instances.

Their meeting is one's debate within oneself as we are our own living memory, a psyche (soul +
body) which is the totality of one's mental process in this life time. A psyche carries an
individual, but it is the mind of the individual that control the psyche.

We often refer to the term “dynamic” which means relation between forces and movements, in
other words, natural forces makes things moving and do something because they are forced to
do so; even self-determination it’s an effect of an automatism, self-determination its naturally
forced upon us. Some people call the primary force “God” (actually it is gravity). Our liberty is
in self-determination under the automatism of the universal (natural) principles.

Let make a metaphysical law about it that says: The source of dynamic of things is the
obligation of any form of energies, of mental and physical substance, to do something because
they are forced to do so according to the natural laws of logic which it’s the cause of causality.
The laws of logic or the natural universal laws (or rules) are one and the same. Some people
call the “forcing phenomenon” behind the whole of those natural laws “God”; we call it a
primal dual action from which gravity occurs.

Law: The Primal dual action is composed of: 1) the damaging phenomenon “Kikul” (the void)
which deforms substance; 2) “Tikkun” meaning “Light”.

Law: it is the primal action that forms the dynamics of the universe.

We are only but mobile memories in expansion; so keep this in mind while reading the next
pages about what our friend Sigmund Freud had to say. Sitting at the meeting table there are:
1) the Id; 2) the Ego; 3) the Superego.

Input and Superego

The Superego needs input; it is its reason to be. Inputs...inputs! We need input to operate in an
environment. The inputs are the required information for us to operate and to adapt to our
current environment. The superego consists of a bunch of theorical files, it is a dynamic
mnemonic theorical cabinet of theorical files being part of our mind (or soul), an influential
sphere of one's memory that we define here as being the superego.

In the superego, we'll find the information specific to the “smooth” operation of one, or more
cultures with their laws, their taboos and their ethical concerns. We do not operate socially nor
develops our mind without this Input. One can adapt only after the information is being loaded
in one's memory by the environment which one is a part of. Ones environment it’s made of: 1)
Immediate surrounding which includes the ecosystem, and cultural and familial environment;
2) One own psyche; 3) causal laws of this side of the universe, which is our natural
environment before death occurs.

Law - Theorically speaking the Titan (singularity) “Gaia" the (primal non-uniform mass made
of dust) was no more when that Titan became "Light".
Id and Input

“Id “it’s the word coined by Sigmund Freud, which represents the unconscious instinctual force.
When we talk about instincts, we talk about genetic memory of past ancestral experiences
passing from one generation to the next (heredity). Instincts are hereditary and the id
represents their dynamic in the present time.

This is why we can say the memory of the id it’s on the genetic level and, of course, completely
unconscious concerning that memory part of the psyche (psyche = body + mind). The id
represents the body needs; as for the ego and the superego, with their dynamic, they
represents the whole of the intellectual (mental) process, also call spirituality, of the mind
memory (our mind) under different influential sources. One's biological body is a living
memory under the influence of the mechanically objective natural principles concerning non-
thinking biological body (opposite to a thinking mind) because of its genetic code that is in its
cells. Our body its influence by the constant work of its genes, like any others biological
organism, in order to adapt to its environment. This phenomenon, we define as being the
influential sphere of memory called the “Id”. The id it’s also influence by the mind as the mind
its influence by the Id, that reciprocal influencing phenomenon its call neuroplasticity. “A fit
mind within a fit body” it’s one of the subliminal ancient Greek messages, through the
installation of the first Olympiad, pointing out to us the presence of neuroplasticity.

The past ancestral experiences are past mind knowledge since the body and mind interaction
found in the neuroplaticity phenomenon modifies the physiology of the body in correlation
with our mental evolution. If we take in consideration the presence of successive
reincarnations, then we are talking about our own ancestral experience, we are coming back
as who we are. Makes sense? Of course! The genes are our own hereditary experiences; the
genes evolve as our mind does during the natural unconscious psyche plasticity continuous
learning process. We can influence consciously that natural process, than it is call

Our body is a fine piece of biological engineering, and the sufferings of our body become the
one of our mind throughout the sensory system reaching our mind in the form of electrical
impulses via the brain, and it is call neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity from the body to the mind
is the Id in action that tells us which part of the body need special loving care in order to put
the mind at rest (meaning relieving that stressful stimuli from the mind) by responding to the
needs of the body.

As a psyche we have two long term memory:

1) The genetic one, it is innate, and on the genes level. The whole body is a walking genetic

2) The superego, which is part of our mind, were most of the acquired data are in the
unconscious level.

3-The link) the whole of the interaction of the natural mnemonic process between body and
mind it’s the natural phenomenon of psyche-plasticity where the neuroplasticity –
encompassing the trio: brain- mind-genes is part of. Psyche plasticity it’s both memories (the
mind and the body) working together as one “psyche unit” under the influence of the natural
principles (under the influence of “God” according to the Theists); we call that unit: the psyche,
it encompass the trio mind-body & natural principles. Indeed, at birth one's basic concern is to
please the need of the id for the basic well being of the mind which would be the absence of
mental frustrations. The id is the sum of the messages that the human body relay to the mind
via the brain under the influence of the genetic program. The id cares only for the survival of
the biological organism. The biological body has its needs and they are felt through the senses
whose brain is the call center. It is noted that the brain is not the spirit (the mind); the brain is
the nervous system of communications, it is a call center between the id and the mind. The ego
and the superego are part of the mind since the mind is a mnemonical unit -as the associative
dynamics- that encompass the ego and the superego dynamics; the Id it’s the whole sum of
messages from the biological body going to the brain and to the mind (spirit) via the brain.
This is no more complicated than that. The brain communicates to the mind the physical
sensations that the body feels. The spirit (the mind) is the mental body which is at the controls
of the biological bulldozer that is our human body. The human body, by itself, runs by
automatism. It is the biological organism that is headed by our spirit (mind, soul) which has
the subjective manual control over it. The ancient Hebrews knew that the mind it’s independent
of the body but interacts with it during our terrestrial existence as mention in Genesis 35:18:
"And as her soul was departing (for she was dying)”. We have to keep in mind that we are
souls, and our body is our primary mean of locomotion to travel in this physical universe and
which - as a tool- gives us the opportunity to manipulate the universe components according to
our will for any purpose we can dream of (watch out for causality though).

It is by an objective automatism that the biological body meets its own needs, so if it gets tired,
it refuses to do more despite the willingness of the spirit, it goes to sleep rather than spend the
energy it no longer has. Although we give orders to our body to do what we want it to do, it
contains its own automatic input which is beyond our subjective control.

“Pulsion” means “Impulses”. The id is composed of a continuous flow of electrical impulses. It

takes its source in different set of charges of energy throughout the body, just as electrical
charges in different locations. These charges are the device that induces a psychic strain, by
their electrical tension, to the psyche to eventually meet the needs of the body. The id voltage
can be measure in laboratory. The intensity of the electrical side of the communicating system
of the psyche is measurable. That is why we say the whole id is the permanent, unconscious
and automatic impulse (or force) of our biological body which aims to raise some conducts
from the individual for the satisfaction of the different body needs. Any other impulse like the
libido and the Thanatos (the Thanatos is composing of gravitons) are of electrical
characteristics meaning a surplus and a lacking of energy (like the market of the demands and
the offers). The whole mind is an electrical phenomenon; and of course, any good and exact
laws concerning electricity will work to track down the ids behaviors.

The id is the sum of all the messages we receive from our biological body (human body) in the
form of sensations through the nervous system.

This is the same principle that if one is in control of a car on the road, if there is no more oil in
the engine, the message of the automobile will be made in the form of a burnt smell before the
engine “burns”. Same thing for the battery, if it starts to die and is not easy to start when you
turn the contact, there will be “yioooommmm youuuuuummm” that tell........

These are the messages that bio-mobile gives us, which is one's human body. The body will
obey the mind only if it is given the “power” or the fuel to do so. For the engine to “turn” and for
one to drive where one wants to go, one have to eat well and eat enough, as food is the fuel that
gives power to the body. You can rely on the id to let you know if the body is low on fuel; also if
there is any part of the machinery that need attention.

The id is composed of a bunch of small ids which are a small moving pile of messages from our
human body. When we say that the Id has its needs, it means that the Id has messages that
need attention. Try to hold yourself for hours while your id tells you that your body has the
diarrheal...hmmm... sometimes there is an urgent need to satisfy the needs of Id.

Thanatos: death. It is the death impulse coming from the primal void (Kikul) made of
gravitons, it is the abysses of perpetual darkness; it is the tendency toward the unanimated
absolute universal zero of any particle of energy. It is the whole infinity of the gravitons;
according to some religion it is” the bottomless pit where Satan mind dwell”, actually the
infinity of nothingness and agnostism are syllogism, that’s makes Satan to be an idiot! On each
gravity point of the universe the gravitons attract toward them the life forces: waves of
energized particles. As oppose to Thanatos (Kikul), which is a mind void (pure agnosticism),
there is the presence of the impulse of life (impulse’s of Tikkun), which is the Libido (The
sharing of joy’s). Libido is made of quantic waves of energy, but not Thanatos (Thanatos is a
void). Without Thanatos and Libido working together it wouldn't be any psyche dynamics
within a universal psyche called “Aphrodite” (better known by our most advanced scholars as
“the Dark Universe” and who’s feeling’ is Libido) by the ancient Greeks, within the universe
(and been call “God” by some religious community). It is the combine phenomena of Thanatos
and Aphrodite which is responsible for our mind evolution, and emotivity, as the universe
expand and deforms substances for general evolution to occur. The most basic and simplest
Hydrogen atom (H) is the boundary between the invisible world and the world of matter;
thoughts are from the invisible world of energy, thoughts are sub-atomics; they transcend
matter. Libido is a sub-atomic phenomenon where logic of nature is involves producing intra-
psyche harmonics positiveness, just like a nice symphony (opposed to cacophony). The whole
universe, its dynamics, was simply known, and labelled, as “God” by some ancient

The Ego is in control

The Ego is the person who is in control (the soul); we can say that the ego is the self-
determined part of the conscious. The Ego is oneself at the controls of a living machine, the
biological bulldozer that the human body is. The operating time is limited; after our shift is
done we go home to the dark universe (Aphrodite). We, the operators of our own biological
machines, are called souls according to some religions. “Soul “, “Ego “, “Entity “, “Spirit”, is the
same thing; it is ego + superego: the whole mind; the superego is the mnemonic automatic
filing system of our unconscious level. The soul, or entity, goes under different words, chosen
from a culture to another, or from a circle of influence to another to indicate the operator of the
human body (Alfred, Jacques, Isidore, Isabella ... etc), which each is in command of its own
living biological machine. As long as the living machine (our human body) runs and never
ceases to operates, not too fatally brakes down for its components to start another natural
cycle, it keeps its spark of life, just like a car. As souls we are our own mnemonic sparks of life
made of energy, and we are prisoners of this vehicle (human body) that has served us, both as
a jail and a laboratory of research and experimentation, in a way that we can collect the
greatest possible input from this field of physical activities (this part of the universe) during
our stay. The life of the flesh it’s not the life of the mind and our terrestrial existence, by the
means of the flesh to be sacrificial (doom to die), has for target for us to make our own
atonement by a learning process as mention (metaphorically) in Leviticus 17:11 “For the life of
the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your
souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.” Our ultimate freedom resides in the
time we decide to do things and how we do them; it is call self-determination and it is coming
from the automatism of the universal determinism which gives us life. It goes without saying
that the universe is indispensable for our evolution. To think otherwise can only project our
mind toward emptiness where nullity becomes the mercy of our relative mind-dead. The
universe is performance-based machinery on which we can rely on. We are part of the
problem of consciousness and the solution is within the universal rules. The universe in its
automation does not dwell on the past, but used the password "evolution" to proceed farther on
in its processes. The universe does not hide anything from us; in his generosity it unveils its
nakedness to reason since it is made of logic. When we get into accord with our impulses, by
being entirely honest with oneself, controlling them and directing them in a social way, then
we legitimates them, as in turn, they directs our conducts in more than one creative way to
make the world a better place to live. The Universe shared with us its natural knowledge in
various ways: it reveals itself to our senses moment after moment; this is why it is our mentor.
It lays its doings and his knowledge before our eyes, how can we not have confidence in that
sublime machinery that focuses automatically on team-work in ways that ensure each
individual to be a winner? The universe makes us independent and up thrust our creativity by
revealing to us its nudity without shame. Our psyche is one with the universe and we are
partners. In our psyche, the initiatives from the part of the universe are automatic, while our
own initiatives based on consciousness are deliberated. As part of the general evolutionary
process the evolutionary changes are pure automatism, any new development is a new
opportunity that can lead to success toward harmonious conclusion. The universe holds no
secrets to slow us down on our way toward harmony, but rather its goal is to automatically
providing us with all the data required for our teamwork to lead to all kind of success. Taking
care of our physical and psychological health by meeting our basic needs from its own logical
and flawless way, the universe is our partner "whose spirit" has no boundary because it is the
conqueror of the infinite; and us as its offspring’s and partners, so we are!

We know already that the light is energy and the light is forming matter, thus matter is
energy. The fundamental question is: why the light is a moving forces having the property of
particles as well as waves of energy. We know waves of energy are being formed by those
particles and this is why; a group of those particle its call quanta, they have to come from a
primal matter (Gaia). Plenty of primal religion is scientific data being represented under some
ancient god doings. Therefore those scientific data can be uncovered by digging through the
metaphoric shell protecting them; it’s only a question of interpretation. Specific gods
representing primal matter and the secularism of Genesis are present in Egyptian and Greek
mythology. Other mythological gods and their doings, represents states of mind and advanced
psychology. Our Agnostics circles are aware of that fact, and Sigmund Freud gets plenty of
information from those ancient gods.

A Christian is an individual who believes in the literal contain in the new book of riddles call
"The new testament".

Brain and Mind

To work is to do something to modified our environment, and that include our own psyche;
therefore destroying the environment, and that include others human beings, also destroy our
psyche. We can work in a state of zombieness (not making extra steps to be helpful for self and
others around), or we can make our mind working in a ethico-scientific way in order to
improve who we are, and therefore -by domino effect- improving our environment. It is
simply a question of logic thus of basic common sense.

When we get into accord with our impulses, by being entirely honest with oneself, controlling
them and directing them in a social way, then we legitimates them, as in turn, they directs our
conducts in more than one creative way to make the world a better place to live. Functionally
speaking the vitality of a healthy mind depends on the individual joining the righteousness of
the natural universal (natural) principles.

O mind! You are but only a mnemonics accumulator of energy accumulating remembrance
more than Cressus accumulated the wealth of this earth. All the minds of the universe being
assembled contain the universal memory of time passes. Today witness the transport of our
emotions throughout the brain's as messages to the mind and back. These are flames and
sparks accumulating in our memory. But a day will come that what was once a brain making
our soul to feel the pleasures of the land, by transporting its ephemeras effluvium to our mind
and back to the clay from which our sense did arise, will rest on that same shameless clay for
which today we fight so much for while we cry our heart out of frustrations. Then the
memories of past joys and sorrows, flying with the freedom of our mind, will find better blue
skies belonging to another heaven: the Dark Universe.

It is in adversity that we see nature succumbing to our needs, (as the needs of the processes of
the mind as well as the one of the body) for us to have to obey to the fate of our psyche destiny.

When rightfulness of reality will be proven by the scientist approach; reason, which is the natural
science of the mind that makes us to creates the rightfulness in our sciences, will help us to
resolves humanity problems as evolution make us to keep stepping in the trail of reality toward
knowledge and wisdom.

The existing mnemonic architecture of our psyche, belonging to our self, is composed of two
parts: 1) The body; 2) The mind. The supporting frame of that architecture is the natural
principles (The whole of it is called “God” by some religions).
The body-Our body is purely an automaton; it obeys any kind of genetic programming. Our
body is as well influence by the orders of its genetic potential under different internal and
external stimulus, than the objectivity of its supporting frame consisting of the dynamics of the
universal (natural) principles. The mind also stimulates the body to function certain ways, and
vise versa, it is call neuroplasticity.

The mind-The mind is subjectiveness; and for the mind to be attractive as a social asset it has
to function well with its basic architecture made by the objectiveness of the universal
principles. The goal of learning ethical concepts as well as any concept being base on the
universal principles, the secular way, which is being based on scientific evidences, is to develop
our own harmonious personality while making use of our innate potentials. That is filling our
mind with functional personal assets that are useful for us and the exterior. This is our basic
psychological need for our mind to function according to its natural mean (or goal) to learn in
order to adapt. As we evolve we design the previously conscious empty field of our mind by
manipulating intellectuality the objectiveness of the natural principles to use them at our
advantage or disadvantage. If we take reincarnation in consideration, than we have to say
that in the unconscious level we already did design the field of our mind and the latest addition
we are making to it expand our mind for the better or for the worse, it is our choice. The brain
and the mind are both computing in their respective fields under the supervision of the natural
principles; some religious minded individual would falsely say: “under Gods eye” as god would
be seen as a subjective person instead of all the natural laws assembled into one natural

Now, let's regard our brain, it is a biological computer whose messages are transmitted
through the electrical wires of our nervous system that are the nerves. Here is a parallel
(analogy), which can be made with the automobile computer. Indeed, if our car is equipped
with a computer, then the moment it lacks oil in the engine, a little “beep” will be heard and a
light flashes and a message will say: “ oil level down”, then it will be the smell of burned oil.

That happens with our brains. It is the computer that tells us what happens in the biological
machine on one hand and the environment on the other hand, thanks to our senses (our
sensors). We, as souls, are the ones that make our own decisions in light of messages received.
Other forms of communication within the biological body are also present through the
hormonal system, but there is no need to talk about it here as far as we are concerned, so this
form of communication which is between organs and synapses is irrelevant to us. This is no
more complicated than that. Remember that the brain is not the center of thought; it is only a
biological computer. We, as Spirits, are each of us our own center of thought. Each one of us is
a dynamic memory that forms our own mental processes. We are simply in very tight
company with the biological computer of our human body. The whole thing, body and mind, its
call the “psyche”.

Our brain is the physical means of relay the external data to our psychic mind. Our mind is
psychic, because of the presence of the brain, it can “feel” and understands both universes: the
mental (spiritual) and the physical. Our environment, forms of life included, gives us the
opportunity, via our mind, to join ourselves, individually and socially, in the infinite pursuit of
knowledge and wisdom.

Our mind has the cognitive ability to cope with different disciplines as they are fractal units of
one “whole” call the universe. Our mind is the tool that sought to solves naturally any problem
coming its way. Acknowledging the environment it is our mind natural process that makes us
wonder about the creative purpose of existence if there is one.

Mentally disturb people are lonely because they build walls while crying for bridges to
miraculously appears between them and the rest of humanity; they want to be notice while
they see only their own needs and themselves. Our mind is able to reveal oneself to oneself, or
to hide oneself to oneself (See Sigmund Freud). The mind can become “brain dead” or “pure
spirituality”, meaning functioning realistically. Because of our present knowledge and
technology, we are standing at the threshold of the messianic era were “sick dead minds” will
be “resurrected” to a more realistic perception of reality. The messianic era refers to the
redemption of the Jewish people and the world. The controversy about “redemption” is
basically an etymological one, whether a “divine godly” leader will takes command of the
world or the world will wake up to see reality. This conflict remains oddly enough unresolved.
In the cognitive context, “redemption” means to see where the mind went wrong and to makes
corrections. It is part of everyday reality. One does not need to be a scholar to do just that. Our
mental land is our mind, as long we keep pushing away from our conscious mind any of our
asocial doings and any of the agents responsible for our mental anxieties without facing them
nor resolving them, we are committing “sins” against natural laws (principles). Those “sins”
remaining in our unconscious are the barriers that thinner the flow of our intellect. Therefore
it is our “sins” that holding us back from our “promise land”. This is why we go through so
much mental pain of not knowing. To “redeem” is to face the consequences of our mistakes, to
understand where we went wrong, and to correct them as we correct our opinions concerning
universal reality, it is part of atoning.

Exiled from our own mind, from our own sins, some of us are hoping for the coming of a
Messiah for their own mind redemption. What they do not grasp, is that any “Messiah” has to
redeem himself first to gain knowledge and understanding. Anyone can do it in the right
circumstances, and then giving away the found data for everyone self-help redemption. To
redeem in order to gain knowledge is a personnel choice, a true Messiah is a person that can
only gives advice from scientific proven facts, or ponder a scientific theory that can be proven;
not from religious infantile and paradoxical nonsense where sadomasochism prevail.

Nonsense are paradoxical concepts that are formed in our subjective mind under false external
subjective data, relayed from our brain to our mind, that not going along with the objectivity
of the natural principles. It can also be from false internal data stored in our superego and out
of reach of our sensory system. We need the totality of our brain power to understand were
lays false concepts and to creatively form new ones. It is an evolutionary process that keeps
going on and as a result makes the brain of specie to grow bigger regardless of the size of the

Therefore we can understand that it is a false myth going around saying we are not using all
of our brain power, we are indeed using subjectively our brain, in parallel with the natural
objective automatic processes of the brain, in full capacity toward any subject that interest us,
even moronic subject. The brain is a biological computer we are using and programming the
way we want; is as simple as that; but it also has a “mind” of his own since it had to follows the
natural laws (of nature). The proof that we are using all of our brain resides in the fact that the
destruction of even small areas of the human brain can have devastating effects on our sensory
system and behavior. We cannot make any proven statement regardless of that evidence;
otherwise it would be prophecy, false or not. Neurons are always busy firing action potentials,
and/or receiving signals from other neurons. Several pathways in our brain serve similar
functions; it is called the “redundancy” phenomenon. It is a safety mechanism should one of the
pathways fail under our paradoxical thoughts (see neuroplasticity). The brain is always being
used in various ways and in different active states.

From pregnancy and during early development in life, many new synapses are formed. Later
on in biological development, as we grow older, some synapses are eliminated to fine-tuning
the wiring system of the body. Synaptic development and elimination goes on as part of the
evolutionary process where the psyche is mind and body functioning as one unit under the
phenomenon of neuroplasticity. When the flow of inputs directed to a particular neural system
is “staling” by a wall of mind-paradoxes, the neurons in the system behind that wall will not
function properly, and will eventually been eliminated for lack of the flow of cognition to
stimulated them. We need cognitive information to stimulate the brain.

If we want to be very technical about it, a whole unit of immortal memories from a life
experience is called a living soul, and mortals are made of genetic memories, they are
biological bodies; as for us, here and now we are psyches: a combination of both.

As soon as our mortal body that ephemeral guardian and keeper of our soul, dedicated to live
its own slow death will deceased, then we will have to answer only to ourselves the ways we
choose to live. Effectively, within our body is enclosed our live, the life of our body is the door
shut which is trapping our soul, and the death of our body gives us the key to freedom. Ah, that
mortal body! The beauty of the soul seems at times gruesome through the morbid bars made of
the body bones! Our joy to be alive is bound to the regret to be captured by our body.

When, in our vanity, we mirrored who we are front of the mirror, we do not see much of the
anatomy of death when admiring our body, nor we see much of our prisoner soul behind his
bones. Ah, that body! This cruel beauty, a faith friend and also an enemy, it surrounds us with
its cruel ending, we have loved in common and it is the cause of our troubles. That body! It
become our best friend in death, in its total oblivion it release our soul apart from our human
temptations. When our body being consumed to death by the heat of its passions releases us
from its jail while dying, the question is: are we happy to have experienced the best of our
human desire: to share love? Or we will be these sorry witnesses of the bloody wounds we self-
inflicted to our soul? These wounds are the penalties for sowing earth with human blood and
despair. The wounds of our soul is the echo of the voice of those we martyred, and their sum is
the voice of heaven being transform into our own torments. But like everything has its end, as
being demonstrated by the death of our tormented bodies, therefore we shall embrace death
with kisses of affection for it is its death that comes to the aid of life. No one will ever, under the
threat of death, succeed to destroy the spirit of the wise man who aspires to live, and who does
threat the wise's is an enemy of humanity.

Under our natural self-determination we possess the alternative to be stupid or shrewd, it is

part of universal natural duality contain in our natural mnemonic heritage. So far our present
official position concerning the origin of humanity on Earth and our present economic system
indicated that somehow we prefer to be a bunch of neurotic morons, and paradoxically, to
complain about it. We are discrediting all the crying out loud evidences, which are
opportunities, of the alternative to change some of our stupid philosophies concerning
primordial matters that can leads us to a better self-harmony and humanity building utopia.

The component of light in their triadic processes is closely related with Sigmund Freud theory
concerning the instances in their quantum interaction leading to various states of mind. That
fact can be easily proven in laboratories. Therefore ancient primal gods, Freud, and the
quantum theory can be linked with life being a dynamic mnemonical process. In the scheme of
general evolution everyone has a function to perform, it is all automatic and of mnemonical
nature. An environment is needed for any form of life (a form of life is a mnemonical unit) to
memorize throughout its sensory system all kind of environmental stimulus; those stimulus
become part of one's memory (the superego part). It is from those memories and the constant
environmental influence (that's include cultural influences), being process by the intellect
under the direct influence of the natural rules that an individual become what it is. We can see
that at the base the fundamental function of every form of life, apart to adapt to the
environment (psychology), it is also to be part of the environment (sociology) for the whole of
humanity to find a psychosocial balance call social harmony for the building of utopia. Utopia
will be man greatest achievement.

There is no creativeness in blind faith. Having faith in something without proofs is not an
achievement. Feats are obtained by exertion; physical and mental energy is required to attain
any skill in order to adapt and evolve. Doubt is the antagonist of faith and the ally of
intelligence. To have faith without proofs toward an almighty God who will do everything for
us is the idiotic and lazy approach to reality. Utopia will come from man exertion and not by
any manmade god pleasure whenever it pleases “him”. Therefore to believe in God is to believe
in our own stupidity without realizing it, and that is part of the human factor (man
unreliability from innate agnostism). It is Gnosticism and wisdom taking over the territory of
the human factor that leads man to psychosocial creativity and by domino effect the building
of utopia. The first step toward wisdom is to be realist.

The religious Jews and all the Theists in the world will discover soon enough that to know the
Moschiach is a real person in a point in time is to not believe in "God" as a living being.

Psalm 51:12 is talking about libido and the passage from agnosticism to Gnosticism and
developing a sane mind by leaving behind us our early stage of infantilism (from early age)
that is a early part of our stages of psychological development: "Create a pure heart for me, oh
God and a steadfast spirit renew within me". (Psalm 51:12).

If God was really a living person, and we all are part of him, then we are a bunch of parasites.

When Moshiach come many religious bigots will die from a mental dead to be resuscitate as
Teshuva start by self, get out of your infantilism, be a man! See reality for what it is, and less
peoples will have to die when Moshiach come. What stop Moshiach to come is the lack of that
kind of Teshuva from the believers for them to become more Gnostics and wise.

If there was really an eternal living god name Allah (or God or Jehovah, etc...) who is in total
control of the whole universe and its natural principles he will be the most corrupted
individual that ever was, is, and will be.

The ancient Greek mythological characters (from the Greek pantheon) which are a carbon
copy of the Egyptian Pantheon of mythical characters (under different names and stories) are
after all righteous mathematical concepts concerning the universe and its natural principles
being transformed into mythical stories. These mathematical concepts encompass psychology
as well as astrophysics; it takes a bunch of infantile morons in search of a supreme and perfect
father image to believe in their literal sense.

The only evilness there is is our associability, and it is that side of our dual social associative
personality that makes us to be those devils burning in their own mental hell; our sociable
associative personality is the “angel” one whose spirit bathes in the cool of wisdom.

Evil retaliates against evil; it takes wisdom to extinguish any unwelcome stimulus without
using evilness.

Evilness is the death of the mind; fundamental ethics is the nourishment for the mind to survive
during its journey toward wisdom.

Mental Health Helping Hands

The mentally ill, frighten by their living nightmare, lost in their mind where they are
welcoming the frightful void of mind darkness by pushing away the torches of reason, are
trembling as see their mind becomes darker than the shade of the night. To come to their relief,
in their religiosity, they invoke a false light (or a subjective God) and wonder why only the
silence answers their prayers. While they mistreat with their human cruelty the sublime gift of
nature which is the life of the mind: reason; these unhappy men complain to their God to be
treated with such rudeness as they pushing reason away.

Although our body is already its own tomb and that our mind is part of the heavens which
lives in it for now; the fact remains that both, body and mind, bend their spine under the
misfortunes they have to support. The physicians prognosticate the illness of the condemned
body, while psychologists and psychiatrists, these mental health doctors, can help us to heal
our soul by judging differently. To be separate from reason is to be tore from our wits and it is
our cowardness toward reality that gives us the vain hope for our return from the oblivion of
non sense. What we say against reason is the best testimony that we are out of our wits. We
have no choice but to tolerate our every day frustrations for they are the stimulus that
motivates us to find viable solutions to resolve the source of the problems. In the broad sense
finding wisdom is the answer, and to be wise is to listen to what nature has to say compare to
what man is doing, and to correct any situation where man works against nature, it is called
“atoning”. Working against nature is working foolishly against us. Taming nature by
following nature ways is different than to work against nature ways in order to speed-up the
production of the objects of our wants. We have needs and we have wants, needs are a natural
“must” for survival and adaptation that has to be absolutely satisfied for the well being of
personal and humanity evolution. There is nothing wrong to have wants as long ethics is
involve, and that's covers any kind of environmental field as well as self mental harmony. It is
better to be engrossed with first our personal needs, and then humanity needs before being
totally engross by our personal wants if we want our wants to be the well deserved rewards of
our social deeds; other ways it is chaos. No one has be alone in his mental agony, friendly souls
is to be found in the field of psychiatry, but so few wisely seek help were is to be found since
wisdom is not their lot from their own self-cruelty. Our actions are the witness of our mind,
and they also are the definition of our deep feelings and emotions in the short and long terms;
when our mind get upside down, and frustrations get the best out of us, and our mood is on the
aggressive behavioural side of communicating our frustrations, then it is the tail end of the
mental sewer system that end up in our mouth instead of ending up in the tail end of the
plumbing of our biological system, it is neuroplasticity at is best! Psychiatrists and
psychologists are trying their best to correct that plumbing situation by rerouting our thoughts
in order for our tongue to taste the fruits of sanity; in others words, less diplomatic, less
euphemistical and scholastics: when sh.t come from our mouth as well as our “derriere” when
we don't know what we are talking about, then we are nuts cases in need of a good shrink to
flush our mind out of its craziness, that would chastises our language, our words will taste
better, and our actions will make more sense. Starting to exist (the birth of a soul) is not
stressful for the mind in its agnosticism, but starting to wonder why we are born can be mind-
wreaking, especially when we have to look ourselves after our own basic needs. Existence
seems to be crazy. There are some people who are talking about a god, which is the one (they
say) that created the whole universe and who drop all his parental duty on us. Then, on top of
which, according to some religious beliefs, he start to complaint to us, by the voice of his
prophets, about our wrong doings! They say we are god helpers, can't god manage his staff?
This is paradoxical! We are disturbing souls in need of mental help! Also, we are born agnostic,
and all forms of life having the same conscious potential to become fools or genius under self-
determination, it is a question of culture, and of learning various data from different sources
that will trigger some of our acquired habits (or acquired patterns) as we evolve. Religious
fools (bigots) are more apt of need mental help than ordinary peoples who have a normal
secular education about the nature of things and reality. Every night ends in the morning but
fools are making the course of their night to turn its back to the incoming light, and in their
wild hope induced by vanity to be the best –the chosen ones- they being lure by the baits of
their own devilish deceptive minds proposing to their ego everlasting pleasures over the
suffering and death of others. O stupid fools! They buy dead as face value, and marching hand
in hand with the darkness of Thanatos they have to live with the fact that it is dead that own
them. Nature is logic at work, and by evolving hand to hand with logic we create our reason
to eventually possess wisdom; but in their disastrous misadventures the fools rejecting reason
let the automatism of the rules of logic toward them to work by themselves by veiling more of
their mind toward their own folly, as a result the rules of logic offer them the dead they wish
for ... the dead of the mind that is. The devil (our evil side) challenges honest peoples to become
dishonest (and by the domino effect, to become mentally disturbed), by cutting the supply of
their basics needs. Our sciences in their secularism are trying to save the bleeding souls from
their lack of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Alas some of man sub-cultures like kouac
religion, economics and marketing, aggravates more their suffering. Disturb souls are looking
for mental tender, loving care. In most case, family, friends, professionals and clergy are
trying to respond to their needs. Theism and psychiatry does not mix as psychotherapeutic
means; by definition a psychiatrist is a humanist (non-religious) taking reason as his footstool
to study and correct any paradoxical situation in one’s mind by using the secular approach of
science pairing with the ethical psychosocial common sense.

Psychiatrists are MDs (physicians) who specialize in dealing with mentally ill patients with
clinical issues. Psychiatrists can prescribe medications to correct the chemical imbalance in the
brain. Psychiatrists are “judging the livings and the dead'“, meaning they are assessing who is
so mentally sick that he is “mind dead” and who has only a normal “touch” of neurosis.

Psychologists, are not MDs, they deal with emotional issues.

Psychoanalysis is a method. It is the searching of the causes of current mental difficulties of a

person through the long term memory, meaning the searching of what far away event (or
data), also what imprinting,affecting the intellect, may have trigger (or caused) the learning of
certain behaviors leading to the actual mental troubles. Long term “forgot” memories are also
call unconscious memories.
When a mentally disturb person (not necessarily a long term mentally sick individual) goes
officially for psychological assistance or evaluation, it ends up on the patient permanent

Family practitioner, social worker or therapist specializing in whatever issues you wish to talk
about keep a record; that include psychiatrists and psychologists. It is the law.

Dogmatic religious local clergymen are also people that the mentally disturb soul (or patient)
consults, talk to, and to confess to. Few of them (maybe) are chartered professional. In that
psycho religious field, the clergymen consider themselves above the human law and follow the
politic of their denominations. There is no written record of any “confession” made. An only
secular chartered professional keeps records. A Clergyman, representing the religiosity of the
denomination he belongs to may as well being seen as a religious blind leading others blinds,
all of them not seeing reality, into the field of madness thinking they reach an island of reason.

From Moses time, the Jews have a special holiday call Yom Kippur, in a 10 days’ time allowed,
for the distress human souls to make atonement (to confess their sins to feel better, to repent,
and to correct any past wrong doings). Actually is a religious form of self-psychotherapy and
groups psychotherapeutics session where Psychoanalysis is involved.

The Kabbalah is also there to help. According to the Kabbalah it is the practice of the Kabbalah
that can guide man in his intellectual ascent and mind sanity; it is throughout the work of
interpretation of the Torah being suggests by the Kabbalah and the techniques of meditation
to uses that the Kabbalah helps man to better understand what "God" really means and "his"
intentions. The Torah, which means "law" in Hebrew (in Greek: Pentateuch) indicates a set of
five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These books, reinterpreted
by Muhammad are the source of Islam, and they are also the source of the Catholic religion.

A just and wise man is also a socio-psychotherapist. Let's believe in ourselves, and not in any
gods; we are the ones who can creates our own psychosocial harmony by understanding the
ways of the natural principles.

To respect nature is to respect self, we are as sacred as nature is; to be mentally disturb is a
disturbance of natural harmony in the mind. Knowledge and reason become wisdom within
harmony when approaching nature with a social feeling of belonging. A form of idleness call
“meditating” (meaning: thinking about) to focus in the needs of the soul (and forget about the
wants) is required to reach some answers that are built within.

The intellect is a given to us (and to any other forms of life) from the universe, from it we can
produce reason from reality; we should not have to be in the position to fight with religious
denomination like Islam and other denominations like Catholicism to have the right to use that
given the appropriate way for the benefit of humanity.

The "because" peoples, beside the moron bigots, are usually charming at the start of making a
deal, they are the ones who already know that they will not keep most of their promises; some
politicians and backyard contractors are good at that, for them it is a form of art, the devil art.
They know they will find excuses to renegades some of their promises (verbal contract)
therefore making good uses of rationalizing their wicked ways. This is why written contracts is
to be advice.

The whole cosmos is our university and -for whose can afford it- they are grouping themselves
under the roofs of our own universities to better comprehend its rules and its ways in its
different disciplines. As integral parts of the universe it is in us as much as we are in it;
therefore our own psyche is a university of the universal knowledge for whoever have the
desire to learn. Catholic religion says that we are "God's temples" in their metaphoric
transformation of secular data, and that is how plenty of data become esotheric. Ancients
temples where universities (the Jews call their temples; "places of knowledge"), and "God" is
only a word that represents the universe. "Living God" simply indicates the dynamics of light
in its self-interactions which produces forms of life.
Faith on Faith and Faith on sciences

The universe has no room for another god but itself as it is the sublime singularity, and we are
all part of it.

He, who know the truth, welcome anyone to try to prove him wrong by using the scientific
approach; and whoever lies to others about existentialism do not wish for anyone to discover
the truth (thus his lies) by using the scientific approach, that psychotic individual would rather
sentence to death anyone who try to do so.

The price to pay for mind evolution is the death of the body, in that matter we don't have any
choice; if the choice would be our we would be living in a state of chronically moronic mind-
dead in a zombie state of living corpses for eternity with no chance of creativity.

What is that human collection of religious opinions (called “faith”) that man likes so much? It is
often the smoke coming from our fabulous dreams that burn our spirit (our sense of belonging)
and consumes our soul (self). The faith in non sense does live for a moment, the time for it to
reach its unavoidable death. What is that religious faith that so many people fear not to
possess? Is it the true remedy for evil that man created by his asocial action? We are these
miserable's bigots who are trying to lose their head, and that precious mind that nature took so
much care to knit in their mother’s womb to offer them a sense of reason. Wrong opinions
becoming faith are just dreams that fly like shadows if they do not contain provable VERITAS. Is
the port of faith the one of reason? If God is the reason then having faith in reason is the answer
that illuminates all the questions; but we need to define “God” adequately! We shall stop to
constantly cherishing a mere error of definition.

As our ears are tune to our voices, so is our memory according to our needs. But in our human
faiths to possess vain glories, we despair when our unfaithful memory, toward the voidness of
false values, cannot remember what do not suppose to be there: lies and treachery. The glory of
our memory is in its success to remember the true in its reality; for what really is what is there! It
is better to let the fool to go without us to the dark dungeon of his unconscious, Inside those
pitiful caves where only deep misery reside confined among the storms of his soul than to
accompany him to the hare of Thanatos because of moronic cultural pressure. As for us being
at ease where reason reside we are in our element in the palace of logic: heaven! We won't let
the past hold back our future by thinking our human history has to repeat itself, or it would be
exposing us over again to the insults of a fool sort. Think of love of a strong faith in the
ultimate logic, it is more legitimate than to create all over again others modern gods from
which we fall victims. Nature ridicules death, as dead is only on the mind but not for the mind.
Love does not end in the tomb nor does logic. Only vanity dig its own tomb and pride (not to be
confounded with vanity) fill up the hole with the shovel of logic for the love of humanity. Pride
and vanity are opposites. Unless there is a common ideal for all in the light of truth there
always will be enemies. By following the advice of nature of what to do or not, by the presence
of consequences, we can understand its ways, that is what establish our faith in nature, and
that faith become the easiest way to find happiness. From there we can have as common ideal
to understand nature’s ways better than we do now in order to build utopia.

Different times are made of instants of different cycles in space belonging to different systems;
this is why time is relative from one system to another. Since different times exist, are born and
dies, the only constant of time is the everlasting sum of all the different times -since the amount
of energy is finite- and that sum would be: eternity. Eternity is the "unified time" for ever
creating the dynamics of different systems by reaching infinity -that explain universe
expansion-; infinity is the absence of time for ever which is a total spacial void. "Unified time"
takes the territories of infinity without infinity to lose any of its integrity. Because the universe
is a finite but expanding ball of "unified times", it permits the dynamics within to exist for ever
from every point of its space. Each quantum is a seed of the universe; as such it got the
property of any seed; from each point of the universe, seeds -as universes by themselves- take
the space of infinity surrounding them to grow as systems by feeding from the environment.

Any doubt in our mind concerning any subject of interest indicates the presence of a lack of
tangible proofs or to be unaware of the presence of these proofs. The pious have faith on their
faith, and the realists have faith on science while the scientists unravel the universal riddles of
nature; as for the newborn, his consciousness being agnostic (unknowledgeable) by nature, he
wander what the heck is going on. His primal belief is if he cry his basic needs will be
answered, if not he would lose self-confidence and faith toward the exterior in an early age.
Religiosity compensates for our lack of self-trust and faith in humanity; it fills-up an emotive
vacuum. Doubts are stimulus for the mind, that's what makes humanity to use its self-
determination to evolve. We all posses the truth, the truth is within us, it tells us how to built
utopia, but many doesn't take the time to listen to it nor to act upon it.

As time go by, we learn more about science and nature, and that include the cosmos. It will
eventually become clear to everyone there is only one science diversifying itself in different
branches: the universal principles that are been discovered one by one and are study by
human sciences. The zealous religious believers name the whole of those rules; “God”, thinking
those rules have a personality of their own. In that sense, reason and faith are interrelated if
we accept the fact that “God” is a word that represents the objectiveness of the universe, thus
the universe itself. We all believe in those natural principles but we disagree if they have a
mind of their own (the whole of them to be alive as a living god) or if it is an automatism at
work; that is the only fundamental difference between religious faith and secularism.

For the Jews, the belief of one god ruling the whole universe is not grounded in any particular
intellectual reasoning, but is grounded in what they call “a supra-rational belief rooted in the
Jewish soul”. We have to translate “supra-rational belief” as having faith on faith without
being realistic.

Somehow, the pious in their zeal cannot connect the dots that their god and the universe is one
and the same, that the universe creates life not by subjective thinking, but by an automatism of
intermingling energies being possible because of the physical aspect of the scheme of universal
expansion, meaning: the universe expansion making the interrelation of moving forces to be
possible in order to be an evolutive process that creates life and intellectuality. Intellectual
reasoning supports that conclusion, not the “supra-rational belief”. But at the same time they
believe god is not restricted to the supra-rational but extends into the rational; the pious in
their zeal to believe in their beliefs creates a paradox in their mind by not seeing the obvious:
God is not alive and it is the universe and its dynamics.

We find plenty of evidence for the statement of our sciences to be clear enough to understand
and to be the same for everyone and everything. To say god is graspable and comprehensible
by one's human intellect under the influence of a “supra-rational belief”, is to gives oneself a
heck of a headache, from paradoxical thinking, and to turn away from reality to make oneself
believe that headache will disappear. That repress headache, being driving in the donjon of
their unconscious mind became for the bigots a current mental difficulty, a sickness of the
intellect, a sore in the mind, a “sore on the forehead” as the Hebrews put it.

The Jews are being teaches by their rabbi's that the faith itself is base of Moses commanding
them to believe that there is a god, and at the same time these rabbi's advises them to extent
their intellect, to observe the environment and intellectually grasp the godliness (the logic) in
the world. Right there is a hint of the presence of a riddle! All they have to do is to connect the
dots...They are being taught that one's belief should also be an intellectual belief...Well!
Believing on science will do the trick! Can they see it? That will unravel the riddle. The Tanakh
(Hebrews bible) is full of riddles. The qualities and capacities of their teachers are almost up to
the task, they are trying to unravel the riddles of their faith and they are making a good faith
effort in science; they defines science by using a synonym of the real definition, they call it :
“finding God's ways” in many different esoteric ways. They are simply trying to find “nature

Religion and science disagree in on basic: the subjectivity of a god creating the universe versus
the objectivity of a natural mechanical event following a basic principle repeating itself.
Religion and science are converging in the single fact that there are universal laws (natural
principles). Religions in their futile attempts to understand the purpose and meaning of our
universe are looking more and more of how the universe work by being interested of the
attempts of science to discover its mechanisms.

The determinism of nature is the creative power of nature that came from an innate (natural)
disposition of interacting with its own energy due to the universe expansion, which it’s the
cause having for effect to produce a dynamic that's creates the universal rules (natural
principles). Because those rules (natural principles) are made of moving forces (energy), they
are the dominating power. Some people call the whole of those rules: god. Those rules (natural
principles) command the material universe as well the mental (spiritual) universe since they
are made of energy. The natural character of the universe it’s the course of things (evolution),
from its own birth to give birth, automatically in return, as a self-inherent impulse (impulse of
life). The word “nature”, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the dynamic of the whole
universe, visible and invisible, material and immaterial, natural and supernatural, physic and
mental (spiritual).

The universe didn't have any meaning to start with! It is an automatic and natural process
which we are part off. We give it a meaning after the fact, but fundamentally we are only
various parcels of its memory (as in a computer): different mnemonic parts of its puzzle. Being
different fractal mnemonic individual units trying to adapt to the situation of various external
stimulus affecting that “unit” makes each of us, in our individuality, to posses our own
“thinking” personality call cognitive personality; nothing more, nothing less.

Being subject to external interference, those “units (any forms of life), in their
defensive/offensive reactions to keep their integrity, makes uses of the energy received, in the
form of stimulus, within their psyche, to produces or “grows” various means of defensives
systems; when those defences became obsolete, they have to develops adaptive systems that
give them pleasure from external intrusions. That gives us two kind of evolution as direct
consequence of the need to adapt: the body (physiobiological), and the mind (cognition) in the
physical universe; body and mind (the psyche) become one evolutive unit by the process of

We can make a metaphysical law about it: The fittest organisms are the ones that develop a
system of adaptation giving them pleasure when their natural defensive systems toward an
external intrusive stimulus failed. That next law follows automatically the previous one: It is
the mechanisms of adaptation that's making people to become sociable’s. And that leads us to a
third law that says: Cultures are made of groups of peoples having in common the same
practices and believes that gives them pleasure. A specific culture will automatically raise
defensive systems against any external interference endangering their social pleasures. Law
number 4 says: Any culture is bond to follows law number 2; this is how cognitive evolution
can take place and for any forms of life, and cultures, to see themselves as been united as “one”
social universal unit under different tasks. Law number 5 Says: Pleasure and adaptation goes
together as one opposing force to the impulse of death.

On the beginning, each quantic “unit”, being called soul, becoming an individual form of life on
their own, and as self-awareness to exists taking place, thanks to a mnemonical capability, to
see oneself as being an individual “under attack” from external stimulus, see their cognitive
asset developing. It is the external stimulus that triggers in the living “mnemonical units” their
conscious use of their natural opportunity of self-determination, to be their own making
decisions “units”, taking responsibility of who they are and who they will be. Living with
others, and learning new skills to better adapt, as they gain more cognitive aptitudes (or
faculty) souls are using the cognition flowing in their mind to explore their own identity as well
of their environment. So far, on planet Earth humans are the more advance form of life
concerning cognition. It is mistakenly taken that human are on the top of the food chain; a flea,
be a busy sucking animal blood, can also consider itself at the top of the food chain; and there
is more flea’s populating the world than humans. It’s all a question of vanities’ perception. It
would be more exact to mention that we are on the top of technological developments.

The universe and its dynamic is not an accident nor from a voluntary action. It is a self-
mechanism. Everything is an automatic form of determinism. From generation to generation,
that mnemonic thinking individual having its own personality to adapt is trying simply to
survive the external stimulus of his environment by developing internal neuroplastical
cognitive resources (genes and mind developing) innate and acquired, and find pleasure when
succeeded doing so; the pleasure felt is simply the well balancing, or the free flow, of our
cognitive functions felt trough our senses, as oppose to mental frustrations. Our senses fell the
flows of energy and let us know when there is an unbalance by our perception of displeasure
(frustration trough the neuroplasticity phenomenon), that is the functions of our senses as we
already know (Freud call it the Id). Cognitive satisfaction leads to spiritual (intellectual) gain.
The cognitive functions are made of flows of energy. Life is an adhesion of quanta on the go. It
is part of an automatism. From the theorical “Big Bang” as “creation” keep going throughout
evolution, life itself became a mnemonic womb having “feelings” from cognitive pleasures and
from that womb different forms of life are issue. That womb is the dark universe. Pious minds
call it “spiritual being”. As we continue this research we will discover what our universe is all
about. How its dark side, or spiritual side, in correlation with this physical side were we “see”
with all our senses with the help of our technologies the different wavelengths can be link in
one unit. One part of reality is physical, the other part is mental (or spiritual).We have to have
faith in our realistic reasoning for us to take on the task to discover how one universe
diversified itself to create life and be objective while forms of life are subjective. Realistic
reasoning rely itself on the scientific approach.

Whether we want cognition or not to come our way, its arrival within each forms of life, is as
guaranteed as evolution is. When understanding does illuminate us we discover that we didn't
really do much to welcome its coming. The process is automatic. As we can anticipate the
automatism of evolution to be present at each moment, so do we concerning cognition less our
body decay; this is a statistical certainty. Nature do, automatically what need to be done, and
we do by conscious acts what we want to be done. Nature rules over us but we can use the
rules of nature for our benefit.

Some people understand faster than other by their will to understand things the secular way,
oppose to the believers on faith who “have sores in their forehead”. Those believers on faith
only will suffer far longer the mind frustrations for not wanting to use their normal realistic
way of reasoning; it is so simple! Our understanding will remain in exile as long we do not
have the intent and earnest desire to invite the cry-out truth in our mind. We need to accept to
see our animal heritage as what it is: a normal part of evolution, and to be stubborn enough,
like a mule, to resolve problems by ourselves as “one” social unit to secure our mental well

Universal rules (natural principles) are interactive forces on the move, it is the power behind
our faith on a universal harmony, and reason makes us to have faith in their logic. A dynamic
mnemonic system is a living unit called “form of life” (like us); concerning forms of life,
universal harmony is logic in ethics, and to follow ethics is to put libido in practice as: “We
shall love each other’s”. That was already known in the ancient Egypt era and being preached
by the Egyptian high priests before Moses times. It’s all a question of self-control where no one
try to control others for his own profit, and no one is to be found in the hopeless and slaving
position to be control by others, but instead where everyone, in their respective position, helps
others with the purpose to reach common goals by harmonious interrelation. This is why any
social position we are fulfilling is a position of responsibility, and this is also why harmony
reside in the logic that libido contain within, and reason to be the tool to find where lays the
logic of things.

Universal rules (natural principles) are energy on the move, and they are the ones that
automatically created the psyche by energy self-manipulation. Is the atom the jewel making
the body, but it is its ghost’s: the quanta that are the ones crowning our mind. Thus the finesse
of the mind came as much from the presence of bodies in their sumptuousity than the
formation of bodies becoming mind products. The ornaments of one adorn the presence on the
other; it is the same beauty that represents itself in two different outfits. Ah body and mind!
For one to obscures the brilliance of the other, one's has to be blind, toward himself and others,
for not appreciating one without appreciating the other. Few can see that it is in the depth of
the apple of the eyes of one of them that peek the soul of the other. It is the lack of reason of an
individual that obscures his own natural beauty; whom falls in the trap of folly is dazzle only
by his own stupidity.

Law -The cycle of an object of interest is its function; from being an effect it becomes a cause
which has to support the consequence of its nature and its doings until the cycle is completed
for a new one to takes place.

In a perfect world the master know he is a servant and the servant know he is a pupil; as the
servant does the everyday life physical tasks freeing the master of mechanical labor so the
master has time to use his mind to ponder truths and concepts for the benefit of all; therefore
working his way for the pupil to become a master.

It doesn't matter if someone in this existence stole the honours you deserve, it would
be only for a short time. What's matter is that you did the job well and you will be
rewarded in the afterlife, and that is for eternity.

Common sense is instinctive reasoning base on the natural principles.

Common sense is also call “populace wisdom”.

It is the populace wisdom of Iran that will free the Salomon temple site from the Islamic grasp
in order for Israel to build the third temple; and Israel will acknowledge its Egyptian
inheritance before erecting the third temple while the Egyptians, rejecting Islam, will embrace
their Cosmic Noahide Roots.

In the name of Humanity let's praise the universe for what it is; no other choice is left to us
than to do so. Undiplomatic and pure logic it rules it all! Its only covenant with us is for us to
follow its laws to find the path of harmony, like for any other forms of life; otherwise we
become lost in a mental chaos.

The actual Jewish faith is literally having faith on the metaphors covering-up the ancient
Egyptian secular knowledge; the Jews are actually busy to study in parallel the secular
knowledge and the metaphorical side of that same secular knowledge, it is some kind of

On planet Earth, from Noah times in Africa, and then to Ancient Egypt, politics was base in the
knowledge of the natural laws (natural principles); pure logic which explains libido and ethics
was the base of any political decision. Latter on Moses establish his paradigms (rules and
beliefs) upon that very ancient knowledge of the natural rules (natural principles). Ethics in
the form of mythical stories became faith. This is why from then on to THESE DAYS, for the
Jews, law and faith is considered as one in the political field since they are in positive
correlation. It is the Jews way of life to follows in parallel the paths of their faith and
secularism at the same time since they both contain the same basic data.

In the broad sense "Philosophy" is the rational investigation of the truth. Theism cannot be
name as a "philosophical system" since Theism DOES not USE the rational nor the scientifical
approach. Theism is a "school of thought" that believe in the literal sense of metaphors veiling
Scientifics data, therefore taking the "cliché" "God" as literal. Theism BELIEVES in godly
miracles which transcend human understanding since it is paradoxical thus full of stupidity.
Irrationality is the main stream of Theism rationalizing (using moronic excuses) its faith.

Law: Since everything is made out of light, nothing can go faster than the speed of light.

Whoever outlaws reason outlaws peace.

Everything is an effect that has a cause; all causes are interactive parts of the segmented
energy motility that we define as the natural principles that find their sources into a primal
self-interacting natural principle, and the two pre-requisites for that primal principle to
become the source of the universes dynamics have to be completely opposite in physical
character in order to produces quanta from a primal non-uniform mass, thus the light which is
the quantic creative matter of all things there is, even our thoughts; that's made duality to be
part of our universe since without duality there wouldn't be any motility, thus no universe!

Law - For the universe to become a reality the primal non-motile and non-uniform mass has to
have move from each of its spacial point to creates the universe from each of these point, thus
by expanding its territory, the primal non-uniform mass was transformed by the noumenon of
special infinity (plain nothingness) to become light by the spacial infinity "sucking-in" each of
the particles of the primal non-uniform mass at the same instant.
As long that we follow the lead of the natural principles, we can do anything, we can build
anything, and all will be working in harmony.

Hebrews and Mental Sickness

The mental processes of our mind are constantly working -days and nights- modifying who we
are in both the unconscious and conscious level. Depending our personality (how we make
good or bad use of data according to our mental capabilities) that leads to a certain speed of
mind-evolution different for each individual. The only mind-involution there is -because of our ill
uses (asocial uses) of data- its transform into various mental sicknesses.

Human folly is the burial of nature masterpiece: mind leading to reason; the most valuable asset
of man ends its adventure were lays dying minds: the valley of the dead mind (valley of the dead
bones). The expertise of nature, within the care of causality, and with the help of time forms our
minds. Because self determination is our, it is part of our destiny of being free to choose
madness over reason. We can extinguish, according to our will, the torch of nature wisdom that
enlightens our mind under the moronic pretext (tailor made by some individuals seeking power),
than obedience doesn't need the help of reason.

The universe mental field is a composing of islands of logical madness (since madness is a
consequence obeying the natural principles) among the tame gardens of subjective wisdom. All
Things have a source, mind distortion and paradoxical thoughts vanishes when moronical
subjective thinking disappears, and giving room for natural, automatic objective mental
resources to takes place in our subjective mind, therefore producing subjective wisdom. Then
we shall see clearly the essence of things: the reality of the non-tangible that runs the tangible
for the whole to be one in all the dynamics. It is libido in its broad sense, and not only on its
sexual aspect, which makes an individual to become ethically self-scholarized on the simplicity
and elegance of logic.

Let keep in mind that the Jews call their temples “places of knowledge” and do not consider
their religion as such but as scientific knowledge under hermeticism. One of the important
aims of the Hebrew bible is to makes us understand the functionality of mental illness within
societies, their saying are metaphorical and idiomatic. And if some of us says they did know
this, the ancient Hebrews foreseeing that comment put it in the chapter concerning that
matter, they write: “If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,” They let us know that the aim
of the psychologist and psychiatrists is basically the study and understanding of the “client”
soul as the ancient Hebrews idiom put it “who weighs the heart perceive it” and to understand
the relation of the recovering of the client from his mental sickness in correlation with the client
willingness to work toward his own mental well being with psychological help, as the Hebrews
put it in a short sentence: “and will he not repay man according to his work?” That last
sentence can also have a second meaning referring to causality. Psychotherapist are rescuing
those who are being taken away to mind death in the sense of the mind ill functioning, and
they holding back those who are stumbling as they are on their way to that mental slaughter
as the Hebrews put it: “Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who
are stumbling to the slaughter.” If one do not want to accept that fact nor try to understand it,
then he get himself repay by the causal laws, meaning he gone get sicker and more “brain-
dead” as he already is.

“Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the
slaughter. If you say, “Behold, we did not know this, “does not he who weighs the heart
perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man
according to his work?” (Proverbs 24:11-12).

The Hebrews called mental illness to be “trouble in spirit”. If we consider the words “God” and
“the Lord” as the true meaning of whatever is related to the “light of science” and its
understanding which gives life to the spirit (as oppose to brain-dead), and “the pit” or “sheol”
were descent the mentally sick soul within oneself, to its own mental hell, than in Job 33:18
that said: “he keeps back his soul from the pit,....” means the psychotherapist keep back the
“patient mind” from being lost in total madness. Then expressions like the following ones
makes plenty of sense: -”His soul draws near the pit, and his life to those who bring death.”
(Job 33:22)

- “He has redeemed my soul from going down into the pit, and my life shall look upon the
light.” (Job 33:28).

-”to bring back his soul from the pit, that he may be lighted with the light of life.” (Job 33:30).

-”My soul also is greatly troubled...” (Psalm 6:3). - “For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol,
or let your holy one see corruption.” (Psalm 16:10).

-”The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making
wise the simple;” (Psalm 19:7). Of course those expressions are also valid in the scientific field
of physics since it is the universal principles that run the universe.

Now it is easy enough to read and understand the psalm of David call “Joy Comes with the
Morning”. In this context “morning” means to have recovered his mental health. As the “holy
name” it’s none other than science itself. In that psalm, “saints” mean men of science that helps
humanity. David sings that song at the dedication of the temple which it’s a place of
knowledge; a Hebrew temple was never a place of a religious cult. Here is an extract of his
statement: “O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol (meaning from the mental
trouble that ignorance produces, of not knowing better); you restored me to life from among
those who go down to the pit (of mental sickness). Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints
(men of knowledge), and give thanks to his holy name (whatever name one can gives to the
universal mnemonic psyche containing the knowledge of the universal science).” (Psalm 30:3-

The word “saint” is from the Latin “Sanctus” which mean “holy, consecrated”. It indicated good
ethical and knowledgeable people, and their tools, which belong to the scientific field. A good
psychiatrist can be a saint and bistouries can be holy. Now, concerning a hospital bedpan, it
may end up being dirty sometime, but nevertheless it is holy! Just like the Pope... O divine
sassiness! Thou are only but the old nastiness that finally coming back, in the back, of his old
master. (B.Y.S). “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its
fruits.” (Proverbs 18:21).

Alright, enough with the brain-dead Pope, let's go back to the subject. In this next extract,
coming from Psalm 31:9-10, David makes a indirect mention of neuroplasticity when he said
“my soul and my body also”, and also the fact that if one do not takes scientific matters
(universal rules) in consideration he will be sorry for that mistake, that fact is under the word
“iniquity”; “bones” in this context means the dynamics of body and soul which is the whole
psyche: “Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; my eye is wasted from grief; my soul
and my body also. For my life is spent with sorrow, and my years with sighing; my strength
fails because of my iniquity, and my bones waste away.” We see clearly that the second
sentence is the backing-up of the first sentence.

In Psalm 44:25, an idiomatic expression is in use to signifies that by the perception of the body
only, we can see only one side of reality:”our belly clings to the ground”; and another idiomatic
expression is in use to signifies that we are selling our mind for the comfort of our body, not
thinking farther than the tip of our nose: “For our soul is bowed down to the dust; our belly
clings to the ground”.

How come he ancient Hebrews, leaving the Stone Age behind them develops psychology and
psychiatry so fast? We have to consider the Hebrew bible as a message that defies any kind of
censure throughout the ages. It is a message that can be only unfolded as sciences and
technology makes progress. Using new metaphors and forging idioms the Levite’s, did
innovates a new literary form full of singularity where poetry was introduce to gives the
illusion that the emotional takes over from the rational. An new form of aesthetical dimension
was created to give the illusion that the Hebrew bible was only made from some cultural
beliefs in a historical background instead to be a literary product talking about a far advanced
knowledge previously transmitted by far advanced civilizations from which the ancient
Egyptians were one of the recipiendaries and the Hebrews being the heirs of the Egyptian
knowledge as well as the Greeks. The main subjects in the Hebrew bible concern sociology,
psychology and hygiene; they were “the chosen ones” by the ruling pharaoh's of the moment, to
protect those data while being send away from the dangers of the plagues that affect Egypt in
these times and to find and produce remedies. God is only a word, nothing else. It is the
representation, by artificially man-made personalization, of precious scientific data. Another
advanced civilization concentrating on astronomy, astrology and astrophysics chooses South
America as their historic background; the Mayas, Aztec, Incas, were the chosen one to protect
those branches of science. Others like the Chinese were concern about quantic knowledge and
how the flows of energy affect forms of life and vise versa (psyche plasticity). They were all
human races playing with genetics, laser technology and antigravity. From very ancient
times, “the time of the olds” scientific knowledge was compartmentalized for its own
safeguard. As we go along with this research we will discover stunning facts. This research
will try as much as possible to use a “down to earth” terminology for the pleasure of all. Let's
face it; the world is insane, mentally sick! And we are the ones who are making some insane
politics. The solutions to erase world insanity can be found in some Rebbe's philosophy
concerning science and “primal religions” to be the same. Rebbe's coerce Jews to “see god
through the eyes of science” in order to be able to live with the times, to understand oneself and
the world. World conflicts came from human masses unresolved internal psychological
conflicts. Those conflicts (psychological and political) can be explained, united in a package,
and deal with by psychology and sociology working together to help political decision. It is
more of a scientific matter than it is just of simple diplomatic relative solutions-searching to
resolve those conflicts. Science is for all, and the truth find by sciences contain the solutions for

The professional scientists Jews are coerce by their “religion” with the imperative to look
deeply into the converging of science and the Torah to find the same truth in both of them.
According to their religion, they say, both the scientific universal principles discover by science
and the principles contained in the Torah are the same. Rebbe's are saying that the course of
the development of science in recent years hasten the unveiling of the true meaning behind the
Torah. This a part of the statement made by the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, On 19 Kislev,
5752: “We can see it with our eyes. Just as in the case of the Jewish scientists, internal conflicts
was resolved by doing deeper scientific research; here too the internal conflict is resolved by
doing deeper research into the world - “opening the eyes”. This involves looking at the world in
a more analytical and penetrating manner. But in order to do this one must be professionally
trained just like the scientist must be professionally trained in order to carry out scientific
research.” Catholicism come from different interpretation of the Jewish faith with a mixture of
ancient Egyptian mythology, and ending up creating a fictional character named “Jesus of
Nazareth” as the head-leading-title of the new Christian politico-philosophy concerning
Genesis and the politic of the Christian party that follows it. The myth of Jesus (originally
from Egyptian mythology) is a story that mend to tells us that as soon as we are living our
heavenly cocoon we all become "human Jesus’ " and also our own devilish executioners; the
mythical Jesus of Nazareth simply represents humanity, and humanity (as any other forms of
life) is the product of the universal science made of light (as: “God” is light). The death of the
soul does not exist, only its suffering hell is present in us being integral part of our psyches.
Hell is a state of mind and also places within our unconscious were reason is lost in the
labyrinth of oblivion. Death existing only for death is nevertheless indispensable for life
evolution. Our wicked ways attracts the lightning and the justicial wrath of causality; and the
clemency of Heaven, by his office, is making a hell in our unconscious mind where our devilish
ways are doom to burn and dies. Heaven, irritated by our cries of false repentance makes
death to be a dream where it would be a very sweet pleasure to get away with without paying
the consequences of our cruel actions. But by definition death had already died; therefore it
cannot kill us or rob us of our soul. Desperate to live and be a prisoner of our mental hell where
our human folly place our fate, we ask sometime for the help of death to plunge us in the
mercy of its oblivion; but from the unconscious place of our terrible suffering only leaves our
eternal thirst for the impossible death to come in this world or the other (the world of “life after
life”). Whether we became numb from suffering, or on the opposite if we find ourselves in a
state of pure ecstasy from happiness, logic doesn't care, the law is: for life there is no death!
This is why human devils never find the chimerical port of death since it does not exist!
Psychopaths cannot take refuge anywhere from their own storms they created and which
belongs to the sea of folly their own unconscious created for them. But the presence of one’s
hope to end his suffering has already enlightened his own hell with a dawn of hope, thus we see
that it is only the devil in the human which is called to die, and not the phoenix in hiding

Law: There is nothing, no mystery whatsoever, out of reach of reason.

Law: Because time is relative, the age of the universe is also relative; thus it is eternal having
no beginning and no end.

Law: An evolutive environment has to be present in its total and automatic objectiveness in
order to create mnemonical units called "forms of life"; this law exclude the presence of a living
subjective god as pre-requisite for a universe to be formed.

Not only modern metaphysics is the bridge that link secular science and religious science
toghether, but it is also the rocket that propulse our conscious to the heavens of the mind.

We learn the facts of existence by life experience and by going to school. As we mature and as
we gather plenty of data proven to be true it come a time when we understand religions to be
childish ways to teach secular knowledge, that is the only esoterism in them: baby language; it
is in the light of our present scientific knowledge pairing with our mind-maturity that we
perceive religions as mere chatter to quiet down babies cries.

Any human is subject to the human factor, and Moshiach is no exeption.

The disciples of the truth are not to be found in the moslem temples or in the Catholic church
and surely not in the vatican, but the disciples of the truth are rather to be found in all the
secular universities around the world.

The first ones to cry for the coming of Moshiach -as they "want Moschiach now"- will
reject him when he shows-up; while the last ones -all the atheists of the world- who
never believed in the Moshiach concept, and never the less his "arrival" will be the first
ones to recognise him as the Moschiach; it is all a question of smart "conditioning"
starting with Moses..

Universe: a programming

Knowledge is a bunch of data transformed in our psyche into various mnemonic forms, like in
our genes and our superego. Under various stimuli these data came back to us as "feelings"
that our intellect translates into words in our mind. These mnemonical data, are only after all,
simply a series of electrical impulses acting as forces that gives us our feelings as reactivity to
these forces. If you hit your finger with a hammer, the electrifying feeling you will experience
will be translated in your mind in various words...and of course a new aport of knowledge
concerning why that did happen. As we can see the most important aspect of the universe is
movement; without it it won’t be any learning process.

The program is the eternal universe itself and its impassive eye -the Trinus (2 opposites and
the link) - contains the memory of time without knowing it. Ruling over his kingdom, the
universe know neither love nor hate, nor pity (that’s makes God to be a machine). It does not
contemplate nothing because it is not conscious, it cannot die since it was never alive but
produces living memories as “Life”! To be or to die, the choice is not there for the universe and
its components and never was. To die is the prerogative of the mind choosing its own hell. The
program is the memory of a first principle -the Trinus (2 opposites and the link) -repeating
itself for ever in its own frame of time, and fractalizing itself for time to be relative, and it is
purely of physical nature. Under its leadership we are born and follow the pattern of dashed
hopes and lost loves, it is an eternal program forming a trinusial chain toward infinity.
Creating its own nature from its energy, the universe lighted up the torch of life that becomes
the one of love. We are therefore, incomplete and immortal torches of light and of love by being
some never ending units of mnemonical processes constantly adapting to new situations.
Blinded by the brightness of human love and human hatred, and not yet becoming complete in
our journey, we are those erratic human lights, who in our desesperated quest for the
possession of love, having too often produce pain around us. This is our fate to be bound to the
destiny of a program without soul and no concession, and also be binds to the soul of life (the
dark universe) that does grants her tender love only to those who already possess that wealth
by offering it around. Night and day are ours; it is the fate of our first destiny: self-
determination. Trying to hold the night a little longer is to try to hold with a dying hand the
sparks of life we wish to elude. Often we see lightning in our dark nights, it is the human mind
that shines its most sublime moments, and those moments dazzle us; those are instants when
the shining light of their marvellous mind are stopping us to steps farther toward the abyss of
mind oblivion. It is all part of the program, it is an automatism, and the program runs the
universe, and the program is the universe. Flowers, and green shadings, and an ocean made of
waves of quantum, the universe is all of that and even more! It gives to the human reason as
well as our hearts the humors of our choice and the objects of our delight. It has so many
charms, it contains them all! Our secret desires and our deepest wishes it also contain them. If
we do not see it, we see nothing, but because even when we sleep is there again, then it is
impossible that it would never be there. This worthy monarch that is our universe submits its
nature to our most secret desires. There is no open garden or no well guarded fence, being the
work of our hands and the decision of our mind, which is primarily made from the matter and
natural principles that it offer as its humble service to all of us. The universe is the eternal
monarch being capable to rules its empire which is itself, by itself! There are those who seek
God, but all we can see is the universe. So, what can we say when we look around us about this
universe in which we live? Our findings are as follows:

a) A dynamic exists in all components of the universe.

b) The universal principles, which make the science in the form of equations, formulas and
various symbols, remain the same in the same situations. So the universe reacts accordingly
following a logical pattern: the Trinus (2 opposites and the link).

c) Thus, the dynamics itself is a form of supremacy that is the guide of any element and form of
energy and automatically guides this universe and its energy to fulfill different functions.

d) As long as we can understand what is happening around us, we find that everything has a
cause and effect. Therefore there is presence of determinism for causal forces to be part of the
universal scheme.

e) Considering the presence of determinism, and that the guiding dynamic is logic within
everything, then we can estimate that all consequences are inputs that have their values.

f) We also see that the universe produces life. We also find that the organisms die after a
certain period of time.
g) On the subject of determinism and guiding logic, we realize that the universe does not judge
or punishes, but there are consequences, the presence of “an eye for an eye: causality itself!”.

h) Because there is life and there is death, there is presence of duality. The principle of duality
is therefore within the dynamics of the universe; and duality comes from the two pre-universe
singularities that create the universe: 1) Gaia (the primal finite dusty mass); 2) Ouranos (the
infinity of the void surrounding the universe).

What is this entire means? It's so simple; we are part of a self-programmed universe!
Fragments of it. Click ke di klic, klic ke di click.... click....click.....click.

Life has it self-meaning, and the meaning we have to give to our life is to understand that we
are integral part of a universe which runs itself by having the same natural principles to be
valid for all its components (alive or inert); from there on we have to fulfill our responsibilities
toward ourselves, as humanity components, by understanding those laws in order to adapt to
the reality of general existence in a series of harmonious ways. Non-harmony is psychopathic
ways. Ah those psychopaths! These souls are unfair and know only perjury! They learn from
their young age how to mute the voice of reason. Of promising flower buds they learned to
become thorns, and they receive the kiss of death before they have a chance to bloom.
Perverting the land they can be easily confuse with our enemies when they can only produce
around them violence and destruction. During this existence they live from lies and hidden
vices. Only the ruins of their minds they will bring with them beyond the grave, leaving behind
them the memory of their perversions...for us to remember them by. And then are the bigots!
The triadic assembly of knowledge, understanding, and love is what defeat the human factor
leading to bigotry; it is for man to love more than he does for him to become more divine by
wisdom than the god he created by parochialism. Otherwise the self-hatred bigot will keep
despising himself while courting his vanity, and being afraid and in denial of his normal
human desires. The bigot praising himself to love an imaginary God, loves to complain about
the presence of the devil's evils. It is by hiding under the umbrella of his alleluias that he thinks
he can better fight that fierce enemy. In their Gregorian’s songs they revel to heaven the
wounds of their souls they self-inflicted, believing in their imagination that this form of
masochism is their ultimate offering as God desires to adorn his paradise. Their moronical love
is the one that destroys them, but it is that same destruction that will one day revive them out
of their mental hell. "Devil" is only a word-idiom indicating a sociopath displaying asocial
infantile behaviors from a lack of social feeling (thus he is egotic) coming from his innate
agnostism and various imprint; that's make a devil a human moron displaying idiotic
behaviors if we takes logic and harmony leading to libidinous feelings within reason base on
reality as the constant value to go by. Devils only want to make slaves of peoples for a salary
without regard toward their basic needs; devils will disregard its slaves like dirty underwear’s
when not needed anymore. This is why we shall takes care of our psychosocial wellbeing as
one human unit in order to built world harmony, and secular knowledge to everyone reach is
badly needed to reach that point.

A happy man does not want to create any form of self-torment to adorn the honor of a god. His
life is happy under the ball of the stars. The night hugs him with sweet dreams full of joy and
full of charms. The universe wink at us from its cosmic ballroom where anyone can dance with
his mind night and day. The universe! Its withdrawal to be a living master give it its freedom,
and ours, in its sublime humbleness, and his last natural law always contains in it the presence
of the first; which does good for evolution as nothing is not always the same, but everything
has the same objective: harmony. The happy man does not need to wither his soul by flattering
to an imaginary god while his heart is one with the universe. The best philosophy is to live to be
happy with libido in mind. It is under a same principle endlessly repeating itself, as it captured
the emptiness of the infinite, that the eternal universe renews itself at every moment he pours
on us its eternal presence. The cosmos is the garden of his delights, and its sweets are so
exquisite that they are called divine. The universe is the goldsmith of the mind offering us so
many pleasures that we do not know which one to choose. It makes sure that what is born
grows and then decline so that our reason does not get angry from boredom. The universe
offers us in its open bosom, at any place and any time, the beauty of its jewels; it is for this
reason that the desire of the wise carry his mind in its most distant borders, which are really
only as close as is to his heart his desire to learn, making him a happy man. The universe is the
supreme Moshiach, but it is only Moschiach for anyone who is willing to listen; that’s what
makes ethical men of sciences, from the most humble and unknown to the most celebrated, the
holiest ones. They are as holly as Moses was when they nourish our mind with science manna.
Oh! what a joy when humanity mingle in one libidinous spirit! It is the universal hugging
where humanity finally coupling with the Cosmos embrace nature as never before. It is when
our hearts and souls are tangled in their happiness that the might of our mind makes to perish
mind-dead in its own death for the soul revival. Oh the delight in the great assembly! When
love is stronger than the dead weight of human folly! Flow! Flow of honey of wisdom! Moses
manna to the great assembly travel mouth to mouth from the scholar to the pupils to revives
our spirit too often anchylosed. Under their strongest desire to finally understand the source of
their pain, the bigots will know early enough that by refusing to kisses of science is the loss of
their reason for madness to takes over and cursing their human souls.

As it is in some of the highest mountains that we found the oldest bottom of oceans, it is in the
peaks of knowledge that we found in hiding the deeps of our unconscious.

Religious bigots are dopies who got "high" on God which represents their illusions.

Because everything is made out of cycles, knowing every stage of development of a cycle
allows us to peek into the future of an object of interest. There is no need to be a prophet to
know the future, simple statistics do the trick.

The present it’s taking care of itself, Moshiach working for the future let the present to work
for the present which includes the religious bigots working against their much awaited
Moshiach who's already starts illuminating the future at the present.

A philosopher who believes in God is missing the point about what philosophy represents.

Curiosity is Necessary

Our Karma is having the freedom to place oneself in situations of our choices and suffer the
consequences (unfortunate or not), so that the series of our various atonement lead us in every
step of our intellectual development in the context of the general evolution.

It is our determination to do the extra length that leads us to creativity, and it cannot be done
without being curious, as curiosity is part of adaptation in order to evolve.

A big part of humanity is now in the state of moronical cultural slavery, that' mean we live to
work, pay the bills, be a law abiding citizen, and with what left over money and time we have
we may eat something and having some fun; there is not much existentialist thoughts in our
live, the little we may have we pushed it away far in our unconscious and we leave that subject
to the "representatives of God" and some other Gurus who may tell us if a “Jihad” is needed or
not. Many keep their mind busy on trivial matters to not to think about what's coming after
death will embrace them; and their sighs directed toward hard work that has to be done fools
mainly themselves postponing the moment of truth so much feared. It may be better to be
ready to travel light but well prepare than be sorry that no ethical luggage is ready when the
moment arrive. They are creating wants to compensate for the lack of their needs to be
satisfied, not realizing that the wants are more enjoyable when the needs have been
appropriately taking care of, and the most important is libido. Wisdom is our communion with
nature, it is to understand what truth is saying, and for that we need to be curious to discover
the truth. It is better to understand (to see the light of) the little part of the knowledge we
possess than to be an useless mnemonic bank of a big amount of truthful data that is still
obscure to our mind; for showing off the huge amount of our data to impress the gallery is
vanity; but pride, which does not exclude humbleness, is to see the light contain in the few data
we possess and, literally, to understand how that light work. Vanity is the burden of insecure
individuals who has to live to rationalize their lack of understanding by various means, brute
force included. Humbleness do not have to prove anything, it is liberating, self-sufficient and
ethical. To adapt we have to discover how, this is why curiosity is necessary, or we will be
acting like brain-dead zombies having no idea, nor any understanding of what the Ankh is all
about: the key of the universe, meaning the key of knowledge, as knowledge and
understanding of the truth, is the key to adapt harmoniously. As any forms of life (take a cat
for an example) the human is inherently curious specie due to his constant seeking to better
adapt; the intellect working in the unconscious level stimulates his actions. For any asocial
mind to tell us to not learn and experimenting something will have a directly opposite effect
since we are curious scientific minded individuals. To be libidinous (as socio-ethical caring
individuals) and curious at the same time is the answer to a sane normal curiosity. Abnormal
curiosity behavior is from an antisocial moronic morality such as: if we burn a pagan witch
alive, how long she will suffer before death occur?

Did anyone say curiosity is useless and bad? Who said it? Who said that curiosity is a nasty
habit? Some self-centered non-libidinous macho-sadistic Catholic nuns of our acquaintance
maybe? There are some olds sadistical horrors stories concerning kid’s education out there...

Curiosity is needed to assimilate input. We are searching for input in what happened
yesterday and today to have an overview of what our tomorrows will be made of since
everything is made out of cycles. We call that statistics, and we need them to adapt more easily
with what is in store for us. The genuine interest we develop concerning the hidden
mechanisms of things that we are familiar with is induced by the very presence of these things.
We are seeking to understand the mystery of their function, and as we go along, we seek to
define things to see of what use they can be to us. It must be stressed out that some of us are
incorrigible opportunists; that's okay, it is part of evolution.

Our sciences arise from our curiosity, and technologies become the by-product. We realize that
curiosity is healthy, but some ways of being curious are not suitable for some societies for a
variety of reasons. By our curiosity, we are all scientists in various degrees. There are those
who are officially scientists by their university studies and degrees while many of us become
self-taught. That is why we are reading this book.

For a person to transcend matter to understand the rules of nature involves curiosity. Matter,
as a ground, as a mass, it’s the concrete strength that reflects the presence of quantic waves of
energy that composes it: the “heavenly” universal principles. The light is strengthened when
reflected by the ground (matter). The ground is the “lower altitude” and the rules of nature
belonging to the “higher altitudes” make it so that one can generate the upward movement of
the mind (to understand) from the resistance of matter. To elevate anything, mind included,
can only be done from lower ground, to understand the principles that's makes matter to exist
in its different forms. How can we yearns for what is higher without being lower than it as a
starting point? Our mind, which is lower, will be elevated by the values (universal rules) that
are ruling matter, and the monetary value of matter will be lowered by the acquired values, as
knowledge, of nature in our conscious mind. Physics and metaphysics become one and the
same in the field of life and its mental process. It is always the ground that gives us the primal
means to elevate ourselves. Our scientific mind cling to the universal principles contain in the
ground while our basic needs (and wants) makes our bellies stick to the physical value of the
ground. The ground is very valuable, it is our objective “parental” environment; Pagans call it:
“mother Earth” for a good reason. Matter creates bodies, and matter feeds both our soul and
body (psyche). This is just plain common sense. Nature feeds nature. Nature feeds its products
for them to feeds nature for nature to feed them. It is the sacred circle, the snake biting its tail
in a circle, the alpha and omega. The memory of universal laws is release from the grounds to
the air in the form of radiations; and they are part of our soul, and we are living memories of
events. Memories connect us all. It is through this mnemonic connection that we receive our
material and spiritual needs. Light produce matter and matter produce light as light and
matter are one as Einstein once said (mc2 = E). Matter is a power plant and light is power.
Matter generates light because concentration of light is matter. Time is the channel between
matter and light through which the power of light can pass and reach each individual mind.
Our mind contains the same structural device than the dark universe which enables us to
receive the physical power to be transformed into mental power. We are wires being connected
to the power plant of the physical universe and also connected to the light of the dark universe.
When the circuit of our mind is closed by turning on willingly the switch of reason that connect
both universe into one, our mind receives the whole of the universal power, by the channel of
time, and will function harmoniously. The light of matter will go through us for our mind to
reach the dark universe (also call paradise). Curiosity is our willingness to turn on the switch
of reason. We are also channels of time since we are integral part of the theory of uncertainty,
time being relative and conditional. Let's have fun, let's allow ourselves to go to highest
“forbidden” paths that leads to the mountains of reason; let's plunge in the deepest ravines of
our unconscious mind the find out the simplicity of truth. Let's ourselves having the freedom to
be curious to see what is lurking behind the neurotic doors of our mind. Let's have a big laugh
of our old-self when all of that will be done. Let's have fun plunging the bigot part of the world
in stupor, and the psychopathic part of the world in fear. Let us be simply be us, human as it is
naturally mean to be, there is nothing complicated about that. let's discover the universe our
own little way outside of all the tralala of some of the scholarly main stream that are using
esoteric incomprehensible words in highly sophisticated sentences for the common of mortals
to feel as been outcasts to universal science. What is the most important is the libidinous
feeling; that feeling beats any mathematical equation of any subject; one does not need to be
scholarized to know libido, the feeling of libido contain all the wisdom of the universe.
Curiosity is an absolute necessity for our evolution toward harmony. Without an investigative
mind how can we find the sources of humanity problems? The main moronical pattern in
modern man behavior is to get angry to the causal end of the problems he created, and then
retaliates at the products of causality instead of atoning to find harmonious solutions. Troubles
start for us not seeing coming the consequences of some of our actions; for not anticipating
any consequences coming from the problems we created at the first place, events like: 09/11 is
due to happen! For us not to be willing to understand the sources of humanity problems in its
different cultural contexts (where religion and economy is involve), and to do something
positive about it, can only lead to disastrous consequences. For some religious denomination to
slow down, by various means (black mail included) our innate ability to be curious it is to slow
down, sadistically, the natural cognitive processes making us to be an intelligent race (among
others). It is very basic for any form of life to have intelligence to be link with curiosity for
better adaptation thus psychosocial evolution. Intelligence increase at the same rate than our
exploratory behavior; that can be proven on the protein level in our brain. Curiosity is
necessary for us to find out that after all no one can deceive nor outwit the universe since we
are the self-determined mnemonical representations of all of its doings. To think otherwise is to
fool ourselves in a pool of vanity.

All paths leads to harmony, some are easier to follow than others; we have total freedom to
choose; it can be by the hard way or by the easy way; we all journey to the same destination:
harmony and the building of Utopia. The Ankh is the key to the easier path as knowledge leads
to reason and wisdom in the rivers of time.

Inputs, Programming and Operation

Loopholes in man laws and the abscence of them in the natural principles translates as " Man
ways is not God's ways" in Judaism.

Bigots are swimming in the pool of moronic complaisancy like retarded overgrow kids with
idiotic smiles glue on their face, and they will do so as long they keep beleiving that the
universe is under the will of a mysterious God that our mind cannot grasp (since it does not

We cannot operate without a personalized program! We are integral parts of a self-

programmed universe!?... A machine? Part of it!? This seems a little strange to say, but so far
it is what all evidence indicates. As so far things seem to be coming together in a fairly logical
and easy way to understand, we will continue our mental journey in this path.

For us, to understand what types of programming that we are experiencing, it is necessary
that we look once more at the base of psychiatry, physics and psychoanalysis. After analysis, it
appears that three different programming are part of us, and that they lie within us, in three
different mnemonic forms, and become personal mnemonic data as memories by themselves,
and as integral part of who we are:

1) There are the genetic programs (biological programs)

2) There are the Superego programs (mental programs)

3) There is the dynamics of the universal principles (universal program) holding the psyche
together as it evolves.

1) Genetic programs

The genetics programs are the basic function of the human body toward itself for its own
adaptation toward evolution. As it does so, it sends messages (the Id is all of those messages) to
the brain via our senses, for the care of its needs.

The genetic memory starts to operate according to its own programming since the moment of
conception. It is then, precisely when the chromosomes of two different bodies (male and
female) of the same species (usually) get together and form a first living cell. That's exactly
when conception occurs.

Because the genetic code at this moment is in action and that already a first cell follows a
program determined in advance, so a whole biological living being is on its way and it will be
fully adapted (barring accidents) to his environment according to his specie.

Of course there is also artificial genetic engineering; there is nothing wrong with that as long it
serves psychosocial purposes. Noah’s ancestors were deep involved with that one.

2) Superego programming

That programming induces the mental sphere of influence of our memory to process all
information according to the nature of the stimulus, that influences our senses, and coming
from the environment. So, as egos, meaning decision makers, we are under the influence of the
social inputs that is in the superego. The instructions to builds the structures of the part of the
brain that will connect it to the superego (part of our mind) come from the genes, as it is the
function of the genes to tell the chemicals where to go and what to do in order to assemble a
biological body that will have its own physiology according to the mind “measurements” since
connections can only be made between what is there, and that is the neuroplasticity
phenomenon. So how a body will be structuralized is in the gene's hands, and how the
superego is programmed is in the hands of the socio-cultural environment. Therefore we can
fully say that it is the environment that structuralizes the psyche under the supervision of the
natural principles. That’s makes us to be “all in one’s” but not all at once since the factor time is
relative for evolution to expand our frontiers as the universe expand.

From the moment it comes into operation, the Superego assimilates various data from its
environment. All data is different. This is knowledge that has to be memorized, laws that have
to be known, a souvenir to remember, taboos to be questioned...etc. It goes without saying that
this mélange of anything and everything mnemonic (which belong to memory) contain often
enough gross errors of judgment that influence us. These errors of judgment are the source of
paradoxes that our intellect (processing information) endures.

The ego, as we have seen, is influenced by both the needs of the Id and the superego. It must
take decisions which aim is to produce a certain balance in meeting both their needs, and it is
not easy when there is the presence of paradoxes in the memory, and it is the memory that
affects the mental process. Some mental disorders come as a cause of some incomprehensible
and insurmountable paradoxes that our intellect cannot cope with anymore. When that
happens, it is time that a reprogramming must be done. In order to do that, it is necessary to
recognize the source of the paradoxes, and classify them in memory under the label: “mistakes
to be corrected “. The superego will remember and then will act accordingly in the unconscious
level by its own dynamics call the automatic intellectual or the instinctual intellect; in some
religious circles it is call atonement when we consciously do the necessary corrections.
Although the Ego is in charge of the organization it heads (the forum) it cannot make any
decisions socially acceptable without the presence of adequate input to advise it. We need to be
adequately educated in a secular manner.

Well, so far all this is clear enough and we realize that indeed we are programmed beings in a
self-programmed universe. However, we must keep in mind that any universal program in the
scheme of general evolution has to be based on a form of logic without any flaws, and therefore
logic is within us in the forms of the dynamic of the flawless universal principles which is the
master program that's rules all forms of realities. If it wasn't for that “master logic” that some
religious minded individuals called “God”, it would be more chaos than it is now; therefore
what we perceive as chaotic behavior is only a product of causality under the determinism
(automation) of the universal rules.

What we are seeking now is how this logic contains in the universal rules, as the essence of the
universal rules, came to be in its physical form, meaning: in the quantic level to be able to
create a whole universe.

We are getting there...

The universe do not want anything from us, it is us who need to know its ways to please our
wants without retrieving any of the basic needs of others for mind and social harmony to be
part of Man evolutionary process.

The word "God" is a metaphor becoming a "cliché" (or a trite) by overusing it. What was once
an original metaphorical thought became a metaphorical truism, meaning the metaphor is
obvious (as an obvious truth) for the Gnostic secular circles. The metaphor is so self-evident
that it becomes dull (or bromidic) and instigates lack of interest through its overuse.
Humanists Gnostic secular circles uses euphemisms to be polite and respectful toward religious
peoples opinion (or faith) in regard of the universe dynamics; that's not help much some
morons to get out of their religiosity, nor the bigots extremists to realize they need psychiatric
help! The light is not garrulous, we are; by the presence of its light the universe is uttering its
own truth in so many ways that it makes one wonder how stupidity can be part of the world!

Shame to whom know the truth and let murderers free to resume their devilish tasks in the
name of diplomacy as an excuse veiling economics reason and personal cowardness; those are
as good as the devils accomplices in today world disarray.

Recipe: How to make a Primal Religion – Take scientific data, mix it up with ethics and
history, metaphorized the blend with a zest of humour; and you get a Primal Religion.

Recipe: How to make a secondary Kouac Religion- As a pre-requisite you have to firmly
believe on the literal sayings of the Primal Religions in order for you to make your own literal
interpretations about it. Irrationality is requested. After calling yourself a prophet the next
step is marketing yourself and the religion you created; it can be done with the use of weapons
(sadism) or willing to be a martyr (masochism).

Recipe: How to make dilemmas out of syllogisms- Metaphorized a reality for that reality and
its metaphor to be syllogisms; then the literal interpretation of the metaphor will be part of the
dilemma between the literal and that reality concerning the perception of a specific subject (or
object) of interest being part of that reality.

Note – To make a successful Kouac Religion it has to be done in a crack-pot coated with vanity
leading to sadism.

Religious infantile bigots in their moronic seat made of fantasies think they are better
enlighten than our best secular scholars; and our best secular scholars feel so humble and
small compare to some of our history best genius; but it all come to this: at the end we will feel
surprise how simple the universe is and there is no need to feel smaller than it is, or compare to
anyone, since we are alive and the universe is not (except for its soul: the dark universe), that’s
makes us all equal partners, in our differences, in the logic of things.

The war between "Good and Evil" also call the "Gog and Magog war" is a war of wit where
reason is the winner; this is why the whole of psychotic religious Islamic extremists -in their
devilish stupidity- will takes arms –all over the world- to fight the "forces of Good", meaning:
the armed forces of the righteous ones: the ONU.

The spirit of antigravity: To pull is better than to push.

The spirit of the expanse: let’s push forward from South to North.


Life conceives itself as a mnemonic phenomenon after energy already exists, being created
from two noumena (singularities) being called: Gaia and Ouranos by the ancient Greeks.

Life! She is a Goddess who never gets angry, and inside her body made of light we see that it
was our spirit that was troubled and not the logic of heavens. Life is the end of DEATH; she is
the end of darkness that makes us to revive our spirit from his deadly tomb: agnosticism. By the
strength of the great torch of life the dark walls of misunderstanding dissolves and get lost into
nothingness. For if we live to love as much as the soul of the Goddesses of life loves us, then
we live to be loved for eternities. Life! The remedy to death! Where death retires, life takes over!
Life is the peace of existence. Our existence is the link between life and death; we are our own
mnemonic link where our work produces our own pleasures and frustrations. Life and death!
Both are fair in their oversight; we are the ones while dealing with the fate to be present called
unjust our destiny to be the links between these two extremes. Our body is our old-self, it is our
past memories passed back in time to form our genes, and we are also what there is, in this
present time, in our mind; soul in a body, and we are those wanderers of time who walk our past
in the present time. It is us who, by our brave and wise efforts gives back to the void our original
vice to know nothing but only feelings, and thereby to live a little more each day in harmony with
our memory. Life is HARMONY; it harmonizes logic with memory for reason and feelings to
move our mind towards love. Life has never heard and never seen the shackles of our mental
Gahanna; but the fools, unconscious in their affairs, and too stupid’s in their human bravery, find
the hell of their death by, killing their mind when searching so hard for life.

Life! The colors of the stars would fade from envy if they would be aware of the radiance of life.
Life! The binding of memories between the cosmos and eternity being carry away in the flow
offtime became a universe by itself: the dark universe. Our life! It is the fractal phenomenon from
that eternal embrace of the eternity and the universe. Sparkling all over the cosmos, we are
becoming parcels of light, parcels of life; assembled as specific and different units as each of us
possess the mnemonic dynamics of our interactions with time for us to become conscious, alive,
independents, self-determinate, and yet subject to the laws of nature. Carried away by the
waves of light in the ocean of time we sometimes turn our head to lay around us curious and
fearful looks at the same time. Time is carrying the serenity of life to eternity while the stars
collapse and die. Fear is a phenomenon inherent to living beings, but not of life; dying stars
have no fear because they have no life, and life is not afraid to be eternal. Our hopes and our
joys having for support the waves of time, become living memories in the eternity of life. It is
only when the memory of the body stumbles that we falls into unconsciousness, but by any
mean it is not the death of our mind made of living memories. It is the processes of our mind
that's make each moment of our mnemonic existence to be moments of our life; and the mind is
not the brain!

Metaphysical law: The phenomenon of mnemonical capacity into quanta units reside in a
triadic process in the quantum level, before the creation of the basic atom of Hydrogen (H), to
separate matter from life. Simple "double quantum, or dual quantum belong to matter; and
triadic quantum, or "triple quantum" are the mnemonical ones which are linking duality to
form a dual action that creates self-determined units made of quanta being called "souls-
seeds". Life as such is a constant process of triadic quanta, below and over the basic atom of
Hydrogen. A soul-seed is a triadic quantum having as analogy the seed of a crystal for
growing purpose from the same basic structure repeating itself by feeding from the
environment. The Dark Universe is the soul-seeds factory.

Nature in all its writing schoolmasterish beautiful minds and nature being the cause of all
beauty motivates all of our desires. On its art to beautify, rising its science to and emotional
level, nature creates life as it creates memories. Heavens angers in our fatal envy and rejects
our vain efforts to render eternal the life of our mortal bodies. We are living among the dead’s
and our mortal fortune is doom to be destroyed without retrieving an iota of the existence of
our soul. Every day is our own funeral and every day is our own resurrection, the cares of
nature are miracles to the eyes, it makes to be equal kings and peasants in their active presence
in their living grave; the body. But the beauty of the souls, celestial witness of the mercy of
nature, is the remedy for a better future as it still contains our hopes to keep evolving at the
pace of nature. Is there a night similar to the deadly shadows to believe the dead of the body is
the one of the mind? It is everyone common wound to be born with the misery of that doubt
and it is the meaning for one's life to finds the answer on his own: it is by suffering and by
many personal dead’s that can we be mind-resurrected as Phoenixes, that’s the way nature
makes it, it’s all automatic. We have to let our mind breathe by taking of the cloth of the wants
of everyday existence to find the meaning lying behind our basic needs. Like Freud said: “we
are dynamic memories”, our whole psyche is a dynamic memory, therefore life is a dynamic
memory in need of data. Life is to “remember” past experiences to better adapt to new
situations; a living being is a bundle of personal memories in one fractalized unit being part of
the universe. We are pieces of the universal puzzle who have their own personal memories. It is
the characteristic of certain quanta, bond together, that permits that ensemble to
“remember”...like a magnetic tape. Life is a quantic phenomenon with magnetic properties.
Living beings are, many times, the concrete aspects of that phenomenon. By looking at how
memory came to be we are looking at how life came to be. Life and dynamic self-determined
memory are one and the same. The study of one's memory is the study of one’s life. Freud knew
that, and since he was not a quantic physicist to comprehend the energy process in that level,
for the lack of scientific data, he made himself as a psychiatrist, from being a neurologist,
which was the next level of the interactions of the same energy under different forms. He knew
the link between body and mind was under the neuroplasticity phenomenon even if never
mentions that word. Actually by looking closely, we can see that psychiatry study different
aspect of neuroplasticity under various names such as “false pregnancy” etc...As part of
psychosomatics. Psychosomatics and neuroplasticity is one and the same phenomenon being
study by two different disciplines having their own angle of approach; life obey the laws of
logic (universal laws) and logic is made of interacting moving forces, better known as
frequencies of wavelengths. They are what's makes the interactions of diverse forms of energy
possible. To find out how logic came to existence we have to understand how life came to be
from the winds of energy, meaning from the moving forces. As we can see, life is a mnemonic
condition. The birth of a spirit is a grouping, or manifestation, of different quanta in space that
is capable of interacting with subjectivity as a whole unity with its environment, and to
remember, becoming a form of life. The breath of life is the wind of energy in space that makes
quanta of specific nature to interact between them. Memory is the foundation of being;
subjective memory indicates the existence of an entity who realizes its own existence.
Subjectivity indicates a presence of emotion which is the electrical impulse for experimenting
new ways for the spirit to feel pleasure or frustration in the path of knowledge. Frustrations
are coming from wrong doings, which are products of wrong decisions in the field of
adaptation, it is mistakes made depriving us of pleasure; and pleasure is coming from the
right decision. The right decision is always the one that follows universals laws to obtain the
seeking results. An entity is a spirit having his own personality. A spiritual life is all the
mnemonic data contain in the memory that interact between them and the environment; it is
call “thinking”. The mind is the whole processes of one spiritual life. Memories are made. We
are using different forms of the same energy to made memories. Our memories, or past
experiences, are part of our mind from there on. They become data for our intellect. That's
what the universe did its own natural way in order to creates life. Bundles of its own non-
thinking memory, here and there in the cosmos, start naturally the self-interacting process
with the environment and became forms of life. Thinking from past experience and to act
subjectively leads to the formation of a personality. The biological forms of life are the physical
replication of the knowledge and personality of the spirit versus the environment. In that
physical field, where body and mind become one psyche, the frustration of the spirit becomes
pain of the body. The biological body being part of the physical world is under the guidance of
the spiritual world (the spirit it contains) versus the exterior.

Law: Since everything is made of light nothing can go faster than the speed of light.

Robots and Bionics

The bionic science is to copy the characteristics of living organisms and use it for the science in
robotics. We are living human robots made of living flesh, and mentally way ahead of any of
the robots we created. We copy ourselves and any living organism to produce robots. That is
the bionic-robotics. We are in the midst of science fiction based on universal sciences and the
only fiction there is, is our dreams yet to come. As far as we know physical life is, in biological
forms, where there is the presence of DNA. The Biological body is the robotic one because by
itself it cannot make a wrong decision; it follows the programming of the DNA and the
subjective decision of the spirit it contain. A biological body is not subjective, it obey by
automatism versus universal laws. When the spirit leaves, the machine rust and disintegrate
according to its program and the natural laws. From Genesis 3; 18 we have the feedback that
the body returns to the ground, for out it was taken; for it is made of physical materials, and to
those components it shall return. Moses personal book of laws must be a book that contains
universal principles. Instead of saying “The good book of universal laws says... Moses said:
“God said”. From there on, the...human factor hit the fan, spreading a load of nonsense. The
pleasures of the mind were made for the soul over the body punishment. Death is a door for life
to pass trough and for the body to pass away. Life without death is the fate of the soul; and to
live its own death is the fate of the body; oh our poor body! It is in fact a sad and mournful
torch lighting its own grave! The light is the same for the body at it is for the mind, but it is
according to our choice that the heat of light will flood more our mind that the frivolity of our
body; we must remember that our mind can be suck-up in the vortex of artifice belonging to
our mortal body. Oh these doors of death! Death is "Thanatos" and the living doors of death for
the minds are the "mind-dead’s” in charge of our education. The living doors of death (asocial
individuals and bigots morons) and Thanatos are both laughing at us when killing in us our
psychotic human passions by consuming them in their own hell, and we die in their arms to
better waking up to reality and to love with better reasons. Oh doors of death! You don’t know
it but your presence does honor life and does honor love! It is only the mind-dead’s fascinated
by mythical fictions who do not understand the beauty of death when taking pity on their old
friends who already passed away. One’s has to live its own dead to transcend it to find the
psychosocial reason of its presence. The coming of wisdom is a soul that goes by the doors of
the deads to reach the light of “heaven” (understanding the cosmos) on his intellectual journey.

Yes, there is the other emptiness! The other oblivion: mind dead! It is the one which is the
terrible dead-mind making man to suffer hell in his mind emptiness. That physical emptiness
of flow of light in its quantic forms its being calls the lack of intellectuality! It is the infinite void
of nothingness where wrong spirituality find its home, where paradoxes are created. It is
where the Ouranos of the mind its call Thanatos: mind-dead! That miserable desert of chill in
its absolute lack of direction contains the human demons devilish sins. The infinite void of
Thanatos is the home of the lost mind losing any sens of direction; Hell in its most coldness, but
it is where the human devilish flames burn the human moronic mind! Hell is the ephemeral
sojourning in that cold infinite where our own evil flames are burning more deadlier than
death himself surrounding our immortal soul; death it’s walking toward body doom with the
legs of our mortal body, but Thanatos: it’s the mind going nowhere. Yes, it is Esotericism at its
best for who do not know the science of nature in its quantic-psychological form, and it is
hermeticism for who can sees only from the clearest words of knowledge the shade of their own
spirit; hermeticism of the kabala it is for those who sees only the light from its rigorous fire
and not the light as the sweet kiss of the gods representing the ways of nature. Allegory is a
figurative language to be understood by men of reason realizing that the primal myths are
allegories of science; and our present western religion are only man moronic opinion of those
allegories to be literal. Christianity is a political power base on the belief of the literal mind-
sight of allegories, shifting man mind from reason to stupidity, while man is in his journey
toward wisdom. The human devils just love it! Our duty versus the universe is toward
ourselves to create our own harmony in order to live in harmony, it is called being the
architects of Utopia. It is nice to dream about Utopia but it is nicer to make it as a goal,
therefore let's start to work at each of its sub goals now.

The human devil is stupid, we can make an ass out of him and ride on his back; as long he
think he is in control - by his selfishness and his egotism that blinds his mind- the righteous can
takes advantage of him; on the other hand the human devil is more intelligent than the
common moron, especially the religious bigots.

Our mortal journey drives us from the Hare of mental hell to the delights of Heaven where we
learn slowly to walk straight (been rightful) and upright (Human pride); some fast learners,
enlighten, enters their mental Heaven tap-dancing!

Many people have trouble to differentiated personality and character; a trait of character is
an intellectual potential (meaning real capacities or resources), bad or good, that we are
equipped with that gives us the possibility to make some accomplishments. "Personality" is
how we choose to employ our potentials, meaning our intellectual (and also our physical)
equipment, to accomplish our different objectives. Our body is also a potential -a tool- having
its own characteristics, thus capacities, from which we can accomplish our objectives the
personal way we choose to use it, thus putting our own personality to the task at hand. The
best sociopaths are using their potentials an associable way with a charming personality to
better rip off decent peoples from their goods.

There are three types of secrecy in Kabbalah: 1. the non-necessity (the time is not ripe).
2. Impossibility (Human science is not advanced enough). 3. The fear of the secret (The huge
potential of conflicts).

Dear fellow humans, ladies and gentlemen

Did you read the introduction? Of course! We are all in the same boat: planet Earth floating in
an ocean of stars that we call the cosmos. What the heck are we doing on this boat? Is this not
the question that arises from time to time?

You started to read the first pages of this book, what happened? Bang! We got hit in the head
with Sigmund Freud ... suddenly! We have to start with something...hmmm? But not to worry,
from now on it will be less complex, just a few basics in order to go further. If we want to know
who we are, and what is being done here, we must seek all the options available to us to know
how any object of interest was built and how come? To do that we'll have to start using our
intellect the right way, by reasoning. It is for that reason that Sigmund Freud made his
appearance in the preceding pages. To find the way that gives us the answer of how one is built
included the term: “structural “. There! Everything is a matter of structural engineering.
Sigmund Freud gave us, on a silver platter, the structure of our personalities and how they
work. Thank you, dear Sigmund, for the knowledge of the basic constituents that make up the
individuality of each mind.

Sigmund Freud understands, and conveys to us the message, that the body has its physical
urges and our minds have its own lusts. Too many people think wrongly that because the body
is the happy slave of the sexual side of libido, meaning the desire to share one sexual
satisfaction with others that is only what libido it’s all about. In reality, libido is the sharing of
all the satisfactions that nature has to offer us with others, for the harmony of nature been
share by all. As a mean for survival, our lust for something that can procure pleasures, which
is a “deep desire to possess” for one own pleasure, keeps us on our toes for our adaptation; on
the other hand, libido and lust are two opposites, as libido is the goal, it is the deep desire, from
an well adapted mind (or soul) to keep sharing the pleasures. Lust to posses and generosity to
share is part of the process of nature harmony. It’s all an automatic determinism, non-living
wisdom objectivity. As for us, like any forms of life, our subjectivity gives us the opportunity to
be realists or not in order to find by ourselves a personal balance between been a libidinous
person (see ethical) and a fool, it is call wisdom under the label “realist”.

As we will study here and there in our research what some religions have to say about “world
harmony to come”, we will use our plain common sense to realize that any nation that will
follow the natural rules of nature for the benefit of humanity while taking advantage of what
“goods” nature has to offers us, will be bless with peace by nature, and be considered as
“Natures nation”. One inner peace with nature, multiplied by the world population, can makes
societies and nations to find harmony together as the might is in nature. Negative influences
are only voids, they are the ones that came from outside the harmonious world of nature,
nature being our universe, which gives us knowledge; our subjective part became by
automation for us to understand that knowledge. Any spiritual values (data considered as
valuable) base only on gravity (which is nothingness) will never makes anyone to attain inner
peace, as peace need an awake mind full of wisdom (that's simply mean a normal realistic
person) from understanding knowledge.

If evilness and stupidity knock at the door, let libido and wisdom answer them.

"God" is not a person; it is "The basic principle" that conquers the territories of infinity by
naturally multiplying itself from the ever-present finite amount of cosmic dust, thus creating a
universe in constant evolution: our universe.

Logic reside in harmony; not in chaos.

To better respond to our needs we need to help the ones in needs.

We need secularism to understand the Torah, on the other hand thank goodness the Torah is
there to help us to understand fundamental ethics, libido and sociopsychology.

A true Palestinian is from Jewish ascent whose ancestors embrace Islam to keep their head
(literally) on their shoulders.

The key to unlock any secret is knowledge; but it is wisdom that knows how to handle it.

It is Libido that advices wisdom.

Offer the treasures of the mind to the needy’ and they will raise you to heaven.

Law - It doesn't matter if you are a believer or not, one sure thing is that everything and
everyone in the universe has a function to fulfil, always; and even "nothing" has a function
since it contributes to the universe expansion.

There are plenty of translators around the world who translate one language into another, but
there are very few who have the nerve to translate the religious language of the Torah into the
secular scientific language, because it encompass that God does not exist.

A truthful metaphysical research is the one that link the invisible universe (the dark universe
which our soul belongs to) with the visible universe (which our body belongs to), making life to
be part of both universes, for our comprehension to realize that these two universes are
connected to be a whole system within a singularity, as being that singularity call the universe.
Let’s not forget though that by definition a metaphysical research is full of assumptions;
therefore proofs by the scientific community are to be found to validate or invalidate this

The secret and sacred side of the genius of Salvador Dali was to talk metaphysics to us with his

Time produces harmony, but it is senselessdum and absurdum in one’s mind that send that
mind to the jail of time. There the shackles are every part of the cosmos. The cosmos creates
our bodies and each body imprisons a soul, who in turn imprisons its own mind (personality).
We are the ones who pay the price of nature original sin! From the sin of nature, which is our
original agnosticism, that universal stain which makes us to be shadows of life and lights
reducing the dead threat of nothingness (the void) without retrieving an iota of its presence; thus
from that original agnosticism, staining wisdom by its presence, and fault of not knowing better
we cherish the preposterous as much as we love dearly our human body ... our human jail.
Languishing souls and languishing bodies, among our most beautiful creations and our ashes of
wars, we are both angels and demons. We are the convicts of time! Existence is the dead
infection staining the perfection of the eternity of life! But it is that vice, that defect to perfection
which eventually lead to the resistance toward dead to be present; and life leaves to those who
awakes firsts, from that deadly mental infection, the care to awake the remaining mind-dead’
plaguing humanity.

We are naturally inspired by the constructivism of the logic of things, that's gives to any
individual the chance to accept reason as a universal normality where the mind feel at home,
and for cognition to flow easily in the intellect. A newborn, in order to survive has to let himself
to be inspired by the selfishness of the Id alone, which makes him an egotistic individual; at
birth his thoughts are based on a social illogic that do not take in consideration the needs of
others, that's makes for him, for a starting point, to be ignorant of the affairs of the mind.
What is good for a newborn to adapt in order to evolve is a retarded behaviour for an adult.
For an adult to act egotistically is to pull his own mind into the nothingness of mind oblivion,
rejecting logic and turning his back to reason, creating his own personal and social living hell
as his body ages. Those individuals are called sociopaths (or psychopaths), as their body ages
they divorcing themselves from the human race. Their antisocial actions prove, and indicate,
their willingness to become outsiders of ethics and human civilized manners. Humanity trying
its best to create social harmony and to reach its evolutionary state where it can build utopia,
find the psychopaths a social nuisance. Sociopaths are dead weights that slow down social,
technological and mental progress of humanity. Sociopaths are those adults, that for some
reason, are still into some infantile state of mental development were egotism is a primal form
of adaptation: a primal mechanism of adaptation for the body own survival.

Only the scientific approach can prove or not the validity of any theory. Any religious point of
view, of what the word “God” really mean, its true definition, and what natural phenomenon
that word indicates, can only be done throughout the scientific approach. Most of our most
recent current religions, like Catholicism, Mormon and Islam, are simplistic point of views of
what the universal puzzle is in reality.

The principles of reality are the universal principles. Any particular science owns its existence
by the discovery of some of those universal principles or laws. Moses calls them “Gods laws”.
Those laws applied equally to the mental world (spiritual world) and to the physical world.
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that investigates the interaction of those laws with the
mental world. The psychical world is both the mental and the biological world into one psyche
that can control the physical world. Trying to explain the ultimate nature of any forms of life
versus the universe and their complementary position within it includes the study of the
universal evolution (cosmology) of all forms of energy. That's also includes astronomy.

The pursuit of knowledge leads to the metaphysical field, it does not include faith in one
religion in particular, but the knowledge of the source of different faith and religion can help
us in our search. It is important to consider what types of myth exists and what relations these
myths bear to the universal laws. Myths came from the ancient use of analogy (metaphor), is a
form of conversion that belong to the psychological and psychiatric field studying how human
masses can be converted to believe in one thing or another, it is also part of the behavioural
study that belong to both fields: sociology and psychology. This is why we have also to
consider the psychiatric field in relation to myths to better clarify the notions by which
different masses of people understand the world. Human perception of the metaphysical facet
of the universe by the masses has a strong cultural background.

Today metaphysics is the philosophical enquiry ahead of empirical research. When the
empirical method proves some aspect of metaphysics to be right and became integral part of
physics and science, then metaphysics lose its status to be called as such and move ahead.
Metaphysic is the scout of science; it investigates what was once perceived as being the
supernatural. What is presently supernatural for us is above what we see presently and what
we can understand so far as what nature is in reality. Supernatural is simply what still
mysterious to our mind: the unveils ways of nature. What is still mysterious to us it is a secular
knowledge that transcends our present understanding of nature; our scientists considers the
mysterious to belong to an unknown scientific domain of reality than the ones we know so far.
Supernatural do not mean not natural nor unscientific. It only indicates our lack of knowledge
regarding certain phenomena. Supernatural phenomena take more of a religious sense since
our most recent religions came from a lack, and a misunderstanding, of scientific data.

In Judaism, Hashem Elokim can be translated as My Lord. The various names of God in
Judaism represent all of his divine aspects. On the other hand, the diverse scientific disciplines
have their own names. It all started with the ancient Egyptians that were giving different gods
names to different concepts according to the different roles of the universe (God for Judaism)
and the various contexts referred to. The names: Adonai, Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh, El, Elohim,
Elyon, YHWH etc... Are different god’s names in different Judaism contexts.

Rationality can teaches us unique concepts about the “godliness (or goodliness’s) of nature”
where no god is involve. Only nature can lead our intellect to define the creation of the universe
to our human world for us to finally be able to understand that myths were made by humans.
It is the processes of nature that influences human mind toward its own mental harmony for
eventually making the entire world to act as one human unit to reach universal peace. If we do
want to possess a greater awareness of the ways of nature, “now” is always the time to
summon the courage to face our innermost fears and end the mental pain of rejecting common
sense for welcoming myths. The time to act is always now! Justified myths, like Egyptian,
Greek and Jewish myths, are the veils under which human mind hide nature ways. The time of
myths are gone, we have to rouse ourselves from inertia to see the literal inaccuracies of myths
and to search for their metaphorical significance. We'll be doing more important things, than
adoring nonexistent gods if we use rationality concerning metaphysics.

Law: "God" is the word given (and indicate the presence of) to the basic principle - the trinus
principle - which runs the whole universal dynamics.

Prophesy: Utopia will be our when in its readiness to be mature humanity is ready to accept
the concept of the first principle to be of objective trinusial nature (not a god), meaning: for
man to break long held traditional religious beliefs which infantilizes their disciples.

What is an asocial act from one's misusing his intellect? There is one: stimulating peoples to
kill each other’s under moronic excuses like Forced Mind Colonialism for personal profit:
example Mohammad the funder of Islam.

Forced Mind Colonialism is a domination practice subjugating feeble minds, and feeble armed
nations, from bullying ones by different asocial means. Forced Mind Colonialism involves
control over vanquish minds, and nations, that become dependent of the colonizers. Islam and
Catholicism used Forced Mind Colonialism, outside their natural borders, thus toward alien
nations, thus destroying their cultures for economic and politic reason alien to the original
indigenous cultures, look at the Inca's for example. also the beautiful ancient Egyptian culture,
from which the primal religions were having as function to hide secular far advanced scientific
data under metaphors and allegories, became lost to the profit of an Islamic belief full of
pervert sexual fantasies being projected in it by a sick mind (in this case Mohammad) were
reason, under serious fright, takes an hike and goes to holiday in the twilight zone…

Where is the pleasure to be a machine? A machine doesn't do the extra length, and so are the
human zombies.

The spirit behind some of Nostradamus quatrains, without the use of euphemisms, was this:

The righteous’ of the future will defecate on Islam,

and they will urinate on Catholicism.
They will give the Pope his lay-off,
and save reason that was in hiding in the well of the truth.


The trinusial secret of the first principle is on the trinusial process.

The trinusial system encompass the four cardinal points and everything between; according to
Philo account of the emblematic significance of the vestments of the Jewish High Priests and
their jewelled decorations, they mentioned they are in accordance with the conceptions of the
“Divine” reason. Philo mentioned the High Priests told him that "The twelve stones arranged
on the breast in four rows of three stones each, namely, the logeum, being also an emblem of
that reason (logic) which holds together and regulates the universe ..."

Trinus! The heart of genesis! Wealth of the universe! The eye of God! This rich and so simple
jewel made of light, is perfect in geometry and elegant on finish! Its serfdom flies into the infinite,
seeing nothing around having no regard for what it created; it is the "always" and the "ever
present"; the trinusial principle is the Alpha and Omega. Being its own sovereign it is also ours
since we are part of its multiplication. If it would feel and see, it would know its dial is turn to the
North while it expand to all directions from each point of the universe. Eternity as that it also
constantly creates time; its tireless work divided into many different enterprises becomes our
harvests every moment of our life. To unveil and unleash the Trinusial secret will be the devil
turmoil and only harmony for the wise man. It will be the starting point of the Gog and Magog
war where the wise man will overpower evilness; it will be the era of numbers, meaning the
power of the Trinusial mathematics will be at use. Many religious denominations say that God is
the universal principle. Questions to ask are: 1) what is a principle? 2) Why is this principle to be
in existence? This last issue leads us to believe that there is therefore components which by
themselves are of pre-principles character and become the agents responsible for the first
principle to be present; and these components can exist only as forms of potential, purely of
physical character, and when put them at each other presence, being the responsible for the
presence of energy and universal expansion as one and the same phenomenon leading to
creation by mechanical creative evolution of the same fundamental process; we are talking
about the two primal thus first singularities which are pure noumena: Gaia and Ouranos.
Regarding Christianity, "God" is the word in use to indicate the presence of the fundamental
principle, which is represented by a triangle, being the sole responsible of the creation of the
universe. In the context of "God" the triangle is an esoteric sign representing "God" Being the
first principle. Who says “esoterism” says “science known only by insiders”. So the triangle is a
tool for scientific work the same as universal principles are tools of secular work in the literal
sense, that’s what the Christian religions tell us anyways: "God created the universe." So God
created the universe from his work; since the word "work" is a term that emerged from the
discipline dealing with physics, we will treat the famous triangle representing "God" as the primal
and primordial working tool from which the whole universe was created, and keep evolving from
that seed, by its absolute obedience to this primal (or primary) principle made of a dual action
and its link. Therefore "God" becomes by definition a system containing a primal dual action in
which the opposites are united by a scale link (or scalable physical entity); and that principle
repeating itself forever (eternally) creates indefinitely different system while expanding its
territories. That “scale link” or link that unites the primal opposites would therefore contain the
characteristic of a balance constantly seeking to find a position of equilibrium, and thus
becomes an integral part of the first universal principle. Therefore any trinusial link being an
effect of the presence of two opposite in a system, become its own causal phenomenon that has
to carry its own karma to be an integral part of general evolution; just like gravity as a specific
phenomenon (as a singularity), carry its own function, by being the anti-matter phenomenon as
a void (since matter fall in it), and the universe being a singularity by itself by being the link
between matter and anti-matter, thus its dynamics being made of light; that process, of course,
encompass the presence of a primal masse (singularity) to be the provider of the particles of
light. That’s makes three singularities into one. Christianity says “3 persons into one God”;
meaning “God” represents the dynamic of the universe which is made of light; and as the
ancient Greeks put it (in their own ways): 3 titans into one. We will use the word “Trinus “a lot.
The name “trinus “means “triple “in Latin. It indicates the reunion of three elements that form
a whole; therefore constituting a single system in which each element has its own presence by
the fact that the other two are there. Here is a trinus which contains those elements: 1)
personality; 2) biological body; 3) environment. This system is a trinus which owes its
presence to each of these elements. This trinus is the system of social interactions. Without the
presence of one of these elements, there would be no social interaction; therefore this trinus
will be non-existent. You see how simple it is! Here is a sentence that illustrates this trinus: “It
is obvious that one is walking somewhere with a body on his back.” “One” is the personality,
“somewhere” is the environment, and finally, “a body” is the biological organism. As we can
see, this trinus includes the following elements: 1) The mental structure of the personality; 2)
The structure of an environment; 3) The biological structure of the human body. Please, never
forget that we are the sum of two bodies being called a “psyche”: 1) our human body as a
biological organism, and 2) our mind as a mental body on the quantic level (made of energy).
At this point, some readers may say: “Oh boy, oh boy, what the heck I am doing in this boat ...?
“ Yeah, yeah, that's why we're here, to explain stuff for you and for all to be happy, so be
patient. Rome wasn't built in one day. Now, if we look in some pedagogic books about these
three disciplines that relate to our trinus we'll have a fair idea that none of the constituents of
that trinus can exist without the presence of the other two. Everything around us is
trinusial...everything is part of a trinus. Trinus' within trinus' are multifunctional trinus'. Keep
that in mind as we go along. The trinusial phenomenon, is a logic mathematical process of
energy self-relating itself to form others trinusses as the universe expand; i.e.: a + b = c; then a
+ c = d; and by opposition (duality in action) b + c = e; etc ... By principle, the same process
apply continually, been valid as well to matter than forms of life, that include psychology were
the Oedipian complex became part of a natural process of general evolution. Ancient Greek
mythology concerning cosmogony is base on that principle; this is why their Titan-gods,
representing universal cosmic phenomena (singularities), like time and space, seem to be a
bunch of incestuous individuals. Concerning a + b = c; “c” can be a + b and then divided the
whole by 2 which produce c; it follows the same principle than the conception of a living
organism regarding the mother cell division while multiplication for specific parts of the
organism to assume different functions. The same basic trinusial principle functions in all
universal domains. The mention of the trinus theory is all over the place in the Jewish bible,
they makes plenty of sauces out of it, meaning they use it left and right in their metaphorical
stories. “After the third day” mean according to the trinus theory...”After the third day of the
third year” mean the presence of a multi-trinus to take into consideration, and so on and so
forth. To be dead and rise after three days means we are brain-dead and it takes the trinus
theory to helps us understand the nature of thing concerning their “psychic” interrelation with
the living being by descending to our unconscient (long term memory) in order to find out, by
atonement (see our mistakes and correct them), what the heck its going on. Some individual
may have a nervous breakdown by doing that. It is also call the descent to hell or to be in the
abyss of Sheol. Jesus descending to hell and resurrecting after three days is a metaphorical
story from ancient Egypt with a mythical character, Jesus being a metaphor-person
representing humanity. The fables of Jean de Lafontaine are using animal instead to teach us
morality and for us to take some universal laws in consideration when we are doing things.
Humanity cooperation between all its components can only by possible if all are united in the
truth of things and understanding that it all come from the simple genesis of the first trinus
reproducing itself into infinity.

It is the astrophysical triadic process (the trinusial process) that produce life by been of
mnemonical character. Amalgamates of matter as such, from only of basic dual action
character, become living organism when being activated by the presence of triadic' units of
mnemonical character being attached to it. Souls are purely made of triadic quanta.

It is the trinusial process in the quantic level which is responsible of any form of harmony. We
are aware of that process in our mnemonic system (organic and functional, meaning body and
soul) in a form of instinctive feeling of primordial ethics to follows, commonly known as "the
little voice" that tells us what is psychosocially right or wrong.

Tibetan Mandala art is made of geometric designs, as symbols, depicting the universe in
concentric diagram forms and from which the monks meditates. Plenty of the geometric
patterns are made of triangles witnessing the ancient knowledge of the trinusial system in its
geometric form; these Mandala come with oral explanation of the cosmos by the Tibetan
monks. In a sense Tibetan Mandalas can be compare as being some kind of hieroglyphic way
of communicating like the ancient Egyptian and Mayans and Incas. A mandala is a microcosm
embodying cosmic phenomena at work being represented (allegorized) by different Deities
which each have its specific position in the diagrams from which a mandala is made. North
American Indians also uses similar drawing in their "religious" rituals depicting the cosmos.
At the source (originally)Mandalas are ancient secular teaching tools that explain all kind of
phenomena for the students (disciples) to have faith in the objectiveness of the universe and the
natural principles it’s made of. Mandalas are perceived as esotheric for the non-initiated but
are of total secular character for the initiated ones as they know that each mandala explains a
part of the unified fields. It is believed that the existence of the mandalas was present before
Earth human history begins. The center of a mandala, a dot, represents the "seed" of the
mandala from which different phenomena are emerging, just like in some mandalas teaching
Genesis the dot would represents the Greek Titan Gaia (singularity) which is the primal non-
uniform masse from which the universe emerged by her wedding with the Titan Ouranos
(singularity) which is the surrounding void; simply put: the Big Bang Theory!

It's sad but it's the reality: we must first be a bunch of dumb dummies for the consequences to
make us wiser, so be nice to yourselves we can be dumb without shedding blood; it is call
“innocence”. Some individuals are dumb and innocents; others, full of vanity, are dumb and

As part of some very ancient cultural idiomatic expressions it is of (almost) common

knowledge that "the devil" -our bloody psychopathic side (the left one) - is vain; and the
innocents are already sitting at "God's right side" which is to follow instinctively the natural
principles (God's laws) better known as "basic common sense". When an innocent learns to be
vain and presumptuous and act as such then he becomes a "devil".

Law - Let's make something clear: there is a difference between be "motile" and "self-motile"
and "non-motile"; been "motile" is like to be in a autobus to go from point "A" to point "B"; to
be "self-motile" is to walk to distance from point "A" to point "B"; to be "non-motile" is to seat
like a zombie at the bus stop without moving a muscle even if the planet do resume its course
around the sun. We can make some nice laws of physics out of this as long we take in
consideration "motility" to be relative according to the system of interest (in this case the
system is "on Earth only"), have fun! And by the way, these same laws will be equally
applicable to the affairs of the mind.

The syndrome of reality alienation

Even the most independant and autonom person still dependant of the presence of others for
his well being, and it is not by constantly frustrating others from their basic needs that we will
acheive world well being known as utopia; this is pure common sense. To divide humanity in
various religious beleifs, thus alienating reality, can only produces conflicts.

Law - It is by turning sentences into mathematic symbols and by following the logic of
mathematics that we can deduct if someone is righteous or not.

This psychological blue print, that follow, concerning the syndrome of reality alienation is also
valid in other fields where human interaction is involves. In this specific context it treats only
the subject of religious bigots versus reality. Man, becoming adult see his cognitive aspect to be
well developed and processing at its peak, and when he has the desire to learn the secular way
in order to understand reality, man can rely on the innate ability he contain within (his innate
–thus natural- cognitive traits of characters) to perceive the inconsistency of false beliefs. The
manipulation of religions and sects (like Islam as a religion) is like early brainwashing
beginning from childhood (imprinting). From imprint man in his religious culture will live
part of his life, if not his entire life, with the acquired pattern of unreality, fighting against the
reality of the facts of nature to obey the wishes of his religious culture concerning his faith of
what reality shall be. Pushing deep into his unconscious his innate voice of reason man
becoming bigot, become also the prey of internal (mind) and external folly. Political extremists,
such Islamist use their religion as a weapon. The syndrome of reality alienation is a direct
effect of the “Sheeptness syndrome”.

The clinical syndrome of reality alienation contains the following symptoms:

1) Political campaign to reject reality and slander against science. Science is devalued,
although to properly officializing that devaluation, the devaluating agents (religious
extremism and bigots) are unable to justify this devaluation by specific examples; they would
need the efficiency of science to prove their sayings, which is a paradoxical situation for them!

2) Rationalization in support of the rejection of the reality that surround us; the bigots invokes
absurd religious reasons completely unrelated to reality.

3) Lack of normal ambivalence: the science is described as entirely bad, the alienating
religions described themselves, each, as the single value only to go by. There is the
phenomenon of rejection of the philosophical link that connects these two antagonists: the
language of myths and the facts of reality into a single knowledge that involves pure

4) Reflex of position: The position of the bigoted is that is alienating philosophy of life (which
is his religion) it’s still the truth even when placed in front of the facts of how reality works.

5) Extension of hostilities against reality, and science relating to it, and also towards other

6) Asserting an acquired "personal opinion": it is in fact the views of religious leaders which
the disciple is being conditioned to be presented as coming from him.

7) Absence of guilt: of stating without evidence the unreality of scientific data that the bigots
tell to be false. The absence of guild is also part of the psychopathic pattern.

8) Adoption of learning scenarios, which were manufactured by manipulative religious

authorities: the disciples use them to their account.
The degrees of expression and the intensity of the symptoms of the reality alienation syndrome
are the following:

Low intensity: the symptoms are not obvious, their level is lower; the function of relation of the
individual, and his cognition are still very functional.

Average Intensity: all symptoms are present, the disciple is a religious individual "societal-
functional" even in a secular environment, Freud would say it is a normal neuroses.

Severe intensity: the statistics are the same than for the psychopath, that's approximately 10%
of the cases involving the syndrome of reality alienation; the function of relation between
reality and the subject is definitely broken, rejected or in the process of being rejected by the
individual. The subject becomes psychotic.

For one to speak or not the "same language" than his neighbour is often used as a "cliché" to
indicate their difference of political opinion and also to make different metaphors from the
same basic data. That cliché was use in the "tower of Babel" story which is a metaphor of the
true event. Millenniums old metaphors and “clichés” are most of the time taken literally by

Reality tells us harmony is part of evolution, and for man of the future to build Utopia is a fact
that can be proven the secular way by basic statistics concerning man mind evolution. The
speed of that happening is relative, and in a positive correlation, with our self-determination
to do it faster by speeding-up that natural process or not.

Law - Human laws concerning social behaviors can easily be made by transforming the
mathematical equations regarding the natural principles into normal language for the natural
principles to be part of the building of utopia since libido is part of logic.

The bloody extremist Islamist bigots are intellectually lethargics and their prayers gives
heartburns to the cosmos. Over-cultivated in the litteral of the deceiving scriptures that the
false prophet Muhammad created, the islamists are lacking the necessary reasoning to rebell
against their kouac religion -which dims the radiance of the light- as they are falling in the
abyss of despair and vain hopes with an idiotic "inspired" smile glue to their "innocent" faces
when - o poor asocial zombies- they are adoring the "divine" personality of the bloodthirsty
Muhammad; these morons fails to realize the paradoxicality of their faith!

If for social and cultural reasons your own flesh and blood turn away from you do not despair,
the whole human race is your familly and plenty of its members need your love, your attention,
and whatever knowledge and wisdom you possess.

From the pool of all the potential Moschiach's, meaning from all the rigtheous ones who know
the truth, no one desire to become the Moschiach; on the other hand there is a huge pool of
kouac religious bigot evangelists who are pleague with the Moschiach complex and who firmly
beleive in their incoherence they are the Moschiach. The potential Moshiach of this generation
will be king Moschiach when Israel will recognize him, other way he will simply still only one
of us.

Some poeples live in vast domains but their mental universe is restraint, others live in restraint
quarters but they owne the whole universe; and there is another category: the ones who think
they are the only universe.

It is when Israel will officially recognizes that "God" is literally the light that Moshiach can

Law - Everything has its opposite, and like a pendulum -part of the mechanism of the
universal clock- evolution perform the "aller et retour" between the opposites, the
whole universe is curse with that "bipolar mechanical syndrome" of cosmic dimention
that keep the clock of time ticking forever under the cosmic dual action that makes
evolution to be a possibility.

During "Armagedon" Russia and the Unifed state of America will be allied to fight against the
Yallatolan's forces of evilness.

Before the battle of Armagedon the Catholic church did already made his "mea culpa's" to
humanity and its dissolving Catholicism.

Spirituality = Intellectuality

The seed of the sens of humour is contained in Modern Metaphysics.

The cabbalist "speech" is simply an esoteric form of communicating scientific data.

"Light", "vibration" and "energy" are the three key words of the Kabbalah. According to the
Kabbalah the energy is spread across the universe through a circuit composed of ten
processors -having their own “life” cycle- of energy which is integral parts of the Sephiroth
structure. The source of all reality (metsiout) is composed of light, found in everything
(Einstein said the same thing and found the equation to prove it!). "Sephiroth" is feminine
plural, and the tree of Sephiroth ( the Sephiroth structure) is a secular esoteric teaching tool
representing the basis of the dynamics of the universe; that structure is composed of ten
interactive universal cycles symbolized by ten circles. The Kabbalah tells us that 32 electrical
paths connect the ten universal processors of cycles. By following and to connect the numbers
been associated to the ten cycles produces what it is call the "Primal divine Flashing Lightning"
that creates the universe, and been call "God" by the religious bigots. The electrical flux that
connects the ten cycles is represented as channels to indicate the notion of flow, fluidity and
discharge. The root of the “Sephiroth tree” starts at the top.

The Torah oral tradition (that becomes part of the Kabbalah) describes four methods of
interpreting the Torah; these methods are grouped under the name of "Pardes" (Paradise of

1- Peshat: simplistic literal interpretation of the scriptures leading to religious bigotry.

2- Remez: searching for the hidden meaning in the texts (typography, polysemy of a word ...)
by the use of reason and logic.

3- Derashe: the overview containing all the possible secular interpretations of reality (search
for completeness in the realm of reality)

4- Sod: the "Mystery"; man accessing the meaning itself, the essence of Kabbalah: the
revelation of reality.

Without pioneers like Sigmund Freud it would have being extremely difficult to make the link
between ancient myths -leading to today religions- and the field of psychology and
neuropsychology. Peoples like Einstein and Newton are equally important since it is by
connecting their theories with the field of psychology that we can make giant steps in the field
of modern metaphysic in order to attain the third stage of positivism: to comprehend the
processes of the unified field theory which encompass the mnemonic phenomenon and its
electrifying dynamics (literally) in the realm of reality (being represented by the Sephiroth
structure). Pioneers are the ones who do the “extra length”.

Nagging someone for what he does wrong without praising the same person for what he does
right is like some Chinese food without sugar: sour; the ancient Hebrew metaphorical word for
it is "stoning", halas Islam takes it literally, Islam lack the Hebrew sense of humour. Real
spirituality is intellectuality with a sense of humour where libido is involve to make things
more enjoyable to go by; but without understanding the true meaning of spirituality, what
was once playing with word in the intellectual level become mental hell for the morons who’s
vanities chases away the best of them: reason base on secular knowledge.

Christianity is not Catholicism but it is part of it. The ancient Christian party was a Hebrew
one that was leads by Levites priests who by lack of vanity teaches astrophysics and
sociopsychology to their students (disciples) throughout a metaphorical personage -Jesus of
Nazareth- in order to stay in the shadow of that mythical figurehead who represents humanity
journey. They teaches that we are in the image of God - meaning a pile of dumb-dumb
travelling dust- and from that dust we are born and to that dust we shall return -meaning to
return our soul - which means to understand the way of the light, also call energy, which gives
us eternal live, meaning eternal understanding of what the real Genesis is all about while
living (our soul) eternally. It is the entire secular field of knowledge been metaphorized.
Religious morons (bigots) who love and adore a "living God" –from” who” they are the
replicate- only love, after all, their vanities that are part of their moronical personality that is
made of ashes and can only produces ashes since "God" is a pile of ashes on the move. Hebrews
“spirituality” was very amazing!

Pride is base on logic; vanity is base on illogism. From here on it is easy to prophesized - base
on the logic of things- that some of the vain religious bigots, pushed by the illogical seed of the
literal within the metaphors, in their extremist behaviors will retaliate against scientific new
finds concerning Genesis and the absence of a living God as a person.

Law: Natural principles are behind-the-scenes energies at work in their automatism that gives
us our intellectual (or spiritual) processes; energies are not spirituals, they follow a logical
trinusial pattern, it is us who become intellectual because of their presences.

Allegories from primal religions is a form of teaching by the use of metaphors for the eyes only
and which represents symbolically previously proven secular data to which the students
(disciples) must place their faith on. The non-initiated, thus the ignorant, takes these allegories
as the real deal; religions like Catholicism, Islam and others like them are lead astray by that
fundamental secular ignorance, therefore leading astray their own trusting disciples. In the
ancient testament Moses forbids the use of allegories (images) as they are means of leading
peoples more astray than his own metaphors, but uses subliminal means instead.

Not only Moses was a secular intellectual knowing so much of astrophysics and physics, beside
others sciences, that "metaphysics" was an unknown word to him since it implies the unknown
of physics and of the natural principles, which was well known to him. Moses was spiritual all
right! He left us with a puzzle to play with to develop our mind, what a sense of humour! What
a prince!

The mind is swimming in the waves of quanta, moving through the watery waves of “divine
graces”. Happy to change the terms of reason for those showing the gods of their invention,
bigots reinventing science in the forms of incomprehensible religions sings alleluias to their lost
of wit for the profit of their perverted opinions. Singing the praises of a world of lights, they do
not realizing they praise the physical nature of time. Work generating light (Gaia falling in
Ouranos domain) become wars of words from these bigots seeking peace with weapons at
hands. By their religiosity waging war on secularism, they offer us their mental dead in
exchange for us to be mentally alive. They are damning their own heavens, their intellect
processes of the lights; and damning their servile souls, to which they are the gods, they serve
only their own hell when turning their minds away from the physics ruling the heavens.

For a bigot to join the ranks of atheism is to regain his self-confidence and his faith, being lost
earlier on, toward humanity for his basic needs to be satisfied. The pursuing of mind exercise
toward harmonious solutions to everyday problems helps us to persevere in our beliefs in
humanity emancipation from the chains of agnostism and folly and it is in the dark times of
humanity that our sight must be more focused in our basic needs more than our vain wants.

Freud explained to us how the processing of information makes our mind (soul) to react. Many
more scholars, after Freud, like Piaget keep studying the psychological field of the
intellectuality of the mind (also known as the spirituality of the psyche) or one person
spirituality. Those are different words to indicate the presence of an intellectual process within
any form of life as “spirituality” or intellectuality (it is the same) is an attribute of life.
Spirituality concerns itself with matters of the spirit (the mind). Spirituality is the thoughts
produced by our thinking mind which transcends (go behind) the physical reality of what our
senses says what is reality for them. The reality of our mind is the composing of concepts,
dreams, hopes, emotions etc...Nothing mysterious about that, it is every day normality. We can
have a sick mind, and we can also have a sick body.

Primal religions, like the ancients Egyptians name every one of their scientific concept under
gods names; and have temples (universities) to teach those concepts. As for the Hebrews, they
assemble all those omnipresent scientific concepts under one omnipresent god.

There is no big deal about humankind's ultimate nature, it is a psyche: a body and a mind that
is under the control of causality while we do whatever we want, there is all it is! Our
spirituality (formation of thoughts) makes us think about the mind-body dichotomy, which
indicates a definitive separation between the body and the mind when dead occur. As a matter
of fact, a dead corpse decomposes with time. Concerning the mind (or the soul, or spirit) its
whereabouts become of religious and metaphysical respective domains, each domain are
having their own concepts about it. Concerning the meaning of the human presence is to ask
the question; “What is the meaning of life?” This is what this whole study is all about. We will
discover it as we go along with our research. Keep in mind that spirituality relates entirely to
matters of sanity and of psychological health. One of the function of the psyche is the automatic
self-involvement in transforming the coarser energies received (usually and mainly is food) to
feed the body and to fuel to mind by an internal process. As a psychologically well balance
mind gets its aport of energy, it uses that energy to forms thoughts for adaptation and social
interactions. Doing that, the mind, as a self-spiritual practitioner seeks to become more
libidinous (the libido is the social sharing of pleasures) in its search to resolve puzzling
concepts. Nothing mysterious about that! It is common sense and it can be proven and been
measure in laboratories.

A Jewish rabbi is a Jewish priest; a rabbi is Jewish doctor of religious law; like we have doctor
in astrophysics, doctor in linguistics etc... The word came from the Hebrew meaning: “pious
ones” and been referred to as “My master”. As we can see a rabbi is very well educated in
plenty of scientific fields. Rabbi's are like psychologists, or “doctor in psychology”, they takes
care of people souls (mind) but they withhold a big part of their university knowledge from
where they know “how to heal the soul”; the Jewish community see only “the healing part”
being the “patients”. The patient knows only the doctor-patient part from the patient angle of
view. Nevertheless the rabbi's explain to their students (For the Jewish, a Jewish temple is a
place of knowledge –a university- not a church) that the events mentioned in the Torah
(Hebrew's “bible”) have to be taken or understand in three different levels”

1) As a metaphor

2) As a past factual event (it was a real event)

3) As part of the spiritual world (mental process of the mind, the intellect)

a) A metaphor is the making up of an analogy to subliminate a message, meaning to sneak-in

a secret information in the unconscious level of the memory (mind) while the conscious part of
the mind grasp immediately the literal message (which is the analogy only).

b) As it really happen historically.

c) The spiritual world means the mind being the world of all the mental process call the

Astrometaphysically speaking the dark part of our universe called “the Dark Universe” is the
universe spiritual world.

The rabbi's also teaches their students that those three levels of perceiving what it is really
written in the Torah, meaning the messages conveyed by the Torah, can also be true
simultaneously (maybe not in all of the messages).

The Mitochondrial DNA, (mtDNA) is called mitochondria and it is located in organelles; an

organelle is enclosed within its own lipid membrane; an organelle is a subunit within a cell
and having a specialize function; they are many type of organelles. mtDNA are inherited
exclusively from the mother, that phenomenon enable researchers to trace far back in time the
maternal lineage. Since the mtDNA is transmitted from mother to child (male and female) the
concept of the mitochondrial "Eve" is to discover the origin of humanity by using that
genealogical tool. From The ancient Egyptian time, that secular knowledge was transfer to the
Hebrews. The Jews has a law saying that a true Jews by blood lineage can only by trace back
as a Jew by his mother lineage. That law officially come from Moses time, it is said that Moses
speak to "God" "face to face". Therefore "god" gave Moses some secular information’s to go
along with a profound sense of ethics. This is what our sciences are all about. Thus scientific
knowledge with sense of ethic becomes faith in a "cliché" of the universe under the word "God".
Therefore "God" represents –and symbolizes- knowledge in its secularistic form + Libido,
within the dynamics of light, which is pure logic on the move.

We are parts of the original cosmic dust, that dust on the move its call "energy"; from that dust
we are born and to that dust we shall turn our minds (as to "return").

Our natural authority is toward self, and so we are the only primary responsible of our actions
since we have the primal authority over our psyche. On the other hand we need the
environment -its resources- (that's include others human beings) for each one of us to be able
to respond to our basic needs; and this is where and how the Newton laws of action-reaction
kick's-in in the environmental interaction in order for us to use causality in our advantage or
disadvantage. As we can see ethics and libido is fundamentally a question of universal logic in
the forms of feelings. That fact is well illustrated by the sociopaths who, by lacking feelings
toward others, pinpoint their lack of logic in their behaviors in order to respond to their basic
needs and by doing so they are ill-responding to their instinct of survival; therefore we can say
that sociopathy and illogism are in positive correlation. That's makes reasoning and feeling to
be in positive correlation also, therefore they are not opposites but they are two rivers of the
same logic coming from the same ocean of harmony subject to its own causal laws; and these
causal laws –as we can see- are the same for things inerts as they are for things alive (to be
alive is being mnemonic and self-determinate under the impulse of the intellect processes, thus
having the choice of which behavior to produce, and from it to experience feelings under the
influence of the causal forces at work). Feelings are the end-products of the rational of the
intellect ending-up in our mnemonic processes; in other words they are a "language", as been
the translation of electrical impulses from the intellect to our sensory system in the form of
body-feelings going back to our mnemonic processes, they are a form of "intellectual-sensory"
internal communication. After all the psyche is compose of two different and complementary
system (body and soul) having for the same base electrical impulses in their cyclic pattern and
intermingling with each other like two different wheels of the same gear, one wheel drawing
along the other for the evolutionary process of the psyche to occur; and this is also part of the
neuroplasticity phenomenon. Evolution makes man (like any other form of life) to be naturally
prone to be a genius, and to be a genius is simply to discover the basic natural principles of
what it’s already there; man creativeness is to employ his ingenuousity to manipulate matter
by taking these principles at his advantage. It is our desire to understand that makes things
simples. Logic says that the instinct of survival is better served in a cooperative manner,
frustrations like wars and conflicts are also there –like pleasant environmental responses are-
to guide us in that direction. One way or another humanity harmony will be reached and
utopia will be build; it is all in the evolutionary process where humanity will reach mind
maturity (also call the third stage of positivism).

It is by the uses of barely covered words that the Kabbalah teaches us that knowing the laws of
nature (the natural principles) is to know God and His commandments. In many ways the
Gnostic cabbalistic peoples –the truly initiated ones- are trying to make us understand that it
is from the bottom of despair that the spark of the immortal flame of the heart lights up the
human intellect in a way for our soul to finally rises to the heavens of understanding such a
phoenix rising from its ashes; on the other hand Sigmund Freud simply said that "Without the
emotional roots we are prone to experience morbid rationality", it is the same thing. To be
initiated to the truth, and understanding it, is to be anointed by the truth. Fundamentally the
Kabbalah, as an initiatory discipline, is the science that study "God" which represents the
universe; in other words: the Kabbalah initiates the students of the torah to the secular
meaning the scriptures contain. The word Kabbalah comes from the Hebrew, it mean receipt,
acceptance, and tradition. Thus the Kabbalah is the tradition, it is to say that the Kabbalah is
the opposite of the written texts (the scriptures), thus it is the transmission of the oral
explanations of scriptures. According To The Jewish tradition Moses legacy to humanity is the
scriptures (the Torah) but also the oral law that goes with it - through the tribe of Levi- to help
us to find a more understandable way of explaining the secularism of the natural principles
that are hiding under the Moses esoteric veil Leading infantile peoples astray in order for them
to embrace religious beliefs instead of embracing any psychopathic -thus associable and
unethical- moronic philosophy. The Kabbalah is not an ensemble of speculative propositions of
metaphysical character concerning existentialism. We shall keep in mind that the Kabbalah is
a sum of encoded comments concerning the texts of the Torah. It is a set of esoteric
information’s concerning techniques to builds upon the reading of the scriptures to decipher
their inner meaning. The Kabbalah is an inducer of free and open intellectualism that drives us
to understand that life is part of the same energy that creates matter; that very same energy
studied by Einstein, and also that very same energy from which we build atomic bombs and
render possible telecommunication systems and that there is no other energy that the one we
already know. Cabbalistic clubs, or organizations, are simply like "puzzle clubs" having for
function to decode what was encoded. The essence of the Kabbalah, beside helping us to unveil
reality, is also simply to tell us that Moses encoded secular data so well in hard to understand
esoterism that they become religious beliefs; what a joke!

The strip-tease of the truth that is the spirit of the Kabbalah!

About Hebrews Subliminal Messages

Drunkenness impairs judgement; drunks may hit a wall or fall into an abyss. The fall does not
stop until the bottom of the abyss is reached, and from the bottom of the abyss the only direction
is upward. The mind is like a stream which flows like water, and also like a drunken bird
supported by so many opposite headwinds.

There is no greater wrath than the one of man who runs the ways of nature against himself.
Hiding his human misery by projecting his responsibilities on the backs of the gods he invents,
man diverts his attention from his own mistakes to better run away from himself; and falling into
the trap of his own fantasies he lost his reason for his mind to fall into its dead. Then, becoming
a religious bigot, and to be respectful of the laws of nature, and at the same time having a blind
adoration toward the gods he invented while obeying without question and without searching the
secular way the reason of the presence of the natural universal commandments, the bigot find a
artificial joy to be left in a state of submissive infantilism.

A myth is a traditional story, having for purpose to explain different facets of reality by the use
of fictional characters that personified them.

From the Latin words “sub”, meaning “under”, and “limen”, meaning “threshold”, any
perception of the mind that is in the sensory threshold is “beneath a limen”; that is where the
term “subliminal” come from. Therefore, any message we receive and being in the sensory
threshold of our six senses (our skin is also a sensory organ), become a subliminal message,
because of its non-direct contact with our conscious mind.

Concerning one of our senses: “hearing”, there are low frequency sounds passing through our
ears to our brain and relay to our mind for “mind- processing”; those sounds are below the
normal limits of the human hearing perception; the elephants can hears those low frequency
sounds. The same is also true for dogs hearings high frequency sounds that humans don’t.
Those sounds we cannot hear, but nevertheless reaches our mind, are for us subliminal
messages in the form of sounds that reaches directly our unconscious (or subconscious).

These subliminal messages, reaching our memory and unrecognizable by the conscious mind
affects directly the processes our subconscious, which is our intellect, without us having a clue
(our conscious mind) that we memorized theses messages and that they are already being
under processes. Myths are stories containing subliminal messages as well they are themselves
sublimation of realities under metaphorical means of communicating scientific data.

It is our intellect, like a factory, that forms our thoughts under various internal (like emotions)
and external stimulus. Some of our behaviors became “instinctive” by the absence of previous
conscious thoughts to induce them. In some case the responsible source is the previous
subliminal messages received; in other case it comes from our genes. On the other hand, all
instinctive mnemonic past knowledge being store in our genes, then it is only a matter of time
that any subliminal messages are pass on to our genes; and that will be part of our genes
adaptation to the environment. Beside our sense of hearing, there are the sense of smell, touch,
skin (hot and cold), seeing, and taste. They are all bond to let some environmental messages go
by them. Those “skip-messages” will become subliminal. Subliminal messages can negatively
or positively influence our instinctive behavior as well as our present and future thoughts
concerning various fields of values and knowledge. Subliminal messages can affect our
attitudes. By using metaphors in the “Hebrew bible”, Moses, High Priest & Co, was using
writing as a mean to convey subliminal messages. From that writing we can recite the Torah,
then it become the sounds that convey the subliminal messages. The Ancient Egyptians did that
before Moses was born. By listening the Torah, the conscious mind, is aware of the sounds, but
the unconscious mind is aware that some form of “melodies” do not fit the rational “picture”,
and base on rational previous knowledge the intellect try its best to correct the situation. This
is how we can discover the real message underlying under the subliminal varnish. As we can
start to discover, the ancients Egyptians scholars were highly educated, Moses was an
Egyptian prince. Here we are, over ten thousand years later, on the threshold of the discovery
that those guys were psychologically way more advanced than we are now. How come? Where
that knowledge come from? An ancient civilization that came to populate Earth? What
Sigmund Freud, Piaget & Co. did and still do is to rediscover some fractal part of a very old far
advanced science of psychology having some of its components hiding in the Torah and in
Ancient Egyptian history.

The Torah go beyond mere psychology, Moses was attaching the universal rules made of the
motility of energy (which created time) with psychology. This is why in ancient times,
astrophysics was also connected with human behavior into a time frame (see astrology) since
it is the same forces motility (energy) that connect life behavior with the astrophysical part of
our universe. The Mayans and Incas ancestors were the specialists on that field. As for others
Asian cultures, they were specializing on the well balance flows of energy within the psyche by
different means like acupuncture and sounds (see mantra) like in Indo culture. The uses of
sounds (mantra) were also in uses (and still are) in Hebrews “religious” homeostasical (energy
balance within the psyche) purpose. And also psychologically speaking, it is as much the
movement of cosmic objects as their subliminal mantra reaching our mind that can affect our
attitudes. They are part of our environmental stimulus. A mantra (or mantram) is simply any
sound, made of vibrations. Mantra's (sounds) were always considered as being capable of
creating transformation in the mind (soul) and in the body. In short, we already know that
punk rock music and Strauss Vienna waltzes are two different kind of mantra (music) that
produces two different kinds of feelings. From those feelings, our mind under the influence of
that mantra, we are philosophizing, concentrating in specific formation of thoughts, or
meditating, meaning:”thinking about ....” that include the presence of extrapolating ideas.
Some individuals may meditate about their next bank robbery while some others may meditate
how to waltz their way to be one with the universe. It is said that vibrations unified Heaven
and Earth, well...of course! It is the same energy made of the vibrating quanta (making sounds
as mentioned in the string theory) that created the whole universe! “Heaven and Earth” is: 1)
Space and cosmic objects; 2) Mind and body; 3) knowledge of the mind, and sensory
perception. No big deal! This is all natural stuff. Sounds (vibrations), their numbers of decibel,
their frequency and their wavelength can heal or hurts the psyche. We already know that. It is
commonsense. We are using sounds to blast rocks, and we are using sounds as healing agents.
When the Jews, or anyone else for that matter, sing their “mantra” as part of their prayers
(and meaning business to be one with the universe), they increase their mental consciousness
while decreasing the sensory awareness of the psyche. Mental reality (spirituality) taking over
the sensory reality. What seems to be a somnolent state, from the angle of view of an observer,
for an individual leaving the (robotic) sensory awareness behind (reduced sensory awareness)
is in fact an awakening of the mental state (awaken spirituality). In that sense, mantra
intensifies the mental (spiritual) focusing toward any object of interest being chosen by the
singer. They are several methods of trance induction corresponding which each of our senses
and that we are using as a way of accessing the unconscious mind for multiples purposes.
Activities of all forms of life involve: 1) the filtering of sensory information by our brain and
relayed to our conscious mind; 2) subliminal information going directly to our unconscious
mind. Trance, being part of any form of prayers, or any kind of meditation, and being induced
by various means, has to be understood as a matter of functionality and efficiency for the well
being of the psyche. Wier, In his 1995 book, “Trance: from magic to technology”, in page 58,
defines a simple trance as being caused by cognitive loops which always result in various sets
of disabled (sensorial) cognitive functions. As we can see a trance is no more than a mental
(spiritual) thoughts application and mind concentration toward an object of interest.
Therefore, we can say that our senses are the concrete support of the abstraction of our mind.
This is simply psychology investigating diverse natural ways of perceptions from the psyche,
nothing religious about that. Natural laws are not made by a god; their desecration will only
horrified the vanity of religious bigots.

Any primal religion in any part of the world from any culture is science being metaphorized.
Psychosociology as well as astrophysics, and other scientific data, are embedded in these
primal religions. There is only one universal science, and that science was diversified by
metaphors and being represented under different deities. We possess the intelligence and self-
determination to be audacious enough to have the courage to unveil what was veiled once, the
tenacity to prove that fact and to be brave enough "to stick to our guns" under any terrorist
blackmailing from (kouac religions) religious extremists.

The basic principle that creates the universe is the primal cosmic phenomenon, of concrete
character, that has to be used as a basis for secular reasoning since energy come from it;
therefore that principle cannot be violate, it is an impossibility since the whole universe rely on
it for its dynamics. That principle is the trinusial principle been represented by an equilateral
triangle throughout the millenniums. That principle is the basic ultimate truth: the basic
natural principle, the "primal One" known as "God" by the religious bigots who assume that
principle to be alive. That fundamental truth is the Alpha & Omega, the one from which
everything in existence come from and to which all end-up. The cosmic descriptiveness of that
principle is simply laying in our comprehensiveness of the fundamental natural principles that
makes all the phenomena to behave the way they behave; any artificial device created by man
has to follow the natural principles in order to become what man want them to be; it is all a
question of copying the existing functions of the natural phenomena to our advantage by
manipulating the natural evolutionary process the way we want. It is the primal natural
principle that is underlying every phenomenon, including our thinking processes, and
therefore man artificial creations. As we can see dementia and creativity are simply causal
mental reaction that follows the primal principle which becomes the basic -thus fundamental-
rule of nature: nature protecting nature. The primal natural (automatic) basic principle is
simply self-protected by the same cosmic automatism of energy behavior that creates the

There is something missing in the word "theism" for the disciple of that discipline to become a
true good person; it is the "A" before the "t".

Welcome to a Different World

We shall reflect! We will conduct our research with the minimum basic information required.
We want this document to be: “metaphysics for all” in a simple form that will be within
everyone's reach. We will be following the principle of being doing the task that others said it
can't be done, that will give everyone a chance and enough boost to push their own limits in
order to get rid of nonsense forever, it is called “going the extra length”. We want a worldwide
society which conformity in basic ethical values won't retrieve the individuality of each of its
component (us) in their creativeness; that would permanently resolve the non-sense in cultural
difference in order for us all to taste the fruits of a total liberty of expression while enjoying the
costiveness of our cultural difference. The irresolvable has always been resolve by necessity,
and wars are not a necessity to find out where is the source of conflicts, or to resolve them.
Wars are paradoxical by definition.

Nevertheless, as easy to read and understand as it can be, this document, a first of its kind, will
be a form of metaphysics that will lead us all to the “madness” of opening new paths; paths
that surely will be banned by certain individuals, “God “thinking individuals ... These
individuals are also known as religious bigots thus being stupid in the intellectual level
concerning existentialism. A bloody religious extremist bigot is a mentally challenge individual
subject to infantilism and having a baby tantrum while he is armed with weapons and uses

There are seeds that created different religions; those seeds are seeds of science. Those seeds
were sciences answer from different fields. Those seeds of science were transmitted to us in a
form of simple metaphorized talk easy to understand if we believe in it. To have faith in
scientific knowledge became religions. From there on our sciences and religions were taking
opposite directions.

Our scientific data came from ideas. Ideas of scientific nature start with philosophy and
metaphysical thoughts. Those thoughts are too complex for some of us. Scientific mechanisms
and the math behind it are also complex. It is simpler to give the conclusion of scientific
research by saying: “You must believe”. That what's the original religions are all about,
scientific answers in a simplified form: a bunch of metaphors. Plenty of imbeciles that are part
of the elite which is in charge of steering the political wheels of countries does make
concessions to these infantile killer morons (the extremist religious bigots) and negotiates with
them the future of the world as if these bloody religious extremists were adults having a sense
of psychosocial responsibility based on the solid ground of ethical secularistic knowledge.

We will push the limits of fear and repel them to their void. We must constantly keep in mind
that in relation to the true nature of things, where the majority conceive truth as madness, then
it becomes the majority normality, therefore the value which is based on what is crazy and
what is not, is relative and therefore irrelevant to us ; we are alone in a new world .

Explorers of the mind, and explorers of the unknown, we'll already begin to start moving
beyond some paradoxes that are accepted as realities to be seen as part of the natural
principles by a majority of delusional individuals. We are beginning to understand what
happens beyond the mental barrier of madness. Our price to pay for new knowledge as we
open the culturally “forbidden doors” is to enter the world of the lost minds. In this world of
loneliness we will feel so alone that it will generate the fear to become unstable. We will be
thinking that it is a big part of humanity that is really unstable and agrees to be such as for
their lack of better knowledge...and we will be right! What would be folly for them is our
journey to new discoveries; as for our minds, it would only be relief as we advanced. Sigmund
Freud said that we were all neurotic, let's heal ourselves then! .... And shivering minority that
we are now, we will become the new majority: the future awakening in a new light. Our main
goal is to reconcile ethics and emotion with science. Since the universe is the sum of all sciences,
ethics and emotions are merging somewhere in the heart of energy to become part of science.

“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen
was not made out of things that are visible” (Hebrews 11:3).

Translation: As the truth, we understand the creation of the universes by its universal laws.
What we see is made out of energy.

Let's keep in mind that the truth will always be feared by unsociable individuals and by those
whose reason has been muzzled. Welcome to a different world. So let it be...

The universe in its complexity is -none the less - harmony; it is A harmonious relationship
between al its components; suffering is simply a sensorial reaction from our body and also a
mental reaction from our mind, and, surprisingly enough, it is part of harmony in evolution.
In every part of the complexity of the universe reside the simplicity of the primal natural
principle, and that's make us to be able to understand the natural principles -the logic behind
them- easily enough if we accept to atone (see our mistakes and correcting them) as well in the
scientific laboratory level than in the psychosocial level where humanity is involve.

Here is a perfect example of how simple common sense become of religious character when a
metaphor coming from the lips of a metaphoric individual representing humanity known as
"Jesus of Nazareth" by Christianity: regarding compliance and uses of the human laws and
also regarding the compliance and uses of the natural principles, the basic principle remain
the same; in both cases we better comply to them while using them at our full advantage. In
the catholic religion that basic principle translates as:" give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar
and to God what belongs to God". The idea behind that saying is that humans Laws got
loopholes but the natural principles do not. The story (as a fable) goes that answer was given
by Jesus of Nazareth to the Pharisees when the question pop-up concerning tax evasion.

Basic Jewish Beliefs

Concerning man interest toward one and the same object of his study: his existentialism within
reality, for man to have faith in its truthfulness and at the same time having faith in the non
sense been said concerning that object of interest, can only lead to neurotic behaviors where
man denies his basics needs concerning his own reality. Any truthfulness can be proven. For
man not wanting to admit his false perception of the truth is to let his false opinion, becoming his
faith, to be the executioner of his mind. When reality in its truthfulness is contrary to a faith of
man, then that specific faith is not that beautiful sky that clarifies one's mind and where the
words of a god taking residence are the words of truth. Who believes in a faith and been unable
to prove to itself in what scientifical ground his faith stand makes man a sinner against the truth
when his faith denies proven reality.

The Jews know for long-time now that their primary secular function resides on the decoding
of the Torah to unravel its science, they know the Messianic age is when they will be release
from being the suffering nation guarding the Torah intact for the secrets contain in it being
still unstained. As fathoming (to go deep into, to pierce) the secrets of the Torah will takes
place, its veiled secularism will finally being revealed in the messianic era; that will complete
the purpose of its redaction. Then, according to the Jews scholars, the torah will reveal the
inherent spirituality in the material world (the presence of the natural principles leading to
intellectuality) and that will change humankind. A new “rebirth” of the knowledge of
psychology will makes the people to become more realistic, and as result the human beings will
strive only for good, kindness and peace, that long seemingly utopian dream will, then, become

The Rambam's thirteen principles of faith can be considering as the base of Jewish beliefs since
Judaism has no formal dogma. For a Jew, believing in the actualization (the here and the now)
of positive social actions leading to harmonious relations, is more important than any
“religious beliefs”. Because of their upbringing Jews have the tendency of dominating their
mind by atonement and to master their land by peaceful means. Israelis are not land
“conquerors” but they protect their inheritances.
Here are Rambam's thirteen principles of faith:

1) A Universal living ruling “Being” does exist (which of course is the whole universal

2) That ruling Being is one and unique.

3) That ruling being is incorporeal (made of energy).

4) That ruling being is eternal.

5) Prayer is to be directed to that ruling being alone and to no other.

6) The words of the prophets are true.

7) Moses’ prophecies are true, and Moses was the greatest of the prophets.

8) The Written Torah and Oral Torah were given to Moses (by the Levites Egyptian High

9) There will be no other Torah.

10) The supreme ruling being knows the thoughts and deeds of men.

11) That ruling being will reward the good and punish the wicked (causality).

12) The Moshiach (or Messiah) will come.

13) The dead (the zombies) will be (mind)- resurrected.

Abstract cosmological and scientific concepts are deeply veil in the Torah. The Torah
emphasizes holidays, practices (like proper hygiene) and observances. Life and the after-
existence are studies in the Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism. The Jewish’s (Judaism) leaves
room for personal opinion and interpretation concerning cosmological matters.

The Torah, in its hermetic form, focuses on all forms of universal relationships. It goes from
human relation (psychology, psychiatry, sociology) to the relationship of the Jewish people
with the land of Israel (their promise land). The Torah scriptures includes, from the time of
creation, to the first presence of men on earth and behind, subliminal and real stories
concerning the development of these relationships.

It is important to us that we take the Torah in consideration while we go forward in our

metaphysical search since the Torah is the base of many cultural beliefs that influence society’s
morality and also some scientific research. Going forward we have to take-on, in parallel,
different disciplines at once to have a larger view of things. It is like the mind having 10 eyes
seeing 10 different fields at once and where they converge in one field. It is the fractal theory,
from the chaos field of study, at work. We can do it. Think about it as little streams of data
converging to becoming rivers of knowledge which are flowing toward the sea of revelations.
It can be fun.

Those rivers of knowledge came from ancient Egyptian knowledge, and they will be most
feared by today psychopaths who are running the world. Usually industries belonging to
psychopaths, or under their supervision, have standards that benefit them only while dooming
the little peoples in the long run. Those selfish standards are well hidden under superficial
ethics being created by them and swallowed by the peoples as face cultural value. Smart
psychopaths are well versed of how to create ethics that has nothing to do with the reality of
the natural laws. All they do after all is creating "ethical wants" transforming them as "ethical
needs" in people’s minds, so they become an "ethical must" to go by for the culture of a society
to profit them only. Look at Christianity and Islam history! The basics libidinous needs of
peoples have been side-tracked to profit the ones in power and have little to do with universal
reality. Wrong ethics are devil's screens where he can hide his wrong social doings. In the
worst scenarios those wrong ethics become legalized, and laws to be enforced, in some moronic
societies. But it is not only kouac sects and kouac religions who does that, there is also big
company which control the world economy, and the psychopaths in charge of them are please
to work hand in hand with the wrong beliefs of kouac religions since it profit them to use them
at their advantage to leave the little, poor educated, peoples in the mind-twilight-zone.
Psychopaths are some kind of tight rope walkers who's swims between two water's: where is
the average degree of expression and intensity of the "reality alienation" of the peoples, or
normal religious neurosis (see page 38). From the other two, the average intensity may spell
their doom, and the severe intensity may spell a huge lost of profits. This is to say that a proper
secular education for all, been complimented by proper ethical value based on natural
principles, is badly needed around the world. That was what the primal Egyptian temples of
knowledge were all about.

Man primal responsibility is toward self; but happiness needs company. For man to be happy
man need the company of others. For others to bring us happiness we need to bring happiness
to others; therefore is our duty toward self to make others happy for them to bring us joys.

What we do right, what we do wrong only matter to ourselves; satisfaction and frustrations
are our best emotions to judges by in the psychosocial field.

Law - Gaia is a concrete noumenon; Ouranos is an abstract noumenon; these primal noumena
are the total opposites which are responsible for the duality of which the universe is made of
from their union.

Like adults who regrets the early time of their childish innocence so it will be for some bigots
who will wake up to reality.

Reincarnation, the mental (spiritual) Evolution Continues

Christianity, the most widespread religion (2.1 billion followers) talk about the immortality of
the soul. Hinduism (900 million followers) and Buddhism talk about reincarnation of the soul,
which encompass immortality of the soul; and nirvana liberating us from the reincarnation
cycle would be the reaching of a higher step of wisdom than our present common use of
knowledge. Christianity believes in the resurrection of the dead corpses instead of the
resurrection of the dead-mind, meaning to reach a level of comprehension that equalizes
Nirvana, concerning the psychosocial side of astrophysics (which the Dark universe being
represented by a cow in Hinduism). For Buddhism and Hinduism this present physical
universe we live on now is the place of suffering; that's encompass that the Dark Universe
would be the place of soul (or mind) satisfactions. That place, according to Muhammad-the-
chauvinist who created and enforced Islam (1.3 billion members) by the might of many swords
is the paradise where young virgins will please every aspects of man sexual desires, even if
paradoxically we are not subject to corporal desires in "Paradise".

Reincarnation it’s like a causal goddess that has no rest. If that phenomenon wasn't present
there would only be death, a vast waste of mnemonical data, thus paradoxicalities in evolution.
La gaillarde! She shakes death out of our soul and makes us fly, after every death, from body to
body towards the destiny that we forge for ourselves. We are racing our mind and our body
against time in the race tracks of planet earth, for necessity and survival, on our ways to glory
and honours! But where is the rush? Why kill from despair and live in fear? And grab the days
as if there wasn’t any tomorrow’s? We have eternity for our eyes to caress the stars and for our
mind to understand the ways of heavens. We are the angels who wish to embrace the entire
universe from our senses and our mind, and by singing its praises in many ways, we are singing
our own. Here are our souls: eternals! They never die and they are us, and we are the objects of
our own cry. It is us who can only destroy ourselves and not death; death is the mean to
change us of location, and reincarnation is the means to put a soul in a body. Souls are
weeding their body, they both lives from the same memories, but the body is only a living tomb
being forced to his death for its sublimation to be part of the soul. The fate of the soul is to keep
living in the widowhood of death. This is the ultimate reward and punishment of existence: it is
for ones to live forever without the resort of death to forget one day his own existence.
The Torah was not divinely reveal, it is a scientific statement, made by man, and
communicated by man for the benefice of humanity, and outlining the ethical part in a
metaphorical man-made historical background. The Torah, for the main part, filter the
scientific information’s concerning the self-interaction of the psyche, and the psyche versus its
environment by the means of parables and analogies. The disembodiment of the intellect (the
soul living the body behind) is also part of nature, therefore belonging of the scientific field
contain in the Torah.

Evolution is a never ending journey. This is to say that in our reach for understanding, no one
can ever attain neither perfection, nor gods and even less any human; even if reincarnation is
present (and it is). Ultimately, perfection is in the imperfection, that's what makes things
going. If it was not for that imperfection, Thanatos, the total void, would be the perfection; it
would be in death itself without any chance of remission that the total perfection would finally
reside to rest. Life does not have its resting place in death. Life as such it is own resting place.
What gives us the death instinct is that dual part of evolution as we go along in our mental
journey searching for total perfection in any field of our choice. Even a psychopath, master of
deception, search for perfection in his different scams to pluck people of their valuables.
Oppose to the instinct of death there is the instinct of life. The instinct of life is to protect the
evolution of life in all its imperfection toward a never to be reach perfection. This is to say
death of the mind, meaning total physical (quantic) disappearance, do not exist as such, it
cannot be. To be brain-dead like a moronical extremist bigot is possible as a state of
zombieness. Only a total void of spacial dimension can exist. That is the non-universe void
outside of the universe. Therefore, because the mind its make out of a bundle of “sticky” energy
it cannot disappear....pouf! Amazingly enough it is the instinct of death that” super-glue” that's
makes our mind to “stick” as a whole. This is to say the instinct of death is made of gravitons.
The life instinct and the death instinct work together in the quantic dimension of our universe
to hold our mind as a whole unit while letting it have its own dynamics call mental process.
Death is holding the mental process of life together. When our thoughts are threatening life
they got stuck in the sticky glue of death, slowing down our mental process; that's creates
moronic states and neurotic states. From there the door it’s open to a variety of amazing

To consider that the theory of reincarnation is valid is to reject the monotheistic teaching of the
final judgment by a holy subjective God armed to the teeth. And yet we are studying the Jewish
religion to find out what is going on...Us, by accepting reincarnation as a strong possibility,
we are automatically condemn, by some zealous and moron Christians, to suffer eternally in
hell...ouch...which do not make sense. Their subjective god is toothless since it does not exist. It
is a fictional product of the human mind being invented to satisfy certain politics...somewhere.

During our existence we are plagues, to a certain extent, with physical, social and mental
handicaps. Eastern religions explain this as a result of previous lives which bear their fruits in
the present one through the action of karma.

Job 14:1-2 “Man that is born of woman is a few days, and, full of trouble. He cometh forth like
a flower, and is cut down.” Man has a “few days” and then a “Few days” again.

Kings 4:35-36 when the son of the Shunammite woman died, Elisha raised him, the same boy,
back to life. He came back to life as himself.

During the previous pages, we realized that one living human body and mind is made up of
two different structures oppose to one another and also, always complement each other as a
whole. The evolution of each takes place in an environment that suits both of them in order to
be in harmony.

These two structures are: 1) the biological-organic structure which is the human body, 2) the
mental structure which is our spirit. The organic structure employs inert substances (material
body) and organic material to its advantage for its survival. We are therefore (in this world)
made of a material body (tangible) and an intangible body (immaterial). The things and the
thoughts. The things stimulate the thoughts. So without things, no thoughts...so far so good, it
is call neuroplasticity in action. The thought is immaterial up to a certain extent because it is
made of mental energies; therefore it is logical that the energies following physical immutable
laws will do so for any form of energies, mental or physical, it make no difference in terms of
these laws, and energy is energy.

The immaterial structure of our mental body contains different parts that are arranged to
show solidarity with each other, which gives their homogeneity a sense of unitarily. Our self-
unity, of being each a unique individual, comes from our experiences in the mnemonic
(memory) form that are part of our mental body. The latter being a unitary structure, is a
grouping of force that become inseparable, sustainable and constantly evolving. That gives it
life, it becomes permanent memory, and therefore eternal. The structures whose integrity
cannot be degraded become our mental body. Thus, fragmentation is no longer possible and
ones mental body can never disappear. Life does not disappear into oblivion. We are therefore
attached to who we are forever, so, let's ensuring that we can live with ourselves.

Considering that information from diverse sources such as hospitals, religions, research
laboratories as well as personal experiences from a surprising number of individuals, is true,
they acknowledge the presence of the “out of body” phenomenon, they lived the experience. To
their great surprise, they find themselves out of their body at times. We will therefore form the
assumption that: yes, the phenomenon exists, and eventually we will live it ourselves. Now,
let's see what the consequences would be if it is permissible for our mental body to leave our
organic body. Our short term of existence on this planet would probably not allow the mental
body (the soul) to collect a sufficient sum of knowledge to achieve perfection. That is why it is
maybe wise to think that the phenomenon of reincarnation does exist. If we consider this
phenomenon as being made of a series of days spent in a school of learning (this earth) in
order to refine our knowledge, then it makes sense. In this context, a day is a life time; if we
consider space travelling, a life time can be a long time; a day can also means a stage of
evolution. This is to say some of us can be millions of years old. If we considers the instinct to
be a sum of programming message from the A.D.N, and the A.D.N being our previous learning
experience under a chemical form that gives us our instinct (innate knowledge), then we can
say a child is not as innocent as it seem, he already know it is more pleasant to try out the
pleasures than to undergo torture. Sometime a child is wiser than an adult, a child ways of
thinking is baser to his instinct (innate knowledge) than an adult. An adult use more learned
defensive behavior toward pleasure than a child do. A newborn cannot rationalize frustration.

Plenty of other religions than Christianity are present. A lot of them talk about reincarnation.
They mostly say that the essential memory part of any living being, the “self”, survives the
death of the body to be reborn latter on in a new body. The “self”, whom control the psyche, is
always alive and never die, remaining constantly the same individual throughout successive
lives, the “self” keep evolving in knowledge and personality; the “self” is simply the soul.

Well, so far it seems that things are going along fine so we'll continue to investigate this path
and keep our momentum. This field of physical activity that is the universe that we know and
in which the body and mind exist, can be compared to a learning field in which everything
would be a game and can be a game. To find the keys to mysteries can be fun. The only rule is:
let's play fair.

Psalms 49:15: “But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol (Sheol being mental hell),
for he will receive me.”

Psalms 73:24: “Thou dost guide me with thy counsel, and afterward thou wilt receive me to
glory. “

Isaiah 26:19 “Thy dead shall live; their (mental) bodies shall rise. O dwellers in the dust awake
and sing for joy!”

“Inquire of the mediums and the necromancers who chirp and mutter,” should not a people
inquire of their God? Should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living?” (Isaiah 8:19).

“And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder (steps of evolution) set up on the earth, and
the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels (living beings, messengers) of God
(reason) were ascending and descending on it!” (Genesis 28:12).

Our mind it’s our thinking memory constantly reasoning from previous experiences under
various stimulus. It is our intellect, our mental process at work, our spiritual life. It is this
process that gives us consciousness. According to this reincarnation theory, in short we can
say: it is not the brain that created the mind, but the soul of the psyche (the individual) who
uses the brain to computerize data from his present life-time (existence) for the psyche to adapt
to his environment.

A "self-motile" mind is the one that extrapolate known data proven to be righteous to come-up
with creative’s -thus "avant-garde"- ideas that helps humanity to evolve even if the bulk of
humanity refuse to evolve at that time; we call those self-motile minds: visionaries and
geniuses. Between plenty of peoples who are aiming for love and knowledge in order to evolve
in harmony stands few machiavellian ones who want to serve their own interests over
innocent blood by staling man evolutionary process. Self-motile minds are the souls who are
doing the extra step. Self-motile souls are an opposite of the machiavellian souls, the link
between them is the rest of the crowd (see the bell of statistics); the term “devils versus angels”
influencing humanity is a syllogism.

The Sheepness syndrome

Being born agnostic and completely dependent of our parents, we follows their leadership,
with enthusiasm or not, by pure instinct of survival. Under their supervision we learn the
cultural way to do things. As we grow older and as we gain life experience and knowledge, our
difference makes us to be in need of different kind of leaderships according to our physical and
intellectual needs. Man has the natural tendency to achieve higher goals than to stagnate
(mind-dead). The Sheepness Syndrome can easily lead to reality alienation.

How people keep stagnating in a state of "Sheepness" can be explained in tree basic ways:

1) By nature, on the genetic level (organic).

2) By lack of appropriate stimulus from the environment to evolve toward reason and self-
leadership (functional and/or organic).

3) By choice for different reasons (functional).

As we mature we have the choice (self-determination) of what school of thought we like to

subscribe (or adhere) to respond to the intellectual need of our basic nature; but the individual
having the” Sheepness syndrome" prefer to stay in the subordinate position.

The clinical syndrome of "Sheepness" contains the following symptoms:

1) self-politic; the individual devaluates himself

2) Rationalization; finding different excuses for not evolving toward mind-maturity

3) Lack of normal ambivalence; believing that to be a follower is the only true value in life.

4) reflex of position; even being place in front of the fact that anyone can better himself and be
his own leader, the patient do not accept that reality.

5) Extension of hostility toward whoever wants to change the patient mind

6) Asserting an acquired "personal opinion": it is in fact the cultural and close environmental
views which the patient is being conditioned to be presented as coming from him.

7) Absence of guilt: of stating without scientifical evidence the well-founded of his position. The
absence of guild is also part of the Sheepness syndrome

8) Adoption of learning scenarios, which were manufactured by his direct environment, the
patient uses them to his account.

The degrees of expression and the intensity of the symptoms of the sheepness syndrome are the

Low intensity: the symptoms are not obvious, their level is lower; the function of relation of the
individual, and his cognition are still very functional.

Average Intensity: all symptoms are present, the patient is "societal-functional” in a normal
environment, Freud would say it is a normal neurosis.

Severe intensity: the function of relation between reality and the subject is definitely broken,
rejected or in the process of being rejected by the individual. The subject becomes psychotic and
very dependant, he may regress.

Law: What was once a functional mental disability becomes an organic disability due to the
neuroplasticity phenomenon in relation to the presence of the soul (the mind) and also the
presence of the reincarnation phenomenon since the body is tailored to the soul.

"Christ" meaning "Knowledgeable" in the secular scientific sense, it is easy to foresee that the
religious bigots believing that "Christ" mean "the only son of God" will call Christ (the real
meaning been: "anointed in secular knowledge") the antichrist!

- “Anointed” is syllogism of “secular education”. -

In the Hebrew's time "anointing" not only mean to be educated secularly but also being in the
secret knowledge that the "One God religion" is a huge metaphor of "One universe's dynamics"
which of course is the dynamics of the light; the universe being unique thus a singularity.

From Noah time it was the long line of ancient Egyptian High Priests who where these
scientists who anointed the deserving ones and the kings; but Moschiach is self-anointed by the
long line of secular scientists like Newton, Einstein, Freud and Co.

Where is our Ethics?

“Artificial” means "man-made". Gods are artificial, they are man-made. When the ancients
Greek philosophers represented natural events and their knowledge of them throughout man-
made gods, they were very clear to mention they are myths to decipher, mere representation of
natural laws. If there was a real god somewhere who use his subjectivity to manipulate events
according to his wishes then those events would be artificial, and all the natural laws would be
invalids since a paradoxical situation would take place. This is to say that if a god wants to do
anything according to his wants, he does have to use the natural laws to his own advantage,
therefore he is not the one who created them but he has to obey them, just like us. Knowing that
fact we can conclude that when an individual under the influence of the "Sheepness Syndrome"
realize gods are myths, then he can become a true leader simply by understanding that the
whole of the universal laws (or natural principles) are represented under the word "God".

Beware of those who respond to your basics needs like a farmer do to the poultry he rise to
enrich him after the slaughter.

What do we do with the time that death leaves in our hands for us to become mind-dead?
War? Sowing despair instead of rice? Why want the idleness of old age, which always comes
too soon, to be the sum of the regrets that we have made our youth to be a lost of precious
time? Why of our youth when we could, without doing so, didn’t we make use of this wonderful
gift of nature to love more than we did wage war, and wasting in vain the divine blood of
precious life? When ethic become consciousness the cruel winds of wars whining throughout
the world trouble our reason, and we fell that innate humanistic eagerness to carry the human
mind toward better fields of exuberance where listening to the words of love is better than
listen to the uproar of the guns. Who are those who made unethical claims upon how one has to
live is life? Are they the same ones sending peoples to holly wars arms with machine guns? On
one hand, whoever The spirit of the expanse: let’s push forward from South to North. Whoever
thinks to be superior by the use of brute arm force shows only his intellectual inferiority; on the
other hand who find sadness in the obligation to defend himself trough brute force shows his
intellectual superiority. The psychopath fled from his life and seeks his own dead when
separating his mind from his heart. It turns into reddish blood the destinies of others by
digging their own hearts away from the child who once sought joy in love. Their path is
marked by pain, they plunder the depths of the mind of the wise to turn knowledge into
misfortune with the same means that could has been the one' of happiness. Moving from place
to place, they are only preying over the dying, and their eye following their injured victims, by
the trail of their misery, they only find rest over the tombs of their victims. Immense fields
adorning earth never rest to be feed by our sorrows, our blood and our lives. In their own
season, are born of our blood, red roses with sweet perfume, and also the humble poppies. It is
so sad they need to drink our tears made of blood, and it has to be our sighs that fan'-out these
beautiful flowers.

We all have as common purpose to adapt to fulfill our basic needs, as we gain life experience
most of us gain the wisdom to adapt harmoniously; that is where the fundamental ethics build
in our unconscious kick-in and surface in our conscious. The universe do not have any
morality, morality is its own logic. Man makes that logic to become ethics. While societies
makes fundamental ethics to become cultural moralities when mixed up with politics, religious
bigot’s morons makes fundamental ethics to become religious morality when mixed up with the
human factor. Only Freud understood, in his time (era he was living in) that fundamental
ethics and Libido are one and the same.

Wisdom is to know when to atone to be able to resolve internal and external conflicts that
plague humanity according to our, unlimited innate and limited but non-finite acquired,
abilities and potentials for foreseeing future consequences from present actions. In one
extreme diplomacy is to sell our soul for financial gain and strategic advantage concerning
trading purpose, on the other extreme is the selling of our soul for a relative peace. The
universe is not diplomat, the laws are the laws and there are righteous, we are confronted with
them at every moment and there is no possible negotiations between them and us, only
consequences; the universal principles (God's laws) will never change.

While adapting to our environment and different situations we also have to invest time in
ourselves, use our reasoning and be logical concerning the matter of the mind and the matter
of our presence in the universe. To evolve harmoniously in any circle, rich or poor,
handicapped or not, all we need is to be sociable and realist, it is that complicated? Of course
not! Who said we have to be macho, crooked, cunning and violent to prove our might? Those
are uncivilized and retarded thoughts that delay us to built utopia now. The world economy
has to change direction, we do not need fossil fuel, when we know we can use dynamo with
steel as fuel, among other free and easy ways to produce energy; just replace the parts. It seem
that somewhere, few individuals holding power delegates to some ignorant sociopaths of the
universal harmony affairs, the authority to achieves human failure concerning human unity as
one family, by keeping alive a wrong perception of what world economy shall be. They make
man to destroy man, but it is not man that has to be destroy but unethical politics that makes
man to destroy man; but fortunately humanity, being the best friend of humanity, abhor any
regime that enslaves mind and body with the chains of nonsense and threatens normal
harmonious social evolution between peoples of the world: humanity as one entity.

The mind is mightier than the body, and who uses force by vanity, and to muzzle the proven
truth, proves to all that it is the dynamics of the unethical data contain in its mind that is
clouding his intellectual capacities. The delays of world social harmony are results of gradual
erosions of the basic civic sense (see ethics and libido) which ensure that adequate political
modification base on wisdom are put in place at the same time that our most recent discoveries
on psycho-social behaviors are made. The problem resides in sociopathic behaviors taking
world economy as an excuse. Unfortunately, concerning the speed of the building of worldwide
utopia, bad politics has to crash first after been proven having crushed people social hopes for
all kind of betterness, and been an economic failure, for political modifications to be made.
Prevention does not seem as much of a priority as repairing the damages after the facts;
economy, mental, and social harmony suffer under the tyrannical rules of psychopaths in
position of power. To have an ethic is to participate in the happiness of all by doing our share.
The only real way to get there is to really feel that we belong to the entire human race. What
ethic is not: The hoarding of wealth by a minority drunk on power that enslave the gentiles
through various and devious means of deception and to be part of it directly or indirectly.

Here is one concerning the sociopaths in Job 24:17 “For deep darkness is morning to all of
them; for they are friends with the terrors of deep darkness.”

Often enough the eventual goal of tyranny is to search for stability of its own power in a given
region by the use of force, which means no stability in this region. That's devilish, devils are
unethical human beings. Devilish society’s forces their daughters to prostitution and their
hungry sons to steal food; then the same societies bear grudges against the hungry children
who try to survive. It is not unethical to be rich, it is how one becomes rich that matters. One
has to be ethical in order to survive in both worlds: the mental and the physical. No one wants
to live the karma of a bad being. Thus, day after day, from reincarnation to reincarnation, we
forged the history of mankind, its blunders and its wisdom. Some learn a lot from the mistakes
of the past and are also surprised by the discoveries made from their blunders (like laboratory
blunder). It is called the evolution of humanity by self-learning through the ages. Everything is
evolution, energy is changing form, and new horizons are always open.

Not only our approach is marginal when compared to the approaches of some philosophers
who have university degrees, but our approach actually wants to be marginal because we are
the people. A down to earth gentile also has the right to think, if some devilish being tries to
take away that right, then one's obligation toward oneself is to take it back. This being said, a
lack of hard evidence about reincarnation will not stop us. Let us not forget that this book is a
theory on paper. If we made mistakes along the way, then we take a different direction. Even
in errors we make, we do learn something. There will always be a basis to continue further
ahead with our extrapolating. It’s always good to sometimes look back to see where we came
from. So, we'll keep on trucking on this path because the idea behind this book is for us to
discover things without having to prove anything to anyone but ourselves. Being an ethical
individual, knowing reincarnation is there, and when it's time to leave this world, one will not
shiver as he curls-up. He will not be like an unethical human leaf that shrinks in a nervous
breakdown as his soul its ready to go freely with the wind of universal wavelengths.

In the Third book of Moses, Leviticus 19:18 state :”Thou salt not avenge, nor bear any grudge
against the children of thy people, but thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the Lord.”;
19:13 “Thou shall not defraud thy neighbor, neither rob him: the wages of him that is hired
shall not abide with thee all night until the morning.”; 19:29 “Do not prostitute thy daughter, to
cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of

Our beginning as forms of life is the same for all: agnostic morons with nothing philosophical
in our mind, trying to adapt with the best of our knowledge which is the basic instinct in our
genes level, which wasn't much as far consciousness in intellectuality is concern. Reincarnation
after reincarnation, we evolve trough many life experience; we make our own philosophy
according to our joy and pain in various environment. We become what we grow up to be, by
our own choice in specific environments; more than the cultural environment being
automatically our sole reference of what kind of individual we shall become, we became more
ethical than we were. From lineage, being a “mud blood” or being a “blueblood” is of no
importance of the eye of nature as one greatness is on his libidinous (ethical and social)
feelings more than is social position. All of us, we can demonstrated the ability to rise from our
original moronic state (original sin) to achieve greatness of the mind with ethics in the heart. It
is us, under our self-determination that we can deliberately become great ethical people, with
the most exalted roles, or scrums of the Earth; it doesn't matter if we come from less-than-
noble circumstances or not. It is irrelevant to the eye of nature. We are our only self-Almighty
ones toward ourselves, so we better are united as a race to be our own environmental self-help
to evolve more harmoniously than we are doing now. It is a question of the logic in ethics.

To raise ourselves to a highest mental levels that we are experiencing now we need to tap with
a different mental attitude, than to rely in a “Divine providence” that would do our job for us,
in our innate intellectual power to do this. We all have the ability of transforming the evil of
antisocial (or unethical) attitudes we produce from our innate moronic state to attain a higher
spiritual (or philosophical) level. Our personal goal for a more harmonious social environment
is to elevate our spirit from his unethical state to a libidinous angle of approach to create a
peaceful world. Nature makes it so that our ethical accomplishments can only be made from
our far away moronical animal roots, for any form of life to achieved ethical behaviors and
mind spirituality, as we are searching for any kind of perfection. The original moronic state
(original sin) contain within the building blocks, which is our mind, for the noblest of men
creation: World Utopia.

Effectively, we do have a murky ancestry, our mind, hidden in the “shells of impurity” which is
anything physical, is constantly at work to release the purity of the universal ruling in human
conscious attitudes. We have to choose to “plug in” in nature ways from our natural self-
determination which gives us the liberty of choices and actions to be able to withdraw purity
from impurity. Purity of the mind finds its source in the physical impurity of matter. It is a
question of sublimation and transcending, simply put: ethical secularism in our scientific
researches. Nature made us withdrawing purity from impurity. As the Jewish Midrash says,
there is no limit to the purification that a person can achieve. No one is ever lost from ethical
behavior, spirituality, and a successful and productive life.

Nature statements are nature ethical rules within the logic of things. We are within these
ethical rules. Following nature ethical rules can be done with or without believing in a god.
Human laws about morality are human inventions based on their search for individual and
social harmony. As such, morality is based only on human reasoning, false or not, according of
what we know about nature, how we perceive nature, and our interaction with nature while
interacting among ourselves. It is from the dynamics of natural ethical rules that we are
capable of sins against nature, but nature doesn't care less, and it is from human made
questionable ethical rules that we sin against a society. Naturally, it is from sins against
nature, and under the pernicious effects of causality that we are making human ethical rule to
better cope with evolution. Unnaturally, it is under political pressure that we invent unnatural
ethical rules. Different human ethical systems based on cultural philosophical theories and
human reasoning under political pressure, without the solid basis of understanding nature
ways can only leads to conflicts between cultures and nations. Confronted with the problem of
dual allegiance, one toward nature, and one toward society, nature should have priority in our
mind as it is nature that feed mentally and physically humanity; societies are using products
of nature the right or the wrong way. When a society uses the products of nature by following
nature ways in its psychosocial path of logic there is no contradiction to be found between
human ways and nature ways. Ethics can be based on that.

Nature makes it so that the main and natural human ethical attitudes will always takes over
(give it time) the secondary ones (the politically based human ethical attitudes), by the
presence of causality. We must fulfill the instructions of nature to adapt to nature that is the
natural and general ethic to follow; that's resumes the book of instruction, as big as the
universe, of how to cope with life. Every one of our acts must be in accordance with nature
instructions or we will end up waking up with a huge headache, in jail or not, after an evening
of over abusing alcoholic beverage (which is only human). In that sense, our libidinous feeling
makes us to influence others, doing our share, to accelerate mental and social harmony base
on nature's ethics.

In our wicked ways, when trying to better adapt and find pleasure by using unfairness toward
others is among one of the social plague of humanity. Unfairness is like a contagious mental
disease that humanity brings upon itself. Who see his life being jeopardize by unfairness from
others toward himself has the natural surviving tendency to do the same to others trying that
way to re-establish some kind of equilibrium. It is an asocial vicious circle that affects natural
harmony within, and with the exterior. Unfairness can escalate, leading to evilness. On the
other hand, a humanist in heart will study why there is unfairness and will search for the
remedy while being under the burden of unfairness; look at the Jews, most of them are
humanists in the unconscious level of their mind; they are tear between reason and religiosity.
Unfairness bring vanity to be the biggest crook, opposite to it is self-pride to be an social
individual who does his job adequately on the best of his knowledge. An humanist follow social
common sense in his relation with others; an sociopath takes advantage of the goodness of
others despite what the little voice of common sense it’s trying to tell him. World unfairness
bring the disturbed simples, in their search for social common sense, to creates in their mind
their own god to fill their mental space consisting of their lack of reason. Being mentally
disturbed, that god become their faith of what should be, and armed with that “the supreme
ruler” their sick mind did created, that man-made supreme god says through their mouth a
bunch of stupidity; these poor souls found utopia in lunacy. Being tearing between the mental
liberty of reason and the masochistically state of slavery toward man-made god(s), a big part
of humanity copes with existence best as it can in its foggy associative mind.

In their religious lunatic realities, the creationists, the bigots and their extremists, lives in a
world of mental fantasies where their most secret phantasms become the gauge for the world
to measure to (look at Muhammad); that's creates conflicts within and with the exterior.
Creationists belonging to different secondary man made religions have different opinions
regarding “God's” dynamics. Conflicts in the religious field came from different opposing
opinions of how to behave to please man-made God(s); and conflicts in the political arena
came from different opposing opinions of how to behave ethically, for groups, for the nation,
for the world harmony. Only our understanding of the universal truth concerning the
universal dynamics (the dynamics of energy) can resolve human conflicts, and that truth is of
physical character since it involves energy, that is the hidden dimension of the Torah called
“Chassidus”. Any physics department is closer to the universal truth than any man made
secondary religion like Islam and Catholicism. Like it is written in the Hebrew religion, at first
the truth will raise nations against nation and family members against family members; it
will be secularism against religiosity. Secularism will win and everyone will be united in the
truth. There is nothing complicated about that. Only the truth can awake reason for our mind
to reach its normal state of clarity. The truth makes much arrival during world history, being
carried by the mouth of persons like Freud, Einstein, and Newton etc...They were all
Moshiach's of science (God's doings). Therefore, like the “arrival” to the field of the truth
achieved by those great minds, the “arrival” of the Jewish Moshiach is nothing miraculous but
a normal part of humanity evolution. Over time, by using reason more often, the intellectual
pay-up will be greater, and inversely proportional less intellectual effort would be involves
concerning the understanding of reality.

For the Jewish “redemption” to come, meaning “mind redemption”, being the messianic
revolution to come, the frequency of the radiance of secularism teaching has to outnumber the
frequency of which the obscuring of secondary man made religions hypnotizes the world. Shift
in awareness of what the truth is made of depend on that. More laic schools and universities
are needed around the world for that reason. For humanity survival we are dependant of our
understanding of the universal truth found to be fractalized in many universal principles,
which is ultimately universal ethics.

Under the inescapable ruling of the universal principles, for us to think we are in total control
of the consequences of our acts, there is only one way to posses that kind of control, it is for us
to poses any of our action according to the natural rules to foresee the researched
consequences; otherwise it is foolishness to think that we can act illogically, like asocially, in
order to creates an harmonious result. Law: Any consequence is under the ruling of the
universal principles; any subjective conscious action is under the control of any form of life.

Therefore, sociopaths in position of authority have only the illusion to be in command of others
since it is part of the karma of others, via causality, to be under their limited control for a
certain amount of time. Psychopaths can only fools the simple minded; and psychopaths are
not realizing, by their lack of ethics and logical reasoning, that they are the biggest self-
suckers, fooling themselves big time, since the essence of things (the natural rules) that lies
behind life and matter in all matters, are the ones in total control in any consequence of any
action. Individuals with psychopathic behaviors having for aim to “trick” others out of their
possessions do not realize in their foolishness that the possession of mere matter do not mean
possession of knowledge and wisdom which creates harmony; their mind are starving on the
top of mountains of gold. On the other hand, anyone mind can evolves toward intellectual
harmony for intellectual satisfaction to be found in the mist of the arid lands of socio-cultural
hardship having economical problems; a mind can grow in an arid land and be capable of
possessing the whole universe.

Only the vain non-helping hands fools projecting themselves into others see the innocents as
been as fools as they are; but the wise man see innocents as human being in a middle of a
learning process. Every part of humanity is an important part of one's learning process where
pride without vanity is the key of the learning process. Humility without self-pride to be
human would be masochism. Self-seeking for harmony leads to accept every one as oneself
being in the same situation that we are presently, just like we can be in their shoes. What we do
wrong to others turns out to be what we do wrong to ourselves. It is the realistic perception of
what a human being is in the universal scheme of general evolution that makes us to be aware
that social interaction play a very important role on anyone personal behavior. We build
ourselves the future living weapons that would destroy us, or we build solid mental stepping
stones in the mind of others for them to help us to cope and adapt better to realities. We shall
not forget that the one's we let to die today maybe the one's that would have save our life
tomorrow. To be realistic do not, by any mean, having the hidden meaning to be a sucker
because of one humanistic approach to the causal laws.

Man in his search for answer educated himself where the availability is present. It is so easy
for societies, by lack of funds for proper schooling, to turn a normal individual who geniously
search for answers to an extremist bigot. The faith of the fools is to embrace craziness in their
folly. They see reason as an unwelcome visitor continuing to plague their mind resting in the
folly of doing wrongs. He who does not want to heal doesn’t see reason losing precious time
trying to rescue human fools from folly. Why do fools in their sick mind want to delight in the
complicated ways of folly when is so easy to be serve by the ways of reason? Well, psychiatry
may know. Here they are: arms in hands and weeping over their miseries, sighting in the mist
of the price they have to pay for an empire of nothingness while prosecuting beautiful minds.
Amiss, the voices of the fools, which are not even been the delight to their ears, shout insanities
among the wonders of nature while these lost suffering souls are seeking desesperately the love
they forbid to others. O yes! They strike our hearts through our senses, they cannot do enough
to raise our concerns, and we understand them as wanting the world without resistance for
humanity to be under their control for their own sad glory! Shall we must now do penance for
having dared to have liberate such folly in man by our own blindness and our lack of offering
free secular education worldwide?

These poor men being turned into bigots! They become those thirty souls who sigh day and
night toward the summit of the divine of which they aspire while their minds are dying;
because of their languor of never being able to reach the greatest of mind values, they figure
that to earn their paradise they have to use the might of the scimitar thinking it is in their
hand their god vengeance against the infidels. We witness their acquired evilness getting
worse when they reach their extremes. It is to ease their mental pain that they sacrifice to their
god of discord the innocent neighbor who is, according to their learned values, in the wrong
not to believe that the universe was the product of the desire a god to get out of a lonely

Statistic is the link between reality and general evolution; that trinus in its dynamic indicated
that the natural evolution of the species can be trigger by natural environmental phenomenon
as well as artificially created environment; it doesn’t matter, the principle of evolution still the
same, artificially induced or not. Therefore Darwin theory is still valid in both cases.

Devils (human sociopaths) are cheaters; they are filling their pockets and emptying their
hearts. They become mind-dead because their minds are resting in the cold vacuum of

When the parties involve acts in good faith and find pleasure in their association without
harming anyone around; where is the problem? The problem is the "arms dealer"; the "arm
dealer" is an expression to indicate an external party that can be external politics, subjective
journalism, real arms dealers, religiosity, etc ...; "arms dealers" are the trouble makers who
use man vanity, man greed, and man selfishness to turn man against man in their ignorance;
"Arm dealers" are psychopaths who are using ignorance of others for their personal gains.
What good man would be to humanity if man keeps destroying man until no one still around?

The sensual part of libido is Molochian’s.

To Define Properly for Better Comprehension

Let's put it this way: a real Christian try his best to be an humanitarian, but his sectarism
takes the best out of him by marketing his religious nonsense; a real humanitarian is a atheist
humanist who is not prone to a masochistic religious infantilism; any real initiated in the
Kabbalah will agree with that fact (and so are plenty of psychiatrists).

Astrophysics, and sociopsychology are connected by the causal laws as everything else in the
universe; to makes a long story short, and for general understanding to be easier to grasp for
the agnostics peoples, the primal religions called that general correlation leading to constant
evolution: "God". The universal rules (or natural principles) give us guidance, we have to find
them and that can only be done objectively by the scientific approach if we want to define them
properly for better comprehension of our universe.

The wise studied the Universes, its beauty, its processes and what is there, and the light
became his own in the forms of beautiful and realistic thoughts. A ray of heavenly divine
thoughts is the image people have of the virtue of reason to be perfect, and the thoughts of man
become god’s spouses if they represent the power of logic. To sully the noble thoughts is to
undermine the reason they contain by trying to reduce their light. Any work can be strong and
perfect if logic prevail; a good artisan leave his thoughts to follow the mechanic flood of light
which is logic on the move. When thoughts are causes, ill-defined words composing beautiful
thoughts makes the causes not to produce the desired effects. For the water of the creek not to
be different from its source we shall not pollute it when it runs its course to quench the thirst of
the land.

When we are addressing our attention on what surrounds us, we note that we can establish in
a precise manner the definition of a lot of things. We demonstrate through our sciences the
reality of the presence of a logic which rules irrevocably the universe. Determinism from the
motility of forces (energy) produces a cause and effect phenomenon that rules all systems
present in the universe and the universe itself. The universe is a singular physical phenomenon
that provides us the conditions by which we can learn its ways.

It is because of the presence of this ruling logic that our sciences are able to make some of its
principles. We find these principles in the form of laws of physics, chemical sciences and so on.
We do not yet know all the ruling laws. For them to be always true to themselves is a good
indication of the presence of a master logic that guides all events. Having established this, we
can say without fear that anything can be defined by science. For where the knowledge of
science stops (for now), it is the field of metaphysics and philosophy that takes over. It is from
the most recent discoveries by sciences that metaphysics and philosophy extrapolate from. To
think about the future possibilities that the universal laws have to offer, we based our thoughts
on the Constance of determinism, among other things. Another school of thought is also
present, it is the religious thought. It is a metaphysical thought that dogmatizes the presence of
one or more living gods instead of looking closely at the primal sources which created those
gods to better represents various scientific concepts.

Sigmund Freud collected antique arts knowing antique gods represents some of his concepts
concerning the psychology of things. The personal paper trail of Freud is there to witness that
Freud also learned from ancient gods, and myths, his most modern concepts about psychology.
For Freud these statuettes were dolls, and Freud knew that dolls are puppets representing the
veiled meanings lying behind them, meaning there is more than of what our sensory system
can register by seeing them and hearing their story; just like us, we are dolls being
manipulated by the power of logic (a higher power would say the religious bigots) and having
something to say about ourselves according to our actions and feelings. Freud knew that it is
not the god that is important but what it was made to represents and gods were man-made.
That was his relationship with his statuette collection concerning his musings about humanity
behavior. His desk was a display of miniature antique gods and goddesses as sublimal
messages for the benefit of his visitors. Among other statues adorning his study and consulting
rooms was included a statue of Eros (circa 300BC to 250BC) the god that personalize sexual
desire, the sexual face of libido. In a way we can say Freud by being the pupil of the gods
inherited their treasure of knowledge, and that makes him one of the son's of the gods without
being their puppet. Freud did like mental sport where he can outwit these antique puppet
makers by reading their mind throughout their dolls. A doll can be more than one hundred
meter tall, it doesn't matter its size, a doll still a doll, and any sculptured image of a god is a
doll representing something concerning reality. Therefore by definition a god representing
extreme vanity would be the size of our tangible universe and expanding; and a god
representing extreme humbleness and wisdom, and being life givers would be so small in its
tangible size that it would be huge in invisibility and expanding, just like the “dark universe” is.

There are various gods and goddesses as there are various religions throughout the world and
the ages. They all have in common that we must have faith on their science. A belief, to be true
has to be based on rational arguments. The existentialists say that having faith is the attitude
we take to hide from oneself the truth by not using the power of reasoning. Since this book
questions the notion of our ethics toward our socio-political reasons to do things, by its
extrapolations from well-established sciences, we can say that most of our thoughts are
therefore existentialists thoughts that makes us to says that having faith in primal religions is
to have faith in the provable scientific data they contain and that has been in hiding behind
what primal man-made gods has to say. The scientific information’s contain in the torah is the
ancient primal religion of ancient Egypt being presented to humanity in another form. We
hold the door open to all forms of opportunities that present themselves during our
metaphysical journey.

Let this research being part as one of the forerunner theories of the messianic era. One of many
humanistic heralds which proclaim that peace on the world is possible only by humanity own
unity in its common goal to built social harmony, finally realizing that only human wisdom
from reason and ethics can help us to attain that goal. Having said that, on one hand we have
the sciences and on the other hand we have religions. Both, they proclaim themselves true
science. Secular science bases its dogma when the evidence of what it advances can be
measured and proven in the laboratory. The religions call for their followers to exercise their
faith in them, which represent the word of one God. Scientists tend to believe the phenomenon
of the evolution of species as a reference to Darwin's theory. The creationists by believing in the
creation of the universe by God, believes in God science. All we have to do in this research is to
find out where the science of God is the same than the secular science; for that to happen we
have to redefine the word “God” that was created by man. Now, and this is a paradox which
we must untangle, some scientists believe in God while some creationists believe in science! It is
therefore necessary to define, by extrapolation, 1) the universe; 2) God, so that we can separate
these two distinct elements to unravel part of the paradox. We must take into consideration the
presence of religious thought in their doctrines because we see that there is a very large
proportion of the presence of sociology that is also part of our measured science. This is where
our first link lies: between religion and secular science, sociology is the obvious starting point.

Religious belief in a living, therefore subjective, “God” personage which cannot be proven, is in
negative correlation with the secular belief of the presence of the objectivism of mechanical,
therefore non-living, universal principles which can be proven. The link between them is that
they are opposites; and according to the trinus theory the opposites are needed for general
evolution to take place, therefore the factor time is involves for those two different and opposite
sets of beliefs to become one but in two different sets of communication as time links them in
the general evolutionary scheme where intellectuality is involve. Opposites are dual by nature
and by definition. One of them serves as reinforcement of the validity of the other. It is only a
question to find out which is what: positive or negative, in the evolutionary scheme.

Definition of God

God, according to some religions, is the principle that governs the universe. It is the totality of
all the principles that govern the universe.

A language is a mathematical form of communicating with word; these next sentences can be
turn on in mathematical form: God is energy, and it is equal to the total of the ashes of Gaia
falling into the nothingness of the surrounding void, and therefore creating a universe by
becoming its dynamics.

Definition of the universe

All of existence or field of activity of all phenomena known and unknown.

Well, now our ideas become a little clearer because if you look at science and religions in a
concise manner that gives us this:

Our definition of “God” in the Universe

“God” is a personification given to all natural governing principles, by some religion.” God” is
the word that unites all scientific domains. As some religions like Islam, Catholicism, Judaism
etc.. Are saying: “the word of God prevails”; it’s all in the matter of how to perceive that
saying. “God's command's” being the universal principles that's runs the universe, then “God”
being the sum of those principles has been created by those principles, which mean “God” is a
word being chosen by man to personalized those universal principles under one deity that
represent the concept of the presence of those universal principles. They are universal rules
assemble under one name: “God”; in short: the whole universe is God! It is man who perceives
the whole universe as a god.

The light (composed of particles of dust on the move call "quanta) creates the universe, and it
is the objective harmony of the universe becoming a series of electrical impulses affecting our
intellect which entrust us with the power of reasoning that permits man to mature and to
unveil and understand the pure logic behind all the universal patterns of the light- call by man
"the natural principles"- being transformed into an emotive state we call "love" for us to make
utopia to become humanity future reality; it is purely a question of evolution within a logical

God, “supreme being, deity”; guthan,ghut, “that which is invoked”, from root gheu (e), “to call,
invoke.” Principle, from L. principium (pl. principia) “a beginning”, meaning “origin, source”,
source of the general law of nature, pattern to follow. Origin, to combine into a whole. “He
laces together to combine into a whole”. There is a method of weaving; therefore “God” is the
ultimate weaving machine. This means that the word “God” is a human invention, it is the
name given to the concept of the universal weaving machine. The ancient Egyptian call it
“Neith”, it is the weaving machine, made of logic and became life. God is also symbolized as
that ancient Egyptian goddess of life mother of all living beings. Well...that's makes the God of
the bigots to be a female! ... Or it is only the feminine side of God being the black Madonna? ..
And his masculinity being logic itself entering the womb of life? ... Hmmm ... is it logic self-
interacting and becoming the mnemonic part of life being called the “holy spirit” by the
Christians? In that case it is that holy spirit that keep conceiving in the womb of the black
Madonna a bunch of life segments called “forms of life”; that’s makes the whole of all
personalized mnemonic data to be the “One essence of life”. In any case, it is nature self-
procreating throughout different mnemonic means that constantly creates life and modifies
matter as time and actions in time go by. Well's see as we go along in this amazing research
how pieces of ancient riddles are falling into place in the universal cosmic puzzle where human
history is involve.

Conclusion: "God" is the name given to a pile of self-interacting cosmic particles of ashes on the
move, which is the light-motility that still creates our universe (Evolution).

“You knit me together in my mother womb” (psalm 139).

The belief in a subjective living being that is the sole source of all science and the sole source of
the creation of the universe, and all things existing being under his sole control, is a moronical
medieval concept being created and enforced by force by mentally trouble individuals in
position of power whose had no idea what ethic is all about. It is a product of human
imagination by individuals seeking a master to serve so he will take care of their needs in
return .That is the simplistic: “scratch my back and I scratch your back “theory. It would make
more sense to see the universe as an equal partner. By intuitive reasoning based on the
subtraction of any invalid elements, we can say that the primal(s) source(s) that gives the
universal principles their motility (energy) for them to govern the universe as an automatism
of interaction which is still, so far, unknown to most of us. The purpose of our research is to
find a way by using our reasoning to pushes scientists to find a mathematics formula that will
unified in one single source containing the primal and physical aspect of duality the whole
universe; so it can be as measurable as any physical phenomenon; to know “the source(s)” will
explain many things. Any form of energy is measurable; therefore “God” is measurable. We
can measure anything in the universe, and we can also measure the pre-universe, as the
amount of matter that compose our universe is finite, and the amount of nothingness that
compose the exterior of our universe is infinite. It is the interaction of those two primal
components that created the universe.

To do just that we have to know, as a start, that seeking the universal truth and the attainment
of reason without paradoxes (which creates most of our psychological troubles) can be done by
studying the universal laws themselves. Esotericism means only the lack of knowledge of some
individual in regard of universal laws. Mainstream dogmas and religions are bastardize
opinion of those laws, they are degenerating those laws.

“Spirituality” simply means reasoning properly under various stimuli and sending the right’s
message, nothing else. In plenty of countries it is easy enough to go to school and learn the
universal laws and their consequences. From here on it is easy enough to see that all the
Christian faiths that find their source in the Jewish religion, can be consider as scientific
matter under the veil of (some time very humoristic) hermeticism which were ill interpreted by
man. By deduction we see the whole of the Jewish scriptures (their religion) to be only a
sophisticated book of science containing some historical events. It is for us to decipher it, to put
its language up to date. The initiated descendants of the Levites grand priests are among us.
They know the true meaning of their religion. Using different mediatics supports throughout
the ages, creating different esoteric sects around the world, they leave us various subliminal
messages like the one on the American one dollar bill. Certain books of fiction, science fiction,
and pieces of arts are among their messages. Those messages are from the keepers of the oral
torah. It is their secret “religious” duties, thousands of years old, to do what they do. As we go
along in our research we will discover what is really going on. It is like being on a crime site
and collecting all the clues being left in purpose to discover the culprits. Knowing that religions
are limited, that they are in the rut if they don't take the scientific approach to explain the
creation of the universe clearly indicated that religions follows, in their own ways, the
principle of the chaos theory (see chaos theory). As a start, we will postulate that the ancient
secret arts were only scientific doings under the veil of various sacred practices.

In Leviticus 26, both chapters: “Blessings for Obedience and Punishment for Disobedience” can
be easily understandable, even by a school kid who can read, when we take the angle of
approach that “God” means “universal natural laws” and that it was Moses that gives to those
laws a personality as if they were alive and all of them being assemble, binding them together,
under one unique imaginary personage call “God”. Knowing “God” is a fictional character
which represents the universal rules as Isa 43:11 mentioned: “I, even I, am the lord; and beside
me there is no Savior.” which mean the natural universal laws are ruling the universe, they are
the supreme lord (as supreme rulers) and beside them there is no savior, so how ever may
think is the equal of those laws or their sole representative can go back to bed and dream
another dream. Too bad Muhammad and the fictional Jesus of Nazareth didn't do just that.
And that's includes the Pope. All they did was having a distorted perception of reality and
created a “religious” politic according to their views. Their distorted views became sacred
beliefs for a bunch of morons; religiosity artificially induces mental troubles within the mind of
the feeble, disturbing their intellect while they are searching for love. Discarding scientific
knowledge and comprehension by reasoning, they are now brain-dead, searching for love and
mind stability within myths and paradoxical religions...Surprise!

When it comes to issues of science and Torah, the Rebbe's point out is that the studying of
everything that was created it’s a means to know what god is made of, and every discovery we
have ever made was planted there by nature in order that we can utilize it for our intellectual
purpose. According to those Rebbe’s, the true purpose of all technology and modern science is
neither convenience nor power, but a means to discover the rules of nature within the physical
world. Rebbe's stresses out that science can only enhance the Torah by demonstrating its
truths in the empirical realm. Rebbe's teach their flock that it is by the understanding of science
in all its detail that we obtain knowledge, and it is according to the laws of nature (universal
principles), that science defined to our understanding, so we can achieve by intensive study
and by mastering the scientific method, the comprehension of nature wisdom. Jewish Rebbe’s
continues on saying that it is by learning how nature chooses to process that we can attain
knowledge and understanding. According to those rabbi’s we have to know the fundamental
principles within the forces that run this physical universe responsible for the presence of life
and our scientific developments. We know, over time, when a scientific theory is in sync with
these principles. By saying, “The universe, having been created by Gods works” means all acts
of “God” is the science behind nature. “So” are saying the Rebbe’s “why not accept this fact right
now and call the whole processes: God?” Those Rebbe’s are so right! But do they really,
scientifically, understand what they are saying?

They are simply saying that “god” is a word containing the definition of nature; and “God
‘calls” is nature calls! To answer “God’s call is to answer “Nature call” (That’s also includes
basic body urges like defecation, as a message been relayed to the mind via the Freudian Id);
this is what the dictionaries say anyway! This is to say that our psyche is an integral part of
“God” like the rest of the universe, poo’s included as an integral part of the deal. Reality is not
sassy, but it can be humoristic by moments , and that’s make man greatest than the God’s of
some religions since man has a sense of humour that God’s lacked big time!

Concerning any of nature actions, we have direct and indirect access to nature methods even if
nature ways are not our ways. Nature created forms of life in its structural image (triadic
principle which is two opposites and the link) meaning that the relationship of nature and its
fractalized living parts (nature creations) is reflected in the myriad of forms of life existing in
the cosmos. In other words, any form of life (man included) is a microcosm of the universe. Our
psyche is an association of living modes of nature expression. Libido, part of our psyche, is the
purest form of logic that vivifies creation.

All of existence is nothing other than manifestation of nature. We are living expression of
nature infinite creative ability even if the amount of energy that makes our universe is finite.
Our future understanding of nature at its fullest potential can only be revealed through our
natural innate intellect and our sensory system that trigger direct emotions from the exterior.
In that sense, Illuminating ideas can be considered as nature “thoughts” reaching the private
domain of the thinker: his mind. Thoughts being manifestations of the thinker to himself, and
the thinker being a fractalized part of nature, therefore, nature expresses its thoughts in words
of human speech in a human psyche. This is simple common sense! The logic of nature is
expressed and given substance from basic cosmic dust becoming interacting energy.
Ultimately, nature speeches are in the specific properties and forms assumed by matter and
forms of life; our scientists are right on the top of it.

Thought, is a constant and automatic process. Speech is generated by the will to communicate.
We understand speech, coming from forms of life, as specifically intended to reveal a message.
Nature speech in its doings reveals nature, and human speech and doings reveals who we are
dealing with. The disclosing of nature “thoughts” which is the natural principles that rules the
universe is the disclosing of nature; and nature is so obvious! Nature purpose is its own
harmony, and we are part of it. Religiosity creates aphasic-like speech full of a chaotic
profusion of paradoxes, nature does not.

Our actions can only be significant if nature is consistent in its doings, not concealing itself
(like a religious god does) so we can create different means to cope with our needs and wants.
Our pursuit of harmony is natural, and so its nature. Nature as a whole does not think, but us
as fractalized mnemonical parts of it we do. The order and structures of nature are its rules,
and those rules impose no limitations in time since time is relative. We are free to do what we
want for eternity, to hurt ourselves or not, it is up to us. In our orders and lack of order nature
always makes us free of limitation. We are the ones who limit ourselves for good and for bad.
To be a masochist or a sadist, or to be a sadomasochist, this is the moronic question. On the
other hand there is harmony from intellectuality and reasoning. There is no light so intense
that there are no any instruments we can invent that would not be capable of detecting it. The
light of the mind can be detected, and so is any wavelengths belong to the universe. “God” has
to be translated as “Nature”.

The universal principles (or natural rules) are found by the scientific community by the study
of energy self-interaction into its different forms. Therefore, the universal principles is not a
“God's saying” but the dynamics of forces or the “spirit” of interaction, as in “essence” the
essential motility of particles, being part of a finite primal matter, that created the universe
which still expanding to the void of infinity.

It is when man got tired of his foolishness that brings him only miseries that he seeks wisdom
from which he will never be tired to retrieves the eternal benefits. History tells us when armed
bigotry (armed religious extremists) is on the rise, belief in the humanistic approach of the
universal knowledge (ethical scientific approach) is on the fall. Concerning the religious
minded individuals, the religious extremists, and other bigots - who throughout the centuries
are into the nasty habit of harassing, torturing, and killing the messengers of the universal
knowledge (science) which includes pagan priest, nature worshippers’ etc ..- and who are
geniously interested (we talking about the bigots) of what this research will discovers, as we go
along, their patience is required (as patience is part of wisdom) before they start to put both
feet in their mouth, and keep using destructive weapons, making bloody fools of themselves.
Part of this research is also the understanding that one's wisdom can only be based on the
libidinous feeling (see ethics and also Freud) in pair with previous knowledge (right or wrong).
Without any proof to back-up any of our sayings anything been said enter the field of
supposition, and having blind faith in supposition is to gamble away one very own sanity.
Suppositions are theories until proven valid trough the scientific approach; then it belongs to
common knowledge been back-up by logical approach validating any kind of data. Scientific
approach creates the field of our faith in science where we firmly believe that we can use any
scientific knowledge to better adapt to any kind of environment; this is an historical fact.
Medicine, psychology, sociology, technology etc.. Base their knowledge on proven facts to help
humanity to better adapt. To adapt we copy nature ways for our own purposes, by doing so
we come to understand nature ways, and our secular faith is base on that knowledge. We
defined “nature ways” as “Universal principles”, they are natural laws. “God's laws” and
“Universal principles” are one and the same; they are natural universal laws created by the
dynamics of causality (forces in action) within different systems. A total absence of forces in
action (energy) it’s just plain nothing! Nothingness is a total void. Only nothing can come from
nothing; all things are made of energy, therefore the religious god is made of energy. Energy
being nature on the go, then the natural secular ways of nature is absolutely the same as “the
ways of god's” as been describes by the primal religions: it is logic on the move self-expanding,
taking territories from a surrounding void where there was nothing previously. We have to
understand that religions are man-made politics concerning the understanding of the entire
universe's ways that we have to have faith on. The pre-universe being made of the components'
that's created our present universe is view, by certain religion, as god's primal materials, and
the universe as god's creation. Primal religions such as Egyptian mythology (from where the
Torah came from, and latter on Catholicism and Islam) has to be seen as secular metaphysical
thoughts process that gives the solution of the universal puzzle in a riddle form where various
god's represents different proven scientific concepts. Therefore, religious thoughts have to be
seen as being part of a religious chaos theory where one mind compensates for its lack of
knowledge and understanding concerning universal matters. That's leads us to formulates that
religious metaphysic is to take the religious side of the chaos theory as the mystery of the
knowledge itself and to called it “God” in their hopelessness of ever knowing better. In their
trouble mind, bigots and religious extremists created a subjective god so insecure that he has to
be adore or else...That's sound like Mohammed, the creator of Islam. Our present research,
opposite to religious metaphysics, seeking the unveiling of the truth it’s starting to discover the
presence of an objective non-living “god”, already called nature, from which we can fulfill our
fundamental needs. Therefore, like the ancient Egyptians said: “gods are words being use to
personalize universal concepts for better teaching those concepts”. As a matter of speaking, in
some country the road rage is so intense during the rush hours that the majority of the drivers
are jumping on each other’s throat! Of course that is metaphorically speaking; it is simply a
common expression to make a point. Religious allegories and metaphor are ascending our
mind to “cloud 9”, we shall descend from “cloud 9” (also called “folie douce”) and see reality as
it is. “Cloud 9” is “Golus”: the exile of the mind from reason. A metaphor is like “as matter of
speaking”; because there is presence of metaphors then religious metaphors can only be
secularism on disguise since we have to use reason and logic to unveil their meaning. Let's
view things from this angle of approach: something “sacred” mean important; “Gods doings”
mean any universal physical action, therefore following universal principles of which plenty of
them have been discovered by our sciences so far. Since “Gods doings” or “Gods ways” mend
the objectivity of the universal laws, or universal commandments, than “God” is objective, and
since pure objectivity is a non-living universal mechanism following natural (mechanical)
rules, then the word “God” indicates a non-living universal mechanism that enclose and runs
the whole universe and produce forms of life. A form of live is a subjective mnemonic unit,
made of energy, and possessing self-determination. Is that so hard to use reason base on logic?
Of course not! Unless one is mentally instable and disturb, for reason being pushed away from
his mind. All religious minded people are still in Golus. To nature we owe the miracle of its
laws, from the noise of volcanoes to the lower whisper of the wind nature glory is in its
righteous laws. It is these universal principles that invite all of humanity to worship their
might as the ways of a god.

Secularism being in hiding under the veil of metaphors, which became "clichés”, creating
religions when taken literally, makes the primal religions and secular teaching to be syllogism.

Natural principles are "divines"; they support whoever want to finds them, believes in them
and use them.

All primal religions of the world are converging into one unique science: the universal knowledge
of the natural principles.

Our total liberty is that we can use the automatism of the natural principles (the will of God)
the way we want, to our advantage or our disadvantage; it is our prerogative.

Everyone is bond to reach intellectual nirvana (to drink ambrosia), but the righteous ones will
reach it sooner and with less suffering than the sociopaths.

Many of our scholars are aware that the universal truth contain pure poesy; some of them
realizes that poetry was transform into myths, metaphorized for teaching purposes toward the
morons in order to awakening their intellectual curiosity. As a result man in its agnostism,
taking some of the primal heroes odyssey's literally (as for Jesus of Nazareth representing
humanity, thus human odyssey) was lead astray by the poetry in it, thinking fantasies was
truth and reason. That's make some ill and poorly educated self-proclaim prophets (with a
bloody scimitar on hand,) like Muhammad, to be complete idiots making fools of themselves in
the eyes of the righteous’.

The study of Kabbalah is based on the Torah and the knowledge contain in the Torah is
compared to our current secular knowledge; the secret aim of the Kabbalah is for us to make
the religious aspect of the Torah to vanishes while the secularism contained in the Torah
becomes demetaphorized. It is Moses, an Egyptian Prince, who has ordered the Jews to protect
the Torah in its integrity and at the same time to decipher and understand by intellectual means
the scriptures. Therefore we can make this metaphysical law: The religious aspect of the torah
is in negative corelation with the secularism contain in it.
Nothing can live on its own, any form of live is part of a system, this is to say that "God" is the
ultimate system: the universe itself.

The natural principles include the fact that we need eggs and vegetable oil to make a good
mayonnaise; now, if some religious bigots really insist to adore a god who represent the natural
principles nothing stop them to elevates a temple around a pot of mayonnaise and let a good
pot of mayonnaise going to waste. Actually it would make more sense than to fight some holy
wars in the name of the receipy of how to make mayonnaise! Also, following this line of thought,
why emprison poeples, torture them and kill them if these poeples are saying we cannot make
any kind of mayonnaise by using used motor oil and beach pebles, and therefore whatever
religion give that receipy as the truth is a non digestable religion for the mind.

In the future the books concerning the development of the personality will mention that the pre-
Moschiach era was the era where the bulk of humanity was still in an egotistic childish state of
development; the Moshiach era was the era where the bulk of humanity breaks free from the
previous stage, as Moschiach been the trigger; finally the post-Moschiach era is when the bulk
of humanity become mind mature. These tree fundamental stages of devellopement are in
positive corelation with the tree stages of positivism.

Wars and conflicts are wake up calls for the righteous; peace loving start with a righteous
mind where the sectarism of religiosity has no room. The Torah stresses scientific knowledge to
be pairing up with the logic residing in fundamental ethics for man to gain wisdom in his
understanding of "God's ways" which is not "man ways".

Innocence is without conscious wisdom, and when man will be full mature (post Moshiach era)
he will cry over the past shedding of human blood that was trigger by his bloody innocence
and swear that wouldn't never happen again, and that oath will be concretized by man
erecting plenty of "temples of knowledge".

To cleanse our mind

Our praise toward nature, like a book of wonders day after day, make us to believe that the
designs of nature was led by the hand of a god for nature to be such a grandiose flower of
merits; o fools are we! How can a god created by man, who himself was created by nature, can
be the dull creator of such of a marvel! We are the equals of the Gods and Goddess who recites
the history of reality since it is us who created them. All this is a chimera to think that the life
we gave them is not our life in reality, their sum are the sum of all of our processes. The essence
of nature is innocence at its higher level; it is the humbling spirit of never knowing to be the
best! That spirit is the essence of the universal laws, which attests to their pure innocence.
They sworn to us by their own nature that even in our mind absence they will keep us in their
eternal memory. That common universal favor stroking our human vanity makes us to be
comparable to the gods ... the same gods we created for them to runs the whole universe.
Comparing our good fortune to the one of the gods, we then disappoint our reason of what is
real in reality. Walking away from the natural processes that's create human reason we
assure ourselves free from death which would be, in our lost minds, unavoidable if we may
thought for one instant that our man made gods were not for real's!

“God" is neither a destructive force nor a constructive force; it is an evolutionary process made
of energy, it is the whole universal system in its automatic objectivity. On the other hand man
can be destructive or constructive, it doesn't matter to "God", it only matter to man since it is
man who enjoy or suffer his own consequences throughout causality. Man search naturally for
harmony leading to pleasure, the difference between war and peace lays in the fact that man
search to respond to his wants in the detriment of his needs when looking for pleasure without
taking general harmony in consideration. The natural rules make it so that the wants are
environment destroyers for one's own profit, and the needs are environment helpful hands for
the profit of all. There is no expiration date on the contract (or covenant) between the natural
universal laws and man; also there is no possible compromise between these natural laws and
man. We better reassesses the situation when we let the religious stupidity teaches us that we
can make some kind of arrangement with a god, negotiate our way through paradise and still
be a bunch of sinners. The "God" of many religions and the universal natural laws are one and
the same. Religions give them life, and science does not; life as the dynamics of a mnemonical
phenomenon came from these natural universal laws. Hell being a mental state of mind (mind
suffering or soul suffering), is therefore the result of non obedience of the natural laws; to
follows the natural laws to find harmony while we structuralize our way of living
(construction of societies, economics etc...) which include our ways of learning the true nature
of thing (becoming Gnostic), is simply not to hurt ourselves psychologically nor physically
during the building of our civilized world. To listen to reason one has to be in the mood.
Spiritual food is basically the knowledge of things, and to act ethically within that knowledge
and to understand why. Our mind is our empire, we must have no other desire but to dominate
ourselves, our aim was always self-harmony base upon the fundamentals of common sense;
this is where man dignity resides: freedom to be oneself in accord with nature.

Isaiah 8:20, To the law and to the testimony: “if they speak not according to this word, [it is]
because [there is] no light in them.” meaning: If they speak not according to universal laws
(common sense) it is because they cannot use reason, nor possessing wisdom since the flow of
cognition (mental energy) must be stalled somewhere in the brain.

To clarify our ideas is to bring order in our superego in a way of ensuring that our intellect can
operate with more accuracy. To untie the ties that produce paradoxes is to assign each element
to its proper place. Let us not lose sight that this book is of the theory that speculates that the
universe is not planned but it follows an automatic logic. So, as we say in popular language:
everything has its place and every place has its thing. This is pure common sense from an
automated or automatic logic. When we have defined God as a word that defines the universal
concept of creation as natural processes, our intellect was a little relieved. We have things in
their respective places. We cannot have existentialist thoughts only, we take into consideration
what religions have a say. As we have seen, there is a very strong link between religion and
science. This link is part of sociology. There is also other links. Sociology is the science of social
phenomena its method is the observation and the building of descriptive models. It looks a little
complicated but all this is relatively simple. We'll simply define sociology in popular language,
here's the results : sociology is the science which studied the social phenomena by watching
what's happening in different circles such as: family circle, cultural circle, circle of
penitentiary institutions, circles of naturism, the high circle of marijuana smokers ... etc. ... you
understand the idea. The constitution of descriptive models means that they're making plans,
charts, schema, small drawings etc... To explain how it is happening and why. Well, you see
how things are simple!

From the religious point of view, and according to their own religious perception of social
value, the social aspect of any religion is to dictate the behavior one has to follow, for the well-
being of each and all. So there is good in religions. It is the way that some representatives of
their religions tell us to behave, and certain ways they use to push their dogmas down our
throat, that induces people to revolt, religions often enough creates paradoxes in religious
beliefs. In some areas, religions are not what they preach to be and find excuses to explain
their paradoxical behavior, which create other paradoxes. Catholics use to burn peoples alive
in the name of Christ and Islamic use to cut their heads in the name of Allah! ..Without
mentioning tortures...

Every day we see our world and its treasures, and peek at the whole universe throughout the
stars and we see that is nothing else like it with so much beauty! Without vain artifices and
never being approached by any vice, nature in it wonders assembles for us all of its treasures.
Shaping our minds and bodies according to our will is the spirit of nature; and nature being
within us makes our value to increases as we gain its wisdom. To wish that nature qualities,
drawing our hearts, our minds and our bodies, to posses more charm than it already has, it’s
the sin of the mind to do nature such an injustice, how one can think that nature cannot do
what a righteous mind can dream of? ... Since it is nature that speaks with the mouth of the

We have neither weapons nor destructive thought that we need not abandon to the power and
beauty of the natural logic. Nature is without vanity and neither under the same crazy
passions of our own human nature; and we learn to live under its strict and rightful rules.
There is no other world than ours with so much beauty within its laws, and if there were
another, he was so sensitive to shame that it he had to disappear after witnessing ours own.
Nature makes sure that when two half-truths are found and wed , the truth becomes bigger,
and fatter become the lies, and that is why even if our reason is not that deep or our wits not so
sharp, we can realize where resides the gracefulness of life or the doom of the dead for our
spirit to evolve.

With the course of time creating stars and the heavens, in our heart we feel beautiful thoughts
adorning things eternal, and these immortals, flying over the heavens of our minds are pure
altars erected to the might of nature. Kings like child, and wealthy and poor alike, welcome
nice thoughts where reside beauty, and because they are devoid of lies and vanity they know
they were acquiring wisely. The glorious combats of nature, makes the incredible to become
alive! It is in favor of the ruling of reason that pure Logic has being transform into pure love!
Every instant time creates for us, before our curious eyes there is Aphrodite to be wed by
beauty and reason in our mind and our heart. Only the most unfortunates who wishes came
true in their desire not to love neither to be wise, find unrest in their unethical vulgar and
egotist envy; they are the same who begs for mercy while wanting to destroy nature kindness.
Is there a passionate soul who would dare to doubt the good faith of nature when it is through
the mouth of humanity that it also tells in thousand different ways its sublime Odyssey?

This tells us that parts of the religious aspect is a sociological science that went wrong in
places, missed a turn and has slipped somewhere into the ditch of lost minds. It would appear
that religions were based on the sociological aspect of science. The religious-sociology “Love
thy neibourgh” aspect was one of the results from their studies that tell us what are the
appropriate behavior to have toward society and oneself and their God. Their aim is for a
harmonious evolution to take place. So, some religions are a result that was acquired by
sociological research, which they were previously supplied with by an unknown source. So,
some religions ask us to have full confidence (faith) toward the results of these investigations,
made by people of science, which has been the starting point of religions.

As an example:

a) For some religions, a sin is an act of misbehavior against their dogmas.

b) For society, a sin would be an act of social misbehavior.

And since different society has different laws and sets of values then we will say that:

c) A sin is an act of misbehavior against fundamental ethic.

This is not complicated when we use our reasoning. By putting things in their place where they
belong it eliminates the paradox. From this we can stipulated that: Any contradictory elements
which are in a system have the place that they are worth in this system. ; Which means that
any paradoxes can be untied.

Note - A system is a combination of elements which are arranged in a way that the
relationship between them produce results that give this system its character. So the character
of a paradox is to be self-contradictory.

The aim of religions was not to create paradoxes, but harmony; but too often the outcome
became unethical in the name of man-made god(s). It is the presences of these paradoxes that
make some religions are what they are.....religions! ... Meaning scientific data getting
haywire! So on one hand we have the scientificalsocial aspect and on the other hand we have
the human factor; both together make religion. The latter (religion) is the misunderstanding
that there are things under the control of the Freudian pulse of pleasure that can go wrong.
Some time the id is in total control, this means everything! Like someone said before: “power
From the Latin, “legenda”, “things to be read”, a legend is a narrative of something that are
perceived both by teller and listeners to take place within the history of the universe and its
components (our world as an example). Legends are tales coming from a reality, they are a
distorted view of what was (or is) real. That's what gives to Legends a possibility of reality. As
an example, “God” is a legend; it is a representation of all the natural universal laws. “God” is
the written symbol of those laws. From there on religious legends, base on real natural events
from which scientific concepts are formulated, can be made. The unrealistic character of
“legends” gives them a characteristic of riddles to be deciphered.

In religious domain, were politics may changes over times in order to keep the religious
denomination fresh and up to date, legends are use for indoctrination and to be the base of
specific traditions. When traditions are made from religious belief and became held values of a
group, a community or a country, because of the collective experiences of that group of people,
the accepted religious belief from that group serves as a cultural affirmation.

Legends are poetics writer’s performance leading to fairy tales even if they contain
connotations of hermeticisism documented realities from the original source. Knowing “God” is
a legend, therefore, “The Saga” of the Jewish people in the Torah is mainly riddles to decipher.
“God” was born the day we believe in that myth and he die the same day we found reason.

Present men-made politics makes that we live in an artificially men-made insane world. Our
blindness toward logic and rationality is due by our non-acceptance of using the logic of the
universal libidinous feeling during our business transactions. Disregarding the well founded
rules of nature, we works against nature to makes ourselves insane. That is our “legalized”
universal sin. Insanity is a psychopathology trouble (trouble of the mind) being refer to as
“madness” and in general terms: “psychotic disorders” to define behaviors influenced by
mental instability. Considered as poor health of the mind and referring to some defective
function of mental processes such as reasoning, that range of mental disorders can creates
organic brain syndromes as the contrary is also true according to the neuroplasticity theory.
Mentally ill can or cannot be socially ostracized from society. That mental illness, which is
insanity, interfered with a person ability to distinguish reality from myths. In mild cases if the
insane behavior of an individual (like believing in god) are not against the law when the
offense (sins) against logic and reality are committed, society accept that kind of mental
sickness as normal societal behaviors. For “normal” neurotic’s people, unless someone has a
loaded gun in our head and ready to fire if we don't act according to their will, we are in
control of our behavior most of the time. Therefore, we can heal ourselves from madness under
our self-determination and stop committing sins against nature. “A person does not commit a
sin unless a spirit of insanity enters into him” (Talmud, Sotah 3a). Sins are relevant to
psychology, not religions. Logic creates love, mental sanity is the dynamic of logic that become
an libidinous emotional state affecting positively the intellect for reason to be an harmonious
flow of mental energies; in short: logic is there for one to flow with the current of the universal
rules to better adapt. Some of the literal aspect of primal religions are crimes (or sin's) against
reason, but not there metaphorical aspect. Therefore if we consider primal religions as “crime
scenes”, the clues left behind are simply any paradoxical aspect, concrete or not, to be untied
by our use of logic that sometime will confront our cultural beliefs; we have to take in
consideration that the original creators of these primal religions were people of ethic,
knowledge and wisdom. We have to listen to what they said metaphorically. As anything else,
in the eyes of the universal principles, if we hear without listening what others have to say we
cannot base our thoughts on ethics (see libido) to understand who they are and make our
judgment of which of the steps of general evolution they are standing for us to be equitable in
our psychological assessment. This is to say that those high priests who were running Pharaoh
Affairs were far more knowledgeable in the universal affairs than we are now; they were the
descendants of what we commonly mention as the “lost civilizations”. As we goes farther in this
research we will pinpoint where they come from, since they left us plenty of clues of physical
nature as well of mental puzzles to solve.

As we go along in this research we will also find out that Israel is the inheritance of Egypt,
meaning Judaism inherits Egyptian religion. The name Adonai, translates as “Lord”, and
Judaism is a monotheistic religion which express the concept of its God in the plural tense. The
word “Lord” or “Adonai” meaning “my master”, In Hebrew writing is YHVH, pronounced as
“Adhonai, and it is plural; meaning “God” is a plural concept. In Egyptian, “Adhon means
Aten” (or Aton), and it is symbolized by the disk of the sun, that's where the name of the god of
King Akhenaten come from (18th Dynasty), he was known previously as Amenhotep IV, one of
the long list of the Hebrew Pharaohs who ruled Ancient Egypt; he did continue to imposed for
a short time an orthodox monotheism, to replace the ever growing complex pantheon of gods.
Aten became one associative God being divided into each of his attributes, characters, and
features, each having their separate functions and forms; that's follow the same principle of
the psychological field were one associative personality is the sum of all personalities. Aten
was already worshiped during the reign of his father Amenhotep III. That god became “All in
the One” meaning the whole universe and its dynamics. Aten was for well the sun-god as the
only god to be worshipped. Under Amenhotep IV ruling; Aten became the “supreme God”, and
the “Attributes of God” was understand by the people of ancient Egypt as the personifications
of the universal principles. These ancients’ personifications of universal principles were later
corrupted by some agnostic elements (some jerks) who infiltrated the ancient Christian party
and also by Muhammad who created the Qumran. Know we know the reason why a religious
bigot relies in a non-existent means of mental support to explain his slowness to get out of
agnosticism to be in his way to wisdom. It is by cultural bigotry that some individuals with
some great mind potential missed the opportunity to release the great genius that lay’s
dormant within. Man in his religious bigotry uses the rational (secularism) to try to explain
the irrational, then ask to have faith on the irrational since the secular approach will never
work to prove that the irrational, like a living god -as a person- that created the universe, is
the real reality behind any measurable reality; pffff ... someone really believes in fables isn't it?

In order not to fall in the trap of morbid rationalism, on his journey to knowledge and wisdom,
Man have the natural tendency to makes himself to believe in a superior being who loves us all
and creates us all. Actually this is not that far from the truth since it is what is known by our
Gnostic circles as the "Dark Universe" the soul factory! The Dark Universe is part of the total
universe, and it is known by certain religions as "Eve" the mother of humanity, and also as
"Aphrodite" and "Medusa" by the ancient Greeks. The Dark Universe is our birth place also
known as the "virgin Mary" from Catholicism. That secular knowledge being turn into myths
came from ancient Egypt.

The physical universe is the source of our existence; the dark universe is our life source. The
physical universe takes care of the body needs; the dark universe takes care of our
psychosocial needs.

As a pre-requisite to build utopia we need to take advantage of the capacities that lies in our
differences in a worldwide interaction to bond; but what we do now is the opposite: we are
taking advantage of others in their detriment and that leads to conflicts, wars included. What
we call "love" is the bonding between peoples who care for each others, each having their own
personal resources (traits of character, knowledge and "know-how") in the service of the
benefit of all in a realistic way . When world economy will be based in "love" then utopia will
be possible as love is the seed of logic being turn into a feeling that belongs to the dark
universe: our life source.

Primal religions are made of secular subtleties obvious only to the righteous.

We pay dearly to be the slaves of our wants instead of being the providers of our needs.

The Truth
Etymologically speaking "philosophy" translates as "loving knowledge", and by definition a
paradigm is "to show" the structure of reality. Secular paradigms are therefore bound to take
apart religious paradigms and showing to the world they were metaphors of secular
knowledge. Secular knowledge from the natural principles do not have any boundary, natural
principles are exact all over the cosmos; religious faith have boundaries from one community
to the next and from one country the next; therefore natural principles transcends religiosity
and blind faith toward a god. This is to say that secularism transcend religions, thus behind all
religions lays pieces of secular data. By minimizing and shrinking the manmade "God" as a
person to the level of a metaphor, we give more importance to the natural principles thus our
understanding of nature and the logic behind it, all the way to the real story of Genesis, to
discover from there the real path leading to the unified field theory. For anyone who says he
knows the truth than he shall come with proofs, a faith is not a proof; but true faith come from
proofs. Only science can prove or disprove.

Psychopath: definition-We mention often the psychopaths also called sociopaths, which are
metaphorized as the "devils" by certain religions who do not even know the word "devils"
means human "psychopaths" or "sociopaths". Here is how the psychopaths are defined
according to the psychiatric approach that fit into our research: A psychopath is an individual
who is, generally, under the influence of a functional mental disorder; occasionally the
psychopathic syndrome can appear following an organic disorder. The term "psychopath"
indicates the disequilibria of logic reasoning where the self-centered and vain individual
become a danger to society by his lack of conscious fundamental ethics being paired with his
denial of natural social emotions (natural universal libidinous feelings which are the emotional
roots of every form of life). Generally a psychopath has a normal intelligence but misuses his
mental potential to do evil. The most dangerous psychopaths are the ones who are lucid-
neurotics, under their artificial (and studied) charming appearance which dissimulated their

When the truth will emerges from its pit, soon love and loyalty will no longer be measured in
weight of gold. Then human rights for so long confined as a chimera will appear under the
rays of the phoenixes awake. Kindness which man relegated to the shelves of heaven will come
out of hiding to confound the human devils. Justice finally awakened will become more
“divine” than it ever was human.

The truth is: liberty is to be enslaved by harmony. Telling the truth can only bring chaos to
nonsense; truths leads to harmony, nonsense leads to mental hell.

Take it the way you want, but the following paragraph state the truth in different levels of
understanding: Poor people’s are the suffering refusals of societies, ill educated, victims of
economic wars, they are begging and stealing to survive. They are living societal garbage’s;
the dumps are their home where they have to deal with fat rats. The poor’s are the products of
politicians biting more responsibilities than they can chew, and spitting out to the wastes the
overflow of the hash they made, they then cover the truth of their mistakes with the
rationalizing lids that belongs to “canned” garbage minds with tunnel vision, thinking
“cleverness” can blind the eyesight of “wisdom”. Only fools are doomed to repeat the bloodshed
of history and to be victims of this bloodshed; but as the wise understand the point of history,
he is learning the lessons from past bloodshed and keeps evolving toward harmony.

The meaning of life concerning any living creature is to attain knowledge and wisdom under
the natural presence of self determination and with the automatism of the laws of nature in
order to adapt to the whole universe. The meaning of life follows a natural evolutionary
process. The first destiny of man is to be agnostic; from there on he has to vanquish that
primal step of his destiny. At first, to adapt and vanquish man builds a personal armor made
of non sense, tyranny, and vanity. Then it is by the flow of his tears from his insolences to
insolences against nature that time make that armor to crumbles and breaks as wisdom takes
over. This struggle is all about his innate faith in love, self-love at first were egotism and
egocentrism are needed for primal survival, then human love toward others takes over as man
evolve; for he better understand that self-love is part of a social procedure where the whole of
humanity is involve ... others ways one's would be bored out of his skull! It is when man
discover nature that if found his reason, and for the real laurels of glory to crow man it is not
through wars; instead it is for man to crown the rest of the world with the laurels of his mind.
It is done by using reason and sharing knowledge instead of abdicating one's fundamental and
natural human rights to be able to think and communicating freely, under such threat' as the
dread of violence and death, unethical political pressure, wrong cultural believes and any
other kind of blackmail.

Nature is an automatism, nature creates life, and therefore life is an automatism following the
laws of nature. A man made god ruling nature is a “persona no grata” ruling our minds; what
define best the word “God” it is rather nature being personalized by a man made god. Peoples
are surely born agnostics, but they are not born as complete fools as common sense is already
part of us, and it only required good old common sense to understand wisdom, as wisdom lays
in the structure of our unconscious long term memory and comes to us in the form of common
sense, “the little voice” to listen to; therefore “the truth is in us”. Truth can be surrounded but it
cannot be attack and destroy. Common sense discover were lays the truth, and the truth reside
proudly in the mouth of the wise who's rightfulness become its home, and truth is also carry by
the back of the poor and the rivers of pollution. Who fear the truth fear himself since self is built
by an automatic natural common sense. Lies surround the truth in their attempt to veil it but
the truth never surrounds lies, and lies are by definition self-destructives when facing the
truth. Who challenge the holder of the truth challenge his own incomprehension of reality. A
wise man can hold any position, he can also be a politician by humbleness where emotions are
low and feelings are high. The wise listen more than he talk as for listening is to transcend
what his ears are hearing in order to discover the truth behind what is being said and about
the person who communicates who he is in reality; but who talk more than listening is a
politician in the race for power where selfishness is the motivator that makes him bite more
responsibilities than they can chew, and where personal emotions leads the mind for feelings to
leave the heart. Even when surrounded by triviality truth still is the sunny side of reality as
truth is literally the light that reaches infinity while lies are finite in their emptiness.

The Greek word “logos” is “ratio” in Latin, and “raison” in French, from which “reason” in
English was derived. Reason refers to our mental faculties following the path of logic, and
logic is found in all aspect of reality which is nature doings. Nature has authority over us, we
feel it intuitively as well as we can consciously see the reality of it with the help of our sensory
system. Nature is what is true and it is what is best to listen to. We are part of the consequence
of the presence of nature and as such any of our acts follows a logical consequential pattern
being stimulated by our self-determination.

Truth is in energy self-interaction, is that what nature is made of, and that interaction creates
life. Life creates humanity, and humanity creates borders. Truth never had any borders. The
truth is the same for all, only our perception of what the truth is differs. The truth is in the
universal harmony where everything is always in an equilibrium state, static or dynamic.
When our perception of the truth will be the same for all, and being true, then utopia will be
build. The truth is secular, and to have faith on the truth is to have faith that the universal rules
are well appropriated and well established for general evolution to have no choice but to leads
us toward our own general harmony called utopia. The truth is in the universal laws that lead
any universal component to its own equilibrium. The truth can be found by the use of the
universal rules as science does. Every day we are using our knowledge of some of the universal
rules in our technologies, our human interaction, our respective trades etc ...We need to see
what the truth is made of in order to better adapt, this is why we created our own scientific
approach and our own scientific research to pinpoint some scientific concepts concerning the
truth, and how the truth runs a whole universe. Knowing the word “God” is, grosso modo, the
concept that means “all the scientific fields of nature”, then we believe the truth of things is
relevant to science and its concepts. God science is the science of things, material (tangible)
and immaterial (intangible). The intangible belong to the domain of the mind (spiritual), the
domain of reason. To have faith in reason is to have faith in the scientific domain finding
nature ways. As we can see, the word “God” means anything including scientific thoughts and
universal dynamics.

Above all, common sense as we know it says that truth is to have the exact knowledge of
something; that, everybody knows. As for science, truth is a principle that is certain and
consistent, like the universal principles.

The truth is therefore a result which can be measured objectively. So the truth of things is
scientific-objective. If we look a little more closely we can say that truth is the exact knowledge
of why certain behaviors take place and the acknowledgement of the behaviors themselves.
Either by cross-sectional study (a part in time) or longitudinal study (long-time in time) we
are able to find the truth of things. It therefore appears that: “The truth” is the accuracy and
objectivity of the whole universal knowledge.

A truth is a part of knowledge. With regard to believers, this shows that the truth belong to the
field of science. Therefore, truth implies knowledge. To know implied some research in order to
find out. So to be a St. Thomas is an excellent thing. To have faith based on evidence gives us
lesser headaches than trying to prove faith as scientific evidence.

Ezekiel, Chapter 13:6 “They see vain things, and they foretell lies, saying: The Lord saith (the
universe indicated): whereas the Lord hath not sent them (they are uneducated): and they
have persisted to confirm what they have said.”

It is obvious that we live in our universe; it is obvious that our universe is the whole truth
about itself, and it is made of energy; therefore it is obvious that our universe is the logic of its
own truth. Saying that, we can state without mistake that there is only one truth, and that
truth is logic. The truth being logic, than universal truth can be found by objective reasoning.
Any claimant of being the representative of the truth, or part of it, can be considered as such
only if what the claimant is saying can be proven and measured since the truth is made of
energy interactions. Before any claims of “truth's”, made by anyone can be proven exact by
science, those statements of the “truth” can only be considered as “theory's” or “Prophesies”.
Man can think and science can prove.

The truth is not in an individual call “god” but it is found in the universal rules, it is the
“essence” of the universal rules. The universal truth defines what is right and wrong for
harmonious interactions to takes place concerning any forms of life, we simply have to think
“social” and keep social harmony in mind to know the difference between right and wrong.
Beside the Noahide laws (from #2 to #6), concerning what is right and what is wrong is purely
a cultural matter; in that sense, what we may call (social) self-respect is no more than to go
along with cultural pressure concerning societal taboos. As an example, a pagan making a
remedy against cough with natural herbs during the inquisition era was considered being as
having no self-respect beside the “fact” that pagan was a sorcerer!

If that “sorcerer pagan”, without any intent to exploit or harm his pupils, teaches them how to
make herbal medicine, those young students may have been considered to be innocents
participants in a devilish doing (making herbal medicine) who were unaware they being
abused. What may have saved some of those young pupils from being also burn alive would be
the fact that they did not realize what was tough to them was wrong to learn and
experimenting, but realizing it (under cultural pressure) shows that their morality weren't'
permanently corrupt, and self-respect not something they seems to have lost. Also, the fact that
some of those “sorcerers” seemed to be remorsefully for their “crimes” when making tearful
apologies to their former pupils before going to the gallows. Some of those students most
probably said that they were glad that the inquisition found out.

The only self-respect one had to have is to keep his liberty of thinking and experimenting safely
according to reason; and reason can be found by the finding of universal rules. Some of those
rules can easily be seen under the analogy phenomenon. Analogies are everywhere, and we
are using some of them at this moment. Our cultural ways are not necessarily the ways of the
universal rules (is that rings some bells?).

The Catholic Church and Islam teach young children about a non-existent living subjective god
and the politic to follow according to “god saying”; where is the self-respect? Where is the
respect toward reason? Where is the morality? It is ok to recognize that some kind of a power
greater than ourselves created the whole universe, and it is better than ok to simply
understand that it is the non-thinking automatic universal rules made of energy that did it.
Only forms of life have the thinking power; not automatic rules, they are purely an
automatism of energy. To live with a sense of meaning is to comprehend that all form of live
are in the same boat and that we have to socially adapt to each other’s without losing our own
personality. Our only purpose on life is to develop a personal and social system of adaptation
under the influence of our natural libidinous feeling for harmonious social interactions to take
place. Learning is part of that process. What is missing from our life is that a lot of people do
not comprehend that fact. The spiritual nature of our life is simply our mind searching,
always, for reason, the reason of our presence, and to better oneself in that quest. Deep down it
comes to pure logic creating emotions and feelings: the natural reason of the mind and libido
unified are the main component to create wisdom leading to harmony. All others “moralities,
meanings and purposes” are simply cultural. That is the truth.

It is the laws of the conqueror that prevail over any man-made concept, and the universe is
always triumphant. The Jews knew that for long-time; the god of Israel was always “science”
and it is troughs their attempts to transcend science to find “god” that they found the
psychology of life: harmonious libido. According to British social theorist Dr Charles Murray,
some groups are genetically more accomplished than others. And Jews' average IQ score is
seven to 15 points higher than gentiles. Of the entire nation that produces scientists like Albert
Einstein, also great artists and intellectuals of the modern world, according to Charles
Murray, Jews have shown a rare affinity with scholarship and they are exceptionally
accomplished people. He called that phenomenon: “the Jewish Genius”.

For an imbecile making fun of the truth is nonsense laughing at itself no matter how scholarly
that imbecile think he is in its own self-made concepts, it is the truth that makes fun of him by
not being with him; as the truth triumph both ways: by being or not being there. Therefore to
make fun of people holding some of the keys of the truth, like Freud did, can only lead that
imbecile to a lot of nightmares. Than any imbecile making fun of Freud, will comprehend that
dreams are in fact metaphorical messages from the intellect in one person unconscious level.
Dreams will always be the just product of causality, as rewarding messages, warning
messages etc.. Or merely plain self-mind-punishment. It is easier for an imbecile to make fun of
great minds thinking they are so great to do so, than to become a real great mind, suffering in
silence (momentarily), while gently, but with open eyes, helping humanity. Imbeciles helps
only causality to dig deeper the hole were lays their mental hare. Freud realizing, as any Jews
does, that in order for one to discover self-harmony, one has to discover his true-self.
Psychoanalysis was Freud favorite technique for self-atonement under wise supervision. Truth
leads to harmony as Isaiah 2:4 mentioned: “He (the truth) shall judge between the nations,
and shall decide disputes for many people’s; and they shall beat their swords into
ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against
nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” is out there any imbecile stupid enough, daring
to make fun of that one? Like the ones who do not know what libido is nor what fundamental
ethics is. Some imbeciles are educated sociopaths hiding under their grandiloquent words
fooling “mind-lost” moronic gentiles in search for harmony. The truth is reality. What reality is
made of is the truth. Truth can be proven. Even if past truth's is past realities, the truth is
always present; what is bound to happen it’s the truth which belong to the field of statistics.
Any action, any object defines a truth, a reality. Behind the truth lays many universal
principles, they are constants in their rightfulness, and they are ruling the universe. Righteous
persons studying the reality of things and using the universal rules ethically for humanity
better knowledge concerning the truth in everyday realities are Humanists. Humanists are
seeking truth from reality for humanity welfare. It is only from the truth that we can find
reason. The mind not seeing reason doesn't mean reason is superfluous but it is the veil that
blinds the eye of our reasoning that is to us the superfluous that has to be removed. The beauty
of nature and the beauty of our creations, following nature rules, on which we delight, are our
view and became our life; but in the view of the fools if we no longer possess the sweets of the
world, then we no longer live! Financial companies are making huge profits out of fools. Fools
are mind absentees, if the mind is life than fools are the dead' in need to be resurrected (but not
biblically! ...The stench!).

In the classical Jewish prayer book called the “Siddur”, in line 16 of a Jewish prayer called
“Aleinu” it is said:”Our King is Truth and nothing else compares”.

Some religious beliefs from any religions are mockeries and blasphemies against reason, and
our liberty of free speech is the wonderful tool that gives us the choice to find out where lays the
truth; that can only be done the secular way. Ban on free speech would only retrieve the
opportunity to be aware of one aspect of any trinusial system where the truth and the
nonsense are opposite, knowing the presence of one opposite will lead us automatically to find
its opponent. For that reason free speech shall not be limited, only nonsense would be offended,
not the truth. There cannot be "clash of civilizations" when the truth prevails, truth does not
care about criticism, man do. Truth cannot be defamed nor destroy, only nonsense self-
destroyed. “God” is a powerful word for the believers and the non-believers alike since it affect
global politics; non-believers have to take cultural no sense in consideration for political
reasons where economics in involves. The God-word unleashed passions. It is by using that
word that religions and sects seduces ignorant peoples trough various promises peoples like to
hear. God -as a person- became a psychological sanctuary for religious fools (and also
jackass) who think selfishness, insensitivity, vanity and other "asocial virtues" will be erase
from their "resume" since they are believers, thus due to be "save" automatically from the fire
of hell. Mental junk, self-centeredness, is the luggage of religious extremists and bigots alike,
they don’t know it but this is the real hell, mental hell that is, and they are right in it! Man is the
one who restrict himself to know the truth, but knowledge being the tool of wisdom is also the
tool of universal harmony at the disposition of any form of life. It is the fundamental natural
right and natural universal rule (“God” commandment) of any form of life to acquired
knowledge in order to adapt and created social harmony. Insults against truth do not affect
the truth, but insult against nonsense makes the disciples of nonsense to feel insulted. It is the
prohibition of man saying the truth concerning the nonsense of certain religious dogmas, being
dreamed by mentally disturbed leaders, that restrain humanity to reach the building of utopia
sooner; but utopia will be build, it is a matter of man finding reason and using wisdom by
wedding reason and ethics.

By definition the original meaning of "Christ" is to be anointed with the secular understanding
of universal knowledge handled automatically to us from the universal dynamics by the
presence of the natural rules; therefore an "antichrist" is an agnostic, and often enough a
devilish individual without any feeling and comprehension of the universal logic; that kind of
individual finding satisfaction and having pleasure over other people suffering is commonly
known as a sociopath. Catholicism and Christianity call those individuals:”devils”.
Fundamentally “Christianity” secret meaning is simply to be a syllogism of a “group of secular

In the war of the wit where reason triomph, the extremist morons takes arms to retaliate.

The "first philosophy" is part of eternity, it is based on scientific data extremely ancient -before
our world existed- and proven to be valid; as for our current philosophies they are in search of
the truth. and our sciences derives from them.

The Wicked Human Devils

Evilness attracts evilness; even an ethical humanist, because of the presence of the human
factor within every one, will have the impulse to answer evilness with evilness; it takes a real
civilized person to restrain that tendency. Evilness calling for evilness make it so that the
criminals lies to the policing force to conceal the truth (which is illegal) and the policing force
lies to the criminals to retrieve that truth (which is legal); this is to say we legalizes the use of
evilness to reach certain social means. To a certain extent we all possess a psychopathic
personality (been an integral part of our associative personality) which is on leach most of the

While we are adapting to existence doing research concerning what would be the best and
easier way to do so according to the ever-changing present circumstances we are
automatically searching for ways to feel psycho sensory pleasures. This is to say our search for
pleasure goes through a Gnostic process where secularism is involved. The whole idea is to
have fun (having pleasure) while adapting. Without that fundamental search for pleasure it
cannot be any form of adaptation nor evolution. It is self-evident that pleasure, as a psycho
sensory feeling, where mind and body are involved as one psyche, can only be obtained
throughout positive and constructive social interactions called "libidinous interactions" or
"ethical psychosocial interaction". It is logic in harmony, it is the sharing of joys while sharing
the goods of the world by sharing the best of ourselves with others; and yes that's also include
the discovery of many forms of sexual activities with willing partners. An antilibidinous
feeling it’s called a "devilish feeling" or antisocial feeling; who lives by these antisocial feelings
produces antisocial behaviors and these individuals are called "Sociopaths" or "psychopaths".
The fact that sociopaths hide their devilish ways behind a charming facade indicates they
know very well that happiness can only be obtain throughout libido for human harmony to
build utopia. Sociopath is playing with that fundamental inner knowledge to fool the innocents
and the unaware (the agnostics).

The richest fools of the world in their arrogance wont gives to the needy who cross their path
even the charity of a glaze noticing their presence in reward for their stupidity that makes the
rich to be rich. And their women must have their lipstick made of “crazy glue” for their mouth
to be so severely shut that not even a "thank you" cannot have the pleasance to escape from
their bluish lips. Look at those sated psychopathic devils! Their greatness is stiffening over the
ruins of others, it is by large pumps and grandiose treats that they deceive the little conscience
they may have once possess. Their victims have sown wheat only to sustain their bloody war
and seeing themselves deprived of their grain, their hopes, and their lives, these poor peasants
becoming more thirstier for oblivion than memories to replace the loaf of bread that would
have sustain them for another day may join the rank of statistics concerning suicide.

The devils invent different strategies, under the umbrella of "economic reasons" and
“preservation of the cultural heritage” (that one is a sneaky one) to fill their pockets at the
detriment of our basic needs. Psychopaths exist only, they do not live, and they destroy to
please their wants. To live is to love as much with the heart as with reason build on logic in
order to make human harmony all around us to be the building block of utopia.

The bottom line is simple and full of dust; wicked human devils are individuals who do not want
any social change to takes place for the well being of humanity in the broad sense, they are
bloody dinosaurs pulling humanity to its doom for their own profits. Hell is an unfortunate state of
mind, part of the field of our memory where its dynamics, giving meaning to the presence of
non-sense, its evil and its fall, transforms the human soul into a Phoenix rising from its ashes
after being trough hell. There is no human falls more deeper than to reach the obscure and
ardent furnace of the most suffering mental troubles that our human folly has send us down; this
place where our evilness crying-out of pain its only futile devil prayers is where are burning up to
ashes of our most evil thoughts that are responsible for our descend to our own hell. That is the
deep dark place of our unconscious where our sorry souls say goodbye to the non sense of their
senseless thoughts. This place changes to ghosts our delirium in its wishes to destroy; this is
the image of war and boaster who die a little more in each of our sighs. This is the place that the
evil and perishable dreams in their illusions to conquer more of the perishable goods are
consumed as our vanity is burning out. Lies turns into ghosts, lies in one soul has ephemeral
yesterdays but will have no tomorrow after the raising of the phoenix. A human existence is just
a brief flash in eternity, a fate that will soon pass and die away. The force of matter, that fatal
power which destroys by creating, it’s the one that does know its own hell; but it is the human
factor which want to possess the riches of this ephemeral reality that burns and grow dim. Some
humans are madmen who daring in their foolishness stir themselves to the void of non sense,
each dragging his own mind to his own hell. Man is a star, who disguises nature under the cloak
of a god, and that forgery, which nature denies its legitimacy, takes revenge by destroying, with
the means of human weapons, that same humanity who created its own misery; but the wrath of
a false god will always be powerless against the strict laws nature. To pick the kisses from the
mouth of a false god through the ravages of wars and despise the blessings of nature which
seek to make us prosperous, is to fool ourselves to think the amount of bravery is over the
number of the deaths. The most blinded are the most envious; they are the motivating forces of
evil behind wars. Elevating against the sky the ladder of their shame they’re praying for
blessings while they are torturing their own kind. Only the wises who despise the honors of
wars, from their mind paradise know world peace is the price of beauty.

The unethical minded individuals are poor minds who are searching in vain to find rest in the
harm of Thanatos, they do not comprehend yet that to gives death is to be a dead-self, and to
give life is to receive life; to be mind alive or mind dead that is. Rotting in their self-created
hare the stench of their decomposing thoughts (asocial thoughts) creates conflicts within
various human races and humanity in general. Human are been held hostages in hell for their
own economics political expediency where ethic is being muzzle. To treat others like trash is to
become trash, and if leaders are trash then their societies are dumps instead of being beautiful
parks. We won't have to fight any evil if all of us fall in love with libido! We realized earlier
that the devils are Machiavellian (bad) human beings. Sociopath (human’s devils) is smart
people who are skilled in their ruses, whose interest and wealth depends on the misfortune of
others. They make us to work like slaves for their own profit. Hard labor dumb the mind, for
the individual can possibly be capable only to listen to his body complaints at the detriment of
the needs of the mind. The Devils (psychopaths) are therefore dependent on misfortunes that
would lower the flow of cognition of humanity and to keep it that way.

One of their ruses is to create, worldwide, unnecessary needs that lead to misfortune and
despair with plenty of excuses on their part to do so. Their reasoning is based on how to get
more wealth, not how to be more mentally healthy. Wisdom says that we have to find a
harmonious balance between those two forms of wealth, but they lack wisdom as wisdom is the
child (result) of ethics. The devils are developing strategies (working in the shadows) to win
people to their cause (collect souls) and then leave their sorry employees to their hell as their
sense of ethics are muzzled by being remunerated by those more clever than they; they sell
their souls to the devil. Devils fight among themselves for lack of ethics, and that’s where laid
their greatest feebleness.

The devils are innate politicians adoring tall tales. The devils demands faith from others
toward them-devilish-selves against random promises. Like any self-respecting sociopath, a
devil is able to show a very charming facade that can easily fool more than one. The devils
facades disintegrate with time. Hell is a state of mind under various suffering conditions and
there is no other devil than the sociopath that composes 10 % of the human population.

“If a wicked man turns away from all the sins (unethical behavior) he has committed and
keeps all my decrees (universal rules) and does what is just and right, he will surely live
(mentally healthy); he will not die (mentally disturb). Do I take any pleasure in the death
(mental trouble) of the wicked? Declares the Sovereign Lord (saying the universal laws).
Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?” (Ezekiel 18:21, 23).

According to this theory, meaning what this research concludes so far, to prove that a
subjective God exist, who can manipulates the universal laws according to his will, takes a
secular know-how based on secular data, and having faith on those data; otherwise it would
be plain non-sense based on non founded man-made myth where subjectivity from one egotism
rules one mind. In essence it is impossible that any scientifical approach can prove the
existence of a vain subjective god, full of favoritism (who need to be adored to gives favors)
having the capacity of ruling the universal rules and changing their integrity according to his
ever-changing will based on his ever-changing mood.

What does exist, and that science can proves without doubt is the existence of vain subjective
men acting likes evils gods, full of favoritism (who need to be adored to gives favors) being in
position of command, thus having the capacity of ruling others and changing their mind
integrity, according to their ever-changing mind based on their ever-changing mood.
Antisocial behavior from lack of ethics that the sociopathic individual has toward others is a
trouble of the personality based of a mental cognitive trouble that can lead in long term, by the
abusive uses of the mechanisms of defense (see Freud), to a total collapse of the personality
(suicide) or a total mental collapse toward the exterior (murdering), as any beginning of
antisocial behavior is the beginning of one own mental suicide (killing reason) while starting
their killing of social harmony for mere vanity and relative earthly possessions. Sociopathic
behavior is the starting point of mental and social chaos; utopia is based on the disappearance
of that kind of behavior.

Ethical secular scholars like humanists learned to understand natural principles in order to
achieve common sense world harmony base on logic and soul understanding; to reach that
goal they only sacrifice the human factor and the wants for the profits of the needs.

Humanists are secular ethical peoples who understand their social role is to be integral part of
the advancement of humanity toward its adulthood. Even if the religious part of humanity
stalling in its bigotry do not accept the humanistic values in their approach to life in general,
nevertheless the humanists know that humanity need them. Religiosity gives lectures to its
disciples and keeps them dependants; on the other hand humanists, in their constructiveness,
ask peoples to get involved in humanity advancement to harmony via ethical secularism and
reason. The aim of the humanistic approach is to empower individual to use their self-
determination to take the liberty to reasons with logic in mind for the good of humanity.
Optimism, generosity, pride (not vanity), satisfaction and mental health come naturally for
those who feel gratitude toward life in general for the gift of the presence of a universal logic
leading to reason which include fundamental ethics. Humanists are kind peoples, their mindset
is positiveness toward the natural rules (also called:"God commandments").

Part of the humanistic approach is that there is no other truth than reality in all its forms, and
reality is made of light: forces and energy. As a law: Mind absenteeism rate from reality is
directly proportional from agnostism and wrong beliefs concerning reality and logic. Being
unrealistic from wrong beliefs is man invention for rationalizing purposes including covering
up his agnostism by vanity. Humanists realized long time ago that peace of mind come with
knowledge, and social harmony can be possible only if humanity find wisdom. Wars are
products of vanity and frustrations; building utopia is a product of pride and inner
satisfaction from humanity to move forward to maturity as "One". To evolve smoothly
knowledge is needed, and the easier way to possess knowledge is from the secular approach.
Being a sociopath is a learning process since we all born consciously agnostic, but with built
within self our emotional roots which gives us that inner libidinous feeling of what is right or
wrong. That feeling is well known by sociopaths, they are aware of it, but they learned to
choose the antisocial path. From normal infantile egocentrism, as infant’ way to adapt, they
learn to choose the path of evilness instead of the one of fundamental social ethics as they
mature physically. When we mature the brain has a better capacity to relaying the messages
from the sensory system to the mind and vice versa throughout a natural logical process where
causality is involve; it is the natural processes of logic which produce fundamental ethics for
harmony to be the result of the most realistic approach to adaptation to the present
environment. Sociopaths destroy that environment for immediate profits, not foreseeing the
frustrating and negative social domino effects which lead to future despairs and wars. It is
easier for a human to be a humanist than a sociopath. To be a humanist required less work
since the universal rules are stables; therefore it is rewarding to be a humanist. How simpler it
can be? We are catering by the universe, it serve us its natural laws, all done, for us to seat at
the banquet of wisdom. We have to psyche ourselves up to the point where we can really
understand that it is our mind that control and affect our behaviors and that it is us who gives
powers to our emotions. We are mentally what we decide to be. The natural laws are there to
be challenged and to be used for us to be the artisans of our own karma. The sum and the
dynamics of the natural laws are that healthy environment we call the universe, there is no
other; therefore we have to cope with it and adapt to its laws to find all kind of harmony, this
is not religion, it is pure logic. By replacing the word "God" by "Universal laws", and
"Humanist" from "God's servants" and other synonyms, we can easily see that the Torah is a
metaphor of scientific data involving, among other sciences, psychotherapy and
psychosociology. Religious cultural pressure forbids us to do just that, we have to be bold and
very audacious to break through some cultural force. We know, by being connected naturally
to our emotional roots (which is the dark universe), when non sense become part of our
cultural heritage; long incrusted non sense and taboo's, and also wrong believes, are the
breaking system that slow down humanity evolution toward its mind maturity to finally be
aware of reality and its logic (Gods and Gods commandments) and starting to build human

A Humanist is more of a Universalist than he will ever be a Nationalist, and Catholicism and
Islam, in their bigotry think themselves as the holders of the universal truth while in fact their
tunnel vision makes them less than village idiots. Atoning is the pre-requisite before holding
any key of universal knowledge and to understand these keys.
The apocalypse time will be when the repudiation and the thorough replacement of established
religious or religious inclined government and political system will takes place. A radical and
pervasive change in society religious beliefs and social structure will be accompanied by
violence as it will be following the circuit of knowledge back to the starting point (like
humanity rotating on his axis) which is the primal religions and having as central point the
unified field theory. It is a cycle in positive correlation with the Mayan calendar. It is an
integral part of cycle of events in time and recurring in certain period of time as indicated by
the cosmic clock. The apocalypse is an instance of great change in human affairs where
humanity, under its own self-determination, will change completely and fundamentally it’s
ancient’s ways to create new ones in its journey toward manmade utopia.

"God" is the "Principle", and a principle is a basic truth from which universal laws (natural
principles) can be formed. "God" as a word that indicates the "Principle", and that basic
principle is a fixed mode of action being predetermined (as the first causal phenomenon) by the
dynamics that come from the wedding of Gaia and Ouranos; the "wedding" of these two
singularities, of noumenon character, being "the link" which is our universe: a singularity by
itself. "God" as "The first principle" makes it to be the ultimate seed that rule the whole universe
by inducing natural laws (natural principles) concerning the functioning of natural
phenomena, their mechanical processes. "God" is simply the basic physical source of all
phenomena: energy interaction. "L'union fait la force" and that force moving, working as one,
is energy.

What's makes an individual to be a prophet is to have a righteous mind which explore the next
centuries based of what is true from the present one which is base of what is true from the past

Moschiach possess more common sense than he is a scholar.

The bell of statistics is a direct effect of the trinusial system, there are two opposite polarities
and the link is in-between. That bell is the easiest toll to help us foreseeing future events and
therefore to modify them -before they occur- according to our wishes.


It is by demystifying primal religions that we can unveil the truth behind them.

A medicine man is a holy man no matter from what culture he belongs. A holy man is a healer.
A holly man follows nature ways to heal his congregation, meaning the members of his tribe. A
good psychologist is more of a holy man than the Pope. What laws are the most sacred: those
of nature or those of man? Or those of the gods invented by men? If man invented the gods to
explain nature's laws, then man laws could be good somewhere; but if the gods represents man
only, then they represents human nature been bend under the severity of the causal laws of
nature. Over time, the gods created by man has come to represent both: man, his nature, and
nature, and the view of man are being formed by mixing them up and creating paradoxes. Who
believes in his opinion, whatsoever it can be, regarding the gods, has belief in his own faith. It is
faith in the natural principles that is the coronation of man's opinion: the sacred of man.

The pre-Christian meaning of “holy” came from the Jews tradition; “holy” it is something to be
preserved and cannot be transgressed or violated. Jewish tradition is talking about God's laws
or universal natural principles that cannot be violated by man, as being impossibility. The
source of Jew's knowledge is the same than the ancient Greek knowledge. It is from ancient
Egypt. Translated from the Greek word “hagiasmos” “purification,” is from the root hagios
which means holy or sacred. “Holy” is connected with mental and physical health and
happiness. Hygiene of the mind and hygiene of the body render the psyche holy. We can see
that the term “holiness” mean sanity of the psyche. Psychiatrists and hygienists are among a
Pleiades of other teachers and scientists that help one psyche to find happiness; they are the
real holy men! Mind and body salvation is about scientific knowledge being restored in man
mind, and also to heal physical sickness.

The veritable meaning of the “holy Communion” is: 1) to have the two components of the
psyche to live in accord (the body and the mind); 2) to have the psyche to live in accord with
the universal laws(natural principles); 3) to have all member of human kind to live in accord.
The holy communion it’s a universal union were all belongs.

All the scientists, physicians, psychotherapist, surgeons, first grade teachers etc... Are using the
tools of their trade. In the case of their tools, the term “holy” denotes inanimate objects set
apart for special educational and healing purposes like the Solomon's Temple vessels which
were university tools; a temple, in ancient times, was a university where knowledge was
teaches and wisdom developed. The word “sanctification” refers to the act or process of making
holy or setting apart for a special purpose, both, a tool or a person. A holy individual can be
compare to an ancient high priest; he is a scientist, a healer of the psyche and a teacher.
Etymologically it is from the Latin verb sanctificare which in turn is from Sanctus.

As we can see holy mean worthy of respect. The universal laws are holy and the salvation of
the mind (soul) belongs to the scientific field. The church makes its saints to be legitimate by its
own religious sanctions. Normal societies concern with the advancements of scientific
knowledge makes its teachers and healers to be legitimate by high standards exams.

“You shall be to me (to universal knowledge) a kingdom of priests (scientists, healers and
teachers) and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the people of Israel.”
(Exodus 19:6).

To adapt in life is a challenging situation, it can be lively and self-rewarding when we are able
to go through each step of evolution, from birth to adulthood, the natural way without
nonsense interfering our cognitive process that would shut down our natural way of reasoning
base in logic and ethic; natural normality (following the holiness of the natural rules) leads to
a well balanced psychosocial state of mind which help us to built harmony around. On the
other hand religiosity keeps our mind in a boring infantile state where there is a lack of secular
stimulation to cope realistically with the facts of existence. Drowning in our thoughts in
secular knowledge when our feelings wed the universal libido where logic is the master leads
us to a mental heaven; on the other hand drowning ourselves ( our soul) in antisocial and
antihuman thoughts, where illogism is striping humanity of its natural partnership with the
universal natural laws to become the waver of paradoxes, is for our mind to fall into the pit of
mental hell. Our present contempt toward the universal natural rules is the dam that restraint
the flow of our understanding concerning the true nature of things. As soon as we will
understand the true bearing of the universal natural rules toward any kind of behavior, from
forms of life as well as matter (see causality), we will be experiencing waves after waves of
intense emotions coming from the overpowering truth from which we did turn our back in our
lack of responsibility directly proportional with our lack of libidinous feelings, that will be
when member of the same family will be turning against each others like the old testament
mentioned; we are now not a responsible race if we consider the authority we grasp from our
mighty technology. Presently authority and responsibility from our part are not in the
harmonious correlation it shall be; the gap is, some time, enormous. The truth will overwhelm
us. A life well spend would be using our time on Earth to be part of building social harmony
while building for ourselves, each one of us in particular, a balanced psychological state of
mind by learning the ethical values incrusted within the natural universal rules, and following
their lead; it is logic at is best. To help us nature makes us to be natural (automatic) antennas
and transmitters of its energy; Ancient shamans knew that being one with the universe makes
us all to be its spokespersons known as "canalizes" of its energy and its logic toward our
environment if we want to be. Plenty of present evangelists, in their infantile vanity, takes that
natural canalization of energy as "God energy" being canalized trough them. Pagan Priest
knows better than that, and in their humbleness they mentioned that natural process of nature
at it is: Canalization of universal energy throughout any and every forms of life for a well
balance psyche under the influence of the causal laws.

The vain man thinks one day it will be his turn to become a God but how can that be? In their
pure objectivity the natural principles are more righteous, lawful and upright in their
forgiveness than any living God would be! Therefore whatever the truth is, we live better with
it than without it. Illusions are falsest beliefs from erroneous perceptions of reality, therefore
they are harmful for the mind and potentially dangerous concerning social conducts. Let's face
the fact that we are no God's in training, there never was and there never will be! Gods are
non-living, non-mnemonic, natural phenomena; "the knowledge of God" simply means us
having the knowledge of them. Concerning the Olympiads in ancient Greece the expression "the
gods of the stadium" means “the human phenomena of the stadium”; and so it goes for the
pantheon of gods from ancient Greek mythology: they all represent natural phenomena. The
ultimate trinus is the universe, forms of life (living phenomena) and gods (non-living
phenomena) are total opposite and the link between them is movement; it is that trinus the
religious bigots perceives as "God" and being represented by a triangle. In ancient Egypt when
the hieroglyph representing the ankh and the one representing a triangle are side by side it
signifies "The knowledge of the trinusial system". There is another dimension of understanding
to be found in Egyptian hieroglyphs other than the literal, just like in the Torah; sneaky isn’t

Here is a newborn, hello! May your journey be good and be the calm of universal wisdom come
to your heart. During your journey keeps your mind away from folly by learning to be
righteous. From the place where you come from rest the beauty of heaven, and the cosmos is
counting on you to come to this world bringing with you a spark of it.

Causality is our faithful natural guide during our journey that leads us from agnosticism to
Gnosticism. To live is to suffer our way to wisdom by the processes of the causal forces, to deny
that suffering is to deny the natural cycle leading to wisdom as wisdom can only be reach
throughout experimenting things having causality as teacher thus as our natural guidance.

Religions like Islam and Catholicism, teaches us that the living God is our provider of rewards
and punitions, therefore we have to sacrifice who we are in order to obey him (of course
trough what the church tell us to do) to get rewarded; this is slavery at is best by using the
behavioral approach! The opposite would be: we have total freedom of our actions under a
natural (automatic) processes of energy which created us and from which causality tells us
what is best; to learn how to cope with that situation is to learn the ways of the natural
principles in order to join their ways to our (humanity as a whole) advantage. It cannot be
more simple in elegance and yet so far away to the understanding of some moronical religious
individuals in their vulgar and complicated bigotry!

We scarify’ our time and resources for the ones we love. Nature always comes to our rescue;
there is no need to kill other beings to ease our pain by giving them the kiss of death. Gautama
was a well educated individual; he was the son of the chief of the Sakya tribe and became its
Buddha. As a reaction to Brahmanism which required human sacrifices to please the gods,
Gautama created his own philosophy that became Buddhism as we know it today. Having a
keen understanding of causality “To live is to suffer” was Buddha reaction to that
phenomenon, therefore the main idea on the back of his mind was to be compassionate and not
to be pretentious. For Gautama it was better to seek nirvana from knowledge and wisdom
than to kill and destroy for lack of compassion and to be pretentious; any form of human
sacrifice, literally speaking, to make the gods to bend to human will was, for him, a completed
non-sense, pretentious and non-compassionate. This is why Buddhism is being composed of
that much gentleness. Buddha in his own way was already the seed of modern psychoanalysis
where one has to understand others to find self-harmony. Gautama did suffer mentally before
he became the Buddha, and it is that suffering which he sublimated and offers us, for us to see
it only as his teaching to be the fruits of paradise. In that sense, Gautama, by self-offering
himself and his new found knowledge from his suffering life experience for the good of the
peoples became a “sacrificial” Buddha where self-satisfaction to be so was neither masochism,
narcissism nor vanity but pure libidinous feeling. It is our “wants” that has to be sacrificed in
favor of our needs for social evolution to be in harmony with the universal laws. By doing so,
all kind of mental and material richness will come in our way. Faith is the opposite of reason.
From the Latin words sacrificium “sacred” and facere, “to make”, a sacrifice is the practice of
offering something or someone to the worshipped gods or God in exchange for favors received
or demanded. Short and long term personal losses, because of offering and good deeds, are
metaphors for sacrifice. A sacrifice makes sacred the object offered to one or more god for their
pleasures and in exchange for favors. In that sense the tools of the trade of priesthood, like
vessels chandeliers etc..., are “sacred”. That's what makes officially ordained priests, “sacred”
persons; also its that's what makes the Pope, for the Catholics, the holiest living being of all, the
Pope life being sacrificed to the Christian god. A living (human, animal or vegetal) sacrifice or
offering is someone time consecrated to the gods. In ancient times the livings offerings to gods
were slaughter, usually against their will, which shortens their times of existence, for that time
to be at the discretion of the god’s pleasure... They were offering “time” to gods for the gods to
takes time to give them favors... The lack of reason leads to stupid practices. It makes more
sense for a mother to consecrate her time to her children and for scientists to consecrate their
mind to science than to kill for god’s pleasure for favors exchange. Favors exchange between
mother and her children is love, as for scientists it is time versus knowledge. In some religions
the offering of a living creature, it can be a vegetable, an animal, or a human, (it can also be a
self-offering) to one or more gods became some kind of a monetary system, in the mind of the
offerer, between gods and humanity. It is a wrong form of reasoning that's involves most of
the time the non-willingness from the part of the victim to be the most concerned component of
that monetary system. The offering of one's free time to anyone in need of that time, and also
to science, for the automatic exchanges of favors between the parties involves, via the natural
universal laws, is the right form of reasoning.

There is no written and tacit laws that say we cannot make fun of manmade absurdities in
modern philosophical fields leading to universal knowledge, we all know humour is good for
mental health, and without it there would be mental hell; Utopia is not only made of solemn and
sober forms of communication, having fun is also a pre-requisite. Primal religions being basically
metaphors of science are, after all, product of the wisdom of some of our most knowledgeable
ancestors (from millenniums ago) having a super develop sense of humour within their
philosophical field.

The fractalization of Life is a force to be reckoned with, as the union of life is "God" as a “Living
One” going ahead for evolution to occur; if the whole universe was a wire with many branches
(the tree of life) then “God” would be a “wire alive”. The wire being God physical body, the
moving forces (energy) within the wire would be his might; and the natural principles extracted
from its self-interactions would be "Gods laws".

Being a leading scientist in many fields with a major in physics and astrophysics, without
grasping the factor "life" as a mnemonical phenomenon in its fractalized self-interactions where
logic fractalizing itself become feelings in its life form, is to be subject of the Freudian "morbid
rationalism"; and for those scientists who try not to be subject of morbid rationalism by
becoming, or accepting to be, monotheists are under the influence of a form of masochistic-
infantilism syndrome veiling the life side of reason: wisdom. All the answers concerning
existentialism are embedded in the natural principles.

To discover and to learn from our discoveries can be fun, there is no need to be over-serious
when communicating our findings or to feel any obligation to fall into a religious state of mind;
humour is often appropriate; there is no need to be pompous nor to pontified, that only petrified
our mental processes.
This is not Utopia now, but we can do it!

We cannot appease the devil, he will want ever more; but we can retrieve evilness out of man.

Utopia! Manmade goddesses representing the concept of man cultural perfection! She is the
beauty of life in this existence, utopia is not a human chimera; utopia retain our life in this
existence by captivating the eyes of our heart and the ones of reason, Utopia! This is the future
that humanity is reaching out; it is us now but not being there yet. Utopia is already our gracious
smiles, our laughter of relieve, and our great joys; to want utopia is our desires to chase away
the mental night in its imperfections. When we look in our future we look at Utopia in her eyes,
and we find beauty grace and love, and the divine discourses caressing our hearts are only
rebels to the ears of the dead minded. We shall embrace today the approach of this divine
mistress, already our hearts are lost in her heart without losing our reason; let not again let her
any longer escape our sight when she escape our bloody wars. That goddess is our divine
desires to live in peace in our earthly paradise.

When an individual learned one way or another that social harmony is the answer to
psychosocial harmony where the basic needs of societies and individuals are being answered
positively, there is no turning back to previous agnostism, vanity, selfishness and non-sense
religiosity unless under the influence of an organic sickness or an unfortunate accident. Great
achievements is done with a series of small steps, each being the structure of the next one, we
need to concentrate more how to reach our objective with a minimum of wasted efforts than
using brute force and wasting precious energy in vain; it is just like building a house and
surmounting each difficulties by using our mind at first, this is the greatness of evolution for
one's to be capable to achieve anything. To love deeply is to help in many little different ways
the object of our passion to evolve according to his nature without interfering with our own
development, this is where two ways communication is important; if not, then the passion we
tough having for the other was our own enthusiastic hopes being projected toward that
person. There are problems of physical nature where brute force is required to fix them, but the
greatest challenge is for the mind to find solutions how to takes ethically advantage of brute
forces. Whoever uses brute force other ways than to be able to build the challenging world
utopia prove to the world is intellectual ineptness to be in command of others. Utopia is
already in our mind and it is the motor of our hopes where social adaptation will be
generalized in the human field. Usually when man dream his socio-ethical dreams he can
creates technology to fulfill his dreams; therefore utopia will be a man made reality base on his
most pressing dreams since man primal desire is to adapt to himself and the exterior;
atonement is a prerequisite to utopia. We simply have to understand that brute force is there to
serve the products of the mind for any kind of constructive purposes, other ways it would be
the products of the mind that would serve brute force; and that latest spell: destruction!
Without that utopian dream for which we long for, and to be soon realized, humanity would
feel useless toward itself and hopeless to be of any good for its own evolution. Utopia is
humanity self meaning to be (the so call “meaning of life”). More than a race, humanity is a
family reaching cosmic dimension that populates various planets, as this research will show.
Humanity follows the same principle than a family unit; and any kind of behavior is under the
causal rules where time is involved. No one can help humanity in its path of psychological
progress if humanity it’s not willing to help itself. Earth utopia can only be built by humanity
as a united family. How retarded humanity is willing to stay is directly proportional of its
postponing building utopia. It is insane to be a religious extremist, or a hardliner bigot, going
to church (or a temple) to prey to a non-existent subjective god for personal favors when
murdering others by direct action, or lack of being involves stopping the slaughter. From
values not base on Ethics, from some religious saying not based on Science, from learning
wrong data, from not having other choice but to concentrate on the survival of the body only,
for being pushed to consume low quality goods that come with a high price tag etc.. We became
artificially men-made consuming machines good only to circulate goods and money faster and
faster. Those are some of the causes for a distracted mind to behave as being living on an
artificially made daydream. Let’s face it, we are a bunch of artificially mind-made suckers
being artificially grows in sociopathic research labs to be programmed of being incapable to
overgrow the moronic infantile state for the benefit of some sociopathic individuals in position
of power. We put the emphasis to develop working skills, and we learn to leave the “spiritual”
stuff to the non-profit churches and temples. We develop a spiritual mental deficit disorder
(because to belief in any form of religiosity is not to question) while we develop in parallel
another disorder: working hyperactivity disorder or workaholics to bring the money home
and not to think about our cosmology connection with the rest of the universe. That is not a
success for the mental aspect of the psyche! We are a bunch of lost souls…

Our real self-assignment in order to evolve properly is to learn what we are now turning our
back at: the science of the universe that control both our psyche and the environment and also
the processes of their tight collaboration. To know it would be our mind relief and that would
be beneficial for the whole psyche by the phenomenon of neuroplasticity. For now, we mostly
do brilliantly in the technical field and we are struggling with spirituality. Our conscious mind
maybe mostly happy and our unconscious mind are in a constant frustrating state. Science is
the right support, its knowledge of universal rules can help us in the psychological field; all we
have to do is to understand them on the spiritual level. Forget some religious dogmas and rites,
they are our inability to block out distractions concerning the real spirituality: a scientific
ethical mind; let concentrate on scientific research in both levels: spiritual (psychology
included) and physical. It will lower down anxieties, depressions, and suicidal thoughts. In
some ways we pay too much attention to what our sense tell us directly than what common
sense whisper in our mind. We are too busy with our physical background noisy surrounding
to decode the whispering unconscious. We are postponing our appointment with the eternity of
the mind reality for a relative daydream. We are procrastinating, taking excuse to be too busy
“working” to make the mind transition from an infantile moronic state to an “adult” intelligent
state, but we can if we want to, our genes tell us that fact. “For my people are foolish; they
know me not; they are stupid children; they have no understanding. They are 'wise ‘in doing
evil! But how to do well they know not.” (Jeremiah 4:22). To overcome our mental men-made
barriers require self-determination. Civilizations thrive on self-determined peoples, Alas! Some
of them were psychopaths, having low tolerance for frustrations. We have to let the feeling of
libido and our natural investigative mind leading us, by its natural automatism, toward a
clear and alert mind. Then we will become more spiritually productive, meaning intellectually
capable of seeing and understanding the reality of the mental world, in parallel with our
technical productivity, in the scheme of general evolution in a physical (that's include quantic)
universe. The difference would be: less anxiety, less depression and less suicides. We would be
more clearly minded energetic persons building the possible Utopia. A naturally active mind
(and brain) is the one who follows the natural rules (the laws of nature) in any situation; the
neuroplasticity phenomenon make it so that a naturally active mind induce positively the body
for an homeostasis’ to occur between body and mind for the psyche to be in harmony with the
rest of the immediate environment and the universe. To know how to follow the laws of nature
can only be done the secular way. In the context of our research "Satisfaction” is the state of
well being when the basic needs of our psyche are answered. "Joy" is a state of contentment
from anything causing delight. For Christianity the message of joy is that a certain god
(meaning the universe) loves us and invites us to have a relationship with him for us to
discover harmony in our life. For the secular ethical atheist and humanist, joy is the delight of
possessing wisdom from the knowledge acquired by studying the natural universal rules and
put them in practice in everyday life, and to see that the results are usually better than
expected. Someone in the history of humanity has to say that "God" is the living whole of the
universal natural rules for religion to be born of secular knowledge. The fearful’, calling
themselves "peace lovers" and not willing to travel the "extra mental length" to be enlighten by
more data concerning the association between scientific knowledge and religious myths, will
find this research controversial, quarrel making, and will turn away from it to keep their
status qo concerning the affairs of the truth for fear to lose their "Peace of mind", their friends,
their revenue and their possessions. Plenty of these fearful do not realize that the Messiah they
are waiting for so impatiently will have to be highly controversial, stirring-up clash of
opinions, disputation between secular and religious factions, and also religious bigots versus
other religious bigots from which armed arguments will occur, before everyone will be united
in the secular truth. That's what the "revelation" translated as "Apocalypse" is all about, and
this research is a warning of the things to come and why. Even the Jews will call the
Moschiach “trouble maker” not recognizing him as their (mental) eye cannot yet see. The only
possible solution for not having bloodshed during the “Messianic era” would be to listen to the
Moschiach, be controversial within our mind, not with the exterior, for objectivity to win over
subjectivity; then having human relations in mind, to compare notes in order for each to be “a
parcel of light of the whole”. Moschiach assembles “parcels of light”.

Wavelengths are messengers of characters, alive and inerts. When the beauty of a smile is not
illuminated by the spark of caring to be found in the eyes, then we know it is the devil smile
looming on the lips of the beholder. The wavelengths of the soul can be seen in the eyes, and the
sparkles of the soul has many colors defining the thoughts of his beholder; the nicest sparks
dilates the Iris for us to see their colors in the opening lens that holds no secrets.

Truth and Reason is a very controversial issue between morons.

By taking the speed of light as a constant and by formulating what is the spacial length of a
second for all systems then we can easily see that the cycling pattern of different systems
makes it so that time is relative since different times are proportional to the cycle of the
different systems they belong.

Social zombies are cowards who avoid the war of wit.

How can anyone is daring enough to talk metaphysic without having a faint idea that the
quantic theory is closely related to existentialism thus to Genesis? The fact of us knowing that
"Philosophy" is "the love of knowledge" is a direct indication that only scientific knowledge can
respond to existentialistic questions. Being a philosopher in metaphysic and turning our back
on humanity findings concerning the quantum theory and Einstein relativity of time is like
been plague with some kind of morbid rationality as Freud put it; the underlying meaning of
the word "Philosophy" is "eclecticism in all secular scientifically fields"; these fields are the
concretization of valid philosophical concepts thus containing the proofs of righteous ideas.


The role of our present metaphysics is to reveal the truth behind the religious tales. "Modern
Metaphysics" is an eclectic view of reality (thus in the realm of the truth) that encompass all
truths in different systems that can be proven by the scientific approach. Our journey in
Modern Metaphysics leads us to the unveiling of the primal philosophy which is the end
product of the third stage of positivism and its continuation (being called the apocalypse and
its aftermath by some religious factions). Primal philosophy is man in pursuit of wisdom by
intellectual means that encompass the logic of ethics and keep investigating all phenomena by
unveiling the natural principles of reality that induces these phenomena by logical reasoning
that can be been proven righteous by empirical methods; and doing that, man, from its critical
analysis of these studied phenomena, creates various scientific disciplines relating to
particular fields of reality and philosophy of how to perceive life and how to teach reality to
morons according to their level of understanding. Primal philosophy is in the hand of the
lovers of the primal wisdom which is simply to see the reality of the same natural principles to
be active in both fields: physical and psychological. Nothing can be more refreshing and less
complicated than the truth. The truth contains complexities but do not contain complications as
complications belong to the paradoxical wrong beliefs that the literal of a metaphor is reality
and that reality is a metaphor. Reality is on the grasp of our senses which helps our mind to
grasp its concepts. Any religious beliefs can be validated or rejected by the scientific approach
as a metaphor or not and also as truth or plain nonsense.

Is there any jail sentence or re-education sentencing for bigots who defrauds innocent
children’s under their custody of their power of reasoning properly? Of course not! These
offences will go without any punishment as long societies are not intellectually awaked to the
fact that wrong ethics (subjective man made ethics) leads to internal conflicts and wars; only
ethics having as their sources the objectivity of the natural principles can lead to any kind of

Beliefs and opinions are basically the same; they may or may not be backed up by scientifical
or other forms of evidences. We are all free to have our own opinions; they are mostly
subjective statements where emotiveness is involved. Positive analysis of facts is based on
scientific observation experimentally demonstrable. Religious beliefs are unscientificals
opinions unless being backed-up by the scientifical approach. In most countries we are entitles
to have our opinions and we are free to make our mental hell from them if they are wrongs, we
are free to dig our own mental grave and to lay in it, to its unrest, our mind in its own dead. To
be fair to some religions, the only foresight they have is their hope that peace is going to be
done on earth; and will be done under the utopian vision, not the religious vision. False
opinions stabs the heart and the mind, and wrong thoughts rides along on the waves of time
toward the void of nothingness, that is the opposite direction from which the breath of love
reaches our hearts. The bad opinions that lays within the wrong philosophy of what the truth
is, like Christianity and Islam, are such a paradox in our mind that they are strangling the
channels’ of reason and turn off our human love for the profit of the non-existent. These sacred
delusions of religions are barely wrong opinions exaggerating their own importance, in their
wrongs there are unleashing hell in the dark unconscious of our souls. These religious bigots’
who’s the happiness of the moron it’s suspended to their lying lips makes their mind to trample
on the beauty of nature. They replace nature in their mind by some questionable divine hands
pushing even more deeply the lost souls in their hell. They make objects out of us, they shapes
our minds with their deadly lies; believing to offer us the love of eternity, according to their
own opinion, but they only carry in their arms the infinity of nothingness. The flames of hell
are made of good resolution based on fatal opinions. They will burn out soon these flames of
suffering! For now they are purifying the stains of false opinions. The winds of reason will
disperse their ashes and joy will shine again in our hearts, for reason will be back in our mind.

We are following between us the communicating vessels principle, but in the intellectual and
emotional level; we need to communicate naturally to find a balance between us and the
exterior, to adapt, and it is that need when being frustrated that transform itself in antisocial
behaviors which are also forms of communication. We are communicating in plenty of
different ways for different reason, but it is the communicating vessels principle the base of all
form of communication, and that is in positive correlation with the expanse of the universe.

The fundamentally libidinous need to belongs in pair to the need to adapt makes man wanting
to belongs to humanity social groups for its own mental and physical survival (for the survival
of the psyche). This is one of the reasons why man is fundamentally afraid to dare to go
against the current of his own culture. The fear of sociocultural rejection from their peers
restrain most individuals to confronts the inconsistencies against logic and ethics that their
cultural surrounding takes as “rightful things to do”, like the acceptance of woman rape in
some societies, physical and mental tortures as part of cultural normality, closing the eyes
concerning the selling (and “renting”) of children's under various “legal” means, religious
terrorism etc..Man do not desire to be exiled among his own kind, it may leads to suicidal
attempt or murder. Like scare crows, most of us prefer to leave to others, the ones who has the
guts to speak the truth, the task of disturbing some cultural behaviors, than to face ourselves
the murdering crowd of frustrates sociopathic morons, bigots or not, who do not wishes to
satisfied the need of their mind intellectuality with logic and also new proven knowledge. Our
fear of sociocultural rejection makes us to forces our mental process to accept the illogic of
cultural tall tales as a normal way of life.

As we try to adapt to situations we meet and befriend others. We always befriend others for
purposes, whatever the purposes are. It is the purposes to any form of adaptation that is
behind any actions. Our mind evolves, for better or worse, as we adapt. To use reason base on
logic is an innate impulse of life for one to adapt to its environment for its own protection,
other way it would be catastrophic, like thinking one can grow wings and fly like a bird when
jumping from a cliff. Reason protects our psyche from illogism, and also from moronical
beliefs coming from “friends”; religious “friends” includes the ones who are also labelling some
forms of illogism as “divine mystery”, as they burry their head in the sand like ostriches, to
compensate for their lack of knowledge and to keep their vanity intact. Innate (or natural
acquired) reason from the unconscious level of our mental structures takes the form of an
intuition of logic or “the instinct of reason”. The completed opposite of reason is craziness (or
mental trouble).

There are 3 kinds of fables:

1) A fable may be a story that takes on morality.

2) A fable may also be a myth.

3) A fable may be an inexact approach to an ethic.

There are 3 kinds of myths:

a) A myth that is a fable that takes on morality.

b) A myth that is one or more sciences in a hermetic form. The characters (Titans, gods, etc ...)
of ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology are role players, it’s all about who's representing
what, portraying what there is to portray about reality; from genesis to sociology. Some of
them represent human behavior, characters, attributes, human flaws and foibles, and are part
of the field of psychology.

c) A make-believe created by sociopaths.

Tall tales, which are make-believe created by sociopaths, are those empty lies which are only
pleasant dreams to the ears of the poor of spirit. Too beautiful words, too good to be true, are
cause of turmoil, wars and despairs. The pleasure of believing in these too beautiful words is
to find death latter on in their beauty, and the pleasure only lasts a moment, it is in the next
moment that their apparent brightness is found to be only made of rays of pure darkness. With
their too beautiful voice and empty promises psychopaths turns good into evil. It is only for the
psychopath to believe that it is futile to do good when the evilness they cast into the winds can
brings them the riches of the world. The greatest sociopaths of this world, in their mind
blindness, do not see their honor being self-destroyed by ruining the same humanity which
bares in high regard their logo and their name.

We will look at the consequences of false information that are myths that are make-believe
created by sociopaths and also at myths that are an inexact approach to ethics. Some of us
(human race) tell fables to children by making them too often believe that it is the truth. We
also tell fables (tall-tales) to adults that too often believe this is the truth. The former believe in
Father Christmas and the second may believe in “devils say's” or in “quack” say's. In both
cases, this is not the preservation of innocence but the slowing of evolution in one's intellect.
“God” it’s a tall tale; it is the hermetic wrapping that surrounds: “universal dynamics”.

A “quack” is a person who does not know what he's talking about and/or performs a function
that he does not have a clue about. Paradoxes disturb all, children and adults. In a normal
situation, from birth, the first feeling a baby has is the feeling of frustration of being expelled
from a cozy world to an unknown territory. His second feeling is the innate confidence that his
need of belonging (family love) and the need of the id (needs of the body) will be satisfied. That
is the origin of innocence in its pure state (the pure innocence).

We realized in previous pages where each element which participates in the formation of a
contradiction when it is placed in its true context, the contradiction is no longer. When two
elements of different contexts meet they form a contradiction and a paradox occurs. When
placed in their own context, then all elements of this context are true. So a certain degree the
slowing of our intellect takes place or has already taken place among individuals who believe
“tall tales”. Why not say to a small child that her mother has a uterus and define its function in
simple words when the child requests an explanation instead of just saying: “I found you in a
cabbage patch”. Regarding adults now, some politicians and used car salesmen tell us enough
tall tales! Perhaps these same storytellers are the same ones who believed for a long time that
they were found in a cabbage patch at the bottom of the garden. It has become natural for
them to tell tall tales because they have learned firsthand that one can believe tall tales...for
some time...and then it's a little late to rectify the situation without some damage.

Why not use common sense? There is no need to be a rocket-scientist for this because one
aspect of science is to prove the sequences of simple common sense. Indeed, science is the study
of universal common sense which is the first object of any science. What is protecting the
innocence ultimately? This is certainly not the development of means of slowing down the
intellect by inducing tall tales into the superego when we want the truth!

The innocence of a child is of being naive, and then to protect children we must tell them the
truth about things as simple as possible, for their psychological well-being, their intellectual
development and good mental health. Never tell a child that curiosity is nasty because to be
curious toward the nature of things leads to one’s own security by learning the potential
danger of things. We all have a certain degree of innocence in regard of what we do not know
and just like normal children we are confident that what we will learn is true; Innocence and
confidence go together, and betraying this innocent confidence by tall-tales and lies may
destroy the purity of innocence. Innocence shall be protect by truthfulness, not be the
foolishness of silly stories and dumb moralities good only to created simple minded
individuals. We shall not twaddle to kill minds on the making, by doing so we kill our own
mind in the process. He, who learns nothing, knows nothing...and he who learns, and teaches
evil is in trouble.

Psalm 101:7 “He that worked deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall
not tarry in my sight.”

Proverbs 14:5 “A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.”

Proverbs 19:9 “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.”

Proverbs 17:4 “A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty

Psalm 119:127-129 “Therefore I love thy commandments above gold; yea, above fine gold.
Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false
way. Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep them. The entrance of thy
words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.”

Psalm 25:4-5 “Shew me thy paths, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach
me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.”

Psalm 119:2 “Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole

Psalm 119:66 “Teach me good judgment and knowledge: for I have believed thy

Those psalms and proverbs are part of the psychological field where one’s mind can perish
from lack of reason, for not believing (proofs can be found) that the automatism of the
universal principles works as well in the psychological field.

Religions will you lose their glory for their promises are laugh to reason; If they do not
remember their secular sources then they run out of memory, but if they do remember then
they have no faith in humanity. Making oath to help humanity, they does not hold to it when it
concern the affairs of the mind. Uncertain in their soul, the emotions of the religious bigots are
like the flow and reflow of a lost ocean; the nonsense they wavering is been unwoven by plain
common sense. In their resolve to relieve pain they resolve to do more suffering forgetting that
Man needs reason as much as he needs love.

The wise being resolved to let suffering in the hand of the tormentors leaves them on their own
beliefs to torment each other’s until their alienating faith meet its own death. Deceiving our
expectations kouac religions consumes in vain plenty of excuses as remedy to their ill science.
Despite their rationalizing concerning their god, they still burning in their man made hell, keep
doing injustice to human love. Yesterday believers becoming today humanist-atheists under
the advice of reason are saying “so long for ever” to kouac religions making a point of leaving
these sickening minds behind with no intention of return.

We can be a society of good peoples binding to the universal natural laws without being part of
any religious denomination which gives life to a general theorical view concerning
psychosociology within astrophysics and called the whole manmade belief in that general
view:“God”. Socially, we can be anything we want to be according to whom we are and
knowing our limitations. It is all a question of grooming; grooming our mind is more
important than over grooming our external look, and our external mannerisms from religious
beliefs, especially if we do not have the financial means to keep our appearance up to date to
the latest fashion. The reflection of who we are, as living beings, is more in our eyes and in our
social behaviors than our clothes and our religious “make beliefs”. We must expand our social
criteria for what kind of information is passed along to the public as "truth"; a part of
humanity fall victims of false information under the label "religion" where some data
concerning sociology, psychology and astrophysics can be found in a mixture of true and false
information. Wars of religion throughout human history testify to that fact. We need to
reassess our ethical values concerning free speech when false data is passed-on as universal
truth with government blessing.

Primal religions are made of scientifical and historical clues; it is under social and cultural
pressure that a mature individual choose to be functionally clueless.

It is pure common sense to say that in order to achieve our optimal potential and to push its
limits we have to exercise our mind; even religious bigots will agree with that fact. Our top
priority, after taking care of our basic needs, is to make healthy choices concerning rightful
universal data in order to exercise our mind without the presence of paradoxical mental
situations like stupid taboos that are an insult to intelligence. We shall value how our mind feel
toward some cultural taboos and pressure, we must keep in mind that we are led to believe in a
lot of fables by some wicked marketing (some religion included) that has no solid scientific
base. Some religions forces us to live in a sedentary state of mind by telling us it is "god" will in
anything happening to us; other religions tell us we have to accept our karma as it is. The
mind is not made to live in a sedentary state, we need to use it to better adapt in order to
evolve. Plenty of religious beliefs contributes to our mental unwellness (neurosis) in a massive
scale by stimulates our sense of dependency (infantilism) instead of our self-determination to
use our mind for self-improvement based on secular knowledge proven to be adequate.
Religious bigotry is war against secularism. Religiosity is subjectivity from mediocre minds
with philosophies that contain plenty of impracticality on the engineering level concerning the
universal dynamics. Bigots where kids brainwashed from young age to believes in the faith of
their cultural surrounding as the only true universal value, they being compelled by law, or
peer pressure, or parent pressure, or cultural heritage to know only, and accept, that vantage
point concerning the nature of things. They never learned to restrain their judgments from the
awareness of not knowing all the facts concerning secularism versus their faith. Actual third
rate Religion like Islam and Mormon contain a huge part of propaganda (fables), not the true
story concerning the universe and its ways.

Every moment blooms its share of the flowers of wisdom, and we are these strollers who
gleans them or not.

Listening to the literal non-sense of religious metaphors is boring for the righteous; but
making these metaphors from scientific data was fun for the ancient righteous from the time of
"the olds". The strength of the scientific method is to find out the truth, and its only weakness is
that it takes time; therefore our faith that weakness can be overcome must rest in time.

"Bad vibes" reduces the energy level to cope with reality, weakening the psyche; but good
psychosocial vibes strengthen the psyche natural dynamics. “Bad vibes” are killers; “Good
vibes” are life support.

If the righteous says a dog is a dog, and the religious moron says a dog is a cat; the righteous
will be amazed, without getting piss, of how stupid a bigot can be. Fools can only fools the
fools. It doesn't matter how agnostic one's can be since sanity is to thing within the border of
reason with the little scientific knowledge we possess; mentally disturb peoples seek
psychiatric help to regain sanity, and psychiatrists, as the righteous, seek psychiatric help to
keep their sanity intact (sanctity of the mind). Islamic psychiatrists who, in their madness,
firmly believe in the “sanctity” of the Jihad are more dangerous for society than an atomic
bomb since an atomic bomb can only be trigger by sick minds, directly or indirectly as direct
consequence. On the other hand the Atomic power (the atomic bomb) was never used yet as a
mean of conquest, but only be intended as an unfortunate mean to regain fundamental
liberties in some regions of the globe with the minimum of casualties; and that’s means that
destructive potential can be used again for the same reason. Islamic uses of the atomic bomb
would be rationalizing; laical use of the atomic bomb would be rational. Rational joining force
with the emotional roots always wins in the “Gog and Magog war” as wisdom is always the
winner. Mohammad, one of the “antichrists”, was an ill seed that created the foul weeds of
illusions in his legacy call the Coran from which blossoms the flowers of madness.

So many truth's, ancient righteous concepts, and real history of humanity were veiled and turn
around for us to see them as evils, or fantasies, that -regrettably- conflicts will occur
worldwide when the truth about them will be reveal.

Before learning (acquired knowledge) to take non-sense fables as puzzling and paradoxical
realities plenty of very young kids have an innate confidence toward the universe, they take as
face value, that the universe is a normal thing that was always there, everything is automatic,
it doesn't make sense to die and there is no God; it cannot be spell more simply and elegantly
coming from kids! We all possess an innate wisdom from birth which is not the instinct, but
under various stimulus it is the instinct that trigger the innate wisdom until the mnemonical
data that flows (as electricity does) in our superego become more powerful in our conscious
than the innate wisdom due to the fact that the innate wisdom is the moving structures of our
soul -therefore laying in the very deeps of the dynamics of our unconscious- while the learned
(acquired) data are more closes to the conscious level. We know the innate wisdom as
"common sense".

A Universe of Science

Modern Metaphysics reduces God to ashes, Islam to a sick mentality, and Catholicism to a
multinational company which takes advantage of the ancient Christian party; modern
metaphysics also elevates paganism to the rank of scientific knowledge.

A religious bigot is someone who use all the ingenuousity that nature give him to show how
stupid man can be by rejecting that sweet of nature when rejecting the lordship of nature which
he is an integral part of; in other words man reject his own divinity by being stupid not to use

Sciences! Feared by some and loved by others! Leonardo da Vinci was a lover of many aspect
of the poetry of nature science. Science! It’s the beauty of a friendly fan that produces gentle
breezes of reason in the furnace of our questions. Within this fragile shell that is our body,
doomed to any weather, of physical or mental nature, we found ourselves sometimes a little
cramped in it, and sometimes we find it a size or two too big! It is our mind overflowing or not
the clay boundaries surrounding it. To find the narrowness of the body to be noxious is to travel
through our mind in a beautiful ocean of universal science while we are rowing our ideas from a
nutshell made of clay.
In humanity deep unconscious we are unhappy at only one point in common, is that we have
not yet found the courage to bond our mind with the logic of the universe, being religiously
known as "Gods laws". Like lions gathering their prey wherever fate made our struggles to
happen, we want to build Humanity Empire over our prying of the universal principles,
having in mind for humanity to rules humanity with harmony in our mind. This is why we
know the building of utopia will be a reality. Because utopia is due in the future, a marvelous
harmony awaits humanity where the fruits of reason becoming the laurels of the mind are the
just warrant of human prosperity. The universe is the empire of the universal laws; they are its
essence and their sum is being wrongly elevated to a rank of a living god. They give us
ambition in all our projects, and the ones who deserve their kindness are the same who gives
valor to their rightfulness. The presence of the universal principles are the pure testimony that
logic leads to reason; and for wisdom to be satisfied, man need more to seek innate social love
than to induce acquired asocial conflicts; harmony and conflicts are in negative correlations as
any opposites does.

To trace the source of things it is necessary that we address some of the characteristics of the
universe. That is why we are moving at a snail's pace. Therefore, we'll continue our
momentum on common sense which is base on ethics and logic, and also with the help of some
part of our present scientifical knowledge. Despite social injustice, conflicts, weapons and
torture taking place in various forms and in various sectors of our world, the universe, in spite
of these appearances, seems to be fair. How can this be done? It can be explained this way:
What must take place will take place because all the current events and those that are past and
those that will take place in the future are, have been, and always will be the consequence of
our past, present, and future possible actions; that includes the previous and the future
generations. Here, we detect a presence of statistics; therefore, a mathematical character is
present in the universe. It is the logical side of the nature of the universe. The automatizations
of the universe are a process that creates a mathematical logic. Nature itself, being produced
by the dynamic of the universe, which is nature “essence”, is a math product of the progression
of energies into space.

Well, we are starting to go somewhere. This means that “now”, it's always the time we must
forges a better future for our children by the elegance of some of our actions in regard to their
future evolution. A few examples: health and education accessible to all; stop the pollution of
the planet; to produce one or more form of energy cheaply therefore cheaply for consumers.
Conflicts and poor health are often based on economics and lack of education. We must
therefore get out of unhealthy economic slavery by the inappropriate use of our natural
resources and this includes every human being.

We must also resolve the paradoxes on moral values and find remedies to the situation. The
paradoxes on moral and inadequate use of wealth are the primary factors that produce
ultimate conflicts in several regions of the planet... We will always face the consequences, by
our actions or our inertia to act. It is better to be on the positive evolutionary side of the
statistic with regard to the survival of our species than to be the final term of a series of
statistics that eventually have outlived their usefulness.

Psalms 37:32, “The Wicked watches for the righteous, seeking to put him to death”.

From birth, our cultural surrounding teaches us “beliefs”. Some are true and some are false.
When we are very young and not having yet any base of comparisons, for lack of further
knowledge, we simply accept any false beliefs as truth. As we grow, cultural pressure makes
plenty of us to continue to accept false beliefs as the truth...for a period of time. The invisible
walls of false beliefs stop proper reasoning. When the intellect has to do its work on the base of
wrong data, it can only submit paradoxical solutions or answers to the conscious mind, that's
what induces some mental troubles. Think of our mind being a computer that needs data to
perform its work. As the French expression says, false beliefs are to: “prendre des vessies pour
des lanternes”; or to firmly belief that a lamppost is a chamber pot; and to acts
accordingly...just like an untrained dog. The character of this research and the answers found
will set us apart from the creationists and makes us more humanistic in our approach. The
“spirit” of science will enable us to open our mind. We have to rebuild ourselves from ruins, to
be our own saviors. By willingly laying down our metaphysical thoughts based on scientific
evidence for the benefice of all mankind we will face shame and mocking from various sects
and religions. For them we will be viewed as criminals. It would be the price to pay for our
rebellious way of thinking. We already endure mental suffering from various sources, so there
is nothing new. We can heal ourselves; find peace and freedom in our mind by our sane
reasoning even if we experienced hatred and rejection from moronical bigots. Morons are
everywhere; they can be part of our friends and family circles. It is better to sit at the right side
of science (religions say: the right hand of God) than in a mental facility. Let's hope the
enemies of science will rise from their mental grave. Let's hope they understand that the trinus
theory is not a divine trinity. Divine wisdom and righteousness are within us as natural
knowledge and also everywhere in the cosmos as natural laws. From scientific riddles
religions were made, and in the name of religion science was muzzle. In the name of economy
science is under gag order even if ethic is of scientific matter. The dark ages were when the
religious pedestal was build over the decline of truthfulness. Peaceful peoples invite
democracies, and democracies need science for progress. As sciences discover truthfulness,
religions are stepping back. Religions asking the helping hand of science to unriddle their
mysteries see more and more that scientific data are in fact a big part of their beliefs.
Ultimately the truth will be reveal that the heart of religions was hermetically seal scientific

“Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.” (Proverbs 12:1)

Nothing is above the laws of nature, as nature rules also over the boundaries of our physical
world right into the quantic world. No aspect of nature is beyond the realm of our human
powers for its description and understanding. It is part of evolution to understand nature since
we are part of nature, to understand nature is to understand by which processes we do things
the way we do things, for nature is the helping hand that allows us to have “open eyes” in our
decision-making. Every aspect of nature is noble and mighty, from corpses decomposing in the
earth to the creation of gold deposit. Loftiness and what is mundane is in our mental attitude.
Philosophy, concepts, our belief in nature, and metaphysics are expressing human levels of
understanding toward nature. Metaphysic being the field where metaphors from primal
religions and the literal sense of our present scientific knowledge become one. We are the
bounds of nature as everything else. Natural laws are infinite in their analogy, that's helps us
to conquer knowledge the easy way (by analogy) and also who we are. As being parts of
nature connections toward nature, and nature being the only power in existence as being the
universe itself, its dynamic and its components, how can one moronic individual can think
there is something mightier than nature? “Gods” are created by humans, which were created
by nature; not the opposite. “Gods” are manmade and nature creates man. “Mitzvah” comes
from the Hebrew word for binding together (connecting), to ties willingly one-subjective-self to
nature to gain the knowledge of nature strength. To be one with nature is what's armed the
mind with the power of nature. Any ancient pagan religions, from the Inuit’s to the Mongols,
are saying exactly that. Instinctively we all know that fact. The time of redemption is the time
when our minds will redempts worldwide for not seeing the wisdom in paganism. Even today's
Rebbe’s and Rabbis stressed out that it is through increasing acts of goodness and kindness
toward our mind, between us, and toward nature, that we can redeemed ourselves; this is
paganism at is best! That makes sense isn't it? Yes, of course. The almighty nature is
physically present in both worlds, the visible and the invisible, and connects us all through its
teachings; all we have to do is to be aware of it. It is not that complicated!
Adaptation and evolution: metaphysical laws.

Adaptation and evolution are the opposite which forms the trinus of general evolution where
life is involved. We always evolve within the boundaries of a system, or a series of systems
from which we try to adapt the best we can in order to evolve mentally. To evolve and to
adapt, or to adapt in order to evolve is part of a non-dissociable trinus. In the scheme of the
general evolution concerning the mind, the opposite of the non-adaptation of the system an
individual lives-in is: 1) to destroy part of that system (murder, wars, general destruction),
and 2) suicide. There is always the solution to leave the frustrating system such as divorcing,
immigrates somewhere else etc...As intelligent form of life we have the tendency to live
according to our own personal rules more than having to support, with frustrating emotions,
some rules that are imposed upon us and enforced by the law from the system we live-in. Our
intelligence makes us to rebel against any paradoxical situation one way or another depending
of our life experience and our state of mind. That's leads us to find out what is really natural
and instinctive concerning any manmade action and what is an intelligent social behavior
based on knowledge. Natural laws which forms the core of general evolution, where reside the
trinus containing the opposite: adaptation and evolution, can be found easily enough by
simply looking around us what's happen in the real world. To make a long story short, we will
simply lay down some of the metaphysical laws concerning the subject:

1) Any action, included manmade action’ is a natural universal action as a natural reaction
from a situation, whatever is that situation.

2) Since the Universe is “Logic on the move” and expanding, any action contain in it, whatever
it is, is a natural action, meaning an action dictated by nature.

3) “Nature” is “Logic” evolving to different states, thanks to universal expansion.

4) A “normal” and “abnormal” actions, is labelled as such from man cultural subjectivity
toward any natural action or reaction.

5) Any welcome and unwelcome social behavior within a system is nevertheless a natural
reaction according to circumstances; all actions being part of a universal logical processes.

6) Universal logic is universal harmony making the universe to be a reliable stable process
which follows faithfully (automatically) its own universal natural principles; therefore any
action, manmade or not, like it or not, follows the path of a natural equilibrium.

7) Any universal action taken, by man or nature, is always toward self and psychosocial
harmony as well as astrophysical harmony since harmony is the link that unites life and
matter within the same logical frame of existence.

8) Even if some social (or asocial) behaviors is considered unwelcome by man, nothing is
unnatural, since every action within our universe responds to some natural laws, its logics and
its dynamics, known and unknown by man.

9) Man is the sole responsible of his own well-being; man is a mnemonical unit of the universe
being called “unit of life”, thus possessing self-determination.

10) Man can build his own social harmony called “Utopia” by taming itself with the universal
laws to which he belong naturally.

11) Man creates his own Karma under his self-determination.

12) All phenomena are natural, there is no other phenomenon like “supernatural”; for man to
call a natural phenomenon “supernatural” or “abnormal” mean that unexplained (yet) natural
phenomenon belongs momentarily as a part of the “Chaos theory” where man searches for

13) No one can rules over the natural laws, therefore there is no “God”; the word “God”
encompass all the natural rules, theirs dynamics and interactions. That’s make every humanist
in the universe to “fight for God”, and to joins “Gods ranks” in their ethico- secular approach to
the universal rules, to gain knowledge, as their personal contribution to built utopia.

14) Natural rules are self-created as a natural cosmic phenomenon creating energy from the
Gaian potential (finite amount of dust particles), therefore creating our universe when that
Gaian potential falls into the surrounding void (Ouranos).

15) Natural laws, in their automatism, are not capable to produce illogism nor they are
capable to produce paradoxes since they are objectives; on the other hand man has that
capability of being paradoxical and to produce illogic thoughts since man possess subjectivity
from self-determination.

16) Nature rules nature, therefore nature rules itself; man being part of nature is ruling
subjectively himself under nature fundamental rules.

17) Liberty is subject to harmony.

18) To respect and obey fundamental ethics do not mean we have to conform to what others
want us to be (like some religious bigots do), nor to force others to swallows our values;
causality is there for that; in long term causal events in one life is call "life experience".
Causality is there to help for us to follow the path of who we are according to our physical and
mental potentials.

19) Causality says: Since a government represents the peoples it is throughout democratic
means or not that it is the peoples who put a government in charge of their country destiny,
therefore it is throughout democratic means or not that the same peoples shall continue to
takes charge of the destiny of their country by replacing a government by another according to
their will. Any external interference upset the will of a nation to evolve by itself, and causality
acts accordingly.

These metaphysical laws are all from basic common sense; common sense is innate and it
come easily to us but we learn not to listen to that universal gift of logic in a form of built-in
psychosocial harmony. Over time we began to doubt our capability of knowing naturally, as a
form of instinct, what is psychosocially right. We shall embrace that innate intelligence with
the universe; it is the natural rules that built us, that are part of us as an innate long term
memory, which "talk" to us as a mechanical process in our long term memory (unconscious).
Common sense is the "divine inspiration" from our oneness with the universe. Common sense is
simply the result of a logical processing of logical data under the automatic influence of the
natural universal dynamics called by man: "the natural universal principles". The natural
universal principles are the result of an automatism of energy self-interacting for the natural
purpose of a constant universal equilibrium; therefore for man to follow the ways of the
natural universal principles is to evolve toward a psychosocial equilibrium by his knowledge of
these laws; by integrating these natural principles in every aspect of his everyday life man can
easily succeed to develop harmoniously a society where technology, sociopsychology, and
economic can be stabilize in a constant equilibrium while evolving under a wise political view
of what universal wisdom is. Secularism includes emotional roots and excludes the presence of
a subjective manmade god. An agnostic mind see only the colors of nature ways in grey; by
inventing a almighty god that would takes care of all their wants some agnostics become those
religious bigots who gives artificial colors to their mind; on the other hand the agnostics who
are scouting and studying the universal natural rules in order to understand them are joining
the colors of nature (the light of nature) and become active part of the covenant between the
objectivity of nature and the subjectivity of man by their own choice in the field of enlightment.

Some of us uses their mind, some of us uses their muscles; plenty of us uses both. It takes a sane
mind to direct the muscles to create utopia and it takes muscles to concretize that action of the
mind. Mind and muscles are one in the psyche for us to adapt and evolve harmoniously into
the realm of this physical reality.

The charm of evilest temptations for easy gains turns us away from our psychosocial duty.

Sanity was always mended to build utopia, but it is our present madness that stall the process.
The Caveman Wisdom.

The needs of the intellect are different than the needs of the body of which the Freudian Id is the
messenger; but the Id has to be satisfied for the intellect to function adequately. Libido is the
answer for the ego to establish a harmonious relationship between the needs of the Id and the
needs of the intellect, or else the "Caveman wisdom" will take over. The "Caveman wisdom" is
simply the basic mean of survival where associability become a must to satisfied the needs of
the Id for the body to survive, so the individual can use his intellectual capacities to produce
creativity for various reasons; without the "Caveman wisdom" as being part of the instinct of
survival it would be masochism to accept to let the body dying out of hunger when there is some
ways out. The mechanisms of defence are a defensive way to cope with who we are; the
mechanisms of adaptation are an aggressive way to cope with the environment. The "Caveman
Wisdom" is a natural aggressive mechanism of adaptation since our original agnosticism makes
us to be depriving of "Conscious Wisdom" which is the result of a libidinous-intellectual process
(intellectuality pairing with our emotional roots) where Gnosticism is involved. It is “Conscious
wisdom” the inducer of psychosocial harmony.

A society of human robots

From the theorical "Day one" the universe was already Utopian by the pure objectivity of its
natural principles; forms of life are subjective, that’s gives them total liberty, and it is our
choice to follow the leads of the universal principles, consciously, for us to be the conscious and
free builders of our utopian worldwide society.

The extremist bigot discomfited, humiliated, being relegated to the rank of a robot, not accepting
the fate of his dual reality, in a deadly frenzy, by harsh and cruel wars he try over again to put
his vanity on the podium of the gods he created. The extremist bigot acts by cruelty to better
prove his sad humanity. Hitting his family who has now open eyes, wishing to bend to his faith
the heart-breaking enemy that is reality which makes him puppets of life, puppets of dead, he
can only burry his odious hatred when taking beauty for ransom in exchange for his pains.

Throughout the centuries some part of humanity were sitting imprinted defenseless ducks
while religions, like Catholicism and Islam, were aiding royalties and politicians to make
decision concerning the fate of the common citizens concerning wars and education. It is a
powerless and frightful position for any ethical secular individual being culturally prisoner of
those systems. Any environment is a conditioning factor altering our state of mind producing
an evolutive psychological process which affects the whole psyche in its process throughout the
neuroplasticity phenomenon; the placebo effect is a good example to mention. Even when the
conditioning is of a religious character aiming for the destruction of other cultures (see Islamic
politic and also Catholicism versus the Incas) it is nevertheless an evolutive psychological
process since all roads leads to harmony. Some roads are better to follow than others, and
Islam is not the best one.

The animation of nature indicates the activity of forces, and energy is the essence of
“Spirituality” as being the dynamic that animates the intellect, which in turn makes us to be
alive. “Animus” is simply energy that becomes the center of physical and mental activities. The
anima, “soul,” is the mnemonic dynamics known as “unit of life”, and being inherent of the
psyche; the organism has its own mnemonic life and the soul has its own mnemonic life. The
mind is simply the thinking aspect of the soul, the thoughts factory. The soul of any form of life
is the subject of his personal mnemonic data, and its dynamics, that is subject to bend under
the universal principles, the same goes for the biological body. “Soul standing for the whole
person” (Gen 12:5; 17:14; Ezek 18:4, etc.) indicates that the biological body is also part of the
soul mnemonic data, as the biological concretes of the soul past experiences.

In science, like physics and chemistry, results will be repeated in the same way yet again and
again if all conditions remain the same for each experience. The same goes for living creatures.
In the same conditions, humans always act the same way according to their program; the
complexity is that the parents are not the same, neither are the friends nor the environment.
The results will have the tendency to recur in the same way if conditions remain the same. In
the case of the human-robot (us) the programming of the mind is from the environment. It is
the superego versus the needs of the Id that produce evolution of the Robot-Human, through its
Ego. So, any actions are ultimately predictable.

Thus, it is the social environment that produces canned fish, that also produce “ canned “
scientists, dentists, confectioners, soldiers, bandits and murderers. It's all a matter of
processing. The latter, (we are talking about murderers), when they are arrested, they are
judged “Improper” for consumption by society and some of them are condemned to the death
penalty (to be destroy) while others are directed to the refuse (prisons). Just like a defective
can of sardines. Sometimes they are recycled.

We sell our soul for a salary. In order to get remunerate, the judge makes his judgment based
upon laws that are valid for one day and obsolete the next. The executioner executes his task
for a salary. The jailer is tied to his pay check and the cop follows policies to grab his money.
All of the money-earners do their job as they are trained to do as good social human-robots.
What does the politician in power do? What good does he do to earn his revenues? Are his
decisions the right decisions made for the welfare of society so that its human-robots can
evolve with a sense of social duty and the genuine desire to contribute to the evolution of all?
For any of the Humanus-robotus species (us) to be a good social machine it is necessary to
have been programmed properly. When one's become conscious that all of his acts and all his
of words can be turn against him by following his own nature, one's become so careful not to
say neither to do any word or action before considering all the options. Having less to say and
less to do by the fear of disturbing the peace, one does can become a quiet paranoid more by
reason than by excuse. The smile of one's own nature can disappear after many lectures for
right or for wrong.

To be a human machine called “psyche” and being suitable for social duty and any kind of
conveniences cannot be done without a specific programming that goes in that direction. The
qualities driving the improvement of individuals and societies are located in the nature of the
programming. The latter, if it’s not paradoxical in nature, will be simply an induction of
positive social attitudes. So, we can be programmed with the aims to do good to society, to
each individual in particular, and toward ourselves; it is called to be libidinous; this is the
sharing of pleasures. If someone is in favor of the death penalty, he is saying that he would
wish to be executed if the same conditions apply. So, society produces human-robots that are
controlled by different programming and it is the universe that produces the structural
engineering that make the humanus-robotus (us) a species already programmed by the
universal rules (our hard drive), and to be programmed over it by the ways of the social and
natural environment.

Humanity is now in the process of completing scientific matters concerning Genesis in the
unified field theory, meaning: reaching the third stage of positivism. We need to understand
how the psychosociallity of living matter follow the same natural laws as the inert matter;
that will be our "coming" as the messianic race among other Earthly race (like chimpanzee). It
is the third stage of positivism that brings mind redemption (the Redemption) if we are willing
to atone (see our mistakes, in all fronts, and correcting them). Strengthening our belief in the
secular knowledge, our desire and anticipation of the coming of the human race to understand
the universal mechanism from a basic self-programming in both spiritual and physical level,
Increase the odds for humanity to reach universal harmony sooner. "Tikkun habrit" [personal
sanctity] is to learn, to know, to understand and to live the psychosocial adventure in our
journey toward wisdom.

Humanity perspective of "perfect faith" must be to channel energies into understanding

modern science; it would be peeking behind the curtain of mysteries that still to be uncovered
instead to continue to believe in a is all powerful, and all knowing divine wizard call Christ or
the Christian Moshiach. For most of us all we can handle, been religious minded or not, is to
keep waiting for a messiah to fix our personal problems, is easier than tackling by ourselves
the real problems that plague humanity. This is why some sects and third rate religions won't
accept anything less than a divine redeemer. With that kind of philosophy we simply remain
unworthy of the revelation of things to ourselves since we make ourselves unable to think with
rationality and without creating any paradoxes. Even if the Jews crave Moshiach because
Moshiach will be their ultimate (mind) liberator, Judaism, nevertheless teaches its adherents to
seek wisdom in all its forms, and secularism is big part of it. On the other hand Buddhism
teaches that this very craving for someone to fix our own mistake leads to the fall of
spirituality (be able to think adequately). Therefore let's forget waiting for someone to come
from heaven to fix the problems we are creating ourselves; let's take responsibility by making
ourselves life on earth become the heaven on Earth it could be by building utopia rather than
the mental and physical hell some psychopaths are trying to make it.

So far it's seem to be okay; the more we move forward in this metaphysical study, the more we
discover what makes us tick as human beings: innate and acquired programming.

tick tick tick tick tick tick....

"Believers", from birth to death, who have faith on God as a living persona, are subject to
chronic mental troubles were learned infantilism behavior (thus low self-esteem as a human)
from the religious cultural surrounding is the predominant factor leading to functional
neurosis with possibility of severe psychosis when the subject become extreme in his bigotry.
Infantilism can lead to severe regression where “baby tantrum” from adults in charge of
politics can be the inducer of waging stupid bloody “Holy wars”. Secular teaching of the truth
is the psychosocial remedy to that serious problem.

The Promised Land

Modern Metaphysics in its eclectic approach to reality, following the path of logic, said aloud
what the present majority is afraid to whisper.

Year after year the extremist’s bigots keep sharpening their original agnostism being motivated
by their own fears toward the God man created. Under the deluge of sad human errors and
happy accuracies made by our mind, responsible for both our deep distress and apex of
confidence, we are submerging our existence of so many sighs of thanks and prayers that we
can hardly have time to look the truth in the eyes. But anyone who takes the time to search and
find it, and accept its reality became wiser in the future than he ever was unfortunate in the past.
Pointing out mistakes of the mind and the remedy to health, the just become an outrage to the
demons and false gods; the fate of the wise’s becoming the future of humanity. The wise man
controls madness with the use of reason and is able to make a slave out of destiny at his will.
The righteous are no gods but they are more human than they ever were demons. From birth, it
was always our natural aim to become wiser in order to control our destiny. Wise men are a
danger to the devils, as one wise man count for many devil dead, the wise’s are the wrath of
heaven for the evil minded. The evil minded individuals who dare the wise’s are already dead by
their own thoughts produced from their own hell. The mind is the land ready to receive the
universal wisdom after the weeds of non sense are burn to ashes.

A real ethical person will understand where the literal paradoxes in religion lay and will
disregard them in order to unveil the metaphor by his secular knowledge of the subject.

Universal justice is, since the poor does not have the same financial means to take the same
gambling chances than the rich, that he has at least the same opportunity to rake the riches of
the mind just by his life experience; that would make some poor richer than some of the richest.
After death we are taking with us the riches of the mind, not our bank account. The human
mind is a spacial framework for information to be processed. The framework itself gives us the
ability to acquire information and to process it (cognition), and the spacial environment within
that framework where the processing takes place is the intellect. The logic of the universal laws
built (created) us, and our memory is our own mental land full of promise (potential). From
being a bear land it will become a land of “milk and honey” (that is a symbolic expression) if
we follow the directives of the universal laws...as the Hebrew's bible say in a riddle form:
“God's commandments”

Any kind of presumption is imaginative; it is a product of our mental processes that give us the
ability of conceptualizing (to have ideas). All thought is imagination at work. Most thoughts
“knitted” by the logic of the mind framework are part of our unconscious, below the level of our
conscious awareness. Our ideas are abstractions made of quantum which are processes under
the canalization of the infrastructures surrounding our mind. Our mind infrastructure is like a
series of channel. We have unilateral authority over our acts, upon any idea that comes into
the conscious awareness level of our mind. Ethics, the “feeling” of the right decision to make is
there to help us to make the appropriate choice. Our own mind is our own personal promised
land. It belongs to us... it is us. Our mind (spirit) is a fertilizable mental space inside our innate
structure made of logic (by the universal laws). Our mind can be fertilized by any kind of
programming. The interaction between the innate programming that forms our mind
structures (innate programming), the programming received (acquired programming) and
the environment are opposing and complementary stimuli that generates ideas. It is the
mental trinus of creativity. It goes without saying that these ideas will target harmony (logic)
based on the innate programming. As a result, ideas form chains of thought and are aiming at
the perfection of their evolution from that innate (or primal) program. There are those who
may call this trinus: “the personal trinity of mind creativity”, and ideas that are produced from
it: “of divine inspiration”. We “feel “our innate programming in an instinctual form. The
innate programming is the structural engineering of our spirit (mind). Its function is to be the
supporting base for the acquired programming. Also, parts of our innate programming came
from previous lives or existences (see reincarnation). It is the dynamics of memories, their
processing that form our mind and that's what gives us Life. Comprehension comes from the
writing on the heart by our mind, as the Hebrew bible says in riddle form.

The innate primal structures of our psyche are by their very nature the innate contains of the
natural principles; therefore it is the program which is the universal basic math and therefore
the structural data that produce the dynamic statistics. This means that the principle of cause
and effect are part of the way we are built. Because we are living mnemonics voids to be filled,
we will always draw upon us the consequences of any action raised; that is causality in action;
the ways of the universal laws are not our ways and their causal phenomena become their
automatic and objective judgments, and those are not our thoughts since our thoughts are
subjective, but under an automatic process. Again, the Hebrew's bible tells us that but in
different terms.

After what we read in the preceding pages, it appears that one of the promised lands is none
other than the statistical promise to achieve a mental world of perfection for all while we keep
learning. This means that by reasoning and feelings, both based on ethics and our wise
perception of the environment, our knowledge is constantly evolving toward the acquisition of
the universal harmony that surrounds us, that is automatic. We will become less sarcastic and
more creative, addressing more adequately any future political issue. There is harmony for
everyone. The other promise land is of a spacial physical environment (a place on earth). The
ancient Hebrews double-talk, and some time, triple-talk, and also layers over layer-talk
includes, in a lot of cases, the mental (spiritual) world and the physical world. The ancient
Hebrew prophets were very smart scientists indeed, how come? How come millenniums ago
they were more knowledgeable than we are now? How come that handful of those genius
scholars did not develops any advance technologies then? Was it there a secret conspiration to
lets the common man, with its poor knowledge, evolves naturally by himself by his own
experimenting? If yes, why? We will discover why as we go along in this research.

Our task is to be our own spirituals saviors by destroying what is wicked in our minds, and
ultimately judge ourselves our wrong doings. To find harmony within may usher troubles to
go by. The price of peace is to defend truth against its enemies. The repair of the minds and of
the world can be done only through human efforts toward social justice and proper
knowledge. We have free choice to bring judgment upon ourselves, it is to atone ourselves.
Hebrew's bible talk about atonement, which is to see our mistakes and to fix them; the Catholic
church on the other hand calls it “redemption”, so far so good, but when Catholicism start
talking about a mythical someone named Jesus of Nazareth who did just that for us, so we do
not have to think anymore, which do not makes any sense, than we realize that a big part of
the world is still in is moronic state of evolution. Energy has authority over us since we are the
products of it. The sovereignty and the power of universal laws is an everlasting dominion that
will not pass away, and that will never be destroyed. To open our minds to understand the
universe it is for most of us to suffer and raise our mind from the brain-dead situation it is
presently. The trinus theory can help us.
We are our only saviors. One for all and all for one. Universal laws guide us for our spiritual
nurturing. The transformation of the mind happens from suffering from bad consequence
during our journey where during our search of ha rmony the human factor leads us to make
mistakes. Giving suffering to others is not the answer. We are oppressing ourselves with
wrong data; we shall overthrow that mental oppression by proper reasoning. By helping
ourselves the heavens (universal laws and the feeling of sharing pleasures) will help us.

Eventually we'll step-up our international collaboration aimed toward a development of a

World Earth that will be socio-politically made of higher common sense than the one we are
currently experiencing. That is also our promised land. David Psalm 133: “Behold, how good
and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” Our mind is made to
understand reality, the bear land of our mind is mend to contain the whole universe; it is the
natural objective for our mind to “arrive atop of a heavenly cloud” were we can see far away
how things interlaces. It is just the plain automatism of logic for us to end up with the eye of the
mind to be open to see things the way they really are. It is to see our mind to be the “Self-
resurrected redeemer” which was dwelling in its own Sheol (mental illness) for well. Our mind,
blind at birth is guided by nature doings to gain its inner sight. From the abysses of Sheol (our
own mental hell) to the heavenly clouds of understanding, it is the process (or journey) of mind
evolution by life experience. We are always coming from the dead; dead minds are in their
own Sheol. Sheol makes everything seem to be complicated, for the minds in Sheol, just the
mere mental action of “thinking” (or trying to) into the philosophical field gives them
headaches and disturbs the psyche; the heaven of the mind is to understand how the principle
of harmony is simplicity itself: all things are naturally united. No big deal! For the minds in
heaven thinking heal the psyche. Neuroplasticity is involved in that process.

In psychology, the notion that mental illness could come from various dead-end mental
attitudes and organic behaviors was always accepted and uncontested. Functional and
organic “dead ends” leads to sickness. Clinical references to the legitimacy of the mind being its
own “resurrected redeemer' are plenty, it is called “self mental recovery” by various means. We
all rise from “Techiya” (mind resurrection), there is nothing miraculous about that, and
spirituality in the field of mental recovery is to put some cognitive order in the canalizing of
data on one mind, in other words: for the individual to see reality the logical way. Our science
posses great merit, the advent of technology can makes us understand (by seeing it in
laboratories) how the interactive processes brain-mind works for us to realize that some
“religions” like Judaism is full of neuro-psychological data handle down to us in a poetic form
of communication. The ancient’s sages (those were super-genius!) who compiled the Torah
make it, as criteria, to be comprehensive for realistic and “nature-qualified” scientific
libidinous minds only. This is why Israel was told to learn “nature ways” to acquire secular
knowledge as well as having the job to protect the integrity of the Torah. So far, in that field,
Israel proves itself to be a responsible nation.

While the concept of the messianic age being humanity “rising from the dead” meaning from
its moronic ways, may be foreign in the eyes of a great deal of today's Jewry, it was never so
in the eyes of the psychological data found in the Torah. The Torah view is not the only one
that need to be consulted, we must place our trust in ourselves, our discoveries; and then use
the Torah as a back up to guide us in our search for the secular truth. Torah was mending to be
an ethical leader for gentiles and a back up for the libidinous secular scholars. The worst time
for a religious bigot would be when he has to finally realize that he had to evolve the natural
way, being part of humanity, instead to rely to a volatile god who will do it for him.

Wars are acts of vandalism and disrespect against man made harmony following natural
rules. It is disheartened for a humanist to see the damage that ill politics in the name of "god"
and economy can do when societies retrieves from its citizens the freedom of reason. There is
no honor in killing and damaging others people property, it never was. The senseless acts of
starting wars are decided by peoples who do not understand the gravity of agnostism being
paired with bigotry. Infuriated minds can only lost patience and make wars because of their
lack of fundamental ethic and general knowledge of the natural laws. Humanity must commit
itself more in the secular knowledge being paired with a logical ethic where bigotry and
religion are out of the picture.

We can only believe in self, and being our own promise land, when breaking away from our
infantile state where we feel to be at the mercy of others, including an almighty and subjective
living god. When humanity as a whole really get tired of supporting the same frustrations
under the same circumstances will want to change its ways for the better it will be only when
all of us, then, seeing to help each others to build utopia, that the heaven (the natural
principles) will help us automatically to speed-up the process toward world harmony; other
way waiting for someone like "the divine Godly Christian Moschiach" to do all the job for us
can be a lonnnnnnng wait. Sometime devils do not even know they are devils by pure lack of
comprehension. Within this study our focus became on identifying Moshiach’s and anti-
Moschiach, and that leads us automatically to" the End Times" as being the end of human
stupidity from anti-Moshiach’s gangs: third rate religions. First of all our tribulation can be
shortened only the secular way. The Antichrists or anti-Moshiach’s are the religions who
claims to be anointing by "God" himself since "God" inspired them and therefore they are
representing his sayings; they are deceivers since "anointed" mean knowledgeable in primal
philosophies and secular sciences. These religions want to demonstrate their own
righteousness by meticulously observing their own requirements to become sanctified; usually
a bunch of sadomasochistic requirements that the natural rules never placed on the backs of
anyone. The natural principles never require any human sacrifices or the sacrifice of our own
mind by chasing reason away. Most of the Jews understand that essential point; it is part of
the secular side of their culture. Third rate religions sought to usurp authority over the
Kingdom of the universal natural rules to establish themselves as the only mediators between
humanity and a non-existent god condemning all other forms of scientific knowledge and
philosophies to be heretics; it is their main dogma, it is an antimoschiach dogma; that's make
them Antichrists and “devils”. On the other hand that's make the "Christ" those religion are so
much longing for to be a anti-god thus a pro-science person; what a joke!

The Jews Job

Jews according to their faith see themselves to be the “chosen ones”, long-time ago, as the
leading nation, “over the entire nations” of the future concerning the building of Utopia: the
perfect world. Jews says: “The outside world will come to them for advice”. To this day the
USA, the mightier nation of this world, has for politic to invade nations trying to build
American peace by waging American wars, and to give nations American advice how to
conduct their own affairs for the benefit of the U.S. economy; so far that produces
controversial results and the rising of terrorism from religious extremists for whom politics
and their religion is the same.

For global utopia to be a reality that does away with poverty, leading to hunger and sickness,
leading to war, the entire world will have to understand that the knowledge of nature is also
the knowledge of self. This dream of building Utopia, that has to happen and will happen
depend on our efforts to be willingly united with nature ways while we are doing our own
things. We shall be interested in the many ways nature reacts to understand why it is better for
us to build Utopia sooner than later. Religions called it: “Doing the will of the Creator.” Nature
being, by automatism, our creator and not having any will of its own, so much for religiosity!

Harmony throughout a libidinous scientific minded leader called “Moshiach” was always the
goal of Judaism. Science already reveal to us our true oneness with nature, science and
psychology discovered ions ago that our fundamental and natural purpose is to adapt, if we
cannot adapt we will become extinct, is that simple. The universe is not as complicated as the
religious minded may think it is. The main principles are simples, they are products of the
fractalization of the universe under the influence of the processes of the multiplication of the
primal principle that's makes thing to be complex; but it is that same phenomenon, creating
complexities by repeating itself into different systems, and then been fractalized; that’s what
gives us the presence of analogies.

Mineral, vegetal, and animal, follow the same basic principles, causality is the master one, but
it cannot be achieve without the presence of duality which was, as a pre-requisite, the pre-
universe constant, conditional, and responsible for the creation of the universe; and since
everything is made of energy then duality has to possess physical characteristics in order to
create energy. Human race come from the animal kingdom (even the “veggie human ones”)
and Jews are part of humanity as a nation having a goal purely of its own: to study, to be
libidinous, and to bring harmony upon the world. No other nation, was never been as united
toward that goal than Israel. Everything in the universe is part of nature (see pantheism) and
nature is self-created. The Jews considers themselves to be more of the part of the “Creator
mind” meaning “following nature ways to be creative minded peoples”, than creation itself
(zombieness), because of all their studies and scientific discoveries. That's makes the Jewish
people to be attached with the purpose of discovering and explaining the creation to the world,
and not be only a “veggie” part of creation itself.

The religious minded Jews wander why they need a Moshiach to bring about a new era of
understanding of the truth, peace and the revelation of the Oneness with God; they wander
why “God” doesn't do it himself. Well ... how obvious is that answer! Nature is “God”, and
nature does itself anyway since we are part of nature!..And so is Moshiach. Ruining the beauty
of our mind by condemning nature to obey a man made god how can we be comfort by raison
if we complain by custom?

Jews were the “Chosen People” by Pharaoh to discover and teach reality while protecting the
Torah, and doing just that they will bring their Moshiach to be their leader; and as they are
saying themselves, it is through their own homework toward reality that they can bring
Moshiach to be their leader, otherwise there is no deal, and their potential Moshiach will be
retire, happily ever after, in his own peace of mind. In their beliefs the Jews are saying that it
takes a Jew Moshiach, to wake up all the Jews so that the Jews will, in turn, awaken the whole
world. In other words the Jews are the ones who will be resurrecting the dead minds. Some
religions called it: “resurrecting of the dead”, thinking it would be dead flesh coming back to
life! The world is already overpopulated; we don't need any more zombies than it is already

The arrival of Moshiach is the goal and the thought that consumes Judaism. The Jews know,
troughs their beliefs, that their Moshiach will be a human being be invited by them to lead
them. Therefore that guy must be a heck of a scholar, not making any waves until his time
come, and with a solid sense of humour, under a good gentile disguise to avoid publicity all
those years.

Jews also believe that the monarchy of Moshiach will be more of a harmonious umbrella to be
under rather than what a regular monarchy has to offer. A simple and superior system of
ruling can be formulate since all Israel deepest desire will be to follows the natural laws, with
libidinous open eyes, as one (nation). All into one and one into all; but each been his own self. It
is the associative personality of a nation, composed of many distinct personalities, each having
their own competence. It is that same exact natural principle that rules one own associative
personality, but in a different context (like in psychology). That's what analogy is all about.
Analogy is the same natural principle been valid in different contexts. That by itself is one of
the main ruling natural principles. For the od Jews who do not wish to live according to the
messianic rules, three cities will be built for them to govern and live their ways of life as they
wish until they know better. That beats imprisonment, death penalty, and a waste of precious
resources. According to the Jewish faith there is an” anointed one” present in every
generation; but contrary to the Jewish believe, it is not all the individual of humanity who has
a parcel of the knowledge of the "anointed one" but it is the "anointed one" who try his best to
assemble as much as possible of the knowledge of humanity to help humanity to build utopia.

We need stronger policy to protect children’s from threats and intimidation from the religious
community concerning the infamous fire’ of hell awaiting anyone who do not believe in "God"
(or Allah). Children’s, who will in the future leading countries, have the right to feel mentally
safe and be respected for their secular beliefs, which are faith on the natural laws, been proven
by the empiric method. To induce the fear of religious hell, in a daily basis, is a method of
bullying from some religious communities, and peoples shall be aware of it. It is our
uniqueness as individual which is the force behind the whole as the motor of human evolution,
it is our diversity that makes that motor to be running from its different crucial components.
We can be one with the universal natural laws without rejecting our personal mental and
potential characteristics which are so important for the whole human community to survive.
We need to be ethico-realistic, not religious. In our human journey as we live we learn, and as
we understand more of the nature of things, we are coming to our senses (being less neurotics).
From Noah time, when humanity was flooding the Earth, to those present days the road was
long and arduous but the end of humanity suffering is near as we are reaching the self-
revelation contain in the third stage of positivism, that will be the "Apocalypse" where
agnostism will fight gnostism in a "Gog and Magog" war of the minds. "Emunah shleimah"
[complete faith] really means that humanity cannot conceive itself without having the scientific
knowledge of the reason of its own presence and also the reason of the presence of everything
else. Not that this understanding could come, but rather that it will come since it must come by
the logic of things; it is not a matter of possibility, but of certainty. Our faith in the Messianic
era is our faith in the fact that man will comprehend all aspects of universal logic from the
natural laws of evolution (where mind is included), we already compelling ourselves out to
seek every aspects of it. The term Moshiach is a term used in the Hebrew Bible to describe
priests and kings having some of the "Godly knowledge”, and who were traditionally anointed
with oil to consecrate their teaching and responsible position coming with the authority been
laid in their shoulders. As for the "Messianic Age" is a theological term referring to a future
time of peace and harmony on earth where humanity will be building utopia. Many religions
refer to it as the "Kingdom of God" where the true knowledge will be easy to assimilate by
most; secularism refers to it as the third stage of positivism been attained by Earth humanity.

As the body fall asleep the mind regains more freedom, and total body-death release the mind
from that mortal shackle. During body-sleep the automatic processes of our mind sends
messages to our soul as dreams, which are metaphors to deciphers in order to update our
ways to uses these intellectual processes; it is too often that when our body is awake that our
soul (conscious-self) uses wrongly the processes of the mind for these processes to send us to
our mental hell. The function of dreams is to tell us where are the mental-virus and of what
character they are for us to atone to correct the mind-situation for it to function more
harmoniously. The mind is a living computer been automatically programmed -by the logic of
things- for constantly searching and implants mental processing behaviors to reach its self-
harmony from fundamental logic. It is our conscious knowledge of fundamental logic that
leads us to wisdom from where we can see that wisdom is simply fundamental logic becoming
the life of the mind and from which we draws our fundamental ethics.

Illusions are what it’s killing us.

The spirit of duality: An infinity of notthingness called for a finite something.

Freud, Newton, Einstein and the Torah

Ouranos is charged positively; Gaia is charged negatively. God is the link "alive" between Gaia
and Ouranos; "God" is energy ... literally! Nothing is mightier than energy since energy is all
there is.
The spirit of determinism: Something has to take the territories of nothingness for evolution to
occur. The spirit of causality: SEE NEWTON LAWS.

The “spirit of God” as been the potential for human (or any other forms of life for that matter)
to conceive the concept of “god” as be the whole of the natural laws, their dynamic, was born at
the physical (spacial) point zero of the Big Bang. Therefore we can say that the spirit of god is
eternal since the potential of that concept was always there, and divided in the two primal
opposite singularities (1, the primal mass; 2, the primal void) that now forms the universal
duality. The starting point of duality is when the primal masse came into contact with the
“sucking” force of physical nature that our science calls “gravity” by being a “pulling force”
directing matter toward its own infinite void made of gravitons (points of anti-matter). It is
the huge means of transportation of the rules of nature under its physical form: matter being
formed of quanta, that is blocking out our view of what is behind; we had to transcend matter
to see the rules. This is what the materialism theory it’s all about. Materialism theory and the
Torah have that scientific philosophical link in common: materiality of things is the physical
existence of nature, and nature rules. The everyday worrying takes a lot of our mental time;
we have an understandable emergency to take care of our basic needs before we can take care
of our mental needs. This is normal. When a individual put himself in a basic situation exempt
of excess were he don't have to worry about his basic needs, then according to his wish he can
produce some libidinous creative thinking. The opposite of it would be total worrying where
hate is involve and producing paradoxical thinking leading to a sense of hopefulness base on
incomprehension. This is where a mythological god, ruling nature, is needed as a boost for
hope, to compensate for our lack of comprehension concerning nature. Hope is based on those
two opposites: tall tales and dreams. Sociopaths know that. Now, if a trouble maker ask the
over simplistic stupid question if Catholicism is synonym of sociopathic, the obvious answer is
that Catholicism is, unconsciously, way to masochistical-moronicaly inclined to be as bright as
the common sociopath who know consciously how to use charming tall tales to rip off moronic
peoples. The Jewish scholars (Rabbi’s) explain to heir flock that the psyche (human being) is
essentially comprised of two elements: body and soul, which creates a third one: the intellect.
Body and Soul, would be barren lands if it wasn't for the rivers of cognition which takes the
thirst away from those lands. Cognition is the force (flow of energy) that unable the psyche
internal interaction versus the external stimulus to activate our intelligence, that activation is
creating the Intellect (the third element) which produces thoughts, ideas and concepts. That
makes the intellect to become the child of the psyche. In Hebrew these are called Guf, Nefesh
and Sechel, the three basics elements of the human being. All forms of life are made of those
three elements. This is metapsychology stuff! Did Sigmund Freud get taught by rabbis? The
Jewish nation keeps producing some of the world's greatest unknown philosophers attempting
to demonstrate the compatibility of the Torah with Science and Intellect (Sechel). Catholicism
and Islam are attempts to credit themselves as the representatives of “God” on planet Earth by
bending what they think is the truth to legitimize their own (religious) point of view based on
the Torah and Judaism. Freud was a very intelligent person, he did see were logic lays, and
went along with some scientific parts of the Torah that interested him rather than going
against it. Freud said he was not a religious person, he believed in science. In today parts of
our modern world, Catholicism becomes the source of the dominating Western Philosophy. It is
a direct continuation of the religious politic of the Catholic Roman Empire. Catholicism (and
also Islam) is digging deeper, day after day, the trench separating religion from science. They
do not see the intellect as a creation of nature to understand nature so we can go along with it
to find harmony, but rather as a creation of “god” to be the “god” to adore. This is slavery!
Masochism! And their god's is a vain creation of their mind as a vain god who find pleasure in
vanity. Rabbi’s are saying that the fruits of the intellect (thoughts, ideas and concepts) are the
nourishment of the human race, those fruits are producing the advances of all aspects of
science which empower us to pushes further the frontiers of knowledge in order to reach a
spiritual (transcendental) level already attained before by some biblical patriarchs like Noah,
Moses and Co. We already knew that! Then were lays the difference between science and the
Torah? The answer is one little word: “god”; and that word if not put on its proper perspective
can lead to more bloodshed from moronic minds. “God” mean the dynamics of nature,
meaning: the whole universe and its expansion as Gaia takes over the territory of Ouranos.

It is impossible to talk about the implications of a subject of interest without knowing the
subject of interest itself, so before talking about "God" we must know and understand what it
implies: the presence of the universe and its dynamics. Our scientific era gives us the
opportunity to work in ideal conditions with regard to the revelation of the scientific content of
the Torah. The Jews know that the desired objective of their work concerning the deciphering
of the Torah is to join the burning fire (energy) that represents God (Dvékout). Moses and the
High Priests who wrote the Torah were pertinent scholars, they mention "Dvékout" as being
the adherence (to joint) to the cosmic functions (nature) that God represents, it means the
development of our intellectual abilities by understanding the ways of nature which are the
results of the ways of God (God's ways); to understand "God's ways" is our understanding by
which cosmic processes "God" also call "the light of the universe that enlighten man" is doing
anything and everything. Our Gnostic secular’s scholars are right into those tracks "For the
earth will be filled with the knowledge of God, as water is abundant in the bed of the sea"
(Isaiah 11:9).

The abstract form of the truth is simply to be found in the natural principles. Lies are parts of
our reality.What is a lie is convey by man who is the material support that bears "the lying
form" from his primal agnosticism being coupled with the human factor (man unreliability).
The empirical basis of our knowledge of lies belongs to the field of psychology where
neurology become the helping hand of psychology (thus the study of neurones, their dynamics
and chemical reactions in the brain) and also the use of different scanning technologies
scanning the brain waves.

It is Israel positive action or inertia toward the message of the Moshiach of this generation that
will be the turning point between having the Apocalypse starting or not; in that sense,
Apocalypse is in Israel hands depending how Israel perceive the Moshiach and his message.

To Forgive “El” Universe for Being Born?

William Shakespeare once said: "To be or not to be? This is the question." From there we can
ask ourselves: If we don't want to be, how can we? And if we can't, who or what to pardon for us
to never have the opportunity for not to be? Our reality is that for us not to be is not to be
conscious; and even in our own mental hell we are conscious of our sufferings! We are doom to
be...Forever! We give nature several names from different languages according to different
cultures, and each name we create defines in many ways the same reality from different
opinions. For man to nickname nature is for what sounds the most pleasant to the individual
who need the words of his mouth to be sweetness to his ears. To give nature other names than
its own is to try to sweeten the bitter mental taste of the bitter side of causality; but man by using
his own ways to sweeten the painful side of causality does not, and cannot, remove the bitter
side of the truth when walking away from the universal principles. It is man who dresses nature
to a different appearance other than the beautiful nudity nature display before our naked eyes.
Nature gives us no choice than to be. It is nature that created us and still is our nourishment
-mentally and biologically- and man elevating nature in the rank of a living god –ions ago- forgot
after well that there is no other supreme god than nature; and that any past manmade god’s did
represents natural phenomena. God is simply the dynamics of nature, meaning: the whole
universe; it is self-interacting energy in the scheme of general evolution.

Law: Cycles of different systems are fractalized parts of general evolution.

Law: The correlation between systems follows the same basic principle than the Mayan
calendar: it is the gears principle; it is that principle that produces causality (also known as
“causal forces”), and statistics can be made out of it.

Concerning the Torah, wherever it is mentioned that “God” is light that has to be taken
literally. Let’s put it this way: our sciences and human disciplines enlighten us where our
religions endarkens our mind. Religions may look good for the “lost souls” but it is
psychotherapy and scientific knowledge which are the winners that put a lost soul (or the ones
who is lost in its mind meaning being lost among all the paradoxical concepts in its active
memory which is his intellect) in the right track. To reconcile science and religion can only be
done by the scientific approach where psychology is involved. To repossess our mind (or our
soul) from the religious grasp, or any other cultural moronic grasp, (which is the mythical
evilness or devil) can only be done by the real proven data concerning the ways of the universe
which is “one” in its many ways; and that can only be done by the secular approach to see and
understand things. Concerning the western culture having its source in Africa the concept of
one “God” in certain religions, derived from the western Semitic creator god, the Biblical El,
which was the creator god of the residents of Canaan, who imported it from Egypt, ruling over
Canaan. The dynamics of the energy (that is nature), become the creator god of the northern
Hebrew tribes in Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. The Hebrew called it (that personification of
nature as a deity) YHWH, which means: “I am what I am” or Yahweh. Yahweh superseded El,
and spread throughout the Christian world. The term Jehovah is a corruption of Yahweh and it
survived into the Christian religion as “Lord”. As we can see, the roots of Christianity are from
the Egyptian culture. By taking a very close look at the ancient Egyptian pantheon of gods, it
seems that El, meaning “I am what I am”, did not have any choice but to become the link that
unites the two primal (singularities) parts (duality: Gaia and Ouranos) for the Universal
machinery to come to existence; even before life became life, and thought became thought. El in
its sleepy state was an “it”, created from a physical potential energy made of non-thinking,
non-feeling and non-uniform masse of a finite amount of dust known as Gai as a non-motile
singularity (or singularity at rest). That masse became energy, when sucked up into the
vacuum of the void that surround it, and mingled with itself (since it was non-uniform) to
become the dynamics of evolution. The second part (or singularity) of the universal machinery
was the void that surrounded El-potential. That void and El-potential (Gaia), according to
Egyptian mythology, became the two primal constants (or singularities) that created the
universe. El-potential is the primal “water”, and the primal water separated to become waves
of energy. How simpler that can be? It is right under our eyes! We can see matter emits energy
when decaying, as some of Einstein equation says and been proven. We are made of
evolutionary forms of energy. We are smarter than El, but we are from El. During their lives,
some people, desperate, and evil want the world all for themselves etc.., want a day that the
universe wasn't born; while the next day sees them accepting that the universe has to be
present. We really can not completely blame them because sometimes we all have this
impression of turning in circles. We are little El's evolving: fractalized evolution of the primal
dust! There is nothing to forgive, and it won't make any difference to El because it is not alive.
If there would be forgiveness, the consequences of our actions are sufficient for forgiveness.
Logic was issued from the motility of El before life was. The programming of evolution that we
are under the influence of, makes it that we have nothing to forgive. The universe is a prisoner
of itself. It has no other choice but to be what it is, the product of “I am what I am”. We call the
starting point of the motility of El because the presence of the void that surrounded El: “The big
bang”. The big bang theory was already known by the ancient Egyptians high priests who
were the scientists and teachers of that time. Life gives us the illusion that we are not
programmed. Nevertheless, we are living robots. The “feeling of emotion” is strong enough to
make us believe on our own unlimited and unrestricted free will (this is why there are people
without ethics) but delicate enough to let us eventually find the true nature of things. From
what we already know, let's see, in the next chapter, what the results are when we apply our
newly gained knowledge in the context of the emergence of the universe.

Moschiach message can be only flowing like a small rivulet instead of a river of righteous
informations if the newsmedia's -like corrupted dams- are in antichrist's hands. The antichrit's
are those vain and evil minded individuals how possess enough knowledge to know how to
tame entire populations to eat out of their ditrty hands.

Life can only exist because of its bipolarity; negative is on the South and positive at the North;
life is the entire mnemonic link in between. That phenomenon cause humanity to be dual in its
morality, therefore to be easely tempted by evilness (asociability) during its evolutionary

The Birth and Progress of the Universe.

In Greek mythologies, singularities belonging to the field of physic, or astrophysics, were

transformed as Titans. Greek mythology metamorphosed the two primal singularities as
Titan's; the primal non-uniform masse became the Titan Gaia, Goddesses of matter (earth).
The second singularity which is the void surrounding our universe became the Titan Ouranos.
In some Greek allegories we can see Gaia presenting to Ouranos the universe they created

From “Genesis” and in this context the word:"Expanse" means "spreading out"; more
specifically, in this metaphysical research, it is the phenomenon of a great extent of the "primal
finite mass" state of existing in a surrounding space, made of gravitons, being able of creating
time by spreading out from each of its points, therefore creating (or producing) energy by a
natural expansionistic process of physical character. Law: if the universe was not expanding
there won’t be any decay, therefore an absence of any form of evolution would be present.

Humanity realizing the physical nature of the truth about Genesis, and its practicality, will end
an old world –an old way to understand things- the end of our world as we know it and it will be
the renewal of humanity directing itself toward harmony and building utopia. So much to do to
survive! To bring food on the table and to please our eyes! So many tasks to face for this old
world economy that use to shut reason for the profit of vanity! We want not to bother our mind
with the mental effort to find where sanity rest, we turn away from ourselves when refusing to
pinpoint the sources of all our neurosis. Only for a moron it would be a tremendous effort to
meet the challenge to raise the standards of his mind by meeting the truth for what it is.
Because raison is the ultimate tribute to the truth, and unless our faith lays in reason, faith is
an insult to the truth. Stirring up the flame of our martyrs, arousing our sigh to the heavens, the
lips of the human demons makes words so sweet to our ears that who believed in them send us
to our own mental hell. Ah these human demons! What characters! They can make us to be
their deaf and blind slaves by diverting our thoughts from reason by their charming and pious
lies concerning the truth of things. No! No normal human being can reach their heart' to put
humane tears to the demon eyes. Even turning our souls toward the Godly heavens, which we
were taught to believe, become our mind fatality! Those heavens were often created by the
demons to better destroy our reason for us having faith on their sweet lies; their religions
consolidates our mental jail by creating false heavens were we can direct our moronic pain while
leaving the evils minded to do their gloomy tasks. The sacred of science is trampled underfoot,
and the sacred is simply the truth. This is quite an old world for us to destroy! And, over the
human ashes of the end of this world, we will rebuild a new order for the truth to offer us our
reason. The truth begins at the instant of Genesis, and it is literally the truth, as light, that's lights
up the things, and enlighten the minds, reaching where previously resided the night. Prior to
truth, no reason was; and it is lies the causes of man madness since reason is rocking his rest
in the arms of the truth.

Before the universe was, there were two forms of inconsistencies, they are contains in duality.
It is the mechanism of duality that's leads nature to its own harmony. Simply put: the universe
was born out of interactive duality. All math’s is harmony in progress. Like it or not, evolution
is in the process of spacial adaptation. Progress lies in the fact that our universe is constantly
changing. From the moment our Universe was born, the progress of time became the
progresses to make history by the process of evolution. For progress to be made, some forms of
inconsistencies, which come from a lack of knowledge have to be there. Surprisingly, it is in
fact, logic at work. The result of duality is always present, that is what leads to the production
of life. The disturbances that we see, that we are experiencing and that we live through can be
a welcome factor because if it was not for them, there wouldn't be any organized thoughts.
Human disturbances are different than logical disturbances. What, to our eyes appears to be
some form of chaos, is in fact the energies which have their own orderly manner to meet their
future functions. After a program has established itself by the presence of: 1) by a spacial void
(an empty space); 2) a primal potential of logic in the form of a concrete non-uniform masse of
potential energy that was put in motion as a reaction of the presence of a spacial void. As a
result, the trinus of the universe contains that duality, as the universe is the result of this
duality. The third part of that trinus (triad) is the link that unites the dual components. The
primal masses being sucked into the empty space is the primal duality: mass versus space. The
primal masses in space become forces into space. The primal void diluted the primal mass in
various quanta, wave after wave. That is what Greek mythology says and also Genesis: “Let
there be an expanse (an expansion) in the midst of the waters (from the primal masse and
within the primal masse), and let it (the expansion) separate the waters (waves of energy)
from the waters (into various “hf” parts).” (Genesis 1:6). Since the primal mass was non-
uniform and in expansion then the universe is by definition non-uniform, that mean there are
existence of the presence of various fields made of gravitons (nothingness) between fields that
contain universal mass; therefore in some area of the universe there is some unstable “worm
hole “made of gravitons. That phenomenon is the responsible from which two point of space
can be millions of light years away but when a “worm hole” appear between them an absence
of time and distance appear making the passage between them instantaneous. That may
explain many disappearances (to be appeared somewhere else) of various kind around the
world. For evolution to take place a certain relative “instability” has to take place. The universe
is more like a non-uniforms mass of gruyere cheese expanding during baking, with holes
coming and going.

To create paradoxes from Greek mythology and Judaism is the trademark of moronic
subjective minds looking for fast and unfinished self-answers. Paradoxes does not resolved
anything, logic does. Paradoxes are distortion of the truth; they are creations of moronic
minds. Catholics and Islamic sustains paradoxical thoughts in their moronic hope to save their
souls from Sheol (mental hell) ... that is paradoxical! Evolution was never out there to leave
any status quo, evolution leave nothing untransformed since the universe is dynamic. We tend
to preserve our identity through our traditions. We adapt and evolve with the secure thought
of knowing that our cultural roots permit us for returning to them as our protective family
within the world history. It’s all mnemonic. Even if specific mnemonic data are frozen instants
in time not subject to evolving, nevertheless we need them as they are part of our mind
dynamic. It is by studying our personal history and cherishes our culture while we evolve that
we feel a sense of security.

Duality is needed for evolution; it is a dynamic by itself. Tradition serves as a base for
evolution and cultures can adapt to evolution; the extinct species were the unadapted ones.
Progress is evolution and tradition is as a sort of a scheme to preserve the species, in our case
the one being called humanity, during their non-stop adaptation toward general evolution.
Tradition is a safeguard during all effective changes were we are facing the dynamic of
duality. Some traditions based in scientific data, are millenniums olds and came to us in
religious forms. It is our misunderstanding of those religions, like Judaism, that makes us to
create paradoxes from the mechanic of duality.

Our studies of energy interaction makes us aware that energy is the movement of forces in a
well-defined automatic progression were life find a purpose of its own: its own reproduction,
and our mind: its own goal toward harmony. Libido is part of our human tradition for libido
to be the guardian of positive progress. Progress without libido is the mind spinning about in
hopeless circles called “morbid rationalism”. The easy-lazy moronical way to resolve a
paradox is by clinging to one side of duality at the expense of understanding the dynamic of the
whole dual system.

That's where we are now in our metaphysical research. It only answers certain parts of our
fundamental questions. So we continue on this path because everything tells us, for the
moment, that we are moving in the right direction. This propels us a little further to open a
parenthesis on the importance of each one of us. So far this is what we understand:

By their union Gaia and Ouranos creates light (energy), and light become our expanding
universe; and the mnemonically phenomenon of light self-interactions created life. Light
bundles up to form matter, and Einstein said matter is energy (light), and man created the
atomic bomb. Life creates man as any other forms of life; and man created many gods by
personalizing natural phenomena, and man bundle all the gods together into one and call it
"God", and some men, becoming mind dead, are thinking the thought came before the light;
their mind need to be resuscitated by adequate therapies. Then man said God is the light, and it
is God which enlightens our thoughts. The light came before the thoughts and man created God
by his own thoughts made of light, therefore for a man to say his thoughts are divinely
inspired is for that man to idolize is own thoughts by projecting them into the God-idol he
created to represent its own self to the rest of the world and to himself. By creating God man
find the perfect excuse to be moron by birth since now he can compare himself to the perfect
"living" gauge, and having the perfect scapegoats (or lamb) send to be slaughter and to be
metaphorically "crucified" by taking plenty of man mistakes on his back under the label: "acts
of God". Today religiosity is a challenging psychiatric case worldwide with many avenues to
A phenomenon has a cause; a noumenon (noumenes in French) does not have any cause.
Christianity and Islam are religion coming from Jewish faith, those faiths in a "god" include
god to be a noumenon, Christianity, Jews and Islamic peoples are saying “God” is noumenal.
Metaphysically speaking, Gaia (the primal non-uniform mass) and Ouranos (the void
surrounding the universe) are noumenon’. Those Religions say "god" created duality;
metaphysics say duality as Gaia and Ouranos created the universe; religious man defined the
universe as an act of god. When we put in parallel those saying (from religions and
metaphysics) it is so easy to see that "god" encompass the physical aspect of Gaia and the
infinite emptiness of Ouranos that gives us the universal gravity phenomenon. From there we
can make a metaphysical law saying: "God" is a word in use in certain religions to indicate the
union of Gaia and Ouranos, therefore indicating the universal dynamics better known by
secularism as universal natural laws, and by religious bigots as "God commandments".

Law: Since a certain part all primal religions talk about the same universal mechanism and
their dynamics under metaphors being allegorized, which includes the presence of gods and
other mythical characters, then it is by translating which of these characters from one culture
represents the same universal mechanism under others mythical characters from another
culture that we can discover that all primal religions are talking about the same Scientifics

Since the universe is the product of Gaia and Ouranos, then the universe, as one, contain
within the duality coming from their presence as a whole (as a unified field call the universe);
they became the motor of the ways of the light known as determinism; and determinism
produces causal forces known as the logic of things. Creation is constant since it is the primal
principle (Gaia and Ouranos reproducing constantly their presence to make the universe to
expand) that reproduce itself constantly and intermingle with itself.

The fear of the zombie is to lose his social position; the righteous do not have that fear, on the
contrary! He is ready to follow the steps of Diogenes. The righteous do not fear death, what
does he need to fear death for?

The Importance of Each Form of Life

We do not possess an innate instinct for violence, only the instinct of self-protection and
survival in the scheme of adaptation. Violence is an acquired behavior.

Buddha see any forms of life having their own meaning, their own task to perform in the
universal scheme; each having their own importance for enlightenment to be possible.
We may be saving the life of 100 mosquitoes by killing today a spider without valuable reason,
one of those mosquitoes maybe the one that will be affecting us tomorrow with the Nile virus.
When man, been burned by the flames of false promises, cannot live any longer only from the
ashes of his sins, braving his despair and his spirit becoming stronger than anger, he then begs
for reason to fight misfortune. Logic listening to their prayers, which makes all voices in their
sadness to be souls deserving to be heard, stretches its helping hand for the mind to heal the
wound of the heart. Souls are burning in their vain enthusiasms toward nothingness and
trivialities, which ceaselessly disturb their reason. To ask mercy with sorry voices is already
madness disappearing from the mind, living room for reason to finally blossom.

“And out of the ground (Gaia) the Lord God (evolution of logic) made to spring up every tree
(every structure) that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life (the dark
universe) was in the mist of the garden (the universe), and (also) the tree (structures) of the
knowledge of good and evil.” (Genesis 2:9).

Although we are a little more ahead in our mental evolution than our not-so-distant cousins
the monkeys, each has its own importance. Our experience of life, and any form of education
that leads to a certain knowledge related to it, is always the basis of our way of doing and
seeing things, it is called the cultural knowledge. Our way of being, our strength, our fineness
of mind, our dexterity etc... Is of paramount importance to the rest of society. We all come from
a primal masse (El) that subdivided itself (Fractalized). Treasures of qualities (social
potentials) are poorly managed in all cultures. We have the tendency to let those mental
treasures to be destroyed. They are the best managed on an individual level, between friends,
neighbors and families. Indeed, the services rendered by friendships are not asking for salary
and tasks performed are made with a good heart and with the love of work well done. Some
unemployed, the welfare recipients, the disables, the sick and even dying individual can made
us evolve even more with their free advises. Then there are those who do not wish to
participate in the mental harmony of the human race. Money and goods are their gods. At the
family level, it is possible to best manage our forces in the right direction because love is at
stake. Where is love (libidinous feeling), there is harmony. Now, what happens in the societies
in the scale of the planet? What are the solutions? Does not everyone have their importance?
An harmonious society could be possible if it weren't for such things as lack of financial means,
or access to the means required (ex; third world countries), or certain social policies
(oppressed countries), and many other reasons such as the ban from some religions toward
certain forms of knowledge for discernment to takes place, and the prohibition for certain
persons to have the right to education like in Islamic states. What a waste! So many have the
required potential for advanced studies that could be extremely beneficial to their society and
the world general. It is here that we see the ridiculousness of armed conflict and the sadism of
individuals that wage wars, taking advantage of the despair peoples. The war-wagers make
peoples to be despair at first, for them to rebel, so someone can profit from wars. The presence
of “gags orders” issue by some paranoid politicians in high places, not to disclose inventions
which could develop a form of technology available for all, and therefore, for all aspect of our
well-being does not help the situation. Is there a positive interaction between sadism and
paranoia? Like if the sociopaths are afraid of consequences? ...Humm? For one to be a master,
one have to created slavery, this is marketing. If it wasn't for that, the ordinary person would
spend much less on his energy consumption and enjoy more time for leisure and to
philosophies about the nature of things as David Suzuki does. What is our participation in
order for all to reach a better world...the Promised Land? Do not rely on the second coming of
Jesus of Nazareth, he will not come back! And “he” was never there to start with! That mystical
guy is a human plagiarism of Osiris (representing the human race), son of Isis (representing
the dark universe) from Egyptian mythology. The entire universe belongs to any of its living
creatures the same way that we belong to it. It gives us the means to travel in it anywhere we
want. The idea is not to earn our part of paradise by our present suffering, that's masochism,
but to earn our present and future happiness by the actions we are posing now. The ancient
Hebrew prophets were well educated in sciences. “God says” means “According to scientific
data”. This is what Ezek tell us: “The word of the lord also came unto me, saying, son of man,
thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have
ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house”. (Ezekiel 12:1-2)

“Moreover the word of the lord came to me, saying, and son of man, eat thy bread with
quaking, and drink thy water with trembling and with carefulness.” (Ezekiel 12:17-18).
Ezek knew statistics very well on the top of knowing the universal principles.

To be is to have a Soul

Each one of us is important in the whole of humanity for humanity to reach wisdom and
therefore the harmonious state of mind to build utopia. The universal natural principles cannot
destroy the righteous with the wicked since to destroy what is wicked in man is to make man to
be righteous; Eventually this is why, by the will of the peoples, Israel leadership will be govern
by wise men who understand sociopsychology within the natural rules and will follow their
lead to rule Israel with wisdom since man cannot rebel against these rules without
experiencing unwelcome (frustrating) consequences. Outside the natural rules there is terror;
within those rules there is mind harmony for who adhere to their ways. Diversity of man
potential (like the potential to learn different trades by different individuals) is crucial for the
survival of mankind; humanity understanding and following the lead of the universal
principles is the gathering of humanity before the mythical "God" of Israel after learning on its
own term, under self-determination, that only the objectivity of the natural principles are
eternal in their righteousness; that maybe seem religious talk but it is all of the realm of
scientific field where life is involve.

According to Christian mythology Israel reject Jesus of Nazareth to be the Christ (the anointed
one) because he died and didn't deliver harmony on Earth after been victorious over his
enemy. The Christians say differently, they see Jesus of Nazareth as God their savior even if
the word "Moshiach" or "Christ" does not mean "savior" but “the knowledgeable one”. The
notion of an almighty divine being who will sacrifice himself to save us from the consequences
of our own earthly sins is purely a Christian concept that has no basis in Jewish faith or in any
scientific discipline includes primal philosophies. The Torah containing several references to
"the End of Days" (achareet ha-yameem), which is the time of the Moshiach refer also (white
on white) that the understanding of the core of the universal knowledge will be at the easy
grasp of everyone, thanks to the Moschiach; which mean secularism will be teaching the
peoples the core of the unified field theory in a simple psychosocial manner that everyone can
understand. According to Jewish faith in every generation an individual is born with the
potential to be the Moshiach. If the timing is right for the potential to the messianic age to be
activated within that person's lifetime, then that person will be the Moshiach by activating that
potential. On the other hand if the individual who has that potential dies before he completes
the mission of the Moshiach because the times are not ripe (technologically, astrophysical, and
in the field of psychosociology), then that individual is not the Moshiach; that make sense...

Moschiach is like a carpenter who has the knowledge of how to build a sound structural house
and does it because it is a job to be done to bring "bread into the table" (wisdom in the mind).

"Everything" is a question of energy; "Nothing" is a lack of it.

A soul is a dynamic memory, which is not the one of the body, but within a body having its own
genetic and acquired mnemonic ability; the other option would be in these questions: is this
body to be only the whole of ourselves? And is this great wonder of nature, containing our living
memory, been born only to see his death approaching? Will our memory also doom to succumb
under the same kiss of death abducting the delights of our body? Is our spirit which has so
often dared to touch the bosom of the universe and drain the milk of Knowledge, to live by, to be
doomed to failure? Is the presence of death, to no Longer know for understanding better? Is
death killing the mind as well it kills our body? Or a dead mind is resting only for a moment in
the care of death? What about if death is just another step in life? It has to be that Life been
unable to leave our minds to constantly embrace the darkness of the dead brings us closer to its
breasts by letting our body embrace its own death! Therefore it would be death we had to pity if
it would have a life to its own! But since it has no life, only the livings (the enlighten ones) are
able to listen to the complaints of the dead-minds. Therefore the portal of death is the
sweetness of life coming one step closer to our souls.

The life of the mind is Gnosticism, the dead of the mind is its contempt to reason.

Daniel 12:2 “And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth (the dead-minds) shall
awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”

Translation of Daniel 12:2: “And many of us, agnostics, who are resting their values in the
materials goods of the earth, shall awake their minds, some to everlasting discern (because
they were libidinous), and some to shame and everlasting contempt (because they were

Nature does some effort to put our soul at rest, and it is us, o prodigies of self-cruelty, who
endure our own anger by working against nature ways of caring for us.

Nature cares for us in an automatic way, but bigots take that objective caring of nature as
subjective and conditional “Love” from their mythical man-made God.

We come from the animal kingdom; animals move and study situations that arise to ensure
that no danger threatens them in their primary quests for food etc...(See basic needs in
psychology). Only the fact that they have an Id (needs of the body) of their own shows that they
have each a personality and due to that fact, they also have a Superego (dynamic memory),
therefore, there as a presence of an ego. They learn through their own experiences and mimic
the actions of their parents. That tells us they have a culture, and also demonstrates that they
have a spirit or “soul” or a decision maker within called the “Ego” because they are aware of
being and are aware of their environment and their interaction with it. Everyone has a mind,
therefore: a soul. We will stipulate a law that says: Every living organism has a soul, and as
being a psyche where the physic and the mental interacts; he has the ability to feel and to
think... We will find our pets in heaven! Do you believe there are also trees and flowers in
paradise? And mountains, rivers and valleys? All living beings are all living souls; “neh-fesh

This is a summary of quotes from various primal religions: “To be a soul is characterized by
awareness of self, and of one's distinction from others. An animal psyche contains a soul.
Psyche's are roaming the universe. The human soul (us as intellectual beings), coming from
haven (the dark universe) is attracted into this physical world to be enclothed in a biological
body of the animal kingdom (humans are animals) fitting his/her intellectual measurement.
The basic natural (innate) task of a soul, with or without biological body, is to find self-
harmony by bringing together all of his/her potentials, as the lack of self-harmony is his/her
original sin. A soul is eternal”.

“Psychology” means the study of the soul. Neurology is concern about the study of the brain.
The soul is not the brain. The soul is the thinking part of the psyche; the body is all reflexes.
From the reflexes of the body interacting with the environment the soul develops thinking
attitudes. The word “psyche” symbolizes the relationship between the two components of each
individual: the body and the soul. A soul, enclothed in a physical body, is totally at one with
both part of nature: the physical world was the body contains the reflex of life and the quantic
world where the intellect is being subjective (the soul).

This unity of the mind (spiritual or soul) and the physical (matter and biological) is an
achievement of life where the life of the soul is reflected within a living body (neuroplasticity).
The body by itself is only a bundle of non-thinking reflexes of life. It is obvious that the whole
(the psyche) is what permit a person's to produces is own objectives in the physical world.
Human tasks are performed because of both, (mind and body) works in tandem. Anything and
everything is measurable, in that sense the manner each psyche is working is acting as nature
emissary toward knowledge and understanding; psychology and neurology are in the top of it,
as this unity (the psyche) is open, apparent, and measurable to them. The ultimate goal of our
sciences, beside technology, is to find out what harmony is made of; and it is so happen that
this unity between the spiritual (intellect) and the physical is the way to lead us to the general
Era of all humanity seeing were we were wrong and correct our mistakes for harmony to take
place (The religious Era of Redemption to build Utopia).
Prior to the studies and measurements of science which reveals to us that spirituality
(thinking) and biology (body reflexes) is merging in one psyche, (body and soul), those two
distinct and opposing entities could only, in the past, been merge in someone mind, from the
information given in a form of religious faith coming from the primal religions which are in
reality: veiled scientific information. Today sciences, history and astrophysics “consummates”
the union of body and soul (as consummating a book), versus the universe, for finally being
able to revealed one day to the world the truth of primal religions and where they come from
in reality. As people of humanity, our mind, consciously and unconsciously, is permeated by
the awareness of something more than only this mere short existence, this is why we are so
eager to discover things. We know by an innate common sense that we are (as souls) eternals.
“To be”, versus eternity, is being an eternal soul.

A soul cannot be “lost” in mental hell for ever; this is not part of general evolution. Plenty of
religious denomination, thinking they are messianistics, brainwash their followers with
slogans to make them believe they are fortunate to be saved because they are part of their
specific denomination compare to those, who prayers must go forward to, who are
unfortunately lost being part of false religions. Somehow all these religious denomination
never have the secular insight to realize that there is no distinction from one human being and
another in the eyes of the natural rules concerning general evolution; maybe we shall pray for
them as their minds are lost...

Messianism encompass revelations never knew before and can be proven by the scientific
community. Messianism encompasses also the belief into a promise, from primal religions all
over the world, that someone (the Moshiach) one day will deliver our soul (our mind) from its
original sin (which is agnostism). That would make the Moschiach to be definitively a
humanist (or a non-religious, thus secular, ethico-realistic person). "Christ" or "Moschiach" as
a redeemer will help us to regain our common sense thus to regain possession of our soul
(mind) from the "evil" grasp of false and asocial information leading to many mistakes making
us mentally ill and mentally blind; Moshiach will open our eyes...thus saving our soul (as
matter of speaking). In Biblical Hebrew "Moschiach" or "Mashiach" is a title; that title is
bestowed, and nobles, an individual who had attained a position of personal greatness in the
psychosocial field as well as in the social field where some personal achievement can help
humanity in general toward its evolution. High Priests are referred to as "Kohen
Hamashiach". Concerning the title "Mashiach", or more specifically "Melech Hamashiach",
which translated as “the King Messiah”, it is reserved only for the Jewish leader who will
redeem Israel in the End of (our stupid’s infantile) Days, when humanity will finally become
mature. Moshiach will be the libidinous human figurehead of the messianic era without one
once of greed for personal power. Moshiach will be the catalyst for humanity to focus in the
pursuit of secular knowledge and wisdom to built utopia. The Jews being mandated to learn
the secular way as well to try to decipher the Torah in order to be aware of the nature of the
messianic redemption are out for a big surprise since they keep strengthening their faith in a
"religious" Moshiach’s imminent arrival. On the bright side it is a good thing that the Jews
learn to be optimist even in their darkest hours, they believe a brighter future awaits for them
as long they keep their mind working toward it; they will eventually understand ethico-
secularism and “God” are interrelated.

When subject to unwelcome stimulus that gives us pain, we shall not hate the individuals or the
things inert that induces us with those unwelcome stimulus, but our response shall be to find
out what we did wrong for us to be subject of those frustrating stimulus in order to find a
remedy to that situation; that is a big part of atoning. The other part of atoning is to ask
forgiveness for any kind of trouble we were involved with other individual for lack of
knowledge and wisdom and to find ways to correct any damages. This is pure psychosocial
logic being study by psychology and sociology, and being known for millenniums by the
Jewish people as part of their faith in Moses Manna (Moses teaching).

Caring is the biggest part of adaptation toward a harmonious evolution where reason wed

Christianity is not Catholicism but the motor of it; it is like Catholicism is the mean of
transportation for Christianity. In that sense the original creators of Christianity in a
metaphoric language makes their disciples to believe in the natural principles that runs that
motor, and the rest of the universe, under the word "God". Christianity is another sneaky way
from the Levites priest (in hiding) to start another Jewish faith under another form of
hermeticism. Originally Christianity is a Jewish denomination that was making different kind
of fables to teach morality base on scientific data. Catholicism as a mean of transportation is
the political and bureaucratic partner to keep Christianity afloat; Jehovah witnesses,
Mormons, and others denomination like it are also means of transportation of the Jewish-
Christian faith, only the politic changes of how to perceive the natural principles behind the
whole God and Jesus story. It is like the body and the soul, the body being doom to die; the
body being Catholicism thus doom to disappear and the soul being the metaphors of the
natural principles being hiding under Christianity, that means Christianity has to be peeled of
like an onion to find the heart of that teaching: the natural principles. The same goes from any
other primal religion of the world. Catholicism is a Kouac religion in the sense that the politic
of Catholicism and its literal believe of the fable of Jesus of Nazareth is pure Kouakiness and so
are those tralalatata religious infantile and retarded rituals of Catholicism and also of any
Kouac religions conveying the data of the natural principles; that's exclude pagan religions
which are perfectly aware they are celebrating nature and their studies and believes is toward
nature ways. In the realm of metaphysics we can say that the Pagan religions worthshipping
nature by studying it and using that knowledge for healing purposes are the link between
science and Kouac religions. Nations and their politics are means to convey the messages of the
peoples they represents, thus it is the peoples who are the messages; the same basic principle
goes for the story of Jesus of Nazareth, that mythical character is the message conveyer (God
messenger), dreamed on by Levite priests, of the natural principles. Even bigots worldwide
have the capacity of reasoning if they choose to use it, and if they do they will discover what
their religions are in reality: conveyors of scientific data base on natural principles and also
real ancient historical events being handle down to them in a hermetized and in a global
metaphorical way. It is by spilling blood that we find reason; that is our natural covenant with
the universe, it is the universe original sin becoming the cause, and that cause is agnosticism
which by effect spill blood, on one hand for survival and on the other hand in order to find
reason. On the end it is reason and caring (reason + caring = wisdom) the motor for us to build
utopia. In mafia circles it is well known that the traitor is the one who volunteers to negotiates
between laws enforcement and mafia bosses, the same goes for various kouac religions and
their politics: they are the traitors toward both the natural principles and humanity.

To kill someone is to disincarnate that individual who still live and will eventually come back
with more instinctual knowledge than he has previously, and therefore keep assuming his
innate function.

Something about Etymology:"god" from *ghu-"meaning "poured," from root *gheu- "to pour,
as "pour a libation”. From Greek source: khein "to pour,” and also khoane: "funnel" and
khymos "juice”. It seem that the word god mean the juice being poured. On the other hand
"khute gaia "meaning "poured earth," referring to a burial mound. We all know the expression
about the "juice" when we talk about electricity.

The difference between King Moshiach and plenty of Jews of the same ascent who knew the
same truth as Moschiach does is the fact that king Moshiach was not afraid to lay down the
naked truth as it is publically. Moshiach do not have the fear to lose his social position by
saying the truth aloud (Sounding the Shofar), without euphemisms, since he put himself in the
position for not having any.

Social Energy
Sometime lower forms of life show more wisdom than we do, for that phenomenon to happen
we must lower ourselves lower than they are in mind evolution; but evolution has it that who
lowers himself for having been an executioner in the past will become a nurse in the future.

The evidence is while science evolves religions slipped into conversational rut where illogism is
the fabric of religious conceptualization (religious idea and beliefs); only new scientific
knowledge can vent old nonsense in order to pool constructive ideas for humanity to creates
brainstorming solutions to erase our present bigotry which only leads us to mental troubles,
external conflicts and frustrations.

At the present we love and we complain and the next in kind does the same toward us! We
make love under command, from nature command or man command, putting in it our heart or
not. Man, sociable by nature, under the impulse of his heart, which controls most of his social
libidinous actions, explodes into thousands of hopes and runs into what he believed to be rays
of love from others, but all too often his unsuccessful hopes collapse under the deceptive evilest
baits having only the shape of love. In their mad enterprises evil minded in their foolishness
lavish of illusion, creating false needs, priming the body and priming as well the soul of the
simple of spirits. Bewildered loves become cause of Madness. Because man heart want to love
everything that shines, as well as the hearts of the girls of the Night, our world become an
hecatomb where time mowed its harvest; but time is also light moving in cubic distances, a field,
in which the spirit growth and mental vigor strengthen man toward friendship; man
misery decreases when increases man love (or care) toward his surroundings for his
surrounding to takes care of man in return. The misery of the spirit is the heavy coat of human
folly; friendshipness walking away from misery, makes misery to be self-inflame by its own pain
until falsest oaths is reduced to ashes; and it is from these cooling ashes that raise the
Phoenixes in their full splendor!

Politicians see themselves as leaders, their followers see them as problems solvers, where is
suffering there is a problem; some politicians are waging wars to alleviates problems, to get
rid of suffering ... isn't there a paradox? By definition an ecosystem takes care of all the needs
of its components; is planet earth an ecosystem in the need to be self-destroyed by its
components in order to satisfied their wants? Isn't that a paradoxical question? Peace is when
the constructive impulse of the powerful is in control for the needs of the masses to be
answered, and wars is when the destructive impulse of the powerful is in control for their
personal wants to be fulfilled. Wars and the destruction of earth as an ecosystem are in
positive correlation; what the world’s leaders, as problems solvers, can do to stop the suffering
of the planet and its components? Don't we already know that answer? It is to build a social
utopia by answering our needs as a human race instead of segmenting the human race, each
segment competing with others for the “main mise” on natural resources, and egotistically
overindulging in our wants! Utopia cannot be build without the will of the peoples and the
leaders to be representing that will. Whoever leader can recognize his profile in these here
sayings do not need to fear since the humbleness they are displaying so proudly goes in pair
with atonement, it would be at their greatest advantage and the social interest of their
subordinates to do just that; if there is no atonement there is destructive vanity. Greediness
and vanity are impulses of wars under the command of Thanatos: the death drive. Abnegation
and humbleness are the impulses of peace and harmony. Greek mythology tells us that long-
time ago.

Before the happening of man planet earth was already a normal evolving ecosystem known as
Eden. We are chasing ourselves out of Eden by eating the fruits of the tree of knowledge and
using that intellectual nourishment the wrong way; man is unknowledgeable and unwise by
birth that is his original “sin”. The subjectivity of man make it so that he is by nature the
opposite of the objectivity of the universal principles, That natural phenomenon known under
the biblical term of the original “sin” is in direct positive correlation with the laws of Exergy
Efficiency that demonstrates that no system can ever be 100% efficient; the raison is that all
systems contain an original defect or “original sin” for evolution to be present. Energy lost in
the form of radiation when system evolves is part of the natural “original sin”. Einstein
already found the equation concerning that subject.

Natural’s rules built man and his intellectuality for man to discover knowledge and use the
might of the universal rules; man has also to assimilate the wisdom that resides in these
universal principles by being ethical. That would lead to any form of peace. We are conscious
beings, social animals that when in the pleasant company of other individuals and with the
environment induce and are induced by a positive social energy. It is a pulse of creative energy
that makes us to participate in the happiness of each and all. That energy is the “libido” and
Sigmund Freud defined it as the pulse of shared pleasure. It is happiness as we progress
intellectually and socially, the liberation of the mind is within libido pairing-up with
knowledge that gives us happiness in harmony and the discovering of wisdom with the help of
time. There is no need to be a willing suffering masochist to earn “paradise” that is asking for
wars to fall upon us by teasing the sadism of the wars makers; but underneath of conflicts is
greed, greed is the number one culprit that set us apart, and libido is the social feeling that
unites us as one.

“For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God (logic and libido), rather
than burnt offerings” (Hosea. 6:6).

A sacrifice is “something given up for the sake of another”. To sacrifices the libidinous energy
that we produce is to give it away, offering it without losing any parcel of it. That transforms
negative energies, thought the link of evolution, into positive energies. Fraternal love, meaning
social belonging, (nothing to do with a religious God) made our minds to evolve harmoniously.
It would appear, therefore, that it is the results, of the automatic control of the same logic that
control the universe without paradox. When we face problems, and the most disturbing are the
most paradoxical, we tend to find one or several solutions that are being led by our own
positive libidinous energy. From it we eventually find the node (or source) of the problems.
Without this positive induction, the solutions are often short term and sometimes of
unfortunate consequences. When our actions are antisocial, that causes problems as chaos
does, especially for oneself. Logic runs the universe and it is part of all programs.

We have to use a mental self-discipline that gives us the ability to face the true nature of things,
base on the universal rules we know so far, and regardless of cultural pressure, to find out
what harmony is made of. Good old-fashioned mental work and efforts, with libido in mind
(and the feeling of it) are the keys for understanding. This is the meaning behind the Ankh.
Cultural pressure unconsciously or consciously based on religious pressure is the fundamental
difficulty to attain harmony by scientifically understand that it is the rules of nature as “gods
rules” or “Gods commandments” that will leads us to harmony. Churches, temples, evangelists,
gurus etc...are gathering people's in their weaknesses and insecurities while those same
“spiritual guides” know that they are not providing them with real answers, getting lost
themselves in contradictory values between science and religions. As we are seeking new
thresholds of mental and spiritual experience more we realize that science is a religious
experience! Even sciences, like psychiatry and psychology, have come to appreciate the
existence of an interconnection between soul and body in order to understand human
behavior. The core of the phenomenon that people are interested in their metaphysical
dimension (the presence of the whole psyche as “one” with the universe) is that they feel alone
without the “oneness felling within the whole”.

Now-a-days, even purely business-oriented company urge their employees to attempt to

balance their material demands with their spiritual needs, they came to understand that
productivity is better attain with mentally secure employees. Our inner security is base from
the fact we are living with the mental (spiritual) ability to adapt ourselves to situations that
need attention for our purpose of well being, and having within us the natural libidinous
pulsing that gives us a sense of community in our relations with others. We can, as a cultural
unit, find harmony within a whole social system if that is our wish. As we can see, sensitivity to
spiritual awareness can have ramifications on many levels, even in business levels, that give
deeper meaning in our lives while working to put bread on the table.

Pure Secularism in a humanistic individual is libido teaching, as libido is the summon of logic.
The general use of the Libidinous feeling in sciences has consistently been the most responsible
way of any teaching and discovering facts. Any denomination in the world, religious or
secular, compliments them by the use of Libido. Libido is the fundamental code from which
various man made moralities are produced. Some self-described “observant people” of natural
rules, religious and scientists alike are pointing their actions according to their perception of
what they think the meaning of the presence of the universe is. We all naturally want to be one
with the universe in our different ways. It is from that innate and mostly unconscious felling
that we creates our own philosophy regarding life in general. People are fundamentally
making ideologies under the influence of Libido while studying universal rules by scientific
means. People are searching to be united. We cannot deny the statistical fact that certain
people who feel the loneliness of being disconnected from the rest of humanity develops suicidal
tendencies since their life become meaningless.

As a rule of the thumb, consciously or not, in his general feeling toward religiosity, the secular
humanist conceive the diverse man made religions to be queens of obnoxiously long pointless
comments about all fields of science in the form of a god that produced religions while “he”
created the universe. Any point of view cannot be totally made until humanity can prove to
itself, the scientific way, what the universe is all about: a meaningless self-creation to start
with. The implication of being human, as a form of life, is to do well when liberated from the
constrains of religiosity to use our intellect with our innate fundamental ethic (libido) that
connect all forms of life. The source of humanity frustration is in its lack of knowledge and
understanding (its original sin). From meaningless the universe become a meaning (something
to understand) for forms of life to have an adaptive goal (how to better adapt) as their
evolution keep resuming its course. Life is a self centered reflex; forms of life are united with
life as part of that reflex. It is that natural reflex of unity that makes forms of life in their
different races, societies, and members of different denomination to care for each others. They
are self-centered unity bond together by the phenomenon of life. Love, caring, serving, giving,
sharing; oneness in all, and all in one; brotherhood, sisterhood, compassion and selflessness
etc...Come from the phenomenon of life self centered reflex uniting all its parts. It is the primal,
natural and essential phenomenon that produces life self-harmony.

Nature creates the goods and Life creates its own evil: human having to kill to survive. Nature,
and life created by nature, is under our secular scientific studies. More our sciences gives us
truthful data about the universe, more we see humanity problem, concerning morality in the
universal level, coming mostly from our distorted view of the natural rules (assembled under
the word “God”) being imposed by religious oppressive cultures. Is a “religious nation”, the best
nation? If yes, then the alternative would be very scary since religiosity and bigotry kill the
mind, destroy civilizations and makes people suffers! Religious leaders are politics makers
ruling according to their distorted perception of what harmony should be, and some of them
are way scarier in their doings than what scientifical secularism can ever tell us in its
discovery of all the little flowers of truth adorning the path of wisdom.

Wisdom is to finally realize we know so little.

There is no way for one person to know everything that has to be known. Humanity is like
billions of pieces of a puzzle, each piece having its own field of knowledge; as we can see it is by
being united that we can put our universal knowledge in good use. The problem for now is that
some individual are pulling humanity to the left (marketing our wants), and others are pulling
to the right (to take care of the needs first); if we all be pulling to the right at first than we can
easily enjoy our wants latter on, it is that so complicated to understand? Marketing is a tool
that can be use the devilish way or the psychosocial way (thus with fundamental ethic in mind)
to deunifies humanity for the profit of a few or to unified humanity in all its needed differences
to be able to build utopia for the profit of all. It is not hard to do; we simply need to act upon
that fundamental will which is already part of each of us.

For the democratic countries it is up to the citizens to elect officials who have the power to
outlaw paradoxical religiosity leading to psychological conflicts and to external conflicts; and
to confront, without diplomacy, the non-sense in some religions by the use of secularism.

When an infant is born he posses neither ulterior thoughts, and of course, very little of any
present knowledge acquisition; but he has as a feeling the presence of an innate wisdom
hidden far away behind the instinct of his race. It is for this reason that in the spring of our
lives we are provided with a virgin wisdom that makes a lot of grow-up beauty to fade away
before their age when compared with a toddler. From birth we are provided with this beauty
between million other beauties adorning wilds and tame gardens, and also ornate the most
beautiful human creatures; but wisdom is the only one beauty that does not stain nor
yellowing with time, not having learned wrongs nor having any vice, or birth defects. For
some scholars at the highest place of mind glory, wisdom becomes love without losing the sight
of reason, and it is the youngest child who still retains wisdom in the surface of his conscious
by the very reason he has learned nothing yet from his surroundings.

Fear is learned and wisdom being free of coercion, cannot live in fear, and then can only be the
light pushing away the shadows of the unconscious to who has learned to fear. Even in hiding,
its beauty is the harmony inside and outside of what our senses can grab. Wisdom name is also
"Eternity” hunting our fears of being able to be doom to die one day and forever.

It is sad when we consider a garden being widower of his flowers was a child whose garden
was blossoming before; where went these beautiful colors that once flourished in his mind and
in his heart? Wisdom is a nurse in our unconscient, and it makes it so that we have to earn its
merits for those flowers to come back as welcome guests in our conscious. It is when growing
to be adults that many children lose their sight of an innocent wisdom which made to bend
before their charms many renowned beauty and peoples of power. It is by evolving we realize
that wisdom is the fountain of delights without stains and when we bathe in it we deceives
martyrdom by millions of pleasures. Although being victorious over those who are tame by
sight of the wisdom residing in wisdom, although wisdom is more successful and victorious
when its human subjects tames back wisdom for their own profit. Wisdom focuses on non-
pretentious, simple of heart and generous in spirit and it can easily overcome the fools in their
glory of human moronic innocence even if they are the largest human towers of power, and for
the villains seeking to chew the most beautiful, their teeth are dissolving when addressing
wisdom in their blindness. Wisdom actions are only prosperous, but in its modesty wisdom
does not unveils itself where there is presence of wars, the pleasure of wisdom is not in chaos,
and wisdom is happy when austerity is directed at conflicts. No man is perfect, and it is also
true concerning the most wises, there are the one’ who will tell you to listen only the words of
wisdom out of their mouth and to shy away from any actions being made under the leadership
of the human factor, and since we all possess the wisdom inside of us, we can easily
differentiate what is human from what is universal wisdom, it is called common sense.

Wisdom has it that for any individual born and raise in a extremist Islamic thigh circle, and
who become aware that reason being paired with libido is what humanity need to be in peace
with itself, it is better for these individual to arm themselves with patience than to be martyrs;
as an alive humanist is more useful for the building of utopia when time come than a dead one.

Religiosity is a paradoxical situation easy enough to understand for a humanist. Religiosity is

being endocrine to believe piously in one or more system of rules of conducts created by man
and involving one or more deities; bigots believes in "Gods" full leniency toward any of their
actions since they are "believers". In reality, religiosity is more like an excuse for an individual
to show off his best features as human ( like only humans are in the image of "God"), and to
camouflage man lack of ethico-secular knowledge leading to wisdom; leaving wisdom to god,
sins for man, and paradise for bigots! In short: religiosity is the rationalizing of dead-minded’
where mind find laziness...

To unified two or more system into a whole, to finally reach the final step of the unified field
theory where life is included as a mnemonical issue, we need to use logic without any cultural
interference like religious beliefs even if some of these beliefs will unveil themselves to be
accurate latter on by the use of logic. Nevertheless it is the use of logic the humanistic way that
can help us the most in our secular approach since logic and universal ethics is one and the
same within the universal rules known as natural principles, and also as “God
commandments” by some religions.
Any kind of studies is meaningless without the consciousness that secular education, in the
whole picture of the universal natural principles, tend naturally toward universal harmony.
Without that consciousness our mind is been exile from our emotional roots (see "Dark
Universe) to rot into morbid rationalism (see Freud). In the frame of general evolution where
all the fields are unified, pure logic become pure ethic and it is the basic tool for us to be able to
understand properly the need of the mnemonical aspect of life to be libidinous in order to
evolve harmoniously; there is where reside the processes of logic that gives life to the Dark
Universe. It is easier to have faith in something without proofs than to prove why we must
have faith in something, only the scientifical approach can be the referee for us to judge
properly, and religions like Catholicism know it.

Religions divide; secular education unites; and any opposite can be found by turning the
equation upside-down. To build utopia we need wit, heart and courage; but to "save" the world
start by self and it takes the entire human race to save the world against its own stupidity.
Secular education is the destructive weapon of war against stupidity, there shouldn’t be other
wars or other destructive weapons than the ones against fundamental agnosticism (mind
poverty) which lead to social poverty, and therefore war against stupidity is also war against
poverty. By not caring for others by not responding to their basic needs we just don’t care
about self since we retrieve from others their basic needs that we need them to enjoy in order
for them to help us; Love is not only a feeling, but it is a feeling that contain the whole
universal logic (literally!).

Who understand the curse of the cosmic pendulum ("the cosmic bipolar mechanical
syndrome") and its mechanics which are written in the celestial arch can calculates futures

Bipolarity is the speeding-up of the dual action.

We are born naked with basic needs in order to adapt and evolve, thus basic needs are innate;
our wants are learning mental behaviors, wants are not inmates, they are artificially induced
thus they are acquired. If to be naked with needs is indecent then all newborns are indecent.
We can picture our wants as the artificial colors, texture, size and amount of toys and nick-
nack’s we like to decorate our basic needs with. So we can see that the needs has to be satisfied
in order for the wants not to interfere with the needs but to be a nice addition to them; other
way it is like to built a castle in quicksand’s: hell breaking loose!

Charles Robert Darwin traced his own path, parallel and as close to Greek mythology as it can
be. The Titans (singularities) Gaia and Ouranos created by their union the Titan (singularity)
Universe been called "God" by some religions; and "God-nature” is to be everything
everywhere in the universe, as “God” really means “nature”. God's laws are the Titanesque
Universal Laws, its actions. The Titan God, by its own presence and its dynamics created the
Titan "Life" which is another singularity by itself been "The Dark Universe" but having to obey
nature laws. The dynamics of the Titan "God" its call "Cronos" for the infinity of the Titan
Ouranos to become the field for eternity to takes place in time as time takes up Ouranos
territory one graviton at the time: the body of Cronos being the actions of “God”. As part of the
Titan God, being dynamics memories, we owe it our presence; and has been part of Life we
owe to life our libido. Also as part of Cronos we fit our evolution into the evolution of time.

Any kind of growth indicates the presence of evolution, all creation, like any work of art, is
processes of different steps following each others; the last step being the support of the next
step. It is by pure automation of the energies that evolution is the oath by which the universe is
growing for its past promise to answer our future prayers. Because of this universal effort we do
not really have provide a great force for the merit of our harmonious evolutions, our only pride
without a shred of vanity is therefore in our gratitude to the universe for it to be our creator and
our leader.

At first sight, everything indicates that the Hebrews Grand priest leads by Moses were forming
words and phrases in the Torah with the conscious intention to leaves them for us as scientific
clues under metaphors. By solving those clues we can find the meaning of the Torah itself. The
Torah is full of deliberately misleading and mystifying cryptic clue talking about the occult
while the real subject is science, but again... what is occult is veiled scientific information.
Those clues are constructed in a way to provide a fair and exact definition of the researched
meaning. Sometime we have to use an unveiled meaning as a clue to find out other meanings
in other stories. Hebrews clues are not inconsistent with the real meaning and we have to
distinguish between several possible synonyms to establish the correct meaning.

In the Old Testament (Torah) there is some mention about “God ways are not our ways”; it
means: the way of logic is not the ways of our illogism which find its base in the human factor.
We are starting to see unequivocally that we are effectively under the control of a program of
flawless logic made by the universal rules. A program is made of commands, and commands
are a rule that the program has to follow; that’s making the whole universe a program that
follows universal principles. Is the time of our chaotic robotic existence scheduled? At first
sight, we are finely tuned self-developing living mnemonical human “robots” possessing self-
determination due to the presence of the phenomena of our choice of what kind of social
evolution we decide to create. Free choice gives us meaning to live and our acceptance of the
presence of our universe. The programming, the Universal dynamics that creates life from
quanta, and quantum assembling to form matter, made it automatically that any force cannot
be dynamic without the components that produce a force going through a series of
transformations; that's a well known fact. That is evolution through the spacial progression of
energies. Because of Darwin's finds, and going one step further, we can see that includes the
evolution of thought and thus civilization and its technologies. Without this phenomenon of
evolution which is under the control of a logical and mechanical program, there would be no
Universal dynamic.

Under the influence of the universal principles the universe recycle naturally, it reuses the
same energy for environmental evolutive impacts. Over time any masse is a (bio) degradable
material. Reblending energies, combining them by the time-wrapping effect (as mentioned by
Einstein), creating new masses, and new cosmic bodies; new resources are created under the
directives of the causal laws. Nothing goes to waste everything is recyclable. Scrap material
which is evolution post-consuming material became, after process, pre-consuming material for
evolution to continue running its course.

One’s mind is part of the process; consuming is the gathering of data under their concrete and
abstract forms, the psyche consume both; post-consuming is the concrete aspect of data being
under the degradation process while the mind upgrades by its own process call the intellect;
pre-consuming is the new data being ready for mind and body (psyche) consumption
throughout the evolutive process. Neat and simple isn't it? The best part of it it’s all automatic!
No ruling god can make a tiny mistake. Mistakes is a subjective though, not an objective one;
therefore any kind of “mistake” is automatically permissible for any form of life...causal laws
are doing their jobs to show us the consequence of any of our action, that's the name of the
game, the universe don't give a dam...we do. We have to protect ourselves from our own
wrong doings. “Wrong doings” it’s anything we do to disturb the soft running of our mental
process, and anything we do to poison our life; That's include be a nuisance to someone else
good functioning of his mental process (intellect) and a poisoner of his body; that's include to
poison, infect, and corrupt the environment. Morons do “wrong doings” by mistake, and
sociopaths do wrongs doings consciously. Mind evolution gets us out of our “original sin”
which is simply to be born as morons. Atonement (self-introspection) is the only way to get us
out of there.

The limit of mind confusion is directly proportional with the cognitive aspect of the leading
cognitive race of a world. So far we are using most of our cognitive capacity in marketing and
diplomatic wordplay, in the name of economy, making evasive and misleading statements for
our “wants”. Changing our mental attitude from the artificial “wants” to our natural “needs” is
to joint our inherent natural self which is burry under an artificial make-up. We are
superimposing in our mind with the unnatural over its natural function to cope with the
artificial reality of marketing. Our actual mind deficiency is to believe almost any form of
authority without questioning and reasoning. It doesn't have to be that way; our cognitive
resources are ripe enough for us to know better.

That's making in our present times “Today” always the day for our world to undergo the
process of mind refinement for the quintessential reality to come to light in our mind. We are
cognitively ready to absorb plenty of knowledge and to understand it; we have to be self-
confident in our capacity to do so. Self-enlightenment, or the hell of Sheol for the lost minds,
comes to us when we want them to come to us by our mental attitude. It is simply a question of
psychology. Reality makes us straddle both worlds, the physical and the mental, and it is the
state of mind of humanity, as “One whole race”, that humanity is adopting that always defines
the state of our world, not any god! We can easily deals with basic needs and enjoy some
“wants” without upsetting world economy, our cognitive mind can do it if we let it do it
naturally. Reason is a natural mind capacity, to create paradoxes is not. Utopia is not only
feasible but it is the most natural universal way to deal with things.

We all are ordinary persons trying to achieve some end results of our choice. Doing so, one
natural and universal end result common to all is our cognitive evolution where we can see
ourselves as one. Being ordinary people doing cognitively our best on Earth with the help of
the universal laws, we can see that it takes time for achieving any end result to better ourselves
and the world. Comprehension started with social evolution leading to self-enlightenment. In
between we are not twiddling our thumbs; we are doing some work to help ourselves for better
our life, nothing wrong with that, which develop our cognition, and that is the major result. We
didn't achieved all the results that we are looking for yet; we need now to use our cognition
“full blast” to achieve Utopia, it is already in our mind...

There is only one automatic basic norm (or rule) that rules the whole universe: adaptation.
From that rule, evolution takes place and life came to be. The Noahide laws (The Seven Laws of
Noah) are basics man-made social rules to bring peace and to develop our cognition. In that
sense they are a binding set of laws for all mankind to follow, considering “god” mend
“anything to do with science”. From them “Righteous people of all nations have a share in the
world to come” (Sanhedrin 105a).

Maimonides writes that this refers to those who have acquired knowledge of “God”, meaning
the insight that scientific data bring us, and act in accordance with the Noahide laws out of
obedience to “god” meaning: to go along with the universal rules as we are making use of

As we can see, to be wise and righteous involve Libido (the sharing of pleasures) and
knowledge for any forms of life to create its own culture to evolve harmoniously under the
basic rule of constant adaptation. We discovers that Man-made laws made by persons
thinking they are dealing with universal morality like to punish homosexuality behaviors, or
any kind of sexual behavior were the party involves are willing and eager to find pleasure with
each other (see libido) are not part of the Noahide rules nor the universal rules; as anything
else sexual pleasures were libido is involve is a normal way to adapt regardless of sexual
tendencies. Libido is a mean to learn in harmony that transcends time, tendencies and
location. Libido has to be considered to be a pleasant learning tool for adaptation within the
evolutionary process. Libido and cognition goes together for understanding to occur. They
unify to become “natural normality” in the process of learning. It became part of a universal
statistical range that should be given social credibility since it include the whole universe its
(mechanical) mean of adaptation toward itself by creating (automatically) life.

To retaliate toward the drive of libidinous-cognitive pulsion (which is the pulsion of life) by
unreasonable religiously point of views is to embrace the pulsion of death. Our manipulated
morality that contrives to validate the presence of a god at the expense of science, do it because
of conservative ideology behind the institution of various religions. Those religions are using
“godly” arguments (what ever is that mean for them) aiming mostly at artificially modifying
our natural (or instinctive) scientific perception of the universal rules in our mind. For them
the issue of “god” becomes a presumption that morality is concomitant to god sayings through
the voices of their prophets; opposite to them the humanists “prophets” are simply men of
science using the discipline of statistics. In short, any arguments in favor of creationism and
“divine morality” are powered by the phobic assumptions of a bunch of religious bigots who
fear for the salvation of their soul if they do not obey a subjective god. That is a frustrating
source of false assumptions leading to some part of our own social assumption of what
morality is (or should be). This is why Libido is so little understood by the common individual
since libido has only one self-morality: the sharing of pleasures. Without that pulsion how life
can evolve?

The funny part of adaptation is that we can adapt, for a limited time, to anti-cognitive
situations as well of anti-libidinous situation, which of course will makes us mentally sick, in
order to evolve from bad experiences as well from good experiences. The whole universe (Earth
included) is filled with the “knowledge” of nature, as the “knowledge” of nature is the universal
rules, better known as “Universal Natural Principles”. Nature enforces its law and order
throughout causality since all existence is permeated with the knowledge of nature. Obedience
to nature commands (the universal principles), in order for us to do anything we want with
libido leading us, can only leads to harmony, like if we want to make a good cherry pie, nature
tells us how. That's makes us to appreciate the reason to obey nature commands (universal
rules), out of fear no to succeed of making a good cherry pie, and dread for bad germs. The
influence of nature is down to Earth; it is not above our intellectual comprehension. Out of awe
of nature, not necessarily because we understand why, we better have our wishes to do
anything we want to follows nature decrees (natural rules) or we would make a terrible,
floppy, non-tasty and sickening cherry pie, or a non-flying airplane.

This is what the essence of the Torah is all about: universal rules are the ruling “how to do
things”, for us, to makes anything we want (politic included) the adequate ways (or not) for
harmonious relationship (or not). Nothing can remains above our intellect. The Era of the
Redemption will be the era to comprehend that nature is our “Creator” and to act accordingly.
No big deal! Pure simplicity. That's all the Torah's mystic secrets it’s all about. The Moshiach
phenomenon is an integral part of evolution. One’s mind and personality is unique. We all are
unique.”To be save” as religions put it, is to be save from mental hell; no one is neither too bad
or too good for stopping to evolve toward greater wisdom (to be save), or more ignorance (to
end up in mental hell); body sweat is the price of ignorance, where the body slaves and suffers
under the rule of a ignorant mind. It will be the uniqueness of Moshiach that will be the trigger
to bring psychic harmony for our body to suffer less as our mind will be retrieved from their
mental hell. In Moshiach times, some of us (Moshiach included) will comprehend infinitely
more than we will be willing to communicate clearly, but we will do it in a encompassing
manner (meaning a sneaky way around to influence the unconscious) in order to conveys the
influence of a “secret” knowledge, knowing the world is still yet not ready for it. We will do it
Moses way. Huge parts of the Torah can be easily understood by using analogy and
imagination (to makes mental picture of stuff in our mind).

The cheerful spirit of quanta: bundling-up matter.

The spirit of a Belgium quantum: L'union fait la force; that’s all matter of time.

Existence is an automatic event; life is a mnemonical event. That's make the purpose of all
form of life to be its own self-purpose: adaptation, but to adapt properly we need to evolve
properly; this is why the humanistic approach in secularism is a necessity for man mind-
survival; there is a lot of "dead-minds" roaming this world. To adapt throughout mind-
evolution lead automatically to man creating his own psychosocial utopia; we are already on
this road, halas some of us creates their own ill-utopia, meaning mental sickness, by being
vain, condescending and selfish. The Real utopia is build with the fabric of humility, atonement
and wisdom. We need to level our awareness to what is real and provable, the visible and
invisible universe is as real as matter and quanta are part of reality. The actual religious
situation is the social problem that pervert our perspective of reality; our interpretation of
reality need to be secular, not religious. Our view of reality needs adjusting to be in line with
the nature of things, meaning "nature dynamics".

Some irresponsible and mentally disturb persons in need of psychiatric help are unfortunately
in position of authority over the psychiatric field and can control that field according to their
position of authority, that situation is not of any not help to the community. The psychiatric
field needs to be independent of religious and political pressure; it needs to be, at least, of the
same level of authority than secular universities concerning any form of potentiality that affect
the direct environment and the world in general.

We have to rethink our values; we must do our best to stay at the edge of human knowledge
following the path of the natural universal principles. One of humanity biggest challenges,
especially for the religious bigots, is incorporating the metaphorical aspect of the truthfulness
of some part of their religion (the unstained parts from primal religions and philosophies from
around the world) with the secular scientific knowledge concerning the same subjects to realize
it is one and the same scientific data being served under different forms. We have to be
cognizant of the fact that to tackle the understanding of the natural laws there is plenty of
entry points. We do not need to trash everything from religion since plenty of religious beliefs
came from ancient secular data being stain by man subjectivity; we simply need to discover
where those stains are and for what reason it happen, it is part of the history of humanity. Our
knowledge of thing is constantly updated from life experience and new scientific findings; we
have to innate tendency to move forward in the field of knowledge and understanding in order
to reach wisdom. Wars are steps backward. Religious and cultural bigots must be seen as
persons having, for a reason or another, learning difficulties in the context of secular

In order to evolve toward maturity humanity need to demystify the natural principles, they
are not coming from a living "God"; they are an automatism of energy. What they do, how
they do it, and how they came to be it is of scientific matter, not religious. Yes they are forming
a close relationship to all living creature by serving them, but they are purely objectives in
their effectiveness. it is sad that so many peoples, religious or not, turn their back on them, but
it is understandable that in our agnostism and under the influence of the Id we are instinctively
inclined to give satisfaction to our basic needs before taking care of any social need. The
satisfaction of our basic needs is needed to provide a safe harbor to the mental processes
belonging to our ethereal body (soul) for our intelligence to reach its full potential. The whole
of the natural rules on the other hand is the safe haven for our mental and biological evolution;
this is why our basic needs has to be taking care of in a positive correlation with our
intellectual (religions called them spiritual) needs. Natural principles serve everyone alike,
from devilish peoples to the most rightful, and causality is the natural way to "punish and
reward". As a starting point societies are humanistic by nature; bigots and human devils
where steered off from mainstream humanistic society by their agnostism, cultural pressure,
and false values.

Ethico-secularistic education base in the deep understanding of the natural principles is

needed for humanity to evolve adequately; this will be the first item in the agenda of Israel
concerning the building of the third Jewish temple.

Our joy to be who we are or our sorrows depends of the wisdom we manage to glean during
our mortal journey. "To be born again" and again and again and again is to get rid of any
false data and to replace them with the accurate ones, that is "to be save". We all sinned
against the natural principles, thus against our own essence, and come short of the
objectiveness of the natural principles and the natural caring which is integral part of logic.
The wage of that "sin" is the death of the part of the mind (literally) which is responsible for
inadequate reasoning, we have to "resurrected" from it, that's from where psychosis occur.
Any mental separation from the natural principles is mental hell. As we can see, no one can
bear our "sins" for us, and Jesus of Nazareth representing humanity, thus represents humanity
bearing its own sins, suffers until mental death occur (psychosis) to be reborn consequently
(after) under the trinusial principle as Phoenixes; that's make us to be consciously made, under
our self determination, of the righteousness of the natural principles in us. No one can be the
substitute of another person to mentally suffer and die in its place so the other person can be
"save" from its consequences thus its own mental hell that is a no-no! As we can see as a matter
of speaking, the life of the body is in the blood and the life of the mind is in the spilling of the
blood thus "without shedding of blood there is no remission" as indicated in Hebrew 9:22, that
is pure psychology! We are all doom to some mental dead day after day, it is call neurosis, and
Freud was saying just that when he mentions that we are all subject to daily neurosis. To be
mentally “save” (our spirituality being saved) is to be mentally sane, thus to be “real”, meaning
to grasp reality as it is and cope with it by using the ways of the natural principles as it is
naturally mended to be. Our “spiritual” ally is the whole of the natural principles seeing as
“God” by the religious minded individuals.

To the Creationists

But what is this god who only human blood can appease his desires? And for whom the
holocaust in our heart becomes a sacrifice of love? What is that God created by man, who being
so limited by its own vanity is so helpless with his arms that he needs an army of mortals to
become his divine slaves? Don't you see that this same subjective god that you believe so much
in that will bring you into his downfall for your biggest surprise? O pious morons! Extremists
with holy scimitars! Keep your deity and your temples where sado-masochism is the law; but
one day you will understand that what honors love is life being conceived in it as much by
reason than libido. Who are those bigots who seeing their godly holiness in their vile vanity
became more rapid to find pleasure of wounding human pride than give praise to the hard
working researcher in his humble work? Bigots, in their parochialism, fold science to the level
of a condemned discipline; they do not see from their blind eyes that science is man step for the
soul of humanity to rise towards the heavens.

Man (Human) is from the animal kingdom, and human consciousness or "animal
consciousness" is consciousness; consciousness is consciousness, no matter from who (or what
animal). Therefore there is no other consciousness transcending consciousness than the
consciousness in its different "awaking level" it is like possessing knowledge or not, and in
different amount. Please let's go back to reality, there is no god transcending consciousness; it
is religious dogmas which are opinions to believe in without proofs. The universe cannot be
destroy, only our folly of "grandeur" to think humans are the only gods sons and daughters
can be destroy. There is nothing as an essence as the totality of existence and all its dynamics,
it’s all automatic. The only "Ek Deva", as a distinct being, from whom all life flows is the Dark
Universe, and it did not create the universe.

From what we understand about the perception of the Christians, Islamic, Mormons and
others religions, concerning their god, and by using the same metaphorical language of their
own religion it seem that their god is an individual who has a heart of granite toward whoever
lost his own marbles; and by not obeying his laws and not adoring him without restriction he
send the mentally disturbed souls to hell forever! This is a kind of simplistic and unfinished
concept about bigots understanding of astro-psychology where natural rules are the causal
forces in action isn't it?

The primal religions, like Judaism, always said that “God” is the port and the shipwrecked,
which mean that mythical god has its use for well, but when humanity will discover wisdom
there is no more use for that myth to be the personification of nature ways. A doubt in a mind
is a blessing in disguise, as a doubt give the mind an opportunity to think; good thinking is
base on raison and raison need solid provable data to be accurate on its findings in order to
produce creative answers. Therefore a doubt is good exercise for the mind, and as the doubt is
erased by a reasonable and measurable answer, and then what is left is a healthy mind were
doubts were the motivators of mental exercise. Do our modern religions really ask their
followers to think?

To be grateful toward nature for us to be part of it can be sometime close to a “religious

experience”; effectively how can we think it is possible for one to be the witness of the countless
graces and charms of nature and keeping judgment and sanity intact not to adore it? In that
sense “religiosity” is comprehensible as a form of “adoration” but keeping reality in mind. It is
without effort that nature creates such diverse beauty that we are thinking since we owe to
nature our soul we shall made every effort to adore nature ways as “The only God”; forgetting
that being part of nature, segments of it, then we are god's as well! ... And any other living
being for that matter! So ... what is a god? A definition? Ah! so many of us afraid to be
ungrateful to see so many treasures, in their evolving eternal glory, by not accepting to be
serfs and servants, are forgetting that to serve nature is to serve ourselves and make nature
our serf. The darts of love are made of servitude, love being the servant of love in the garden of
nature; but nature is not love even if nature creates love. Love is a tame feeling, where reason
and emotion became one, in a form of life. To say “God” creates nature is to say the non-
existent creates reality and its dynamics and having deep faith in that paradoxical thought
which after all its only a plug in an empty part of the mind. We were born not knowing about
the presence of a God nor knowing the definition of what a sin can be, but we did have that
innate feeling about what was the sociable thing to do or not to do; in short: we were born
agnostic but nature wisdom is within us since nature creates us. For a newborn there is no God
has being an subjective individual that created him rather than his biological parents, and as
we grow old and gain knowledge we found out that wisdom tell us that there is no necessity for
us to reinvent another one (another god), and in the light of our present scientific data, we
soon realize that when human judgments are not in accord with the universal principles they
can only produce disastrous effects; we do not need a God to tell us that, we just have to look at
our ways of polluting the planet and peoples mind. The concept for a better world to come and
the belief that utopia will be real one day, as a human realization, is a long standing and
integral part of our hope being file in our long term memory. As long as we denies the scientific
data to be the prophetic sources of the “ancients prophets” and any kind of today secular
sciences teachers, includes sociology and psychology, to be the path to Utopia, we will be
looking in the wrong direction for a messianic redemption, humanity is its own cultural
Moshiach, and the living Moshiach will be its representative. In the Talmud and Midrashim,
science is codified as forms of beliefs. That is ancient history. Our mind processes overgrow
those “Baby talk”, now our mind is able to understand complex ideas, but we are not using our
cognitive potential the right way, by objective reasoning.

The Old Testament prophets were fulfilling their job as teachers by prophetic means of
communications. Their “call from God” was scientific data. The ancient Hebrew prophets were
appointed “servants of God”, after being taught advanced scientific knowledge. Their roles was
to preach (communicated) the result of their data without unveiling the science behind it. The
ancient Hebrew prophets consciously made believe a God was speaking directly thought them.
Their words were simply their own extrapolations along the lines of their scientific knowledge.
They had to speak convincingly and authoritatively because it was their role to do so. They
understood every word they were saying, and they claimed it was said under God's
inspiration. They fashioned highly symbolic deep sayings having double and triple significance
that would apply to all generations. Somehow they were under an oath not to divulge the real
source of their knowledge. They disguised the term “evolution” under the term “progress” and
other synonyms.

Everything indicates a presence of general evolution on the universal scale. We have faith in
what we see and what research demonstrates. We also believe in our power of reasoning and
its end results until proven otherwise. In this way philosophies and new theories become pre-
measurable science until a theory is proven viable or not.

Humans are not made to vegetate in one mental spot but to move forward on all fronts. It is
mental progression, evolution of the mind. If this is not the case we'd be at the same intellectual
level as vegetables, but something tells us that we are more advanced than mere lettuce, does it
not? Would you believe that some sociopaths who know marketing are very smart people, and
have ways to turn us into intellectual zombies? Veggies!

If there is creation, and god being an intelligent individual, then God was established the same
time the universe was born because they would have to be dependent on each other. It is
therefore necessary that it is from a single immutable mechanical logic that the physical
universe and our mental universe comply. Logic is a universal constant. Logic is unknown to
the mentally inepts. Without the constant of logic there would be no universe, but we know that
the universe is there.

If it was not for the presence of the constant of logic, all the universal principles, which are
known to date and to be discovered in the future, would not exist. The presence of the energy
would therefore be a status-quo; a potential at rest, that's mean the whole of the universal
principles is made from an automatism of forces on the move: energy! And that what gives us
the presence of logic. A status-quo in the universal scheme would be a form of potential that
would not make sense, having nowhere to go. It would be El with nowhere to go. No motility.
Things evolve as we can see with our naked eyes; we do not have to be Einstein to see a seed
germinated or the seasons passing by.

To be a creationist is to remove the possibility of thinking the birth of universe would have
taken place naturally with at least, 1) a potential source of energy from a point zero
surrounded by a spacial void; 2) a spacial void for that potentiality of energy to enter and
expand. To say that does not exist is to say time and space does not exist. Time being the
displacement of energy, its expansion. We can say the dynamics of the universe is the
expansion of time.

A god cannot be created from anything that can never be and never was; it is a paradox!
Infinity has to be of a spacial aspect, and existence has to be of an energetic aspect. It is part of
the science of physics, there is no god. Energy is the taking over the spacial void of infinity by
the parcels of the finite non-uniform primal mass: a pile of spacial dust named “Gaia”.

The aim of this book is to find all paradoxes and blow them into oblivion. We can do this by
using universal logic to its most remote borders. We do this while trying avoiding psychosis
because of creationistic ideas anchored deep in our unconscious, provided that we can reach
areas still unknown to us, and that our mind would be capable of handling it. We do so by
extrapolating on what is already known. As we do so, we will see where proper reasoning will
lead us to. Science is made to use, we'll use it!

Good things arise from science; there is a universe! It is human beings who sometimes misuse
the scientific data, science is simply science, it’s an it, nor a Him.

If God is science then God is the concept of science. God is the name given by us to that
concept. Everything is measurable because everything is energy, and if there is God
somewhere along the way, we will happily measure its nose when passing by as we continue
our momentum. Our quest is: we want to know everything there is to know, everything!
Eventually we'll be aware of a lot of newer things.

Some phenomena still elude us, but not for long. We find ourselves in a universe whose
meaning yet eludes us because there is no meaning! We are our own meaning: to adapt! The
universe is simply a mathematical process under an energy form. The displacement of forces
produces logic as it produces time; therefore the physical form of logic is energy. Time
interacting with itself produces life. It is an automatic process.

We are alive and we find ourselves scratching our heads while wondering what the heck we
are doing here. We want automatically to know why. This is normal, right? Even the
creationists ask themselves that question. So what are our working tools? We have a mind to
think and an entire universe for a playground and to research for our pleasure and at our
discretion. Let's investigate. There are people who would say: “do not touch, look not”! Is it
prohibited anywhere to use reason? ... And this for our enjoyment in a good spirit? Mmm...?

On one hand there are the evolutionists, and on the other hand lie the creationists. Should there
not be reconciliation somewhere between science finding and religious philosophy? By its
nature of being a philosophy, religious philosophies, like all others start at the very edge of the
borders of science. The philosophies are seeing their borders pushed back as the frontiers of
science go forward. Humanity in its true ethic does not barricade the road to knowledge. Vive
la science!...And let ignorance take a hike.

Anti-creationists are mostly of a sociable nature. They do not try to kill anyone who does not
agree with them. From birth we are all innate atheist-evolutionist in our agnosticism. To be a
creationist is an acquired mental behavior. Why Christian religions teach us to have faith in a
God that tells not to use reason to discover what he is made of? Why some religions are so
afraid of scientific discovery that they condemn secular scientists to the fire of hell, which the
Christian church created for its own use, if they do not renegade their scientific ways of
discovering unknown universal territories? Hmm? Is to choose science as the main leader for
the development of our mind to be choosing the wrong God?

Looking more in depth, we find that our non-primal religions have 3 points in common with
the rest of the world: 1) they all look at the personal and social aspect (socio-psychology). 2)
They are looking for scientific evidence (secularism). 3) They contain within them the human
factor (being unreliable and stupid).

All religions call on their followers to have faith. Primal religions were crutches to our
developing human reason, our moronical understanding of them makes us to creates out of
stupidity our own version, and some of those new religions, like Islam, are not crutches to
human developing reason but are crushers of the evolving human mind. Non-believers have no
religious faith. Non-believers are aware that the universe follows specific rules in its actions
and believe that what science has discovered so far is what common sense always tells them.
We see that the universe by itself is a device without personal autonomy, meaning it has not
any subjective self-determination of its own. It is composed of automatic and continuous
sequences throughout all operations that are carried out. These are the sequences that produce
life. In other words, the universal laws, physics and other sciences have to bend to an
automatism that runs without the participation of a divine subjective will. The automatism of
logic runs by itself. That is why we can make statistics from found knowledge that's lays in the
universal principles.

Dear readers, this is where our thoughts are now. So far we did not find any other form of will
than our own and also from others forms of life. Who is in charge to build and destroy by using
subjectivity? So far it seems that the living things we are part of, does a good job of doing just
that. With the idea that 90 % of us are sociable subjective living human-robots being part of an
objective mechanically programmed universe, we will see where that leads us. We know
already that most of the 10% left, the sociopaths, lead us to catastrophe. Facing future human
self-made catastrophe, the Christian believers want “God” to save them from their own
mistakes. Why wait for the second coming of the mythical figure binding metaphorical stories
together, named Jesus of Nazareth, which will tarry in all eternity, and forever to come? He is
not God, it is a myth. We can make our own atonement by being simply our own selves and
study scientific data and our relation with the universal laws, disguised by Moses under the
word “God”. Libidinous self-help it’s the name of the game. Social morons are looking for a
“God-savior” while they let the planet that feed them, physically and intellectually, to be
destroyed by psychopaths. Normal humanistic people know they need to learn to comprehend
and they do something about it. At least, we think. Let's all think together based on science and
ethics. Let's straighten things out. We all identify with our history and culture, but it seem that
various religions, within our culture, want to makes us to feel left out of our strong sense of
self-identity and entitlement to all things human. We perceive these religions as they try to
makes us unable to self-communicate who we are, forbidding us to build our own mental
tower of understanding the knowledge within. For the libidinous human, being human is
foremost about identifying oneself with the human race, then the culture we are born within.
We all believe, by seeing it, nature as being a creative force and a universal unifying force; this
is relevant to what our senses feel and our intellect understand, and incompatible with the
unrealism of a mythical God of various religions that hurt our intellectual processes. We also
fundamentally believe instinctively, or consciously, that the smoothness of our intellect
processes is directly related to the truth of things. As we grow older we find out that, in small
increments, secularism makes us drift away from the religious traditions. Mind freedom is in
libidinous secularism called the humanistic approach within an eclectic’s view of science. “God”
become a meaningful word only if it points out: the automatism of universal laws. Beliefs in
God's, be a living all powerful subjective individual, are shrinking in the world as man is
increasingly seeing the importance of his role as the caring ones for humanity, therefore man
is his own “God”! As we understand more the mechanism of nature, less and less we felt the
necessity of affiliating ourselves with any religious groups or denominations.

Planet Earth is our so needed place to feel that we are human in a natural paradisiacal
surrounding were rivers flows, trees grows giving us fruits, warm climate exists etc...But we
are doings so many things wrong, destroying nature products (that's include each others) in
the name of a religious god. Our far always ancestors, from Noah's days, as they have done for
generations before them (the days of the “olds”), were working together to welcome the
wedding of humanity and Earth, both being products of nature. They lilted the candles of
knowledge for future generations, they blessed the presence of Earth that makes possible to
produce bread and wine, they congregated to sing a few songs for later on sharing a potluck
dinner. They worshipped nature to be one with nature by their libidinous ways of doings
things toward humanity and nature. They only killed game and used the product of nature as
required for basics needs. It was not a society of politic based on economy. Nature was their
“god” as nature ways always tells what to do, and science listen. Their joyous blessings in their
song were toward nature which they can see with their eyes as being the highest power that
creates things. They praised nature as the “Ruler of the Universe.” They knew pain come from
wrong doings (or human mistakes for lack of understanding nature ways) and nature relief
pain. Human praying started by asking guidance from the wonderfulness of nature, then for
favors’. We started to give nature a living personality called “god”. Cultural traditions from
various human groups started to leave the ancient secular context helping humankind of how
to perceive nature to cope with the environment by creating a religious context to adore the
essence of nature (natural laws) as a living “god” without questions. Deep down our
unconscious we still want to celebrate our gladness of being one with nature the pagan way, it
is that millenniums-old customs to celebrates the power of nature external and internal of us
that forces plenty of us, now-a-days to culturally celebrates the presence of a “God” of human
invention that most of us, overgrowing “baby-talk”, no longer believe in.

Our ancestors believe, by first hand experiences, in their responsibility for themselves and their
destinies. They looked to the natural forces of nature for their human understanding as our
present scientists does. As our far always ancestor’s communities grows and matured, human
communities chooses as their group leaders the most scholarized on the affairs of nature. With
time they founded their secular schools. Congregation of secular humans (non believers in god)
and congregations of believers in god separate into two different fields of beliefs. Plenty of us
are still anchor between both parties that negatively affects our intellect, we become mentally
sick. Secularism does not try to lure members away from “god believers” congregations by
teaching laical stuff, but some “god believers” congregation try to lure away secular minded
people from their natural capacity of reasoning. Secularism focuses mainly on secular minded
people to teach humanity the natural laws, and their causalities, that we found so far.
Psychology is part of it. Sigmund Freud, as proven by historical facts, was a secular-minded
person. Before Freud, many people felts disconnected from humanity, and Freud, like many
other humanists before him, providing psychological ways for reconnecting who they were,
deep down, reconnected them to their sense of humanity, therefore to humanity. Our sense of
belonging to the human race is more powerful than to believes in a religion; it is our way of life
within a system of values based on human ethics from our natural libidinous felling to be one
with nature. That is what connects our positives actions of man toward man, and man toward
nature. The primal millenniums-olds pagan secular traditions coming down to us as human
heritage are now in the hands of scientists like Sigmund Freud, Einstein and Co. for us to
behave again in a humanistic way. Humanistic secularism, first and foremost, is a mind
assembly of like-minded human toward our beneficial nature, studying nature ways for
humanity to cope ethically with existence. Our civilization worldwide can easily be a
multicultural celebration of being human on planet Earth toward nature instead of being
divided by religiosity, and then multicomplaining about others cultures while we are
destroying our garden: Earth. With various results, during their life time, many thousands
have trusted religious individuals, beyond a shadow of a doubt, when their very lives were
dependent of their faith; but the ultimate truth that influences our perceptions is from the
objective dynamics of the universal rules. This is why psychology study people mind with the
intention of seeing the world through their eyes to makes secular scholarly prognostics being
base on knowledge and reason. Since human view is subjective, and universal rules are
objectives, therefore no one can say that there is no question that the human view is the only
accurate view concerning ethical matters. The only thing one can say concerning ethical
matters, by proven it the scientific way is: “there is a part of the universal principles that our
science has discovered so far”; we are that link which is limited between the opposite
boundaries of objectivism and subjectivism; objectivism belonging to the “spirit” of the
universal rules, it is their “essence” and subjectivism belonging to the “spirit” of nothingness,
which is the void. “Spirit”, in that sense is only a popular expression, and not the living
“essence” of God versus evil, or good against bad. Those two opposite “spirits” in that sense
only defines the human idea concerning duality that is integral part of nature ways (also
called the duality in “God's ways” by the creationists). Do not forget that the tongue of a bigot
is the shovel of his moronical mind digging his own tomb. We shall not have faith in the gods of
religion, but it is most logical, as a religion, to have to have faith on the universe. The wise' in
their wits consoles their pain by finding reasons to happiness knowing eternal pain does not fit
any act so cruel for one's to suffer more than the wounds he deserve. Any amount of
consequence, god or bad, we are going through is simply causality at work readjusting the
universal balance of justice.

Religions, the Catholic Church specially, uses words that become of religious character even if
their original meaning was of secular character. Take the word "consecration" as an example,
it simply means someone that commit his time, and dedicate his knowledge, to some cherished
purpose (usually a social activity or of social nature) for the benefit of all. The Catholic religion
in its secular emptiness see it as the sanctification of something being dedicated to the service
of God; and the Catholic church does it with plenty of rites which are colorful tralala to
impress the gallery. Catholicism don’t even realize that the word "sanctification of the spirit"
simply mean to be in possession of our mental sanity! What a bunch of overgrowing kids!

If we all serves humanity then humanity as "one" serves every one of us for the benefit of all;
otherwise if we all serve a "God" in the detriment of reason, and who speak to us throughout
the voice of his self-appointed prophets (like Mohammad), since he is afflicted with a bad case
of laryngitis, is to ask for the sh.t to hit the fan!

The relation between Moshiach and Israel will be the same as between employer and
employee, Moschiach will be the employee.

The Angels of God!

The ones who is imbued of himself perceives only his own world of which he is the supreme
god; but the wise, in his humbleness, opens wide the doors of his mind to the rest of the
universe to realizes that he is a simple little bundle of particles from it. He then becomes an
angel of "God". There is no higher conversational level than plain common sense pairing with
libidinous feelings; religions are for lower discussion levels, far away from primal philosophies
based on scientifical data.

It is customary for the bigots to change hope into despair, they are only the messengers of
their own opinions transformed into different faiths, and certainly not the angels of the
universe. The angels of the universe are these messengers of nature who offer us its daily news,
from provable and of trusted sources. The bigots by themselves ignite the fire of their mental
hell; they are part of our greatest disasters in their twist to try to destroy the angels who make
us immortal. Wanting to destroy all the thoughts of reason, the bigots have for custom to
inflame, break, ruin and destroy the honorable business of the angels and their designs and
their finesse of thoughts giving us hope in humanity instead of despair. Vanity has no pride,
and pride does well without vanity; angels are proud and bigots are vain.
We are, from birth, under the influence of "the pattern", which means "acquired cultural
habits". This is to say that we are not born prejudicial but cultures being sectarians by nature
gives us plenty preconceives ideas, without scientific proof to support them, about a lot of
things including cosmology. That cultural fact indisposes us toward anything that may affect
our deep cultural beliefs. To unriddle the ancient Hebrews saying is to bring an elephant in the
crystal shop of the holy Israelis belief that there is a living god that, from pure subjectivity,
chooses them to be his only people; for any Jews to believe the literal sense of that myth is to
display vanity. To prove it was only a metaphor being dream by Moses will make plenty of
damage in the shop. The mastodon of science is here to break the crystals of ignorance leading
to false beliefs... but again ... It is a testimony to human history that as long the devil is
running the world no precious mind can perish in a just duel when facing his enemies, evils
makes it so that the just has to be perish by the swords since it is impossible to kill him by the

To understand the Hebrew bible we have to think “millenniums old foreign expressions” being
used to make metaphors and having something to do with scientific data being mixed up with
some sort of historical events. Take angels as an example. Angels! These famous messengers of
God mean the messengers of science; an angel is a carrier of scientific information. Simply put,
let say an angel is a delegate holding some scientific evidence. Now a days a environmentalist
is an angel when he is be send by his scientific circle to talk to the government about the danger
of pollution. An angel is not the mailman but he can send his report by mail. Proper postage
stamp it’s required. General patrician and gynecologist are also men of science. What they say
to a pregnant woman artificially inseminated or done naturally, can be considered as a
message from an angel. If the baby would be a healthy boy as strong as a donkey the
gynecologist will say so in his own poetic words like in Genesis 16:11-12; “And the angel of the
Lord said to her: Behold, you are pregnant and shall bear a son. You shall call his name
Ishmael, because the Lord has listened to your affliction. He shall be a wild donkey of a man,
his hand against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he shall dwell over against
all his kinsmen.” Ancient Hebrew saying can be very poetic and humorist at the same time. to
say:” everything will be fine” when ones has men of science around, -unless you trip over a
rock and broke a leg- they will say: “lest you strike your foot against a stone”. In the next
passage of the Hebrew bible keep in mind “Lord” mean the science of the universal principles.
Here is Psalm 91:9 to 91:12; from the chapter “My Refuge and My Fortress”: “Because you
have made the Lord your dwelling place, most high, who is my refuge- no evil shall be allowed
to befall you, no plague come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot
against a stone.”

Angels do not necessarily work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They take days off and go
for holidays. They also take care of the barbecue when weather permitted. Here is an amazing
one from Judges 6:19 to Judges 6:21: “So Gideon went into his house and prepared a young
goat and unleavened cakes from an ephah of flour. The meat he put in a basket, and the broth
he put in a pot, and brought them to him under the terebinth tree and presented them.

And the angel of God said to him, “Take the meat and the unleavened cakes, and put them on
this rock, and pour the broth over them.” And he did so. Then the angel of the Lord reached out
the tip of the staff that was in his hand and touched the meat and the unleavened cakes. And
fire sprang up from the rock and consumed the meat and the unleavened cakes. And the angel
of the Lord vanished from his sight.” For an angel to appear and disappear ...pouf! Simply
mean to come over and to takes his leave. From the Greek word terebinthos, the terebinth is a
Mediterranean tree, member of the sumac family. That tree is the source of Chian turpentine.
As for the magical “broth” it must be some kind of fuel-like turpentine. Concerning “the tip of
the staff” we are talking here about a barbecue lighter...The turpentine broth was pour over
the rock, not the food.

Like the Israelis say themselves “The Hebrew bible is not a religion, it is compose of books of
knowledge”. ..Case rest.

In Job 28:28 we find a good advice about wisdom; keep in mind “he”, “the lord” means the
universal rules: “And he said to man, 'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn
away from evil is understanding.'“ We shall keep that in mind while we are over polluting our
planet, with easy to replace fossil fuel, in the name of economy! The poor can be rich and the
rich can be poor, the poor who takes time to open up to the universe will become richer than
the rich man who does not want to understand the logic in libido. There is only little sweat for
the mind to understand word after word, patiently, the messages from the universe. It will
never be any regret in the hearts of those who lavish their time looking anywhere in the
cosmos what are the promises of the universe toward its living components. Heaven does not
hide its treasures, it offers them for who is looking around. The wages of our blood and the rent
of our little pain to discover its sayings will bring us the just reward of eternal wealth:
knowledge and wisdom for all times to come.

Just by being alive, since we are self-sufficient in the mnemonical processes level, the universe
gives us (by pure automatism) all the opportunities to be independent and socially functional
according to our wishes, meaning that even if we are riding along with the natural principles
since we are part of them, we do have our own self-determination to do whatever we want and
to support the consequences that goes along with any of our behaviors, this is why the
knowledge of the universal natural rules is so important. That also separates the unrealistic
mythical fear of "hell" that certain religion induces in our mind, from the realistic fear of
mental hell. As any bright secular student know the only logical way to find mind
independence from cultural and religious pressure in our search of knowledge, meaning to
know the ways of the natural principles, is by “scientific atonement” which is using the
systematic pursuit of knowledge with humbleness which involves the recognition of a problem,
or the recognition of a missing data, and to formulated the problem or the nature of the search.
Our self-determination make it so that we can formulated questions (questions has to be ask
concerning the object of interest); research of previous knowledge concerning the field of
interest has to be done, and extrapolations are to be formulated with the help of logic in order
to make hypothesis'. Hypothesis' are to be tested and the results analyzed. Then experimental
testing has to be done in various ways. Only then conclusions can be made without forgetting
to keep in mind that the human factor (our innate unreliability) was also present as an
integral part of our scientific approach (since we are humans).


It is romantic to visualize Noah at a spot with clear sky and when half of the sky was still dark
with draining clouds, when he witnessed the most spectacular luminous rainbow displays that
ever was. Planet Earth was such a beautiful planet! Contrasting with the darkened
background that magnificent rainbow inspired the incorrigible poet he was. Confronted with
such beautiful phenomenon Noah, ship captain, scientist and troubadour, surrendering to his
libidinous feeling, wrote Genesis 9 in his captain log, which end up latter on as part of the

“I have set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the
earth.” (Genesis 9; 13).

In his own way, Noah tells us to be detectives to understand nature. A sign is a form of
communication. It is a clue, and as a clue, a rainbow is an entity which signifies another entity.
A rainbow is a natural sign, not a conventional sign, and is dependent upon that which is
expressed. A rainbow is an entity which bears a causal relation to the signified entity, as
thunder is a sign of storm. A rainbow is a sign that signifies. It is a signifier that became a
symbol in Genesis 9:13. A rainbow is a display of scientific messages. The rainbow itself is a
signal to draw attention to its underlying scientific meaning. A rainbow is the evidence of the
underlying scientific causes that created the universe. Science has proven that our nervous
system in correlation with the rest of our body emits vibrations in positive correlation, and at
specific rates of vibration, with the well being, and the ill-being, of our psyche from everything
of which our psyche is composed of; we speaks of these quantic emanations as the person's
aura. There is nothing new about that fact for the Chinese’s who know that phenomenon for
millenniums. The different colors of our aura define the various clinical (mental and physical)
condition of our psyche. From the original white light of energy the "rainbow" of colors
forming our aura is the result of the "prismatic effect" of our psyche which acts like a crystal
prism. Our body is made with a high percentage of water, and rainbows are form in mist,
spray, dew and rain. Rainbows can be observed where there are water drops in the air and
sunlight shining from behind a person. A rainbow is an optical phenomenon that causes colors
from the spectrum of light to appear when a white light shine onto droplets of moisture. From
a light source, light rays enter a raindrop from one direction, reflect off the back of the
raindrop, and fan out as it leaves the raindrop. The light leaving the rainbow is spread over a
wide angle. As it enters the surface of the raindrop, the incoming light is refracted and then
reflected off the back of the drop, and again refracted as it leaves the drop. The outgoing light
is a wide range of angles of the original incoming light. Each angle is independent of the size of
the drop, but does depend on the refractive index of the drop. Seawater has a higher refractive
index than rain water. Greater is the angle, shorter is the wavelength. The amount by which
light is refracted depends upon its wavelength, which gives its colors. The apparent position of
a rainbow depends on the observer's location and the position of the light source. Only the light
from some raindrops reaches the observer's eye. The position of a rainbow is always in the
opposite direction of the light source with respect to the observer.

Some people have a doctorate in philosophy, as for the rest of us Noah want us to be detectives
in metaphysics with some knowledge in physics.. To find out what is life, we have to find out all
the relation between wavelength, energy and matter. For us to quantify life, Noah asks us to
understand the principle of the colors and how it affects our memory by indicating the
rainbow as a sign. Very poetic isn't it? Noah tells us that we are made of rainbow colors and
we shall turn our mind toward the physics of rainbows to be living radiating mental rainbows.
Our mind can be of more of an exceptional brilliance than any physical rainbow can be. Our
connection with Noah is on the rainbow covenance with humanity. Noah wants to shows us
that the purpose of humanity is to carried out our natural task to knowledge. If not by man
then by nature itself. Time is relative. Sophisticated forms of life, like humanity, possess a fair
luggage of reason and their natural goal, like any animal, is survival. The survival of the
animal mind reside at first in his instinct, and then in the conscious acquired and adequate
knowledge of how to adapt. We have a rainbow of options to do just that. Since Noah knew the
quantic theory then Noah also knew that the power of the sun can interfere with the chemical
components within a system to change the nature of that system. That knowledge was pass-on
latter on to the Ancient Egyptian culture founded by “Egypt”, a member of Noah ship crew.
"God's ways" is simply natural secularism.

The Universe is Serene

Man made "stars of heaven" like Muhammad, Jesus Christ, St Peter etc...” will fall upon the
Earth" as fakes when the "Revelation" will come to all.
Serenity is nature character in its dynamics. If we look behind the writing of the Old
Testament, the central theme is ethics being paired with secular knowledge, for man to accept
the establishment of the Kingdom of God (The universe producing scientific knowledge pairing
with the creation of libidinous feelings by mnemonical processes base on logic, which is simply
an automatic pattern) as a natural process in time. Just the fact that the ancient prophets
could predict the occurrences of the future (statistics), with such accuracy and with such detail
hundreds and thousands of years in advance, gives witness that they knew advanced sciences
and spoke of them. So far we found the universe is of serene math-mentality. What can be
more serene than math? Math does not think, math is the language of logic. There are some
religious minds that become exalted when facing the universal math; they say it’s God's
actions. In the belief that a feudal entity judges, punishes or rewards, they listen to anyone that
preaches in his name. Some of them, in their own way engage a “holy war” especially toward
those who do not agree to follow the dogmas of certain religions as described by some of its
self-appointed representatives: “Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let
them find harshness in you” [al-Tawbah 9:123.]

The mathematical process of the universe is serene. It doesn't think, nor punishes, nor reward.
The Universe is under the influence of the programming that makes punishments and rewards
happen as a direct result of the consequences posed by individual’s actions. Individuals thus
become their own judge by deciding on their specific actions. The physical dimension of the
universe is a constant movement; this agitation is evolution itself through specific processes.

Like the human body contains chemical components made of constant physical movement to
support the presence of the Ego-resident and eventually reproduce another human body, the
universe produces interactions between its energies and its physical and chemical elements
that support its own existence. Life is not coincidental but a result of the consequences of the
happening of the automatic programming now in place.

Concerning forms of life, nature being serene does its math: nature is the Sword and the Shield
in its causal characteristic, we are the non-serene ones, and we need to know how we breach
the natural laws for them to become our shield instead of swords. Moshiach, the repairer of
our breach of natural laws is the mind restorer of our natural cognitive paths to dwell in.
Human cognitive paths need restoring for intellectuality to produce reason. We have
substituted reason for rituals and liturgy. We try to be in sync with nature with our hands ties
by our politics base on economy. Our politic start the social machinery without reading every
word of the universal manual. By reading nature manual (the whole universe) more carefully,
concerning the whole psyche level, less of us will be sick, and less of us will be wounded. By its
own cultural beliefs, Israel morality is base of doing what “god” (nature) do best, while doing
what must to be done for their family and society; and also to learn how “god” (nature)
indicates them to do their every day chores the adequate ways. It is easy enough to understand
why the “knowledgeable ones” pushes the Jews to excel in secular sciences, including math.

For us to feel serene is to feel completed in the understanding of our basic knowledge, knowing
that knowledge is logical for our reason to follow an easy cognitive path. Nature stand before
us, and we stand before nature; neither nature nor us has secrets for the other. We both are
open books for the other. But we can hardly read yet. Nature does not care but we do, so is the
dark universe (also called “Black Madonna” by some religions) from the womb of which we
came from. It is all a question of math, statistics and logic. Libido being the highest form of
logic leading to serenity within harmony.
Keyword: Consequence

Consequence is the wages of our actions. The deaf’ who hear without listening nature words of
its science where mercy is to be found (on the universal principles), in their bitterness against
their life full of misery and losing their minds once more, wrongly condemn the innocent stars
to be the source of their unfair wages.

Metaphysical law: It is the same basic principles that rules psychology and sociology; the
difference it’s only in the number of individuals. An individual or a society follows the same
psychological principles since societies are made from many individuals. The Universe is calm
in its math and turbulent in its energies. If there was a hell, then we are the ones who create it
in our mind and transfer it to our environment. We feel it through our social interactions
either physically or mentally. The only punishments that exist are those that are attracted to us
through the consequences of our acts. It is not complicated to understand, a simple child
understands cause and effect first hand by experiencing it. Here is an example that illustrates
very well what is just stated: Imagine that a child of 5 years old pees in a toilet bowl,
sometimes he misses the target, so he pees on the floor. Having peed on the floor because of
poor targeting is the consequence of the action. The response is when the mother saw that her
little boy had peed next to the bowl, she gave him a wet rag to cleanse the pee he blithely sent
on the floor; this is punishment. This is not bad as punishment, but rather a lesson of life that
the mother gives her small boy. So punishments are from lessons ill- learned. This is better
than receiving a smack with a baseball bat behind the ears. Now, what do you think will
happen over a period of time to a corporation or an individual who takes outrageous
advantage of the weakness of its own kind to reach its goals? What do you think will happen to
people who choose inertia rather than solve a potential problem? Consequences, consequences!
Everything is just a series of consequences from consequences. Sometimes, after one small
consequence of a gesture that we have not raised or an inadequate decision that we take can
change a life. It is the result of consequences that make the earth turn and give its place to the
universe. The Old Testament talks a lot about reward and punishment for those who do not
listen to god. We can translate that in the behavioral science already known by the ancient

“The sharp man sees the evil and takes cover: the simple go straight on and get into trouble”.
(Proverbs 22:3)

To understand consequence it’s a question of personal politics concerning our freedom of

thought. Politics is the process by which an individual or groups of people make various
decisions. The term “politics” applied to behavioral personal values and social relations in all
human group interactions; that involve authority or power, and the regulation and
application of those social behaviors by various means. It is call cultural behaviors. Politics
dictates cultural behaviors. When politics will take the universal laws in consideration and act
accordingly then Utopia will be built. Natural ethic in public behavior will be the norms.
People will understand that the incentive power (the power to reward) and coercive power
(the power to punish) was always in the hands of the universal laws of causality under the
form of natural consequences. We cannot really feel what raising our mind from its own
“dead” mean unless we realize we did experience “mind dead” by finally being “mind awaken”.
The dead-minded individuals do not know they were brain-dead until they awaken to reality.
To be “mind awakens” from “mind dead” it’s the consequence of the dynamics of the general
evolutive process involving life as a mental mnemonic process called intellectuality. It is part of
a normal universal process involving the dark universe. We will never be separated from
nature, and everything is due to evolve. Nature always acquits us and sets us free under our
own consequences. Nature does not has to justifies itself to anyone; only sinners like us,
against nature ways, has to justifies ourselves to ourselves and the rest of humanity, having as
a good reason to be morons by nature (original sin) from lack of knowledge and experience. To
have faith in nature is a gift of reason, that's make righteousness a gift of logic. Sinner’s sins by
illogism. By consequence of illogic, one has to died is mind in Sheol (experiencing mental
sickness) to free himself from his sins by self-justified them with the use of reason without
rationalizing them; it is all of a psychological matter involving causal laws for one to find
libido. In short: self-psychotherapy helps to truly be born again. Sigmund Freud knew that.
Regenerated persons use the power of reason to overcome sin against nature. The newness of
the spirit can only be at the depend of the oldness: it’s dead! Consequences make it so. We have
to stand up from our mental grave. It can only be by our own merits of developing our
scientifical knowledge that can bring Moshiach to his “coming”. The messianic concept being
humanity awaking to the universal knowledge, and since we all have spark of genius, than it is
the “Moshiach” in us who bears away our iniquities by self-atonement. We are our own
scapegoats, under causality, no matter what we do. We are doom (destine) to live forever and
escaping the doom (judgment) of eternal dead (mind-dead) since evolution is always present,
evolution is a natural “grace” upon all form of life. This is our mind salvation. This is all
psychology in a metaphysical context. We are, and always will be, the living results of our own
mercy or condemnation after tasting what consequences are, as there was never the presence
of any eternal spiritual (intellectual) separation from nature. The only unavoidable
consequence is to forcibly experience any form of “hell” to correct our original lack of
knowledge (original sin). Nature always leads the sinner to self-seeking “repentance”, meaning
to see where we went wrong, under the influence of frustrating consequences. Repentance is to
see what we did wrong to ourselves, directly or indirectly, and be willing to use our natural
self-determination to do things the right way for harmony to take place; consequences are the
motivators that guide us. It’s all a question of logic, and not a question of cultural man-made
morality which can frustrates reason.

The spirit of the universe: as I expand I am breaking apart.

Law: In the scheme of general evolution everything is functional. Any object of interest is a
functional piece of the universal puzzle being composed itself with various pieces of its own
assembled puzzle.

Law: All puzzle and puzzle pieces are assembled by effect and are causal by nature.

Law: In the scheme of general evolution any object of interest, frustrating our sensory system
or not, is an tool toward harmony.

Law: Power is ephemeral by the use of brutal force; for man to seek power for ever starts by
self by the use of libido pairing with secularism.

To firmly believe in a almighty subjective God as the father of humanity and having an only
son (Call Jesus of Nazareth) is to display a lack of maturity; and to "fight” bloody wars or not
in the name of "God"' or his "son" is to have a bloody childish behavior (toward self and others)
associated with a certain degree of autism (having a glass wall to be dressed between self and
reality) in order to start puerile wars of religions. It is the philosophical personality still in its
infancy, and being unrealistic, taking control of the ego, leaving the associative personality to
obey the leading personality; bloody infantile-autistic behaviors trigger by asocial beliefs of
metaphysical character can only by explained this way. Metaphysical belief starts the moment
a child starts socializing with peoples of authority in that field (parent, church etc...) creating,
and becoming part of, the philosophical personality. What we learn can or cannot develop
mentally a specific personality from the associative personality. One can be a genius in a
specific field and completely behind common knowledge in another field an act like an infant in
that field; it is pure common sense to know that fact. The kind of person and philosophical
teacher the child is in contact with should be taken care by Gnostic circles (in the hope the
parents know the difference) until the time the child learns to differentiate between logic and
paradoxical thinking. Also wrong peers, when socializing, can lead to severe psychological
traumas and disorders (functional autism is part of them) leading to social maladjustment
toward humanity as a whole. Kids are too young and their mental stage of development not
mature enough for them to give their "enlighten" consent to believes as being the truth some
religious dogmas forced upon them. The correct peer group is essential for the development of
the personality of a child. It is essential for any individual to belong to circles which are
compatible with any secular and philosophical teaching leading humanity to wisdom where
harmony without wars is not only possible but a logical process of evolution. Eventually as an
individual mature under the wise guidance of libidinous psychosocial guru' in the field of
philosophy, his philosophical personality will become one with his secular personality in the
field of the natural rules. For now, bloody extremists religious bigots are the living proof that
they are having their secular personality to be under the control of their asocial philosophical-
autistic personality in order to know how to make bomb and to kill with scientifical evilness,
and rejoice like rotten kid when being successful. All personalities from the associative
personality will always help the personality in charge (the leading personality) to attain its


Humanity present normality is that we are human ostriches who prefer having a bank account
than having an account to settle with the human devils and also the bigots.

Law: Any opposites in a system are in negative correlations, knowing that law helps us in the
field of statistics; social improvements and human communication can be base on the
manipulation of the inducers of one of the opposite for the other opposite to be affected directly
and negatively by opposition (just like one of the Newton laws).

Are we all doing our little share for the good of humanity? Or we are so sectarian that we work
only for our own little cultural space by frustrating others basic needs? In our human folly
where laziness is included we refuse to see the obvious and we prefer to have faith into an
imaginary something, like a god, more magical than nature who eventually will fix-up all our
human mistakes. Nothing can be more normal than the magic of nature that created life; and
the mental abnormalities (illogical thinking) coming from any living beings are part of their
normal evolutionary process were mental freedom (mind harmony) can only by achieved
throughout self-determination in their never ending quest to adapt. Causality straits up things
for us to strait ourselves up without any subjective god to be involve.

In the eye of the universe, what is normality? If we take Moses as the most normal person for
our model, then we have to say:

Normality is to be conforming to the universal laws; it’s a natural universal behavior. The
condition of being normal is having gone through all the natural developmental stages in
order to develop a adequate reasoning that lead to a well-defined personality; normality it’s
also the reasoning of an individual according to the natural developmental stage where he's at.
A normal person is an individual who have a scientific mind from its natural curiosity, having
also a poetic notion of nature, and a non repressed libidinous feeling within that induces our
natural sense of ethics. All of that makes a socially acceptable individual, no matter his
scholarship, his natural developmental stage and his social position.

There are two thought processes: 1) cultural; 2) Universal. They come from two different
mediative sources. One source is the politics of societies; politics are subject to changes, which
mean normality, from society’s point of view, changes as politics changes. The other it’s from
the universal laws themselves, which never change.

The universe itself is measuring instruments were we can test any forms of behaviors for
normality. Various examples of normality are under the natural principles (universal laws)
for us to understand what a normal distribution of behaviors from an individual is. Universal
laws are the right measuring scales for us to go by.

As we can see, in the eye of the universe, normality is not necessary someone who conforms to
the ideals of a society or an average person into a society. It is not necessarily as what the
majority of a specific society perceives as the average. The most common behavior in certain
societies cannot be considered as normal. Within societies with poor libidinous politics some
non-conforming behavior is inevitable. What is not normality are psychiatric disorders.
Without those disorders an individual can be consider as normal because he follow its naturals
instincts base on universal principles. Therefore we can say that within the limits of our psyche
and the exterior, normality is to adapt to the environment by using reason and ethics for a
normal functioning.

Part of being normal is also to distinguish between natural and trivial, understand hygiene
and to act accordingly as is it said in Leviticus: “You are to distinguish between the holy (pure
as natural) and the common (trivial), and between the unclean (lack of hygiene) and the clean
(hygiene), and you are to teach the people of Israel all the statutes (natural laws) that the Lord
(the whole of the universal principles) has spoken of them by Moses.” (Leviticus 10:10-11).

Basically the “Lord” is nature. Nothing can beat nature, nature does not make mistake since
nature does not have a will of its own. Nature reacts, that's all nature does. Anything out of
what we perceive as normality is not a mistake of nature since it is a product of a normal
reaction of nature within an environment. The wit of nature is to be always objective. Our wit
would be to realize that fact and take lesson from it. So far our normality is to be neurotic;
that's makes human genius to be “abnormalities”.

Life is tributary of nature, and as tokens of life we are the living testimony of the logical might
of nature. Nature is united by its same logical behaviors anywhere in space and trough time;
as for us, trying to find logic in some of our social behaviors we created moralities as welcome
social behaviors in the hope to unites societies. Humanity humbleness toward nature is to face
the fact that we do not know everything concerning its ways, and be careful concerning our
actions. Quackiness is not knowing (or to forget) what humbleness is, and to act foolishly
against humbleness; that's where troubles start. Quacks ducks their lack of knowledge
different ways, their mind are full of gravitons (nothingness), if they look, acts and quacks
when ducking their lack of reason under rationalizing, then they are quacks.

Plenty of religious leaders are able to deceive thousands of a “mister muscle god fearing
people”; but these fake souls healers (they are not even psychologists) will be uncovered as the
real Torah giants will be unveils. The real Torah giants are the ones, descendants of the
Levites, who know “god” is nature; they also know a bunch of ancients “sacred” secrets
concerning the origin of this part of humanity on this planet. Humans can be outwitted, not
nature; who listen to nature, listen to its secrets. Moses knew how. The words of nature always
end human nonsensical claims, included religious claims. Wisdom, base on logic, is to listen to
reason. Reason says: help nature for nature to help us, and not the other way around like
destroying our environment for nature to destroy us. Human lives are part of our
environment; human’s needs humans to survive. Nature is mightier than any human-made
god. Nature is the real norm for normality; secular genius people are normal. To be “god’s
lovers” is abnormal. God’s lovers Jews who end up with Nobel prizes did it by dissociating the
secular personality from the associative personality while doing their secular research.

Universally speaking, to be normal is to be scholarized-realist (or ethico-realist). It doesn't

matter our background, knowledge and forms of education, anyone has within that built-in
innate normal capacity from birth, that capacity of reflection leading to reason is the
supporting rock of life. Normality is: “the right hand of God”. The “left hand of God” is
abnormalities such as mental illness; sociopaths are prone to functional mental illnesses. The
abnormally of psychosomatics came from the neuroplasticity process where the mind affects
the body. The link between normal and abnormal is the universal rules. Normality is the use of
self-determination to acts ethico-socially having the natural rules in mind. Abnormality is a
lack of responsibility relative of what stage of intellectual evolution an individual is, according
to his age. The Jewish Moshiach is not a perfect being, but a human being who is trying to be
as normal as humanly possible.

Normality is to use reason. Faith and reason walks hand to hand when we realize that we can
only have faith into something that proves itself to be constant. Trust in something is based
into its constant. Therefore true faith can only be based on proof, otherwise it would be
foolishness, and fools can be easily taking advantage of. Compared to reason, paradoxes do
not leads anywhere; reason is the easy path to follow to find harmony since harmony can only
be found trough logical thinking behavior. Logic is the tool of reason, and reason leads to
normality which is what harmony is made of.

Logic being integral part of normality makes it so that to be lonesome, without the company of
others, one experience boredom and sadness. Joy is with the company of other where one can
share the pleasures of life and existence. We have the natural tendency to offer to each other
the pleasure of our company for mutual enjoyment. Life is a fractalized sociable phenomenon
where ethic and social pleasure are paired in the scheme of logic.

The opposite of logic is illogism, and sociopathic individuals, in their illogism leading to lack of
ethics, do not offer pleasure but only vain promises of pleasure with a price to pay in advance;
socially inclined persons do exactly the contrary, they offers without any price tag joy and
pleasures to the loves ones. Happiness is priceless; it is a state of mind where love and logic are
wed in one mind and one heart. Time is the link between the use of logic in one extreme, and
illogical decision making in the other extreme of the social scheme. The sociopath is doom to
mental troubles while the socially inclined individual keeps developing intellectual qualities to
be one with normality.

When human reason and universal logic are paired it is normal for one to say that the word
“God” pinpoint the universal dynamics made of radiations, its natural rules and the whole
universal body as “One entity” containing life, matter, and radiations that creates them and
makes them to evolves. Whoever says otherwise need to be scholarized while under psychiatric
help, especially if that person is a religious extremist in a position of authority involving
human life and others people mental well-being. As for those sociopathic leaders who know
what the truth is made of, and who nevertheless keep clinging desperately to their position of
power by pure vanity and economic advantages, they will face the painful consequences that
follows their socio-psychotic behaviors since they are the living proofs of the alphaness of the
sadistically and tyrannical personality that belongs to their associative personality.

Where do you think the ancient Hebrews went to school to learn secular data ? Answer: the
Temple. That's why the Jews call their temples "Places of knowledge". Here is the basis of what
the High Priests were teaching to the tribe of Levi: “Nature will always go along according to
our action toward it, but if we want to master nature we need to master ourselves by being
aware of all the mechanic of nature. We can make it (nature) as a friend or as an enemy;
nature is neutral in its objectiveness, it's us who are not neutral in our subjectivity. "Mother
Nature" will always go along as a reaction to our actions toward "her" according to "her"
mechanisms that are governed by the natural laws; "God" and "nature" are synonymous, and
we are integral parts of nature, therefore we are integral parts of God”.

The Serene Math-Mentality

Not only Archimedes was a mathematician, but he was also a benefactor of humanity, his
purpose was the advancement of science and the well being of the individual; what banker
who’ using mathematics today, at his own advantage, can say the same about himself without
a single lie?

The catholic Trinity is the unholy Trinity since it goes against logic, science and reason.
Moschiach army which will be made of scholars, and Gnostics rightful peoples on its head and
will lead the libidinous part of mankind to do a psychological battle against the evil one and
will destroy psychologically and financially the ones who destroys the world by destroying
many ecosystems and polluting planet Earth.

Ezekiel 18:32 “For I have no pleasure in the death of him (brain death) on whom death comes,
says the Lord: turned back (change your ways) then (think), and have (a) life”.

Here a funny mental image to visualize Ezekiel saying come to mind; let's imagine Ezekiel to
be a puppeteer, and "God" to be the puppet Ezekiel is giving "live" to tell an amazed public
what the universe (which has no life of its own) is saying via the puppet "God": " “For I have no
pleasure in the mind-death on whom psychological death comes”, says the puppet "god",
"turned back, change direction, then think, and have a life”. (Desecration of Ezekiel 18:32).

The serene math-mentality is the peace of mind of the scientist who follows the fundamental
ethics in any form of his research, whether at a personal level or another. Our primal robotic
mathematical serenity is the following of the primary universal program (directives) made of
logic build into us by the universal rules; it is our fundamental structure made of logic. It helps
us to build ourselves our secondary program: who we want to be. When faced with the
unknown we follow the common sense of ethics and logic, which is the libido + logic, to do our
research. Faced with the unknowns we are uncertain, apprehensive, sometimes anxious, we
want to discover. The uncertainty leads to curiosity and curiosity leads to discovery. When
discoveries are made then a sense of relieve, pleasure and pride is produced in our mind and
the body reacts positively to it. The reverse it’s also true, the pleasure of the mind can be an
extension of the pleasure of the body. Mental homeostasis is the tendency of the mind to
stabilize the Freudian constants (the factors that constitute our personality) for ones psychic
harmony to takes place. Self-psychic harmony is an automatic result of the program toward
the mind if we are in a mental state of being united with the program. Some imbalances and
mental disorders are due from taboos toward pleasure. In cases of solo-masturbation, when
the researcher-scientist has experienced pleasure at its discovery and continues the experience
because it gives him/her pleasure as solo-masturbation does, the pleasure is tempered by
wrong values that are in the superego, opposite to the fundamental ethic that also says : “
masturbation is okay “. The Victorian period was a bad one for teenagers. If during the self-
masturbating experiment, the pleasure is surrounded by taboos and forbidden in some
cultures and is regarded by those same circles as being immoral, degrading, unclean and
unhealthy then any discovery producing pleasure, may not be part of that circle value. It is
good to have ethical pleasure and to be proud of oneself. It developed a healthy personality,
thus masturbation is bone for mental health. Our body belongs to us; it is us as our mind is us.
Body and mind is a complete unit called the psyche. Nothing is wrong with self-pleasure as
long it doesn't interfere with other libidinous pleasure.”Out” with the Victorian era, “In” with
self-psychic harmony. “Come; let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace
ourselves with loves.” (Proverbs 7:18).

A non playful individual carries most of the time the feelings of guilt to experiment a form of
self-psychic harmony (or for that matter any psychic harmony) as it would be disapproved by
his/her entourage. “And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is
pleased” (Hebrews 13:16). The pleasure of both the senses and the mind in a sane experimental
system is a reward of one or several healthy posed actions. When there is saturation, the
senses and the mind have no more fun (like to eat too much chocolate). This phenomenon of
non-pleasure where there is saturation tells us that we contain a form of innate ethics which is
our safety valve. On their search for mind-pleasure, the number one preoccupation of the
entire scientific world is already to find out the last remaining mysteries of the universe. It is a
course against time, for the competitive scientists, to get the four main universal forces into
one. Science found practical implications and applications for everything, even psychology,
marketing uses psychology as well as lobbyers and politicians. It can be, some time, a misuse
of that discipline. Psychology deals with mental life that includes feeling. Marketing and politic
infuses the life of the spirit (our mind) with data. Marketing encourages shopping and politics
motivates our wants. Discoveries by Newton, Freud, Einstein and many more became in no
time a mind phenomenal familiarity concerning their entire discovery relating to science and
also to feelings. Even feeling is of scientific matter. The known universal rules by science
became mind grasping of the depth of all know subject-matters, regardless of their complexity.
Our unfailing cognitive memory, unveiled by Freud, is legendary; unless the brain got sick and
cut the communication with the mind, we realize that our mind is an astounding living
encyclopedia in progress, an information processor. Novel approaches are a mind automatism
that constantly opens new doors for the Insights of the ego for better and deeper
understanding. Any living organism is a scholarly one that informs and enlightens others and
also the next generations. Living organisms are inspirational by their doings. All living being
has a mind to adapt by computerizing information, and feeling pleasure and pain in both
levels: mental and biological. All organisms learn, and they apply their learned lessons in their
daily lives to constantly better adapt. As we can see, adaptation is to improve ourselves, versus
the environment, by the phenomenon of neuroplasticity. By transforming themselves they
transform their environment ... for good or for bad, but always for themselves with following
consequences. In the mind context, concerning our doings and the following consequences, we
can clearly see that any organism is “messianic” in nature because of their learning, and their
changing behaviors for better adaptation. We naturally “redempts” ourselves constantly for
our cognitive processes to keep functioning smoothly. Artificially made paradoxes and wrong
ethical and philosophical values slow that process and disturb the mind. As we try to better
adapt by many different ways, we live in the anticipation of the pleasure of having succeeded.
We have one main purpose on live: our psyche-adaptation for better pleasure. The universe
itself do not have any purpose in its agenda, life does. The ultimate natural destiny of Life (that
includes humankind) is simply to evolve throughout a constant process of adaptation where
pleasure is the indicator of success. The automatic creation of the universe has no ultimate
purpose, life was not a purpose, and it is a natural phenomenon bond to take place. Life
became its own purpose, and forms of life have the natural tendency to search for their well
being. All our efforts, work and achievements, which impacted upon all mankind in every part
of our planet and others living worlds are geared toward that goal. Pain and pleasure are at
the same time a mind and a body reality, a psyche-reality. Our “toys” and sparkly diamonds
are, in our concrete reality placebos to adaptation, and also our self-rewards. As placebos they
give us “earthly” pleasures to compensate for our mind frustrations, that’s ok, why not? We are
human. As long we know it we can easily adapt properly to that fact and enjoy it. Those are
our concrete dreams, our apparent fantasies, we need them. Placebos are needed. It is
compensation, one of the mechanisms of adaptation. They are means that hasten our self-
improvement; they are the tangibles reality of our mind. They are the abstract psychological
concepts taking a material form: the messages of the universe to the mind by the means of our
doings to compensate for our lack of knowledge. Any of our non-destructive toys (bombs are
destructive) are catalyst for our own realization. The market is full of “teaching” toys for kids.
Our own realization it’s always within reach wherever we are and whoever we are. Our mind
is naturally eclectic, it can joins related segments of knowledge from different scientific sources
in the unconscious level to bring us (in the conscious level) the right idea to improve ourselves
and the world. All we have to do is to listen to our instinct. Some religions say: “it is god within

It is because of its self-interference that the universe is creative at every moment and at every
point of space where it creates time, and it is through our human interferences that we evolve
as well we are also constantly evolving through our psyche-intro-interferences, and it is what
makes us to be creative. The "Structural Unconscious" is made of the self-interfering natural
principles which creates our soul (our mind) as an intro-self-interfering mnemonic unit; it is
that structural unconscious that equips us with our common sense (which is fundamental
logic). The universe is the “creator” in the sense it keep producing many self-interferences
(including our own) for evolution to be a general creative process. “Fundamental logic” is
synonym of “Natural principles”; Fundamental logic contain the natural principles.

The cities are filled with hermits who refuse to become zombies, in the silence of their studies
they become the visionarie and silent disciples of a pleiade of geniuses like Nostradamus.

The peaceful opinions of an individual being base on knowledge concerning the justification of
reality by unshackle scientific proofs become his faith and his mind paradise.

“According to the number that ye prepare, so ye do to each, according to their number.”

(Numbers 15:12).

The basic math from where the universe began is the original program, thus the “core
program” which produces universal balance. The core program produces immutable laws that
are fundamentally the same core that repeats itself in multi-forms. “And God blesseth them,
saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and the fowl let multiply in the
earth” (Genesis 1:22)

That's why any living organism can program and reprogram himself from discovery to
discovery. Even the existence of the universe is subject to this principle. We can make 6 laws
out of it that says:

1) The structure of any system is basically composed of the same basic principle that repeats

2) The basic principle (core program as the first trinus) will always remain of the same basic
principle: duality and the link, it’s our own programming that changes.

3) The basic principle, been multiplied as it pushes the boundaries of infinity, in its multi-
functionality is the support of all programming.

4) The program changes, as it updates, being the result of the constant adaptation of all
systems under the influence of cause and effect.

5) It is the constant adaptation of the systems in a changing environment which is changing

the systems.

6) The only adaptation of the basic principle is to produce new structural elements (updating)
that may contain new programming.

“The Lord God of your fathers adds to these numbers many thousands, and blesses you as he
hath spoken.” (Deuteronomy 1:11).

What is the meaning of life? So far it appears there is no real meaning but automatizations
that made life to look after its own well-being and its own reproduction through a series of
adaptation. In other words, by looking a little more closely we can say this: the
automatizations of life are to reproduce itself and also to reproduce the knowledge of its own
evolution within the mind as it updates constantly its knowledge.

To do this, it is necessary for the presence of a dynamic stability (basic principles that will
never change) to be permanently in place that will eventually produce life. Without life there
cannot be thoughts. For that thought becomes a product of life. Therefore life is absolutely not
a product of thought. Life was there before thought was. No god ever thought of creating life.
No god exists before life become life. As dynamic mnemonic units we create our own spiritual
life (our ways of thinking). Out with any kind of gods and “in” with all kinds of natural
phenomena; thus: generation after generation it is necessary for an environment to be present
for life to exist.

This is to say that the mere fact of being, to possess a personality that makes any living
organism unique, even if that personality is only at the level of an amoeba, there is presence at
first of feelings of needs and then of production of thoughts. So, the changing basic needs of an
organism has to come first and then the intellectuals need has to come second; as it cannot be
any intellectuals need if the id is not being satisfied first, the body have to eat to fuel the brain.
easy enough to understand, if we do not feed our body it will die, how can a dead corpse think
if there is no mind attach to it anymore? This is the reason of why hungry individuals don't
care about social morality or the laws in force when they are pushed to despair to meet the
pressing needs of their id, because then only two basic choices remain: 1) to be a good obedient
citizen and to die from hunger; 2) or to live as a petty theft? In short: be a masochist and die or
be realistic and live? When one is force to steal, or to prostitute his/her body and/or mind, to
survive indicated the presence of sadism and lack of ethics somewhere around. No one have to
be in such despair that he has to steal food and sell his soul. The world can feed us all; in today
technological potential that our world possesses the presence of hunger is artificially made by

This is also true concerning mental life: some bigot societies leaves its citizens the choice of
being a good social citizen-robot who agree to believe in cultural fables and let their spirit die,
or commit the crime to think common senses for the survival of one mind over the suffering of
his body; look at Islamic societies.

During the birth of the universe, just the fact that we know now that the potential of our own
existence was already there at that time (simply because the fact that we are here now), then
we can express without fear that already there were presence of a potential mental process
and that this process has potential life of its own. So, the spirit (the sum of our mental process)
spawned from a series of physical and chemical interactions to become mental life. A dead
spirit (mind-dead) in a living corpse makes that unit to be a zombie. Life of the spirit evolves
and leads to newer mental feelings and better thoughts.

A mental environment is there to be the link that united all form of mental life; (we are talking
here about the spirit without a mechanical organic body) into one. That is why the same
common sense applies for all. Therefore a spiritual world (home of the spirit) has to be present
somewhere outside of this physical field of activities but attached to it. Some individuals call it:
paradise. We can therefore deduct that mind-paradise is: 1) a faith base on reason in the
presence of intellectual ethic common to all; it give us the power of proper reasoning; 2) mind-
paradise is also a concrete place that is the spirit world, made of dark matter and dark
energies: an Egosphere and her feeling which is the libido.

The physical universe that we see and feel through our sensory system is the physical sphere.
The mental universe is the Egosphere, home of the minds. That is our home after we leave our
biological body behind.

We are part of a Universal program as we are parcels of our universe, and been built by it
from its basic trinusial math which is interacting with forces that we are part of. It is
impossible to stop this program to exist for by its nature it expands toward infinity. It is an
extremely simple pure logic expansion into a spacial void. By it and through it energy
continually changes shape according to the same immutable principles which makes us to
produce our own thoughts in well defined structures. Without those structures there is only the
chaos of uncertainty. “Behold, God is great, exceeding our knowledge (expanding constantly):
the number of his years is inestimable (for ever)” (Job 36:26). Meaning the universe will never
disappear as it expands and self-updating.

Even the nicest Christians get mean and talk trash when they mentioned that their loving God
will throw to hell whoever does not adore him!

Jesus as our savior means humanity is its own savior. "Repentance" is a change of mind that
agree to see reality at it is, by believing (with tangible proofs) in the natural principles, and in
humanity to cope with them and with itself, is the way "to be save". Our "resurrection" from
mental hell assures us that we can claim an everlasting life (mental sanity) by our acceptance
of the reality of the natural principles and our reality in them. The translation of Roman 10:13
goes like this: For whoever uses the scientific approach shall be mentally sane; thus this means
that we can only have a clean faith in the natural principles by having tangible proofs of their
righteousness. Any sane minded individual can tell you the same thing, we do not have to be
Einstein or Freud to realize that fundamental truth, it is basic common sense. After all the
essence of primal religions is common sense in disguise. To accept the literal Jesus as the only
savior of the whole human race from mental hell is to reject our own self as to be our only
savior from our own mental hell, it is an idiotic approach to basic psychology; especially
knowing that psychology is taking the scientific approach. Therefore bigots are idiots, simple
minded individuals plagued with the mind-tunnel-vision thus intellectually restrained by the
shackles of the literal that makes religions to be different from each other’s even if the essence
is the same for all. The automatic gift of the natural principles is mind salvation by human
faith toward humanity with the help of these natural principles. It just makes sense that the
natural principles gives us forgiveness of our "sins" toward them if we follow their ways, any
scientists can tell you that. The power (literally) of the natural principles can "save" us from
mental hell and our social destructiveness; it enable us to live a victorious normal constructive
psychosocial life. By standing in the objectiveness of the natural principles promises (they
never change), therefore to show them "obedience" while keeping our own personality, we
become their witness, their disciples who confess them to the world. As we can see religion
takes words away from normal language and appropriates them for their own religious
language. Of course the natural principles command all men to repent! Or else we would be
keeping hitting our fingers with the hammer instead of hitting the nail, it is called atoning.

Truths and Mysteries

The murmur of common sense is the voice of truth at its lowest whisper, and is no cause for
turmoil and worry but for the fools; nothing in the universe is as pure as its light, and the wise
that follow its path become part of pure knowledge, as the truth is the ultimate richness for
understanding reality. All mysteries resided only in our non-understanding of the ways of the

By using common sense we know perfectly well that mysteries are designed to reveals
themselves to those who are part of those mysteries. We all have the potential to find secrets
that concern us since they are the same secrets that were building us to start with, in other
words; quite simply, it means that things one does not know yet today will be discovered later
with the help of science. Then it will be out to the public arena. To know ourselves is to know
the whole universe. During our live experience we discover by ourselves some scientific
evidences unknown to us previously due to lack of further education. This fact points out that
existence is a school of learning. Anyone can be a good student when his potential to learn is
used wisely in the direction to which it is most natural for one to put his mind. What is still
mysterious today are the things whose real function has yet to be determined, or we know
their function but not their processes. No truth is inaccessible to human reason in its constant
evolution. Nothing is in hiding; everything is under our eyes and around us for us to
understand. Naturally it takes some time to research.... time and means. We need only to be
curious and have the will to understand. Then, in regard to communication we share the
results of our research as simply and as clearly as possible so that the majority of us can
understand. With more scientific means and more educated people around the world, there is
less esoterism, as esoterism is only science understood before by few and now by many.
Hermetic are secret codes that lock the true meaning of sentences. They are starting to be
decoded with the help of science. What one was hiding under the cover of mysticism slowly
become scientific evidence. Some false mystics of our modern times still talk nonsense. The true
ancient mystics and prophets where the one who disguise an ancient science under religious
talk. False mystics say mysteries will never being revealed as they are Gods secrets. These are
only a bunch of human mystificators out there to gain control over the gullible masses. True
mystics and prophets say all will be revealed in time. True mystics and real prophets know the
science behind the veil of religion, false mystics do not. The universal law of consequences (as
always) will take care of false mystics and false prophets. Everything has its proper place.
False prophets and mystics can talk only about the shell (hermetic) that protect the seed
(science). The true prophets are the ancient ones that cover the seed of science with a hermetic
shell. They pass the secret from generation to generation until now. That is the real meaning of
being anointed by God because the word God means the truth is in science. To this day, some
Jews, under oath, must know the secret. The secret is in the well protected real oral Torah in
the care of some Levites High Priests descendants.

“For anyone of the house of Israel or of the immigrants who stay in Israel who separates
himself from Me, sets up his idols in his heart, puts right before his face the stumbling block of
his iniquity, and then comes to the prophet to inquire of me for himself, I the lord will be
brought to answer him in My own person”. (Ezekiel 14:7)

Now it is the time for the truth to be unveiled.

Religion is manmade subjective claims concerning how we shall perceive reality. For how to
perceive reality our world is divide in two domains, one be self-defines as “sacred” by religious
thought, and the other define as profane (scientific knowledge) by the same religious thought.
Science makes possible the description of realities and how reality dictates one's thoughts and
actions to obtain the desire results. Science keeps discovering some universal laws unknown
before. Some religion seek absolute dependence from their followers by blending into their
mind a mixture of fear and fascination before the divine unknown and its subjective laws they
call “God”. So far everything indicates that religions are basically ill-defined scientific data, in
metaphorical language, which became superstitions, and science has more of a “sacred”
character than religions. Primal religions is knowledge under riddle form, and the Jews
already know that creation and its continuous process (its dynamics) is described in the Torah
in metaphoric terms as “God's speeches” meaning the natural laws. Jews know that the Torah
is a book of knowledge composed of perplexing riddles that need to be solutionized. All that
exists is nothing other than energy manifestation and expression of its creative ability in many
forms. Energy (the light of God's) reveals its secrets through the intellectual and emotional
attributes of the psyche under the influence of causality, that produces “illuminations” or
“sparks of genius” that the Jews considers as “God's thoughts”. Even if thoughts are the private
domain of the thinker, they are accessible to anyone who learned psychology since actions
defines thoughts. Therefore, the logic of nature, toward self-adaptation, besides expressing
itself throughout matter and energy interaction, also expresses itself trough human thoughts
versus human saying in consideration of human actions. To teach us, by automation, all
details of physical and mental existence, the logic of nature (words of God's speech) is in the
specific properties and forms assumed by matter, inanimate and alive. Fantasies are twisted
realities, we are editing the truth to make fictions out of it, blurring to a certain extend the edge
of reality. Fantasies, covering up the truth and the essence of the truth, can be dangerous if
they are taking literally as being the reality and the truth. Some holder of the truth,
understanding what metaphors are, and how it affect our taste to fantasize (as a mechanism of
adaptation) to cope with reality, prefers to keep silent for various reasons, one of them is the
fear of being alone in solitary isolation from other human beings, especially from one own
close family and cultural environment, which will result of sadness for been forsaken or
abandoned; that reason stop most of us to confront the unrealistic beliefs of that close
environment; but nevertheless it is living in another form of solitude by itself when we do not
make that confrontation. Then experiencing powerful surges of emptiness and solitude
because of the lack of true human contact with the close environment where unveiling one soul
would stir-up trouble one may develop a acquired disposition to be alone (aloneness) in order
to cope with frustration from lack of communication. That is a mechanism of defence that can
lead to various mental illnesses if prolonged for long periods of time since emotional well-
being is part of one of our basic needs.

Let's face it; it is agnostism which is responsible for worldwide communication disorder.
Gnostism means knowledgeable, and it is in the realm of secular research and science. Our
original sin (to be agnostic by birth) make it difficult to be able to understand what is expected
from us and how to behave adequately especially if we consider that we have an innate ethic
build within which hits heads on intellectual nonsense which makes our intellect to run into
morbid irrational and paradoxical concepts. We learn at young age to repress some of our
legitimate feelings, and that isolates us from our direct surrounding (family and friends).
Frustrations lead to anger and troubles starts. We do posses the ability to understand, and
paradoxes are not understandable, they indicated by their presence some illogism in certain
concepts. It is fundamental for our psychosocial development that we grows up into adulthood
without frustrating intellectual non-sense which impairs us for being productive citizens in our
way to build utopia; as long religiosity and belief in a manmade god still running our live it is
an up-hill battle from the part of the Gnostic humanists to properly scholarized the masses.
When taking the natural principles as our ethical gauge to measure normality we can see that
it is the paradoxical syndrome disorder created by religions versus science that make a big
part of humanity to have a variety of behavioral disorders. That problem is easily detected and
can be easily treated by having faith in the secularism of science who study the objectivity of
the natural principles rather than having faith in a god-puppet call "God" or "Allah" or
whatever name man can dream on. Mental sickness from communication disorder in the
intellectual level because of the presence of acquired religious data makes some individuals to
become socially uncooperative, withdrawing in their sick world and being unpredictable and
hostile toward any environment which do not have the same beliefs than them. Currently there
is a shortage of professionals (psychiatrists, secular teachers etc ...) who would dare to
mention the truth without the use of euphemisms concerning some religions like Catholicism
and Islam (also Jehovah witness, Mormons etc ...) because of laws concerning "hatred
literature" and "hatred philosophy" (which by the way is the essence of Islam toward the non-
believers of Islam and the sanctity of its prophet Muhammad). This is why the messianic era
which is the era of the "Revelation" better known as the Apocalypse will be more a war of wits’
than a war of whips. We repress the truth for various reasons and excuses and we exile it in the
pit of our unconscious by our own desire not to see it. The Jews returning back from exile also
mean to uncover the truth as well as coming back to their homeland.

The “Glory” of “God”

Quotes: “The glory of God will be revealed and all flesh together will see that the mouth of God
has spoken” ... “For they shall see eye to eye”.

A “glory” is an optical phenomenon produced by a combination of diffraction, reflection and

refraction of light reflected toward its source by a cloud of uniformly-sized water droplets, and
being related to ionizing radiation. As for the word “God” it indicates the universal science. In
Christian art the halo surrounding the whole body of a person its call a “glory”. There are
many different sort of glory from various locations. We can have a solar glory at the steam
from hot spring; a glory up in the air with an aircraft shadow in the center of the cloud; a fog
bow, a bright, multi-ring glory in the cloud, etc..The glory can show many colored rings when
the cloud is made of uniform water droplets, but most people see only one ring in the cloud.
Sometimes the rings in the cloud fluctuate wildly in size. In China, this phenomenon is called
Buddha's light. It was often observed on cloud-shrouded high mountains, records of glories at
Mount Emei date back to 63 ad. The colorful halo that surrounds the observer's own shadow in
the cloud was often taken to show the observer's personal enlightenment in association with
Buddha. The association of a glory with a halo is not coincidental but derivative; they are both
light reflecting phenomena. Under the right conditions the light backscattered in droplets and
a glory can appear in the cloud much like an iconic Saint's halo about the head of the observer.
A glory as an effect reveals the character of its cause which is the universal science or natural
laws; some religions call it “God glory”. Sometimes the Catholic religion employs brightness,
where others use glory. “Glory” is the translation of a Hebrew word which had a sense of
“brightness, splendor, magnificence, majesty”. It was subsequently translated in Latin as
“Gloria”. The meaning of that physical, visible phenomenon in the cloud is found in Exodus
24:15-18. For some religions the term “glory” is employed to signify that the universe bears to
the nature of its Creator. In Judeo-Christianism a “glory” in the cloud is the manifestation of
God's presence, a sign of the divine.

“And as soon as Aaron spoke to the whole congregation of the people of Israel, they looked
toward the wilderness, and behold, the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud.” (Exodus

“And when the priests came out of the Holy Place, a cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that
the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the
house of the Lord.” (1 Kings 8:10-11).

A glory show where ionization processes occur. Radiation intensity decreases sharply with
distance, according to an inverse square law. Natural background radiation comes from four
primary sources: cosmic radiation, solar radiation, external terrestrial sources, and radon.
Ionizing radiation consists of waves of highly-energetic particles that can detach (ionize) at
least one electron from an atom or molecule. Any molecules that are ionized by visible light
react nearly spontaneously. Sunburn is one of the effects of ionization. For the Hebrews,
leprosy was a term for several skin diseases included skin burns from radiation; “When the
cloud removed from over the tent, behold, Miriam was leprous, like snow, and Aaron turned
toward Miriam, and behold, she was leprous.” (Numbers 12:10).

An ionization event normally produces a positive atomic ion and an electron. In biology,
radiation is mainly used for sterilization, and enhancing mutations. For example, mutations
may be induced by radiation to produce new or improved species. Radiation is also useful in
sterilizing medical hardware or food. Electrons, x rays, gamma rays or atomic ions may also
be used in radiation therapy to treat malignant tumors like cancer. Various types of ionizing
radiation may be produced by radioactive decay. The major radionuclides of concern for
terrestrial radiation are potassium, uranium, and thorium. Radon-222 is produced by the
decay of radium-226 which is present wherever uranium is found. Radon is a source of natural
radiation, and since is a gas, it seeps out of uranium-containing rock and soils found across
most of the world. It is often the single largest contributor to an individual's background
radiation dose. Because of its high density, it accumulates easily. When uranium in the soil or
in the rocks decays, it produces the invisible threat of radon gas. Because radon is colorless,
odorless and undetectable by the average human, a specialist need to be called when the gas
collect in a house. Once in the home, and building up over time to dangerous levels, skin
diseases will occurs after a certain period of time. No natural location is immune against
radon gas. In Leviticus 14:33 to 14:42, the subject of radon gas and other source that gives skin
diseases are covered.

The origin of Christmas

According to various Gnostic sources the "Christian’s party" of the fourth century assigned
December 25th as Jesus of Nazareth’s birthday since the pagans (even long before Roman
civilization) already observed this day as a holiday. Dec. 25 was the festival of "natalis solis
invicti," translated as: "the birth of the unconquered sun"; that official date was decreed by the
emperor Aurelian in A.D. 274 as a Winter Solstice celebration. That date was Christianized
later on by some clever ecclesiastical politicians as the date to celebrate the birth of the
mythical Jesus of Nazareth "the (only) Son of Light” without asking the Incas what they may
thing about that "tour de passe-passe". Our past mistakes are still hunting us today, and by
replacing the festivities of a natural event such as the solstice (the rebirth of the sun) by a myth
(the birth of the only son of "God") as one scholar said: "Christmas developed as a means of
replacing worship of the sun with worship of the Son”, we lost our mind in the meanders of the
tunnel vision of the Minotaur cave (meaning the Minotaur mind). The Adriane thread would
be to back up in history to find our natural secular pagan’ ways again. The religio-political
problem concerning Christian leaders of eliminating an already very old and extremely
popular holiday was therefore taken care of by transferring it as a Christian celebration. It is
the Roman Emperor Justinian who made Christmas a civic holiday. The name the Romans
gave to their holiday marking the Winter Solstice (the return of the sun) was "Saturnalia, a
harvest festival (from the god Saturn) honoring the god Saturn; from a one day holiday it
expanded over the years to a whole week, from the 17th December to the 24th of December. A
planet of our solar system was later on named “Saturn”, to honor the god Saturn (the god
representing agriculture and harvest), because of its bright orange colors. The beginning of
winter (the winter solstice) is the time when the sun takes its lowest path across the sky, and
the days are beginning to lengthen, thus assuring another season of growth. That week was a
period of merrymaking and exchanging of gifts. During the festival of Saturnalia, Roman and
other pagans decorated their homes with greens and lights; in their gift exchanging they also
kept the needy in mind. Intense and unrestrained merriment and passions leading to
debauchery was part of the festivity. Everyone, slaves included, participated in that
bacchanalia. The populace was rioting into the street celebrating Saturn (the fire god), the god
of energy whose presence permitted spring sowing and the growth of crops. In that epoch
customary greeting for the occasion was, "Io, Saturnalia! Io” (pronounced "oy"), and being
transformed as ho,ho,ho with our modern "Santa Klaus”. Today Christmas spirit is simply a
reinterpretation of the “Saturnalia spirit” which found its source in more ancient pagan
cultures, all over the world, celebrating the solstice return meaning nature renewal.

Ancient secular data from millennium old science concerning natural events where
transformed into various mythical language in different cultures. Like any world language
translating is required to understand the meaning of words, sentences, paragraphs and

The Devil Unveil

Because the wises are humans beings they also are subject to the human factor; it is part of
wisdom to realize that fact. When a wise man start to act foolish it can be functional, thus due
to the presence of the human factor, or it can be organic, like being hit by a sledge hammer in
the head.

To overcome self by studying the natural principles, understanding them, and to come out as
winner is the greatest victory and the most noble of conquest.

Ah these sociopaths! Behind their piercing eyes hides their killer mind, happy to destroy so
many lives for their own profits the psychopaths are master of deceptions. They create laws so
they can be easily victorious as those laws are making them the demonic guides of humanity.
Arrogant under their courteous smiles they have only contempt for the pain that is not theirs
and that is why so many humble hearts are so eager to embrace the time of their death. For
one to kill and by feeling good doing so indicates a lack of interest in life in general except for
its own. It also indicated a pressing need for that individual to be re-educated socially by an
ethico-sociopsychological treatment.

We are but witness, we testifies what the senses tell us and what reason explains, and the just
can explain the truth in few words but the need is there that he has to repeat them often. The
might of man is recognized in the animal world, and our vanities as empty as hell, can be
easily destroyed, more by the wonders of life than our terrible weapons trying to eradicate its
creation. It is better not to follow the path of a fool and leave him in the cloudy parts of the
dungeon of his unconsciousness where live in those dark caves the storm of his miseries; as
for us, we prefer the domain of reason where the light of logic guides us trough the fields of
harmony away from the conflicts of the dead-minds.

While philosophy pursues intellectual answers to our most fundamental questions like why
evil is part of humanity, the humanist approach appear to suggest that evil in the world is a
personal and social misuse of time and energy, toward oneself and the environment, in regard
of logic. As for the religions they provides us with structures were god is in charge and he is the
one to obey. Psychology and sociology are taking the scientific approach to study the matter;
their aim is to find out where lays the main interactive triggers between the evolution of the
psyche and the evolution of its environment that's makes an individual to be adapted or not to
its ownselves, his natural environment and society. As for politics, their “thinking” goes with
the wind of social pressure and economy; “power corrupts” as someone said before. As for us
we will says since politicians are representing the peoples they also represents our mind
corruption, our unadaptiveness to logic, and our mental sicknesses. We are the voters don't
we? Politicians are also representing our hopes for a better future and how we want to go
about it; the starting point of politic is oneself, our self-determination of how adapted we want
to be. To think and firmly believe that there is a real devil is to transfer, or redirecting, our
wrong doings toward an object, like the devil, to better repress those wrong doings. In
psychology it is called the phenomenon of Transference which is the unconscious redirection of
feelings and desires which are not permitted or ethically wrongs. The “devil” is the
reproduction of all our “wrong” emotions, which we repressed of having, into one mythical
“bad” being. The transference was first described by Sigmund Freud, who acknowledged its
importance for psychoanalysis for better understanding of the patient's feelings behind his

A) The devil, as the sum of wrong doings, is the sum of all the human sociopath’s doings. The
designation “devil” is to indicate and define a sociopathic person. The devil is not a
supernatural being that is a human invention that has served for a long time. Unfortunately
that name is misused and is sometimes still in use by some sects and religions that have control
over their gullible and naive followers.

The real answers lie in the eyes, and to disguise the look of our eyes shows nevertheless the
thoughts in hiding behind the color of the disguise. To be a devil is to enjoy the misfortunes of
others. For one to be evil is to create misfortune for others and to retrieve profit from it. The
devil is evil. We see here that he must be mentally disturbed and socially unfit in regard to
ethics to demonstrate that kind of behavior. Sociopath should be a psychiatric case. The devil in
charge is a very intelligent and charming politician that controls governments and
corporations. We know the devil by his actions. “A righteous man knows the rights of the poor;
a wicked man does not understand such knowledge.” (Proverbs 29:7)

The devil does an excellent job regarding the destruction of the planet and being the
responsible of insidious pollution throughout the world. At first the devil, in its stupidity, did
not really plan it that way; the pollution is simply a result of not planned “green” technology
for his own interest at the expense of others. The evil in the devil is not only not to care about
the bad consequences of his actions but to enjoy the profits coming his way because of it. “The
wicked will see it, and be grieved. He shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away. The desire of
the wicked will perish.” (Psalm 112:10).

We are even able to formulate two simple basic metaphysical laws on the subject. Those laws
stipulate that:

1) “Any action which is likely sociopathic by nature will always generate chaos.”

2) “As long there is chaos the sociopaths will be in control as chaos profits them only. “.

The term “devil” belongs to Christian religion and the term “sociopath” belongs to the universal
science of psychiatry. Both disciplines in their different terms refer to an asocial individual
with no regard to ethics.

“Their hands are skilled in doing evil. Officials ask for gifts. Judges accept bribes. Powerful
people dictate what they want. So they scheme together”. (Micah 7:3).

B) The Catholic religion makes reference to the devil as being the snaky one and gave him the
shape of a snake wrapped around the tree of knowledge. Catholicism also tells us Eve was the
first woman who has offered Adam to absorb the fruits of the tree of science to gain knowledge.
Therefore Eve was more intelligent than Adam. She did it after having her taste of reasoning
all by herself. Under the influence of her intellect, which on the physical part of the universe
have its source in the DNA (the devil in the form of a snake). Eve was the first intelligent being
into existence (so much for the chauvinists!). Concerning the invisible universe, not only she
can be compare to the Egosphere, but she is the metaphoric religious figure representing the
Egosphere. In others words: Eve is an allegory of the Egosphere, meaning: the dark universe.

In the Catholic religion, after the snake has reportedly told Eve that if she ate (assimilated) the
fruit of the tree (structure) of science (knowledge) she will know the source of the power of God
(logic and wisdom will be her’s). The snake also told her that she could use this power to her
advantage to become as powerful as God (logic of the whole universe). The wide hooded Cobra
on Pharaoh's crown were representing Wadjet, the Egyptian Goddess of lower Egypt,
protector of the Egyptian knowledge, and who was associated with the presence of the dark
universe. Here, following is a good example of a myth which is hermeticism wrapping a
multifaceted esoteric subject which is ultimately science in its pure state. Let's keep in mind
that the Catholic religion is a by-product of the Jewish religion which is the source of the Old
Testament: “And you shall return, and shall see the difference between the just and the wicked:
and between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.” ( Malachi 3:18).

C) According to the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud, the id is what is in charge to let
us know the needs and frustrations of our human body. The id is composed of a series of
messages one more pressing than the other from the body to our intellectual functions. The id
is the relay of information from the body to the mind by using the nervous system as a means
of communication.

The nervous system is the direct relationship of the biological organism with the external
environment on one hand and the indirect relationship with the DNA of the biological
organism on the other hand. That's the way that DNA is connected to the outside world in
order to adapt the biology and the physiology of the organism to its environment. It is
Darwin's evolution at work.

Biology tells us that the spiral of DNA shaped like a snake that wraps itself around a tree is
subject to change after environmental stimulus. DNA forms the genes and genes form the
chromosomes. The chromosomes (set of genes) convey their messages to the mother cell. A
mother cell splits into two daughter cells during mitosis. The mitosis is the cell division in
which the cell nucleus undergoes significant changes.

This says that the serpentine spiral of DNA is responsible for the biological and physiological
construction of the human body and receives the stimulus from the outside via various means
of communication, and acts accordingly to adapt. One of the DNA ways to adapt is to send its
messages concerning the needs of the human body to the head instance responsible to answer
it, and it is the ego. Thus, the constant transformation going on that induce various biological
needs as hunger, thirst, need of sleep etc. .. Relieve the realm of the id.

It is easy to see that the coils of DNA that are responsible for building the organism are also
responsible for ensuring its survival. When the biological needs are met then the senses are
also satisfied. It is therefore important to recognize that the human body has needs of its own
and has absolutely nothing to do with ethics.

I) On the one hand, we have a sentient devil with human will, subjective and sociopathic who is
a perfidious and asocial being that takes only himself into consideration in total disregard of
any kind of ethics.

ii) On the other hand, we have the DNA whose automatic goal is to take care only of the
biological organism in regard to its adapting to its environment and which has absolutely
nothing at all to do with any kind of ethics whatsoever.

We can therefore say that the devil is a sociopathic human being likely sadistic who serves its
senses for its own mental pleasure which is a mental illness of an antisocial aspect. While we
seek to define the devil we discover another trinus. This is the trinus of unsociability. Indeed,
the opposed are present and the link that united them is the unsociability. The opposing forces
are: 1) The DNA. It is of innate character due to the evolution of universal logic; 2) Sociopathy.
It is acquired characteristics due to a stop in normal evolution by inadequate learning.

As we have just seen, science is an esoteric area for those who do not know it. Then we also
realize that we need scientific knowledge to dissolve the hermeticism that surround esoterism.
Previously we read what the Catholic religion had to say. Now, it appears to us more clearly
the real significance of these phrases tinged with mysticism that the ancient true prophets have
written for us. It can be unveiled by science because it is all about science. Another thing, we
now know that God is a concept and also what's written in the Old Testament: “do not
pronounce my name in vain”, really means: “do not use science for wrong doing.” as we know
“God” is the hermetic term to say “Universal Scientific Knowledge” of which the Goddess
Wadjet is the protector in a form of a snake.

Ancient Babylon was a center of scientific knowledge, “They were to be young men who were
healthy, good-looking, and knowledgeable in all subjects, well-informed, intelligent, and able
to serve in the king's palace. They were to be taught the language and literature of the
Babylonians.” (Daniel 1:4).

Have fun researching... and keep in mind that: Primal philosophy do not bend under cultural
pressure since primal philosophy uses known universal natural principles to unveil other
natural principles.

Secular knowledge is way more important than any religious faith. Without that basic
unconscious impulse of knowledge under the form of a basic natural "feeling" (Life impulse) we
would never search for universal truths the secular way. Matter has to be view as being a
concentration of the natural principles (concentration of the light they are created with) being
assembles and bundle up to form different masses to understand that matter is of "sacred
nature for the mind" from which science can reach the "heaven" of knowledge and wisdom by
approaching its mysteries by the scientifical approach. Matter is not evil; it is what evil men do
with it make it dangerous; it is the presence of matter that brings enlightment since it is the
light that forms matter. Transcending matter is to find the light, literally and metaphorically,
and to find the ultimate reality which is simply: the realities of the light, meaning the natural
principles. Mysticism is all about the search to find that simple fact. “The spirit of God” is
simply the whole of the natural principles; it is a symbolic expression. The biggest true mystics
there was were ethical men of science, they were (and are) more closely to the universal truth
than any Catholic Pope ever was; a Catholic Pope was (and is) more a politician than a true
scholar and sociopsychologist. Catholicism and Islam are leech's sucking up the blood of the
Jewish faith for their own political purposes and economic agenda.

The truth does not possess hatred but liars hatre the holders of the truth and seek to destroy
them. A liar can kill a wise man, but by definition the words of a wise man cannot be
Transcendental Politic

In our daily struggle to survive, to respond to our basic needs, and persevering to be accepted
for who we are despise the fact that some individuals are out there to rip us off, and our
paranoid perception that some psychopathically-Sadist are also out there seeking to destroy
our mind as well as making our body to suffer, we still keeping our hopes for better
tomorrows. Sociopaths are thinking more to do us wrong for their pleasures than destroying
the suffering source (that's the rest of us) that provide their wicked pleasures. As a general
rule, egotistic sociopaths do not transcends the here-and-now of their egoist wicked ways.
They do not care about their environment, but only about their personal feelings and their
social position, not the social feeling nor others people personal mental health. Sociopaths are
driving us to mental and social poverty by their constant persecutions toward our mind and
our wallet. They are making slaves out of us. They are the external (bad) stimulus that slows
down our thinking process toward logic. On the other hand, oppose to them, the majority of the
world population, under the libidinous pulsion, are the ones that keep our hopes in humanity
and the rightfulness of life. Therefore, according to statistics the sociopaths are bound to be
eradicated for harmony to be integral part of Utopia. Constructive changes of the mental
attitude coming from the sociopathic person are needed to speed-up Utopia. We have to
persevere in our rightful, personal and social, ways in the face of those who seek to take a
wrong advantage of our body and mind. In psychiatry, a sociopathic person is no longer be
consider as a mentally sick individual but rather an socially unadapted individual having a
social problem; we must say that a big part of the world social problems come from them and
they are, for the most part, legally able to do their “abominations”. This is to say that we are
the one who gives them permission to torture us; as such we are part of that social problem.
So, are we planning to keep hoping for the best while sitting in our rear end accepting to be
mentally torture? Or we will do our part to built Utopia? Psychopaths and sociopaths are
doings socials evil things, they are devils, and “fallen angels” in earth as Catholics put it. They
fall into the pitfall (the trap) of egoism from sensory pleasures. Their mind are doom to their
own hell (mental trouble) until the cleansing up is done. All of us can be “little devils” some
time; we are all neurotics as Sigmund Freud puts it. More we are getting rid of our mental
troubles closer we come to built Utopia. We can enjoy with more acuity all the sensorial
pleasures the world can offer us without having a latent sense of guilt in our unconscious by
doing it the libidinous way.

What various sects and religions are saying about the sinners, the devils, the fallen angels etc...
Are only vanity from and ill placed religiosity on morality. Yes peoples are condemned to their
own mental hell, and no about eternal hell! And there is no such place as hell than our own
mind if we chose to make it so. In contrast of psychology, religiosity is a mental hell, a factory
of masochists. Psychologically speaking, we know now that any mental trouble and social
incapacitation contain multifaceted causes which led a person to mental sickness. According
the humanist theory that says: “everyone is born as a good person”, implies that a psychopath
(or sociopath) is fundamentally a good person who acquired the ability, by learning and
personal experience, to be associable and to find an artificial pleasure by torturing others.
That humanistic approach implies that a sociopath didn't really want to turn out that way but
was intellectually unable to go over that infantile stage of personal evolution in order to
control that kind of, direct or indirect, environmental teaching.

Sociopathic behavior is not a cut and dry static mental attitude from birth but the result from a
closed-circuit social learning. Poverty, as we already know for some time now, is the major
factor of rebellion against society in general in the form of sociopathy. Therefore, we can say
that a sociopath is a rebellious moronic individual toward society in general. Moronic mental
state is not necessarily a lack of intelligence, it is rather an ill use of intelligence and the
fundamental intellectual incomprehension of what sociability is, mean, and can do.

Many sociopaths have a high IQ and become extremely rich by manipulating societies and
eventually the laws makers themselves by their uses of coning lobbyist. They are the ones in
position to makes the poor’s poorest in order to keep that vicious psychopathic circle to
continue its course. As we can see, sociopaths creates and destroys sociopaths as sociopaths
eradicates themselves in various internal wars (gangs wars etc..) and high rate of suicides,
keeping their percentage low compare to the general libidinous population; but as long we get
“legally” sociopaths in high places doing “legal” wrong doings, in the name of economy, we are
doom to wait longer for our building of Utopia.

It is by trials and tribulations that we all learn things from different fields of interest, our close
cultural circle teach us their morality, how to see and do things. From there we keep going.
Psychopathy is basically the result of experiencing a cultural learning process that makes an
individual to stumble in transcendental intellectual matters and being unable to withstand the
cultural pressure that stop the mind to think logically. By willingly going trough
psychoanalysis sessions, an individual can labors his mind to find out all the causes which
brought him to such a sad situation to eventually regain his true (humanistically) good
(Freudian) libidinous nature.

For us (without been appointed judges) to judges means to weight a situation to try to
understand the process that makes that situation to occur and keep reoccurring. It is not to
judge in order to punish or rewards, it is to understand. In the psychopathic field we need to
understand what mechanisms of adaptation protect the sociopath that can makes a
psychopath to be a recidivist.

We are learning as much from our unconscious perception of things than as much as from our
conscious sensorial perceptions. Bandits (thief, recidivist laws breakers etc...) will develop
some kind of a “psi” sense, or instinctive perception of what happens in a neighborhood, a
specific situation etc...They are “smelling” the cops three blocks away. “Smelling” in that
context is a metaphor which involves a complex Freudian mind processing by the intellect. Us
also, we can “smell”, it can be “smelling” a situation, the personality of someone, and the
truthfulness behind a saying and a doing.

That “smelling” is a psi ability, purely unconscious and instinctive, it is our intellect giving us
results from analyzing a situation from previous subliminal or not experiences, that makes us
able to “judge” situations, meaning “understanding” them purely by instinct. Women can be
good on that “smelling” business. They have the motherhood advantage, they develops
unconsciously that sense of “smelling” for their kids protection.

A harden psychopath can “smell” bad situations or potentially advantageous ones from a life
experience in is business. His mind, in the unconscious level makes statistics, and he got a
conscious “sniff” of them, then as an inveterate opportunist, he follows is instinct. Non-
hardened sociopathic individuals in the crime scene are yet too egoistic self-centered
(egocentric) to listen to that statistical information. Hardened criminals can be some kind of
“crooked genius” in their unlawful field. They are the best teachers in the universities of crime
called “penitentiaries”.

In his “coming”, meaning: “in the evolutive process to become”, the young psychopath to be is
journeying from bad thinking (asocial thoughts) to worst doings (asocial external behaviors),
and eventually from house arrest to penitentiaries. Some of them got the death penalty.
Somehow the ability to “smell” seem to be a short-term essential function of adaptation for
criminal and a long term mechanism of adaptation for normal social people. In the list of the
Freudian mechanisms of defenses (changed latter on as mechanisms of adaptations) there is
no mention of that instinctual knowledge base on statistics made by the intellect in the
unconscious mind level, therefore what about we call that newly found mechanism of
adaptation the “ Messianic smell”? Hey? That sounds good! That will fit the Hebrew profile
that says the ability to smell (“smell”) is a spiritual (cognitive) faculty of the soul (mind).

We all know by now they are talking (without knowing it) about psychology in the threshold of
psi-phenomena. For us to use consciously the “messianic smell” is to permits ourselves to judge
in an unusual instinctive manner as not belonging to the usual scientific ways to discover the
truth behind things.

As we already know we have the natural tendency to do just that in every day of our life! What
is for the Hebrews the esoteric significance of the faculty of “smell” is after all a natural
mechanism of adaptation from the intellect. Of course that natural ability will be on a higher
level for the protective women (having the motherhood advantage) toward life, and for the
scholars understanding and living the libidinous feeling. As for the sociopaths, their misuses of
the “messianic smell” will be their downfall in the long term since the cop's and the scholars can
use it on higher understanding level than them. The scholarized cop's can fool them to be where
they are not expected to be, by knowing the psychology of a psychopath.

Why not gives ourselves the adventurous push that goes beyond the normal limits of our
existence? We shall not be only docile laws bidding citizens that learn a trade to live and pay
taxes to be protect by the law and to live an almost boring mental life until death; what is the
point to leave our mind floating in the twilight zone, at the mercy of some sociopaths and also
at the mercy of some religiositical sick minds, when we have the natural “messianic smell” of
things to instinctively know better? That psi sense of “smell” when it tell us that something
smell rotten is the instinctual hint to search farther before making any kind of compulsive
decision. That natural faculty of “smell” from our unconscient goes straight to the essence of
things and gets to their roots before our conscious can analyze anything!

Self-actualization, updating our internal mnemonic personal program with more logical data
makes us to expand our range of potential to see and understand things better. We can
develops this natural drive by hypnotic behaviors, meaning through constant practice to listen
to that “little voice” and sheer repetition to do so; compulsivity and “messianic smell” are the
two opposites in the trinus of “inspiration”. We scale faster the peaks of consciousness by listen
more to our build-in common sense. The practicing of the “messianic smell” by social people
can also consider as attempts to overcome their compulsive inclination to listen to nonsense.
Even psychopaths can do it if they want to; they were not born as evil people. The peaks of
consciousness, where the mind awakes from its sleep, can be self hard-earned mental vantage
points, but it is the only way to got rid of our mental sicknesses. “God” being just an abstract
term to say “All is in one within the universal rules”, includes matter, life and libido as parts of
the same energy. Nature fractalizing itself in various parts makes all parts to be different of
each other’s but using the same energy, but in different amount, to evolve. That's makes every
part of the universe a manifestation of nature, there is our pantheism. The parts of pantheism
we do not understand yet are under the label: “Chaos theory”. By birthright from nature, as
nature is our primal parent, we are not religiously or politically obligated (or suppose) to
believe in anything. In his dawn men found soon enough he is better to believes in himself, his
own wisdom, and to learn nature ways to adapt to his environment. That does include using
his intellect. Human are their own personal Moshiach by the presence of their own mind, they
are the first one responsible for who they are. A social Moshiach is someone like Newton,
Freud, Einstein etc .. Meaning that anyone who brings out the best in people from their
personal discoveries of “nature ways”. That fits the description of the Jewish Moshiach, but
that one will be more worldwide concerning fundamental Ethics, and not only concern with
the function of the relativity of time, time being also relative to the theory of uncertainty. It is
when every person acted like a Moshiach in his field of expertise and listens to the (true)
wisdom others have to offer that we can find ourselves to be really united by the same energy
in its pure objectivity. That would makes the world a better place to live than it is now, since
understanding is our natural mental heritage. It's a good thing that libido is present for
humanity to be united in it, or else nobody else than our own oneself will self-love oneself!
Without libido it would be a destructive non-evolutive world where everyone would be a
narcissist. By studying the universe from every possible angle, that's includes psychologically
and socially, it is easy to see that we will overcome racism, anti-Semitism, antihumanism,
antisecularism and others “-anti”, no matter how much a minority of psychopaths do for the
inherent goodness in people to be turn into foolishness as they turns us to be a loving bunch of
“suckers”. We may be fooled by them in short term, but in the long run they are the greatest
fools. So, it is a good thing that libido is there for loves to exist, or else nobody will loves the rest
of us.

By definition the natural principles are messianistics, that's makes our scientists to be the
Moschiach’ of science; therefore the Jewish Moshiach will be a libidinous secular minded
individual. Since the word "God" represents the natural principles then "the sons of God" are
the scientists who develops concepts from those natural principles; that's makes Moshiach a
son of God, but absolutely not the "only one"!

The "Messianic smell" applied to the field of Modern Metaphysics is the mind having fun
(finding pleasure) playing Sudoku in the unconscious level with partial information’s from
primal religions and today science and submits the results to the conscious mind; these results
are better known under the term “Prophecies”.

Moses the Humoristic Dowser

Concerning pleasure it comes down to these two basics: 1) there is psychosocial pleasures that
creates harmony; 2) there is asocial pleasures that creates chaos. The link that unified them is
forms of life in their selfischness or not.

Moses having a royal background with the education that goes with it was using selected
techniques from a number of sources (physics, quantum mechanics, psychology, poetry,
literature, astrophysics, sociology, geology etc..) to take advantage of his strong fluency in
plenty of those scientific disciplines to leads ancient Israel in “nature ways” following universal
principles being called (by him) “gods ways” and “Gods commands”. Moses frequent puns are
thrown in at no extra charge; here is the dowsing pun:

In few occasions, Moses indicated to his people, by striking the rock, or the ground (blow to
the ground), with his staff, where is the place for them to dug deep enough to reach (to strike)
the rock in order to broke the underground stream until water come out of it. Because of the
ancient Hebrews way of saying things, it is easy enough to misunderstand what it is writing. A
simple gesture indicating where the underground water is situated can become a miracle in
some people mind.

“Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb, and you shall strike the rock, and
water shall come out of it, and the people will drink.” And Moses did so, in the sight of the
elders of Israel”. (Exodus 17:6).

“Then Moses and Aaron gathered” the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them:
“Hear now, you rebels (somehow we can picture in our mind his smirky-face): shall we bring
water for you out of this rock?” And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff
twice, and water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their livestock.”
(Numbers 20:10 to 11)

“He made streams come out of the rock and caused waters to flow down like rivers.” (Psalm

“He struck the rock so that water gushed out and streams overflowed. Can he also give bread
or provide meat for his people?” (Psalm 78:20)

“He opened the rock, and water gushed out; it flowed through the desert like a river.” (Psalm

“Who turns the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a spring of water.” (Psalm 114:8)

“And they will all come and settle in the steep ravines, and in the clefts of the rocks, and on all
the thorn bushes, and on all the watering holes.” (Isaiah 7:19)

“They did not thirst when he led them through the deserts; he made water flow for them from
the rock; he split the rock and the water gushed out.” (Isaiah 48:21)

Moses was also a dowser, a water-diviner. He tells people were to dig with his own sense of
humour. Today Jews are “digging” a lot of stuff about science, scientific data, and also about
“diggings” puns. They will “digs” their Torah soon enough.
The natural principles shows us the path to a sane mental life, from their presence we can be
full of joy; it is their absence in our conscious mind that gives us sorrows; when using in a
psychosocial way they are pleasures for evermore; this is what psalm 16:11 mend to say. The
natural principles automatic self-purpose is natural (thus automatic) self-fellowship where
everything in existence are part of them, thus made out of them; and since they are made out
of energy ...well we know the rest of the story and the famous Einstein equation saying
everything is energy. What destroys the perfect relationship between the natural principles
and us is our conscious non-acceptance of them, and that destroy our mind, thus our sanity
and by domino effect we destroy our environment. The fact we accept them or not do not
means a thing to the natural principles, they just do their job by pure automatism. Trouble
makers in any conceivable fields we can think of are the ones who do not believes neither in the
objectiveness of the natural principles nor in their natural causal actions. The religious man
"sins" were originally mended to be understood as breaking the universal laws in the sense not
following them for harmonious psychosocial purposes; so simple isn’t it? Pure common sense!
By not following them "Hell break lose"; we have to understand to uses of common
expressions. To "sin" is man problem, to know how not to sin is the solution; and the solution is
within the universal principles, it is as simple as that. Translating Roman 6:23 goes like this:
For the wage of sin is mental death, but the gift of the natural principle is eternal sanity
throughout humanity redemption as humanity is its own lord. It is the natural mercy of the
natural principles that saves us from mental oblivion.

The Pope is an idiot with good intentions.

One day the Pope will leave the Vatican with the same feeling than a clown retiering from the

The Key to Happiness

"The keys of the gates of heaven" are made of secular data (from the natural principles) handle
down from Egyptian high priests to Egyptian High priests (from PETER's to PETER's). Soon
enough Catholicism will be considered as a childish and moronic philosophy in its ways of
understanding ancient scientific metaphors. On the other hand the followers of the Dalai Lama
will be glad that it is him who teaches them the ways of nature.

The purpose of any form of life is to adapt to fulfill its basic needs in order to find pleasure
doing just that. It is very simple; but some of us are getting off track and they are losing their
mental connection with nature: to adapt in order to be happy. We have to know and accept
who we are. Knows yourself and you will know the entire Universe as it is nature and we are
part of nature. We must listen to logic and common sense, they are united within us. “How
blessed are your men, how blessed are these your servants (servants of nature) who stand
before you continually and hear your wisdom.” (1 Kings 10:8).

Tranquility of mind is settling down our thoughts in the stream of logic with ethic in mind to
better see reality in order to adapt successfully and harmoniously to different situations. Let's
face it; self-determination is only a learning tool, at the end we come to realize that we do not
have any other choice than to have faith in the universal rules since they are the dynamics of
the whole universe. To have faith on them is to be confident that by following their ways we
can harmonize ourselves with them, to become one with them, without anyone of us losing our
own personality; let's say that to be partner with them is to built our harmony with a tranquil
peace of mind. There is no way out, it is modern science that paves the way leading to the
messianic era, it is the scientific community that is the whole of the messianic era. Science
already teaches entire nations, from the wisest to the simplest, the universal principles that
help us to live better (if we want to). Day after day we are witnessing the marvels of the logic
of the universal rules which modern science keep uncovering, we have to wake up to this
reality and take any primal myths (religions) as metaphors. We have to prepare ourselves for
the moments were the world will wake up to the natural reality of a purely physical, and
quantic, universe where there is no subjective god in control.

The basic principle of the key to happiness is in the form of metaphysical law: The key to
happiness is first and foremost to be a person of ethics and common sense which gives the
mental freedom that offers access to comprehension. That will cause a state of perfect mental
satisfaction. This universal basic principle, which is evolutive logic, is consistent with who we
are. Sociable individuals with knowledge of that basic principle have the key to their own
happiness. At first glance, it seems that the basic principle is merely a mathematical chain of
logic. This means that there are sub-keys. Those sub-keys are actually a lot of universal
principles. From those, we know we made the laws of science. These laws, if one understands
their metaphysical dimension, become keys to happiness. Using simple common sense is
enough to understand. We can even make a metaphysical law that says: The understanding of
the metaphysical dimensions of any known scientific law (universal principles) makes them to
become keys to happiness.

Followed by this metaphysical law: Common sense comes from an innate sense of logic while
paradoxes are learned inconsistencies. Ah, those keys to happiness! They are everywhere!
Look around you, no key to happiness is missing! To know that we are one with the universe as
it is in us and we are in it, it’s a key. To know the Universe do not want to trouble us is another
key. The universe has no hell, quite the contrary! We are the ones who create hell, around us
and in our minds, not the Universe. The Universe being an “It” does not have that kind of
subjectivity. whew.... there is no hell that awaits us?.... What a joy!

Our world tells us of different ways that each organism is very important. The function of each
dwelling organism is different for all needs to be satisfied. Understanding this is already a big
key to happiness. Let's not destroy our world. Here is another key to happiness: To be happy to
produce actions, such as benevolent actions, filled with friendship, civility, philanthropy, as
small as they are, we'll attract favorable consequences upon us that will make more happiness
come our way. It's from a bunch of small social doings that we reap one by one the flowers of
happiness. The nice thing about it is the fact that they are free. Even the poorest gentile can
reap them. They are free for all!

Happiness offered to others comes back to us. It is the boomerang theory under the name
consequences. Happiness accumulates and multiplies happy faces. Happiness remains our
property day after day. It's a treasure of great mental value that we can offer again and again
without ever losing a part of it but on the contrary we'll accumulate more and more by doing
so. Our capital happiness, when it is offered with a good heart, gives us extraordinary returns
of interest. Can any smirk-faced banker beat that one? Here is another key to happiness: we
now realize what the boomerang law of consequences is. It is basically the same Newtonian
law of physics concerning the actions / reactions of the physical world but transfers to the
metaphysical context. Let's make it official by calling it the metaphysical extension of Newton’s
first law: In any kind of physical action, there is a mental reaction of equal magnitude and
opposite in nature. Isn't it fun to make those laws? We want to make all psychiatrists happier
than they ever where by offering them this super-tool. It is the same thing in regard to
happiness, dealing with the capital & interests; it has an analogy with the economy. Here is
another key to happiness in a form of law: Some aspects of the laws of physics apply equally
concerning the mental lives of all living beings. Some psychoanalysts will go nuts with that
previous one...they will love it! This means: the same universe has the same laws for all; for
everything and everyone. The Universe is in us. Time is ours; the manner in which we employ
it remains at our discretion. There is no waste, life is not wasted and reincarnation must exist
to avoid life to be waste as for life participates in mental evolution as well as the Darwinian
evolution. By understanding these keys to happiness mentioned above, you will be pleased to
find others. Do not be afraid to share your joys on your quest for happiness.

“You shall multiply the nation, you shall increase their gladness; they will be glad in your
presence as with the gladness of harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoil.” (Isaiah

Universal natural rules are good news for the righteous and bad news for the wrongdoers.
Natural rules has the ability to affect all aspect of creation, they breaks all boundaries and
limitations, mind limitations included, it is called “evolution”; so we all bound to be genius,
punning around, with a solid sense of humour. That would be the light of simcha (joyousness).
The “dreadful darkness of exile” is to not understand natural rules, how they affect everything.
We can gain awareness of our own “Moshiach spark” (spark of genius) through the study of
the Torah's demystified mythical dimensions to find were lays the secular knowledge contain
in it; particularly through the study of the subjects of “mind redemption” which its
simplistically put as “redemption”, meaning to wake-up to reality, it is psychology. That
process of demystifying the Torah will open the eyes of our mind as it will increase in our
awareness of nature being the “Creator”. The “Holy” Temple of Jerusalem that will be build
with the coming of the world “redemption” will simply be the place (university) for secular
“Super scholars” to dwell in; the place of Jewish previous and future “Nobel prizes”.

Mind beauty comes with age, body decay comes with age; the passing of time makes them
(body and mind) to be in negative correlation; it is the moment in time that makes them in
positive correlation throughout the neuroplasticity phenomenon. As time doom the body to its
death, time sentences the mind to its eternity; to live hell or to live "paradise" it’s all in the mind
wherever we are, in this life (this existence) or in the "afterlife"( which would be more "after-
this-existence). The real sens of "Good battling evil" is mind rightfulness battling evilness from
agnostism (our original sin) and winning the battle; it is all in the mind, there is no need for
armed conflicts, those are of moronic short-time political nature being based on our passing
wants, and have nothing to do with the rightfulness of the mind, which is mind beauty. The
computer games our kids are playing, representing good battling evil in armed conflicts, are in
fact metaphorized “mind rightfulness battling agnosticism”; but taking literally it become in
their mind a “religious” cultural duty to transfer these armed conflicts to real live in the name
of rightful nationalism protecting the ever-changing “cultural rightfulness” known as “social
morality” or in short “morality”. As long moralities of nations are not based in the objectivity
of the natural principles they will continue to be as relatives as time is subject to relativity.
Mind beauty transcends the relativity of time because it is unified with the natural principles;
thus beautiful minds are called to live an eternal enjoyable live, versus evil minds creating
their own temporary hell (hell is ephemeral) in the realm of eternity.

Keys of Destruction

When man master his senses how rage can be mastering his mind? Only the lost souls in their
agony of being deprive of their reason searches relief over the blood of the innocents. Too often
the price of death is a living chest of pearls make of blood, and over these bloody tears of the
livings arouses the spirit of lost innocence.

“Before destruction a person's heart is arrogant, but humility comes before honor.” (Proverbs

1) We must understand that the keys to happiness are the keys to destroy misfortune. That is to
say they destroy the negative elements influencing the Ego in his way to find universal
harmony. After the cancellation of the influence of the negative elements take place, this
negativity remains classified in the superego as memories. We have learned while reading the
preceding pages that the superego is nothing more than a sophisticated filing cabinet that has
its own dynamics. What most influences the decision of the ego is the fundamental need of
satisfaction. When that need is fulfilled happiness can takes place.

2) We must understand that the keys to happiness are laws of the science of nature which also
apply to the formation of personality; therefore, they apply equally to all three Freudian
instances since everything is energy.

3) We must understand that mental energy and physical energy comply with the same laws.
Those two forms of energy are found to be the same one. It is duality that gave birth to the
universe that makes living organisms to be mnemonically dynamics units in the evolutionary
scheme made of energy. Determinism is none less than the continuity of the logical product of
the primal duality that produce gravity while making general evolution a reality; therefore
universal expansion, and the creation of so many forms of impulses that take place in the
universal scheme is determinism in action.

All this leads us to formulate that metaphysical law: Two mental dispositions cannot occupy
the same space at the same time in the mind. So the disposition of a person to be happy will
chase away the feelings of unhappiness. This is pure common-sense. Thus, the keys to
happiness destroy the keys of mental misfortune.

“He that studieth discords loveth quarrels: and he that exalteth his door seeketh ruin.”
(Proverbs 17:19).

This is much better than building a random happiness to the detriment of others. The energy is
not lost. According to the law of the conservation of energy, it is simply transformed. From an
unhappy disposition to a decision to be happy, we change the nature of mental energy by
affecting the wavelengths. The law of conservation of mental energy is another key to
happiness because this law is the same for everyone and everything. As we look at things a
little closer we can formulate this metaphysical law, based on the law of the conservation of
energy: Because the energy of the universe cannot be destroyed or created it undergoes the
phenomena of sublimation to change from material substance to mental substance. This is
Alchemy at its best! And if we think about it, it is plain common sense in regard that from the
big bang leading to the birth of life comes with it the mental processes in action since life is
mnemonical. So simple isn't it? Yes!

The previous law leads us to this metaphysical law: Since the aport or subtraction of energy
has the ability to change the substance of things, it can transform a disposition of mental
negativity into a positive disposition by reversing the poles of thought. Of course, because of
those laws above, it is common sense to stipulate this metaphysical law of the sublimation of
energies that say:

Since any mass has the potential to be transformed from one substance to another, that's
includes that material form of energy has the potential to be transformed into mental
substance since it is the same energy that move from one place to another. It’s fun isn't it?

As we have seen before, our world might be a playground as regards the granting of
knowledge if it wouldn't for is some individuals who love to tell tall-tales to induce conflicts to
serve their own interest. The key to happiness can only make us happy because they destroy
the negativity that affects us in our feelings. Yes! Destruction it will be, eventually it will
destroy evil. It goes without saying that simply to be sociable is the answer. For as we have
already seen, happiness is simply a positive social disposition that naturally comes back to us
from the environment.

“I would be with the kings and the counselors of the world who rebuilt themselves from ruins.”
(Job 3:14).

Mankind “redemption” is the mental destruction of mind wrongdoing and the physical
destruction of the products of our wrongdoing. Manmade disasters are always a prelude or
part of the coming of our better understanding of things. Manmade disasters give us insight
into the subtleties which are involved in the logic of “nature ways”. Nature always breaks
down all the non-compliant individuals, things, and nations toward its rules for us to be the
ones “ ... who rebuilt themselves from ruins.” (Job 3:14).

Who rules with nature can rules more over himself than all mankind can't do, therefore who
rules with nature can rules nations and mankind.

The age of “redemption” is when the self-revelation and understanding of nature and nature
ways will be so manifest in our mind that we will find it naturally logical that nature ways
involves the destruction of evildoings by pure automatism. The positive reaction and effect of
the redemption on all of mankind will be the cessation and the destruction of wrongdoing and
their products under righteous leadership. In other world, mind, commercial, political and
physical illogism will be destroys as universal rules says so. The words of the universal rules
are on the tongue of the righteous; this is just plain common sense! Anyone can be righteous on
his field of knowledge and dumb-dumb concerning unknown fields to him. Not every Einstein's
can make a cherry pie. Dumb-dumb do not necessary mean evildoer, it literally mean: “dumb-
doer” in some fields even if he is a good guy. Our existence is continually dependent on nature
ways; we better perceive that fact sooner than later. To understand anything, especially
“nature ways” we need not to nullify the subjectivity residing in our ego (but not to nullify the
ego) since it is our ego that decides; by reasoning (or trying to) were lays wisdom. What is
essential is the nullification of egocentrism and egotism for libido to take over. The nullification
of of reasoning properly by too much subjectivity would make one as a “human veggie”, we
don't want that, but opportunist sociopaths are making their best to do just that to us: to make
consuming zombies out of us. As evolution goes, may we all prepare for great days ahead. The
nullification of subjectivity and the nullification of objectivity are in negative correlation in the

The Ankh not only symbolizes knowledge but also the awareness that come along with it with
the help of life experience (see causality). Awareness of the ways of the natural universal rules,
not only on the level of matter but also in the field of psychosociology, lower the risk of panic
attack and deep depression; it also takes away some of the territory of the chaos theory and
automatically, by the domino effect, lower suicide rate among agnostics.

We don’t have to live forever with our frustrations, it would be dead-minded wrong to adapt to
frustrations without seeking the source of the problem and to learn how to fix sad situations.
We already know that frustrations has to be seen as opportunities to creativity; therefore
frustrations are part of the natural learning process of how we can reach some harmonious
results by the power of reasoning base on realistic secular data. Adapting to frustrations is
only good for a very short term; in long term it will develop psychological troubles leading to
various form of psychosis. Freud knew what he was talking about when he mentioned that we
are all neurotics. Objectiveness is the only way to research and find the causes of the many
ordeals we are going trough during our life time on Earth in order to foresee where and how to
avoid some of the same ordeals while adapting to life in general. It is only trough the secular
scientific approach we can do that, and not by taking literally some of the religious sayings.
Between science and religion is the field of paradoxicalities; it is the advancement of science
that shorter that distance, not the intellectual laziness of religions toward reality; but the
religions happy of the scientific findings that shorter that distance are saying sometime
hurrah, and sometime wages a controversial war against science which in its humility
research the why’s of controversies between science and religions. Science in its much
atonement is humbler than religions. Open minded scholars from being intellectual treasures
lecturers becomes intellectual treasures hunters who are finding treasures over treasures in
the field of the universal principles.

Recycling Defective Robots

To live is like playing tennis with the universe: it keeps sending us back the ball.

The only time that the extremist religious bigots believe in the natural principles is when their
uses by man can make their existence more comfortable, and also having faith that the
technology being issued by man, from his knowledge of the natural principles, can be put in
use to destroy (by bombing and shooting) the non-believers. In their foolishness they cannot
see that they are destroying their intellect and by domino effect sending themselves to their
own mental hell. But as defective minds as they are, evolution make it so that our intellectual
point of DEPARTURE BEING agnostism it is therefore Gnosticism our point of arrival
throughout time and reincarnations throughout time. It is a question of constant recycling.
The presence of the fools and the wises is part of the recycling process of nature, what is
poison for one is food for the other; nothing is waste in vain, like vanity goes to the waste of the
void, the refuses of one contain the components to sustain the breath of life of the other.
Nothing is waste in vain like vanity ending up in the big void of nothingness; concerning the
affairs of the soul a psychiatrist is as much on the need of the presence of the fools as the fools
are in need of psychotherapeutic advices. We are always receiving retribution, one way or
other, to be in the service of others, fools or not. There is neither a crime so big nor blame so
just that has no value. What does a soul do, who live in the beauty of wisdom? Does he blame
the universal laws to be there or he blames himself for not knowing them better? Or does he
adapt to them at the best of his knowledge, constantly pushing his own limits to be a useful
part of harmony in progress? Recycling is also mind management, conflicts in one's mind
indicates the presence of unwanted illogical data in the stream of cognition, staining our
thoughts, for adequate reasoning to resume its course; those wrong data shall be filed in the
appropriated mnemonic file (for further reference) of the cabinet of our mind called the
superego for better mind management; conflicts are symptoms of bad mind management.

As mnemonic units under the influence of data received, and as soon we get disciplined by the
causal laws for making wrong decisions by using wrong data, as soon we are also absolve by
the higher forms of logic (that's libido and causality) for the fact that within the curses of
mental illness there is the blessing of non-responsibility for one lacking the sense of reality.
Causal laws, in parallel with the exonerative libido, may makes some moments of the present
to be curses, for atoning to takes place, for some of our tomorrows to become the blessings of
past curses; mind evolution from emotive triggers depend on that.

“Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, Teach a righteous man and he will
increase his learning.” (Proverbs 9:9).

In the final analysis, a soul is a dynamic sum of different data which makes its programming.
A soul is a mnemonic unit which under the influence of various stimulus acts by reaction
according to its programming.

If we were in an enterprise which employs robots to perform specific tasks and their program
becomes defective, some solutions are needed. One of them is to debug it or to reprogram the
robot. It can also be recycled, assuming that some repair would not affect the smooth running
of its new program or its reprogramming.

“I shall give thanks to you with uprightness of heart, when I learn your righteous judgments.”
(Psalm 119:7).

For a gardener, a weed is a plant or anything growing from seed or other ways which is out of
place on his garden. What is weed in one flower bed is a need on another part of the field. A
good gardener allots the greens where most suited and trains them to create a harmonious,
beautiful, beneficial, and self-sustained ecosystem. Mostly on the unconscious level normal
governments see themselves as gardener’s, they are weeding while portioning out the assets
and making assessments of priorities to create self-sustained trading societies. An ethical
government would be more like a knowledgeable gardener listening to his artistic sense of

We recycle watches, washing machines, refrigerators, televisions and so on.... So why not
human robots whose program is located in the sphere of influence of the memory known as
superego? This would be much better and more useful than sending it to the waste basket for
the next 20 years or for life. Why let them rust in their corner without at least trying to recycle
them? Unless we are a society of consumption that throws away any defective stuff, no matter
the kind of stuff. Is it really the fault of a robot if its programming has been found defective?

“Ask the people of past generations. Find out what their ancestors had learned.” (Job 8:8).

Can we hold a grudge against a robot? Let’s reprogram the defective ones and recoup human-
robots who suffer the law of consequences. They can be a very large societal contribution
through their past experiences. Their recent experiences (the consequences and their products)
and their desire, when it takes place, to make good by participating actively in social
reconstruction is welcome. Do not forget that all past mistakes are important to know for the
advancement of our present knowledge and therefore civilization. Freud said we have to find
the right balance between the needs of the id and those of the superego. For a defective
Robotus-Humanus to atone he need the proper acquired programming from the environment.
The knowledge of the whole universe it’s the proper program for us to use, a healthier
reasoning depends on that.

“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the
peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” (Hebrews 12:11).

It is better to see the light of history without resentment. The vendettas never assisted anyone
in need and bring only destruction and tears. The experiences of each are good for the benefit
of all. One has to open his mind and his heart to comprehend the needs of society. It is not only
economics, but also mental harmony. One has to use reason and ethics together or he will
neither see nor understand what is going on. Or: “The entire vision will be to you like the
words of a sealed book, which when they give it to the one who is literate, saying, “Please read
this,” he will say, “I cannot, for it is sealed.” (Isaiah 29:11)

Defective human robots are full of complexes. A whole culture can be affected by a messianic
defective robot. The Catholic religion and some others religions followed the Messianic
complex. It is the self-concept of believing them to be the only holder of the truth. It is a state of
mind from which a religion sees itself as having transcendental powers that are destined to
save the world. An individual, a cult leader or a cult creator, is viewed as the messiah by his
disciples. Catholics made Jesus of Nazareth their messiah. All the false messiahs are bigots who
claim self-awareness called divine inspiration.

Every year there are hundreds of people who claim to be the messiah. Until now plenty of
“Messiah” are making a habit of “creating” mental and economic crisis in order to later on be
the only savior of the poor helpless soul upon whom those crises has been perpetrated. Whole
cultures like the Islamic culture are also claiming to be the messianic one. Wrongly educated
people, religiously or other ways, deserves the chance to be re-educated with social ethics in
mind. The fact that criminals are not ethics observant is mainly because these individual were
raised or be allowed to dwell in a non-ethical atmosphere, like unethical peer pressure, and
were not raised according to a proper human education. Poverty from unconcern politics
plays a role. By ethical right, first time criminals have the status of child who were held in
captivity amongst an unethical surrounding and does not fully realize the importance of
disciplined social human behaviors for the harmonious evolution of societies. Therefore they
cannot be held totally responsible for their lack of ethical observance. They need to be recycling

Certainly it is the responsibility and privilege of societies to try to ethically re-educates as

many criminal as possible, because of their lack of concern in the first place, to prepare them
for a normal life by increasing their understanding of what ethic is. Not just to lock them up
and throw the key away. Even if a child grew up amongst criminal, there is nothing that
hinders him from being an active ethical member of society. Any normal child can be taught to
use reason and libido to do his part for the positive evolution of the world.

Recycling defectives Humanus Robotusses involves redirecting the flow of cognition toward
the “social personality” by by-passing the “sociopathic personality” for the individual to be able
to use his innate tendencies, and acquire competencies, for the good of society. To be able to
function socially require that the adequate input has to be directed to the adequate mnemonic
personality; all personalities from the associative personality are using the same intellect
having many cognitive channels, it is a matter of canalizing the flows of cognition.
Neuroplasticity is there to help. Many different ways are already in use with different results,
the most drastic is lobotomy, the less drastic is psychoanalysis, the in-between is balancing the
brain chemistry by chemical means; electrical shock treatments are also in use, ... the electrical
chair would be the last; a onetime deal, moronic treatment.

Punishment has to fit the crime, and the effectiveness of any punishment reside in the
development of honest empathy from the criminal toward the victims, and for him to accept
atonement by understanding that he was responsible of his actions, and also what socio-
psychological mechanisms were involve in his actions. From there on, knowledge and
atonement would deter him to be a repeat offender. Once a criminal of the mind, or once a
common outlaw criminal realizes the harm he has caused to various society members, he can
be a useful mnemonic tool to society. On the other hand, society has to understand what the
purpose behind any crime was, was it a last hopeless attempt for survival? Was it just for
fun? ... By religious conviction? etc ...Society has also to atone toward individuals as
individuals has to atone toward society before any kind of true and honest social harmony can
take place.

It is not striking back what is important but to recycle the nature of an individual for ethical
social purpose and pray (and hope) for them to be useful to themselves, and been socially
useful in the future. The high road of reconciliation is to confront our destructives behaviors’ on
both side of the fence in order to tame for the good the impulse of survival. Everything is useful
for something, energy does not waste itself. The universe is a recycling machine of the same
basic energy as it expands, evolves and creates. What we consider waste, any kind of waste, is
therefore recyclable for our benefit and the environmental benefit. Everything, by its own
nature, has a beneficial function somewhere; the thing is to find out where and how. To bury
our toxic wastes, and that includes our antisocial man-made criminals, and forget about it is to
bury our head in the sand like an ostrich not realizing that it is our behind that kisses the sky.

From being a fifth wheel, one can become the fuel of humanity steering itself toward harmony;
who does not grasp that concept and work against it become part of the braking system of
humanity on its way to harmony and building utopia. Therefore any fifth wheel can also be
considered as a spare tire if it is properly taking care of.

A living god is a fake with a certain allure of fantasy being dreamed by Moses and Co.

Happy Humanus Robotus

To do anything solely for monetary profit is deadly wrong.

Intellectuality is a reward by itself, but if we let libido keep it company then wisdom is our well
deserved reward. We can be loving bundles of Humanus Robotus (that’s us) in the Universal
field; that would make us a bunch of happy campers. All our needs are always satisfied. If we
need love we got love. If we need to be spank we get spank like or not. Logic is in charge and
logic is an “it” not a “Him”. This fact is, at the same time, better and worse; better for the
ethical people and worse for the evilest ones. The quacks are somewhere in between. What we
think we need is not necessarily what logic says. Logic is always right. We cannot foul logic,
only ourselves. Logic is the automatism that spanks us in different ways when needed. No
hiding place exists anywhere because logic is everywhere to run the show. Logic neither loves
nor hate. Logic is objectivity at its best. Logic has no feelings. So beware! In certain religion,
the trinus of logic is represented as a triangle with an eye on the center, the center being: the
balance of justice is always present, and the eye means: logic is everywhere and sees it all. The
Humanus Robotus is a natural wonder of life. He has his own basic programming. He lives in
a programmed Universe that takes care of all his needs while he programs and reprograms
himself according to his needs and his wishes. Logic takes care of his needs and he takes care of
his wishes.

Us, Humanus Robotus, We are: 1) Universal segments of a logic at work. 2) Entities, 3)


1) Universal segments of a logic at work since that logic is part of us and its part of our mental
structures. Logic is the motor of the motility of life. The link between everything is logic. That's
why we are under the same laws that govern all the energies in their different substances.

2) As entities we have our own personalities. We are our own soul and we own our biological
body. We can do what we please with it as long it does not interfere with others. We are son
and daughter of a parent that has its own identification, which is logic. Its actions are logical.
The structures of our intellect are at its image; “So God (logic) created man in his own
image...” (Genesis 1:27). We operate under the same principle as a whole ... interlocked forever.

3) It is in our mental capabilities to be who we want to be. Our intelligence gives us the
potential to program and reprogram ourselves at will. Mentally, we are who we decide to be.
The life of the mind it’s from the structure of logic and the quality of our mental life is up to us
as we are the ones who decide who we want to be.

It's easy to have a clear understanding of that universal programmed theory, which stipulates
that we are really a bunch of programmed Robotus Humanus in a universe that is itself a
program at work constantly self-updating. To produce a way of life, existence itself, can only
be of a mathematical dimension. We do not know yet all the mechanism, only a few of them.
Physics is logic-mathematics in the form of energies and we are part of it.

“Full of splendor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever.” (Psalm
111:3). Translation: “Full of splendor and majesty is the energy (or nature), the righteousness
of logic endure forever”.

Why Robotus Humanus did started to congregated? Because Robotus Humanus want to
respond to its basics needs. Men (Robotus Humanus) social congregation exists solely for men
adaptation toward its environment and for the fulfilling of their natural responsibilities
toward themselves, their families, and others within the body of their social environment. We
naturally put nature in its proper place as our primal natural and only logical rule of faith. In
ancient times worshipping nature was to live accordingly to nature ways. Practices, policies,
and procedures for the congregation of men were made for social harmony. All of our present
activities are for our mental and physical well being.

Our studies of nature are, for entire different congregations all over the world that form the
core of men fellowship, to cope with nature. Congregation that lives respectfully the principles
of nature functions as a big family. In our twenty-first century a natural congregations is the
one that still teaches secularism within humanist philosophy base on firmly grounded common
sense principles and practices. These are congregations that stands before the world as proper
example of what men expects from nature and what nature expect from them to be fruitful to
them (like planting a cherry tree and care for it). As fundamentally pagans, they are
practicing their faith toward the way of nature as it should be practiced by believers of their
unity with nature. These congregations are committed to follow the example of nature in their
human ways; they are devoting themselves to nature ways for their own benefits. We are
having regular assembling, (i.e. learning in school, scholars meetings etc..) to corporate
worship of nature by our study of nature and seculars textbook concerning scientific
knowledge. By meeting together on our leasuring time in small family groups, and any social
groups in any social activities (like oil painting or dancing) in our search of fellowship, proves
a natural libidinous devotion and attraction toward nature. Scholarly qualified persons who
have been chartered by society can serve as teachers and professionals. In a truly natural
pagan functional community, psychologists are commissioned by society to support the
natural logical mental behavior regardless of political tendencies. Educated believers in nature
ways, they are in any manner consistent with the requirements of nature. Psychologists,
engaged in their mind-healing ministry, are pursuing their discipline in obedience to the
automatism of nature toward the mind, to relieve mental pain. Throughout the ages to our
present days, different adverse circumstances have forced mankind to take more of a secular
position than religious position to cope with mental and physical realities. Humanity has
naturally a significant interest in its mental health, in any geographical area of the world, to
see that the foreseeable future of mankind is to keep functioning as an active world
congregation toward self-harmony. Sometimes we have highly speculative views of what
nature is, our sciences investigate from those views. As to this day, in human mind, nature is
subject to different interpretations, and nature do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions
of different religions that subjectively speak for it, being blind of nature ways (logic). If anyone
disagrees with nature please blame yourself for being mentally sick.

Nature, by its own automatism to be merciful and gracious abounds in mercy, as mental
sickness is the veiled mercy of nature.
Sailing the Quantic Waves

The distance from our starting point toward achieving a goal, is composed in each of its points
of cross-sectional information (transversal data) helping us to reach our goal. To deviate from
the direction leading to our primary goal is to find ourselves on one of these "objective-cutting”
road made of data leading us towards other goals. This is what is called: "To lose track of our
ideas", or “losing track of our primal objective”. We are Human beings sailing the quantic
waves, how nice! Our point of departure is point “a” and our point of arrival is point “b”. Point
“a” is the moment of our birth, the entrance door of this physical side of the universe. After a
little well we are here come our fundamental questions about “why all this?” Point “b”, is the
moment of our death, the exit door, from where we go back home (home is “paradise”, the dark
universe). In between “a” and “b” we do a lot of stuff that teaches us a lot. The hope is in us that
we'll find basic answers to get out of our original moronic state of mind (our original sin). We
already found some of the answers to our questions before leaving to a better future (that's
after dead). Yes! A better future. Is it not what we all desire? Our needs are always answered,
think about it. Small boats that we are... we come in different colors, different shapes, and
different sizes and so on ... you see the idea. The departure of everyone has different times and
departs from various cultural ports. The waves of energies under our stern can be agitated. As
we move further in existence, the waters are sometimes extremely agitated. What make the
agitation of the waters are the whirlpool of paradoxes, taboos, non senses and our lack of
knowledge to know better, which can be resolved. During our journey we catch fish from the
quantic waters and assimilate them. Those fish represent small pieces of science from the great
ocean of knowledge. We absorb a little bit of knowledge all the time as we go along.

Some time we learn paradoxes which are misplaced elements of information. Do not confuse
paradoxes with pure quacking non senses, it is not even hermeticism, they are “Quack”
sentences. A Quack is a jerk with his mind swimming in the darkness of the void. The typical
quack has no idea of what he is talking about and believes on what he is saying is true and
cannot be understood by mere mortals.

Quacks are not yet listed as one of the species facing neither the danger of extinction nor the
evil-minded. So, let's do something about the evil-minded. The hunting season it’s open. There
is only 10% of them and 90% of us. We got the number and they got the position; psychiatrists
are good people, they are in our rank and they have the keys to lock them up, so the quacks can
be reprogrammed. All right, this is to demonstrate the difference between Quack stuff and
paradoxes. Quacks invent non sense, and paradoxes are confrontation between elements that
are in the wrong place, one cannot make a cherry pie with dentist tolls in the top of a coconut
tree in Alaska. It is from scientific knowledge that we can put each element that forms a
paradox in the place that best suits it. That would calm the mental storm that gives headaches.
To assimilate small parts of knowledge of science we must fish here and there along the way. It
calms the rush of wrong brain waves. As a first line psychiatric attendant Denise Allain
(Moncton N.B) said: “It is the good waves of energies from ethical common sense that make
our solar panel (our mind) feel good”.

To go from point “a” to point “b”, we can make a bunch of zigs and zags or go straight ahead.
Sometimes we stop and then we'll go again, fishing bits of knowledge that are swimming our
way. Naturally, sometimes we have to slow down a little because we have to digest these
fishes, and then sail on again. We have our own angle of approach to understand things and
we want neither taboo (turbulent waves on the way) nor quacks quacking nonsense to stop our
momentum. We do not yet know what kind of fish we'll catch and eat on our way. Nonetheless,
a fish is a fish, a fish of science is made to eat and digest, and it’s good for our mental health.
There are lots of different fish in the ocean of knowledge, and they each have a different story
to tell. Well, row row row sailor...lets fish and row.

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or
speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you.” (Job 12:7-8).

The Substance of Logic

Since the universe is all truths in is various processes then the ultimate truth is logic at work in
its energy form.

The universe is not a diplomat, the rules are the rules, and it is one way deal; that what's
makes every one of its words (behaviors) credible, so no one can doubt any of its promises.
Transcending matter we find logic, as logic is forces on the move (energy) called nature. No
one can transcend logic since logic is all there is. “Divine logic” is the logic that rules the
universe, as a “Divine cheery pie” is an excellent one. “Pie in the sky” is anything we can dream
of. “Infinite Divine Logic” means logic in its interactions is infinite even if the energy of what
logic is made of is finite, measurable and some time eatable when logic takes the form of a
cherry pie. Logic is energy. The motility of logic is as relative as time is since time is made of
logic, and the making of a cherry pie is relative to a lot of options in the move in the veils of
time. Need an aspirin?

The promised world of good (Utopia) can only come after the surrendering of our mind to logic
as logic in the mind is also righteousness in the mind and in the hart (libido). Logic can makes
that particular “pie in the sky” (that is Utopia) to come true. That's makes the top of the cream
of the Utopian citizens (the Jews) a bunch of genius with the nasty habit to loves punning

The substance of logic is the substance of nature: energy, quanta on the move. Logic is nature
way. Energy is logic on the move: it is time itself! Einstein equation: mc2 = E reaches the
unforeseen metaphysical dimension as it indicate that energy produce life by the means of
“muddy” physical matter which came to be by the bundling-up of Hertzian wave of energy. To
make a long story short, time produce life and nature is time. Therefore, we are the living
ticking pendulums of time as any forms of life, and matter, including a divine sherry pie!

Here's what Job has to say about morons in high position: “He (Logic) deprives of intelligence
the chiefs of the earth's people and makes them wander in a pathless waste.” (Job 12:24)

Let's tidy-up our mind about how we perceive logic so far. We know that there is presence of
trinus. Each trinus is composed of two opposites (duality) that produce a link and the whole
compose a system. Each system has its own trinusial character. All trinus becomes the
opposite of an another trinus which make them interdependent...and so on. Ultimately is a
fundamental activity whose source is an impulse created by the presence of two primal
opposites being part of the very first trinus responsible of the creation of the universe. Making
time to be energy (forces on the move). The big bang theory as mentioned by Einstein would be
the first impulse and the source of all impulses.

Then we can make this law: “The source of all impulses is the physical aspect of the work of
logic.” The work of logic being the forces in action; in short: energy.

So necessarily, one of the primal opposite-cause has to be an empty space that draws the other
primal opposite-cause into it, which would be a primal masse; that primal masse being
fractalized into wavelength for becoming energy.

We can make a metaphysical law which stipulates that:

“The basis of logic is of a basic physical nature. It is the activity of the opposites that give logic
is mathematical dimension, and the concrete activity of all its geometric shapes.”
Thus, we find that this is a result of a series of interdependent trinus that produce life. Life
came to be as the result of a logical sequence that is of a physical character.

Therefore this metaphysical law says: “The substance of logic is a shift of energy.” Shifting
energies are logic at work.

Followed by this one: The source of logic is the first impulse (big bang) which is a force
travelling toward the direction of an empty space (a void) made of gravitons.

And this one: “The continuity of logic is the coherence of the trinus interaction.”

And this one: “The trinusses defines the cause of the stability of logic “

And we'll end up with this one: All forms of evolution are the result of all forms of work from
logic, called energy.

This last one is pure common sense!

So, we can say that: “Logic at work is an evolutive coherence of energies” and that would be
our final law for now. This is to say that the term “God” covers the concept of the science of
logic itself. Logic is objectivity, only entities are subjective, and both are intermingling.

Logic and ethic lead us: “To have knowledge of wise teaching; to be clear about the words of
reason” (Proverbs 1:2).

Jews are learning, and hearing all the time, from their rabbis, about how the Torah and
science don't contradict but complement each other. Jews learned from millenniums that all
the forces of the cosmos are really a single fractalized force. It is now that our sciences are
searching for the Unified Field Theory. There is no other “Creator” than nature. Nature always
adjusts itself automatically. Nothing can defy nature logic. The laws of logic are absolute; we
just don't know them all. Logic does not defy its own laws of physics since the laws of logic are
made of quantic and physics substance. The absoluteness of logic resides in nature, and nature
creates life, and life creates living beings; therefore logic is not purely an abstraction of dry
mathematics, it created its own mnemonic units that contain emotions; things and emotions
are disturbances to each others, that's what makes the universe of a non-static character.
Without that mutual disturbance the expansion of the universe would be only a static
expansion. It is the fact that the primal mass was non-uniform that the dynamic of the
universe it’s possible. We can see logic as where the automatism of determinism makes cause
and effect to be inherently linked to both: emotions and things; this is where the concept of
divine providence came from in a very generalized and simplified form (as “god”). As the
Lubavitcher Rebbe once put it to a group of scientists, “So let's just say we already know there
is a Unified Field Theory and we'll call it God”. Because emotions and things are interlinked as
subjectivity (free will) and objectivity (natural laws) are interlinked, logic makes it so that a
“principle of uncertainty” has to take place since life affects things, and things affects life. That
principle was first enunciated by Heisenberg in 1928. Since then, experimentation has
repeatedly affirmed this concept. We can see that logic is not uncertain, but it contains that
principle; it is the same principle in a different form that says: nature it’s not life but it contain
that principle. The Jews see themselves as having the task to transcend physical matter by
comprehending the natural laws that rules it to elevate their mind. They are saying that would
reveals that the “Divine” is in his (its) own logic, and that would makes the “Divine logic” be
part of this human world and making this world His (its) home. Rabbis are saying that the
Hebrew word “olam” (meaning “world”) also means “concealment,” for matter is where God,
the Divine, is concealed. They says matter is totally dependent on “God” (logic), because it is
His (its) creative force that is actively regenerating the world every moment. However,
according to the Rebbe’s and Rabbis, the concealment of the divine logic (god) is not to last.
They view their job as to transform people mind by elevating physical matter to its
transcendental dimension for revealing the “Divine” in it. They say: “We accomplish this by
fulfilling “God's” will”. According to them, because of their hard work in every fields of science,
our world will be a “dwelling place for the knowledge of God”.

As psyche's (body and soul) under the influence and the processes of the natural principles on
all their energy forms (physical and chemical), we become the ways of the truth, no one can
come to understand the natural principles but by the way of understanding their processes
that runs the psyche and the rest of the universe around; John 14:6 was originally mend to say
just that. To conquered mental sanity we must atone in the sense we must admit that is by
original agnosticism that we have sinned against the natural principles, that we are the ones
who "crucified ourselves in the cross of our consequences, and that we are only our own lords
of our own mental royal estate therefore our own saviors.

Law: The universe is a mechanism that will never run out of motion due to its expansion into the
void surrounding it, and also due to the fact that the infinity of the void will never run out of

Any atoning idiot can become a wise man.

The Programming

The truth has no limits, only lies have limitations; this is why whom uses lies indicates how
limited his mind is.

The universe is computing, our mind is computing, our brain is computing; they are computing
by following the same basic logic. The program that runs the whole universe is the evolution of
logic itself. It is the determinism of logic in its constant automatic self-updating. It is the self-
continuation of logic making by its own nature, a program for the Universe to follow. That is
why statistics are possible. So far we understand that all the laws governing the Universe as a
whole are produced by evolutive logic. It creates ways of life, automatically ensuring its
continuity by a series of constant forms of adaptation. That makes the Universe and all its
components in their dynamic to be gifted as energy-motile under the influence of the
programming. That produces all the results we are able to see, measure, and understand.
Throughout history, a lot of people have complained and still complain about being born in
this world without an instruction book that explains how to govern oneself, to rule the land
and to adapt to everything and everyone. Those instructions are codified, they were always
present; it is the physical universe in which we live in. Its language is clear to the individual
who wishes to pay attention. For us to decode this coding develops our intelligence. The
language of the coding is the multiple functions of matter that surrounds us. We can copy them
and we can use them. This coding is composed of phenomena that occur in any substance that
changes its nature. We have to define things to know things. The universal natural principles
as we know them are our definition of how we understand the ways of nature. It is like a work
we'll have to do to better adapt. Like any work well done deserves a salary according to the
quality of the job done, our reward is an evolutive state of mental well being, and also for us to
develops the mental capacities to creates the technologies that help us to live more comfortably
while investigating anything that fancy us.

“I am teaching you...that you may live (mental life)...be your wisdom and your
understanding ... God (logic)...is a burning fire in the heart of heaven, wrapped in darkness
...the Lord your God is a consuming fire (energy),..Is a merciful God... There is no other (logic)
besides him (it)...in heaven above (invisible universe) and on the earth beneath (visible
universe).” (Deuteronomy 4).
“For the lips of a priest should guard knowledge (guardian of scientific data), and people
should seek instruction from his mouth, for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.” (He is
teaching the natural principles) (Malachi 2:7)

Translation: Teachers of universal laws are guardians of knowledge, meaning scientific data;
people should seek instruction from them, for they are the messengers of the universal
principles that form the universe and creates life.

As a self-programmer under the physical gravitational influence of the outside void, (void that
is external of the universe), the universe see its logic evolving in different forms as energy keep
flowing and self-interacting. This is “Divine simplicity”, as a natural consequence in its primal
physical dimension where the primal non-uniform material of the universe being suck up
(wave after wave) by outside gravity, which is nothingness made of gravitons, where quanta
of matter are falling in different rate, becoming quanta of energy, in order to interacts with
each others to keep creation on its course as being the “logic of nature” for nature being the
Creator. The whole process been called “God ways” in its “Divine simplicity”. Cosmogony is the
broad field that theorizes about the origin of the material of the universe. Cosmology is a
philosophy that considers the totality of the parts of the universe being subject to natural laws.
Here, in this research we are theorizing that the primal material (a non-uniform mass) that
did forms the universe, along with the primal “non-material” that is the gravitational void, are
the two primal causes that creates our universe; and they were always there as the primal
opposites of the first trinus that is our universe. That's makes our universe been always there
as an evolving eternal big bang with no beginning to start with and no end in sight, constantly
expanding. Because “God”, as creator bringing duality in our universe, is by definition
separate from the universe, thus free of any of the property that energy bring about, then the
word “God” pinpoint exactly, at the same moment: 1) the primal non-uniform mass (which is
finite and measurable) and, 2) the void surrounding it, which is infinite thus non-measurable
directly because it’s nothing. We can only measure the hole of a donut by the presence the rest
of the donut surrounds that hole. Therefore God can be measure as it evolves. This is Negative
Theology at is best! According to what we understand so far, by definition “God” is effectively
the pre-universe thus non-energy; that's makes nature to be ruling over God but nature to be
created by the presence of God two separated primal components. That's where Greek
mythology (Gaia and Ouranos) came from! It’s all a question of human decision of at what
moment of the universe or pre-universe “god” is situated and what it’s made off. It is our
ancestors who created that word and who have the key of its definition. The logic of “Divine
Unity” which is our universe, in our present understanding of its “Divine Simplicity”, makes us
to see that nothing is free of properties, even the void has gravity property, and thus
everything is describable and subject to change thus to evolves as part of general evolution.
That's makes the universe the physical entity which is “The Truly One” or “The true Oneness” in
its fractalizing energy. That's makes “God” a two-faced god by being the primal potential of
duality, be independent in its field and the root of everything. Therefore “Divine simplicity” do
not entail dichotomy saying that God is divide into two parts: 1) God is absolutely simple,
because it is the void, containing no element of form or structure; 2) God contains every
possible element for perfection as been also the primal non-uniform mass. The trinus principle
(two opposite and the link) makes the dichotomy phenomenon easy to comprehend in the idea
of absolute unity. The universe is computing, our mind is computing, our brain is computing;
they are computing by following the same basic logic.

We can see, by simply looking around, that God is constantly sub-divided into different parts,
or else it won't be any universe! That's makes: “the Lord is our God, the Lord is one”
(Deuteronomy 6:4), being the whole universe! That’s allowing for any structure to be formed
and concepts to be made for evolution to be part of the mind. This is why thoughts are in truth,
even a lie defines a truth behind it, and it is the function of psychology to find the truth that
lays behind the liars sayings. It is because the essence of nature is made of logic that we can
comprehend that single fractalized attribute (logic that is) intrinsically encompasses
everything making all things to be perfection at any moment. This is a concept very easy for
our mind ability to grasp and imagine if we want to use reason and basic psychology with a
zest of basic libido. Our psyche contains two dimentions:1) our spirit; 2) our body; thoughts
are our intellectual (spiritual) dimension, the dimension of our spirit (or soul) and our
thoughts interacts with the universe since they emits energy, and vise versa. Life produces
forms of life, and forms of life are the only real “living subjective gods” there is. The human
race is composed of “the gods of the stadium”, the stadium being Earth. Some ancient Greeks,
from antiquity time, knew all of this theory. They did made their mythology out of it ... So
much for Muhammad the (false) prophet! The subjectivity of man and the objectivity of the
natural rules have to be united in man conscious mind, by man self-determination to do so, in
order for man to find inner harmony and to build utopia. Nevertheless, on the other hand,
concerning the bloody murderer extremist bigots, we are more focusing our mind from the
direct physical view of the problem (dead bodies, destruction) rather than focusing where lies,
and what is the nature of, the underlying psychosocial problems which created that situation.
Worldwide unacceptable bloody situation is often measures taken by despair been triggered by
the psychosocial basic needs of individuals being frustrated and with no any other mean of
support than to use physical power to "fight" for the psychological, and physical goods so
badly needed. If humanity like so much to give itself credit to be the "chosen race" by "God"
which represents the whole of the natural principles, we must creates worldwide long-term
strategy in our efforts to improve literacy, secular teaching and liberty of reasoning according
to logic and proven data, to create world harmony from our own hands rather than wait for a
divine savior from heaven to save us from our "socioreligious" sins. Continuity of those
programs, where social and tradesman skill can develop and progress at the same pace than
psychological welfare will be crucial to created a more prosperous world thus lower down
psychosocial frustration leading to worldwide troubles.

For “educated” adults, literacy also means to be able to decipher the metaphorical meaning
behind primal religions as they are able to do so in everyday language.

The Evolving Mental Trinus

Scholars like Newton, Einstein and Freud were more in communion with the universe than any
Pope and Islamic leaders ever were; true mysticism is on the realm of science, and absolutely
not in religious political non-sense.

The evolutionary trinus of one’s mind is made up of three elements:

1) The subjectivity, produced by ones free-will which is under the influence of emotions and

2) Objectivity who is a prisoner of logic.

3) The link that unites them is a mental (thus mnemonic) entity possessing self-determination.

1a) the subjectivity is inherent of thoughts. This gives them life. Without the presence of the
subjectivity there would be no mental dynamics.

2a) Objectivity is the mental structure which is the place for thoughts to be formed.

3a) the mental entity is the dynamics of a system which is formed by feelings that produce
thoughts pass and present. That makes an entity a living memory. The rest of the story belongs
to Freud theory, and also to astrophysics.

“Two of three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said.” (1
Corinthians 14:29).
Explanations: The two prophets are the opposing forces and the third one is the link that has to
makes a just measure between the first two.

Like Proud Roosters

Anyone who shows a little Gumption and consistently delivers common sense around gets
rewarded in the form of higher creativity in the mental highway leading to utopia, and he get
all the rights to be proud of it.

Evolution toward harmony within the trinusial system is to love and to understand the
reasons for our libidinous human passions to be as logical as they are pleasant. It is to be like
the rooster singing the arrival of the Golden Dawn, ensuring that the first rays of the sun
enlighten our mind telling us the victory of the day over the night; and like a beautiful, proud
but not arrogant rooster the humanist’s sing his hymn of the light from his mighty throat. Like
a watchful rooster, this indomitable fighter who knows only victory, the humanist possesses
the grace of the triumph of reason from sunrise into the bed of his beloved. Any true human
rooster (like Nostradamus) can tell you that the spirit of reason accommodates well the
libidinous human passions.

Any wise man was first born as an idiot

Societal Logic
It is a mass of wise men who build utopia.

It is logic that supplies us with a fair dose of imagination in order for us to see farther (doing
the extra length) than the logic already found by our sciences. Since a society is an ensemble of
individuals, then a stable society is an ensemble of stable individuals. So the stability of any
society begins with the mental stability of its individual members. This means that a society
will never be stable if it does not take care to ensure the mental stability of each of its citizens. A
mentally sick and unstable society will teach wrongly its citizens, and the nurture of science
will be disregarded for the benefit of the foul weed of lies and the thorns of war. A mentally sick
society will “...let thorns grow instead of wheat, and foul weeds instead of barley.”(Job 31:40).

It is by the freedom to learn and understand the accuracy of things that everyone forms a
perception of logic leading to a healthy mental attitude. Mental consistency toward logic is the
source of societal evolution in one direction or another. There is nothing wrong in learning
what a myth has to say as long as we know it is a myth that may or may not veils something of
primal importance; if not, we have mental instability.

“The words of king Lemuel are prophecy (bits of science) that his mother taught him to say.”
(Proverbs 31:1).

For a culture to view itself as being the chosen one by God and to believe in its superiority is to
show its ethnocentrism. To be “the chosen one” gives that culture its justification for cultural
imperialism and racism. It is a xenophobe culture. By definition the status of being the “chosen”
is a humbling one. Only scientific disciplines carry responsibility and sacrifice, rather than
simple privilege.

“For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples to show the path to God is
universal.” (The Book of Isaiah, 56:7).

The translation is: For the cosmos shall be called a place of research for all people to show the
path of science is universal.

A profane science it’s a science that do not belong to the “sacred”. By definition “sacred” is
something inviolable that inspires an absolute respect. Science being the knowledge of the
coherence of the inviolable universal laws known by us so far, and which inspires an absolute
respect in regard of natural consequences, it is logical to thing that science belongs to the
sacred and religion belong to the profane. This is to say that some parts of some religions are
profanity to the sacred that science represents.

Life and Karma

Karma is to keep going from where we left off previously. Karma and causality are closely
related. Barbarians are the victims of learning unethical values and being forbidden to use
proper fundamental ethics for whoever do not belong to their cultural circles; on the other
hand the victims of barbarians were, like anyone else, under the direct influence of causality.

Logic is the universe itself and its self-made programming as it was self-made. It constantly
produces trinusses as part of its automatic upgrading. Logic is in our genes, it makes the Id to
be the spoke-instance of the body. Of course life also contains logic; logic is needed for
evolution to make sense. All organisms have to adapt logically to their environment. Indeed,
long ago, who would have been able to say that the dinosaurs would become the birds of today.
... Who would have thought that these mastodons would grow wings and fly? Life itself is a
series of impulses by automation. The adaptation of genes takes place in the midst of the
messages: 1) from the Id to brain and then to the mind, and from the mind back to the brain
and then to the genes; 2) from the exterior directly to the genes. The genetic code constantly
changing, adapting becomes the driving force behind the dynamics of the Id, which in turn
makes known the body needs to the ego. Without logic, it wouldn't be any evolution, therefore
no universe. The fundamental function of the Id is to be a message carrier. The fundamental
function of life is to reproduce and evolves. The obvious basic needs of the organism to be
satisfied are in the Id demands toward the ego for the ego to find ways to take care of hunger,
thirst, sleep, etc... (Sigmund Freud). For biological life to ensure its survival and its
reproduction it needs an id. The Universal principles are logic at work in different areas. Logic
is part of our mental processes. Logic is the whole of universal principles. The principles of life
are the principles of animation, also called breath of life. Logic prevents static while
maintaining the balance of energies that eventually produce life. Energy, means force in
action, it cannot die, it would be contrary to the law of the conservation of energy; therefore,
life cannot die. Thoughts produce radiations, but not all radiations are produced by thoughts,
therefore the universe was not created by an individual called “God” who was thinking about
it. The word “faith” indicates the presence of an opinionated trust from someone toward the
object of his interest; it can be a person, a thing, or a concept. The word “faith” is used in
different contexts. In the religious context faith refer to have trust in a transcendent reality
other than the information been convey to our brain by the sensory system. That transcendent
reality is what makes the things to be what they are, and to function the way they do. The
scientific community calls those phenomena: “Universal Natural Principles”; the whole of these
principles are personified into one living entity by some religions and been called “God”. The
word “faith” came from the Latin “fidem”, meaning “trust”. The whole of the universal
principles is the dynamics, made of energy, of the whole universe. Energy is light and the
whole of that light is the ultimate brilliance. Some religions see God as that ultimate brilliance.
Religious peoples, being intimidated by the ultimate truth residing in that ultimate “living”
brilliance are underperforming intellectually and leave in the hands of “Gods” their destiny
and their self-determination concerning the care of their basic needs. Doing that they refuse to
belief of having within themselves the natural power to be their own instrument of being a
functional and realistic part of the building of human evolution in the path to utopia. When
things didn't went the way they though it should be going, then they pushes deep in their
unconscious the blame they put on God for being so brilliant that their own lack of ambition
makes them use only a tiny part of the huge mental potential they posses in order to adapt and
survive, they say:”God abandon us”, look at the Holocaust! It’s more likely they abandon
themselves in the arms of their fantasies and be short-handed of personal wit. They are
making their own karma the way they want under their own self-determination. To function
properly in order to built anything solid and consistent we have to base our reasoning on the
solid rock of scientific knowledge we already have concerning the universal principles, and not
to build anything anyhow in a way that is not resting on logical proof or material evidence.
We need to keep our wits. If we act like animal we will be treat as such, and if we act like
moron's we will be treated as such, the same principle is valid for any of our act that
demonstrate who we are; if we act like a bunch of victims accepting to be round up and send to
the slaughter house, then ... let be it! It is all under our self-determination to use our potential
of wit or not. Part of the religiosity syndrome must be in one extreme to leave the wit's that
tailor the mind in the cloakroom before being butcher, on the other extreme: before butchering
others, and on the middle: for having faith in sado-masochism! The spending of energy is the
stimuli that produce growth; it can be mental growth as well as economical growth. That same
basic principle is the evolutionary process itself, we can grow hate, and we can grow love, we
can also grow organically. Life can grow, and nature grows as the universe expands. The
growth phenomenon has opposites (duality) and a link. Radiation are a necessity for any kind
of growth, i.e. on one extreme potted plants are growing slowly and well in a sunny spot, on
the other extreme the electric chair will zap our soul to grow out very fast of its container: the
body. The spending of energy without the universe losing any of it is conditional of the
universe expanding. That's what makes radiation to be the maker of thoughts, for thoughts in
return, to produce radiation after the mind is done processing them in the first place. It is all of
purely physical nature, intellectuality is a physical process. Only science can claim the
knowledge of reality throughout the trusted empiric method which can prove any personal
conviction to be true or false. We are dependant of the universal principles, and their
rightfulness, for our adaptation and personal evolution, one way or another (duality) under
our self-determination. The feeling of that absolute dependence toward the universal principles
is translate as “the fear of God” from the individuals who personalize the automaton (the
mechanic) of universal principles, thus creating a “Almighty God” in his mind, and therefore
creating a sense of hopelessness toward self motivation concerning his own destiny. Here is a
very big key to happiness in a form of three short and simple metaphysical laws full of
common sense:

1) It is impossible for ones mental life to die. 2) It is possible for one’s mind to be, partially,
totally, and/or forever disconnected from his/her biological brain. 3) One mind is one mental
life. Also we can add 2b) It is possible for one’s mind to be, partially, totally, and/or forever
disconnected from his /her wits, under self-determination (functional mental illness) or for
organic reason (organic mental illness).

According to the Talmud, “Sleep is one sixtieth of death”, and since sleep is the means by which
the psyche recoup its energies for a refreshed start in this existence when the body wakes up,
then death is the completed refreshing of the life of the soul of not being anchor to the strain of
matter anymore. To say that life can die is to formulate a paradox, an inconsistency. It is not
programmable in the program made by logic. Life, fractalizing itself became motile, it changes
place, takes different forms and does not die. A form of life can sometimes leave behind some of
the components that support its mental entity. It is dead wrong to think life can die. The whole
universe transforms continuously the state and the substance of its components here and there.
The end of the existence of components in specific states is real in the sense they merely
associate or dissociate themselves with others to create new systems. False deaths and real
births are closely associated to ensure the continuity of the universe. Egos are forever their
own identities. Each Ego undergoes its own spiritual changes. We are evolving. Mental
evolution is made by reasoning which is based on the accumulation of knowledge .This is done
through time and reincarnation as the law of consequences pairing with the law of constant
mental evolution caused by the phenomena of reincarnations that says: Mind (soul) will
reincarnate, it can only reincarnate in a body whose genetic code is made to its mental and
consequential measurement. That means made of characteristics that are consistent with the
consequences of past actions and the present degree of mental evolution. That is the real
karma. The karma is one constant evolution under the rules of logic. For our peace of mind
let’s say that we were not mice previously and we will not be aphids in our next reincarnation.
We are evolving not regressing as we are part of evolution. We are always part of evolution.
This is pure common-sense.

“ But you who forsake the Lord, who forget my holy mountain, who set a table for Fortune and
fill cups of mixed wine for destiny, I will destine you to the sword, and all of you shall bow
down to the slaughter, because, when I called, you did not answer; when I spoke, you did not
listen, “(Isaiah 65: 11-12). Isaiah talks about the holy mountain of logic, the sword of
consequence leading to nervous breakdown, and karma. The word “holy”, besides indicating
any scientific (“religious”) tools or a scientist (high priest), can also means: “Stable Universal
laws that are impossible to change” as they are universal tools. The ultimate, unchangeable
Karma is in the “light” and “darkness” level. Physical darkness (the void) has no limits; mind
darkness has limits; physical light is limited by the amount of time as time is energy, as well it
is also the speed of any form of tiny little mini microscopical parts of the primal mass on the
move commonly known as the physical nature of light. Mind darkness is limited by how fast
and how well the “only light” made of quanta can do its task if our mind let the flow of
cognition to run freely. When radiations enters our psyche and reach our mind, physical light
changes name to became mental light as the light pushes away (literally) any form of darkness
surrounding mental life. As life is eternal in time, darkness is an eternity (infinity) without
time. Darkness is the gravity needed for life to expand. Life need darkness but darkness does
not have any needs. Would it be fair to suggest that religious peoples have some rather
outdated views about the definition of “God” and its role concerning the ruling of the universe
in the light of what today science discover so far? When enlightening occurs, this metaphysical
paragraph will be seen as basic knowledge of physics concerning genesis and its evolution. Life
is divided into a series of earthly existence and the Karma of a person is its own personalized
causal phenomenon that he carries as his personal baggage; a person personal
consequentiality is its Karma from one existence to another. Therefore Karma being our causal
luggage to carry from one existence to the next, and the dark Universe being the Christian (and
other religion) paradise, it doesn’t' matter much how bad we were in this existence when our
body encounter it’s dead; but it is our next existence that we better be afraid of, or to be happy
that it would come. The Dark Universe being the right hand of causality, that's making this
physical universe to be the left hand of causality. This physical universe it is where causality
can be feel at its full force via our sensory system for our delight or not. This indicates us that it
is a must to respond to the needs of the Id as well as the needs of our mind in a well balance
manner: which is to use reason for the natural evolution of the whole psyche to be as enjoyable
as possible. Who look for troubles will find troubles; who look for sadism will find sadism; who
look to suffer does all in his power to foolishly encounter that faith. Fools do lack reason.
The fields of Activities

Hundred of millenniums ago mythical stories have being dream on by humanist Gnostics
peoples to pass on their secular knowledge that particular way for future generations to
believe in ethics as they search for secular knowledge and wisdom.

What emerges so far, as the result of our study is that we live in a Universe which contains 3
fields of activities:

1) First field of activity to appear: The structural field of logic. The field of logical activities is
the automatic processes, hence the Programming, that provides principles that run the show
known as Universal principles. It is the field of all natural governing laws (physical and
Otherwise) of the universe as a whole in the form of a supporting structure for all systems.
Logic is the element that builds any structure. Logic structures the mind to become the guide
that enters any living spirit (ones mind), therefore logic is an “It” of male character.

2) Second field of activity to appear: The invisible aspect of the universe (known as the Dark
Universe), as quanta appear before matter, the quanta associates and bundle up to form
matter later on, starting with “H”, the simplest Hydrogen atom. The field of the activity of the
ego we call “The egosphere”. This is the place that we refer to as being the place of the Egos
(souls). After the end of our stay (existence) on this earth that's the place where we belong. The
Egosphere is a living structure just as egos are. She is the life-giver, the mother of all living
beings. This structural phenomenon would be designated by believers as the paradise of the
souls. The Egosphere is our true home until the next reincarnation occurs if it is judged to be
appropriate by the “high priest residents”. That living structure is the element that produces
entirely agnostics mnemonical ego’s just like a chain production factory produce blank CD to
program; we are Her children’s. Being induced by the logic which becomes the structures of
her spirit, for her to become part of the logic, make her of a female character. Not by any
means do the inhabitants of the Egosphere sit on their behinds playing the harp with a pair of
big fish eyes like a fish caught at low tide in a water hole with a divine inspired smile for
eternity. They certainly have other things to do. For those who think they find God in the
person of the Egosphere, and then their God would be a She. So much for the chauvinist
Vatican residents! God is nothing but a concept indicating the presence of nature dynamics.
The Egosphere is the only living female entity as a universe by itself. She is “the dark matter
and the dark energy” of the invisible aspect of the Universe. Life-giver, her womb is our
natural place of birth. She is our mother and a virgin because she does not give birth by sexual
means, but by spiritual (mind over matter) means. The Christians call her Mary, mother of
God. As we can see, our use of the logic and reasoning do not lead us to religious images
artistically designed to make babies smile. We are over that, aren't we? The male chauvinists
do not have to worry, the Egosphere cannot overthrow logic, but causality is taking good care
of them! |The Egosphere cannot take control over the automatics programming of logic. She
does not have the power of the automatism of determinism, she is simply using it. So, she
cannot punish a male chauvinist. Her powers are limited. The misleading word “God” in
reality means “logic in action” in the broad sense and in the concept of anything of pure logic.
Logic is the only master as logic is the universal dynamics.

3) The third field of activity to appear: The visible aspect of the Universe. The field of physical
activities. It is the concrete aspect (visible) of the universe. The one we know and studied. It is
the physical universe as we know it. It is the one that we seek to understand. It is the one we
actually live in as psyches.

What stand between man and the proper definition of "the creator" are religions. To bring
down the religious wall made of political dogma and unnecessary guilt requires fissures made
by valid scientific data. The innate weakness of religion is to be a veil on the eyes which can be
peeling off by science. Soon man will be closer to the real definition of the Creator which is the
whole of the dynamic of the universe better known as "The natural principles".
The Sealed Analogism
The spirit of a metaphor is to lead astray the ignorant.

Even when our eyes are close we can see some light, and it is the light that makes our dreams
to be in fact these allegories, often in a form of pictorial analogism, of our needs and our
deepest desires coming back to feed us during our hours of rest; surfacing to our conscious
mind, when our body is asleep, the function of our dreams is also to haunt us as punishment
for our wicked ways, or to pleases us as a reward for our righteousness. A mind at rest has
pleasant dreams.

The presence of the Egosphere has been known for millennium. We find her in the secret
science of “sealed analogism” which is hermetic analogism; simply put: it is simply metaphors
artistically renders (visual arts) as allegories’. That science, how to make allegories out of
scientific data, is only known by a few insiders throughout the world. The Greeks did a good
job doing just that, and also some members of the ancient Hebrew Christian party. Although
this science does not yet find its place in our teaching manuals, we are going to give it its
definition and explanation. The sealed analogism is the science developed by ancient
philosophers to surround, with a form of hermeticism, the scientific data to be disclosed to
insiders only; it then become “esoterism”, and we know the visual effect as an end-product of
that secret science under the term “Allegory”. Concerning western civilization the source is
Ancient Egypt which throughout the hieroglyphics method visualized (allegorizing) the
metaphors of scientific concepts in a hermetic way. In short: metaphorized scientific data
become religions, and the visual arts of religion are allegories representing the metaphorized
scientific data.

It is with the use of analogy that the “ancients” explained only the things of relevant
resemblance with the object of scientific interest that they wish to disclose. It is a coded form of
communication which aims to protect them against political policies of the times. Virgin Mary,
Eve, Aphrodite, the Black Madonna, Venus, etc...Are all the same: the Egosphere. The men
called the Egosphere by different names. Many alchemists used sealed analogism in their time.
It is a curtain placed between two things “a” and “b” that have likenesses between them. Thing
“a” is the subject of interest to be disclosed but only thing “b” is widely explained. The sealed
analogism employs different esoteric symbols through the ages in different civilizations. The
man called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living.” (Genesis 3:20) Eve
sounds like the Hebrew for” life-giver” and resembles the word for “living”.

Genesis 3:20 mention’s Eve to be “the mother of all living”, and not the mother of humanity
alone; therefore Eve is the mother of all form of life, which mean all form of life have a soul
being a self-dynamic mnemonical unit of data.
Humanity agnostism concerning the meta-astrophysical part of our universe, meaning: the
dark universe in its mnemonical structure being called "life “and be a “life-giver”, in
correlation with the automatism of the universal laws, make it so that the border between
physic and religion is largely unrecognized and unmarked by science; that gives metaphysics
its reason to be. Philosophy and primal philosophy controls that twilight zone which is
unquestionably within easy reach to any ethico-secularistic humanists searching to solutionize
the unified field puzzle. During the course of human history religious bigots make plenty of
inaccurate statement regarding the nature of things; but the Jews were told by their "religion"
that they must learn the secular data to review their religious beliefs since their beliefs and the
ways of nature are the same in different sayings.

The followers of Moloch (see page 320) knew very well that having a sense of guilt can come
from two different sources; 1) innate, meaning against the natural principles,(or natural
laws); 2) Acquired, meaning against human laws (or cultural principles). Moloch disciples
found pleasures leading to knowledge in accord with the eternal natural principles and in
disaccord with plenty of our present cultural principles. Cultural culpability of being
responsible of having violated one or more criminal human laws do not necessary mean
having done something wrong in the eyes of the natural principles; when it is the case, to ask
someone to be remorseful of having done something culturally wrong is to ask someone to stay
in a infantile agnostic state of mind. This is why it is so important for humanity to realize that
the same natural principles we unveil concerning the behavior of matter affect equally life
behavior thus our psychosocial behaviors.

Chitin on promises may bring wicked happiness’s in the short run but brings self-destruction
as soon the idea of chitin takes roots, and that’s reflect on our dreams.

A Self-made Puzzle to Resolve

Of course primal religions are puzzlements! They are basically hermetical quiz made
especially for humanity to answer; we need ethicosecular knowledge (wisdom) to answer these
sublimated quiz. The universe is a puzzle to assemble in our mind, and the highly scholarized
individuals (ways over Einstein greatness!) who created primal religions were making riddles
from correct answers.

One of the greatest Torah scholars of all time, Rabbi Moses Maimonides (1135-1204 AD) was a
physician, and a philosopher. His ideas influenced the Jewish world as well the secular
scholars. Maimonides teaches that only negative statements toward a description of the Jewish
god may be considered correct, and god, as such, is multiple into a one whole; his esoterical
teachings are been a cornerstone of Jewish study. Maimonides also said that it is impossible
for the truths beings discovered by human reasoning to contradict those being revealed under
“god” name. Easy enough to translate that one! All he said was that “gods” mean “science of
nature” and therefore no human reasoning can contradict what science can prove! And that
the universe is one whole unit dividing itself into multiple parts within that unit!

Sometimes we get dizzy when realizing all the wonders of the Universe. Everything can be
wonders to us for we are part of it. To keep suffering is of our own making since we have the
option, from various warning, to escape suffering before it’s too late to master the frustrating
events leading to some catastrophically dimensions, look at the holocaust! The universe is not a
solid mass, it is segmented, that where its perfection resides. It is this phenomenon of
segmentation that produces the constant movement needed for perfection. A stable potential of
energy would not provoke anything, neither perfection nor imperfection. Therefore, there
would be no evolution. It would be simply the primal non-uniform mass doing nothing. The
answer lies in the constant fragmentation and unification while the universe expands. That
allows the Universal laws to takes place and be valid according to the different systems they
manage. Therefore, we can see it as a game of intellectual patience because we need to gather
those fragments, study them, measure them, and comprehend them for the well being of our
intellect, and as a by-product, the development of our technologies. By grasping the Universal
concepts, through science and personal knowledge acquired throughout our existence, we have
ways of understanding the whole, part by part. To understand how to live according to
universal principles is simply to understand and copy (reproduce) what the universe does. The
missing book of instruction of how to cope with life is in the not so elusive principles of
segmentation. The metaphysical law of the principle of segmentation stipule that:

1) The dynamics of any form of unification can only take place if there is first the presence of
the phenomenon of segmentation. The segmentation is the multiplication of the Universe basic
trinus in each of its segment.

2) There cannot be any form of harmony within a system without the presence of the entire
requested component to form that system.

3) The segmentation is needed for evolution. For groups of components to unite in order to
complement each other’s function in different systems, evolution is needed. 4) All components
in a system need each other for the harmonious evolution of that system.” 5) It is by the work of
all the components of a system toward the stabilization of that system that would unite and
stabilize that system in its evolution. 6 ) “All the above principles are part of the unified law of
segmentation for evolution to be, and apply equally to any form of system, psychic, physic,
socio-politic, societal, ethical etc.... Number 3, is especially accurate concerning ethics and
fraternity between human beings. To live according to the universal natural principles means
simply to act in a logical way recognizing that the universal laws apply to any system. There
are always consequences for every action and to have the statistic knowledge of foreseeing the
potential consequences before posing an action we must live according to the principles of the
universe when the action raised is beneficial for oneself, our entourage and the environment.
Kids love to reconstruct puzzles.... “You have multiplied, O Lord my God (O Universe), your
wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us;” (Psalm 40:5). Pagans believe in nature power
rather than a subjective god. They know the word “gods” are indicating natural phenomena,
just like the Egyptian called natural phenomena: gods. The universe fractalizing itself, nature
words is on each pieces of the universal puzzle. All pieces interact here and there as different
phenomena, nature dynamics. That makes the universe a crossword puzzle from which Moses
made the Torah. Therefore the Torah is some kind of a secular pagan crossword puzzle. Bigots
called pagan practices abominable to the lord. They accused pagan of witchcraft when making
natural herbal lotions, and of sorcery when using statistics from the cosmos. Bigots are in
trouble with nature by believing in a god that has control over nature. Bigot deceives
themselves. They will stumble and fall. Nature does not need a leader over it, or someone to tell
it what to do. Nature needs no one; but we need to understand its ways. People who are saying
they belong to god, in reality, in their “innocence” (as underdeveloped intellectually) see their
mind belonging to their own fantasies. Puzzle is mind game, so is the universe. To believe in a
god without questioning why is to quit the game, and be happy to be a moron. From our
noumenological point of view the essence of Life come from the wedding of Gaia and Ouranos
and it is simply called "Energy". To define energy and its entire doings is to define "God" and
"Gods ways" is as simple as that. We already know what is Energy, we know it by the effect of
secular learning and we can extrapolated our thoughts the same way energy self-mingle in its
quantic waves interaction, its physical interactions and chemical interactions. Life is not
noumenological but phenomenological; it is a mnemonical event created by the quantic
phenomenon call "triple quantum" or trinusial quantum" (producing man doctrine of Trinity)
coming from natural (thus logical and mechanical) quantic processes. Energy as the essence of
the universe throughout its dynamics is that pure "Revelation" that reveals nothing other than
itself in many different forms, and functions in its dynamics. The mnemonical processes of
energy become our self-revelation, thus energy is in itself a revelation tearing everything in
existence from two primal noumenon' (Gaia and Ouranos) which were concrete and abstract
physical nothingness by themselves alone when they were (philosophically speaking)
separated from each other. As memory never stop regenerating itself by the aport of new data
made of energy interaction, therefore regenerating knowledge, so is Life; life never stops to
generate and regenerate itself, it is an innate universal automatism. Being alive and by
consequence being generated continually by the dynamics of energy we never cease of being
reborn into the eternal present. Therefore our soul (the whole of our mnemonical processes as
a coherent unit made of energy) is eternal.

Two fundamental factors are the cause of the universal perpetual motion: 1) the presence of
the void surrounding the universe, which is a singularity (known as the Titan Ouranos) that
gives a) the universe its expansion and producing: b) the gravity phenomenon; 2) the fact that
the singularity (or Titan) Gaia was a non-uniform mass; therefore expansion is needed for the
light to be made of particles in action.

In the Abrahamic conception of "God" for "God" to be outside space and time as being
transcendent, simply mean it is man "philosophical idea" of man being philosophically "outside
the box" ( the "box" being the universe) to see that a natural transcendental form of
noumenological synchronicity was always present to wed Gaia and Ouranos in order to
produce (to create) an limited amount of energy directly proportional of the amount of non-
uniform primal matter forming Gaia, which takes over the territory of Ouranos without
retrieving a iota of its (meaning Ouranos) presence since Ouranos defines (or represents) the
total emptiness of infinity). In that case "transcendent" means to see the pre-requisites for a
universe to be created. By no mean it mean the presence of a god before the presence of energy
itself; it is simply a reference to the presence of an "idea", the "spirit" of it ... as speaking
metaphorically concerning Genesis. Actually mainstream Orthodox Judaism gives us a clear
answer about the nature of “God”; that faith tell us that God is neither matter nor spirit but the
reveal aspect of God is the light (or “his” light) which created the universe. The view of
Orthodox Judaism encompasses the belief that the whole universe and its dynamics is in fact
God himself (itself). In Hasidim there is nothing in existence other than God. Goodness! It
cannot be clearer than that! By replacing “God” by “Energy” (light is energy) we can see that
primal religions are universal science! We can safely say that the “idea” behind the whole thing
(the universe and its dynamics) is simply noumenological and being part of the presence of
Gaia and Ouranos for that “idea” to concretize itself (energy can be feel by our sensory system,
therefore energy is concrete), eternally, in the form of energy; and as time itself, by definition,
having no beginning and no end, then the “idea” was always there... When religious bigots will
start realizing that fact they will become more self-sufficient in the assessment field concerning
who they are and what they can really do to build world harmony instead of being most of the
time in a religio-gaga state of contemplation and devoting their time to be in a ecstatic mood
venerating, with an infantile masochism, the myth of "God" with plenty of alleluias between
and during meals.

Don’t try to impress others, just try to impress yourself.

The Philosopher's Stone

Gaia was black; on one hand, black as a tangible substance contains all the colors there is.
Ouranos is black; on the other hand black as nothingness is ready to receive all the colors
there is.

Modern Metaphysics is the making of a philosophy concerning existentialism based on secular

data and using logic (thus the use of reason) to formulated reasonable ideas by extrapolating
logic with logic. Modern Metaphysics abhor euphemisms and call things and phenomena by
their names.

By definition an atheist humanist does not have disdain toward a theist, but there is millions of
theist in their bigotry who regard atheism with disdain.

Without been surrounded by something concrete, and being part of a universe, it would be
impossible to create any abstraction, meaning any philosophical thought; therefore the
physical (and also quantic) universe is the corner stone of our thoughts. The universe being the
philosopher's stone there is no living “God” involved. The philosopher's stone (the universe)
considered as the great work by the alchemist is able to transform lead into gold, of course the
universe can do that! At the moment, scientists can easily, using nuclear power, transform
anything into gold; it is simply not economic to do so. The real processes, and uniqueness, of
the philosopher's stone is the self-interaction between the physical Universe itself and us. The
term “philosopher's stone” created by man is hermeticism around esoterism. The philosopher's
stone of physical properties can change our fundamental characteristics, from being morons to
be geniuses as we adapt and evolve. Although we have some knowledge, it is with the help of
causality trough time that our intellect forms a difference in our understanding through the
ages as we gain knowledge. Thus, the heaviness of lead (being morons) can become of noble
nature such as gold (being geniuses). It can also refer to body versus mind, and matter versus
quantum. Some alchemists did possess some sort of understanding of metaphysical nature that
went beyond mere physical laws of their epoch. They passed on their knowledge by
surrounding it with hermeticism. This is a treasure in itself. Of course, through the centuries
some people have found some far advanced metaphysical truths. The religion-political issue of
those times, in the regions where some knowledgeable alchemists resided forbidden them to
say things too clearly under threat of torture and death, make it so that men of science has no
choice but to hermetized the truth.. For them, the philosophy of the universe was to be found in
the objectivity of science, and not in the random doings of the subjectivity of a god that all the
certain decided to create the universe out of boredom to better contemplated is belly button.
Immutable universal laws are to make us to improve; from beings of gross mental design, to
be of higher mental nobility like transforming lead into gold. We can see why those alchemists
have to install a muffler (Hermeticism) around the explosive truth. Like the true line of
prophets they make good use of “sealed analogism”.

For those alchemists, divine inspiration does not exist. It is from our present state of being
intellectual morons, through the work of raw materials (matter), that we find ways to develop
our intellect. By doing so, we'll finally know what reality is made of. These good philosophers
had to keep kind of quiet to protect their lives.....so; the case has become a little hermetic. We
would have done the same thing.

“You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with
you.” (Psalm 128).

Those ancient philosophers understood that the universal writing of which the manual of
operation (how to do things) is made was in all the universal interactions. They knew some of
that knowledge was already in our possession, like in the Torah. From different cultures
during human history some initiated leaves us clues under various esoteric signs for the
investigative and questioning minds to use their power of reasoning. To use reason over faith
is the enlightening approach to any field of activity if our desire is to make an informed
opinion about it. Plenty of ancient esoteric signs are ingenious devices to transmit the ancient,
far advanced, knowledge of millenniums old far advanced and older human civilizations.
Those clues are part of original forms of ancient writing concerning the meaning of any living
creature and the universe. For this reason, our ancient ancestors writing being part of the
universal meaning, became something sacred and esoteric.

Millenniums ago esoteric signs, writing materials and those who could handle them were
considered by the people as being connected with the universal knowledge. Being “divine”
mysteries to the non-initiated, the writings, in their creation and their appearance were view
as human symbols were sacred (secret) universal message was concealed within. The
preservation and interpretation of ancient writing were under the responsibility of a special
class of dignitaries with priestly functions. Today it would be secular university teachers
having as functions to get us out of our moronic state as diplomatically, and as it is humanly
The ancient’s scientists were concerned with the recording of the past history and past
knowledge. Under the influence of the fundamental impulse of protecting what was procreated
by their mind, various systems of writing evolved: ideographic, calendar, pictographic,
numeral and phonetic. Some of them, like hieroglyphics, had such a high level of technical
expertise that it bore no direct relation to practical needs, but only to protection. Giving a
silent coherence to a world filled with false prophets, conflicts and doubts, they are standing
monument of ancient knowledge that still illuminate the world.

“Lift up your heads, O gates (our minds)! And be lifted up, O ancient doors (ancient
knowledge), that the King of glory (universal laws) may come in (may be understand by us)”
(Psalm 24:7)

“To him who rides in the heavens (who understand sciences), the ancient heavens (the ancient
sciences); behold, he (the universe) sends out his voice (talk), his mighty voice”. (Psalm 68:33)

“But my people have forgotten me; they make offerings to false gods; they made them stumble
in their ways, in the ancient roads, and to walk into side roads, not the highway” (Jeremiah

Translation: But for the people, who have forgotten science, they offer their mind to false gods;
false gods made people stumble in their evolution in the knowledge of ancient sciences. False
gods (also mean false data) makes them to walk into side roads, not the highway of science.

By elaborating primal religions encompassing mythical characters which represent natural

phenomenon’s and energy processes, our far always knowledgeable ancestors offer us, with a
touch of humour, the delicacies of suspense. Fantasizing is part of our quest of knowledge that
does excite our neurons. Our far always ancestors mend to help us in our uncertainty of how to
unlock the mysteries of the universe by metaphorizing scientifical data in order to leave us our
liberty to reach by ourselves, by our own sweat and pain, the universal knowledge as it shall
be. Primal religions are simply a back-up of scientifical data for us to decipher as the same rate
we decipher by ourselves what the universe telling us (its language) in our different secular
disciplines. Our ancestors, in their profound wisdom, did not want to take away from us the
excitement of discovering by ourselves all the keys leading to knowledge and wisdom. One
needs to make his own self-discovery for personal mental balance leading to psychosocial
harmony. Discovering is an adventure full of suspense where apprehension and anxiety
concerning the outcome is also part of it. Not wanting for psychosocial matter to hang in
suspense for humanity, they created primal religions to makes us to think by following the
path of logic within philosophy.

Knowledge is food for the mind; the mind has the natural tendency to hunt for knowledge. It is
the Freudian Id that forces the psyche to hunt for the body food, leaving the mind to hunt for
trivial knowledge (how to find body food) that has its own importance. From there on, man
having the power of reasoning, it doesn't takes long for opportunists to makes their mind busy
at work to find-out how to invents and market means to grow food, processing it and cashing-
up the profits to please their wants. Man becoming trivial leaves to religions the responsibility
concerning the philosophy of life and to scientific secularism the responsibility to find new
means to accelerate the process of economic gains. We know the rest of the story.

Our soul, also call spirit, the immaterial part of a person, is our Incorporeal consciousness (or
inner being) leaving our body at its death; mind or soul is the same thing, it is the whole of the
mnemonic force that animates us. The vital principle (or force) that animates us is of the
trinusial phenomenon, the actuating cause of an individual life, and that same basic one that
makes the planets to follows natural principles. Our soul is a fundamental emotional
mnemonic system that determines one's character or "spirit". For some scholars the soul is a
hypothetical force. We can view our soul as energy in action forming a mnemonic system
which expresses its feelings, while adapting to any environmental condition. Our inner-self is
our soul since the whole psyche is body and mind; the body being our outer-self. Any real ghost
is a spirit or soul still around.
Wisdom and Responsibilities

Since bigots having their mind clogged with religious slogans are learning not to be self-
sustainable in the field of reasoning thus being deprive of basic mind-freedom we can see that
WARS OF RELIGIONS ARE made by dead-minded fools who want to lie down, from the deeps
of their unconscious, their sociopsychological wants over dead bodies.

Fools can imprison and kill wise men, burn their books and gag their mouth, but never can
they make wisdom to disappear since wisdom is part of all of us. Being wise is mainly to have
a thoughtful conduct (ethic) based on innate social feelings (humanist theory) and adequate
acquired knowledge concerning the affairs of nature and understand the ways of logic and
libido within logic. It takes a certain amount of mental docility toward what seems the most
logical and constructive action to take in all situations base on the universal principles. We are
our own masters, not feudal subjects. We are one with the universe as we are the universe
partner in a common existence. We can only depend on ourselves versus society. That's why it
is better to stick together and not kill each other Societies are dependent on their citizens with
regard to their own evolution. We realize that tyrannies are ridiculous. Only real leaders seek
harmony of the whole. Some monarchies and royalties would not be in place if it wasn't for the
will of the nation. These monarchies are seen as representing the journey of the evolution of
the people towards a better-being and to certain wisdom. For the people, it is necessary that
governments are several lengths ahead of potential trouble. This can be done only by adequate
sustained education. Such monarchies are in place for several generations. Wise leaders share
their functions. They are serving their people who request the satisfaction of their basic needs
(see the needs of Id) and their desire for proper knowledge. Wise leaders can only establish
circles of sociable families whose members are living proof of psychological stability. That is
what is desired and sought for the healthy development of societies.

To crush people or to oppress a nation is to sow discord and revolt among the oppressed.
Tolerance has its limit. When they are exceeded, Sigmund Freud said there are two
possibilities, one is the destruction of oneself; therefore, suicide, and the other is the destruction
of the environment (killing others). One thing that Sigmund Freud did perhaps not foresee is
what relates to suicide-bombing in which the two components are met: the destruction of
oneself and the environmental destruction in one shot! Although to be wise is being docile to
the logic of ethic, it is not slavery because it's this logic of ethic that gives us our freedom.

“...in your heart...asked wisdom and knowledge....are granted to you...also gives you riches,
possessions, and honor.” (Chronicles).

Wisdom start with knowledge and practical knowledge is acquired by secular learning and
from causality. Libidinous feeling and reason taking over from knowledge produces wisdom.
Prior to “world repentance” meaning knowing and understanding truth from false, there is the
“revelation”, the third step of positivism; this is what we are seeking now. That will also
uncover the inner meaning of the Torah and its presence.

Already we have a good understanding of the relationship between the progress and
discoveries of science and the era of “world repentance”. The two disciplines: Torah wisdom
and science wisdom are not disparate; Torah simply put a muffler of what science has to say.
That keep the common gentiles to keep learning while been more or less ethical, otherwise it
would have been too complicated to explain the real nature of things. Not everyone in ancient
time was genetically developed as the High priests were.

As we can see the truth contain in the Torah is dependent on the revelation of science;
effectively, only the revelation made by secularism research from its scientific approach of
what the universe processes really are is the only way to validate the Torah. Science will
elevate the Torah as science is in the Torah. Wisdom is in the Torah as the intent behind the
development of sciences. So far, the benefit of scientific knowledge did serve as preparation for
the attainments of the third stage of positivism, which is already attain in the Torah. Every
normal person can achieve the goal to reconciling the Torah with science. A normal person is
an awaken one that use his power of reasoning. There won't be any denial of the “Almighty”
only the perception of what the “Almighty” is will change.

We will understand that it is the forms of life that have the power to influence the way the
world runs by manipulating the laws of nature, without changing them but by using them in
our advantage. No big deal! We do that already, even chimps can do it; and also a bird when
he build his nest, and fly in the wind.

The “revelation”, which includes the revelation of the secrets of the Torah, will be that the
world will be filled with deep understanding of the knowledge of science and knowing that to
makes the move toward harmony the ethico-secular way is the only answer. We are
programmed for success the same way the universe is self-program for harmony to be a
reality of each instant, and for eternity. Wisdom will be the possession of our heritage. We all
have “An eye that sees and an ear that hears”. Wisdom is the responsible that smooth the way
for utopia. During the "Revelation" better known as "the Apocalypse", where the third stage of
positivism is under achievement for humanity, the weaponry of the rightful will reside in the
knowledge of the natural laws, the true history of the presence of humanity on Earth, the true
history of Genesis, and the Cabbalistic unveiling its secrets on the quantic level when the
metaphors will be understand. Pettiness and small-mindedness (tunnel-vision-minded
individuals) are the components which delays the process toward "mind redemption",
meaning to see reality as it is, where the merging of secular science and primal religions will
become an ethico-secularistic reality. In short, "Revelation" is humanity accepting reality and
breaking forth from getting comfortable in mind-Golus; where man sees that reality is much
better and clearer to understand the humanistic way with an eclectic view of the nature of
things. In the responsibility field, the Jews are compelled by their religion to do good deeds
everyday in order to establish a social habit that makes them to feel more alert of what going
on in their direct environment, they have to seek what cried out to be done to keep harmony
flowing. They believe that rising to that challenge will awaken them spiritually (intellectually)
while making a positive social impact which makes a difference in speeding-up the process to
built utopia. Kindness, they believe is never lost. From their "religious" standing point Jews
are theorizing that a knowledgeable, compassionated and caring humanity is more able to
bring about the messianic age. Wisdom is intangible as an attitude that contrast with “who
don’t think therefore he is not" (which is the opposite of "what do not think exist") leading to
zombieness also call being exile from his mind, or "mind-dead".

No one can teach wisdom to a fool who didn’t taste the consequences of his acts yet and be
ready to atone.

The word "Catholic" come from Greek "Katholikos" from "Katholous", meaning "Universal";
therefore the Catholic Church is a "Universal church" in the sense that it is an assembly of
different parts of religious faiths belonging to others ancient’s religions and pagan myths, and
also Jewish political views. History tells us that it was a man call Simon Magus who is the
artisan of that syncretism and who therefore was the founder of Catholicism which contains
the ancient Jewish political Christian party. For some ancient religions the chief-god who
encompasses all other gods was title "Peter", from ancient Egyptian rituals that’s name their
high Priests "Interpreters of God's” under the Hieroglyph PETR; ancient pagan temples of
knowledge (ancient universities) were also call PETERS, and Simon Magnus seeing himself to
be the representative of God on Earth was called "Simon Peter" by his Catholic followers,
making him to be the chief of the (high) priests, a living “Holiness” as being the highest vicar of
God in the Catholic church hierarchy. Like Muhammad (the founder of Islam) he was the self-
appointed prophet of the religion he created by syncretism.

The Jews know their religion is the "truth" made out of metaphors, but they refuse to realize
that "God" is also a metaphor.

Because of the well known presence of man human factor (man innate unreliability), lawyers
advice to their customers is not to mention the words "never" and "always" in court of laws;
but the objectiveness of the natural principles makes them to never chit on their promises and
to be always truth to themselves. They are lord of their domains; we are lords of our mind.

Our true and everlasting personal and intimate home is our mind.

The Great Analogies

Time is the culprit which is the difference in evolution by the multiplication of the same basic
principle to become analogy. While the universes expand into infinity, making evolution to be a
reality, time nevertheless hold us prisoners in its limits even if time is eternal; without the
presence of time we would be concrete nothingness. Time is the action that creates life.
Analogies are not coincidental. They are likenesses established between certain things because
of the basic Logic from which all trinus are made.

The formation of the universe is a series of interdependent trinus. Knowing that, it’s an easy
way for us to learn and understand the programming by using analogies. This means that the
programming that makes the dynamics of the universe is basic logic repeating itself over and
over. The similarities between things starting from the Big-Bang (see Einstein) as an
unintentional automatism are what produce the logic of math within everything.

The automatic of the trinus is logic that does not waste energy and as a by-product, simplifies
our comprehension of things. Analyzing all things is thus facilitated. As a consequence the
parallels are established, the similarities are present despite some differences here and there.
In what follows, we will see similarities between:

1) The Id and the physical universe.

2) The Super Ego and fields of principles.

3) The Egosphere and Ego.

Similarity between Id and the physical universe

The Id is the messenger of the biological body of a physical nature. The id delivers messages to
the ego which is of a mental nature. After death, our human body ceases to function, our ego
goes back home where it belongs. That is to the Egosphere from where we came from. The Id
dies also, as the id is the sum of messages from the biological body. What remain of the Id are
only memories of body sensations residing in the Super Ego.

For a certain period of time, the Id had needed the component of the physical universe to
satisfy as its satisfaction was the satisfaction issue from the biological body.

The physical universe has its own Id; it is needed for the continuation of its segmentation and
its ongoing merger. That cannot be done without the subjectivity of life to be present in its
potential and dynamic state. In this sense, the physical universe is like a continual death and
rebirth. The elements when they change from one state to another have to produce life or the
whole thing would stop by itself for lack of logical continuity, for lack of a self-feeding where
life is involve. That is to say our id and the universal id are closely interdependent.
Similarity between the Super Ego and the field of activities of principles.

The field of activities of principles is logic at work. The Super Ego is the mnemonic field in its
dynamic (therefore an influential sphere) which contain the right and wrong, learned values.

The fields of activities of the Universal principles are the influential sphere that gives the
universe its character by the math values it has to obey.

All the values are learned from two sources:

1) The governing universal principles (logic at work)

2) The values of the social environment.

All forms of learning are only possible because of the presence of consequences. (Learning is a
consequential process).

Similarity between Ego and Egosphere

The ego belongs to the Egosphere when it leaves its biological body. The Ego is an entity that
has its own personality. The Egosphere is composed of egos. The structure of the Egosphere it’s
made of logic and libido. The Egosphere is the living entity of the universe or if we prefer: its
soul. So the Universe has a living soul, a personality. In other words, the visible Universe is the
body of the Egosphere, and the Egosphere is the living entity, the invisible aspect of the
Universe. We may well say the Universe is alive because it has a soul. Therefore the psyche of
the universe is composing of the physical universe (the body) and its soul, which is the dark
universe; the universal principles would be the dynamics of its structural engineering. Some
would see the Egosphere as being the place they call paradise. She is our birth place. She is the
structure of our after-life at the death of the body.

Concerning the Egosphere, it's here that we are making a scientific link with some of the
religious hermeticism (muffle science) around the world which talks about a supreme Goddess.
According to these myths, she is so beautiful that she is paradise for the eyes, and pure love for
the souls. The Greek mythology calls her Aphrodite, which is Venus for the Romans. She is our
mother according to most of the pagan religions around the world. The womb of the living,
invisible Universe.

“By the God of your father who will help you, by the Almighty who will bless you with blessings
of heaven above, blessings of the deep that crouches beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the
womb.” (Genesis 49).

The presence of analogy indicates the non-existence of a subjective god in control of the
universal principles. Let elaborates on that statement. If there was a god, he would be a
subjective parent wanting to rescue any of his children from mental and physical pain like we
would do ourselves, no matter how bad the kid mistake was. It is not the case. If there was a
god it wouldn't be any evolution but retardation and regression. It would be some kind of a
“stand still” where life would be rotting in a dead end. It would be a destructive paradoxical
situation. The presence of the universe wouldn't be possible.

If there was a god, we wouldn't be able to reach critical insight since our mind would not be
able to reach any form of extrapolating leading to creativity. We won’t be able to mentally
break away from any form of conventional thinking. To have the flexibility of an open mind
includes total mind liberty to make any kind of deductions from any course of event. In a
general sense, psychology reaches over the barriers of the study of the mind to see its name
change to physics when we study the interaction of matter, and chemistry when we study
molecules. Psychology becomes astrophysics when we study cosmic interaction and the name
changes to criminology when it involves unlawful events.

Without breaking any of human laws we can break away from them in our mind, by
separating our cultural ways from the mind ways we have total liberty to study any
“psychological” interaction of anything, even the sacro-saint forbidden field of any form of any
sexual interaction with anything and anyone, even a bun of bread made for hot dog!
(Laughing is permitted); doing so we realize that the metaphorical messages contain in the
Hebrews bible are base in the analogy of things. That analogy is simply the same basic
universal principles being (automatically) applied in different fields. So, what is ethic? The
answer is: Libido leads the way.

In the largest field of all: the universe, we are searching for the “psychology of things”, we
want to know the “how” to eventually find “why” some “what” occur, and “when” the “why”
occur some “where”. It can be fun! It is the 3W trinus (when, where, and why) of the
psychology of things (what’s).

Is there anything crazy about wanting to know the mystery of things? Of course not! Is there
something neurotic about worshipping masochistically a mysterious god? Yes it is! Let face it,
Gods worshippers are a bunch of neurotics worshipping the Chaos Theory. The meaning of the
presence of that theory is to fill up our scientific holes (our lack of knowledge) until such time
we comprehend all aspects of analogy. God’s worshippers are worshipping their mental voids,
taking God as a substitute.

To takes any non-existence deity, God included, as a substitute filling up the mind void, to
connect the dots between scientific knowledge, (as “God” is made of those dots) will lead to the
gradual cancellation of those dots (deities) as they are self-destructive paradoxical concepts in
the mental world. The mental world being (beside the dark universe) the mind of an individual
will drive out (with time) any paradoxical concepts to replace them with reasonable ones. That
is what the mind is thriving for naturally for its constant adaptation. God as a person is doom
by the truth. The presence of a living god is not possible in the universe of science studying the
true science of the universe. Therefore, “God” has to be a word that mean “science of nature”, it
is the only possibility of the existence of that word.

Oracles and Science

At the present time, the dictionary gives us the definition of an oracle in its sealed form
without disclosing the true sense as mentioned below. Sealed form of an oracle from
dictionaries: “An oracle is the answer of a solicit divinity to one's request according to
determinate ritual.” The true sense and essence of an oracle: The oracles are scientific
information from experiments and observations that have been done according to established
rules.” it’s all a question of translation!

“...the first covenant had regulations for worship... place of holiness...Of these things we cannot
now speak in detail. The priests go... regularly,... performing their ritual duties...various
washings (radiations, viruses, etc... maybe involve), follow regulations...the copies of the
heavenly things to be purified with these rites...” (Hebrews 9).

We have to understand that ancient divinities are concepts representing natural phenomenon.
Life is a natural mnemonic phenomenon. The Egosphere is a natural phenomenon. All natural
phenomena obey the laws of logic. In ancient Greece only the Oracles can interrogates the
gods, and in biblical pre-Christian times it was the prophets who were having that privilege;
both Prophets and Oracles were peoples of the science of god(s), they knew gods laws. They
were scientists knowing the universal principles.

The base of any religion is mainly a set of beliefs concerning the primal causes which created
the universe, giving it its nature, and its own purpose of adapting to itself. As we can see
religions are trying to define scientific data. Man in is moronical ways would belief in a
supernatural power in reference of the powers of one primal and only energy being regarded
as the creator governing the universe.

With what we know now as regards to this theory of a self-programmed Universe, and the
capabilities of today’s science, we realize that what was an oracle in the past is nothing more
than the result of research by scientists according to scientific approaches in present time. The
true prophets and oracle representatives are primarily those who know the scientific truth and
keep learning it. They are a species of human almanacs, two legged calendars that provide
information on various subjects as well as weather forecasts.

Because of some politico-religious times, accurate results of sciences were not at all welcome.
Because of their heretics accuracies; heretic in reality mean “another opinion”. They were to be
disclosing in hermetic ways, for not to unveil their real source, and to let us know science is the
way to go to understand nature ways.

Nostradamus is a good example when he wrote: “against those who both made me faith death”
which in its broad sense means: against those who have more faith that they have reason I
have to muffle my thoughts...

Thus, today’s scientists are yesterday’s prophets and oracles. What is prophecy other than
forecasting the manifestation of events for both the present and the future? It is only statistics!

“Events are made by God's will” as some religious circles say. They stop their reasoning at
these hermetic doors...and stand there salivating for more... They do not realize that science is
the only key to open those doors. Some of them even spit on the keys of science, all those keys
being assemble under the Ankh symbol. As a result they become prey to the devilish ones who
can be very charming murderer psychopaths. Today's scientists come very close to predicting
when a volcano could erupt and are mostly accurate concerning the weather forecasts. Most of
us are capable of doing oracles as long as one has the sense of observation and a scientific
knowledge. We know now that the laws of physics are always faithful to themselves under the
same circumstances as well as chemical reactions. All futuristic predictions are from scientific
knowledge. Take for example radioactive fallout, ozone holes located on the poles, the pollution
of the planet and greenhouse effect, chemicals hazardous to health etc...They were foretold by
science decades ago. Rightful forecasting scientific information made for our benefit and
antisocial-lobbying-politics from psychopathic company that influence governments for their
own benefit and detrimental for the rest of humanity are two different things.

We must all remember that prophecy: It is more wise to lie to the devil (sociopath) than to the
innocent who seek the truth, as the devil is oblivion and so are lies, lies belongs to oblivion.
Times are coming.

Anyone with learning capability can be a prophet. The definition of prophesy is as follows: “To
make known by a divine inspiration, wills or warnings of divinity” ....hermeticism again!
Muffled science. Information residing in our super Ego makes its way to our intellect to be
analyzed. If the analysis is based on science then we can be prophets if we know what we are
talking about. Otherwise we would be quacks. Our definition of what really is a prophesy is as
follows: To make know by proper scientific approach and reasoning, warnings of nature and
what is the best approach to serve nature for nature to serve us. Just plain common sense!
Math is the offspring of the objectivity of logic, and equations symbols can be translated into
the symbol of language, therefore any form of objective reasoning, its written symbol (as a
normal language), can be translated in math equation to see if they are indeed a logical
approach that follows the universal rules. In that sense true prophecies can be proven to be
normal scientific knowledge.

What was once the messages of the true prophets of the past are the answers of today’s science.
With whom do the people of today’s science replace the true prophets of yesterday? The
answer is: with knowledgeable people of sociology, psychology, psychiatry, humanists,
environmentalist etc...Even our regular school teachers. The ancient true prophets preach us,
in the sense that they educated us from their scientific data. Our present day’s teachers do the

The ones that knew the secret, meaning science is not a religion but made as a religion, are
mentioned in the Old Testament: “On the seals (in the secret) of the Covenant (contract) are the
names of...The priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the temple servants, and all
who have separated themselves from the peoples of the lands (common peoples) to the Law of
God (to become scientists),... all who have knowledge and understanding ( of science) ... enter
into a curse and an oath (to keep the secret)...to observe...rules...for the service of the house of
our God ( to the service of science)...the appointed...holy things (scientific tools)...to bring... to
the priests...the firstborn of our sons...” (Nehemiah 10).

What we discover so far is that in is broadest sense the term “Torah” means: teaching,
instruction, doctrine, universal Laws; that also include: custom, theory, guidance, and
systems. The Torah was the religious, scientific and political reference for the legal and
teaching system of the Hebrew nation. It contains also historical events. The Hebrew Torah is
a synthesis of scientific documents that was given in a series of small scrolls, and the contain
release, in their hermetic form, in a historical background, trough time, from a line of High

To copy the Torah, specially trained scribes under very strict requirements write it on
parchment in a formal, traditional manner. The oral portion of the Torah consists of the
traditional interpretations of the clues which lay on the Torah are handed down by word of
mouth from Levite generation to Levite generation.

The Hebrew Bible. The Zohar, Vol. 11 Trumah Section 61 states that the original Torah, without
the human historical background, was created prior to the creation of our own world, and that
it is the blueprint of Creation and Evolution. Meaning it was created in other place than
earth ... in some other planet.

One of the foundations of Jewish faith, a basic principle of Judaism, is that nature reveals its
secrets. By knowing it, by experiencing it, realizing it, and understand it, we becomes so
unified with nature that we acquired the knowledge of the prophet; meaning prophets are men
of science. The mind of the prophet becomes unclothe by the wisdom of nature. Maimonides
emphasizes that prophecy is a mixture from life experience and secular scientific knowledge.
The libidinous understanding of nature and nature natural laws brings the presence of
universal statistics into one mind in a form of constructive inspiration. That is what makes
some human beings to instinctively know and comprehend nature as their conscious minds
become nature receptacles. In their religious mind, the Jews call nature: “god”; in their secular
mind the Jews call nature by its name: nature. Jewish religious teaching is an ancient secular
knowledge in a mythical form.

Separating ourselves from the pursuit of mind idleness, “redemption” (as the recovery of our
mind) is saying Rebbe’s “will make prophets of us all”. According to their understanding of a
prophet, the most predominant Rebbe’s (and rabbi's) are saying that it is an individual who
has reached the heights of human wisdom and continue evolving at the same pace than
Before comprehending nature ways, are adding that rabbi’s, a prophet has to conquer some of
his moronic inclinations; like: overcoming his acquired human sociopathic desires and
external temptations of deceiving the trust that others places upon him, it is called our yetzer
hara (our evil inclination). To be arrogant and vain do not dwell with nature ways. A prophet
is to become humble, because knowledgeable, as he become a vehicle of nature righteousness.

Rebbe's are also saying that we must also know our weaknesses and our strengths, to see what
traits of character we must strengthen and seek to introduce within ourselves to become an
individual with an open mind. Becoming knowledgeable is to unite oneself with nature to
perceive nature as it is and be inspires by it; but, according to these rabbi's concerning health
and wealth. a prophet need to have his working material on hand and to be fairly physically fit
to cope with his mental disposition, as without those tools a person cannot function at full
capacity. In other words, on had to have is basic needs to be satisfied to function properly, that
puts our mind at ease and makes it receptive to inspiration; psychology tell us exactly those
same things! According to the Jewish faith, it seems that a prophet has the same
characteristics of a normal human being having his complete sanity. As for the rest of us, we
are neurotics, as Sigmund Freud said.

Rabbes are saying that they got their knowledge from Noah’s and Moses. The question is: how
did humanity reach that level of psychology fanciness in the Bronze Age?

We have to evaluate the Torah according to its stories where secondary parables are been told
by the characters that are inside primary parables. Some of those characters involve animals
or virus acting like if they were human and dealing with real humans in the human-historic
scene for us to be fooled as thinking they were real humans. The stories can have general
history correctness with at the end a “morality of the story”. There are also stories where in
fact the main character is using normal scientific means or tools to help to do something very
ordinary, but seem to have supernatural claims the way the story is told.

Outside the past historical context there are stories of futures events in parable form. The
reason why the Hebrew established someone as a prophet is not because he had a prophetic
experience but because, by his knowledge of basic universal principles that transcends time
and space, he was capable of transferring them from one context to another, in a parable form,
for him to repeatedly and invariably be proven correct. All of the Prophets were
knowledgeable scientists that prophesied by way of parables and riddles. They knew “god”
means the “logic in the mechanical science of nature” therefore the words: nature, logic and
science can be under the name: lord, god, the almighty etc...

The actual Jews (including Rebbe’s) are saying that “Any prophet who arises and says that
“god” sent him does not have to perform a sign which involved supernatural events (since all
events are naturals); instead, the sign that he has to perform is to predict the future (easy
enough with the use of parables). Then the Jews waits if its happen or not; “if it’s always
happen then he is considered as a prophet and the Jews have to believe him, as it is written,
“And if you say in your heart (libido), How shall we know the word which the Lord has not to
spoken? ¥”'. Fancy isn't it? That beat Shakespeare! Therefore when a prophet predicts the
future, Jews have the cultural tendency to wait and see if what was said happens or not.
Sometime, Jews were often enough mistaking a prophecy for another instead to use their
reason in the first place; that what leads plenty of them to end up in Hitler concentration
camps. Einstein did escape in time. The Jews are also saying that “A prophet has to be checked
many times” (the empiric method) to be continuously accredited as a prophet of the Lord”. It
seems that a lot of scientists are prophets. Our science is all about taking apart and measuring
what is already there to find out some of the universal rules. Then to see how we can use them
at our advantage. We keep creating new things from what is already there by aditioning basic
elements together in certain ways. Prophets does the same in their head from basic element
such as past history, the knowledge of statistic and psychology, natural events, science in
general etc...On the top of that they are excellent parable tellers. Some time they were using the
backroom of the temple as scientific laboratory to do chemistry and play with quantic theory
in concrete manner, the ark of covenant is a good example. If the High priests and prophets
have said something like this to the commoners: “Logic (of nature) is the science (of nature). It
is (nature) logic in the automaton of nature, and nature it’s made of quantum of energy that
gives us the light that the eye perceive and not perceive, and the light (cognition) that only our
mind perceive. Wave after waves of quantum of energy wrapping upon themselves forms the
concretes of time as mc2. Born in the physical aspect of the universe, our body is born from the
concretization of time; as for us, as souls, we are a living subjective intellect born “in paradise”
as being born in the dark aspect of the universe (the Egosphere) which is purely made of “hf”.
Joined together in the physical world, both forms of life, soul and body are called the psyche”.
If the prophets were saying that it would have being a big trouble somewhere.... What we are
doing now in this present metaphysical research is advancing ahead of the empirical method
of science, by extrapolating, with logic (and libido) from were science left off, that is the whole
point of metaphysic. Religions are assessing claims of the supernatural character of life.
Science focuses on life to find the validity of the natural laws. The plausibility of any claim
must be ascertained using some objective standards. That is what the Jews are doing
concerning their prophets. Israel is a race apart, retaining the values of the “olds” and they
know it. That makes the Jews not to project who they are to others. As for us we have the
tendency to project who we are on others + others own qualities and flaws. It is that
phenomenon that trigger our asocial behaviors toward the Jews in general, when “pissed” on
poor economy and our tight budget, when we project ourselves with our flaws on Jews “having
more flaws” than we do, according to our general perception of them, and still making
incomprehensible good money by “ripping us off” because they learned the proper way to do
so. Jews are a race apart alright! They don't bug us but we do bug them when “pissed” while
them working for world peace and harmony.

It is very possible that burry deep (very deep) in our unconscient we know that effectively
Israel were the one “chosen” nation by pharaoh to lead mankind to its harmony; and like
frustrating little kids spanking mom butts because the sherry pie it’s not ready to eat yet, we
are kicking them in the butts to do their job faster. It seems we are not really helping

The moronic faithful’ belonging to any religions see and hear only the end product of many
political transactions that did happen in the historical background concerning the
manipulation of the religious contents belonging to their various denominations; their faith is
blind. Blind faith is having faith in any saying concerning anything, religious literal sayings
included, without tangible proofs; blind faith can leads us to jump like an imbecile over a cliff
because an idiot was telling us we will grow divine wings in a speed record if we do so. Any
flying instructor will tell you that for an individual to win its “wings” he has to work hard the
secular way and not to acts like an imbecile.

As a clue think as primal religions as diamond mines. When we follow a vein, we leave behind
the waste to pick-up only the sparkling jewels refracting light. Those jewels are secularism,
while the waste is made of fool gold, these are allegories leading to religiosity, and the
monotone of kouac religions, concerning their report of the conducts of the universe, is very
conductive to mind napping.

The whole of the natural principles makes them to be an assembling associative phenomenon
as an "almighty lord" having an existence of its own but without being alive but nevertheless
being able to create life as separated mnemonical phenomena.

Like a thorn ripping the flesh the literal “God” rips the mind apart; Religions are distractions
from the true inspirations of creativity, the literal “God” as a torn in the mind, it may sting
(troubles may occur) when being pulled out.

Dissociativity versus metaphorical personality

Medusa, from Greek mythology represents the Dark Universe freeing souls from her womb in
their multiple personalities. Originally the dark universe was represented by a black Goddess.
Her name coming from the Greek word "metis" is similar to the Sanskrit "medha", meaning
"wisdom." Originated from Egypt the myth has been imported into early Greek culture, and
the Hindu version of Medusa is the Goddess Kali. Medusa is our link with the Black Madonna
(the Egosphere) who let us free (see the Pandora box) to see or not to see her wisdom; we have
to find wisdom by our own. The black Madonna (the Dark Universe) is in waiting for any of
her children (any of us) to have the boldness to understand the phenomenon of our multiple
personalities in order to unlock the secret were in nature her wisdom reside. There is a positive
correlation between us (as any others form of life) being each of medusa hair, and us having
multiple personalities. It is after becoming so tired to be wounded by the world that her sons
and daughters (meanings us) are to be resurrected into the knowledge her memory contain.
That would be after we die in our own mental hell, to be finally been raise (or resurrected) as
Phoenixes’ under her unblinking eye.

Within the multiesoteric trinus, there is the trinus of communication of knowledge. The two
opposites are:1) on one pole: secular teaching; 2) on the opposite pole: primal religious
teaching. Secular teaching is clear terms scientifical data; primal religious teaching are
scientific data handle down in hermetic terms. The link is “the same data”. Our mind travel
from one pole to the other pole. Our perception of the same data is different from one pole to
the opposite. That gives us “the cyclical mood” where mind frustration can affect our intellect;
faster and more often the cyclical move between the opposing poles, more intense will be an
intellectual bipolar disorder. Each pole control an alter state within the mind. Moods changes
are related to bipolarity.

Science and primal religion is not hard to reconcile due to the presence of the mind (soul). One
has to understand Freud sayings and enter Freud mind to understand that the multifaceted of
nature correspond to the multifaceted of our mind personality, nature built us.

Our personality is naturally “split” in various different aspects, and our mind is a mental field
full of paradoxes where opponents (opposite aspects of one’s personality) meet and conflicts
with each other. If one of the opponents is weaker than the other in one field, like if the secular
knowledgeable facet of one’s personality is weaker than religious beliefs facet of one’s
personality, then, secularism and common sense that goes with it is bound to be the looser.
Then, the intellect, by reaction, creates an alternate facet to replace the looser, with chaotic
pieces of the broken secular facet of personality, in the mind field of paradoxes.

During our life time, the memories and feelings end up into the filing cabinets of our superego
for future reference. Later on, according to the circle of influence we are under in a specific
moment, some of those data are retrieved and submit to the proper facet of our conscious mind
that deal with that circle of influence. That process happens constantly at different times and
location, and under different external stimulus from various and different situation belong to
specific circles of influences.

As we can see, during the evolution of the mind, different facets or mind-personalities develop;
our mind contain different memories belong to different circles of influences, and our intellect
performing different functions relative to the external stimulus adapt to the circumstances. The
multifaceted of the mind is the multipersonality of an individual adapting to various
environments. It is the associative identity of the mind; it is the connection of different
identities belongs to various alters-egos in one mind into a single functioning identity.

“Dissociativity” is a natural and innate mechanism of adaptation where the “associative

identity” (the whole mind) bring to the conscious the appropriated personality relative to the
circle of influence stimulating the superego, i.e. the maternal personality being detached, and
dispatched, to satisfied the need of the baby. Every living being is able to displays multiple
distinct identities or personalities (known as alter egos or alters), each having its own pattern
of perceiving and interacting with a specific aspect of the environment. An artistic personality
will not perceive Niagara fall as the same than the personality of an electro engineer dealing
with electro turbines creating magnetic fields, even if it’s the same individual. The religious
personality is mentally challenged (retarded) since it leads to bigotry and plenty of nonsense.

As for “Dissociative Identity Disorder” (DID), is a mental disorder that some scholars in
psychiatry believe that “DID” should be re-classified as a trauma disorder and not under the
term of “schizophrenia” Dissociative identity disorder more commonly known as “split
personality” goes under the diagnosis that requires that at least two personalities routinely
take control of the individual's behavior with an associated memory loss that goes beyond
normal forgetfulness; as defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Earlier versions of the DSM named the
condition of “split personality”: multiple personality disorder (MPD). Religiosity is a trauma
disorder, in some case like Muhammad the founder of Islam, schizophrenia is also in the

Culturally, most of the Jewish people have a religious mind personality and a secular mind
personality which are the predominant ones during their live. They are the two personalities
that routinely take control of the Jews individual's behaviors. Their moods changes, from a
personality to the next, are related to that bipolarity.

The causes of dissociative identity disorder are theoretically linked with the interaction of
overwhelming stress, traumatic antecedents, and the innate ability to dissociate personalities
from the “associative identity of the mind”. Some Jews are unconsciously abusing their mind
by the predominant presence of the two “unconcilable” opposite personality which deny each
other validity. That can produce a distortion of reality leading to severe mental impairment
(like not foreseeing the holocaust). The highest mental abilities (Freud, Einstein, Newton) is
when those two personality (religious and secular) can become one in a person mind, without
retrieving any ability of the single functioning identity that is the mind.

In the case of the Jews, the main symptoms of splits personality are: multiple mannerisms,
attitudes and beliefs that are dissimilar to each other. Distortion of reality and
acceptance/negation (paradoxical thinking) of objectivity. Depersonalization (negation of self
to better see their own nullity to be one with god). Personality disorders.

DID in reality is more than a normal personality dissociation; it is a “robotic” reproduction of

a mental sickness becoming a coping mechanism for the intellect when faced with stressful
situations that cannot be resolve. It is the intellect “inventing” one or more chaotic personalities
made of disparate and paradoxical (rejected) pieces of information (paradoxical data retrieves
from the unconscious) to cope with the “monster” of environmental mental abuse by creating
its “anti-monsters”; those “makes-believe” personalities belong to nowhere in reality.
Nevertheless those personalities are like dreams, they have a reality of their own: they are the
intellect subliminal message toward the exterior, those fictional acting characters representing
the metaphorical aspect of the mind suffering become by their idiotic “non-sense” sayings the
mirror of various cultural non-sense.

“Metaphorical personalities” is self done by the intellect, it has the natural ability to do so, it is
generally done in the unconscious level; but it can also be in the conscious level of the mind.
Psychological trauma in childhood, and/or starting from childhood to present days can
predispose an individual to the development of “Metaphorical personalities”. It is for the huge
part in the unconscious level that the child being abuse, and to timid to say so, created a
metaphor to send his message.

The development of a dissociative identity is a natural mechanism of adaptation; it is the

overusing of any mechanism of adaptation that develops various mental sicknesses. When two
opposites’ mind-personalities like religious versus secular meets and the cyclical tempo
between polarities became too fast, the feeble polarity has to gives up, it “splits” off.

The intellect, retrieving those chaotic “splits off” parts of data from the superego, and taking as
a base its awareness in the long term memory concerning paradoxes, submit a false
personality to the conscious, that is not belonging to any specific environment, but can creates
one. A metaphorical personality tends to create its own environment. Metaphorical
personalities are not real dissociates personalities. Metaphorical personalities and cultures
created by them will disappear when the paradoxes they represent disappear. Islamism is an
adequate example to mention, as Muhammad was previously a followers of Judaism who
developed a personality disorder from intensive bipolarity, where sado/masochism was
involve, which resulted of a cultural paradox involving million of individuals. Islamic peoples
are mentally disturb unhappy people; they are the flock of a mental coping by-products (which
is a metaphorical personality) from an unscholarize individual in secularism while being
taught the Torah. Jews on the other hand keep their “normal” sanity by equally being taught in
both aspects (secular and religious) of the same science, where the involvement of libido keep
an equilibrium between the two poles, being an impeachment (or a emotional constructive
breaking system) to bipolarity.

As we can see, cultural pressures in highly suggestive individuals who are uncultivated in
secular science can induce the “Islamic following the master steps” syndrome leading to world
political chaos. We have to remember that different mind personality can coexist in peace in
the mental field as long as if some of the opposites that are constantly confronting each others
have libido involves arbitrating the mental game.

We can say that every aspect of our personality has a life of its own. Then, “split personality”
as such, and as a trouble of the personality is also when one of those aspect of personality
become the main one in every situation. It is pushing away others personalities for the
associative identity of the mind to experience the loss of part of its data (memories) that goes
beyond normal forgetfulness. It is like someone dresses constantly as Julius Caesar “knowing”
reality is a scene where actors are playing their roles. In this case it is an inappropriate
behavior to display when one goes to a funeral. It would be more appropriate on “mardi gras”
or in a theatrical scene where he has to play that role. As a “misplaced” personality, a specific
aspect of an individual personality has his own set of value not corresponding to most
situations. It also do not really correspond well with the values of his others personalities. Each
personality is made by the intellect to adapt to different situations. The “pianist personality”
does not know how to make an apple pie.

We cannot conclude this chapter without mentioning that the Catholic religion which starts as
a Jewish political faction called “the Christian Party” in Israel and end up as to be the official
Roman religion under Constantine the Great is a religion which is manufacturing a bunch of
moronic followers with personality disorders. That's make the Pope the head of that
manufacturing “non-profit” religiopolitical organization.

Let's face it, some religions, like Islam, masterminds terrorist attacks on people’s minds, body,
and structural organization, by various devious means. Their conflicting assessments
concerning the natural laws, their functions (the reason of their presence), and also their
genesis (their happening: how they came to be) show a lack of good intelligence, literally and
metaphorically; in short: they do not know what they talking about concerning their
metaphysical aspect. No scientific evidence is there to confirm the divagations of Muhammad
(the funder of Islam) to be valid; but everything indicated that the contrary is true. The
presence of religious wars stresses the urgency for science to target the true function of the
dark universe (known as the black Madonna) for its metaphysical aspect to be understood as
being the point of departure of plenty of religions.

Knowing Jesus represents the whole of humanity, the question is: are all the none’s of the
world who, under the spell of religious promises, makes a total offering of their body and soul
without restrictions to Jesus of Nazareth, and accepting to be one of his millions of wife’s for
Jesus pleasure, being ready to accept to be the non-profit and charitable ladies of pleasure who
are ready to fulfill humanity basic needs, sexual needs included? Like Jesus said “Whatever
who do to others you do it to me”….

In the Jewish scripture polygamy and whoriness (prostitution) was part of Hebrews culture;
in Catholicism polygamy is ok for Jesus of Nazareth, especially in regard of the number of
none’s worldwide who weds a "living Jesus"; Arabs who can afford it pay themselves an
harem and Islam preaches its followers that paradise with plenty of virgins awaits the
believers; as for the Mormons, who for once got something right, we find their polygamy way
of life an abomination to our human laws! So who to believe? What Libido has to say? Isn’t
libido saying that the sharing of pleasures is a must to respond to our human basic needs,
regardless of human laws (and that’s includes sexual needs), as long the partners involved
gives their enlighten consents? Too many libidinous persons are jailed-in due to some
prejudicial idiotic laws that came to existence because of some religious minded idiots and
other kind of imbeciles who don’t know the difference between libido and perversion.

It is the different contexts that stimulate the arrival of the personality that fit each one

Fundamentally "Antichrist" mean "Against the one who knows the truth".

The zombies will see Moschiach as a trouble maker.

The Function of Multiple Personalities

We are Lucifer's, our conscious flying continually above the abyss of our unconscious; each one
of us is a falling angel, a snake, a falling hair from Medusa head ending up on this earth.

Our original sin is to be agnostic, from there on some of us learn to be sociopaths, like some car
salesmen (but not all car salesmen are sociopaths) which are bigger sins; others choose to be
religious extremists which is even a biggest sin etc...At first glance that seems to be a
paradoxical situation from the part of the universal principles since their functions is to have
harmony in all fronts. To make a long story short, it is the experiencing of frustrations that
trigger our willingness to learn to be independent from them (the frustration) by learning
what has to be learned in order to better respond to our basic needs and some of our wants.
Luckily for us the sociopaths are not completely evils but only a fraction of their associative
personality learns to be evil for different reasons.

In some primal mythology a creature with many heads represents multiple personalities. The
same principle applies for creatures having one eye which represents the mind tunnel vision
where an individual is lacking judgment. Many mythical creatures are representation of
psychological realities.

Each one of our personalities has abilities in a specific field with various subject related to that
field (like a doctor or a plumber). Each personality focuses intensively on its field. Each
personality can have a strong individuality or not; some personalities are stronger than other
and are taking over easily at the expense of others personalities. Some personalities are
lacking common sense, others are lacking emotional sensitivity. In all cases social pressure is
as much a factor as natural preferences. Each personality in its uniqueness is disconnected
from society and is disinterested of what is exterior of them; they are in the “trip” of the
contemplation of their own work. It is the whole associative identity that gives an individual (a
person) its sense of ethics (sociability). Different personalities develop from early childhood
and differentiate themselves from the others, just like different people, having each their own
originality. All types of personalities draw up their potential from the same source of
intelligence concretized itself in the genetic level, as their common source.

The reservoir of intelligence being the same for all personalities, it is the mental of the “whole
individual” meaning the ego, that decide which personality will be the main one, taking over
all others personality in a blink of an eye. It is like all personalities are lining up in order of
preference. It is that main personality that will use the “knowledge” and experience of all the
other for a wider understanding of complex issues. It is like a team work at the “tour de
France” where the whole team is in the service of one member. In long term, every personality
it’s a winner since the dominant one being, over time, gifted from many subjects became the
one main source of concepts for all personalities to refer to. The team of personalities giving
the main personality its superior talent creates a source for the ego to excel in many fields. Of
course intelligence is needed, but also the self-determination to use libido as we go along since
it is libido that gives us the innovative social drive to excel for the benefit of all. It is a question
of having the “team work” theory in mind.

The intellect is a wider field than previously imagined. The mind, by itself, naturally in search
of bypassing the mental acquired walls of paradoxes applies new techniques, like building new
neurons in various parts of our brain, for the flow of cognition to keep flowing. A successful
mind is a creative one, when required it also “fired” dormant part of the brain to ease the
mental pressure of cognition against the walls made of paradoxes which gives us headaches. It
is by learning neurology, on top of transcending some of the textuality of scripture contain in
the Torah that Freud came to understand the mind. The mind has its own natural creative
mental processes from where our ego can draw up by self-determination is own creativity and
imagination and disperses it among various personalities. That way, a complex problem can
be fractalized and many solutions can be found in the unconscious level, dispersed among
different personalities, while the conscious is busy with one part of the problem in one field.
The others problems been resolves already, and stored in different personality memory, can be
retrieve as a form of “instinctive” answers; those are the “little voices” telling us things on the
back of our mind. These answers can be seen as “clear-eyed visions” of given situations, where
“instinct of logic” renders any interpretation to be unnecessary. This is “mental team work”
again. We can see that the associative identity of the mind is based upon an incredible natural
production of mental teams made to work together from their different fields.

The tremendous energy of the associative identity where the whole team is pushing their
“champion personality” (dominant personality) can be seen in the real world as an individual
producing creative and original doings, demonstrating exceptional natural capacity in his
specialize field and who masters and personalizes his own technique. Mostly “stuff” that has
never been seen or evaluated previously; in other words, team work can create geniuses out of
us. One can be a genius in one or various fields and still having no idea how to make a cherry

Nature gifted us with memory but superior understanding from acquired data is under our
self-determination. Sometime our understanding, via the dominant personality, goes so far out
and ahead from any previous world knowledge that is better to let another personality takes
over before the capricious obsessive-compulsive nature of the “uniqueness” dominant one takes
over the whole associative identity to be the “split personality” in charge by itself. Then it is
time to learn how to make a sherry pie; that would humble the associative identity, and keep a
close leach on the dominant one. It is called wisdom.

The ego is in charge, it is the ego choice to decide which personality will be the predominant
one using the vastness of the mind power by letting the whole team to back-up that single
personality to perform groundbreaking work in its field. Others elements of other fields are
relegated as secondary significance unless emergency occur. The ego is the conscious “will” of
an individual, the “instinct” is the “natural intellect” in the subconscious level. The “will” can
willingly let the intellect runs its natural course in the predominant personality, that open the
doors to all others concepts “knows” by others personalities to reach the conscious of the
dominant personality. A person who embarks on the “trip” to use all his mental power to
champion one personality in particular in the expense of all others personality is logically, and
naturally (automatically) doom to works during his free time as a recluse in that dominant
personality field of interest. Relinquishing temporarily social meetings the whole intellect
concentrates of being in the service of that dominant personality, is busy adapting concepts
from other fields of personalities for the benefit of the dominant personality field. It is all a
question of the conscious and unconscious mind translating analogies in parallel anyway!
Being conscious of the fact that analogies are not merely coincidence it’s a big help. All
analogies came from a single equation from a singular mathematical source made of energy:
Time = E; and energy leads to an evolutionary process that creates life. Life includes mind,
therefore mind evolution is part of the equation from which the absence of life was always
impossibility. Creativity in all fronts is only possible because of the presence of various
personalities into one associative personality (our ego); any of our personalities is
imaginative, because of the various processes of energy forming our memory, and the leading
personality in a certain moment in time is the one that creates new avenues related to
adaptation therefore to evolution. Having learned to have a lack of imagination in certain
fields can only make us stagnate in rooting situations in those fields, producing mental illness.
Lack of imagination is the culprit which put a barrier in our creativity therefore to our use of
the universal natural rules to find new knowledge that can help us to formulate reality in
different form of communication leading to the concretization of building parts of utopia piece
by piece; any real knowledge is the one that can be proven to be viable in the concrete sense
(building bridge, creating new materials etc...) as well than in its abstraction (maths,
psychology etc...). To have imagination is a natural ability; we can call that ability "a gift from
the universe" toward any forms of life. By transferring to our social environment that
universal endowment by various acts of creativeness to speed-up the process of psycho
sociological human evolution we supply positively that environment with our natural talents
for that same environment to have a new knowledge of reality unforeseen before.

During our eternal journey, from birth and behond the death of our mortal body we can do
anything we want, and as long libido is involved we do it for harmony.

The Spirit of God = the Spirit of Nature

Too many dies to keep religious myths alive, lets unfold all those myths to understand the real
truth behind them.

"Spirit" indicates the dynamics controlling a state.

The essence (the source) of what is controling the “spirit” of the natural principle is an
automatic pattern following the first principle.

The spirit of Nature is to help the souls during their immortal journey's, it is all automatic,
that's includes helping the psyche during its mortal journey. The many ways of Nature are
personalize in many spirits call Nymphs. The Nymphs are representations of Nature
diversified spirit of evolution. Nymphs belongs to Greek mythology, they are daughters of Zeus
who represent mind harmony, and therefore a harmonious psyche. Nymphs are cheerful
spirits of nature helping mortals in their social creativeness. The ancient Greeks, when
creating their mythology, created several types of nymphs belonging to earth, waters, rivers,
fountain, mountains, caves, springs etc...The Spirit of God means the Spirit of Nature. It is the
same thing. It only indicates the presence of the evolutionary process of nature. That process
produces natural laws. All we have to do is to define them, with our human resources, all of
them! Time is in our hands. So we better rely on science rather than religions to do just that. It
only requires common sense to understand words of wisdom coming from the scientific
community; we don't have to be composers to appreciate a beautiful symphony.

Concerning the Torah, and starting from the principle that the Torah contain secular scientific
information, one has to have developed a scientific minded aspect of his whole personality, and
to be attach to his emotional roots (which is the universal libido) as without them it would be
only morbid rationality, to start to look in Moses mind; Moses being the number one official
source that handle the Torah to Israel.

History (from various sources) tells us that Moses was a holder, among many others all over
the world, of a universal scientific knowledge, passed-on to humanity by nature (god). Moses
Era required for that knowledge to be harmonized. Therefore we have to enter Moses mind, by
the use of psychology, in that era of time in human history to deshermetize what was
hermetized. For that we have to discover the idiomatic expressions that were in use then; also
the popular expressions, sayings, and “mots d'esprit”. Of course, to translate the Torah in clear
understandable language we also need the help of our actual scientific knowledge. We may
well forget about the second coming of the Catholic myth of Christ! All we have to do is to put
ourselves in Moses shoes to enter his mind, by having the knowledge of his cultural
background and personal history. It is easier than what it seem to be. Studying verbal
behaviors as well as body language to find out what processes are behind them is what
transcending is all about. To transcend is to use psychology, knowing that the universal laws
rules life, mind, and things alike.

In the Torah, the word spirit is widely use. Depending of the context, we can define in what
sense that word is in use. Then we can understand entire paragraphs and also entire chapters.
The main key to unlock the Torah is to find the right synonym; sometime we have to go around
and find antonyms first, and synonyms after. The Torah plays with words, and it was surely
not done by cave men descendants. The Torah is a secular collection of esoteric books of
advanced knowledge under hermeticism. There is nothing paradoxical in it. It is all about
secular (veiled) science in Israel history. It is a mind game. Here are few examples of the use of
the word “spirit” as part of idioms, or to define a feeling about something:

As behavioral: “the spirit of nature” or “the spirit of god”

As mental activity: “our spirit”, “our intelligence with nature (god)”, our intellect. “A sagacious

As humour and irony: “to have a spirit”, “being spiritual”, being spiritual also in the sense to
create metaphors.

Spirit of history, spirit of an epoch, inventive spirit, the spirit of the law, god spirit, bad spirit,
cheerful spirit, sad spirit, nice spirit, spirit of the weather, spirit of a volcano, the world spirit
(concerning politics). Etc...

Nature always keeps its promises; it is automatic. Living being cannot keep promises as
nature rules over life. Even if we control the subjective aspect of our mind, nevertheless our
mind is, by automation, destined to praise nature when we understand nature. Our religious
subjective mind call nature: God and our objective mind call the religious god: nature. Nature,
not being static, it’s the one and ultimate natural (of course!) phenomenon that breaks out all
of our limitations and inhibitions by its sole presence. Nature makes us to evolve. Our evolution
is part of nature evolution. We are the thinking product of a non-thinking natural
phenomenon: nature. What is natural is a universal automatic way. Nature has many ways.
Nature ways are not our ways. Our ways are base in our consciousness of self.

Serving ourselves with nature goods, using nature ways to do so is to serve nature, as we are
products of nature, for nature to be our joy. We will break out all of our mind limitation by our
understanding of the automatism of nature. That will “redeem” our mind to be exiled from
“nature ways” and being submersed into the “hell” of mental sickness. That would be to “Serve
nature (the Lord) with joy.”

The Baal Shem Tov, founder of Chasidism, greatly emphasized this principle of serving nature
to find joy (but he was using the word “god” instead of “nature”); his whole thought translates
(in clear language) as something like this: “We are the children’s of nature and nature it’s
within us. We must serve nature with joy as we are serving ourselves with nature goods, that
bond with nature makes that as we are bond to serve nature constantly. Therefore, we must
always be joyous when adapting to nature ways when doing so”. That kind of saying
emphasizes a fundamental approach of Judaism toward existence, and nature creating life.

When our mind will “resurrects” from the “hare” of our natural and original moronic state
(that is the original sin) we will be satisfied with nature, which is the only unlimited mind
resources, which under its superficiality of matter expresses the profoundness of simplicity. It
is by reaching deeper to our understanding of the natural laws that we can find out that the
true source of human harmony is a social matter base on the sanity of mind of each individual.
That would be the ultimate automatic result of the “spirit of nature” hovering over the hertzian
waves. We have to open, by ourselves the eye of the mind (the third eye) to see, with self pride
and well earned joy, how all the opportunity for “mind-redemption” is all around us.
Otherwise nature keeping doing it by itself and for us by the causal means its automatically
causing us to understand common sense sooner or later anyway! Our bond with nature is
indestructible, as such we are part of nature laws (made of energy), it is just a matter to
understanding all of nature far reaches.

In our last days of mind-exiled from reality, we will better understand that reality was always
revealed to us by nature. It is by our conscious mental self-guidance with and within the
natural order that we can confirm for ourselves that creation is essentially a united existence.
Everything comes from nature ways, and our mind it’s constantly energized by the cognitive
(flow of energy) aspect of nature.

If we talk the same way than the ancient Hebrews High Priests concerning a mixture of
psychology and astrophysics, the result would be the following: “The spirit of nature” built us
and rest upon us, as “the spirit of understanding” will produce in our mind the “spirit of
wisdom”. Then the “spirit of counsel” will be inspired by the respect of nature (fear of god), and
as the “spirit of knowledge” (cognition) keep pouring in, the might of the mind will expand. The
height of understanding knowledge and feeling libido its call “the purity of the soul” in the
Torah. We have to coerce ourselves to see where common sense resided by studying nature and
observe its laws. The spirit of impurity (the evil inclination) is incrusted in our original sin to
be born as morons. For us to get out from that moronic state it is by the natural functioning of
our conscious mind toward the external stimulus which makes us for having to go through a
multifaceted personality in its multiple functions to completely remove our “spirit of impurity”.

Science, especially psychology it’s thinking exactly the same way but not in these terms. Nature
is the revelation of the truth, and science discovers the truth in nature. Human languages,
ways to express ourselves from one culture to the next, and throughout time, can be a barrier
for communication. As for nature, its ways of communicating data is always the same:
throughout the Trinusial process.

The “spark of life” is the triadic quantum and the process of the triadic quanta, also called "life
force" containing the “spirit of nature”; the dual quanta do not contain the "life force" only
“force”. “Life force” is a mnemonical process. As an example, to eat natural garlic (at least once
a day) is to get into our body the life force contain in the garlic, and to be heal or be in god
health, by prevention (preventive natural medicine) by the dynamic of the state (the
characteristics leading to its natural function) of what a garlic stone is made of; but the
artificially produced garlic flavor by chemical laboratories do not contain the "life force“ of the
natural ingredients that prevent blood and arterial problems among others health problems.
There is a difference between speeding evolution natural processes, which contain the” life
force”, and artificially made ingredients which do not contain the "life force"; it is not kosher
(fit for consummation) to eat non natural organic products. Any North American Indian, real
pagan, and healer by natural herb will tell you that fact and did it so for millenniums.

What is "blind faith" is a moronical attitude of believing anything a religious leader is saying
"in the name of God" without questioning the validity of its sayings because of psychological
imprinting. Our present philosophies about what life is are paradoxical baby talks and
therefore controversial baby concepts compare to the simple and elegant logic of things; and it
is not of religious dimension since religions are man invention, and the logic of things is within
the natural principles. “God” is a metaphor created by man, and “blind faith” is to believe what
various religious leaders are saying about the literal of that metaphor. We can only be faithful
on three things: 1) Natural principles; 2) fundamental ethics; 3) Scientific approach. Those are
integral part of the universal logic that unified them under its umbrella; therefore logic is what
we must have total faith in since logic leads to knowledge, reason and wisdom. How can we
tell the truth without any previous knowledge of it? The truthfulness of any data can be
validated by the scientific approach only, and it is done the secular way, not by religious faith.
Truth's are unveils by science, not by relatives and unrealistic religious faiths which have the
nasty tendency for not giving credit to the scientific approach that allow humanity to evolves
toward harmony throughout reasoning and self-determination. Kouac religions (taking for
themselves all the credits) do not gives man the full credit he deserves. Once upon a time there
was a golden age in the past, starting with Noah, where Egyptian High Priests where
wonderful secular scholars and teachers, unlike now-a-days; their mind were clear and their
thoughts were flowing like spring water and they were at ease analyzing complex subjects;
their minds were holding the keys of heaven.

Moshiach is a Jewish concept, it indicates “the intellectual coming" of an individual into mind
maturity and giving his message to the entire world. Jewish belief states that everyone has the
right to believe what they believe concerning religion until Moshiach comes to tell the truth,
and then the world must give up their "religious" beliefs. According to the law (Jewish faith)
when that time come "everyone, Jewish or not, must abandon their fantasy and join with
Moshiach" as Moshiach will bring unity to the world by presenting a new language
(presenting things differently) by speaking all the languages at once (being eclectic) by which
the definition of God will be clarified. It is the presence of the proven truth that makes lies to
disappear; it is a process to go through, and Moschiach is the human component whom speed-
up the process.

An "enlighten consent" is for an individual to gives his consent, and longing for, to be part of
an activity (sexual or otherwise) by having understood all the implications that included from
righteous and unrestricted (thus full release of adequate) information’s that activity
encompasses. For man to punish "enlighten consents" regarding the libidinous field is for man
to embrace his human factor.

As human history witness it is the laws of the conquerors that prevail; but as our sciences
witness: the natural principles (Universal laws) prevail over any man made laws, and it is
uncertain if we can keep all of our promises since death (functional and organic) can occur
anytime. Any kind of death cannot affect the natural principles since they are the rules;
therefore they always keep their promises.

Knowledge is our shelter, without knowledge our mind is homeless.

The Levels of Consciousness

Peoples who gives-up fighting for survival the natural ways (to learn how to adapt and to act
upon it) find peace in "God" since 'God" do the fighting for them; and these peoples become
happy to be “mind-dead’, leaving to the rightful the socio-scientific challenge to go the extra
length to create harmony on Earth.

Our memory is a composite of personalities in different levels of consciousness. Mnemonic data

don't just sit there and wait in files, the intellect processes made them “live” in different
personalities, meaning: to be dynamic in their respective area of the mind. The whole of this
composite it’s called “associative personality”. Thus, different personalities of an individual
refer to different bundles of harmonized data within a composite. That makes each personality
to posses its own ability. Contexts bring the required personality to the conscious; each
personality containing its own set of data transmits their information to the dominant
personality of the moment if required by it under the influence of various stimuli. This ability
of the mind is a product of the constant flow of cognition (processing of data) been grouped by
natural affinity. The truth is reality. Each personality being its own reality becomes its own
truth. Within the framework of our intellect, the dynamic of nature makes all forms of
knowledge to divide into different personality for better transmission of that knowledge in the
appropriate context, thus creating harmony between context and personality; if it wasn't the
case it will be more chaos than it is now between context and personality. It is the right
personality for a specific context that brings situations to tranquility and positiveness while
the situation evolves toward its natural conclusion. This is nature practicality at is best.

The secrets of nature are reveals by the dynamic of each personality and be grasp through the
doors of each context where our perception and intellect is accustomed to evolve (or dwell).
This great mind composite, the associative personality, transcend all personalities composing
it, in order to open a path toward general harmony. We can see that each personality being
potentials tools of expression are meant to achieve a form of homoeostatic balance in the
psyche. Body and soul (the psyche), responding to their needs, are tapping into each mnemonic
individuality (or personality) to harmonize their bond with nature. In that sense, it is the
associative personality that becomes the greatest beacon for each personality self-revelation.
The associative personality does not obscure the existence of each personalities since it is
trough that mnemonic harmonious dynamic filing phenomenon that we can helps self-
explaining, to ourselves, the variously of phenomena within different contexts. The associative
personality extrapolates data naturally as it is the wellsprings of personal knowledge that
each personality fully revealed in great detail, nuance and abundance from its angle of view.
That helps the associative personality for actualizing the psychological aspects as well as the
physical aspect of the context of the moment. Various internal and external stimuli provoke our
mind to tap into our various connections to our various personalities, and it’s the abundant
wellsprings of our associative personality, versus the environment, that’s allowing us to study
and express nature truths. Nothing is in concealed but all has to be found. The synthesis of all
personalities into one consciousness within the psyche directly provokes the revelation of
oneself and to be one with nature...give it time. Nature consciousness in one mind is the
inspiring oneness with nature where all humanity dwells, consciously or not, embracing what
is “sacred” within us. We are living in the mist of our needs and wants, and for us to acts to
satisfy them in nature ways brings out the best out of us. The state of personal and world
Utopia can only be achieved through our own libidinous meanings of self-fulfillment.

From Sigmund Freud theory, there are three levels of consciousness: 1) The conscious, 2) the
preconscious (also called the subconscious), 3) the unconscious (long term memory). These are
the levels of awareness of the psyche and the psyche is defined as being all mental functions
such as intelligence, emotions, memory, and desire. To simplify explanations that follow we
will simply refer to the memory as we have done until now.

The conscious: That is the level of memory where resides the knowledge that each one of us
possess of our existence, our acts, and the outside world. Under the stimulus of the
environment, we consciously answer (posing acts) from precise memories related to specific
stimulus. As we have seen before it is the Ego who makes final decisions.

The preconscious: The preconscious, also known as the subconscious, is the level of memory in
which lies most of the information that is generally used on a sustained basis. In other words:
there are the data that we are using the most, they are readily available as being closest to the
conscious mind. The preconscious is aware of which response to be sent to the conscious that is
considered the most appropriate according to a specific stimulus.

The unconscious: Also call the long term memory, this level of consciousness is the storage area
of the majority of information. Dependent on the nature of the stimulus of the environment, it
undergoes an automatic sorting (psychological process). Information deemed most useful is
sent to the preconscious. The preconscious transmits some of it or forwards it to the conscious.
It all depends on the amount of information and the nature of the data. This is because we
must not overwhelm the conscious with too much information at once. It is for this reason that
sometimes we have an idea and then we lose it. We have to lose an idea for another idea to
takes its place, knowing that we had a very good idea before without remembering which one.
Less we are using certain data; more those data are directed to the bottom of the files. Some of
them, so far in the bottom, get lost in the secret dungeons of the unconscient....were lies...sacred

As who we are we mostly identifies ourselves with our culture more than what we are: a bunch
of psyches made of the same structure, by the same energy, and containing different mnemonic
data from the environment. Generally our personal values are based more on cultural values
instead of the solid base of the natural rules. Mnemonically speaking, vegetal and animal
(human included) are structurally following the same engineering principle; it is
physiologically speaking and psychologically speaking that the differences occur. The religious
or psychological term “deep down” refer to the “forgotten” meaning “our mnemonic structural
engineering and its dynamics” which is made of the natural principles (or universal rules)
following the everlasting trinusial principle. Here is a metaphysical law: The trinusial
principle is limitless in its actions, it is the “essence” behind the universal rules.

The degree of lucidity of consciousness is very variable it is the level of vigilance.

“Are your wonders known in the darkness, or your righteousness in the land of
forgetfulness?..My companions have become darkness.” (Psalm 88).

There are two kind of unconscious:

1) The Freudian one

2) The metaphysical one.

In the Freudian levels of memory, the unconscious is the deepest in the mnemonic barrel, and
the conscious is made of the ever-changing surfacing data.

The metaphysical one is the “essence” of logic, it’s the structural engineering of logic and its
dynamics that contain and process all our mnemonic data. It is like a dynamic filing cabinet, a
dynamic barrel of data. The essence of logic is simply the natural rules that keep the dynamics
of our mental structures (the filling cabinet) to be functional for our intellect to follow a logical
and harmonious pattern. That mental structure is the same for all forms of life, as it follows the
same natural rules. It is by them that the automatic processing takes place as we learn
different things from one individual to the next. It is that metaphysical unconscious that makes
us to be survivors in the sense that the past cannot defines who we are in the present, but only
in the past; if it wouldn't be the case there wouldn't be any evolution.

The Freudian mnemonics levels of consciousness are surrounded by the metaphysical

structures of the universal rules that are makes our metaphysical unconscious. Both
unconscious are constantly in close interaction; it is their natural cooperation that's gives us
that “innate” knowledge of logic in all our level of consciousness. Just like an oak barrel give
the oak flavor to whisky. Our biological body follows that same principle than our mental body
where the Id follows the pattern of logic. In our biological body, the concrete aspect of the
unconscious would be on the genetic level, and the concrete aspect of the conscious would be
our sensory system.

Because of that interactive between the mental body and the biological body, both being under
the influence of the same structures of logic, the psyche can be compare to a lighthouse having
its mass sitting on the ground and were the product of our thoughts become a beam that lights
and guides the world. Depending if our thoughts are selfish or sociable's, the beam of light can
be dimmed or very bright. Any form of knowledge has to be use with wisdom for the mental
part of the psyche to be consciously a light guiding the world, meaning that consciousness is
also to be aware that what is holding human understanding concerning existentialism is the
dam of religiosity holding the waters of wisdom; by raisin the holding gates of self-
improvement thus increasing the supply of understanding we can exceeds our prior standards,
which, on the past permitted wars, famines, and murders, to new levels of pure Ethics paired
with undreamed new technologies.Any religion which is not a primal religion is a syncretism
of previous myths and faiths and having politics as a historical background which is full of
deceives made by peoples having mental troubles or greediness or seeking a position of power
for various reasons. A religion do not believe in the automatic power of nature as the sole
creator, a religion encompass beliefs in the power of a living deity or divines powers (thus
supernatural) controlling human destiny; this is why religious faith reject the validity of
science to explain universal phenomenon’s.

Question-What is a god? Answer: A mythical entity.

Question- What is the function of true gods? Answer:To represents various phenomena in a
mythical manner.

Question- What is a false god? Answer:-1) A true god that is being taking literally as a living
god and be worship as such. 2) Any other man-made god that is not representing a natural

Question- What is life? Answer-A mnemonic phenomenon.

For the psyche there is two kind of suffering and two kind of death; body suffering and mental
troubles (mental suffering), and the death of the body and "mind-dead"; but the soul lives
forever; those are moments of joy and moments of despairs. More we search for wisdom for
psychosocial joys (to built utopia) greater is the reward of the soul in particular, the psyche as
a whole self, and humanity in general. A functional neurosis is term we are using in this
research to indicate various emotional and mental disorders arising from paradoxical beliefs
in the cultural field which encompass religions, morality and any kind of other questionable
data. In its broad term Psychosis is define as a mental illness arising from overusing the
mechanisms of defense and adaptation which ends up by the patient experiencing a sense of
unreal toward reality which affect is everyday life. A functional positive psychosis is a period
in time (of relative length) when the subject reject all the paradoxical values from which his
personality was build in order to reevaluate himself through atonement and humility and
reconstructing his personality a more harmonious way by using reason, common sense and
fundamental ethics; that psychological process was known in ancient Egypt as "the Phoenix
rising from his ashes".
The dead bodies don’t cry, only the livings are; and the living dead-minds (zombies), in their
unconsciousness, are crying over their own dead. The last line of defence of Kouac religions
will be the overusing of rationality by armed and non-armed religious bigots alike.

Fear and Anxiety

Even if there is the presence of a strong intention to believe blindly in his own faith (religion)
an individual still have an unconscious ambivalence when it come to takes life’s, even his own,
under religious and cultural pressure. When fatigue comes closing the psychopaths eyelids,
they slumber in the arms of fear because they have closed the eyes of their social conscience,
their bedside seem to be for them made of solid thorns; but the eyes of the rightful its closing in
peace under its body fatigue knowing his mind to be in the custody of the watchful eye of the
conscience of reason.

Fear is an emotional response to real physical threats and danger for one’s life and is related
to behaviors of escape and avoidance. Fear is connected to real physical pain. Fear is a
survival mechanism occurring in response to specific negative stimulus. Anxiety occurs
without any physical external threat. Anxiety is the result of mental threats that are perceived
to be uncontrollable and unavoidable. Most factors that trigger anxiety are in the unconscious
part of one’s mind. The “fear of the Lord” in religious circles is dread mixed with veneration. In
this metaphysical research the fear of the lord means: to be respectful of science and being
aware of any consequence from its manipulation. The religions Supreme Being is subjective
and unpredictable just like a rotten kid, while the scientists view science as being objective and
having predictable results. A non religious minded scientist may fear the improper handling of
chemicals or atomic particles because he knows what the results would be. A deeply religious
person would develop anxiety from the deliberate exaggeration of Gods punishment as
mentioned by his religion. Both the scientist and the religious minded are facing a risk of
danger. One would be physical, while for the religious person, it would be of a mental nature.
Deep anxiety and other deep mental disturbances can lead to a form of “mental suicide”
leading to the redeems of one mind. Each of us has to be, one way or another, his own mind
redeemer (or liberator) to resurrect from Sheol, the mental hell of paradoxes. Functional (non-
organic) mental sickness is from artificial societal thoughts veiling one inner nature. To
mentally “die”, sinking under the artificiality of one acquired nature can leads an individual to
his true primal (innate) nature where his mind can be “resurrected” by pure libidinous
reasoning. For some individual it is a necessary process to avoid total madness. That process is
a cleansing process. The “sinking” period is a time of confusion where light (understanding)
and darkness (feeling hopeless) takes turn. Light illuminating were was darkness in the mind
completes the process of one “redemption”, meaning for one to think by reasoning oppose to
rationalizing wrongs thoughts. Resurrected Redeemers are the awakens from bad unrealistic
dreams. Some will be awakening before others, retrieving their souls from Sheol ...
resurrecting their mind. This have nothing to do with religion, it is pure psychology. To
conquer our fears and anxieties is to make the unknown known. That automatically implies
that the world will be filled with knowledge, then wisdom will appears from that knowledge,
and from it humanity will really see its completed oneness with nature. It is easy to grasp what
life will be like in that Era: we will finally experience what is perfectly normal. Today world is
abnormal, tomorrow world will be normal. Whatever changes we will initiate will be for the
best, mentally physically and nature wise. Fears and anxieties will take a hike. Truth was
never hidden, but we just don't want to see it and that's what makes us anxious. The universe
was initially self-created; its presence is due from purely existing potential physics phenomena
leading to the natural phenomena of a universe. Nature, meaning the whole dynamics of the
universe, is on a higher level than the different primal original phenomena in their potential
forms which created nature by the presence of synchronicity, meaning the two primal
singularities were there because they has to be there, for they need each others to creates an
universe. Some religions induce our mind with distorted views concerning the presence of our
universe. We will discard them at the same time will discard our anxieties. Our mind will come
out of the darkness of its exile from the truth. Once our sciences will proves what the truth is,
nature glory will be more appreciated than it is already been revealed to us so far. When
doubts disappear so is anxiety. The restructuring of our mind will tandem with the
restructuring of the world as it was meant to be by the logic of things. Sometime we also fear
ourselves and are anxious for others being able to discover who we really are, by them
unveiling our deepest and secret philosophy. Are we what we think we are or are we hiding
from our conscious mind that in fact we really are? Some religions tell us we are not if God is
not in our life ...but in reality we are our deepest dreams ... What are they? What we usually
go for is what is culturally acceptable, and the dreams we have, our deep fantasies which are
not culturally acceptable are being pushed down to our unconscious. So, as a whole mnemonic
unity, are we really what our actions indicates, or what we refrain ourselves to be who we
really are? Therefore the wise will insure that every word spoken carry true knowledge and is
been driven cautiously out of his mouth, for one day our words will be the witness of who we
really were when been compare to our actions or lack of it. Now is always the best time to seek
wisdom by determining honestly who we are in our mind versus libido; as libido it’s as much
for self as it is for the whole of every living beings, as such libido is the universal motivator for
harmony while we are adapting and searching for it; as we can see libido is the universal habit
by which we can keeps a balance harmony during every one of our existence as part of our
eternal life. Psychology gives us the opportunity to understand people behavior in set
situations, that is the scholarized empathy needed to shun cultural, national and religious
bullying and agression, and for leading us to built peacefully utopia when times come that we
can understand and feel that the primal religions and science are one in the field of secular
knowledge. Idiosyncrasy, from Ancient Greek " idiosyngkrasía" translated as "a peculiar
temperament" or "habit of body" is personal mannerism from an individual or a group of
individuals having some of the same characteristics peculiar to the group. One idiosyncrasy of
Kouac religions is to order their disciples to have faith in them without tangible proofs to
validate their sayings. The term "Idiosyncrasy" also applied to symbols, an object being used
as a symbol can have different meaning for different persons. Following that principle some
linguists states that words are arbitrary and idiosyncratic. In psychiatry, Idiosyncrasy is often
accompanied by neologisms (inventing new words) and it defines a specific and unique mental
condition of a patient (or a sect or a religion). In psychoanalysis and behaviorism, the term
Idiosyncrasy is used to indicate how the patient (or patients if is a sect) reacts, perceives and
experiences common situations. The "Holocaust" is a good example, instead of taking all the
warning signs in consideration that Hitler will exterminate all the Jews he can, the Jewish
community, for the large part, leave the decision to "God" instead of taking all the precaution
to flee out of Germany when it was still possible. It is obvious that is a massive psychiatric case
where disillusion, and some of functional autism (rejecting reality), and also just plain fatalism
mix-up with vanity was involved. Some time Jews can be a bunch of self-destructive Kouac’.
The affairs of the universe are our affairs since we are born from it as any other forms of life,
therefore the same natural principles are valid for anything that is part of it. To better adapt
and evolve we have to seek the truth. To find the universe ways is of the scientific realm and by
using the scientifical approach, there is no other ways to be sure of what the truth is made of.
There is nothing wrong to come up with some philosophical possibilities concerning the
universal mechanism, it is from those idea that we can use the scientific method to find out if
they are valid or not, the same goes for religions. It is when we put Religions under the
scrutiny of science (that's include archaeology) that we can find out what is true and what is
erroneous in them, and also what literal part of them is true and what metaphorical part of
them is also true. Non primary religions are syncretism’ by definition. To erase our
existentialist anxieties, and without falling into the trap of morbid rationality, and to find
universal wisdom, we have to understand and accept the fact that our psyche (body and mind)
is composed of two machines: 1) the body which is a biological machine; 2) our soul (or mind)
which is a quantic machine; both are subject of being programmed. Caring (being called
"Love") and emotiveness is simply the dynamics of the logic of the universal natural rules that
gives us frustrating and satisfied organic (for the body) and intellectual (for the mind)
stimulus received, depending of the environmental responses as consequences of our actions, in
order to act harmoniously within the harmony of the natural principles. That is why we are
doom to become one with them but retaining our own conscious mind and our evolving
associative personality for eternity. It is a well known fact among Gnostic circles that
Catholicism and the Islamic faith are religious syncretism which developed a new school of
thought creating its own idiosyncrasy concerning the affairs of the universe; they are the end
result of the fusion of different systems of beliefs in the field of philosophy and religions from
past political compromises (where diplomacy is involve) that gives birth to a new kind of
theology mixing-up ancient rituals in an effort to establish harmony between a number of
disparate and opposing faiths in order to become the world new leading religion with its
founder (or the leading mythical character) to be the latest prophet. In long term the price to
pay to believe in lies is bigger than to be willing to listen to the truth even though if in short
term lies seem to be more comforting than the truth. When everybody believes the same thing
there is no controversy; the messianic era is when the controversy is fire up by the revelation
that will makes everybody to have latter on the same faith toward the natural principles due to
proven scientific data.

Pure common sense is view as prophecy by the moron.

The Mighty Mind of Israel

The morality aspect of the primal religions is only social ethics to follow in order to keep our
psychological balance present in the mind. The presence of the psychological balance exists
only because there is a social environment. The world is fouling itself by not seeing what the
might of Israel is: its mind! It is mainly dormant for now. The spirit of Israel resides in the
humbleness of that nation in its constant secular learning while protecting the Torah by trying
to decipher its various meanings. No one, even themselves can see the genius of Pharaohs mind
behind the birth of that nation. Israel carries faithfully the Pharaoh heritage throughout
suffering centuries for humanity own well. They have no idea yet how genius is their mind and
how the world will rely on their secular knowledge mixed with the secular wisdom contain in
the Torah. They do not realize how far they are way ahead of our times concerning mind
matters. All they have to do is to really understand the Torah to reborn themselves as a nation
being as a Pharaonic Phoenix born out of its ashes. The times are coming for Israel to offer
back to Egypt its fabulous heritage. Moses, prince of Egypt, discharging himself willingly of
royal recognition to become leader of Israel, will become more of a heroics scholar in people
mind than it was ever before recognize by the world.

Rebbe's dynasty is a continuation of High Priest ancient Egyptian dynasty: men of knowledge.
Most of the actual Rebbe’s and rabbis even ignore that fact! The inner soul of Torah is made
accessible to all by scientific studies; it is like understanding Nostradamus prophecies after the
fact. Unless of course someone use the logic of statistics without falling in the trap of morbid
rationality. One has to use libido when using statistics on the psychology level concerning life
to foreseen human behaviors in specific surroundings. Knowing we were more of a fool
yesterday than we will be tomorrow is already another step in the direction of today wisdom.

According to Rebbe's (Jewish High Priests) it is by the eruption of secular knowledge in all
fields that we can revolutionize the human understanding of the Torah. They say that the
culminating of scientific data is a must for Jewish mind. In their own words Rebbe’s are saying
that we need secular scientific knowledge for the future removal of man-made evil from the
world by understanding the suffering phenomenon in relation to the causal laws of nature.
According to them, it is the only way the human mind will comprehend the “divine” truth of
nature, or “the spirit of nature”, meaning all the natural processes (mechanisms involves)
leading to the presence of life, and how we can be part of the natural universal harmony.

Well, it is easy enough for us to see that in present state of world affair that the world, by its
various moronic politics, conceals the face of the truth concerning the psychology of harmony
(the face of god).

The workings of nature give evidence of objective natural (automatic) wisdom from a single
source of energy that keep creating life. Existence is in a multitude of quantic rays emanating
from a singular source. The Torah and other religion called that source: “the Creator” even if is
purely a normal phenomenon of physical character; energy is a physical character as mc2 = E.
Energy is also waves of quantum as Hf = E that bundles up to become mc2. Unless they called
the “creator” the primal masse, we will assume that the “creator” they referred to is a
“machine” calls the universe, made of its own energy and being a dynamo by the influence of
the presence of the void of gravity. To leave the “religious” creator as it is, and adore “him” like
a moron, closes doors on science. To search for the physical processes of the “creator” of things,
and appreciates it like a scholar does, is to study the nature of things. David Suzuki does a
good job doing just that.

Pronounced is the physical world's, and the concealment of truth is the imperceptible abstract
within: the immaterial knowledge. It is imperceptible for our senses only. Perceptible to our
mind we can join it if we choose to. It is by our conscious use of the power of our mind that
abstraction can by our (knowledge) without retrieving it from its matterial form. Yes, we can
transcend the physical world. Evolution is a natural phenomenon, we will reach the point that
“the world will be filled with the knowledge of nature (god) as the waters cover the sea.” as the
Jewish religion says.

Our sensory system experiences the physical world under its physical reality; and our intellect
recognizes the physical world as expression of the ruling of natural laws. That what makes us,
as a psyche, to think. This is the simple essence of our reality. The same energy unites us by the
same processes which are impossible to obliterate; we can erase them from our conscious
mind, but we cannot kill them. We can obscures our mind from its own reality by
concentrating in our sensorial pleasure only, like to eat a cherry pie, but we will never know
how to make that same sherry pie if we not transcend the sherry pie itself to comprehend what
processes are involves in its making. No mythical gods did make that sherry pie; nature didn't
make that sherry pie either; a human being made that sherry pie using the basic products of
nature. That makes nature to be the “creator” of basic products, and forms of life to be the
refinery of products with the help of their sensory system which it’s constantly developing as
goes the evolution of nature. We cannot perceives neither the mind, neither the biological body,
neither matter as something apart from nature, they are all completing each other in the
general evolution of nature. That is what a delicious sherry pie can tell us. It is a world by itself
that fall into place.

Concerning nature, we have to look at the word “creator” as mechanically realizing something
out from already existing phenomena in their potential state. Nature harmony it’s made of
mechanical processes; that includes the core of our mind for us to assimilate knowledge by
means of cognitive resources to assimilate concepts and refine our thoughts; that what makes
harmony between the “creator” (nature) and its creation (us); it is by that natural possession
of our self-determination that we can choose who we want to be, and what we like to say. The
saying “God” is a metaphorical word for “nature”; that metaphor became a mythological
character. When we replace only one little word such as the word “god” by the word “nature”,
the base of many religions and sects translates as this: “there is none else besides nature,
nature is everything and everything is nature”. That kind of answer partially answer the
questions that puzzle us time to time about what is our natural role in the creation of the
universe, why it is for us to find meanings in life, and of what good is our presence in the
scheme of life, and also how our deeds transform our live in the scheme of reality. So far it
seems that we are in our own as fractalized forms of one principle of life having in common
nature and libido that unites us. So, it is better to stick together to find harmony. Awareness
and understanding of that fact will makes us workings of the psychological healing of our
mind. We will find that self-realization is also by social harmonious fulfillment through the
knowledge of nature. Our harmonious actualization can only occur under the laws of nature.
Well! This is what the Torah says all along and so are the scholarly representatives of it
(rabbi's and Rebbe’s), but they are mentioning the metaphorical name of nature: god; and
instead of saying simply that we are nature products; they are saying we are “god creation”. It
is the same saying but in different fields of the same knowledge. That explain our natural
receptivity of nature ways (gods ways), and it also indicates that basic common sense and
knowledge are the same thing. Basic common sense being innate knowledge and acquired
secular knowledge being the detailing studies of what common sense is made of. As for the
Torah, it is playing with our unconscious mind for us to acquire knowledge base on common
sense. The rest is merely scientific details. Morons and sociopaths, in charge of company and
nation politics, colors with bright short-term myths our thinking’s to follows the logic our
senses rather than the innate statistics base on common sense that our mind is able to produce.
On the other hand, the development of scholarly wisdom brought to us the knowledge of
nature, for our understanding of a unique “creator” to be relevant of the scientific field. That
enabled us to better appreciate life by relating with ease to the natural reality of things. Our
modern sciences have empowered us to transform our moronic perception of reality to
understand that primal religions are after all products of studies of nature. It is by the
introduction of secular concepts into our superego that our intellect can comprehend what
belonged previously, and exclusively, to the primal religious field of faith like Judaism and
Greek mythology. The wisdom of science is to find universal laws and to serves us these
abstract of matter as nature wisdom to handle with care. Politics do not always listen to
science. Science studies shows how nature use its own tools to aids its dissemination of logic
under the causal laws and how nature shows us by the presence of tangible models the
abstract of its natural ways. Physical reality is for us to makes real in our mind, by our
scientific discovery as we evolve, what was previously non understandable. Human science is
the facilitator of human mind wisdom, and it the eyes and the ears of what nature can reveal
us, for science is discovering the face of nature (god). As some Rebbe’s are saying: “Science is
been dissecting the veil of nature to the point that the veil has been becoming more and more
transparent, more revealing of the truths it both embodies and conceals”. They are also saying
that the language of the Torah, its teaching and the Cabalistic metaphor it contain are
complementing what scientists are currently formulating as the truth in mathematical
equations and demonstrating it in its state-of-the-art atom smashers. “From above and from
below” as from our mind and as from matter, (as both are belong to nature), our world has
been primed for the Age of Knowledge. Those Rebbe's are ways so far more ahead in scientific
fields than any religious Catholic minded or lost Islamic mind, that it is basic common sense
that those two poor copy of Judaism are bond to give up their erroneous teachings when been
confronted to the mighty mind of Israel: “The people of pharaohs”!

By definition and according to Gnostic circles information is a message which reduces

uncertainty. (Claude Shannon) and by the knowledge of it "changes us" (Gregory Bateson).
Usually information means to convey something not already known. As Hornung once said:"
Information is the meaning of the representation of a fact (or of a message) for the receiver";
therefore taking religions literally is certainly not the knowledge of the facts or reality as such.
Simply put: false information’s are lies, which is different than metaphorized information’s.
Metaphorized information just like plain information can be proven to be accurate; and lies
can be proven to be lies. The conception of individuals of what is the truth from their
understanding of the primal religions, when been erroneous, but nevertheless been
communicated as “truths” are in Fact lies. This is why the Jews don’t want a single word to be
changed from the Torah (the five books of Moses) since it is the Torah the source of their
religion as a primal religion (from Egyptian secular and historic knowledge, and from Noah
time before Egyptian mythology); maybe it is the only "live" unstained primal religion left in
the world. Primal philosophies have as background the solidity of secular scientific data; from
there by the use of metaphors they become "religions". When religious sayings are taken
literally these religions became kouac religions, when others religions branches out from these
kouac religions they become third rate kouac religions. The presence of primal religions
coming from primal philosophies which themselves are coming from the proven results of
secular scientifical data, indicates that our millennium old Homo Sapiens ancestors cannot
possibly evolve in the Darwinian way here on planet Earth; only one answer is possible:
Homo-Sapiens was implanted on Earth and was already been an civilized being. One of the
official versions of that fact resides in the Old Testament concerning Noah ark. The flood was
most likely a flow of immigrants coming to seed planet Earth. Concerning the Torah what
seem to be religious simplicity at first sight is in reality a overpowerful accumulation of data
concerning every science known and unknown by man, and it is mind overwhelming to finally
understand the ethical and loving motivation of the, far away peoples, who put together the
primal myths of humanity in order to help us toward our journey of self-discovery. They did it
in the way that only humbleness (humbleness is an integral part of atonement) from some
scholars as well of any secular ethical individuals can trigger their cognitive abilities to
understand deeply the secular wisdom that lies behind primal religions. When time will come
to humanity to understand that fact, then it would be no other route for humanity but to
choose the only Moschiach who can represent, without any shadow of a doubt, our willingness
to join the rang of the ethico- secularistic knowledge embedded in the objectivity of the natural
principles and the hope of humanity to build itself utopia according to these immutable
principles. Knowing that, therefore it is plain common-sense to understand that Moshiach will
be a simple human personage who will represent humanity representing itself to be the key to
its own harmony.
Since proofs are needed the secular way (scientifical approach), (therefore cancelling what
was once metaphorized of scientific data into primal religions) in order to give the
accreditation (to these primal religions) they deserved, then we can say objectively and
realistically that primal religions are in fact esotheric secularism being hermetized in an,
some time, hermetized itself historical background.

Nothing, inert or alive, can overshadow the natural principles since everything is made out of
their energy; not even the "Dark Universe" as it is called by our secular science, which is the
soul’s factory known as the "Virgin Black Madonna" by some religious circles, can overshadow
the natural principles. Even less the mythological Jesus of Nazareth representing humanity
cannot overshadow the natural principles, and neither the man made "God" which is only a
word having for function to represent them. Nothing and no ones can overshadow light itself.
What we call “artificial” is manmade creations and manmade manipulation of existing natural
objects to deform them and their original natural functions by various means that follows the
natural principles. Light is there to help us in our various tasks, good or bad, but be aware of
the consequences! Secular science is there to help us knowing them.

Human Automaton

What gestures makes up the human automaton?

Answer: the human automaton follows automatic acts of life. The human automaton often
believes that he thinks but there is little creativity in automation. Actually most of us live
almost in a state of permanent coma where we lose our function of relations such as awareness
and voluntary movement. We are brainwashed. To be aware of being hungry and to decide
what to eat is not much of a function of relation for ones spiritual stability, creativity and
productivity. In fact, that's not far from a vegetative state of life, like blood circulation,
breathing, and various metabolic functions. An ethical-social and spiritual coma does not lead
us far on the field of ethic-philosophy or speculative philosophy. On the other hand, it does well
in the field of antisocial economy, quack religious sect, rotten marketing and zombieness.

For the automaton (living dead), his mind is his footstool and the consumer goods his throne.

As for the living: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool...” (Isaiah 66). Isaiah had
a good function of relations.

Here lies the trinus of consumer goods. The opposites are: 1) The spiritual goods, 2) the
material goods. The link that united them is: property... The center of the link is moderation
regarding the balance of property proportion.

The coma is said to be the suffering of the mind that orders the brain to disconnect the
communication line between itself and the brain. The coma is the mind taking a vacation from

What is the brain?

Answer: it is the terminal of the nervous system that sends to the mind various information
and in return receives orders from the mind.
Nowadays we have the tendency to be even more of a Humanus Robotus than we already are.
It is believed that the advancement of science is fast. Not so! With what we know today, it could
be extremely faster. The advancement of technology that would permit us to be free from the
yoke of being comatic-automatons is purposely in a staling state. Ask the lobbying crews of the
powerful why, they may know. We have been brainwashed, we learned well our lesson by
being a bunch of “Consuming Comatus Robotus Humanus”, better known as zombies. We are
already a bunch of human robots having in us an innate program. Thank goodness it’s made of
logic! If it wasn't we would not stand a chance to get out of our mental coma. To be in mental
shape is to have possession of our mental awareness in the sense of our spiritual (intellectual)
creativity. A mental coma is when the intellectual process does not take the direction of
creativity concerning metaphysical thoughts but the opposite direction which is creativity
(creative thoughts) toward more material possessions. Even if wisdom tells us to find the in-
between, how can we listen to it if our mind is in a comatose state? Do you know how to divert
the attention of a child when he thrusts out his arm for a blood test? Our attention is often
diverted from important things by distractions that are sometimes dangerous for our mental
being and our biological body. The Roman people in ancient times acclaimed the games in the
arena of bloody fighting. Is that creativity? ....Devilish creativity to divert people attention,
yes! To vegetate in the learning process is to be stupid and morons. A good excuse for making a
bad gesture is not a good reason to do so. The psychopath is an individual who is capable of
great charm that will lead us to great sorrow. Let's face who we are, let's find ourselves.

Let's remember childhood, when we were full of confidence and very sociable, eager to learn
everything and anything. From there, let's see where things went wrong. We may come out of
our mental coma. First and foremost let's find the best solution needed to alleviate our
neuroses (Freud said that everyone is neurotic). If needed let's fetch the necessary assistance.
There are still a lot of good people on this earth. “For they are life to those who find them, and
healing to all their flesh.” (Proverbs 4:22).

“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, gets insight.” (Proverbs
The Phaistos Disk

Everyone can give his free opinion about the Phaistos disk. From the angle of approach of this
metaphysic context, without knowing that language and only by following hints (using our
intuitive reasoning) here is what that disk tells us so far: 1) the reading of the disk start from
center toward the edge following the direction where the man is walking and also in the
direction where the man head is turn toward. 2) The centre of the disk its where everything
start, therefore the flower represents the big bang Flowering Big Bang), making that sign to
represent "explosion" and the petals tells us it goes in all directions. 3)The Spiral does no reach
the edge, and the writhing continue around to reach the same head figure again in order to
read again the same last line, which mean when humanity reach a certain point of wisdom,
then it will keep going in its normal and harmonious path as the universe expand. 4) The
spiralling means the components of universe are spiralling as the universe expand without
end, from galaxies to quantum. 5)The same last line repeating itself means the same basic
principle keeps repeating itself as the universe expand. Therefore the first phrases can be
understood as this: The big bang is the mnemonic source that gives us our mind, it’s where the
tree of life and knowledge come from. Any walk of existence contain the dual action which
make man mind to look ahead and adapt from explosions of ideas etc ...It is simply a form of
cosmogony mix-up with psychology and primal philosophy. In pagan culture all around the
world the worship of the sun was in reality to venerate the phenomenon of energy, that the sun
was representing and by which (the presence of energy) life is possible. The sun itself being the
major factor that sustains life on the surface on the Earth (Earth sustaining life in the abyss)
was also venerated for itself. Also, the sun, like the Phaistos disk may have represented the big
bang for some ancient culture, its radiance representing the universal radiance from the big
bang and all the processes of energy under all its forms and functions. We have to see
"veneration" of the sun as "being regarded with respect" and not by any mean to be perceived
as a living entity to be adored. The worship of the sun was (and still is) considered by the
Christians as a form of idolatry even if the sun is something natural (compare to a manmade
crucifix); in its agnostism Christianity completely missed the secular Gnostic meaning behind
that veneration toward the whole universe, its dynamics and it energy being represented by
the sun. Let’s face it, leaving euphemisms aside, and been compared to the secularism of
pageantry, Christianity is composed of a bunch of retarded and mentally challenged religious
personalities within the associative personalities of individuals bathing their mind in bigotry
and to be doom by the victory disease when it come to Genesis and its continuity meaning the
big bang and its repercussions better known here as the “flowering big bang”.

The sanctity of the mind must be preserved.

Nikola Tesla (1856 – 1943) creativeness was a turning point for our present technologies.
Unfortunately this Genius, benefactor of humanity, having in mind the well being of humanity,
in his libidinous innocence, did not foresee the greediness of the human factor which is
responsible of staling the timetable of the statistics he made concerning our financial freedom
from our future production of free energy technology.

Creativity is to find new ways, never seen before, to recycle the energies for the needs and
pleasure of humanity. Matter is ephemeral, its components are only embracing moments, and
they mingle and unmingled in their dust made of quanta, making a mockery of our most
beautiful vows. What "Always" means but the promise of constant renewal, the word would be
bold and wrong if it was mending to prevent the dead to rejuvenate under the care of time.
Nothing really dies, but everything decay and mingles to evolve over time; that's makes the word
"oldness" to be rejuvenating. The promises not to ever change are impulses of hope in a
moment of pleasure, vain challenges to evolution. Insensitive, the evolution is relentless for the
death to be a constant phenomenon. Neither gods, nor life, nor things escapes the constant
changes. Man, lost in the vastness of nature, and desperate to know why conceive as many
ways to answer his question as he produces many gods from his mind factory. The tremor of
pleasure to be young is only the feeling of our human clay being molded by time. "All" is never
been said, because beauties are fragilities improving as they evolves. To say "all" is to impose a
limit, to say "nothing" means the infinite of nothingness; therefore for time to becomes eternity
"all" should be suspended in "nothing" and swallowing up its territory as the universe expand for
evolution to resume its course.

Before attempting any task we need to know our limits and see how we can push them to be
able to achieve that task. Do we have complete and total freedom to do just that? Yes we do. It
lays in our creativity to adapt and inventing new ways to adapt better, it may concern shape,
texture, colors, dimension etc ... of any of our artistic disciplines. Constructiveness to better
adapt and to find pleasure is left to our discretion as long the universal rules are respected
concerning that any of our creation fit what social purpose it was indented for. In that sense
cultural differences are welcome sparks of joy against boredom; there is so many different
cultural ways to build a beautiful and sturdy dining room table or a harmonious society.
Various external and internal stimuli, as problems to resolve, demand an intellectual answer
to satisfy the mind, more specifically to give satisfaction to a particular personality from the
associative personality. If we don't possess the answer, as data, in the superego, the mind has
to create one, making a new concept by extrapolating data. Creativity is basically an
extrapolation (or new associations) of existing data existing in the superego. To form new
concepts is a natural trait of the mind. Therefore, in the broad sense, creativity come from our
mental cognitive processes were our intellect triggers the switch of reasoning for the mind to
generate new ideas and concepts for personal or social satisfaction.

A new concept being created by the mind (creative thought) having originality (because is
new), appropriateness (to the situation), and rightfulness (because it is the truth) it’s called
“insight”. New concepts are sometimes referred to as “divergent thoughts”.

Extrapolating is an “assumptions-breaking process”, were reason is involve, discarding

preconceived assumptions that disturb the mind because of their paradoxical nature, creating
mental problems, the intellect extrapolates to attempts new approaches that will satisfied
reason by the easy flow of logic that being produced.

Creativity produces what was previously unthinkable to others, with various social results,
and some time before craziness occurs fools can also have beautiful sighs and complains, and
the only cure in their disgrace, is to leave their hopes in their creativeness.
We realize in the preceding pages that the universe is like a puzzle that we need to reconstitute
mentally for us to know what's going on. From mental images (imagination) we'll try to
understand why its various functions are there. Why it is present and how things are done.

Let's imagine a child who has been offered a puzzle to play with and to reconstruct the image
by the proper disposal of each piece of the puzzle in a defined space; now consider that the
child is told that the puzzle belongs to him. He knows the presence of the puzzle and ....is happy
with it, end of story. Is that to be intelligent and creative? Intelligent, perhaps. Creative? Not
yet. We have our doubts. If the child would have opened the puzzle, had placed the pieces
appropriately to form the hidden image, then he would have showed some creativity. Now,
let's go one step further; after the child finished assembling his puzzle and by curiosity he
started to taste some of the pieces in his mouth, sniff the smell, listen how the pieces crack
between his fingers at different height from his ear to listen to the sounds emitted, studied its
consistency ... etc. Then! The child would show evidence of creativity and his desire for
learning. This is function of relation. Why tells a child that does those things, not to do them? It
is up to parents to ensure that the object of interest (in this case, the puzzle) presents no danger
to the child when he puts pieces in his mouth. The knowledge we have studied at school, all the
stored value, becomes part of us. From there on, what we do with it is up to us. Are we a
creative child or be like child who merely knows that he is the owner of a puzzle? All living
creatures equally own the universe. Do we want to play with it? That's a giant puzzle....It is up
to us do decide if we wish to be creative or not. All societies need creative members for its own
evolution. Creativity is the engine of evolution. As young kids we have the natural tendency to
be creative, as we grow older plenty of taboo restrains certain thoughts. It comes a time when
we prefer not to extrapolate data because some idea would be against paradoxical cultural
beliefs. The creative mind become frustrated. The pleasure of thinking to solve problems
become too much of a challenge. We become “dead wood” or “mind dead”.

“Remember also your Creativity in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the
years draw near of which you will say, “I have no pleasure in them”. (Song of Solomon 12:1)

Creativity is part of the trinus called: “The evolutionary mental trinus”. The opposites that
compose this trinus are: 1) creativity, 2) the (mental and environmental) devastation. The link
that united them is the spiritual (mental) evolution. To go from one extreme to the other, faster
and faster, is called the bipolar syndrome. As we can see, it's better to be spiritually (mentally)
active and creative than to vegetate in a mental state of devastation.

The Creation of the universe

1:1) In the beginning, God (logic) created the heavens (invisible Universe made of dark energy
and dark matter) and the earth (the visible, physical part of space where earth is). 1:2) The
earth was without form (no mass yet and non-uniform) and void (in very early formation, no
core yet), and darkness was over the face of the deep (the real void external of the universe).
And the Spirit of God (logic) was hovering over the face of the waters (wave of quanta, hf).
(Genesis 1:1-2).

We call "invisible" what our biological eyes don’t see, but in fact everything can be visible to the
eyes of our mind since everything is energy.

Religions are politics regarding mysticism from existentialist questions; by definition politics
keep hiding from the public historical facts that may interfere with the party in power,
therefore they are manipulating facts with lies. Only scientific communities cannot manipulate
the truthfulness of the natural principles since they can prove themselves to be universe ways
to do things, therefore they answering honestly and with objectivity any existentialist’s
questions. The true mysticism is in science; religions are cover-up’s.

Law: The universe has only one natural aim: Equilibrium.

“He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing.” (Job 26: 7).

The magnetic north being what attract the needle of a compass, mister Job mean to say that
the energy stretches over an empty space made of gravitons, which is the void, been attract by
that gravity phenomenon, which of course, makes the earth to hangs on nothing. Job also
indicates us that “north” is always the direction were forces are attracted, meaning north is
where is the void, and south is where is every point of the universe.

We have to make a mental note that “energy stretching” are “veils of time” in the form of waves
of energy (made of quanta also called “strings” ) having different frequencies as they takes
over parts of infinity made of gravitons, as the universe expand. Bundles of energy are masses
made by the self-wrapping of veils of time in various areas of space, as Einstein famous
equation: “mc2 = E”, indicated, when we also considering that “hf = E”. “hf” is being the veils of
time, and mc2 being the tight wrapping of time, here and there, to create masses.

The physical property of Infinity is to be nothing! Infinity comes from the Latin infinitas or
“unboundedness”; meaning without end, the absolute Infinite. From those following
metaphysical laws, any physical and scientific theory can makes usable formulas that
correspond to reality:

1) Infinity is made of gravitons; by adding parts of the universe to infinity, we are removing
part from infinity and what still remains is infinity.

2) The physical property of the universe is to be all! The universe is the “whole”. From the
whole, wholes arise as everything is whole. When wholes are taken from the whole as the
universe expands to infinity, the whole universe still will remain as a whole.

3) To measure the gravitational force of infinity would lead to an infinite result since infinity is
made of gravitons.

4) Because infinity is not an infinite mass object, but pure nothingness, any object of finite
mass cannot be attracted with infinite force, and hence acceleration.

5) The infinite result of the physical quantity of nothingness can approaches any point of the
“void” theory of infinity without failing.

6) Among other uses, the “void” theory of infinity can be used in physics to calculate mind
expansion in accordance with genetic evolution since the expansion of the universe goes
toward infinity.

7) Any theoretical circumstances where the end result is infinity found infinity since infinity is
not a number and it is physically meaningful (or it wouldn't be any universe!).

8) Renormalization to subjectively reinterpret infinities when infinities arise in quantum field

theory is to take a step backward from reality peaking its nose from infinity.

9) Infinity, as a physical non-existence of anything, exists outside of our physical universe, and
only exists as such in our physical universe in the form of illimitless combination of ideas and

10) Space of the universe has boundaries that expand on forever, making its volume to expand

11) By themselves, view separately, “Infinity” and the “primal mass” are absolute singularities,
not having any force, thus movement on their own; they are potential at rest.

12) View together, “Infinity” and the “primal mass” form the universe. They become the
modifying influences of energy.

13) Energy, as being the produce of the two absolute that is “Infinity” and the “primal mass”, is
without comparison; only forms of energy can be comparable.

14) The primal motility that creates the reality of the whole (the universe) is energy, and still is.
No thought were involve.

15) Energy produce different structures within the whole and thoughts are produce by self-
interacting energy within some structures (structures of life) under the influence of these
structures versus the exterior, thus the exterior influencing the thoughts within structures..
That's what makes comparison with other object possible.

16) The only absolute standards against which morality questions can be compare and judged
is the universal rules produced by self-interacting energy still under the influence of the void of
“Infinity” and the potential of the “primal mass”

17) “Infinity” and the “primal mass” are everlasting singularities in their absoluteness; that's
made the motion of the universe to be perpetual and eternal; therefore is: the structure of life
and thoughts within these structures.

18) The universe is a closed system in expansion. Being in perpetual motion, it goes on forever
expanding its mass into the void without creating new energy nor destroying energy nor
destroying the outside void, nor itself.

19) The universe is a perpetual motion machine where “all” come down to “mechanical

20) All “mechanical systems” sustains motion under the influence of the expansion of the
universe due to the presence of the void.

21) All realities, and the illimitableness of the existence of the universe is due to the presence of
the void where the universe expand is primal masse in the form of energy, under the influence
of that same void.

“How great are his signs, how mighty his wonders! His (the universe) kingdom is an
everlasting kingdom, and his (the universe) dominion endures from generation to generation.
(Daniel 4:3)

“Trust in the Lord (universe) forever, for the Lord God (universe) is an everlasting rock.”
(Isaiah 26:4); meaning: IT IS an everlasting rock; the universe being the everlasting rock from
where everything is builds.

“The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light;
but the Lord will be your everlasting light (understanding all functions of energy), and your
God (the universe) will be your glory.” (Isaiah 60:19)

In Psalm 82, it is mention that God (universal laws), is in the mist of the gods (universal rules),
holding judgment, to “rescue the weak and the needy” as “they have neither knowledge nor
understanding, they walk about in darkness;” and that “all the foundations of the earth are
shaken” from our lack of harmony by incomprehension of the natural laws.

By definition time is always present, therefore time was always there! Nature starts with the
big bang; therefore nature is the big bang! Since nature is here, so is the big bang. Since nature
is everywhere so is also the big bang. Since nature is the product of time, and time never had a
beginning and will never have an end, therefore the big bang was always there in every point
of the universe, and expanding. From there we can make a series of metaphysical laws:

a) The Big Bang is expanding from every point of the universe.

b) The Big Bang never had a beginning, and will never have an end.

c) The Big Bang will never collapse on itself, but will expand forever.
d) Infinity is the absence of time, an infinite spacial territory for time to expand in it.

e) Eternity is the presence of time, and time is eternal.

f) Time is energy.

g) Point zero of the big bang is every point of the universe.

h) Creation is a mechanical event.

I) life is a mechanical product of creation.

j) Forms of life are mechanical products of life.

k) Forms of life are fractalized mechanical mnemonic units of life searching for the best ways
to adapt to existence.

l) The non-uniformity of the primal masse is responsible for diversities, and also for the non-
subjectivity concerning the nature and the function of each of its components’; meaning who
will be what, and why something is not something else.

m) The non-uniformity of the primal masse is the primal cause of what we perceive as “
randomness’”, better known as “hazard”, even if there is no hazard in logic.

n) Energy follows the laws of nature, that’s including the laws of physics.

As tiny particles of matter (quanta) takes over territories of infinity in order for energy to exist
(since energy is formed of traveling particles called quanta), therefore for any king of
movement to fulfils a function, there is a natural synchronization between our third stage of
positivism, astrophysics and "antigravity" means of transportation; one cannot be possible
without the other two; it is part of the trinusial process in the scheme of general evolution. The
movement of galaxies, stars and planets produces a natural synchronization in any form of
waves, including the ones affecting our psyche, in their causal relations; without that
synchronization logic in evolution (as a evolutionary process) wouldn’t be possible (that 's
what gives to true astrology its seal of nobility). All universal occurrences and reoccurrences
are in unison. The universe is simply a system in coordination where all events are naturally
(automatically) well orchestrated without any waste of time-energy (cow-path principle), or it
would be chaos from randomness where logic has no place. Logic say (and this is a law:) an
event will happen when the conditions are met; it is a question of equilibrium.

Law: "Randomness" in the quantic level is the trajectory of a particle being affected by its
direct environment to reach the system in need of its presence to fulfill its function. The same
principle is valid for all there is on the universe, from human beings in societies to planets in
their solar system and galaxies in the universe.

It is not when we disincarnates that we forget who we were but rather when we reincarnates
that we have the nasty tendency to become amnesic. It is a question of some non-existing
connections between the mnemonic processes of an old mind with the mnemonic relays (like in
a switch board) belonging to the brain of a new body. Since there are so many different
individuals (psyches) in the world (or in the universe for that matter) these connections (or the
non-existing ones) are different from one individual to the next.

The time of a system is the completion of the cycle of that system. Each system having a
different cycle makes time to be relative; that’s what time is all about. A moment in time is a
moment of a cycle of a chosen system. The start of a cycle is “Alpha”, the completion of that
cycle is “Omega”; that’s what the Alpha and Omega is all about: the beginning is the end and
vise versa, as “God is the beginning and the end” as “God is eternal”.

By definition “something” is finite and “nothing” is infinite; but that doesn’t mean that
“anything” cannot reach infinity.
% of our Visible and Invisible Universe

Sir Isaac Newton was truly a mystic knight who uses the secular humanistic scientific
approach to pierce with his mind the religious armor covering up the universal science by the
syncretism of what the Catholic religion is made of.

Our universe is like an apple to chew, and Eve (Black Madonna representing the Dark
universe) does just that! And she invites us to do the same. The name "Eve” comes from the
Hebrew "Hawwah", literally: "a living being"; and she is, under different names and
according to various myths, the first female character who is the mother of all humanity, and
all living beings. The Biblical name "Adam" means "man", it is from Hebrew: "The one formed
from the ground"; "adamah" translates as "ground". The word Homo means "human",
meaning "man", Homo come from "Humanus", derivative of "humus" meaning from the earth,
the ground, the soil. Therefore "Adam" indicates "man” in the broad sense, Adam simply mean
"Humanity". Therefore Eve, the mother of all livings, invites humanity to possess knowledge
and wisdom by studying the universe ways. That makes the universe to be the ultimate
philosophical stone, and philosophy is all about science.

The root of the word “The Anthropic Principle" come from the Greek "anthropos" which means
"man", as humankind, more specifically: "anthr-opos" meaning "human face". We can
consider that to be “anthrop” is the "feeling of being a social human being".

The Anthropic Principle contains the low and the high.

"The low" consider that in the universe, the necessary conditions for the development of
intelligent life occur only in certain regions of space.

"The high" suggests that following question: “it is possible there can be others universes, each
universe been governed by different laws or universal principles, than the ones that our
universe follows?”

Our modern sciences and most recent religions are in direct negative correlation; more
adequate became our knowledge of the universe, and less realistic are the most recent
religions. If we use the universal tool Gog and Magog (Koka and vikoka in Hinduism) in
correlating with what our sciences discovered so far, let's see what would be the result.

1) Our sciences can only see 4% of our visible Universe.

2) Out of that 4%, only 0.4 % is stars planets etc...(Solids).

The link) - the link is 3.6%, which is made of intergalactic gas. (Gas)

Those numbers are known by scientists, they are facts. Those numbers indicate the
measurement of the visible Universe.

Therefore, our invisible universe is made of 96% of the total universe. Scientists know that.
They also know that 23% of the invisible universe is composed of dark matter and 73% is
composed of dark energy.

So far in this metaphysical research, we know it is the triple quanta (trinusial quanta) that
contain the potential of life. Therefore, by doing this simple math: 23% of dark matter x one
triple quantum = 69% of triple quanta.

Then we do this: 73% of dark matter - 69% of triple quanta = 4% left over.

We are not Alone

The results are:

69% of quantum of life.

4% left over which is made of single and double quantum.

The opposites are:

4% and 0.4 % (invisible solids)

The link is 3.6% which is made of intergalactic waves of energy.

4% should be the amount of “one quanta of logic” 0.4% should indicate the amount of the
“double quanta of logic”. One trinusial quanta of logic (triple quanta) = one quantum of life.

Dark energy is made of:

69% of life quanta + 4% of single logic quanta = 73% of the universe

Since all the laws of physics are the same for both universes, we can use our intuitive
reasoning and say: “the masses of dark matter multiplied by c square = Dark energy.”

So far, it seems we are on the right track. We leave the technicalities to the domains where they
belong. We'll leave to astro-physics what belongs to astro-physics and to metaphysics what
belongs to metaphysics. In Hinduism, for the Kalki people, the koka and vikoka (Gog and
magog) is a two edged sword like principle that will attack our utopias (our wrong beliefs).
The reign of quantity (mathematics) will be the changing of times. Therefore, our astro-
physics, pairing with some of our sciences “psi” and “psy” will prove a lot of new things and
disprove a lot of old things concerning religious beliefs. The Mayan knowledge of astrophysics
and statistics related to it will be acknowledged for their accuracies. Astro-physics will prove
that religions were in fact, at their purest beginning, sources of scientific data. That data,
being from all fields of knowledge are of “psi”, “psy”, and physical (phy) nature....Under god’s

The term "victory disease" is applied as well outside and outside the military context, into
religious circles as well as business circles, since it is a psychological disease (or mental
trouble). The source of that disease is the exclusion of humility and atonement base on vanity
from past victories. Peoples affected with "victory disease” are over-confidents, arrogant and
display complacency. Those affected individuals view others, who challenge them, with disdain
arising from their own feeling of invincibility. Take Islam for example, past military victories
encouraged the disciples to continue expanding geographically to where secular knowledge
strained them psychologically in their illogic approach to metaphysics and the nature of
things; the same goes for Christianity and other Christian denominations which does not
necessary use armed force but use bullying, black mail, and sense of guilt instead. Over time
”victory disease” destroy psychologically and physically the persons who are strike by it since
that disease clouds judgment and common sense.

Catholicism says that it’s “faith is immutable”, but its idiosyncrasy is as much relative as
politics are!

Even trivialities like economics need the enlightment of scientific mysticism to approach its
discipline the right way. The heart of the "Apocalypse" as such (in the sense of great changes) is
the era of the revelation of the secular truth versus these two "antichrist's" which are
Catholicism and Islam in positive correlation with the revolution of the peoples against the
empire of legalized racketing and induced functional mental sickness and retardation trough
the use of behavioral methods for marketing purposes.

Regarding those creationists who believe strongly that we are the only living beings in the
universe, this research is for them a worm in their apple. 69 % of the Universe is made of
quantum of life, also call “breath of life”. The dark Universe, which is the invisible part of our
Universe (the Egosphere), is made of 96 % of the Universe. The visible part of the Universe is
only 4 %; out of that, only 0.4% is made of our physical universe (planets, stars etc...). The
remaining 3.6% is made of intergalactic gas.

The Solomon temple is some kind of replica of Noah’s spaceship.

Other Cultures within the Cosmos

The numbers talk to us; for us to believe that we are the only living beings in our huge universe
are getting a bit full of ourselves. Do we have that importance? Us only? Of course we are
important, but from there, to believe we are the unique one, the chosen one, the superior race,
the race the most important over any other form of life, the master race of the whole
Universe...too much of that kind of humility may elevated us another meter of two over the top
of our egotistic pedestal by growing many more vertebras in our neck than we already have!

During the preceding pages, we understand that the Universe was automatically segmented.
That continuing segmentation and continuing unification ensure its continuity. This
segmentation includes the elements of life potential everywhere in the Universe. It goes without
saying that we see a little more clearly that life and its potential has everywhere to go. Life is
an automatism. On the other hand, everything is there for life to exist. In the vastness of the
cosmos by the principle of fragmentation and unification, 69 % of the breath of life is around.
When the right circumstances are met, life appears, this seems logical.

Yes, there is huge potential of any form of life in the universe. By using basic common sense
according to basic math, we'll have to say: therefore there are many other forms of life all over
the Universe. Where do the preconceived and dogmatic opinions saying otherwise come from?
The master race.....does that ring a bell somewhere? Let us look what happened in the past
before pontificating about things that are against common sense and have no meaning in
regard to statistics.

The proof is in the eyes of our intellect, unless ones intellect is in a comatose state. Certainly
other breeds of life exist in other worlds. They are present somewhere else in the cosmos. Some
of them, knowing us, without us knowing them, most probably do not wish to have any
relations of friendship, economic and technological exchanges with us. They see what we are
capable of doing, as atrocities, to our own kind. We give them all the evidence that we are a
bunch of morons playing with electronic, chemical and atomic technologies.

Would you be buddy-buddy with a crazy retarded race that destroying its own kind? You'd be
inclined to have cultural exchanges with that race and ask under what angle it approaches the
concepts of life within Einstein’s theory? This, with regard to technologies that can arise as
well as other possibilities not yet discovered? ...And how technology can help mental
evolution?... There is 2 ways to see things, here is one of them: “And God (logic) said, “Let the
waters (hf) swarm with swarms of living creatures (all over the universe), and let birds (space
ships) fly above the earth (above the planets) across the expanse of the heavens. (Across
space)”. (Genesis 1:20).

The third stage of positivism is the "Revelation", better known as the "Apocalypse"; the
"Revelation" is a series of revelations exposing the truth as "ancient truths" concerning
humanity from “the time of the olds”, its presence on Earth, and its time of arrival really
unknown until now by us (until we realizes Noah Ark was a spaceship from the time of the
olds), and also of Scientifics data on all fields of knowledge. What will emerge is staggering
and will shock a huge part of humanity, from apprentice bigots to the first ranks of the vatican
(he he).There is only one truth and the truth concerning the psycho-astrophysical (Genesis and
its evolution) part of our universe and its human history from the stars to Earth was
communicated in different languages, under different man-made myths, within different

In the broad sense an anomaly is something that should be theorically out of context but it is
concretely present, and that something can be seeing, and touched. As an example, Martian
anomaly's would be the presence of fossils on Mars and the tangible proofs of presence of past
civilizations since officially accepted man-made theory says that man never set his foot on
Martian sol, and life never existed on Mars. If the presence of fossils can be proven by scientific
means as well of the presence of past civilizations, and these proofs are discarded by politic
makers, religious and secular alike, then a paradox is being created.

“And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the
earth.” (Genesis 9:1). Let's open our minds to consider all possibilities. One of them is to
consider Noah as the captain of a spaceship (Noah ark) full of immigrants (life stock). Earth
for them was the Americas for us. A new beginning for spacial scientific hippies. According to
Einstein’s theory about relativity of time, and considering space travel, then it makes sense
that Noah’s age was over 900 years old when he died. . Therefore what seems to be a biblical
anomaly at first sight is no more when we take in consideration space travel. The same goes
for his crew. That fact indicates clearly that primal religions are full of advanced scientific

In several parts of the world, there are different cultures. Some cultures, different at first sight,
nevertheless come from the same cultural basis. Christian and Muslim have in common the
Torah, and the torah comes from ancient Egyptian knowledge, and one guy called Egypt was
part of Noah ship crew. Other cultures like the Chinese have another source for cultural basis.
All these different sources that form the cultural basis from which our current cultures are
issue have in common the same ethics and speak of energy. It is logical to think that all those
different primal sources come from different locations, and they have in common of causing
the different cultures that we know. They had at the base knowledge that comes from a same
scientific and unique source: the universe. Is that knowledge that gave them their sense of ethic
and the development of their sciences? From some of those ancients’ data we are making
different religious thoughts. Therefore they must be more than one spaceship that was part of
the great flow of immigrants called the “Great flood” or “Deluge”. The other option would be
that Cro-Magnon, who didn’t invent the wheel yet, in his sixteen “genre” chapel cave, was
starting to have some basic ideas of what energy was all about and its relation with
psychology and pass on his knowledge to his descendants! The triangle we find in some
religions and esoteric sects (starting with the Egyptians), all over the world, symbolize the
presence of the trinusial principle, what else? The Ankh symbolizes man knowledge of that
principle. Some of Noah's crew was having fun painting those hieroglyphs in some African
cave when they were out on picnic, having some fresh barbecue ... and here we are, thinking
they were cavemen!

Nowadays, here is one of the reasons why other forms of cultures residing in other worlds in
our common universe do not wish to maintain diplomatic relations with us. The keyword is:
culture. Each culture has its social structures, its way of being, its artistic manifestations, its
ways of dressing, eating, dancing, to speak, gesticulate ... etc. However, what happens in our
world very often? Armed conflicts caused by differences between cultures. Also, conflicts
between residents and immigrants. Of several stupid excuses, the most important is the non-
acceptance of a foreigner that takes our jobs. This is the great irony of our world, even between
tribes. So what do you think are the conclusions of other cultures residing elsewhere in the
cosmos when they are aware of what's happening here in our own cultural exchanges?
Especially if some of these foreign cultures from other worlds are obviously more advanced
than us in terms of technology? Do not be fool; they are aware of our presence and our actions.
Educated human hippies of modern time are considering moving to mars or other worlds to
give a new start to humanity again...We must consider each different culture as a treasure to
cherish and preserve the same way that we tend to do so with a “Monet”, a “Renoir”, a
“Rembrandt” etc ... because they are part of human heritage; but of course, to think nicely
about other cultures and their positive contribution is a grain of sand in the devil gears. We
cannot please everyone.

Knowing what we are made to think about other cultures than our own, and what are our
actions toward them, why would any cosmic aliens want to run strait to suicide by meeting us?
They know we will perform autopsy on them. They are certainly wiser than us because they
did not come to conquer us although they possess the technology required to do so. In their eyes
we are still in the state to be subjects of interesting study ....like modern cavemen wearing tie to
make believe we are civilized.... we are treated by them with more humanity that we generally
show our own guinea pigs. We must concentrate at the good and positive side of every culture.
Conflicts are not good. Cultures are unparalleled treasures and Earth heritages to keep and
preserve jealously since they won't repeated themselves again.

“And when the flame went up toward heaven from the altar, the angel of the Lord (spaceship
driver) went up in the flame of the altar (space ship). Now Manoah and his wife were
watching, and they fell on their faces to the ground. The angel of the Lord appeared no more to
Manoah and to his wife. Then Manoah knew that he was the angel of the Lord.” (Judges 13:20-

In Daniel 9:20 to 9:23, in the chapter “Gabriel Brings an Answer”, there is a passage telling us
that the “angel” Gabriel was a man of science with an antigravity “swift flight” mean of
transportation (ufo): “while I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in
the vision at the first, came to me in swift flight at the time of the evening sacrifice.” So, that
would be “ufo” versus a flying man with wing flapping on his back shoulders, as scientific data
versus religious nonsense....What will be our pick?

Now, here is something huge and puzzling to think about: the modern man is called “Homo
Sapiens”, meaning “wise human”. Modern humans originated in east Africa about 200,000
years ago. Before them, Homo Habilis meaning “skilful man”, makes is apparition in Eastern
and Southern Africa between 1.5 and 2.0 million years ago. That species of humans which is
considers being the direct ancestor of modern humans is now extinct. So far a huge gap
between Homo Sapiens and Homo Habilis in a lot of scientific fields like physiology and brain
capacity is still there. It is like pouf! And then Homo Sapiens appear out from nowhere and
landed in East Africa while Homo Habilis, which equally came from nowhere before Homo
Sapiens, decide to become extinct! Other scholars say it was Homo erectus our direct ancestor.
It seems some kind of genetics experiments were going on, and Earth was the laboratory.
Once, the breeding pairs of human population all over the world was between 1000 and
10.000. Amazingly enough, it is two kind of actual living chimps that are genetically closer to
us, the common chimpanzee and Bonobo. Their DNA sequences are between 95% and 99%. The
question is: is Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus DNA sequence ever reaching the 99 % of the
first Homo Sapiens? Puzzling isn't it? If the answer is: the chimp who have the 99% of Homo
Sapiens DNA have more in common with us than any Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus having
less than 99% of common DNA with the first Homo Sapiens, than try to figure that one out!
Unless a bunch of Dr “x”, from an unknown location, were experimenting with genetics of how
to make the best Dr Jekyll and Mister Hyde from the same individual...and here we are!

There are only three main possibilities why species extinctions occur; they were induced by: 1)
Natural means; 2) artificial means; 3) “Guided” natural means; meaning: any natural cosmic
or Earth objects (like a meteor and a volcano) under the control of “man” intelligence. Thus,
statistically speaking there is 2/3 of a chance that species extinctions were “human” made, by
various civilizations, from the beginning of life on Earth to this days. Who want to flip a three
side coin? So far, except for few remaining birds that still alive, our scientists look over the
Dinosaurs extinction from the “natural means” angle of approach.

There is more than the eyes can see. What about this subliminal message:” So the Lord
(science) said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and
animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.”
(Genesis 6:7). If ever, one or more, far advanced civilizations (belong to a cosmic worlds
council) are capable of directing any huge meteors anywhere they want, we have to be careful
of our futures doings! But again, there is another subliminal message: “I will never again
dishonor the ground because of man, for the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth.
Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. While the earth
remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not
cease.” (Genesis 8:21 - 22). Are we having fun to see all the different possible meaning that
includes? The Hebrew bible is way richer in metaphors, describing Earth exact historical
events, than we possibly imagined to this day!

ps- The principle of directing a cosmic object like a huge meteor anywhere in space is simple
enough; all had to be done is to creates a constant gravitational field in the front of the object
(in the direction we want the object to go) by removing the component of time (energy) in that
area. By doing so, the object will “free fall” in that constant open field to is final destination.
Displacing that gravitational field will change the direction of the object. Of course, the “man
made” gravitational field had to be stronger than the natural gravitational field of the object
(corresponding with the masse of the object).

Einstein theories and space flight are prelude to understand that the messianic age is purely
secular. The Zohar states that “God will give them wings to fly through the entire universe.” In
a way, this teaching is predicting the advent of space travel and the role of modern technology
as part of the prelude to the messianic age. We will see that the entire universe was nor an
accident, nor created by a god, nor a voluntary action; It was a physical fact bound to happen.
Everything is energy, therefore is the spiritual that is simply: 1) thinking; 2) the dark universe.
Spiritual is the quantic side of energy, meaning thinking displaces quanta; and matter is the
physical side of energy. Psyches (forms of life) connect them both in the physical world.

Secular research (that's include metaphysics) and secular teachings is the answer of our
questions as it extends, open eyes, over the boundaries of our understanding of the universe.
Science studies the far reaching universality of nature. It would be very self-centered and
childish for an individual to really think that the whole universe is only created by a subjective
“god” for the sake of man only! Hello! Anyone home? (Someone, like the religious personality,
must be out of its associative mind).

As we learn more of the complexity but vast simplicity of the universe the brain (the grand
central of the sensory system) of any form of life, in order to relay more information to the
mind concerning the entire observable universe (or part of it), grows as our knowledge piles
up. Even the working of the mind (spirituality on the making), being directly related to the
working of the brain (neuroplasticity) can be measured as part of the observable and
measurable universe. Man is a human angel on Earth, and cats are feline’s angels on Earth
etc...The universe belongs to every forms of life, and intelligent forms of life have a sensory
system that gives them their subjective character. To feel that we are is to know that we are.
From there on we know we can manipulate things. Find a living organism who has genes and
you find a soul on the making. Is that simple. Humans killing humans is murder, when a race
reach that point of thinking it is a very intelligent race. When cats will reach that same line of
thinking they will be as intelligent as man; therefore to kill any living being of any race
rampaging the universe (there are plenty of them) who has that line of thinking would be
murder. “They shall mount up with wings as eagles,” (Isaiah 40:31). Our planet Earth was
seeded by Noah's with different samples of humanity from different worlds:”Your kingdom is a
kingdom of all worlds.” (Psalms 145:13). Therefore “They” know about us, and we are part of
their genetic studies. Plenty of creatures exist in the universe possessing free will.

It is our moronic self-centered religious human personality (escaping from our associative
personality) that makes some representatives of “god” saying stupid things like this: “Since
any extraterrestrial life would neither have free will nor be able to serve a creature having free
will (as terrestrial animals and plants serve a terrestrial man), they would have no reason for
existing and therefore be totally superfluous.” (From a specific rabbi). Another one is saying
that; “extraterrestrial life does exist, but that it does not possess free will. The latter is the
exclusive possession of man, for whom the universe was created.” (Sefer Habris). Hello! Here is
another good one: “although extraterrestrial forms of life may possess intelligence, they
certainly cannot have freedom of will. The latter is an exclusive attribute of man, to whom was
given the Torah and its commandments.” (The Sefer Habris). Is those “scholars”, full of
religiosity in their thesis do not realizes that intelligence implies self-determination? What a
joke! Part of the Talmudic teaching is that “all the stars in the observable universe were
created for the sake of man”! How can one be more self centered than that! Rabbi Yosef Albo,
in is egotistical point of view, mentioned: “If such (extraterrestrial) creatures never have any
utility for man, what is their reason for existence?” Can you do better than that slavery minded
individual? We absolutely cannot believe that those sayings are coming from open minded
people learning secular sciences as parallel to their religion. With that kind of thinking, no
wander Adolph Hitler makes slaves out of Jews before Jews makes slaves out of Germans! Is
that answering the question about the essence of the Holocaust?
On the other hand, as some kind of a proof that ancient primal religions are knowledge coming
from over the stars, the Midrash teaches that “there are seven earths”, and the Zohar clearly
states that these seven worlds are separated by space, are inhabited, and are the domain of
intelligent creatures. Clear-cut statements by some Jewish “Sages” like “There may even be
other forms of intelligent life in the universe, but such life forms do not have free will, and
therefore do not have moral responsibility.” are very paradoxical since intelligence mean free
will and familial responsibility is even proven in ants society as well as any animal kingdom.
Freedom of will and moral responsibility is an observable quantity in a familial surrounding.

Those rabbi's using their intelligence for the sole service of their religious personality on the
loose, do not seem to understand that simple fact: since Jews “know” that their religion is pure
science hiding under a high level of secrecy (like using metaphors), then they shall compare
their Jew's millenniums old Jewish science with today secular science to see where their
religion is right; but in their ill placed prides they are doing the complete opposite, they
compare today secular science with their religion to see where secular science is wrong! And of
course the rest of the world that stole part of the Jewish faith concerning their science follows
the same stupid path thinking they know better than the Jews and secular sciences put

They must understand that one sole personality on the loose is a personality splitting from the
rest of the gang which is the associative personality. One sole personality, by itself, can only
have a “tunnel vision” of its only field of interest by its concentration on that unique field, the
rest of the world been irrelevant. It takes the whole associative personality to perceive the
justification of that metaphysical law that says: one same principle will apply to different
fields in different times and places; this law simply officialises the presence of analogy as a
natural universal law. Only the whole associative personality can perceive the entire
ramification that implies (see chaos theory about fractalization of the same principle). The
associative personality can easily be under the leadership of the dominant personality to use
their “associative vision” for the benefit of one, working for all, instead of one personality
breaking apart as for result the use of only its narrowed tunnel vision (narrow minded
individual). The associative vision sees better the reality of things. The same principle goes for
the “world associative vision” under a “messianic leadership” working for the whole world,
instead of every nation by itself is narrow-minded and drifting apart from the whole of
humanity. Unity breaks conflicts apart. In their religiosity humbleness “sucking up” to a
nonexistent god, they do not see themselves as egoistic or the Torah being really full of
metaphors, “god” being the winning metaphor over all. Concerning “humbleness”, one can be
humble by acting naturally and having a lot of fun! Look at Charlie Chaplin in his parody of
Hitler and also in his movie “modern time” where arts, humbleness, prophecy, and sarcastism
rally under the umbrella of intelligence (unity producing genius) to have a heck of a fun time
and shared it with the rest of the world, is Hitler was amused?, probably not!

What for from all around our fruitful Earth some ancient incomparable warriors would have
Planted forests of laurels from unknown forgotten battles, for today to see us denying these
tremendous victories calling them science fictions? What for they went through all that pain
for us to deny their stories’ presuming it is only ancient myths? But it is true that we are the
seeds and creations from these cosmic ancestors that the voice of Judas made them to sit
among the ancient gods. We shall be buried under our shame to be so arrogant in our vain
effort not to learn from their own language the universe Genesis and our coming to Earth.
Their most valiant’s among their bests, full of merits and ancient praise, we know from them
only few written lines as they were “sons of Gods” and before them the scouting party being
composed of “men of renown”. “Who ever see elsewhere a creation such Man!” they say
proudly to us throughout the millenniums, but here we are pride of their eyes and sweat of
their forehead being their living insults by denying their existence. Even today they still our
bulwark, afloat in the cosmic sea like Noah was, not even thinking revenge for all the insults
we share between us toward them. We are so arrogant when facing everyday challenges, that
we forget the luster of past millenniums from which we are the products of their boldness to
populate the Earth. We think to be sons of Hercules so proud of our muscles and sinews, but
better than that we are the creations of the brainy “sons of Gods”. It is not to show a
shamelessly glory to lay our faith in their wisdom as their wisdom came from nature, and it is
far better than to lay our trust in a unnatural Man made god who is only but a tall tale. If we
still have some hope in humanity while destroying ourselves, it is in our ancient heritage that
we would find the gracefulness to end once and for all our self-wrath. Our weapons are now so
mighty and dreadful that we have to assign them or to die, but if we survive it would means
that we finally crown humanity with the wisdom of nature under the guidance of the ancients.

The only “High Power” there is concerns electricity, not a “god”!

The ones who devote their life to the “Higher Power” must be a bunch of electricians at heart!

Catholicism and Islam, these Torah blood sucker, doesn’t have a clue what the Torah was all
about: secularism!


The ultimate aim of Modern Metaphysics is to reach the third stage of positivism, thus the
philosophical knowledge of the unified field theory.

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857 – 1894) was a German physicist with Jewish ascendant who
demonstrates the existence of electromagnetic waves now called the Hertzian waves. The SI
unit hertz (Hz) that was established in his honor by the IEC in 1930 was adopted officially by
the CGPM in 1964.

Electromagnetic exposure of different parameters and different frequencies affecting our body
affects equally our mind activity as body and mind are one as a psyche. Electromagnetism is of
a physical nature. Electromagnetism as such is electricity on the move; it attracts what goes
with the currant, and repel what goes against the currant. Electromagnetism act also as a
electric “wall” made of quanta (moving cosmic tiny particles of dust) to keep masses at
distance, so the moon do not fall on us as it keep falling into the void (gravity phenomenon) as
the earth does. Frequencies (f) are waves after waves of quantum’s quanta) and they are to us
direct informative inputs, different frequencies triggers different emotional responses, it is
part of the cognitive phenomenon from which we perceive the reality of the moment from its
actual fractalized occurrences. Our DNA encodes our frequency reception as part of the
evolutionary process. Mind passivity, aggressivity, and emotions of the moment are always
influenced by frequencies wherever they come from. Frequencies are the controls of nature,
and we can use them for our benefit or our destruction, it’s a two edges sword; “The Angels
have harps” that produces frequencies. Chanting, by the use of vocal chords, has an effect on
the psyche. Waves of frequencies (and as tonal waves) produce waves of emotions. We can say
spirituality (intellectuality) is made of frequencies, and the supporting parts are made of
electrical components.

Frequencies stimulate our psyche and drive us to respond. A Universe without the stimuli of
frequencies is doomed to fail as it would be without frequencies therefore without energy,
therefore non-existent. A universe without frequencies is a void, and that void is outside our
universe, and we are using it for that void to become our space as we expand our energy into
it. Energy is the beginning, the end and the thereafter. It’s a natural circle in expansion with no
beginning and no end in sight, by producing forever the relativity of time.

Energy is the “only one” that we called “nature”. As some religions are saying in their own
words: Nature council shall stand, and nature will do all its pleasures. To keep quoting
religions that says: “Blessed is one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end,
and will not taste death.” we can see that really means: one standing as a secular minded
person will realize that energy is the Alpha and Omega, and acting accordingly, will not
experiences psychoses. Primal religions gives parole to energy for energy to tell us: “I shall be
as I shall be” as evolution keeps its course. “Energy” is mentioned in all primal religions under
different names (like “god”) indicating the same diversified function as frequencies.

Frequencies are nature pulses that create life, and life contains the pulses of nature (god
breath); life is a reflex of energy interaction leading to its own evolution. Forms of life (like us)
are life fractalizing itself to forms different bundles of memories concerning their past reflexes
versus their environment in space. It’s all about the natural automatic happening of free will to
attain harmony by progressing in past knowledge to evolve forever. As we become aware of
ourselves, each as a bundle of memories, and under the emotional influence from the
frequencies of energy, our subjective purpose become one with the objectivity of energy
(nature) and nature natural reflexes toward its own self (becoming Life), in our free will to
progress toward harmony. The only natural meaning of any forms of life is their search for
harmonious relationship with the environment; even if the universe has no meaning to start
with, it’s all an automatism. It is our subjectivity that gives us a sense of purpose to fulfill some
accomplishments in life.

We are who we are because of our achievements and reactions toward our failures. We are our
own reaction and result of all our works and progress; we are the reflection of our
achievements. An individual is a mnemonic host of all progresses of nature in one living unit
within the general evolution of nature.

When the body, brain included, drop dead for lack of pulse, the mind (soul) became separated
(departed) from the body and remain cognitive since the pulses of energy (hf) keep flowing to
it. Effectively, frequencies is what's makes the universe; frequencies reaching the mind become
flows of cognition trough the mind structures, and by the mind mental processes. As for the
“dead” body, the frequencies works on the physical world level for decaying corpses into their
basic elements.

The frequencies talks to us but we only listen to them on the radio. Frequencies can heal, and
gives warning before killing. Frequencies creates life, they are high and low sweetness, and the
in-between. Heavenly sweetness it's flowing down and it’s flowing up, we must have the sense
to pick it up. They are the means that we need something to touch us, to bring about that unity
in life. The height of frequencies are spiritual in its ultimate logic, it is called libido. It is an
eternal high beyond everything, the absolute drive to reach beyond ourselves, matter and mere
energy, for the mind to be infinite. Libido is the soul infiniteness, what is lower than libido is
finite. The spirit of the structures of nature is finite, not the libidinous spirit.

Causality is holding a stick over us to made harmony inside the finite structural support of our
mind the infiniteness of our soul. Harmony is libido handshake, and one handshake from libido
worth more than all the treasures of the world as that handshake is infinite. The closer we get
to the libidinous feelings, the stronger the desire gets to reach beyond ourselves. Libido is the
open gates for the “have nothing” to posses everything eternal. The gate of frequencies were
wide open when creation started and it is from where one can heal on the libido level if we
open our mind to those open gates (what nature has to say). Physical worlds are finite; the
worlds of minds are infinites.

Psychiatrists in touch with the real reality will have enough common sense to know how to
help us to fix our mind, helping us to bring back our mental strength to reach beyond
ourselves. Beauty is on the sparks of libido, the source of those sparks is on the frequencies. The
rational can be taught and what libido is can be taught. The feelings are taught by causality
and so is the feeling of libido.
All the natural principles are energy interactions and they are converging into the Unified
Field Theory, and that include metaphysics as well as any humanistic sciences.

Science tells us that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time and this is
exact. We also know that gravity is a "falling phenomenon" that attracts objects; therefore any
object in motion, by artificial means or not is "falling". A car in motion by the mean of a motor
is "falling" in the direction to where the driver of the car guided it even if the car is still bond by
Earth gravity. The same principle goes for airplanes and rockets being sent toward space, they
are "falling" by artificial means to another direction than the natural one by pushing away,
during their course, the "objects" that were previously occupying the space that they are now
taking over during their displacement. We can make a law concerning that phenomenon: Any
object in motion is falling in the direction of its displacement. That's mean that we already
know plenty of different ways to creates what we commonly call "antigravity propulsion"
which it would be more appropriate to call “Gravity propulsion" instead since we are being
"attracted" by an objective to attain by natural or artificial means of propulsion toward that
objective. We can make another law that say: Any moving object, subatomic (quantum) or
atomic (matter), creates a vacuum at the same time it fill that vacuum by pushing away any
object that previously occupied that same space. Automatically this law follows: A vacuum
can be created at any point of space. This is simply mean, as the following law says: the
universal expansion occurs at all points of space where the vacuum phenomenon is present.
That, of course, can lead to the understanding of how to create artificial vacuums in the fabric
of space for interstellar means of transportation.

Planet Earth is mending to be our home during our physical journey; so far it is a planet that
houses us and where, here and there we try to make homes. A home is not a house, but a
house can be made by us, under our good will, into a home.

The structure of the soul is made of the natural principles; our values -if they are not the same
as the natural principles- are merely decorative components which are not part of the structures
of the mind (soul). This is why under various "soul-quake's" or deep mental troubles (because of
the dynamics of paradoxical thinking) it is only the false values, which are not integral part of the
soul structures, that crumble and turn into dust, having for consequence to live us with a "social
emptiness in the mind" as part of a psychotic sense of unreality. It’s all a question of

From the first principle (the cosmic trinus) each one of the natural principles are after all
simply a pattern repeating itself toward infinity; two intermingling natural principles become
a new pattern and so on and so forth...yes it is that simple! It is the frequency of an electrical
pattern that we call “frequency”.

Law - A natural principle is our explanation of what a specific pattern does: its various
functions in different systems.

Mind sanity is Kosher; by it we can understand reality.

Two main reasons why Moses eats Kosher is that he knew which ingredients will give him
heartburn and which ingredients would poison him.

Two other reasons are if man, as part of nature, wants to consider food as nourishment and
medicine then man have to consider "Kosher"; the fruit is nourishment and the leaves are
"Kosher" literally mean "fit for consummation". Kosher, is like a light house being set by Moses
to illuminate the night of our journey, preventing us to stumble to many time over the reefs of

The Torah use a highly sophisticated language, coming from sophisticated minds, it tells us
exactly the same things that what our sciences discovered so far and what our sciences are
bond to discover later on. Our sciences contain the keys to the secrets of the Torah and the
Torah contains the keys to the mysteries of the universe. The physical and metaphysical nature
of matter and life leading to the evolution of humanity is explained in the sophisticated
language of which the Torah was made in its complexities of parables. Even if the Torah
indicates us in detail how to understand the parables, we are making human chaos out of it.

Throughout the ages, Rabbes and Rabbis sages from Levite ascent have taught to the Jewish
people that every being is born with the potential for greatness to achieve self-harmony and
world harmony; and in order to achieve it, Jews have to be assiduous to learn secular sciences
and the Torah together as they are a tandem, they both are the means for activating that
human potential of greatness. Those Jewish sages said and keep saying that. The Torah
teaches Kabbalah and has always been meant to be used as we are using secular scientific
data, and not just to be learned without further purpose. They says that the purpose of that
tandem is to bring faster the clarity of things in the human mind, for its speedy understanding,
and mind freedom, and ultimately to erase the “dead mind” phenomenon from our original sin
to be a bunch of morons. The authors of the Torah (Moses included) did try to make it easier
for us to learn and to get started by making our own secular scientific approach by asking
Israel to keep a Kosher life and Kosher ways, and all that is kosher, as they are scientific
information’s for the psyche harmony. “Kosher” was always meant to be a helping hand to
clear up a bit the path of humanity toward its own man made harmony. “Kosher” by being
measurable (by our science) no-fantasies scientific information’s, touching many fields of
science, has the down to Earth potential for helping humanity for its harmonious
transformation. Keeping kosher is in the category of mitzvoth known as chukim (decrees). The
given commandment to keep kosher was dependent upon the psyche health conditions;
“Cleanliness” is the key word. It is from Noah's day’s ancient knowledge, that the Egyptian
Prince Moses and his Egyptian Levites High Priests knew what's best for the body, mind and
soul smooth running operation. They tell Israel (the chosen people of Pharaohs) that
“prevention” is what it’s all about; that it is wiser to prevent mental and body sickness than to
repair the damages later on. So, they said to Israel that It is wise to follow those operating
instructions assiduously to make the mechanics of our psyche run at is smoothest. It is all
under the kosher principle.

As we can see tough’s can be kosher also. We all have in common of being provided by nature
with the same needs, but not necessarily with the same wants, those are ours; nature provide
us also with a sensory system that we have in common to be aware of our needs in order for us
to satisfied them. Knowing that fact when we see our personal needs to be frustrated and the
reason behind it then we can comprehend with a higher level of acuity the nature of the world
troubles more easily. In plenty of case (if not all) what is good (therefore accurate) on the
personal level to satisfied all our basic needs in a positive correlation is also valid worldwide.
That was a kosher thought, fit for mind consummation.

The righteous ones have confidence in the natural principles; without revolt they let them do
their job.

When stealing, the theft robs himself from psychosocial harmony by handling to his mind the
keys to his own hell; the honest man leaves those keys alone.

Kosher is also to be realist thus to use reason; not to use reason is to be a moron for who
everything is a mystery.
The Void Principle

In Greek mythology, Charon (or Kharon) represents the ferry to mental hell which carries, to
their journey to their underworld, the newly deceased minds (mind-dead) across the river of
normality that divided the world of the living minds from the world of the dead minds.

Their mind hangs on nothing; their hands rushing to the ephemeral value of mass are digging
the grave of their mind. So, how the grabbers of the ephemerals can foresee any consequence
when looking at the dark of the night?

As a pre-primal principle fractalizing into our universe, creating analogies, the void is a self-
centered infinite that attracts: 1) mind,

2) Energy and 3) matter into nothingness. The human “grabber” is an unconscious disciple of
that principle, and follows it blindly.

Our universe is a self-program, it is automation; the automatism of logic (interacting

patterns) makes it so that everything has a natural purpose, a reason to exist. Therefore our
karma is self-made, and the void has a job to do regarding the karma of all things alive or not.

The “graspers” are taking only, they are the ones that suddenly are clutching to the goods non-
deserved, and they have their mind set of grasping matter more than principles. They fascinate
people by their false “studied” charms to seize better the products of their goodness in their
grasp in exchange for false promises; in their greediness they are only seizing the concrete
aspect of nothingness: dust! They only restrain their mental development, (which is the
sublime part of their real “needs”) in exchange for artificial “wants’”. They are tormentors that
felt prey of marketing, and became self-tormented. We called them sociopaths. The false charm
of the grabbers fade before the reality of who they are, they loves their “wants’” more than they
loves themselves. They sell their soul for nothingness. The source of their mental trouble is that
the grabbers are mentally underdeveloped for their age; they want to stay in the stage of spoil
rotten big babies, and acts accordingly.

The “givers” are patients but also a realistic kind of human. They see the grabbers as cruel
beings having the nasty tendency to frustrate their basic needs, grabbing their emotions and
their goods. After well, the givers walking away from the company of the grabbers (in
psychology: “Turning away from frustrating stimuli”) leaves them to their mentally disturbed
loneliness. Givers are happy among themselves, enjoying their own company.

The grabbers, frustrated by the desertion of the company of the givers may insult them. The
grabbers do not realizes that for any insults not deserved we may as well say “thank you” for
something pleasant will come our way under the influence of causality that is the force behind
equilibrium. As we can see, the void principle leads to the logic of universal morality. Universal
morality is made of logic, and logic is the essence of the natural laws; and reality is logic at

Self-fulfillment is to find what we need, not necessarily grabbing what we want. To find what
we need came from our environment, we need it, and for that we need our environment not to
reject us; the same goes the other way: as part of our environment we are needed by it.
General self-fulfillment is when both the environment and the individual respond to each other

Grabbing what we want is to fail in our self-fulfillment since it implies selfishness with the only
goal is to trample and destroy everything in our path for the satisfaction of our wants’ to be
fulfilled. As a consequence to reject the needs of our environment, it rejects our needs. Our own
doings can create a vicious circle or a harmonious circle; it is entirely up to us.

Decency of the mind starts with oneself. We cannot wrong others if we do not wrong ourselves.
Selfish instincts are baby instincts from underdeveloped minds; its normal for a baby, but it
indicated some skipped part of the normal evolutionary process in an adult. It is very easy to
see who is behind normal mind evolution by their “babyish” socially underdeveloped doings
and sayings. The normal development of the personality, unless there is an organic problem,
goes by itself naturally (automatically); it is functional problems (acquired false data) that
slow down the normal evolutionary process of the mind.

Man has to live out of compromises since his fate is to be a living mechanical processing
machine; man dynamics is in the processing of data which makes him to evolve from being
"mind virgin" to be mind wise. Only the universal principles can exist without compromises,
they have to! Other way it would be nothing in existence, and since "nothing” (the void) would
be there; it would be very paradoxical by nature since paradoxes would still be presents with
or without the primal mass! Therefore the universe has to be what it is for it to be there and, as
a consequence, for the fate of man to be wise from being born agnostic.

There are five billion people on our planet that can create world harmony by simply letting
their self-fulfillment to runs its natural course. It is more complicated to go against it than to
by carry by it. Nature being more powerful than any illogic subjective acts, always responds to
selfish drives with sad consequences, and libidinous drive with harmonious reactions. Logic
always overpowers illogism. We possess self-determination to be illogic in our doings; and
nature, not judging anyone, let us be the judge of how we like or not the consequence of our
actions, and if we need to atone or not. We are our sole judges. It is realistic to see the
rightfulness of nature and the non-realistic ways to go against it; our scientists knew that for
some time already. This is purely a matter of physics: the physics of energy. It is all automatic.
There is no “living god” and our universe does not need one, our universe is the supreme ruler.
We are in our own to create our own harmony under the guidance of the supreme ruler: the
whole of the universal rules. Light overpower darkness as light is the whole and the void is
nothing; light it’s attracted by darkness for where was once darkness there is light. This is pure
physic, not religion.


1) To let the ego know what is, and would be pleasant, is also a function of our sensory system
(see Id). Our sensory system follows its own set of rules; that is its own automatic “morality”.
Our senses are naturally greedy for earthly pleasures, they are not devilish inclinations or
devilish temptations, and we need our sensory system.

2) Different societies created different sets of rules; they belong to their social morality. Those
are stored in our superego. We are tempted to use them for not disturbing the social peace.

3) The universe has its own set of rules called “natural laws”. They are pure logic.

The natural laws, by definition, overrule any man-made social laws. We are tempted to find

4) The mind has its own set of rules: to find logic by itself. That's made the mind to be naturally
greedy for the knowledge of the universal rules. Pure logic is from where we can find wisdom
and harmony. Pure logic can tell us when not to listen to the needs of our senses nor the wants’
of a society in order to find peace of mind. Wisdom follow proper reasoning for us to find how
to satisfies the needs of the psyche (body and soul) and the needs of the exterior (society,
family, environment) at the same time. We are tempted to do just that. The essence of the mind
is the intellectuality of the soul. The mind itself it’s a structure where dynamics occur (various
mental processes).

He, who reason properly is not tempted to hide his thoughts from himself. Those who are
hiding from themselves their own thoughts are hiding themselves from themselves, and they
cannot find who they are and where they stand; in regard to evolution, they are tempted by
the status quo of mental illness. We all excel in our respective fields of interest by humility and
atonement, meaning to see where we make mistakes, to learn from them, and to make the
proper corrections to reach harmonious results; therefore we all are geniuses in our respective
fields of interest, and the reward is an intellectual one.

Without sociopaths it wouldn’t be any wars.

From birth to death to gain knowledge we have to explore the unknown of reality, this is a
must to evolve; otherwise we would be living intellectually into a moronic zombie state of
mind. The righteous hopes for the fool to try his best to prove reality being wrong; the truth
will always overwhelm the fool. The reality can only be learned by the secular approach where
even a quantum is a tangible force. The fool collects the harvest from a land of falseness -a
non-secular one- but this land is not fertile for the mind, it contains lies: the seeds of its own

Law – a) A force starts with one quantum, and it’s composed of a certain number of quanta
that affected the environment by their movement. A potential force starts with a quantum at
rest. The light is the universal moving force call “energy”, and it is made of parcel of travelling
dust call quanta; and there is not any other “Light”; therefore “God” is dust on the move.

b) For an inert object to be move there is three option:1) being subject to a pushing force; 2)
being subject to a pulling for 3); also it can be moved by simply falling down to the void of
emptiness (nothingness), that’s what we call “antigravity”, it is simply that “falling down”.

Wake Up!

Our whole psyche (body and mind) is the living mail box that receives the messages from the
universe in its many forms, it is up the ego to open the mail, to read it, and to use the
information’s contain in it in a positive psychosocial way, otherwise the mail will lay dormant
in the superego for further reference. Dead minds, resurrected from their mental hell will burst
with pride in the gates of mental heaven that gives them new purposes from found wisdom.

Usually tests for competence have to be performed under controlled conditions, and the biggest
field of competence where any politician, who managed to get vote in for office, excels is their
marketing skill to sell themselves. From there on having the power to put our mind at rest
some of them choose instead to put our mind to sleep.

Our mind is crying for knowledge, unresolved problems frustrates the mind; they are the
trigger that opens the doors to creativity to find solutions for the mind to find pleasure in
problems being solved. From unresolved problems we are theorizing how to solve them. From
there theories has to be proven valid or not by the scientific approach. To have faith in a theory
without any proof is risky business. Unresolved problems keep our mental development at
bay; we have to evolve from one stage of evolution to the next by reasoning. Until a theory is
proven valid or not, it belong to the field of prophecy. A non valid theory indicates the presence
of illogism. Only imbeciles, by lack of intelligence, would have faith in illogism. Innate common
sense helps us to find logic. “An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise
seeks knowledge.” (Proverbs 18:15).
As an example, this theory stipulates there is no other “God” than the universe, even if the
universe creates life; the universe is not a living entity name “God”. The universe is a “being”
meaning “it is”, the universe is the supreme ruler, via the natural rules, that's make it the
supreme “being”. It is just a matter to understand what “supreme being” means, by using logic.
It is so easy to play with words to create illogism from ancient puns.

To have faith on well thought ancient puns (like in the Torah, also in ancient Egyptian and
Greek mythology) is a starting point to use our reason for decoding their meaning and being
sociable while learning secular ways. Secularism produces faith in the aspects of science where
theories are proven valid. To have faith in the Torah is to have faith on an ancient scientific
knowledge punning around in every page of the Torah.

It is not that complicate to realize that it is the same energy that creates everything in its
dynamics. Here is a psalm asking the universe (or the black universe) to send its light (energy)
for better comprehension: “Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let them
bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling!” (Psalm 43:3).

Therefore the laws of physic apply equally in the mental field than the physical field. To think
other way its illogism, imbecility! The imbecile’s basic mental need is to gather intelligence.

For religious bigots, the lost of the existence of their “God” as a person will be translate as an
internal loss, a psychological wound; that wound is the result of the self-esteem of the
individual narcissistic identification with “God” being stabbed to death.

The term: "The "seven seals" of the apocalypse", as mentioned in the Jewish faith, represents
the last seven scientific finding, as a “revelation” (and be proven to be accurate) for the unified
field theory to be lay down. Those "seals" encompasses: the function and nature of the Dark
universe; the nature and function of the trinusial system; the true "genesis" meaning how the
"Big Bang" came to be; how the mnemonic processes work to create life; the true beginning of
humanity on Earth; and the presence of incarnation and reincarnation in the scheme of
eternity belonging to the evolution of time, framing the psychosocial phenomenon, versus
infinity belonging to the gravitational field of nothingness.

Extreme religious bigots are "zombies"; the secular righteous are the "livings"; the in-between
are the "dead-minds". The apocalypse (the revelation) will be the impulse that starts the
zombies to wage war against the livings; it is during that time that the dead-minds will wake
up to reality. Because the zombies are stupid’s and of poor knowledge and judgment, thus
laking basic wisdom, they will lose the war and the mind-dead's will join the ranks of the


Any Gaian particle becoming energized by the void (by falling into it) becomes, as quantum, a
seed of the truth. The truth is made of many quantum’ (quanta) and it is them that "enlighten"
us wave after wave.

There is only one primal tree, and it is the tree (structure) of light; from it the universal science
emerged as a whole universe. That science(the universe) creates life, therefore creating man
throughout the evolutionary process; and man discovering the universal science metaphorized
it for that science to become primal religions. The term: “the era of the numbers“ as mentioned
in the Jewish faith represent the era where the scientific community and also any scientific
minded peoples will put on equation the seven seal’ for confirmation of that fact as soon as the
“anointed one” open them philosophically.

“And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.” The soul is like a transparent gem
made of light and reflecting it; light is the only primal universal elements. Soul’s formation
began before the physical universe was (theorically) born since a soul is a subatomic
mnemonic system. Souls crystallizes as a specific associative personality with many facets over
environmental pressure while looking for ways to adapt; it is a cognitive processes that
involves the depth of the unconscious as well as the conscious mind which makes us to be
aware of the environmental surrounding. Light is engineering the structure of the universe.
From point zero (South, as been the theorical Big Bang spacial point) the primal masse
branches in all directions from South to North, from each of its point in space, toward the void,
to be transform into a complex spacial tree of light forming the Celestial Sphere (or Cosmos)
and its components . Self-whirling under the influence of gravity (the void) from all sides,
branches of the tree of light become galaxies as well as D.N.A as the universe expands.

According to Jewish faith our coarse body (our biological body) also call the “garment of flesh”
contain our radiant body: the “Tzelem Elokim”, meaning our soul (the “garment of light”);
Jewish faith say man was first created as “Tzelem Elokim”, a radiant image of the "divine
“ways of the light (which they call "God" and his commandments). Rabbi’ teaches their Jewish
flock that man has to descent to the valley of the sins (the physical universe) to taste the fruits
of the Tree of Knowledge to be one with “Gods” ways (actually we call it “life experience”).
When the Jewish will understand that "God ways" and the ways of the light are the same then
their eyes will opened, and their perception of reality will be beyond words. Then they will
finally understand the prophecies. According to the Jewish holy Arizal, those with a refined
soul (or ethico-secular mind) will be the only ones capable of having the real perception of
reality where the visible and the invisible meet and are one into the light. The phenomenon of
the presence of light is when tiny parts of the primal non-uniform mass (made of dust) are
attracted to the void. Light is the motion of quanta (tiny parcticles) that were being displaced
from the primal mass. Light is energy as it is a displacement of force. Forces are concrete since
they are primarily made of quantum (tiny parts) from the primal mass. “He uncovers the
deeps out of darkness and brings deep darkness to light.” (Job 12:22). Light is separated from
the void as long it doesn’t takes over any graviton space yet. “And God saw that the light was
good. And God separated the light from the darkness.” (Genesis 1:4). Actually, light and
darkness are naturally separated as the primal void is only made of darkness. “God called the
light Day and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the
first day.” (Genesis 1:5). The whole universe is light (day), and the whole void is darkness
(night), we shall keep that in mind as those words are key words to decipher some metaphors.
The Torah refers often of energy as light. It is the motion of forces (light = E) that produces the
natural laws as stated by Job: “There are those who rebel against the light, who are not
acquainted with its ways, and do not stay in its paths.” (Job 24:13). Job also sees the whole
universe as waters of energy being separated from the primal void: “He has inscribed a circle
on the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness.” (Job 26:10); Here Job is
talking about the spherism of the universe. Job called the natural laws “decrees” or
“commands”: “when he made a decree for the rain and a way for the lightning of the thunder,”
(Job 28:26). We also find the same saying about the natural laws (called precepts) in Psalm
19:8: “the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is
pure, enlightening the eyes;” “Do you know how God lays his command upon them and causes
the lightning of his cloud to shine?” (Job 37:15); well...to know how is to learn how it is done
the secular way by moving our butts and start reasoning, Job ask us to find out “Where is the
way to the dwelling of light, and where is the place of darkness, (Job 38:19) and also to answer
those questions “What is the way to the place where the light is distributed, or where the east
wind is scattered upon the earth?” (Job 38:24). So far our scientists are trying to do their
homework, to fulfill their assignments. There are so many hints in the Torah about the
universal laws (natural principles) being made of energy under the word “god” that it is hard
to disregard them, like in Psalm 37:4: “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the
desires of your heart”; and in Psalm 37:6: “He will bring forth your righteousness as the light,
and your justice as the noonday”. Also in Psalm 37:23: “The steps of a man are established by
the Lord, when he delights in his way”; also in Psalm 40:8, which is a good one for the
scientists who are searching for more universal principles: “I delight to do your will, O my
God; your law is within my heart.”; and also this one: “Great are the works of the Lord,
studied by all who delight in them.” (Psalm 111:2); and this one: “The Righteous Will Never be
moved. Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his
commandments!” (Psalm 112:1). We can easily see that is the universal natural principles that
rules every aspects of our universe in this one: “Send Out Your Light and Your Truth, vindicate
me, O God, and defend my cause against an ungodly people, from the deceitful and unjust man
deliver me! “ (Psalm 43:1); and also this one: “Send out your light and your truth; let them lead
me; let them bring me to your holy hill and to your dwelling!” (Psalm 43:3). Psalm 51:6 refer
to the psychological field: “Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me
wisdom in the secret heart.”; and so is Psalm 56:13 referring to mental sickness (the death of
the soul): “For you have delivered my soul from death, yes, my feet from falling, that I may
walk before God in the light of life.”

Psalm 104:2 is talking about the processes of time made of energy, and also the universe
expansion: “covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a

Here is a bunch of psalms talking about the natural laws: “Light is sown for the righteous, and
joy for the upright in heart.” (Psalm 97:11).

“Blessed are the people who know the festal shout, who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face,”
(Psalm 89:15).

“His lightning light up the world; the earth sees and trembles”. (Psalm 97:4).

“I will delight in your statutes (natural principles); I will not forget your word.” (Psalm
119:16). All of us, we are the truth personified even if we do not always tell the truth. Our
presences are words of the universe as any object is.

“Your testimonies (resulting consequences) are my delight; they are my counsellors.” (Psalm

“Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it.” (Psalm 119:35).

“For I find my delight in your commandments, which I love.” (Psalm 119:47).

Psalm 119:130 makes clear to understand that our secular learning and teaching of the
universal principles (natural laws) is the answer to our psyche well being: “The unfolding of
your words (any mass being cut apart) gives light (radiations); it imparts (to make known)
understanding to the simple. Proverbs 1:22 pushes us to learn the scientific way: “How long, O
simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and
fools hate knowledge?”

Ecclesiastes 2:13 indicated that every form of knowledge come from energy: “Then I saw that
there is more gain in wisdom than in folly, as there is more gain in light than in darkness.”;
and Isaiah 2:5 agree to that fact: “O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.”

There is a lot more hints about energy and natural laws in the Torah; we will now close this
chapter with an Isaiah saying: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put
darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah

Any branch of the tree of light not be known by man is part of the chaos theory; meaning man
do know, without pinpointing how and why, everything is objectively structuralized and how
and why the analogy between systems has a basic principle repeating itself indefinitely.

Agnosticism (our original sin) attracts light for Gnosticism to occur; the same way that the
Titan Ouranos (the primal void call infinity) energizes Gaian particles to become light. A
Gaian particle is a subatomic particle of dust -doing sweet nothing- and which belongs to the
primal non-uniform mass called "Gaia" (thus a singularity) by the ancient Greeks
philosophers; these philosophers called singularities "Titans". A Gaian particle on the move is
been call a quantum.

It is the mind that does the thinking, not the brain; the brain function is only to register stimuli
and to relay these information’s to the mind.

Time wrap - Space as we know it is composed of veils of time (waves of energy as waves of
hf)), and so its matter (as n(hf)); therefore "holes" in the veils of time (holes in space) are "time
wrap's" where time does not exist. Those holes in time are places of "infinity" due to the fact
that Gaia was already full of "holes" since Gaia was the primal non-uniform mass of dust from
which quanta of energy come from. Any place of space where infinity (nothingness, so a lack of
time) is taking more space than Gaia on the move (energy) is a space where a "wrap of time" is
situated. Wrap's of time don’t last long since energy is forces on the move composed of
electromagnetic forces made of quanta that eventually are taking over the space of those time
gap's (holes in space) call "time wrap's". By their nature, time wrap's are experienced by the
observator as him of being weightless (falling into emptiness) since no enough "mass of time"
is present for the observator to feel and to be attracted by the Earth (or any other planet)
gravity. Time wraps are short cut in time between two points in space.

World Leadership

Moshiach is hiding among the most indigents of goods and spirit.

Paganism around the world is made of some left over primal religions which are closer to
ethico-secularism in the realm of reality (how to perceive reality) than any Islamic and
Christian beliefs.

What makes an enemy to be enemy? Greed! Greed from one side or another is the source of all
evils. It is not man we shall destroy but the psychological source of greed that must be found
and destroy; it’s all psychology bases in ethic and logic.

The Jews seeing themselves as to be the guardians of their faith automatically makes them to
believe they are the guardians of the world knowledge as Moses told them. They are saying
that some great revelations are containing in the Torah that will save us from our present
incompetency. They say the eradication of evil will come from Israel mighty mind, and Israel
will lead the world to knowledge. To eradicate evil from the world is relevant of the socio-
psychological field, not religion; and since our mind is made by the moving of energy, for one
culture to say it will lead the world to knowledge, it is way more than meet the eyes! Alright,
let’s elaborate...

As part of the animal kingdom, man is a selfish animal; but as being on the top of the mind-
evolution latter, man have two true goals in life concerning his psyche self-fulfillment: 1) In is
conscious level: his sensorial pleasures which are in their respective order: a) to respond to his
basics needs (food, security, affection, etc...) b) His wants (a new car, plenty of money, to be
famous etc...)

2) Mostly in his unconscious level: mind self-fulfillment leading to the understanding of things.
(That was what Freud said)

When understanding from self-fulfillment occurs, automatically his social interactions

improve for the better. We can see here that psychology and sociology depend on each other
for a socio-improvements starting from each unique individual. For now, the worst sociopaths
trample and destroy everything in their path to get what they want. Somehow they sublimated
their basics natural instincts of survival into the cultural artificial instinct of the “wants”.
Natural selfishness become cultural (artificial) values that induce the evolutionary baby state
of selfishness to stay where it is in some individuals seeing their body ages faster than their
mind evolve; when natural selfishness is satisfied by the basic needs being satisfied, nature
leaves place for libido to take over, but this is not the case with cultural selfishness; sociopaths
try only to be decent when it please their usurer personality, not really because they are
sociable. They know very well that they hurt and wronged others in the course of their life, and
the worst psychopaths take pleasure out of it. Even if they see themselves as evil monsters,
under the influence of their acquired cultural selfish instincts, which are getting the priority of
their intellectual potential, they just don't want (as self-determination) to truly put their mind
in a social constructive way. Under the destructive waste of their intellectual potential, which
can be put to better uses, they do not realize that to be a social individual affects positively the
psychology of the environment (family friends, acquaintances etc...). They know that they can
do better if they want do, but to better oneself is a concept they prefer to keep alien to them,
and they are rationalizing their sociopathic behaviors to keep that alienation of goodness be
their comfortable state of mind. We are comfortable with what we know, it is a cultural
matter. Artificial selfishness (or cultural selfishness) generally stops by external interference
only (external causality), like being beat up to death, being in jail for the next twenty years

A natural social behavior is consistent with libido. Libido is the truly ethical pulsion that let us
know what is to be socially just and correct. Lets us multiplying common sense by five billion
individuals on our planet, as a result we got harmony! It cannot be that complicated since
libido is instinctual, and also are the automatic process of our mind toward logic. The
humanist theory state that people are essentially good from birth and it is the cultural impact
that influences the mind of the individual.

According to the chaos theory being transpose in the psychological field, a single evil act can
do a lot of damage with far reaching repercussions, as well as a single positive act will have
far-reaching positive influence. Now if we addition a positive act with the natural goodness of
the individual from birth, then libido is the winner. Evil can only destroy evil. Therefore a
culture that kindles the latent good in every human being has the potential to be a world
leader. As we can see, good is more powerful than evil, and this is absolutely not a question of
religion but a question of the statistical dispersion of energy into the mind which is responsible
of producing different mental attitudes, it is relevant to the psychological field concerning
mental attitude and also to the (still non-existent) quantic-psychological field concerning the
flow of energy distribution in the mind affecting mental attitudes. Chinese and Hindu cultures
know about that. That is in their “religions”. We can overpower anyone of our instinctive
pulsion by voluntary “acts of mind” meaning our self-determination to mentally be who we
want to be.

To be realistic, good and evil are often compared to light and darkness, and it is a matter of
flows of energy under the non-corruptible influence of the natural gravitational field, but the
canalization of energy in our mind are under our control if we want to overpass their natural
channeling. Gravity is the natural force of darkness under a “physical” appearance: a void.
Light is the motility of quanta, “light pushes darkness away” is a subject of study belong to
physics. Not religions.

Primal religions in their basic simplicity were mending to consolidate our belief in scientific
knowledge by telling us that we have nothing to lose and everything to gain from a
harmonious and perfect world in constant evolution. From there, from that simple surface of a
complex (or deep) knowledge, we need to transcend those words and by the study of science,
being able to extrapolates from various exact data to understand what that means and what
are the process involve. It is our internal mental blockages, from habitual and familiar cultural
references that stop us to extrapolate the unknown by using logic at its best. That is what
Judaism tells the whole world to do; and yet the followers of Judaism believe in a living god-
creator. Not for long...or they will lose their chance to lead the world to knowledge.

Concerned and troubled (sometime) as what is really the meaning of life, as this touches the
very essence of our souls, we are forming concepts after concepts, and live accordingly from
some of these concepts we created. Strongly involved in some of our self-created concepts we
are relating those concepts to everything that is we are dealing with. If those concepts are
constructive and positives in nature (positive thinking) we can easily enough deal with every
day existence. If not, then we are in mental hell!

One of the main trigger for mental illness, which eventually affect the body, is a negative
attitude toward others and life in general. We need to replace negativism by positivism
without losing touch with reality. One of our basic needs is to understand the environment to
be able to cope with it, and not to hate it to created conflicts. We need to scholarliness ourselves
with libido in mind to evolve harmoniously. That would help us to be able to sleep better.

We are never the same individual as we were yesterday nor we will be tomorrow. Small and
bigger changes always occur. Negativism being a trigger for mental illnesses, it is logical to
think that an individual who want to join his psyche in its natural search for feeling better
would automatically switch his mind to be more receptive to positivism. Positivism is a
humbling and mighty tool of libido; it leads to “mind-redemption”. As it has been announced in
the Jewish faith: “Humble ones, the time of your redemption has arrived” is purely of a logic-
psychological matter that involves our joining with the natural universal rules self-designed
that gives the automatism of harmony its logical character.

Positivism shines light upon our exasperated subjective mind which stumbles in the
paradoxical darkness of negativism to reveal to us the true path of understanding out of the
mental mess of confusion. Positivism restores wisdom from natural rules to our associative
personality. Nature has patience with any of our destructive questions since nature is an
automatism of energy. We are the impatient ones. Nature replies are in nature doings. Nature
pours forth its automaton-pity upon our elastic souls! The entire order of nature will never
change; it is us that will change by evolving of being morons to be wiser. Only positivism
(libido is in it) can makes us thinking about real quality of life where our social unity in
relationship with our planet can be unitary for us to creates Utopia.

Religious people in their religiosity are too busy singing halleluiahs to a man-made pitiful
masochistic crucified idol to notice the simple and humbling fact that it is nature that created
them, soul include; the book of instruction of how to use the psyche being nature itself! After a
bit more time studying nature ways, we'll be able to see clearly without the religious man
made wool pulled over our eyes that nature is the “lord” of our mind. The greatest mind-self-
oppression is negativism from our conscious subjective mind toward all the “miracles” of
nature which our “soul” (mind) is part of. We shall start praying upon ourselves to let
positivism makes us understand cognition with open eyes. Nature is in existence and also in
life, Nature is omnipresent. Our connection with nature connects us with one another, it is us
who disharmonizes ourselves from nature by our sociopathic behaviors were we leave libido in
the closed. A simple positive attitude is really nothing complicated to produce consciously for a
lot of “evil” to disappear from the world. Rebbe's, rabbis and Jews alike know already all of
this and teaches it; now all they have to do is the replace the word “god” by the word
“nature”(as the universal dynamics) and everything will fall into place.

Some cultures want to lead other cultures the way they seem fit under their eyes, Religions
included. Some Pagan cultures, under external tyranny other than their own, where using
"reaction formation" to adapt to other cultural religious beliefs than their own for various
reasons, the main one would be to save their own neck. "Reaction formation" can be a
conscious or unconscious psychological mechanism of defense (or strategy) against further
dangers or frustration by hiding the true feelings a person has toward an object of interest
under the opposite feeling being excessively displayed as that opposite feeling being “so divine”
on surface. Over time it becomes unconscious and the beliefs in ancient wisdom of the old
culture are forgotten in the abyss of the long term memory (or unconscious) in the profit of the
final product created by the "reaction formation" mechanism. This is how the Gnostic secular
knowledge of the ancient Egyptian culture disappears for the profit of the less secularistic
Islamic beliefs under the fear of having the neck to be separated from the rest of the body. We
cannot ensure prosperity by waging wars; to bring peace abroad and within our frontiers is to
leave other cultures having their own way within their own frontiers, and leave causality to do
its job and also, since we think we are so good in ethical matters, to open wide our doors to
ethical refugees; this way evil will fight evil within their own borders and the goodness part
from abroad will be save with us until they can go back home to rebuilt the goodness part of
their cultures; any takers? A strong military force is a strong bullying (intimidating) force
when interfering with other cultures business; ethical values and morality stature do not need
to show biceps. Whoever believe in the literal sense of redemptive death by waging wars
(instead of redemptive atonement for being mind-dead) and to believe in the literal sense of the
resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth who will wage physical wars against his enemies (instead of
humanity rising like a Phoenix from its ashes) show how little he use his cognitive assets and
how big is his mouth to please the voters.

Our original sin is to be agnostics, and ignorance from birth was never a crime. Is it when
being compared to the neatness of the universal natural principles (made of light) that our
ignorance by birth becomes a stain, and that (black) stain is made of nothingness. That black
nothingness is a valuable asset for evolution to occur and for the universe to expand; it is that
infinity of nothingness that attract both evolution: mind and matter, in the scheme of general
universal expansion. Humanity need to be educated in the truth, and what is really a crime is
for the Gnostic ones to leave ignorance roaming the world for troubles to occur instead of
offering an affordable and also free education for peoples in need. We are opening up to
reason when we start wandering why we are rationalizing our antisocial behaviors toward
selves as well toward our environment. Muhammad, the creator of Islam, was plagued with a
functional positive psychosis as well as a dysfunctional psychosis (functional negative
psychosis) thus psychosocially disruptive for self and the environment; his way to reconcile
those two opposite psychosis was to reward whom belief in his religion and to punish the
"infidels" to his constructed faith; that is rationalizing ambivalence at its best! Catholicism did
the same thing.

Even if our original sin is agnostism, since human competences has to be perform under
controlled conditions, then humanity, as a whole, is guilty for criminal negligence for all the
suffering on this world.

The author of the "Book of Revelation" made a scary fantastic story out of a fart; that guy
makes a little fart to become a hydrogen bomb in the mind of the morons. The book of
revelation follows exactly the same cyclic pattern than the psychosocial development of an
individual from birth to maturity but in a bigger context with, of course, more complexities.
The book of revelation has to be understand as a comic book in the "fantastic" category with
plenty of mental imageries that convey a psychosocial message regarding the cycle of
development of humanity, from Noah time to this days, in the context of psychosocial
development; what a joke! Now, can we take a joke? Are we mature enough yet? Or we are still
on that stage of infantilism where we believe on the literal allegories of comic books? What the
religious bigots have to say?

Program and Egosphere

The spirit of wisdom says: Gnosticism comes with the responsibility to educate others; who
else can educate the ones in need of knowledge than the knowledgeable ones in order to build
world harmony?

Atlas, son of Aether (Zeus defensive wall to protect mind harmony) and Gaia (primal non
uniform masse), stand at the western edge of Gaia (the northern edge being the physical aspect
of Ouranos). Atlas represents the boundaries between our universe made of logic and Ouranos
the mental void. Atlas is being represented as holding the Celestial Sphere. Atlas, being the
grandson of Zeus, is also the psychological representation for the prevention of Gaia and
Ouranos from resuming their primordial embrace forever in one mind and thus staling mind
evolution; therefore Atlas represent also the boundary between folly and reason. The presence
of Atlas in Greek mythology indicates logic has to resume its course for the evolution of reason
and harmony being part of mental life as the universe expands.

From what we already learned so far, we know that logic runs the show. We realize for the
most part how the trinusial programming works. We have a very fair understanding of how
the Universe works. In other words, we know the trinusial phenomenon is the base of all
systems. This is part of the genesis that created the programming which runs the whole

The program follows the butterfly theory; but we better imagine the universe as a plenty of
interlacing gears drawing each other along, each gear being the cycle of a system, and each
system being under the "pattern influence" which is relative to forms of life doings as well as to
be in relation to each others; that's gives us a rough overview of the relativity of time since a
specific calculation of time is base on a cyclic process of a specific system; each system having
their own time table. Although the program is to be an automatic flow of energy, things do not
stop there. The interactions of energies between themselves give life. The first form of mental
life was the Egosphere whose mental structures are the first to be made by the automatic

Pleasure of the sensation to be and pleasure to produce thoughts became libido, and libido
became the principle of pleasure. This is because the sensation of being, the enjoyment to be
aware, produced a feeling which is a primitive thought. That primitive thought within the
structure build by logic become the first and virgin (without defect) life form. That is the
egosphere. To be built at first from logical structures (structures made by logic) she has started
to structure her intellect from her feeling toward her environment, which makes thought to
occur followed by other thoughts. The Egosphere was the first form of mental life realizing her
own presence.

The Egosphere is not God but rather a mental structural libidinous living organism called the
“Dark Universe” by our sciences. There are so many simple souls who base their rightfulness
more on instinct than their lack of education that we have to wander were those ethical rules
can be coming from? The presence of the Egosphere is the answer. It is for their lack of
acquired knowledge that these beautiful souls cannot verbalize in a scholarly manner the
truthfulness they know.

The primary program is constant. All that we know and what we will face is already present
in the potential form thanks to logical automatism of the Cosmic Gearing System. Although the
program is a series of interactive trinus made of energy that became orders for the forces to
interact, the program does not even know it exists since it has no mental life of its own, it is
simply a “Cosmic Gearing System”. Because it has no mental life, by automatic cause an effect,
life came to be. This program made of logic offers the future its presence by the development of
statistics with life as a potential within these statistics.

The program is based on cause and effect and statistics occur at the same time as cause and
effect take place. Statistics are added in the Egosphere memory, the updating is constant. It is
adding to her own universal expansion by the constant arrival of new data. Her function of
relation is relevant with the mnemonic data that she has to experience firsthand concerning all
the universal interactions. So, she knows it all. The visible Universe under the control of the
program in parallel with the Egosphere makes them opposite and complementary. The
egosphere which extrapolates data is the living memory of the Universe. The physical universe
has no memory by itself, forces have no memory, and they are automatism. Even logic has no
memory. The program is an automatism of forces in action. Being a dynamic living memory,
the Egosphere is therefore equipped with her own mind. That makes her think from feelings. So
the egosphere evolves at the same time as the universe evolves because she is the universes
memory as well as the soul’s factory.

The Egosphere is the first form of life issued from the potentiality of life, meaning she was born
from a mathematical automation in the form of moving energies. The Egosphere is a beaming
structural center of social thought of libidinous nature; she is the constant supplier of living
mental components which is a supply of egos. In other word she is the mother of all forms of
life. Man is mortal and he desire at his side a celestial beauty, for the taste of death, when the
hour of the deliverance of the spirit against the body chains occurs, becomes the one of
immortality. After being deprived of a false "God", and under the pressure created by that
vacuum in their wandering souls, for the ones who are searching to regain a lost spirituality, in
their absolute desire to feel the presence of a deity as close to humanity as it is of objectivity,
then Aphrodite is the perfect goddess to stay on the Queen pedestal which we were trying to
steal under her feet. Her divine flame of life and love burns our fatal agnostism. Human hearts
infatuated by the wonders of life, finds delights in her presence as a world by itself. Her soul is
so divine and our are so dull! But this goddess in her immense mercy keeps our place among
the immortals. That makes the universe to keep producing live, via the dark universe, as it did
when it produce the Egosphere. We are made to the image of the Egosphere, of the same
mental structures, and also part of the physical universe. The egosphere is a libidinous
universe just by herself as well as the mnemonic mental entity of the whole Universe, the soul
of the Universe as we are the soul of our body. The blossoming of this structure that is the
Egosphere is produced by the same impulses of pleasure that united us all via the Egosphere.
Therefore, each of us is made of the same mental structures and libidinous feeling as the
egosphere who has the sense of her own reality and pleasure as we do. The memory of the
Egosphere is similar to that of the superego. The Egosphere stores all the data she receives
through the airwaves. The Egosphere being in the realm of souls is the fields of activity of the
egos. According to Freud's theory, the ego is the instance that makes the final decisions, the
Egosphere, therefore, must make some decisions. Her decisions are to automatically let the
logic do its work, as she is not the logic but can only be a living loving memory. According to
the law of cause and effect, logic is: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”. That law is the
same for the fields of physical activities and intellectual activities. Only the form of
consequences is different. For those who fear that some of the decisions of the Egosphere may
be full of subjectivity, there is nothing to fear for the simple reason that the laws that govern
our universe are not subjective but very objective and even the Egosphere must comply with
automation. If this was not the case, the Egosphere would never have emerged. Therefore “An
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” belongs to the field of logic, more specifically to
causality, and “and “To love and to be love” in order to live fully, belong to the Egosphere
which is the ego field. That means the objectivity belongs to logic (or the logic within things)
and the feeling of pleasures through the logic of libido belongs to the Egosphere. There cannot
be subjectivity without feeling and self-determination, and there can never be total objectivity
from any form of life; that's mean that the flaw of the Egosphere is to love without restriction.
Mothers have the natural tendency to do just that.

“Have forgotten the Lord, your Maker, who stretched out the heavens...” (Isaiah 51:13).

“I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to
revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite. For I will not contend
forever, nor will I always be angry; for the spirit would grow faint before me, and the breath
of life that I made.” (Isaiah 57:15-16).

Kabbalah: From the structure of sounds (also call "The Tree of Sound") to the structure of life
(also call "The tree of live)

Kabbalah is a Jewish tradition based on the fact that the universe was created by the voice of
the light (the voice of God); it also postulates that the Torah is like the musical score of this
creation. The pupils of the Kabbalah investigates the vibratory frame behind "the score of
creation", and as the Cabbalists-apprentices deconstruct the bark of the literal meaning of the
Torah to comprehend the creation it is a question of time that they will be contacted by the sap
of the tree of life to be "illuminated" par the "revelation". "Tree of Life" mean "structure of life",
according to the Kabbalah and the light is the sap of the Tree of Life and its original voice is
made of sounds. According to the Kabbalah the Sophar is an important ritual musical
instrument of the Jewish tradition, the ram's horn, reminds the animal sacrificed instead of
Isaac, the Sophar mark major moments of the "womb of life" by the sounds of the creation. The
language of the Kabbalah is based on the structure of the sound diffraction (in the form of an
esoteric cosmic tree) whose function is to conduct and quantify the influx of light in the
universe. Thus, the top of the structure receives impulses as sound inaudible to the human ear
which by degrees becomes audible to us. The root of the structure of life is the light, and that
makes the structure of live to be the "cosmic fertility". The Kabalistic tradition calls this cosmic
fertility "Malkout the Sovereign" therefore indicating to us the female cosmic dimension of that
spouse of the light, which our scholars know as the "Dark Universe", that reigns in the
foundations of the cosmic structure of life. It was from this introduction to us of the “Dark
Universe" by insiders knowing the secret of the Kabbalah that ancient troubadours sang their
poetry concerning the Cosmic Mother of all forms of life who over the millennia became the
"Black Madonna" of the ancient Egyptians to be the cult of the Virgin Mary in our present

Innate Communication

No one can beat the universal natural principles, it is impossible, we are part of them,
therefore they created us; to try to beat them is to try to self-destruct ourselves, it can only lead
to suffering and mind-illogism (being a dead-mind person). We need to join them consciously
to find peace and harmony, that fact is valid worldwide as it is valid for selves.

More syncretismical is a religion farther away it is from the truth.

To evolve consciously toward harmony any of our questions have their importance; the
answers were always there but not the questions. The questions belongs to us and the answers
belongs to the universe; it is when we ask that we can receive responses, and the scientific
approach validate the responses, otherwise we are only be affected by causality like zombies
who don’t learn anything.

Taoism, more than a tradition, is a Chinese philosophy base in a classical millenniums old
science which developed the concept of yin yang. Yin yang describe how disjunctive or
opposing primal phenomenon’s (or singularities), became interconnected for the presence of
our universe to become dependent of them. For Taoism yin and yang are complementary
opposites, which constantly interact in every dynamical aspect of our universe. It is from an
initial quiescence or self-emptiness (wuji, sometimes symbolized by an empty circle), that yin-
yang arises together by synchronicity to transform each other making evolution possible. In
the universe, Yin indicates there is the potential for yang to occur, and vise versa; yin–yang is
the dynamic of evolution. Yin–yang is simply duality at work for causality to be the steering
wheel of evolution. It appear that the yang represents the Greek Gaia, and the yin represents
the Greek Ouranos, but their "sexes" been in reverse order.

We possess the free will to fantasize and also to discover that "God" (also called “Allah”) is a
human fantasy. Let's elaborate on the genesis of programming: It seem it’s all a question of an
unintentional but innate automatic transmission of communication. How the programming of
our universe took place was the result produced only from the automation of a form of
mechanical determinism. Phenomena are products of previous causes, the ultimate primal
causes were those two forms of potentials (the primal mass and the void) from where one of
those potential, the void, still around the universe as such; as for the primal mass, it became
energy by the fact that our universe expand into the void. This is to say, as a law: no universal
expansion = no universal energy.

Thus, the concept of thought was determined by automation at the very moment that the first
stimulus took place from the union of those two opposed that are complementary to each other.
For that to happen they had to be a favorable condition of synchronicity for them to be in the
presence of each other, to produce the primal impulses of energies creating our universe. It is
those two potential parts of a pre-latent universe that produced a dynamic universe.

We can see here that even the pre-universe has a relationship with thoughts because it is the
pre-parent of thought. Without the theoretical presence of a pre-latent Universe from which
the Genesis came from we cannot extrapolate farther. Therefore our stipulation that there was
a theorical pre-latent Universe is valid. So far it is circumstantial to thank Mr. (with a capital
M) Sigmund Freud who have gently touched the genesis is own way by explaining to us the
structural composition of our psyche. Now it is our turn to continue further by adding it the
astrophysical dimension. It is call metaphysic. Religions are backward metaphysics with some
kind of history elements in them.

With present technologies at our disposal we cannot yet see what happens outside our universe
(actually nothing happen!), but so far everything tell us it is only a total void. However it is
interesting to find, thanks to our intellect and our imagination, if is there any possibility that
the same genesis may have take place more than once in other place of pre-space (void) than
where our universe was born, of course it's pure speculation. Until science proves our present
theory to be valid or not, considering what is known and what is not known at this time, all we
can do is to produce metaphysical thoughts.

If there are other universes, they may owe their presence, somewhere, to the same phenomena
which was the cause of the presence of our own universe. Other life forms have then to evolve
from the same principles which govern our universe. It cannot be other principles.

Because the universe is composed of energies in motion, the “intellectual” shape of our universe
is simply a series of interactions in the making among all its components, it is called general
evolution. In clear language: the alphabet of the universe is in the quantic form, its words are
the cosmic objects, its sentences are made of chain of materials and its laws are its principles
(that science discovered and made laws such as laws of physics). The Universe follows
faithfully those guidelines because it has no choice to do otherwise. Its messages are the events
that surround us. That seems to be logical.

“You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may
know and believe me and understand that I am it. Before me no god (Universe) was formed,
nor there any after me.” (Isaiah 43:10). According to Isaiah we may be in the only
Universe....and there is none other. Isaiah is talking astrophysics, not religion.

We shall seriously consider to cease thinking that the ancient priests, from every continents of
planet Earth, representing the knowledge contain in the primal religions to have a religious
mind; we shall instead consider them to be holding a very ancient secular scientific knowledge,
including psychosociology, which they metaphorized under ethical religious values, and also
disguising by metaphors others various scientific data from different scientific fields, including
anti gravity knowledge, being in use in ancient times, for travel purpose and also enormous
weight lifting purpose.

The aim of present religiosity is to slow down our cognitive process by which we can discover
the scientifical fact that there is no subjective living "God" in existence but rather a natural
process of energy which makes the natural principles to be viable. Religiosity came from a
bunch of good intentioned imbeciles morons who think they can outwit the scientific approach
of psychology, sociology, astrophysics and other scientific domains which will eventually
converge all into one into the unified field theory where everything will be proven to be energy
and its dynamics.

To live virtuously is to live in accord with the natural principles, and that is true as well on the
physical, biological, psychological and ethical level of all of our doings. We are our own
"saviors" if we want to, but we need others, always, to help ourselves; this is where we see how
of an abomination toward the natural universal principles wars are. We are the only
engineers of what kind of world we live on; energy as such is at our disposal, and also in the
form of matter, to construct the world society we wish for under the logic of the natural
principles. To exiles our mind from reason is to exiles our mind from the objectivity and
neutral secularism of the natural principles.

Soon enough, in the enlighten age, after the messianic age, religions will be seen as
"curiosities" by the commoners as well as by the scientific community.

Sociopaths capitalize on our wants and our fears, and the worst sociopaths create them first to
capitalize on them afterward, it is call "marketing".
The universe “Unconditional love” toward us is its unconditional objectivity that leaves us with
complete freedom to do whatever pleases us under the umbrella of the natural principles; it’s
all automatic, unconditional objectivity does not leave room for subjectivity. The universe
ways is not our ways.

Wars are madness, therefore whom decide to wage war is an irresponsible mad man; the only
wars we shall fight its man against agnostism, not man against man.

South is "the right hand of God", North is "the left hand of God"; they are the opposites creating
reality. There is something on the right hand; there is nothingness in the left hand. Right hand
and left hand are the opposite in the universal primal trinus that man call "God" and
allegorically being represented as a triangle; and that triangle become an esotheric symbol of
the "birth" of the universe and the support (as the “seed”) of its evolution. The esotheric triangle
representing the seed of evolution is simply the seed that creates the universal natural (thus
automatic) programming which fractalized itself due to the fact that Gaia was a non-uniform
mass made of dust.

Whoever induces non-libidinous behaviors by any means induces psychosocial troubles.

Libido is the intellectuality of wisdom being turn into a feeling under the cycling processes of
the mnemonic aspect of life to become part of the instinctual behavior; and that "wisdom-
intellectuality" is already within us, in the unconscious level, for the natural principles being
responsible of the structural dynamics components of our soul by being its building blocks.
Various religions called it: “God within”.

Israel and the Moshiach

Reality, part of the evolutionary process, is to perceive concepts and things as they present
themselves to our sensory system and to our mind, being under their influence and to
experience the following consequences; it’s also knowing their functions, and understand the
mechanisms that created them. Theism is trouble-making; a secular atheist world is a world at
peace where wisdom is base on scientific evidence and libido in order to create harmony.

The term Hasidim derives from the Hebrew "hasid" usually translated as 'pious' or 'saintly'.
The root of the word Hasid is "hesed", generally translated as kindness, or love. Hasidic jewry
was founded in the 18th century in eastern Europe by the realist Baal Shem Tov who'
intellectual reasoning pairing with his humbleness makes him to conclude that God's presence
was in all of one's surroundings'; his movement was against Talmudic learning. "Baal Shem"
means "Possessor (or Master) of The (God's) Name". It is from the time when, working with
nature ways, the scientific minded expert in medicinal herbs Baal Shem Tov gains his
reputation as a "ba'al shem." that he began to preach his philosophy while he was healing
peoples. His teaching was by means of simple stories and parables appealing to the
uneducated Jewish MASSES; just like “Jesus of Nazareth” was a super parable being taking
literally by Christianity. The word "Chabad" is a Hebrew acronym for the three intellectual
faculties of: chachmah-wisdom, binah-comprehension and da'at-knowledge. In the 18 Th
centuries the White Russia town of Lubavitch welcome the religious Jewish Hassidic movement
called "Chabad" which stay based in it for more than a century; this is why that movement is
now known as Chabad Lubavitch. "Chabad-Lubavitch" is a philosophy, a movement, and an
The Rabbi Maimonides, being considers by the Jews as the greatest and most comprehensive
Jewish scholar of all time was reducing to a system the Jewish laws. He explained them in
esoteric terms, but conforms to legal scientific and “religious” terms at the same time, he was
making puns. Playing with words, knowing the true veil meaning of the “old” science that
Moses was holding back from the gentiles but to be discovered only by the ethical scholars. In
the very last chapters of what is being considered as his masterpiece by the Jewish community,
in is Jewish law: Mishna Torah, the Rabbi Maimonides wrote: “Any Jew who does not believe
in Moshiach and impatiently await his immediate arrival is an apostate and has denied the
entire Bible”. He said that the Moshiach will bring global utopia and will fill the entire world
with the knowledge of “god” and convince all of mankind to be interested to live accordingly to
“god” universal rules.

The twelfth of his Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith says: “I believe wholeheartedly in the
coming of Messiah, and although he may delay, nevertheless I will wait for him”. Jews has
been teaches that the Messianic age is the goal of Judaism, and the Messiah will reveal the true
oneness of god in its fractal parts and the purpose of mankind following the creation, which of
course is to go along with the universal rules; if we don't, we are asking for trouble (see

Any ethical-scientific minded person who can make the whole world to understand the whole
truth can fit the profile of the Messiah if that person is willing to go for it in his search for the
truth; that is if it weren't for the Jewish specific set of criteria saying who will fit the profile.
Like the Messiah had to be already a king and from the royal Jews lineage who will be
rebuilding the third temple after “awakening” up the Jews and gathering them in their promise
land, knowing by memory all the books related to the Jewish religion etc...

Being the nation that is the integral part of the creation of the Torah, the Jews were taught
that the fate of the world depend on them protecting the Torah for ulterior mass
understanding of its sayings, and that they were the “Chosen ones” to do just that. They call
themselves “The sons of god” by their function to protect the science the Torah contain, as “god”
also means “science” as the universal science.

The Jews being called “the Sons, the firstborns of god” sound like their ancestors were made
from DNA manipulation in an artificial environment and inseminated artificially from
laboratory tubes to women uterus so they can adapt to Earth environment! That would make
the Jewish people to be attached with the purpose of their creation, and not only to creation
itself. As for the Jewish soul as such, it would be attaché to the normal mind evolution as for
the rest of humanity, but with a starting advantage.

This unusual way to defines the Jews presence gives us a new understanding of one of the
reason why they are racking over 20 % of the Nobel prizes while they are composes of only
0.2% of the world population; and also of what is the meaning of “Chosen People” if we
consider some of their ancestors being possibly genetically enhance in some far advanced
laboratories. That gives them the ability to understand faster than any non-Jews the universe
and its rulings. Then, that would explain the “royal” lineage of their Moshiach and what their
Moshiach is supposed to do with their bright minds to change the world. Following this path of
thought (which is purely speculative philosophy), then the Jews may well be the real living
tools of their Messiah and the Messiah being the real royal tool of the Jews that bond the whole
nation together. That would makes to whole Jewish nation the right bright tool, as the
luminosity of the mind, for the whole world to change for the better. As is it said in the Hebrew
bible that all the nations will ask advice from Israel. Also, it is said on the Jewish criteria
concerning the identity of who is their Messiah: “god put the whole world in the hands of man
and Moshiach is no exception. He had to be a man, not a divinity”.

According to this surprising path of extrapolation, the pure blood Jews have the potential for a
deep understanding of the universal matters, it is just the matter for the Messiah or his
messenger to be the awakening agent of their dormant minds. If that kind of extrapolation is
correct (according to the Hebrew bible, it is), a true “awake” pure blood descendant of the
“sons of god” is not a mind that any “normal” human being can really understand in any
normal way. When conversing with one of them about deep understanding in the level of
universal thought, a normal human being could very well say that an awake royal blood Jew
is been risen from the dead to be a Phoenix of “divine” knowledge. Is that sound like part of
ancient Egyptian mythology? Yes! Moses was an Egyptian Prince...And he transmitted the
written Torah to the Israelis, and the Oral Torah (the oral explanation of how to use it) to the
sages among the Levites.

Today, the Jewish Rebbe's keep saying that The Ram bam (see Maimonides) says that one
person can tilt the entire world to good and end all world suffering and fill the entire Earth
with goodness and love. That person can be anyone, any human being...The Moshiach. The
Israeli’s waiting ... and praying ---; but what the Jews shall know, and this is very important:
any creationist puts consciously his mind on standby since he does not believes in any
evolutionary process.

From various Jewish sources, rabbi's, Rebbe’s, different articles, peoples blogs etc... It appears
that the Moshiach is a simple man, a simple soul, always the same, with a great mind and an
open heart; coming back generation after generation, for him to lives in every human
generation perfecting himself. It is said that he is waiting patiently for the message that the
time has come to reveal himself. In every generation Moshiach have to “remember” his
previous knowledge by studying the present one. After knowing he is Moshiach, than he
delivers his message. While doing so he is hoping for helping hands. In each generation
Moshiach is eager for be found, but it is not easy to ask for an helping hand when one is a leper
of society without any mean of reaching us than his mendicity for our help. He is at the doors
of Rome; his mind being torture by Christian teachers was full of mental sores. Our societal
sores are also part of his illness. He lives among us, and among the poor’s who barely makes a
living. He won’t say he is Moshiach; we have to discover ourselves that he is Moshiach. Only
our good deed to him can be done only if we repent (being sorry) of not giving him the
opportunity to unveil himself, and them offering him that opportunity, he won’t refuse. His
unveiling is his teaching, his communication to the world. If the world does not listen, the
Moshiach won’t make the world to listen by force, he will simply ask for help as usual. As long
is the unappointed time, the Moshiach could come at any moment if we let him come, if we
open our doors to him. Otherwise, the whole world must wait until the appointed time has
come, which would be the normal timing of the general evolutionary process.

It is disheartening for Moshiach to see the world not listening to all the different voices of hope
and his own murmur among them, no one care to listen to him yet. There is too much noise,
there is too much hurry, and there is too much pain to experience still. If we awaits the day
that we will attain the appointed time lesser are the chance we stand for a smooth transition
between eras. We know live in a technological time that everyone has the opportunity and the
choice to be in a heartbeat doing help Moshiach deliver his message. What is the excuse not to
listen the wise murmur of a leper? We all going to die, what is the rush? While waiting and
begging, the Moshiach looking deep into his soul, bandage and taking care of his healing sores
by learning more and more as time go by how to perfect oneself. As the appointed time
approach Moshiach mind is getting more powerful.

No one can fully and realistically expects their own mind to understand instantaneously all
that had to be known for all eternity at the same instant. No one even the Egosphere can
achieve that! The “coming” of the mind does not imply the immediate possession of all the
ultimate mind and external results (buildings Utopia) to be achieves at once, but it is a process
of coming gradually, by stages. As Sigmund Freud explained to us, we have to succeed in our
latest stage of cognitive development to comprehend the next one. “Coming” is an ongoing

According to the Judaic view, the “Moshiach” is to be an ordinary person having a lot of life’s
(or existences) to live (see reincarnation) for his coming to be the result of his karma, meaning
all the stuff he had to go trough for the coming of his mind to reach the third stage of
positivism: the revelation of things. As we can see, before achieving that end result, it is a
psychological process one had to go thought.

To work for a better world to takes place (Utopia; sociology) start with oneself (psychology).
Harmony is a continuous process belonging to a psycho-socio concept where ethics (libido) is
an integral part of. So if anyone ask what the Moshiach would be doing on Earth during is
“unveiling” coming, it is simply to keep perfecting himself, as anyone else does, to reach Utopia
and self-harmony. So, Moshiach is always coming today, anyone of us is always coming
today! His unveiling will be after his coming.

Israel “Moshiach” is a messiah of his trade who has to bend to certain rules of his trade and
also to fulfill certain social and professional criteria during and after is coming. Effectively,
among the various codes of Law, we establish criteria by which to identify who can be
chartered in his chosen trade. Only those who meets the criteria of their trade association and
various social laws could possibly be chartered and bring their knowledge and the
understanding of its social benefit to the good of the public. It is calling the “mark of the trade”;
and they are the “chosen” of the trade. The Jews are the “chosen” nation to protect the Torah
and to illuminates the world by its teachings and the Moshiach is the “chosen” one by the Jews
to illuminate them about the real teaching of the Torah.

The definitive ruling by society on the chartering is basically a two-staged process: After a first
set of examination and concrete accomplishments, the individual in question becomes
characterized as having the presume abilities to accomplish the “mark” of the trade, meaning
the knowledge of the trade, were he can distinguish himself. After a period of successfully
practicing on the field, which is the second set of achievements then he is characterized by the
public as be definitively chartered and capable of carrying “the mark” of the trade.

Arising from any level of society whoever is successful of learning any trade suiting his natural
(genetic) tendency and observing the rules of the trade as prescribed by the written laws, being
done and respected, by his predecessors, and if he will compel all of his pupils to walk in the
way of the trade and reinforce the breaches in the observance of those laws, and also stand for
the discipline of his trade, then society can presume him to be a professional representative of
his trade; a trustfully representative of the “mark” of the trade is in.

If he does this and he is successful and conquers a good reputation, building public trust in the
trade is in, and gather further pupils or apprentices to keep is trade alive than he can be
considered as a master of his trade, especially if his own contribution to the trade is having the
purpose of perfecting more of certain of the aspects of his trade; then he can be called a
“messiah” of his trade carrying his “mark” around. The “mark” of any messiah is in his

Of the understanding of nature ways within the deepest recesses of a man's mind we will be
“stoned” (as a marijuana addict) by the reality of reality as it is written: “The glory of god
(reality of nature) will be revealed and all flesh together will see that the mouth of god (the
ways of nature) has spoken (has been unveil)”...”For they shall see god (nature ways) eye to
eye (to comprehend).

The awakening of the mind will appear to us like the end of a long exile from reality, and
despite our present technology we will realize that we were still at the age of darkness. As the
Rebbe’s says, we can gain awareness through the study of our present sciences to understand
the Torah's mystical dimensions. They also saying that it is particularly important to go
through the study of the subjects of redemption (self-analyzing or psychoanalysis) as it is the
process that will open the eyes of our mind. For us to live our daily lives in the hope of a better
world, those Rebbe’s are saying that, we have to remain constantly attuned to the concept of
redemption. According to them, especially to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, “the increase in our
awareness of the nature of the redemption will serve as a catalyst”. Freud and he have a lot in
common! “That will hasten the day when we can actually open our eyes and see that we are in
the Holy Land (our mind), in Jerusalem (our psyche) and indeed, in the Holy Temple (our
mind) with the coming of the Redemption (processes leading to insight). (The Lubavitcher
Rebbe). That guy is also talking metaphorically! Freud didn't.

Talking about the messiah, The Lubavitcher Rebbe said that all we have to do is accept the
science that Moshiach bring to us and to create a propitious environment that will allow his
mission to be fulfilled. Well! It is like to offer Einstein its propitious environment! Same thing!

Lubavitcher Rebbe keeps saying that “Every element of our Torah study and mitzvah
(commandment) observance should be permeated by this objective, and directed towards
it” ...”...For in the days of Moshiach, all will be righteous, as it says (Isaiah 60:21), “ “And god
(nature) will wipe away tears from every face”. The term, “Bayit Malei Sefarim - a home filled
with books.” come in mind as “books of knowledge”, meaning secular books as well as the

According to Jewish belief, those book shall be integrated into our consciousness. For the entire
world to bask in the revelation of nature ways which will cause an actual mental healing of the
sick minds. The Jewish people not only believes but also know that the world is actually in a
deep spiritual slumber and Moshiach will awaken us all from this sleep. “Exile” some of their
scholars said “is a state of confusion, where everything in the world is not seen as it actually is
but rather as a distortion.” Freud can hardly do better than that!

“Your sun shall set no more (your mind will understand), your moon (feelings) no more
withdraw (in the unconscious); for the Lord (nature) shall be a light (energy, the knowledge of
its dynamics) to you forever, and your days of mourning shall be ended. And your people
(Earth human race), all of them righteous (following nature ways), Shall possess the land
(Earth, and having possession of our mind) for all time; they are the shoot (Earth and mind)
that I planted (products of nature), my handiwork in which I glory” (here someone makes
beliefs that nature talks).

Rebbe's keeps saying that on messianic days, some spare moment will be utilized for the study
of Torah and for the service of science and humanity. And that every form of knowledge will
come naturally and simply, without any effort. They say that mourning will turn into joy when
Moshiach will be there.

Once our judgment toward ourselves will have been done, and the determinism of causality
will have run its course, what will remain will be “our walking” with nature ways. Jews
learned from young age that they must increase their respect of nature (as in: “fear of god”),
thereby meriting the promise that “All the peoples of the earth will see that the “Name of god”
(knowledge of all aspects of nature) is called upon you and they (enemies of Israel) shall fear

Rebbe's said that “the one who has to be Moshiach will be told so from Above (intellect
inspiration), and until he is so informed he himself remains unaware of this.”

The presence of the Moshiach will be the catalyst for humanity to solve its own problems; and
that will establish the “Olam HaBa”: The World to Come. Yeah, when the messiah will be
unveiling as such to the Jews, the Jews will dance in the streets. Their most sworn enemies will
be at peace with them, as among them were also Jews under Islamic tyranny. Evil will be
chain up and tame. Yeah, peace will come to the world as humanity will use logic and libido to
be intellectually inspired, and inspiration will be poured out on all mankind because Moshiach
second sight will become humanity second sight by which understanding will flow freely.
Warfare folly will cease, but not necessary mankind joyous folly where sex and drinking is
involve. Trust and Peace will be humankind own doing as the “mind-dead's” will be brought
back to “mind-life”: the life of the spirit, to understand that truth lays in logic. Yeah, humanity
will comprehend that nature is logic, and logic is made of energy for logic to become nature.
Yeah, logic is the non-living but existent creator. The righteousness of the entire Jewish nation
resides more in the fact that the Jews keep learning science, understand scientific concepts,
and are in the forefront of the development of science than any other of their creative social
actions. Therefore when they will understand and accept that the revelations of Moshiach are
in deed of scientific nature, then it will come evident to them that the revelation of god to the
entire Jewish nation is of an energy matter, and “god” means “nature”.

Directly before the physical arrival of Moshiach there will be great Rabbi's scholars, Jewish
giants of science, and knowledgeable Levites who will scientifically prepare the mind of the
Jewish nation for that day, telling to pay attention to common sense, science and logic, as the
strength of Israel reside in its scientific learning ability. We are the owner of our mind, master
of our mental domain, and life owns the universe; forms of life have to shares it. No one can go
against that fact. There is no bigger magnificence than the righteousness ways of nature. Is in
their hope of a messianic leader for their Jewish nation, that some Jews are mistakenly
thinking that leader, send by god, would be of deep piety, because of his great learning and
profound wisdom, and also of impeccable credentials that belong only to a refined character,
do not seem to realizes that it is through a processes of trial and errors that any intelligent
individual can reach that level, and former antisocial moronic acts are part of it. How can one
attain wisdom without having tasted the fruits of hell? In order to lead the Jewish people to
their predestined role of being united toward scientific purpose for the mission of the Jewish
nation to be achieve according to their participation concerning the enlightenment of the
world, they better to expect a man of experience knowing about what “moronic evil” is made of
by having personally tasted it. Inspired and enlightened leadership can only come from “life
experiences”. So far so good, Israel fulfill part of Jewish destiny by producing scientific leaders
such Einstein and Freud. Those great minds, and others Jewish great minds, were prerequisite
to the coming of Moshiach. The achievement of Israel mission will be to unlock the Torah to
understand its scientific significance. For Israel to lead out the world from the darkness of its
present moronic state, science, psychology and libido are part of the Torah. The idealistic task
for which the Jewish people were chosen by Pharaoh was to build world utopia. Jews will
retreat more in science and Torah study in parallel as they always did, but this time with open
eyes, in the messianic era. Israel will rededicate itself to the mission for whom it was chosen
for: scientifically and ethically enlighten the world. It will be the awakening of conscience
(Matzpun) known as “rising of the dead” minds. Israel will unify by defining correctly their
sacred mission: “Makom LaDur BaTachtonim” by making total place for science in this lower
world which is the physical universe (Makom LaDur BaTachtonim). That requires that they
have to find out how the physical aspect of the universe is compatible (B'Hashva'at HaTsura)
with mind spirituality and what makes the human race worthy of HaShem's (the truth from
scientific knowledge) presence in human mind. Libido is always the answer. Jews already
understand that to reciprocate their partnership with life and Creation itself, they have to
crystallizes their toughs on science and act accordingly to universal rules. Empiric methods
prove that. They already proven, throughout Einstein, Freud and others great Jewish minds,
that they are transcending matter by revealing, to all mankind, the forces behind matter
where time is involve. Time being the infinite aspect of evolution spiritualizing mnemonic
being (giving knowledge and understanding) for them to become souls (living minds). Jews
are the ones who are predestined by their genetic enhancement from very ancient time to
reveal nature unlimited abundance (Shefa Elyon) as the universe expands and thereby nature
greatness (Gadluto) in this lower world of matter. The coming of the messianic age will heal
more than before our mental illnesses. The end of world conflict will be proportional of the
understanding of what truth is. According to the Rebbe’s, “Torah represents the essence of
Judaism, Talmud its intellect, Hassidism its heart, and Kabbalah its conscience. The role of
conscience, which in Hebrew (Matzpun = Ma Tsafun) means “What is hidden?,” is to awaken
us to our hidden purpose and mission. This purpose is nothing less than the total physical and
spiritual transformation of the world (Tikkun Olam B'Malchut Shaddai) and the bringing of
Moshiach.”. Jews have consistently possesses that “nation common sense” not to ignored the
spiritual challenge and moral obligation to eliminate our ignorance by the meaning of
scientific knowledge. They know that the vulnerability of the mind concerning our perception
of this material world can be deal of by the learning of natural laws. They already know from
long-time ago that the physical world can be physically transformed, by the right world
politics, into a paradise of abundance (Shefa Elyon). The mission of Israel sages was always to
apply the wisdom of Torah to the task of penetrating nature's secrets and revealing the aspect
of limitlessness (Ein Sof) hidden by the physical aspect of the universe, which our sensory
system know, and the mere presence of it is responsible for our conscious mind being left in
obscurity (according from the desacralisation of what Hester said). Materialist science and
technology (Chochmot HaChitzonim) strives neither in psychological field nor for the sake of
mind-heaven (L'Shem Shamayim). Nevertheless, the empirical investigation is also valid for
mind research via the neuroplasticity phenomenon. Way ahead of his time and basing is mind
from existing scattered information about the mind, Freud did not have the restricted vision of
what the “eye see”; it is by merely thinking about it, with the help of libido, that he assemble
those “pre-Freudian” information to better transcending matter in order to find that mind
energy is the same energy that runs the whole universe. We were never mending to be the rival
of nature, in the name of a mythical god, since we are products of nature. It is nature that has
all the potentials, and it is nature that gives us our potential for inspiring breakthrough
hypotheses and theories. It is the physical aspect of nature that allows us to build laboratories
and instrumentation to help our various methods of research. That constitutes the means for
verifying and putting up to date our creative vision concerning the physical body of nature. It
is the continuous light of libido that sparks the creative statistical vision that reveal to the
researcher what is to come. Those scientists who consecrate themselves, entirely, to the task of
revealing nature blessings are meant to use the one dominant scientific personality of their
whole associative personality in their creative efforts. In their totality, Jews as a nation, as
Rebbe’s put it: “are predestined to become instruments of creative vision (Mochin) for
penetrating nature's secrets and breaking the cosmic bank (Shdidat HaMa'arechet).” We
cannot be indifferent to materialist values; they are needed to respond to, and to satisfy our
basic needs, even in the psychological level of beauty in nature and the appreciation of the
beauty of men-mind-made creations. It is our attachment to the thin sociopathic crust of
nonsense that will be broken. Our knowledge will be more based on the metaphysical
dimension of forces in the messianic era. Our conscious awareness of the truth will make it so.
As Rebbe’s are saying: “This is the very definition of awakening to reality and is the hidden
meaning of “Gal Einai” and “Or LaGoyim.” According to Rebbe’s, their “Moshiach, a genius in
the Torah, will be spontaneously embraced by all humanity and all will seek the company of
Torah scholars”. They are saying that unconsciously, the nations (Goyim) of the world know
that higher mind abundance and world abundance must come through Israel. It is very
interesting to realize as much these Rebbe’s know of the truth, while getting sometime really
“pissed” by persecutions, by reading that passage as it is: “Thus we can expect them to continue
persecuting us and resisting our embrace of Egrets Yisrael until we break the cosmic bank for
them and release their psyches to perceive, directly for themselves, the truth of Torah and the
greatness of HaShem (nature). Only, thus, can we complete our mission of “Or LaGoyim” (A
Light unto the Nations).” Israel its bond to be our teacher and “we”, as moronic students, we
are murdering the people of Israel while they still learning how to teach us properly in future
times of how to built utopia. We must be ashamed of ourselves, and we will be. That will be
part of our atonement to them.

The ancient’s ones who created primal religions from secular data did it by transforming first
these scientific data into a primal philosophy. From there on that primal philosophy was
handling down to us in different metaphorical stories, in different languages, to different
groups of human all over the world in order for us to lay the foundation of different cultures
for human cultural diversity to enrich our planet. This is to say that some ancient human
cultures, more knowledgeable than we are now did seed ancient far advanced knowledge, in
various hermetico-esotherical forms, to the present human race millenniums ago. The question
remains: where did they come from?

Science and Primal Religions

To “fight God’s war is to prove scientifically that there is no such thing as a “living God”. A
world at peace is a secular libidinous one where atheism is base on reason. Metaphysic is
intended to solve the dilemma faced by many, whether to or not buy at face value what
religions are saying. Real metaphysics is an objective comparison (thus objective
discrimination) between religions versus science; its aim is to illuminate us about the finer
points (which are metaphors to be unveiled) concerning real science versus synthetic science
which is religions. The comparison religions versus science could more accurately be called:
man-made subjective science versus man-mined objective science. This physical dimension of
the universe, the cosmos, is a field to be mined by the mind with the use of our biological tool
(that’s our body) for us to extract the natural principles from their gangue, and to understand
them, in order to adapt and evolve the most harmonious ways possible.
In Greek mythology, Zeus is the supreme god, ruling over all gods from his seat made of light.
"Zeus", deriving from the basic form *dyeu- ("to shine"), god of light and daytime, is the cosmic
father of the minds while representing the sum of the natural principles. In its Latin derivative
deus, dīvus and Dis(a variation of dīves), from the related noun deiwos, he is also called
*Dyeus phater ("Sky Father") "Dieu le pere" in French. As supreme leader, thunderbolts are his
weapon. Zeus parents are the titans Kronos and Rhea, both children’s of the titans Gaia and
Ouranos; Kronos representing time, and the Titaness Rhea being the mother of all gods. Ruler
of Mount Olympus, Zeus rules the universes and the minds. As cloud-gatherer and since Zeus
is the father of Aphrodite (the Dark Universe), Zeus decrees (God's commandments’) can send
someone to his own hell or to his mind harmony. Zeus represents mind harmony as well he
also is the embodiment of the universal natural principles finding their way to ancient Greek’s
universal science, inherited from Egypt, under mythical stories. We can also consider Zeus as
one of many names given by man to the dynamics of the Universe since his weapons are made
of thunderbolts and his seat is made of light.

All humans have in common the search to adapt and the wondering about the meaning of all
form of existence while making the best out of it in a personal and social way, except for
sociopaths. Primal religions are ancient results of these questions that have been handling to
us in metaphorical ways. A Primal Religions is at its core scientific data concerning all the
dynamics of the universe in all the levels, meaning cosmogony, astrophysics, logic, psychology
etc ..., which is man belief to be true; and a primal religion also point out man belief that the
basic logic of the dynamics has as well a social harmonious function for the whole, matter and
life, to be in perfect sync. Since the objectivity of the logic running the universe consists on the
same basic energy, there it cannot be confrontationality within the universe, but links of
affiliation between natural opposites for general evolution to be a natural process. Health of
the mind in the war of the words cannot be better as the soul lives in the elements of the
fighting for the laws, and since peace is absolute in these laws, every day pain cannot reach the
health of the mental structures (made of logic) supporting our mind.

Science and Primal religions are one and the same under different saying, primal religion has
analogical concepts wrapped up in a multilevel metaphorical teaching. That proven fact only,
indicated the presence of the representatives of ancient and more knowledgeable civilizations
on Earth than our own. Nature that's all there is, and nature ways was turned into myths; as
an example: the myth of the Greek Adonis finds its roots in Canaan. Adonis simply mean
“nature” and the physics of nature (matter) wed Aphrodite (the dark universe, the life giver) to
produce life on earth. The beauty of Adonis represents the beauty of nature. A part of the
Canaaneans population was Phoenicians, merchants and traders by the seaways. The word
“Adonis” comes from “Adon” also known as “Baal”, the Seminite word for “my lord” or
“master”. Ancient Hebrew, especially residents of Canaan, were using the word “Adon” as a
title for their unique God. Adonis, representing the cycle of life in nature die and reborn as the
product of nature do. The Hebrew God “Adonais” is the Greek mythical character “Adonis”,
both representing the cycles of life in nature.

In today fast pace world we are overwhelms with too many tasks in order to survive within a
too short of a time-frame to think about the wellbeing of our mind (soul). As Freud said;” we
are all neurotics”, and our present state of economic pressure is not much of a help for us to
have free time to think about the matters of the mind. In our human attempts to understand
the reason of things, we are making, voluntary and involuntary, efforts for our conscious to
merge with our unconscious mind (our underlying mind) to transcend (to go over) the mere
reality of: “we-live-to-work-to-make-money-to-live”; we all are self-apprentices philosophers.
In that intellectual process we pray whoever or whatever is our “god” or “guide” (it can be our
own self) for our mind (soul) to reach beyond the limitations of what we see and what our
body experience. We are looking for psychological guidance. As we can see praying it isn't
merely presenting a “wish list” to a divinity or an exercise of the tongue in various speeds. The
Jews says: “Prayers and study cut off the evil from our midst”. We pray for our mind to be
allowed to achieves complete thoughts leading to the conceptualizations of some part of the
universal truth, as scholars and scientists do, and from there to receive self-understanding by
the smooth operation of our intellect under the influence of our wishes to experience, for some
mind-illumining moments, the oneness with the universe; we pray to join with open eyes its
eternal processes, the Jews call it “tefilla” or “davening”. The Jews consider prayers as
dialogue, a transcendental relationship with the creator, they says prayers are for both Jewish
and non-Jewish. We are already “one” with the universal processes, but as blind persons (or
blind students). We are (sometime) willing to open our eyes to do some conscious
analyses...but that require mental work and energy coming from food on the table. Any school
teacher can tell you that. Universal knowledge is not a religious experience, it is obtain through
a conscious and unconscious intellectual process; any psychiatrist and psychologist can tell
you that.

Any of a little mind lucidity can bring a breath of fresh air in a smog filled world, like planting
a tree and cleaning up rivers. For long time, and to this day the average “Joe” doesn't have a
clue that what it is written in the Torah is true, but under religious veiling. As an example, in
the three (obvious) levels of comprehending the Torah, when it is a mention of expelling all the
“goyim” from a natural environment, it can mean: 1) to remove the polluting agents bringing
illness to an environment; 2) facing the sources of our mental trouble to remove the anxiety
that sicken our mind; 3) To remove literally other invading nation from a land already own by
a nation. The way the Hebrew bible is written, all of those three levels of grasping the ancient
High priests writhing, is to be found in most of their literature. So, anywhere the Torah
commands the Jews to clear and settle all of the Land of Israel that has to be taken in these
three levels of comprehending for all the peoples anywhere in the world. In this context of the
three levels of comprehension in one writhing, “To take up the sword and rid the land of all the
evildoers” can mean: 1) using natural pesticides; 2) having psychoanalysis sessions (and/or
medications); 3) as the final resource, the unfortunate use of arms after every possible form of
diplomatic communication has failed.

And yes, idolatry must be removed by commonsense when one human is being taken as a god
(like the questionable existing (?) Jesus of Nazareth) or a mentally disturb individual like
Muhammad as a (false) true prophet (without any scientific clue floating in his sick mind).
That's not mending by any mean for stopping us to appreciate what Freud, Einstein, Newton &
Co did for humanity; and also the inventor of the internet etc...We are not making religious
fairy tales around them.

The root of all the trouble we have in the world (beside being born as morons) is our lack of
time and means to self-analyzing our thoughts base on ethics and the spiritual consequences
we are subject to; and also our conscious or unconscious refusal to do so to better intellectually
evolve. Much too busy to survive this world as long as we can, we are choosing self-deception.
We always end up with the fate we chose. Before Moses, the Ankh was the key in Noah
possession. The Jews says Hashem (god) commanded them to settle the land. The Jews says
Hashem (god) commanded them to cleanse the land. At the same time, rabbe's and rabbi's
says not to still standing with hands clasped waiting for a divine Moshiach from heaven to
rescue each one of the human race when Hashem has put the human outcome in human hands.
Well! With a little psychology, common sense, and ethics it is easy enough to comprehend, isn't
it? From moronic state we are developing our mind (soul) to a more spiritual (intellectual)
development. That is the first and most important thing to grasp; it is not the end of the
world... (That was a pun). From there on, we are automatically doomed to build Utopia. No
big deal! It is all part of a normal evolutionary process. We must appreciated such beautiful
esoteric texts that the Jews “religion” contain and congratulates Moses and Co, without
forgetting Noah, Pharaoh & Co, in our after-life, for their mind weight-lifting results we are
experiencing now because of them. Let's get our reason back, let's listen to nature. Let's build
more universities and gather all of humanity back to understand nature. Let's accomplish our
human harmony. Let's not have that assumption there is a god that overrules nature that is
human defeatism. Let's accept our human role for what it is: being lost souls that has be self-
united to find harmony that is the human reality. We have to take upon ourselves our own
coming to reason. Let's be a responsible human race, there are some others out there in the
Cosmos. Let's make some wonderful improvements into the world. All is required is a change
in our mental attitude for the flow of cognition to clear up our intellect. From there we can end
hunger leading to suffering, leading to rebellion, leading to wars. Let's reason being the
primary mover and shaker for good to become the emotional common sense (that is libido).

Let's generates a renew of energy worldwide that's makes humanity think: “humanity as one”.
We all have to do our part in that Endeavour. We have a close relationship with nature as we
are part of nature. Nature makes all the overtures: Nature gives, teaches and protected us,
always. It is about the time we respond positively to nature by responding positively to
humanity as “one”. That will be our “Teshuva” toward selves, our positive “response” to nature,
the natural “returns” of favors from parts of nature (us) to nature by our “answering” of
nature calls. “Nature calls” also includes our “id” as well as libido, effectively the age of libido
and reason is the event of the cycle in history called “the Messianic age”. It will be the period of
the greatest socio-psychological reform leading to body and mind harmony. We can be our
self-disappointment or not. No “god” is there to bail us out of our mistakes but nature itself. Be
nice to nature and nature will be nice to us, it all come down to that simple fact. Anything else
like Catholicism and Islam turned out to be some disasters! Since "God" represents the natural
principles, than the "army of God" are all the scientific minded peoples. Soon there won’t be
any more of those "live" religions that promotes hatred toward the non-believers; instead a
new universal philosophy under Moshiach leadership will takes place where everyone will
understand that there is a presence of a universal natural logic that's makes any form of
behavior to follow a logical pattern under specific circumstances. For now plenty of Jews
stopped talking about Moshiach in public for fear to be open to ridicule. They are religiously
ashamed by the fact that they don't know how to justify its future presence; they have no idea
how to explain neither it nor rationalizing it. It is simply their faith; today Jews become less
comfortable with faith as they become more comfortable with logic. It is logical isn't it? They
don't know it yet but their Moshiach will be a secular humanist, a realistic human leader not
belonging to any group, and metaphorically speaking having no idea how to make a cheery
pie, and literally with Jewish blood ascendant. Moschiach will teach that fundamental ethics is
part of the logic that creates us, as such we contain them and they are part of our unconscious
mind. To atone has little to do with our ever-changing present laws but has everything to do
with fundamental ethics. Unconsciously we know what is fundamentally right and what’s
wrong despite of what any of our subjective ever-changing human laws are leading us to
believe to. Education is part of every solution; knowledge is the asset from which we won’t be
losing time making wars to maintain peace.

A self-taught realistic ethical metaphysician rely on proven secular scientific data to meditates
in order to transcend politics, religions, cultural pressure, and moronical environment to find
some of the universal truths lying on the natural principles.

Part of being human is to be playful animals, we like games, playing develops us mentally.
When humanity will fully understand that primal religions are puzzles to solutionized then the
majority of us will play the game and we will be all studying the Torah, ancient Egyptian
puzzles, and other primal puzzles all around the world. We will be laughing at the remaining
religious bigots who cannot grasp that all those puzzles put together will give us the unified
field theory in its splendid simplicity, along with the real ancient history of humanity. Our
cosmic ancestors did have the upper hand, and before them, and always, it is the natural rules.
What will save the Jews to end-up in the loony bin will be their high ethical standards mix-up
with their keen knowledge of plenty of the natural principles; that will propel them as natural
leaders in the field of the social practicality of the unified field theory; the world will listen to

The most ultimate form of art was for the ancients (ancestors of present humanity) to
transform pure Scientifics data into a primal philosophy from which different cultures have
the possibility to evolve in a harmonious diversity, or not, according to their own wishes.

Satisfaction at work is when a job is perceived as an hobby; and to help us to reach that point
it is the robotizing in technology that frees us from our robotic slavery at work so we can enjoy
to use more our mind than our muscles for decision making of what would be otherwise an
automatic and boring job.
A Fictional Study Conducted by Religious Scholars


To "exist" is to find ourselves to be "mind-dead" in a zombie state of being; to "live" is to be

"mind-awake". The biblical "resurrecting of the dead's" is to be our passing from the zombie
state of being to an awakening state of mind. It is our "zombieness" that stirs world troubles.

Galileo extrapolated scientific data and made disturbing conclusions in the officially accepted
fields of philosophy and theology recommended by Christianity; both fields, allegedly,
supposing to be in the realm of science and reality. The fundamental truth in science, as an
absolute value, is its recognition that it does not possess yet all truths that are absolute and
undisputable; and by making a mea culpa about Galileo, the Church, in the person of Pope
John Paul II, attributes to science that absolute value.

Religiosity try to weaken our uniqueness and our importance by trying to making us believe
we are subjects to a subjective "God" instead of being naturally free to be our own commander
in chief concerning any of our decision and being subject only to causality, as the policing
aspect of the natural principles, as anyone and anything else in the universe.

For us to see with more clarity where lay most of the religious paradoxes we have to make a
fictional story about their “soul searching”. We will be using “reverse psychology”. We can
easily imagine the creationists, as a religious diagnosis, define humanistic approach as a
theopsychological disorder in which an individual experiences a sickening and heretical
cognitive preference for science rather than religions.

According to that (imaginary) Diagnostic and their (imaginary) Statistical Manual of

Religious Mental Disorders, being an humanist would be specified as a form of dementia in
which a person either has acted on intense rational urges of his lost soul towards science, or
experiences recurrent scientific urges towards and fantasies about science that cause distress
or interpersonal difficulty because it is forbidden.

The humanistic disorder, according to (our fictional) creativism followers is frequently a

feature of persons who commit the abuse of searching for the meaning of God by looking at the
forbidden field of sciences. Those persons call themselves scientists.

However, some offenders do not meet the religious diagnosis standards for “scientists. In
strictly behavioral contexts, the word “scientist” can also be applied to the act of scientific
matter itself, like the know how to build a church by the application of God divine inspiration.

The term “scientist” is generally used to describe those accused or convicted of scientific
research without the church consent. Some of the most respected religious researchers in the
respected field of theology have described the usage of the word “scientist” as improper and
suggested it can confound two separate types of offenders.

1) In common usage, the term refers to any individual who is mentally attracted to science or
concretely manipulating any scientific knowledge.

2) An asocial and mentally sick individual who have pleasure of destroying the sacro-saint
mission of the church.

The causes of humanism are not known; the theologian’s research is ongoing. Most humanist
are men, though humanism occurs in women as well.

In forensic theopsychology by our most prominent theologians and law enforcement by the
inquisition, there have been a variety of typologies suggested to categorize humanism
according to behavior and motivations. No significant curative treatment for humanism has
been found at this time. There are, however, certain therapies that can reduce the incidence of
behaviors that result in the abuse of scientific research, like to burn alive the scientist under the
designation of sorcerer, beheading the non-believers etc..

The scientific interest of a humanist remains over time. According to the latest data from
“spontaneous confessions” under various means of torture and the secret of the confession
from the confessionals, the persons who has acted on these scientifical urges, or scientifical
fantasies, experienced marked mental distress or interpersonal difficulty due to that unlawful
doing. Several religious researchers have reported correlations between humanism and
certain theopsychological characteristics, such as low social self-esteem when facing the judges
of the church and poor social skills in their religious environment. The Church began reporting
a series of findings linking humanism with brain structure and function: Humanists have
lower religious IQ's and poorer scores on memory tests (unless they are withholding
information’s). They have greater rates of catechism grade failure, and a greater probability
of having suffered childhood head injury or any form of mental injuries resulting in
unconsciousness. Our religious research team also report that their findings suggest that there
are one or more neurological characteristics present at birth that cause or increase the
likelihood of being a humanist.

The question raised is also: 1) is the frustration, danger, and isolation being engendered by
unacceptable desires of scientific knowledge? 2) Or is their occasional furtive satisfaction of
scientific knowledge leading them to anxiety and despair? The humanists said is number “2”
while the religious said id number “1”.

Humanists having impaired self-concept about religions demonstrate elevated sociopathy

against religious representatives and natural dispositions for religious cognitive distortions.

There is still a difficulty for our team of theologians concerning the untangling of cause and
effect. We cannot really tell if: 1) humanists gravitate towards science because, being sick in
their soul, and paranoid in their mind toward churches, makes them highly introverted, as a
result they find the company of scientific data less threatening than that of church sayings. 2)
Whether their social withdrawal is cause by their scientific introversion, and as a result, their
isolation is engendered by their scientific preference versus the awareness of the religious
social approbation and hostility that it evokes toward them. Humanists said is number “2”,
Church said is number “1”.

As excuses-making to define their unlawful Scientifics actions, the humanists mentioned their
present love for humanity and that the universal mutuality is in science! That's what makes the
universal unity! They are exploiting the power imbalance inherent in all man-matter
relationships to conduct their experiments. In their cognitive distortions of the idea that matter
being in our service for the well-being of the mind when one transcends the reality of the
senses, they forgot they are in the service of God. As ways to protect themselves for the
religious world, some humanists threaten their entourage to stop them from reporting their
scientific research. Others, like those that often victimize the universal rules themselves, can
develop complex ways of getting access to basics chemical ingredients, like gaining the trust of
apothecarian, trading chemical components with other scientists or on infrequent occasions,
get their materials from diverse pagan sources or even steals them! All the humanists being
interrogated, in their craziness were sayings that their interest in science is to gain the
knowledge of the loyalty of our God for our God affection to be at our service as we are in his
service! Humanists are advocating the acceptance of their scientific tendency as a natural
mind orientation rather than a theopsychological disorder.

Note from the author - Humanism with secular views on reality is a religious disorder
according to the dysfunctional psychotic theopsychological concepts. And by the way,
religiosity is a truly psychological disorder according to the secular eclectic Humanistic view
of reality. Reason is order in the mind; it is when reason takes holyday that psychological
disorders may occur in the mind. It is religiosity in the mind of the religious bigots that's make
them to be the tormentors of scientific minded peoples like Galileo; but science is the secular
discipline that will kill religiosity.

We become scholars by reason; and religious minded for the lack of it.
The righteous does not fear the future; but the sociopath does.

What the Word God Really Means

Man greatness (thus his genius) is to question anything paradoxical since nature does not
produces any paradox. It takes a great mind to creates paradoxes as riddles to solutionized,
but it takes greatest minds to unfold these paradoxes to put in light what they were concealing.
It is not a "Godly" form of life that created the universe; it is the automatism of energy, its
dynamics that become our universe which created life as a mnemonic phenomenon fractalizing
itself. Religious Islamic leaders are charming their disciples into slavery, and Catholicism is no
better; mind slavery is zombieness, only the secular knowledge and deep understanding of the
natural principles can liberates us from zombieness. To believe in a living god that created the
universe is to believe, literally, in man divagations to be the truth concerning existentialism.
"God" is simply another word to say "Universe", thus the dynamics of energy.

The word God originally meant “I am what I am” and not “I am who I am”. God said to Moses
(according to Moses), “I am what I Am.”; “I will be what I will be”. (Exodus 3:14); and it can be
whatever we want it to be: a table, a chair or a piss-pot! According to some religion "God is
light", thus energy, and since matter is energy, then a piss-pot can be very enlightening! That
means Moses tells us that god is a “it”, not a “he”, and it represents the whole universe concept
in the form of interacting energies that creates matter (from where we can built piss-pots), and
life. Moses tell us god is a concept being present in the form of energy (as god is light) in some
many ways that we had to be blind not to see, and hear, what those words really mean. True
secularism is eclectiveness where we become one with the universe. For some time now, as we
go along in our research, we realize the word “God” replaces (means) many others words that
have scientific meanings. We say “God” as an expression to indicate the natural order of
things. "God" as an expression follows the Expressionism concept. Expressionism is a cultural
movement expressing the meaning of "being conscious and alive" throughout emotional
experience rather than physical reality; even if it is by physical reality (as much light is) that
we are mnemonical expressions of self-determined units of bundle of light. Thoughts-
Expressionism (or expressionistic thoughts) is the tendency to distort reality for an emotional
effect; it is a subjective form of thought leading to religiosity, which in turn leads to anti-
reality. We can consider that the word God in someone mouth would be like an emotional
space in need to be filled up by accurate realistic information to explain the reality behind the
expressiveness of emotions. In that sense “God” encompass the chaos theory, where a series of
dots, made of emotions under the expressionimistic “God”, has to be the filling between two
words or sentences which are difficult to verbalize accurately in the reality of things. By doing
so, a lot of mysteries are revealing themselves.

Let's think about it, the genesis (the beginning) is purely a discipline that belongs to the
astrophysics domain and the genesis gives us information about astrophysics matter. “Days”
in genesis means “steps” in astrophysics; “heavens” means “dark Universe” as well as Cosmos,
indicating spacial environment as cosmic “space”. “Void” means “total emptiness”, and it’s
related to gravity; and “angels” means “living beings, messengers from somewhere having
something to say” and generally holders of scientific knowledge. We all are messengers, even
by our own presence, like anything else existing. Throughout the Torah it is a question of
science such as hygiene, sociology, psychology, psychiatry, causality, behavioral science,
statistics, mathematics, education and history, advice, vows to keep certain things secret etc. ...
It is therefore appropriated to think that “the great flood” of Noah's time was in reality “The
great flow of immigrants from other parts of the universe”. There is therefore more than one
Noah ark that brings immigrants (live stock) in different places of our world. The Torah is not
the only book of its kind since more than one spaceship brings immigrants to Earth. Let's keep
in mind those immigrants have already their own cultures and their own ways of saying
Take for analogy our arrival to the Americas and take as an example a group of hippie’s
communities. These are two examples on which we can base our thoughts regarding a “new
beginning”. It is likely for a “federation of intergalactic worlds unified” to have the
responsibility to gives permission for this immigration to takes place under certain conditions
like the timing and ethics. Since that distant time we would be a subject of study for that
federation. That Federation should have files of our exact history concerning the beginning of
our civilization. Some of their school-aged children take us certainly for a bunch of retarded
descendants of former well educated hippies.

The evolution of the species according to Darwin remains valid; it is adequate for the entire
Universe. Any genetic manipulation, by anyone and anywhere, only speed-up the process of
the Darwinian evolution of the species; that is a metaphysical law. The Torah talks about the
steps of evolution:

“He drew me up from the pit of destruction (mental hell), out of the miry bog, and set my feet
upon a rock (the rock of science), making my steps secure.” (Psalm 40:2).

“Our heart has not turned back, nor have our steps departed from your way;

“(Psalm 56:6).

“Righteousness will go before him and make his footsteps a way” (Psalm 85:13).

The Torah also talk about evolution of the mind (to comprehend) “And I will lead the blind in a
way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the
darkness before them into light (to fill them with knowledge), the rough places into level
ground (understanding better). These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them.” (Isaiah
42:16). Of course those things cannot be “forsake” since it is normal part of general evolution
that man is doom to awake his mind to the complete understanding of the universal principles
in various fields, of things inerts and living things((energy, mater, biological organisms, and
mind). Fools takes head on the universal principles thinking they can beat them; the last place
the wise man want to be is between those fools and the natural principles, as dams may broke,
pollution may kill, buildings may collapse etc ...

The temptation is great for the Gnostic one's whom know the real historical facts behind
religions to keep quiet and to use peoples religious faith to their own economic and political
advantage. It is not to their devilish advantage that the masses reach a university level of
education, which may speed up the process for humanity to build up utopia to their great
damn. They prefer the masses to keep tunnel visions for lack of knowledge. To explain what is
a "mind-dead" individual a metaphorical way (among many other) using myths and
syncretism goes this way: A dead-mind individual is the one whom get a one way ticket to the
Bermuda triangle to get lost in the underground labyrinths of non-sense, home of the bullying
“one-eye” moronical Minotaur (Tunnel vision bullying minded-individual) who become his

Even if we are annoyed with various hidden obstacles during our journey toward wisdom, we
have to be capable of bearing these short term frustrations without impulsive and vain
behaviors leading to conflicts. We possess within us, trough mental processing, and the
capacity of perseverance to adapt to hardship for reaching with calmness the natural outcome
of universal harmony. Patience mean to work in tandem with our natural mind-endurance
toward that natural outcome; it is with acquired self-control, that come with a civilized mind,
to face responsibly our natural freedom, known under the term of "natural self-
determination", that we can built utopia. The automatism of the universe is at our service for
us to do just that. Science talking about energy’s ways is more spiritual than bigots talking
about “God” in their lack of intellectuality. Today evangelists who are saying that God speak to
them, that it is God who put words in their mouth, are only showing how little they know about
the affairs of the universe; they are making fools of themselves. Sciences and primal religions
will validate each other’s when science will start to decipher all the primal religious puzzles.

Wars benefit the white collars murderers, and not the peoples at war.

The person who has mental troubles is less the segregated one than the segregator.
Technology is a good thing, it come with knowledge; it can free us from wars, and also from
mind and body slavery leading to conflicts, depending the way we used it.

Science talking about energy’s ways is more spiritual than bigots talking about “God” in their
lack of intellectuality.

A clue that the mythical Jesus of Nazareth is a metaphoric personage representing the whole of
humanity reside in early Christianity sayings (trough the mouth of Jesus) which contain
something like this: "what you do to others, good or bad, you do it to me"; some of early
Christianity sayings are puzzles to decipher.

Doomed for Eternal Life. Doomed for Eternity

We are so busy rationalizing our wicked ways that we have so little time to search for the
existentialistic truth. Plenty of seniors in the last remaining years (or months) of their live
concentrating their thoughts in existentialism, trying to forget their arthritis pain by not moving
too much, are seen by the young fouls as: "Pepe is gaga", and that make these wise seniors to
smile silently under this amazing labeling. Plenty of senior citizens possess a secret knowledge
that they are not willing to share with young fools: to reach mind freedom is to become an
atheist-humanist. Man is naturally libidinous as integral part of his basic needs; it is the
“civilized” varnish of the artificial wants, and the artificial belief that an almighty god shall be
adored before and over our love for humanity, that pushes to the to the labyrinths of the
unconscious that natural feeling of caring for others. Concerning Christianity "the body of Jesus-
Christ" mean "the body of humanity", and whoever thinks he is the Messiah, and lining up for the
job, have more in common with Daffy Duck than with the mythical Jesus-of-Nazareth-the-only-

Life is a value received by us from nature; it is eternal youth in the ripples of time; who value
wisdom behind the ripples of the aged value eternal youth, therefore life. To grow old come with
the reward of wisdom only if we let our mind opening up to reason base on realities.

Eternity is for the present to always be as part of the evolutionary process; the present is with
certainty the reality of the moment as it did yesterday, and will be there tomorrow's as the future
will always exists. To say: “Doomed for eternity.” can be hermeticisism around esoterism even
if the term is very clear to understand. Some religions say we are doomed for eternity unless
we do what they say we must do. Let's unlock the paradox.

So far, we know that the nature of the genes is simply the organic form of the body memory
from its interaction with the environment from which it continually adapts and automatically
self-updating. D.N.A is its mnemonic data in organic form. That data becomes instructions to
be followed by the body. Also, that data is to be followed for future body reproduction. Life
automatically looks after its own reproduction, making good use of the Freudian impulses of
pleasure which is the libido. It does as form of sexual impulses. Most of us will agree that for
life to reproduce itself, it requires that the body want to do so because of the sensual pleasure
provided. Paradise!

Mental paradise is libido at work; the mental and spiritual senses of delight belong to the
Egosphere, the soul of the universe. Her Greek name Aphrodite is very appropriate. Greek
mythology says she is the Goddess that also teaches the mortals how to love.
The Egosphere is eternal, as the Universe is eternal. The motto of the soul of the Universe is:
free pleasure for all, so all will have pleasure. A unified pleasure can only exist if all
participated. It’s commonly called “Love”. Love can easily be shared. It doesn't cost a dime.

Now, some Individuals having religious belief may think God is a female. They may recognize
the Egosphere as being the Goddess who commands the whole universe. She is not. The truth
is: love commands the pleasure to be shared, and the logic commands the determinism to be
there, and logic is an automatism created by the interaction of the first dual pre-universe
presence: the primal mass and the void which produced the first trinus; it’s as simple as that.

Although structural, like we are, the life of the Egosphere resides in the presence of her sense of
love and her social thought that are the inducers (impulses) of her mental processes. Her
mental structures are supported by the presence of logic. Any mental structures of any living
being are basically made of logic, and supporting within all mnemonic components at work
under external stimuli (see cognition and intellect).

Theoretically, by definition life cannot die. The Egosphere is the vital living structure of life in
the universe. She cannot die since the Universe cannot die as long it keeps expanding; and it
will. The Egosphere have a mind of her own, she's here to stay!

We are doomed to live an eternal life. Suicide is out of the question because it would not work.
All we do, in case of death, is to change place.

“And out of the ground the Lord God (evolution) made to spring up every tree (structure) that
is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree (structure) of life was in the midst of the
garden (The Egosphere, soul of life, was in the mist of the Universe), and the tree (structure) of
the knowledge of good and evil (what is good for the intellect and what is mind-deadly).”
(Genesis 2:9)

It is all a question of structure, the Torah “tree” mean “structure”, the chaos theory study
unknown structure (or fractal parts) of some of the “Torah tree's”.

Nature is our father taking care of us, adorning us with our senses and our beauty, for us to
delight in pleasures instead of pain; but for non sense to die when we embrace the void of
nothingness pain is there to guide us back to the way to happiness as we escape suffering.
From dawn to sunset and night-time the essence of nature is the logic of the presence of our
everlasting mother: the virgin maiden of nature for nothing can stain her ways. To embrace
the essence of nature is the promise to lay forever within reason (logic) into the heart of an
eternal virgin who also gives life without death being in sight. Life in nature is Aphrodite in
disguise; Paradise is closer than previously thought. We are sons and daughters products of
the love of Aphrodite toward nature that created her. Trinity at is best! Some ancient Greek
philosophers knew that fact belonging to the field of Genesis. Did Freud know it? If he didn't he
was nevertheless very close to the truth. Matter and the rules of matter belongs to father
nature (Zeus), life belongs to Aphrodite (Zeus daughter), and as Psyche's we are part of both of
them, the spirit of nature (of Zeus) is logic, the spirit of Aphrodite is libido; as for us the
potential of reason and our innate emotivity is our mixed heritage from both of them.

The universal natural principles exist by automatism, they are not alive. For them we are
nothing, we are simply bundles of energy being part in the steam of their automatic
determinism where duality is the motor of energy. All it is for us is to choose which part of
duality we like to swim into, the destructive part or the constructive part. The universe does
not give a damn, and Aphrodite is on the neutral side. Only the subjective subjects of the
universe, under universal causal actions, give a damn, in this context: us!

How can we break the circle of violence? Man safety can only by achieve by man helping man,
is that simple! All we have to do is to stop the abuse by understanding that one basic needs is
better responded with the help of others, that would get rid of any more risk of wars; but that
simple answer in its truthfulness is an open door for sociopaths who takes care of their wants
by taking advantage of peoples basic need for affection. Therefore proper secular education in
the sociopsychological level is needed at a young age (instead of religions and their bigotry
taking care of that field), and to be free for all; that would be an investment in our future
which will pay in long term. Bigots divorces themselves from reality by placing their trust in
religious teachers whom pontificates they know why the universe acts the way it does, while all
science can do so far is only to say how, the disciples have to believe the religious truth without
scientific validation; this is what we call "religious faith", and that faith is composed of a group
of ideas, or propositions, being accepted as true without tangible proofs from the scientific
approach. There is a difference of having faith that there is an ultimate truth somewhere that
has to be discovered yet by the scientific community, and the conviction of knowing the truth
without proof, that is a lack of probity. Therefore religious beliefs are shakable beliefs since by
definition the truth is something that can prove itself the scientifical way and it is pure
common sense that to believe in religious sayings without proof or evidence is the most
moronical approach to a highly scientific subject. Religions-disciples relationship is based on
trust, and religions are more of political nature than scientific approach, and they deceive their
disciples. There is an absence of unity between various religions, but there is total unity in the
scientific field when truths are unveiled. The tenets of science are made of from the natural
principles; the religious tenets are made from trouble minds.

Law: Natural principles are the universal norm, it is by them that we can find reason;
therefore they do not contain any abnormalities.

Abnormalities are untruth data in our subjective mind; therefore mental troubles come from
these abnormalities when compared to the logic of the natural principles which induces
creativity. Wars indicates man insanity since they are destroying, they are not libidinous
means to educates peoples; insanity is negativity toward constructivism thus creativity. There
is no need to be a martyr for any reason whatsoever; martyrdom is an acquired masochist
wants. There is only one form of bravery which is needed: it is against our moronic selves. For
peace lovers and a scholars to shun away from troubles by believing in fundamental ethics is
not cowardness since every one's life is valuable to find the ways of the natural principles in
order to transfer that knowledge to the masse for the good of all without being pressured by
religio-cultural faith; that is bravery. One's has to be brave to refuse to kill and be killed.
Without euphemisms the truth can be crude, let’s forget euphemisms for a moment and let the
truth to be unveil: if Jesus of Nazareth was really the living God on Earth whom went straight
for martyrdom then God is a masochistic fool, that’s make Catholicism full of bullshit. We have
to understand that the only thing that precedes the creation, theorically speaking is the two
noumena: Gaia and Ouranos; this is theorical since the universe was always there. Any form
of life, from their birth onwards will increase their righteousness continually since it is part of
adaptation to existence, thus an evolutionary process divided by various stages of
development; automatically it is by virtue of their social deeds that they will attains levels of
maturity, thus intellectuality, where perfection mean psychosocial adjustment throughout the
uses of logic residing in libido.

The real meaning of being "spiritual" -besides being humoristic- is to use our reason by means
of meditation (thinking about the logical avenues concerning a specific subject of interest);
bigots get it all wrong! The fools! Their spirituality is to use illogism by mean of faith without
scientific proofs and consciously sabotage their intellect with false data; but the whole of the
universal principles in its objective sense of humour makes them to act like moronic clowns
while they taste their own hell! Hell is to not understand our existentialism, and from it to
make to wrongs decisions which makes us to suffer mentally, thus hell is also to see everything
as an incomprehensible mystery and often enough to become an infantile masochist to cope
with the situation.

“Religions” encompass “sectarism”; secularism encompass unity.

Universal Expansion

The greatest gift of time is for it to be present.

Greek mythology concerns the nature of the universe and its origin under a sum of stories or
parables, and like the Hebrews they learned that knowledge from ancient Egypt. Universe
expansion can only be toward a void, a pre-universe made of gravitons, without striping itself
of any of its integral part. It's like the expansion is going somewhere without going anywhere
since the Universe is not going anywhere than where it is already. Universal expansion is a
constant toward infinity. The Universe conquer new places, belongs to no ones, that where
outside of its borders before. That means on the one hand, there are constant new birth places
and on the other hand it is simply determinism in is spacial evolution. “And God made the
expanse (Universe expansion) and separated the waters (hf) that were under the expanse
(existing primal mass) from the waters (hf = waves of energy) that were above the expanse
(universe expanding). And it was so”. (Genesis 1:7)

Law - A "scout" Gaian particle of dust falling into infinity is not subject to any friction that the
"non-scouting" quantum experiences.

The soul of the universe (Egosphere) is eternal; therefore, she will produce libidinous thoughts
and feelings forever, as we do produce our own. Birth and evolution of thoughts is a form of
mental automatism produced from feelings. The potential to induce feelings is located in
everything that surrounds us. What surrounds us is expanding as our mental processes do.
Therefore the mental processes of any living thing will develop in time proportionally with the
Universal expansion. We can say by this metaphysical law:

The speed of evolution in one place would be directly proportional with the speed of Universal
expansion in that same place, not the reverse.

Since we are not in the far edges of the universe, million light years away from here, and that
we are mentally evolutionary, then in accord with the preceding metaphysical law, this law
follows automatically: The Universal expansion takes place in every point of the universe.

Universal expansion and time are in close relation, it had to be that way since the universe in
expansion is its energy expanding to a void for the self-appropriation of empty space for the
taking. Therefore the beginnings of the universal rules have to find its source at the same
spacial place than time, and at the same moment. We cannot abolish universal rules as we
cannot abolish time, but we can slow our Earth-aging in the eternity of time (speed in space),
but not the aging process unless we are dead. Aging will continue, only the places of aging
changes. One individual aging-time is proportional of the masse (planet, spacial objects,
space...) were he is aging. All we have to do to comprehend that fact is to understand what
Einstein said. Since the Egosphere is the invisible Universe, then we can stipulate this
metaphysical law: The invisible Universe (Egosphere) is in every point of the universe that is
not occupied by any other quanta of energy. We need to respect the law of physic that says
“Two things cannot occupy the same place at the same time.” We have to be very respectful of
those well established laws of physics; they are the natural laws that humanity discovered so

So far, we can see that we have: 1) A physical universe, the one we exist into at this instant; 2)
A “spiritual” universe (which belong to the disincarnated souls), called the “Dark Universe” by
our scientists, which is the Egosphere; 3) A void outside our universe, because of which our
universe can expand, keeping its same amount of energy. 4) As for the energy itself, it is simply
the primal mass expanding in a myriad of quantum.

The Egosphere is the first living soul, then, the program that gave instructions to the energies
to produce her with the assistance of time, did the same for us. Our soul is made to her design,
shaped to her image. “So God created man in his own image, (the structural principle of the
universe) male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27). As souls, we do not have the
perfection of the Egosphere or it would be a static universe. Our imperfections reside in the fact
that we are unfinished product with the free will to makes our finishing touch the way we
wanted. The Egosphere have her functions and we have our functions, we are complementary.
The religion of Israel holds a huge part of scientific knowledge. Some other primal religions
seem to be also science in disguise. Millenniums before our present advanced scientific data,
some people knew all those facts and did not report those data too clearly! It is certainly not
Cro-Magnon (our indigenous cave men) who barely emerged from his cave who found
somewhere in its primitive brain that data by himself.

“Made the earth and created man on it; it was my hands that stretched out the heavens,
(stretching of the veils of time) and I commanded their entire host.” (Isaiah 45:12).

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and
to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” (Deuteronomy 29:29).

“For the Lord God (the whole Universe) does nothing without revealing his (its) secret to his
(its) servants the prophets (the people of science).” (Amos 3:7.).

Laws: Time is prisoner of universal expansion. Gravity attracts light, therefore attracting
time. Gravity bends time, therefore making it to be in correlation with masse; that's makes
time to be dependant of gravity. That is the relativity of time since it is gravity that takes away
the integrity of time, for time not to be always the same. Time obey its own set of gravitational

Only fools and masochists put themselves in the situation to be slaves, it is painful for the first
ones, and the second ones find pleasure in it; maybe once upon a time some of these fools
adapted to that situation by transforming their pains into pleasures by overusing some
mechanisms of defense. For them hell would become as pleasurable as paradise since they
would have to bend under a master and his rules, and from paradise there is always the option
to go to hell! That gives us an indication of what is going on in some religious minded
individuals; it seems that ultimately their biggest fear would be the absence of pain! That
would take away their pleasure ... that would be painful ... but then again ...What a freaking
paradoxes!! No wander these religious bigots have mental troubles and keep swimming in a
moronical state of mind! Instead of getting into the slavery state of mind it would make more
sense to be more adult and to tap into our natural self-determination (meaning natural
freedom) to make good use of all there is around us, following the natural principles, each for
his own benefit in positive correlation for the benefit of all, for pleasure to be a logical state of
mind, as well as a positive emotion, as it is naturally intended to be; this is just plain common
sense. The day the religious bigot can comprehend beyond the dumbness of their brain and the
thickness of their skull (meaning not to take the metaphors literally) that ancient scientific data
where transformed from math language into metaphoric language for cognitive purpose, the
world won’t have to be pester constantly and anymore by a bunch of moron Mormons and
retarded Jehovah witness during lunch hour. The brain is only a dumb sensor that can only
perceive the literal and relays it in the form of electrical impulses to the mind; it is the mind the
thinking part. Religious bigots believing more what their brain tells them than the intelligent
translation from their mind become the favorite preys of the sociopathic smiles covering up the
face of arm dealers; we know the rest of the story: wars of religions. Bigots, religious and
cultural, are mentally challenged; their mind maturity grows at a much slower rate than their
biological body. Wisdom is the norm to go by to measure mind maturity, not knowledge since
knowledge is only a mnemonic asset, what we do with whatever knowledge we possess is the
indicator of the presence of wisdom or the lack of it. A real scholar possesses wisdom; some
mentally challenged peoples have a surprisingly great memory but little wisdom thus little
creativity. In the realm of some primal religions we have to approach "spirituality" as having
a good sense of humour. This is what the ancients, who concocted their religions from secular
data, did creatively as part of the puzzle for us to solutionize. They said God can be found
trough real spirituality, meaning of matters concerning intellectuality, meaning mental
awareness from mind freedom (not having mental troubles), and not by any means
concerning a non-existent "supernatural" since everything has natural causes! Some primal
Religions, and their "religious" stories, in that sense is mending to be understand as "amusing"
where the story teller indulges himself to be humoristic. Therefore we have to have a solid
sense of humour in positive correlation with normal intellectuality to discover the true
meaning of God which is the dynamics of the universe. There is no need to be a genius to
discover that, to be simply a normal mind-mature human being will do.

All of us we were born in paradise and our schooling years are in planet Earth; this biblical
generation is the class from Noah to 2012.

Mohammad did not learned his lessons and he was an bullying extremist-nationalistic and
culturally, mentally sick, inclined bigot which makes him to be an psychotic idiot with bad
intentions toward the exterior of the culture he created as the “Jihad” witnesses.

Primal religions are an over-simplification of complex scientific data.

The Trinity

S ome religious people may believe they have found the Trinity in this research, it all depends
from what angle we see things. Regarding the topic here, what follow is what this research has
to offer them. First the Trinity and then the product of the Trinity which is a second trinus that
cannot be without the first one, as the first one cannot be without automatically producing the
second one, and keep going, factoring others trinus, with the automatic updates.

Thing to know: Any trinity is a natural trinus which no part can exist without the presence of
two others. From the Latin word: “trinus” which means: Triple, a Trinity is the reunion of
three elements that form a whole.

First Trinus: The closest we can come to the Catholic Trinity is the trinus of the living

1) The Father: the whole universe self-fathers itself producing logic. The mental structures of
the Egosphere are made of logic. Logic is her mental structures deep into her so, and
supporting her, so she can have a mental life. Because she is penetrated by logic and born from
logic, then logic, fathers her. She is the daughter of logic. Logic is the first part of the trinus, the
fathering part. 2) The Daughter. The Egosphere is the daughter of logic and logic is the builder
of the invisible Universe which is her. Logic also builds the visible universe made of matter.
Being the invisible Universe (the dark universe), then the Egosphere is the second part of the
trinus. 3) The Spirit. The Egosphere has her own mind which become her own identity by being
the living memories of present and past event, she also know the possibilities of future event by
being the living memory of statistics made by logic. Therefore, her mind, which is made of
dynamic memories working with her social feeling, pairing with logic, becomes the primal and
pure spirit of the Universe, without any defect.

Second trinus

For the smooth relationship between all principles that govern the universe, all laws has to be
the same for our intellectual activities and for the universal physical activities since any
intellectual activities is forces at work (energy). As a result, the whole of our intellectual
activities, which is the spirit of each of us, can be a uniting link in the total of a trinus within
the union of three elements:

1) The Egosphere, which is our parental structure. 2) The Egos, which are the offspring’s of the
Egosphere. 3) All acts of the mental activities of all egos’, which are spirits within the spirit. a)
First opposite: A Holy Spirit is a spirit sovereign and perfect.” that is the spirit of the
Egosphere. b) Second opposite: We have our own identity (ego) which is on the path that aims
at perfection. Note - We are imperfect variables in the Universal statistics while leaving to the
universe its perfection of the way it is. The idea is to avoid static. c) The link between the
Egosphere and us is: evolution of the mind (spirit).

Here is something to illuminates us: “And there shall be six branches going out of its sides,
three branches of the lamp stand out of one side of it and three branches of the lamp stand out
of the other side of it;” (Exodus 25:32).

We base our extrapolations solely on science. By doing so, we find ourselves, in one way or
another with our nose in the midst of some religion. This leads us to strongly believe that
religion would have to be originally formed on the basis of science in a hiding-form.

Actually the Trinity would be more like "God the father" is the whole universe as the light that
creates it; "God the son" is all of humanity (actually all the living beings); and "God the spirit"
is the "spirit of reason" that we all possess if we decide to use it; and "to speak against the holy
spirit" is to speak against reason, and by doing so we got into mental troubles for some time to
come. It’s only playing with words; we still all do that from ancient days. How can we
challenge ourselves mentally if we speak against reason? "The holy spirit" within us is our
mental processes that give us the ability to reason adequately to be psychosocially creative in
ways to build worldwide harmony. Of course the mother of God would be the Dark Universe
(Egosphere) since it is the soul factory.

After all, to be really realistic, the Trinity is also simply each one of us as we are our closest
relative; oneself is his own father-teacher, his own son-pupil, and his own spirit-soul. Self is
responsible for self, and self have an environment to do just that. That's makes sense ... it’s all
automatic. There is so many different ways to perceive what the Trinity is! And they are all
appropriated since they are all interactive. To harness our imagination is to get out of that
religious non-sense to join the ranks of the natural principles. Reality has different aspects;
those are the aspects of nature; who believe in the "supernatural" does not grasp the fact that
everything is natural but sometime over our comprehension for lack of knowledge. It is our
agnostism that makes us to call supernatural what it still a mystery to us. Some part of nature
are not being register by our sensory system, that makes those parcels of reality to be "over-
our-sensory system" also call extra-sensorial-perception better known as “ESP”, but not
supernatural as being "over nature" in the sense having nothing to do with reality.
Metaphysics study all forms of realities, and there is no such thing as anything or anyone that
isn't part of nature or outside its reality; even gravity which is the nothingness (or the void)
that exist outside the universe become part of nature. To harness our imagination to see reality
at it is requires getting out of the political religious fantasy by being objective about it and
automatically we can transcend the literal in it to find the obvious, meaning the secular truth.

If peoples would be more concern spending more of their time about thinking well rather than
looking good the basic needs of all would be answered faster than wars being raging for
vanities purposes; it won’t hurt the economy a bit, it would only hurt the psychopaths whom
use the economic principles at their advantage, and it would also hurt the psychotic politicians,
religious or not, whom prefers to look good for the eyes of the morons rather than thinking
well to speed up the political process (and also religio-political process) toward harmony. If
you do not hold any office, if your name is nobody and you can see colors, and if a politician
(or an evangelist) preaches that the color of the orange is blue to a bunch (million of them) of
color-blind peoples, what would you do? Tell the truth or not? Or be an unethical opportunist
and taking advantage of that situation for your own profit by neither telling the truth nor to
lie? Swimming between two waters can be ill-fated for everyone, that’s bad politic. In religions
like in normal life when the literal produce a paradox there it can be: 1) the presence of a
metaphor; 2) the presence of a lie; 3) an absence of truth.

Sociopaths draw advantages from our good will, our agnostism and our innate confidence
toward human kind; for them those are mistakes to avoid in order for surviving. Capitalizing
on those "mistakes", under their charming smiles, they view their survival to be possible only
over the "dead body" of whoever they come in contact with for transaction. The only cultural
ethic they know is concerning their own survival and the sharing of pleasures only if is the
other party whom pay the bills when time come to face responsibilities. Sociopaths are acting,
but their acts are paradoxical since they lack honesty, and some of those sociopaths can be
highly educated but they have no wisdom, and their life is only a journey of glorified misery.

Moschiach is no god, but he will transform spiritual quest to intellectual quest while honoring
the wisdom of ancient Israel High Priests. It is only when the Jews will be united in the secular
comprehension of the unveiling of the metaphors contain in the Torah, that they will become
more scholars than they were religious as they redeemed themselves from religious fantasies;
the world will look upon them and no nation will prevail over their knowledge, and they will
call Moshiach to be their king as the world enter its new cycle as shown in the Mayan calendar.
The disciples of the antichrist are the religious bigots being united with the sociopaths to wage
war against Gnosticism.

It takes more courage to discipline ourselves to hate only the antisocial behaviors, enemy of
harmony, and to eradicate them by caring and using psychology than to hate the individuals
who exhibits these behaviors and to kill them when the opportunity presents itself; wars can be
avoidable when humanity cares for humanity. To love is to care and to do something about it.

Earth will finally belong to the peace lovers after the wars lovers will be done killing each


The primal opposites are the support of the light, thus duality is the support of the movement
that generates the light.

Self-bigotry its call being egotistic.

Where the scientific evidence is that any kind of war, religious or not, is made from good
intentions? The evilness part of human duality where the opposite would be kindness, can be
destroy by the humanistic approach better than any armed conflict since by definition an
armed conflict is evilness at is best, no matter the excuse we dream off for killing another
human being. By killing others we also kill our mind a little more. Being realistic is “to have
our feet on the ground and our mind in heaven”.

If duality wouldn't be present, only nothingness would be there forever, one part of duality
would be missing: the primal mass. Every graviton wouldn't have any function, there wouldn't
be any universe nor universe expansion since one part of duality would be non-existent. It is
duality that's creates knowledge when creating the universe. Duality is the dynamic of the
universe, therefore the dynamic of life and knowledge. Duality is also the fact that Nature
makes it so that our body is expendable, but not our mind, the function of our mind is to reach
maturity and to keep up-to-date. To attain mind-maturity is to be ethico-realist; it doesn't
matter how much knowledge we possess concerning the ways of the natural principles, what is
important is how we use that knowledge for social welfare (the good of all) without becoming
a masochist, and that is already wisdom.

Illogism is opposed to logic, “I set a snare for you and you were taken, O Babylon, and you did
not know it; you were found and caught, because you opposed the Lord (logic).” (Jeremiah

“Everyone utters lies to his neighbor; with flattering lips and a double heart they speak.”
(Psalm 12:2)

“Samekh I hate the double-minded, but I love your law.” (Psalm 119:113).

Duality is two opposite elements and its principles coexists in defined variable structures,
different from each other and taking various forms according to the systems in which they are
present. Duality is basically the two antis facing each other such as: day versus anti-day which
is night; light versus anti-light which is darkness; tall versus anti-tall which is small, etc...
Examples: good versus evil; life (eternal) versus constant changes of state (defined as being
deaths). Innocence versus knowledge, peace versus war, and so on ... They all synonyms and
antonyms. The duality of which we speak is the social behavior of human beings, good and
evil, being a little angel (full of goodness) versus being a little devil (full of evil).

To be social versus antisocial is part of the basic trinus of sociology. It is a system. All trinus
are systems. Let's make the trinusial law: All the opposites are part of a trinusial system. The
character of that system is the link that unites them for that system to be a whole.

That's what makes the base of the Freudian theory about the trinus of personality. The antis
are: 1) The Id which is all the messages pertaining to biological body needs; 2) The superego
which contains all the valuable messages from society. The third element is the link that unites
them: the ego, it makes them complementary. The whole is the system that forms the
personality of an individual. All trinus follow that principle of two opposites and the link.

Here is an esoteric term concerning the psyche: Although one can walk with its own Trinity
wherever he goes, it takes a certain amount of duality to put it into action.

Which mean: Although we are a walking trinus phenomenon. Which is our psyche, (what an
individual is made of) the presence of duality is necessary to activate the mechanism of our
intellectual activities.

Indeed, what would an intellect be if nothing were there to give us the occasion to use it? That
is to say in this law that: duality is the primary necessity for general evolution that includes
mind expansion as well as universal expansion.

For those who may ask: What is our trinus or our own Trinity? Here is a clear answer:

1) The automatic program of logic which commands everything is therefore in ourselves.

2) Our identity, i.e. that we are entities.

3) Our mind, i.e.: our mental processes (not our brain). Note - That is to be considered as: the
father, the son/daughter, and the holy spirit within our psyche. It’s that simple.

Without the presence of only one part of that trinus, (or trinity) pffuiit ...farewell life!

“The eternal God (logic) is your (mind) dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting
arms (duality). And he thrust out the enemy (of logic) before you and destroy them.”
(Deuteronomy 33:27).

“God” as the “essence” or “the spirit of things” of the universe can be define in so many different
ways! The term “spirit of God” refers to the “idea” of there must be a primal dual physical
action to create a whole universe. That is the “essence”. In theory an idea is produce by a living
being, this is why “the spirit of God” is defined as being there before the universe was, meaning
the whole universe is “God” as nature. It’s all a question of definition depending of the angle of

Metaphysical law: Bipolarity is the constant action linking duality in every system.

The beginning

Genesis 1) in the beginning God (the idea was) created (the presence of) the heavens (the void)
and the earth (primal mass).

Genesis 1: 2) Now the earth (primal mass) was formless (non-uniform) and empty, darkness
was over the surface of the deep (the void), and the Spirit of God (the “spirit” of logic) was
hovering over the waters (hf).

The way the Torah was done, and also other primal religions, everything indicates that one of
the basic intention of the ancient High Priests (Moses included) was for any scientific minded
individual with a normal general knowledge to be capable to unlock the “mystery” of the Torah
to see it as a “back up” of our present scientific knowledge, and also as the ultimate man made
gauge for scientific comparison.
Politicians who prefer to keep the status-quo between sciences and religions by fear of
controversial issues that can leads to armed conflicts does it more by personal gain than to let
humanity to enlighten itself from its own consequences leading to atonement. Any war can be
prevented by the use of reason. In our race to possess the "wants" we disregard some of our
basic needs, that's includes to live securely in a harmonious world where our need for affection
is totally answered everywhere in the world by everyone; utopia is what we are aiming for, it
is the fulfillment of all our needs before responding to any of our wants, and religious bigotry
is not the answer. At the present time it is the satisfaction of the "wants" of few that takes away
the means to respond to the needs of many.

For our mind to live in the future one's has to meditate about the paradoxical situations of the
present, unties them, and process the information to the mass knowing the future generation
will appreciated his present boldness that may prevent more bloodiness’.

Even the might of a hydrogen bomb will never equal the might of the mind; and who use a
hydrogen bomb to prove how mighty he is proves only how small his mind is.

It is not "God" but us that are the mediums by whom knowledge emerges, and the ways of the
light is the objective logic, as the means, from which we retrieve the components of reason;
that’ makes metaphysics to be the transfer of our knowledge of the natural laws into the
invisible world of the soul to understand the mechanism of the intellect in the quantic level in
positive correlation with psychology.

When and where evil fails rightfulness begins.


It is the presence of duality that gives causality its effectiveness. The basic fundamental of
nature ways (some religions called it: “God's ways”) is that if there wouldn't be any
consequence for any action taken, there wouldn't be any point for our sensory system to relay
its data to our mind for the duality of pain and pleasure to be our emotive guidelines to find
out the consistency of the universal rules.

Man is man, nothing else, nor god, nor semi-god, nor rulers of the rules, and he never will be;
and so anyone else will never be the ruler of the rules (universal principles) as they are pure
automatism... Man makes present mistakes from lack of past knowledge and further
understanding of what the truth really is, and the truth reside on reality. We cannot do
anything by ourselves without the previous and future help of others. Logic has that man can
learn anything throughout pleasures or frustrations; either ways is our own choice. Learning
with pleasure adds more pleasure to the learning process. To learn lessons from frustrations is
to learn through pain. Causality, the motor of the learning process, doesn't give a damn if we
learn the ways of the natural rules through pleasure or pain; we are the only ones who care.
The causal forces are the policing forces that give us warnings of any wrong of our doings, and
things exteriors to us that have to be taking care of. They are also the messengers, by their
actions, of the universals rules. They are state of automations, they are the “objectives angels”
of the universe; throughout them we are constantly searching our mind, collecting data, and
atoning (self-introspection) with various results. The automatic action of things controls the
thoughts of the living mind. Atonement is a success when the proper corrections are made. A
self-atonement is to make mental behaviors (beliefs) correction, and from there to take
appropriate actions. World atonement is to teach proper mental corrections to be made,
making them, and also to correct any wrong doing toward things exterior to us from which
our own survival depend: the environment. No one can make a self-atonement for someone
else; but anyone can teach anything, right or wrong. The causal laws are always right and
never wrong. According to some religions, they are a god or more gods “sayings”. In ancient
time causality was known as the blessing and the curse. “And afterward he read all the words
of the law, the blessing and the curse, according to all that is written in the Book of the Law.”
(Joshua 8:34). The book of the law must have been of scientific character, not religious.

Causality is the Sword of God (Universal logic).

“It is the first of the works of God; let him who made decisions bring them near his sword!”
(Job 40:19).

“Then they said, 'The God of the Hebrews has met with us. Please let us go a three days'
journey into the wilderness that we may sacrifice (do the right thing) to the Lord our God, lest
(or) he (will) fall upon us with pestilence or with the sword (bad consequences).' (Exodus 5:3).

“But David could not go (make decision) before it to inquire of (possible consequences) God,
for he was afraid of the sword (causality) of the angel (principle) of the Lord (logic).” (1
Chronicles 21:30).

Causality follows duality

Because “energy = work” the motion of forces (energies) makes the constant interaction of
things the reason for them to evolve, not be in a static state. We can emphasize that the duality
is the pre-request for causality and for mathematics to be there by-product. It is therefore a
trinus of the type: “forces in action” that is constantly at work.

Here is the law: Causality is the moving link of impulses that unite two components of opposite
natures that form the duality.

Followed by this law: “The causal trinus “Forces in action” is a multifunctional system that
contains: The Newtonian Action / reaction; the Freudian mental health, and economics of
demand and supply; ethics; behavioral science of responses and consequences. This causal
trinus in its constant action produces logical results.

We find that the causal forces are divided into 2 groups:

1) Force of needs, (stimuli) - These are the ones who initiate the action and thereby produce a
form of work.

2) The responding forces- There are those who react to the stimuli and which automatically
produce, par reaction, an opposite form of work.

Analogy tells us that the same mathematical principles govern forces into different systems.

This means that the source of forces is entirely a principle of physical nature that uses energy
in a completely objective manner. It does it toward subjectivity of life as well as toward
different forms of inert matter. That's what makes evolution a constant adaptation to all form
of things toward any forces they undergo.

As a result, we have:

a) Production of living beings of subjective nature under objective laws that answer their
needs. Here is the law that says: Any subjective actions will be met by an opposite reaction,
subjective or otherwise under the primary control of the objectivity of logic.

b) A environment of responsive forces that reacts to a goal by automatism.

Again we have the opposites: “The trinus of subliminal energies” where “objective / subjective”
made their appearance. “Action” is the link.

“For the lord, your God, is the God of gods, the lord of lords, the great God, mighty and
awesome, who has no favorites, accepts no bribes;” (Deuteronomy 10:17). All that to say the
universe (the lord God) have causal laws that has no favorites and bribes won’t work.

The trinus of free will: For the mathematical objectivity that made the action for living beings
(life) as part of the equation without soliciting their opinion (of course! they were not yet
present), therefore a “non-choice of being”, then, by reaction, living beings are provided with
their free will which thus becomes the subjectivity arising from the mind of all life forms. This
is to say that all living entities are primary the products of energies in action.

We are born from a basic automation of energies the base of which is the presence of the first
causal forces from the first opposite. Those opposite are: 1) a potential of energy in a form of a
mass; 2) a total void.

As we can see there is not a subjective “God” in charge of things. The Egosphere is not in
control either, Logic is in control.

If The Egosphere were in control she would try to erase all suffering, which means she would
try to erase from causality all bad consequences, and this wouldn't be wise.

A “two-edged” is duality, a god “sword” is causality. “Let the godly (knowledgeable) exult in
glory; let them sing for joy on their beds.

Let the high praises of God be in their throats (their saying) and two-edged swords in their
hands, to execute vengeance on the nations and punishments on the peoples, to bind their kings
with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron, to execute on them the judgment written! This
is honor for all his godly (knowledgeable) ones. Praise the Lord (logic)!” (Psalm 149:5 to 9).

Speaking about the causal forces, hence causality, it is self evident that without proof and
without the correct data for backing up plenty of moronic allegations, the morons are making
so much inappropriate comments that violates the universal rules (but not their own neurotics
rules) thinking their slandering attacks that destroys other people life are responsible ones
because they follow moronic societal pressure and neurotic peers pressure! Yes, harassing
comments from an asocial childish mentally sick mind can destroy innocent lives. Let keep our
mind clean. Vulgarity and obscenity can take different forms, be nice. Why Libel without proof,
why comments in the base of racism, sexism, and other “religious” moron beliefs? Why wage
war against libido? It will come back to us and we'll take turn to have our own life turn upside
down by the community's response under the causality of the universal rules (principles). Ain't
life grand? Metaphorically speaking it takes a low life to call someone a low life and the
universal rules to kick his butts! Our personal attacks which are not legitimate will retrieve the
right hand of causal forces upon us for backing us up; meaning the left hand of the causal force
will spank us. That what religions say...in their own conceptualization of the causal laws. In
the “eye” of the universe we are responsible for any of our actions, verbal actions, or comments
included. Causality is our moderator. The results of causality may not appear to our
perception right away, time is relative as Einstein discovered. Everything come to be
understand in due time. It is central to a normative humanistic mind to practice meditation for
successfully leading himself to a fulfilling mental life. Humanists, just like Jews, yearn for
knowledge and understanding. Obsession for knowledge is understandable, or what else could
deliver us from the unrelenting oppression of natural dangers, poverty, and sickness that
pervaded in our daily life if it wasn't for the benefits of technology. When our basics needs are
satisfied, then our mind is free to pursue its natural goal of analyzing its own wellbeing from
whatever goals our subjective self choose to pursue. If we desire harmonious relations while
reaching (or trying to) our goals, we need to know our structural self (psyche) to cope with life.
This is why we need people like Sigmund Freud to save us from mental sickness if we want to
understand ourselves and how our mind work. The most paradoxical cultural concept we have
to face is the confusing presence of a god which render our conscious subjective mind perplex.
We are bewildered regarding the need for the universe to be rule by a god. At the same time,
the acceptance of “his” presence makes us to built admirable architecture of churches and
temples from where our prayers are rising toward “him”; this is the most extravagant display
of pompous humbleness indicating of how desperately we need “divine” mental help. We do not
recognize who we really are or what sort of mental condition we are in. Freud, Piaget and Co.
is needed! The definitive feature of the source of mental sickness is the “absence/presence” of a
central unifying purpose to existence. Us as a unity are our own purpose, simple isn't it? Yes, it
is that simple! Our lives are not determined by random forces, but are under the objective
influence of causality responding to our self-determination. Economic and politics are our
subjective creations; our present world under the causal influence is the result of the nature of
our subjective doings in those fields. Causality is the stable rational framework underlying
human events which we are responsible of. We can define and solve world problems by
understanding that and by using statistics in a libidinous way. The only thing that is doomed
to failure is the inconsistent pattern of our mind. Mental sickness can be cure and will be cure.
The only reliable assumption in life is that life it’s looking after its own reproduction by the use
of both subjective forms of life, and objectives natural rules. Therefore, we can assume that
things are changing for the better under the influence of the natural statistical processes of our
mind and also from our more adequate use of our own statistics. The only almost
unpredictable ways are from sick minds, but even there clinical statistics are helping us to
foresee future possible behaviors. Even mental sickness can produce something substantial:
clinical statistics to rely on; indicating what not to do to stay mentally healthy. Today's
solutions are evolving into others tomorrow's new challenges toward another step to reach
harmony. Evolution of the mind is the meaning of life through life looking after its own
reproduction by the evolution of biological beings. It is the universe itself that has not any
intrinsic or absolute purpose even if it creates life. Life do not contain any absurdity in all of its
various own metamorphosis, and the same is true for the physical part of the universe. It is all
automatic, natural. Yes, the world depends upon circumstances that are ephemeral, but they
are causalities directed, even if fundamentally purposeless since no god is in control and the
universe is indifferent to its own existence. Part about keeping kosher (Jewish culture about
what is good or not) is the devotional aspect one had to have in his morning prayers asking
god: “Make me understand”. There's a separate prayers for understanding for whom
specifically wanting to understand how to heal ourselves and others. Somehow, some people,
somewhere in the Jewish world, do not understand that psychology is the answering of their
prayers! Did Sigmund Freud and Co. live for nothing? He was one of them! These religious
Jews, lost in their mind, wander for along the power of a prayer last before making the same
request again...Hello! Face down into their prayer book it is their religious personality that
dissociates itself from the associative personality which hold the complete set of key of
reasoning. Reasoning is qualitatively less when a personality breaks apart from the whole
associative personality because it is quantitatively less. A specific personality can retain the
reasoning of the “whole” by being dominant without breaking apart. That what we normally
do in everyday life. The whole associative personality appreciates the kindness of nature where
is no religiosity involved. The religious personality makes human to invent specific and
uniform set of rules to serve the “divine”; the whole associative personality try to find the
universal rules to serve itself by acting accordingly with them that is how we learn to make a
cheery pie. To be very observant of natural rules makes us to respond to our needs and wants
harmoniously with nature, ourselves, and others. Fulfilling our obligations to nature (god)
was always to joint in our mind the products of nature (as us among other products) with
nature ways; otherwise it is “nature frustration” spelling as: t-r-o-u-b-l-e. Nature influenced
us positively concerning learning its objective ways the proper way. Our acceptance of nature
ways in our mind for us being natural product of nature makes sense isn't it? Yes! Other ways
we get a little ass-kicking out of nature taking care of nature that is call causality from the
determinism of nature. We are born virgin of prejudices and came in this world already
equipped with an innate common sense and the feeling of libido. As we grow older we acquire
a social knowledge which too often “forbidden” us to use plain common sense. Libido and
common sense being interrelated, mental illness occurs for those who do not use their innate
common sense. Mental health (or mental hygiene) begins with the respect of nature, self, and
others. Causality, chasing our ignorance away, motivates us throughout our sensory system,
toward that healthy respect. Causality helps us to develop a pure heart and a socially clean
conscience clear of antilibidinous doings. It is a fearful thing to fall into the pit of Sheol (mental
illnesses). When we are overusing our mechanism of defenses and adaptation by not taking in
consideration the natural laws (libido included) our sense of reality shut off. The compass of
morality pointed out in the direction of ethico-logic, not religiosity nor economics. The fact of
bullying others outside our own frontiers for any excuses (using rationalization) is to takes
away their basic freedom to be who they want to be inside their own borders. One of the actual
greatest of tragedies of human kind is for some people to be lure into the false security of the
presence of a god that decide solely on their destiny; a lot of Jews did not escape the Holocaust
because of the religious opinions of their misguided religious leaders.

We shall respond to nature call for using our common sense (or instinct) in troublesome
situations instead of religious belief. Talking about religion, the natural destiny of souls is to be
eternal, knowledgeable and to comprehend knowledge. It takes time but it is always being
done. The rest of the story is up to us, we are the ones who are making history.

The violent frustrating side of causality falling upon us making our mind to suffer through our
senses it’s called “Hashem's wrath” by various religions like Judaism. Hell's torments are mind
torments. Causality does not punish, we are punishing ourselves by not using common sense. It
is better to be conscious of the potentiality of the torments to come by using common sense, and
to make the move to be on the safe side. The self-release from the bottomless abyss of mental
sickness, leading to possible corporal punishment, is one's mind glory by conscious reasoning.
Too many religious leaders are decreeing that for our mind to gather spiritually with god we
must not concentrate on secular teaching but religious beliefs. By saying that, and believing in
that kind of saying, those guys do not realize that they estranged themselves from the reality of
things. Lost in their “mind Golus” (mind exiled from reality) their religious spirituality becomes
their self-estrangement. They are afraid of a “god court” or a “Moshiach's court” where stand
the guilty for their future punishments, and the innocents for their well earned rewards; what
a moronically childish view of reality is that? Causality already takes care of all of that! Let’s
keep forward, let’s open our mind to reason. Man-made religions are not calling the shots,
nature does. Primal man-made religions were mending to be supportive of our scientific
discoveries from day one. Prophecies from primal religions were made from fancy far
advanced statistics to help us in our path to knowledge and our understanding of all aspects of
reality. Is what nature says matters the most, not our translation of primal religions. No
matter what credentials one's may think he possess as a religious person, if reason is not
involve then causality will send that individual to its own mental hell. Most of us are not in the
same league with the real ancient prophets and high Priests, as they were also highly
developed in a fancy form of poetry involving secular knowledge, so we may as well content
ourselves with our little secularism for the time been, and let causality runs its course. From
the Latin word “disciplina” translated as “instruction”, and from the root discere “to learn”, in
the universal level, a “disciplinary action” refers to a displacement of energy in a system that
set a chain reaction in that system that became a behavioral set of instruction given to the
components of that system to move to a new position in space in order to keep the integrality of
the principle of equilibrium (the balance of energy) intact in that system. Forms of life are
mnemonic systems capable of learning, therefore to preserves the origin of the word
“disciplina” from which discipulus “disciple, pupil” also derives, discipline, in the broad sense,
refers to natural methods of modeling the character and characteristics of any forms of life
and matter. The function of those sets of instruction is to forces any forms of life and matter
alike to follow a particular code of conduct, which is to adhere to the “order” of the universal
rules. Consequently, in the field of mnemonic development, were subjectivity is involve, it is the
teaching of self-control; therefore, causality can be view as the disciplinarian that enforces
order. Natural rules, made of energy, follow a natural (automatic) pattern of behaviors, and
mnemonic forms of life are constantly being “disciplined” to adopt that pattern. The negative
connotation of the term “Universal disciplinary action”, where causality its ensuring that
instructions are carried out, is base on one side only of the two extreme that compose the
disciplinary trinus: the punishment one, meaning were frustration occur. On the other extreme
it is the rewarding form where pleasure occurs. Therefore a real virtue is the natural (innate)
ability to follow universal instructions since we are made out of them.

Today to indicate a person who speak his mind we say "he don’t have his tongue on his
pocket"; to indicated a person who says things as they are without using euphemisms we say "
that person has a razor sharp tongue"; in biblical time the saying was: "his tongue become a
sharp blade" and also:"a sword appear from his mouth" ... etc...

Metaphysical laws

1c) Causality is the main natural rule that being creates at the same time the universe was,
causality and the universe are two, and they are one; and nature was created as both of them
came to be, that's make three faces of the universe to be one; and they are the “One being of
objectivity” (as: “to be”) that's rules; that natural phenomenon is also called the “supreme
being” as “God”. Outside the body of “God” is the void which is the main motor of one of the
extreme of duality.

In electrical terms, the void is the positive pole of the supreme duality as it “suck-up energy”,
the universe being the negative pole. Positive pole indicates the north. Energy travels from
negative to positive, from south to north; the same principle applies to mental attitude.

2c) Any subjective living being or system which is out to fools us legally, can be fooled and
deserve to be fooled by us for our survival, since they are fool enough to fools themselves by
thinking to be smarter than causality by legalizing their foolishness; all they succeeds do is to
makes us to be the avenging tools of causality.

3c) any subjective system searching for harmony will be found by harmony which is been
guided from the conciliative organization of the main causal law under the cover of

4c) Self-determination is synonym of subjectivity. What nature does is an automatic

determinism, its objectivity by the automatism of causality leading to the logic of things.
Nature it’s not paradoxical, but our mental attitudes are. Our law of uncertainty is part of
logic; our interference with what is objective causes the uncertainty in time; but it is all

Fools do not really believes in natural causal forces, they are so stupid’s that they cover their
lies with other lies thinking that is the best way to bury the truth and to fool causality! Fools do
not fully realize that the dynamics of the causal forces is to unveil the truth that triggers their
actions. Killing without regrets and remorse is a psychopathic behavior ( no matter how good
ones is for rationalizing his asocial behaviors) that is due to haunt the perpetrators throughout

Causality is also what makes the psychopomps to be dynamic under the bipolarity process,
anything we do, consciously or unconsciously, by action or reaction, we do it toward one
single aim: adaptation; what we learn while adapting the best we can to our environment
become our values, and those values crystallize our personality without stopping its evolution.
Scientists as well as psychologists know (and also common sense tells us) that the present
moment is always the moment of the "factor change" where our soul in the present rely on past
data to build a better harmonious future than our past may have been; some peoples are
afraid of change and show rigidity in their behaviors, it’s acceptable if their principles are
positively psychosocial in nature and leads to more harmony, but not psychosocially ok if their
behaviors lead to more destruction and suffering, and it is less than ok if mind rigidity leads to
a status-quo where the acceptance of present wars and conflicts become our norm of
“normality”, it is denying us the right to evolve from the infantile state to mind maturity; mind
rigidity is some kind of a period of moronical latency between infantilism and maturity. Our
mind is a living and growing crystal that is naturally flexible to keep up with new data and to
react to them. Some ancient cultures knew that the quantic characteristics of the soul follow the
same basic natural principles that concede to the crystal its physical attributes. A soul like a
crystal vibrates at steady frequencies which makes them excellent emitter and receptors of
electromagnetic waves. Crystals, like souls, are teachers from the past as they contain past
information’s. Thoughts can programs crystals as well as the soul since thoughts are made of
electromagnetic waves; this is why crystals are good supports for intuitive reasoning (see
crystal balls), that may explain why women in their intuitiveness are so attracted to crystals
and precious gems (beside being influenced by marketing). In ancient Europe crystals
represented the soul, and in Australian Aboriginal mythology, “Maban” (the soul) is that
mental mystical substance referring to that mental crystallization that follows the same
principles than the piezoelectric phenomenon, our mind generate an electric field (or electric
potential) in response of the stress that the environment applies to our mind; the piezoelectric
dynamics is one of the processes (beside the vacuum of gravity) that makes our intellect to
function; it is like a psychopomp that can reverse the process from stress to stress relieve, thus
reversing polarity, during our adaptation which permits our mind to evolve. Mental bipolarity
disorders are related to that process. Australian Aboriginals in their pagan beliefs view the
soul as the resonant substance that guides the whole psyche; they use crystals to metaphorize
their secular knowledge the same as the ancient Jews uses oil to indicate who are the “anointed
ones” with the ancient secular knowledge. Our soul is made of "dark matter" and the processes
of our mind are made of "dark energy", both belong to what our scientists call "The Dark
Universe"; it is the mental crystallization and the dynamics of all mnemonic data in it that’s
makes the “Dark universe” a “living universe”. Our soul is the living bond between both
universes (this physical one and the “Dark” one), and crystals are the closest physical bonds
between this universe and our soul.

Now-a-days we possess plenty of resources to deal creatively and effectively with plenty of
problems that may occur; the "mysteries" of religions, ancient mythologies, and the mysteries
that lie behind them is one of these difficulties to surmount in the existentialist field. There is
two kind of resources’ we can rely on: 1) our inner resource which is our intellect; 2) the
external resources which is what mankind already found out about the universe throughout its
scientific, well proven, findings. These are the realistic resources we can rely on to be efficient
and ingenious to cope with any difficult questions concerning any problems including
existentialism; having "faith" start by having faith in ourselves by starting to be resourceful to
adapt in order to survive mentally and physically so we can evolve naturally as it is
automatically mend to be according to the natural principles. The scientific approach is the
only way to find out the operating instructions of the universe and its components. To have
causality as our allies we have to foresee the results we expected and use our knowledge
concerning the scientific approach to pinpoint what natural laws we can use to reach the
results we expected, history repeat itself under the same circumstances’, it is not complicate to
understand; it is only the scientific approach that can allow us to make causality our allies in
order to built any kind of harmony we seek. It is that only "alliance" between the natural
principles (under the appellation "God") and us under our self-determination to accept to join
their ranks that’s allowing us to reach any kind of harmony. Only selfish morons and religious
bigots (whom believe “God” will cancel momentarily some natural laws to respond to their
demands as “prayers”) cannot understand that simple fact; after all it is just plain common

Knowledge is the key to mental health, by it we gain wisdom according to our willingness to
understand; the Ankh is the key. Who don’t want to understand that fact is a dead-weight for
his own evolutionary process, pulling backward, and therefore be a dead-weight toward
humanity maturity. Maturity process is an automatic one, only dead-weight individuals slow
down the process. Dead-weight’ is dead-mind. It is the high number of the dead-weight persons
that makes few mature minded individuals to be considered as geniuses. All approaches leads
to the same objective: mind-maturity; some approaches takes longer than other.

Favoritism versus choice

Determinism is the trinusial form follows by causality. It is an important part of the program
that runs the Universe. It is determinism that tells what to do by inducing the cause and effect
phenomenon. Determinism is an automatic guide line. Evolution is determinism in action
directly from the two primal singularities: “Gaia and Ouranos”.

Does this mean that we are absolutely nothing but automatons who believe they think, love
and show sorrow? To be alive is only an illusion? All that remains for us to do is to lower our
head and sigh over our fate?

Despite the fact that the physical universe is fundamentally an automaton producing logic,
which removes any option of favoritism, except for those who follow the universal principles (if
we can call that favoritism, it would be more: a pleasuring form of synchronicity) it
automatically tell us the right way for us to adapt to any situation. That is what makes the
presence of free-will full of senses. We can choose between what is promoted and what is not.
For the universe to tell us what to do in conjunction with free-will is the advantage of everyone
for the development of intellectual capacities.

To know what is promoted, besides being a busy scientist in the lab, is to “feel” the libido at the
same time that we feel what our senses tell us. Libido is the name that Sigmund Freud came up
with, to define the feelings of Aphrodite which is the Egosphere. Her nature is to be forgiving in
shared pleasures; but only causality is the step that removes our mistakes. It's the helping
hand of consequence hat give us pardon in order for us to make choices again. To have another
try, its determinism in action. It’s to choose Aphrodite for company a better idea than to choose
devilish thoughts based on possession of matter? It is all up to us to find the right balance.

If there were subjective trends in the logic of the program to grant unjustified favors, that
would mean an inconsistency in the program. It is the presence of those trends in human
behavior in the world that create chaos. Chaos came from the free-will not taking into
consideration what was promoted. It is through determinism, and pairing with the pulse of
pleasure (libido), that each individual can feel the forces that give us the “pushes” to act toward
bettering all forms of pleasure. Indeed, if it weren't for the presence of any pulse of pleasure or
other impulses that drive us and give us a reason to act, causality would not serve its purpose
nor determinism. There are favors! Big ones! Everything in the universe favors the
development of the mind. It is done without a small iota of favoritism toward anyone, that big
favor is for every form of life. For those who accept that big favor, it leads to mental well-being
and pride of achievement as well as pleasure.

Because determinism is the helping hand of punishment and forgiveness. Determinism and
causality work in pair. Causality has its job always ready for it, as any action is always a
previous reaction. And so on and so forth ... any favor being asked of the Egosphere presents
itself as another opportunity to do a job the right way. That gives us a chance to do better
another time around in the field requested. It comes under the form of “coincidental events”
also known as “synchronicity”. The only act of special favor that the Egosphere is capable of is
to choose the nature of opportunity to be sent upon request, but not the opportunity itself; as
new opportunities come after the automatism of forgiveness when an individual taste the
consequence of is ill behavior (or asocial acts). With regard to believers, and also for others
who replace the word “God” by the word “Program”, here is those principles, extracted from
Christian beliefs in another form of communication: The prayers (request) are answered on a
regular basis, a request for forgiveness of one's faults is answered after penance
(consequence). It is often in indirect ways that God (universal rules) offers us new
opportunities in order to find and follow the correct route leading to His ways (the way of
reason). It doesn't matter if one uses rationalizing as an excuse to cover his unethical doings,
he will still bring upon himself the painful side of causality, as causality is part of the
automatism of the universal rules, and there is a total absence of favoritism. For one to pray a
god for favors while finding excuses for his own wrong doings is for one to fool himself only.
Fools do not use reason when they believe in a subjective and vain god that can be fool with
plenty of hallelujah and the vilest marks of adoration. There is no god involves in the swift
running of the universe, but only a natural logical process of energy. Logic is behind all
universal reactions which are the ways of the universal rules, and that particular scientific
field of knowledge belongs to the department of physics. As we can see here, there is very
strong evidence that today’s (and tomorrows) science was a part of the knowledge of a small
circle of initiate’s millenniums ago. That science came to us in a form of “faith” to believe in.
That science can easily overwhelm us, frying all our neurons. That science was so far
advanced that even today it is to be revealed only in the form of metaphysic thoughts, by little
spoonful, which are: to link parts of religions to science. However, all the elements which lead
us to this, comes partly from psychiatry, psychology such as behavioral aspects; philosophy
(determinism), psychoanalysis (impulses, Ego, pleasure) not to mention the elements of
physics in regard to energies and quantum. It is not our intention to be backing any kind of
subjective religious thought, the evidence is there that some of the dogmas of certain cultural
“beliefs” come from exact sciences of flawless logic. We found veiled science under the
metaphor of primal religions, that science was “obscured” for various reasons. When and by
who do the beautiful and enlightens fruits of science, the universal principles, become
divine? ... Unless the word “divine” was mend to indicate perfection. Like a divine sherry pie...
For harmony to be part of the stability of a homogeny unit as a structural engineering
(organic or mineral, living or not living, social unit, mnemonical unit, etc ..) each of its
components has to fulfill the function(s) they were intended for, otherwise the entire edifice will
collapse producing a domino effect that will affect negatively the exterior (frustration,
destruction) as well of the defected homogeny unit. In social human interaction, in an
organization, any kind of favoritism leads automatically to the undermining of that social
organization for that organization to contain the seed of psychosocial failure. Social poverty
and poverty of the mind are artificially induced by asocial (unethical) marketing and has
nothing to do with natural agnostism where an individual can learn from the riches of the
natural principles that run the universe throughout their dynamics. Souls are mnemonic
subatomic pieces of the universe which became living commitment toward its logic (or the
whole of the natural principles) in order to evolve. The natural principles contain within the
grading system which is composed of different criteria concerning the evolution of the souls.
By making comparison of synthetic sciences (man made subjective science which is religions)
versus real universal science with respect to how each of them is created, then we will find a
vast difference! Natural science and synthetic science (which is religions) are almost ethically
similar but their genesis is different: religions are man-made and born from sciences, and
sciences are man-mined from the universe. Generations of souls are these universal living
(mnemonic) gems (like living diamonds) born in the bosom of the Dark Universe (subatomic
universe parallel to our physical universe) and forged in the (metaphorically speaking) earth
furnace over millions of years. It is the original flaw of being agnostic (original sin) that
created various mnemonic inclusions, from suffering, to the souls adding to their beauty as
they reflects more light as they evolved in this physical dimension. We can compare religions,
in their synthesis’s as inducing carbon inclusions to the souls which mark them distinctly
different from our knowledge of the natural principles as the unique wavelengths contain in
the souls following the natural principles cannot be exactly reproduced by religious minded
souls. Ethically minded humanists, like diamonds, have the fire, brilliance and unique qualities
of understanding fundamental ethics that cannot be matched by religious bigots. When
making the ethical soul versus asocial soul comparison with respect to their weight, then we
will find that the asocial ones are heavier than the ethical ones due to their higher densities
from their moronical values base on the appropriation of earthly goods over the "dead" of their
mind; it makes the mind "heavier"; but the good news is that there is a limitation on the
growth of unethical values in the souls, and those asocial values are doom to disappear. Law:
reincarnation is in positive correlation with the density of the soul. According to the trinus
theory (two opposites and the link), for one to takes the path of religiosity takes 1/3 less mental
effort to produce than to follow the path of the natural principles themselves, but the mental
conflicts are 2/3 higher; pushing back these conflicts in the donjon of the unconscious makes
the religious and cultural bigots to lose insight by rejecting reason, and therefore are choosing
to be mentally disturbed infantile morons, they are literally dense!

Human beings of great understanding of the logic residing on the ethical side of libido are call
“tzadik’s" according to Jewish belief; and as a “tzadik’s” a potential Mashiach is such by virtue
of his ethico-psychosocial attitude toward life and his understanding of the secular truth
regarding the perfection of the natural principles. A "sanctified" mind simply mean a "Clear
mind" where religious paradoxes are understand as metaphors of the secular truth; therefore
a real "tzadik's" is an non-religious intellectual (spiritual) individual, thus an atheist-humanist
of great mind "sanctification" for him to reason with clarity in order to help humanity to
evolve harmoniously on its way to built utopia. Not all tzadik’s realizes their potential and the
ones who realized it, like Nostradamus and Leonardo da Vinci, among others, metaphorized
and allegorized their knowledge. It is the dynamics of the natural principles, and our deep
understanding of them that sanctifies the minds. Bigotry is the profanation (transgression) of
the natural principles as mentioned in Ezekiel 37:23: “They shall not defile themselves
anymore with their idols and with their abominations and with all their transgressions…”;
that leads us to the Messianic era which will be a time of universal awareness due to the
secular knowledge of the natural principles and our perception of the whole of them as being
metaphorized under a mythical "Living God"; that will makes plenty of us experiencing "the
divine spirit" within, thus the mind righteousness, which will (of course) endows us with the
power of instinctual statistics (also call prophecy and vision) as mentioned in Zephaniah 3:9:
“For then I shall turn to the peoples a pure tongue that all shall call upon the Name of God to
serve Him with one consent.” “A pure tongue” simply means the demetaphorizing of the Jewish
faith, from religious perception of existentialism to the secular perception of it. To be a bigot is
to be narrow-minded, and that leads to plenty of psychosocial conflicts; peace and harmony
will be reached when bigotry will take the exit door, to leave room for secularism, as the last
Catholic Pope will do. “Many of them that sleep in the land of dust shall awake…” (Daniel 12:2-
13) means "Many of us who become mind-dead by responding to our wants before responding
to humanity fundamental needs shall understand...". Our aspirations to freedom and to devote
ourselves to understand the natural principles and the wisdom we can retrieve from them will
be fulfill after the "Apocalypse", there will be no more religious oppression to disturb the sanity
of our mind; that era will be dominated by goodness and wisdom because of our clear
knowledge and understanding of the secular truth.

The Transfer of Determinism

We need something to take place somewhere for us to study all phenomena under all their
different angles as a way for us to possess knowledge. Matter and Hertzien waves are two
different form of determinism. The transfer of determinism is the sublimation of matter.
Matter passing from one substance to another is called sublimation; it is determinism at work.
We can say the transfer of determinism is the sublimation of matter that releases the principle
that controls all energy into a form of knowledge that controls the mind. The universe is a
trinus of energies composed of two oppose substances: 1) The physical substance of energy
which is matter; 2) The mental substance of energy of which the mind is made of. The link that
unites them is the quantic form of energy (quanta being part of the hertzian waves)). Those
quanta are parts of the Hertzian wave which is a mean of communication in more sense that
we can imagine so far, as an example it is also part of our cognitive process.

1a) the field of physical activity, which is the physical Universe. Is the first source of
information for us to acquire knowledge. Radiations from that field affect our mind as pre-
cognitive sources.

2a) that knowledge is then transferred to the appropriate social circles (schools, universities
etc...). From there it is transferred to us, therefore into our superego. Let's keep in mind that we
can also learn by ourselves through life experience and experimentation, that is also a school.
Link - It's all a question of communication. Hertzian waves are involved.

The programming by itself is an automatism that creates determinism over and over again in
all systems by its own pluralisation which is the constant production of trinus. All of the
Universal principles are from that trinusial production; that constant phenomenon governs
the behavior of anything and everything, life included. Determinism is full of updates that keep
coming and containing the information of all events. It is an automatic mnemonical impulse
for the formation of new trinus'. It does it under the dynamic of the causal influence. The future
trinus in the making are statistics in the making. Trinusses of statistics see their present stages
and foresee the ones of the future. That knowledge, in the form of quantic data is transferred to
the Egosphere superego. If there is any individual who may think Aphrodite may be a dumb
loving female who happen to be the first one and happen to be the invisible part of the
Universe, beware! Logic creates causality and causality is the protector of Aphrodite. The
Egosphere (Aphrodite) is the interactive dynamic living memory of the physical Universe. She
knows all past events in every detail. She also knows the statistics of future events. This is
because all trinus content is under the dynamic of statistics in the making. Since she is the
memory of all events, she knows it all. No one can fool Aphrodite (the Egosphere), never! She
knows the worst and she hopes for the best. She is all the knowledge because she is the living
memory of everything. Because her powers are limited she cannot be corrupt.

We do have the power of destruction, and she does not. We do have free will, and she does not,
she cannot disobey logic as we do. We can make demands, and she does not. We can be
corrupt, and she does not. We need her and she needs us. We are each other’s hopes.

Things and Thoughts; Relativity

The combining of space and time into a single manifold its call the universe. Euclidean
teaching about space tells us the universe has three dimensions of space and one dimension of
time. That original teaching came from ancient Egypt. The space-time continuum is the
combination of space and time in mathematics. In relativistic contexts, time cannot be
separated from the three dimensions of space, because the rate at which time passes depends
on an object's velocity relative to the speed of light and also the strength of any gravitational
fields which are slowing the passage of time. The workings of the universe at both the super
galactic and subatomic levels follow the Euclidean and relativistic contexts are completing
each others.

Physics, cosmology, math, psychiatry etc...All sciences unite under the natural creation of the
first trinus made of the two primal phenomena:

1) A non uniform mass; 2) a void. So far those are the ultimate boundary since we cannot (yet)
go farther in our understanding of things.

The firs trinus gives us hf = E; then a bunch of “hf” stick together under the gravitons
influences [(hf)n] = mc2 to forms bigger and biggest masses. The speed of light c = (the
frequency f) ◊ (the wavelength l). If the frequency is reduced by (1+z) times, the wavelength
must increase by (1+z) times. As we can see, all events happen in space-time. When we are
talking about an event, our thoughts makes us tell where in space, and when in time, it
happened. Space-time is the three dimensions of space: length, height and width, to which the
dimension of time is added. We define distances by the time it takes to cover these distance.

Surprisingly, our mind it’s having its own masse and follows the theory of relativity. We are
(our mind) wrapping up information (surrounding data) and dragging-in with them our
surrounding continuum of space-time. Our mind acquires masse as it acquires data, as data
are forms of energy. ADN mass being the concrete evidence of the presence of the mass of our
mind, we can easily see that evolution is a time wrapping process in the concrete and spiritual
world. Reality being the presence of both of those worlds, meaning: universal dimensions. The
whirling phenomenon of galaxies came from the fact that the primal non-uniformity masse
makes it that way when being sucked-up by the primal void.

To go from point A to point B, to go by car will be faster than walking; and to go by plane will
be faster than by boat. One light year is the distance light will travel in an earth year. A very
fast-moving person can travel a long distance in a short time, his wrist-watch tell him that.
Time and space are relative to his motion. Time and space are also relative of mind motion.
For that very fast-moving person time is slower to get to destination than his slow-pace twin
brother, covering the same distance. The same thing goes about learning, covering the same
subjects. Space-time its part of everyday life. According to the slow-pace twin brother for
which it takes double the time to cover that distance, he think that his very fast moving brother
shall live half his own life length since he cover the same distance and the same compilation of
data twice faster. Reality tells us this is not the case. Both brothers will theorically live the
same amount of time but one of them will cover more distance and absorb more knowledge.
Same principle goes for every one of us; some of us will acquire more knowledge than others.
Our self-determinism gives us the choice to takes opportunities as they come along. We are
whirling space-time according to our will. It is part of the spiritual side of relativity controlling
the concentration of time; matter (mass) is the concentration of time. When time is release
from matter, it is in the form of waves of quanta (radiations).

Now, in planet earth, if ever the covered distance it’s directly proportional of a lifetime (which
it’s not the case), than the slower brother shall outlive his faster brother. But because time, as
such, is condensing as a mass is larger, as planet earth and our mind, versus space, the
distance covered have little to do with a lifespan. In space, time is stretching, it is not condense
in a form of a planet; so, it has not the same value than in a planet surface. This effect is called
time dilation. Time is malleable it can be stretched in space and it can be condense as a mass;
its expanding as the universe expand, and it contracts as a masse store more energy from
space. The same thing goes for our mind, we can stretch our mind toward spacial thoughts;
that's mean we can also condense our mind by closing it to our surrounding. Meteorites are
addition of earth potential energy. Relativity's claim that gravity is the warping of space-time.
Planets are nods of time, where time its wrapping around itself; as a planet turn it drags along
the spacial nearby space-time (like a “barbe a papa”) as mentioned by Einstein. More is the
mass of a cosmic object, more “resting time” or potential energy there is. A mass is a time
potential, and since mc2 = E, then E = time. A mass is a wrapping of energy....a wrapping of
time. That's what's makes it relativistic. The same thing goes for our mind; the gravitational
field of the primal void within us makes our mind the wrapping object, in its point of space, of
the space-time around it. This is how we collect data. We are sucking them in. Life is supported
by the vacuuming effect of the death instinct which is a spacial void made of gravitons. Things
and thoughts follow the same laws.

Accelerating charges can emit electromagnetic waves; accelerating masses can emit waves of
energy affecting the surrounding gravitational field. Acceleration implies a force and
gravitational forces are made of the nothingness: “sucking force” of gravitons. It is simply a
“something” call energy “falling” into a “nothing” call the void. A vehicle in space capable of
creating and manipulating a field of energy directed at specific gravitational fields around will
be “falling” in any direction the operator wish to go.

Metaphysical law: Everything is spiraling, while draining, into the territory of the void.

The "infidels" toward any religions are basically the ones who do not comply with the laws and
religious beliefs of a religious denomination which has political power or not, therefore the
power of life and death, or not, over the individuals having a different view, or not, toward
cosmogony than their own. Religiosity takes away the freedom of the mind. To reach the stars
a race has to master knowledge and wisdom and to stay fidel to the natural principles; without
it is an impossibility to travel the cosmos in order to seeds some virgin planets with our genetic
pool like Noah did in his own time.

Ancient Egyptian High Priests were the holders of a very old knowledge that they passed on to
us in their own ways and according to their personality; from the behavioral perspective
(from that angle of seeing things), then the message become the medium and the High Priests
(the public) become the content since it is them, their personality and knowledge, who are in
their messages.

Killing other human beings is not part of the list of our basic needs; but affection is part of our
basic needs. Therefore it is not part of our fundamental nature to kill other human beings;
murdering, no matter if we made it legal or not, is a learned behavior. That learned behavior
become part of one of the mechanism of defence (as killing others for self-defence) related to
our basic need of protection as we grow older. We all know from there on it is the domino
effect that takes place usually for the worse since causality is total objectiveness. If to respond
to our basic need of protection we choose a mechanism of adaptation instead of a mechanism
of defence, thus of killing for self-defence, it would be to restrain and then re-educating the
human source whom start the conflict, and that will bring us back to fulfill our basic need for
affection. If we are too feeble to restraint what its threatening us then to adapt (using a
mechanism of adaptation) will be to move away from the source of frustration and try to
comprehend why someone want to hurt us, what is the stimulus behind his asocial behavior
and at least trying to do something to fix the problem in a social manner. We move away from
erupting volcanoes don’t we? The basic principles of adaptation toward volcanoes and human
volcanoes are the same, both are part of nature. There is no need to fight nature; we can go
along fine with nature by our knowledge of the natural principles and by using them with
wisdom. There is a big difference between a mechanism of defence and a mechanism of
adaptation. They are total opposite. Using a mechanism of defence is rationalizing toward self
and the environment, usually on the unconscious level, our asocial behaviors toward our
psyche and the environment; using a mechanism of adaptation is to consciously behave with
rationality with fundamental ethics in mind, it is part of being libidinous. It is the use of
mechanisms of adaptation that makes us to evolve, develops our mind, and to become socially
creative’s individuals; on the other hand overusing the mechanisms of defence leads us to
mental and social troubles.

Here is the rest of the story: The imbeciles see the mote in the eye of the righteous but are
blinded by the beam which blocks their view on reality, while the righteous seeing the beam in
the eye of the imbeciles also sees the mote in his own eye that he tries to remove with delicacy.
The Enneagram of life

The whole Universe trinus is composed of 3 fields of activities. These fields are:

1) The visible universe is composed of inert and living things,

2) The Invisible Universe, which is the Egosphere. She is the living mnemonic Ego of the
Universe. She is the primal living Trinity known by our scholars as the Dark Universe.

3) The logic of the Universe; it appear from the mechanism of energy, it is the “spirit of logic”;
it is composed of all the decisive and automatic laws needed to run the entire Universe. It is the
field of principles; that field runs both universes: the visible and invisible

The Enneagram of life:

A) The first trinus is composed of:

1) Matter; the organic form of life come from matter. 2) Organic form of life; which supports
the mental form of life in this physical dimension. 3) Spirit. The spirit of an individual is the
sum of his mental processes or activities (mind).

B) The second trinus is: the invisible universe, it is made of dark matter and dark energy.

The Egosphere is the invisible universe. This is the birth place of the mental entities (spiritual
entities), commonly called the spirit world.

The invisible universe is composed of:

1) The Egosphere which is its structure, its whole body.

2) The Egos, which are her products (children) and also the true residents.

3) The total of all intellectual activities occur there. In other words: “The spirits in the Spirit”,
all minds into one.

C) The third trinus is: the Trinity. The trinity is the bond that unites the visible part of the
universe to the invisible universe. The Egosphere is the trinity. She is the living mental body of
the universe.

The Trinity is composed of:

1) The logic; this is the supporting structure of the Egosphere. The logic fathers the Egosphere.

2) The Egosphere as an entity (Ego) who is the daughter of logic.

3) The spirit; which is the intellect of the Egosphere, which is all mental processes.

The Egosphere is the living memory of the Universe. She contains the sum of all mental
activity. She is the Universal mnemonic file. The Egosphere is multifunctional. Her different
functions are related to the different trinus in which she belongs. One of her function is to be
the Greek Medusa.

The Amerindian prophecies, in the form of songs tell us that the sign of the nine-pointed star is
a sign of greater unity. According to their beliefs, this sign will unite all religions, races and
Nations. All will be held in love and unity under the banner of the nine-pointed star. According
to Navajos religious beliefs, The Great Spirit is the wisdom and knowledge itself as a living
entity. That living entity provided the Navajo people their Holy beliefs in the form of songs.

Their cultural songs have survived the ages. It's an excellent way for the scriptures to be
stored. That way, their integrity is still untouched.

The Great Spirit is logic in all its forms (libido included) in one’s mind. Knowledge itself being
the memory of all things being stored, and wisdom being the logical process of it, therefore, the
Great Spirit is the Egosphere.

Aphrodite (the black Madonna) is the Great Spirit: the Spirit of love, wisdom and knowledge.

The use of the word "spirit" in biblical sentence as to be understand as "natural tendency" or
just "tendency"; also the word "impulse" (innate or acquired) can also be use to understand the
meaning "spirit" in a biblical sentence. An acquire impulse is a learned one being induced by
the behavioral method call: "conditioning". Because of causality the environment is a
conditioning factor.

A primal "Impulse"(the void vacuum phenomenon) was already there for the universe to exist
and before man invented the gods.

If the void vacuum phenomenon is been call the "devil" and the whole universe as "God" then
de devil existed before God was; and the devil (Ouranos) is one of God ancestors, Gaia being
the other one; therefore the “devil” is the primal “motivator” and Gaia the “motivated”.

For an individual to become a religious bigot and/or a cultural bigot require a cultural
environment that use the "conditioning method" to induce that "spirit" within the agnostical
part of that individual concerning Theism and/or nationalism. The “spirit of nationalism” and
the “religious spirit” are acquired impulses; as for “The spirit of God” is simply “the spirit of
logic” which is integral part of the natural principles as being their dynamics in the neutrality
of their objectiveness; “the spirit of God” is just an universal natural impulse made of energy
from the interactive association of Gaia (Yang) and Ouranos (Yin) which produce the natural

Science gives us proofs of what we cannot see, and from it we have faith of what we hope for.
Because of science we know that the whole universe is made of natural principles and we also
know that matter that can be seen is made of energy that cannot be seen. (Deconsecrating of
Hebrew 11.1-3).

"The soul has to be purified by the blood" means to evolve from Agnosticism to Gnosticism is
done throughout existence where man, "made of blood", shed his sweet and his blood before
attaining wisdom.

Humanity being represented by Jesus of Nazareth “crucifies” itself from its Agnosticism and
being “resurrected” after three days means coming from to be a “dead-mind” to be better
scholarized in secularism after knowing and understanding the math behind the Trinusial
principle (two opposites and the link, which can be found in the ancient primal mandalas). He!
What a nice riddle that was!

It is by trying to proven to Moschiach wrong the secular way that his opponents will proves
him to be righteous.

The Instinct

Our perception is limited to our sensory system and therefore, we have only a limited
awareness of why things are the way they are. The essence of the “things” is in is concrete
statutes, like genes are concrete statutes (or codes), and it is the natural everlasting laws that
rules matter which form those statutes (or codes). By studying those codes we are discovering
the natural laws. Genes are more than the eye perceives, not only they are 1) mnemonics
historical information; 2) Information of how to build a organism; 3) mnemonic pulsion
(instinct); but they are also compose of molecules and matters having their own concrete
statutes that indicates the presence of universal rules which can be easily study by anyone
being interested in the subject. “God” is not hiding! It is up to us to discover, by scientific
means, the universal natural principles.

Genes are mnemonic and cognitive in their instinctual form (innate mechanical knowledge);
they are past experiences and knowledge under their physical chemical appearance, and
producing impulses.

The instinct is an impulse from the genetic code that dictates any innate behavior for
individuals to follow, depending of the nature of the environmental stimulus in its various
forms, internal or external on the psyche.

An individual is a living being. Living beings come from different species. D.N.A. gives the
innate impulse called instinct as well as letting its needs known in the form of an Id. It's the
chief engineer that finds ways for everything organic to adapt to its environment.

The lessons learned, the knowledge being assimilated and stored into the minds of an
individual is also stored in a chemical form called the D.N.A. Memory is memory. The same
data can take more than one form, and it’s always updating.

Let's make some metaphysical laws about it: 1) Data can take various forms.

2) Data is the energy itself; therefore any form of data is a form of energy.

3) Instinct is data, D.N.A. data is the building block for all species, and therefore, data is also
the instinct of species in a chemical form.

4) Data is encoded by logic but is not necessary all logical environmental info, as the superego
can contain wrong data.

5) Wrong data came from consequences as adequate data is.

6) The function of data is for adaptation.

Data is encoded in the form of genetic codes in the genes and also in the superego meaning that
all living creature have their own ego. Living beings not only act on instinct, but they also have
feelings. Basic feelings come as sensations from the nervous system. That makes an individual
aware of himself through his senses. Feelings produce thoughts and reflection. Reflection is a
product of mental processes. Mental processes point out the presence of a mind.

A spirit (a soul) possesses his own mind. He can think and he can love. He also can be
subjective and he can make wrong decisions. Therefore living organisms differ from each other
by their form, their memory, their mental and physiological evolution, but not by the
engineering of their mental structure. That indicates that living beings have a psyche. That
psyches is made of the same mental structure for all living organisms that also includes the
same D.N.A. principle for all.

Metaphysical laws say:

1) The psyche of any living creature follows the same basic principle as DNA.

2) While any individual has his own free-will, he is being forced to comply with conditions
characterizing his species.

3) Conditions characterizing all species are results from causal conclusions (consequences).
Thus, it is not possible for a tree to run into the forest when a woodcutter comes his way as it is
out of the question for Aphrodite to be the creator of the whole Universe. Sir Darwin developed
the theory of the phenomenon of evolution. It included that genes are constantly changing,
adapting the body to the environment. As for procreation, whether in the form of seeds or
sperm, D.N.A. found in the semen or any form of seed is equipped naturally with the energy of
life. Energy of life can be zapped out by artificial means that will conserve a body a bit longer
because the decaying phenomenon is part of the energy of life in action. This is to say: the elixir
of eternal life is in the natural occurrence of death. Genes are passed on from generation to
generation. That's how the evolving species can be born in a changing environment. Things
learned by a generation are transmitted into the genes in a way that the next generation is
aware of this information. That is knowledge in its instinctive form.

What was learned behavior in one generation becomes innate behavior in the next. What is
innate is instinctive. Instinct is innate knowledge. That is why we act in a certain instinctive
way when facing some situations. Since anxiety is on the unconscious level of the personality, it
can be innate and/or an acquired mental state. Previous acquired mental states from previous
live are in the genes. Anxiety can become an instinctive reaction triggered by the environment.

The function of our genes its way more than to construct a body, it is also a safety apparatus
for our mental well being. Functional mental sickness appears when “the show is over”; when
false personal and social values within our superego fail, when the entourage moral support is
itself “wrong”. The cognitive process is blocked in their natural flow by too many paradoxes. It
is after the show is over that self-psychoanalysis takes place. It was no need of it during the
show. It is only when the stage (society) collapse, meaning it’s not helping, and the actors (us)
are getting hurt in the fall that is the time to wander why? And then to do the proper repairs
with the right tools, it is called atoning. The “now” to heal is when mental collapse occurs,
always, the other option is prevention. To get us out of our mental mess a sincere self-
psychoanalysis have to takes place. All we have to gives up is the wrong data being part of our
superego, that wrong data makes us to be mentally disturbed. Deep down, instinctively and
cognitively, we all know the truth, we have to face ourselves. There is no need of ripping
ourselves away from worldly pleasures, but only to change our attitude of how we get them
and how we use them, as we need them. We have the tendency to think to be princes in the
King's palace; the king would be our society and government. We think too often that our
society is the superhero that wills bails us out of any of our troubles...surprise! The news is that
we are the ones that make any forms of society what they are; so, it all starts with oneself.
Psychology and sociology complete each other. One cannot function properly without the
other. As for how the things are going now, we can see the king to be a fool, the princes to be
suckers and the whole think to be a sad joke; the leaches sucking our blood would be the
sociopaths. Our mind struggle to survive as our body does; they need health and sustenance.
There are two golden paths for health and food: schooling and the whole world. Without the
understanding of our schooling we destroy the Earth. When don't meet the expectations of our
psyche, our instinct try to intervene when we destroy ourselves, it try to help us find a way to
correct the situation, as for the instinct is the knowledge of previous generations. History
repeating itself under different forms is in our genes. All we have to do is to listen to common
sense instead of filling our tummy, and our bank account, without any farther thinking than
how we can possess more of the world’s sweets; and also filling our mind with any
questionable nonsense because it is part of some stupid aspects of our cultural pattern to do so.
Some pattern that defies logic has to be broken for the freedom of the mind.

"God" has no emotions or it will be subjective, emotions are trigger of mistakes, therefore
“God” can neither cry nor laugh since it has no feelings. The real “God” advocates are the
scientists minded individuals. Religious minded individuals are “God” opponents; they are
making religious rituals out of ancient scientific rituals.

The sum of one’s memories intermingling with the structures of logic supporting our
mnemonic capacities creates intelligence and self determination as by-products. Intelligence is
the ability to know and understand. It's a natural innate ability of living beings. Intelligence is
a resource that is available and which we are born with. The source of intelligence is:

1) At the gene level. Intelligence resides in the formation of our genes and the number of our
genes. All the hereditary characteristics of a species are in the genes.

2) At the mind level. It is our natural sense of wisdom being acquired during previous lives.

-The link)- In this part of the universe , meaning the physical part, is the psyche which is the
link between “1” and “2”, meaning, the psyche is the amalgamation of both in one single living

To push the limits of our intelligence is a question of willingness, mind willingness that is. Our
innate curiosity, when not frustrated by our direct environment, gives us the opportunity to
develop our intelligence by new aport of knowledge. The mind (each one of us) is curious and
the brain follows the lead of the mind; our body which is, as we already know, under the
command of the mind develops a particular set of proteins which are the concrete link between
curiosity and intelligence. Even under environmental pressure, like cultural pressure, it is
nevertheless us, as minded individuals, who choose to be curious or not thus more intelligent or
not than we were previously in order to evolve adequately in the frame of general evolution. If
not we will become extinct.

Genes are like a kind of writing that informs the body of ways in which to react in order to
adapt to its environment. To adapt is in the biological transformation of the body and on the
level of the psyche (the place of all mental and biological activities) which is us as the whole:
body and mind. Unadapted individuals have a disturbed psyche. Character and biological
disorders come from wrong data. They can be at the D.N.A. level or/and at the superego level.
The superego is part of the mind.

Initially, at birth, intelligence is not acquired, it is innate, during evolution of the mind and the
body, a constant flow of data is transmitted into the genes. Some data is incorrect and some
data is correct. The correct data becomes a part of our intelligence only if it’s in unison with
logic itself to produce wisdom. The wrong data, which is inadequate for evolution, will create
disorder in the psyche.

Intelligence is an innate faculty passed from generation to generation and it serves as a

support for its own development, for its own evolution.

“And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and
all craftsmanship,” (Exodus 31:3)

“Whoever ignores instruction despises himself, but he who listens to reproof gains intelligence.”
(Proverbs 15:32)

Scholars confirmed that all cognition is based on movement. Movement is forces in action:
energy. Mental energy and physical energy is the same energy travelling in different fields.

Cognition is like an psyche fluvial system were the flow of energy (external stimulus) coming
from the environmental sea of information quench the thirst of the various banks of our mind
for letting grow the plants of intelligence (intellectual aptitudes) that produce the flowers of the
intellect (to understand, formation of concepts).

Cognition is the sum of the processes from which the psyche of an individual acquires internal
and external information (data). It is from a healthy cognitive process (channeling, filling and
retrieving information) that greatest intellectual minds can occur. A greatest intellect being the
natural (automatic) faculty of understanding and creating concepts; one intellectuality is
dependant of one healthy cognition. Our senses (taste, seeing, hearing etc...)Is the conscious
part of the beginning of our cognitive process.

Jewish Rebbe’s says that for those serious and caring persons with the desire to learn more
about themselves, the path of meditation is a very positive and effective path for personal and
intellectual (spiritual) growth. They are talking about psychology. They says that the
knowledge contain in the theoretical Kabbalah is a practical one that deal with reality. They
also say that the “science of consciousness” (psychoanalysis) is really at the heart of Torah,
Talmud, and Kabbalah. According to them, all the aspect of Kabbalah has not been adequately
explored, physical and psychological sciences are empowering the Kabbalah and humanity as
a consequence.

Well! It cannot be clearer than that! Right there they are reconciling the Irreconcilable:
sciences and their religion. Since Christianity and Islam are bastardized sayings of the Torah,
then those two “religious faiths” are indeed teaching a very poor imitations of reality were
scientific knowledge come from, consequently they has not mentally empowered they followers
as the Torah does empower the Jewish mind.

It seems the Catholic Pope is less qualified for the job of solving and reconciling certain mental
problems than Sigmund Freud was! Since all the Popes are considered “saints”, is that makes
Sigmund Freud the most humble of all the Saints? ...Because he is unknown as such? If we
reconcile some (and “some” only) of the sayings of the Vatican with the reality of things, then it
is the greater minds who are the greatest saints! According to our extrapolations from there
on, from what Sigmund Freud teaches us, it seems that it is the greatest Catholics martyrs that
were the greatest masochists! Therefore in the Catholics point of view, to be a masochist is to
be a saint. Are scientists masochists because their abnegation leads humanity in the field of
knowledge? Of course not! Among the most accomplished of them there are the ones who are
self-conscious of what the reality of the harmony of life is made of: Libido interacting with the
universal principles that rules matter. That what the essence of Freud teaching is all about.
Freud is not as appreciated as he shall be. He keeps some secrets for himself; he had a fair
concept of what “God” was all about! Freud was a messiah of science; it takes an
extraordinarily secure and open minded individual to see that the times were not ripe to unveil
what was really on the back of his mind. Freud graciously accept the idea that we were not yet
intellectually qualified to comprehend the totality of job he has taken on, he destroyed the most
illuminating part of his work, that is a historical fact.

For Islamic and Catholics alike, to “swallow” this sort of concept coming from outside of their
field of expertise will be the starting point of great turmoil. In spite of their best intentions and
efforts to keep “God” in is unrightfully place they finally will yield to reality.

For the people of the human race to gain the realistic dimensional view of themselves they have
to realize they can gain that empowering overview by their own efforts to understand the
simple essence of logic: all forms of creation are united by the same energy, that is the ultimate
unity; to try to break away from that unity brings, by causality “disciplinary measures” or
stimulus, to keep the functionality of that unity. It is all automatic (natural); it is call evolution.
Evolution can only occur if a moronic state of things are present, which will be always the case
as creation is a continues process.

Meditation is our reflection toward an external subject or inward directed toward ourselves;
meditation, depending where we direct our mind, does address worldly concerns directly or
self-psychological concern directly. Meditation base on scientific data does offer explicit real-
world, problem solving insight because it can cover those two fields: psychological and social,
social psychology is psychology of the mass. By meditation, simply put: to think and to
concentrates our thoughts about it, great discoveries were made.

The scholars Jews, in their own words, are saying that the Kabbalah which empowers human
mind concern reality and is not only inner-directed but also outer-directed, and to be in
intelligence with the universe is to comprehend is rationality which gives sense to its own
presence, then in connivance with is techniques it is up to us to act accordingly for our well-
being. Well!...Nothing wrong with that!

This is purely a scientifical matter, no religiosity in those saying! Can the common Jews
understand what their “illuminates” Rebbe’s are saying? Thanks to Moses, they secretly (or
unconsciously) saying that the concept of God is the concept of what science are. Some of them
have some common points with some secretive aspects of Freud...

The capacity of man to act as a redeeming force for himself, (as being capable of self-atoning)
from being a moron to be a genius, is in his psyche that able him, with time, to fully actualize
his potentials. The actualization of the “genius-spark” (the Jews called it the “Moshiach-spark”)
within every potential of each individual requires first that he realize he is a moron with the
potential to be a genius, and humility is required to reach that point.

Man got frustrated from the inner feeling over not being able yet to live up to all his potentials.
There are mental blockages somewhere slowing down the flow of cognition. Man knows that
he is part of nature, (it is so obvious!) but he is still incapable of revealing to himself why he is
present. This frustration over not being able to actualize his inner “genius-spark” that would
tell him that secret of nature troubles him deeply and produces a chronic anxiety that he
banish to the dungeon of his unconscious; it is an existential anxiety.

Basic needs for survival allows people to subjectively have a naturally purpose to their life,
usually it is for personal reasons at first (“needs” at first, then “wants” at second), then it evolve
to socials reasons under the libidinous feeling. Being sensitized by life experience, as an
individual grow older he generally rectified his egocentric views; he may see the rest of
humanity in its sad realities as being mostly ambivalent between been egoistic or humanistic.
Or a person heightens his consciousness in regard of being part of nature, and so it’s
everything else, or he let go hopes, and experiences the feeling of helplessness. Emotions
enables people to be passionate, if one's do not lost hope in the field of his passions (innate
mental taste for a subject of interest), he may, troughs logical reasoning, find his “genius
spark” concerning his innate field of interest that belong to his social and personal “meanings
of his life”. The “genius spark” is a catalyser, it intensifies individual yearning for world
harmony and affect directly any his personal actions for a social betterness around him. His
see individual life's as having their own natural purpose in the scheme of social harmony
between forms of life, and the urgency of everyone to follow their own natural path toward
that goal. The edges of bitterness erases themselves more and more as an individual natural
tendencies to achieve his social task is more and more satisfied; this is plain common sense, we
all feel it.

As mnemonic living units (souls) being composes of different facets of one whole personality,
we embody layers of potential. In a life time we cannot exhausts them all but we can actualizes
some of them depending the contexts we are in; so there is no need to be afraid to experience
boringness as we grow older. The “genius spark” render our conscious intellect (consciousness)
to become more powerful as we can tap with open eyes in the cognitive aspect of the mind that
keep extrapolating data by itself allowing us to foresee events and unveiling truths; some
people may called it: “ESP”, but “common sense” would be the appropriated word. Mind
progressiveness is a non stopping process, toward mental sickness or toward “genius sparks”.
Secularism and being a humanist gives us the ability to deepen our relationship with nature,
and to discover more of the secrets of nature. Human-made anomalies or what we consider as
nature anomalies are always “happenings” under causal laws; nature obeying its own laws.
Genius sparks has to shine soon or later in each individual, if not on this life, then on the next
one and so on. It is a natural part of the process of evolution. Everyone is allowed to merit his
candy; time is of no concern (relativity of time) except for oneself.

Since we are part of the animal kingdom then all the animals have the same basic needs than
we have and the same psychological troubles than we do.

To judge with fairness is the function of the natural principles in their objectivity, this is why
all nations will come to them.

He who seeks for knowledge will find it, and he who seeks for a living god won’t find it since he
does not exist; therefore it cannot be understand as it is a paradox. Rationalizing is to find
excuses for not being righteous, as to be righteous is for an individual to use reason base on
reality, therefore “Theism” is to believe that a paradox is alive and therefore is to think outside
the borders of reason, the intellect going nowhere and bigots rationalizing by saying: “God is a
mystery outside man comprehension”.
The funny part about the Jewish’s and their faith is that they are saying that whoever
interprets the Torah to change the plain sense of the commandments, is surely an impostor, a
wicked man, and a heretic individual; but on the other hand they creates a paradoxes by
saying that plenty of expressions are allegories, and when Moschiach will come we will all
know what plenty of allegory is all about and what allusions to what concepts are indicated in
their beloved Torah (the five books of Moses).

In the primal Trinus (representing God) the only common denominator that bridges (that
links) the gap between the finite (Gaia) and the infinite (Ouranos) for man to be in total
relation with the universe (thus to be “one” with it) by understanding it is: the natural
principles; and since they are made of light then it is basic common sense to say: they are
enlighten us! The primal Trinus which contain duality (God for the believers) is the seed of the
universe, and everything is an evolving “image” of it.

God's Words

Today religious teaching, far away from primal myths, is a poor indoctrination of social
politic under “God's” name, fooling the fools who need to be fooled, rather than an historical
accuracy of physical character (see physics and astrophysics) concerning genesis. Also, today’s
religions, rather than be an accurate sociopsychological assessments of human history are
more concerned about historical bigotries. Primal religions where also concerned with the
psychoanalysis of the individual as part of the general evolutionary process. This research is
also concerned about the phenomenon of cultural divergence within humanity having for
common base: our actual religions coming from man misunderstanding of the primal
religions. Primal religions as well as primal mythologies, like Greek mythology, were
composed of riddles and metaphors concerning many aspects of reality where ancient’s gods
(and some present gods for that matter) are fading into nature ways. Primal religions,
philosophies, and myths were being, from day one, the representation of nature ways in its
material, quantic, and psychological process.

The riddles that are in the Torah are statements having double and more veiled meaning
leading to questions; they put forth as a puzzle to be solved: the whole universe! Riddles-
enigmas in the Torah are problems expressed in metaphorical and allegorical language that
require our ingenuity and careful thinking base on our actual scientific knowledge for us to
find their solution. “I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will solve my riddle to the music of the
lyre” (music of the lyre produce “hf” as pre-cognitive waves of energy) (Psalm 49:4). “To
understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles.” (Proverbs 1:6).
“God's words” in the Torah are made up riddles by the Grand Priests and ancient prophets;
those riddles are of scientific nature.

Mass (or matter) are “God Words” = Nature Words; and “hf” leads to Cognition; “hf” being
waves of energy that forms masses and being release from masses leads to cognition. Mass has
a form, the same principle of form that when we are talking, pronouncing words, than nature
words is the whole universe talking to us in every form of energy. That makes the universe a
political and incorporeal leader of the mind under is physical appearance, as well as a
blacksmith and an artisan, in is mundane form.

That's make the messianic idea to be part of any secular humanistic teaching, secular-
humanist teachers are Messiahs. One “Messiah” fitting the Jews profile will be chosen among
them as a secular “Sage”. This is not something so beyond the realm of human understanding
to make such a big fuss about it. The issue of Judaism is that the Jews find themselves lacking
true freedom of reasoning due to their religious concern. The Jews ideas of their messiah as
“God” messenger in a form of a superscholarize religious man about the affairs of “god” are so
prevalent and perplex them so deeply that they cannot see that anyone of the gauge of Einstein
can be “The” Messiah even if he has no idea how to make a cherry pie. The human mind is such
a matter of concern!

Even if the Jews are saying that “A” Moshiach is one born to every generation, they still cannot
figure out why...They still cannot figure out that technology, world communication, scientific
knowledge, and political freedom are part of letting secularism telling the truth; therefore
Messiah will be a secularist taking the realistic approach, and not belonging to any religion.
Anyone who bothers to read and properly understand “Nature words” as to what qualities
their “Moshiach” that he must possess, can easily see that libido is part of the logic of things
and therefore, their Messiah is part of it as possessing that understanding.

Religious fanatics are not careful about their mind sanity. They will find themselves “mind-
broken”, psychotics, trying to create a new “religion” from secularism but putting “god” in
charge in their middle-age “wants” for praying to a non-existent god. “Mind-dead” people, In
their obsession about “man being made as god image”, projecting themselves in what god shall
be, are bordering very closely on self-idolatry when they are adoring an non-existent god over
nature. “Mind-self-redemption” is self-explanatory, and it’s the basic Jewish beliefs in the unity
of human kind with nature, and it ranks together with the Jews also believing in the coming of
a Moshiach that will “open their eyes” concerning that fact. This is why “Moshiach” is so
integral to the Jewish belief system. It is like Einstein is integral of the belief system that says
we can make an atomic bomb. In a humoristic sense “Moshiach” will be a “blast”! Without the
“Messianic Era” where millenniums old secular scientific information hiding in the Torah will
be finally revealed, the Jewish faith would be missing a crucial element.

The origin of what is in the Torah came from universal rules discovered, ions ago, by man.
Rewards and punishments under causal laws is integral part of the Torah. The causal
principles make perfect sense as Sir Isaac Newton discovered not that long ago. If there was no
anticipation of consequence there would be no reason to believe in any of humanity scientific
findings. The Torah is a human description of nature along with the history of the Jews under
the aspect of a mind-game called “metaphors to be unveils”. To have faith in a god is puzzling,
to have faith in nature is not; “metaphors” is the link. The truth proclaimed by the Torah is true
only when the metaphorical veil is lifted. This present situation of ridiculous “religiousness”
cannot continue forever since any universal puzzle is made to be resolve. We will laugh at
ourselves...after crying a bit. Nature reacts, it is causality that orchestrated things, and it is
pure “non-thinking” reflexes. We are the only, benevolent or not, creators of our technologies.
Every single human being believe that through studying secular science and observing the
principles of nature makes our “open eyes” connection with nature to be stronger, that would
makes us to serve the environment better for the environment to serves us better in return, this
is just plain common sense, any gardener will say the same thing! Serve nature and nature
will serve you back. Whatever we serve nature with will always come back to us with interests;
so be careful. These are so self-evident truths! To believe in the above is to believe in nature,
pagans try to tell us that for millenniums...Life-force it’s a force of its own but came from
nature in the “hf” form. Nature presence was never concealed from us, neither its ways.
Amazingly enough man has the primal moronic ability to deny the existence of its own creator:
nature, for the profit of his physical little mightiness self-projection into a god-creator. This is
“kid play”, showing makes believe muscles; and this situation cannot last forever as we grow
smatter. The Torah was mend to develops our “genius-spark” by leading morons, by
metaphors, to self-believe in a mister-all-muscles god that makes no sense whatsoever until we
discover the keys of the puzzle: our sciences does it, and so is the farmer who takes good care of
his potatoes field. The Jewish Moshiach is so essential to Jewish philosophy because Jewish
religion is a secular science to be discovered (or unveil) as such by a non-religious but secular-
libidinous minded individual. The Messiah is a natural occurrence that never defies logic, from
day one, and that has to come to term. Even the Jews themselves are saying that “until
Moshiach comes, Judaism is simply a “religion,” seemingly relegated to its houses of worship,
and the truths in the Torah will be as self-evident as the laws of gravity and mathematics”; do
they realize what they are saying? They are saying the Torah is a secular science under the veil
of religion! They are also saying that; “The belief in Moshiach is our belief in the supreme truth
in the Torah, and by living in “messianic” mode is inculcating within ourselves the realization
that Torah is not a “religion,” it is actually reality” ...something of cognitive matter. Do they
really understand what they are saying? They basically are saying that their religion is all
about scientific information concerning reality!

Here is the lifting of a part of the veil made of hermeticism that separates science and
religions: between the light of the universal rules as the rules are made of light and the
darkness of the void forms of life is the grey area. Where logic and ethics shakes hands is for us
to realize that there was never any obligation to love anyone, nevertheless there is a logic, as
universal rule, that says it is better to find common logical ground for the benefit of all in order
for us to go along with each others; in short term that would stop us for having conflicts
leading to wars, and in long term that will open the doors to our consciousness of the presence
of libido. It is called real diplomacy from wisdom, leading to world harmony. Who produces
logical thoughts to find the wisdom to avoid conflicts elevates is mind to the infinity of life and
as he search to protect life he will find libido; on the other hand who produces the thought
that's goes to the richness of the ground, by attaching itself to the ground will die (mental
sickness) in that ground as the ground is not life. Dying thoughts cannot live forever; dead
thoughts making room for lively thoughts open the gates of cognition. Our body is a mass that
belong to the ground; our body is finite, and it takes from the ground what belong to the mass;
and the ground in return takes back what belongs to it, it is part of the universe mechanics.
Our mind is infinite and it takes from the mass what belong to the mind, living to the ground
what's belongs to the ground. The quantity of any mass is less importance to the infinity of the
mind than the quality that the mass contain, as the mind; as a soul is naturally due to depart
from the ground, and to leave to the ground the parts of the psyche that belongs to the ground.
However, libido being libido, nothing but ourselves can't stop us for our mind to enjoys, and
play, with the products of nature, to make discoveries (sex included) via our body and our
senses. Punishing our body for nature to have equipped it with a sensory system is self sado-
masochism from a disturbed mind, an insult to nature.

Faith to be truthful in “god's words” has to be backed up by scientific evidence; we find

naturals laws by experimentation. It is facts and our use of logic for adequate reasoning that's
make personal belief to be a conscious knowledgeable response to the teaching of the universe.
Daily decisions, to be valid in the eye of harmony has to be adjusted with natural laws, it is
common sense! In the universe, all is evidence of the writings of the universal laws; matter
interactions is the concrete support all concepts created by energy. By not grasping that
natural law that says: all natural laws are valid for the mind as well as for matter, only the
simple suffers in their mind and are dying in the void of despair. The mind being resurrected
from the dead (the dead end of the void in its infinity) applied self-atonement for one to reveal
himself to himself. One have to mentally die in order to purify his mind from the stains of
illogism in order to reach the mental state of harmony (also called the spiritual state where one
is one with “God”) which is to understand that logic and libido completes each other. Only the
simple are mourning upon themselves the loss of their loves ones, it is human. Following
atonement, where one rise from the dead, self-forgiveness for having being stupid puts us on
the track of higher (more natural) spiritual (mental) level of consciousness.

Sins are stupid’s moves; natural level of consciousness of who we are and what the universe is
what makes us to creates “natural moves” or unsinful acts which are socio-psychologically
harmonious actions. All we have to do is to understand that “god's sayings” is the natural laws,
the natural principles. Instant after instant the void of our mind is dying in the void of
nothingness for our mental torments to be healed by the presence of the natural laws. Our
language can say the same thing than the language of the universe; our words can be as the
word of the universe as the universe teaches them to us. The universe teaches us in its own
words the will of logic. Amazingly, suffering provides the necessary help that bring about
chains of events leading to mind evolution, leading to social harmonious evolution. Each of us
carries the guilt of all to be stupid enough to put ourselves in plenty of situations where we
suffer from it; doing so, we suffer for us and we suffer for the people, as we are one. Although
one may had done no violence during his lifetime, or neither was any deceit in his ways, one
need to experience that stupidity can lead to pain (and not to like it) for our mind to prosper in
the hands of the universal laws, made of “god's words”. An object, as “god’s word”, like a
hydrogen bomb, is very powerful; god's words can destroy or heal, it is our choice, they are
within our reach to do with them what pleases us. There is nothing wrong to make any kind of
theory about any subject of interest as long we are using the scientifical approach to find out if
a theory has any kind of validity or not. Christianity theorizes and pontificates it knows the
truth about the universe by skipping the scientific method, that's the easy-lazy way for fooling
ourselves that we succeed to plug-up the hole of agnosticism by that moronical behavior.
Gnostism mean knowledge and knowledge implies the scientific approach.

Religious bigots cannot grasp the fact that for Moschiach to be righteous he has to understand
some basic concepts relevant to the field of psychology and apply them; it is a secular learning
process where ones base the rightfulness of some concepts of psychology with plain down to
Earth common sense. Therefore Moschiach has to be a libidinous man of some secular
knowledge without being a divine walking encyclopaedia. To answer the question if Moshiach
will be a man or a woman, the answer is simple: it is the Jews who will choose their
Moschiach, and not the other way around; and we already know that they will choose a man.

The Fluvial Aspect of Cognition

As it is written somewhere in the Jewish scriptures, the High Priests of Israel to illustrated how
mighty their God is (their science is) make a mixture of lime, sulphur and napalm, placed that
mixture under an altar made of twelve’s rocks, put some woods on it and purr three times
water on the altar; the chemical reaction make it so that the altar burst into flame proving that
their God (science) can put water into fire. In those time chemistry was called “magic” and any
chemistry reaction was called “the magic of God”. The use of magic was made of plenty of
chemical reactions and also the secret (being called “sacred”) uses of principles of physics. In
ancient times the Israel High Priests called the magic of nature, or nature self-interaction
(included man manipulation of nature physical and chemical constituents) "the magic of God"
and their knowledge of chemistry, physics and also humanities: "God science"; the ways of
nature become "Gods ways".

The Admiral Piri Reis whose real name is “Piri Ibn Haji Memmed ", was a Turk who said that
some twenty very ancient maps were used as his compilation sources of data, and those maps
were from Alexander the Great times and even earlier. Piri Reis was a good compiler and
copyist, and he did not know the identity of the originals cartographers of the older maps
dating back from the fourth century BC-C, and even before. What we call today "The map of
Piri Reis’ is a certified ancient map that has become famous. This map poses problems for
many scientists who accept only their cultural reality, and not the naked reality, and doing so
they jammed the break on their intellectual cognitive locomotion. It was in 1929, which was
found in Constantinople an incomplete map, dated 1513. This map shows South America and
Africa on the correct longitudes, but in the sixteenth century the cartographic knowledge was
minimal and it was unknown how to calculate longitude. This map represents part of
Antarctica that has been officially discovered in 1818 and which is covered with ice for at least
10 000 years! Therefore, the original map was drawn when Antarctica was not covered with
ice. Considering that the official version on the development of the first known civilizations
have occurred long after that date, it is paradoxical to deny the existence of this map because
one's want to denies the existence of a civilization very far advanced at least ten thousand
years ago. Nonetheless the conclusion of Professor Hapgood that are found in his book "Maps
of the ancient sea kings" in 1966, are that this old map was drawn up by an unknown
civilization, and then passed on to other civilizations such as the Cretan in the time of Minos
and the Phoenicians (during biblical times). Professor Hapgood had the support of Albert
Einstein, creator of the theory of relativity of time.

Sigmund Freud did his best to let us know that cognition, which is the sum of the different flows
of information’s reaching our mind, is what gives us our conscious and unconscious awareness
of what going on internally and externally. Our psyche is entirely made of different cognitive
bundles of information’s: data. According to Freud, to get rid of our neurotics behaviors we
have to rectify certain aspects of our perception of reality in our mind by knowing, by the use
of logic in psychoanalysis sessions, were lays the wrong data and what their are made of (like
religiosity) to find peace of mind. It is how we perceive a cognitive data that makes us to
produce a specific attitude toward reality, or more specifically toward the event producing
that data; and mental attitudes can only base themselves on two different mnemonic sources:
1) the superego; 2) the instinct, or bank of mnemonic data in its genetic form, where physical
and quantic data bundle up together in a chemical form.

Without self-analysis in order to face the responsible data that makes us to produce
consciously paradoxical ideas, we are doom, for a unknown period of time, to fall into the
“divine nothingness” where we give up our own personality in the hands of faith for a better
future made of tall tales. That is to give up the treasure of what our mind is, in the face of
adversity, by refusing to use the natural potentials of our mind.

Jewish Rebbe's are talking about a state of consciousness by the constant flows of cognitive
life-force (energy) in which one experiences “binah”, or rationality, and not to give up of what
“binah” can offer us in order to experiences “chochmah”, or insight.

Cognition itself is an automatism, a natural happening. A cognitive attitude is: 1) our

perception of reality; 2) to accept or not to process in our conscious level certain information’s.
The rejected information’s (or data) are directed to the unconscious level of our memory for
further references, but they are still playing a role in the processes of the unconscious mind.

“Blind sight” is the word used by some scientific circles to indicate that the mind shows signs of
being aware of the existence of objects in a surrounding were a blind individual is placed.

The cognitive presence of those objects does get processed and processes in regions of the
brain, which is beyond conscious recognition since the blind cannot see them; this is of course,
unless those objects are making noise, and producing a smell, it is all a question of an
emanation of waves of energy affecting the psyche. Or the conscious mind is aware of it, or it is
only the unconscious mind that is aware of it. The point is that cognition never get stop on its
tracks by any wall of any kind, it is a constant flow of data in is energy form that constantly
affect the psyche.

Even when there is a presence of cognitive dissonance, like to be blind with regard to our
awareness of our environment, where our conscious mind is unable to absorb the reality of
objects by not seeing them, cognition nevertheless resume its fluvial course. Flashes of “blind
sight” coming from our unconscious mind to our conscious mind demonstrate that we are
indeed aware of our surrounding without the help of our regular (or normal) sensorial
perceiving. For our mind be able to apprehend the reality of objects without the sensory system
indicates that our mind can, does and continue apprehending the truthfulness of things in the
unconscious levels of our memory. The “blind sight” phenomenon is an instinctual fluvial
cognitive process of information’s in the unconscious level of our mind.

It does not really takes great effort to understand that it is the existence of fluvial interacting
energy (hf = E) that sustain the evolution of the whole universe, and indeed life cannot exists
without the presence of the fluviality of cognition. Sigmund Freud handled us the much needed
keys to understand what the soul (the mind) is, and, by self-psychoanalysis, how to get in touch
with our true mental (spiritual) consciousness that lays dormant in the dungeons of our

Since cognition is made of rivers of energy (moving forces) we can easily see that it is the same
wrapping of time that forms cosmic objects, from galaxies to suns and planets, which in its
fractality produces life and cognition. Therefore cognition is a river of time. Far fetch?
Absolutely not! It takes the void of gravity for the rivers of time to expand the universe and our
mind. We will study that fact later on. Have faith on science. Freud and Einstein studied the
same processes of energy in two different field which are related by the same cognitive aspect;
in quantic theory and electricity it is called the hertzien waves from the sea of energy
fractalizing themselves and bundling up to forms matter and leading on to the formation of life
and psyche; also the relativity of time is part of it. It is that same fractality that produce the
various rivers of time that become cognitive resources for our mind. The universe is a puzzle
made of the same energy. All we have to do is to assemble the pieces that fit together to see the
whole picture. By the way, it is only fair to mention that the “blind sight” phenomenon and the
“Messianic smell” mechanism of adaptation, is the same phenomenon being approach from
two different angles of view.

Without the scientific approach, which leads to psychology, we would be hitting our fingers
with the hammer thinking that is the proper way the built a house; metaphorically speaking
this is exactly what we do when we invents ways to induce wars, and making wars, instead of
building a home for humanity from the Earth that houses us and offering us, free of charge, all
the goods required to do just that.

A psychiatrist who believes in God is a person having mental troubles concerning reason on
the top to be affected with infantilism.

The ones we kill are the ones whom tell us we do something fundamentally wrong.

There is no existing need to kill but there is the presence of a fundamental need to care.

Who choose to kill destroys his own mind.


We were born because at the pre-beginning two primal singularities opposite to each others,
and of physical properties, were there and created the universe. From there on, after few
physical and chemical processes that created our psyche, as self-determinate mnemonic
segments of the universe we are in our own. All we can do is our best to adapt to who we are,
to the social human environment and to the natural environment; that is our meaning. Simple
isn't it? Yes! So, why we are making so much fuzz about cultural differences? Because we like to
act bloody stupid? All is require to better adapt is to be united with all our difference to
produce an amazing diversified world were harmony will be that each of us will be taking
advantage of our difference to be useful to the whole, which translate to be useful to oneself by
being integral part of the whole when adapting to the general evolutionary process. It cannot
be that complicated! Are we still a bunch of morons? Hmm?

Hatred is part of the junky side of man mental behavior; the same as gold is one of the junky
part of the universal principles as any form of matter is. Racing for the possession of gold for
selfish means is to want to possess unethically a part of the junk of the universe for the benefit
of man folly. Hatred is part of human folly. Under the constant pressure of human folly the
feeblest stumble, and when the desire to adapt over and over again is gone, when we think it
would be vain to expect for ourselves any more fulfillment, when all confidence to be of any use
for anything, anyone, and oneself is gone, when we cannot perceive any more possible solution
to our problems, when our mind becoming despondent rejects the spirit of life, then the only
expectation an individual is left with is that the bleak of the depth of despair will cover him
with its dark blanket were mind oblivion will be part of the wind that has no memory.;
madness and death are around the corner.

Let's define what the specific branch of hate toward others from the tree of hatred is. Hatred is
as much curable as humanity folly is curable; knowledge and wisdom from the part of ethical
psychoanalysts would help. The mental pain of hatred (intense feelings of dislike) will last as
long one unwillingness of comprehending the source of hatred itself remains. Sigmund Freud
defined hate as an ego state that wishes to destroy the source of its unhappiness. The concrete
evidence of that ego state is in the hostile behavior of the one who hatred against the hatred
objects of interest which he is confronted with.

What really is behind the source of unhappiness? Answer: Oneself! Effectively, at first, we
must understand that hatred leads only to a cognitive dead-end; but to study what the
phenomenon of hate is all about is more of a creative way of thinking were cognition will flow
freely. Dead ends in the mind give pain, and free cognitive flow heal the mind.

Transcending hate to comprehend hate is to look at our attitudes were we are lacking logic.
Simply put in a popular way: we screw ourselves up by putting ourselves in screw-up
situations under our self determination to do so. Then we blame others for putting us in screw
up situations. This is egotism rationalizing its own selfishness by its lack of rationality to start
with! We blame our poor judgments on others, and then we hate them. Criminals hate justice
and the laws representatives; psychologists do not hate criminals. Psychiatrists and
psychologists try to understand were the flow of cognition is staling by the raising of a mental
barrier, in an individual. They try to find its source in the patient (that individual experiencing
that mental pain) superego, and how to eradicate that mental barrier that torture the mind. It
is logic to loves love, but is illogic to love hatred, it is sadistical, and that is a dead end! To
understand why hatred is there open new horizons to heal the mind. Hatred is a mental
barrier made of incomprehension in someone mind; it is as simple as that. We can call it the
paradoxical mental barrier. Incomprehension it’s made of paradoxes.

The emotion we experience when we hate is the “splash” of the cognitive river against that
mental wall, it can produce headaches. It is not “a” mental wall in only one specific area of the
mind, but it is a fractalized mental wall blocking all the bypass was cognition can flow. The
mind affecting the brain, and vise versa, that “splash” can be register as it produces a distinct
pattern of brain increasing activity in some region of the brain, and being under neurologists
scrupulous investigation using MRI procedure.

From the chapter “Rulers and Prophets Denounced” a passage (Micah 3:5 to 3:7) defines the
phenomenon of the natural consequences of hatred coming from the leadership level:

“Thus says (behaves) the Lord (nature) concerning the prophets who lead my people astray,
who cry “Peace” when they have something to eat, but declare war against him (nature) who
puts nothing into their mouths. Therefore it shall be night (lack of comprehension) to you,
without vision (not understanding statistics, nor transcending), and darkness to you (to your
mind), without divination (incapable to extrapolates properly). The sun shall go down on the
prophets (being socially rejected as quacks), and the day shall be black over them (being in
social disgrace); the seers (second sight) shall be disgraced (untruth, false), and the diviners
put to shame; they shall all cover their lips (shut their mouth), for there is no answer from God
(knowledge of the logic of nature)”. (Micah 3:5 to 3:7).

The whole chapter of “job 33” concerns psychiatric or psychological helps for one not to fall
(and to be retrieve) from the pit of mental illness that hatred or moronic state can lead an
individual to. We just have to replace the word “god” by “nature”, and keeping causality in

When the spirit of science (meaning understanding that the universal processes affect equally
matter, life and mind) will come upon us we shall rest our mind upon that knowledge. In that
period (messianic era), our mind will allow greater passage to the flows of cognition for the
“spirit of the respect (or fear) of nature” to be the truth from which we will self-dictates our
behaviors. Then, as it is written in the Torah: “The wolf (psychopath) will dwell with the lamb

Universal laws are never in danger of being shattered nor destroyed by us; they are the
greatest united front that nothing can surpass. Their goals are pure automatism and they are
pleading for nothing as they are not living beings, nor issue from a living soul; on the
contrary, they are the ones that create living souls, natural laws cannot loves or hatred. We
are the sad and tragic minds that constantly created atmosphere of hatred and hostility in
their name, their sum being called “God”. Is the saying: “Do not use my name in vain” rings
any bells? Moronic religious human being are using different tactics, some worse than other,
to spread out their gospels and to silence the opposition of reason. The hatred they have
generated throughout the ages and the division they have caused among the human race is
beyond description. Intimidating and terrorizing by various means those who don't accept
their crazy philosophy, they brainwash the feeble minds with strange ideologies that have
caused a big part of humanity to rebel against the universal rules and science discoveries.
Rebelling against reason is the very cause of “mind Golus” meaning to exile ourselves from our
own mind in order to add darkness to our mental troubles. Plenty of religious philosophies are
havens of hatred against science. Science is the one that know some of the “words of god's” and
“god's sayings”. To bring the universal laws into heart is to find true peace and harmony.
Moderation is wisdom since harmony combines the needs of the opposites, as body and soul in
one psyche, in a balance manner. For us not taking anything to its extreme, and living room
for understanding, then hatred does not have a breeding ground.

The religious minded individuals will take as personal injures and injures to their man-made-
potato-god the truth coming out the mouth of the Moshiach, and they will hate him. Some
bigots on high places will keep silent from fear while others will hasten their death and will
take others with them, and blaming Moshiach for it (that why Moshiach garments are getting
metaphorically red of blood); some of them from “dry bones” (as dead-mind) will come alive as
they will literally see the truth in the light.

Our biological body is a revolving door between the dark universe and the physical universe;
the birth of our body send us here and the death of the body send us back were we come from:
the dark universe. One ancient statement of that fact was symbolized by the ancient Egyptians
whom were making out of stone "doors to the afterlife", to be placed in some tombs of high
rank officials, and representing that part of the psyche (thus the body as a door) lying in its
last resting place.

Hitler used the Jews as scapegoats, Mohammad simply hatred them; the Jews hates no one,
but their vanity, in hiding under their sober garments, of being the “chosen ones” blind their
mind from reason.

Reason is what gives us the ability to prophesizes.

Knowledge elevates our mind, but wisdom humbles us.


Hiding in plain sight the unified field’s theory is in the Torah, but it is even more in plain sight
in ancient Greek Mythology.

More we become wiser more we are afraid of darkness; are we men or are we mousses? Let's
put it this way: as a matter of speaking we are well enhance laboratory rats being created in
test tubes by some so far advanced races that our present agnostism and vanity forbid us to
believe it so. We were “created” by “God” right? Since “God” indicates “science” therefore we
are product of science. “Created” also mean artificially produced; the opposite is natural
evolution which is “product of nature” or “Original blue print”. We are products of artificially
speed-up natural processes by genetic manipulations and planet Earth is a natural laboratory.
Science fiction …? Well … There is too many hints to think other ways, let’s wait and see; future
will tell.

There is no crime to be please with new styles and the most recent trends, which help the
economy while giving exercise to our creativity; it would be a false belief to think other ways
concerning man pride and vanity. Vanity has to be present for pride to achieve success by the
fact it is vanity that need most urgently the helping hands of the creative reasoning and
harmonious feeling that pride posses. As a result pride makes its living over the wants of
vanity. Pride and vanity are in need of each other’s within every one of us for man to be man.
Man need to be wanted, the underlying need of man is to be a precious spark of the universe
for his pride and vanity to be the light of humanity.

Facing our limits and our nature, if we cannot vote for who represents us the best, than we
leave or we fight; leave it to the bloody coward fools to votes for tyranny and then to beg for
mercy. For the one in power, the question is: is there a more futile self-gallantry than for one
who know his wrongs but gives them plenty of reasons, for to make himself is own slave who
languish in his dark prison? ... And lonely in his dark domain draws along with him an army
of fools who can ear plenty without listening much? The fools and the psychopaths complement
each others, the fools believe the psychopath to be his friend, and for the psychopath the fool is
his best friend! Their out to destroy the righteous but they only destroys themselves; the words
of only one just can destroy plenty of men who's words contains million of iniquities, but it
takes only one assassin representing them all to kill the just who dare say the truth.

In probability theory, events are sets of outcomes to which probabilities (statistics) are
assigned. Events are taken from finite sample space, that's making any subset of a sample
space to be an event. Infinite sample space includes universe expansion. Because of infinity we
define probability in space by excluding certain subsets of our various sample space. For
various necessities, related to various different fields of research, for us to restrict our
attention to a limited family of subsets, we put barriers between matter and mind, which came
to be from the same energy. Metaphysic is the discipline which is trying to reassemble mind
and matter into one energy.

Chain of events is “god's saying”. What we shall do, must be done, better not do, etc...Reside in
chain of events, causality directs us to the right direction, and analogy gives us plenty of
examples to foresee (statistics) end results. We can transpose the knowledge we have of one
system to another system that follow the same basic principle to foresee possible events.

As an example, lung cancer is an overgrowing bundle of cells that “choked” the organism; if the
cancer die by itself we do not try to save it to continue its ravages in the body; analogy tells us
psychopaths ravage the harmony of the social mind, than why bail out psychopathic societies
that slow down, in purpose, technologies like generator-motors, producing energy, that cost
near nothing to run (only a little piece of steel) for them to keep feeding us with cars that runs
in expensive and destructive fuels? Our advance in green super-low-cost technology can do
better without them; also, why using destructive polluting and super expensive fuel instead of
“gravity pull”, wrongly called anti-gravity propulsion, since the propulsion is done by the use
of spacial gravity. Generator motor combine with gravity pull can free us from slavery. It will
be done; it is a question of directing the magnetic flow of energy, which is simply electricity on
the move, from static to dynamic (or potential to energy). The fuel of forces is magnetism
which is energy. Gravity is the father of magnetism, and friction releases the quanta that are
prisoners from the veils of time.

Anti-matter cannot be created by the use of energy, but anti-matter is present as being
graviton. What energy can do is to rips the veil of time for the propulsion of an object to be the
attraction of that object toward a field of gravitons (or anti-matter).

In the Torah, to be a righteous man who walks with God, really means: to be a man of science
who works with science. Depending on the phrases and the context it also means: Men of
scientific knowledge; knowing science is the truth; men who know science is right; to learn the
ways of science; the righteousness of science etc...

There are plenty of examples in the Torah:

(Genesis 6:9: Noah and the Flood) “These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous
man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God.”

(Genesis 7:1); “Then the Lord said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your entire household, for
I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation.”

(Genesis 15:6);” And he believed the Lord and he counted it to him as righteousness.”

(Genesis 18:19); “For I have chosen[1] him, that he may command his children and his
household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, so that the
Lord may bring to Abraham what he has promised him.”

(Genesis 18:) “Then Abraham drew near and said, “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous
with the wicked?”

(Deuteronomy 6:25) “And it will be righteousness for us, if we are careful to do this entire
commandment before the Lord our God, as he has commanded us.”

(Deuteronomy 16:19) “You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you
shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the

(Deuteronomy 25:15) “A full and righteous weight you shall have a full and fair measure you
shall have, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” Etc...

Religions have their beginning from scientific data; it was to have faith in scientific knowledge.
To have faith in the way things are, became over times, to have faith in the word of God. That
indicates to us that anyone who says God speaks to him or the angel Gabriel speak to him is a
psychiatric case. Religions are mans invention, to be a creationist is a genre of “folie douce”
that can be mentally disturbing, it drives people out of touch with reality, “Talk no more so
very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge,
and by him actions are weighed”. (1 Samuel 2:3).

Scientific knowledge is from our study of the Universe. The Universe talk to us in its own way,
its language is the motility of energy, the various states of it, and all its interactions.

Mister Job stated very clearly that science of nature is the Almighty and the governing laws of
energy are right and stable: “The Almighty owe cannot find him; he is great in power; justice
and abundant righteousness he will not violate.” (Job 37:23).

A god is what someone shows its faithfulness to, therefore when Samuel (1; 2:3) says”...the
Lord is a God of knowledge...” he means: “... To what we are faithful is science...”

The original meaning of the adjective profane came from the Latin “pro fano” which translates
as “not admitted into the temple with the initiates”. Ancient Egyptians and Jewish temples
were places of universal knowledge and teaching, they were universities. They were the oldest
sacred building. Some other ancient places of universal teaching were also disseminated
around the world. Our present churches are profanity to them. Churches and our modern
temples are profane buildings; they do not belong to the objective teaching of universal
sciences. Public schools and public universities do. Churches are insulting the sacred
knowledge of science. They desecrating science and consecrating themselves showing a total
disrespect toward universal knowledge. The real blaspheme is to speak evil of science.
“Righteous” is to be right about natural laws and to follows them socially and individually for
a harmonious relationship within oneself, within a society, and toward the environment. Any
man's self made concepts about righteousness have to indicate nature’s ways into man's world
(psyche, society, and environment) to be exact. To become “righteous” starts with the innate
libidinous feeling as a base to learn “nature ways” the secular way, and to act accordingly.

“Nature ways” is been called “God's will” by various religion; let's face it, “god” is the
secularism within “nature ways”; what else? It is all a question how we perceive nature and
from what school of taught. The saying: “Righteousness save man from sins” is very easy to
understand now.

We are sinful by lack of knowledge and understanding, but libido shows us the way how to be
secular in our research and sociable in our interaction with humanity, other forms of life, and
nature in general. In short, learning what righteousness is to learn, in order to comprehend,
what is nature ways by studying its principles which gives life its own purpose of existence:
harmony by evolving. Libido is innate into us for us to be naturally able does just that.

Energy is the power (see physics) and source of Life, is that so complicated to understand? We
can even measure it! So where is our psychological problem for us to turn our back to reason?
Psychologists and psychiatrists are “Angels of life” restoring (or trying to) mental health in our
moronic mind. That's made Freud an “Archangel of life”. For the mind to be “in line” it has to be
with “nature ways”. What else? That is also measurable. Nature makes things the way they
are. We can always create a cherry pie, but nature has to be there for us to do that in the first
place. Therefore it is nature (by various processes) that makes us to create that cherry pie
under our free will. A kid having a secular surrounding and psychologists as parents has all
the rights to perceives them as “Angels of righteousness” as they reflects nature ways in its
logic. Sacrifices one own pleasure for the sake of others is masochism; libido is everyone
having pleasure in a harmonious relationship. Libido is pure logic producing positive emotions
and feelings. Libido, as our innate common sense in a positive-emotive form is the catalyst for

“Righteousness” is the acquired ability of men, under his innate libidinous influence, to set off a
chain reaction in the world for harmony to takes place.

Because of their numbers the commoners are the key players in religious communities and
secular circles, apparently kouac religions do not value man to be an intelligent being by the
way they teach wrong data to their flock. Man, not as stupid as some religious morons may
think he is will leave kouac religions in great number when secularism will start to quantify
any value (since everything is energy), morality as well as emotions, in order to find-out the
truth that lays in the unified fields theory.

To what office did Christianity went to posses the sole right of the universal definition of God,
and how much was the cost to own that definition, and to whom? It is by believing more in
ourselves than our manmade potato god that our life can changes to an epic proportion.

Scientist minded peoples "fears not" as the natural principles are with them, and they know it;
the natural principles choose our inheritance (consequences) by how we handle them, and for
us by judging peoples and things righteously, according to the scientific approach (and
without euphemisms), the universal principles “judges” us favourably.

In the land of the blinds the one-eyed are kings; "we must sing to God" are saying some
evangelists, and during their sermons (especially on TV) they mentioned their last cd available
for $ xx, xx without shipping and handling; they are sneaky on their self-marketing on the
back of peoples agnostism in order to make a living.

For the one whom do not understand the perils of their own evilness, the favors of the natural
principles leave peoples and nations which use them for asocial purposes for these peoples and
nations to taste what’s left behind: their wrath.

The greatest minds are the most humbles, and some great minds are begging to survive.


Even behind the darkest clouds are hiding sparkling philosophical thoughts

Metaphysical law: Point zero of genesis have to contain a non uniform physical primal mass
for evolution to exist; if the primal mass wouldn’t be non-uniform, it would only be an
paradoxical expanding evolutionary stand still making no sense to reason: energy doing
nothing while the distance between quanta would become bigger as the quanta separated from
each other without interaction as the primal mass expands.

The point zero of genesis is when a circulation of forces (energy) is induced from a vacuum
that attracts iota of matter into its void, producing the phenomena of quantum interference
from a primal non-uniform mass. The non uniformity within that primal mass makes the
phenomena of quantic interference came into existence by the interposition of several
oscillations when iota of matter are suck into the void. It is the principle of the communicating
vessels that want to takes place. From there on, evolution and sublimation occur.

The presence of sublimation within evolution is obvious. From point zero energy is born; from
energy arose matter and life, they are taking two different direction, and to matter life get
installed, and from matter arose life. Within matter is the spirit of memory and from life also
arose the spirit of memory. It cannot be clearer than that! It is pure science.
We would see that flagrant truth a lot earlier, centuries earlier if it wasn't for the belief that
religion is separated from science as science was human words and religions came from
“god's” words. Science and religion are the two opposites within a trinus which metaphysics is
the link. It always was right under our nose for so long! Metaphysics is neither an established
science nor a religion. It is basically a form of speculative philosophy springing up from the
trampoline of science. It's a tool which is of philosophical matter digging into the unknown
field that is between science and religious concepts.

What does this mean? Sublimation is a relatively simple concept. Matter, which is bundle of
energy “at rest” containing the Universal principles can be compared to a potential of mental
energies in its gross state. Matter is energy that trained our thoughts to be logical as the logic
tells matter what to do since matter is logic potential or potential of energy.

Ultimately, interactions of energy (hf) and matter obey the laws of logic to produce biological
forms of life. Biological forms of life produce their own “mind”: the Freudian id, the body spirit.
Us as souls we are not the biological spirit but spirit of libido, from the womb of Aphrodite
(also call the Pandora box).

We are capable of creating life from matter in our laboratories when all conditions are met.
These conditions are the primary causes that sublimate physical energy into an energy of
biological form of life which produce its own spirit: the Freudian id. All form of energy already
contained the universal principles, and the principle of life is issue from them. Therefore
matter, as energy, contains some of the structures of life in its potential form. Quanta of
energy are all over the Universe, they interact to produce biological and mental life. The
changing of substance is sublimation. Here are the laws:

1) Sublimation is the natural process that transforms energy into different substances.

2) Sublimation is the in-between process from raw material to become part of spiritual
(mental) form of life.

3) Any form of mental (spiritual) life cannot be such without being the result of sublimation as
sublimation is also retrieving mentally the universal principles from matter without depriving
matter from their presence.

Those laws are the old alchemist saying, but without its hermeticism. The real “illuminated”
alchemists knew the concept concerning sublimation and it became the philosopher's stone
theory. The concept of sublimation was known for the longest times from different sources and
within different religious teachings.

The first sublimation, from matter to life with the help of hf, produced biological entities which
are composed of a biological envelope surrounding universal principles; those are energies
interaction within the biological body. The presence of the Freudians id produces the
awakening of the Soul that came to inhabit the body, with the help of the sensors (nerves).
External data (input) go to the soul superego while the process of internal data became ids due
to their dynamics.

The second sublimation is the potential of mental functions to be consciously activated as soon
the ego is “awake” to become conscious mental forces in motion.

In common terms: Sublimation is part of the creation within the evolution. It is the processes
from which life can be created from matter, more specifically: from an assemblages of energy
that became mnemonic units. They are two different form of life: biological and mental. The
result of the processes of sublimation is the trinusial production of individual’s forms of life: the
body (biological), the soul (identity or a specific living mnemonic unit) and the spirit of the soul
(mind). We stumble full-on to Sigmund Freud who went to church accompanied by Sir Darwin,
both having a book of biology as their bible.

We find out that the word “creation” was the hermetic form of the concept “processes of
sublimation throughout evolution”. All that time, “creation” mends: processes of evolution by
sublimation means. It was the hermeticisism of that concept that divided for so long
creationists and evolutionists. The processes of sublimation are part of evolution; any student
in chemistry can tell us that.
As regards to the rest of this story, we have already gone around the phenomenon of life and
death which are part of the sublimation processes. When the body dies, the Ego (the soul) with
the content of its mental activities (the mind), goes back to the Egosphere. The biological body
which was a bunch of chemical elements glued by the energy of life resumed the rigidity of the
gross form of energy which is the physical matter. All the gross forms of energy (matter) have
not been sublimated. So, the remains (the dead body) are left behind.

In religious terms: “After our death, our soul goes to paradise and what belong to earth
returns to earth.” We have put our finger on it! Hermetic science again.

The more we go forward in this research; we find less of a gap between some original religions
and sciences. Catholicism and Islam are not original religions, they are derivative of the
Hebrew religion. We realize there, somewhere, someone, somehow, really transformed
science that was offered on a silver platter in terms so esoteric that even the actual
representatives of those words, the Pope include, have no idea what they are talking about.
They did not have the oral explanation required to unlock the mysteries of the mind evolution
that are part of their scriptures as certain initiated Jews had in their times....and who knew?
Maybe even to this day, some Jews may still have in their possession the original oral
explanations. We know now they are of astrophysics and ethics character among other
scientific information’s.

It is not surprising that we have difficulty finding the truth! Without the real original oral
torah that tells us how to comprehend religious teaching how can we have faith in that science?
There are so many paradoxes to untie! Maybe that was the whole idea: to use our own

From reincarnation to reincarnation, the spirit becomes more and more elegant in its logic.
Our genes are made of acquired knowledge, under a chemical form, from previous lives; that
comes back to us in the form of innate abilities. A real indigenous individual of the era of
Gross-magnons would never have the ability to understand why a dynamo produces
electricity; some far advanced scientists came to earth with Noah ark and other star ships, in
different parts of the world, to explain to the descendants of the real cave man how to brush his
teeth. The environment is in constant evolution in its science and technology. Universal
programming is everywhere, Noah descendants among other star ships descendants were
mend to bring immigrants to earth and help Earth humanity in its path to wisdom to speed up
Earth harmony.

So far, it is with the help of scientific data (Torah included) that we are getting out of a jungle
of assumptions to see what makes sense. The cleansing of the mind can only be done through
scientific data. In other words, the superego has to contain real, solid and unhermetic scientific
data for the mind (mental processes) to function properly. This is a kind of common sense.
Other ways we will continue to stagnate in the futile belief that we are the only living humans
in the universe. Earth is a human colony from seven different human worlds. There is plenty of
discarded evidence indicating that humanity came from the cosmos.

“Righteousness” is of scientific secularism which discovers the faithfulness of the natural

principles and uses the scientific approach to validate them. Fundamental ethics lies within the
logic of the natural principles and therefore libido become that logic in a form of feeling for
adaptation and evolutionary purpose, it’s all automatic thus natural. We are all learning from
our mistakes and by the discoveries of science; from there we atone, day after day, to adapt to
new developments for our soft psychosocial evolution. Some of us atone, adapt and evolve
slower than others for different reasons; bigots for instance adapt slower since their libido is
restrain to a smaller circle than having in mind that the whole of humanity can be affected by
a bunch of small libidinous tasks. Bigots care only for their restrain religious, cultural and
family circle, anything outside that circle become fair game for the advantage of that circle
thus at the disadvantage of the outsiders to that circle. Therefore it is easy to see that it is all
the bigots (religious, familial and cultural) of the world that are the world troubles makers
since they all are out to take advantage of others; therefore there is very little libido involve in
bigotry since libido is universal. Libido goes along fine with secularism but bigots turns away
from its logic. Isaiah beside being a psychologist was also a very articulate riddle maker,
Isaiah 11:6 is a metaphor indicating when libido will be a worldwide event with no more
bigotry involve then: “ The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with
the kid, and the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them”;
that passage of the scripture refer to different personalities that become libidinous leaving
bigotry where it belong: its own hell! The little child within each of us, full of love and
innocence, will lead them. It was under the cover of riddles, metaphors and allegory that
secular scientific information was pass on in ancient time as this scripture passage witness:
"Son of man, propound a riddle, and speak an allegory to the house of Israel;" (Ezekiel 17:22).
Religions, especially kouac ones, is an obstacle to righteous thinking that has to be overcome.
By knowing primal religions are made out of riddles, allegories and metaphors we can easily
overcome the literal to find out the secular (thus non-religious) data that lays behind it.
Religions are made of riddles from the secular field and were unfortunately been taken
literally as literal truths, without any further investigations, by some idiots instead of being see
as riddles to solve; primal religions were made especially for us to solve the riddles they
contain ; it is plain simple as that. Bigots are idiots! Religious bigots are also antichrists. Adolf
Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte were not Antichrists, they were bloody nationalists in their
cultural bigotry; the same goes for some Roman emperors. Nor Attila neither any of the Huns
were Antichrists, but Muhammad was one of these Antichrists since he was a bloody religious
bigot who make his own version of what “faith” shall be, with him in charge as a mediator
between a subjective “God” and the rest of humanity. All religious bigots are Antichrists, and
on the other hand those how are purely nationalistic bigots are not. An Antichrist is the one
who have faith in God, no matter his religion, more than in humanity and secularism which
unveils the “secrets of the universe” which are simply the natural principles. Antichrists are
simply a bunch of idiots. The Catholic Church is the biggest Antichrist of all, followed by Islam
in second position.

Whatever religion is racing for the first place and to be the greatest it’s racing to be the most
recognize imbecile one being rise in the pedestal of idiocy by a bunch of infantile zombies.

Economically speaking it doesn’t matter if we die rich or poor; it is the thoughts that we bring
with us, when disincarnated, that makes us to be rich intellectually (spiritually) or to be poor
without wit.

Universe Expansion

The original trinus is made from Gaia and Ouranos, as the universe being the link; they are the
constituents of the underlying pattern referred to as "pattern recognition". This is how the first
pattern emerged to produce "patterns formation”. That pattern is used as the archetype, or
model to be followed in making things; it is the fundamental pattern of behaviors. Everything
emulates from that pattern to create the universe by combining parts (or elements). Our
universe is a duplication of that simple pattern; it is from it that all systematization is possible.
That natural design is a unit that preserves and secures accuracy in the formulating of the
natural principles. The universal trinusial system is a type of theme of recurring events
referred to as "set of events" repeating itself in a predictable manner and been used by
automation to generate things from the most basic patterns based on repetition and

In Greek mythology, the Titan Hyperion is the product (or affiliation) of the primal non-
uniform masse (Gaia) and the primal void (Ouranos), He is the titan God of light, therefore
representing the “Big Bang”. From the Big Bang phenomenon, waves of energy (light) takes up
some of Ouranos territories (made of gravitons), that would stop Ouranos of procreating
again on the territories it was “castrated of”; as the Greek mythology mentions: Chronos
(Time) and Hyperion (light) were part of the castration of Ouranos (the primal void). That is
part of the story of the universal expansion (in a metaphorical story) from Greek's
philosophers who get their information from Egypt. Greek mythology also says that the
“personal parts” retrieved from Ouranos body were thrown into the sea (of energy) and
Aphrodite (the dark universe) was born from “the foam” (the products of the self-interacting
waves of energy) of the sea (of energy); those “private parts” is what makes the cosmic space
between masse’s. The phenomenon of evolution is due to the universal expansion. There are
two forms of expansion: 1) expansion of physical nature (space); 2) expansion of mental
nature (knowledge); they are opposite and complementary. The biological nature of our DNA
and the spiritual nature of our mental processes help us to expand our field of knowledge. All
forms of evolution need a space to exist. Logic resides in the expansion of the universe. This is
the principle of the expansion of knowledge under different forms but from the same energy.
Energy is the bond that unites life with the expansion of the universe. One does not go without
the other or there would be static. We witness how the Universe constantly produces birth,
death, and rebirth in the form of sublimation as it constantly expands its space (expansion of
the Universe) while producing life. The trends do not stop. There is a presence of a gradual
expulsion of iota of matter toward an emptiness of a theoretical spacial pre-universe. It's that
expulsion of quanta that bring us more space because that additional space becomes part of
our universe. The expansion of our universe is caused by two factors: 1) an inactivity of a
spacial pre-universe without forces to counteract the expansion of our universe.

2) A non-uniform mass expanding into a space free of forces. In other words our universe
expands its non-uniformity into a free space for the taking.

Law: 1) as long there is a free space (void) around each point of our Universe, the universal
expansion will continue. 2) If an external force outside of our universe is present, it will affect
our Universal expansion. 3) The expansion of our Universe cannot be reversed unless there is
the presence of an external and greater force than the one produced by our universe. 4) There
is not another universe than our own since our universe keep expanding.

The law of conservation of energy is respected since the same amount of energy expelled from
our universe does not get expelled because only space is expanded. That's where the beauty of
the phenomenon of the expansion of the universe lies. Part of the energy that is pushed
outward from the universe appropriates spacial anti-quantum, named graviton, (hence
without any law that directs them) for ways to extend the limits of the universe. It is not
stealing to pick up this anti-quantum, because this kind of physical inactivity belongs to no
one. It is the field of total oblivion. No law shall govern this anti-quantum. Only quantum is
governed by law. Let's make some metaphysical laws: 1) One element of the pre-universe is a
free space for the taking as no law of any sort governs that free space which is made of anti-
quantum. One anti-quantum = one graviton.

2) The quantum as we know them, are governs by the laws of logic since they are part concrete
parts of those laws. 3) Our universal forces are made of quantum that takes over the space
previously occupied by the anti-quantum, which makes the expansion of our universe possible.
Therefore our universe seeks a free spacial material needed, outside of itself in order to meet its
evolutionary goal which is: “To mechanically do something and to continue to do something.”
That is what gives to logic its existence.

The phenomenon of the expansion is a kind of cosmic harmony that takes place at each point of
the universe. That is why we are now the witness of the phenomenon of ownership of space
previously formed and occupied by the anti-quantum. It any point of the universe, the observer
sees energies radiating from this point in all directions. This phenomenon is due to the
expansion of the universe from each point of space. Thank you mister Einstein. Even if the
observer moves at the speed of light, the same phenomenon remains loyal to itself. Here are
some metaphysical laws.

1) The expansion of the Universe happens in every point of space regardless of the speed of the
observer moving in space.

2) The observer, from any point of space, would witness the expansion of the universe by
always seeing quanta of energy radiating.
3) The expansion of the Universe would not be possible if it wasn't for the statistical fact that it
would produce life.

And we will insert this beautiful law that will be a pure joy to serious metaphysicians: Any
metaphysic laws that prove to be correct are bound to become regular laws of science.

Reality is made of quanta. Thoughts are also a part of reality since they are made of quanta.
Everything is a set of small doses of light likely to assemble to form elements; No divine will is
at stake concerning neither the formation of the Universe nor the birth of all living things.
Even the Egosphere is a natural phenomenon. Phenomena are results of the sublimation
process, and forces are the result of the principle of the communicating vessels in progress
(primal mass expanding into the void). Reality can be calculated, measured and be proved
under laboratory rules.

Mysticism comes from human dreams, human fears, and human hopes. The only true prophets
there ever was, were scientists and peoples of knowledge. “Let there be lights (hf) in the
expanse (expansion of the universe) of the heavens (the void) to separate the day (and also
knowledge) from the night (and also ignorance). And let them be for signs (of evolution) and
for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights (dark matter x c square = dark
energy) in the expanse of the heavens to give light (also discernment) upon the earth (also the
inhabitants of planets).” (Genesis 1:14-15). We have to think into two levels of meaning in
parallel: physic and psychology, when reading some part of the torah.

The basic Key to Greek Mythology.

1) The key to understand the principle behind Greek mythology is to understand the plain basic
of cosmogony. First of all the universe was always there, the birth of the universe is only a
theorical one to understand its mechanisms.

2) Eternity is the whole of Gaia -the primal non uniforme masse of dust- falling into infinity
which surrounds Gaia and being called Ouranos by the ancient Greeks philosophers. The
boundaries of eternity are the boundaries of Gaia body since eternity is within Gaia as eternity
is the dynamics of energy.

3) Gaia body is limited and as it extend, that's gives "infinity" to became momentarily internal
parts of Gaia body -here and there- for Gaia to recycle energy within its body by taking
advantage of those "holes of infinity" within which produces the phenomenon of the energy
radiating outward from each point of the universe; it is if the expansion of the universe was
almost an illusion since it is produced "from within to outward" but within the universe. That's
what makes "cycles" to be a possibility everywhere within Gaia body; and the whole of these
processes is the universal dynamics being called "Gods doings" within our universe which is
being called "God's body"; and "God's body" contain the bodies of all the lesser gods which are
all the different universal phenomenon that are there in the universe.

So simple isn't it?! What a joke those wars of religions are!

Infinity is nothing; eternity is all the dynamics of energy there is. Gaia is non-uniform since
infinity is part of Gaia body as "holes in Gaia" for dynamics to be possible.

The whole of righteous thoughts is like a running rabbit, and the whole of "Maths" is like a slow
turtle proving that rabbit follows the right path, turning prophesies into facts.

"Right thoughts" are "sanctified" ones coming from a righteous individual being "sanctified" by
the "spirit" of reason; humble scientific minded individuals (thus constantly atoning) are
"sacred" in the "eye" of the universe.

King Moshiach represents human achievement, he is a responsible king who delegates his
authority to the most righteous around him for Israel to be to governed with wisdom.

Genesis (the beginning of the generations)

Our psyche is present because it is part of nature. Body and mind are our personal property,
but they obey the universal natural principles before they obey us. We are the master of our
soul (our mind) under our self-determination; but the environment is the original master of
our body, we are only on the driver seat.

Here is a master metaphysical law: In every point of the universe the quanta are constantly
attracted by gravitons in order to take their place, keeping the universal expansion a reality.

Here is another master metaphysical law: For universal expansion to takes place only a
limited amount of primal matter is require; any other way like a finite amount of graviton and
an infinite amount of matter is an impossibility for infinite expansion to take place.

Here are other metaphysical laws:

1) All form of energies is measurable in any of their substances. That makes the Egosphere
measurable because she is made of energies.

2) It is a sum (n) of frequencies (f) that eventually transform hf to mc2. The formula would be
(hf) n = mc2 . Time is the motility of energy in cyclic processes”

Synchronicity - Although not scientifically valid yet by the lack of measures reproducible in
laboratories, the official definition of synchronicity is:” the simultaneous occurrence of two
existing realities that do not show causal relationship between them but of which the
association make sense.” Therefore, according to synchronicity, Gaia and Ouranos presence
were simultaneous in infinity (since there was no presence of time yet), which make them to
always be there; thus the universe was always there, without beginning, and will be always
present without end in sight. Therefore it is the dynamics of those two titan’s together which is
been called “God” by Christianity that created the universe.

In Greek mythology, the forms of power were known as Titans and each natural phenomenon
as a god. The sum of all phenomena is assembled under one Titan named “Rhea”.

The first trinus is “Genesis” - The 2 opposes are;

1) A non-uniform dusty masses of potential energy (Gaia).

2) A space empty of any kind of forces (Ouranos)

The link that unites them is: 3) Synchronicity

The “Big bang” came from that trinus, which gave birth to the second trinus.

The second trinus is “Energies” - The two opposites are:

1) Time (Kronos)
2) Phenomenon (Rhea)

The link that unites them is the waves of quantic energies under the scientific appellative of “hf”

The third trinus is “life” - The two opposes are:

1) Void (Ouranos)

2) All phenomena that composes space (Rhea)

The link that unites them is the memory of all phenomena happening in space known as the:

3) Egosphere (Aphrodite), the cosmic mnemonic structure in space (of the cosmos) calls the
“Dark Universe”.

Some Greek mythological information

a) Gaia was the potential power (Titan) been a sum of potential of forces within a non-
uniformed mass at rest (potential) and in waiting to emerge. “Erebe” is the son (ego) of
confusion (mental disorders). “Nyx” the night (illogism) is also a son of Gaia.

b) Ouranos is the gravity power (Titan) of an empty space that swallows energies, toward
“which” celestial objects are falling.

c) Kronos is the power (Titan) of time, that gives birth and death, and the in-between link is

d) Rhea is the sum and the power (Titan) of all phenomena.

e) Zeus, king of Olympian gods, is the sum and harmony of all the hertzian waves of energy
that produce all the different phenomena.

e) gods are different phenomena.

By transferring the information from Greek mythology to our current understanding of the
universe, we can see that the initial state of the universe, before the theorical beginning of the
Big Bang, was composing of two opposite singularity:

1) The primal void which is gravitational singularity at rest where quantities which are used to
measure the gravitational field become infinite.

2) The primal masse which is the opposing singularity at rest which contain a limited amount
of matter.

Reality educates us; secular education where ethics, based in libidinous feelings, is involved is
the only mind salvation. Money wise, education trough life experience is free while higher
education, like college and university, is usually subject to fees called "tuitions". Both of these
forms of knowledge are secular; gnostism is secularism in those two forms of education;
religiosity cannot be call gnostism since religion teaches a lot of unreality and nonsense
concerning astrophysics (Genesis) and other scientific fields. We cannot fully comprehend
Genesis without getting involved in astrophysics where metaphysics become part of; it would
be like morbid rationalism. Most religions trying to avoid morbid rationalism, and because
they are taking the metaphors concerning scientific data literally, reached the exact opposite of
morbid rationalism which is: rationalizing a manmade emotional root called "God". Knowing
that fact it is easy to realize that Astrophysics, metaphysics and sociopsychology are in close
relation (positive correlation) in the universal mnemonic field where logic is the first concerned
for us to understand what harmony, in the broad sense is all about; it is all integral part of the
unified field theory.
The whole of the natural principles is the non-human sword, and the war of good against evil
is the war of rightfulness against stupidity where reason will vanquish folly with the uses of
the non-human sword.

Agnosticism is a potential from which we can find reason or to act with foolishness; stupidity
hurts but the uses of reason does not.

The Jews Are Almost There!

All of us we seek to understand where our soul takes root (which is the "Dark Universe") and
from which phenomenon (which is the light). This means that we posses the unconscious desire
having for aim our commitment to the qualities of the Creator (light) and to imitate these
qualities of the light which produce the natural principles, and this indicates our innate
attachment to the Creator (the light). By meditating on the "Great Work" -as the ancient
alchemists put it- which is the universe, we can intellectually elevates our mind to the level of
the objectivity of the natural principles which produces the libidinous feeling. We naturally
seek the communion with the universe, and this communion will be realized with time, it is
part of our intellectual evolution. By not listening to reason fools are like a bunch of suicidal
Lemmings rationalizing their cultural craziness not knowing what wisdom is made of: the
understanding of the presence of reason. There is need for temples as long we define temples as
places where we learn secular knowledge base on reality, therefore there is need for scientific
disciplines to teach us the truth; truth has complexities but is not complicated to understand by
a righteous mind, from there on we can judge the universe for what it is: a natural happening.
We shall remember that it is only if we consider temples as being secular universities than we
need temples to adorn earth landscape.

Religious denominations like Catholicism and Islam were trying (and still do) to rules the
world in the name of "God"(God being their puppet), exactly like Mac Arthur rules Japan for
well in the name of the (puppet) Emperor “Showa” Hirohito; “Showa” mean “radiating peace”
and Mac Arthur knew it; and by keeping the emperor alive Mac Arthur ruled in the name of
radiating peace; the only difference between Mac Arthur and Islam is that Mac Arthur was a
tool for peace and Islam is a tool of wars been sharpened by Muhammad; Islam is one of the
antichrists! Gods were puppets created by man; starting with the Egyptians and been followed
by the ancient Greeks, man used the natural principles those puppets represented to creates
technologies making those puppets to move, to talk and to cry. They knew the principles of
physics (including electromagnetism) and chemistry long before Newton spell them for us not
that long ago. Plenty of religions, sectarism’, and esoteric groups claim to have reached the
universal truth which is contain in the natural principles, but so far the world is still divided!
In the race for the truth, in the Judaism faith, various Rebbe’s’ (Jewish priests) says that the
Jews are not escaping from reality, that Judaism is a down-to-earth knowledge that lives in
the here-and-now. Rebbe's says Jews plan ahead normally as well as before Utopia is built
than after its implantation. The Gnostic part of Israel see the messianic age as being a
synonym for secular revelation leading to “peace”. For them it is real as reality is, and not just
a wishful thinking or fantasy. They said the wiping out of misery throughout the world has to
come since misery doesn't make sense in the eyes of harmony. Judaism, according to Rebbe’s,
is a logic given to the Jews by Moses (Torah), to study, to understand, and to accept as faith.
They say “creation will be brought to fulfillment” since everything follows its own cycling
pattern. Rebbe's says that when the messianic age arrives, initially the world will continue its
natural course, later ascending to a more harmonious state, including the “Resurrection of the
dead’s”. For Judaism, harmony is not regarded as a dream of the future; Jews are taught to
lives “the Redemption” day after day to bring the fulfillment of the promises of a better world.

In the context of our metaphysical research where psychology and sociology intermingles
(psychosociology), we can considers that the Sages of the Jews are pointing out that harmony
throughout redemption (feeling sorry for past mistakes and to repair the damages) is the
ultimate purpose for the Jews mind creativity to get unleashed for the world good. In that
sense it will makes the Jewish nation to be able to be the leading nation being involved of the
building of Utopia (the perfect world society). Statistically speaking, this is not impossible and,
we must say, totally realistic according to the numbers of Nobel Prize their scholars manage to
rakes in versus the number of the Jews in the world.

When the universe was created (Big Bang) the presence of harmony, by energy interactions,
become an automatic (natural) part of the universe. The harmonious objectivity of the
universal rules, creating mortals and its own dwelling among mortals, has to be discovered
and understand by mortal mind for harmony to also become a subjective doing, meaning to be
a conscious act of self-determination where man follows the ways of the natural principles.
That is a “completed world” where objectivity and subjectivity finally meet in a harmonious
relationship. This is the natural (automatic) goal of the creation. Primal religions were veiling
that natural goal under “Gods meet with human” in the last (human) judgment, meaning our
ultimate way of understanding things. As we can see, the intention to create this dwelling has
to be only from our subjective part, under our understanding of causality (by having tasting it)
and not being forced upon us by a “living” god. From Moses time until now, the Jewish people
have been consciously or unconsciously constructing the dwelling with harmony by their study
of the Torah, their good deeds, and their study of the natural principles. They say harmony
will be emerging soon before our very eyes.

Universal rules, even if they “exists” only without being a living form of life call “God” by
certain religions, has long been ready to bring logic in our mind. Every Jews are anxious for
the messianic age to be here, so they can build Utopia. Until now, that path is still obstructed
by the lack of knowledge and understanding from man and the lack of libido from the human
heart and subjective mind; libido being also a product of logic, and a pure logic by itself. Our
self-task is that we must breaks away from the mental barriers of religiosity that exiles our
mind from reason. Reason is the “break-through” that will destroys own internal barriers
made of nonsense.

Rather than shield ourselves behind the insistent demands of the day-to-day routine, we must
challenge ourselves and yearn for reason to comprehend the infinite of evolution. To know
things that are presently concealed to our mind is up to us, secular science is there for that. We
can and we will achieve the necessary knowledge to the utmost of our constant evolutive
intellect. As The prophet Isaiah said: “For the world will be filled with the knowledge of “God”
(science) as the waters cover the ocean.” Jewish Rebbe’s are saying that the main difference
between now and the Utopia Era will be our mind awareness concerning our knowledge of
things. In the race for the truth to be unveiled the Jews are almost there! In this time of human
history where our mind can investigate the cosmos and comprehend universal principles, Jews
discuss the issue of god and the Torah's laws. The Torah is made of stories representing never
defunct thoughtfulness as following generations go by, their rules are timeless. It is the secret
layers of secretive messages in those stories and the fact that they are not to be treated literally
that gives them their mysterious character. The time had naturally come for their secret
meanings to be indirectly revealed to us by people like Freud, Einstein etc.... since the bulk of
the Torah is about science and psychology.

Presently our intellect is uplifted enough by scientific knowledge and psychological

understanding to rely on simple old fashion common sense and to realize that the common
Jews forefathers inherited some kind of “literal falsehood”, and their prophets and ancestors
led their mind astray for them to keep their national unity. Now, also because of our present
technological advantage we can easily succeed to rise our understanding another little notch to
comprehend that any living god is a non-sense and the living dark universe does have to exist.
The famous “fear of god” of religious sayings (from primal religions) it’s none other than to be
aware (and beware) of causality. For long-time we were under the impression that the
pleasure we experience through our sensory system was (religiously) bad, but it is not the case,
we need our senses to let us know how dangerous or how beneficiary is our surrounding
versus the needs of our psyche for our peace of mind. Libidinous pleasure is the norms to go by.
Religiosity left barren the conscious land of our mind concerning the simple and real reality of
things, but science make abundant and fruitful that mental barren land. The Jews says that
they are dreaming of the ingathering of all Jews to Zion where they can again be masters of
their destiny and express better their distinctive mind ingenuousness in every area of science to
help the world evolution. For most of the Jews, Utopia is related to Judaism as Judaism
teaches them that every individual human being must live as if he or she, individually, has the
responsibility to bring about the age of Utopia. They know that implies that all the known
sciences find their source in one tangible physical singularity under the controls of an
associative principle they call “god”. This is where the things became paradoxical for them; the
common Jew cannot separate the reality of the physical “Big Bang” from the unreality of a
non-existent “god”. Maybe they need more of the hormone “Orexin” to keep their mind awake,
the common Jews seem to be suffering from a religious mind disorder we can call
religiopsychonarcolepsy, their minds are astray, they are lead to a religious dead end! They
need to be “resurrected” by some kind of “Orexin”.

As they are now, they are united people in their religious belief to be the cream of humanity.
Catholics and Islamic think the same about themselves, and so are plenty of egotistic people.
Nevertheless, Jews already producing plenty of genius minds all over the world, it will be
something the world had never seen yet when they will be losing their religiosity in the profit
of science! They will demonstrate without doubt that the unity of a nation in the knowledge in
science and the feeling of libido can accomplish greater things in human history than any
armed conquerors ever did. The existence of the Jew is already an argument against despair;
look at the holocaust, soon the world survival will be under the Jewish warrant. For then, the
Jews shall turn a clear language to the nations to call all in the name of life, libido and science
to built utopia with one united heart. Jews will teaches humanity that the human mind has all
the power required to reach the understanding of the universal natural principles toward life
as well as toward matter as soon they will understand the Torah sayings, teachings, and also
the whole point of the presence of the Torah: to keep them united for that day (or that period of
time): their messianic age. The basic book of Jewish mysticism called the Zohar is mentioning
that: “at that time, the Divine fountains of knowledge would open up, both above in the
celestial spheres and below in the physical realm, and the world would thus be prepared to
enter the seventh millennium, the Messianic Age.” It is easy enough to figure out that the Zohar
describes the two types of phenomena.

1) Mental phenomenon: “the opening of the gates of knowledge above,” referring to the gate of
our mind opening to the flow of cognition for our intellect to makes us understand reality.

2) Physical phenomenon: “the fountains of wisdom below,” referring to the presence of nature
and the physical world. It also refers to our entire field of science studying them. It is all about
scientific knowledge and basic psychology.

As different mnemonic bundles of energy reacting under causality we become part of the
causal forces. By the mere fact that each one of us (living being) is a self-presence of various
memories within a self-unit in the universal automatic scheme of evolution makes subjectivity
to appear in selves by basing itself in previous experiences. That makes us being “to be” as
mnemonical unit possessing self-determination, each for ourselves at first but in need of the
whole to reach psychosocial harmony. There are plenty of us as mnemonic unit around. The
automatism of causality is always still the same, but it is us who are different from each others
from previous mnemonic experiences. There is where subjectivity coming in to play. As
mnemonic units, having different experiences of existence from each other we react differently
from each other. By doing so our intellect evolves. We find out that if we interacts between us
without trying to destroys each other but to unifies our forces, and keeping, each one of us, our
self-integrity as a personal mnemonic unit of energy, we can better cope with our
environment; it is the beginning of social behavior. Our subjective intellect in the making
makes us understand that if we can also be there for others, others can also be there for us.
Force is in the association, a greater force can be release from a greater association. One self-
unit has to work for its intellectual self in the midst of an association for self and the
association, by cognitive means, to increase the intellectuality of each. Nature does its causal
part by increasing the intellectual capacity by the natural aport of constant energy. As
evolution goes, we increase the quality of our mind, and by the phenomenon of neuroplasticity,
directly proportional: the quality of our brain. Therefore, to make a long story short: we exist
for ourselves, and the community is there for all; One can only be for his psychological self
alone if the presence of interaction is there. It is all automatic.

The Pantheists Baruch Spinoza said “nature has no goal in view”, and we will add: any goal of
nature is an automatism from causality. Spinoza was a philosopher which discovers for
himself that according to him “god is not a personality, but that all laws of nature”. Our
present research reaches the same conclusion. Plenty of people around the world are having
trouble to be “forced” by cultural pressure to view “god” as the self-creating ultimate
personality who created the universe instead the universe, self creating itself as natural rules
made of interacting energies under the phenomenon of gravity, been label as “god creator” by
humans. Spinoza, was a great philosopher, using the label “god” the same way as science does,
the god of science is the automatism of nature. Spinoza metaphysical research made him
understand that the causes of life are an automatic product of causality and only human
imaginings made it as a non-understandable god and that is not a proper scientific approach
to understand nature. Humanistic Judaism adopted Spinoza philosophy in that field. Some of
its followers see Judaism as well as Buddhism, Catholicism, Islamism etc... (The -entire ism) as
syncretised islands of cultures, based on very ancient knowledge, within various nations that
became “religiosity” of scientific discoveries over time. It is the constant self-acceptance of an
individual mind-rigidity to believe in a living god that gives the staticness of the tunnel-vision
in one area of cultural habits only, that is responsible of oneself intellectual stagnation toward
what is rational. Some of the followers of Humanistic Judaism found were lays the rationality
in primal religion: they are sciences in disguise. Plenty of Jewish religious dictums concern the
science of psychology, others concern astrophysics. It is ok to memorize them for the
unconscious to do its job, but it is better to consciously understand their scientific bearing to
better participate in social activities and fellowship of men. Cultures in order to survive must
adapt to the latest scientific discovery and technical advances. It is part of the general
evolutionary process involving mind, matter and biology as interacting forces of causality
(reconstructivism). Without cultural adaptation, the historical events of a civilization will end
up in the dusty shelves of “the unfitted civilizations of Earth” of our libraries. Islam and
Catholicism will be soon enough in the shelves of “culturally misfit religions”. Effectively, it will
soon enough dawn to us that any “prophet” like Muhammad who claimed that he had solely,
among all human, the monopoly of human relationship with “god” and the unlimited access to
god science must be the most genius scientific being of the whole universe! He was not! This is
why we have to question any religion to find the scientific parts, if there is any, in some of

Humanistic Judaism as a cultural island within Judaism is very strong on secular education
by the mere fact of being irritated by centered vision tunnel on god were Jewish rational mind
become static despise the fact of its voluminous knowledge. As the aport of libidinous
secularism (that is the humanistic approach) proportionally weakening the religious mind, the
tunnel vision where one can only see small parts of the rational disappear for the genius mind
to takes over. Humanists believe in self-determination under self-responsibility facing
causality to makes their own impact on their destiny. They tend not to use the mechanism of
adaptation called “projection” to blame on others their human lack of overseeing the
consequences of some of their actions. “Projection” is only good for a short term momentarily
relieving the ego-frustration. In long term it is mind-destructive. Already, without being
officially label as reconstructive-humanists, plenty of rabbis, dropping slowly the accent of the
religious side of the culture, are teaching their pupils how to learn the goodness of secularism
and to think rational to decipher the Torah. The amazing part of the story is that the followers
of Reconstructive Humanistic Judaism do not really believe that Israel will invite a scholarly
individual of its own blood to be their king even if it will be one of them! Who else than a
libidinous secular scholarly Jews, respecting Israel traditional culture, being open to the
world, and capable of deciphering the scientific aspect of the Torah can be king of Israel? With
today computerize technology, and the event of the Internet, some young genius, like kids in
their teens, became capable of sneaking into the fancier and well protected computer of the
world. Some of those kids have the potential to start ww3. Soon enough it won't be much of a
challenge for few of those kids, in their destructive behaviors, to break any codes. The real
challenge to be a genius is to act like one, true genius are constructive and their challenges is to
break the universal codes (natural rules) in order to be constructive by helping humanity in its
path toward harmony. It is easy to be destructive and not so simple to be constructive.
Geniuses are constructive minded individuals. Is the new generation of geniuses capable of
taking the challenge of breaking the codes of the primal religions? Torah includes? Those
religions are scientific information that can be cross-exams with our present sciences and
technologies; it’s all a question of math and logic. Those primal religions can be transformed to
mathematical formulas since they follow a logical pattern. Who among those genius kids
would be able to face the challenge to get better than the Jews in their own intellectual field?
This is the most challenging challenge of all: to beat the Jews! Not physically but intellectually.
One proud and constructive genius kid can beat-up the vanity aspect of the whole Jewish
nation if Israel does not realizes soon enough that the Torah is a metaphor of millenniums old
science. Vanity and pride are opposite; vanity base itself on the “illusions of grandeur” where
illusion rules and reason is asleep, and pride base itself on a job well done following the path of
logic, with libido in mind.

When the Catholic Church mentions the term "Immaculate Conception" concerning the "Virgin
Mary" who represents the Dark Universe, we know as a certainty that the original Hebrew
Christian party was composed of knowledgeable Levites who knew astrophysics very well; the
term “Immaculate Conception" is exact under the metaphorical story they dream of, Jesus
representing, of course, the whole of humanity. The actual Jews have to open-up more their
genius mind to the fact that part of their ancient secular knowledge, from Egypt, is being in
hiding in early Christianity.

The most beautiful thoughts rejuvenates the soul as they are eternal, never to be destroyed, as
they are share by all. The natural value is on righteous intellectuality, the rest is merely
adorning thoughts, but there is nothing wrong to adorn life with beauty.

Life is practical it is us who adorn it.


It is our different concepts of how to adorn life the sources of many conflicts if we leave libido

Thor is the personification of nature reflexes. Cultures, like forms of life, is the product (or a
whole) of different societal personalities. A culture is an associative societal personality.
Whatever IT’S intentions, as long a congregation, and a society, defines good and evil based on
political pressure from the subjective moronic side of cultural circles, religious or secular, it is
inviting conflicts with others cultural circles that doesn't agree with its definition. Plenty of
crusades were set to destroy other civilization morality in order to save the world from

Real morality is standing up in the subjective-objective phenomenon, where being conscious of

its own existence gives man his subjective character. Over time it is the subjectivity of man,
based on his intellect that makes him realize that it can only be the objectivity of nature to be
the objective morality (as the gauge) to follow and to compare to... Nature shows itself in a
way that leaves no room for doubt. We already possess that innate unanimous recognition of
nature uniting the whole universe, all forms of matter, all forms of life, and all of humanity.
We already see nature as energy, forces on the move; we already perceive nature as the
universal dynamic. Our natural subjective thinking joins automatically the objectivity of
nature. When we will all accept nature to be the true ideal, there is no other, then the next step
of knowledge is for us to define nature as the supreme automatic architect of its own existence;
that would completes our unity with nature and as direct consequence for us to finally work
for the common good. Nature is the absolute truth that exists, it englobe everything, even if
nature having no purpose to start with, it gives forms of life the purpose to attain knowledge to
better adapt as nature creates their existence as nature creates life. Life as such is a reflex, just
like nature is; life has for objective only an automatic meaning: adaptation to changing
environment through its own evolution. Forms of life are issue from that reflex. Existence is
purposeful only for forms of life. Nature created man in its image, as opposed to gods created
by men from their own projection. Nature is the “creator” the author of its own history. Forms
of life, like humanity, are bound to amount to something worthwhile when united in harmony.

Every day, everywhere, in each instant nature handed down various set of instructions how to
handle ourselves within natural rules in particular situations. That does not required faith, just
to look around and feel with your senses. Our subjectivity coming from our sensorial system
feels the objectivity of nature.

Subjective-objective (sub-objectivism) defines the attitude in decision making of any forms of

life wanting to responds to their needs and wants accordingly to the rules of nature.

Subjective-moronic (submoronism) defines a specific attitude of any forms of life that shows
incompetence, versus natural rules, in decision making. Let's face it, a chimpanzee who can
judge the distance between tree and the speed of wind according to the speed of his motion and
keeping in mind the phenomenon of acceleration when jumping from tree to tree in a windy
day, show more of a deeper understanding of the subtle abstract implications of nature than
any egotistic subjective-moronic human individual who think he know better than nature.

On the other hand, life and existence would lack flavor if it wasn't for subjectivity to add spice.
We can be (and we naturally are) subjective-objective without being subjective-moronic.
cultural creativity in cultural identity depend on that for us to creates different beautiful,
sturdy, and harmonious objects, structures, forms of art, meals, drinks, etc... By following the
universal rules. So let’s have fun, nothing wrong with that! Submoronism is unnatural, it is
acquired; while being naturally moronic (unknowledgeable) toward nature objectivity is
innate (that is our original sin). Submoronism define wrong decision making (sins against
natural laws), while moronism define lack of knowledge; this is why we keep learning: to
better ourselves and automatically our whole society, until utopia is achieved.

A subjective moronical mental attitude when bigotry is involved is not far from the same
mental disturbances that was affecting Muhammad mind, who was the creator (inventor) of
Islam, and who also was a megalomaniac bigot. Muhammad is the perfect example where
Bigotry and Megalomania are shaking hand in the field of the unrealistic belief in self-
superiority in their grandiose abilities of knowing everything that has to be known in the field
of social behaviors. In their sickening omnipotence, the megalomaniac bigots cannot
understand that their need for total power to gain control over others came from an extremely
low self-esteem, being compensated by their megalomania: a narcissistic neuroses showing
lack of empathy, leading to sadism, for anyone who has not anything to say that can be
perceived as not feeding the self.

As “spirit or soul” There is no need to nullified who we are, for not being like Mohammed, to be
one with nature, actually we need our subjective mind to comprehend that to be one with
nature implies to be conscious our acts to be unified with the rest of humanity. We need to be
conscious of our divergence with others for each to have a thoughtful (or cogitated) function
within the whole, and not to respond by reflex (or impulse) as our body does. We are moronic
subjective-objective “Robotus Humanus” by birth, and we become less moronic, or more
mentally sick, under our self-determination, as we evolve. It is a matter of choice concerning
mental attitude toward nature and its products.

How about all those Christian denominations saying: "Jesus is the only one who can save us”?
Come on; get real, and grow-up! Be adults! The Christian Jesus was a metaphor that we were
subjectively imprinted with; it was not an existing human being. That metaphor represents
humanity, and humanity, by using its objectivity with libidinous feeling, can only be its own
savior, meaning humanity can avoid more bloodshed and more mental hell by taking in
consideration the universal rules ("God's commands) to find psychological and automatically
social harmony. Like the ancient Egyptian were saying: "The Key of harmony is knowledge",
which is represented as the Ankh; and that key is pass on to us by the Egyptian Aphrodite
representing the Dark universe only if we rejoice in her libidinous feelings, or else there is no
deal; and the result is that man knowledge become "dry", turning into morbid rationalism
when there is no emotional roots involved. This is why most of our present technology is in the
evil hands to enrich only the sociopathic side of humanity and utopia become a synonym
of:"Yeah, dream on". In any field concerning harmony only the socially inclined peoples
succeed in long term; associability is a short time manmade decision, we have to consider the
relativity of time concerning “short and long term”.

Evilness kills us as it kills our planet. Taking care of our planet which takes care of us, is to take
care of the well-being of our psyche (and the ones of our children’s) in long term; for anyone to
feel comfortable by polluting this planet shows how polluted his mind is. Wars pollutes as well
as some chemical, their killing us, body and mind. Basically any form of pollution means we
are polluting ourselves, Earth is only a living planet but not a living being as such; and we are
cultivating ourselves trough it, Earth is a garden to be taking care off. We all need to do our
share to live an ecopsychosocialy sound life for our own well being as "one" human race. We
cannot be psychosocially sound without the proper ecosystem to take care of the basic needs of
our physical body and its metabolism. We are part of nature and as such we need to live in
harmony with ourselves (including self) in the ecoframe of planet Earth. As we are subjectively
taming the planet, the planet is taming us; that reciprocity came from the objectivity of the
natural rules which tames everything as we are using them the way we want. We all share
ourselves and the planet for our own well being as for self and as a race, we all know that, we
also know that a polluted mind cannot be of any help for self and others; therefore to be in
charge of world harmony start with self. Nature is not something to challenge but to use for
our own basic needs when challenging ourselves.

The best thing that can happen to an ethical individual who was born in a Catholic
environment and been Catholic more by culture than by faith is to be excommunicated by the
Vatican which cannot tolerates his scientific-humanistic approach toward the nature of things;
it demonstrate the adultness of that individual versus the moronic childishness of the church
who believe in the literal part of bedtime stories.

To go "the extra length" is also to make sure that we satisfies others peoples basic needs when
we satisfies our own, it is call to be libidinous (the sharing of pleasures); to satisfied their needs
over the frustration of our own would be masochism.

The Torah is a book of riddles with fantastic imageries. The word "Fantastic" come from the
Greek "phantastikos", meaning "able to create mental images". "Fantastic" in the Torah
context, describes strangeness and extravagance from a disciplined imagination creating
literal absurdities (thus metaphors) hiding real messages in order to hermetized scientific
secular data. That's make the Torah some kind of highly sophisticated comic book full of
riddles but without comic strips.

The ever-presence of time in an eternel present is the helping hand of evolution where the logic
that come with it woven at each moment the pattern of the perfect natural principles; and
there is no god involve. By observing these natural (automatic) principles made of various
patterns of the primal (first) principle our science -so far- can perceive only a part of their
stupendous magnitude. We cannot force our own will toward anything or anyone without
regard to the one way ticket of the causal forces contain in the natural principles: or we obey
by using them consciouly by having the knowledge of them and the understanding of their
ways or our mind perish in its own hell! To live our own hell is simply to make ourselves to be
volontarelly in a quandary mental state from these natural principles. We never had to kneel
in submission when facing the natural principles, they are merelly a multifounctional tool of
the cosmos for us to use at our advantage with humility. The natural principles are not alive,
but us we are alive; is life geater than logic? let's put it this way: life is a product of logic,
therefore life and logic are complementary: equal but opposite partner in a cosmic adventure
concerning the ticking of the cosmos. Where is the smallness of life? There is no smallness in
life! But there is the human factor tough. There is nothing wrong to realize the smallness of our
knowledge but no one can say that the grandeur of the creation has to makes us to feel to be
only small pieces of sh.t! No way! we are integral part of the grandeur of creation and to view
ourselves as pieces of sh.t is to insult life in particular and the creation as a whole; we are as
great as creation is, and as long we keep humbleness in our mind we can keep it that way.
From birth we do not choose to stray from the natural principles, they are not part of our
conscient and that makes us to be agnostic by birth (our original sin). Evolution takes care to
fill-up that gap. This is why this generation (from Noah time) is due soon to rise upward to
mind maturity and to be able to finally be our own artisants who will build utopia. The Power
of the Light is not "God" and its given in Watt! Oftentimes morons especially the bigots closes
themselves to the logic of things. Bigots thinks the humanists, the scientists and the ethical
atheists misunderstood their god, misjudges his ways and does not see their mistake of being
so ignorant! Well, the bigots are certainly failing to see the parodoxes in their thinking!


The underlying truth about neuroplasticity is that the bodies are tailored according to minds
measurement. Objectivity by itself, as a natural impulse is purely a reaction, reflexes. To be
subjective is to have control over those reflexes of objectivity. Our biological body born from
the physical world of matter, by itself, responds objectively by reflexes or impulses, it is called
“the spirit of the body” meaning its automatic (natural) ways of doing its own things to adapt,
the body does not think, it reacts, that is all. Our minds (us as souls) were born in the
mnemonic quantic world which is the dark universe. As souls we are the subjective part of the
psyche when body and soul are assembled into one living association. “The spirit of the soul” is
the reaction that pushes us to find out by ourselves, and under our own self-determination,
how to adapt. Whatever happen to the body after the soul departed from it is entirely up to the
rest of humanity, it is a left over that can be useful for scientific research, organs transplants,
organs grows, or Earth fertilizer etc...Nature does not care neither the departed soul unless
stated otherwise, que sera sera. A body without soul is fair game. A sleepy body with a
prisoner soul within is a different story, it is still a psyche. An artificially made functioning
body without soul follows the same “fair game” principle. A bundle of living biological reflexes
(objective memory) are not a living soul, they are one of the appearance of life as natural
reflexes. A living soul is the “essence” of the psyche in its quantic dimension; it is a subjective
memory by nature.

For scientists to create forms of life in laboratories may or may not attracts souls to inhabit
these biological bodies, as different bodies have to be tailored to the mental measurements of
different souls. It is up to us to choose if we want to cure hereditary disease like cancer in
preventive ways like gene manipulation before the fetus came to be, or to takes care of the
disease when it appear latter in the patient life by means of chemotherapy and radiation,
among others frustrating therapies, ruining people quality of existence. Ethically speaking us
usually prefers to take preventive measures (like car air bags and safety belts) than to be sorry
afterward (unless we are sadistic). Nature is always at our disposition for our well being, we
just have to be careful of the various possible consequences by taking the empiric approach.
There is nothing wrong with genetic manipulation as long it is well done and benefic for our
environment, ourselves and all the concerned parties (like the twelve legged cow who want to
feel like a giant spider). It is always up to us to speed up harmony or not.

Products of genetic manipulation it’s also call “golems”. The word “golem (or goilem)” deriving
from the word “gelem” means “raw material”. Golem literally means “cocoon”. Today scientist
creates golems in laboratories by creating the blocks of life leading to genetic coding. The word
golem is used in the Bible to refer to an incomplete substance of life. In Modern Hebrew the
word golem also mean “fool”, “silly”, and “stupid”. Golems are created from “mud” in our
laboratories... They are creations of those scientists who are very knowledgeable and close to
nature ways. A scientist is a person who strove to approach the laws of nature, and in that
pursuit would gain some of nature objective wisdom, that's gives him mind power. Human
mind powers can achieve the creation of life in laboratories, and genetic manipulation. In
Jewish folklore, if commanded to perform a task, a golem will take the instructions perfectly
literally as golems are inherently perfectly obedient; it is in their nature to be so. In the large
sense we can say the coding of genes, and genes, are golems; also any form of viruses and
bacteria; products of genetic manipulation are also golems; they do what they were created to
do. Nature creates objectively natural golems (forms of life) and we are creating subjectively
and artificially our own golems, copying nature ways.

There is no "Divine Will" only the presence of the natural principles who are the childs of
causality. To surrender our soul (our mind) to the Antichrist is to surrender our mind to
agnosticism and illogism. Nature is the natural servant of the human intellect for our
knowledge of it (the knowledge of nature ways) to be part of our evolutionary process. "God"
do not remains completely outside the range of our intellectual knowledge since IT is part of
the realm of mental troubles; the "God beleiving" syndrome is a little part of the psychological
dictionary of mental troubles, that's all there is.

Pre-Freudian Cosmogony

Ancient Greek culture was a flourishing theatrical culture which impact on Western culture
can be feeling to these days; the ancients Greeks role played the epic story of the birth and
general evolution of the universe in its theatres among other scientifical truth’ like
psychosociology. Those plays reflect Greek mythology from which various western religions
and philosophies were born.

Concerning the birth of the Universe, without its hermeticisism, Greek mythology, in its
freshness, is of an astonishing actuality. The titans, gods, heroes and other members of Greek
mythology are role players who personify various concepts of scientific matter. This can be
done in relation to various scientific disciplines. Therefore, the characters are of
multiplications. The Greek mythology covers cosmology, Psychoanalysis, medicine,
philosophy, nutrition and natural sciences among other disciplines. The science of trinusiality
was known by insiders only. They communicated their science in their own ways, so it would
reach us over the centuries. Like Navajo songs have imparted some extremely important
scientific information, Greek mythology did the same. Greek mythology is composed of veil
scientifical information’s explaining the origins (genesis) and the nature of the universe.
Primal religions are made of myths, and myths are consciously repressed scientific data
having for function to find their way in the dynamics of our unconscious for our reason to find
a solid data base, for “back-up”, as our own scientific discovery will arrive to our
understanding of the origin of the universe. Myths from ancient Greece find their source in
ancient Egypt where plenty of ancient Greek philosophers were studying the true nature of
things in an unveil manner, meaning in a non mythical way. They pass on to us real scientific
information's in their own mythical man made ways. From Greek mythology, the Titans, also
known as the elder gods, are in fact representing the beginning of the universe in its purely
broad self-interacting physical form before any forms of life (self-programming mnemonical
units) acquired self-determination. Soon as forms of life appeared, then the Olympians gods
came to be by representing the processes of the psyche and more particularly the process of the
mind; in Greek mythology it is mention as: “The Titans ruled the earth before the Olympians
overthrew them”. The Titans who fought with Chronos against Zeus were banished to Tartarus
(mental hell in the unconscious), meaning the value of the dust are not the value of the mind,
meaning it is the universal principles that is the “essence” behind matter, and is that “essence”
that makes the values of Zeus; and it is not the material values that can be destroyed by time
that has to be the mercantile values for the soul to go by for humanity to find harmony and to
finally built utopia.

Two metaphysical laws:

First law

1) All the gods, without exception (and that include the Christian “God”), are role players that
are brought into the intellectual scene to represent mental concepts.

2) The same gods can be use in different context.

a) “Hell” (is what disturbs the reason) is composed of arguments between logic (fields of
Elysees) and inconsistency (tartar).

b) “The Erebe” is the reason which must find solutions between these two opposing field of

c) “Hermes” is the sum of the psychopomps; it is the messenger of pulses from the field of

d) “Hades” is the master of hell (all the data that trouble ones reason), and its concubines are
“foggy shadows” (indecisions).

e) “Minos” is the transfer of external stimulus to psychic information...

f) “Eaque” is the intellect processes...

g)”Athamanthe” is the psychological state.

h) “Pecan” is the psychoanalyst (psychiatrist) which treats the psyche of the “nut cases.”

i) “Olympia” is the satisfaction felt from a well-balanced mental state.

Second law:

The “Olympia” is composed of twelve great gods (12 mental capacities), which are divided into
two groups (sexes):

1) The group of goddesses represents the uses of the potential of these intellectual capacities

2) The group of gods represents the potential intellectual capacities.

Zeus represents, in this context, the sanity of the Ego, means all mental capacity in their full
bloom in one mind. Ones have the choice to use some or all of his intellectual capacities.
First group: The goddesses:

1) Athena personifies intelligence.

2) Aphrodite personifies the dark universe, and the beauty of love.

3) Artemist personifies discipline.

4) Demeter personifies fertility of the mind.

5) Heras personifies fidelity.

6) Hestia personifies all social rules.

Second group: The gods

7) Poseidon personifies logic at is source.

8) Apollo personifies adequate reasoning.

9) Ares personifies the victory of logic.

10) Hermes personifies all impulses from arguments.

11) Hade personifies what troubles reason.

12) Hephaostos personifies mental energies.

The Olympic Games are celebrated every four years in honor of Zeus. The 4 years between two
successive celebrations represents the visible 4% of the Universe. The games represent the good
reasoning in various disciplines and their success. According to the philosophers of antique
Greece, a healthy body can only contain a healthy spirit. The reason of the Olympic Games is to
demonstrate that evidence.

The messages that Christianity forwards toward their disciples is a hoax; peoples do not burn
forever in hell if they do not follow the doctrines of the church.

We are made from the Gaian dust and from each instant of every cycle there is makes us to
return, from dust, as energized Gaian dust call energy. Cycles makes primal dust to turn into
energy as “dust to dust”.

When our heart is open to libido, our mind becomes the conquest of reason.

Extra Sensory Phenomenon: Synchronicity


Our life on Earth consist of few moment of eternity, and to enjoyed them can only be done with
others around; eternity is our, time is our, to suffer or to enjoy it is in our hands.

Metaphysical laws

1) Because all phenomena in the universe are measurable output of one or more energies in
motion, some of them being mental energies, can also be measured.

2) All mental energies fulfill one or more functions as any form of energy does.

3) The link that unites physics, metaphysical and other truthful science psi reside in the fact
that energies are measurable in all their difference substances.

We can also make a metaphysical law summarizing synchronicity as being:

4) Synchronicity is the occurrence of two events each in need of the other and whose
association is a meaningful response from their needs, formulated or not. Synchronicity is
related to causality.

This includes parapsychology, extrasensory phenomena, and in the religious field: miracles.

5) Synchronicity is the opposite force to causality. It has to answer justified needs which are
formulated from different sources for the result to be the formation of these needs into one or
more smooth events.

6) The resulting synchronicity can be smooth for one or more individuals but not necessarily
for others.

7) Causality is the opposite force to synchronicity because it is an automatic pulsing of the

program (logic) which answers unformulated needs from different sources into one justified

8) The link between Synchronicity and Causality is the formation of events for all aspects of
evolution to continue its course.

9) Synchronicity can be the result of a voluntary act coming from the Egosphere. Causality is
the result of an automatic impulse from the programming.

10) One of the functions of the Egosphere is to make synchronicity happen.

11) Because synchronicity and causality are part of the same trinusial system, they
complement each other; as such, they both work in tandem.

12) Any opposite forces in a trinusial system are associates because of the link that unites
them; as such, they both have to work in accord.

There is two type of synchronicity:

1) Causal (automatic).

2) Voluntary (by intent).

Note - Genesis is an effect from a causal synchronicity, meaning it is the meeting of the primal
opposites (Gaia and Ouranos) which is the cause for Genesis to be present; therefore Genesis is
an evolutive effect affecting us and everything else.

There is one condition which includes two sources for synchronicity to occur:

1) The condition is: the existence of two opposites

2) The sources are: The two opposites and complementaries.

The two opposites in the genesis context are:

a) A passive space (void).

b) An outlaw potential of forces in a form of a non-uniform mass.

These two opposites are “noumenes” (menons), opposed to phenomenon, and they were the
primal causes for universal synchronicity to occur.

14) Synchronicity is conditional. It is necessary for opposite forces to exist for synchronicity to

15) Synchronicity is a causal effect where “objective needs” is involve concerning the general
evolutionary process; in that sense synchronicity is a cause (determinism) for the continuity of
evolution where the components involves are in positive correlation

Here is a good example of synchronicity in the Galactic level: evolution is the natural
(automatic) cosmic process of adjusting universal component so that they are in proper
relative position for an harmonious conclusion as each end of a cycle; and the 2012 Galactic
alignment will bring a state of agreement and cooperation among individuals and nations
having harmony from secular truth as common cause, as humanity is being part of the end of
a cosmic cycle where man is in synchronization with that cycle. Some peoples, especially
religious bigots, capitalize on today world troubles versus 2012 Galactic alignment to give
various messages across from their angles of approach. What is man call “God’s warnings” to
mankind are simply consequences from causal laws, nothing more and nothing less. Clashing
religions and clashing governments are nothing new, just like the moronical part of religions
are clashing with proven scientific data. As time goes by and the truth is been unfold by science
bit by bit, the world is increasingly aware of the authenticity of the natural principles. Nobody
is sent by "God" as his "end-of time-prophet" to warn us of anything since a “living God” does
not exist, but Moschiach is as much as a reality as Einstein was a messiah of science.
Moschiach is simply a normal man and the human catalyst that will accelerate man mind
maturity procedure by telling the secular truth about “God” according to his limited knowledge
and his coming is in positive correlation with the Galactic alignment of 2012.

Being integral part of the universe, as being one with it, gives us both (the universe and us) the
quality of being approachable by either one to either one, therefore we are both easy of access.
In Catholic Theology the only mean of approach to God is through Jesus of Nazareth, and since
that mythical guy represents humanity it does make sense that it is through selves, in our
diversity (as one of us cannot do anything without the rest of humanity), that we can approach
the universe to understand its ways to find harmony, it’s all secularism. Conscious intelligence
start when we concentrates of how to fix problems, and not responding to them solely under
the Newton laws of action/reactions, that would be useless for selves. Any living creature is a
potential prey to another; proper education leading to adequate knowledge takes away a big
percentage of a chance to fall as a prey for lack of proper knowledge; this is why whoever
takes on the responsibility to educates others is to better know its facts or he will fall prey of his
own stupidity.

For question of body survival and peer pressure we acquired the tendency to put ourselves to
the best situations possible for economical reasons, and that come usually to find ourselves in
the worst situations regarding our psychological balance; there is a way to get the best of both
world: to be libidinous and realists, by using common sense, while on our way to Gnosticism;
synchronicity is there to help us as it can be there to destroy us.

ESP: Telekinesis under Condition

From what we understand so far, if there is someone who thinks he can separate the waters of
the Red sea by the strength of his thoughts, he better think twice! Not only would it take an
enormous amount of mental energy, but one must also have the innate character to do so, and
it lies at the level of our genes. Genes manage our body. They give us the opportunity to do
something or not, of physical and mental nature. Our psyche has its limits, Physical limits and
mental limits. Our psyche is limited on the amount of mental and body energy it can debit at
one time (power formulated in Watts). Too much power debited or received (electric chair)
would electrocute the brain. Telekinesis does exist; it is the ability of the mind to influence the
electromagnetic field surrounding objects. The body has to have the potential to do so, and that
is at the genes and mind level working in unison. This means that anyone who wants to
separate the waters of the Red Sea by using mind and body power has to be of the size of a
huge power plant. Unless the Red Sea is composed of two drops of water. Then the possibility
exists. We are chemical power plants. Our psyche produces electricity. Not only do we have the
capacity to debit energies to the outside world (to emit energies), we also have the capacity to
receive it. There is so many different ways we do so, from Hertzian waves to food intake and
outtake. We are a bunch of biological and mental antennas. We are receivers and transmitters.
Then, in the case for an individual to serve as a living antenna, to redirect an enormous
amount of energy from the environment, through himself and toward the direction of these
famous Red Sea waters in order to separate them, he would have to be the size of a monstrous

Regarding all other forms of psi phenomena that are still (not for long) in the field of
parapsychology etc...The pre-requirement is that our genes give us the opportunity to use our
body the way we want, mentally or physically. To use our mental energies the way we would
like to use them depends entirely: 1) on the potential capacities under which our body is built,
2) the stimulus of the environment that force our genes to mutate. In the field of telekinesis, if
one wants a cherry pie to appear before his eyes, it is wiser for one to obtain it at the pastry
shop around the corner than to end up with a huge headache.

Parts of this book caress gently some aspects of quantic mechanics and basic concepts of
electricity. Some may not believe on quantic mechanics or electricity. Whether one agrees more
or less, with what has been said so far, it’s his business. For the rest of us, we want to see the
light that brightens the things by chasing the darkness away. Unshakable creationists say God
is in everything and everywhere. He is anything anywhere all over the place. For them, God is
an entity, not a concept of the mind. For them, God is very versatile; he has to bend under all
our actions. The baker kneads him and cuts him into small gingerbread figures. The
ironworker, pounds the heck out of him with a hammer. All the people of the world who
possess a w.c flush him into sewers with our excrement! Does anyone want to be at God level?
If not, one can always kneel before a sewer mouth to show him a little respect when he is
passing by. The cheerfulness of Alleluias can be expressed anywhere. What would a creationist
say to a “stoned” individual whose deep and honest belief is that God is a huge marijuana plant
that waits to be consumed...and can hardly wait to be in heaven forever? Nonsense, maybe?

There are two types of heaven:

1) A mental state - It is the well being of the mind which is produced by adequate ways of

2) A spacial place - The invisible world (Egosphere), also known as the dark side of our
universe as “the Dark Universe”.

Metaphysical law: - Heaven is the well being of one’s mind in the spacial place where he

This is a long way of being an integral part of the sewer system. In this context, the sewer
system is: “Madness of one mind that has to be flush away”. That belongs to the psychological
and psychoanalytic field. Psychoanalysts are the plumbers of the mind, they makes us to flush
away the excrements of our mind just by us talking about them.

Everything, in the context of life, is a question of communication. Communication is the

“living” aspect of the universal dynamic. The physical aspect of the universal dynamic is
simply elementary interactions from the quantic (hf) to the physic (mc square) to end-up in the
chemical level. Those three put together creates the living aspect of the universal dynamic.
Automatic (or natural and objective) communication in the context of life involve the flows of
energy that we perceived as “cognition” since they affect us directly by becoming integral part
of “the plumbing system of” our mind. “Precognition” is the word we are using to define a form
of perception outside our normal range of our sensory system. Elephants can hears lower
frequency than we can, and dogs can hear higher frequency than we can. As for “cognition” is
the channeling of data to our intellect from different sources of which we can be aware or not.
The mental “plumbing system” of our mind that we call “intellect” is the sum of processes that
gives us the ability to perceive future events through means of the flow of cognition from
anywhere, and making automatically sets of statistics and submits them to the ego.

Cognition makes us to perceive information, consciously or unconsciously, about places or

events. The term “presentiment” is the result of cognitive data processed by our intellect and be
perceived as emotions to our body through the process of neuroplaticity. The term
“clairvoyance” is a generality of cognitive information outside our normal sensory range. We
cannot have any kind of mental information without the presence of the different flow of
cognition (“hf”) as flows of energy entering the plumbing system of our mind, some of their
sources are within, and some outside our normal sensory range of perception. We call
cognition flows of information reaching our mind and precognition the mental products of our
intellect from flows of cognition. Produced as a result by our intellect, and presented to our
conscious mind (religious bigots called that phenomenon: divine inspiration), those “pre-
events” mental products can takes various forms, like emotions, dreams, smells etc... Cognitive
sources can be our superego as well as boiling water; it can be anything anywhere anytime as
long it reaches our mind as forms of communication.

The flow of cognition is so abundant that our mind distracted by the urgency of existence (to
satisfy our basic needs) that we cannot possibly being consciously aware of all those
information. It is not counterproductive in long term, as our superego is busy filing them in the
unconscious level of our mind for further reference, but it is counterproductive in shorter term
as it is slowing down world harmony. Now a days it is very difficult for a big percentage of the
population to look after their basic needs, it is time consuming to rake enough money to pay
for the overinflated bills to pay of electricity, telephone, grocery, fuel for transportation,
housing, medications etc...Eventually those psychopathic behavior from sociopaths whom
capitalizes in our weaknesses will disappears as we will become more scientifically libidinous
concerning social politics concerning the racking of physical wealth by few on the expense of
the mental wealth of the masses.

To answer world need of understanding its various political conflicts (leading to often to wars)
we must examine the universal natural principles as reference and transposes them in that
context in order to do that must be done we must have secularly educated masses. As world
politics is now, our business to respond to our basic needs discourages philosophical
speculation from the masses as to how to resolve the problem they are in; ...cognition still
pouring in...The bubble of knowledge will burst.

The Earth Human race had millenniums for their unconscious mind to assimilated data; our
intellect informs us in the unconscious level, anything on hiding its bond to surfacing. The
arrival of the objective results that will be submit from our intellect to our conscious mind, in a
world wide scale, will be the starting point of the messianic era where possession of our own
mind (soul) will be seen as being way more valuable than a diamond ring. The demoralized
minority masses will be moralized and sociopathic peoples will be “crack-down”. The natural
(automatic) intends of the cognitive phenomenon is to discourage us from expecting we can get
away with mind-murder. We are all bond to be geniuses in different times.

This automatic statement of the universe in all of its cognitive source as mc2 producing “hf” is
the natural means to teach us that regardless of how remote the possibility of the coming of
our “genius mind” seems to us, we should not lose hope, since it can come precisely when we
least expect that event to happen. The prospect for that event will not appears bleak for genius
scholars of the caliber of Einstein and Freud, since physics and psychology are interrelated in
the metaphysical field. When that event will takes place it will surprise most of us. Nothing is
beyond our understanding. We will surpass all our previous expectations concerning ourselves
and the natural power of our mind. Whatever we thought we knew about the mind will come
nowhere near the actual experience. Furthermore, the more we will study the concept of
cognition in the redemptive mind field in order to be one with the universe without losing our
identity (see also atonement), where mind affect matter and matter affects mind (see also
neuroplasticity), it will permeates us so deeply that we will no longer need to consciously think
about it, and we will be more careful about our behaviors in the future, to be part of the
harmonious cognitive flows. The objectivity of natural laws will become part of our subjective
essence, and that will leads us to concretize the physical aspect of Utopia. Mind utopia (mind
harmony) has to come first, positiveness is an asset toward the building of our future utopia;
the positiveness of optimism reside in our state of mind where we are incorporating the echoes
of the pleasant memories of our childhood imprinted in our mind into our present, thus uniting
the present and the past, for the future to be a consistent whole which embodies our journey
toward the fulfilling of our hopes with the positiveness of our past joys to stimulates us as we
go along. It is from secular education and wisdom based on fundamental ethics that we can
grasp without conflicts the opportunities that Earth offer us for humanity to live in peace with
itself. Nature gifted us in many different ways for us to be a unique part of the whole; those
gifts are our wealth, that's making a natural wealth to become a burden if we cannot share it
with the community for the pleasure of all. Wealth is mending to be share as the goods of the
Earth is mending to be share for any ecosystem to be enjoyed by each of its components.

Until decoded primal religions contain stories that has nonsense. Freud discovered that some
of the ancient Greek myths have psychological meaning. Today religions taking the literal as
face value is mostly having no intelligible meaning as long their faith in a living god still exist.
The language of the religious bigots (Pope and Co) is foolish and absurd in its extravaganza.
Taking reason with frivolity these religious bigots do not realize how clownests they are in
their exuberant nonsense. Talking with Insolence toward the natural principles (saying God is
their master) they cannot see in their impudence that it is their own language that is
unintelligible and not the universe. Their conducts are absurd and their actions are
paradoxical. They are evasive on real universal matters saying; "its God will". Trash that's
what they are, blood baths from religious politics proves it! Their ceremonies are meaningless;
it is only flattery to themselves. Talks about God are empty, pretentious and silly talks, they
use empty words and their mouths are full of hot air; they speak loud because they are
confused, their empty talk are mere rhetoric’s. They think that by surrounding themselves by
religious ornamental objects they can hide their confused and meaningless statements. Today
religions like Islam and Catholicism, and Mormon, Jehovah witness and other of the same
idiotic mentality are so ludicrous! They will be tomorrow tragi-comedy plays.

There are these prostitutes who prostitute their bodies for the cocaine that make them forget
they prostitute themselves to that mistress. All theistic bigots of Earth prostitute their reason in
exchange of an illusion that makes them forget that they prostitute their souls for a dream. God
is the opium of the poor in spirit and cocaine is a paradise for weary souls; reason has no need
of dope since caring gives all the needed spiritual "high".

As history tells us –taking the red khmer as an example- a kid does not reason like an mature
adult does, and can be very sociopathic since the Freudian Id possess more control over the ego
than the superego; this is to say that an immature adult-bigot is still in an infantile stage of
development (infantilism), having the potential of reasoning with rationality but not using
that potential because of cultural pressure. This is why extremists Islamists are so dangerous,
they are unconscious of what fundamental ethics is all about: libido within reality since libido
is a product of logic in its mnemonic form. Their God, as seen through the eyes of Muhammad-
the-idiot, is a poor placebo to replace the mental spot left vacant by reason.

All over the world there are such beautiful pearls, but many storms and hurricanes have torn
them from their oceanic nest, and the ebb and flow, and the currents pushes some of them into
the fetid waters of man sewage. The brilliance of the pearl is not lost, we just do not see it shine
under the clothes we covered our women. O man, the passing by, you, covered with gold and
diamond on your finger, your steps rushing your soul toward the dark abyss, you see only the
rotten clothes that you've use to covered the most beautiful beads.
The Six-Pointed Star

To be a Theist is the acceptance of being ignorant, accepting that fact, and putting all the
gnostism of the universe in a single "God" back in order to glorified his knowledge the Theists
created a good excuse not to search farther the meaning of existence as it may gives them
headaches; then Catholicism in its devious mind did not find anything better than bullying
(intimidating) peoples with the fire of hell to excuse its ignorance and mental laziness. A
sajadha (Islamic praying rug) would be more practical to use in the bathroom in front on the
water closet.

In various places around the world we find the symbol of a six-pointed star. It is formed by
two overlapping triangles, one being upside down from the other. That symbol reaches
different cultures through the ages. It is used by various religions and alternative sciences. One
in particular among others spoke about Chakras. The adepts of the chakra say it is a very
ancient science. It tells us the regions of the body where the main chakras are situated and
what their functions are in regard to the streams of energies that reach us and are part of us,
and how to channel them properly in case of physic and mental troubles. According to the
adepts of that science: “the chakra is the science one has to know for swinging the waves of
energy within”

We are not far from the Quanta theory created by Mr. Plank in 1900 which tells of waves of
energy and also from Einstein theory about the relativity of things having something to do
with the relativity of time. Einstein states that matter and energy is one and same phenomenon
under different forms, therefore we will say, as a law, that the relativity of time is in direct
positive correlation with the relativity of matter.

The adepts of the chakra use different sounds and accompany them by specific hand positions
in order to balance these waves of energy. Somehow they knew a few thousand years before
Einstein and Plank the existence of waves of energies. They also knew before Marconi how to
control them. Marconi used them for communications and the chakra adepts use them for the
well-being of the psyche. They were also way ahead of Freud concerning the formulation of the
psyche. There are seven chakra symbols. One of them included a symbol that is the six-pointed
star, while the rest, except for two, use the presence of a triangle (or trinus) in their symbols. It
is possible that long ago, they knew the trinusial science (the two opposites and the link). Of the
two other remaining symbols, one suggests the symbol of radio-Canada (communications)
while the other is more or less a symbol of a small ball in a sphere. The chakras are nodes of
energies (or energy centers) which, according to the adepts of that science, are in different and
specific places in the human body. We are not far from some elements of Chinese culture which
use acupuncture to direct the flow of energy. They knew these facts for millenniums. Different
cultures have, through their different customs and knowledge, some treasures of science to
offer to the rest of the world.

The symbol of a triangle (or trinus) is used around the world and the ages to indicate the
presence of scientific data within the principle that triangle represent. All the real esoteric sects
or religions say's that. They are saying that the triangle represent the fundamental principle.
The same goes for the six-pointed star. In Africa, the six-pointed star is an ancient Kemic
symbol representing the forces at work (energies). According to them, energies of the mind
( mental processes), the spirit (personality), and the (biological) body are working holistically
together The Kemic used the hieroglyphic writing that indicated the presence of the “ankh” as
symbol for “life forces induces knowledge”. The ankh (life forces inducing knowledge) and the
six-pointed star makes the Kemic tribe a link between Israeli belief and Egyptian mythology
which was copied in part by the Greeks. Then the Romans copied part of the Greek belief. It
seem that the same science was seeded in different places by the human wind that travels (the
travelers) all over the cosmos. The people of Israel use the Star of David mainly to indicate
their relationship with their God and the direct relationship their peoples had with (their) God
in ancient’s times. That relation was passed on through their prophets (men of science). Their
God, according to their Prophets, is: “All science and all truth”... well! There are saying it!
“God” is secularism!

Part of Israeli belief was copied by the Catholics (Catholicism is a syncretism of various
religions where Christianity is included) and later on by the Muslims, and is mix-up with other
ever-changing political dogmas saying what to do and who to believe. If it wasn't for the fact
that the religious bigots are a bunch of moronic clowns, for which we must have pity, whom
really believes in the presence of a subjective god that created the whole universe and all the
tralala that’s goes with it, we would have to praise their sense of humour. As far as we are
concerned a certain very ancient scientific knowledge got into the hands of the people of Israel
and left the prophets of Israel with something to go by. The ancients Hebrews prophets
mention to us that they had to protect this data (the ancient knowledge) with their life. It is
obvious from what we have learned so far that peoples of science (prophets, teachers, wise
men, chanan etc...) educated some chosen sections of humanity. From there on, the “chosen
ones” seeded the rest of the world of that same old secular science being hermetized in various

The teaching of the prophets helped us a bit in our mental (intellectual) evolution and to slow
down the blood-bath between tribes and nations. Where does the source of knowledge come
from? Were we that far mentally developed in the Bronze Age? What does our reasoning tell
us? What do our archaeological discoveries tell us? What do our anthropological studies tell
us? What some of the Martian and lunar anomalies tell us? Hmmm?

Islam and Catholicism and some other religious denominations are assault again common
sense and batteries’ against peoples mind. Islam is a composition of syncretism
misrepresenting the natural principles so badly done that is no doubt that it is an intentional
mockery toward fundamental ethics from an egotistic Muhammad whom advocated genocide
and hatred against Jews and others groups; Islam, teaching racist beliefs and drawing racists
expressions and symbols in its mosques is simply a travesty of basic morality dreamed by a
armed sick mind where sexual fantasies mix with hatred and dreams of personal conquests it’s
done in the name of Allah to rationalize its psychopathic behavior therefore giving them a
sense of legality. As for Catholicism it is a syncretism that imitates the characteristic style of
various ancient philosophical authors and their work that ended-up having more of a
theatrical comic effect in the ridicules of the faith to be the best religious political party instead
of be a school (as a psychological teaching tool) for humankind to find mind harmony through
ethical knowledge. As for Christianity, which become part of Catholicism under political
pressure, from being an hermetical representation of the natural principles, it become a literal
parody of them for its disciples to finally get lost in that travesty of an ancient secular scientific
data of immensely high quality that can be found in the Jewish faith, and in ancient Egyptian
hermeticized knowledge. Religions like Islam and Catholicism involves more propaganda and
indoctrination to belief in their religious politics than to train the intellect of their disciples to
join the ranks of logic in order to find reason in their existentialist search for the universal
truth. This is why Israel will hire Moschiach more for his intellectuality concerning the matter
of the universe from an ethico-secular point of view than for his muscles. Wisdom is to use the
little knowledge we possess to adapt harmoniously to existence without destroying our means
to exist and evolve (living things and ecosystems) which can helps us to built utopia; without
wise teachers youth is misspend and adulthood can be infantile and destructive. What lure
man away from wisdom is any kind of marketing that succeeds to muzzle the voice of reason
for knowledge to become a tool of destruction; knowledge is a two edges sword, and reason or
the lack of it is what decides which edge we are using. The use of reason leads to caring and the
lack of it lead to hatred. It’s all a question of knowing where we want to get our adrenalin rush
from, killing body and mind, or “resurrecting” dead-minds starting by our own by being the
voices of reason.

How an Atheist can get rid of a "God" that never existed? Easy enough for Theists, all they
have to do is to think! By taking religion out of a good man, then from being a theist he will
become a humanist.

Man you can be a charming prince for plenty of ladies; first you have to be charming, and that
comes with the natural charm of caring with wisdom based on reality, which is the building
block. Then you have to be a “prince”, but only on the metaphoric sense of the word.

Trinus, the Forgotten Treasure of Egypt

The trinusial union is a treasure of ancient Egypt. The Pharaohs built the pyramids, among
other things, to let us know they knew the huge significance of the trinus. They wanted to make
the symbol of the trinus (pyramids) last a long time to let us know there is something striking
about the science of the trinus, just in case we may forget.

Why some parents makes their kids to firmly believe in Santa Klaus? Ask yourself that question
and you may come up with the Answer why Moses makes Israel to believe in God.

In our existentialistic questions whatever stress we might be carrying dissolves as we atone to

better explore and express our potentials for the good of all, self included. We need to find your
truest, most authentic self behind the cultural varnish that our souls are wearing like a mask;
for the good of all we must refuse peer pressure to be someone else than we really are. Only
authentic persons can unveil the authenticity of reality lurking behind the varnish of
metaphors that created whole civilizations from various cultural existentialistic half-answers.
The first Pharaohs knew about reincarnation and the memory of the genes. They knew their
memory would be in the genes of the body tailored for them when reincarnated. The pyramids
would be the imaging stimulus to activate, in the form of instinct, their memory of knowledge.
Like any other culture, ancient Egypt tells us about its history, and also speaks of a science of
which we can only admire the shape of it on the ancient Egyptians hieroglyphic writing. We
know what the writing said but we don't know nor understand the true science that these
hieroglyphics wish to expose. We have seen that logic is pure science, is a tool devoid of
conscience. Con-science means “opposite to science”. In our days, what is opposite to science is
the belief in God. The creationists are against science, for us to know that the word “God” being
as a word that define the whole of all scientific concepts. The word “science” comes from the
Latin word “scire” which means “fragmented”. The universe is fragmented into many scientific
fields. The ancient Egyptians studied in Per-Ankh (Universities) Shu-Ank (the breath of life) by
breaking down its systems to better understand the mechanisms. The universe itself is
fragmenting its science so that evolution can take place. It is still united through its activity
which is a logical natural law-biding motion of forces. Forces are the universal glue being
made by the wrapping of time. If this weren't the case, everything would be a mass of outlaw-
potential energy which couldn't flourish for lack of space to do so. Space makes a difference.

“O Lord, God of our fathers, is you not God in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the
nations. In your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand you.” (2
Chronicles 20:6)

Translation: O Science of our forefathers (natural principles), are you not the universal
moving force? You rule all over the cosmos, you are power (given in Watt) and force (given in
Newton), so that none is able to withstand you.”

Gaia is non-uniform and finite since its opposite, which is Ouranos, is infinite and uniform.
Within the Universe everything is interconnected by the waves of energies which are traveling
forces (hf). That's mean any environmental changes in one system send forces around that will
sets off a chain reaction affecting other systems in various degrees. The speed of those forces
tells when changes will occur in the next system according to the distance. A change in systems
makes systems to be environmental indicators. Our study of systems allows us to makes
interpretation of things happening and thing to come in one system by seeing what happen in
another system. The Universe and the environment are rife with clues that hint at interrelated
phenomena. Environmental statistics are relatively easy to make when one is aware of natural
reactions that will produces new phenomena or environmental changes. This is common sense
based on scientific evidences.

Traveling forces makes linked sequence of events to happen, it produces the domino effect
events, and it is the occurrence of a chain reaction. Systems will reacts differently according to
their nature. Environmental domino effect does not travel in linear sequence but in a volume
sequence. The chain is self-sustaining because of the Universal expansion. Energy receive by a
system is stored and process by that system. The process affects the system and forces (hf) are
release from that system.

Because of different travelling forces from different points of space, there is the presence of

When the forces met there is convergence. It is the convergence of different traveling force that
produces waves of oscillation (Hertzian waves) and spacial knots (objects born in space like
stars and planets). It is the same primal principle of the non-uniform masse expanding in the
spacial void that continue to takes place. The reason is simply because the process of the
communicating vessels keeps going for ever and will never be resume. What seems to be a
chaotic behavior is a needed divergence. The source of that divergence is the primal non-
uniform masse. Divergence and convergence are part of the trinus of evolution. This is what
makes various systems and varying ecosystems.

Traveling forces are producing small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system
that may produce large variations in the long term behavior of that system. Any small change
in the initial condition of the system will causes a chain of events. Alterations of events are
needed for evolution to takes place, and small periodical alterations are part of recurrences.
Initial condition of a system includes a certain amount of periodical energy frequencies to keep
that system dynamic. Any travelling forces affecting a system, leading to large-scale changes
in that system may change the nature of that system. All this is the evolution of the systems
adapting to their environmental forces.

“Your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power, in holy garments; from the
womb of the morning, the dew of your youth will be yours.” (Psalm 110:3).

Translation: When the science of energies will be understand in its holy garments made of
stars, planets, galaxy etc..., from that day humanity will agree that the source of youth is

Connecting the fragments of the universe is done by linking together the two opposites of this
trinus: “Materials at our disposal”. They are:

1) Materials of physical nature, such as the construction of the pyramids with the use of these
materials, after one has understood the principle of the math, chemical reaction and other
scientific data.

2) Materials such as mental (spiritual) energies (hf = E); therefore, construct a mental
trinusial system by ones thinking, in order to understand the principle of things.

The link that connects them for these two opposites to become complementary is the study of

The word “link” comes from the Latin word “religare”. So, “religare” is to connect what is
fragmented (scire). It is a science to learn and to teach. This is why the word “religion” finds its
source in the Latin word “religare”. Thus, the goal of genuine religion is to be a science
gathering trinusial information and to teach it. So far, Catholic religion represented God as a
triangle and talk about a trinity no one understand. Logic and ethic gives us the potential of
comprehension; together they produce the mental impulse to comprehend the unity of science
and the Universe. Thoughts are products of the mind; we are intellectual (spiritual) living
beings who seek to understand things through material elements for adaptation to the
environment. It was the original goal of religion to help us to adapt in harmony.

The real and forgotten purpose of religions is to teach their followers the scientific principles of
cosmogony and other sciences which allow the adjustment of individuals to their environment.
“Environment” also includes the cultural aspect. That was what the Egyptians did millenniums
ago. They used the gods as a teaching tool, a kind of “baby-talk” technique for the students to
have fun as they learn. All the universal science, science of the mind, and the birth of the
universe, big bang included, is contained in Egyptian mythology. It is nice to be able the read
the hieroglyphics, but it is better to understand what they really say. All we have to do is to
think: Baby talk. Ancients Baby-talk became real gods in peoples mind and as a result the rules
of science became religious dogma. Even if the ancient Egyptians themselves clearly indicate in
their teaching that the gods personified the principles of psychic and physical phenomena,
people came to thing the Egyptian teaching is only about myths. The ancient Egyptians also
mentioned very clearly that there is presence of a visible and invisible universe. None of our
present religions reach the height of the Egyptian mythology. Lately, the more we advance in
technology, the more we become retarded compared to them. What was “baby talk” to them
became hermeticisism for us. Our present religions have the tendency to think these ancient
Egyptians worshiped a retarded pagan religion. Surprise! It is the most advance science the
world knew to this date. It is the lost teaching that all the scientists are looking for. Alas! The
Egyptians have abandoned a treasure of knowledge of great psychological benefit for the well-
being of the spirit, and of an inestimable scientific value. For what? Are the Kemites the last
ones to have enough of the ancient knowledge left to tell us why? Do they still remember the
true scientific meaning of the enneade (a nine-pointed star) of Heliopolis which comes from the
sun-city (light of knowledge)) of Iunu? The Amerindian tribe of the Navajos would be happy to
know. Who would ever think there was a strong spiritual and scientific link between the
Navajos and the Kemites?

Today’s Christian priest is a person having the authority or power to administer (performing)
religious rites and regarded as having good contact with (the legend of) God and to whom his
followers turn for advice on spiritual (ways of thinking) and religious matters; the Catholic
Pope being the supreme human authority and teacher, after God (for the Catholics),
concerning those spiritual and religious matters. It seems that the Pope and Mohammed are
competing for the same position! The need to know how to adapt towards everything around
us becomes the mental (spiritual) pulsion which directs the individual to religion in the hope to
find answers. It is in our genes (the memories of times past in the form of instinct) it is
instinctive until reason takes over. That is why we have genes as a starting point and the
power of reasoning to keep going. Thus, submission to God (science) on the part of individuals
who do not know which direction to take (the lost souls), is really their need to know what the
manual of operation says (the scriptures) to find out what to do. The lost sheep are none other
than those who wish to drink at the sources of knowledge and passing by them they keep
moving a step further into the brambles of paradoxes. Today religion is a form of drug for the
anxious. They place their hopes in a god while leaving their reason to languish. They believe
their violence to be bravery, but it is only the jolt of defeat. Their minds are dry, like bones in
the sun, their prayers were answered long ago but they do not understand. They rot in their
familiar illusions waiting for a new era to come, not knowing they have to build it with their
own sweat. Earth is valleys of dry bones were zombies exist without mental life. (See Ezekiel

The good and real sources of knowledge are numerous; they are secular (non-religious)
schools, universities, etc. ... Knowledge is a clear understanding that opens the mind, it is the
nectar of the gods (the nectar we are looking for) because it produces a spiritual “high” that
raised the spirit to the tops of the heavens of understanding (the Olympus). That is what the
dope addicts try to reach: for one to be spiritually lost in the vastness of the universal feeling of
love (the Egosphere feeling) by consuming a good quality dope. “Dopies” are lost souls in need
of love and knowledge. Hermeticisism is an artificial packaging surrounding science and
knowledge is only esoteric for those who are not yet in possession of it. A pleasant source of
knowledge is the one that clearly indicates things as they are. Nothing is impenetrable, even
hermeticisism. Those how say the ways of God (statistics) are impenetrable do not know God
(science). “Therefore my people go into exile for lack of knowledge; their honored men go
hungry, and their multitude is parched with thirst. Therefore Sheol (mind confusion) has
enlarged its appetite and opened its mouth beyond measure, and the nobility of Jerusalem and
her multitude will go down, her revelers and he who exults in her”. (Isaiah 5: 13-14).

The Pharaohs made the pyramids big enough to last. Thanks to them, we didn't lose the
pyramids but thanks to us, we lost our minds.
“Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips (say the wrong things), and I dwell
(evolve) in the midst of (among) a people of unclean lips (doesn't' know what they say); for my
eyes (mental process) have seen (understand) the King (logic), the Lord (guide) of hosts (our
minds)!” (Isaiah 6:5).

“My people have been lost sheep. Their shepherds have led them astray, turning them away on
the mountains. From mountain to hill they have gone. They have forgotten their fold.”
(Jeremiah 50:6).

Wars increase the value of arms and decrease the value of property in the war zone, is this
sane world economy? Who are the shrewd investors whom instigate wars to buy at low prices
and sell latter on at high price when conflicts are over? Hmm? Are those the same that
capitalizes on cultural and religious bigotry? Less bigotry would be fewer conflicts; who are
interested in that fact and ready to do something about it? In the field of Newton laws
concerning action/reaction versus the life of the spirit (mental life), when under negative
stimulus from the environment we do not respond negatively but in a constructive manner
(which is part of going the extra length), then causality will respond itself to the source of the
negative stimulus by the laws of action/reaction (since we refuse to do it) and causality will
respond constructively to our constructiveness (since that was our action); in other words our
subjectiveness can takes positively advantage of the universal logic just by us being more
ethical than impulsive, it is all written in the universal trinusial system. “To do the extra
length” is a prerogative of living entities, matter cannot do it, matter is totally under the
natural laws of action/reaction discovered by Newton; what’s differentiated us from matter is
that famous “extra length” that makes the universe for having an ethical purpose, other way
there won’t be any purpose what so ever. The ancient pyramid builders like the ancient
Egyptians, Mayans, Incas and others, knew that and they went the extra length to give us huge
clues about that fact. If we take a closer look of what stimulate those ancient culture to build
pyramids we can easily discover that it was for their future, which is our present, since they
knew reincarnation is part of life. If there is a God that is the lawbreaker of the universal
natural laws, therefore breeding contempt for natural laws; he invites every man to become a
law unto himself in his name by any means to justify the end. To believe in a subjective God
who is over the natural universal principles is to declare that man can commit crimes in order
to secure his religious conviction. Logic demand that matter and living things alike are
subjected to the same universal natural principles that rules the conduct of the universe;
without them the existence of the universe would be imperiled if any of those natural principles
fails to observe their own law scrupulously. It is the natural principles that are the potent and
omnipresent teacher of any living things for the good of evolution by teaching the whole of any
forms of live by its example by making matter and energy behaving as it does. Causality is the
natural principles enforcer that keeps the social order concerning mind, matter, and human
matters. Religious extremists can be considered as universal terroristic resisting to the
universal natural principles and any kind of social order these natural principles bring by the
logic of things. The literal "God" can only bring a state of lawlessness and political disorder
from mind confusion. If his presence was real it can only mean an absence of any cohesive
natural principle, and reason won’t have any purpose to exist since logic would be inexistent.
The ultimate authority resides in the ways of the light within the sphere of activity which is the
universe. We are born to be equal but some of us mature faster than others; and the immature
ones are not necessarily the poorer even if they are poor’s of wisdom. The universe had no
subjective intend, and it is of the power of man to comprehend its ways by being objective and

There must be a law where Christian evangelists, and Muslim Imam and Mullah alike, can be
charged with identity theft; the only true representatives of "God ways" are the scientists who
discover the ways of the natural principles.

Perpetual motion = eternity = universe

The universe own its presence by the movement of the particles of the primal non-uniform
masse (or primal concrete singularity, that goes on forever into infinity as light and waves of
light, and therefore these two primal singularities which are 1) the primal non-uniform masse;
2) the infinity of the void surrounding the universe, are the only responsible for the universe to
conceive its own perpetual motion, call "eternity", that continues indefinitely without (of
course) any external source of energy since the void is a vacuum. The universe is not a device
or system that perpetually (indefinitely) produces more energy than it consumes, even if its
output of energy it’s perpetual. The universe is not creating its own energy; it is the void that is
responsible to make the primal non uniform masse to become energy thus be the participant to
create the universe by activating the primal masse by its mere "presence" of being nothing!
Therefore the First Law of Thermodynamics saying that: "In any process, energy and matter,
in sum, are conserved", and the Second Law of Thermodynamics stating that: "All heat engine
process cycles operating between a high temperature heat reservoir and a low temperature
heat reservoir absorb heat from the high temperature heat reservoir and can provide usable
work extracted from the absorbed heat. In so doing, waste heat will be rejected to the low
temperature heat reservoir, wherein the First Law requires the heat absorbed equal the work
produced plus the waste heat rejected", are not violated by the universe perpetual motion.

Law: For the universal perpetual motion to be present it is necessary for the universal
expansion to occur.


If man could guide his life only under the influence of religious beliefs we would still been living
in the Stone Age era.

In the field of soul evolution, compared to any ethical humanist the devil is a repulsive
caveman seeing only others as prey’ for his own pleasure.

In our conscious acceptance to deal with the devils (human sociopaths), making alliances with
them for economics reason leading to our temporary physical well being, we turn our mind
away from our innate knowledge of the natural principles in the futile hope causality will be
nice to us; but the devils having no intention to live up to their word, foreseeing our future
sorryness of putting ourselves in a dependant situation toward them, laugh at us, poor
neurotics soul, who created our own hell by greed. Yes we can negotiate with the devil for his
own profit thinking foolishly that alliance will be our wellbeing in long term, it is part of our
self-determination to do just that; and no we cannot negotiated with the natural principles. A
lot of us seeing themselves as "angels" discover after just reward of our past decisions that we
are the devils fools, amusing his dark vanity over the dead of our mind.

One fractalized energy makes its own alliance as forces in action in one whole system called
the universe. Nature goals are purely automatism, nothing else. Our goal is to adapt

Our alliance with nature is automatic since we are part of its energy. Our subjective
agreements between nature and us, it’s always made, by us, in order to advance in our goals
toward self-harmony. By listen to nature we secure our common interests between nature and
us: harmony; then we also becomes winners as nature always wins.

To know and understand reality is light at the end of the tunnel. The void, in its darkness has
no limit, but the confusing darkness in the mind can be healed. The universe do not function in
confusion, it never did. A tunneled mind can only see a dark tunnel. We do not like staggering
in the dark, it is a frustrating stimuli, this is why we constantly adapt to overgrown the
darkness of our mind by developing the necessary skills to survive, that's widen the tunneling
vision. Having hope is that we are never totally resigned to the fact that we do not comprehend
certain things, nor able to transform frustrating stimulus into pleasant ones (unless we
become masochists). The lost of that hope mean dead. Darkness is not life, but life need
darkness for its own evolution as life cannot expand without the presence of darkness. This is
why darkness is part of our existence for life to evolve. By automatism, we were destined to
experience unhappy fears and confusions that are what gives us the impulse to look around for
harmony as harmony bring happiness. This is why social virtue and kindness will prevail as
soon we understand that we can be our own artisans to build personal and social harmony.
Simple logic it’s enough to justify to ourselves the need to adhere to universal principles. Our
scientists already knew that for centuries. The automatic purpose of frustrations is to leads us
to find what harmony is all about; this is what we all craving for: higher state of happiness;
we have to work for it as a human social unit, each having our cultural differences. Our lives
will be more meaningful as soon we develop worldwide this awareness. It is the processes of
the light (as physical phenomenon) that creates in us the feeling of hope by continually
reaching our mind, leading us to the alternative of “mind darkness”. Alliance is to be united. A
trinus is an alliance. Alliance with “God” (meaning the dynamics of the universe) means an
alliance with the knowledge of the natural principles and to live according to the logic of thing
and ethics. The trinus are the structural parts of all the sciences. The geometry of the trinus, its
function in relation to energies deals with all kind of evolution. Human beings are a part of a
multifunctional trinusial system called the Universe. Trinus are allies at work. Allies are
opposing forces that are united by a common link. All allies’ have to be chosen, by
synchronicity, to be such at different time intervals because causality united with the
Egosphere had to say when and where an event (multi-alliances) would takes place. Alliances
are synchronicity doing its job which can be measured in watts, as that law says: The existence
of synchronicity is due by the release of energies issue by evolution itself. Law: What was the
best in one place could become the worst in that same place another time according to cosmic
cycles (see the bell curve shape in normal distribution in statistics). That previous law is part of
the field of statistics (prophecies) easy enough to unwrap since its esoteric knowledge taking
planets alignment into consideration to understand synchronicity, it is not hermeticisism. The
two previous laws is an almagation of what science says about “two things cannot occupies the
same place at the same time”, and” time is relative (Einstein)”, and the theory of evolution (Sir
Darwin) that is responsible for forming the presence of the opposites in different times. The
difference between 1 minute and two thousand years is the speed of evolution. Alliances are
contracts. They needs two opposing forces to form an arch, just like an electrical arc going into
space which is the power of a trinus in action. On the basis of information drawn from our
history (of humanity) that goes back millenniums, it appears that the people of Israel have
some hermetic hyperbolic stories to tell. A hermetic hyperbole is the super exaggeration of a
story wrapped in artificial packaging. It is not that easy to unwrap. One bedside story, in the
form of a fable that takes on morality goes like this after translation: “Like in Noah times,
when a deluge of troubles is about to pour in, as statistics says (God advises), it is better to
pack all the scientific data in the trunk of our means of transportation and sail away from
trouble waters and find another place to live.”. That clearly indicates the fact that the prophets
(wise men, educators) of Israel knew the trinusial principles. The story tells them to hide all
scientific information in a safe place when “on the move”. Now, the question is: is Noah a
cover-up actor in the mental scene, like gods are? Or was he a real person? It is important to
know, because if he was real, then the Hebrews knew the trinusial principles in Noah’s days
and Noah was not an escapee from a deluge but a ship captain whom brings to Earth a bunch
of immigrants as a “deluge” to planet Earth. For the Hebrews to be faithful and remaining
faithful to the terms of an alliance with God is to keep the knowledge of the trinus, the teaching
of it and to assured that the continuity of that knowledge would remain safe for the next
generations. That included the arch of covenant and Noah ark. Hebrew ancestor’s immigrated
away from a distant place to find themselves in a desertic land of knowledge with their
precious scientific data to protect at all prices. Over time, we lost track of the whereabouts of
the arch of covenant; all is left are bedtime stories, the torah, the pyramids, some silent desert
tombs and monuments, and also (Thank goodness) some tribes like the Kemites and the
Navajos. Moses was a prince raised as the son of Pharaoh. That means he learned firsthand
what had to be learned from ancient Egyptian teachings. That also included political science
and political speech. Diplomacy and story-making was part of it. In regard to the trinusial
science, he knew the gods were only representation of concepts and everything ran under only
one single trinus principle that multiplied itself throughout space. He assembled all the gods
into that one trinus principle and made up his own teachings with the help of pharaoh and
pharaohs' high priests. From there on, we all know the hyperbolic rest of the story. As the
knowledge of trinusiality left Egypt to go into the desert, it is very interesting to know that the
ancient myths (science) of Egypt have the same source than the religion (scientific data) of
Israel. It is hiding, sealed in the Torah. It becomes clearer now that it was in their different
ways the prophets ( teachers) presented that data that makes the same science the source of
different religions. Prophets are bound to politics. Is the story of Mount Sinai another hermetic
hyperbole? Yes. The nirvana produce be the knowledge of the truth can be compared to what
mount Olympus represent. Olympia is a Nirvana. Knowledge is the nectar of the gods. Moses
laws (results from knowledge) were to follow, they also dictated social behavior. They aimed
at respect for others and oneself for the well-being of all. Noah’s ark and the arc of covenant
would be the safe place to store precious secret data. The Torah is one of those places. What
pyramids represent is another of those places. Not the pyramid itself, it is merely a material
construction representing the first principle (the trinus); its value resides in its message of the
universal structure of the mind and the multifunction of the trinus itself. Does the Torah
contain scientific information such as knowledge of chemistry, physics, and math and so on. ..
Who knows? Can it reveal knowledge that we would like to have? It is possible the Torah and
the ancient Egyptians myths completed each other like two pieces of the same puzzle. Despite
all the adversities the Jews have suffered, we must admire the amazing tenacity they used to
protect their beloved Torah. Modern Egyptians didn't do the same in regard to their truthful
richest scientific data as the world probably knew in ancient times. They lost the meaning of it!
It got buried in the desert sands. Now-a-days, the remains of it, resting in their sandy tombs
become more of a tourist attraction than a scholastic reunion. Modern Egyptians remain the
world’s guides. Tourist guides, that is.


Logic is a natural science so essential for the harmonious processes of everything in the
universe that morality itself is logic becoming a serie of feelings to become sentiments where
pure love as we understand it come from.

During the Persian Empire (today Iran), Cambyses II (Kamb≈´jiya), the son of Cyrus the
Great, continued his father conquests by conquering Egypt and annexed it to the Achaemenid
Empire. The Achaemenid period see Zoroastrianism to be totally accepted as a defining
element of Persian culture. Throughout the ages some divinities of religions were of cosmic
(like Aphrodite), astral and planetary aspects, while other were of psychological character,
like in the Greek Pantheon. Science under the label of religion is from where the temples cults
originated. Symbols like the Zoroastrians fighting bull that personifying the Earth, and lion,
personifying the Sun, became teaching tolls for the insiders, and it seem that Zoroaster was an
“insider” knowing of what our universe is all about.

“Zorro”, means “Grand priest of the sun”

“Aster”, involves the cosmos.

“Trianism”, implied trinus, triade, triangle.

Zoroaster was a Persian (Iranian) instructor of high intellectual level. “Zoroaster”, is the Greek
name meaning “golden star”. It was used by Plato who made known Zoroaster in the West. He
is also known as Zarathustra: “Him who knows the bright light.” meaning the ways energy
work. Zoroaster or Zarathustra is the same important religious figure. He is known as a wise
prophet of scientific knowledge and founder of Zoroastrianism. As a prophet, Zoroaster never
pretended having contacts with God. He always said: “Use your reasoning to see things”.
Zoroastrianism is the oldest religion of Persia, which contains scientific data from Egypt. The
“Gathers” are the only remnants of poems written by Zoroaster.

The mazdÈisme is the traditional religion of ancient Persia. The ancient Persians received their
religion from Zoroastre. This religion is one of the first monotheistic religions; it mentioned the
immortality of the soul, and the soul being exposed to its own judgment. He said: “To know,
ones has to have reason”.

We only know a few bits and pieces of his life through the hymns of the Avesta. They are
written in an archaic Avestan Indo-Iranian language between 2500 and 3000 years ago. It is
very close to the Indian vedics texts “Rig Veda”. The same type of grammar is used in the holy
book of Zoroastre. According to different researchers over time, it appears that Zoroastre lived
between 6000 and 4000 BC; Or in the 3rd millennium B.C.

The existing remains of prehistoric cults were not of much scientific value anymore and lost
their original astrophysics character. The teachings from the ancient Egyptians were
misunderstood. Sometimes there was a mixture of science and prehistoric nonsense. Zoroaster
condemned those mixtures of rituals and traditional sacrifices. The seed of true science became
affected by moron priests. He restored the purity of the doctrine and the adequacy of their
teaching. Zoroastre, (Persian: Zerdust), according to the traditions of the Persians, spent the
first part of his life travelling to confer with the wises, the most illustrious teachers of his time.
His travels led him to Iunu (Heliopolis), were the most illustrious elders resided. It been said its
doctrines were written in 21 books called Nosks or NaÁkas. He taught the existence of two
opposing principles. Ormuzd, the principle of good, and Ahriman, a principle of evil. Both are
constantly struggling but we need each of them. Above them, rises a sublime god: “Zervane-

Zoroastre said that Ahura Mazda led Mithra, the god of the sun, moon and stars. The fire is the
son of Ahura-Mazda. It is for this reason, the ancient Persians, supporting massively the
teaching of Zoroaster, (mazdÈisme, also known as Zoroastrianism), would never extinguish
their sacred fires. Zoroastre kept the tradition of worshipping the fire. The sun and the fire
were representing the universe and its energy.

He said that only Ahura Mazdah was worthy of veneration. A son of Ahura Mazdah, Ahriman
opted for evil. Zoroastre said the duality is born between the Holy Spirit (Vohu Manah, the
Good Thought) and the poor Spirit (Angra Mainyu). The Holy Spirit being the knowledgeable
one and the poor spirit is the ignorant one.

The holy book of Avesta comes from the name of the prophet Zoroaster, or Zarathustra. In this
book, the prophet describes the struggle between the Kingdom of Light and the one of
Darkness. (Ahriman). “Light illuminated darkness and darkness gave up territories”. He
supports immortality of all the living souls, and said that the last trial of mans soul is the final
one that separates mind darkness from understanding light.

Zoroastre tolerates a great sexual freedom. Polygamy and consanguineous marriage were
permitted, like the Pharaohs did. He mentioned that pleasures are made to be shared. He said
that we love the ones who give us pleasure. It is through the teaching of Zoroastre that a long
and prosperous agreement was in place between royalty and religion in the history of pre-
Islamic Iran.

With the conquest of the Arabs and the advent of Islam in the seventh century AD,
Zoroastrianism lost its status as a religion of the State and became the DÍnkart, a kind of
systematic theology of Zoroastrianism and strong critic of Islam. Towards the tenth century
AD, the followers of Zoroastrianism, the Parsis, in order to escape Muslim oppression
emigrated from Persia to the North West of India. There, they formed a community. They are
still fervent, and faithful to the thought of Zarathustra and the rites that go along with his

Our journey on Earth is like little Red Hood’s traveling through the forest, and natural
universal Ethics is our every day companion anywhere we go and some time we are not
listening to it; and kouac religions are these stupid big bad wolfs in hiding, ready to instigate
troubles, showing themselves only when we are not listening to our companion Ethics. Is not
much of an accomplishment to believe in "God", to become a fatalist and to learn how to
rationalize our killing spree from cultural induced ethics; what about to study the universe, to
be a creative mind for the good of humanity evolution while caring and saving life’s in the
psychological level as well as literally? Is that sound better? That would be more following the
ways of the universal ethics than the “invented ones” (cultural ethics) under political pressure;
natural Ethics is where reason and feeling become buddy-buddy to answer our basic needs
without lost of logic and creating harmonious psychosocial relationships all over the universe.

Mental fitness and religiosity are in negative correlation; religiosity stops us to achieve our full
human potential. Religiosity makes us to be unprepared to cope with the realities of life and
therefore we feel to be constantly under the pressure of existence. Religiosity makes us to
concentrate about a future full of fantasies instead of letting us to narrow our focus on the
immediate needs and ways to adapt. We all know that our ultimate objective is psychosocial
harmony but it can be done only one step at the time. Managing our psyche is a learned skill
that can only be done the secular way, not by chanting alleluias. Being self-aware of the
demands of our psyche to perform well in the scene of existence demand reasoning, not
religious faith. The negativeness of a physical hell being present for the non-believers is a step
backward to achievement, especially if we visualize the sufferings promise to us by the church
if we do not follow its dogmas. Our immediate goal in existence is to find harmony by
responding positively to our basics needs to cope with our surrounding; positive feelings
toward our environment (since it is our environment that can provide the means to respond to
our needs) and intellectuality is need to reach that goal. It is a learning process the secular
way; the environment is the provider and we are the ones who do something with that
providence. Adaptation is attainable only by reasoning; otherwise it will be (mental) hell!

Hebrew Medicine

Moschiach is the man who will kill "God" to stop human anarchy against the natural principles
for harmony to take place, and the antichrists are the ones whom want to keep "God" alive by
any destructive means; and it won’t be Moschiach who will creates the perfect government but
it will be done by the peoples after the intellectual dead (in man mind) of the manmade “God”.

Leviticus is the third book of the Torah (five books of Moses). The Book of Leviticus is a set of
rules, and priestly (scientific) rituals in terms of community relationships, behavior and
medicine. This includes ritual cleanliness, mandating male circumcision, dietary restrictions
prohibiting eating pork and rabbits because they are full of germs, “unclean”. Moses authored
the full Torah from his Egyptian education; probably some additions came later on. “Take
care, in a case of leprous disease (skin diseases), to be very careful to do according to all that
the Levitical priests (scientists) shall direct you. As I commanded them, so you shall be careful
to do”. (Deuteronomy 24:8). “This was the list of the Levites according to their clans: of
Gershon, the clan of the Gershonites; of Kohath, the clan of the Kohathites; of Merari, the clan
of the Merarites.” (Numbers 26:57)

Besides the obvious secular data that the ancient Egyptian High Priests left us in a form of
"Religious Faith" to go by, those data or messages, by the way they are formulates and how
they are pass on to us indicates also some parts of their associative personality (or aspects of
some of their different personalities). They become the contain of their own messages by letting
us know the degree of their education and the vastness of their knowledge and also how they
used it for educational purposes. Their vast understanding of the universal natural principles
is still unequalized in our present time. The Hebrews believed in placentophagy, the placenta
contains high levels of prostaglandin and also small amounts of oxytocin. The placenta
produces pregnancy-related hormones, including chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), estrogen,
and progesterone. According to recent research, placenta and amniotic fluid contain a
molecule (POEF, Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor) that modifies the activity of endogenous
opioids in such a way that produces an enhancement of the natural reduction in pain that
occurs shortly before and during delivery. Eating one's own placenta does not carry risks. The
German word for placenta is Mutterkuchen and the Dutch word for it is moederkoek. Both
words literally mean “mother-cake”. The placenta is expelled from the uterus in a process
called the after-birth. “...her afterbirth (the placenta) that comes out from between her feet
(her vagina) ...., because lacking everything she will eat ... secretly ...” (Deuteronomy 28:57)

In proverb 5-15 to 5-18, there is some advice concerning the body liquids of the man. The man
is seen as his own cistern, and his sperm is called his spring. The “fountain of youth” is the male
ejaculating penis, or testicles. The proverbs cover liquid such as blood, concerning blood
transfusion; urine, concerning urine therapy; tears, concerning antibiotics cleansing; Sperm,
seen as energy drink and sexual gourmet beverage; the use of saliva for cleaning wound and
digest harmful bacteria; sweat, to regulate our body temperature and using it as urea therapy
etc... It is all part of proper hygiene to avoid external micro-organism from strangers to enter
our body that can make us sick... We shall drink only from our own cistern. The proverb advice
to be faithful to the wife has also the meaning that both bodies, husband and wife, became
adapted to each other body fluids, in that sense both fleshes become one; one cistern made of 2
bodies. “Drink the liquids from your own cistern, all the flowing liquids from your own well.
Should your springs be scattered abroad, streaming your liquids in the streets? Let your
liquids be for yourself alone, and not for strangers with you. Let your fountain be blessed, and
rejoice in the wife of your youth” (Proverb 5-15 to 5-18).

About the medicine of the psyche: “Trust in the Lord (science) with all your heart, and do not
lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him (it), and he (it) will make
straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord (respect the universal rules),
and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and medicine to your bones (your
psyche).” (Proverbs 3: 5-9).

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones (dries up the
thoughts)”. (Proverbs 17:22). “A healing tongue (words of integrity) is a tree of life, but
perverseness in it breaks the spirit.” (Proverbs 15:4).

Hebrew psychoanalysis:

Any forms of life, any forms of matter, and any phenomenon are the messengers of the natural
principles from what they are and their behaviors. It is up to us to study them to find out the
natural principles behind any kind of behaviors.

Abaddon means “mind destruction”. The realm of the dead minds means: of the sleeping minds
with their mental troubles. Abaddon is associated with Sheol. Sheol is the atrocious depths of a
trouble mind. Abaddon is also one of the compartments of Gehenna. Gehenna is a concept, it
simply means that any individual that falls into a deep psychosis is burning his old values that
makes him mentally sick and eventually, under the right circumstances, emerges (like a
sphinx) as a cleansed soul (healed mind). Psychosis, and any form of mental troubles (lost
souls) are covered under the term underworld. Abaddon, “Angel of the Abyss” belongs to the
psychoanalytic field. Hades is the hell one goes through when he is mentally sick. The angel of
the key of hare is a psychoanalyst or a psychiatrist, his authority is superior to that of the Devil
himself, meaning a psychiatrist can heal a sick mind by understanding the source (the devil) of
mental disorders. Satan or devil generally means an evil spirit, a human psychopath or
sociopath. If a sociopath has the knowledge of brain washing, he also has the key of hare.
Nowadays, some marketing agencies have those keys, and also some lobbying companies.”A
merchant, in whose hands are false balances, he loves to oppress.” (Hosea 12:7). “A false
balance is an abomination (absurdity) to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.” (Proverbs
11:1). “And you shall bear no sin by reason of it, (And you shall not rationalize your evilness)
when you have contributed the best of it. But you shall not profane the holy things (have
contempt toward the science) of the people of Israel, lest you die (unless you are mentally
disturb)'“(Numbers 18:32). Etymologically speaking, if we want to define properly the words
"psychopath" and "sociopath" the result will be this: a psychopath is a soul destroyer
(including his own mind) while a sociopath destroy his environment, others human being
included. Most (if not all) of psychopaths and sociopaths are psychosociopaths. Our first
natural task is survival (including min-survival), not consumerism. Adrenaline rush is
naturally needed for our basic protection in order to respond to our basic needs, not to make
us compulsives consummators of anything and everything. Natural compulsiveness is induce
by the adrenaline rush for us to respond to our basic needs; and before accepting any
artificially induced compulsiveness from smart marketing we have to learn to respond to our
basic needs, one by one, to the best of our abilities. From responding to our basic needs at first,
and then to be derailed in other directions by marketing in order for us to extent our interest to
artificially developed hunger toward "wants" it is to be brainwashed by a consumerist cal
society trough its marketing. There are no basic needs for us to crave for doses of wants; it is a
disappointing game for the whole psyche to try to live-up to consumerism expectations.
“Consumerism” encompasses consuming goods that are especially made not to last, from
airplane to coffee grinders. Therefore is it advisable to slow down and let idleness, as a form of
meditation, play its part in our soul searching. By not refusing to be overwhelmed by a series
of artificially induced compulsions will lead us to a form of mind apathy that open the doors to
respond positively to any form of marketing; on the other hand mind idleness is keeping us
outside that consumeristical box. It is not to be selfish to go back to our basics needs that are
pushed away from consumerism. When our basics needs are responded to, Idleness leads us
automatically to the search of knowledge and wisdom. That was the "Sabbath" is all about.
According to Jewish faith, and in other words, it’s ok to develop some wants but a certain
period has to be secured to reflect on our basic needs and the reason of their presence. Wars
are the final products of marketing wants; wars are not in the list of our needs; on the other
hand peace is the final product of our needs being satisfied. Only the devil defeat himself. In
our accepted customs where kouac religions are accepted and respected it is hard for ones to
stray from the path of conventional behaviors to be creative. Laws made us to conform to
accepted standards having more political backgrounds than scientific ones. Though rigidly of
the masses by cultural pressure become the criteria of who is a crackpot or not. Once upon a
time peoples like Einstein, Newton, Freud, Galileo and others were considered as crackpots.
Cultural behaviors in the ordinary way of life when it concern respect toward religions
restrain humanistic creativity. Too many people still think that to be anticlerical means to be
anti ethical, which is very far from the truth. The only rightful communication concerning
universal matters can only be made from scientific data being proven to be valid by the
scientific method; moronical conventional peoples in their ill placed diplomacy are a big
restrain to the building of utopia specially if their number is huge enough to tip any political
balance. This is where we can see that knowledge is crucial for humanity evolution toward its
maturity were we will be more realistic than we are now living in a world of fantasies.

The light of religion is so dim that everything around is a mystery; on the other hand the light
of science keep getting brighter pushing more of the darkness away. Every phenomenon to
come send us warnings of their arrival and the warning of the disappearance of kouac
religions reside in the scandals flickering their flame and their blindness toward the scriptural
clews leading to reality.

Here Nostradamus has something to say about the end of times (Apocalypse): The "divine
word" will be struck from the righteousness of science as religion cannot proceed any farther;
the secret of the Scriptures riddles will be with the "revelation"; this is why the "divine word"
will be walked all over. (Nostradamus II-27).
The Language of Symbols

In pre-Columbian Central America, the Mayan sky god (or god of the cosmos) “Quetzalcoatl”,
(the feathered serpent) represents the Greek "Alpha and Omega. Quetzalcoatl represents the
constant re-creating of the same principle in its cyclical phenomena. In Gnosticism,
Quetzalcoatl symbolized eternity.

At the automatic level, man being an automaton as well as having self-determination, like any
form of life does, is a device that converts radiation, or waves of energy, into various forms.
Man transmits external and internal stimulus, to any location of his psyche which in turn
reconverts them in others forms of electrical, chemical and emotional signals. In the conscious
level man symbolizes by various mean his thoughts. Man also indicated different objects of his
interest, by the many diversified messages he send throughout many different media of
communication. Man also symbolizes unconsciously some messages concerning many fields.

Every object in the universe symbolizes its true meaning. The language of the universe (the
natural universal laws) is under concrete symbols: the whole physical universe! Things are
inducing thoughts; "To see with the eye of the spirit" mean to understand with the use of

In science we have the math symbols, symbols of chemistry etc...They visually reflect the
formalization of an argument. Deductions are based on its reasoning. That means we use math
to validate or not our ideas.

1) First, math is the tool to be used by ideas; 2) Then, math defines the truth.

The symbols have a structure similar to that of language; they are the abbreviations of the
values that we know in various fields. These are equivalent to currant languages. In theory, for
a person to make use of symbols, as in chemistry, demonstrates that this person bases his mind
on the meaning of the symbols and the use of math-logic as ways to formalize reasoning. From
there on, the sequence of logic takes over.

Where there is a symbol there is a meaning. Symbols indicated the logic of something or the
message from someone. All behavior is sequential (Determinism). Jesus symbolize humanity,
and the saying "I am completed in Jesus of Nazareth" mean "I am completed with the rest of
humanity" since Jesus represents humanity. Here is another example: "God rises Jesus from
the dead" mean "The natural principles can, and will, raise our spirit (our mind) from the hare
of hell (mental troubles) to understand universal knowledge in order to reach wisdom from
being a dead-mind. Knowledge is a healing power, it’s the power of the anointed'. The believers
are simple minded, they see what they want to see according to their faith; they do not see the
obvious since it requires thinking from reality.

One symbol is either a part of a chain of ideas that the rest of the symbols are related to or a
part of a message thus a form of written communication that uses a series of symbols during
correspondence. Greek mythology is scientific information being symbolized in a form of
mythical stories where the heroes represent many facets of reality. As an example: Adonis,
who represents the beauty of the physical part of nature, was the son of Smyrna (also called
Myrrha) who represents the structural dynamics of the trinusial principle; that story is pure
cosmogony in disguise! The whole “creation” of the universe is in that story. The trinus concept
that we are using here is symbolized by a triangle. It is a part of a chain of ideas (sequences)
that the rest of the symbols are related to this one symbol: the triangle. The first trinus
(symbol: Triangle) defines itself as forces in action. It is our forces in action (Universal
segmentation) that produce logic, math, mental and biological life through its own evolution.
There are places on Earth that contain messages made of symbols that came from the Stone
Age. They are in the form of rough drawings, but with excellent flowing lines, in various cave
walls. Maybe there are also some undisclosed symbols from the dinosaur’s ages or even before
that, who knows? As far as we know, unless there is a gag-order somewhere, only science
based symbols like the star of David symbol, the trinus symbols and other math-based symbols
came from the bronze Age. That is an undeniable fact. To find other math-based symbols from
the Stone Age and before that would be of incredible value. How far back in ancient times can
the history of forms of math-logic reasoning be found? Did our human cosmic ancestors leave
us some symbols from the dinosaur era and before? According to our most recent scientific
data, the first apparition of man-like creatures (pre-man), through Darwin’s theory of
evolution, is from Africa, not the North Pole. Chimp-like creatures wouldn't have many trees to
swing on at the North Pole. As far as we know our ancestors were not polar bears. Is any of
pre-man and genetic experiment from our cosmic ancestors? They can do it if they want to.
From our discoveries on previous pages of this document, we realize that we cannot be alone in
the universe and there are many other civilizations. They are on other planets within our
galaxy and other galaxies, the question is: did we find the science of the trinus of the dawn of
Egyptian culture all by ourselves? Or some representatives of other civilization from the
cosmos give us that trinus symbol and said; “That is what started all, all that is, is in that
symbol, it is divisible but it remain united”? That kind of language (communication) is a math-
language. The same math-language is found in another symbolic form, it is on the
communicative form of mythical stories from the Egyptians, the Greeks and others cultures. It
is simply the “The general theory of the ensembles” under the symbol of a triangle.

When Gaia (masse of potential energy: “a”) enters the body of Ouranos (empty space: “b”), she
gives life to Ouranos and they become one: “ab”. Then Gaia and Ouranos conceive the first ever
trinusial link (here lies the Big-Bang theory). From there on, trinuses produce other trinuses
(here lays evolution). Trinus “a” produces trinus “b”; then they associated (get together to have
sex) to produces a link that becomes trinus “c”. It is all math, it is algebra presented in a
mythological language to give it a form of life less boring than “a” entering “b” producing “ab”;
then “ab” producing “c”. When “b” associates with “c” then, it becomes bc”. Etc...It is more fun to
use “Baby language” to symbolize those algebra symbols. They were not incestuous gods who
had the oedipian complex, it is the trinusial oedipian complexity symbolized in “baby talk” that
became mythologies. Did our Darwinian ancestors from the bronze ages find that kind of math
all by themselves? Did they have that kind of reasoning even before the Bronze Age? No way!
Let's face it; there is a huge possibility of the presence of foreign tourists from diverse scientific
disciplines that visited our world eons ago. They may have been taking snapshots of the land at
a time of the dinosaurs. Wouldn't you? They have surely brought with them some sandwiches
for the road. The presence of these aliens on our planet at various times is much more than a
mediocre possibility. From different unofficial and semi-official sources, it seems to be a
repeated fact over the ages. Officials in charge of countries prefer to let us feel we are the kings
of the whole universe in our little cocooned world, which we blindly destroy in our race to be
the best consuming society of all societies for economical excuses. Also, there is the fact that the
official in charge do not look forward to being labeled as being “ kookoo” and be send to the
“kookoo nest”, the psychiatric ward that is, if they raise the possibility that our direct
ancestors came from the stars. Somehow, we are living in a era where it is better the be an
unofficial kookoo world destroyer in an official position than to be an official “green” partisan
who want to save the world environment and be labeled as a kookoo who is hugging trees.
Never mind being an official who says: “Yes, flying saucers do exist”, that would be the icing on
the cake isn't it? On the other hand, don't we have flying machines of our own to fly over
kookoo's nests? ...and Churches? And Mosques? The Pharisees maintained the tradition of a
new religion (from ancient knowledge) being officially originated at Mount Sinai with Moses.
They protected the oral Torah (ancient knowledge) which explains what was written. Scribes
and sages, who would later come to be addressed as rabbis, “my master”, were from the Levite
tribes. These sages from Levite tribes were identified with the prophets because they had the
“knowledge”. Rabbi interpretations additional to the written texts came from the knowledge of
the oral Torah. The written Torah symbolized what the oral Torah had to say like any writing
symbolizes a communication. Nature do not have any secrets, men does. From nature there
are no secrets so deeply hidden within its interactions that they would never come to light. As
our intellect evolves so is our intelligence to better comprehend things. Mental slavery is our
lack of understanding and evolution of nature takes care to compensate that “flaw” (original
sin) in different ways to develop the intelligence of any forms of life. It’s all automatic. Nature
speaks to us its own way by its behaviors that are the only language of nature. Now,
concerning human behavior and communication it’s a whole different story; when we
communicate and spoke to each other’s we realize that what we heard previously wasn't what
was actually being communicated. This is due to our constant use of mechanisms of defense
(kill the invaders etc...) and adaptation (rationalizing etc...). The ongoing research in
psychology are aim to gives us an up to date, fresh and new insight, of the mental mechanism
that affect our personal and social behaviors. Psychology is also the study of nature, as the
human animal is a product of nature. In ancient time men of superior intelligence, were
writing books, like the Torah, to disclose ancient scientific information’s in a hermetical form,
and “god” is the hermetical word meaning: “nature”. That word it’s also use in a broadest
sense to indicate anything to do with science and scientific knowledge. Those highly
scholarized people transmit a very ancient knowledge in a hermetical form that became primal
“faiths” in different part of the world. Primal “faiths' like Egyptian mythology were conveying
to us under the cover of the “torah” and Greek mythology. From primal faiths, politics takes
over and some religions representatives bending under politic pressure and personal greed
make us forget that primal religions were scientific information’s in disguise. Unstained
information contain in the Torah are still close enough to the ancient Egyptian knowledge
since it was writing by highly intelligent and knowledgeable ancient Egyptians scholars
surrounding Moses.

Today, men like the Lubavitcher Rebbe began to reveal what was previously undisclosed, when
we replace the word “god” by any scientific word that belong to one of his sentence we can
easily see it is all about scientific information. Does he really know the truth? History will tell.
That Rebbe said that each and every individual has a part to play in the revelation of what is
in the Torah by studying sciences. Isn't that clear enough? How many Rebbe’s’ knew the truth
throughout mankind history? When we take a closer look of what some Rebbe's were teaching
Jews throughout history we realize that some of them encouraged Jews, and each of the non
Jews, to generate genuine insights from science to understand what is in the Torah. They were
advising us to get into as much scientific learning as we can to develops a larger view of
nature leading to a more comprehensive idea of the Torah and the knowledge it contain. In
their own words they said that the messianic consciousness can be understand throughout
sciences and it is by many scientific projects that we will help to increase that consciousness.
And in doing so, according to these Rebbe’s, each of us can help to create both a personal and
the collective utopia. No wonder why Jews are racking so many Nobel prizes! The essence of
mainstream secularism is that the idea of scientific teaching is not to stands between humanity
and nature, but to explain what science discovered so far about nature. We all, in our everyday
life, have a direct relationship with nature. Various non-secular (religious) teacher under
different appellative (Guru, rabbis etc...) tend to put some-non-existent-ones like a “god” or a
“god name Jesus” between nature and mankind. They forget religions came from ancient
Egypt where the “gods” were concepts; the “god of love” was the concept of love, and the “god
of war” was the concept of war. It is also part of psychology how to perceive natural
phenomena (all made of energy) and gives them proper names, as we do now, like in tornados
and hurricane such as “Mary” or “Robert”. “God” is simply a symbolic word where all the
natural universal processes making automatically the universal laws are assembled. Only
nature gives us our mental (or spiritual) force, also called “life force” which is simply:
cognition. Cognition makes us to be connected to nature. The flows of cognition (hf) is the
information given to our biological body to react naturally while informing our intellect of
what is going on, therefore responding to its needs of data (spiritual needs) from internal and
external natural events to produce “coping ideas” and automatic biological processes under the
neuroplasticity phenomenon. Now, hold on to your seats, because what is coming next is
simply amazing: by replacing the word “nature” by the word “god” of what was written here,
the essence of mainstream secularism become transformed to the essence of mainstream
Judaism! To say “amazing” is a polite adjective for saying, that on today world of
communication and knowledge, religiosity which includes a living god is “ludicrous”. It
demonstrated a lack of human comprehension toward nature and oneself. Ancient Egyptian
High Priests and other High Priests around the world were true practitioners of what became
'Hermetic Gnosticism'; that is a school of thought based on the ancient teachings represented
by the Greek god Hermes, which is a Greek copy of the earlier Egyptian god Thoth who
represents knowledge and communication (or language). According to the ancient Egyptian
culture, knowledge and communication (Thoth) come along with Isis and Osiris (representing
humanity and the Dark universe) bringing the fruits of knowledge and science to create
civilizations on planet Earth. During the building of Solomon temple Freemasons learned from
their Egyptian teachers plenty of secular data where sociopsychology (which is “morality”)
was also included as well as the data they need to know for the building of the temple. Free
masons who really and firmly believe in a living God are not "in the secret of the gods"
meaning having the true knowledge of what those gods represents in reality. It is unclear if
any Freemason reached the knowledge of the Levites high priests; for that to happen
freemasonry has to be lead by Levites who have the key unlocking the "Hermetic Gnosticism"
their ancestors created with Moses.

For any forms of life there is nothing more important or above intellectual gains. It is only by
the use of intellectual data and our reasoning capacities that we are able to obtain through
genuine inner experiencing of the flows of reason (cognitive sanity) the firm convictions and a
sincere trust in the universal natural principles which gives us strong support to comprehend
the present reality and the reality of the beyond. Concepts and principles that we acquire
through the help of our intellect in this present existence remain with us, as part of our soul,
after physical death occur since it is not our brain that produces our soul (thus its intellect);
our biological body belongs to the physical universe, and our soul (thus our intellect) belongs to
the quantic universe known by the Gnostics as "The Dark Universe" and by some religions as
"Paradise". The intellect is the whole of the processes of the mind (the spirit); it is by it that we
can mature. We shall swing ourselves to an intellectual mood more and more to devote
sufficient time for reality seeking in the realm of the cosmic level where life is an integral part
of; that will bring us multiple gains in this existence as well as in the beyond.

Libido is a feeling produced by the innate primal logic that build us (meaning: the natural
principles), thus libido is the feeling of total logic; libido is our "little voice" from the deeps of
our unconscious. When "The Dark universe" conceive us -as spirits- we automatically inherited
that libidinous feeling, and it is that feeling who makes us to seek intellectual answers to any
frustration of psychosocial nature, and gives us the natural impulse to build a better world for
ourselves. As long as we allow ourselves to face the reality of things our intellect will fly to the
heights of pure reason where it is so much longing for.

The Canaanites where viruses

If the rightful ones have to use too many euphemisms and metaphors, under cultural pressure,
which are clouding the communication, then the imbeciles may think it is o.k. to act like a
bunch of retarded until they clue-in into their reality by themselves. Plenty of good persons are
imprisoned by their normal reaction from crimes humanity is guilty toward them; their
mistakes were to take the wrong approach as reaction. Self- harmony never takes place by the
means of armed conflict; but it is armed conflicts that eventually will make us understand their
stupidity. This is why the ancient testament is full of war stories between human and viruses
being turned into mythical combats between humans for us to see where are the paradoxical

The “Canaanite” was a virus affecting Canaaneans, and the “Israelite” was an anti-virus
developed by the Hebrew Jacob (now Israel) the bio-technical engineer; Jacob “fathers” the
names: Israelis, and Israelite; Israelis were the Israelites makers. The horror of the atrocities
commits by the Catholics and Islamic’ during past history until recent days is that it is non-
fiction.; but some of the stories of Israel in various biblical combats are fictions in the sense
they are metaphors.

Word roots from the Indo-European language family, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Egypt forms
most of the European languages. Etymology study the history of words forming a language,
how their form and how the meaning may have changed over time. In the suffixes serving to
forms names, “-ite” indicates an agent that bring a state of sickness. That agent can be a virus
or harmful bacteria.

Freud was the father of psychoanalysis; Einstein was the father of the Big Bang theory; Plank
was the father of the quantum theory, Alexander Fleming was the father of penicillin, and
Israel (Jacob) was the father of the Israelites, etc...There are plenty of fathers of science and
fathers of names. Those fathers may have children’s, a first born and a last born. Alexander
Fleming did not have kid name penicillin. The antibiotic “penicillin” (Penicillium notatum)
name by Alexander Fleming makes reference to the shape of the mould from which it was first
obtained; penicillus “paintbrush” as: pencil. Penicillium notatum is a spore that restrains the
growth of the Staphylococcus bacteria; Penicillin is an infection-fighting agent, not Fleming
kid. Alexander Fleming was not the father of the spore but it was the father of the name of the

Genesis 10:15 to 10:19 tell us that: “Canaan fathered Sidon his firstborn and Heth,” then he
fathers (the names of): “the Jebusites, the Amorites, the Girgashites, the Hivites, the Arkites,
the Sinites, the Arvadites, the Zemarites, and the Hamathites.” They were virus or more likely:
infectious bacteria’s. Is that makes sense? Yes it does! They were Canaanites “clans” since
Canaan gives them their names. “Afterward the clans of the Canaanites dispersed. And the
territory of the Canaanites extended from Sidon in the direction of Gerar as far as Gaza, and in
the direction of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, as far as Lasha.”

It is possible that it is the same harmful bacteria (virus) spreading over different territories,
and know, for better classification, under their territorial names as “land territory” and “body

The names “The Jebusites, the Amorites and the Girgashites,” (Genesis 10:16), were chosen
because they belong to a category. The names “the Hivites, the Arkites, and the Sinites,”
(Genesis 10:17) belong to another category, finally the names “the Arvadites, the Zemarites,
and the Hamathites (Genesis 10:18) belong to a third category. Those are etymological
category indicating: the where those viruses came from, what system of the human body is
been affected by it and how it affected the body, like the hamathites (hemat=blood) may mean
“affecting the blood”, or “blood sickness”. The agent, or the transporter of the virus, likes the
Nile water, hornets etc... Are mentioned in the Hebrew bible, and also the responsible sources
like: decomposing corpses, human feces etc... The Nile virus is mentioned as a little “rods'
(bacteria’s). Some plagues came from harmful bacteria’s. The Jesubites were bacteria with
long tails provoking lameless, the Hivites were sources of terrors, and the Girgashites were
dwelling in clay while the Horites were cave-dwellers.

Canaanites were harmful bacteria’s divided by clans. That is why the ancient testament called
the Canaanites harmful to children’s and evil in their doings. Israel invaded the Canaanites
territories armed with pesticides and various antibacterial means, It was not a Genocide, on
the contrary! Israel gets the order, most probably from Pharaoh, to wipe them out. Israel also
fought a war that almost wiped out the Benjaminites. Israel fought plenty of wars against
those “pests”. The nation of Israel was a savior of human populations, and they were never
involving any kind of genocide! Only their own as being the victims of the holocaust. Israel was
Pharaoh Pest control nation, the biotechnical engineers of Egypt, its people. The “forgotten”
Pharaoh army.

In the Hebrew bible a male was sometime called a man to signify a warrior even if it was an
animal or virus. Virus takes their name from the country that carry them, and their “doings”,
and anti-virus takes their names from whom “fathers” their names decides what the name
mean. There are bad viruses and there is good fighting anti-virus. There was a Hebrew anti-
virus call “Israelite” being develops by Jacob. The Hebrew “Israelites” were antiviral fighting
bacteria's. Since Jacob, Israel became a nation of Hebrews call “Israelis”, developers of
Israelites, and the Israelites were antivirus develops by Jacob and “living” with the Israeli's
nation. It seems, according to Genesis 32:25 to 32:31, the original virus affected the sinews
(nervous system). By “fighting” with the virus, injecting his newly made vaccine in his own
thigh, where is the sinew of his hip pocket, Jacob “blessing” himself with the “holy” science. By
being “touched” by it, Jacob developed a tolerance (resistance) to the original virus. In those
days, the Nile virus would be calling the “Nilite” and if it was a virus from Paris (France) it
would be call the “Parisite”. So, it was armies of antivirus call “Israelites”, developed by a
nation of biotechnical pest controllers call “Israelis” that destroyed the “canaanites” affecting
the Canaaneans. The Canaaneans were residents of Canaan, and of different ethnicity, Just
like Vancouver (Canada) which is a “port-city”. According to etymology, it seems the “Sinites”
were virus affecting the sinews, and the Zemarites were most probably carried by animals.

Shem (Noah son) descendants should have been called “Shemeans”, not semites. It was an
etymological mistake that names humans as viruses. The word “Semite” is not in the Hebrew
bible, it is a (poor) human construction of ideas concerning a human blood line. As we discover
previously, people are not viruses even if we act as such toward our lovely planet Earth. It is
all a question of an ill use of Etymology somewhere in our history. Modern Jews are in reality
“Judeans” since they came from the blood line of Judah (Yehudah) which was one of Jacob
(Israel) children’s. Judah descendants are “Judeans”. A Judahite would be a virus.

Bad translations and ill uses of etymology lead to confusing ideas about real historical events.
Heber (or, “Eber”), was a Shemean (not a Semite) because he was one of the great-grandsons
of Shem, the eldest son of Noah. The descendants of Heber are called “Hebrews”. That makes
all Hebrews to be of Shemean ascent. Abraham the Hebrew came from the blood line of Shem
and Heber,

When Jacob's (from the blood line of Abraham) name was changed to “Israel,” his descendant
were called Israeleans (not Israelites) instead of Jacobeans. A Jacobite would be bacteria.
Abraham was not an Israelean but the Israeleans (modern Jews) came from his lineage.

Judeans and other Shemeans settled in Judea, southern Palestine. The most prominent
Shemeans today are Arabs and Jews, they are blood related. Shemeans includes Arabs,
Arameneans, modern Jews, and many Ethiopians. The ancient Shemeans populations were
migrating from Arabia to Mesopotamia, the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, and the Nile
River delta.

The Purim is a Jewish holiday to commemorate a great victory against an army of harmful
bacteria. In the “myth” of Hester that veils the real story, Haman the “agagite” (virus), the
prime minister of king Ahuasuerus, was a descendant of the “amelekite” (master virus) king
Agag. That kind of story has a Greek flavor with the use of Roman suffixes.

Mosquitoes are 30 million years old; the mosquito tube hidden inside the probescis (needle
sheath) is the “needle” that punctures the skin like a hypodermic needle. The mosquito needle is
also call “the sword” of the mosquito. Some time the Hebrew calls the “sword” the hypodermic
needle they are using to inject antibiotics. To pass the Canaaneans by the sword, women and
children’s included, to kill all the Canaanites, simply means the diverse ethnic groups of
Canaan got their “shoot” of vaccine.
According to history, the descendants of Moab worshipped the god Chemosh, which with the
god Moloch represents the concept of sensual pleasure without restrain, and that of course
brings sexual diseases and other kind of diseases in long term; those diseases where of the
lineage of the Amorite viruses, that affected the sons and daughters of the Moab tribe as
Numbers 21:29 witness: " Woe to you, O Moab! You are undone, O people of Chemosh! He has
made his sons fugitives, and his daughter’s captives, to an Amorite king, Sihon.”; but according
to proper etymology the Moabites has to be bacteria's.

The Hebrew’s were biotechniciens dealing mainly with organic compounds related to life
processes, as coming from plants. They were not involve of creating and using multi-carbon
compounds forming the basis of plastics, paint, artificially made drugs etc...They believe in
nature capability of taking care of itself in the “life” field, it was a question to find natural
chemical ways of self-defense against natural predators to keep nature well balanced.

Purim mean “the lot” for Hebrews: myrrh, meaning “was bitter” and in relation with “lotus-
eaters”. It takes a flower to save the life of another flower; plants produce chemicals to repulse
or kill pests and virus.

The Hebrew were chemicals makers. The wild iris, literally mean “small swords” (“gladius” in
Latin) because of the small sword shape leaves, was used by the Hebrews, among other plants,
to produce chemicals. The Hebrews killed the harmful bacteria’s by the sword (of god).

The Hebrews lamp stand (Menorah) is a multisymbol; the cups of the Menorah are made of
plants calixes and flowers; plant stems and leaves design are part of the Menorah. See Exodus
25:30 to 25: 40. The Menorah is the oldest sacred symbol of the Jews; it is today Israel coat of
arm. Israelis were chemical experts.

Let's put it this way: Moses, Highs Priests & Co. must have been partying a lot, with a dining
room table full of goodies (the best pieces of meal been offered to "God", and cooked to a kosher
perfection, by the Israel community) in the back room of the tent-temple, for them to ponder
extravang ideas like the real wars against viruses to become these super metaphors being
taken literally by infantile morons bigots to this day! His ancestor Noah has fondness for good
wine, why not Moses? He? What a Prince!

Kids are educated by religions that cannot differentiate a virus from a man even if
metaphorically, yes, man can be a virus; there is a lack of common sense somewhere for not to
be capable to separate the metaphor from the literal! Do we have the mind-power to
comprehend the secular truth that lies behind primal religion? Yes! Do we have the political
power for our kids to be educated in that truth instead of taking fables literally? Yes! Do we
possess the potential of the willpower to be politically involves to make the educational
changes at the political level concerning our kid education versus religions as well as bigots re-
education? Yes! What would motivate us to do those changes instead of doing trivial political
things that doesn’t socially nor psychologically matter in the scheme of humanity general
evolution toward harmony? ...Well ...this is the question...

Being seating at night in my secret studies

Alone, drove back (in the chair) on the saddle of brass
such a flame coming out of its cramped solitude
I utter what is not vain to believe.

(I.1 Nostradamus Century, 1555)

Who control the media's control the speed of human-mind evolution.

Causality extends to the "Afterlife" and reincarnations are present under the appellation
"Karma"; causality is always present.
Our Genes Lead to the Nine Point Star of Life

Tools are artificial extensions of our body, intelligent tools (like a computer) are artificial
extensions of our mind; how we use them defines who we are.

The first law of genetic metaphysics:

All the genes of an individual, their dynamics, are the building block from which is tailored a
suit according to the measure of the spiritual evolution of the personality (soul) that will
inhabit that biological machine. The genes are the chemical form of the previous knowledge of
an individual (soul). Therefore, for an individual to continue its spiritual evolution from the
point where he left it, the genes become all the mental capacities needed to continue his/her
evolution as a psyche (body and mind); that is, because the whole of the genes is his/her
memory, therefore it is: him/her”.

This is why all individuals see their bodies as themselves and the sum of their mental processes
(dynamic of the spirit) as themselves also. Because the body and the spirit (personality) are
two in one of the same individual in two different forms, we have the perception that oneself is
what the body is. That perception is correct. The body (the result of our genes at work) is the
container of our past memories and our present memory (our spirit) is the sum of our present
life experience.

That is to say: “the father (past memory), the son, (present memory) and the spirit (mental
processes which are the dynamics of the spirit that produce its own personality), are one and
the same entity. From there, we know the rest of the story, Catholics still searching what is the
Trinity. The “holy Spirit” is the Egosphere mind. To have a holy spirit of our own is relative to
how an individual makes use of his mental capacities to be holier (mentally stable) or not. In
case of a screw-up (mentally sick) it would be: “The father, the son and the screwed-up spirit”.
Only the Egosphere has a “Holy Spirit”, she is leaving us the fun of screwing-up things and

The Egosphere is a real Trinity; It can be the one the clergy of the Catholic Church say: “The
mystery of the holy Trinity” when they talk about God (in this case, most probably the
Egosphere) which, by the way is a female. As far as we know there is no mention of the
“mystery of the screwed-up Trinities” (which is us) anywhere in the bible. The Catholic Church
probably left that one somewhere on the shelf of disregarded documents in the basement of the
Vatican to collect dust. One “Holy Trinity” was enough to screw them up, never mind about a
bunch of “Screw-up trinities” which all of us are. After our death, all of us belong to one home
which is the Egosphere, as a spacial residence. In another words the mentally ill (us, as
suffering souls) have their own psychiatric ward where tender loving care will takes care of
our mental wounds.

“Holy Trinity” and “Screwed-up Trinities” are the two opposites in the “Whole Trinity trinus”;
the link is the evolution of the spirits (or souls). Even the Egosphere's spirit is subject to mental
evolution since she is using her mental processes. She is not a dumb place of residence. She has
feelings. She is the libido personified; she is Aphrodite, who means: “The beauty of love”.

The “Whole Trinity trinus” which is symbolized in the Enneagram form of a nine pointed stars,
is possibly what is the Navajos are looking for. Spiritually speaking, there is no other spiritual
Enneagram; it is the top of the line concerning life. Before that, it is the “it” trinusses line of
material energies that compose “logic”, and we know that life is a product of logic. In the
production line of trinusses made by logic, life is the top product in the form of:

1) An Egosphere; 2) Life forces; 3) Mental energies. “2” and “3” are the top product in the
agenda of the Egosphere; she is making her own line of production. This is to say that logic
separated into three different line of trinusses production:

1) Trinusses of hf and mc2 character (hf and mc2 = E)

2) Trinusses of life forces that give and sustain life to biological organisms.

3) Trinusses of life that concern mental energies.

From “1” to “2” is a first sublimation

From “2” to “3” is a second sublimation

It may be complex to understand but it is not complicated. The complexities of logic do not
complicate things, we do. We can see why the ancient Egyptians gave names to the line of
production. That principle was copied later on by the Greeks but under different names. It is
easier to understand. As an example we can say:

1) Logic has a daughter called “Egosphere” and a son call “hf”. When

The son came to maturity; he changed its name to mc2, then,

“Egosphere” finds him of her taste and fell in love with mc2

2) Mc2 and Egosphere got together to make kids called “Biological”.

3) All the “Biological”, pushed by their grandfather “Logic” makes love to their mother
“Egosphere” and produced the race of “mental processes”.

And so on, and so forth...Then it became so complex, that Moses and Pharaoh (his father) got
the bright idea to go back to the source and say: “All are in one”. The rest is history. Moses
closed the doors of science to the gentiles, only the line of Israel prophets knew the truth. The
truth became inside information of a sensitive nature, as it still is. They got to wrap the truth
with hermeticisism to keep the secret in order to unite all the tribes of Israel under one banner:
a unique God that chooses them as the elite nation over all the nations to keep scientific
knowledge to be safe from vandals.

Moses created the first Israeli “CIA” of these times. The ancient prophets and Levites were in on
the secret. They were the only “initiates” to know the word of God (the scriptures of sciences)
and to be inspired by them. After the chain of the prophets came the Pharisees. Some of them
knew the truth. During the times of the Pharisees, the story tells that came a Jesus of Nazareth.
He got himself into a situation that the Pharisees who knew the real truth tell him to take a hike
when he started to claim he was their messiah. We know the rest of the story. Actually, Jesus of
Nazareth story is only a story. That story was inspired from Egyptian mythology and being
use for political reason. Later on, came Muhammad, that character was a real one, a real
prize! Unfortunately for humanity he was a powerful army general with very strong political
ties. He knew very well the teaching of the Torah but without being an insider (initiated) of the
“CIA” closed circle. He claims the position of the messiah. There is another one that Israel tells
him to take a hike. The Israeli “CIA” of that time knew better. Then Muhammad turned around
and founded his own religion called Islam with a profound hate toward Israel who closed the
doors on his messiah claim. He wanted to be king of Israel and it did not work. He wanted to
destroy Israel for that insult to his pride. That is reflected in his teaching to the present day: his
profound hate toward Israel mixed up with his own “Godly” inspirations. Plenty of Islamic
people and teachers are true lovers of humanity and firmly believe in ethics but unfortunately
for them they are in a paradoxical situation of “love and hate”. That creates mental disorders
and socio-political troubles within the activist extremist groups. Amazingly enough, while
being the most faithful to “God” and Mohammed his prophet, they also endangered innocent
life. It all starts with Moses.
“My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the
depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every
one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (Psalm
139: 15-16).

A Last Homage to Heliopolis

It is by being humble without being masochist that we learn better; and that's not by any
means included that we cannot have some fun while learning. Discipline is also accepted social
behaviors when having fun, it is called “having class” while enjoying ourselves.

Millennium ago, Heliopolis was one of the most ancient cities of Egypt. Heliopolis was the
capital of the 13th Lower Egyptian sub national administrative division. In ancient Egyptian
times Heliopolis was the principal place of sun-worship. That's where its name, which means
“city of the sun” in Greek, came from. The Maya and the Inca were sun-worshipers. Their
ancient belief was founded by the same school of thought as the ancient Egyptian culture.
“Sun-worship” was learning the significance of the enneade pantheon represented by a nine
pointed sun formed by three trinus. The ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language names
Heliopolis as “Iunu”, literally: “place of pillars”. Each couple of those “pillars” represented the
two opposites in our trinus theory. The name “Iunu” became later on the “pillars of Hercules”
as the Greek appropriated the ancient Egyptian science. The chief deity of Heliopolis was the
god Atum. That god was worshipped in the primary temple. That temple was known by the
names Per-Aat, “Great House”, and Per-Atum, “House of Atum”. Temples were the universities
of their times. Heliopolis was the original university campuses. The university buildings were
the sources of worship (learning) where the teaching of (signification) the Ennead pantheon
took place. Although in later times, worship (learning) focused on the solar deity “Ra-
harakhty”, literally Ra (who is Horus of the Two Horizons). Ra is the merging of The
Egospheral-Trinity with the (screwed-up) living beings-Trinity. That merging is represented
by a nine pointed sun-star.

During the Amarna Period, king Akhenaten worshiped Aten, the deified solar disc. The cult of
the Mnevis bull, an embodiment of the god Ra, had its centre at Heliopolis. The north end of the
city is a formal burial ground. Heliopolis was the capital of Egypt for a while. Grain was
stored in the city for the winter months. People would come to Heliopolis to be fed; the storage
area was “the place of bread” as the city was nick-named. The Book of the Dead describes how
Heliopolis was the place of multiplying bread. Recounting a myth in which Horus (Enneade)
feeds the masses with only 7 loaves (can be taught the whole theory with seven trinuses) that
story was used by Moses and then the Christians, with some transformations of their own. The
temple of Ra was a depository for royal record. The priests (teachers) of Heliopolis were the
best informed in matters of history and Cosmogony, math, geometry and plenty of other
sciences like sociology etc. During the Greek period, the city of Heliopolis flourished as a source
of learning for the Greeks. The campus of the town university registered students such as:
Homer, Orpheus, Pythagoras, Plato, and other great Greek philosophers. These Greeks were
the ones that started the Greek mythology. Politics change as rulers changed. Over time,
Alexandria became the learning center over Heliopolis. That was the doom of Heliopolis. The
university town became a relic out of date. Now-a-days, the ruins of what was once the
greatest learning center of the world is no longer a research center for mind-building
materials, but a ransacked site for mere building materials. The soul of that ransacked site was
known (and still is) to the Egyptians and the Arabs as “the well of the sun”. ...The knowledge of
the enneade of life. “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor.
No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.” (Psalm 84:11).
Primal religions are secrets codes that contain scientific information’s which includes
electromagnetism, antigravity, where our cosmic ancestors come from etc... These
information’s are not united in one primal religion only but are divided into several primal
religions. The funny part about "code breaking" is that during ww2 plenty of secret codes
where unveiled by geniuses from either side of the nations in conflict; but so far only few
peoples know how to break the secret code of primal religions! What about if there is only
144.000 of them? Look at the US and the UK, they were so good of breaking secret codes
during ww2, but they still have the famous "In God we trust" and "God save the Queen" part of
their cultural moronic religious beliefs! A truthful metaphysical research is like massaging
vigorously the psyche to dislodge the nods of pain (the paradoxes) and makes it drink the
water of knowledge to chase the toxins away. The light leads to life, and life is a mnemonical
phenomenon leading to wisdom as we adapt to life under the guidance of the natural
principles made of light, consciousness is “to see the light of things” otherwise our mind would
be lying in the “valley of the dead bones”; humanity can be the light of humanity rather than be
the gravitational force of darkness.


Our psyche is our body and mind as a whole. For us to have physical and mental motility on
this earth, we have our genes. They are a concrete code (like a Morse language) formed of
chemical molecules linked one to another by other chemical material. It is a language specially
made for the dynamics of the body to understand. The forces themselves make up that
language, it is their own language. For a force to be capable of building a body, it needs orders
and directions to follow. The forces make them up and then follow them. Because the forces are
sums of logic at work, even lunch-breaks are including in that line of work. They also have
their own water closet (w.c) to flush out their excrements; it is called “the apparel of Golgi” .Go
to your electronics microscope and sees for yourself. Thus, we can more or less guess at our of
living history (past life) mixed-up with the degree of mental evolution of an individual by our
present genetic characteristics (Here we reach the karma of certain religions). The characters
are hereditary. It is our own evolutionary self through the ages. Intelligence and instinct are
two faculties, among many others, that make us fit or unfit to use external environmental
resources for our mental and biological adaptation. Intelligence is at the whole psyche level. It
is the building block of communication between our mental functions and our biological
functions. The Id is also a product of intelligence. Intelligence is coded in our genes. The
instinct, at the Id level, is natural impulses that respond according to the stimulus of the
environment. The Id function is to adapt the body to its surrounding. We have already seen
that in previous pages, but a small memory boost may be in order for what comes next. While
the instinct prompts us to actions which are natural behavior, it also participates as part of the
Id on the biological transformation of the body that lives in a changing environment. Although
intelligence is an innate ability that resides in both the unconscious level under genetic forms,
and in our mind as the basis for our mental processes, intelligence is none the less the
foundation by which we train our thought. Intelligence had to be part of both worlds: visible
and invisible, within one individual for the harmonious functioning of the psyche.

For now, it is the human race that is the indigenous race (of this planet) which is the most
intelligent, but for how long? From generation to generation, we extend our hereditary
characteristics. Intellectually speaking, we took a competitive edge over other indigenous
races. Now, here comes the fun part: reincarnations. It is consistent with the genetic
characters of a psyche. Dynamics x (Organism + Mind) = Psyche. It is impossible for a small
organism like a spider to have our intellectual advantage. Spiders cannot have the intelligence
of a human being. Just as the human being, having neither the instincts of a spider nor its
physiology is incapable to weave a web composed of silk as the spider does because our
physiology is not the same. This example defined well some of the laws of evolution as
mentioned by Darwin. We know that the mind is very much alive after death. It’s all maths:

Death itself is a simple equation: Dynamics of the Psyche - organism = Dynamics of the mind.

That lead us to formulate: Mind dynamics + organism = incarnation = psyche dynamics

This is where we can see clearly that psychosomatics’ is a natural effect of neuroplasticity.

Anything alive have genes, and genes are the depositories of past memories; since life is of
mnemonical nature then units of life are processing units of mnemonic nature within the
dynamics of light that are safeguarded in the vault of the genes when we are talking biology.
By manipulating segments of human genes we can create dinosaurs as well as spiders or any
form of biological life we can dream off in our laboratories; therefore the human race can be
enhance and created artificially and probably some of the earlier segments of it was.


To know it all is to become all since knowledge is made of energy. To become all is to become
total objectiveness in everything in evolution, therefore not alive since life is by definition
subjective for adaptation purpose following the sense of frustration and pleasure. Therefore
"God" is not alive; it is a concept representing the natural principles. The living God of the
faithful is static by definition, which is paradoxical thus a nonsense; the only existing total
statism is the void (infinity of nothingness) around the energy contain in universe. Therefore
not only “God” represents the universal natural principles, but as its own opposite “God” also
represents the nothingness (agnostism or statism) in the mind of the believers and the morons
alike; there is where lay the duality of “God”. We are the living (mnemonics) links of that

Passing through the door of death the spirit (Dynamic mind) will join the Egosphere. Where
else can it go? Spirits have to go somewhere. We must to go home after the shift is done. One
has to relax, to take it easy for a while.

The amazing part resides in the fact that that kind of basic math was very well known by the
students residing at Heliopolis’s campus a few thousand years ago. Also it was known by
Moses and some ancient Greek philosophers of those times. They must have a lot of fun playing
with the math-gods! They were probably having story-making contests between them to see
who could come-up with a best-seller. All right, let's continue. The naked souls, without a
biological coat to hide, who they really are, after passing through the field of physical activity,
which is our land, end up in the Egosphere where they can rest. No punishment of any kind is
waiting for anyone. The anti-social ones were unhappy on earth, lacking the presence of the
libido feeling. In one sense it wasn't entirely their fault if they didn't understand the manual of
operation (scriptures) because it was made of a paradoxical language. Thanks to Moses,
Prophets and Co.

So far our approach to see things a little clearer seems to be ok, we had a small overview of the
way the psyche evolves and also the base of its operation which is the DNA + the Mind.

We have also seen how matter comes from energy, for life to produce biological beings. We
understand it is all a question of sublimation (distillation) as some old initiated alchemist said
few hundred years ago. They had to say it in covert words. They knew their ethical-social duty
was to pass on that information to us without being burned alive, or even to be killed first and
barbecued afterward. They were not ready to kick the bucket yet. Creationists were in political
control. Thanks to Moses, Prophets and Co.

Thus, regarding the creationists, creation is not over yet, it never will be, it is called evolution,
it is a continuing creative process from the energies themselves. Even now-a-days, scientists
are capable of creating life, and to participate in its creation by bringing together the
necessary conditions in their laboratories for that phenomenon to be triggered. They can do it
on Mars if they want to. It all depends on the pay check and the social benefits that go with it.
If life can be trigger artificially by scientists on any place in the cosmos under the right
conditions and life can trigger itself under the right conditions in any part of the cosmos, than
life can be in any part of the cosmos. Also, by our recent finding at the very bottom of our
oceans, where the continentals plates meets, we can safely say; “Life drives under a lots of
different and surprising conditions still unknown to us”.

Therefore to say Earth is the only planet that contains all forms of life because it was Gods
pleasure to do so is a complete no-no.

“These are the generations (evolution of the genes) of the heavens and the earth when they (life
forms) were created (made their apparition), from the day (time) that the Lord God (logic)
made the earth and the heavens.” (Genesis 2:4).

“And God (logic) said (did), “Let the waters (hf) under the heavens be gathered together into
one place, (the dark universe) and let the dry land appear (physical universe)).” And it was so.
God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas (of
energy, as waves of energy). And God (nature) saw that it was good.” (Genesis 1:9).

Genes are the concrete aspect of the unconscious of our biological body from which previously
stored data (in the forms of instinct) are submitted to our conscious mind throughout the Id,
which is using the sensory system. The supportive dynamics parts of the gene reside in the
mind metaphysical unconscious (the natural rules) which is the link that attaches those two
opposites: 1) the mental body; 2) the biological body. The instinct is naturally paired with the
universal rules that's makes the supportive structures of our genes to follow a logical pattern;
together, also with the help of the data of our mind superego, they became a suggestive unified
mnemonic force that suggest many solutions for the conscious mind to activates actions for the
psyche, as a whole, to adapt.

Concerning the Innate

The whole universal motility is nothing less than the natural principles in action from which
we are created as Jeremiah told us in a metaphorical way: " The Lord said: Here is the new
agreement that I, the Lord, will make with the peoples of Israel: I will write my laws on their
hearts and minds, I will be their God, and they will be my people." (Jeremiah 31, 33).
The acquired ambition of a poor mind is toward the wants, while man innate ambition is to
adapt socially to find pleasure in the satisfaction of everyone needs, include its own. Possessing
the faculty of reason is innate to every form of life to adapt, as reason came from a logical
series of events which trigger the intellect to process data from cognitive flows. It is illogism in
the subjectivity found in man-made data that troubles one’ mind. What is natural is innate;
what is automatic universal process is natural; what is natural and innate came from logical
events dictated by causality, and what is reason is the intellect following the natural course of
events for the mind to adapt. Illogism is man-made; it is the consciously wrong use of our
intellectual capacities. To be socially evil is not innate, to be a moron by birth is innate, there is
a difference; a moron can be a loving social innocent who do not know yet how to create evil
thoughts to torment consciously his environment, a true innocent moron (like a baby) only try
to adapt at the best of his limited knowledge.

As we grow older, and acquires information how to adapt to our surrounding, we come to
understand that we can transcend matter to find logic, and by trying to transcend logic all it is
to find is that is the logic of things that's creates life. To transcend life is to find the logic of
things. Therefore is nothing else than logic in its energy interactions. Man subjective logic is
not necessarily to understand the logic behind everything or to see the possibility for utopia to
occur. This statement does mean that we should not stop thinking with our reason and redeem
our mind from false data leading to false beliefs. To think with reality in mind will create a
condition of self-forgetfulness while reaching wisdom. Transcending man subjective logic is to
comprehend universal logic, meaning to comprehend what faith toward the universal rules is:
faith toward the logic behind things.

Only scientific approaches can overwhelm false religious beliefs. So far, efforts from humanists
to do so have elicited reactions ranging from scientific enthusiasm passing by gentile suspicion
to end up to intense opposition from moronical religious devote. Truth implies logic behind
things. The supreme claimant of the only truth is the universe. Therefore it should be obvious to
all, that natural and simple reasoning requires us to belief that there can be only one Truth:
the universal laws also called the universal principles. We are left to our own devices to sort
out which human made statements, from different sources, are valid or not by challenging the
thoughtfulness of the natural rules. That kind of challenge can be solving by the use of logic to
find the logic in the universal rules. Logic and reasoning can solve any dilemmas for us since
they are part of the universal rules. Truth exalts reasoning and upraises the mind. Truth will
truly arise, and succeed to build utopia.

The believe in “God” as a supreme subjective living being running the universe according to his
will leads our mind astray since that concept is inaccessible to reason. It is “mind galut”. It
troubles our mind and we became mentally troubled (sick); it is illogism slowing down the
flow of cognition. There is no other wellspring of one deepest inner wisdom than the
understanding of the process of the natural laws; and we don't really have to dig to deep to
find them since they are near the surface of things. We can see easily enough how things
interact. The physical part of the universe (this one) was always the easy one to find the
wellspring of the innermost wisdom, Freud would had to think of that himself as he went to the
darkest reaches of human mind: the uneasy part. “Galut” is the term that refers to the current
mental state of the world before comprehension of logic occurs. Understanding the mental
nature and psychological problems leading to “galut” (believing in illogism) gives us a better
idea of what changes we must do to build utopia: to believe to reason and logic instead of tall

Something has to spark our interest for the momentum of evolution to continue, we can be
awake or asleep, and nevertheless the momentum is there. Because is our universal energies
are expanding, we have evolution. That is why our psyche is constantly awakened by the flow
of information that affects us, like dreaming or whatever.

If this is not the case, we and our universe would be alien to each other, visiting strangers. We
would not have the “impulse of curiosity” that drives us to the discovery of each other. We are
segments, part of a segmented universe. Segment by segment we discover ourselves and the
whole universe.

Everything there is to know is within our mental reach. If this weren't the case, the universe
would only be producing a pack of zombies. Then, why live and what for? We are basically a
group of marketable consuming zombies, and the suicide rate is super high. The devil runs the
world, he is the master of the show, but for along? His name is “IdontcareIgotthedough”. To
live one’s life fully is directly related to mental functions under ethical impulses, but even any
ant has the impulse to be more socially incline some of us are now.

The constant transformation of things through the evolutive process stimulated the mind. No
one can be bored knowing everything because everything is always there to be discovered. We
can be tourists in our own backyard. If this weren't the case, we may as well pack our bags
and keep moving to a nearby universe. That is, if there's another one somewhere outside of our
own... maybe, maybe not. The question is open; but again, to be a stranger to a universe that
we are not part of, wouldn't it screw-up the law of the conservation of energies in both
Universes? The one we'll be visiting and the one we left? Therefore we may as well get along
with each other because who else do we rely on?

At times we may feel overcome by a homeopathic state of well-being of the body and mind, and
then all is well. It indicates that our energies are taking a well deserved rest without stress that
what Chinese philosophy is all about. A well rested mind is a well deserved holiday. In this case
it is not a permanent absence of impulses (we would be dead) or an everyday monotony
deprived of libido. Without libido we would be veggie sub-specie, even a vegetable adapt to its

Therefore, we need our innate impulses to work with the libido to be mentally awake when our
mind is at work, then we can feel a sense of self-contentment to be who we are without being
narcissist. Then we can say: To be fully awake is a good resting place. It is not paradoxical,
think about it. This is what Zeus and Olympus is all about.

Laws of the innate:

1) “Anything that is innate is a genetic automatism. Without this innate within, what would be
the starting point of evolution?

2) The innate is a database under constant change, occurring in the genes.

3) The innate is the database that gives beings their intelligence through evolution.

4) The innate is a direct relationship with external impulses, which are the fuel on which we

5) Data from the innate itself is also part of the process of the brain, in which the brain relies
on to do its job for the adaptation and evolution of the psyche.

6) “The innate is the sum of previously acquired data which is present in the D.N.A.

7) The innate, found in the genes, is a long-term memory, which is transmitted from
generation to generation while the “acquired” is composed of present mnemonic elements.

8) Any imagery related from past life experience, can trigger (or has the potential to) past
memories and/or past knowledge.

Some psychoanalysts may frame that last one and carry it around their neck.

Us and Reality

Education is much more than going to schools; even the poor’s are educated by the natural
principles, often enough the truth, in many different forms, as part of life experience, can be
found to be relegated in garbage cans; no one shall feel ashamed to dig for the truth. Knowing
that fact, and also knowing that any form of business is not a charitable institution, but
contain a series of transactions driven and premeditated only by self-interest, it is most
comprehensible that the best investment one can make at any present time is toward self,
meaning caring now for our present intellectual needs as well as our present physical needs;
we cannot invest in any volatile promises concerning a problematic future without the present
being taking care of, for the well-being of the psyche, in order to secure that future.

The seals that locks the secrets of the universal rules are resisting to the vain', but open up
freely to feed the most humbles. Reality surround us, it is the feast of the mind. The universe is
there, everything is under our scrutiny. We are one with reality. All we need to do is open the
eye of our mind (reason) to see that simple fact. The universal reality in its concrete form is the
tool of mind redemption to liberate us from the Golus of unrealistic beliefs. Universal messages
are always realistic.

Souls are born in Heaven, suffer on Earth, and die in their own hell. Soul and mind are
synonyms. The word "Soul" define the ethereal body while the word "mind" defines the
mnemonical dynamics of the soul, all the mental processes that compose the soul.

Our mind is always undergoing under transitional process between evolutionary stages as our
body does, our psyche want naturally to work as a completed living unit (see neuroplasticity).
The transitional periods are “break-away” from previous stage of evolution for changes in the
making to give way to new definitions of things in our mind for us to reach the next stage of
personal evolution. Transitional periods like the messianic period (between the second and the
third step of positivism) can be very destructive. This is basic psychology, neuropsychology,
and neurology being assemble in a social environment. Therefore when the brain of the human
body became apt to use its full potential, it is up to us to decide if we want to use reason base on
reality or not to reach the third stage of positivism. It is us, as souls who are using our brain,
not the other way around. The brain is only a tool, we operates that tool. That tool goes
through an objective biological evolutionary process of his own. Us as souls, we go through a
subjective mental process where self-determinism gives us the choice how to use that tool. Any
tool can be use either ways: to be use as a constructive mean or as a mean of destruction. We
can make a cornerstone metaphysical law concerning mental health (psychology) being
related to social attitudes (sociology) about it that says: The brain is a tool that adapts to the
will of the mind; it is the mind that controls that tool for constructive or destructive purposes.

Reality is a multilevel organization of the same energy. The visible and the invisible are
interacting levels of energies that's make the general universal evolution possible in all of its

Science studies that multilevel reality by dividing itself into various domains. Universal rules
that science discover in their various disciplines it’s like the universe speaking tenderly to us. It
gives us comfort to know there is a logical order. From that order we are making our own
chaos by our wrong use of technology. Our mind is like deserts to be fertilized by scientific
knowledge and libido. Most of us reside on the valleys of the deads, meaning we have to wake
up from our own nightmares and lift up our mind to better understanding. Some of us, selfish
and egocentric, see themselves as mountain of treasures in their various mental illness which
gives them the folly of grandeur syndrome. Valleys and mountains, hill and others uneven
grounds are in the Hebrew bible our different mental sickness and our lack of knowledge and
understanding that go with it. To level the ground (our mind) it is making a pathway from
science and to science to reveal to ourselves the grandeur of the universe in its rays of energies
and that we can see together that the rules of the universe its is language, its way of
communicating. Universal rules stand for ever.

Here is an interesting one mentioning it, it is from Isaiah 40:1 to 40:5 with the title: Comfort
for God's People: “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,
and cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, and that she has
received from the Lord's hand double for all her sins. A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare
the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be
lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and
the rough places a plain. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it
together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” The Word of God Stands Forever”.

For now, most of us perceive reality as taking care of our body needs, then to have fun, then to
find a job to be a good citizen consumer, then eventually to start a family for various reasons.

Doing that, we are prey to a bunch of sociopaths who makes their fortune in the back of the
blind “good citizens”. Any “free” society under psychopathic economic rules depending strongly
on the industry of deception call “lobbying” is bond to collapse. Trade partners and masters of
deception, the psychopaths and sociopaths controlling societies are good friends when the
economy runs well under their glittering falsehood pushing customer to a robotic consuming
state. When to many “Humanus Robotus” mind collapses under the stress of being deprive of
their common sense, a first of the chain of the sociopathic trade partner collapse, then the
disastrous economic domino effect takes place. This is because it is the intrinsic nature of the
sociopaths for not helping each other’s but to pluck anything from anyone. A world economy
collapse requires a world self-introspection (atonement) concerning its social values. The
reality is: if we do not take care of the mind as well of the body under a humanistic healthy
socio-political ruling a society is bond to collapse under the unreality of psychopathism.

To the morons, reality is what one can see, and the actual reality is “not understood” until
science intervene. Some time as one individual grows older, and life taking its toll, that
individual learn to live with questions a lot easier than when he was younger. It is a question
of (cultural) habit. The mind by itself deals with its own mathematical equation where precise
logic can determine any correct answer to any question. The mind by itself, in the unconscious
level can and do Interprets primal religious texts to reconciling reality with them. The mind
follows by automatism (a natural way) an exact science made, also by automatism, by the
universal rules. Reconciling reality with their texts has been something that the Jewish nation
from Moses until now has been engaged in. That is their duty besides protecting the Torah. For
them, the issue of reality, which also meant rationality is a subject of great discussion since
reality required their texts to be re-interpreted to fit in with the “truth” of rationality. All that
“blah-blah-blah” that is going on for a couple of millenniums is to try to fit an unreal “God”
with reality!

Well! Their texts does not conflicts with reality, they are metaphors of reality, they already
know that, so where is the problem? Answer: they are sleeping, they need to wake up. To
resurrected their mind to reality. They don't understand their texts properly and scientifically
speaking their understanding of reality is right, look at Freud, Einstein, Newton and Co. there
is a lot of Jews in that category of genius mind. The Hebrews literal texts fail in the face of
physical reality, so should be some of the literal aspects of their religion. The promises to
bridge the physical and spiritual can only came from a scientific certitude. It takes plenty of
various scientists from different fields of knowledge to, over time, makes plenty of research for
the final equations to be found by few. The Jewish religion presents itself as a nice intellectual
exercise for the mind, a bridge from the physical to the spiritual for whoever wants to be

As Freud marveling at the natural design of the psyche explain to us: the health of the mind (or
the spiritual) is bound by natural rules. Freud knew that a person, by the power of his mind
has to look deeper than the eye can see; Freud peering through inside the architectural
structure of the psyche did perceive that it is the energy itself the “sublime essence” producing
life. Freud did not say that, but all his work indicates that he knew that fact. Freud mind
furrowed in concentration has to became one with the wrinkles (waves) of energy (hf=E) as he
spend his life marveling at the logic design of the mind, for him to makes his psychological

Freud did want to understands, to “feels” the soul and wanting to reach out were its perfection
and imperfection resides, he found various sources of “soul illness”. This implies that the
biblical “holiness” of the soul (mind) reside in its mental health.

Freud profoundly understand that the physical body was made to understands only physical
reality by various means which include the sensory system; and the mind naturally, by itself,
tends toward the transcendental of things. And it is our self-determination that turns our mind
away from its natural tendency that makes the mind to become sick for mental illness to occur.
Therefore, the biblical terms “to sanctified” is no more than to “cleanse the soul” or to get rid of
mental illnesses of the mind for the psyche to feel better; neuroplasticity is involve. Therefore
“one has to become One with God” in reality mean to let the mind run its innate natural course
to understand thing without our conscious to interferes with it by some pitiful acquired
nonsense from cultural egoistic values. The conscious can easily enough follow the natural
innate cognitive flow of our mind, it is harder to bend the mind to nonsense than not to. Freud
did understand three levels of reality: 1) reality of the sensorial perception of matter; 2) reality
of the presence of universal principles ruling life and matter; 3) How in real life those same
principles that creates life from matter are part of the mind evolution despise our wrongs ways
of using our mind; therefore Freud discover mind (or soul) reality. Freud united the mind and
the soul as one individual and that individual is in control of a biological machine, he calls the
whole phenomenon: psyche. Freud did not said that as clearly as this, but by transcending his
lifetime work it is easy enough to see what he have on the back of his mind. Like some Rebbe’s
that cannot say that their finding are the same as Freud, they are bound by their “religion” and
close circle to keep quiet and not to reveal the real truth yet about reality. They are easy
enough to find by reading some of their sayings and to transcend them using “libidos-logic” as
understanding tool, the mind do it naturally.

Reality is very simple, it is what nature does, and what nature says by what nature does; so,
why do we need all those philosophical blah-blah-blah for? As part of nature we are under its
care while we caring toward ourselves with the products of nature. Where is the complication
to understand that simple fact? When asking Christian “what” they think “God is” most of them
will answer that God is our natural caring father. What can be more natural than nature?
Christianity do not have to be opposed to naturalism for this reason, and humanism can be
reconciled with naturalism, and by changing the word “God” by the word “nature” Deists
become Atheists.

Skepticism about our perception of nature disappears as science discovers its mechanisms that
what gives us critical thinking, using logic, about human-made religions versus secularism.
We are integral parts of nature, which means we cannot go on missing out any longer, as
evolutionary process goes, on natural matters that are of interest to us since nature tells things
to our mind via our senses. We have to consider by understanding nature that we can gain full
use of all nature features in its self interactions, like harnessing the power of the wind, the
waves, the tides, nuclear energy, the use of the gravity phenomenon for space travels, our own
mind etc.. Nature is only paranormal in our moronic mind. Nature is nature, and as our
sciences advances the paranormal is backing up. Nature is friendly to nature, so it can be
friendly to us by using our sense of logic that we are retrieving from nature itself. We are
currently viewing its many ways, even in our dreams when sleeping. The general term in use
for someone without religion is “Atheist” meaning “without theism”. Nature does not have any
morality as such, only mechanical interactions. It is from those “mechanic” self-issued natural
principles that we formulate morality points of view that go along with our political point of
view about what our society need as morality to function properly within a socio-economical
system in its social hopes to improve its general degrees of sanity. Everyone associates with
nature no matter in what field. Nature is the unifying phenomenon. Yes we can base our
outlook of morality on mathematics leading to statistics since maths follows nature ways for
statistics to tell us what to expect from our subjective interactions with natural events or
phenomenon. We are parts of the general natural phenomenon. Natural disasters are
normal’s, we have to foresee them by studying nature ways and acts accordingly; they are no
“god's” punishment for various subjective reasons. It is for each of us, at the cost of our own
sufferings that we come to understand we have to live for all as well as for our own selves; it is
our intellect that offer us a life to enjoy if we (our conscious mind) want to understand that all
the aspects of reality in their causal interactions are present for harmony to be possible.
Nature, objectively, self-justifies itself. There is no absence of evidence of nature ways, to look
at them with our mind (secularism) it's a pretty good start toward atheism; get libido on the
top of it and you got the humanistic approach (or it would be morbid atheist rationality).

Fidelity to nature ways is to develop a deeper and more meaningful relationship with nature
for our intellectual (mental) and social benefit. Giving up the narrow-minded “tunnel vision”
that hypnotizes us on religious dogmatic beliefs, and developing a more secular open mind in
order to learn and to understand more about psychology following the laws of nature will
radically change, for the best, our antisocial behaviors. By providing ourselves with common
sense we would be giving up moronic attitudes for a substantially greater benefit for ourselves
and the world, physically and mentally. Let psychology records speak for themselves. The best
hope for humanity's future is for everyone to be educated of the social and psychological ways
of nature in parallel with any forms of other education in various disciplines. The declaration
of nature is: morality is in logic; we can scientifically examine that fact which deep down is the
basis of libido from where human morality base itself. The use of rationality toward nature
pure logic leads us to a secular humanistic approach toward life that forces us to affirms to
ourselves that the only value are in nature.

How we try to understand our existentialism is a question of perception. How we try to

communicate our perception concerning existentialism and others data we are trying to unveil
is subject to our perception. Leaving cultural pressure aside, when we have to extrapolate data
to make a theory, it is our mind which apprehends different possible avenues; cognition,
understanding, intuition and awareness are part of the process. Our perception is only human,
we are not perfect, we are making theories in order to advance humanity knowledge farther in
than it was before in order to reach sooner a pleasant world order. As long we work in that
direction in a humanistic approach, from being agnostic by birth to being more knowledgeable
on our way to wisdom, and despite our honest mistakes from false perception, the point is that
we are trying our best to reach utopia, each one of us (well...almost) we try the best we can
and from our limited capacities. As being integral part of life we have the tendency to atone
naturally when mistake are makes in order to reach harmony by responding to our needs as
well as the ones of our surrounding for that same surrounding to also respond to our needs in
the frame of general evolution. Yes, some time our perception is erroneous but the rightful
ones, knowing they are not perfect in the field of knowledge, can understand where wrong
perception did occur when confronted with undisputable proofs. The aim of the rightful ones,
and there are millions of them, is to rely on their perception how to make things better and to
atone naturally when mistakes are made from wrong perception.

From unmemorable times man dream of a utopian society. We are now closer than ever to live
the way we ought to live because of humanity accumulated knowledge of causality. We live
now in a time where evilness is reaching its downfall rather than its expansion. For anyone
who strives for evilness in today world he surely will meet his ruin faster than before since
today communication reach the speed of light, and goodness is inherent to life.

Between what need to be done and what we are willing to do for psychosocial harmony is the
ever-changing "no-man-land" between frustrations and satisfaction. To get rid of this no-man-
land is to build utopia. Utopia is the target, we have to polices ourselves to meet that target; to
wait and relying only on external policies than our own internal willingness to make our own
require steps toward world harmony indicates a lack of self-esteem and social consciousness.
Utopia is a worldwide cooperation to eradicate the triggers of wars and suffering, like
famines, being ill-educated etc...To build utopia is to go with the logic of things, and this is the
innate and natural aim of any form of life, starting from agnostism (original stain) to reach
mind salvation (wisdom). Therefore utopia is a future reality since it follows the logic of things.
Whoever disagrees with that fact because of a certain religious upbringing may as well say
that “God” is illogic; but since “God” is the word that represents the natural universal
principles then logic and “God” are one and the same in the natural processes of the light.

There is no wisdom to show respect to nonsense.

To respect humanity is to be truthful.

Moloch and Chemosh

Reality tell us that self-interest is also a search for self-harmony; but for the real self-interest
to work we have to give pleasure in order to receive pleasure for utopia to be a reality; other
way it would be giving pain to receive pain for utopia to be only a dream.

The ancient god Moloch and its followers were one of the most misunderstood of concept.
"Moloch" means KING and one's sacrifice to Moloch was to "pass through the fire of hell".
Moloch represents the "Apis" concept been FOLLOWING by humans. "Apis" was entitling "The
renewal of life" and he was represented, in Memphis university campus, as a bull with a sun
disk between his horns and a triangle on his forehead; thus Apis was linked to Pharaoh secular
knowledge. As representative of Apis, Moloch represents the individuals who are been
resurrected after their “mind-dead” and passing through the fire of mental hell, it is in that
sense that Apis was protector of the deceases and represented the "resurrected". According to
Egyptian mythology, Apis was conceived by a ray from heaven. Moloch concept is Apis
concept where people rejoice in wisdom after been resurrected from the deads. One has to
experience mental dead to appreciate the full flavor of life and mental life, therefore Moloch
follower experience the full flavor of the sensory system before rejoicing in the full flavor of a
resurrected mind. We can consider Moloch as the personification of the link between humans
and Apis. Knowing ethical pleasures of the mind can be extended throughout libinousity taking
advantage of the sensory system, and instead of living a boring existence spending the rest of
their life on trivialities, i.e. going to work, pay the bills, eat, do the dishes, and go to sleep, like
lifeless zombies living in a ponderous hopeless monotony, the Moloch followers choose to
speed-up the mind evolutionary process by entertaining themselves with the pleasure of the

The Moloch followers see their senses as conveyors of concepts and ideas (concrete thoughts);
sensory pleasure was viewed as to indulge oneself with scientific knowledge through the
pleasure of the senses. Human debauchery is our Indulgence in any form of sensual pleasures.
Some of those forms of pleasure are seen to be scandalous activities or not depending of the
social morality belonging to different cultures. In the broad sense, debauchery involves sex,
alcohol, drugs and food without inhibition regarding age, gender, race and amount. In
ancient times, schools of thought were personified by gods. Different nations followed their
favourite school of thoughts. The Universe became fragmented into different schools of thought
and scientific disciplines. Different ancient nations had different sayings about the function of
energy. What is considered by some of our modern religions as pagan idolatry from ancient
cultures was in fact a material representation, an idol, of a god that represented a concept
from a school of thought.

The Moloch concept was one of the most advanced psychoanalytical concept of early ancient
Egyptian times that become latter on controversial under social pressure to this present days.
Moloch represented the concept of welcoming the evil of envy for envy to burn itself out, so
one’s mind could be purified by that burning fire reducing envy to ashes. One must be
acquainted to the ways of debauchery of the envy of it and its consequences to comprehend the
righteousness of virtues. Moloch followers used the empiric method (experimenting with
debauchery) to gain knowledge of virtues by the oversaturation of the sensory system. That
concept was understood and welcome by King Solomon; for 400 years temples erected to the
honor of Moloch were part of Israel landscape. Those temples were universities where the
concept of Moloch was taught and concretizised. Envy and its debauchery had to be self
consumed; it is a stage of evolution one has to go through with peace and pleasure in mind for
the safety of mental health.

The name Solomon literally means “peace” (or safety). The ever libidinous Solomon, sexually
active from his body and wise from his mind, was the proud male stud of an enormous harem.
That harem included two princesses from Babylon, two princesses from Mitanni, two
princesses from Syria, and it also included a princess from each of the seven nations mentioned
in 1 Kings 11:1. The Biblical Solomon of Egyptian blood, according to certain scholars was in
fact Amenhotep III, Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty known in ancient times as the “King of Kings”
and “Ruler of Ruler's”. “Solomon's stables” were full of “studs” (sexually active human males);
it was a garrison city adjacent to Jerusalem's Temple Mount. The “Maxims of Amenhotep III”
found in Egypt and the “Proverbs of Solomon” indicates a strong relationship with Solomon
blood line and his Egyptian cultural background. The royal residence of Pharaoh Amenhotep
III is the palace complex of Solomon which is described in the Bible (1 Kings 7:2-12). The court
of Solomon (Amenhotep III) was liberal with a previously unsurpassed excess in erotism and
sex. Solomon denied himself no pleasure, “his eyes desired” and “refused his heart no pleasure”
(Ecclesiastes 2:10). If King Solomon was Pharaoh Amenhotep III, than king David that
preceded him was Pharaoh Thutmose III even if his real name was Elhanan, according to
Encyclopedia Judaica. The concept of Moloch is represented under the feature of an idol. The
Moloch concept was divinized. The exaltation produced by sensual euphoria was considered a
gift from the gods. To be exalted under Molochs guidance was considered an offering of oneself
to Moloch and to honor him. Our senses tells us what is good and what is not , what is good
gives pleasure, therefore, debauchery was a virtue. According to Molochs followers, the
pleasure of the senses was the most unappreciated of universal gifts. The unfortunate
consequences following debauchery such as mind and body sickness were considered as the
fires of hell. We have to keep in mind that the word “Hebrew” in ancient Egypt did not apply to
a specific tribe but to different trade disciplines. Moses, prince of Egypt, brings some of the
most physically healthy Hebrews tradesman out of to the wilderness forming a guild to save
them from the plagues that affected the city’s population for the purpose of using them for the
service of his father Pharaoh from outside the plague affected cities. Moses called the different
groups of artisans the “tribes of Israel” since it was Jacob family who were leading them. The
Torah was simply Egyptian knowledge in another form. Moses simply created its own
congregation morality to avoid further plagues. Hell followed debauchery and debauchery
lead to knowledge from the affect of causal laws. Hell purified the mind after consumption of
envy. To offer children to Moloch, to sacrifice them to Moloch, to throw them in the fire of hell
is to introduce them to that concept and to give them their liberty of actions concerning
debauchery of the senses. Moloch followers understand causality and let it run its course.
Moloch was never forcing anyone to do something he don't like; that would goes against the
whole idea of carnal pleasure without restriction were all the parties are in agreement. The
sensual hyperactivity of Moloch followers in their experimentation of pleasure gives them an
intellectual boost leading them to euphoria, just like Solomon. Moloch was the god of
debauchery that destroyed moronical innocence. Knowledge and understanding rises from the
ashes of innocence. Molech, Molekh, or Molek, Moloch went by many other names. It is the
personification of the wise and joyous laughing prince of heaven that came to destroy Hell on
Earth by the mean of excessive libidinous pleasure. He is the leader of the rebel angels who
want to experiment the sensual pleasures without restrictions. Believing in the mighty powers
of nature, not fearing the universal principles, understanding them, they are using them for
pleasure to gain knowledge. Frustration can follow pleasure, and pleasure can follow
frustration. Without being sadistic, Moloch followers chose sensual pleasures as a path to
knowledge; leaving lofty frustration for the masochists. Other religions, in extreme cases, have
some of their masochistic followers torturing their body and their mind by various means until
they become psychotics in the hope they can be raised from their ashes like a phoenix...if they
can mentally survive. To find wisdom by following the path of unrestricted pleasure is called
debauchery, and the disciples of Moloch say that Moloch could be killed (being getting rid of)
only by innocence, meaning Moloch cultural presence for us to experiment the concept of
debauchery can be destroyed by the political force of ignorant peoples. As men of ignorance
can destroy (eradicate) the Moloch concept by inventing social morality that ban the Moloch
concept, ignorance is also destroyed by the Moloch concept. In a broad sense it signifies that as
ignorant peoples can destroys that discipline leading to knowledge by forbidding its concrete
uses, these naives minds will eventually gain knowledge by experimenting themselves in secret
(and the wrong way by taking advantage of their position of authority and/or by force) the
Moloch concept they seek to destroy (as an example all the recent sexual scandals affecting the
Catholic church). The Hebrew learn that anything bad (frustrating) that happens to them,
because of overindulging in sensual pleasures (like ending up with sexual related illness), is
their gods way to purify them by the fire of hell. As for “wicked pleasures” its mean “asocial
pleasures” were unwelcome pain is involve, and also where illness can occur. Something
“wicked” was generally view as something unwelcome from whoever is under the influence, or
not wants to be part of it.

“So they did eat, and were well filled: for God gave them their own desire; they were not
estranged from their lust. But while their meat was yet in their mouths the wrath of God came
upon them, and slew the fattest of them, and smote down the chosen men of Israel. ....Therefore
their days did he consume in vanity, and their years in trouble. When he slew them, then they
sought him: and they returned and enquired early after God. And they remembered that God
was their rock, and the high God their redeemer.” Psalms (29-35).

As for the “god” Chemosh, it is the master of the “undead”, meaning the undead-minds, the ones
who see the evils of humanity; Chemosh is also the prince of (mind) fatalism. Chemosh says
that we cannot avoid any of the stages of evolution. He is the representative of fatalism for the
undead. He promotes death as a stage of evolution and suicide as a voluntary accomplishment
to reach that stage sooner. He asked the suffering souls to give up the shell of mortality and
move on to the next stage in the soul's journey. Some sacrifices to Chemosh were suicides. As
the Hebrew learns to be fatalists, Chemosh was sometime worshipped by them. A good deal of
confusion existed in the minds of the Jews (Hebrews) concerning the relationship of Yahweh,
Moloch, and Chemosh. The doings of Moloch were in close relation to the fatalism of Chemosh,
and both seem to be the product of the will of Yahweh. Yahweh is all virtues and he seems to be
promoting debauchery and then despair leading sometime to suicide for humanity to gain
knowledge and wisdom. At times the Hebrews became debauchees and fatalists with suicidal
tendencies by following the concepts of Moloch and Chemosh. That perplexing situation, of
debauchery leading to despair and then to virtues, leads the mind of the simples to go astray. It
was too much for their neurons to handle. Moloch and Chemosh were seen as, out of mind-
reach, specialists of mind sculpting. The Hebrew high priests, scientific, physicists and
psychoanalysts of those times, declared Moloch and Chemosh outlaws in order to bring some
peace of mind, less sickness, more discipline, and a stable population number among the
people. The high priests preached moderation. Anything outlawed was declared: “an
abomination to God”. Throughout Hebrew history, politics changes as new kings take power;
as a result, the nature of what is “abomination” began to follow more human politics than the
rightfulness of the universal laws. Abomination means illegal or unwelcome. Abomination
toward something is having, for some reason, an aversion for it. To have an aversion is a
subjective thought, what is aversion for one can be an attraction for someone else. It is a
question of personal taste, concept and political tendencies leading to cultural moralities. We
have to take in consideration that the ultimate morality is libido: the sharing of pleasures.
Moloch disciples and Solomon (Amenhotep III) understood that fact. A king like Solomon can
rules different countries under different names at the same time and under the same concepts.

Pleasure is on the heart of nature concerning all form of life since it is the search of pleasure
that leads to adaptation and therefore to evolution. To turn our back to pleasure is to stagnate
into a non-evolutionary process which can only lead to extinction. It is man who forbids some
forms of pleasure in different cultural ways, not nature. Pleasure obeys no human laws but
only the laws of nature, and the Freudian "Id" is a perfect example. Pure forms of pleasures,
mental as well of physical, throughout our sensory system are part of libido therefore of
universal harmony; sado-masochism is not a pure form of pleasure, it is merely coping with
frustration and sublimates it to better adapt. By scratching a little bit of the varnish that cover
the paradoxical metaphoric story of Jesus of Nazareth being taking literally by some Christian
bigots, it is obvious that anyone who accept to be crucified to safe the whole humanity from its
original sin, which is to be agnostic by birth, is himself an agnostic masochist with an
unrealistic personal philosophy concerning libido in astrophysics versus himself (see the dark
universe); also, for a bunch of, the never existed Jesus of Nazareth, disciples to accept, and be
happy, that their spiritual leader went through that horrific ordeal to “save” them indicates
simply they are a bunch of ill educated infantile sadistic individuals hiding under the erotic
side of the umbrella of religiosity. There is also the point that Jesus of Nazareth was not the
“Christ” meaning the “anointed one” since anointed mean “knowledgeable” in secularism
concerning the Genesis of the universe, the true beginning of humanity on planet Earth, and
also in some secular scientifical data touching various scientific disciplines; in other words
having a good perception of the true nature of things (insight), and capable of logical
extrapolation from known various data. What better way to safe humanity from its original
agnostism (original sin) than to build secular schools and universities and make those places of
knowledge (also call temples) accessible for all? The crucification of Jesus of Nazareth is a
metaphorical story representing simply humanity crucifying itself from its erroneous ways.
The Appropriate Words

Natural laws are retribution oriented by the presence of causality. In the eye of logic,
everything is a positive experience since everything evolves to keep cosmic harmony well
balance as usual. This is to say that we should look forward for our understanding of the
universal laws with more acuity than before for our subjective mind to work in pair with the
objectivity of the universal laws, or else it can be some more painful personal and social
experiences as human history is full of. Evolution is as guaranteed as the universal expansion
is, both goes in pair; that’s including evolution of knowledge and wisdom. Mind evolution is
guaranteed, therefore human harmony and Utopia is guaranteed.

The freedom of the mind comes by using reason. As we gain knowledge and understanding we
suffer more severely in our mind to see antisocial and non ethical acts (or sins) against
humanity from stupid minded individuals and psychopaths alike in well establish positions.
We are our own judge, logic cannot be fooled; to fools ourselves is to indicate our stupidity.
Antisocial, non ethical acts are non logical, only fools can be fooled by stupidity.

It is when we will comprehend that the universal wisdom is simply pure automatic logic from
a simple source of energy interaction, (primal non-uniform mass automatic self-interaction)
that “the Resurrection of the Dead Minds” will occurs; from there on we will be our own judge
making self-atonement. We will imbue our mind with so much more meaning and
understanding that any past pain and suffering will become insignificant.

We can only fear ourselves and our stupid acts, as they always come back to haunt us under
the causal laws. Nature always wins, it is better to be one with nature than to work against it.
Nature does not judge but we shall fear the “Divine retribution” (causality) of nature for past
“sins” against its logic. We will be judging ourselves under the scrutiny of logic. We will
become our own judges who cannot be fooled from our past stupidities. Embarrassment of
having being stupid previously can only be an intimidating prospect for vanity, not for
humbleness. The humble will not experience great embarrassment of understanding that past
stupidities are parts of normal stages of evolution to go through. By getting out of our present
“mind-Golus” (meaning exiles ourselves from reason), we will introduce our mind to an
unprecedented abundance of mental material good that is the understanding of how the
universal laws affects our mind.

Ignorance is our original sin; it is what we evolve from. Causality educates us; it can be pain
inducing process to erase our original sin. The longer we want to stay in the twilight field of
“Mind-Golus” were we creates paradoxical thoughts from our ambivalence of believing in a
god-person that runs subjectively the natural laws, and at the same time believing that the
natural rules is what keep universal stability in energy interaction, the longer we will be
mentally sick and mentally “lost” (or mentally disturb). Anyone willing to postpone the coming
of reason because of his desire to continue sinning against the natural rules shows, in his
madness, his insensitivity toward the logic of harmony and humanity basic need of truth and

Basic needs has to be satisfied for us to produce ideas, a dead body produce anything but any
ideas of its own; and ideas came from automatic reasoning of our intellect. Since our intellect
is part of our mind we need to respond to the body need for our mind to be part of the psyche
instead of being apart from the psyche. Our intellect helps us understand the relation of all
systems. Our intellect follows naturally, by itself, the rules of logic. All forms of life are part of
systems, and all systems by automation, seek to find their balance. Since Genesis, everything is
a matter of response to a need to find the right balance or self-stability within a system.
Systems, by automation, help each other so that their needs for equilibrium are met.
Determinism is simply the principle of the communicating vessels repeating it, under different
forms, without finding entire satisfaction since the void is infinite, that's what keeps the
universal expansion going.

Causality is the phenomenon that originates from determinism since the first primordial
matter (Gaia) was not-uniform. Because of it, interactions take place and the causal laws are
the effects that control harmony. It is logic at work, and logic is made of energy.

Morality differs from one culture to another. Morality came from fundamental ethics;
fundamental ethics finds its source in comprehension of the causal laws that are transposed to
the system of life and its interactions.

Ethics is fundamental logic; it contains the ultimate logic which is libido. Libidinous feelings
contain logic as it is logic on the move. This is what provides a sense of innate understanding
of the logic of things, and the link of belonging between individuals of the same race (us as
human). The same bond connects all forms of life; therefore different races are connected by
the same feelings.

The word God is used by those who are not able to define universal laws, and also used as a
shortcut (from ancient prophets) for individuals who were not able to understand the
universal mechanisms. The use of the word God is used in the longitudinal form and in the
transversal form. The word God, when used in its broadest sense, in its longitudinal in form,
means: The science of the universe. The word God in its cross-term (transversal form) means a
phenomenon or a specific principle; words such as: causal, determinism, ethics, harmony and
so on ... are replaced by the word God. A good example is found in the text that follows where
the word God has been replaced by the appropriate word according to the message each
sentence conveys:

Deconsecrating of “Proverbs 3”:

“My follower does not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my advice, for length of days
and years of life and peace they will add to you.

Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them
on the tablet of your heart and you will find favor and success in the sight of harmony and

Trust in the Universe with all your heart, and do not lean on your own subjectivity. In all your
ways acknowledge Universal wisdom, and it will make straight your paths.

Be not wise in your own eyes; fear causality, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to
your flesh and refreshment to your spirit.

Honor ethics with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns
will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.

My follower, do not despise Universal principles or be weary of their reproof, for harmony
reproves the one whom she loves, as a mother the son in whom she delights.

Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from
wisdom is better than gain from silver and profit from wisdom is better than gold.

Wisdom is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with it. Long life is
in the right hand of wisdom; in the left hand of wisdom is riches and honor.

The ways of wisdom are ways of pleasantness, and the paths of wisdom are peace. Wisdom is
a tree of life to those who lay hold of it; those who hold wisdom fast are called blessed.
Logic produced wisdom and founded the earth; understanding is established in the heavens;
knowledge broke open the deeps like dew coming from the clouds.

My follower, do not lose sight of these, keep sound wisdom and discretion, and they will be life
for your mind and adornment for your neck, then you will walk on your way securely, and
your foot will not stumble.

If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Do not be
afraid of sudden terror or of the ruin of the wicked, when it comes, for knowledge will be your
confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to do it. Do not
say to your neighbor, “Go, and come again, tomorrow I will give it “when you have it with you.

Do not plan evil against your neighbor who dwells trustingly beside you. Do not contend with
a man for no reason when he has done you no harm.

Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways, for the devious person is
nonsense to intelligence; to be upright is to have confidence in intelligence

Curse is on the house of the wicked, but causality blesses the dwelling of the righteous. Toward
the scorners causality is scornful, but to the humble causality gives favor. The wise will inherit
honor, but fools get disgrace. “(Deconsecrating of Proverbs 3)

This is not a desecration of the holy word, but an attempt to show how science has been
desecrated over the ages. The desecration of science by some religion, depriving science of its
sacred character, and by the disrespectful and contemptuous treatment of that which is held to
be sacred by the scientific community it’s against fundamental ethics. Some religions, like the
Hebrews belief, respectfully remove the sacred character of science by replacing it by “God”,
which means “I am what I am”; that behavior came from the ancient Egyptian culture.
Therefore, in similar cases, it can be referred to as deconsecrating and should not be seen as a
form of desecration.

Where Is Wisdom? (Deconsecrating of Job 28: 23-28):

“Science understands the way to wisdom and it knows its place. For science looks to the ends of
the earth and sees everything under the heavens.

When universal principles gave to the wind its weight and apportioned the waters by measure,
and made a decree for the rain and a way for the lightning of the thunder, then the science saw
it and declared its principles; science established the laws, and searched farther out.

And science of nature said to man:

''Behold, the fear of universal principles, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is
understanding.” “(Deconsecrating of Job 28: 23-28)

Deconsecrating of Deuteronomy 30:15-18:

“The Universe have set before you life and good, death and evil. If you followed the universal
principles, and loving them by walking in their ways, using the empiric method and by
keeping their knowledge, statutes and rules, then you shall live and multiply, and the universe
will bless you in any land. But if your heart turns away, and you will not hear, but are drawn
away to worship material goods and serve them, you shall surely perish (mental troubles
where the mind perish)”. (Deconsecrating of Deuteronomy 30:15-18).

Plenty of recent third class manmade sects and religions like Mormons, Jehovah witness etc...
undermines themselves from their betrayal toward common sense (natural principles) by
teaching their disciples plenty of wrong principles, many of them, coming from a wrong
perception of Genesis and being mixed up with plenty of self-vanities’ comments pontificating
that they are the best representative of "God" for inducing soul-harmony to humanity; they
may also see themselves better than any psychiatrist!
Are we really ready to endure any hardship for truth and justice to prevail? Doubtfully! When
part of our economy depend of our exchange of goods with imbeciles and murderers we are
not calling anymore things at they are; a tree may still a tree but an imbecile become better
than he really is by our uses of euphemisms, that would avoid further apologies from us for
being concise on our brevity; therefore the imbeciles continuing their asocial behaviors see us
to be the biggest imbeciles ... and with reason!

The Narcistic Flower

Moloch represented the concept of the welcoming of sensual pleasure leading to debauchery.
According to Moloch adepts, the ultimate consequences of the senses debaucheries and
frustrations are for envy to burn itself out, so one can be purified by that burning fire. To offer
children to Moloch means to introduce them to that concept and to give them liberty to give
satisfaction to their envies and the debauchery of the senses. Moloch followers understand
causality and let it run its course. Narcissism is one of the many side effects of frustrated
Molochian's envy.

Denise Allain, puzzled woman, who helps other women, poses this question: “If we use the
basic metaphysical approach, what would be the overall outcome of one’ research if we want
to understand and explain briefly narcissism in women in terms that are easy to remember,
but within a whole picture? “ The term “whole picture” is the “key term”, and it is a good choice
of words. Here lies the answer: “It can be done in the artistic creation of a mnemonic canvas of
mythical proportions as done by the former teachers (priests) of the university (temple) of
Heliopolis”. The question is appropriate with regard to the purpose of this book which is to give
us back our mind which was taken by marketing. We want our mind back! The fire of hell
kindled by marketing sociopaths taking advantage of the disciples of Moloch send us astray
while wanting our share of pleasure; but it is that same hell that can purified our mind from
innate moronism (our original sin);innate moronism being the base of the human factor.

To be under the total control of our desire and to think properly requires a normal state of
mental operation; to understand and follow ethics leads us to normal behavior. Our
fundamental right is to think and have the liberty to do so. Some natural events are not under
our control and never will be. The psychopaths taking advantage of the Moloch concept are
under the vigilance of the natural laws.

Metaphysically speaking, in order to give a general answer to Denise Allain's question, now
that we clarified that the Moloch concept is simply one of the different aspect (or angle of
approach) to understand and experiment libido, it is necessary to explain briefly three sources
which report to the topic.

First source: The Egosphere because she is the perfect female and the libido personified.

Second source: The flowers because they are reproductive organs that have the “intercourse”
as a link with the libido.

Third source: Libido, because libido is love sharing. A narcissist has a frustrated need of
normal libido. When ones libido hasn't been satisfied it becomes an exaggeration to love
oneself. Self-libido can become narcissism.

Egosphere is a living memory, so she is full of information. To be the living libido gives her the
character of giving; she gladly offers all her info. A female has the characteristic to receive; she
is penetrated by logic that forms her mind and intelligence. She is also the place where the
fertilization of spirits takes place (entities) because she is the memory of the universe. Like a
spacial character, she is a place for all spirits to reside.

Even if the Egosphere has stability of mind, the residents do not have the same knowledge or
interests; minds are in the making.

The Libido

The libido first of all is the Egosphere “feeling” and the science of logic in one spacial entity:
The invisible Universe: the Egosphere. The libido is the shared love which in turn offers the
well-being of mind and body, coitus included. By being the uniting stimulus to share the
pleasure, it produces the feeling of belonging as a whole. In the abstract sense, it unites the
intellectual’s resources and feelings to share knowledge. It is the desire of comprehension of
others, to be united in the same collective well-being. It is the welcoming of shared feelings.


A flower is the reproductive organ of a plant that produces seed (spermaphyte). A flower
contains both sexes. The reproductive organs are: stamens, which produce pollen; pistils,
female organs, including the ovary that is topped with eggs. If no pollinating agent like a bee
fertilizes it, then occasionally the flower is capable of self-pollinating for the reproduction of
the plant. After fertilization, ovaries give a fruit and each egg gives seeds. Seeds of life, of
genetic values.

The fact that a plant has the capacity for self-pollinating by rubbing its genitals together shows
the presence of a desire on the part of the plant. This instinct is a guide that indicated what
should be done in certain situations. Self-pollinating is not an automatic body function like
metabolic functions.

Metaphysical laws of biology

1) a plant has the ability to exercise voluntary actions guided by instinct”

2) Any living organism has genes, which are its earlier memory and is a capable producing its
own thoughts. We are the living proof.

3) Any living organism is an entity that has a sense of its own reality.

The genes give everything and everybody a life, soul and mind. This is against what
creationists say. Use your reasoning power and the empiric method. Be a doubting Thomas.

Narcissus Jonquilla

This plant was originally found in Europe, Asia and North-Africa (Maghrech); now it’s all
over the world. Generally this plant bloomed in the winter from December to March. Jonquils
(Daffodil) means “jong” in Spanish under the influence of Arabs that came from north Africa
during the Arab conquest of Spain. It is called “jonquils” the wild plant with yellow flowers,
and “Narcissus” the cultivated plant with the white flowers. Various parts of the plant are
poisonous. Alcohol is a regulator of its growth.

a) In Greek mythology, Narcissus was so obsessed by his own reflection that when one day he
went too near the water to see his own reflection, he drowned in the water, therefore in his
own reflection.

b) In Greek, “narkissos”, flower, and “narke”: which numb, came from the knowledge of
ancient Egyptian esotheric circle of high culture. From the ancient Egyptian, It translated into:
“The perfume (the words, the actions) that numbs the spirit is from the evil minded.

We will now play combines the plant's narcist, both genetic biological innate behaviors
(automatic gestures) with its voluntary acts. This will give the flower a “theoretic overall
personality” based on concrete evidence. We'll use the word “flower” instead of the word
“plant” as a way to visualize our story.

We will follow the same principle that was in use millenniums ago by the ancient Egyptians.
We will “lend” to the phenomena a life of their own as a way to explain these phenomena with
clarity. This way we'll revive the spirit of Heliopolis for a short time.

What follows is a triple thought (triple talk) pedagogic formula which includes:

1) The Egyptian Cosmogony.

2) A part of Sigmund Freud theory.

3) Reality which includes the evolutionary process as Sir Darwin mentioned.

We can feel the presence of Einstein, Plank, and Darwin under the Egyptian mysticism. It is for
easier education purposes that the amalgamation of scientific data (syncretism) lends
personalities to various phenomena. It was the favorite formula that was used on the campus
of Heliopolis. This approach allows us to view the artistic canvas of the lesson in a few seconds
when thought properly. It makes you wonder if Freud was already aware of the teaching from
Heliopolis. By looking at the mnemonic canvas we had previously brushed with the creativity
of the mind, we can recall the whole lesson in a few second. The more poetic the scene is, the
easier it is to understand and remember unless someone does not have a clue what is all about.
Bedtime stories reach the unconscious part of our psyche. Greek mythology came from that
concept. Present marketing formulas excel in doing just that.

Narcissism, a flower story.

A flower needs to be admired for lovers to make her pregnant. A flower in need interprets
reality according to her needs. She knows she needs to be prepared to recognize the feelings
and needs of others and respond to them, so they will become lovers. Her genes tell her all of
that; this is her instinct talking to her in a form of feeling. When the time comes and her eggs
are ready to be fruitful, she feels in the “mood” to make love. This is her first season; this is
morning, on the palms around her sing with the wind. She dressed well for the occasion.
Hopefully today she will be wed. She is beautiful; often looking in the silvery green mirror of
water to rearranges her petals here and there. She lives on the banks of the “Nile gardens”
which in reality is a small pond forming part of the Heliopolis campus.

She lives in the hope that a bee or a bird will come by and provide her with great pleasure.
Especially during the ejaculation. At the same time she hopes that her lover, bee or bird,
impregnates himself with her pollen and maybe bring her some pollen from another flower as
cute as she is. She needs to be pollinated and loved. To invite this lover, or any lovers for that
matter, she reveals her beautiful colors and puts the nectar of love in her fleshy bowl.

She says to the wind: “My colors are so true (I am honest in what I say), my feelings are so
young (inexperienced). O winds (supporting means of communications) from the Nile bring me
some lovers before night (people of knowledge before death occurs). Support their wings, from
daylight until they arrive. Winds from the Nile, here is my nectar (who I am), it is an offering
as I am naked (my true-self) for those who will love me. My lover will drink satiably while he
gives me my pleasure; I need to be loved and to cover him with all my treasures (genetics,
personal and social values) for him to spend it on the four cardinals (to communicate to the
rest of the world).”

She knows herself as a “nutrit”, a little goddess, and daughter of her eternal mother “Neuth”.
Her mother is known as;” the home of thousands of souls” by the Egyptians... The Greek call
her mother “Aphrodite”. Her genes tell her she comes from the lineage of “Isises” as being a
“Nutrit”. She holds the “key” in her hand, which is the “hank”. Iris's are links to Isis's which
means “rainbows”. Her genes talk to her, some time they talk to her in pictorial language call
dreams. Through her dreams, she knows she came from a royal family, her throne is her mind.
Her throne is represented by a sun-disk that can only exist by the presence of the two opposing
which are the horns on each side of the sun-disk.

Her genes tell her that by replying to the needs of the nectar lovers, she will answer a lover's
need and he will give her in return pleasure for procreation (new knowledge). This is the
principle of empathy. If the lover comes back often, then they may develop a bond of love:
libidinous empathy. Noon went by, the sun got tired; the lover is not in yet. The flower
wondered if she is really beautiful, she rearranges her inviting petals, they're widely open. No
lover yet. She maintains her stature and keeps looking at herself in the silvery green mirror of
water (her mental reflections) time and time again. She rearranges her beauty, over and over
again. The lover is really late. She sighs, but she remains hopeful. The hours pass, time pass;
then few days ... But she knows she's beautiful!

She is beautiful and she knows it. She manage to keep herself that way and she loves who she
is, The name the wind gives her is narcissus. It is a nice name and it suits her. Her desires are

She is a young narcissus and it is the first time she tried to make a conquest, to be nice and to
conquer. She is beautiful. She is so beautiful! And she knows it. She waits and hopes. She is a
winter flower. Are there any bees in winter? Perhaps, if it's hot enough (the latest discoveries)
and it is in Egypt (country of knowledge) were she happened to be born. Time passes, no
lovers, the sun is about to go down, “well” she sighs “A girl has to do what a girl has to do”. She
has no other choice but to masturbate to fill her urgent need to procreate (to extrapolate ideas).
She tells herself “It will give me pleasure.” And then so be it! “Phew! “ Without lovers I have to
love myself, I cannot have my beauty go to waste!” So far this is normal, it is justified and it is
good. It keeps the balance (Sigmund Freud).

The following seasons happened this way. She did not have any suitable lover; enormous
bumble bees tore her beautiful clothes and clawed her tender flesh. The ants poisoned her with
their acids. She was less and less pleased with others and more and more pleased with herself.
And the circus continued, over and over. You name it! Sometimes she was badly injured (losing
her mind).

She hasn't found the ideal lover or the ideal defense against predators. Until now she is her
only ideal lover and her only ideal. More time passes. From the young tender narcissus she
once was, she is now a hardened narcissus. Her love investments and her hopes are more and
more directed toward herself. She becomes firm and fixed to the outside world. That world is
only capable of damaging her beauty. The lovers she had caused bad headaches (losing control
of her thoughts), and physical harm. But her need to be admired by others (to communicate
her values from life experience) somehow kept her going.

Her cousin the lily knew her misfortune and her sexual habits. The flower narcissus believes
her cousins judge her wrong (she starts to be paranoid). After a while and after she gives the
world another chance to prove itself, and that was a fiasco, she closed the doors. Enough is
enough! She does not care anymore. She knows that she is the most beautiful of all and the
most loving toward herself. Closing her mind to the external reality forever, she finally sees her
own reality, how grandiose she is! In her psychotic fantasies she finally finds her “never
reached before” paradise. Ecstatic about herself, she lost touch with reality and her behavior
towards the outside shows it. She became self-sufficient. Who needs love from the outside
world? For what? Now, she is more in touch with her perception of the invisible world. She
becomes a rebel forced to live in a world without love (she is paranoid). She becomes a
narcissist who does not want to give love anymore. Spending more time in her solicitude
toward herself, there is no longer any feeling for others. She becomes the personification of
indifference to everything that surrounds her, and sometimes she is malicious (antisocial) to
her own cousins, the lilies. Her investment in love is, as Sigmund Freud stated so well: “This
investment is a closed circuit Schizophrenia, a form of narcissism ...” that went too far.

Becoming haughty and arrogant, she drowns in her own image (reflection). She is the most
beautiful, and she alone can love as she loves. She has made herself a flower with toxic parts,
warning others not to taste. Only alcohol and alkaloids can control her exaggerated drives
(her psychophrenic impulses) in her psychotic behavior. Although it is a cancer of the mind
that feeds on itself, a tumor that proliferates in the anarchy of established social orders,
narcissus never loses her hope for love because it is always her love for herself which makes
her the most happy. .. And unhappy at times, because nobody understands the greatness of
that kind of love. There is still the desire, as when she was a young narcissus, to share her love,
her values. But this time it is a different type of love that only she can understand.

Her inner child deep in the bottom of her unconscious cries and cries to be innocent again.
Sometime, when no one is looking, alone, she cries with that child, and they become one. She
takes that young narcissus of the past in her arms as she hugs herself in secret. Under the size
of their sorrow, they both gently rock back and forth as she hums some baby songs from the
past in the security of her surroundings. She does not want anyone to know, no one! The adult
learned to repress her feelings. She had none left for anyone except for her lost childhood and
her fading beauty.

It is not the adult who needs to be rescued, it is that prisoner child who shivers constantly and
cries out for help!

The inner child is still alive, it will always be. It is the painful process of some mental aspects of
evolution that make an adult die from his own sorrows before death itself.

Before becoming a narcissus, Man has to be a loving fool to open his heart to anyone, not
knowing who his dealing with.

To avoid narcissism one has to be realist from the start. Beliefs have to be grounded in
intellectual reasoning from realities. The original belief in a "God' is the belief in the graspable
unified field theory, thus comprehensible by one's human intellect. By observing our
surrounding from the scientific approach we can intellectually grasp the pure logic (thus the
"Godliness") that's run the universe. One's beliefs can only be intellectual’s beliefs in order to
find "universal Godliness" meaning the logic in universal libido. We live for no others than
selves, but we need others to help selves to cope with life; therefore to live for selves also
include to live for the whole of humanity for self to enjoy the pleasure to be different but part of
the whole.

Ps-Projecting all his neuroses and psychoses (man-mind-darkness) into a manmade god, man
(starting with the Jews) created a psychopatic-narcistic blood thirsty man made “God” who
want to be adored without restriction or he will trough to hell who ever does not comply! Man
did not realized that the original secular idea, from primal religions, was for man to follow the
natural principles (God’s commandments) to find harmony in every fields, or else man
condemn himself to mental hell and hell on Earth.

Some of us are economically poor but rich in spirit and being the safeguards of social
harmony, others possesses plenty of goods but are poor in spirit; The rich's in spirit are always
ready to offer all the riches they have, so they can be richer; but the poorest in spirit who grabs
all the goods they can are not willing to share anything with the peoples who become needy by
their wicked actions, so they become poorer in spirit and socially more dangerous.

No Santa Claus? ...No God!?

The word "God" is synonym of "mystery", where man cannot conceptualize a puzzling question
"God" is taking over; man makes (or invents) "God" to become the bridge between at least two
proven scientific secular data, man becoming a Theist makes himself to believe that God is the
bridge between humanity and “divine” consciousness. As science advance, making new
universal discoveries, the manmade God gives up territories, just like the light taking
territories from darkness; therefore man science is intellectual light and manmade gods
indicates the presence of man-mind-darkness.

Turning our back from impossible and paradoxical situations, we are now far enough in our
research to comprehend that the symbol that represents the principle of the “Ankh” is the key
that goes into the symbolic lock, under the form of a triangle that opens the door to the factory
of trinuses. That was the “revelation” of things we were looking for. It kind of makes sense.
There is no religion involved. The main rule of the factory is to be sociable and make good use
of logic. That would help a lot to keep the smoothness of the operation going. We open the
doors of the extreme toy factory! Puzzles are made in that place. Where is Santa Claus? There
is no Santa Claus! There is no God!? That was a myth for the kids!? Didn't we know that
already? What is going on in that factory?

Let's see.

Energy itself is the concrete form of logic at work. Logic is not a mental form but it becomes a
mental process within living creatures for their mental evolution. Spiritual (intellectual)
evolution, its logic + feeling. Mental evolution without libidinous feeling is mainly with logic
itself that may lead to morbid rationalism. On the other hand we do not need to be libidinous
to learn and understand the mathematical principles, but it won't lead us to the comprehension
of the whole universal picture where mind evolution is involved.

Spiritual evolution is the mental evolution pairing with ethics, and ethics come from the
Egosphere “feeling” that is built in us and in relation with our sensory system (see Moloch
principle). As a matter of fact, libido is the “feeling” part of our mental supporting structure.
The logical part as the name indicated is from the automatic part of logic. Both, libido and
pure logic can be measured since they are part of the unified quantum theory. Therefore, those
two parts that are joint together in one: logic and feeling is what makes our supporting mental
structures. That makes us products of a chain of production of cosmic dimension.

There is only one mould for the begriming of life. Life starts as a mental structure. The number
of entities that are produced by second is directly proportional to how many times the mould is
tailoring entities per second. But since time is relative, one has to calculate the exospheric time
relative to our own time. It can be done and it will be done. As being the dark part of the
universe, the Egosphere is not an eternity without time. Eternity without time is an empty
space with no energy in it at all. Because of this void the universe can expand for evolution to
exist. To live eternally means “forever”. To live in eternity would be a paradox because it
means “stand still”. The structure of a human being or anything living comes from the mould
of life. The “program” itself is like the principle of a production line which follows the need of
the market in order to speed-up or slows down the production. Amazing enough that also can
be measured. It is the slowing down or speeding up of the expansion of the universe in some
regions of the cosmos. We got to “wake-up” (resurrecting of the minds) to comprehend. First
we have to accept that this theory may be valid, then research has to be done to validate it or
not. That takes time, technologies and money. Actually a lot of money is in the wrong pocket.
Part of the right pocket is Universities. Countries with the right kind of universities are
winners. What make each moulded piece a structural home for a soul to be form to became
different from each other after well is the life experience of each soul.. This is where
personalities differ. So, we can say the Egosphere is the place of thousands of souls and the
birthplace of all souls. The ancient Egyptians call her Neith. By the way, this is not religion we
are talking about, it is science, it is the study of the invisible universe at work, and it can be
measured. Souls have to be produced somewhere in a line of production with the presence of
good feelings toward the product made. We may well say we have been born in haven. The
downfall of angels happened when the first mini-forms of life that were capable of producing
D.N.A. appeared. Those angels (entities) that fell into the biological organisms were the sad
souls that first went to whatever planet available. They were not happy to leave the toy
factory. That invisible Universe, the home of the production line of thousands of soul is the
Egosphere. She must have a heck of a sense of humour to be call Santa Claus or God. Kids pray
to her to receive toys...it makes sense in a way. She is a mother. She is Eve, the mother of

Any “divine” intervention permitted by the logic of things that run the whole factory is one of
the Egosphere's functions; to look after living things without interfering with logic. We realize
from the previous pages that the Egosphere answers our prayers (request) by using the
principle of synchronicity to please. At the same time the logic of causality takes care of our
“needs” and her feelings toward her kids take care of our “wants’” when possible. Is no
subjectivity whatsoever from her, because it doesn't matter what the event is as long the
structural principle that form that event is still the same. That leaves room (open a window)
for our liberty of action upon request. In the formation of the trinus of requests, between our
needs and our wants there is the link called synchronicity. Logical requests and feeling
requests are met. How that works is simply physic's principles in action, when we make
specific requests for various reasons, we use our mental energy in a formal way of thinking.
We are formulating the energies. The thoughts, as we have seen before, produce currents thus
forcing movement. We are emitting. By being the activator of these forces in motion (our
thoughts) we can modify events. This means that when a group of people have the same
request at the same time, a large amount of energy is going in the direction of things to be
changed. This is greater than if would be from a single person. Therefore, no subjectivity is
involve, forces are at work and the pope was right to say: “My brothers, let us pray together to
change things faster”, he means;” with a larger amount of forces”. The original source of his
knowledge is of scientific nature and it come from Heliopolis and other ancient learning
centers. We are not far from telekinesis which is the intervention of our mental strength to
change the resting state or the directional state of a material object. Therefore, prayers are a
mental form of energy that is observable and measurable. Here is the link that makes
parapsychological phenomena shake hands with physics and become two best friends. They
were living together “happily ever after” already but we didn't know it. The Asian philosophies
tried for some times to tell us that, just like the Micmac’s of North America and their beliefs.
Almost no one listened to them. Any Amerindian who still knows his culture is smarter than
some church officials.

This leads us to formulate a universal law: “Any psychic phenomenon is observable and
measurable, these phenomena are the product of one or more mental forces moving in the
direction of an object of interest so that phenomena can occur. “ Here lies the source of

For the Pope to say: “My brothers, let us pray together to change things faster” and for us to
know now that knowledge of quantum physics come from Heliopolis and Memphis,
millenniums ago, makes these places more sacred than the Vatican or any other Christian
place. The lost city of the sun, ancient Heliopolis where is the real Pillars of Hercules was the
Eldorado of the minds. The Eldorado!

It all come down to this: plenty of esoteric groups and some religions mentioned "God is the
principle" and represents God by a triangle. How simple to understand that can be! It’s like if
we would say "Rex is the dog" or "Pussypuss is the cat". The primal principle is the constitutive
element of matter, and since matter is made of energy then it is also the constitutive element of
energy and made of energy. The trinus is that basic principle which rules all phenomena, and
via consequences ruling our life, and our mental life as well. That's make that primal trinusial
principle multiplying itself to be the "God commandments to observe (meaning to study their
ways and to follow them) in all circumstances"!

Christianity destroyed most of the Inca codex and most of Inca temples of knowledge in its
futile belief that they were full of dangerous data for feeble minds. Christianity never has the
insight to see that any nation who trusts the Christian God trust in fact their own agnostism
leading to the human factor: man unreliability. Whoever trust the Christian (or Muslim) God
trust its own folly. Jesus of Nazareth is a myth and the natural principles are in control.


Knowing the why of life set us free from pure imbecility.

The universe is the master we are its pupils forever, we don’t need to repay the universe for
what we are, how can we? But it is our responsibility toward selves to always listen to that
master in order to live well. Any scientist or scientist minded person who discover a part of the
natural principles become therefore a part of the "Paraclete" and by extension a "messianic
light" in the realm of the "Holly spirit" which hold together and regulates the universe; this is
not religion but purely secular data from which various religious appropriated some

Life, as part of the energies at work is also part of the logic of statistics at work. We are issues
of logic.

1) The first trinusial cause (non uniform mass as potential of energy versus a spacial void)
was the outbreak (big bang) of a process of which the results are issues that could only be
known in advance by a theorical witness since there were no others!

2) Because each issue, is an automatic probability it can; therefore, be estimated in advance.

3) The energy path includes the sublimation process, it is of statistical nature. All forms of
energy are subject to undergo different changes, which mean that any state of energy is a
statistical subject, even the energy product called “life”.

4) From the moment a biological form is designed for a soul, and be left on its own, the
statistics tell us that from this moment, each psyche (we are itinerant psyche) can only define
reality from his innate intelligence (acquired in haven), which, in this physical universe, is
generated by the genes.

5) Statistics are statistics; they do not have a soul. They are a form of objective logic toward
the future that can predict future interactions based on the present ones. It is determinism. If
we know all the elements involved, which are required in order for us to use the principle of
statistics, then we can study determinism in its “math form” and become prophets.

6) Statistics cover the structural principle that forms the events, not the form of the event. The
forms of events are left in the hands of synchronicity.

A simple way to define work would be to say: “To work is to do something, or to distort
Ethics say: “Watch out what you are distorting”. The evil-minded say: “I don't care, as long I
rake in the dough”. The green party says: “Save the planet”, David Suzuki and Jacques
Cousteau say the same thing. The principle of statistics say: “I know what would happen if...”

Everybody ask “what do we do next?”

Whether we like it or not, by the mere fact that we are living entities, part of a machine that is
essential for the stability of the cosmos, we may well start to stabilize ourselves. One form of
life or another doesn't matter for logic itself runs the cosmos, it doesn't care. As long it keeps
making forms of life it’s OK, it will keep producing. Without life it would be static. Living
beings are vital because they provide work which involves sublimations. Only the Egosphere
cares, and, from now on our hope is we won't run-out of space for the Universal expansion to
keep going, if it does, then what would happen? Logic doesn't care. It’s an “it”.

It is our primal unconscious fear of running out of space that pushes us (pulses of spacial fear)
to fight for territories. Any excuses are good. We become evil, antisocial, and possessive, we
want more and we hold our possession with a firm grip. We'll kill for it. The pulses of spacial
fear lead us to claustrophobia on one side of that “spacial fear trinus” and fear of heights on the
opposite side. Fear of height, is another trinus by itself, it is a part of the “fear of space trinus”,
that make some people like to be home, or at ease in a cramped space, or to be packed together
like those excellent Portuguese sardines.

The trinus factory makes plenty of trinuses. The way the line of production works is like a
large incestuous family,” father and mother have a son and daughter, son sleeps with mom,
father and sister. Sister does the same. They all have kids from each other, kids do the same,
but this time there are cousins to take care of. Very busy line of production! It is math and
statistics at the same time. It is the “Unified theory” at work.

Heliopolis residents knew that theory a long time before us. As a matter of fact we are still
searching for it. It is in the Enneagram of Heliopolis...well...it was.

If we think we are that good with statistics we better think twice. The lines of prophets from the
people of Israel, thousands of years ago, were already using these far advanced principles to
“see” future events. These statisticians were called “Prophets”.

The same principles are segmented in all events. What seems to be unrelated is. Look at the
Maya and the Inca, some of their original high priests knew these physic laws, which are still
metaphysics to us and impregnated with mysteries... They studied the cosmos to predict the
future. All that knowledge originated from Heliopolis. Look at us; we cannot even predict the
weather properly with the help of our computers! The last Maya and Inca civilizations were
destroyed in the name of our religions, which was an excuse to seize their property. Same thing
happened to the Amerindians. They have a hard time holding to their ancient knowledge which
is called “religious belief” of pagan nature. Suicide rates are high. Not for long though. They
will have their pride back soon enough. Their tormentors will be tormented. Statistics say...

The funny part is the Vatican knows what is coming. It has the statistical information in the
form of prophecy. The last pope knew he had to pack up the Vatican suitcases soon. Already,
this one now in charge of business invited physicists from all over the world to try to find what
the heck is going-on. They are trying to make their own statistics to see what is coming. They
feel the wind is turning. Maybe there is some Maya and Incas left who can help the Vatican.
Maybe the Mic-Mac, are left with enough of the true knowledge to know. They did have, once,
the knowledge of the invisible world, and the statistics that go with it. That was before the
white man came over with their version of things to civilize them. “A good Indian was a dead
one” was the unwritten white man law for quite some time. Religions were a bit softer: “Let us
baptize them first”, then...we know the rest of the story.

It seems we are becoming a little hateful, absolutely not. We are simply trying to give
humanity a fair chance to adapt to new situations which are coming our way. Some of the
pagan religions came from the same ancestral source than Heliopolis. Those pagans are right
and the rest of them took a wrong turn. Some pagans include Asians, Hindus, and Tibetans
etc..., in short: the ones that talk with some kind of past scientific knowledge about the flow of
energies. The rest of the “lost in the ditch” followers of dogmatic religions full of mystery (that
we do not suppose to know), need to be towed away to the garage (the new temples or
universities) and get repaired (re-educated).

Statistics say... “And this was a small thing in your eyes, O God. You have also spoken of your
servant's house for a great while to come, and have shown me future generations”. (1
Chronicles 17:17).

The word “divine” is related to “soothsayer” by means of inspecting the entrails of the universe.
It is somewhere from the Greek khorde “entrails; and from the Latin “spic-” inspecting.

Divination is the power of foreseeing, by inspecting the entrails of the universe, to discover its
universal laws leading to makes prediction from statistics. From “divinatus” is to be inspired
by a god (the god, or science, of statistics).

“Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.” (Proverbs 23:18).

In our present metaphysical study normality refers to the property of conforming to a norm,
and that norm is the whole of the universal rules, therefore normality is to be part of the
natural rules; it is: natural normality. It is being part of nature (that we already know) and to
go along with natural doings of nature in order to “fit” in the evolutive scheme. So far one
wanders if we are the “fittest specie” or we are working toward our own extinction. If we hope
for our own extinction by our present doings, surely there is a future. The reverse is also true.

In the theory of probability and statistics, normality is sampled from a normal distribution,
thus if we sample the whole world about any subject of interest like the distribution of riches
versus poorest, education versus slavery, wars versus harmony, normal mental health versus
induced mental sickness etc..., and after that is done, it will be very interesting to make some
comparative study involving what is our man-made normality versus natural normality to see
what the end result will be. Are we capable of doing that? Or we have to rely in our good old
ethical common sense for us to know? Mmm? The structural base (or natural support) of the
real common sense come from our natural libidinous feelings, and they are meeting, head on,
with our man-made cultural ways.

For us to find any form of harmony we are dependant of the universal rules; and we are
dependant of each others to build harmonious societies, there is no way out. Whoever try to
build selfishly self-harmony outside the universal rules and fundamental ethics (see libido) is
doom for mental, physical and social troubles, as outside the universe, meaning the whole of
the universal rules that the universe is made of, there is nothing. The Ankh is the key, it
represents knowledge, and knowledge is all the facts in every discipline, straight and true;
facts is what give reason its freedom. Any truth about what is right or wrong, about what is
convergent or divergent from ethics can only be base on the objectivity of the universal rules;
they are the only non-corruptible gauge to measure anything to. Cultural values and beliefs
are poor values to measure to, since political pressure is involve. Most of our current and most
recent religions, like Islam, Catholicism, the Mormons, and other sects are the product of
simplistic, subjective and non-realist points of views concerning what the universal puzzle is in
reality: an automatism of energy interaction belonging, at first, to the field of physics.
Whoever understands the measurable physical aspect of the universe will find it easy to
prophesize since statistics will come naturally to his mind.

When primal religions will be viewed world wide as they are: scientific information's under
metaphoric cover, Judaism will be the main source where humanity will rely to find hints of
past knowledge. This is easy enough of figuring out when we base ourselves in the recent
statistical data where Judaism was the seed of Christianity and Islam. Christianity is
composing of 33% of the world population, that amount to 2.1 billion peoples. Islam which
represents 21% of the world population has 1.5 billion followers. If we add 16% of the world
population as nonreligious, which is approximatively 1 billion individuals, than the amount of
people that will take a closer look at the Jewish religion for mind psychological freedom,
scientific beliefs, and some politics to follow, will be around 4.5 billion and more,
comparatively of the 0.22% of the Judaism believers there are now, which is only 14 million
individuals. People having Judaism as primal cultural religious background, like Christians
and Islamic will be naturally prone to review their religious cultural sources with a new
perception of what reality is. Statistics makes prophets ... no big deal! This is pure secularism.
We also must not forget that the ancient South American religions, like from the Inca and
Maya, are also closely related to the ancient primal Egyptian religion as Judaism is.

Muhammad, the founder of Islam, monopolized for himself the best of the Jewish faith, mixed
it up with the worst of his mind to create a politico-religion that fit his darks desires. From
there he set himself-up to destroy the ancient Egyptian knowledge that gives birth to the
Jewish faith and also to the Greek mythology and philosophy that influence our western
civilization to this day; Muhammad also seek to destroy Greek knowledge and Christianity
(which find its roots in Egyptian culture and Judaism) in order to rule the world. But the truth
always prevails, and our knowledge of the truth can only came from secular scientific data.

It often only takes one well intentioned imbecile on the loose in a system to destroy the most
well planned move from that system toward harmony. We are all subject to be Genius in
certain fields and complete morons on other fields; but we shall not let our moronic side to
wage wars and letting it taking advantage of our ingenuousity in specific fields that will help it
to destroy our surrounding (forms of life, ecosystems and civilizations).

Law: Everything is consequential, even a singularity.


Memphis, ancient city of Egypt, capital of the Old Kingdom (c.3100ñc.2258 B.C.), was an
administrative and religious center of ancient Egypt, and one of the largest and most
important cities in the ancient world. Memphis is as old as united Egypt. Memphis was known
in Ancient Egypt, during the Middle Kingdom, as Ankh Tawy (“That source of knowledge
which binds the Two Lands”), but Its Ancient original Egyptian name was Ineb Hedj (“The
White Walls”). Memphis is a Greek corruption of the name of the pyramid complex of the Pepi 1
of the 6th Dynasty. That place is Mennufer (the good place), or Men-nefer or Coptic Menfe.
Memphis is counted as being the first imperial city in world history. This is why Prince Moses
studied at Memphis University.

During the Greek period, the Egyptian capital moved to Alexandria, and then Christianity
eroded the Egyptian religion. The complete demise of Memphis occurred with the invasion of
the Muslim conquerors in 641. Islam is a poor interpretation of the hermeticism itself that
protects what the Torah has to say; and the Torah was written by Moses, Moses transferred
all his Egyptian knowledge in the Torah to another form. That was done to protect the ancient
Egyptian knowledge. The tribes of Levi were in on the secret of the ancient knowledge and the
high priest (Egyptians university scientists and teachers) helped Moses to hermeticize the
Egyptian knowledge in another form.

Part of the hermetic was for Moses to change the name of the dynamics of the Universe and
call it YHWH which means: I am what I Am. That gives a personality to the Universe and a
voice. From there on the initiated can make the Universe talk: “God also said to Moses, 'Say
this to the people of Israel, YHWH the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and has sent me to you.' This is my name forever, and thus I am to
be remembered throughout all generations.” (Exodus 3:15).

“Remember the former things of old;

For I am YHWH, and there is no other;

I am YHWH, and there is none like me,

Declaring the end from the beginning

And from ancient time’s things not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand,

And I will accomplish all my purpose.”(Isaiah 46: 9-10).

Christianity indirectly came from the Torah. Some of the Universal attributes were saved by
them. Christianity's assignment of attributes to their God include, omnipotence (all-powerful)
meaning Energy, immutability (unchangeable) meaning Universal Principles. Omniscience
(all-knowing) is the Egosphere memory, and her feeling is infinite goodness.

Moses even surrounded the germs, viruses and vermin with hermeticisism; The Amelikes were
strands of germs or viruses that attacked the Egyptians. As they moved from Egypt, the
Hebrew was under the attack of the Amelikes. Anything that brings a plague was disguised
under the name of a tribe. Moses, prophets & Co were paranoid about plagues and constantly
combated vermin and viruses. This is why the torah talks so much about hygiene and this is
where the tradition to wash the feet when entering a house came from. To kill all the women
and children of a tribe, without pity, was to destroy a colony of germs, viruses, harmful
bacteria and any kind of vermin with all their eggs. A septic tank was called an “Og.”, An Og
was a “giant”, and it was an iron bedstead of germs. Noah ark had its Og outside the ship.

“For only Og the king of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaim. Behold, his bed was a
bed of iron. Is it not in Rabbah of the Ammonites? Nine cubits was its length, and four cubits its
breadth, according to the common cubit”. (Deuteronomy 3:11).

Moses called bacteria: “staff”. Bakterion means “small staff”. It is from “baktron” that we know
the bacteria on the Nile were rod-shaped. “Thus says the Lord, 'by this you shall know that I
am the Lord: behold, with the staff that is in my hand I will strike the water that is in the Nile,
and it shall turn into blood. The fish in the Nile shall die, and the Nile will stink, and the
Egyptians will grow weary of drinking water from the Nile.' (Exodus7:17-18). To turn the
water of the Nile into blood simply means sickness and death occurred because of those
bacteria. It was the kind of pathogen bacteria (bacille) that destroys friendly bacteria.

(2 Kings):” Now Ahaziah fell through the lattice in his upper chamber in Samaria, and lay sick;
( ...) You shall not come down from the bed to which you have gone up, but you shall surely

(Deconsecrating of 2 Kings):” Now Ahaziah fell through the lattice of his chamber pot (septic
tank) in Samaria, and lay sick ;( ...) Ahaziah did not recover from the bed of germs and
pathogen bacteria which he climbed from, and surely died.'“

People having sickness, or been in contact with germs, were “unclean”; any person with a skin
disease was called a leper: “The leprous person who has the disease shall wear torn clothes and
let the hair of his head hang loose, and he shall cover his upper lip and cry out, 'Unclean,
unclean.' He shall remain unclean as long as he has the disease. He is unclean. He shall live
alone. His dwelling shall be outside the camp.” (Leviticus 13:45-46).
The tribe of Levi had different teachers to educate the people. Some were physicians, others
were physicists, others were hygienists etc. The teachers were also called preachers. “Be wise,
be respectful of universal principles. The preacher also taught the people knowledge, his
function is to weigh and study and arrange proverbs with great care.” (Deconsecrating of
Ecclesiastes 12:9).

Here are some proverbs where we can see the amalgamation (syncretism) of physics,
astrophysics and ethics, even some pre-Noah history:

“When a land transgresses, it has many rulers, but with a man of understanding and
knowledge, its stability will long continue.” (Proverbs 28:2).

“And he will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge;
the fear of the Lord is Zion's treasure.” (Isaiah 33:6).

“Oh that my vexation were weighed, and all my calamity lay in the balances!” (Job 6:2).

“A false balance is an abomination (absurdity) to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight
(stability).” (Proverbs 11:1).

“A just balance and scales are the Lord's (Universal principles); all the weights in the bag (in
the universe) are his work.” (Proverbs 16:11).

“Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a
span, enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the
hills in a balance?” (Isaiah 40:12).

“A merchant, in whose hands are false balances, he loves to oppress.” (Hosea 12:7).

(Deconsecrating of Deuteronomy 29:29) “What is still secret to us belongs to the universe, but
the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may write down
all the principles.

“If you will seek the truth and plead with the universal laws for mercy, if you are pure and
upright, surely then synchronicity will rouse it for you and restore your rightful habitation.
And though your beginning was small, your later days will be very great. For inquiring of past
science, consider what our ancestors have searched out. For we are young and know nothing,
for our days on earth are a shadow. Will our ancestors not teach us and tell us with clarity
their understanding? (Deconsecrating of Job 8: 5-10)

“Behold, causality will not reject a blameless person, nor take the hand of evildoers. It will yet
fill the blameless mouth with laughter, and the blameless lips with shouting. Those who hate a
blameless person will be clothed with shame, and the tent of the wicked will be no more.”
(Deconsecrating of Job 8: 20-22)

“For Ezra had set his heart to study scientific principles, and to experiment, and to teach his
statutes and rules in Israel.” (Deconsecrating of Ezra 7:10)

In ancient time causality was known as the blessing and the curse. “And afterward he read all
the words of the law, the blessing and the curse, according to all that is written in the Book of
the Law.” (Joshua 8:34)

It must has been somewhere a book of universal principles called “Book of the law(s)”

Under hermeticisism, mythical stories are made. The most common behavior can become
mythical; as an example, “Job 40” is all about sex, it's about a male being proud of his erection
and doing something about it: “Dress for action like a man, Gird up your loins (for sex) (....)
Have you an arm (a penis) like (a) God (...)? (...) Adorn yourself with majesty and dignity;
clothe yourself with glory and splendor. Behold, Behemoth, (An erect penis) which I made as I
made you; he eats grass (pubic hairs) like an ox. Behold his strength in his loins, and his power
in the muscles of his belly. He makes his tail (penis) stiff like a cedar; the sinews (nerves) of his
thighs (sexual area) are knit together. (...)He is the first of the works of God; under the lotus
plants (woman) he lays, in the shelter of the reeds and in the marsh. For his shade the lotus
trees (a woman) cover him; the willows (pubic hair) of the brook (woman fluids) surround
him. Behold, if the river is turbulent (woman in delight) he is not frightened; he is confident
though Jordan rushes against his mouth (male ejaculation). (...).” It is from that story that the
myth of the Unicorn was born.

St George and the dragon is also a mythical story were the dragon represented St Georges
penis in erection under his sexual desires. The princess girdle tame it…

Sometime, what we consider hermeticisism is simply our lack of knowledge of the slang, or
common expression, used in certain periods. As an example, to “burn” someone means to
interrogate that person. Today, the police are roasting, frying (interrogating) individuals
under investigation. “About three months later Judah was told, 'Tamar your daughter-in-law
has been immoral. Moreover, she is pregnant by immorality (prostitution)'. And Judah said,
'Bring her out, and let her be burned (roasted, fry, meaning interrogated)”. (Genesis 38:24).

Mind hygiene is to prevent stains of bigotry into basic ethics, as an example Islamic beliefs
and Catholicism are both the same in their patriarchy approach concerning the superiority of
man aver women, since "God" is a male. Both their Theology teaches them that women and
children’s are their property and to be used as it pleases man. The wrong teaching of Islam
about sexual rewards is reflected in our lawsuit against Christian leaders who sexually abused
women and children’s under a chauvinistic pedophile manmade "God" benediction.

The primal universal "original sin" of being agnostic (not knowledgeable) is not a conscious sin
it is simply a lack of any kind of experience, therefore it is not a sin as we understand it as to be
an conscious asocial act; bigotry is a real sin, it is the one where vanity trigger all kind of
wars. The primal universal sin is related to the birth of the universe as a mechanical event. The
natural principles are the primitive (or original) state of the universe as a self-imitative
principle fractalizing itself in various sub-states. Genesis is simply the birth of a mechanism
made of energy that follows the same basic principle which gives the universe its crude state:
that basic principle is Gaia and Ouranos getting together to produce the mechanics of those
natural principles. If man was a magnetic tape, his original sin from the factory (the dark
universe) would be to be virgin.

Hygiene of the mind is mind mental health without any paradoxical thinking. Born agnostic
we develop a natural secular tendency to understand the world in order to cope with it by
developing various strategies to adapt, and that is the evolution of the mind; but adults and
children’s who experience chronic victimization from adults and peers alike if they do not
believe in God develops significant mental health issues during their journey from agnosticism
to gnosticism.The paradoxicalities of religiosity versus secularism produces high levels of
depression and anxiety in those individual who try to adapt the best they can to the real world,
and who are subject to "religious bullying" by being, unfortunately, immersed in religious-
cultural surrounding. Margilized without direct moral support from their immediate
surrounding their mental problems accentuates to reach psychotic level. Some religion where
Christianity and Islam are involved are those "sellers of dreams" that can only offer fantasies
to whom want to escape reality; and Islam protect its expansionistic marketing by literal
armed means where suicide bombers are involved. Those "cheaters of reality", which is various
religious denominations, are cheating themselves and others out of libido and wisdom. The
pleasure of any kind of cheater is short-live, and their frustrations will last longer than the
frustrations of their victims.

Today human society is a cannibalistic one in the metaphoric sense of the word; we eat each
other to extinction!

Reading Freud mind

The Freudian secrets (the secret work he destroy) based on the Torah secret knowledge and
Greek Mythology were handle to us in a scientific approach as a way that only scholarly
libidinous minds can grasp through an logical evolutionary process. Freud follows the manner
of which the Torah was hermeticized but in his own esoterical way. Here, transcending the
surface of the teaching of Freud is a little part coming from some of Freud findings that are
different from those that we are accustomed to know, but which are transparent from his

One's destiny does not revolves around chance, the universe is self-governed by precise natural
principles of its own and this is a scientifical fact, and Freud –ahead of his time- knew that.
The scientific community also know –as well as Freud knew- that these laws equally govern
the quantic world (the immaterial world), that is to say everything is connected to the life of
our psyche (Body and soul). Libidinous thoughts are the tzemach (Blossoming) flowers of our
intellect, they produces the fruits of harmony, and within are the seeds of Utopia. The natural
function of the Tzemach mental flowers is to synthesize our consciousness toward all
harmonized aspects of knowledge to give us the ability for effecting human unity in peace. By
freeing ourselves from negative non-libidinous thoughts leading to hatred the flow of cognition
will find no barriers to quench the tzemach (flowering) mind.

Libidinous thoughts are catalytic within the human vessels of life for us to transmit among
ourselves the revelations of natural truth that is reality. Mind tranquility is to know nature
ways and to work with nature. Nature never go beyond the framework of our intellect since
nature is the engineer of that framework, but it is us who stop or not the flow of cognition
needed for the engineering of our mental framework, as it is the nourishing aport of the rivers
of cognition that adds more tzemach (Blossoming) in our mind over our familiar forms of
knowledge to lead us to the human creation of a world of universal peace.

Being practical do not impeaches common sense as the secrets of nature are been revealed by
nature itself to our blossoming mind by the means of cognition. No one need to be a sociopath
to survive, it is the contrary that is true. Common sense is a guide from our unconscious that
reveals to our conscious the adequate behaviors to follow. The Blossoming flowers of our
intellect are the doors of human perception toward nature.

Our mind is great as being a composite of all the potentials capable to open a path toward
psychological and social harmony, it is capable of tapping into our individual bond with life
and nature. Freud knew that we are the living expressions of nature, and as such, give it time;
one day will come that our ego will no longer be obscure from the existence of pure logic being
libido itself, born from a natural interaction of energy. How else Freud knew that the healing
of the mind can restore the innate libidinous pleasures?

Freud offer us the opportunity to actualize some conceal aspects of the Torah by his work.
Studying and expressing universal truths from the internal facets of our personality, Freud as
a teacher, without being a rabbi, revealed to us some esoteric secrets of the Torah.

By the laws of natures humankind has the self-responsibility to work to bring upon itself its
understanding of nature in all aspects to find harmony. No one in particular can shoulder this
huge burden for another; it is the sum of each individual's own efforts and energy in a “whole
humankind united” that is needed to achieve that task. Global positive and creative actions,
instead of rationalizing (excuses) bad attitudes, are what matters. We must prepare ourselves
for the third stage of positivism by increasing our scientific studies to enhance our
performance toward of our comprehension of our oneness with the natural rules. That follows
the principle of “measure for measure” were a moron will still a moron or not according to his
own choice. Natural laws rewards the ones who chooses to follow its rules. It is the same
simple basic principle that makes us to be rewarded by our boss at work.

Our joint efforts to bring about a particular revelation of the natural laws must reflect the
nature of that revelation itself within the object of interest i.e. how to make a cherry pie. Our
activities, therefore, should anticipate various factors: the taste, how big, how many Sherries
would be required etc...We need to use analogy. We shall stood, as humans, as the most
intelligent, among all others forms of life on this planet, or the cockroaches will takes over the
planet Earth. It is up to us. We are intellectually taller than the entire nation of cockroaches, so
why leave to them the planet after our self-destruction? Are we preparing ourselves for the
“Era of the Cockroaches” or for the development of our relationship with the natural laws?
“Obeying” the natural ways of nature establishes a relationship between nature and its
subjective forms of life, this bond between Earth-Humanity and nature is still incomplete. The
comprehension of the systems created by the automatism of nature that gives us our inner
dimensions (thinking) still remain beyond the reach of most of us. It is simpler for the moron to
believe in a god. For us to self-communicate subjectively the natural objectivity of our inner
dimension (the working of the mind), nature simultaneously serve us as a teacher, as a
servant, and as a biological and material purveyor. In this automatic manner, nature
establishes an intellectual inner bond with all forms of life. Whoever teaches sciences and libido
to another person can be considered as if he had brought humanity into the world, for
humanity in return, to invest within each of its member the very essence of reality.

Similarity has it that the self-teaching of humankind of the natural ways, as an “associative
human personality” (the soul of human kind), will establish such an inner bond with nature
that it will uncover the essential spark of understanding that every one possesses within his
soul (associative personality). Mystical dimensions are myths covering scientific knowledge
such as down-to-Earth psychology. Sigmund Freud studied it and gives mythological name
such the “Oedipian complex” to several of our psychological state of mind. Freud discovers that
psychology was behind Greek myths, and Greeks learned from the ancient Egyptians, and so
were the Hebrews.

Freud was not a religious person. Religious leaders, including evangelists, are containing their
disciples in a state of arrested development characterized by a retention of infantile mentality
by the fact they are brainwashed to believe in a almighty "God" which is, according to their
faulty reasoning, the subjective "blood father" of all humans; sexual immaturity, like in the
Victorian era (meaning sex is a evil we have to go trough in order to procreates) is also one of
the aspect of immaturity. Religiosity indicates the presence of mentally undeveloped
individuals; religiosity is the infantile condition of one acting abnormally for his intellectual
age versus his physical age. It is an abnormal mental condition where an individual retains
infantile characteristics by fear to face reality at it is concerning existentialism. Religiosity is
an acquired developmental deficiency in the mind level.

Life has a meaning only for selves. To be successful in life is for selves, to know who we are
(our personality) and to achieve self-harmony is our personal meaning in life; the rest is
secondary since self-harmony leads automatically to psychosocial adjustment within the
natural principles. Our natural ambition as forms of life was always to perceive the laws of
nature to better adapt to it, even lower forms of life do it instinctively and then consciously,
just like a human newborn growing up does. So where is the human problem? Egocentricity
maybe? What about self-center and associability? This is what intelligence does to us when we
are using morbid rationality (absence of libido) and rationalizing our morbid doings; that is
the best way to disunited humankind with itself and toward nature. Some of today kouac
religions and kouac sects are so far from the truth that they cannot be left unchallenged,
therefore who want to know the truth concerning Genesis and what's followed it has to search
for the truth the secular way.

We don’t have to be communists to be realists; democracy is a good thing as long as bloody

vain extremist psychopathic morons full of cultural and religious bigotry do not have the right
to vote.

We died on our mental hell to be rise from our ashes, likes Phoenixes, bringing in our mind the
glow of the light belongs to the peace of mind that the natural principles enlighten us with. To
die in our mental hell, taking on with us the darkness of the infinite non-sense and to
"resuscitated" from it, and to comprehend that meaning, is relevant of the psychological field,
not the religious field; it is the coming back to reality from deep psychosis to understand
reality at it is by responding to it with an overture to real secular metaphysics’ innate
"knowledge" leading to the first philosophy which find it source in the natural principles.
Natural principles spread like wildfire through our minds, and those of us who are passing
that secular flame of truth to the world are called "Humanists", no matter the degree of
schooling education. Humanists are the real torch bearer passing the flame of common sense
to all who see it as a feed-back of what they already "know" and "feel". Light shines and so is
the truth.

The Kabbalah is mend to set out to correct the myths and beliefs about the power of the Light
(given in whatt) and the one of darkness (which is gravity) for us to realize that primal
religions are sillogisms of secularism. The Light taking over the territory of darkness is a good
indicator that evolution will makes us to mature intellectually; and all the primal religious
tales of good against evil reflect that secular reality in the form of allegories. The Light is
neutral in its objectivity, it is the energy (moving force) that creates and sustain the Universe
and all its components; thus it is that energy that ensures movement wich is the essentiality for
existance to be. It is by the manner in which we choose to use the light and all the
componements created by the light (which is everything in the cosmos) that we can either
create harmony or discord. Our enlightenment come through our observation of the laws of
nature (the natural principles) pairing with our conscious acceptance of the innate feeling of
our association with life (the source of our emotional roots). Our dark side (our evilness) can
only arise if we choose it to arise and it will lead us to the path that strays us from the natural
principles and leads us to mental chaos, body suffering and oftentimes self-destruction. We
possess naturally the free will to choose the path that we fancy the most. Evilness on Earth has
only the upper hand if we chose to let it lose by our lack of concern. It is by using the universal
energy (the light) constructively that we can build the road leading to utopia To redeem is not
of the realm of religions, it is simply to see the logic of things and to correct our past mistakes;
that is our mind-salvation. Darkness cannot bring down the heavens of harmony, the Light
will always prevail, and that is a scientific fact, but we are responsible for how we use that
power. Whoever we are, whatever we have done, the power of the light is alway there, present
everywhere, in all things inerts or alive, ready and available to us to ascend our intellect by
taking the path of atonement, this is to say that all of us are the instruments of the light.

Work On a Grand Scale

Work, is to do something, to deform things, it is evolution at work on the grand universal scale.
That makes the whole universe a piece of work; the universe is the result of work done and yet:
work in progress; it is called: EVOLUTION. The Universe needs to have its own logic to
produce life, to act for logic to make sense. Without life and the potential of it, our universe
would be a dead one. It's not. The Cosmos needs subjectivity to keep things going. The
dictionaries say work is a series of events. Therefore, eventual opportunities to be realized. The
only opportunists we know of so far are any living organisms. A stone doesn't give a thought
where its next meal will come from. Organisms do. They give force a meaning to work, to do
something, to become energies from which events make sense. Forces have to deform things all
over the place to make events happen.

The Egosphere knows all that, she is the memory of the Universe. That is: the soul of the
universe. Put feelings on the top of it and you get logic-feelings. The logic of feelings, that is.
Sigmund Freud knew all about the logic of feelings, they follow a pattern. Our Egosphere
knows many things, even what has not yet been realized and remains among the statistics. She
knows it all. As soon as a statistic is made, she knows it. She is mnemonic. Like most of the
women, she has a memory like an elephant. She is huge enough for that. The religions tell us
that God (the science of statistics) knows everything, even the future...They also tell us God is
power; in our electric meters power is calculated in Watts. It seems the definition of work was
already given to us by religion, in its own way, before Mister Watt. Religions follow Moses'
theory that said: If you want power, change the label of the truth and hold the secret.
Marketing companies do that. Moses was a wise politician who used the whole ancient
Egyptian Trinus theory into one ultimate trinus that contained them all: God! And then, Moses
said that God talked to him. That gave him a heck of a power.

Jewish Freemasons who build the Temple of Solomon (which was a highly scholarized
university) knew very well that symbolism was part of the temple construction as well of the
teaching that takes place inside the university was to metaphorized secular data into religion.
Nevertheless Freemasons who were not of the tribe of Levis were not told that the "Great
architect" was the energy which creates all natural principles, nor were they told how that
energy came to be. From what they know, meaning from what the ancient Egyptian high
priest teach them, they still using metaphors to this day to explain common phenomena and
their interaction with the psyche (as the same natural laws are valid for matter as well as the
"invisible"); freemasonry also developed a system of morality base on nature logic (natural
principles) and veiled in symbolism and allegories. Most of today freemasons, without being a
religious denomination, believe in a supreme being that does not interfere with the natural
laws. On the other hand, plenty of Greek scholars who study in Egypt were in the “secret” (or
be anointed by Egyptian High priests) in order for these Greek Philosophers to start their own
secular teaching under various “gods” symbols; these ancient Greek philosophers teaching still
influence western civilization to this days. Some of our recent scholars are saying that some of
these ancient Greek philosophers were in fact freemasons.

Whoever think he is superior because of his religious faith do not realize that who know the
truth feel so humble that he see himself as no one special, and it is that humbleness which free
us from vanity, the evilness of agnostism.

Metaphysics is like musing along in the trail that connects primal religions with sciences; on
the way, and without getting lost into the bushes, we gather the natural flowers of science and
the artificial flowers of primal religion. Those artificial flowers of primal religions are, after
all, the natural flowers of science been artificially colored for that make-up to enhance their
natural beauty.

The religious bigots worship and swoon in front of the box of make-up' from which the flowers
of sciences were artificially colored and called it: God!

The Scientific Aspect of Moloch Concept

Moloch concept implies a scientifical understanding of how energy works concerning the
universal laws combining morality, which is from an intellectual process, and libido which is a
positive feeling.

Let's start by the beginning; here is a master metaphysical law: Even though the universe is
one unit made from one energy, that energy manifests itself in different ways depending on the
role it must automatically perform by its own self-interaction. There is no mystery on that, we
see it every day, and energy does not need the consent of man to perform its various roles. It is
rather man that has the obligation to follows the interactive rules of energy, when he
manipulates it, to end up with the desire end results; simple isn't it? Any physicist, cook,
chemistry lab assistant etc... Know that and have faith in that simple fact from which religions
was created around; The Ten Commandments that state: “You shall have no other gods before
me” is understandable that way. The Torah says: “God is not a mortal” (Numbers 23:19), it is a
hint to resolve a pun; God is another word being used to say “nature”, and nature is interactive
energy. What the Torah contains, under its various puns, is basically a scientific blue print
where psychology is involved to guide us toward social harmony. We live temporarily in the
physical universe, we can made our world as an evil place (that is to be avoid), or a physical
paradise for all (Utopia). Any human being who faithfully observes, with ethics in his mind
and libido in his heart, the basic natural laws works is way to self-earns his proper place in his
own mind-heaven and latter on in the Egosphere. Man subjective ideals are unconsciously
natural laws objective ideals, and different man-made ideologies came from different man-
made concepts. Natural laws objective ideals are simply the automatic form of determinism
that produce logic which is simply a never ending interactive segmented energy. Logic is the
automatism of reactions, at the same moment a reaction occurs it’s already an action. That's
what determinism is all about. For the living organism (like us) determinism is a stimuli made
of moving forces (energy) which affect our sensory system producing diverse emotions that the
mind assimilate and learns from it. Stimulus can be pleasant or unpleasant to the sensory
system, producing pleasant or unpleasant emotions or feelings. As we can see it is logic to look
forward for pleasure, and not for pain; our sensory system tells us that by the process of
emotions. From here it is easy to see that “morality” as a universal rule is a series of processes
of adaptation for living beings to find pleasure in their social interactions; it is called “being
social”. Being social brings pleasure, it is basic logic and it is the base of the intellectual aspect
of ethics and morality; it is also the base for the emotive feeling of libido. We do not really need
to be Einstein's to comprehend that, we all possess the innate felling of that basic knowledge.
As we can see, manmade morality is subjective, and the universal rules concerning morality is
objective. “God's (nature) ways is not man ways” but many ways will follow “God's” (nature)
ways to finally built utopia from man-made social harmony where libido and intellectuality
will become one.

The mind has long been known by the Ancients High priest as a non-organic form of
repository of mnemonical data in the form of energies interaction known today as the intellect.
Just the fact that the mind is not of organic material points out to the presence of the "soul" as
we call our ethereal body made of energy. The mind is electromagnetically and electrically
active, and become the "model" of the organic structure of any living organism according to
their mnemonical data which serve as blue print for adaptation and evolutionary processes
throughout the neuroplasticity phenomenon. It is quite apparent that the "soul" is too little
understood by our scientific community concerning its mnemonical aspect concerning the
evolutionary process of the biological body; and that is not understood at all by religious
communities. Further, it is apparent that one of the primary reason for that lack of knowledge
is the main cultural aspect of humanity which tolerated some religions of bad ethical quality to
educate peoples and be diplomatic not to mention that some aspect of these religions doesn’t
make any sense in the cosmic reality which is simply the dynamics of logic. In the figurative
sense, kouac religions lives up to their theories by resisting the efforts of fundamental ethics,
build within us, to synthesized science and religions into one knowledge by understanding the
metaphors of which primal religions are made like the ones from Ancient Egypt, Inca and
Maya, Chinese, Israel and others.

Moloch concept implies a scientifical understanding of how energy works concerning the
universal laws combining morality, which is from an intellectual process, and libido which is a
positive feeling;on the top of it our sensory system playing a very important role to give us the
sens of pleasure and body frustration while adapting to existence.

Let's start by the beginning; here is a master metaphysical law: Even though the universe is
one unit made from one energy, that energy manifests itself in different ways depending on the
role it must automatically perform by its own self-interaction.

There is no mystery on that, we see it every day, and energy does not need the consent of man
to perform its various roles. It is rather man that has the obligation to follows the interactive
rules of energy, when he manipulates it, to end up with the desire end results; simple isn't it?
Any physicist, cook, chemistry lab assistant etc... Know that and have faith in that simple fact
from which religions was created around; The Ten Commandments that state: “You shall have
no other gods before me” is understandable that way.

The Torah says: “God is not a mortal” (Numbers 23:19), it is a hint to resolve a pun; God is
another word being used to say “nature”, and nature is interactive energy. What the Torah
contains, under its various puns, is basically a scientific blue print where psychology is
involved to guide us toward social harmony. We live temporarily in the physical universe, we
can made our world as an evil place (that is to be avoid), or a physical paradise for all
(Utopia). Any human being who faithfully observes, with ethics in his mind and libido in his
heart, the basic natural laws works is way to self-earns his proper place in his own mind-
heaven and latter on in the Egosphere. Man subjective ideals are unconsciously natural laws
objective ideals, and different man-made ideologies came from different man-made concepts.

Natural laws objective ideals are simply the automatic form of determinism that produce logic
which is simply a never ending interactive segmented energy. Logic is the automatism of
reactions, at the same moment a reaction occurs it’s already an action. That's what
determinism is all about. For the living organism (like us) determinism is a stimuli made of
moving forces (energy) which affect our sensory system producing diverse emotions that the
mind assimilate and learns from it. Stimulus can be pleasant or unpleasant to the sensory
system, producing pleasant or unpleasant emotions or feelings. As we can see it is logic to look
forward for pleasure, and not for pain; our sensory system tells us that by the process of
emotions. From here it is easy to see that “morality” as a universal rule is a series of processes
of adaptation for living beings to find pleasure in their social interactions; it is called “being
social”. Being social brings pleasure, it is basic logic and it is the base of the intellectual aspect
of ethics and morality; it is also the base for the emotive feeling of libido. We do not really need
to be Einstein's to comprehend that, we all possess the innate felling of that basic knowledge.
As we can see, manmade morality is subjective, and the universal rules concerning morality is
objective. “God's (nature) ways is not man ways” but many ways will follow “God's” (nature)
ways to finally built utopia from man-made social harmony where libido and intellectuality
will become one. The mind has long been known by the Ancients High priest as a non-organic
form of repository of mnemonical data in the form of energies interaction known today as the
intellect. Just the fact that the mind is not of organic material points out to the presence of the
"soul" as we call our ethereal body made of energy. The mind is electromagnetically and
electrically active, and become the "model" of the organic structure of any living organism
according to their mnemonical data which serve as blue print for adaptation and evolutionary
processes throughout the neuroplasticity phenomenon. It is quite apparent that the "soul" is
too little understood by our scientific community concerning its mnemonical aspect concerning
the evolutionary process of the biological body; and that is not understood at all by religious
communities. Further, it is apparent that one of the primary reason for that lack of knowledge
is the main cultural aspect of humanity which tolerated some religions of bad ethical quality to
educate peoples and be diplomatic not to mention that some aspect of these religions doesn’t
make any sense in the cosmic reality which is simply the dynamics of logic. In the figurative
sense, kouac religions lives up to their theories by resisting the efforts of fundamental ethics,
build within us, to synthesized science and religions into one knowledge by understanding the
metaphors of which primal religions are made like the ones from Ancient Egypt, Inca and
Maya, Chinese, Israel and others.

A Diversified Universe

Earth is our, it is our legacy from our far away Gnostic and ethical ancestors; they divided our
world according to the number of their highly scholarized members. We shall reclaim, by
peaceful means, the ancient frontiers in the name of common sense and to honor their memory.

The harmony of the Universe is within its diversified constituents. Its diversification produces
life and libidinous feelings. It is the splitting of the universe that sometimes gives us a split
personality. Under the stress of too much exterior stimulus, we become overwhelmed. We do
not know what direction to take anymore, there are so many of them! We compartmentalize
ourselves into different fields of acquired input and we oscillate from one field to the next. That
way, each of our personalities has its own burden to carry. It is the same principle as our
Universe dividing its workload.

The universe is one unit split into different segments. The first opposite is “fraction”. What's a
fraction? A part of a whole.

On the other hand: what's a “unit”?

A “unit” means without variety, without diversity, no interaction with the exterior. If the
Universe was a “unit” without diversification within, it would be a boring “something” without
any life because the lack of any interaction.

In our context, the link between “unit” and “fraction” is time, meaning motility and evolution of
energies. Without the phenomena of time, the universe would be a lifeless something of non-
importance deprived of needs and satisfactions. A big Blah called Gaia just sitting there in the
middle of nowhere as a concrete piece of Oblivion! Oblivion has no memory. The abstract piece
of oblivion was Ouranos. Together they created diversification, and memory came to be. Two
negative makes a positive, and in between there is motility.

Oblivion is not chaos, but what seem to be chaos was born from two different forms of oblivion
composing the big bang....and science came to be. The creationists say “God is born from
nothing” then they say “God is science”. What they said it’s an oversimplification of a scientific
fact. In Egyptian mythology, “Nu” the androgynous god/goddess represented the concept of
both the concrete and the abstract form of oblivion that created the universe.

Diversification is to have a variety ... whew! We are breathing! Because of its splitting, the
universe is diversifying itself so evolution can be a natural process. It is a good thing for
everybody. It wouldn't be fun to live with 6 billion clones of oneself in a concrete piece of
oblivion with nothing to say and nothing to do. Existence would not be possible.

Thank heaven; the neighbor is a black African who is able to carve anything you want him to
carve. Thank heaven on the other side of the street is a plumber and his neighbor is an
accountant. Whew! We feel better. It is so nice to be surrounded by different persons than

Libido it’s the emotion that connects all forms of life. Libido is the feeling of life. Libido became
love within life because Libido came from the harmony of logic. The feeling of Aphrodite is in
the sharing of mind paradise which is reason and all the benefits that come from it. We can be
pieces of paradise (mentally stable) as we can be pieces of oblivion (mind dead).

Logic or universal laws are synonyms. They are objectives and without a life of their own.
They are the interacting energies or traveling forces into space. Nodes of energy (wrapped
veils of quantic waves) create masses. We are made of logic, and logic produce life and feeling.
All forms of life have felling, and subjectivity comes with it. Only subjectivity can produce the
feeling of caring for oneself and other. Subjectivity it’s a by-product of objectivity, some kind of
“original defect” or original sin. Subjectivity is some kind of incompleteness. Objectivity does
not care; universal laws do not care, it is pure logic without any form of reasoning. It is the
automatism of energy.

To be subjective means to be alive and to be an original “defect” due by the segmentation of a

whole of logic into different parts left on their own, that need to adapt themselves to the whole
system. Therefore if God it’s alive, God is nor logic nor a creator. If God its logic, then “God”
means all the universal laws, which means “God” was never alive. Therefore God, as the living
ruler of the whole universe, never existed, only the word exist. Our primal spiritual need is to
have the adequate data for proper reasoning. It is by proper reasoning that we discover the
non-existence of a controversial god to find the marvelous presence of the everlasting pagan,
and true Goddess of life and love, Aphrodite. Mind confusion where morbid fears become our
mental hell indicates our willingness to accept wrong data for various reasons. Only truth can
set our reason to be free. Universal laws rule both the psychical and the physical world. We
can learn them at school. On our diversified world every religion is founded on human
concepts of what the truth is, or can be. Those human concepts are not necessarily always an
exact reflection of the universal laws themselves, which are stated to be in effect for all time
and eternity as is it said somewhere in the Jewish religion. Those natural laws are always
relevant to the truth as they are the truth.

Scientists, in their diverse disciplines, are researching the original source of the truth, which is
the universe, to discover the truth as it is. People have been brainwashed into thinking that
only their religion is the truth. Torah texts are misinterpreted a lot, and were been misquoted
by Christianity and Islam. Man may think he can change universal rules by using them
according to his religious beliefs! This is a paradoxical way of thinking. The rules of the
universe were known by ancient’s prophets, they were knowledgeable scholars concerning
universal matters. Been faithful to the universal rules implies as well the knowledge of how to
build a solid bridge than how to make a cherry pie, or make a environmental friendly lipstick.
Faithfulness to the universal rules implies causality, that's mean if we makes mistakes we are
the first one to know it since they won't leads us to the results we were seeking for; there can be
lucky mistake as well as frustrating ones. We have been given the false impression that the
rules of nature are of religious character and that we have to adore the rules maker! Well, we
may as well adore ourselves since we are the only living rules makers trying to guide the
human race to the most harmonious path. Between quacks religions and scientific findings are
many inconsistencies. When these inconsistencies are subjected to intensive research by serious
knowledgeable, honest and humble scholars, some theological “proofs” disappear like sand
castles on the beach after a high tide.

Nature rules the universe, and man rules the world under the supervision of causality. One
day everyone will be knowledgeable and wise enough to know and understand that after all, to
be a scientific minded person is a natural and innate pulsion belonging to any forms of life, to
learn throughout experimentation, in order to look after its own adaptation to the universal
rules. Then, after the transitional period called the messianic era, peace will fill the world as
utopia becomes a reality. It will be the Utopian age of wisdom where moderation between
opposites (to content them both) will be our main concern.

The ancients "anointed ones" (some ancient Greek philosophers and Egyptian High Priests
among others like some Inca High priests) knew very well that metaphysics came from the
"First philosophy" which was concerned with energy as the basic substance of everything in
existence and all the universal dynamics; and they let us, their pupils, develop our own
scientifical means to prove them right even if they have the "secret knowledge" to develop these
means themselves.

When we ask the universe to enlighten us in the name of humanity, the universe does it.

The “Divine word” will become substance (intellectual substance) when we realize that
“Heaven and Earth” its only occult for the mystics. Our body, our soul, and our mind are all
powerfull on Earth as much as in Heaven when our reason sieges the “Heavenly truth”.
(Nostradamus III-2).

Nostradamus knew that the secret secular Egyptians knowledge burry in the tombs of the
Pharaohs and princes of Egypt will resurfaced and that newly unveiled secular knowledge that
was hiding under a pantheon of Egyptian gods will be responsible for the destruction of some
of the religious Islamic temples. “Beneath the holy land the faint voice of the dead souls can be
heard, they are the human flame shining in their divinities. By them the holy land will be
stained with blood as the "holly" temples of the "impure" will be destroyed”. (Nostradamus IV-

Gog and Magog, History Unveil

To unravel paradoxes means to put things in their perspectives. Looking deep into the religion
of Israel, we'll find the Gog and Magog myth. This is the two opposites in a trinus which
produce a link between them to make a viable and logical system...

Ezekiel, one of the “initiated” in the line of true prophets, concerning the trinusial science of
ancient Egypt talks about it as a war to come at the end of time. That would be the end of not
knowing the trinusial knowledge. Also the end for those who believe that myths are realities. It
would be the end of stupidity. These prophets of Israel talk in many levels of communication in
one story. To decipher those levels we need to read “ white on white” or “ between the lines” as
the Jewish religion says it shall be done; it simply mean to disregard the literal sense to
concentrate on the figurative and analogical sense. Our modern dictionaries make us read
black on white and give us with clarity the information concerning all the three levels of

1) The literal sense: or etymologically exact is the foundation of the word that we are using to
communicate with precision the real idea (or message).

2) The figurative sense: or metaphorical sense where the symbolism (becoming myths) is the
mean of communicating abstract concepts. It can be hermeticism for the non initiates
concerning the true meaning of metaphors.

3) The analogical sense or the sense by extension (some time called the biblical sense): express
nuances of the literal sense; it is the in-between of the literal sense and the figurative sense.

The presence of the Gog & Magog suggest that Moses knew that we would discover the truth
soon or later, so he was probably thinking he may as well leave us some feed-back to let us
know we are on the right track. The ancient Hebrews liked to exaggerate stories and make up
myths, they are called “hyperbole” which means, hyper-parabola. It is done by making up a
myth and exaggerating everything in it without losing the truth of the lesson to be taught or
the telling of an event. They are fables in the style of Jean de Lafontaine. In modern times, Walt
Disney was very good at that. We also have Charlie Chaplin that sublimated a meaning by a
story, like in the movie “Modern Times”.

Gog and Magog is a working tool of great value as the trinus is, because it is the trinusial
principle. All right, let play Moses' game, but we will talk normally, not in cover words. To find
the cover word all we have to do is go to the Old Testament. “Old testament” is the esoteric way
to say: “Ancient (Egyptian) knowledge”. The laws of Gog & Magog are in the following pages
of this research.

Gog & Magog is a tool for us to use. It is compose of the two pillars (Pillars of Hercules) that
support the link of which a trinus is made. This tool, because of its dynamics, leads to the
composing of physical laws equally valid for the invisible world and the visible world. We will
find them gradually as we go forward in our research. Gog and Magog is the working tool
which raised the veil that lies between the opposites as a way of revealing what is united, in
other words: of two or more “antis” facing each other.

Here are some laws found so far (the rest will come later-on), which formed the principle of the
presence of “Gog and Magog:

a) Any action is a reaction

b) Anything that is opposite in a system is in fact complementary in this same system.

c) Anything that is opposite in a system is in fact complementary with a common bond that
united the whole system.

d) The principle of Gog and Magog (trinusial principle concerning the opposites) is true in
every system in the universe.

Here is a syncretism and clear translation of what Ezekiel says:

Gog & Magog, it’s like two different worlds in each system, hugging each other in a struggle
like opposites do. In fact they are complementary through a common bond that unites them. By
their presence and the struggle they are continuously engaged in, between them, they produce
waves (hf) that become solid ground (mass). A land, from infertile becomes a land of fertility
by the subliminal processes. The spirit is rising from it. As ways to provide the following
entities that originated from matter, a more spiritual life devoid of the envelopes of their
memories (biological body) Gog and Magog will make their deaths occur. Knowing the truth
about what happens after we die frees us from fear. As you continue your evolution, you will
be better able to take in the knowledge of deeper truths.

That kind of language is basically the same for the “initiate” alchemists, secret sects and
Nostradamus. Some religions do not really know what Ezek was talking about.

By reading Ezekiel, which tells us something in a hyperbolic language, Gog and Magog unveils
itself as a trinus theory. We have already found that theory and used it several times during
the writing of this book. More are coming.


The "Rapture" is view by many religions and faiths around the world as when, during the
apocalypse, many rightful ones will reach the "heavens" leaving behind the non-believers and
evils ones to deal with all sorts of troubles. Christians have the tendency to think it mean that
the believers will “disappear” in an instant … pouf …from the face of the world, on their way to
heaven, leaving the non-believers behind to deal with the apocalypse; what a childish colorful
concept! We are so colorful on the outside, thinking we know it all, but plenty of us are so
“mind-dead” on the inside! The ancient Jews called it “dead bones” and we live “in the valley of
dead bones” and we don’t know it. For some time now the humanist scientists warned us that it
is religious traditions that make void the scientific aspect of the natural principles (the word of
God). Different concepts surrounding the event of the Rapture have resulted in plenty of
confusion; natural principles are never the author of confusions, man is. Religious tradition is
the answer of why there is so much confusion about the Rapture, as an event, as to its timing,
and as its significance to the Revelation (Apocalypse). The ancient "revealed" of the natural
principles has become veiled by the use of metaphors, and the true meaning of statistics from
the natural principles in positive correlation with the planets alignment are now clouded and
ill-interpreted; the natural principles in their automatism was never meant to be unclear since
they are purely automatics and easy enough to find by the scientific method. Understanding
the natural laws (God's words) stripped of religious tradition is what's required to meet the
challenge of demystifying or un-confusing the event known as the Rapture. Nothing pass away
at the Rapture era except man “innocence” including being gullible from our original
agnosticism (original sin); the Rapture is the event when humanity, meaning the livings, the
wises, and the "resurrected dead minds" are called to reason to understand reality as it is
throughout new scientific data concerning Genesis and the secular answers concerning
existentialism. It is when evilness which capitalizes on our gullibility to makes profits will lose
its grip on humanity, and when capitalism will rethink its ethico-economic values; it is the time
when the Catholic Church will atone, and Islam will start to become part of past history. The
coming of humanity to the age of reason leading to the Rapture is of the same era in the realm
of the messianic age where the “dead-minds” are “resurrected”. We have to understand the
Rapture as being a state of ecstasy to be reached by a part of humanity when the "Revelation"
(apocalypse) will occur. It is well known in psychology that our emotional states depends on
our opinion toward a subject of interest; to be in "good spirits" is when "our spirit rose" to
"cloud nine" or the "seventh heaven" under the influence of a state of extreme happiness which
of course transports us "from earth to heaven"; it is all metaphors to indicates our future
happiness to finally being aware of the secular and only truth concerning the presence of our
universe and its dynamics that produces life, logic, and libido within logic, and “leaving
behind” the vain morons in their cultural and religious bigotry to deal with their own
psychosocial troubles.
The third Jewish Temple

When Israel will comprehend that it is the wedding of Gaia and Ouranos (the two primal
singularities) the only basic dual “Principle” that give activity its physical substance, and that
there is no other since energy is of physical nature (non-physical nature will be nothingness =
Ouranos), then the Jews will be ready to built their third temple of knowledge as they will
understand that the primary existent singularity was Gaia: the primary non-uniform mass. In
those days Israel will understand that the fact that the natural principles are objectiveness at
its best by not being alive make it so that we are only accountable to humanity, and not to a
non-existent "God". Having "God" as a foundation to societies who produces their own cultural
faith by letting some self-appointed "God" representatives to put in "God" mouth whatever
words that goes along with their politic of the day is the beginning of societies collapse no
matter how mighty is those societies.

Plenty of Jews are wondering if there are any places in their Hebrew Bible where it says when
and how Moshiach will come and what they are really waiting to happen. The Gemora
(Aramaic explanation of the Hebrew texts of the Talmud) seem to says that is in the beginning
of Avodah Zarah that Gog and Magog are starting their secret fight until after Moshiach
comes, then it will be in the open, not before, but at the same time, the Hebrew bible tells its
followers that the world will still function normally. The Avodah Zarah (foreign worship) is the
worshipping of visible gods-idols representing an individual and his saying (like Jesus of
Nazareth, and also Muhammad being idolize as the prophet) instead of the Hebrews way to
workshop the assembled invisible concepts, ruling the entire universe, under one almighty
“god” having no face but being omnipresent.

Before the coming of the messianic age it is a whole process that had comes first: mind process
with technology as by-product. This is what exactly the Jews waiting for: the ripping of the
intellectual time in correlation of our own destructive wicked thoughts leading to their own
self-destruction which are physically seen by our wrong social and environmental doings; but
before the Jews can truly “repents” from their wrong philosophy about the universe, as to see
the Torah in the light of what it really is: a scientific knowledge well veil, Moshiach has first to
be revealed for Moshiach to reveal them the Truth.

According to Jewish beliefs, the spiritual experience of a new knowledge which is part of the
messianic era will bring a sense of temporal unreality following the self-revelation of each
individual experiencing “enlightment”. Ancient prophecies will be seen in a different light after
Moshiach arrival, which is a man that has, first, to discover that he is the Moshiach. The
Moshiach will unveil the secrets of the Torah. The Midrash Rabbah (a specific set of books from
the Hebrew bible) and the Talmud Yerushalmi (a collection of rabbinic notes concerning the
oral Torah), say that the third Mikdash (temple) will be built by Moshiach and his followers.

As they are now waiting for their Moshiach, who will cause all of them to do Teshuva (to
repent), and to lead them all in fighting Hashem's causes ( the scientific cause), the Jews are
preparing themselves to rebuilt the spiritual structure of the “third Bais Hamikdash”, the third
temple of Jerusalem. Those spiritual structures are simply the truth about the universe, their
god and their specific original functions (to protect and to teach the unveil Torah) to the rest of
humanity. In other words, the spirituality of the third temple will be the teaching of all possible
science known by man in their true sense and true meaning were the physical is juxtaposing
the spiritual. As for the physical part of the temple, it is simply a fancy historical part of a
university complex like any university campus having its own good old temple. Of course, by
the time the perfect team Moshiach-Jews builds the Bais HaMikdash (Jerusalem temple) then,
that Moshiach of the team must be the real long awaited Moshiach! As we can see, the
rebuilding of the spiritual part of the temple of Jerusalem is the awakening of the people mind
concerning the true meaning of life: to follow the universal rules for all of us to live better and
enjoys our own company to fully enjoy life; in simple terms: to comprehend and enjoy Libido,
the feeling of Aphrodite.

Knowing that “the Almighty” is simply the energy of the universe, as mc 2 = E, than it makes
plenty of sense that “the Almighty itself” will take care of the physical part of the temple by
furnishing the materials! According to Jewish tradition Hamikdash (the temple) will be built
first by the hands of heaven. Therefore, the spiritual Bais Hamikdash (spiritual temple) must
be built first through the Jews spiritual (mental) efforts, through Teshuva (to repent), Torah
(Hebrew bible), and mitzvos (commandments of the Torah), and then the Jews can only rebuilt
it physically, of course, only after they “know” what the whole story is all about! Is that makes
sense? Yes! Of course! We just have to use reason instead of rationalizing (to find excuses).

It is said among rabbi's that every truly spiritual brick (Bricks of truth) that a Jew forms by
the power of his mind is indestructible, and the process of laying these spiritual “bricks” is to
creates more of a spiritual live in the Moshiach mind (or soul), as the Moshiach is relying of the
good deeds of Jewish cleans minds (or souls) and their wises discovery and sayings, for his
becoming (or intellectual transformation) to be the Moshiach, and his coming among his
people. Rebbe's and rabbi's says that the main parts of rebuilding the spiritual temple
(spiritual knowledge) which Jews need to build themselves within themselves were already
built by the earlier generations of spiritual giants of the Jew's nation and what remains for the
common Jews to complete is only a small, but nevertheless, very important part: themselves,
their own soul! Which will leads to the rebuilding of the soul of the Jewish nation?

Nature is everywhere, nature does not need a temple but we do need universities; temples were
universities. We need temples as “nature dwelling places” for ourselves only. That's what
Jerusalem temple was all about: a place of learning better than the Alexandria library ever
was. Heliopolis and Memphis knowledge about the truth were assembled in Jerusalem temple
secret (sacred) rooms. This is why there is such a fuss made over Jerusalem temple, of its
destruction and its future restoration. A building is only a building but obviously the temple of
Jerusalem is more the n just a building since it was a universal place of knowledge that
radiated to the entire world. The rebuilding of the temple of Jerusalem is for the Jews to
rebuild a new university, with the same measurement, was the old one was standing
previously. It is better to do that than to make a parking lot out of it. That makes sense isn't it?
Yes it does.

When the temple of Jerusalem was destroyed, it meant the withdrawal of the presence of
precious scientific written information’s from Jews and High Priests alike. From there on they
had to rely on their memory. As a direct result, memory being what memory is, people became
less scientifically sensitive in the profit of religiosity. Rabbes are saying that the temple
restoration is to facilitate the return of the truth into the consciousness of the world. As for “the
offering of sacrifice” in the ancient temple, that was to feed the belly and the pockets of high
priests. Everyone has to make a living. “They” still do that in Buddhist temples. Temples
(universities) are the places where scholar’s energy is dispersed to the entire world. It is also
where the energy of nature is most potent in people elevating their mind (from moronic stage)
toward knowledge and understanding. Every animal in the world, from any race, has the
potential to elevates his mind to the very highest level of knowledge and the most sublime
social actions; just look at us.

We can compare the whole of natural principles as a steam roller, if we go along with them we
will be on the passenger seat doing our things; but if we confront them head-on we will be
crush by them; this is what the "God" business of theism is all about.

Those who were enslaves for a song and by request

Captive by princes and lords of prisons

In the future, by headless idiots

They will be received with divine orations.

(Nostradamus century 1-14)

By definition “Theism” mean “against reason”.

Moses and the Exodus

Christianity say to believe in its religion will save us; but in fact the best way to be lost in our
mind is to believe in most of the literal within its scriptures.

The Biblical exodus was in reality an exodus of Egyptian tradesmen refugees from the

As far as we can see, the ancient Egyptians possessed a far advanced knowledge compared to
us. That knowledge came from other human races somewhere in the cosmos. They used it for
educational and behavioral purposes and also political control. Only the ruling classes (like
Noah) were the initiates and the grand-priests were the teachers of the masses. Moses was
within the ruling class, being part of a pharaoh’s family. He knew all that have to be known
concerning the true matter of things.

As any member of a ruling class, the princes were educated in the direction of how to rule a
nation. Also, to be available any time to do just that. They learned all the tricks of the trade.
They learned different ways to unite a nation. That kind of teaching is not for gentiles. That
kind of knowledge is what makes a true ruler be a wise ruler. For some political reason during
The plagues that was affecting Egypt, it was preferable for the Hebrews (tradesman’s) and
healthy Egyptian overpopulation to leave Egypt and move toward their own land while still
working for Egypt interest, like finding new ways to counterattack the plagues and destroy the
viruses (like the canaanites); the fact there was a severe plague in Egypt Pharaoh decided to
save what could be saved, ancient knowledge included. For the people of Israel to be able to
formed a nation from different tribes (guilds made of tradesman’s); a well educated prince
possessing the rulers knowledge had to be in charge of the Israel people in order to unite all the
tribes (all the trades) into one union, to be accepted as their (union) leader and to be “one
people” that would never question any of Pharaoh decision nor attack Egypt in the future. To
rule as a new nation leader, Israel being a dominion of Egypt, Moses have to develop his own
religion since in those time politics and religion were not separated, which is the same
knowledge as the one he has received but be handle to the peoples in a different form. During
the exodus, a group of Egyptian priests who have the teaching knowledge helped him to
educate the Israelis as well to take care of the smooth operation of the exodus. They already
decided “one God for all” would be the new religion. That was done, of course, with the help of
the Pharaoh. It was not a disorganized exodus, it was well planned. They possessed weapons,
food, all the tools for various trades and of course gardening tools. They were armed to defend
themselves against enemies and more particularly against diseases. They brought with them
plenty of livestock for their basics needs. Israel had to be one united nation from different
tribes (trades) in order to survive. What a challenge that was for Moses! The Pharaoh had to
choose his best prince to live up to that challenge. It was a multi-task of extreme political and
medical importance (because of the plagues) that had to be done. The Pharaoh knew only one
of the brightest members of his household could do it. Moses, at a young age proved himself to
be exceptionally intelligent. He was educated to be the leader of the Israel' people. Moses was
the “chosen one” and Israelis people were the “chosen ones” to save the Egyptian knowledge
under one single God as well to develop anti-viruses.

In order to share equally all the different functions within one system without internal
conflicts, and for the people of Israel to belief in themselves as one homogenous unit, they had
to believe blindly in a new God. This is what we call an almost white lie. Actually Moses told
them the truth, it all depends how one serves the truth in order to play with the perception of
the masses. This is a very sneaky way to use psychology for the advantage of all. They became
communist-socialist tradesman under one union ruler who took his orders from God himself!
Moses was bright all right! Who can pull of a master plan of that magnitude now-a-days?
What a master plan! That plan still works today.

When the people of Israel left Egypt, they took with them everything needed for the foundation
of a new nation, including their “chamber pots”. No detail was overlooked.

The story of Moses separating the water of the Red Sea was a symbolic one. The walls of water
symbolized the opposites of a trinus. It is the symbol of the old culture they were leaving and
the new culture they were about to become. They were still the link that united both cultures.
Advancing at a slow pace because of all the livestock and the slow moving vehicles carrying
whole families, the Israeli people were on their way to their promised lands.

Science became a religion for rulers to safely rule and sociology became religion for the
gentiles to obey for their psychological well being as well for social order. Science and religion
are syllogism, both one segmented science into various disciplines.

Knowing the real story concerning the exodus brings us toward easier ways to find and
assimilate the veritable knowledge of things, which included the invisible world. Science and
religion have clashed for a long time in human history although it is simply a single science in
two different disciplines who took opposite paths under political needs and pressure. The
objectivity of science and the subjectivity of theology become two different disciplines that
study one universe. Science studies the visible part and theology studies the invisible part, but
theology makes the mistake to take literally the metaphors. Once again, we find the two
opposing parts in a trinus. The link between religion and science is “the study”. That is, the
studies of the mechanisms that rules the cosmos and how to adapt to these mechanisms for our
evolution. Religions did take on the field of spiritual evolution (until the coming of psychology)
and science takes on the physical field, including research in technological evolution. The
grains of sand that stall both evolutions are the politico-sociopaths and the human factor
(being non-reliable) in his agnostic subjectivity.

Deep within, everybody knew that these two subjects of study are part of one and the same
universe and they meet somewhere as one knowledge. The ancient rulers of Egypt and their
high priests knew it was best to have a wise and knowledgeable ruler like Moses to carry on
Egyptian knowledge and fundamental culture. The other option was for the future:
democracy. Democracy contains the seed of danger as it contains the seed of wisdom. The seed
of danger is: having a bunch of uneducated politicians who don't have a clue concerning the
mechanisms of the cosmos fighting between themselves for the joy to be in a position of power.
“Power corrupts” as some ancient philosopher said. It can, and it does; but it only corrupts
those who are already corrupt, not the social minded politicians who were the first politicians
of the first Greek democratic society. Those very first democrats were “initiated” from the line
of Greek philosophers who studied in Heliopolis. This is a totally different approach from our
present democratic societies. The difference is: they knew, and we don't. Their form of “wise”
democracy was well balanced. It was not a race for power like our democracies. Our
politicians have the marketing knowledge behind them to attain power. Their politicians had
the Elders knowledge behind them (knowledge from Noah times) to humbly accept the power
to govern. Just like the true Amerindians and maybe some Inca's and Maya's.

Earth is simply a planet, man in its diversity of beliefs and being, is the lawful heirs of this
world by the will of the "ancients" which are our far away ancestors. No "God" is involved.
Therefore man from Earth can never be denied is rightful Earth citizenship.
Taking the Holocaust as an example the Jews know the results of believing blindly their
religious leaders when they discard reason, when facing the obvious, for the profit of religious

Ancient Prophets of the "true line of prophets" were highly knowledgeable men of science;
Moshiach will follow their lead as these prophets intentions was to give us sound advices to
follow throughout their prophesies. All the religious bigots of the world, especially the Islamic
ones, need to be re-educated in the secular way. Secularism holds truths that can be found and
proven. Bigots need psychiatric assessment before re-education, especially the Islamic ones
who keep the Koran alive by armed means (without armed religious extremists to protect it the
Koran is a dead horse to beat on). Islamic firmly believe that they shall devotes their entire life
to an egotistic god, and so shall be the rest of the world; the danger of a ww3 will come from
Islamic fools (having an oversize baby tantrum) toward the rest of the world.

The trinus of Eden

The only "religious faith" we must have is toward pure science.

The “tree of knowledge” and the “tree of life” are linked together to form the “trinus of Eden”.
Ancient Egyptians called the soul that lay beneath our flesh and bones the “Ka”. The Kabala
like psychology explores the dimension of the soul, but we find plenty of metaphors in the
Kabala. Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, the Inca, the Chinese and others knew that
there was more to life than our physical body that we learn to view as all it is concerning our
existence. Moses, or whoever else (Noah maybe?), made up the Adam and Eve story must had
some “ribs” for lunch with too much of a good Israeli wine when he mentioned the cell division.
Still busy burping, full of joy and a good sense of humour, he mentioned the starting point of
the predatory era as when Adam and Eve were driven out of their moronical innocence and
automatically out of the Eden of pure egotism when they were vegetarians.

Let assume it was Moses who makes up the story, just for the fun of it. The group of prophets
and high priests surrounding Moses, must had a good old time explaining the biological side of
Genesis with “baby talk”, the Egyptian way, in the form of a myth called: “Eden”; that was a
switch from making up another pantheon of gods. When that was done, they were most
probably having a heck of a good late party between them to celebrate the incoming of their
new best-seller: “Eden”. To this day it's still a best-seller in the mind of the creationists. They
swear by it! It is all a question of how to view it. An eye view of anything around, including the
literal sense of any writing, and the whole universe can be a nice view; but a mind view of it is
a far better view. What our eyes can see of the ever-changing physical universe is the end
result, constantly updating, of all the universal principles in action; that is our sensory view.
What our mind can see, if we want to, is how these principles work that is our mental view; but
if we don't want to, then our mind became the slave of our senses instead of our sensory system
be slaving for the benefit of our mind. Not only did the ancient Egyptians know how the
Universe was “born” from a philosophical concept (since the universe was always there as it is
mention in the Alpha and Omega concept which stipule that time is eternal and cycles
renewable) , but they also had the knowledge of biology. Moses learned that knowledge and
transferred it to us in a hyperbolic mythical story called “Eden”! Eden! The land of paradise;
where the lions to be would be sleeping with the sheep’s to be.

Actually, if we learn a little bit about the first living organism to appear on earth, none of them
were predators, they lived in harmony in the sea. The current brought them food. They were
bundles of simple cells anchored on the bottom of the sea like sea weed. They were of different
forms. Diversity starts with the evolution of D.N.A in different basic bundles of cells.

Many archaeologists and creationists were seeking a region of the earth for Eden. They
disregarded the sea but biologists knew that it was the place where the first signs of biological
forms of life came from. Eden was of a state of evolution, not a place where the first full grown
man, pouf, appeared like a magical act. What an act! The first form of biological life came
from mud, where else? Moses said that part clear enough. Our biologists knew that for quite
some time. Even physicist creates life in laboratories. It is already an old fact for our scientists.

The story of Eden carries behind the myth a heavy load of knowledge. It is a symbolic form of
language that indicates the phenomenon of the early evolution of organisms. To make a long
story shorter: evolution chased us from the Eden of innocence (that is a polite way to say “we
were morons”), the place of original sin (not to know anything) for us to learn how to built
Utopia (our own Eden). But there is also another possibility that the story indicates another
level of thought were evolution is involved: the Dark universe, the place of our birth. So there is
the possibility the story mean those both level at the same time; but we will concentrate only of
this earthly part since it so much fun.

In the beginning, the first organisms were not intelligent, they were innocents and happy in
the only environment that was known to them. Their voluntary actions were dictated more by
their basic instinct than as their own thinking. These organisms lived on what their ocean
provided. They did not have any predator. Then the cells bundle-up together, the organisms
become multicellular. As they divided evolution start to make sexual cells. They were still living
in Eden, which means “where there is no frustrations” since there were no predators. Eden!

Here is the rest of the story: from the moment the chromosomes were developed and provide
them enough brain that gives them intelligence of their own they realized they could be
predators in order to get their meals faster. Their innocence was gone. They tasted the fruits of
the “tree of knowledge”. They were finally under the influence of their own mental processes.
They started thinking. They were free to do what they wanted. They experienced knowledge.

As they became predators and thinking forms of life, they realized they were vulnerable to
other predators. They viewed themselves as been naked (Genesis). They had to learn to hide
themselves in different ways. In hiding, cautious not to be discovered (Genesis), while being
predators themselves it became a matter of survival. Evolution from the snaky spiral forms of
D.N.A (the devil in the form of a snake) made them lose their place in Eden. The science of
evolution (God) chased them from it.

Eden and Utopia are opposite:

Eden means “no frustration”.

1) It is a state of innocence

2) It is a place of no predators.

Link) - The link is “original sin” meaning “unknowledgeable”.

Opposite to Eden there is Utopia

1) It is a state of wisdom

2) It is a place where human predators are tame (ethically educated to be mind-disciplined).

Link: - The link is knowledge

Early Earth Paradise (Eden) belong to the innocents, evolution makes it that the universe
belong to the Knowledgeable. As Utopia will be built the lions (psychopaths) will not be afraid
to sleep with the sheep’s (the libidinous knowledgeable ones)” as the teeth of the sheep’s
(knowledge and wisdom) even if they will be more powerfully than the one of the lions, the
sheep’s won't use them to hurt anyone but to bring peace. Peace (Eden) can be achieve by our
understanding of the natural principles, they can raise us from being agnostics, and dead
minds, to various degrees of achievements from our self-determination to attain wisdom. This
physical existence we are experiencing now is the automatic covenant between the universal
rules and us trough our blood. As we adapt and evolve the universal natural principles become
more and more appealing to our intellectuality thus to every one of us, each at his own pace
and more we understand the natural principles more we become eager to follow their lead to
build utopia; scientists, including the ones who fills the gap between humanities and science
(since the same laws applies for both) are the ones who helps us to follow the natural directives
(the natural principles) which are the "mode d'emploi" of the universe and its components, life
included. There is no need to praise the natural principles as if they were a god, they are not!
They are a universal automatism without a mnemonic life. By praising ourselves for following
their "commandments" is to praise the "godliness" in us; the opposite would be being "outlaws"
and following evilness by vanity wedding agnostism. The math clearly shows that no gods
exist, but simply natural phenomena and the natural principles they are following. The
knowledge of "Fundamental ethics" is our knowledge of every aspect of the natural principles
in many fields (the scientific-humanities approach).

“Déjà vu”

Law: The “déjà vu” is part of the vacuum cycle phenomenon. A quanta taking possession of a
graviton (an empty point in space) creates a vacuum where it was before, thus creating
another empty point in space, to be fill up by another quantum being attracted by (to fall in)
that gravitational field; that's how gravity is integral part of the universe and not only at the
outside edges of the whole universal "ball of energy". That’s make “infinity” or “nothingness” to
be re-cycle (recyclable). Which leads us to formulate that law: Gravity is an attraction in space
for recurring events to be possible in the same place in different cycles or different time. Upon
completion of its function the same point of space return to its original state of gravitational
value (meaning of nothingness); that’s what make evolution throughout motility to be the
reality of things.

“Déjà vu” mean “already seen”; that phenomenon is called paramnesia, from Greek “Para,”
meaning: “near” and “mnesia” meaning: “memory”; the “déjà vu” phenomenon is also labeled
under “promnesia”. “Déjà vu” is considered as anomalies of the memory were an event is being
recalled without the conscious will of the individual. Actually it would be more of a natural
automatism of the memory (or intellect) than an anomaly.

Our body is our mortal vehicle on earth, it is a chemical plant keeping alive for a certain period
of time the biological device that it is and which contain a sensory system by which the exterior
surrounding is apprehended in order to relays that information to the mind by electrical
means. It is the mind that computerizes all the information’s (actual and in storage) in order to
makes decisions depending on the nature of the stimulus. The body contain only in its genes
past memories of how to adapt genetically; that's the only mnemonical data it can retain. The
mind (the soul) have its own set of past memories from previous life’s, but generally the brain
can only make the mnemonical connection with the mind concerning this here existence; some
exceptions seem to be present under the right circumstance like hypnotism, and children’s
having a weak mnemonical connection mind-brain concerning the actual and therefore can
tap into past life’s. All past memories of how to adapt genetically are in our genes; therefore
one’s body is ones past memories in biological form. The dynamics of (an organism + the
mind) = the dynamics of the psyche (of that organism or person). According to Genesis, Eden
was located in the visible world. Yes it was a myth; but a myth based on reality; a hyperbole.
That's what the Old Testament is all about: scientific information in hyperbolic mythical
forms; old Egyptian baby stories. We already know that the base (the support) of our
instinctive intellect lies in our genes. The external stimuli are processed through the nerves to
the brain, we already know that. The brain is the center of communication. From the brain,
impulses are transferred to the mind. The mind is where our conscious and the abstraction (in
quantic form) of our intelligence are situated. Our past intelligence is in the structure of the
DNA. Our present intelligence is in our mind (soul). Body and soul are one. Reincarnation
after reincarnation, we come back as oneself, body and mind. Our own self, (body and mind) is
our past and present memories in one living organism. This is why we have that senses of
“déjà vu”. Here are some laws about that phenomenon:

1) It is an external or internal imagery from any or all of our senses that triggers that
impression of “déjà vu” into the mind.

2) “The “Déjà vu” phenomenon can be:

a) The remembrance of something or someone known in a previous life or earlier in this life.

b) The remembrance of something or someone that belongs to the field of statistics concerning
the possible future which is being built into us, and subject of being update, by the statistical
phenomenon of the logical processing of our intellect.

3) In the case of the second law, section “b” is the foreseeing of one’s possible karma; it’s always
up to us to accept or not the possibility of any future events submit to us by the phenomenon of
“déjà vu”.

“Déjà vu” come from the unconscious part of our mental structures. Built into us, it is also part
of the statistics of our future. It is known under the phenomenon of our “karma” that we carry
with us. “Imagery” can trigger it. Also, depending of our karma there is a strong possibility
that when we come back, as reincarnated souls, in the physical part of the universe, it can also
be in another planet that belongs to the human race. Planets and alpha races that dominate the
evolutionary process of a planet civilization have to be logically paired.

The universe is not pre-programmed but it reprograms itself every instant according to the
latest developments.

Every Islamic Mosque build in the world is a potential treath for the civilized secular world in
every country. They are the potential underground railway, and save heaven, for Islamic
religious-nationalist extremists with expansionalistic ideas. If these extremists succeeded in
their “Jihad”, WW3 will start all over the world, at the same time, from these bases of
operation; but Islam (the antichrist) will be defeated with or without ww3. Reasonable
preventive means will reduce the possibilities of ww3.

The tree of life

A Biblical “Tree” mean in reality “(Secular) structures branching out”.

In Genesis, it is written that when God drove Adam and Eve from Eden, he also says: [... before
they also taste the fruit of the tree of life ...]

According to Gog and Magog principle here is what to do:

1) Tree of Life

2) Tree of Death

The link is: Evolution through time

Between life and death there is a space of time. In this context, it means existence.

Tree of Life - It means to understand the field of life, which is logic and Egosphere at work to
produce mental structures: souls that is.

Souls are “thinking with feelings”. There is two parts to this process:

1) Souls have to be subjective to feel the stimulus of the environment first and then think after.

2) After receiving the stimulus from the environment, then they think before acting.

Note - Between the first part and the second part there is the instinctive act, which poses an
action, without thinking, right after receiving the stimulus.

Tree of Death - Means the field of death, It is composed of changes:

1) To move from the visible world to the invisible world

2) For having a super mental break-down that “killed” the previous personality to form a new
one (psychosis).

Note - In the case of the super mental break down, concerning the context of death, there is
three options:

a) Let the change of personality continue its course.

b) Destroy the environment (kill someone)

c) Destroy one (suicide)

Lately there is a new one which is “suicide bombing” just like the “Kamikaze”. It is the
amalgamation of “b” and “c”. It is not really a new one, but it was disregarded by psychiatry
for some time, not anymore.

“Before” means: first, pre-requisites.

“Sampling” means: test, testing, try-out “Fruits” means: Performance, products.

The completed sentence, losing its esoterism, can be translated this way:

First draft: As pre-request to be wise, they have to exist. During their existence, it is necessary
that they learn to know, by learning, the results of the field of existence to discover life, and
this, after their death.”

What it mean: By learning to live ethically our spirituality and by accepting death as a
normal process of evolution where life is involve, we already can taste the fruits of the tree of
life now, and even more after death. To learn and to love is to live; therefore the whole
meaning would be that we must taste the fruits of knowledge, here on earth during our
lifetime, before our natural death, when we will be joining life again in the womb of Aphrodite.
Hmm, it's still kind of esoteric. It seems we just received a religious lecture from ancient
Greece..., a form of preaching. Oh well! That was a thought...
Evilness is a dying branch of the tree of live. Depending how well educated is our associative
personality the evil personality in us can be a specialist on public relation. Keeping up with
times and competition that deceiving personality now conduct surveys concerning the quality
of its mischievousness to get information how to improve its charming image. The devil is a
"fallen angel" meaning is a human being who became asocial for various reason, and he is an
"adversary of God" in the sense that even if he is crafty he has poor judgment, and being illogic
in its decisions he destroy more around him than he construct, and generally what he construct
is for destroying purposes. Vain, he is tempting mankind with sparkling "wants" over the
frustration of the basic needs. Evilness in man is to be demoniac. We can be demons (falling
angels) or angels. In Greek "demon" translates as "daimon" and in Latin: "daemonium".
Derived from "daio" meaning "to divide" the word demon was originally in use to indicate evil
intellectual human beings (therefore: evilness in spiritual beings) and that word is restricted to
our evil spirit meaning the evil personality being part of the associative personality. The word
"daeva" from the Iranian language means "hateful spirits of evil". "Diabollos" in Greek refers
to man rebellion against the natural rules (or God's good judgment), and a sociopath is being
therefore a "fallen angel". The devil has many demons, means a sociopath has many mental
troubles (besides commanding an army of subordinates). Basically a devil is a moron who acts
asocially to satisfy his "wants" any which way he possibly can without regard for fundamental
ethics and suppressing his social feelings (or emotional roots) to succeed. Psychopaths are the
personifications of "the evil spirit", a evil spirit rules "Hell" meaning he is behind social
destructions and many mental sickness from peoples who cannot cope anymore with the
reality psychopaths creates. Foe of fundamental ethics (or foe of God) "the devil and his
angels" meaning the evil "Boss" his "associates" and his crew of "killers" roam the world to
profit from despair (after creating the means of despair). The human devil is laughing at the
religious morons who think the devil is a supernatural being as mention by the ecclesiastics,
that takes away our attention from him so he can continue to survey our perception of him in
order to improve his image to keep fooling us better today than he was yesterday. Evilness
being in negative correlation with wisdom makes the psychopath to be stupid, and even if he
can win few battles because of our innate trust in humanity goodness he cannot win the war of
good (sociability) against evil, therefore that dying branch of the tree of live will have to face
its own death. We need wider power to probe religious sects and religions. Peoples must have
the power (and they will) to investigate any agencies that deal with the use of psychology as
the means to reach their ends by subpoena any documents dealing with the matters, which
includes the Vatican documents from ancient times until now. What is lacking right now is for
the Peoples having the legal right (Peoples already have the fundamental natural right) to
probe the Catholic Church activities, compel the Pope to answer questions, and access all the
information’s in the Vatican file since it concern church psychological and historical data
regarding the church politics about our existentialism. New drastic measures shall be in place
for inquiries to unveil the Church uses of past psychological and physical tortures toward non-
believers, and also present mental tortures toward believers to keep them "chained" to the
Catholic church; to many pagan scientists were falsely accused by the church of "evilness" and
been torture and killed by the own Catholicism evilness for the peoples of the present time to
know why. Peoples need more legal teeth’s than they have now to uncover the evilness of the
antichrist which is the Catholic Church (beside Islam). It is by the lack of legal means that the
Catholic Church escapes a greater scrutiny that would unveil its lies, its many cover-ups, and
its ill-uses of the behavioral science within psychology. Let's face it, Catholicism is a security
threat for many nations (just look at Guatemala in the 50's) since Catholicism has a history to
be a mercenary and sell its "soul", and the souls of its followers, for its personal gain of power
and for economical reason and without regard for human psychosocial suffering. There is
basically no legal oversight process toward any religion, especially Islam! That is where lay
our most legal weakness regarding legal investigation concerning man induced neurosis and
psychosis. We must be more proactive in any of our oversight concerning religions and share
information’s with others legal agencies to reach a high degree of effectiveness in order to get
rid of moronical infantile religious behaviors inducing bigotry and leading to wars and
despairs. An antichrist is a religious minded individual who reject man wisdom base on
scientific evidence since “anointed” mean the understanding of the natural principles, their
Genesis, and the knowledge of the true human history (arrival) on planet Earth.
Human Factor

Politicians reaches power by the will of the peoples, if the peoples, in their agnostism, are
willing to be fooled by crafty politicians so let it be, and causality will take its toll, so we may
learn something.

We are the same one’s for whom politicians wage war, and armed battles make sterile fields
after fields. Fighting with weapons bring only misery, making countries to be martyrs over the
ashes of their destroyed cities. Warfare! So go ahead o bloody politicians! Make wars with our
blood and the one of our children, then continue until satisfaction, of having neither argument
left or land on which to make war, for finally give a rest to your bloody moronical mind.

The human factor is man unreliability due to mental gaps in his mind. The “Human Factors
Science” is the study of the cognitive properties of social human capability (social interactions)
within different systems. In short: how smart or how stupid we can be in our human-
environment equilibrium. Applied psychology, bases its general idea in the concept saying: “as
human thinking evolves and progresses, new better concepts develops”. That's implies we have
the natural tendency to become less stupid (less moronical) as we evolve... Concerning human
interaction, causality make it so that we have the choice of sharing the sweets of the world with
others or getting caught by retrieving others people fair share by various devious means; one
way or another we are getting our just reward; therefore it would be dumb to ever consider
the non-libidinous option. The Human social behavior influences the functioning of all the
systems he encounter, and the “Human factors science”, by the study of all aspects of the way
humans relate to the world around them, aim of improving their operational performance by
diagnosing (identifying) the problems and deficiencies (the stupid moves) in any human-
system that interacts with any other existing system. The term “human factors” become
“ergonomics” when it involves science, research and technologies. The human factor is
innocence at work. It is innocence making mistakes, learning from them, and tries to correct
them; The Jewish religion called it to make atonement.

Innocence in attitude is composed of two opposing parts:

1) The innocent sociable moron. 2) The innocent associable moron.

1a) the innocent sociable moron will believe anything that society tells him to believe without

2a) the innocent associable moron is an egocentric and egotic one’. He thinks he is the only
calibre and all others must measure up to him, not knowing any better.

Link) - The link is knowledge of values.

The trinus of “knowledge of values” is on the mental level, it concerns: a) activities of physical
nature, as well as: b) activities of mental nature.

Societal values can be based on ethics or not.

Muhammad, the creator of Muslim religion was most probably bipolar; switching back and
forth from to be an innocent sociable moron to became an innocent unsociable moron, and
back again. Muhammad was an instable, well armed, mentally sick and a sadistic false

As Freud was saying, “the mind is a complex energy-system”, conscious and unconscious
motives control our behavior, it is a question of what did we learn, how and when. When the
normal pattern of metaphysical development is interrupted by dogmatic non sense, from some
religions, in some individuals in their young age, they become fixated at an immature stage.

Metaphysical fixation having as a source some stupid religious dogma which believes in only
one way communication: their own philosophy, could contribute to mental illness in adulthood
where some individuals may develops the Messiah complex as a reactive rebellion. Those
“messiah” then believes in their own “one way communication ...or else”; look at Islam. One of
Freud's major contributions to mental health was the discovery of renew communication to
remove fixations. Mentally sick individuals improve when they talk to a therapist. That gives
them the opportunity to resume their normal metaphysical stages. As we can see
psychotherapy is indirectly beneficial for whole societies, it can avoid blood bath.

The culture of a society reflects what it’s on the mind of the whole community. The way a
society deals with the basic psychological needs and desires of its members would determine
how the overall personality of a society develops and whether or not that society would end up
as being a well-adjusted “adult” society or being under the influence of some fixations.
Religious fixation of believing to be right leads to terrible murdering wrongs. To use one of
Freud word, and having a close look at human history, we can see that our present world is
living now its period of “latency” concerning the adequacy of “divine” matter during which
renew metaphysical theories and interest to pinpoint were religions went wrong are
temporarily non-existent. The final stage of world positivism, the revelation of things, will
follow the dominating “remise en question”, worldwide, of various religions in order to create
completely new metaphysical theories. The “remise en question” is the world next evolutionary
step after this “latency” period we actually lives on. Because of evolution, thanks’ goodness
stupidity has its limits, we all being called to be geniuses, it just takes time, and there is no
limits to it since time takes over the field of infinity to become eternity, that’s what makes it to
be relative. The road to mental hell is paved from good intentions since our mistake was not to
see that religions like Catholicism and Islam are the antichrists. Napoleon was a butcher but
certainly not an antichrist; the same goes for Hitler, he was a vain nationalist murderer
psychopath full of cultural bigotry who believes in science more than any religion (as his
dream for a super-race indicates) but he was not an antichrist.

Metaphysical law: “Whoever enslaves or imprisons the mind or the body of another human
being bring upon himself the responsibility of taking care of his personal needs, otherwise the
causality effect making so that any kind of responsibility automatically involves consequences,
who do not face its responsibilities has to face the consequences, like it or not”. Not to fulfils the
basic needs of who is under our responsibility means that by causal effect the same will happen
to us, and vise versa. It is that law that is the cause of the rise and fall of many empires. Born
within a culture we are the ones who build for ourselves a natural social environment
according of who we are; to be uprooting from that environment, for various reasons, will
affect our comportment since we become strangers in a new environment. Various mechanism
of defense (or adaptation) will be trigger and wont necessary be acceptable for that new social
environment; therefore in that case one new behavior is not his true-self and it is even foreign
to its fundamental nature; thus any clinical experiment, outside one own natural social
environment will contain a much higher rate of erroneous data concerning the true identity of
the subject being studied. As the old adage said we have to walk in somebody shoes to know
why he behave certain ways, and we will add that it is not by giving someone another pair of
shoes that won’t fit him that we will know what is his natural fundamental behavior. The point
is we cannot judge anyone according to our own cultural value but only according to the
universal principles since they are the same for all. The laws we are making and enforcing
these laws protect mainly the policies in place and are not necessarily following the stream of
logic and basic common sense which is part of the natural principles in their equilibrium
function. Natural principles are not man ways, but man in his search to discover those joins
automatically their rank, secular discovery after secular discovery.The armor of the rightful is
made with the light of the truth, and the armor of evilness is made with dark strings of lies.
Knowing our tongues can be swords and since using euphemisms when waging war against
evilness is to render dull the blade of our swords during battle, we will say as it is that it is
common knowledge that Christianity and Islam came to be by taking the best of Jewish faith,
but like any terrorists they thrive on fear, extorting gold, and becoming psychopathic killers
when conquering lands from others cultures, and they are also failing to lay the foundations of
a enduring universal truth which can be found only in the Unified Field Theory where life is
integral part of it. Who they think they are these peoples full of religiosity to tell the states what
god has to be worship and what idol has to be destroy? Don’t they understand the neutrality of
the universe reside on its natural universal principles? Don’t they understand that the basic
responsibility is toward selves in a universe which creates the need to evolve intellectually
(religions called spiritually) in order to adapt to what the natural rules are doing (God's ways)
in all their interactions. The Ankh is the answer, the Ankh is the key.

The literal "God" is simply an artificial bridge over mental gaps in the minds of the believers.
More bigots’ is an individual more bigger are his mental gaps. For an individual to devote his
life to "God" is for that individual to devote his life to his own mental gaps.

There is no other "supra-rational belief", to belief on, than this: since both the existence of the
universe and man coming to maturity are interelated then reasoning and faith in the dynamic
of natural principles from which the universe is made are interrelated, and that's excludes the
existence of a literal "Living God"! The "Suprarational of God" is simply the universe being call
"God" by some of our cosmic ancestral jokers, this is why that "suprarational" extend to the
rational; we can safely say that "suprarational" simply mean the rational being
metaphorized; it is all a question to play intellectually ( or being "spiritual") with words, that is
also how to view "spirituality" as to be intellectually-funny...It is by the comprehension of that
"ancestral" fact (meaning our ancestors were playing with words) that how the Torah can
become graspable and comprehensible by one's human intellect. We know that there is a
universe and that is not just super-rational belief, it is a fact, we are to extert our intellect,
observe our environment and intellectually grasp the logic of it that is contain in the myths
belongs to the primal religions like Judaism. For one's to belief in a concept then that belief
should be an intellectual belief base on proven facts. It is by questioning beliefs by the scientific
method that we can determines if a belief is true or false, since the scientific method is based on
the rational of the natural principles (known as God by the bigots). A fool believe anything, but
the wise need proofs. To understand “God” and how the universe work, its mechanisms and
causal forces, is within human reach. It is instinctive Faith in the universe that is

A Few Laws of Gog & Magog (Few Trinusial Laws)

1) The first law of the Gog and Magog principle is: All systems contain two opposites and a
bond that unites these opposites.

2) Anything that is opposite in a system is in fact complementary with a common bond that
unites the opposites.

3) To find the two missing elements in any trinusial system, we only have to know one of them.

4)” The fourth law of the Gog and Magog principle is this: Any system is trinusial because of
the presence of two opposites and the link that joint them to form a whole.

5) Any system is a trinusial system; each element owes its presence to the other two.

6) All systems, known and unknown, physical, as well as those relating to things of the mind,
are subject to the Gog and Magog principle.

7) No one is capable to disuniting the trinusial principle that was united by logic, only the
elements which form different trinusses can be taken apart.

8) Each element that forms a trinus can be a opposing or a link, depending the nature of the
There is two kind of conscience touching morality:

1) The cultural (or acquired) conscience based on cultural and religious ethics.

2) The innate conscience based on fundamental ethics which in turn are the logic contain in the
natural principles.

1) The cultural conscience is the acquired conscience, it is best known in the psychoanalyst field
to be the part of the superego that judges the socio-ethical nature of one's actions and thoughts
under specific stimulus and then transmits them to the ego for consideration of what shall be
the behavioral conduct to achieve. The morality of Religious bigots comes from the cultural

2) The innate conscience is the awareness of the presence of an innate sense (or natural urge or
impulse) that impels right (logical) over wrong (illogical) in one's conduct or motives
regardless of cultural pressure or legal laws from the country of residence; it is a "feeling"
produced by the automatism of the intellect in the unconscious level of the mind, and totally
external to the superego. The innate conscience is integral part of the structure of the mind;
and the data we put inside the "pockets" surrounded by the structures of the mind during our
existence are of acquired nature. Psychology is tapping its knowledge from the study of
universal principles, in the mind field, from which the innate conscience is made.

Bigotry is on the wrong side of the tracks; psychology is on the right side of the tracks. In
religious metaphor it would be: bigotry is in the left hand of God; psychology is in the right
hand of God.

Righteous - No matter the path we are taking during our Earthly journey, the righteous man
has a libidinous social attitude toward others and a positive attitude toward existence.
Psychosocial success depends on our respect toward others and the environment. The
righteous man has a pattern of consistency in his efficiency concerning his field of competence.
The righteous man, focusing on harmony, takes the initiative to do the extra length (this is the
"can-do" attitude) in order to find solutions to resolve paradoxical problems plaguing
humanity, and often his creativity far exceeds humanity expectation toward itself since he
succeed where others fail. Righteous men developed social libidinous relationship between
themselves and disregards cultural moronic pressure. A righteous man know he has to prove
his secular-libidinous value toward self to earn wisdom from knowledge, social recognition is
simply a by-product as a normal form of noumenon by the logic of things.

Assyria and its Scientific Technology

Assyria was a nation and an empire that came to control all the Fertile Crescent, Egypt and
much of Anatolia. The Assyrian kings controlled a large kingdom at three different times in
history. These are called the Old (20th to 15th c. BC), Middle (15th to 10th c. BC), and Neo-
Assyrian (911 to 612 BC) kingdoms, or periods, of which the last is the most well known and
best documented.
Once upon a time Assyrian technology was the best. From Noah time they learn all their
scientific data from Egypt, the learning center, and became Egypt armed hand. The Assyrian
upper classes consisted almost entirely of military commanders who grew wealthy from the
spoils of war. Their army was the largest standing army ever seen in the Middle East or
Mediterranean. The exigencies of war made the Assyrians almost unbeatable, they possesses
iron swords, lances, and metal armor. They invented excavation to undermine city walls,
battering rams to knock down gates, as well as the concept of a corps of engineers, who
bridged rivers with pontoons or provided soldiers with inflatable skins for swimming.

Even if they learn their scientifical information from Egypt, our scholars attributed them some
great inventions in science and mathematics, the Assyrians are considered by our scholars to
be the inventors of the division of the circle into 360 degrees and were among the first to invent
longitude and latitude in geographical navigation. The Assyrians made precise observations of
solar and lunar eclipses. Some scientists believe that there is evidence for the existence of
ancient Assyrian telescopes, which could explain the great accuracy of Assyrian astronomy.
They also developed a sophisticated medical science which was influenced by their learning of
ancient medical science that was brought to Egypt by Noah and his crew.

The ancient primal philosophy came from secular proven scientific data. That philosophy was
subdivided by man into various primal cultural philosophies; from there our sciences were
born. Future scientific-philosophies will be base on proven scientific data and the knowledge
that there was the presence of a primal philosophy known by the ancients and which was
based on the knowledge of the true nature of the universe, its "beginning" and its ways.

Mars the god of war threatens us by the force of war

Seventy time he will spilt blood
Trough the destruction of the clergy
And from those who don’t want to hear anymore from the clergy

(Nostradamus I-15)

Mental disorders cannot touch the righteous, Nostradamus was well aware of the deeps of
mental hell (the abysses) and the deeps of the goodness (the white) of psychology and the rock
of mental sanity as this quatrain witnesses:

The deep white clay fed the rock.

The abysses quench it from its milk.
Disorders do not dare to touch the rock in vain
because the ignorant are at the bottom of the clay.

(Nostradamus I-21)

Moses was a Genius

Moses speaks to us through the millenniums in the form of a Symbolic language under which
he hid the truth of a science that we barely understand. To transform science into myths was
no mistake. Those writing “mistakes” are too huge and too obvious not to be have been made
intentionally. Moses was a smart man, he did talk using metaphors. Moses was a wise well-
educated prince surrounded by Egyptian high priests as his counselors. Those counselors who
possessed the real knowledge as Moses did were around Moses when he wrote “Eden”. Then
they had their celebrating party with ribs on the menu. That is, of course if it was Moses who
wrote it.
Thus, when we decipher his best-seller “Eden”, it seems at first sight that he has misunderstood
how cell division occurs. That is very surprising from a man of his advanced knowledge. Moses
knew all there was to know concerning behaviorism. The Old Testament, written by Prince
Moses and his Egyptian counselors, is marked by the use of this knowledge.

Moses was well aware of the female having more genes than the male. Therefore, the female
genes contained all the required potential for her to be a male if these genes “fired-up”. As well
as the potential to be a male, she had extra genes. This is a well known fact. It is the presence of
these extra genes that indicate we are dealing with a person with the innate ability to be more
humble, wiser and more intelligent than any male of her species. We are far from the times
when the Catholic religion pontificate that women had no soul, and also not too distant from
times when women were not officially catalogued as “person's”.

Underneath the symbolism is reality, and behind the reality is the psychology of the person
who wrote this reality in the form of symbolical stories. Thus, we need to sneak into Moses'
mind to know his reasons. Moses is the first prophet in the line of the true prophets. Pharaoh,
Moses father, was the patron and protector of the people of Israel. Moses was the protective
Egyptian prince of all the knowledge of Egypt in a sealed form. The ancient Egyptians were
people of science and Israel had to protect the Egyptian inheritance. The science of the
Assyrians was the technological side of Egyptian knowledge; they are the one who equipped
Egypt with technology, so Egypt can concentrate of the teaching of science. Assyria made the
product of science, Egypt teaches science and Israel protects that inheritance; Israel was the
biological side of Egyptian knowledge. They were all allied.

Exodus, Isaiah 19: 22-24 says:

“Blessed is Egypt, my people.

Assyria, product of my hands.

Israel my inheritance. “

The myth of Jesus of Nazareth and the historic Muhammad (Islam) are both anti-Moses. This
is because both were unaware of the science of Moses and they were speaking literally as
regards to the torah. If these two “prophets” had known the truth, they would have placed
women as custodians of knowledge at the doors of their temples like the “initiated” Greeks. Like
the oracle of Delphi. The Greek “insiders” recognized the feminine intellectual supremacy.

Women are several lengths ahead of their males regarding the evolution of the human race.
Some males think more muscle means more intellect. Alas for those morons, the intellectual
superiority of the female is that she was humble...how better to be provided with a roof over
her head, food on the table, etc. Any male moron, who considered the humbleness of Eve as an
intellectual weakness, is dead wrong. That is where her greatness resided.

Handed down to us by Moses, a metaphysical science made by an exacting process veiling

sciences under the cover of Halacha (Gods laws from the Sinai), became a source of different
religions. Those religions having various political background, exiled indirectly Israeleans
from their land.

The “Golus” (exile) is as much an exile from the mind toward science as a Golus from the land.
The “mind Golus” is a dream were the mind being thrown into the dungeon of the unconscious
believes that the dark world of incomprehension is all there is for the human mind; not
knowing god is not separated from science, but it is another word for “science”. That was the
true inner meaning of Golus with a strong (ancient) Egyptian mythical flavor. Maybe
Sigmund Freud was of Royal Egyptian blood line...DNA can tell.

Moses teaches us that our attitudes and perceptions evolves for the better throughout the
course of our positive activities, and encourage us to continue in that direction. He tells us (in
his own ways) that positives social actions reveal the meaning of things. Right there we know
he was talking about sciences.
To know oneself by the process of psychoanalysis we eventually open our eyes in the revelation
of what our inner world is really like, and how it affect the external world. Our self-awareness
always motivates us to do more with our inner self, that what's makes the world to evolve
toward a more “awake” cognitive era.

Being more conscientious about ourselves and the sciences veiled in Halacha, and others
“primal religions” around the world will makes us responsible in our ways. Universal rules are
directing the universe and they can be clearly seen in the Torah. We have to liberate ourselves
from our own irresponsible actions; only knowledge and understanding can liberate us from
the obstacles being created by our human factor. We are detaching from a big part of reality
by our lack of inner knowledge of self and general universal knowledge. Reality is not only
what our senses tells us. Our mind can cope more with rationality than irrationality. False
beliefs are causing us to behave irrationally and irresponsibly, and making us to abdicate our
responsibilities in the hands of our senses and non-seculars non-approved teachers...Moses
already told us that! The Hebrew bible was never a religion; Moses told us it is knowledge to
be unveiled. It’s that complicated to listen to Moses? Wake-up!

Judaism acknowledges one god (The “spirit” of nature) only and he (it) is not a human being;
he (it) is neither physical nor spiritual but in essence transcends both and has no form
whatsoever. Rebbe’s are simply talking about the “spirit” that makes the sum of the naturals
laws, and been assembled under an (imaginary) associative personality called “God”. It is a
pun to be translated! The Torah is full of these puns.

Under the influence of the mental illness called “the messianic syndrome” some monotheistic
religions other than Judaism and been born from Judaism altered many texts and concepts
from the Hebrew “bible”. The culprit is their disturbed-moronic state of mind leading them to
the process of seeing themselves to be the “more legal” representatives than the Jews regarding
the Jewish knowledge in a form of religion! Those mentally sick thefts creating their own
paradoxical point of view in their religiosity would be so laughable at, in their religious
ridiculousness if it wasn't for the fundamental ethics forbidding us to laugh at the mentally
sicks. They missed a mental step of evolution and fell to their own hell! In their foolishness they
didn't, realize that the Torah was mend to be synthesizing with secular knowledge for all steps
of men mental evolution to be completed.

Not only they plagiarized the Jewish faith toward the science of nature (science of god) but
they leaded a big chunk of humanity to “wrong doings” by their false concepts concerning the
Hebrew veiled knowledge. That was in the expense of the Jews for their own despair. Israel
was the “lamb”, not the mythical Jesus of Nazareth. Catholicism mistaken grossly the very
basic faith of Israel in the coming of a spiritually enlightened man to leads them out of Gallus,
with Israel being the “suffering lamb” of the world. That was a grotesque mistake made by
religiously mentally sick morons.

Historically speaking, it is Israel, blood related to the lineage of Pharaohs, from Noah’s line
age, who was the “chosen” lamb by pharaoh, to lead humanity into an era of Heaven on Earth
by “working” the Torah (creating the first step of positivism) with the Egyptian prince Moses
for metaphysics (the second step of positivism) to be the link between secularism and natural
universal laws. And from that lamb a shepherd will raise to hasten the understanding of the
natural laws by Israel in order for that nation to synthesize the spiritual and the physical
domains (third step of positivism). Nor Islam, nor Catholicism was ever in the race! Israel
stands alone...lonely.

It was never with the uses of physical force to intimidate people to join their rank that Israel
behaves; but it will be their knowledge of how to uses the spiritual forces of nature (the mind,
and reasoning) that the truth can be expresses by Israel mouth. That wills makes nations eager
for Israel to leads them to the path of knowledge for world peace. The truth, by definition
cannot ever be eradicated; but it was silenced for so long in human mind, it will surface under
Israel watch.

No one nation has to relinquish their hard-earned democratic freedoms to be under the rule of
Israel, this is not the idea. The idea is that the refined mind of Israel will redeem mankind from
its stupid mistakes by secular ways, using its best scholars to educate the world. Israel will be
the metaphysical leader of the world that will secularly completes the process of mankind
redemption under the automatic supervision of the universal rules (causality mainly),
ushering humanity to build utopia. Righteousness mean to be right in the field of knowledge,
and Israel will makes admirable achievements as usual.

Humbleness residing in rightfulness (knowledge of the truth) were libido is involve to created
mind-harmony, the might of Israel will also be in its humbleness (which do not exclude a well
deserve self-pride and joy, as a tap in the shoulder). At a psychological level, Israel will
perceive the souls of all the nations. As a Prophet Nation. (Psychology and statistics helps)
Israel will have the power of prophecy as the cognitive messages receives from nature (the
Creator), will be decipher faster than previously imagined, and Israel will conveys them to the
world as instructed by nature. As a prophet nation Israel already prepares itself to validate
prophetic messages by accurately and intensively learning secular sciences. It will be easy for
Israel to predict unforeseeable future events in detail to moronic individuals (of course!). By
the mere presence of the Torah that forbids to doubt anyone been established as a true prophet,
Israel will be bond to never doubt of itself. The libidinous aspect of the associative personality
of each individual being more surfacing in the individual and societal conscious mind,
corruption will fade away leading to fewer punishments. As a unified nation Israel bringing
about the revelation of the metaphysical aspect of the universe into the world should itself be a
living revelation of what the spiritual forces of nature can do in the universe. It only makes
sense! Israel is a living nation. Nature has created life as product of nature and as such, forms
of life serves to channel the natural laws to their environment. In the human level, to
communicate those orally in their full potential one have to understand their metaphysical
dimension. Israel leaders Rebbe’s being converted to secularism, scientists etc...) will do a find
job in that field. Is an old adage of the Chassidim of Slonim saying that “whatever a plain
person imagines to be of the greatness of god (nature) he does not measure up to a Rebbe”. As
Moses stated a couple of millenniums ago, “I am standing between you and nature (god)”. The
blessings of god is receiving nature blessings, and scientist like Moses and his high Priest did
use scientifically nature ways, as we do now, to gives rain to the arid regions in order to
provides grass for cattle. The word kosher is used in many categories to denote something is fit
or valid according to (scientifical) Jewish Law. By compelling in the way of the Torah all of
Israel was walking in the ways of nature, and as such Israel will continue to do so, this time
with open eyes, to lead the world to understanding nature at its fullest.

The concealed madness of the false prophet (Muhammad) having been discovered will cause
Iran to change its laws. It is Egypt who wants to release the edicts to change money and
standards. (Nostradamus I-40)

The man who will be charge with the destruction of temples and sects which altered the truth
by their religious fantasy, more to those "dead bones" he will be noxious; his tongue will be
ornate with their recovering ears. (Nostradamus I-96)


Religions stagnates, science doesn't. How a mentally-blind can climb the ladder of wisdom to
see over the horizon of knowledge?

It revolts a fool to see the wise saying little but saying fair for those in need of his advice, it
revolt a fool to see the just accepting charity for a way to survive and to keep transcending to
remain such a wise; it takes a fool to be revolted at the sight of that just, who sits on green
grass in the morning mist, like a king sits on his throne in the midst of his kingdom. Is the fool
envy the wise? It is certain that the wise does not envy the fool! More than to echo's over and
over again each other complains, and to regret a wasted life of hard labor, before death occur
we shall be bold and melt away those mental barriers that blind our view from a universe of
realities. We shall listen to the discretion of nature, be those indiscrete and adventurous
voyagers of the mind; let our wander's to muse the importance in the essence of things, for that
essence to become our wisdom for when will leave the things to become dust after our
departure from this suffering earth, we will bring with us the real riches of this blue planet: the
flowers of wisdom within nature. Let's meditate now.

“Med-” mean “to measure” from the Indo-European root's, and “Meditation” come from the
Latin “meditatio”, it originally indicated every type of physical or intellectual activity.
Meditation as such is now called “contemplation” of ideas. “Contemplation” was, and still is a
discipline belonging only to various religions, and cosmic philosophies, until psychology did
take over.

“Contemplation” from the Latin translation of Greek 'theory' (theoria), it has the same
signification as the Latin root “templum”, from Greek “temnein” meaning: to cut or divide; it is
to separate something from its environment, and to enclose it in a sector. For religions it is a
type of prayer or meditation toward the cosmos. The use of crystals and crystal balls
throughout the age was not actually for seeing images in the crystal itself, but rather to "feel"
the soul of the "customer" throughout the natural mnemonic characteristics of the crystal; also
the featureless interior of the crystal facilitates the "medium" for clearing his mind of
distractions so that his meditation, base on already known events in specific area of interest,
can produce the instinctive statistics desired from the automatism of his intellect.
Contemplation is something we do naturally every day; it is no more than to be concentrated
into a specific object of interest and to meditate about it. A plumber concentrates on its job and
meditates about the best route to get the plumbing going to flush the w.c the most effective and
elegant way without having a stinky drainage flowing-back in the basement bathtub. The
same principle is valid about human interaction; we have to meditate in order to find the best
way to communicate between us while coping with existence, and flush our racial difference
with elegance and in a way that it won't come back to haunts us. A plumber don't have to be a
religious mystic to do his job properly (ethically), a plumber is a down-to-Earth tradesman-
mystic, meaning is a person who practices his trade in reference to the mysteries (esoteric
aspect) of his trade that he knows and keep studying. A plumber, like any other ethical
tradesman is a person who seeks the truth of the universal laws beyond the five senses, and
having the knowledge of some of them which are related to his field of knowledge, that is:

To meditate is to think. Meditation is thinking about something. We all think therefore we're all
meditates. There is two kind of thinking:

1) The reflexive thinking is trigger by one or more direct stimulus, it is a direct conscious
reactive thinking reflex having the direct adaptation of the psyche, in mind, toward these
direct stimulus as being the goal to attain as soon as possible; like getting as fast as possible
out of the way of a falling 10 ton rock from the top of the mountain.

2) The meditative thinking is usually done during a) our free time; b) when our intellect is
required to cope with a specific situation. It is to concentrate our mind into a specific subject of
interest, with or without a specific goal in mind.

2a) without a specific goal in mind, the mind is musing as it goes along into the different path
of the subject of interest.

2b) with a specific goal in mind, the mind concentrates its awareness in only one or more
chosen paths of the object of interest.

In the thinking field there is the two opposites and the link:

A) “Ethical thinking”: Both reflexive thinking and meditation has the innate tendency to use
logic for reasoning for our better adaptation to existence leading to a relaxed and peaceful
frame of mind. Ethical thinking leads to mental health and wisdom. The ethical thinker, as
being realistic, obeys the natural principles (also called “God” commandments) to use them at
his full advantage. Ethical thinking produces ingenuousity, and also geniuses in their fields of

B) “Sociopathic thinking”: is to be an unadapted human being toward social existence, where

one uses illogism for rationalizing his evils ways, meaning finding excuses for one wrong
doings in regard of ethics. Sociopathic thinking leads to mental troubles and chaos. The
sociopathic thinker simply put: the sociopath, is an unrealistic and irresponsible individual
who transgress the natural laws (also called “God” commandments) for his own advantage
without foreseeing the destructive consequence that follows for himself and others. Sociopathic
thinking produces work for psychiatrists, psychologists, bomb makers, peace association,
ethical law enforcement etc...

C) The link is “Nuancing thinking” : is what we are in; is the use of nuances thoughts, it is a
gradation of thoughts between ethical thinking and sociopathic thinking, ranging from
expressing ideas delicately, to gross intellectual indecency toward fundamental ethics. Forms
of life are the link between: a) the natural laws, which lead us toward ethical thinking, and: b)
the mental void (the nullity) of sociopathic thinking.

The Living's Factor

a) Total ethical thinking is total mental perfection, there wasn't and never will be anyone
human to be that perfect, or it wouldn't be fun anymore to be human! We need to respond to
the needs of our senses for mind evolution to takes place in pleasurable surrounding; b) total
sociopathic thinking is impossible since libido (total ethical feeling) is part of our mental

b) Between ethical thinking and sociopathic thinking, is the extension of both those two
opposite forms of thinking, it is “the human factor” concerning humanity, and being called “the
factor of the livings” (or the living's factor) concerning all forms of life. The Living's Factor is
under scientific scrutiny from different disciplines, and under different names; it is basically
man unreliability.

At the very base, a prayer is the act of communicating with the universe. Praying includes
request for guidance, request for assistance, confessing sins, atoning as act of reparation, and
also an expression of one's thoughts and emotions. In the Jews religion praying is also called
“davening”. For us, here in this research, davening would be to be open to communication with
the universe.

In the next three forms of contemplation (meditation) where we open consciously our side of
the communication channel to the universe, we won't be very far off from the contemplation
(meditation) based on Hayom Yom, (Tamuz 20) that's state there are three essential forms of
contemplation or meditation called “Hitbon'nut”.

1) The study-meditation concerns the intellect. After mastering a secular concept, one
meditates on it for his intellect to open the doors to creativity (or creative thoughts).

2) The feeling-meditation concern emotiveness; for the Jews is the meditation before davening
(or praying). That form of communication, concerning feelings, is directed toward sensing
that the dynamics of any secular concept learned is also valuable toward life and emotions
that it is concerning matter. This is in contrast (or opposite) to the intellectuality in study-

c.) The communicative-meditation is when the channel of communication is open between us

and the universe; The Jews called it: “Meditation in Davening (or praying)”. That
communication is the link between study-meditation and feeling-meditation, it is the opening
of the soul to the cosmos where intellect and feeling become one to produce wisdom and
nirvana; it is when, without any more disciplined effort at all from our part, the universe gives
us to sense its grand scale where we understand that its logic reside in any scientifically valid
concept that we have learned so far from any field of secular knowledge or discipline.

Mystical theology is the religious science that studies mystical states; it is a science based on
psychological observation. In the mystical theology field “Contemplation” is divided into three
forms of mystical states:

1) The infused state; which mean supernaturally infused. It seems it is simply a reflexive form
of thinking infused (or stimulated) from a religious environment.

2) The extraordinary state; it indicates that the intellect operates in a way of “feeling”, apart
from conscious intellectual effort. It seem it is simply the feeling-meditation concerning

3) The passive state; it is when the soul receives some cosmic messages and be conscious of
receiving it. In reality it is a passivo-active state since the intellect respond to this reception of
messages. That passive state of mystical theology seems to be the communicative-meditation
form of contemplation.

Believers says they are dependant of god, common sense tells us we can only depend on
ourselves, and natural laws are sayings that we can depend on them for any of our needs to be
fulfils (not necessarily our wants), while nature gives us all the opportunities to do so.

From meditating and when the use of reason don’t seem to be working to explain the literal of
their scriptures the religious faithful creationists are saying "its God will", indicating their lack
of secular knowledge and their wrongful interpretation of the word “contemplating”.

Creationism is the name given to the resulting make-up (or the artifice) that covers valid
scientific data.

We cannot change the past, it is part of the ashes that cover the world; all we can do is to dig it
out like Archaeology does. Time travelling is only a mind attribute.

"Our generation" is the human generation that populates planet Earth since Noah times;
another human generation is a generation that populates another planet virgin of human
presence and ready for immigration.

Our journey from agnosticism toward wisdom is not a marathon; the last one of our
generation to reach it is as much of a winner as the first one.

Common sense is innate wisdom; acquired knowledge leads to acquired wisdom. It is when
these two join together that we can say we become one with the universe while retaining our

The race toward the wants is trigger by vanity, not by needs.

Even as the ancients from Noah time knew more about advanced technology and sciences than
we do know, they played a joke on us by living a simple life to fulfill their needs more than any
of their wants while bringing to Earth, from the stars, a new generation of human.

Toward the End of Stupid Days

How dare the Catholic Church decide that a seven years old kid attain the age of reason when
the whole of Earth humanity did not attain that stage of psychosocial development yet! Our
religious beliefs are so symbolic of what we don’t know on the secular level of knowledge! For
Catholicism to say that the kid attain the age of reason at six or seven years old and therefore
making "legal" for the clergy to brainwash kids into Catholicism is a ill-interpreted ancient
remnant part of the old Hebrews culture which permit kids to become disciples of the Moloch
concept if they choose to; never by forcing them! The Moloch concept has to be considering like
being in a naturist colony where we uncover ourselves from all artificiality and to enjoy the
sensory pleasures to honour nature as they are gifts of nature; that is the essence of the Moloch
Our fast-pace society captivates our tormented and wandering mind by diverting it from the
very essence of the universe work: harmony. And that natural goal of humanity is being
blocked by the mighty human made god "economy"! Yes time is valuable, and it is so valuable
that it is eternal and so we are: eternals in time for each point of time to be those ephemeral’
that processes evolution. Therefore we can slow down, and takes all the time needed to evolve
gently and wisely. That will destroys “evils ways,” ripping off man of precious time, for the
profit of our wise uses of “universal ways” or nature ways, also call “God’s ways”.

When a child, around 7 years old, can distinguish, the difference between the Eucharistic bread
and regular bread, by learning it from the clergy and to keep that data in memory, the
Catholic Church admits that a child begins to reason (having the age of reason) and he has a
sufficient degree of consciousness to give his free consent to receive the Eucharist ; therefore
since that is fine with our present laws, it is paradoxical that our present laws, nevertheless do
accept the psychological assessment that a kid of that age is not a responsible human being yet
since his brain is not sufficiently develops to make normal conscious decisions thus, by
definition, the consensual consent of a child of 7 or 8 years old toward any action between the
catholic church and himself is invalid and against fundamental ethics from the church part
and also from the parental part since the child have no other choice but to obey. Luckily for the
Childs in these situations, and humanity in general, the universe is policing us and itself by
automation with its causal aspect. Like detectives we have to investigate the evidences in the
history records of humanity to see that policing is enforced all the time. Solving the universal
puzzle, in all its aspects, is like solving crimes; logic is involved. Clues are everywhere and the
universe talk to us, we have to listen. Scientists do. At first (meaning from birth), let consider
ourselves to be uniformed patrol officers looking around as we grow up, then as our qualities
and abilities developed we become detectives following logical procedures to solve problems,
sometime using reasoning based on some kind of ESP called feelings.

As we can see we have to be informed by the natural rules to develop the necessary skills to
understand them as evolution keeps its course. Like detectives, our scientists obtain their
position by examination covering such subjects as universal principles, practices and
procedures of investigation; interviewing witnesses of natural events and interrogating the
cosmos. The objective study of evidences is to study the universal testimony of what the
universe is all about. So far plenty of cases were solved by peoples like Newton, Einstein, Freud
and Co. Scientists around the world are like a network of informants that politicians can rely
on and that humanity cultivated over the years.

In democratic societies, for now and because of our lack of certain parts of knowledge
concerning that effectively the word “god” represents the natural rules, religions can legally
lie, misleading and psychologically pressure individuals into an admission of their “sins” (just
like the police can do); these specific confessions are socially acceptable as long as they been
“voluntary” made within the boundaries of the laws and without the threat of violence or
promises outside the control of who receives the sinner confession. As for religious republics
like the Islamic countries where religion is the law, a country like Iran is in deep psychological,
social, and worldwide trouble; becoming a troublesome country for the rest of humanity.

From birth to death our mental attitude experience some changes as we are going through
some stage of development where one superseede oneself from stage to stage, adding and
retrieving behaviors to who we were before the ever-changing present, it is called evolution
and it is part of reality. The evolution of human kind is like the evolution of a detective agency
that changes the world in a way that never reverts back. From our innate erratic human
behavior, where our original sin was our original lot to be ignorant, our mind evolves toward
knowledge where human behaviors become acquired social behaviors. Reality is that we are
building ourselves, evolutionary step by step and under the natural rules guidance, our own
idealistic world. Humanity has to build itself its ideal existance, that is reality! The only perfect
picture is general evolution (mind include), and that is existence as it is, from mind innocence
(being a moron) to ingenuousity by deductions, and being produced by learned wisdom as
part of life experience.

Since we cannot advances any solid proof of what we discover so far, except that we are
following a logical path where new concepts are popping out with easiness, we have to
consider our findings as prophecies until science (including archaeology) proven their validity.
This is what metaphysics is all about: making new metaphysical concepts by following the
path of logic and been base on past and present secular knowledge. So far everything indicates
that “Creation” (also called the big bang) didn't take any effort from any “God” out of boredom,
it was a self-happening called nature, therefore no one, meaning any god, has to justify the
effort put into the creation of man throughout evolution. Life and man in particular was never
an experiment of nature, failed or succeed, as man being a product of life is an integral part of
nature in its general automatic evolution. Everything, man include is worthy of being here in
this universe because “all” it is simply the universe in its dynamics. For now the mind of plenty
of people is still limited in their understanding of what the cognitive flow of data bring to their
intellect by their lack of the total (proven) knowledge of how the universe was really self-
created. What stop them to be those geniuses capable to built Utopia are their firm beliefs in
“god” as a living subjective ruler of the universe. On the other hand, those firmed believers are
not contented to see what their mind perceives as the limits of existence. They would like to see
the whole picture, to understand the significance of life by having enough knowledge to
comprehend the universe in its totality. We need to perceive man, his psychology, compared
with what he will socially be by the process of general evolution. It is man who built our
imperfect world; it is man, following his social ideals, who will build Utopia.

The psychopathic attempts and the logical failures of those attempts, living room for logical
constructive ideas and concepts, is what part of the history of humanity is made of. General
evolution makes so that it will be a time that the problems we created will be solved by us, and
from that time on it will no longer be a matter of failing in our futile psychopathic attempts to
acquired false values since humanity will attain wisdom. It won't be any more psychopathic
ascent followed by logical failure, as the yo-yo's ups and downs of human history will end with
new found human wisdom. That will be the new age: us building Utopia from psychological
and social human harmony, having done our detective work.

Knowing the word "God" represents the whole of the universal natural laws, and the fact that
these laws are simply an automatism of physical nature where energy is the tangible
component, then we realize that to believe in a living "God" who has total power over us
according to his subjective will is to find ourselves to be locked in a artificial abusive
relationship that impact our perception of reality and our psychological life concerning mental
health. Gnostism prevent violence against our mind (our soul), knowledge creates awareness
and builds self-esteem, the universal natural rules are there to empower us with knowledge
and wisdom, some part of certain religions and religious sects do not, on the contrary! To
believe in a subjective god is to find ourselves to believe in abusive relationship where the one
with the most muscle power is the leader ... how sad! Agnostism allow us to accept abusive
relationship, gnostism gives us an healthy mind and self-esteem, that same self-esteem that
stop church leaders to bullying us with the fear of "God" and the “fire of hell”, and allow us to
comprehend that secular knowledge paired with ethic is the way to go.

Christianity doesn’t have much to learn from Islam since if Christianity has its way it would
be: or going to church or going to the gallows.

For an individual to say:"in God he trust" indicated a total lack of his own judgement; what
about a whole country that possess the most powerful weapons in the world? Can we trust the
wisdom of its leaders?

Ancient prophets triggers Jewish beliefs, they promised things that we cannot prove until they
happens, unless we use logic and statistics base on longitudinal and transversal samples of
past and actual events concerning specific fields of interest. Take the Moschiach as an example,
of course it will happen that a particular individual will discover the key to understand the
secularism in the Torah and that he will reveal to the world that "God" does not exist by purely
intellectual means, thus to use reason base on our actual knowledge of the dynamics of things;
after all, it is just plain common sense the same way that someone had to discover that mc
square equal energy (Einstein).

"Kabbalah", (of mouth to ear) is an oral handing down of ancient secular data. Hebrew:
"Qabalah", "Qabel" means "to receive, to welcome and understand," in Aramaic "Qvale"
suggests that our understanding of the Kabbalah depend of our receptiveness thus our mind
opening, and the mind opening of an individual depend on its degree of psycho-intellectual
development and his sense of humour (that is very important!). The Kabbalah is said to be
close to the actual realities of the cosmos, so it is with intelligence and lucidity that one must
approach the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah appeals to our intelligence for the awakening of
consciousness (resurrecting of a dead-mind) so that we understand that the laws that govern
the universe can be found in the electromagnetic forces that drive us, it's just the "cosmic life"
hiding behind the appearances of matter. The Kabbalah groups diverse scientific disciplines
under the cloak of esoterism. Kabbalah invites us to unveil the occult and not to maintain our
mind in darkness, there's no mystery that the man can't understand if he uses his intelligence.
According to the mystical Jewish tradition everything in the universe is connected by the scale
of vibrations, and that's makes man to be simultaneously a receptor and transmitter and
naturally this can be proved in laboratory, also in Cabalistic thought matter is important
because it is associated with the harmonizing force (electromagnetic vibration) called "divine"
by the bigots. The Kabbalah conceive earthly life as an important step in the evolution of man
because of the wedding of matter and the forces that conceives it (hf) in a way that we can use
these two different strengths (matter and energy) to our mental wellbeing. The Kabbalah
clearly specified that we could understand that its ideas about metaphysical concepts are at the
same time spiritual, abstract and practical, and therefore scientific in the secular and literal
sense of the word; thus without science there is no Kabbalah, therefore in essence the original
Kabbalah that was handed down to humanity did contain data of the universal secular science.
We can see that the Kabbalah as we know it now is simply an esoteric discipline that attempts
to explain the principles of nature in a far less hermetic way than the Torah. The Kabbalah is
the testimony of the presence of an ancient secular knowledge belonging to our cosmic
ancestors and some of its teachings can be compared to our most recent discoveries. The
knowledgeable Cabbalists who held the key to the Kabbalah (meaning: "light" and "God" is the
same) tell us that only a part of the body of knowledge handed down from age to age by the
Patriarchs of the original time, meaning since Noah (and his grandchildren’s who know more
than any of the most famous of our present scholars), has been lost since the Kabbalah was
primarily an oral communication: the original oral Torah, and not in a metaphoric form!

Mental Energies at Work

Alterations of space by energy is the cause that move and combine things, it is called "force",
and forces affect our psyche, and our psyche includes our mind.

Religiosity is to stand still in our agnosticism so we can be manipulated by the same ones who
transform us as zombies.

Logic is in the motility of forces. Logic itself is composed of a series of single quantum. It is the
double quantum of logic that produces matter. The triple (or triadic) quantum of logic
produces life.

a) Logic as energy is an automatism, it is the logic behind the formation of all trinuses'' into
space, as the universe expands. Logic started with the big bang from Einstein’s theory. The big
bang happen when a non uniform masse appropriated an empty space (void). Waves after
waves of disorganized energies appropriated that void to form Newton's laws of physics as
they go along. Energy of logic runs the objects.

Energy composed of single quanta’ is the first step of pure determinism in action.

b) The energy of life is the composite of energy made of triple quanta. They are part of
determinism (which is all the causal put together) but can be influenced on their causal form
without affecting the causal principle.

This form of energy builds the mental structure of living organisms.

c) The mental energy of any living organism its is own personality. It's the organism
developing its own thoughts and projecting those thoughts, as waves of energy.

Here are some laws related to those forms of energies.

1) Energy of life is the life force in action. One single quantum (logic) + one double quantum
(matter) = life = a triple quanta. It is that triple quantum that produces life from “mud”

2) All forms of energy follow the rules of logic.

3) All deformations of energy are logic changing substance during its own interactions with
the environment it created.

4) Logic is an automatism.

5) The mental energy of any living organism is the action of the force which is produced by
thoughts of living organisms following the stimulus of the external or internal environment.

5a) internal environment is composed of two different and opposing dimensions: the mental
dimension and the biological dimension.

6a) it is in the form of quantum waves of different frequencies that the mind influences the
outside world in different ways.

6b) It is in the form of quantum waves of different frequencies that the mind influences the
inside world in different ways. One can heal itself or make him mentally sick.

6c) it is in the form of quantum waves of different frequencies directed toward the biological
body that the mind influences that inside biological world in different ways. It is the self-
alteration of the body health. It can heal the body or make the body sick, and develop external
symptoms (Hypochondriac).

7) All forms of energy are linked by their constant interactions that affect evolution; a) the
evolution of the environment; b) the evolution of biological organisms; c) the evolution of all
thinking processes.

8) Any phenomena, which includes life, resulting from the close collaboration of all forms of
evolution and related phenomena that are not yet measured by science, points to the field of

As an example, take “The thousand monkey theory”. This theory states that when a monkey
found a new solution for his adaptation to the environment, the other 999 monkeys “felt” that
solution as a form of “esp.” which means extra sensory perception.

For those of us who are reading this, many are thinking: “...but I knew all of that, I thought it, I
felt it, but I never really verbalized it too clearly...” A big part of this research is basically a
feedback of everybody deepest feelings.

All living beings are one with our programmed universe. Nevertheless, every living creature
has its own personality and is his own Universe.

The Egosphere has her own personality and her mental Universe which belongs to her only.
Her, as the cosmic invisible Universe belongs to her and us. We know the rest of the story,

It is the mental forces in action which gives us our freedom to be able to act without constraint
as long as one understands what the consequences are. “To be” means to choose, to have our
freedom of thought. Long live freedom! Long live freedom to think and to learn.

Liberty! Freedom!

As free entities, we can do whatever we want under our free will. It is all automatic. On the
opposite there is a world that we better adapt to it if we want to stay alive until natural death.
Our free will is conditional to our pleasure and some change has to be made, intentionally, to
our natural environment for our survival. We are instruments created by the universe, and as
such we are using the universal automatism of its own laws to bring about any change
according to our will, and the universe and its component is the tool we are using. It is call
acquired evolution as oppose to natural evolution. There are two main evolutionary processes
which produces a third one: 1) Natural evolution; 2) acquired evolution; 3) Induced evolution.
They are composing the general evolution scheme.

Acquired evolution depends on our will to adapt and to do something about it. Natural
evolution follows Darwin theory. It is unfortunate for humanity when something that seems so
obvious to an open minded it is so hard for the closed mind (dead minded) to grasp. Acquire
evolution is our acquire knowledge under our free will to do so. A mind can only evolve, or not,
under its own will. Natural and acquire evolution work together while they are opposite, the
link is: “induced evolution”, and the trinus is: “evolution of life”; as natural evolution is
naturally induced, acquired evolution is self-induced, and induced evolution is externally
(environmentally) induced under our free will to speed up the evolutionary process in a
desired direction. Is enlightenment being stating the obvious? Sometime one wander. The third
form of evolution, we call it “Induced Evolution” because it concern conscious human
interference with genes manipulation. Our cosmic ancestors may as well have been curious
enough in that field of research for having created some “missing link” between human and
apes. Gene manipulation to enhance certain human qualities concerning the functioning of the
brain among anything else is called “induced evolution”. It seem that our cosmic ancestors
were playing a lot, few hundred of millenniums ago, with genetic manipulation; but that's
another story ...We are already using that evolutionary process that is “induced evolution”
when we created, by genetic manipulation, new strand of vegetables. So, what do you think we
will be capable of doing only one thousand years from now? Hmmm? And also what spacial
frontiers we will reach when travelling the cosmos? Hmm? And what we will be tempted to do
in other virgin far away planets with our knowledge in genetic manipulation? Hmm?... in the
name of science and economy. We are in the threshold to do just that.


Neuroplasticity and psycheplasticity

Neuroplasticity also known as brain plasticity, cortical plasticity or cortical re-mapping, it’s
the brain's ability to reorganize itself, its canalization of data, by forming new neural
connections throughout life as a result of diverse experiences.

The mind (our associative unit of thoughts) affect the brain as much as the sensorial messages
coming from our brain affect the thoughts of our mind, it is part of the whole psyche plasticity
since the brain under the direct effect of our thoughts and also the exterior, affect, through the
nervous system, all parts of our body directly, or indirectly by inducing chemical reactions
under the guidance of electrical stimulis.

Psycheplasticity it’s not something new; plenty of ancient religions talk about it in their own
words. The Buddha had a fair perception of that phenomenon as indicated throughout his
teaching about flows of energy and how it affects our body and mind. The Mayas went farther
to mention how, in their ancient messages, the universal cosmic flow of energy affect
psycheplasticity and vice versa, meaning the movement of planets and our psyche are
intimately interrelated in a grand scale Psycheplasticity were the cosmic rules that runs the
astronomical show are beneficial to us.

Psycheplasticity is a normal evolutionary process that can be voluntary (self-determination)

or unconsciously trigger. Various frustrating stimulus affects what was previously a sane
psyche for a young individual. It makes one wonder why and how mental sickness and body
deterioration are related. Frustrations lead to the study of sciences to know what is going on
as Deuteronomy 4:29 says: “But from there you will seek the Lord your God (science) and you
will find him (its answers), if you search after him (the knowledge) with all your heart
(libidinous feeling) and with all your soul (mind, intellect).”

The Greek Olympiad’s were the concrete allegorical aspect of the struggle of the psyche to
transcend the illusion of what are earthly values versus sane values. It had multilevel meaning,
one of them it’s the use of neuroplasticity by foreseeing oneself as the winner and doing
(reviewing) mentally every move that has to be done. Another meaning, related to
neuroplasticity is to mention that the complete sanity of the mind and the body as one unit can
make us be champion in our field; another one, because the Olympiad takes place every 4
years have a metaphysical meaning in relation of the mental energies from the dark universe
versus the physical energy of the “seen” universe; it is a form of psycho mathematical
knowledge to acquire. The Greeks esoteric knowledge came from the ancient Egyptians secret
(sacred) scientific data, the Greeks “insiders” transforms it their own way.

Psycheplasticity on the universal scale it’s the energy interactions as Buddha mentioned, it’s in
the natural universals rules themselves under the word “God” As Numbers 23:19 mention
clearly enough: “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his
mind. Has he said (has the universal rules indicated), and will he not do it? Or has he spoken
(communication by grand-scale psycheplasticity), and will he not fulfill it?”

In the long term, all the “sons of man” meaning the children’s of men, are due to become “sons
of God” meaning members of the class of scientists. It is part of the positive side of the
evolutionary process which is to simply go along (nothing complicated about that) with the
universal rules. The negative side is the short term frustrations that lead us back to the right
track. Try to hit your hand with a sledge hammer by not taking in consideration the universal
rules...it won’t take long for you to understand some of the nature of things! We are constantly
using the phenomenon of neuroplasticity to be, biologically and mentally, what and who we
want to be.


Law: The phenomenon of bipolarity is true concerning our mind in relation to any trinusial
system as being our object of interest.

Usually if an individual knows the nature and the source of his illness he will heal better. From
there, he can conscientiously heal himself by various methods. For an individual to try to heal
is already the beginning of the healing process.
Bipolar individuals belong to the trinus of “Mental evolution”. Within that trinus, the two
opposing forces are:

1a) the forces of creativity.

2a) the forces of devastation.

The link) is: “spiritual evolution”. It is the evolution of the individual mind with or without the
presence of ethics.

The center of equilibrium is the exact center of that trinus. It is the right mental balance
between the two opposing forces. The ego is in charge, making the decision to please those two
opposing forces.

1b) the forces of creativity are within. They are part of our innate potential; they are part of
our instinct.

2b) the forces of mental devastation are acquired. They are part of the entire stimulus coming
from the environment. They are paradoxes which are transformed into mutations to be part of
our genetic memory.

In psychiatry, the “rapid cycling” between those two forces, is defined as “the result of distinct
shifts in mood within 24 to 48 hours”. The mood swing is the cycling between:

1c) Creativity, which is the elevated mood. 2c) mental devastation, which is the depressed
mood. The link) - What separates and links those two forces are periods of normal moods when
the ego is the master.

It is when the ego gives up any form of decision-making that the forces fight between
themselves without any form of arbitration to find the right balance between them. When the
ego takes a rest, the forces are on the loose. This is known as emotional unregulation, the ego
gives up and do not regulates. That unregulation is due to over the limits stress experiences by
the ego from the external psychosocial and intrapsychic stressors. The ego goes into a
comatose mental state for a certain period of time; it becomes only a useless witness of what is
going on.

3a) at the energy level: It is well known that the flux of energies is the fundamental support of
bipolar disorder that involves cognitive defects, which are inappropriate ways of thinking.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is an option for treatment that is now being studied. It is a
substitute to replace the comatose ego.

3b) at the genes level: Recent studies show a number of genes are involved in the etiology of
bipolar disorder. Some researchers have found a correlation between DGKH (diacylglycerol
kinase eta) and bipolar disorder.

Mental devastation

Signs and symptoms of the depressive phase (Mental devastation) of bipolar disorder include:
sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, isolation caused by social anxiety, hopelessness, sleepiness, loss
of appetite, fatigue, loss of interest, little concentration, loneliness, indifference,
depersonalization, irritability, lack of motivation, and morbid/suicidal ideas.

Manic episode of creativity

The mood is on a “high”, it is in an elevated state. There is an increase of energy leading to a

decreased need for sleep. Fatigue leads to irritability. The individual is expansive, impatient,
and intrusive, he can have grandiose ideas or delusional ideas. Sexual drive may increase; it is
a welcome valve to release the internal pressure of the exterior world. One of the Egosphere’s
functions is to help find an emotional balance.

The function of sex is not only for procreation. It is also to give and receive pleasure, and to feel
as one with a life partner or a sex partner. It is also an excellent way to release mental steam.
This is better than being a suicide bomber. One talks of his/her troubles better when resting
his/her head on a lover's pillow.

Law: Mind Momentum

We cannot talk about bipolarity without taking a look at “Mind Momentum”- Mind Momentum
is simply the momentum of the light in its cyclic pattern and individual quantum within our
mind and which forms the dynamic structures of our mind. Mind Momentum indicates the
moving force within the mind that makes the mind processes to be dynamics and interactive.
Mind Momentum consists of two opposite trends: 1) destructive trend; 2) constructive trend;
those trends is the bipolarity within that affects our behaviors. The mind has a conserve
quantity of data stored in the memory part of the mind called the superego, the same as the
body does in its genes. The mind is a closed system of interacting ideas and concepts, and it is a
system that does change value by adding more data in the memory, the same as the genes (the
holders of the body memory) does for evolutionary purpose. The momentum of the mind in a
moment in time can be calculate using quantic physics (where momentum is mass times
velocity), since the momentum of the mind is the one of the light within a closed system, and a
quantum has a mass since it is a particle. That momentum and any of the trends can be
changed by the use of external forces; this is why our present quantic mechanic and regular
physics can only makes a transversal study of Mind Momentum at each moment in time.

Religions talking about “following the path of the light to find enlightment”, “trust the light”,
“have faith in the light when the light is with you” etc... Does not realize how truth it is in the
literal sense! The “Ancients” were having fun making puzzles which became religions and from
which we take the metaphors as literal truths, and the literal scientific truth as metaphors!
Their noble aim, by creating paradoxical stories (or myths) was to speed up our process of
reasoning, each one of us for self, and each one of us for the world community for the world
community to be one within each of its components (us) when the third stage of positivism is
attain worldwide.

For the wise men it only matter a little where the body is as long they are happy in their own
minds. Our mind is our personal home, our domain and our refuge; it is our last resort of
harmony and joy. This is why we need to know by a normal secular approach what affect our
mind in so many ways for us to feel happiness or unhappiness. The function of unwelcome
responses from the environment is for us to understand what stimulus trigger them and from
there on is under our self-determination to do something (of our choice) about it. The building
of the nature of our mind and the emotions we experience is a joint project between the natural
principles and selves. Selves knowing (or trying to) the objective ways of the universals
principles and how they affect our subjective mind in any of our interaction with our direct
environment is the most needed asset in order to live a better mental live, especially when we
decide to join their ways in our decision making; this is basic logic. Without that approach to
life our mind would be only a "housing commodity" for the mnemonical beings we are, and not
a place we can call home; a home is where happiness reside, a housing commodity can be
neutrality at is best between residents, or a place where opponents meet. In the
constructiveness of our mind there are only us (as mnemonical unit) and the natural
principles; if we subjectively make an opponent from the natural principles then we lost the
battle and our mind become foggy, and that personal domain will be a place of darkness and
mental suffering. Isn’t what religions are saying all the time about their "God"? And that
"God" is light? Therefore "God" ways is the ways of the light? Quantum physics has to reach
the psychological level for us to see the "light" of things! This is where we see that Metaphysics
is to make scientifical concepts without the equation part when reaching the empty field
between psychology and quantum mechanics where quantum mechanics encompass the dark
Negative/Positive Mind

It is the presence of negativism, following Newton laws of “action-reaction” (which is causality

at work), that gives to positivism its reason to be. Negativism is like the refusal of any
question, while positivism is the answer of unformulated questions. Matter contains objective
reactions; soul (or the essence of an individual) displays subjective intellectual reflexes as the
final product of reactive mental processes. Life is a mechanic reflex of nature toward itself. It is
the various intellectual products of life (souls), in different places of space that became
subjective while life itself remains objective. Fractalized Life became subjective mnemonic units
of life called “souls”. The motility of souls is the motility of life, and souls decision making
toward selves belong to selves.

Souls develop an associative personality according to their life experience. Psychology has
piles of books printed on that subject. The associative personality contains both its positive and
negative aspect. One aspect can dissociates itself from the other or to be the dominant aspect
while sill attach to the other. Normally those two aspects take turn, adapting the overall
personality to its environment, accordingly to various stimuli. Different contexts demand, by
reaction, the presence of different personalities. Negativism and positivism are integral part of
the mechanism of adaptation called “Dissociativity” as dissociativity is a mechanism of
adaptation. When the associative personality shows ambivalence between negativism and
positivism, not knowing which one to choose when facing certain contexts, and to go from one
to the next again and again, it can leads to bipolarity in that field of emotion.

When a specific personality ends up in the wrong context (or vise versa), that personality is
“lost” in that context; if that personality stay there, where it does not belong, indicates mental
troubles were the flow of cognition encounter a mental “wall”, or “mental blockage”; that can
be measured in the brain electrical activity, and more specifically where is the spacial location
of that blockage. Neurologists and psychologists (that's include psychiatrists) are the welcome
human interference toward nature ways, to help nature in its cognitive aspect; they are “mind
plumbers”, from two different approach, whose job is the make sure that the flow of cognition
is well canalize for the intellect to work properly. It is like canalizing the water properly to
respond to the need of a thirsty garden. Psychiatry reconciles those two approaches by
handing down “pills”.

Cognition has to flow freely for the intellect to do its job properly. As an example: when the
religious personality splitting itself from the associative personality and peaks is nose on every
possible context, it is insanity at work; when setting a blasting area, handling dynamite, is not
the time to concentrates on last Sunday sermon and the “divine” aura the priest seem to
radiates...This is not a question of morality but a question of common sense.

A “split personality” or dissociated personality (from the associative personality which is the
cooperative of the mind) like the religious personality can also creates, artificially, its own
global context by creating an artificial demand by manipulating people emotions. This is
marketing at is best! Secondary religions, using needed scientific facts when required to make
religiosity a “want”, are the opposite of primal religions which are composed of needed
scientific data of which, the ancients scholars (Grand Priests) said we must have faith into.

Religiosity is a form of speculative philosophy base on religious politics laking a big chunk of
common sense, and drifting away from truthful scientific data.

On the eye of the universe, what is there and what's happen is because it is needed.
Negative/Positive is a needed phenomenon for potential of energy to create things under
causality, releasing flows of cognition. It is up to us to turn away (or run away) from bad
stimuli and to go toward good stimuli, it is basic psychology. “God” (the universe) do not
makes war to happen, we do it ourselves by using the potential that's makes us able to do so. It
is our choice to see that some unwelcome stimuli, like wars, never happen again. What will
always be there, concerning self-determination, is the potential of things; and what makes that
potential to become a palpable reality is in the hands of intelligent forms of life. If we are
making war, therefore war is needed for causality to tell us something; the same principle
applies to cherry pie making. The universe and causality don't care about what we do to
ourselves; we are the only ones that do care. So, what we will be doing next?

Mind vision

Mind vision-The light that enter the mind from the brain (which was previously interpreting
electrical signals from the retina) is process trough the intellect for the reasoning effect to
decipher the message behind the image by dipping in the data bank from the superego, from
there extrapolations are done for "visions" or "insight" of possible scenario's being suggested
(presented) to the ego to choose from, the whole process is part of our intellectuality. Mind
myopia define an individual that can only see the literal or the image without much insight nor
being capable or willing to transcend its reality, he is a short sighted minded individual; on the
opposite side of the mind spectrum a person who is only long-sighted mind want to understand
only the signification or the inner process of everything without simply enjoying the beauty of
things as they present themselves, that person is showing signs of hypermetropian syndrome.
That syndrome in its more severe cases can lead to functional autism. Mind myopia and
moronical attitude are of positive correlation. Hypermetropian syndrome and genius are of
positive correlation. Morons and Genius are on negative correlation. Genius transcends the
obvious and considers the obvious to be allegories of the reality that creates the obvious, and
those allegories are messages from that reality. Plenty of morons are creationists who think,
and firmly believe, they are transcending matter only to find God, and they call it
“spirituality”. Plenty of geniuses are using euphemisms toward creationist morons, who, of
course, cannot understand that euphemisms were directed to them since they cannot

Christianity and Islam, taking some of the old testament sayings to their credit are fast to say
“God is the light", and creationists as they are, are leaving it that way without searching the
mysteries of "God ways" while the scientists are discovering the mysteries of the ways the light
(energy) and how it work to create a whole universe and its dynamic. The creationist does not
question the processes of God while the scientists study the processes of the light. The
creationist personality is a moronical one; the scientist personality is the genius one. Science
and Primal religion are linked “ as one” under the light phenomenon, but only science see its
literal sense by transcending what religion says; as for religion they must take "God is the
light" literally to see exactly where science and religion converges into the primal philosophy.
It is the short way to believe in Gods ways and sing alleluia; it is a long and arduous ways to
study and find all the processes of the light. Believers believe in God, scientists believe in the
light and they can prove their faith while using the ways of the light for humanity evolution.
Using for our advantage the ways of the light has to be done wisely or it would be a very
destructive knowledge to handle. As we can see we are the one who suffer or enjoyed “God”
ways by our own behaviors toward “God”... “God” is knowledge, therefore logic, and logic is in
the light; from there on we can have plenty of fun making mountains of new religious sayings
which would make plenty of sense for the creationists, all we need is good old plain secular
knowledge and transform it as religion knowing the literal sense of “God is the light” is very
appropriate. That’s what Moses did, what a sense of humour! What a scholar! He was having
faith on the light allright!

From within the associative personality, the ethico-religious personality describe what he feel
about God's ways; and the scientific personality describe what he know about God's ways (the
ways of the light). Both personalities can be found well developed in Jewish scholars having
faith in God. The ethico-religious personality uses the knowledge of the scientific personality to
rationalize its faith (to find reason why he is a believer) in general and its personal feelings
toward God.

The light fathers all creation.

Emotional Roots

The Egosphere pairing with logic, in the form of plenty of (measurable) trinusial quantum, are
the building blocks of our mental structures. They are the structures of our mental life. Triple
quantum is trinusial quantum; it is a triad on the quantum level. They are the structures of life.
Therefore, life is composed of emotional roots and roots of logic, and those roots are within us,
therefore we are each other emotional roots. WARS DESTROY a part of our emotional roots
BESIDES being illogic.

Let's talk with esoteric terms first and then we'll see what it means. Here we go: the fact that
there is presence of emotional roots, since we are here and we are loving beings, there is no
morbid rationalism which the main cause is from fideism, while there is presence of a form of
objectivist philosophy which produces rationality. Who understands that? This is what we try
to avoid in this research as much as possible or everybody will get a one way ticket to the
Bermuda triangle. It takes explanations and here they are: morbid rationalism is a game of
sterile reasoning that runs in a vacuum of abstraction because it is not based on any
affectionate roots. Any psychoanalyst will tell you the same thing. Regarding fideism, it is a
doctrine that puts faith as the basis of any knowledge, like some religions, and denies any
value from all the rational evidence.

1) At one extreme of fideism, is the social moron who believes in any one who says he is the
representative of love itself under the name of God.

2) At the other extreme of fideism, is the asocial moron who believes in any one who says he is
the representative of love itself under the name of God.

3) The link between those two extremes is “obedience”. To obey without question. Fideism is a
powerful tool in the hands of extremists.

Now, as regard to objectivism, it is a science which is based on the systematic absence of any
subjectivity. Objectivity is the reality of a scientific fact that is studied and measured according
the rigors of science.

a) At one extreme, objectivism is personalized in a social scientific minded person who believes
in human love, but never in any god, or life after death.

b) At the other extreme, objectivism is personalized in the asocial scientific minded who do not
really believe in any love, but only in some form of sexual attraction and in “scratch my back
and I scratch your back theory”. He also never believes in any god or life after death.

c) Between fideism and objectivism, the link is rationalism.

Morbid rationalism finds its roots in the paradox of life without love. At the very extreme it is
the asocial scientific minded individuals who do not believe in love and who overuse rationality
to measure anything and everything and be objective all the way. Morbid rationalism is a
game of sterile reasoning where one cuts himself off from his emotional roots which are part of
life. It is an extreme form of defensive behavior against frustrating affective past experiences.
Individuals with this defensive behavior can adapt to a certain point under the paradoxical
situations from his emotional environment. It is a negation toward love to stop further
emotional suffering.

The center of the “rationalism trinus” is a wise place to be when one is into the rational
thinking. It keeps a well balanced mind. We need to be rational, sociable and in touch with our
emotional roots (libido). Within everyone, there is a share of affection that comes, from the
Egosphere. That enables any individual to go through difficult moments. Anyone can cut
himself off from his emotional roots and his emotional societal ties. It does not matter to the
Egosphere. Her feeling (libido) is part of any living structure anyway! Everyone has emotional
ties with the Egosphere. They are part of life itself. They will always be there intact. We can
acknowledge them or not, it is our choice.

Libidinous Egosphere

Love is neutrality at is best when caring.

In the company of Aphrodite there are no ambush so deep that we can't surmount, nor any
pitfall from where to be set free; her smiles are islands of joy and her arms are bridges toward
them. Her couch is where auroras lie for her love to flourish in a thousand lights, more
beautiful than the beauty of Adonis she is the one that radiate in his heart. On one hand there is
libidinous Aphrodite (the Egosphere), our emotional roots. On the other hand we are part of a
programmed Universe. The link between emotion and logic is the same as between subjectivity
and objectivity. Emotion is subjective and logic is objective. The logic of life is therefore not an
accident. Life is the link between those two opposing forces. Life is the union of those forces.

We cannot escape determinism, we cannot escape duality, and we cannot escape causality. We
cannot escape the logic that makes causality to be the consequence of duality; it is the same
logic that makes determinism the continuous flow of causality that makes statistics possible.
We are boxed in the structures of the universe! We are an integral part of it. Like it or not.
Some time we try to escape the reality of it by trying to escape from who we are. By doing that,
we only succeed to create within us mental disorders; sometimes a comatose mind...zombie.

We are surrounded, with the emotional roots of the Egosphere and the inflexibility of logic.
Because our structures are in their image, we have to shape ourselves within those structures.
At first, we do poorly because of our lack of experience. Our mind has to evolve. We need all the
affection that surrounds us to be encouraged to fashion ourselves as some form of acceptable
social being. Born from the Egosphere we are coddled by her pleasant feeling called the libido.
As Sigmund Freud explain: “in the broadest sense the Libido is the emotional desire, including
love, which also induced the coitus that gives us satisfaction in the sharing of pleasure”.
(Sigmund Freud). Within us is the presence of libidinous instincts (innate behavior). Libido and
logic are the two components at the core of our mental structures, and also of our biological
structures. The libido is the feeling of the Egosphere. The Egosphere is the invisible universe,
the structural engineering made by logic to support the libido. The Egosphere has the innate
need to reproduce her affection, to reproduce libido, to share libido. Triple trinusial quanta of
logic produce life. That makes it possible for the Egosphere to reproduce her feeling into all
forms of life and to reproduce the structure of her mind into all forms of life. She needs to give
and to receive affection, just like us. Libido is the feeling of life.

The presence of logic within the libido makes it an innate and automatic feeling; it is the feeling
of life, the breath of life. It is the feeling of the Egosphere within the logic of life. This is the logic
of love: Libido! Aphrodite ways are pleasant ways and her paths are peace. There is no god,
but we can consider the Egosphere as a Goddess if we consider the living invisible universe to
be of Godly' nature; nevertheless, the Egosphere is a natural phenomenon. She is not in charge
of creation, but she produces life, that's her job. Reason and feeling are opposites and
complementary in the multifunctional trinus of logic. We can say that the libido is the feeling of
reason. The Egosphere is reason in its emotional form; this is why the Egosphere is under the
rules of the universal laws and represents them by her libidinous feeling. We are far from a
non-existent god that does what he wants with us if we do not adore him like a group of
medieval morons. God was a human invention. We do not have to be afraid anymore. The
original words concerning the teaching of the true nature of the universe must have been
something like this: “Enjoy life as life enjoys you, and enjoy life for life to enjoy you. All things
are to be enjoyed by all”; it would make more sense. As we can see, the pleasure of life is in the
sharing of pleasures, this is basic common sense. The communists tried that, but only some
Amerindians succeeded and other small communities around the world. Nor nature, nor life,
nor the Egosphere do not ask anything from us, we are on our own! And this is why There are
those angelic and loving hearts, following instinctively the Chemosh concept, like Yolanda
Gigliotti (1933-1987) who being born near the majesty of the pyramids, and loving life so much
that they decides for themselves of the time of their disembodiment by refusing to continue any
longer to perish in this human inferno; Ciao Amore Ciao ...for now.

The awareness of self is for self, it is important to makes our self-distinction from others, and it
would be crazy to nullify this sense of self! We all need that different self-distinction to create
world unification. For each individual to be able to bring together all his personal potentials in
the service of the social, one cannot negate himself before who he is from nature ways. The first
commitment is to our mental well being (mental health), how else can we be of any use for the
social well being if we are mentally disturbed? For us having the ability to carry out this
mission in our cultural surrounding we do have under our hand some parts of the universal
scientific knowledge, coming from our discovery of nature laws, to help us in that direction. It
is a step by step ascends to knowledge and understanding. Ancient wisdom full of veil
kindnesses, from “the time of the olds”, from different cosmic sources, and all over the world,
has immeasurable data that can help our present civilizations.

Anecdotes in the Torah contain more wisdom than what our literal understanding of it seems
to be. Some stories are purely man-made myths made to imbue us of ethical beliefs. The
contain of the Torah is for a big part mythology based on actual events or base on knowledge.
Ancient High Priests and prophets were living links of a chain of wisdom. Primal religion were
man-made folklore for the masses amusement for the wises men to hands down, with ease, the
most important parts containing universal wisdom. The knowledge contain in the Torah is as
relevant to the problems we face today as it was millenniums ago. Ancient Hebrews High
Priests, besides being scientists, were also practicing psychiatrists promoting also acts of
kindness as the third tool for healing. Body, soul and libido goes together to form the psyche.
Medicine and psychiatry are the two first tools that go together for the healing of the psyche;
one without the other has its limits. The third tool is the releasing of libido, innate to the
psyche. Libido is the goodness that is inherent in all of us, and our strength to cope with life lies
in that belief. Libido is lurking right beneath the varnish of acquired antisocial habits, and it’s
eager to emerge under the right stimuli. Libido is fractalized to be within every living being
without losing any of its strength. Libido gives us the innate instinct that we must turn our
priorities around when individuals and societies suffer. The performing of good deeds goes
under different names according to different cultures, i.e. for the Jews, in Yiddish, the word is

Libido is not only a superlative connotation, suggestive of only acts of kindness, but it is the
whole spirit of “living logic” surrounding us (and that we structurally are) of being united in
an natural harmonious relationship. Libido it’s our innate structural resource for self and
social goodness in order to love ourselves without selfishness. The demons of selfishness make
only relative decaying physical gains that disappear with time from our eternal and unselfish
goodness. Libido made any physical losses bearable. What are important to keep in our
conscious mind are our emotional roots. Concerning all form of life, Logic do not cancel
eroticism as eroticism is part of libido, and all forms of human eroticism, without exception,
are different attitudes for the seeking of libido; there is also such thing as mental eroticism
were pride to be a beautiful mind includes humility. Mental eroticism is to be found in the Song
of Solomon. The “Song of Solomon 1” mentions the love between Solomon and Aphrodite were
no vanity is involve.

“I am very dark, but lovely,

O daughters of Jerusalem,

Like the tents of Kedar,

Like the curtains of Solomon.”

(Song of Solomon 1:5)

As explained in the song the “Dark universe” is not the void: “because the sun (energy) has
looked upon me”, and in the song, the mind's (the souls) is compare to vineyards:

“Do not gaze at me because I am dark,

Because the sun has looked upon me.

My mother's sons were angry with me;

They made me keeper of the vineyards,

But my own vineyard I have not kept!”

(Song of Solomon 1:6)

“My mother's sons” refers to the Titans produced from the womb of Gaia. There are twelve
Titans, the six male Titans are known as the Titanes, and the females as the Titanides. Ouranos
(the void), was the father of the Titans and Gaia (the primal non-uniform mass) was their
mother. The role of the “Titans” that constructed the foundation of the objective universe and
its natural laws gives way to the “Olympians” leads by Zeus. The Titans are now imprisoned in
Tartarus, our unconscious which is “the underworld”, with the few Titans exceptions who do
not fight against Zeus (intellectual harmony). The 'War of the Titans’ “concerns our
intellectuality in the astro-psycho-quantic level. Concerning the inhabitants of the dark
universe (the Egosphere), also called by some religions “the souls in paradise”, they are like us,
but desincarned (without biological body). Reason tells us that humanity have certainly its
own section, like a country, in the dark universe. It makes senses to suppose that it would be a
ruling class composed of a king (as according to the Jews definition of what a king should be),
royal family, and secular high priests to judge any appropriate action to be taken for the well
being of the people, and who will fill his rightful place in that society. That's mean who was an
evil minded individual on earth will be view as someone having the need to be re-educated
while they experienced the full impact of causality where they will taste their own medicine, no
one can escape causality. As for the rest of us, we will evolve normally, doing what we do best.
That theory makes sense isn't it? It doesn't necessarily take a religious moron to be intoxicated
by religious convictions, some of the greatest minds in the history of humanity were. Their
conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power was a mixture of acquired data and
emotional fear to be without a cosmic parent that can give them eternal life. They didn't know
yet about the dark universe (the Egosphere). Even if the universe became mathematical more
comprehensible to them, it is that easiness to understand nature more and more that became
incomprehensible to them, therefore the universe was still an incomprehensible entity since it
was too easy to be understand; in their mind it must be a catch somewhere...But there is none.
Statistically speaking the majority of normal individuals do not want to die, but after death it
seem that only few of us embraces the idea of coming back here since that idea implies to go
through hell again, and it is not really an appealing one.

Ah, this beautiful and mighty mortal body we carry around with us! It is in fact the concrete
languor’s of our mind, and this beautiful monument of human flesh is already condemned to
die at the mere instant of its conception. Ultimately the ephemeral existence of our body is only
the monument erected to the groaning of our evil spirit. This human body keeping us away
from Aphrodite gives us freedom to do as we please while in our journey toward harmony. Our
human body has his own life but our soul is our own. Our life is to the life of Aphrodite, and our
soul is to her soul. Anger is not of the domain of Aphrodite, which is why our heart suffering
the pains of the frustrated desires belonging to our tearful bodies can only become one with her
heart when our evil desires will be consumed forever in their own hell. Amiable journey is the
journey for who rest his spirit in the bosom of the natural laws. Protected by the luminous
sheets of these laws, fear is banished and so is the mind-evil we endure. Fortunate’s are those
who die knowing their body will keep nourishing the spirit of nature while they will be feed at
the breast of Aphrodite.

In the near future the subject of the Dark Universe will be treated as psychosocioastrophysics.
Reasoning versus Feeling

No matter how and where in the world the natural principles are found, by reason or feelings,
the haunting scent of truthfulness they yield grasp every corner of our mind. "Do not insult the
holy spirit" mend "Do not insult the capacity of the mind for it is capable of righteous
reasoning". No one can say truthfully that he know what “God” want since the natural
principles do not want anything, they simply are. Who think he know “God” do not know
himself nor what the primal wisdom in its pure objectivity is made of: nature neutrality.

Before trying to save the world by killing the "infidels" the Islamic religious extremists must
try to save themselves from any kind of non-sense that makes them to live their mental hell.
The same goes for Catholicism, before trying to save the world by condemning to hell the non-
believers, and literally burning pagan priestesses as “sorcerers”, they must get out of their
murderer psychotic moronical infantilism that’s plaguing them. They both (Islamic and
Catholics murderers) need psychiatric help.

"Paraclete" comes from the Greek word "paráklētos", translated as "one who consoles”
reflecting the translation of the Hebrew “comforter" as helper to human reason. In the large
sense the meaning of "Paraclete" translate as "The spirit of truth" also known as the “Holly
Spirit” that provides us guidance against the assaults toward reason; it is our "mind salvation"
in the sense it stop us to mentally disturb by any kind of non-sense. We can all be our own

There was never any war between reasoning and feelings; they are partners in intuitive
feelings; when one of them goes to rest than the remaining partner takes over the job. The
Aleph and the Thaw are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet as the Alpha and
Omega are of the Greek. The term “I am the beginning and the end” originated in Egypt and it
concern intellectual evolution being part of the scheme of general evolution. It is a complete
evolutionary circle. At the beginning, any subjective form of life acts purely by instinct,
therefore being in closes relation with the objectivity of the universal principles and do not
reasons much. As forms of life, building social ties, developing cultures and civilizations (like
man as an example) evolve intellectually, they become more subjective and are using more
their own judgment which become less and less base on their primal instinct. According to the
trinusial theory, it come to a certain point, which is the middle of the link between the Alpha
and Omega, when the subjective man start to understand more and more the universal
principles and takes advantage of them. More man evolve intellectually more he become in
harmony with them for eventually see his subjective mind being becoming “one' with the
objectivity and natural wisdom of the universal laws to finally, intellectually and ethically, be
in the position of having the mental capacities of building utopia in a social fashion. Some
individuals are reaching that objective sooner by self-determination. That is the meaning of the
Alpha and the Omega concerning man intellectuality.

The intuitive course of thought is the logic pairing with libido leading us to a logical sequence
of abstractions. Some individuals through history called it “divine inspiration”; others may call
it sometime ESP Instinct (innate knowledge) pairing with the intuitive course of thought lets us
estimate a situation without previous reasoning. Some women call it having “antennas” or
their “radars”. Women have the natural tendency to be more sociable than men because their
surplus of genes gives them “the motherhood advantage”. They will sense more quickly the
nature of a situation by using their innate feelings rather than their reasoning. In more than
one situation, women feelings prove themselves to be more accurate than men reasoning. Alas
for them, our paternalistic societies with subjacent chauvinistic tendencies, brainwash women
to think they are inferior because they are more in touch with their feelings than their brains.
As a result, those societies produce plenty of submissive mentally sick women. Some women
dress like men and act like men (without being lesbians) to be more accepted by the businesses
world. They may become narcissists. Some of them, very intelligent, may develop a form of
morbid rationality. They lack libido. One has to learn what libido is all about. Its start with
ethics. Some suicides are the ultimate search for libido. Think about it. In a lot of cases, it seems
to be more advisable for women to use reason according to their feelings than to rationalize
why they should not listen to their feelings. Mothers have to listen to their feelings. Rationality
is more for men since men do not have the “motherhood advantage”. Women are one step
ahead of men in the evolutionary process.

1) Males have paternal feelings according to their natural functions as males.

2) Females have maternal feelings according to their natural functions as females.

3) The link is: harmony within a family system. The addition of children reinforces that link.

The two opposing forces and the link are called: “a family cell”.

When one element of that system is gone (death, divorce), that system is no more. The
separated component becomes part of other trinusial systems. This is evolution. The trinusial
principle is immutable; it always will be the same. Only the components can be separated.
There goes another religious belief concerning marriages and divorces.

A new definition of a male chauvinist:

A male chauvinist is deeply in love with any woman who lives according to his rules. He does
not know his evolutionary inferiorities compared to a woman. He is stupid enough to make her
mentally sick rather using her innate potential. Then, the male chauvinist will point out the
fact that since females are more inclined to be mentally sick than males, therefore, the males
are superior. Politics is built on that. It becomes big business for pharmaceutical companies.
Then, the ever stupid egocentric male chauvinist has to pay the bills.

The source of the phenomenon of “Intuitive Feeling versus Reason”.

Due to the natural laws of general evolution where this existence and "Life after life" is include
we can only reincarnate again under the guise of who we are. Indeed, the universe by its
metamorphoses returns the same minds to back their causes. The mnemonic units (life form)
are born, fecund by the logic of time within the "Dark universe", and as life is born every
instant, the last one "born in heaven" drive away the earliest one to this physical existence. The
after-life is the way of the "milk of logic and libido" to energize us anew. Our mental energy of
what past reason was, is becoming our future instinct for the purpose of our natural
adaptation to this existence; that instinct is what induce the "feeling of reason" being some
time considered as "esp.". This is an automatic setting-out of the natural rules, and also in
regard of the means by which the recall of specific disembodied souls to this existence it’s
decided. Only when certain equilibrium is reach that the completion of the cycle of
reincarnation of an individual is resume. That phenomenon is due to the fact that the complete
one's reincarning cycle its judge (by automatism) according to one mind being more united to
the afterlife concept of harmony, than to be attached to evilness’s of this existence. That
explains the phenomenon of intuitive feeling versus reason.

The common religious saying "The graces of God" or “God grace” as “Finesse d’esprit” have to
be understand as delicacy and acuteness been integral part of our mind and it is up to us,
under our natural self-determination, if we want to use them or not by the power of reasoning.
Since the light is in control and that we are made of light therefore we are in control; self
determination is a natural state. In Noah time’s science, politics and religion were assembled
under a "primal philosophy" where they combined as “one” in an elegant truth; we will
experience that philosophical dimension in the future as the “Unified fields dimension” of
thought; a civilization has to attain a high degree of excellence in social ethic and knowledge to
reach that point. In Noah times it was so simple to live by with the primal philosophy that it
becomes the main amusement of Noah peoples to invent metaphors when communicating. The
“Babel Tower” was simply a metaphor in the sociopsychological field to educate and amuses
children’s; all we have to do is to replace it by the “Eiffel Tower” to grasp the general idea.
Common sense is "cool" it is intuitive logic, therefore the universe is "cool" since it produces it.

Plain Ethical Common Sense

Pure common sense is the Ambrosia of the poor and uneducated peoples.

There are so many mention that "God" is the light and "God" is the rock (meaning the physical
universe as well the reliable natural principles), and that “God” gives enlightment by his
presence that it is just basically amazing how so many peoples in their bigotry cannot see the
secularism in it; where is the quality of teaching?; these messages from ancient times came to
us throughout the primal religions and also the kouac religions which stolen those best parts of
the first philosophy, Qquality refers to a certain degree of excellence related to an object of
interest or an individual, and also to one or more specific function of an object of interest or an
individual. As we can see “quality” is conditional of certain norms, which in turn are
perceptual. Therefore what human considers as “quality” is a subjective attribute. In the
universal scale the norms of “quality” are the universal principles; we are using them for
creating our degree of excellence in our product included teaching, in others words we are
taking advantage of “gods laws” to produce quality on our doings; it is all secularism in action.

1) A sorry plumber redempting for his mistake of having wrongly connected the toilet flushing
system in a client home, for lack of having contemplated the whole plumbing system, atones
for his wrong doing by seeking the advice of the universal principles (in black and white in his
tradesman book of plumbing knowledge) that tells him how to do his job correctly, and then
corrects his past mistake free of charge. 2) A non-sorry plumber who makes the same mistake
and turns his back to the obvious consequences that are to follows for his lack of ethical
concerns is one of those troublemaker sociopaths who make the world a distressing place to
live. That plumber is an emphasis on what is wrong with the present. His awareness of ethics
(also called spiritual truth) is muffled by his greediness to make money fast. That kind of
plumber does not give a damn that he left his former customer in the middle of a stinking mess
in the basement. It is all a question of what we decide our challenges are, it can be: 1) To listen
to the voice of humanity, so we can use the universal rules at every one advantage, and find
self-harmony. 2) To listen to the nonsense of being an asocial individual, and find oneself in a
middle of inextricable frustrating situations.

To live one own life of depth, meaning, and purpose is not complicate at all; every one can
focus on the true priorities of humanity in his own little space, by being an ethical and efficacy
tradesman on his field of knowledge; that's the only requirement needed to built utopia. We do
not have to renounce any worldly pleasure by doing that since it is for that exact purpose that
it is better to be ethical. The future is already into the present by the mere fact that there is
plentiful of ethical individuals living in the world, and the coming of Utopia is hastened by
their efforts; they are the ones who bring the spirit of humanity to its ethical level. They
understand that if we are in control of ethics, causality is under our control rather than us be
controlled by the consequence of our mistakes. Utopia is not dependent on a particular date,
but rather on the ethical achievement of humanity from each of its components, at the same
time, and in different locations; we already knew that for some time...Utopia is not a dream, it
is part of humanity evolution, and more ethically oriented people are there, closer Utopia
become. There is now less bigots and more humanists than during the era of colonialism where
Islam and Catholicism were running the show. We are now living in this era where the
ethically minded people ushers the world toward an era of psychological health (mental
harmony) from which the concrete reward will be peace for all mankind. The meaning of the
term “Utopia” is “a place of perfection”; the opposite is “Dystopia” which means “a totalitarian
and repressive world”. In the Utopian days, the evils of society, like poverty and misery having
as a base: lack of knowledge and mind liberty, will be removed. Under the historical facts that
Dystopian cultures were unconsciously planning their own failure by not taking natural
principles into consideration, now a day’s democratic governments, under the pressure of
ethically minded people, are trying to establishes societies that is striving toward ethical
perfection. In accordance with the principles of participatory society, statistics tells that global
utopia is the only possible natural evolutive solution for humanity to adapt to itself if we do not
destroy humanity before reaching that point. Polyculturalism without bigotry and following
natural principles can only be the only model-based adaptation of possible interactions
between different cultures and identities.


For the religious bigots to use the tools of logic to rationalize the subjective living divinity of
their eternal living "God" would be the same than to build the Eiffel Tower with blocks of ice in
a hot summer day; both won't stand the heat, doom to melt away. Christians loves "God",
Humanists likes’ common sense.

Ancient Egyptian High Priests appointed Greek scholars and others individuals from different
cultures to be the human depositories of their secular knowledge as they did with Moses. The
task assigned to these appointees was to metaphorized, in their own ways, millenniums old
secular data. Delegating to other scholars, from around the world, part of their responsibilities
concerning the teaching of these precious data, the Ancient Egyptian High Priests did secure
the speed of human evolution toward harmony thus the building of utopia by finding a way for
us to use reason when facing paradoxes. Third rate religion, in their moronical bigotry, seeing
only the metaphorical part of it came to think themselves as being the only representatives of
"God". Data! We need data! To cope with the unknown we need more data! Without data to
face new challenges we find ourselves in the abysses of despair, the domain of Ouranos; the
Ankh is that Cornus Copiae of Greek mythology that represents the riches of knowledge and
the fecundity of the mind, and from which our lips of sailors sailing on the ocean of light blow
into that conch (which hold the fruits of knowledge), to send the seeds and their bouquet to the
four winds to sow and to feed the fecund soil of the human mind with the help of Aequitas. The
myth of the Cornucopia (also known as the Horn of Amalthea) reached Christianity, been
known as the "Grail", where it is mind maturity, and where fundamental ethics play an
important role, and also where are present justice and equity represented by the Roman
goddess Aequitas, that let us find the "Grail" of God abundances (or graces) within and all
around. It is all a question of finding data, understanding metaphors, and to know their
importance in the frame of general evolution; the Grail can be easily found when we cease
acting like bloody morons or retarded rotten kids in all forms of bigotry.

Human endurance toward any form of greed from others (like holding power or the hoarding
of the riches of the world) has its limits, different for each individual; limits are like dams and
like any limits having been breach the flow of frustration can overwhelms the direct
environment, conflicts results. When fools leads countries, representing others fools under
their command, they are allowed to run the show and make the laws they want to better
indulge themselves. It is never an easy transition for the peoples who are waking up (becoming
wiser) under oppression, (and when their legitimate complaints makes them insurgents,
therefore "enemies of the state") to form a plan of action in order to form a new government;
plenty of bloody revolutions become the ways of the peoples, their responses to destroy
suffering stimulus, in order to make changes in the hope for a better live. Even if live
experience educated these revolutionaries that there is better ways to live, they also need the
proper secular sociopsychological education in order to be capable to lead the peoples in
fundamental ethics, besides running the economics of the country; and a religious state like
Iran is not the answer, the government members in charge wrongly think in their stupid
religiosity that mixing up prayers and bombs to better sanctified themselves and the world
throughout bloodbaths will bring them closer to knowledge and the love of their god. Prayers
are demands toward the Universe, and the only living universe as such is the Dark Universe.
The Dark Universe can manipulate things around without changing their fundamental
principles, just like us. Praying honestly to the Black Madonna will produce results; this is to
say that the famous saying; "In God we trust" from the US treasury department, will
disappear soon enough from their money or the US will be doom. "God" is fading away, living
room for the only real Goddess (Aphrodite) to take over. The same principle is also valid
concerning the famous British:”God save the king”; only human wisdom based on the
knowledge of the natural principles can save kings and countries.

“Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe in your commandments.”(Psalm


Metaphysical law: Knowledge is the awareness of the presence of the natural rules and
understanding them.

Knowledge is base on the dynamics of universal principles. Natural rules are our first
educators as well as they educates any other forms or structure of life (tree of life) for forms of
life to educates each other; that's makes the universal rules educating themselves; it is like a
close-circuit monitoring system where causality acts as the main stimuli for adaptation to be
the response making so that evolution has automatically to directs itself toward general
harmony between all systems; the expansion of the universe makes it possible since it is
because of that phenomenon that the statism, which is the opposite of the evolutionary process,
become an impossibility. Law: Where is evolution there is no statism. It is because of the
presence of the universal rules that we gain any form of experience through them. Natural
rules are structuralizing (tree of knowledge) in their dynamics. We can only acquired skills
and expertise by the presence of the natural rules. Theoretical or practical understanding of a
subject follows the logical path of the natural rules. It is by repetitive (hypnotizing) experiences
that we develop our awareness that it is in fact the natural rules that are being in charge of all
dynamics. We are using (like it or not) the natural rules to acquire knowledge. Any fact we
known in any particular field of interest are constantly under the objectivity of the dynamics of
the natural rules. The “Justified true belief” of Plato's formulation of knowledge is simply to
belief that the truth is in the natural rules. Plato is using the word “Justified” the scientific way:
by experimentation. The cognitive aspect of the acquisition of knowledge, and knowledge
management, involves psychology.

“And out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight
and good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil.” (Genesis 2:9).

“Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the Lord is a God
of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.” (1 Samuel 2:3)

“And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and
all craftsmanship,” (Exodus 31:3).

In Nehemiah 10:28; in the chapter “The Obligations of the Covenant” there is a hint of who has
the real knowledge of the truth and pass it on from generation to generation as “the oral
Torah”: “The rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, the singers, the temple
servants, and all who have separated themselves from the peoples of the lands to the Law of
God, their wives, their sons, their daughters, all who have knowledge and understanding,”
(Nehemiah 10:28)

Philosophy: The word “Philosophy” is of ancient Greek origin: meaning “love of wisdom”.
“First philosophy” is synonym of “metaphysics”. Philosophy is the rational study of anything
concerning mind and matter, having as objective to formulate concepts from natural universal
principles for humanity to gain knowledge. Philosophy distinguished itself from mysticism and
mythology when addressing the study and knowledge of the universal principles; it is done by
its secularism approach where to be critical leads to reasoned arguments; Philosophy is
fundamentally the use of the general systematic approach of science, also called “the scientific
approach”. In short, philosophy is the secularism of science.

The astrophysical part of our universe which is called the “Dark universe” by our scientists, the
“Black Madonna” by some religions, and “paradise” by other religions, besides being the
natural birth place of the souls is also a state of mind; concerning eternity paradise is also an
eternal state of mind where harmony is the result of a positive correlation between man
subjectivity and natural rules objectivity that keep the mind alive. On the other hand, hell is a
mental state of mind reaching the infinity of nothingness where the mind is dying while feeling
the gravitational effect of matter (from the brain heavy suffering –see neuroplasticity-) when
leaving the path of logic, where the mind is light and free, to follow the heaviest ways
(gravitational effects) of evilness and (self)-destruction. This is where we can realizes that
gravity and destruction are tied in the same dynamics where are dwelling mnemonical units
(forms of life). There is a whole universe present as a fact to demonstrate that reality
encompass the matter of the mind and the matter of things under the same laws; on the other
hand it takes a tiny thimble of religiosity to hold all the bigots knowledge concerning the
universe; by using more than once, toward their disciples, that tiny thimble of religiosity the
bigots hopes it would hide their lack of an vaster amount of secular knowledge.

The Sacrifice of Abraham

Since we are made from energy, meaning with the dynamics of the universal natural rules, we
better identify ourselves with them, their ways, to find peace of mind in order to build utopia
under their guidance.

First, it is important to know that in the physical realm, a Jew is the physical descendant of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This mean that not all the children of Abraham, who was of direct
Noah royal blood line, are Jews (Noah was the king of his spaceship); even if Arabs are as
much the descendants of Abraham as Jews, they cannot be classified as Jews since they are not
descendants of the royal blood line of Jacob. Therefore Isaac was a prince by royal lineage and
to be educated as such to lead his nation. If there is one thing that really upset a lot of children
since an early age, it is the sacrifice of Abraham. According to the Old Testament, God asked
Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac with a knife. When the story was taught to Christian
children they did not really understand, thinking: “...but it's bad what God has done...” Then
those children experienced fear and submission by fear. That became a big paradox anchored
in their superego. The children pushed it deep into their unconscious where that paradox held
with firm grips. Buried deep in their unconscious, this paradox remains active and affects
negatively their mental processes. We will use the principle Gog and Magog to see the real
story behind the myth.

1) Sacrifice: to offer, to be at someone disposition...at someone discretion of uses.

2) Let’s find-out the opposite and complementary: request, receive.

This is simply the principle of supply and demand!

3) It is easy enough to find the link, since God is the science of the universal rules, to gives a
child to “God”; it is to respond to the pedagogic needs of the environment.

So, here is the translation: Abraham made available to God his son Isaac, so he can learn all
kind of scientific information in order to behave wisely later when he would provide for his
family while leading his nation.

A trinusial system do not have to be Active or been activate by us. As an example religions will
produce extremists as well as masochists. Psychopaths in charge make their business out of
their presence; religions do not necessarily quiet down frustrated peoples, they are living their
own hell on earth, there is no need for that. Of course the trinusial system of religion is there,
but it can be present as a potentiality only, it does not have to be activated. We can make a
metaphysical law about it: Any trinusial system can be present as a form of potential only;
some of them can be activated according to our wishes.

To think that a living god have plans for each one of us is simply personal defeatism and
therefore low-self esteem about selves; it is willingness to be suffering slaves under oppression
where self-determination has no meaning.

Some peoples perceive "deductions" as "prophesies"; deducting come from clues that gives us
plenty of information’s, and extrapolating logically those information’s gives us a high
percentage of certainty in our deductions concerning past and future events. A detective,
dilettante or not, is not a prophet. The prophets from ancient primal religions were men of
science who metaphorized the primal philosophy.

Law: The body of any society follows the same basic natural principle than any organic body.
Concerning the psyche the more the ego ignore the basic needs of the body it control by
ignoring its messages (the id), the more extreme the body reacts to make itself heard; in real
life we call it politics, this is how after all it is the social body that gain control over heads of
states. When the needs of the social body are answered then heads of states can think freely
about philosophy. From this basic natural principle we can make plenty of statistics (also
called prophesy by the ancients).

Nostradamus understand perfectly that the laws of nature (the natural principles) follows a
logical pattern and it is by the use of reason that we can get out of our moronical infantile
religious non-sense as the translation of this quatrain reveal: "The sublime cosmic bodies that
are visible without end to the eyes, by their reason to obey the laws of nature, will come to
obscure the mind of those who do not understand reason, invisible for them, even from what
their senses tell them; they will also reduce the religious and sacred orations". (Nostradamus
IV-25). In simple words Nostradamus is saying that even according to what their senses tell
them, what the cosmic clock tell them, and what common sense tell them throughout all
existing phenomena that we can see, the religious bigots cannot understand reason, logic is
invisible to them, but religiosity is doom to disappear.

According to Jewish faith in every generation a potential Moschiach is born; Nostradamus

was one of them. Nostradamus was no fool, he was a wise and very knowledgeable scholar in
many ways ahead of the times he lived on (that why he was a prophet), he knew about the
Dark universe (Aphrodite; Venus for the Romans) as the translation of this next quatrain

When Venus will be reveal to Earth

Under the splendor of her occult hidden form

Religious bigots exposed to the fire of Mercury

Will make warlike noise by having been insulted.

(Nostradamus IV-28)
The Burning Bush

To play the Gog and Magog game we have to know the context of our research. In this case it
will be “Exodus 3”. We already know that anything before Moses' times, from Adam and Eve to
Moses himself is events in mythical forms. Moses, prophets and Co tells us scientific and
historic information in a hermetic form to protect the Torah. He knew we would discover the
codes. That is, when we were smart enough to do so. That included also when our technologies
were capable of destroying our world, meaning the end of human kind by the destruction of
our environment. “Times are ripe”. The times are now. To play the game, we need a dictionary
to see the definitions and a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. All right, let see “exodus 3,
the burning bush”. The vision of the burning bush in the context of “exodus” is a small matter
that we will run under the principle of Gog and Magog to see what it gives us. We will simply
use the words “Burning Bush”.

On the one hand we have:

1) Bush: wild bushy little shrub...

The opposite and complementary would be:

2) A mature tree fully evolved, with endless ramifications.

Now we concentrated on “burning”:

1a) ardent: devoted and enthusiastic.

The opposite and complementary would be: 2a) Object of devotion.

Now, we need to find the link between the object of devotion, which is the mature tree (a tree
represents structures) and the enthusiastic little growing form of life represented by the
burning bush.

3a) the link is to grow-up by the uses of life forces: pulses of life breathe of life, evolution in
time trough the breath of life.

Now the context: Getting out of Egypt.

Let's bring these elements together; knowing the real story behind Exodus is to avoid the
plagues. Here's what it gives us:

“Moses, part of the elite class, knowing to be chosen to be the leader of a new nation, saw
himself as merely a small bush full of ardor. The knowledge consumes him without setting his
clothes on fire. One has to know where to stop thinking for a little while, take a break before
going further.”

Moses talked about himself and his feelings with a certain sense of humour, and at the same
time he gave us a serious warning. It is the same principle under a different story in the Greek
mythology: the story of Icarus. Moses was targeting us at this present time.

The story tells us he was the guardian of a flock of sheep (the Israelis) he's leading to pasture
(to move on, and to acquire knowledge), he just wanted to say “Hello!” to us with a wink and
also to give us the warning to “be careful”; he is still guiding us now. Quite a simple and
amazing story full of science. Did anyone think Moses was deprived of a sense of humour
because he could talk wisely?

Gog and Magog is a simple working tool which is fun to use. At the same time, it is compose of
the opposites that created a whole universe. The force (Gaia) responsible of the creation of the
universe without any opposition in sight, but only a void (Ouranos), become force in space,
and the basic principle of it became a universal tool for anyone to use. That tool will help us to
comprehend that same Universe that it created. It is a very simple and elegant tool. It became
forces in action for us to understand and to use at our discretion. As a Universal tool, we can
use it for mental purposes (abstraction) or for physical purpose (concretism). Are our minds
ready for it? Watch out, that tool is curse, it can destroy or it can build happiness. It is a double
edges sword. Only real social minded persons would not be affected by the curse. The others
better keep their distance as Moses warned us to do. Remember Icarus. Humanists are aware
of the danger of some religions and religious bigotry, plenty of them takes upon themselves the
responsibility to warn peoples of the dangers involved. Understanding that the natural fear of
peoples facing the unknown, in their existentialism questions, is of secular nature more than it
ever was of religious dimension, plenty of those good individuals are trying hard to use their
limited knowledge in every field of science to awaken people to the reality of things, and rather
to waste precious time to argue about it, like the creationists loves to do, they prefers to
advanced the knowledge of humanity by keeping busy in the sanctuary of their labs and
studies; their most recent findings in psychology as well in genetics and technology are
concrete proofs of their arguments. Humanist-scientists from around the world and from
different cultural backgrounds know there is nothing to argue between them when they
discover the truth concerning some natural principles; these principles are the same for all and
all over the universe. Only religious sects from different cultures argue between themselves in
their chaotic behaviors (see chaos theory). Adrift, been concerned about whom they are it is a
fundamental need for peoples to know and to prove to themselves they worth something (self-
esteem) in this world and being part of the whole universe. Being part of religious association
(or denomination) fulfill part of that need even if they don’t know what still for them the
mysteries of the universe. It is that lack of secular knowledge, which gives them mind
insecurity, which reinforces their ties with their religious beliefs, which make them to become
bigots (being the bests, knowing it all). The same goes for cultural bigots (as superior race... etc
...). Behind those bigotries all they really want is to have faith in their own importance.
Survival is a question of cooperation where everyone has its own importance; survival of the
mind on the world scale for humanity as a whole is also a question of cooperation in the
secular level, and not by fractalizing the human race into religious sects. Sins are asocial acts
against humanity; on Earth the human mind become purified of the stains of his asocial
behaviors by causality in action which (action/reaction) makes the tormentors to be the
tormentees in the destructiveness of wars; the blood of the tormentor (the offering of our blood
for our sins) is drawn until better judgment occur in his mind." Indeed, under the law almost
everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of
sins". (Hebrews 9:22). Causality makes "forgiveness" of a "sin" instantaneous since the causal
reaction is instantaneous in the mind and latter on for the body; “Where there is forgiveness of
these, there is no longer any offering for sin." (Hebrews 10:18). These are part of the natural
laws handled to us in a fancy primal philosophy (or primal religious) language; it is simply
some of sir Isaac Newton laws in the psychic level. We are under our own responsibility, that's
what causality tells us; therefore we better learn and understand the natural principles, fast
but without “burning” ourselves, to avoid worse unwelcome stimulus than the ones we
experiencing now.

The light assembles to become mnemonic and the natural principles became words (became
internal data), and the mind become memory and the memory become ADN to become flesh;
thus throughout processes the light becomes flesh. "The word became flesh and dwelt among
us" (Sermon John 1:14).

If Noah was in fact a highly develop scholar who knew and live the primal philosophy, then
part of our future will be part of Noah past. As we know "history repeat itself"; therefore Noah
wisdom will become the wisdom of the future king of the world.

Nostradamus foreseeing that event made easy enough statistics concerning the pre-requests
for it to happen as it is mentioned in this translation of one of his quatrain: "The Catholic
church will be persecuted by the truth, and the Islamic holy temples will be plundered: those
who were their followers will strip these ancient places of worshipping to their mere shirt
(structures) when the Arabs will rally to reason". (Nostradamus V-73).

Already some of Nostradamus prophesies are part of our actuality as this translated quatrain
witness: “The religious scandals will be put to light, they were hiding under honors and
commendations and engraved medals of silver and gold, the end of these scandals will come in
very strange torments.” (Nostradamus VI-9)
Myths and Dreams

We are little burning bushes just like Moses. We must learn all possible sciences concerning
our fields of interest without burning ourselves out. There is a double meaning. Moses gave us
the message that he considered us all as pupils under his guidance. Science won't destroy us.
We can avoid destroying ourselves by using wisely our technology. Technologies are here to
help, not to destroy or enriched only a few. The treasures of sciences are for all. Abraham
picking up the wood for the sacrifice means picking up bit of science that can destroy if we
want it destroys us.

The "Holy Grail –the universe dynamics- (also known as “the philosopher’s stone" among other
appellations depending of the mythical story belonging to which culture in time), as a physic
entity, is a master of disguise, like a chameleon it can change its color (changing story) to be
confounded with the cultural environment. Blending with its surrounding as a very effective
form of camouflage for the morons it proves itself to be the expression of its physical condition,
meaning it is the light in all its colors and functions that forms a whole universe. The changing
of color (adapting to the cultural environment) signals all there is to know concerning the
universal society as “One” in all its dynamics. Individuals who uses the secular humanistic
approach can dips their lips into that calyx naturally made to quench the thirst of humanity
(beside others races), so thirsty for true knowledge, and been represented by the mythical
Jesus of Nazareth which story was dreamed on by one or more Levites who infiltrated the
ancient political Christian party.

For Abraham to sacrifice his son also means we can use science to destroy our children by our
ill use of science. God stopping Abraham to sacrifice his son means science is not made to
destroy life but to create pleasures of life. That was simple enough to understand, it is like
deciphering a dream when we know the context.

Freud talked about dreams. Ancient cultures talked about dreams. Even now-a-days, the
Indians of North America know some part of the real story behind their dream catchers, the
real meaning is : Catch the bad dreams, do not let them fly away, they are warnings. Let the
pleasant dreams go through the screen; they are for the world to enjoy. There is a key to
unlocking dreams: it is to know the context and understand what we are looking for. The
stories of the Old Testament are like dreams. What seems to be a bad dream is often a warning
of what can go wrong in our life. Basically Moses told us: “What can be a bad situation can
turn out okay if we are careful”. Indians say the same thing but in a more poetic and elaborate
way. Dream catchers are symbols of Moses' warning. Moses told us a lot of things of scientific
and philosophical nature in stories...in mystical bedtime stories, so we could sleep on it. The
North American Indians knew that long ago, this is why, to this day, they are making dream
catchers for their own use and to sell to tourists.

Moses being a wise man, it is possible that somewhere on the physical surroundings where his
story takes place, maybe are still some remains (ruins) of a place of learning such as a little
temple or something like that, from way back in time; or maybe a sacrificial stone or maybe a
barbecue stone with some lunch remains scattered around. Ribs maybe?

Some bigots in their lack of self confidence like to be related to God so they won’t have to accept
the natural challenge to find "the way" (evolving) by themselves since God will do the job for
them; in other words some bigots are too scare and lazy to use their brain, they rather let other
peoples do it for them, that’s what makes them easy prey for false prophets.

Religions come and go, but secularism improves with age.

Wrapping of Time
We wish to live in a sweet world where harmony is our every day lot and yet we owe our mind
salvation to everyday cruelty. Only reason is what keeps us from death as we follow our own
adventure during our journey in life. As our body succumb to the insult of fate where nature
has only contempt for its material part, our soul find the wind of wisdom as our bodies already
decays. Time indignant to bodies carry the spirit of evolution for the delight of the mind while
being the tool of life.

For the creationists to think there is a divine being, master of time, which exist and runs the
whole universe according to his wishes, and resurrecting the past death flesh sometime in the
future, that's includes that there are two set of rules; One for the whole universe, which is
everything, and one for himself, for his own subjective pleasure. That is impossibility, a
contradiction. There can be only on set made of thousands of little and bigger rules, from a
simple basic principle, which forms the universe; and they are objectives by nature because of
their own automatism.

As strange it may seem at first sight, we have to have a close view and, at the same time, a
general understanding of what “time wrap” mean to see where, in the compilation of scientific
data, the resurrecting of the long death flesh is impossibility. We will do that in a clear and
easy language as much as possible. Let's see what Einstein have to say with what we discover
so far:

Time wrap is the circular motion of energy rotating in a spiral manner and in a helix form,
and having the properties of space-time dimension. A space-time dimension is the “elasticity”
distortion of space up and down, left and right, forward and backward that can make time run
slower or faster, as Einstein discover. It’s all depend on the masse involve in that distortion
and where is the observer in relation of the masse involve. Everything in the cosmos (us
include) are part of space-time distortion; that what makes time to be a relativity, and space to
be a distortion of time.

The spiraling and the helixing is a mix phenomenon due to the effect of gravity (primal void)
versus the fact that the primal masse was non-uniform; it is from that fact that “time” got its
three-dimensional wrapping spacial dimension. “Time wrap” is time wrapping around itself to
form any object in the cosmos. This is why planets turn in the “screwlike” direction of their
“time wrapping”. A planet is a closed area of time wrapping. A planet itself is the condense
veils of time that floats around it while wrapping it. Cosmic spiraling and helixing in a closed
area forms (or creates) a massive curve in space, like a planet. That cosmic phenomenon do
not emanates from a central point, but from all directions of space to make a central point. It’s
getting progressively condenses as a masse revolves and evolve from it. Different cross
between a spiral and a helix, such as the conic helix etc...Are produce by the time wrapping

“It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who
stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in;” (Isaiah

Spacial areas of low gravitational field indicated area of higher percentage of primal mass,
and spacial areas of high gravitational field indicated area of lower percentage of primal
mass. The percentage of a gravitational field being the percentage of the presence of the
original void made of gravitons. The nature of matter and the structure of the universe are
primarily made by time-wrapping in different closed areas.

Matter is a solid curvature of time distortion. More close is the observer to a planet more
distort is the curvature of time distortion. As the observer go away from the vicinity of a planet
the veils of time are stretching loosely in space... kind of floating, this is Einstein's “time
dilation”. Think as “hf” which are waves of energy to be also waves that forms the different
floating veils of time. The cosmic sea of time is made of different veils of time. “Hf” became
“masses” by the wrapping phenomenon of time.

Even on earth, the distance in time passes at different rates for people travelling at different
speeds; speed is the shorter distance between two points in time. The same goes for cosmic
speed. The only difference is that the stretching of time and the condense of time affect the
distance in time. That is “time dilation”.

“He stretches out the north over the void and hangs the earth on nothing.” (Job 26:7)

As Einstein discovered, the time dilation effect means that by travelling into the cosmos at high
speeds unreachable for a normal earth vehicle on earth, a traveler become a “time traveler”
since a few years journey for him would be thousands of years of earth time. That is the only
time travelling one can do; going back, as flesh and blood, in time is an impossibility; unless
we are using our genetic and mental memory... their “souvenirs”. Because of the time dilation
phenomenon, one can wed is own “flesh and blood” being an two thousands cosmic-years old
ancestor while being a 35 earth-years old direct blood relative without the parties involve
being consider as close relatives anymore.

While time is wrapping around itself, the components of the wrapped veils of time, which are
quanta of different frequency, interacts with each others. Under the condense of time getting
more and more massif, the quantic interaction, between layers of veils, creates sub-atomic and
atomic particles. What was once veils of time became masses. There is no turning back as the
original times-veils are not longer in existence. That's what makes travelling back in time to
shake hands with Julius Caesar impossible. Same thing for the resurrecting of the death flesh,
all the previous component of what once was a living organism were recycled long ago. To
reproduce new flesh in laboratories, from a flesh sample or DNA sample is a complete different
story. This is reproducing, not resurrecting. It is to “fire-up” an existing form of memory; not
to raise the deaths...Unless “raising the deaths” is simply a millenniums old expression veiling
the scientific facts concerning DNA. The Egyptian “book of the deaths” may just talk about that.

There was no chaos that preceded the self-creation of the universe. It cannot be since a chaos
implies moving forces as energy. Non moving potential forces mean non-existence of time.
Therefore time start as the universe self-created itself from those two forms of potential that is:

1) Primal non-uniforme mass; 2) the void. This is to say that the universe was always there
since time was non-existent before, and time is from our perception of it. How can one says
when the universe was born since no comparative measurement outside the universe is
present? To give a date to the birth of the universe is to ask these paradoxical questions: “Why
not before? Why not after?” The reality of time ran the affairs of the universe. It is time that
makes us being able to admit to realities. The absence of time being an unreality, then: “the
universe was always there is the correct answer” since reality was non-existent before time
was. The unreality of the primal void can be reality only if it’s in use (it is, as gravity) and the
reality of the primal uniforms masse can only be if time is involve. Therefore, the reality of our
universe was born from timeless unrealities makes the universe to be always there.

As Einstein said: “time is relative” even to its own presence. The universe shone light onto our
mind by the presence of time, as light is time: moving forces. In spite of the fact of voidness
time is leader of minds as its spoke through its creations. As forms of life we are the answers of
time to the question of voidness by our mind ability created by time. Nature, as logic of time,
can only impresses mind voidness. Time, stability to its own creation by being relative, turning
the tohu of our mind into order, as it is destined to become by time itself, leads us to the path of
mind-paradise. This way self-determination and time objectivity do not collides but unites.
Time is the rock, the cornerstone of evolution: the natural force creating life by the mere
presence of the primal matter breaking apart as its falling into the void (gravity) of

The nice thing about general evolution is the fact that nothing happen at once except for the
primal void; this is why life came to be an eternity in time and will continue to be an
evolutionary process. If it wasn't the case all will be stand still just like the primal void. Anyone
for a good drink now ... Aspirin maybe?

The original oral Kabbalah is unique, and few are in its possession; beside these initiated are
those who believe to know and to understand the Kabbalah, but they only grasp the literary
aspect of it and they derailed on the esoteric tracks of the religious concept', religiosity push
them there. Let us put quickly the dot on the "i": the universe is only pure objectivity, if this
wouldn't be the case there would be no logic and natural principles would not exist. Space and
the waves of energy are real, they mingle to form matter, and time, although relative from a
system to another is as real as energy is real (which is actually time in motion). The reality can
only be perceived as a whole from a logical and objective standing point, and by using the
scientific method to validated any of our finds, otherwise our subjectivity takes over and our
mental perception of reality will be distorted, what we see is as real as what we do not see.
Ouranos is the total vacuum, the spatial dimension where time does not exist, so it is where the
movement does not exist; life and thought therefore depends on the very movement of time,
which is energy: moving forces. Thinking becoming a force in motion has a tangible impact
toward quanta as the phenomenon of telekinesis witnesses. "The Endless Light" (Olam Ein
Sof), although of a finite amount is at the origin of the universe and takes its name from the
fact that it produces an endless evolution, so making the universe to be eternal, better known
as "The Eternal" by some religious circles. The universe is perfect, so perfection is not a
chimera, if it is not perfect it would be a chaos that would not lead to any kind of evolution. The
perfection of the universe lies in its total objectivity whose memorial element (life: the dark
universe) produces conscious and subjective forms of life (us among others) which gives us our
free will. The universe is perfect and it is us who are not. For the universe "to be" and to
continue to evolve the duality of departure (Gaia and Ouranos) must be maintained in all
systems. Ouranos is the "lack", the primary container (the container call "infinity"), the void!
The nothingness is a noumenon; it has not been created (neither Gaia for that matter). "Ohr
Ein Sof" is the abundance, it is Gaia on the move (energy) busy to occupy the territories of the
infinity of nothingness to become the "Olam Ein Sof": the endless universe, therefore: eternal.
The light is something concrete, sometimes we see it and sometimes we do not see it, our sense
of sight perceives only a certain part of it; a quantum is concrete and because it is his number
which composes light, it has a mass that our sense of touch cannot register (aside of course if
we receive an electric shock).

The worst religious bigots are the ones who are twittering their thumbs (with a rosary or not)
contemplating their umbilical spot thinking they are the ones who will be save by God from the
gehenne (which actually they are in the middle of it) and are ready to take arms to destroy
anyone who would dare to disturb their zombie state of mind; the term " twittering their
thumbs" encompass to go over some of the same religious rituals day after day (so they do not
have to think in order to evolve toward wisdom) in the hope that the religious Moshiach will
deliver them from the sins of the world so they can adore him better! What a freaking feudal
joke! They shall try to understand the Kabbalah instead. For the initiates Cabbalists "God's
hand writing" Is simply the material world evolving trough the dynamics of the light, thus
"God" still writing! And the real Initiated Cabbalists know it, it is like the "Never Ending
Story" in a natural (thus automatic) cosmic scale, therefore "God" is not finished but it is finite,
we got to see the amazing cosmic sense of humour in it to comprehend with more facility the
cosmic singularity that is our universe. To know "God" required the secular scientific
approach. The initiates of the Kabalistic secrets do their best to let us know it in an esoteric
manner closer to secularism than to religiosity. The Kabala it’s in fact merely reinterpreting in
its own way the revelations of scientific and historical scientific data that lies in the Torah. We
have to understand that in Ancient times the "religious" thought and politic was inseparable as
it is in the moronic Islamic thought of today (because Mohammad was a psychiatric case).
This is why at first glance (the literal one) the Torah and the Talmud seem to speak mainly of
socio-ethical behaviors for humanity to follow and by domino effect of the legal aspects that
has to be put in place to strengthen the concepts dealing with morality. That is why the insiders
of the secular truth hidden in the secret dimension of the Torah translated it less rigidly to
erase some of its literal "" religious" aspects and therefore strengthening the secular bridge
between the Torah and our current scientific knowledge for the "revelation" to take place
sooner than latter for the well-being of humanity.

Static Charges and Gravity

Law - The positively charged void (Ouranos) sucking up any negatively charged forms of
energy is gravity in action.

Any positively charged forms of energy, like individual hairs in someone head, under the
influence of being static charged, are repelling one another as they “search” for their own ways
to reach the void, or to reach gravity.

The build-up of electric negative charges as well as positive charges on the surface of objects its
call static electricity. The excess of a negative charge is neutralized when brought close to a
region with an excess of “void polarity” or positive charge.

Gravity is not necessarily only under our feet, it’s a phenomenon reaching the
tridimentionality of space. It’s also in the ceiling of our living room and in the air we breathe.
Friction creates charges; when we blow a balloon with air, and then rob it against a pull-over,
it will stick-up to dry ceiling ...until the charges are neutralize.

The term “static” is deceptive; it implies “no motion”. In reality it is an imbalance flow of
energy building up, or flowing out, or “jumping out”. It is also a potential of energy being built
up in a material and ready to get out.

By different means, natural or artificial, electric charges build up in materials that are
including our bodies. Depending on the turboelectric properties of materials, one material may
“capture” some energy (or electrons) from another material when they come in contact. This is
gravity (the sucking force) in action. The material, our balloon, being previously negatively
charged, and now losing its excess of energy (or excess of electrons) want to be positively
charged; the material capturing the energy, (or electrons) our ceiling, want to be negatively
charged. That's what makes a chemical bond, known as adhesion, which is forming between
the two materials. If we separated those two materials from each other, a charge imbalance
will occur. This charge imbalance is where the jumping spark of static electricity comes from.

1) The separation of two different materials bonding together by a flow of energy produces a
static discharge.

2) The meeting of two different materials having the same charge produces a static discharge.

Dry weather (low humidity environments) is a natural means that increase the building up of
static charges in materials, and the rubbing of clothes in a electric dryer is a artificial means
that also increase the building up of static charges and “chemical adhesion” when those
charges are flowing between different materials.

A static charge is: 1) A charge ready to flow; 2) A flowing charge between two different
polarities. “Static” means a charge and a discharge of energy.

Static accumulates in areas where the charge cannot escape and are ready to do so. Non-
flowing static charges are potential of energy. Static electricity build-up is when spare energy
(or electrons) is ready to move away from a material.

A flow of static electricity (static flow of energy) is when the accumulation of extra electrons
(negatively-charged particles) that was previously builds up on a material is flowing out or
jumping out of that material. In is non-flowing (or jumping) state, in this case static electricity
is a stationary electric charge that is built up on a material.

Humid weather release the energy (or electrons) from their static state within a material to let
them flows through the damp air, for it is the many minerals and gases that are dissolve and in
suspension in the moist weather that conduct electricity; then the material may become
electrically neutral. Think of electrical charges as “shiploads” of energy of positive or negative
nature. We can make them travels where ever we want. They have different shipping roads of
different quality, some better than others depending if it’s a copper wire going South or
something else going North. A shipload of energy can go toward gravity land or away from
gravity land. Flying saucers does....And even our mind does!
Law: The cosmic gravity field is consisted of graviton' which are the closest in space to the
cosmic quanta.

To use the term "antigravity" when thinking about escaping Earth gravity implies "working
against gravity"; If we want to escape Earth gravity or any planet gravity we need to work
with gravity, not against it. We need to work with cosmic gravity to escape planets gravity.
"Gravity" is "to fall", using gravity is like Judo, we choose in which direction we like to fall, and
that would solve our problem of expensive transportation with our present harmful fuel


Since the primal matter was not rounded therefore the universe is not rounded.

Since the universe is not rounded and it expand on every one of it point in space than gravity is
present on every point that is not occupied by a quantum.

Any place in the universe where gravitons assemble is a place that will move objects passively
from one place to another despite earth gravity.

Static charge and gravity are two important component of “Universal Convergence”, static
charges are part of an army of “stand by” and Gravity is the first natural cause of the moving
of matter and particles alike. Universal convergence is a natural phenomenon dependant of
the presence of the causal principles (or causal forces); in a system it is the response being
trigger by the action of the primal stimulus which is the cause of the moving of the causal
forces involved in that system: stimulus leads to the convergence of one or more different
entities to be a unified response toward the source of the stimulus; the whole process its call
Causality in action. "Universal convergence" contains automatically the "general,
convergence", which is a coming of togetherness of two or more distinct entities or phenomena
to form a unitary system becoming the resulting causality. The whole universe is an ever-
changing sum and nature of general and single convergences that is part of its dynamics; the
whole of that dynamics is the "Universal convergence", and it is a crucial part of general
universal evolution since the natural performing task of the universe is toward general
evolution. Man being integral part of it is that what makes us, like any others living beings, the
“living truth”! The myth of Jesus as being the representation of humanity as the “living truth”
is purely of scientifical origin. As we can see there is no coincidences, only convergences. Jesus
as “the son of man” simply means is an invention of man, a myth representing the whole of
humanity. In convergences the converging entities do not form necessarily a new entity but
one entity can be the support of another entity.”Acts of God” are convergences reaching their
conclusions. Man can affect any system for their components to be converging or not. With the
right data on hand anything can be predictable; concerning human behavior, like matter
behavior (physics, chemistry etc...). We already know that the environmental behavior affect
the object(s) of interest, and within living beings that's include the genetic dimension.
Basically Statistics study past, present, and future convergence (being trigger by one or more
stimulus) that affect behaviors; this is why statistics are integral part of psychology as well as
astrophysics. Psycho-astrophysics is the study of the psychosocial behavior of the Dark
Universe, which discipline has yet to be created by man. To study the psychological behavior of
the goddess Aphrodite (the Black Madonna,) which leads toward many of her astrophysical
behaviors, and understanding her emotive neutrality, will be man last frontier of knowledge
concerning Genesis; it would be like our clinical study of a living “God” of feminine
characteristics with the help of our futuristic technology; we will undress her.

"To live by the spirit" always mend "To reason by the power of the mind".

Chaos and Harmony

“ Mind-chaos” is for not knowing (agnostism) how to deal properly with all kind of data, and
neither having a clue how to self-explain the ways of harmony. If we want to understand what
harmony it’s made of, we have to understand what chaos really is in the cosmic level. Chaos is
part of the universal puzzle. All systems are dynamical, they evolves as time evolves. Time,
from being cosmic stretching veils made of waves of energy, containing different quanta, and
travelling on different frequencies become masse. The whole universe is dynamical. We can
say that evolution is as an exponential growth of perturbations under the causal laws. All
systems are sensitive to causality. What seems to be universal chaos is in fact universal
harmony at work in all levels of evolution, and at each moment in space and time.

Feeling scared out of your wits from some religious bullying which gives us a poor perception
of ourselves has an enormous impact on our perception of selves versus reality; we learn how
to reject the natural self-confidence we were born with. Our personal judgment about selves is
related of how we perceive reality and our contributing place in it. Some religions teach us that
we are "God" slaves, to believe it decreases our self-confidence and automatically our self-
esteem to be human; as consequence we cannot contribute to the world psycho-social
advancement with the maximum efficiency that we are capable of by nature. Our big flaw
concerning metaphysics sects (religions) which are bullying us and that we are involve with is
to have the tendency of believing them blindly by pure fear and therefore without taking the
scientifical approach to see if any (or some) of their religious sayings are valid or not.
Religions like Christianity and Islam seeing themselves as the opponents of the secularism of
atheist-humanists cannot tolerate for their disciples to doubt them, therefore the scientific
approach to prove them right or wrong is out of question.

Now we live in times when there is no more need to act like Nostradamus for who drinks
Ambrosia from the Grail. Based from the honey of knowledge Ambrosia is the intoxicating
liquor of the mind (liquor of the gods = the spirit of things); But you would be fed with the
finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you." (Psalm 81:16). That liquor
possesses seductive properties which maintained the beauty of the soul and the energy of the
mind. It deifies and immortalized the human soul.

All systems are deterministic, meaning that their future dynamics are fully defined by their
initial conditions, with no random elements involved....give it time to be mix-up with evolution
(dynamics of causality) to change the character of their behaviors. This change of behavior is
sometime defined as deterministic chaos. Deterministic chaos is evolution being busy recycling
post-consumed deterministic systems. Relativistic chaos is the deterministic chaos being
relative to time dilation.

The use of the term chaos may suggest complete disorder, but all there is it only indicates our
limitation to calculate the degree of disorder, in different systems, which causality is
responsible. We cannot model yet the whole picture with simple rules that have complex
results. We simply call “chaos” what we do not know yet. Chaos and esoterism is the same
thing: a “not-knowing”, it is a lack of information about a specific field. Try to make sense of
how a recipe work to make simple Dijon mustard if no one tells you how! Chaos and esoterism
are two different words that indicates the same thing but in two different fields. To erase chaos
and esoterism in one mind is to know perfectly the field of interest. Where there is neither
chaos nor esoterism, there is knowledge. Our repeated iteration of simple mathematical
formulas in computers makes our calculations practical but does not finds new causal laws.
“Bounded chaos” is a useful term for describing models of disorder having a defined structure.
The Chaos theory and the Unified fields Theory are in negative correlation, knowledge is the
link. On the other hand the third stage of positivism is in positive interaction with the
understanding of Unified fields Theory, the link is wisdom.

For a psychologist, a chaotic behavior from a mentally sick person makes sense when he
knows what mechanisms of adaptation are involve. The same goes in physics. Let's make a law
about it: “What seem to be a chaotic behavior from any systems involves the uses of
mechanism of adaptation of those systems when interacting with their environment.” That law
is equably good for the psyche as well as it is for the cosmos.

Chaos never existed as a physical state or a spacial physical phenomenon. That word simply
indicates our lack of knowledge and understanding. Therefore chaos is a state of mind. It exists
as a spiritual (mental) state. By using that word we are projecting our chaotic mental
subjective behavior into the physical world. We are using mathematics to create a science that
deals with chaotic phenomena while psychology searches were, in one’s mind, is the
Because everything is naturally subject to be “unstable” evolution can occur; if it wasn't the
case there wouldn't be any dynamics. Turbulence is the name of the causal game. “Chaos” is a
full component of all systems. A simple tiny use of a mechanism of adaptation can make a big
difference when trying to forecast the behavior of a system. Lorenz, in his field, had discovered
that small causal changes in initial conditions of a system produced large changes in the long-
term outcome. It is also call the “butterfly phenomenon”. Edward N. Lorenz, found a 3-
dimensional structure corresponding to the long-term behavior of a chaotic flow, like our good
old planet Earth which is a condense spacial curve (a mass). It is call the Lorenz attractor. It
has the shape of a butterfly. It shows how the state of a dynamical system which is the three
spacial variables of a three-dimensional system: length, width and height, evolves in the
wrapping of time in a complex, non-repeating pattern under the influence of Einstein dilation,
leading to evolution. Lorenz attractors are causality in action.

As we can see chaos is an integral part of universal redundancy. Universal redundancy is the
constant repetition of the same laws under different aspects. Some (if not all) of those aspects
include the fractal phenomenon. Biological systems such as the branching of the circulatory
and bronchial systems proved to fit a fractal model as mention by Mandelbrot who published
“The Fractal Geometry of Nature” In 1975. That was part of his study concerning “chaos”. As
we can see, chaos is not that chaotic; it involves adaptation to the environment. Harmony find
its source in a organize “chaos”. As strange as it may seem, it is the so called cosmic “chaotic
behavior” that always bring peace to one chaotic mind in the conscious and unconscious level.
The adepts of the charka science will tell you so. Harmony is a science to know by
understanding all facets of “chaos” and use them in the appropriate manners. Chaos is simply
our own non-understanding of some facets of evolution. Harmony is a constant mind and
feelings progression under the supervision of causality. It is part of the general evolution
where knowledge and the comprehension of it in all its different fields (psyche and
environmental) leads to harmony. One personal harmony X number of the world inhabitants
= world harmony. We can clearly see that ethical scientific researches and proper education is
a must to eradicate man-made chaos for lack of wisdom based on knowledge and libido.

For anyone to be an asset for Kidnapping, torturing and killing peoples without their consents,
or giving the orders to do so (as a prophet or not) "for their own good (or soul salvation)" and
in the name of “God” and harmony, is not only a religious paradoxes that has nothing to do
with fundamental ethics, but it is plain evilness under the smiles of a religious bigot-
psychopath with plain schizophrenic tendencies, just like the infamous self-proclaimed
"prophet" Muhammad, and others "respectable" members of the Catholic inquisition, some
past Popes included.

Theists do not give their permission for Atheist to reach paradise, but plenty of Atheist-
Humanists are already there anyway and their number surpasses the number of Theists. The
paradise of Theists on Earth is “la folie douce”.

To avoid further Man Chaotic behaviors leading to senseless wars we shall make a worldwide
law, and respecting it, that says: No one, nor any country shall be enslaved by others
individuals or countries; neither by economics means nor religious means, neither by force nor
by blackmail. Cultures has to be respected and all the religions of the world have to be studied
to find out what is the true and what is false parts composing them by having the first
philosophy as the harmonious gauge of truth. The first philosophy is the whole of secular
knowledge as “One” has been proven in its rightfulness.

Without the non-Islamic nations helping the Jewish nation for the Jewish nation to help
Moshiach to help them for them to help humanity, socially speaking, Moshiach will be a
“nobody”, Israel will miss the boat, and so will be the rest of the free world.

Suicidal Civilization

In their culture of betrayal the sociopaths, moronical extremist religious bigots or not,
confound their killing spree to impress their partners in crimes as gallantry in action.

For little or for how much they know about the natural principles, these principles are oasis of
calm in peoples mind by their reliability and truthfulness. Around THOSE OASES is man
restlessness and violence throughout religion against religion, calling each other’s "heretics",
and cultures against cultures.

No one, no ideology nor religion has a monopoly on the natural universal principles; it is
rather them which have monopoly over us. Therefore who said he speak on their behalf is an
idiot since they can talk by themselves in their own ways and to all of us by causal effect.

When the Iranians revolted in 1979 they only have the choice between two evils: their former
corrupt government or the present religious Islamic state; now instead of suffering under the
policing of a secular corrupt state runs by imbeciles they become a bunch of sado-masochists
under a religious government run by idiots.

A civilization means a culture, or all the cultures within one world. It is composed of
individuals who have within them, the basic need of love and belonging; and who have
different beliefs (opinions) in a materialistic and intellectual world.

Now-a-days, we split our personality into different categories. One of them, the rational one, is
when our intellect is relying heavily on the rational side of things to adapt to our fast-paced
world. It is not far from “morbid rationality” which is not based on emotional roots. That
personality wants to bring the money home, no matter what or who it destroys. That
personality is part of the “fine print” culture. We talk here about the fine print at the bottom of
a legal contract and any kind of advertising. At home, usually, the emotional roots are back
where they belong. Then we become prey of the fine prints that our other-self elaborated. Fine
print is a vicious circle made to destroy people’s minds in the name of economy. Economy can
easily do without it. Us also.

Social ethics come to us as a form of religious beliefs and the morality of a society As natural
ethics (see libido) are pure instinctive behaviors (humanist theory), religious beliefs and
societies give us some of our acquired social behaviors.

The beliefs may contain paradoxes moral values, like: “your neighbor is a stinky dog because
he is not one who believes that our religion is the best, we shall kill him”! Under the pressure of
that kind of belief, a lot of people who feel the pulse of libido get mentally disturbed as they seek
their emotional roots.

It is nice to have a roof over our head, a swimming pool in the backyard and a nice car to
travel around. It is good for the economy to have the money circulating. Nothing wrong with
that. Possession of property is a reward of one’s work, not a value by itself. A reward may be
of valuable importance, but an expensive piece of jewellery has no moral value by itself.
Therefore to base our moral values on possessions is wrong. To base our economy on the
circulation of goods is right. To induce people to buy, using a form of marketing based on a
morbid rationalism is wrong. Same thing concerning the lobbying. Ethics are within us. They
are part of our mental structure. Ethics do not need societal law to tell them what to do
concerning the economy. Sociopaths need those laws.

Too many people are attracted by the oblivious affection that expensive things gives them, and
too many people want to buy love but attract only jealousy.

The race for the goods to buy love leads us to destruction. That includes environmental
destruction. The search for harmony based on ethics lead us to all kinds of sociable creativity.

The suicide of a civilization is not only in the degradation of nature which is under its
responsibility, but its source lies mainly in the degradation of real ethical values.

The ethical concept is so simple. Most of us feel intuitively that concept. It is the needs of libido
in the conceptual Freudian form. It is Aphrodite with open arms.

It is not because we don't like to find Aphrodite (love) and her open arms, we do, and the
majority of us believe Aphrodite (love) is in all of us (Humanist theory). She smiles with our
smile and she loves with our heart. Sometimes thinking we have found her we blindly rush into
the arms of a smiling and charming sociopath. His smile was made of fine print.

The broken promises of a marketing society are in the fine print. All smiles on the surface and
demonic in their hearts, the small print devils are now running a mentally sick world. We
search for love and too often we find evil. Evil people search for blind loving people and they
find them. Afterward they open our eyes concerning their products and that makes us mentally
sick. So sick and lost, time after time, that suicide seems the only door to find Aphrodite’s open
arms. And this is true, she is behind that door.

A contract in fine print is evil writing with an acquired unnatural smile. Normal print is from
loving human being in their natural state. Evil ones use both prints, human beings use only
one. Contracts with fine print are to avoid. It’s there where our troubles start. In a contract, the
length and the content of the fine print is directly proportional to the evil value of that contract.

When setbacks occur to individuals who no longer know what to do in our fast paced society,
they become subject to some form of cognitive distortion (thoughts are confused), which under
libidinous pulsion (emotional impulse) makes them act in some manic depressive ways.
Sometime they are very impulsive and unpredictable, other times they consider suicide. At the
base, it is all a question of paradoxical values.

The cognitive distortion experienced by one individual x n%, (from one society affected by it) =
how screwed-up that society is. And how close that society is to self destruction. In 2000,
global statistics provided us with the following figures: a person commits suicide every 40
seconds. Those results do not include suicidal attacks. Is to induce unneeded war also a form of

The basis of any form of suicide is about the paradoxical perception of our acquired values we
cannot face anymore mixed up with a final push in the back. There is always a last straw that
breaks the back of the Camel. Societies and circles we belong to are the ones that induce our
perception of things. What is our circle?

A society itself as a culture commits suicide from its societal mental state with little emotional
consideration toward its members and the natural environment that sustain that society. What
form of self-esteem is there when ethics are resting on the bench? The natural environment
doesn't give a damn. It will always be suitable for forms of life other than our own. A natural
environment is always a natural environment. It will always be a good one for one form of life
or another. Cockroaches can survive almost anything. They must love us. They are waiting for
a chance to take over. It is impossible to destroy nature, but we can create our own suicide by
altering our natural environment. Other forms of life can cope with our alterations. The
suicide of our civilization would be a profound lack of consideration toward ourselves. This
lack of consideration will destroy us; the high suicide rate proves it. We are lost in the maze of
who we really are. We don't know our true self anymore. Too much morbid rationalism; too
much stress from paradoxes. Any society that needs to translate ethics into laws is in trouble.

A mass suicide is on the horizon. Without affection, toward the harmony of oneself, toward
others, or towards nature can only lead to cognitive disaster with the consequences that go
with it. Then what? What would be the solution when all limits are broken? Suicide maybe?

When commitments are unnatural (wrongs), meaning against natural rules, one life becomes
a maze of contradictions. Unresolved paradoxes slow down cognition. Trying to respond to the
demand of marketing, pushing us to fulfill unrealistic goals, do not straighten our problems
but creates them, depleting ourselves from who we really are. Unrealistic mental attitudes are
the downfall for what its call a functional depression. Depression come from a “strangled” flow
of cognition and its triggered by various causal reasons, functional, and/or organic (includes
genetic). An organic depression is to be chemically depressed only. In every instance of our live
we need to use reason to cope with our environment. We are the only one in total control of our
psyche. Religiosity and marketing try to takes control of our ego, via our superego, by various
means, subliminal and hypnotics. Surrendering our mind to unreality is to build in our mind
anti-cognitive walls leading to depression. Problems are challenges, puzzles to be assembled by
our faculty of reasoning to see the whole picture. In that sense any realistic challenge that our
intellect can cope with makes our mind stronger. What weaken our mind is to listen more to
man-made myths than what reason (conscious intellectual extrapolations) and common sense
(innate instinct) tells us. By not reasoning we are doom for depression and other functional
mental illnesses.

Even if organic depression can be “cured” by bringing our natural balance of serotonin levels
closer to normal with the pharmaceutical chemical product called “Prozac” or any non generic
brands like it, if the depression being functional at the source, psychiatric help is needed to
change one mental attitude; neuroplasticity, where the mind affect the body, and vise versa, is
the reason. All Prozac does is to gives a “high” by releasing organically the flow of cognition
regardless of the functional side of the depression. A real deep depressive person, after a last
unproductive cry to find meaning on his life, does not see any more meaning to keep living and
under the influence of the feeling of his total powerlessness over causality, gives up his wish to
live. If suicide does not occur then, nevertheless, that person don't see any point to get out of
bed nor to keep connected with the rest of the world; it is some kind of voluntary autism, some
kind of a “waving glass wall” is been consciously (if the sickness is functional) or unconsciously
(if the sickness is organic) elevated between the depressive person and the exterior. Sometime,
as time go by, that waving wall shows fissures and the cry for any meaning to live sets in for
uncertain and relative periods of time. The main missing functional ingredient is libido as
libido is the pulse of life.

Also, individual suicide from despair not to receive, nor to be able to offer love, and being
recognize as a decent human being, Is often a last self-offering of one total love to humanity as
an ultimate message proving to humanity that the suicidal aspect of humanity is to self-
rejecting itself one individual at the time. Brainwashing religious institution like Catholicism,
Christianity, and Islam, in their insanity and irresponsibility toward basic human needs, as
freedom to humanistic-secular approach to education, are nevertheless (mis)using gladly
scientific findings to better armed themselves to wage wars to occupied the lands where a man
made myth like Jesus of Nazareth will supposedly return to; under the suffering of terrorist
attack from either camps of the antagonists at war the needy are rising their prayers to
heaven, and Aphrodite in her neutral love does hear all the prayers and respond to all
throughout causal-synchronicity.

The unity of the Catholic Church resides in its suicidal faith in the confession of the mythical
Jesus of Nazareth being literally crucified and then literally raised from the deads. Catholicism
survival and also Christianity depend on the effectiveness of the evangelizing action of the
Church around the world. Christianity believes Jesus of Nazareth to be "the Lord” in the sense
he is the whole of the natural principles in their consciousness as a living being ...Whoa! The
“potestas docendi", entails obedience to that faith in order that the Truth, which is Jesus of
Nazareth himself, continues to shine in its greatness! There is not much difference between
Islam (for which is Muhammad who shines in its greatness) and Catholicism in their
moronical beliefs and choice of words! They cannot see that it is simply the light, as energy,
that shines in its objective greatness! It is a race between these two to see who is the stupidest!
Catholicism stipulates that its “ultimate goal is to achieve full and visible communion of the
disciples of the Lord”; all Catholicism has to do is to get the real definition of "the Lord" to
unveil the secular truth behind some of its sayings. The Catholic Pope and his ecclesiasts live in
a dream (fantasy) and they develops their own vocabulary to have the futile illusion that
dream is reality.

Nostradamus knowing the secular teaching being veiled under the Jewish faith which when
taking literally as being sterile, thus bearing no fruits, to be finally understand by the
"infidels", meaning by the atheists, made the quatrain VIII-96; in it Nostradamus compare the
exile of the Jews in the city (the daughter) of Babylon with their "mind-exile," meaning their
lost of reason, which keep them miserable’s and sad by having their mental-wings clipped.

Only the ones who search for wisdom can understand a wise man.

“To clean our act” is to think realistically.

Suicidal remedy

Suicide is often one's sorrow saying farewell to this world being perceived as full of nonsense;
the union of science and parapsychology will be the remedy to stop all of this nonsense, but
libido is the real answer. The followers of the Moloch concept knew that.

We will find wisdom and harmony, each one of us on his own time, and this is the greatest
sadness of the devil.

“Seek and you will find” is a secularistic expression that has been appropriated for themselves
by some religions. To do more than is require under the idiom " go the extra length", simply
mean originally to understand what has been said, and to understand what has be done. That
millenniums old expression was already in Noah vocabulary and his forefathers before him.
We can seek and find the truth by going the extra length.

Law: “It is the union of sound science with measurable forms of parapsychology which
explains the phenomenon of life and libido within the energy that is the tool to find the real

This is not a ludicrous idea. The onset of mental disorders is the lack of searching within
oneself for the true values and the lack of ethics. Ethical values are of the parapsychology field
since they are a state of being. Any state of energy, mental or physical states, follows the same
universal laws. In the field of physics, scientists find all kinds of subcomponents of forces but
cannot explain the cognitive side of life-force. It is, for now, in the paranormal field concerning
the invisible universe. This is a funny situation when some knowledgeable scientists go to
church to pray to God without believing in parapsychology.

As we said before, science without libido is morbid rationalism devoid of emotional roots.

In the paranormal field, there are some charlatans and also some genuine mediums that have
some innate (natural) abilities. It is in the genes. All natural capacities are in the genes.
Parapsychology and metapsychics are synonymous and they concern paranormal
phenomena. Paranormal phenomena are studied by the science of parapsychology. It is
particularly interested in extrasensory perception which is the presence of intuition. It also
studied psychokinesis (psychokinese is the same thing) which means, in parapsychology, the
direct action of mind over matter; it is a question of the electromagnetic forces (see magnetism
and electromagnets) that our body produce.

Telekinesis, in parapsychology, is the spontaneous movement of objects. It is possible to

measure the force that occurs during this phenomenon. Science can measure a lot of things.
Studies in the field of parapsychology can explain many things for physicists. All physicists
have to do is to measure up. All forms of energy can be measured. That union between those
two opposing and complementary science will prevent many suicides when the results are
known. The link between physics and parapsychology is of a cognitive form with physical
potential like transmitting thought using the waves of energy. Some religions and sub-
religions are based on the Old Testament which is under the custody of the Jewish people. That
science had its source in Heliopolis and Memphis. Very few have understood the real scientific
value in it. It is time for us to have a second look. Why is the suicide rate among Jews less than
the norm? Why do Jews manage to scoop-up over 20% of the Nobel prizes when they are less
than 0.2 % of the world population?

Fundamental ethics is the true hedonism in its psychosocial harmony, but we do have to use
mind-feng-shui to orientate our mind in a psychosocial caring arrangement in relation to the
intellectual pattern of the yin and yan from the flow of energy (Qi) that reaches us from our
environment. In short: fundamental ethics is the end-product of logic where hedonism is of
psychosocial nature where the sharing of pleasures is of libidinous nature having for result
man building utopia; and mind-feng-shui is to orientate our receptiveness toward what
psychosocial minded individuals have to say in regard of libidinous thoughts.

As long we still acting like imbeciles in all fields, and without a sense of humour, we will stay
on the level of Earth greatest predators instead of Earth greatest gardeners.

During the apocalypses times, the same peoples who are reading the comics strips of the news
papers in the w.c to relax their mind and their bodily functions, will study the Torah and the
Kabbalah for the exact same purposes, understanding the “spirituality” (humour) in it , and
this is good.

The automatism of the universe made it so that man is capable to develop his intellectual
abilities to understand its mechanisms; but we must realize that it is by "observing" - thus by
studying- the Torah, and the commands therein, and our demetaphorisation of it, that we can
shorten the time of our research. From agnosticism to Gnosticism and from stupidity to
wisdom, we have to fill up the gap by our work and efforts in order to elevates our mind to the
affairs of the universe by ourselves, this is our communion with the universe; it is an
achievement that we can win only by our own efforts. There are two parts in the Torah: 1) the
commandments between man and his creator (the light), 2) the commandments between man
and man, both parts have the same goal: to bring man communion with the universe.

The Forehead

When using euphemisms to point out to an idiot his wrong behaviors, he may accept them as
compliments to be a genius on his field.

Man of the future will perceives today religious bigots, zealots and evangelists as pitiful
retarded clowns.

The flow of the natural principles in the universe in the form of light is Ambrosia in the Holy
Grail from which our mind become enlightens.

Moses, like some ancient Greek philosophers after him, was an encoder, he was a person that
converts information (data) from one format and coding it to another; his main purposes was
for secrecy, and security under political reasons for the good of humanity. As for us, dilettante
decoders, we are the human devices who does the reverse of what Moses the encoder did; we
try our best of undoing the encoding Moses was dreaming of, so that the original information
can be retrieved. All we have to do is to reverse the same method Moses used to encode
scientifical, psychological, socio-psychological, and historical data. Being amateur detectives
we can do it the secular way on the light of our science and archaeology. It is from science that
Moses made myths and it from science these myths can be undone. We may as well forget
about the religious way where a certain angel Gabriel is supposedly involve handling down
precious scientific data for us not to do our homework; we must use our forehead instead.

The forehead, or brow, is the part of the face between the eyebrows, the normal hairline, and
the temples. To mention the intellect, the ancient Hebrews used the word forehead. Adam was
to earn his living “by the sweat of his brows” means by physical labor and by using his intellect
for him to adapt to his environment. Metaphorically speaking, the symbolic sign of the finger
indicating the forehead mean to indicate a person mind, the seat of his spirituality or intellect.
In Hindu tradition, the location of a third eye, the eye of the mind, is in the center of the
forehead to indicate the location of spiritual insight. Spiritual insight, or adequate reasoning,
is “divine”. The third eye, representing reasoning divinity, can also be found to be part of some
Hindu god’s anatomy. Tibetan meditation practices focus on the center of the forehead.

The root of the words divinity came from the Latin “Deus” and Dyaus, closely related to Greek
“Zeus”. The god Zeus represents a harmonious intellect. Divinity literally means “Godlike” in
the sense having the insight of the function of all the natural universal laws.

“God (nature) has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods (all natural
events and mental processes being represented by the gods) he holds judgment” (Psalm 82:1).
Translation: In the meeting of the universal laws with humans, causality holds judgment.

Libido is something to live for. Libido pairing with knowledge gives understanding for us to lift
the mental veil of darkness. Suffering and hate toward the source of suffering repulses, it is
something to get away from. Suicidal people and also the tormentors are in darkness, they
want to end their suffering. In psychology it is well known that it is normal for an individual to
turn away from bad stimulus and to be attracted to pleasant stimulus. Alternatives are there.
Psalm 82:1 to psalm 82:4 it’s an eye opener; it open the third eye, the eye of our mind.

Anyone using his forehead to bring new scientific data to light can say he is working for
science; anyone who say he is working for God try to prove it by his manipulation of scientific
data that were previously bring to light by scientists. Scientists do not take away the magic
behind mysteries; they rather unveil the mysteries to show how the universe does its marvels
so we can copy its ways to do the same. Isn’t that what Christianity says all along:” to follow
God ways”? And God is the control of the universe? Meaning: the whole of the natural
principles (as our secular dictionaries are already saying) controls the universe? Well, that
makes the natural principles to be “God laws”!

In the literature of the torah, the use of the word “forehead” in different sentences has many
different meanings. It can mean: Thoughts, mind, mental sickness etc. The Torah puts plenty of
emphasis on psychology. We have to read between the lines...

“(....) you have the forehead (the mind) of a whore; you refuse to be ashamed”. (Jeremiah 3:3).

“It shall be on Aaron's forehead (mind), and Aaron shall bear any guilt from the holy things
that the people of Israel consecrate as their holy gifts. It shall regularly be on his forehead
(mind), that they may be accepted before the Lord.” (Exodus 28:38).

“But the house of Israel will not be willing to listen to you, for they are not willing to listen to
me: because all the house of Israel has a hard forehead (hard mind) and a stubborn heart.”
(Ezekiel 3:7)

“They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only
those people who do not have the seal (the real knowledge) of (what) God (is) on their
foreheads (minds).” (Revelation 9:4).

“Then Uzziah was angry. Now he had a sensor in his hand to burn incense, and when he
became angry with the priests, leprosy broke out on his forehead (he become mentally sick) in
the presence of the priests in the house of the Lord, by the altar of incense.” (2 Chronicles

“And the Lord said to him, “Pass through the city, through Jerusalem, and put a mark (a word,
to talk...) on the foreheads (minds) of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations
(unethical, illegality) that are committed in it.” (Ezekiel 9:4).

Metaphorically speaking, someone sign, or mark, in someone else forehead simply mean that
an individual accept in his mind, as face value, with or without proof, the sayings of someone

Using their foreheads the ancients Egyptian High Priests radiate their knowledge to Europe
via the Greek culture. Ancient Greek philosophers imported Egyptian music as well as
Egyptian secular knowledge back to their homeland; they metaphorized both to create a better
Hellenic culture. Maybe the Greeks where not "Pharaoh peoples" as the Jews are (since Israel
was from Egyptian blood line) but nevertheless the ancients Greek philosophers were
Egyptians high priests delegates to implant ancient Egypt secular knowledge (music included)
in Greece for Grecian culture to become the cradle of European civilization.
Man is a seeker in the existentialist field, and man won’t cease to seek until all the pieces of the
universal puzzle will come together on his mind and that he can prove scientifically the
rightfulness of the big picture.

Brute force and hatred can only achieves destruction; mind finesse and care will achieve
utopia. When the disciples of so many Christian religions and sects will realize they were
betrayed by their spiritual leaders they will turn to the ethico-humanists scholars to find true
enlightment. These scholars will teach them that true prophesies are exact statistics that are
formed automatically in the mind by the natural cognitive process based on the humanistic
eclectic approach where the emotional roots are included, and not by any religious miracle.

Plenty of our present scholars in their humanistic approach are closest to the primal
philosophy than any Pope will ever be to God since primal religions are the brainchild’s of
ancient scholars who knew the primal philosophy. An esotheric sense of humour was never
forbidden in ancient Greece concerning their “ religions”; Ares the god of war still lives tank's
to Hade the god of these dead-minds hugging Thanatos and who badly need the psychiatric
help of Paen the god of mental well-being who takes care of the nuts (cases). Even Apollo the
god of purification in order to see the light of thing needs sometime the services of Paen.

The link between sciences and primal religions is simply a question of translation.

Every instant can be a enlighten one if we choose it to be.

The extremist Islamic bigots have a wicked (thus a bloody asocial) sense of humour; the
righteous ones do have a sane constructive sense of humour.


King Moshiach will give to Humanistic-Atheism its nobility by his mere presence.

The potential Moshiach will become Eliyahu (Elijah the Prophet) if he does not accept the
Moshiach job but accept the prophet position; in this case Eliyahu will come before Moshiach
to inform the world of the advent of Moshiach. If the potential Moshiach will accept the job,
then Moschiach will come before Eliyahu. The potential Moshiach is not lining-up for the job,
neither is Elijah; that leaves room for all the false prophets, full of bigotry (the antichrists) to
line up for these two jobs opening and stir-up world troubles.
The sociopath, seducer, will be ditched
and he will be tied up for some time.
The clergyman think is the chief behind his cross,
but it is rightfulness that draws satisfaction.

(Nostradamus VIII-95).

The loving hearts find their proudiness by changing slander into praise, but vanity being the
brake of the advancement of mankind, makes a man so satisfied with love that too often he
passes without noticing from pride to vanity when self-praise is involve. In broad terms, we
come to understand what libido is all about: the sharing of pleasures (and yes, sex it’s included
as bonus!). Now let’s have a look at self-esteem, especially on the wounds inflicted to self-
esteem. In the psychiatric field, “An injury in ones self-esteem is a mental wound inflicted upon
the sentimental momentum we have toward ourselves”. Libido links the values of the exterior
world to the values of our mental world for the evolution of self-esteem to harmoniously
continue its course. Without libido, there is no harmony in ones self-esteem. We have to
understand that in the eye of the universe we are nothing special; we are only special to our
own eyes. Jews know very well that faith takes over what intellectuality leaves off, in other
words the belief in a god start on the boundaries of science; but science always pushing away
the boundaries of knowledge will eventually erase the need of that part of the Chaos theory
that created God.

Our original sin is for us of being agnostics from birth, but the psychosocial sin of the Catholic
church is to makes us to feel guilty about it; and then turning around our natural dependency
toward the natural principles to find psychosocial harmony Catholicism induces infantilism
toward its disciples by telling them to adore a man made god, who supposedly "created the
whole universe", without questioning any of "his" behaviors since “God” is there to help us in
the condition if we “adore him”! That creates within man an inferiority complex, which is an
advanced state of discouragement (especially when the fear of the fire of hell is also present),
making us to overcompensate, resulting in spectacular achievements or extreme psychotic
behaviors, or both. On the other hand our science, in its diverse disciplines, study the universe,
thus questioning it, in order to discover the logic in its behaviors for us to use them to our
psychosocial advantage to creates, for the long term, an harmonious universal society call
utopia. It is not science that makes wars, but man ill using the double edge sword of scientific
knowledge. It is more easier to believe in God than to learn all the Scientifics information that
has to be known to reach a certain form of enlightment by our own sweet and blood; this is to
say that who believe in a living subjective god is intellectually lazy and lack self-esteem, the
believers don’t realize that to “believe in the power of the spirit" means in reality to believe in
the power of our own mind (spirit), they did not take the extra length to comprehend the
saying behind the literal. Self-esteem is to love ourselves for who we are, we are born with a
natural instinctive self-esteem. As we grow older our acquired self-esteem come from our
interaction with our cultural environment. Any external interference, which tends to change
the nature of our profound cultural values, may cause injuries to our acquired self-esteem.
Generally we like to evolve in the same circle of values that we learned from. We have the
tendency to keep those cultural values and not change them. A change of cultural values leads
automatically to some form of injury within the acquired self-esteem. The human factor (our
unreliability) makes us to refuse this change. This is because the necessary cut-off and retrieve
part of the old cultural values in order to change the nature of them will alter our subjective
mind. Therefore to make some kind of mental surgical operation that will hurt the old acquired
self-esteem. That old self-esteem does not want to give up, it doesn't want to be hurt, and it
wants to stay the same. Concerning the sociopaths, it is simpler on the intellect to be evil-
minded and stay that way. It does not require much reasoning and it is fun to laugh all the
way to the bank. As for the ethical minded people, the assimilation of new knowledge would
not harm their innate self-esteem. Quite the contrary, it will make their acquired self-esteem
much more harmonious than it was previously. Nonetheless, it can be a complex process for
the intellect to cope with. Emotions are involved when that process occurs. There are two form
of cultural self-esteem: 1) The social one; 2) The asocial one; the link is “values”. Values are
socio-cultural. Cultural Self-esteem is in close relation with cultural teaching. Depending on
which aspect (school of teaching) of his culture teaches him, an individual would have the
tendency to base his self-esteem on how well he does according to his learned lessons. That is if
he accepts that teaching to be part of his values. Brainwashing is a science in itself. That's what
makes a soldier a soldier, a rabbi a rabbi and a suicidal bomber a suicidal bomber. They all do
it to keep their cultural self-esteem and to evolve in that same self-esteem. Cultural Self-esteem
has its roots in ones love for his socio-cultural circles. Those are divided into units: 1) Love
toward one (one unit); 2) Love toward family (close circle of few units); 3) Regional love (Lots
of units); 4) Provincial love (a lot more units); 5) National love (units of the whole country); 6)
Continental love (continental units); 7) Universal love (all the units). Those units are all
playing their part in the building of one’s cultural self-esteem. From love towards oneself
(egocentricism and narcissism) to Universal love is an evolutionary process out of reach for
the evil-minded. They know what to say to fool gentile people that are enough for them since
their main goal in life is to make money, not to socially better themselves for the good of the
whole. They cut their emotional roots (libidinous roots) for some psychological reason. As we
can see self esteem is territorial. It has a language and a culture. Self-esteem is a unifying bond
within oneself toward the rest of the world. A bond of belonging and being proud of that bond.
To alter that bond is sometimes perceive as having no respect for others. Therefore one must
use tolerance towards the values of others to avoid potential conflicts. It's called diplomacy. We
do not want parity, we need different cultures. Parity would be a “perfect” equality where
everybody thinks the same thing at the same time, blahhhh. Too often the voice of the wises are
burry under the fanfare of the idiots who make plenty of noise to cover their asocial behaviors
in their personal search for self-Esteem. The body and the mind are built to work, each in their
different field, neuroplasticity make them to work in unison; Self-Esteem cannot be base only
of having big muscles or a “perfect body” (that is vanity) but how we use the whole psyche for
psychosocial harmony (that is pride). Vanity is a trigger of wars; pride is the psychological
reward of having being a part of harmonious constructiveness. Imbecile’s religious bigots
think Self-Esteem is to let "God" do everything for them, so they can sit and wait, and they call
it "Karma" in their laziness for not willing to see what is there under their noses and being an
important conscious part of the building of Utopia. Everything around us is part of a natural
(automatic) science; Scholars and dilettantes who can see it with open eyes have their mind
living already in the future while plenty of morons in the present times dismiss their findings
as delirious and pure science fiction; but nevertheless it is them,” the angels of God”, who are
building our future. Ultimately what's make an individual to be "cool" is to be wise. “Cool” is to
live in peace with selves and others. Self-Esteem and having fun as a result of our socio-ethical
behaviors is part of the universal science (or logic). Scientists are having intellectual fun in the
present by discovering and understanding some natural laws; religious bigots, in their present
sufferings, do not question God ways and are still praying for God' enlightment so they may
have some sensory fun in the future (which is insane). "Spirituality" was never mended to be a
religious state of being but as a wise and sane mental attitude (or intellectuality) toward
reality; plenty of our present scholars know that and teaches it. Third rate religions versus
scientifical approach are insanity versus sanity, look at Islam! The ancients Egyptian scholars
"better known as High Priests" in their wisdom knew that is impossible to ask anyone to
concentrated his mind seven day a week and twenty four hours a day in the primal philosophy
field, and constantly searching for universal knowledge; this is why their suggestion to live a
natural human life come to us in the form of the Sabbath; we must at least contemplated the
universal science (meaning to reflect on it) one day a week. Of course Christianity taking the
word "contemplation" literally makes a big business of it by saying we must contemplate God
without questioning him (but it’s ok to contemplate a Renoir or a Rembrandt and to ask
questions how they did it as part of the contemplating process). Whoever feel more
comfortable to think that the whole of the natural rules are a living god may do so, but we
must keep in mind that the natural principles are totally objectives, and any living entities
contain subjectiveness; therefore to be a god mean to completely forget oneself to become
inexistent as a subjective self to become existence itself as a total gift of self to the whole
universe and become that whole universe as the dynamics of it and fractalizing itself in many
phenomena. That steer us back to the pagans formula that said all natural phenomena are
gods in action! Further in history that leads us back to Moses who said that all the ancient
pagan gods are assemble into one...That leads us to the Alpha and Omega; and that leads
plenty of psychopaths, and also vain religious morons, who declare themselves to be prophets
of God to the path of schizophrenia leading in turn to insanity and asylum.

As Einstein said light and matter is the same, and as Greek mythology said matter (as Gaia)
become a universe of light when weeding the infinite (Ouranos); and as Moses said we are dust
and as such we are cycle of (we return to) dust. The fuel of matter is light, matter by
conquering the territory of darkness becomes light; and it is spacial darkness that helps matter
- as particles of dust- to become light. Without the domain of darkness -its gluttony- there
wouldn’t be any light, but only non-functional dust; without Ouranos there is no way that Gaia
can become a universe of light by expanding its territory while taking the space of darkness.
Ouranos is the name given to the infinite domain of darkness on its nothingness and Gaia been
the primal and finite non-uniform mass. Without them it wouldn’t be any eternity, thus no
movement, thus time would be inexistent, thus no evolution in sight, thus no universe!

There are two sticks concerning the teaching of the universal truth: one is the secular one, and
the other is the "primal religion" one; those two sticks become one under the intellectual
leadership of the Moschiach.

For utopia to become a reality humanity must be liable for each of its member.

Grain of salt for the Paparazzi's

Sometime it is hard to accept the truth for what it is. Our personal life experience where life
gives us lessons about reality is of personal matter belong to oneself alone, from it we can
atone; it is a personal matter.

When a person become a figure of public domain for various reasons, or because of his/her
high social achievements in different fields, i.e.: the scientific field, it is only his/her words and
his/her discoveries and achievements that are to be held up to scrutiny but not the life
experience of the individual. That can lead to an excessive adoration (cult of the personality) or
to aversion in the expense of the truth from his/her discoveries. Any individual is only a tool, a
medium for the truth. We can love an individual for what he did without thinking he is a god.
History put people life under intense scrutiny to learn what chain of events leads to some
historical turning points. Anyone past life prior of his fame must have for luggage his own
personal learned lessons of life while on the path (his own coming) of his present fame, and
some of those luggage may as well have be found in the ditches of Sheol. Even though history
scrutinize what was done and why, we better live and individual in peace with his/her past life
if his/her present life is a positive and giant step for the world to go forward; otherwise the
world would stagnate in its present dark age. It pays only in short term for a stranger to make
a scandal out of proportion from a famous individual personal little learned lessons of live; in
the long run it can be destructive for everyone, and the world may lost more harmony as it
look to gains more scandals. This proverb is in loving memory of Diana Spencer: “Hatred stirs
up strife, but love covers all offenses.” (Proverbs 10:12). We will keep in mind that scandals and
scandals diggers won't affect the truth, but they affects, some time profoundly, our present life.
Scandals diggers, having hatred in mind, digs their way to Sheol. Our tong and our writings
can unite people in harmony, scandals diggers despite harmony for the love of fame and
money. Scandal seekers should be more concerned with bettering themselves as human beings,
for contributing their detective and writing innate talents and learned skills to the seeking of
social harmony, and by doing so making a difference in the destructive mental attitude of this
world. How many Diana Spencer shall the world have to lose before scandals seekers learn
better? Who a person was or isn’t irrelevant to the part of the universal truth he/she discover,
that's include libido (also called love). We can echo harmony, the words of harmony are in
nature, and nature is in us. Nature speak the truth but some people hear without listening;
they have been deceived by bigots and marketing. Nature brings peace between all who listen
to its words and obeys its commands for us to use its wisdom for our benefit. In their
objectivity, the structure of any part of the universe is made by nature; forms of life are using
that structure for their benefit or their mental damnation (mental illnesses). Most of the evilest
critical minded individuals whose destructive writings aimed to destroy others are in fact
destroying themselves and are living breaks pads that slow down the wheel of humanity
evolution. Human history won’t remember them; as for the ones that humanity will remember,
they will wish that history had forgotten their names. That race of sociopaths is too stupid to
know the difference between constructive and destructive criticism. In their vanity of thinking
they are so smart, raking money: the prize of their treacherous mind toward humanity and
ethics, that they cannot see that their contribution to evilness makes them living devils on earth
among others thefts of human resources. Constructive criticism is to find out and pinpoint
where dots to fill-up in anyone sayings and doings are, and being a helpful hand to fill those
dots. Opposite to it, destructive criticism is to try to shut-down anyone who lives behind some
dots to be filled. Einstein did not shot-down Newton. There always are some dots to be filled for
everyone to have the opportunity to fill them up as evolution goes. No one alive ever did, and
will never attain the supreme perfection of the mechanism of the universal rules.


It is the infinity of Ouranos that gives the dynamics of the universe their eternity; without
Ouranos life cannot spring (burst out) from matter and Gaia would be “Unleavened Bread”.

By "fear of the secret" knowing the world conflicts their secret can unleasch, the ancient
Egyptians, the Maya, Inca and other people we call "primitive" have their secret locked in
stones, that is, into the forms they have given to the stones; their lies their Kaballah: in stone.
When times are ripe and our science well advanced, therefore man understanding of the
cosmic affairs, then "the secret" of the ancients will be reveal to us from our own discoveries.

The Mayan had one God. According to the Mayan belief, that god told them he was a natural
phenomenon called “Hunab”, and he was the creator of the world. His work was symbolized by
the sun, and it is the whole universe. The Maya received from their god the “Hunab writing
codices” (codices are the plural of codex). The codices are books that are writing in
hieroglyphics (sign language). The name of the Mayan Moses was” Itzama”, and he was
considered as Hunabs son because Hunab was like a father to him. They called “Yaxche” the
tree of science and life. Their hermeticism was to conceal natural known phenomena under
other god’s name, saying those phenomena were under their control. They drew these sub-
gods by giving them odd bodies according to their inspiration. These drawings were made
from the way that some celestial phenomena arise in different geometric heavenly shapes. Alas
for them, their hermeticism turned against them, because the veil of hermeticism made religion
a science under bizarre drawing. When the conquistadors came troubles started. They came to
see if there was gold, they wanted ownership of it. The Maya were pagans; therefore the
confiscation of their gold was permitted. Forget economic exchanges. Pageant was fair game.
Because the conquistadors did not intend to make cultural exchanges, it was a disaster for the
Mayan culture and economy. Life as they knew it was gone. Over time, the conquistadors
massacred enough Maya and other people from other cultures like the Inca to avoid any
revolution. They converted the left-over Mayans and Inca to Christianity. While making slaves
out of them, they shipped their gold to Spain. The conquistadors were considered as heroes and
discoverers. Did anyone ever ask the Mayan and the Inca their true opinions?

The religion (science) of the Maya was based on astronomy. They wrote some of the universal
principles in stone. That became an astronomical sum of knowledge concerning the science of
statistics. Included in their writing on stone are future events. They knew celestial objects react
the same way as any objects because of causal reason. They also knew that it was the neutral
space between the magnetic fields of two opposing forces that kept the celestial objects moving
in their assigned position in space. They knew about the electromagnetic forces and the
gravitational forces as to be two different aspects of the same force: quanta being attracted to
the void. They knew the aura is made of electromagnetic forces composed of radiation coming
from the human body and having the capacity of attracting or repelling object depending of
the pole (positive or negative), we file that natural phenomenon under the label
parapsychology, mind over matter (telekinesis) where the use of quantic force or physical
wave of energy can move objects. They knew sciences. They knew everything had to follow the
same basic laws and these laws were interrelated. Their grand-priests knew that well before
Plank, Einstein and others. Hunab told the Mayan: You will understand all if you watch
celestial objects. And those words became the beginning of the Mayan's religion, and the Inca's.
Today Astro-physics (trying to find out what Hunab said) study the atom as well as the
cosmos. Physics studies the components of the atom and black matter starts to be part of
physics as well as astro-physics. They are getting into the invisible Universe, the place of
thousands of souls. When different atoms start to get together, physics says to chemistry “from
here it is your domain”. And the ball is rolling and keeps rolling from one scientific domain to
the next.

Thus, the apprentice prophets of today are our scientists, they need to work hard to become
prophets. The prophets of Moses' time had received their science “already cooked” on a silver
platter. With it came the instruction “Do not say it is science before humankind is able to
discover that fact by itself”. It is written in the Torah. The whole line of Jewish prophets, until
the last true prophet, repeated much the same science from one to another, era after era. That
is the true missing oral tradition. The Maya calendar of events stop where our real knowledge
of the Universe start. We can take it from there. From Heliopolis, the rays of the Sun City
reached the whole world, through time and through space. Maybe it is written under some
hieroglyphic symbols.

Many ancient pagan religions around the world find their source in the primal philosophy.
Ancient scholars who knew the primal philosophy were having too much fun adding gods and
others mythical figures in their pantheon trying to teach humanity to reason from myths, it
reach a point where the politicians in charge choose easier religions for them to understand in
order to better control the peoples; Rome choose Christianity and Muhammad invented Islam;
that was the doom of plenty of pagan religions like The Greek myths, the Egyptian myths, and
plenty of others. Luckily the Jewish faith survives so far as being a primal religion (even if it
does find its source in the ancient Egyptian myths) without been consider as pagan since it
implies the original deity from which Christianity and Islam find their sources.

Compared to the criss-cross puzzles of ancient’s myths from different cultures in time which
are veiling the unified fields (theory) but finding their source in it, the unified field’s theory in
its mathematical form is so elegant on its universal simplicity! Instead of teaching science to
morons with all the equations involved the ancient scholars elaborated myths instead since
Earth humanity was in its childhood, and what better way to teach children’s than by the uses
of bedtime stories …The primal philosophy is the in-between the Universal Unified field theory
(where life is part of it) and primal myths (or primal religions) better known as pagan

Mayan myths were like our myths: lessons to humanity. We can look at Early Christianism as
teaching secular lessons to humanity trough the amazing adventures of the lovable and
mythical Jesus of Nazareth who represented a part of humanity Journey. The Greeks did the
same, like the Egyptians, but with a whole pantheon of gods; those stories were like our
"comics books" of the time; our Superman and others comic characters teach us psychosocial
lessons. Science versus religion is to be well informed versus ill-informed. Already the Mayan
"religion", which was once considered as a stupid pagan idolatry religion by the Catholics,
start to unveils to our stunned scholars its deep understanding of psycho-astrophysics; Mayan
religion was a primal religion which let us know that "Doomsday" coming from the cosmic
alignment of the Mayan calendar (21 December 2012) indicates the end of a stupid world runs
by false beliefs to give birth to a new psychological era (the resurrecting of the dead-minds) in
order to build Utopia. There will not be any cosmic cataclysm involved, only a change in our
perception of reality. The “Revelation” is translated as “Apocalypse” and it is of psychological
character, not a physical end of the world by natural cataclysms. The universal “Moshiach”
who brings the “Revelation” is an "Anti-Christian" and also an "Anti-Islamic", that individual
is a humanist who is honest in the objectiveness of intellectual matters, and who is above
cultural, national, economic, and religious pressure, and who also laugh at any threat of
imprisonment and death threats. We need him more than he needs us.

The late Stone Age known to scholars as the "Upper Paleolithic", 45,000-20,000 years ago was
the period when fully modern humans were bring on planet Earth and multiplied. That period
is characterized by fully modern man behaviors such as tools making, fishing and hunting, and
also various artistic expression. The Bronze Age succeeded to the Upper Paleolithic period
called the late Stone Age. During the Late stone age and keep going to the bronze age there is
too many ingenious inventions that it cannot be done only by the natural Sir Darwin process,
some scientific data from ancient far advanced civilizations from other planets has to reach
planet Earth at the same time that the first modern man makes his apparition on Earth in
various locations; the late stone age was a “new generation” of modern man, knowing far
advanced scientific data, using the means of the land just like a bunch of boy-scouts of our
present days in order to fool future sub-generations of “the new generation” (known biblically
as “this generation”) for a little well until humanity attain the "age of reason" which would be
during the Apocalyptic era.

The Torah was distributed to all peoples of the earth, but under other names.

The universe has not been created in order for man to observe the Torah and the
commandments in it, the universe is neutral, he has no intention whatsoever, everything is just
automatic, and the diverse functions of the universe are been demonstrated in the way of
nature all around us and within us since time was around (which is forever) for us, by our own
work and sweat to try to understand nature, thus the universe, and obey its natural principles
(its commandments) for us to join its harmony.

Statistics and Sado-Masochism

The only difference between an evangelist and a used car salesman is the merchandise.


By now, we realize the statistics are math-phrases belonging to the language of determinism.
Determinism is talking to us in a symbolic math-form. Let’s face it, real prophecies from the
line of prophets or any other initiate students from Heliopolis are of statistical nature where
psychology and evolution is involved. There is no “divine” angel involved in the discipline of
statistics, only disciples of science and their teachers. There is no god as such, never was and
never will be. Even the Egosphere is of limited function. She is not the master of the Universe.
The Universe is a self-master and Aphrodite is under the control of the natural forces within.
She is more lovable since she cannot punish anyone. It is impossible for her to do that. To love
and to reproduce life is her main function. To reprocreated her love, in a concrete and abstract
manner, is her main function as she reproduce living beings and also loving thoughts. Those
two functions are from the automatism she has (with pleasure) to obey. She is the soul of the
universe (or the soul of “God”), the physical part of the universe is the “mud” of creation, and
the whole of all the biological bodies can be considered as the “biological body of God”. Here we
go again! “God” is simply the universe and its dynamics.

Ancient initiated Jews knew all that. They were saying we are parts of “God's body and the
soul of God are in us, and we were created from God”. Their function was to protect the true
meaning of the Torah, its scientifical aspect by simply giving us the end result of a complex
universal processus.While mentioning with clarity the proper social conduct to follow, they did
not gives us the processes of the psychology behind it. They also, give sound advice concerning
what is hygienic without going in details about microbiology; it is part of what is Kosher.
Judaism became scientifical symbolic gestures and customs to follow. Science is a religion! The

Some want to-be prophet became star. Look at the myth of Jesus and Muhammad. Throughout
the ages lonely loonies across the globe try to nick their fame with a gullible audience. Lack of
literacy levels and nonconformity of basic laws of physic and the knowledge they represents
seem to present no barrier whatever to the truly motivated and seriously delusional
individuals who thing themselves to be the Messiah. Some time, even without maintaining
socially acceptable levels of personal hygiene (the torah teaches hygiene) they may succeed to
have followers, even if they are not able to express too many coherent thoughts.

One day, knocking at the door of the initiated Jews, came Muhammad telling them: “I am here
to restore all the true revelations that were made to you by your ancestors.” So far so good,
they listened to him for a few minutes. When it came to the part where Muhammad tells them:
“The angel Gabriel himself told me to tell you”, the initiated Jew, who of course knew better
than that, indicated to him the direction of the door. Muhammad was a mad-philosopher, we
all are philosopher to a certain degree, and also we all are neurotic to a certain extent, but
Muhammad was not the one who represented the true knowledge of Israel. Muhammad spoke
only of religion without any suspicion of the scientific knowledge hiding in the torah. He did
not have a clue why Israel called the torah the “book of knowledge” and neither had he known
why the Torah is not really considered as a religion but as a teaching form of philosophy
where knowledge is within. Then, Muhammad founded his own philosophy of revelation,
which is based on some “religious” parts of the torah. Israel still held the truth. Muhammad
hated Israel for that insult to his self-esteem. He developed more sadistic tendencies than he
had before, and some of them were directed toward Israel. Muhammad becomes the founder of
Islam, the self-appointed prophet of God! We are all subject to sadistic tendencies when our
self-esteem gets frustrated. We all have that potential. Some individuals are using that
potential, some are not. Other forms of defensive mechanisms as mentioned by Sigmund Freud
(or mechanisms of adaptation as mentioned by Freud followers) are there to cope with

Before Muhammad, there was the myth of Jesus of Nazareth that was being created by the
ancient political Christian party, who spoke of love and eternal damnation if we did not love
God and humanity. Actually, some truth was said by using the myth of Jesus; some humanists
well versed in Egyptology may have know how true that was since the Jesus myth finds is
source in Egyptian mythology. The exact words concerning “love and eternal damnation”
without hermeticisism would be: “Without learning the true scientific knowledge of things, in
accord with ethics, one will only be subject to mental disorders”. The myth of Jesus of
Nazareth –which is the soul of the ancient Christian party- became the source of the Catholic
religion, and socially minded (most of them) moronical followers really thing that Jesus’ guy's
was a real individual! ... The only unique son of God and God himself! Wow! This is not even a
paradox anymore, it is pure insanity! Muhammad, with his sadistic tendencies was the
complete opposite of the Jesus’ myth. Jesus, with his masochistic tendencies was the complete
opposite of Muhammad. One was the opposite of the other. As history tells us, Islamic and
Catholics quite often had some kind of war to go through between themselves, concerning
infidels, and also stealing territories from each other. The only field they were in agreement
was to kill the Jews from time to time as politics of the times required. The Jews wouldn't
slaughter anyone; all they were slaughtering during pharaonical times was the pests and
viruses! All they wanted was peace and to mind their own businesses while keeping busy
gathering knowledge. They never went door to door to convert anyone, armed or not. They
called their temples “places of knowledge”. That gives us a nice clue. Muslims accept that the
mythical Jesus was a real individual with the merit to be called a prophet and Catholics accept
that Muhammad was a prophet. Both the Catholics and Muhammad claimed their own
Messianic views to be it. The Jews knew better! They are not that stupid!

Some peoples join the church to find peace concerning their anxiety disorders, and they end-up
with the sword of panic attack hanging over their head if they ever leave the church.

Christianity develop in its followers the "shameful syndrome" (or the guilty trip), thus for them
to feel guilty to be human and having basic needs (sex included) and being agnostics (original
sin); that way Christianity keeps its followers in a moronical infantile state of religious
dependency with the false promise that they supposedly and finally will find "God wisdom"
meaning divine Gnosticism trough their evangelization (or brain-washing); and in its vain
religious approach (therefore subjective approach with vanity involved) to cosmogony and
cosmology Christianity also believe that our scientific findings has nothing to do with our
scientific objective interpretation of “Gods ways” and therefore only Christianity hold the true
word of God, not science. It is trough that sneaky and deceiving way where the human factor
has the upper hand that Christianity helps itself to keep its unity, its presence, and its revenue
afloat. The Christian bigots see any of their good deeds, like helping the needy’, not only as
good opportunity to enhance their public image but also as opportunities for evangelization
(brain washing). It is lack of education and the escalading of troubles in the world that keep
Christianity presence, that’s spell opportunities for the church business. Christianity is anti-
secularistic, therefore against secular knowledge, therefore against being anointed by science
and the scientific approach, therefore Christianity is an “Antichrist”; and so is Islam.

Religions divides, science unites.

The last Pope (soon) will quit his job realizing that he is the representative of the antichrist
which is the Catholic Church; the word "Antichrist" is a derivative from the term "Anti-
Moschiach" which was stolen from the Jews by the Catholics. Catholicism is anti-Semitic in the
sense it is against Jewish final secular interpretation of their faith under the leadership of their
Moshiach, king of Israel.

Science and primal pagan religions will walk hand in hand, especially in the field of healing

In biblical time anointing was to consecrate (to purified the mind) an individual with the
secular ethical knowledge of the ancients, and in the end of his learning process the High Priest
(the teacher) apply oil on his head as a sign of mind sanctification (no mental illness and
presence of knowledge and wisdom) as a sacred cultural rite. Now-a-days we go to university
and get a diploma.

Hedonism is synonym of libido and that concept is to be found under the ancient god Moloch
that represented it; halas some narrow minded individual (represented by the Greek Minotaur
with his tunnel vision) get it all wrong, and in their sado-masochistic mind mistaken Moloch
with human evilness (being represented by the "devil").

Sadism and Masochism

What kind of qualities has to reside in our present sufferings for us to be able to be thankful for
the pain we self-inflicted today for tomorrows to be pure pleasure? It is of normal human
nature that when an objective is achieve for the good of the psyche and the exterior that the
mind takes a well deserve rest and allows the body to taste the fruits of sensory pleasure that
also delight the mind; to do others ways is masochism. To make mistakes is a sign of
agnostism; but to use our Gnosticism to induce peoples to make bloody mistakes is a sign of
sadism and evilness.

In both cases of sadism and masochism, these forms of perversions of mental pleasure, to gives
pain and to receive pain (sensorial frustration) derived from one or several deceptions in
which love for oneself (self-esteem) was at stake. Sadism and masochism are two different and
opposing reactions based on frustration. In the case of sadism, it is an alteration of a
personality in which pleasure cannot be achieved without imposing mental and /or physical
pain to others. In the case of masochism it is an alteration of a personality which is seeking
pleasure in pain and humiliation. Both types of perversions can alternate within the same
individual. Sado-masochism is the realization of the combination of these two types of
behavior within the same individual. However, when these two types of pleasure-seeking are
tame and well under the control of the Ego, they may be a natural force of social adjustment as
being a mechanism of adaptation.

The myth of Jesus of Nazareth was made for us to consider that fictional character as the
hippie leader of his times with love on his mind. In the 60' some of our hippies dressed like him
and grew long hair. North American Indians like the Mic-Mac already had some long hair
before the white man come. When they learned of Jesus' teachings and they saw the way he
was dressed, the Mic Mac' and other north-America tribes, accepted Jesus at face value. It is
possible that the strong link they developed with “Jesus the masochist” had something to do
with their high suicide rate, “the disciples following the leader syndrome”.

For one to acts after careful consideration, and for a scientist to dedicate his time and his
thoughts for the advancement of human knowledge, for one to be conscientious of the
consequences and to be vigilant of anything he is doing, in some circles, became religious
devotion. Devoting oneself to science became devoting oneself to God. Offering oneself to
science became, (after some misunderstanding from our human factor at work) religious
masochism with a fragrance of medieval submission to a master. For some religions, to open
our mind for the study of the universe became the mortal sin of the violation of God
territory....Some modern religions are killing reason with sadistic promises of punishment if
we do not follow their rules. What the believers says it is a call from God is in fact someone
frustrated with a society where he cannot be his natural self, being not accepted by societal
ways where economics take over, and decide to join a religious congregation in order to follow
its natural inclinations. Some masochists under the word of ascetic, and who voluntarily
chooses to leave mainstream society wants to live a life of penitence. Some philosophical minds
being brainwashed by religious saying lives a life of contemplation, prayer and meditation
within a monastery. Other deeply sociable people takes special vows committing them to a
religious life that permit them to lives actively their natural dispositions (or vocation) to help
the needy, the sick, and uneducated peoples. That sort of life, when one becomes a missionary
in the mist of another culture, contains the promises to be eventually molested and rape. In the
case of all the catholic nuns of the world who all are the brides of Jesus of Nazareth (he! what a
harem!), a mythical dead guy they never meet and never existed, but only hear about, they are
in despair for what? At the base we all are in spiritual despair for reason and knowledge, and
in emotional despair for love. In ancient time devotions by food offering to the gods was in fact
bringing good quality food, well cook or fresh from the garden, to the priests as reward for
their services. Fresh fruits were also appreciated when out of season. Priests let their followers
know what kind of food the “gods” likes the most. Now a day’s priests want money instead, but
good food is still also welcome. Wisdom says:"Do not believe anything from anyone without
solid proofs, that would be buying a cat in a bag"; moronical religious bigots are saying:"
Have faith in our almighty living God and master without asking for any proofs, he takes care
of everything”. Ancient Greeks knew that the mythological characters of their mythology
represents different phenomena and natural principles, the same goes for ancient Egypt and
various religions around the world. As for Christianity that religion simply forget to mention
that the unique God is the whole of all the different natural principles (represented by different
gods) and Jesus of Nazareth represent the whole of humanity that has to believe in self; the
question is: is that was deliberated sadistic move not to be more clearer about the real
definition of God and Jesus? To renegade our humanity for the profit of a "living god" is to ask
us to become unsociable and masochists. What about the "eternal damnation" part? Why
didn’t Christianity explain more clearly that we condemn ourselves to a life of darkness if we
do not seek by ourselves knowledge and wisdom the secular way? Here is part of the answer:
history tells us that the ancient Jewish Christian party was headed by scholars, some of them
knowing the truth about the psycho-astrophysical part of Genesis, and who makes their own
mythology (the myth of Jesus of Nazareth with the allegories that goes with it)) in order to
gain political power (which they did when the party headquarters move to Rome), but
overtime it seem that some sadistical Roman elements succeed to infiltrated the Jewish
Christian party and ending up be in charge; it is all a question of politics of the time. Some of
the Catholic Popes were evils in their sadism being reflected in their politics to destroy pagan
religions for their own profit, they wanted total control over people’s psychological state of
mind in order to retain power and the economic revenues that goes with it. The Levites who
were originally part of that “conspiracy” to put the mythical story of Jesus of Nazareth in place
keep their mouth shut when things went sour since it was (and still is) their duty to protect
their own life in order to protect the secular truth (from which religions originated) they carry
on their mind. Primal religions were mending to convey to us the politics of the universe; we
know some of them under the appellation "natural principles". Today religions are men
politics concerning their understanding of them. Without knowledge we are in the Dark Age,
and the peak of the European Dark Age was the peak of Christianity Religious Age; therefore
any religious Christian “Messiah” can only lead us to hell!

The fables of Jean de Lafontaine had as much chance to become myths and then religions, like
any others known religions, if Jean de Lafontaine was a politician with the backup of an army
belongs to a mighty empire like the Roman Empire. Muhammad, the founder of Islam, cannot
reach the ethical stature of Jean de Lafontaine but the army behind him was mighty enough to
intimidated peoples (bullying them) in order to keep him in the podium of the self-proclaimed
prophets. A self-proclaimed prophet can only be a kouac since that title is given to an
individual who's sayings can be proven to be true the secular ways; therefore plenty of
prophets (millions of them) were scientists and scientifically inclined individuals, and that title
were given to them by the peoples.

Take away the army which keep some of the religions alive and they will die in their misery.
Concerning the Jewish faith about Moschiach, who is simply a "no name" purely human
commoner and philosopher who discover the truth, at the beginning only a selected group will
know about him to possibly be the Moschiach, and as more individuals will realize his presence
the religious peoples among them will think that guy is a fraud and will reject him since he is
anti-"God" but teaches human godliness. His teaching will be to makes us to realized that the
kind of world ruled by an political elite, blinded by greed and lust for power and being back-
up by their money and their mighty weapons is doomed to fail. Even if that most of the media
world is being ruled and be under the control of a handful of powerful few who will oppose
him, it is by his generosity that Moschiach, by offering his knowledge free of charge, will
unveil and convey his secular message to the masses throughout our present technology.
Moshiach’s function is to help mankind to understand all the aspects of reason and to help
humanity to re-establish by itself a world order based on righteousness more than economy;
riches for all follows righteousness of all.

To Fight “God's” War

By definition "Truth" is of secular meaning.

A "Christ" represents Gnosticism; an antichrist represents agnosticism; THEREFORE

WHOEVER says he represents "God” and the words of "God" is a clueless religious moron.

To fight God’s” war is to extinguished the flames of mental hell. Cry o religious mind, cry! Cry
for YOUR GOD is death because he never was; and you o bigots, let your complains rise
toward heaven to reach the heart of Aphrodite, as she was the one you were seeking when
seeking for the heart of your God. Pope, priests and evangelists, it is now the time to lament
over your mind that was lost for so long for not believing the beauty of nature, nor the
righteouness of its laws; from roses bushes you offered thorns to your followers discarding the
elegance of the roses. You were thinking laws to obey were from a god without mercy for souls
being lost in their own hell. Yes, for so long you rejected the pleasing garden of your mind
where reason was the humble and affectionate gardener, that today see you kneeling over the
lost of so much human happiness that you didn’t allow yourself to enjoy.

The invisible part of the natural principles produces fruits for the mind; the visible part of the
natural principles produces fruits for the body; the natural principles produces the fruits of life
for the whole psyche since the natural principles are, literally, the ways of the light. Levites
knew that "God is a consuming fire" in the sense that the word "God" mean the dynamics of
energy, it is all secularism in disguise by putting on the cloth of religion to start another
human culture on Earth from scratches. Moses the son of Pharaoh was a Levite and Pharaoh
was the ultimate High priest of his culture, and High Priests were Levites, and High Priests
were men of (secular) science. Moses and his father Pharaoh knew more in sciences and
advanced technologies than we do know now but they keep it secret. By unifying social ethics
and astrophysics under a God made of pure (unstained) energy (been call the natural
principles) who teaches psychosociology (mental hygiene for all) as well as physical hygiene
under the appellation “Kosher”, Pharaoh leaves his legacy to humanity under Israel
supervision which transformed natural laws as “God’s laws”. That’s make Moschiach to be
from the true Pharaonic lineage all the way to Noah. Moschiach will be in office after Israel
will ask him for his DNA samples and study them in order to find out his lineage and those
samples will be handled "religiously" meaning handle with care with all the scientific rituals.
Primal religious rituals find their sources from very ancient scientific rituals.

Presently we have all kind of budgets to wage wars and covering-up the truth; it is like a
pressure cooker that will blow-up, and that blowing-up will be the Apocalypse where the truth
will come out of its cistern; that will be the “revelation”!

It is unethical politics that transform a just to a pariah, history tells that scientific minded
humanists who's creativity breaks the religious boundaries to wed science with myths became
social outcasts fearing for their live. It is so stupid from oppressive countries, Islamic or not, to
continue to rely only on military force in order to achieve a national unity that would secure
their tyrannical objectives where freedom of speech has to be an universal right to be fight for.
Man possesses enough intelligence and self-determination to rebel over time against any mind
murderer moron in charge of his country. Reason is a security mental force that’s more
powerful in its elegance than any man made weapon, as reason is well-funded by the universal
rules. Wars can be killed with roses, as reason is the rose and love its essence. It is possible to
gather roses without been stab by the thorns. Thorns are bad consequences. There is no need to
offer thorns with the vain promise of a rose garden somewhere else than under our eyes. In the
physical world there is the garden of the land and there is the garden of the mind. A biological
gardener takes care of the garden of the land, and a gardener of the mind takes care of the
psychological aspect of his mental land. If the soil of the land is healthy and well drained than
all kind of beautiful flowers can grows. The mind of an individual need to be enriched by the
humus of the truth for the drainage of cognition to flow freely between the flower beds of his

Historically speaking, ancient philosophers were men of knowledge that were called “men of
science”. They were taking care of the mental gardens of the individuals for harmony to be a
norm for their societies. They were scientists who “fights God's war” like any present ethical
scientist does. Scientists are theoreticians (philosophers) and often experimentalists starting
new concepts with hypotheses that seem to be logical. Then, they engages themselves in
systematic activities based from their hypotheses (new ideas) by using the scientific method to
proves without any doubt that they acquire the knowledge of some of the universal laws. From
there on some of them “fight God's war”. To fights “God's war” as mentioned in the Jew's bible,
is to campaigns for the truth. Changing moronical opinions from stupid non sense concepts
into logical and provable ones based on universal principles is to “fight God's war”. There is no
need to torture or kill anyone to do that since “God's war” bring harmony and not chaos;
“God's war” mend to be understood as “fighting” (meaning campaigning peacefully) for the
universal principles to be fully understood for the spirit (mind) to be triumphant over
stupidity. Today scientists came from the people, scientist’s works for the people, and behind
the scientists there are the people. People have the innate tendency to campaigns for truth and
justice in their quest for personal and social harmony. A politician is supposedly to humbling
oneself to represents the people, as an ethical scientist or teacher does when representing some
universal principles. Campaigning for any kind of harmonious relation between men, and man
versus his environment, based on ethics and the knowledge of logical consequences (causality)
is to “fight God's war”.

In a broad sense, anyone who does his job the right way, following natural principles, fight
God's war and win. Plenty of mistakes are made from the misinterpretation of others people
thoughts, wrong (or veiled) communication leads to false perception; plenty of sorry
individuals learned that fact the hard way. To believe in any erroneous concepts based on false
perception of reality, and which goes against natural rules leading to universal equilibrium is
to be stupid enough to believe that mind instability, even if it’s part of reality, is the true path to
follow to find enlightenment. There is no enlightenment in madness. Madness is a conflict
within the mind that exteriorize itself in the form of a conflict-making personality, known as a
war lover individual who likes to stir up troubles, as for consequence the making of wars in the
name of justice and harmony. Conflicts makers need psychiatric help, we knew that already.
Psychiatrists are also fighting “God's war”.

“Obedience” from Isaiah 50:4 to 50:11; means in reality that to obey the natural rules and to
campaigns valiantly for the world understanding of the natural rules (God's commandments)
is to fight God's war to become victorious.

The religious “Obedience to God” involves meditation leading to inspiration. Inspiration is a

natural mental process that cannot be forced; to try to forcing it is part of vanity, and vanity
leads nowhere. For inspiration to come we need to be mentally relax while concentrating
(meditating) on the subject of interest. The natural principles do their job better and
automatically in their objectiveness when there is no subjective thought involves interfering
with their flow. There is no such thing as the literal “inspiration from God”, but there is only a
universal inspiration where the object of interest unveil its mechanisms under the form of
intuitive logic that can only be based on data already be on the mental filing cabinet which is
our memory. A human being is basically the same than another human being in any part of
the world. How the process of the mind work is the same for all; genetic defects affect the
brain, but not the mind, genetic defects affect only the messages from the brain to the mind. It
is data from the environment that are not the same, and it is from those data, cultural,
organics and physical that we self-determine which behavior we prefer to adopt. This is to say
that bigotry (religious and cultural) is a mental constipation (the same as hatred) that put a
break in the harmonious natural process of the mind; that chase wisdom away by chasing
logic away, that’s makes bigotry the basic trigger of conflicts since bigotry ferments wars.

To think about trivial details of how to make more money than we already have takes away
some length of time of our live on Earth which will be better use to meditated about the living
links that we are between existentialism and science to reach harmony by questioning the
universe ways.

All forms of social creativity are already in place in the primal philosophy; all form of
negativism was already integral part of the primal nothingness’.

Dark universe = Black Madonna

When our sighs of relief stated the rest of our mind when we offer our hearts to the heart of the
Black Madonna, who caresses it gently with the ivory of her fingers, we then quenched the
torch of the left hand of the wrath of causality for it to ignite a new and more beautiful one in
its right hand in order to stifle to an void the martyrdom of our lives.

The source of the “Black Madonna concept” came from Egyptian mythology. The sphere in the
Black Madonna right hand represents that she is the Dark Universe; that same sphere is on
right hand, therefore indicating she is rightful. The child in her laps represents all living
creatures (all forms of life) that she is the mother of. The Black Madonna it’s the sphere of life
from which only the fruits of life are produced. Her dark color indicates the dark color of her
universe from our standing point.

Why to work so hard if it’s fruitless? The fatality for the mind resides on the muscles pride.
More than a dream it is a nightmare to think one's might reside in one's war. By loving wars
one’s love death, what is in death to be so attractive? It is to forget forever one's pain and to
share that pain with others? Or to ensure that one's sleepy mind is well protected by folly? In
any case for the grand cosmic mistress in the art of loving: one's death is to return home, after
being born in the valley of the dead.

The Greek Goddess Sophia, is the personification of wisdom, “Chochmah” in Hebrew which is
also a metaphor of wisdom, and we can find out from proverb 8:22 to 8:31 that relation
(which originated in ancient Egypt). Wisdom is portrayed as a feminine Character that
inspires creativity. Wisdom is view as the “word of God”, and “word” in Latin, is “Logos” and it
is of masculine character. Therefore, to make a long story short, the “logo” of God creates the
womb of life which is wisdom personified latter on by Virgin Mary for the Catholics
community; which is in reality the Dark Universe or “Black Madonna”.

We are one with the source of all forms of life, the only thing that distinguishes the created
beings and the dark universe (the black Madonna) is the sum of mnemonic data that we each
contain, and our respective functions; she is the whole sum, and we are fractalized parts. One
of her function is to teach us wisdom throughout love, and one of our functions is to assimilate
her love and wisdom.

The presence of the dark universe was known hundreds of millenniums ago by the scholars
who build the first civilizations on Earth. The presence of the black universe was known by
King Solomon from the Old Testament, here is an extract of the Song of Solomon, in which the
Shulamite Queen is the river of wisdom flowing from womb of the Queen of Sheba who
represents the dark universe, sings: “I am black, but I am beautiful, O ye daughters of
Jerusalem.” The Black Goddess (or black Madonna) is the Egosphere. The Dark universe
(Black Madonna/Virgin) has been identified with several black goddess figures. The Phrygian
Cybele, the Sumerian Inanna, the Syrian Anath, the Hebrew Lilith, the Indian Kali, the
Ephesian Diana, and the Egyptian goddesses Neith represent the Dark universe. Also,
according to the text: “The Golden Ass of Apuleius” there is the claim that she is identical with
Cybele, Artemis, Aphrodite, Persephone, Demeter, Juno, and Hecate. The Black Goddess
representing the Dark universe like, the Egyptian Isis is the life-giving and also the healing
goddess. The cult of Isis was basically the dominant religion of the Roman-occupied lands
around the Mediterranean Sea. In The Golden Ass of Apuleius, Isis speaks: “I am Nature, the
universal Mother, mistress of all the elements, primordial child of time, sovereign of all things
spiritual, queen of the dead, queen also of the immortals, the single manifestation of all the
gods and goddesses there are...etc..”...and that's includes the Christian (Include Jews and
Islamic) “God”!

Because of Isis black color, black became the color of fertility and abundance in ancient
Europe. As time goes by, the black color became the color of the mind unconscious (the
underground of the soul) and the suffering of the mind under the uses of mythical deities such
Hades, Hecate or Hell which represents various mental troubles

As the Mother of all souls, the black Madonna cannot be suppressed by Christianity when the
Christians (full of good intentions) destroyed and demonized all the nature-reverencing
goddess religions of the ancient world. Therefore only the image of the Black Madonna and
Child, based on the Egyptian images of Isis with the child Horus, survived the Christian
onslaught to become the mythical virgin Maria and her mythical son: Jesus of Nazareth.
Because the black Madonna was not represented as a white virgin, the Black Madonna became
a source of some embarrassment to the Catholic Church and the church was making lies
concerning the black color. As we can see, to this day the Christians call the black universe “The
Virgin Maria”, not having a faint clue what they are talking about. The healing powers of the
Black Goddess are real for the sicks who are atoning with sincerity and ask for her motherly
attention toward their psyche. Our scientists call the Black Madonna the "Dark universe"
because it is hard to see it from our technological perspective. In reality the so called "Dark
universe" is the universe of lights; our universe is the universe of matter. This is why the Black
virgin Madonna, representing the universe of light end up with the color black. The "Black
Madonna" representing the universe of lights originates from ancient Egyptian knowledge
under mythical stories. To transcend the primal religions is to see and understand with the eye
of reason (the third eye) the science been lay behind them. Egyptian mythology, ancient Greek
mythology, and Judaism are good examples. When, scientifically speaking, realizing what is
the Dark Universe in reality, and describing it in a form of poetic prose where science and
esoterism interlaces with choice of words being used by various sects and religions, we can
come up with a semi religious thought belonging at the same time to the field of mythology as
well as metaphysics and having a religious philosophical character, or resonance, belonging to
"the Kabbalah" or "La Cabale" as in the following paragraph:

The soul of nature is the black Madonna, and for that beautiful soul for who love is the law,
when our reproaches are raising barriers standing between her heart and our, she flees from
us when facing the reproach not to be the motherly love toward life's she creates; but all the
charms contain in languages from which we use toward her, at our discretion, bring her closer
to our heart without adducting her heart from the love of others. Whatever she does, she is the
universe where was born our souls, and when we meet her love throughout every day human
love, it is her eternal kisses that are crowning our human hearts. Her glory is so great and her
heart so precious of an acquest that the poor destitute of who we are can only offers her our
wretched hearts in return for her own and hoping for her compassionated mercy every day
that nature creates, we wishes to meet again her sweet presence over the veils of our death.
Queen of Heaven, the black Madonna, mother of our souls is also the wise Regent of our heart;
and she is the only divinity in a universe so busy in its constant battles. Nature makes it so that
she is the sublime living masterpiece of heaven. Life and death are sharing our universe, but in
Black Madonna domain only life remains. How to admit in our poor writing that she is so
worthy that we have but only praise for her? Our mind striving to enhance the sparks of her
color, comparing her with the prettiest of the pretty of flowers, only tarnish the color of the
flowers and the one of the fields. O blind humanity who invent a living King to be raise to the
throne of the Queen of heavens! What do them worth those who discussed the price of her
virtue over the questionable riches of a false man made god? "Felicity" is also her name since;
full of love she is also full of life. May the Mother of our days, endlessly repeats, without end
and without undoing’s, the same affection in her gracious harmony; and be the care of nature
keeps her as well, that she keep our hearts in the deeps of her heart. We can see every day her
empire of love consoling the souls in need. Yes! Our hopes toward love are high but it is for
reason! By using the qualities of the ancient gods that she carry in her mind her heart became
her reason and referring her divine graces into our souls she gives us feelings as nature gives
us our reason. By them both: nature which guides us, and our Black Madonna who loves us,
we have that feeling that our psyche is better surrounded than all the possible wealth’s than the
world has to offer. Her glory is so great that we cannot not do less than to build Utopia since
we have the honor of being out of her.

The ancient Egyptian High Priests who were in possession of the ancient secular knowledge of
our cosmic ancestors were secular teachers by reason and religious leaders by culture since
primal myths is science from different perspectives. Some ancient Greek philosophers being
teaches the truth by some ancient Egyptian High Priests, holder of the knowledge of the
"ancients", meaning our cosmic ancestors, became secular holders of the beginning of the
universal knowledge. these ancient Greeks knew the scientific aspect of Genesis very well and
were toying with our minds, and still are, their words being carry by the flow of time; and
now, us, also knowing the truth about Genesis, it is our turn to be the ones who can do exactly
the same. In the next paragraph we will follow the same principle than the previous paragraph
by using exact and measurable scientifically provable data to transform genesis into a
mythical story with plenty of Greek mythical flavor mix-up with a zest of Rome lost primal
knowledge, also from its ancient Egyptian roots, via Judaism, to end-up with common sense
prophecies, without forgetting a grain or two of basic psychology. It is fun! We shall do that
more often. And here we go: Here is the void, eternal darkness to be vanquished by the light of
time. Time is Chronos, and it’s no other than Gaia being awake in its non-uniform finiteness,
and now radiating its light into the infinite of darkness. To secure what was once only dark
territories the titan Gaia is to be transforming as living memories. The virtue of dead is the one
of darkness, it is the lack of any of human hope, but it is in the immense evolving hope of time
to vanquish forever and ever as time is light expanding its territory over the ones of darkness.
The devil is great in its nothingness, it is the support for the light to travel, we feel its emprise
toward our mind when it try to dim the light as the light blind its domain. The Heavens is
compelled to admire the abuse of time over nothingness where the non-existent prince of
darkness is resolved to swallow human souls. But darkness being only capable of swallowing
darkness swallows only the dark side of the souls, living the remains to be eternals in the might
of time. The earth falling into darkness brings with it the weapon of time for the light to
swallow where the mind upon was, while creating gravity for the bodies to rest. As light
conquer darkness no a soul make out of light can see forever the eternal duration of the hell of
nothingness. There are no flames in the hell of nothingness, the only flame there is the
forbidden passions toward its hell, only time without passion and without remorse can inflame
the cold of hell, and as like hell, time does exist but it doesn't live. They are the titans who do not
know they are present, one swallowing the other for eternities to come. They have their own
virtues but we prefers our human hope to join the loving heart where lays the daughter of
those Titan. In their struggle they created Aphrodite for her to become more divine than their
might's ever were each in their own field. There never was and never will be any struggle in
the domain of Aphrodite the queen Deity since she produces love when she produces life.
Human wishes follows the struggle of the beginning of time, we can be lights and we can be
voids; our wishes are the desires of those titans still in existence in the phenomenon of the
universal machinery where only Aphrodite always win and possess for ever our souls. Greek
mythology isn't dead! It was only at rest in the darkness of few centuries where humanity lost
reason. Time in his flaming and evolving presence , and the prince of darkness absent and
quiet in the deep cold of is void, are only capable to retain our human souls but for a brief and
struggling moment. This is why Greece will regain is past fame as Rome and Islam will takes
as their turn a rest into darkness. Sole survivor of Rome will be Aphrodite known as the Black
Madonna, and the skin of the Madonna will be made to radiate under our present
technologies. Primal pagan religions from Africa to North America, from all over the world,
will regain their place in the sun since they are fractalized parts of the same scientific
knowledge. Born of Aphrodite and living her domain to encounter the titans, today see us in
that place where some fields still green and exists warm winters. On earth we are the only
cause of each of our tears, how can we are capable of so little merit when we live in a world
where each step of nature, from the battle of the titans, entails million of lives to flourish in the
knowledge radiating from the universe of light within us and around us? To creates a
metaphor is to imagine something as something else to better explain (or not) religiosity
“adore” metaphors. Over Jerusalem, Rome and Mecca, over the scene world: in heaven which
is the unseen world, lives the dark universe; it is the everlasting Eden of the souls. There grows
a tree and out of that tree flow three rivers, they are making the Trinus Theory, the Trinity;
they are the opposites and the link. But a fourth river ran out of Eden which is the flow coming
from the dark universe; it is wisdom, the darkened occult river of life: the Shulamite Queen.
The darkening of the river of life is made by death, in the form of matter being carried by the
river of life coming from the ocean of life, but in Eden the ocean of life is luminous, there is no
death that has to be carried over. The Shulamite Queen is a joyous quantic river of life
supporting the bubbles of death the same as we imagine the universe as a metaphoric non-
uniform mass of Gruyere cheese in expansion, where holes are unstable pieces of voids being
called “worm holes”, as it keep baking. Isn't that as clear as non-polluted river waters? Or we
are still playing with words and having a ball?

The religious term "Immaculate Conception" concerning the Virgin Mary who was conceives
par "God's spirit" Is after all exact if we do understand the etymology of the terms. "Concept"
from the latin"conceptum" means "draft"; "-ion" is a suffix of action, and "spirit" means:
energy, meaning "volatile essence". Of course the black universe was conceived by the energy
as pre-atom before the physical universe which is made of post-atom, meaning: atoms and
chemical components’ made of energy bundling-up. Immaculate means without defect since
the trinusial principle, (being represented by a triangle) can only be without defect for it
created the universe and its natural laws. From someone, evidently one of the founder of the
original Christian party leading to Catholicism, to come up with such exactitude concerning
the real genesis where the two primal noumenes (1:primal finite matter; 2: the infinity of the
void) created the Dark universe, he has to be of the Levi tribe, knowing the ancient Egyptian
knowledge very well.


Destiny, the math behind it

Light holds within the neutrality of Gaia, this is why the universal natural principles are
objectives by nature. The truth is easy to comprehend if we are seeking its presence. No one
can grasp the truth; it is the truth that is grasping us when we atone.

We are the ones who forge our own destinies by doing nothing or by doing something. For
what we want we have to activate our psyche in that direction, to do something; for what we
deserve is the passive action, it comes to us throughout the objectivity of the natural principles.
For lack of knowledge and for not understanding that the natural principles applies to any
forms of life, their psychological and biological processes as well that they applies to matter,
and cosmic phenomena, like lost sheep’s we wanders the earth away from reason in our quest
for wisdom.

Against our laws of Exergy Efficiency that demonstrated that no system can ever be 100%
efficient, our universe is! It created and still creates life; and it is an evolutionary process
toward quality, our universe is not a standstill in a finite state; it is marvellous knitting
machine knitting's and unknotting the veils of time with multicoloured treads of light. For the
universal system to be efficient its objectivity need to counteract anticipated natural defects
trying to take place as the consequence of universal expansion. It is that phenomenon being the
responsible for the evolutive stability of any system for the whole of all the system to leads to
general evolution within the unique universal singularity which is our universe growing in the
mist of the infinite void. As we can see, the primal non-uniform masse is not a force, but only a
potential. It is its presence that's makes the primal void the strong sucking force. The “forcing
phenomenon” can exist only with the presence of those two opposite phenomena. That is the
“forcing phenomenon” that we are looking from the beginning of this research. Some people
may call it God. Behind the “forcing phenomenon” It is simply the natural existence of the
primal form of synchronicity. Synchronicity had to appear...some time. Synchronicity it’s not
God. Synchronicity doesn't think. The primal synchronicity it’s a natural and automatic
happening base on the existence of physics form of needs for the opposing to meet and to form
a link.

A solar system can only follow the universal laws related to it. The knowledge of these laws in
detail is what makes it possible to predict the destiny of the world using statistical science.
Knowing this, we can say destiny is part of the universal automation. The cosmic course of
events was determined from the moment of the big bang. Creation was done without any
divine subjective intervention. Therefore, to say: ones destiny is a function to be completed, is
mathematically correct. The fate of living things whose subjectivity is proof of intelligence and
free will is therefore governed by a universal determinism. It is within it that all living beings
control their own fate. Destinies are automated by the Gog and Magog, it can be considered as
the automatic knitting machine that helps us to knit our destiny. Just throw in the
characteristics, the material (actions) to knit and it will automatically knit them.

The Secret of the Unicorn

Psychology by the study of the human soul unveil how humans are programmed and how to
programs human; Psychosocial-astrophysics will reveal why by studying cosmic mechanics
where forms of life are included.

Who knew through the ages the trinusial secret? To answer that question, we have to take
some parts of the Torah, and go as far back in time as we can to see where these parts found
there sources. We'll unveil the Unicorns true meaning to discover who knew the secret of the
Unicorn and also the trinusial principle.

The unicorn (unique horn) is a phallic symbol that was allegorized (put in picture) and
introduced all around the world in many primal religions, urban legends, and also the old
testament, thus uniting all religions and all cultures under the same basic appealing beast,
common to all humankind. In some ancient societies the mere mention of the words penis,
sperm, testicles and pubic hair was view as crude perversion, even today some adults forbid
society for children’s to know how some part of their body are called. Those words were
repressed as swearing is repress for us. In that sense, psychological repression of ancient’s
time is merging with repressed historical memory. Repression is the psychological act of
excluding desires and impulses (wants and feelings) from one's consciousness and subduing
them in the unconscious. Repression is as a common defence mechanism in everyday life.
Repressing something leads to replace it by something else that has the same meaning. It is
called creating a metaphor or making a conversion.

This is one of the reasons why the word “Unicorn” became hermeticisism wrapping a natural
phenomenon under a sense of humour, sometime devious. Let's unveil the secret of the fabulous
unicorn now, it is simply the male penis, standing (or not) in a forest of pubic hairs. The
forehead would be the forehead of the penis, and the eyes would be the testicles.

The famous elixir of life it’s nothing else than the male sperm, referring to the male
reproductive cells, in its milky form. This is the reason why an ejaculating penis is being called
the fountain of youths, also called the fountain of life. It is a metaphor at its best. There is no
other fountain of life to produces youths. “Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife
of your youth” (Proverbs 5:18). The “horn” throughout human history and in various different
cultures always symbolizes fertility.

The power of our reasoning has been intentionally slowed down (or dimmed) by the ancient
uses of metaphors and idioms by some wise people. As consequence we have to use the path of
rational argument base on scientific evidence to find were lies the truth, that brings sudden
revelations, and revelations can bring from the unconscious mind the data needed for reason
to restore the truth to the conscious part of our mind

One traditional method of successfully hunting unicorns (penis) involved “entrapment” by a

virgin. In one of his notebooks Leonardo da Vinci wrote: “The unicorn, through its
intemperance and not knowing how to control itself, for the love it bears to fair maidens
forgets its ferocity and wildness; and laying aside all fear it will go up into a seated damsel to
finally go to sleep in her lap.”

In 416BC, the physician and historian Ctesias set out from his native town of Cnidus to attend
the Persian King Darius II where he stayed for eighteen years. Ctesias learned many things
during his time at the king’s court. Upon returning to Cnidus, he wrote a book called the
“India”. He and the king were fond of humoristic stories. The Unicorn story, are contain in the
“Indica”. He describes a creature he calls the 'wild ass of India', straight horn on the forehead,
a cubit long, which as being equal in size to a horse, with a white body, a red head, bluish eyes (
testicles). He describes the lower part of the horn as being white, the middle part as being
black, and the tip as being red. As a Greek physician, he was especially interested in the horn.
“To drink cups of juice made from the horn”, Ctesias say “is to possess the power of
neutralizing poison”. Ctesias represents the unicorn as being extraordinarily swift of foot,
untameable and almost impossible to capture. In the west it was usually considered wild and
untameable, while in the Orient it was peaceful, meek and thought to be the bringer of good

“And as I was considering, behold, a he-goat came from the west over the face of the whole
earth, and touched not the ground: and the goat had a notable horn between his eyes” (Daniel

“I say to the boastful, 'Do not boast,' and to the wicked, 'Do not lift up your horn; do not lift up
your horn on high, or speak with haughty neck.'“ (Psalm 75:4-5)

“Do not lift up your horn on high” means not to have an erection on high ground to makes
believe the high ground + the length of the erected penis is the total length of the penis erected
by the wicked holder of that penis. Since the unicorn is the penis, therefore we can safely say
within big margins of certainty that every zoo of the world have some unicorns in hiding in
their premises. All the male attendants of every zoo of the planet have to do to find them is to
put their pants down and have a close look!

In Chinese folklore, a Unicorn has a single horn in the middle of its forehead. The Unicorn has
existed in Chinese mythology for thousands of years. The Kilin (unicorn) is said to spring from
the earth and could foretell future events and represented the basic elements of life. Its
appearance was interpreted as a sign of good times. One of the first Unicorns is said to have
appeared almost 5,000 years ago to give Emperor Fu Hsi the secrets of written language.
Around 4,700 years ago in 2697 B.C., a Unicorn made an appearance in the garden (pubic
hairs) of the Yellow (Chinese) Emperor (Huang Di). This auspicious omen was seen by the
emperor as a sign that his reign would be long and peaceful. The Chinese also believed that the
Unicorn could foretell the birth of great men like the philosopher Confucius. In 551 B.C.,
Confucius' mother met a Unicorn in the woods. It gave her a small piece of jade as a gift and
placed its head in her lap, she became pregnant. She realized the importance of the event and
knew it was a good omen. In his old age, Confucius reportedly saw the Unicorn for what it
was. “Birth and Death”, say Confucius “are foretold by Unicorns”.

An Arabian Unicorn known as karkadann was supposedly endowed with magical qualities.
Eating its meat got rid of demons. Its horn was a charm for good- luck. In the 3rd century B.C.,
the Macedonian general Alexander the Great boasted that in one of his conquests, he rode his
Unicorn into battle. Marco Polo's editor Colonel Yule affirms the Unicorn was supposed to be
attracted not only by the lady's beauty or chastity, but also by the perfume of her dress. From
Greece, where homosexuality was welcome, the well-respected Greek, Apollonius of Tyana,
claimed to have seen a Unicorn in India.

Here is a good one concerning “police entrapment”: Legends that spread throughout Europe
stated that it was impossible to catch a Unicorn by force. The only way to capture one was for
a maiden to wait alone where Unicorns were known to be found. When he saw the maiden, the
Unicorn would run up and lay its head in her lap, attracted by her scent. Then she would rock
him to sleep, and cut off his horn, at which point it could be easily taken by the hunters hiding

Unicorns in the Bible: “My horn shall be exalted like the horn of the Unicorn.”

The Book of Psalms: “He hath, as it were, the strength of a unicorn” The Book of Numbers:
“Will the Unicorn be willing to serve thee?”(Job). According to the book of Genesis, God gave
Adam the task of naming everything he saw. The Unicorn was the first animal named thereby,
elevating it above all other beasts in the universe. When Adam and Eve left paradise, the
Unicorn went with them.

During the flood that engulfed the world for 40 days and 40 nights, Noah took two of each
animal to safety. A Jewish folk tale mentions that the Unicorns were originally on board but
demanded so much space and attention that Noah banished them. The Jewish Talmud also
makes many similar references to the Unicorn. In Jewish folklore it is the fiercest of all

The mythical Jesus of Nazareth was said to love the acquaintance of prostitutes. In medieval
times, the unicorn became a symbol of Christ himself, and its horn was symbolic of the unity
between Jesus and God. Some medieval paintings show the Trinity with Jesus represented by a
Unicorn. On the other hand, the Unicom also appears as a symbol of evil in the book of Isaiah.

Prester John ruled over a vast Asian empire in the mid- 1100's; and he was reputed to have a
large number of tame Unicorns. To Europeans, this was a sign of his wealth and power. Since
the reign of King Robert III in the late 1300s, the Unicorn has been a part of the official seal of
Scotland. Robert III turned to the purity and strength of the Unicorn for inspiration in
rebuilding his nation; and the Unicorn was soon incorporated into the royal seal. From a
tradition going back to the ancient Babylonians in 3,500bc, the Unicorn represented spring.
The horn it’s called also an alicorn. The Alicorn was often worth more than its weight in gold.
Kings, emperors, and popes were among the few people able to pay the high prices demanded.
They were eager to acquire the precious horn to guarantee long, healthy and pleasant lives. In
medieval times, the Unicorn was the apothecaries' symbol. Medieval pharmacists believed in
the power of the Unicorn as a medicine. According to St. Hildegard, who passionately believed
in the power of the Unicorn to heal illness, the Unicorn's strength came from the fact that once
a year, in spring time, it returned to drink the waters and eat the vegetation of paradise.

According to medieval times, to know if a horn came from a healthy Unicorn, one had to place
his horn in cold water. If the water bubbles but remains cold, the horn was a good horn.

A Unicorn chained to a tree within a round wooden fence is the most famous accepted
Unicorn image by the western world. The term “unicorn” is found nine times in the King James
Version of the Bible (Num. 23:22; 24:8; Dt. 33:17; Job 39:9-10; Psa. 22:21; 29:6; 92:10; Isa.
34:7). The translators of the Greek Old Testament (Septuagint) rendered re'mes by the Greek
term monokeros (“one horn”). The word “unicorn” is based on the Hebrew word re'em
(“horn”), in early versions of the Old Testament translated as “monokeros”, meaning “one
horn”, which became “unicorn” in English.

From biblical evidence, in Deuteronomy 33:17, the re’em (satyr) is described as having “horns”
(plural), not a single horn. In Greek and Roman mythology, the satyr was a half-man/half-
beast god, a companion of Bacchus, the good god wine maker. The Unicorns appearance and
behavior differs depending on the location and different cultures. In the Old Testament, the
Hebrew word sa'ir is found about fifty-two times. It is related to the term se'ar (“hair”), which
means a “hairy one.” Words used to indicate the male goat that was employed as a sin-offering
to life on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16).

In two cases, sa'ir is translated “satyr” in the King James Version (Isa. 13:21; 34:14). Those
passages refer to wild goats that lived among the ruins of Babylon and Edom.

According to some Christian interpretation, Jesus, embodied in the unicorn, was killed for the
sake of a sinful world. It makes one wonder what Ctesias would say about that one.
In the then-Christian city of Alexandria, a new book was compiled which became known as the
Physiologus. This influential book was taken seriously for the next thousand years. It
contained massive tomes of complex allegories tying all phenomena to their rightful place in
Creation. It had this to say about how to capture a Unicorn: “He is a small animal, like a little
kid, and is surprisingly fierce for his size. It is one very sharp horn! No hunter is able to catch
him by force. Yet it can be taken-in. A virgin placed where he most resorts, and to leave her
alone in that place can tame it. As soon as he sees this virgin he runs toward her. He lays his
head in her lap. She fondles him until he falls asleep. The hunters then approach and capture
him and lead him to the palace of the king.” Dragons, like the unicorn are mythical creatures
that appear in many different cultures and time periods. Dragons have been described as
beasts having a horn on their forehead. Intelligent creatures living in remote areas that are
dark, damp and secluded, the dragons are the villains from whom the hero must protect the
city or the princess. For the ancient Jews, to have a horn in the forehead means to think about
sex; therefore, a dragon must be the sexual desire of a horny man. In Christian myth, Saint
George and his dragon must mean St George and his sexual desire.

This is what some very serious Christian theologicians have to say about the Unicorn: “The
inability of the hunter alone to subjugate him is a reminder that the Will of the Messiah is not
subject to any earthly authority. The unicorn's small stature is a sign of Christ's humility, and
his likeness to a kid a sign of His association with sinful men. The virgin represents the Virgin
Mary. Here we can see a classic unicorn myth evolving: the well-known belief that a unicorn
may only be tamed or captured by a virgin unicorn. The precise definition of an acceptable
virgin is subject to much interpretation however: according to various sources she must be a
nun, or she must be of noble birth. She must be physically attractive. She must be a total
innocent without sin; she must be pure of heart; or she must be a virgin in the purely sexual
sense of the word. Some insisted that she must be unclothed: either symbolic of innocence or a
product of the fevered imaginations of scholars who didn't get outside enough. It was held that
the unicorn could tell if a maiden was a virgin or not. Some believed it could see the difference;
some insisted it was a matter of scent. Many agreed that there were dire consequences for any
girl unfortunate enough to be found wanting! “(Source: http://www.unicorn-
dream.co.uk/unicorn2.html). Whoever wrote that is saying Jesus of Nazareth is God's penis.
Did he really mean it?

The Wicca religion is a neopagan, nature-based religion. Wiccan typically worships a Horned
God (the penis) and a Triple Goddess (the Egosphere).God and Goddess are seen as
complementary polarities. Traditionally God (penis) is viewed as a Horned God of nature. He
is often seen as a sexual god and hunter. The ancient pagan deities such as the Celtic god
Cernunnos, the Greek god Pan and the Green Man, a traditional figure in art and architecture
of Europe are all personification of the penis. The Celtics called the Egosphere “Danu”, Goddess
of fertility. The Goddess is pre-eminent for the Wiccan, since she contains and conceives all; the
God is the spark of life and simultaneously her lover and her child. The God is not worshipped
at all.

Let not deny the obvious, the ancient Jews called their penis a horn, and plenty of horned god
in various religions and cultures represents the penis. Because of being part of the witchcraft-
based cult were the Horned God is commonly referred to with the epithet of The Lord, it was
demonized into the form of the Devil, Christian Church. Satan (the penis) became a named
Satan, by the figure of evil and temptation. The Wiccan god (the penis) represented under the
symbol of a horned snake became the Catholic devil, in a form of a snake, in Eden, which
tempted Eve. In other words the female is tempted by the male penis as for result she will give
birth through sweat and pain. From Greek, the Latin word “phallus” is a symbol that is in uses
to describe the erect penis; it was originally used to describe images, pictorial or carving of the
penis. The word “penis” is taken from the Latin word for “tail.” It also derives from Indo-
European *pesnis, and the Greek word for “penis” also came from Indo-European “pesos”. The
penis is involved in two different excretory functions; 1) as the external organ of urination; 2)
as a sexual and reproductive organ. Therefore the myth of Jesus of Nazareth: “The penis of
God's”, mend, by some humoristic character, to indicates that the universal laws has two
different and fundamental excretory functions found in the sublimation process of existence; 1)
To eject from the psyche the undesirable components; 2) To reproduce themselves indefinitely.
God's has various sexual organs called “forms of life”, all represented by a mythological Jesus
of Nazareth, which a plagiarism of a part of history is belonging to Egyptian mythology.
Freud's study of sexual desire, concerning “penis desire” said that some individual see the penis
as big as the man and determined one's behaviors and beliefs even if one's continually repress
those behaviors and beliefs in the form of myths. Plenty of ancient myths are metaphors. By
looking very deeply at the source of certain myths, it seems Jesus is a penis and Muhammad its
prophet. According to Muhammad, paradise is full of young virgins for the sexual pleasures of
his followers. Did Jesus really exist? ....We know as a matter of fact that the penis is part of the
male population and it can tell if a woman is a virgin or not. For centuries some Frenchmen
call their penis “little Jesus”....

Religions as we know them consist conclusively of unproved propositions. Modern religion,

like Catholicism and Islam are pseudo-science invented from the psychological demand of
those (Jesus and Mohammed) who feel a craving for authority in some form and a need to
replace the void of the unknown by something else. The precepts of religions, having science as
a basis, consists now of varying degrees of probability of the universal dynamics. Those
statements content approximations to certainty and give the neurotic population of the world
the ability to cope with existence and to carry on constructive work despite the lack of final
confirmation that is the mark of the scientific community. Some religions induce
unmanageable fears and hopes in their followers mind. That excesses of emotions pairing with
paradoxical beliefs leads to severe mental conflicts. People losing their self-control due
religious overwhelming power over their normal way of reasoning became prone to hysterical
neurosis. Some medically unexplained disorders are conversion disorder from the mind to the
body, where the suffering of the mind became the suffering of the body. The term employ is
“somatization disorder”;

In the case of individuals that develops the wounds of the crucification of Jesus Christ over
their body, the Catholic Church call it “miracles”. We can say summarization disorders are
metaphorical messages from a suffering mind to the exterior in physical forms. A suffering
mind is also responsible of repressing the natural immunity system of the body, making the
whole psyche to be sick. Body and mind are working together, one affects the other.

Religious people developed myths from ancient scientific data; scientific speech or
communication difficulties, due to repression, became myths, and then high priests and
religious leaders began speaking only in hermetic term rather than the usual language. When
that happens, followers began to refuse science as the search for the truth and developed
different set of neurological problems by believing in myths more than science. False prophets
do not know the truth of science, only some parts of common sense sociology. Losing the
insight of what is reason, some religious people developed some mind paralysis mixed with
involuntary spasms of logic. Ocularly and auditive hallucinations became seeing angels that
conveys words of God. Their mind became tunnel vision that conceived fairy-tale fantasies.
Dramatic mood swings were part of their personality. The conversion disorder, trigger by
turning one back to science to embrace religious concept lead the world to different religious
mass hysteria. Sooner as we realize the roots of our strong religious emotion, sooner the
cleansing of our mind will take place. Religious mass hysteria is the result of believing in the
word of a primal religious leader who has passed traumatic experiences that cannot be
integrated into that person's understanding of the world. The emotions appropriate to the
trauma of that leader are not expressed in any direct fashion but in the form of myths. The
individual expressing himself in that form of behavior conceive a vague way to offer a
response to his trauma. Often enough secret sexual desires lay at the bottom of most (if not all)
mystical hysterical neuroses. Dragons, unicorns, Satan, Behemoth and others mystical beasts
are simply a psychological response to a mental problem. As for the individuals who want to
build a better world, Utopia cannot be built over fairy-tale fantasies finding their sources on
repression. We have to destroy our fears and terrors; by doing so the world will change its
philosophy and a new world will emerge. Between the old world and Utopia is the messianic
age was people and reason become allies. Utopia is a homeostatic society that auto regulated
itself by proper reasoning. Adjusting continuously its politic under the influence of the
continuous destabilizing responses of the environment it expands its knowledge as it adjusts its
behaviors. Utopia cannot occur when proper communication and translation is blocked. Our
present global stabilization in its constant frustrations can be observed due to these wrong
communications. Troubles start in the mind and originate in part from this communication
defect. Stimulus are present to indicated destabilizing responses that need attention, and
satisfied needs are meet goals toward pleasure for homeostasis to occur.
To see that Jesus of Nazareth represents the penis of "God" and Mohammed seeing itself as the
prophet of Gods penis was the easy funny part; there is another level of understanding lying
beneath that funny one, we can call it the "sneaky" level of understanding, or whatever
synonym we can dream of. That "sneaky" level of understanding tells us that since Jesus of
Nazareth represents humanity and its own procreation trough sexual activity then of course
that mythical guy (Jesus that is) really represented Gods penis. Actually any form of life
represents Gods penis. Mohammed being the prophet of Gods penis, therefore talking on its
behalf (on behalf of the penis that is), do it effectively since the religion created (or dream off)
by Mohammad is basically all about sensual and sexual rewards if we follows some of the
"principles" of the Jewish religion he accredited for himself and mixed them up with some of
his own divagations; case closed!

Nostradamus, like Moses, did have also a good sense of humour as the quatrain VII-43
witness; the meaning of the two unicorns representing two penises, one lifting and one
lowering, and a world in the middle, is that it is the same penis which was up to the task before
sex lower itself after ejaculation, and the world bending to the limit in the middle of sexual
intercourse represent the woman bending to her limit on the top of her delight! Afterward the
lover goes away happy and laughing. In the original quatrain Nostradamus used the word
"nephew" to indicate who the lover was. In Nostradamus time the word "nephew" was used as
an euphemism to indicate the illegitimate son of an ecclesiastic (preacher); therefore
Nostradamus tells us that despite their vows of chastity and all their blablabla against the
pleasures of the flesh (sex included) the ecclesiasts were doing their part to make sure
humanity would not become extinct. As mentioned in Nostradamus quatrain (quatrain VII-43)
the ecclesiasts of his time were doing their part to contribute in the sane and holly human
genetic pool by impregnating women so the human race would not become extinct; now-a-
days we have sperm banks, somebody must tell them about their presence, so today ecclesiasts
can deposit their genetic contribution to the human pool without being harassed in court of
law by a bunch of women who changes their mind afterward concerning their "enlighten
consent" in those past sexual moments with holly men conveying the word of God and
representing “God pleasure”.

Sexual activity is a fundamental need for evolutionary purpose as knowledge is the lubricant
of the mind and it is pass-on, under its instinctive form, by the means of the genetic pool under
the influence of natural inducers that are sexual pleasures.

We will conclude this chapter with this saying: “All the horns of the wicked he will cut off, but
the horns of the righteous shall be exalted. “ (Psalms 75:10); meaning women –naturally on the
lookout for the best genes for their offspring’s- will cease to give sex to the idiots and the
“assholes” and will turn their sexual desires toward the ones who shows mental decency,
intelligence and adequate reasoning (beside been nice looking and sexy); he! What’s “women
lib’s” for?!

Law-Aurora borealis are the visual aspect of the veils of time doing their job. Sounds are the
acoustical aspect of the veils of time doing their job. Matter is the tangible aspect of the veils of
time bundled-up.

Law-A quantum cannot appear from nowhere, which would contradict the law of the
conservation of energy; any quantum has to appear from somewhere, being witness by our
senses or not.

What is been seeing today as prophesies concerning some of the concepts of this modern
metaphysics research will be see in the future as plain basic common sense from a logical

In their Primal Religion project' which is the Torah, Moses and Co succeed very well making us
to perceive the metaphors as been the literal truth, and to believe the literal to be metaphors!
The objective was for the morons to be lead astray and for the righteous to discover that simple
fact from secular knowledge.

Metaphorically speaking, a unicorn has wings, that beast seeks to escape from behind the
Archaeology Tells

If Jesus of Nazareth was not a mythical figure that represents humanity in a metaphorized
form, he would have written himself some documents and signed them as plenty of peoples of
less importance did it (and be found by archaeologists) before his time.

The most basic thing we must fear is our lack of knowledge and wisdom, which is our original
sin; it is by it that all our troubles start. Only our acquired knowledge of the universal natural
principles, which affect life as well as it affect matter, can rescue us from our
sociopsychological and environmentally wrong behaviors. Our future wisdom will makes us
built utopia.

The longing for religious individuals to raise themselves to an higher degree of universal merit
than to consider themselves as simply been part of the animal kingdom made them firmly
believe, without questioning reason, in an exalted father that was created in Moses mind
(under Pharaoh’s order). This is their delusions, and they need to be saved from it; any step
toward mind freedom and mental well-being concerning the presence of primal religions is for
humanity to understand that they are in fact treasures of knowledge being inherited from our
cosmic ancestors. Ancient Mythologies finding their source from secular (secret) Egyptian
Knowledge, like Greek mythology, does reflect the fact that cosmogony and human psychology
are being related by the presence of the same energy for all. Freud considered himself to be an
archaeologist of the soul, now we have to consider ourselves to be archaeology helping mind,
since archaeology is our helping tool. Freud understood that the ancient primal myths were
veiling former ancient scientifical approaches covering up the structural rationality of natural
phenomena. Realizing that fact, he appropriated some of ancient mythical terms for better
explaining his psychoanalytical approach. Freud said that Religion is the universal obsessional
neurosis of humanity; following Freud path, and then making our own path; from there on we
say that our longing for knowledge is the universal obsessional neurosis of any living thing in
the universe in order to adapt. This is the reason why religions are obsessional neurosis since
primal religions are primary these veiled scientific data that we are desesperately longing for.
Religion is the illusion that surround our science; for the naked flesh of science to be fully
tasted, religion has to be peel off from its body.

“For ask now of the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that God (science)
created man on the earth, and ask from one end of heaven to the other, whether such a great
thing as this has ever happened or was ever heard of.” (Deuteronomy 4:32). It makes one to
wander if the Homo-Sapiens was part of a “induced evolutionary process”, meaning a man
made speeding up of evolution to produce a genetically improved Homo being called “man”.

Archaeology is the digging tool of metaphysics, that's makes the metaphysician a happy
beneficiary of archaeology founds from where he can theorize. The aim of archaeology is
limited to solve only the puzzle of the history of the world and its various components by the
study of the past of our planet. The aim of a metaphysician is to solve the universal riddle, and
archaeology helps a lot. Archaeology has as primal objective the construction of the
chronology of different objects of interest like the historical past of humanity; as we can see the
primal goal of archaeology become segmented into different sub-goals. The ultimate objective
of archaeology is to discover, like a detective in psychology, the psychological and social
processes at the base of the conditioning of human behavior. Because the fact that
archaeology's also aim to understand humankind that's makes archaeology's to be a
humanistic endeavor. As we can see, one has to enjoy astrophysics as well as quantic theory
and Darwin theory, among other disciplines to find out what are the various stimuli that
trigger our past and present behaviors. Archaeology finds are evidences of past human
knowledge and doings; Archaeology is an enormous stepping step offered to metaphysics in a
silver platter. “Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness utters
deceit.” (Proverbs 12:17).

The truth of things self-clothes in bodies, and archaeology finds those bodies as evidence of the
truth. The truth is considered as “God's essence” by many religions. The Jews believes that God
is one entity with the Torah, as the Torah is a mean of how Jews can connect to Hashem (God).
Archaeology also studies the Torah to find out on what locations the truth can be digged from.
The truth being the redeemer of humanity, more archaeology is digging for the truth, more
archaeology hasten the evidences leading to the messianic era. That's makes the Jewish
Moshiach a metaphysician being able to complete humanity redemption with the evidence of
the truth (Hashem) in hand, thanks’ to archaeology.

We can say that archaeologist is digging for humanity redemption; in short, as Moses would
have said: an archaeologist is a shovel of redemption (or a redemptive shovel). It is a question
of having fun with words without losing track of the truth lying in them, do you dig?

The Geulah is the ongoing process of redemption, throughout causality, from our original sin
of lacking any form of knowledge. Some Jews believes that the coming redemption will be
unique in that without the direct and visible efforts of Hashem himself (the concretization of
the universal rules self-clothes in bodies), the processes of Geulah would not had be possible,
even after the contributions of Moshiach (who's digging archaeological data). Therefore the
naked truth is in the self-clothes truth in different bodies as being Hashem (God's) itself.
Therefore the dynamics of everything in every one is “God” in motion. Did some religions tell
us already that God is everything? Is the religious saying “The messiah will return from the
grave” do not have any archaeological meaning by now? Have fun pondering that one! That
saying also means “to return from a visit to hell” to finally find were lays the truth. Any well
trained psychiatrist, with a zest of fundamental ethic can also tell us that an antichrist has the
soul of dark imperialism were reason do not see the light, only power and greed leads the mind
of a vain antichrist who play the chord of cultural bigotry; in the "Dark Ages" Rome was an
antichrist, and the aftershocks can be feel to this days, the same goes with Hitler and today
neo-Nazi’s, and also the aftershocks of Muhammad killings and his Islamic Theo-cultural
politic. There is plenty of apprentice antichrist’ around who want to lead the mightiest nation.
An antichrist can also be the leader of the mightiest well armed nation on Earth in a moment
in time which leads peoples astray by saying he fight’s God war (fighting for justice and
liberty) while destroying other nations to implant its politics; part of its politic is:”wage war
overseas to force peace base on our term for our economy to grow and the mightiness’ of our
nation to be recognized for times to come”; that is simply well armed personal and cultural
vanity bullying and killing others for economical purpose ;to be opportunist is good for
adaptation in the sense of survival purpose, but not for vain purposes leading to senseless
destruction having cultural parity in mind has having self for the sole messianic new cultural
world leader as the creator of a new world order; this is psychotic-schizophrenia at its best
under charming appearance! In their despair to find reasons in their God doings, therefore to
build or maintain their own self-confidence, some of the believers are using to their new
frontiers the tools of science; in their findings all they need to do is to replace the word "God"
or the term "Gods laws" by the term "Natural principles" for the world to realize the geniuses
of those individual and how the theory of their findings can positively participate in the
evolution of humanity. According to the percentage of the Nobel Prize versus the population,
the Jews are doing just that.

Genes are data in a concreted form, they are information’s concerning our past experiences,
that's why all form of life are sharing in some point some of the same genes; that would
indicate that reincarnation is a natural event being part of general evolution since souls can
only enter a biological suit that fits them, and the firing of certain genes that activates specific
part of our brain under specific and controlled stimulus indicates who we are. The principle
behind evolution showing itself in the genetic process is an indicator of the presence of the
natural principles to be solely in charge of the universe, and that no one has more priority over
another since the whole process is a neutral one in the mnemonical level where everyone is
equal in principles but different in the mnemonical level. Archaeology being also interested in
genetic that affect behaviors throughout the age can find-out easily enough those facts.

Archaeological research also tells us that in Traditional Chinese culture, which reflect in past
and present traditional medicine, dating back from prehistoric time (as far as we know), the
ancient Chinese’s believed that the universe is a composition of the two primal opposite and
equal forces which manifested themselves in a flow of energy call "Qi"; the dark, static and
negative force its call "Yin"; the radiant active and positive force is call "Yang". The "Yin"
seems to be Ouranos, and the "Yang" seems to be Gaia; that's making the whole universe to be
under the "Qi" dynamics. Ancient Primal Chinese philosophy also mention that there is many
different form of “Qi” as waves of energy that affects the body, and our mind, as well as the
whole universe (which explain the neuroplaticity and universal-plasticity phenomenon), and
that the body (or psyche) is one with the universe. It’s all a question of pure physic, and quantic
physics, and also astrophysics within Genesis. Old Chinese philosophy is part of the primal
universal philosophy from which the Ancient Egyptians High Priests extracted their

The only truth there is resided in the whole of the natural principles in all its various energy
forms that compose the universe. Our cosmic ancestors leave us that unique truth in all its
processes in the form of primal religions. Their scriptures, when being put to light, meaning
being deshermetize, talks about that unique truth. There is only one truth: the universe and its

Modern metaphysics not only connects primal religions and our actual scientific knowledge
together, but also connect all sciences into one as well as all primal religions into one; Modern
Metaphysics is in positive correlation with the third stage of positivism, Modern Metaphysics
and the third stage of positivism becomes one into one’s mind for wisdom to surfaces as
previously been “common sense" in its instinctual form into a conscious knowledge from an
awaken mind using reason instead of believing in tall tales. Religious tall tales are the literal
aspect of primal religions, which includes the allegories (the pictorial depictions of the literal
aspects of the tall tales); transcending (by using reason) the literal aspect of primal religions
we find the third stage of positivism in the reality of things.

According to Gnostic Cabbalistic sources, the original Kabbalah was first transmitted orally to
humanity and it contained all the secular knowledge concerning the creation of the universe,
its natural principles, and life wisdom. According to history the Kabbalah had made its official
apparition in Mesopotamian four thousand years ago, and the "Sefir Yetsira" which translates
as "The Book of Education" was written by the patriarch Abraham, and his children’s (Isaac
and Jacob) brought to us that knowledge. According to the Kabbalah tradition, the Torah,
which was later written by Moses, is not a book of religious laws but a codified compilation of
data containing all the knowledge of the universe, which was explained orally (Oral Torah) to
insiders only, who, later on wrote some of its passages in the Talmud, and another part in the
Sefer Ha Zohar. The secret code containing all the secular messages concerning us versus the
universes in the realm of its natural laws, and also where humanity come from and came to be,
are compiled in the five books of Moses called the Torah. The Torah contains four levels of
perception of what is written: 1) P' SHAT, which means "simple"; and that is the literal
meaning, 2) Remez, which means "allusion, insinuation"; 3) D'RESH, which means
"interpretation"; 4) SOD, which means "secret". The first three levels of perception are called
"the body of the Torah" while the fourth level of perception is called "the soul of Torah. The soul
of the Torah leads us to the "revelation" thus the "Mind Apocalypse" which is simply the third
stage of positivism. The tangible side of the Apocalypse (where the sh.t hit the fan) is the logical
continuation of "The revelation of the secret" or "The revelation of the soul of Torah".
According to the Cabalistic Jewish tradition each level of perception (or deep mental level)
contains 600,000 messages; different encoding systems exist for each word and every letter,
as in a very fancy puzzle that we must find the solution. These messages are formulas to
comprehend the natural principles say the Kabbalah. The fourth level belonging of the
understanding of the Torah has itself two sub-levels: a) the secrets of the Kabbalah, 2)
explanation of the secrets of the Kabbalah. According to the real initiated who know the real
secrets, they only reveal them to their most deserving students. From what we can understand
so far concerning the Moshiach, that dude will discover most of the secrets all by himself since
the initiated ones are under oath to keep the millenniums old secret of their knowledge ...secret!
Therefore the merit of the Moschiach will be greater than the merit of the ones who kept the
secret, and they know it. It will be a kid game for the Moshiach to pinpoint who, from the tribe
of Levi, was initiated in the secret.


Law - Nature is an automatism of patterns reacting under various stimuli.

The law of consequences is part of the behavioural discipline.

Definition - A consequence is the answer produced by the environment from the manner in
which an act was performed.

a) An action is carried out in a certain way.

b) Two results are produced:

B-1) the action is carried out.

B-2) there was a way to achieve it.

c) The result has therefore two direct consequences: c-1) the action responded to a need.

C-2) that action affects the environment.

d) The manner in which the action has been realized is a stimulus to the environment.

e) Any stimulus attracts a response; so the environments response is automatic. It reacted

according to its own nature (or pattern).

f) Thus, stimulus and response to stimulus indicated the proper behavior to follow for ones
adaptation. Changes of behavior are part of evolution.

The activities of all living beings produce real variables in intervals of time and space. Those
are influencing statistics. Our acts are the basis of the laws of needs, demand and supply.
Modern goods change our natural acts by changing the natural order of needs. Big
multinational companies create “want” instead of answering natural needs, and control the
technology sector to make bigger profits from our natural needs and artificial “wants”. Any
consequence, under the automatism of Gog and Magog, affects parts of one’s destiny. Anything
we do is data required by causality for its functions. Causality needs data to assign specific
functions and create events that are related to ones destiny. It all comes back to the popular
saying:” Our destiny is in our hands”. This is just plain common sense. Therefore, it is better
for one to laugh today and tomorrow also by participating in the harmony for all at the
present time. Our basic needs need attention, how can each individual who have his basic
needs frustrated can be of any good use for the harmonious evolution of humanity? When the
needs are fulfill to a satisfying level, then we can forget temporarily our personal wants to be a
constructive part of humanity evolution toward wisdom. To frustrates the basic needs of
others can only result of frustrating ourselves in our way to the building of social harmony, it
is to put a break in the process of the natural evolution of man toward utopia; if everyone has
his basic needs answered, than everyone can be a constructive part of humanity evolution. The
way it is now our greed’s produces more wars and famines around than our wisdom can
produce universal happiness. Let’s face it our greed’s excess our wisdom; they are in negative
correlation, it is easy to do the math and to find out how to solutionized the problem of world

Since the word "Truth" contain the seed of secularism and that seed is made of light, there is
plenty of parts of that word that Muhammad (the founder of Islam) and others like him does
not understand; as consequence Christianity and Islam, and politics base on them, are doom to
disappear soon when the truth will enlighten us all and Genesis will be understand by all.

Modern metaphysics, by not been subject to cultural pressure lays the truth at it is, in the
realm of reality, avoiding the uses of euphemisms which can be ill interpreted by idiots.

The Length of Time

Law: the universe is surrounded by infinity, and surrounds itself by parts of that infinity in
moments of time for time to reprocreated itself, thus to possess length, as quantum of time are
constantly falling into these cyclic parts.

Social perfection would be: everyone fetch for himself and shares with others; that is the only
way for each to know its own significance, socially and for self. We are naturally inclined to do
just that by the logic of things, but we come-up with a lot of false findings which we want to
share the wrong ways. Like anyone else Moschiach can get its layoff and be recycle; that is
part of the length of time. Everything is integral part of the eternal cycle of the Alpha and

Statistics are only statistics. Statistics are only saying: “This will happen if...”, and also: “This
happened because...” Against the objectivism of statistics there is the subjectivity of human
behavior; the link is destiny, this includes the length of time one lives on this earth.

1) The length of time one lives on this earth is in direct correlation with the time ones function
is fulfilled. One always decides how to live his Karma and what is karma would be. It can be
done consciously (with open eyes) or unconsciously (to be blind concerning our false beliefs).

2) We are subject to subjectivity; therefore, we are unexpected variables, we are changing the
nature of the statistics, this is why statistics are always self-updating. This is also true
concerning the length of one’s existence in this visible part of our universe. As unexpected
variables we can shorten the time of our existence or extend it by “accident”.

3) Some unforeseen variables become such because of the presence of the human factor, the
Gog and Magog produce statistics as they produce trinuses. The functions of each are
automatically generated in response to the most recent statistics. It's all automatic.

4) Although the Egosphere is a sensitive mind while being the invisible structure of the
universe, she is not capable of any form of subjectivity that goes against the automatism of
Gog and Magog in respect to determinism. The automatism of logic keeps things going in their
right places.

The length of time to regain our reason is proportional in the speed of our technology and the
decline of “false religions”, as “false religions” are contradictory of stable scientific finds.

Our technology, our means of communication, our scientific knowledge, put us in a situation of
having completed the pre-requisite for our reason not to remain in exile. Our inner exile is the
exile of the “reasonable mind” into the deep dungeons of the unconscious, there the mind is
“dead” and alive at the same time as in a zombie state who think he can think!. It is the place of
the exiled reason, lacking now our mind, until reason return to our conceit that would be the
“resurrecting of the mind”; “resurrecting of the deads” as religions put it in their paradoxical

We find the situations we artificially created by bad politic to be incomprehensible by their

consequences! Those bad politics deals with religious backgrounds, no wander! This is an easy
paradoxes to untie...all we need is comprehensible and acceptable “good” secular politics that
produce long-term pleasure of the mind! We have to let go our fear of “divine” punishment to
be upon us if we believe more in science than in a god. We have to analyses accurately science
and religions, their history from ancient Egypt if we want to regain our mind. The recovery of
our mind is to retrieve it from the Sheol of our unconscious to illuminate it by the light of
science. It is call our own “redemption” by “atonement”. Some religions appropriated for
themselves plenty of scientific words, and those words became forgotten by science.

We have to refine our mind about what the truth is by providing our mind a chance to learn
proven sciences. There is no other “divine revelation” than our own ideas coming from an
automatic extrapolating of rational concepts leading to evolutionary thoughts. It is a natural
mind processes call the intellect. Our intellectual reward, to let ourselves learn the truth by the
refinement of our mind, would be to complete our mind “redemption” that started from Egypt.
That would be our mind “messianic” revelation. We are our own Messiah's! No one can atone
for us but us to erase our confusion; it has to be within, individually. As we can see, the
obstacles made of false beliefs and paradoxes are our mind impediments, and they have to be
nullified to greed our “Messianic mind”...and that's include the “fall” of certain religions like
Catholicism and Islam. “Soul redemption” will come as they fall, as the soul is the mind. The
delaying of our “mind-messianic age” is due to the grip those two religions still have on people
mind; but they both (Catholicism and Islam) will fall under their own paradoxical thoughts.
Until that time has arrived we will still undergoes mind and body sufferings. Kouac religions,
using the behavioral approach, forces peoples to believe in what is not there and to think
paradoxically; they are forcing peoples to be what they are not, and to act like idiots. Kouac
religions denaturizes man by making him to believe he can transcend nature to reach the heart
of a vain and inexistent God created by man; Kouac religions are rerouting our self-
determination for their profit to the prejudice of our psychological well-being making us more
psychotic than we were previously neurotic. Nature is simplicity, kouac religions are
dangerously simple-minded. Kouac religions are already falling from their crumbling
pedestals, and after their fall, then all scientific fields of our research, throughout our self-
liberation of our mind-Golus, meaning the reason of the mind being in exile and finally being
liberated, would be completed and perfected; all the forces will find their sources on Gravity
and the phenomenon of the veils of time, and Libido will be part of Utopia. Peoples have the
tendency to trust the ones in charge, that's make every move and every saying the leaders are
making to be having peoples psychological and biological live in their hand, what a
responsibility! In case of being totally ignorant in a certain field and since there is an
explanation for everything since everything follows a natural logical process then when facing
a subject of interest from which we do not have any clue of what are the mechanisms making
that phenomenon to be what it is, it would make makes more sense to say: "That's the way it is,
and eventually we will find out why" Instead of saying "this is Gods will" and not to doing the
extra length to know why, which don’t help anyone peace of mind; and that's exactly what
kouac religions do, therefore the scientifical approach is the best, at least it give us a realistic
hope toward knowledge. Science goes the extra length that stagnating religions refuses to go.

Time within systems is related on distance covered by matter and quantum (matter is formed
with quantum’s or quanta) within a cycle where decay, as well as new aport of energy, distort
its perception. For the mind the distance is an illusion, but it is not for the senses; for the mind
there is no distance since it can reach any point of space in an instant, but it takes time for the
body to reach any point of space. Imagination leading to creativity does not recognize time or
the speed of light as a frontier since imagination transcends time to reach the reality of
possibilities (or their real presence) in every point of space, it is call statistics.

The quality of politicians, and therefore the quality of live, will be elevated when the
entrepreneurship of the atoning evangelists will be put in the service of the real secular truth.
Under the right leadership, and been enlighten in the affairs concerning cosmology and
cosmogony, the peoples won’t give up so easily anymore who they are for the benefit of the
religious psychotic dream. Persistence and ingenuity will be at work to build Utopia; it is only
a question of time since the body is mending to be the slave of the mind, and since utopia is
already in the mind, therefore transcending time.

It is the light that keeps creating the universe for time to be eternal; Ouranos is its support, and
Gaia its source; as Gaia will never disappear so its time.

The symbolism behind the mythical Jesus of Nazareth being crucified represents humanity
getting nailed to the cross of martyrdom by its own stupidity, and the crown made of thorns
represents the thorns that affect our mind; that was the real message behind the story.
Somehow the religious bigots in their determination to bath their mind in pure agnosticism get
it all wrong in the middle of their joyous splashing alleluia’s and their sparkling rosary of
eternal amen’s hiding their lack of intellectuality, thinking they are “save” from mental hell
without having to sweat for it since someone else did all the sweating for them! Come on, be

The literal aspect of a metaphor is the natural opponent of the meaning that lies behind the
metaphor; this is why religiosity is the natural opponent of secularism.

The will of God

The religious bigots are trained to speak before thinking for them to have in mind that it would
save time to believe in God rather the find-out by ourselves how the universal machinery work.
The same goes for the cultural bigots for them to believe that it would save time for humanity
to believe in their nationalistic approach of seeing things that their culture is the gauge by
which everyone and every politic, has to be measured from in order for the world to find
peace. A well armed cultural bigot is a danger to cultural diversity; the same goes for a well
armed religious bigot as history tells. A previously well armed Catholicism succeed for well to
be the master of the western world when its religious politic become politics to follow for
different countries. Now-a-days we can bring to court the priests who torture the innocent

What is good for the natural principles for them to stay in charge is therefore also good for us
to stay in charge of our own destiny. The preachers are using secular means for preaching, but
today science does not use religious means to teach like in Pharaonic times.
The will of “god” is to destroy what is not harmony. Lives and material goods are lost due to
the presence of the “acts of gods” meaning destruction from natural events; that would be
enough to deter us from hurting each others in many way, by keeping us busy to adapt to the
“acts of Gods” in different ways by our studies of nature ways; but somehow some stupid man-
made politics steer humanity to an opposite direction: destroy to gain the goods! Is that the
innate human will? Of course not!

In ancient times, in their duty to worship their gods, the believers learns it is a crime to put
their laws, the universal principles, to the test, or else they will feel the chastise of the gods.
Today believers need simply to believe that there is a presence of universal principles been
called “Gods commands” without questioning them; and there is where reside the dispute
between some religions and science: to question “God” in order to take full advantage of his

The ancient Hebrews calls “Acts of Gods”: the will of God, the vengeance of God, God said, the
nature of God, the destructive and the constructive power of God...etc...All it is, is that an “Act
of God” can defines events outside of human controls, as` well as direct cause of human
“wrong doings” against himself throughout the causality of natural laws of physics and others
sciences. Any human manipulation of matter and energy causes some “acts of gods” to occurs,
they can be beneficial or artificially men-makes disasters. “Acts of God” or acts of nature is one
and the same; that's makes the word “God” another word (or synonym) to defines “nature”.

“Act of God”, does imply that causality had a direct intervention which caused a “natural”
occurrence or disaster. “Acts of God” or “will of God” belong to two categories:

1) The Unforeseeable “Acts of God”

They are the Natural events leading to natural disasters, and not preventable by any human
agency, for which no one can be held responsible. Unforeseen “Acts of God” are naturally
occurring events cause by forces of nature that were unforeseen and unavoidable and that no
one has control over them. For the ancient Hebrews that also includes viruses, harmful
bacteria and any other biological agent leading to mortal maladies states.

Earthquakes from the motion of Earth tectonic plates which leads to the formation of tsunamis
and floods, also volcanic eruptions leading to weather changes, lighting and floods, leading to
lost of lives and to crop damage, are consider as “Acts of God”. From being “Unforeseeable Acts
of God” they can became “Foreseeable Acts of God” given the presence of warning by the use of
scientific technology and knowledge.

2) Foreseeable “Acts of God”

They are caused by those who put others in danger of causal “acts of nature” through
negligence and their failure by their (wicked) ways of ignoring obvious risks due to “natural
phenomena”. Foreseeable results of “unforeseeable” causes like a poorly constructed building
in a geological faulty area, crumbling under an earthquake, are a foreseeable “Act of God”.
What can be also consider as a foreseeable “Act of God”, is a bolt of lightning striking an area
were volatile methane gas its forms from a certain amount of decomposing organic waste
material lays, which may result in a expected explosion; this is beside the fact that it can also
produce an army of harmful bacteria. This is why the ancient Hebrew were so keen about
hygiene, to be “clean” versus “unclean”, there is a lot of mention in the Torah about it, like
burying dead cows and human excrements.

In Exodus 23:20 to 23:30 there is the mention about one or more viruses, or harmful
bacteria's, striking the land of Canaan and bringing sickness and death from virulent and
contagious diseases among their inhabitants as “God Will”.

Some of those virulent diseases were bring by “hornets” like our “Nile virus”, traveling around
by means of mosquito’s carriers. That leaves room for the Israelis to take over the land and not
became sick themselves (being stain, having sores from the plague) if they follows God ways by
listening to his “angel”. The “angel” was simply a scientist working in the health field in the
broad sense.

“Gods ways are not men ways” as it is mention in the Torah, and whom follows “Gods ways”
will see himself having an harmonious psyche, otherwise mental and body sickness are his
own burden from his “wicked” ways. We are creating our own Karma under “God will” or
“Acts of Gods”. That was clear enough...

Religious bigots shall ask themselves those following questions and see for themselves what
answer they come up with: 1) what is religion? Why are they taking it? What is its affect on
their every day live? What effect religion has on their power of reasoning? What is better to
believe in: science or religion? Does their religion contain proven scientific data? If yes what
percentage? Is science has to learn from religion? Why?

By proper hygiene practices, honest labor, ethical social behavior, and an adequate uses of
scientific data, a society do not have to fear any unforeseeable catastrophic events as mention
in (Exodus 23:25): “You shall serve the Lord your God, and he will bless your bread and your
water, and I will take sickness away from among you.”.

Another interesting passage to read would be Deuteronomy 28:58 to 28:68, from the chapter
“Curses for Disobedience”. The natural principles which are responsible of creating our
sensory system which process gives us the various states of emotiveness (emotions) make it so
that any of our social behaviors trigger within a sense of "feeling good" or "feeling bad" from
the deeps of our unconscious. It is that “feeling” which gives us the opportunity to avoid the
“Curses for Disobedience”.

Different cultures are better off to live apart, but nothing stop them to appreciate their
difference and to exchange their goods in the world market, helping each others in different
fields, and also visiting each others. To meet and to "party" together is also part of the
appreciation of their differences as long the borders are respected and no bullying is involved.
This is part of living in harmony with each others. So simple isn’t it? Yes! This is why so many
Jews will immigrate back to their ancestral land (back from their physical exodus) during the
apocalypse (coming back to reason from mind-exodus), and so will their Moschiach.

Since Israel is mainly a religious nation divided in many factions without been a religious
state, and knowing that their Moshiach is a humanistic ethico-secularist individual who know
many of the principles of the first philosophy, therefore the Moschiach of Israel, by the logics of
things, cannot have be born in Israel nor be part of any Israel religious community abroad.

Plenty of myths were created as metaphors veiling scientific data, by the ancient
knowledgeable ones, for the morons (agnostism) believing in the literal of these tall tales, to
convey these messages hiding scientific knowledge throughout the millenniums until man
achieving all its stages of mental development can understand the reality behind them by
transcending them with the use of reason. To believe in the literal aspect of metaphors, without
searching any further for their meaning, leads to paradoxical thinking thus to functional
mental troubles; it is a sign of idiocy due to innate agnosticism to have faith in the literal of a
metaphor. The remedy to that kind of mental troubles coming from delusions it’s to use reason
rather than rationality.

The human factor (man unreliability) of an individual is in a positive correlation with the
vastness of his idiocy. Actually the term "human factor" is a euphemism for "man idiocy" from
what's left of man innate agnosticism (or original sin) in an individual.

The Kabbalah is an esotheric method using different ways from which we can interpret the
hidden meaning of the Torah (its secularism) concerning the mechanism of the universe. In the
broad sense the Kabbalah refers to what is a secret to be unveil (thus the secular aspect of the
Torah) and which should be revealed automatically to those who are courageous enough to
seek the hidden meaning behind the apparent meaning in total disregard of any pressure from
diverse religious cultures. The Torah and the Kabbalah have different function concerning
archaeology; to prove that some components of the Torah are exact (mainly the historical
part) it is by our archaeological finds that we can make some validations. Regarding the
Kabbalah it is more the archaeology of the mind that is required, thus psychology, as Freud
already pioneers that idea some time ago. Apart from the fact of making the secular data
contain in the Torah less esoteric the origin of the Kabbalah is just plain secularism therefore
containing plenty of non-Jewish components since the idea of the Kabbalah was present before
the Jews would become a people. The human editors of the Kabbalah were been influenced by
different Gnostic cultural currents up from the ancient Egyptians going through Abraham
(who was an Egyptian of royal blood) to Noah which imported the idea from his own culture's
from the cosmos (from his planet of origin).

Homage to the Messiah's of Science

The Jews see themselves as having a very well develop sense of humour, is that would be
enough for them not to lose their marbles when they will comprehend that Moses played a joke
on them and lead them astray? And is their sense of humour will be so well developed for them
to actually believe and comprehend that joke was really for their own benefit? The ancient
Jewish sacred rite of anointing with olive OIL (which was known to PURIFY the arteries) in
biblical time represents the mind being lubricated with the ancient secular knowledge.
Catholicism stole the literal part of that rite and transforms it as "being baptized in the name of
Christ (meaning Jesus of Nazareth), the only messiah and the only son of God" while applying
water on the head of an individual who can be a kid or an adult. Catholicism, Pope included,
never realized that the meaning of being anointed was simply of scholarized dimension in the
secular field of knowledge.

Even before Noah landed on Earth he surely have in the back of his mind to makes a saying
that eventually became an old Yiddish saying that says: “The Messiah you're expecting will
never come; the Messiah that's coming you've never expected.”, from there on, Noah’s job
begin. The will of God is simply causality, and plenty of scientists are studying the different
fields caused by causality. They all are fractal fields of the chaos theory. The chaos theory is the
scientific placebo of reason while searching for the reason of things.

As for the psychological field, when reason has departed from us, horrors has seized our mind
and we have psychology and Freud to justify our actions. Why do we have to chase reason
away and to leave our mind at the mercy of pain? A huge part of psychology is burry in the
Torah, It is said in different words what Freud said in his own words, and what we discover
here and written in this simplified version: Our mind have to suffer by the “death” of our
reason for self-psychoanalysis (atonement) to be our savior. Then reason being resurrected
from the “dead” end of Sheol, meaning being retrieve from the dungeon of our unconscient
were it was waiting in limbo to being “resuscitate” again to the land of the livings (the one who
understand). It is simply to clean our intellect by our experience of suffering throughout
consequences and by atoning (self-mind exams). One have to “die” thousand deaths to purify
his own mind. The messianic concept is simply a psychological concept. Freud was a Messiah
in his own field as Newton was a Messiah in physics; and so were many more in their
respective fields of research. Those people had to work hard for their words to be taken as the
words of the universe (Heaven) and their teaching is in accordance to the universal laws (the
will of God). The eternal universal rules (god sun) burn brilliantly, “that fire shall be kindled in
all the corners of the earth. Upon the Darkness it will shine. Then the darkness (of the mind)
will pass away.”

All those Messiahs of science (Galileo included) had to suffered for their rightfully beliefs based
on scientific research and evidence. Every time one of those messiahs arises there is lying and
violence, wicked people wander astray, their minds been confounded. They invent stories and
shameful things about those scientific great minds as those great minds overthrow the
ignorance and the evil doings that goes with it in their generation. Those great minds knew
that Ignorance is the deep darkness that makes the mind to be a dry land; but nevertheless, a
mind is a land that can withhold the floods of light from the rivers of knowledge in order for
the flowers of understanding to flourish in peace. Einstein just said that in his own words. We
can see that the only reason those great minds (or souls) suffered while searching for the truth
is because of others; the character of the law of consequences (causality) did them Justice from
their amount of suffering. As for the ones (the moronical sinners) who prefers to dwells in their
dry lands, it is large amount on suffering that awaits them. This has nothing to do with
religion but everything to do with scientific data. We can clearly see that religions came from
long forgotten scientific data. Those great minds were “Messiah's within” on the making,
meaning they were reaching a universal consciousness without yet been completed in their
“Tahor” (purity).

The merit of these great minds was to allowed the power of their intellect to be paired with
ethics (libido) for their minds to increase their own ability of understanding, doing so it is that
ability that makes them capable to rectify the damage of others and to correct the mental path
of their generation for better understanding of the truth. Their wisdom and sociability brought
numerous chains of events for achieving mind rectification (self soul searching) toward one
true self of each individual in their generation. They takes upon them, consciously or not, to
correct some of the spiritual (mental) damage done from the beginning, from the time of the
very first human mistakes, made by poor human judgment (made by sinners). Those great
minds were individuals selecting themselves naturally, throughout the universal rules, to
rectify things that “sinners” destroyed. It is a natural selection process were Freud theory and
Newton natural selection intermingles in neuroplasticity were mind affects genes, and genes
affects the intellect, given each individual their own nature to do things in the relativity of time
(see Einstein).

We can see the intermingling of religion and science in this one small paragraph: we can see
that his positive side of Justice (causality) relates to those great minds, and the “vengeance of
god” is related to the rest of the world in general. That's makes for Utopia to occur the presence
of the requirement that man be punished for his wickedness for the universal pulsion (or need)
of Justice to be satisfied. We can see why those Messiahs of science needed to suffer, at first for
their own well being, and then for the well being of the people. We became mentally healed by
their wounds, as they recreated themselves anew. Religions say that “the attribute of goodness
is greater than the attribute of vengeance”. It takes the enduring afflictions and pains of the
past great minds of science for us to see today that that saying is relevant to the psychological
field. For the Jews, there is in the Garden of Eden (our mind as potential Utopia) a palace
called: “The palace of the sons of sickness”, the ancient Greek call it Sheol, the Catholics call it
“hell”, as for us we call it the suffering side of the unconscious mind. In the psychological field,
it is in this palace that the Messiahs of science enter (psychologists and psychiatrists). They
summons every sickness, every pain, and every chastisement (as Freud did); they all come and
rest upon them. They carry them in their mind to understand their suffering. Their inner
nature (the humanist theory says we all being born as been well) makes them able to bear in
mind that chastisement for man transgression of the universal rules, loaded within as data in
their superego. Those data are our sicknesses they carried within; those data tell them of the
misery of man because of the captivity of reason.

Ancient scientists and secular scholars, especially on the Dark Age were the leper scholars
bearings our grief, and carrying our sorrows. At times the Catholic Church did esteem them as
lepers, to be affect by dementia and tormented by the devil. Opposite to them, over the
centuries, many dreamers in their “religious minds” have claimed to be the Messiah without
having a faint idea that they were plenty of real Messiah around them. Those religious “god
lovers” were (and still are) having their own set of beliefs, without proof, about what a
Messiah is made of. Freud, Einstein, Newton, Tesla, Plank, and many more were humble
Messiahs, the latest one “climbing over the shoulders of all the previous ones” as Einstein put it.
Therefore, there will always be a Messiah: the latest one; that's makes the previous one to be
his messenger. They were taking a so small amount of space and yet they were causing the
biggest uproar. Like them, we need to strengthen our visualization of our future actions in
their ethical positivity to bring to our conscious mind the Messiah within. As for the Jews, they
have their own set of conditions saying who will fit the profile to be their Messiah. Good luck to
them, because he will not be a religious Rebbe’s holding office, he is an actual scientific mind.
The majority of the Jews do not realize that what Jews rabbis and Rebbe’s says about their
Messiah, is in the scientific context, sometimes much clearer in their information than what the
Hebrews scriptures are saying. Some of their Rebbe’s know the truth; they are from the Levites
lineage but under oath. After his release from imprisonment in Petersburg, Rabbi Schneur
Zalman was asked: “Tell us, Rebbe, when the tribulations of Israel will end? When will the
redeemer finally come?” Lowering his eyes to the ground Rebbe said softly: “But how can he
come? The Moshiach that everyone wants will never come, and the true Moshiach, no one
wants.” That Rebbe knew... “Geulah” mean “mind redemption” were reason takes over
nonsense. The Geulah will happen at the beginning of the full opening of Jewish intellectual
secular activities. That final Geulah will be; and that can only be done through the opening of
the mind called “the resurrecting of the deads souls (sleepy minds), and that has nothing to do
with dead bodies. This “Geulah” will happen on the terms of reason, according to natural rules
terms (Universal laws).

All Jews, Zionists and others who are interested in their mind ingenuousity, will understand
that “mind redemption” is the simple fact, for them, to fully realize what they said all along:
“Torah is knowledge”. Their eyes will open. Who were opposed to a “god” and who were not,
will be united in the same knowledge. Pagan harmonious actions and the harmonious actions
of any culture that were done on behalf of any “god” were both done on behalf of libido for the
well being of our psyche. Millenniums of necessary knowledge build-up in Jews mind, and
good deed in Jews heart constitutes the basis of the beginning of the Geulah.

Jews always lived alone in their spirituality as a kind of a “secret” nation and as individuals,
giving gifts for appeasing nations and individual while hard at work studying nature and the
Torah for the future benefit (or redemption) of the whole world. “Spirituality” is to think the
ways of nature using our reasoning in parallel with libido. As the Jews banding together
politically, regarding their “religion”, the Geulah begins from there on, by Jews becoming
mentally powerful. Using logic and libido at the same time will keep them humble and
extraordinary sociable, without being fools, by being super knowledgeable. Such power won't
give them sovereign power over all nations, Jews are not searching for that, but all nations
will recognize their mind power. No one was ever enemies of libido, but only their own
enemies. Evil-doers, doing anti-harmonious actions, just get the wrong education. Reason base
on the logic of nature and the feeling of libido is the ultimate revelation of the honor of
humankind, the redemption itself, for oneself, and around the world. Our mental health and
physical strength is in that unity in the hand of nature.

Goyims (strangers, non-Jews) won't have to worry about Jews taking over the world under a
tyrannical dictator, that won't happen, this is not their goal, and it is exactly the opposite.
Nevertheless, incorrigible psychopaths will get together, before destroying each others, to try
to plot strategy of how to prevent them from being overtaken by all social changes. Only
psychopaths will be so impressed by Jews wisdom that they will be scared of Israel.

A trigger of the Apocalypse will be when the Messiah’s of science will tell us that if we are
desesperately looking for some kind of a recognizable divine presence in the universe it can
only be the "Dark Universe”; but in "Her" neutrality human are for "Her” as any other form of
live an insignificant component of life in the large scheme of life and general evolution.
Without rejecting the existence of the automatic process of evolution trough our natural
purpose to adapt, we nevertheless have to emphasize the little of cosmic consequentiality from
humanity and its doings; personal evolution being where man's main natural task is to create
an himself who can deal with his direct environment; this is why the existence of a associative
personality containing many different personalities is present in that self-creating
psychological process in order to deal with different environments. We cannot have complete
disdain for all things religious, only some pity for moronical bigots who takes primal religions
literally. Cosmic forces, and natural forces are not malevolent, they are neutral since they are
objectives, and the Dark Universe is a living but objective entity as a universe by itself.
Mechanistic materialism exists in the cosmic level, but it is one of the cosmic steps leading to
the mnemonic cosmic phenomenon that produce life. Yes, there is a cosmic indifferentism from
the mechanics of the light (the natural principles), but those principles are not alive, their
indifference even toward themselves make them to be of cosmic indifferentism. Genesis was a
mechanical and meaningless action since no mnemonical individual, like a living god, was
present to make that decision; Genesis was an uncaring event of purely physical nature. It is
after the formation of the mnemonical phenomenon that life care for life throughout a logical
evolutionary process where reasoning is involve. Plenty of primal religious and pagan beliefs,
when demetaphorized can easily be supported scientifically as well as the cosmic forces having
less regard for humanity as humans have for viruses. Natural laws are neither good nor evil,
there are simply logic at work, our human notions of morality have no meaning for them,
Indeed, they simply exist in the cosmic realms of energy self-interacting, therefore of easy
reach to human understanding.

The fundamental aim of the humanistic approach is to reconcile humanities with science to
discover wisdom, throughout the scientifical approach, in order to unveil the fact that the
unified field theory encompass life within the natural principles, which make psychology and
sociology to be also of purely scientific nature in the realm of libido being pure logic becoming
emotions and reason.

In everyday life we are using, in cooperation, three kind of mechanism of adaptation to cope
with existence: 1) the Freudian mechanism of defence like rationalization; the overusing of
these mechanism of defences leads to mental troubles; 2) the mechanisms of natural
adaptation which is the use of various logical responses to fulfill our basic needs for the psyche
survival even if it mean the use of forbidden behaviors by a specific society; as an example, in a
extremist Islamic circle, one's can say he believe that Muhammad is the prophet of God in
order to keep his head on his shoulder, that is a lie which is not a sign of rationalization but of
reason.3) the mechanisms of natural aggressivity which is the use of creativeness to
counterattack and solution any problem that frightening the flows of our responses to our
basic needs; as an example we use our creativity, based on experience, to built a house that will
withstand any threatening exteriors negative influences toward our basic need of protection.
Any occurring problems that threatening the flow of responses to our basic needs has to be
deal with wisdom, meaning: in a psychosocial manner where fundamental ethics is involves,
that exclude automatically any forms of bigotry finding its source in Man innate idiocy. We got
to sweat to find wisdom; and evolution is a cyclic process where sweat it’s involve.
Unfortunately idiots have to runs to their doom to become wiser; the religious saying for this is
“You are not ready to live (a live of reason) before you are willing to die (from idiocy)”. After
all it’s all a question of causality in order to find out the logical processes of nature in our
journey toward wisdom.

An Occult Intrigue

Thieves live a life of paradoxes, anyone stealing for their own credits the sayings of scholars
who extract their knowledge from the primal philosophy are doom for a life made of
paradoxes. Muhammad (the founder of Islam) and actual Christianity are thief’s who
appropriates for their own credit parts of the Jewish faith. The primal philosophy is an
homogenize system, any outside interference stain the whole system, the truth is also in the
opposite: any part of the primal philosophy being place in a opposite system will render that
system more paradoxical than it was before. This is why the Jews are very careful when
copying their Torah.

Logic add-up with logic and paradoxes is where there is an absence of logic; Islam and
Christianity does not add-up in the logic of things concerning their religious view of
cosmogony, cosmology and Genesis.

The Kabbalah is composed of a set of esoteric teachings, making it a discipline and school of
thought discussing the scientific meaning that lies under the mystical aspect of Judaism. The
goal of the Kabbalah is to define and unveil the secrets of the Tanah (Hebrew Bible) and
traditional rabbinic literature, as well as to explain the scientific significance of the various
Jewish religious observances. The Kabala’s says that the Chanukah is design to bring to the
surface (conscious mind) the Messiah within. “Cabale” in French mean: an occult intrigue. The
ancient Egyptians and their students the Greeks philosophers were good at that.

A Hanukiah or the Menorah official festival of lights, mean “Establishing” or “Dedication” of

the Temple containing “god”. Under the official story of the “Maccabees rebellion” lays the
“resurrecting of the mind” as “Maccabee” mean “dead corpse” and “rebellion” in this context
mean “mind rebellion for liberation”. The organic body being the temple of the psyche where
“god” (meaning: the truth) can reside in a person mind. The truth being the enlightment of the
mind is celebrated by Hanukiah. Hanukiah also have a relation with the cosmogony. The
whole business of the Maccabees story have a Greek flavor over an Egyptian knowledge that
makes its way to the French “cuisine” of the minds (la Cabale) where the psychoanalysts (the
cooks) where trained by Freud who was a Jew!

Humanistic-Atheism is to find the real reason and the logic behind feelings and be able to
measure it in order to have faith in love; this is to say that Humanistic-Atheism is the way to
transcend matter, since it involve secularism and humanism; and not by any means any third
rated manipulative occult sect, no matter how many followers those sects can register, like
Catholicism, Islam, Mormon etc... It is bad enough for a humanist to know there is such thing
as "armed conflicts" instead of conflicts of the mind which can be resolved by reason; but to
hear every day in the news how many armed conflicts are out there and how bad are their
consequences pushes them to concentrated more in their ethico-secularism to reach, by pure
humanism, those extra lengths that will bring peace and harmony to humanity. Moschiach,
having covered the extra lengths, and having the capability to read "white on white", will be
put to work by Israel to clear up plenty of written passages of their "religion". It is amazing the
mountain of scientific information and true historical events that are contain in the primal
religions, which are puzzles specially made for us by the ancients and most of the time easy
enough to deciphers; and here we are: believing in a non-existent God while doing our best to
try to understand the prophesies of Nostradamus! It is purely amazing how our feeling of
insignificance, meaning low self-esteem, inferiority complex, (well exploited by the ancients)
pushes us to dream of what is not there and to turn our back on simple reality.

Teachers are train in the molding of minds, who was your teachers?

The original Kabbalah is not a theory and neither a speculative philosophy, it is the promise
kept by our cosmic knowledgeable ancestors toward us that explains the sens we shall give to
our life by an esotheric form of teaching which after all is only secular data in disguise. The
truth is temporal but eternal since the truth is in the movement of the light. Time illuminates us
throughout the evolutionary process of the light in its different forms like matter and forms of
life. Knowledge is a personal quest to attain the truth. The Kabbalah contain the secular
revelation, or data, concerning everything there is for whoever is geniously interested in the
truth of things. Even if the matter of the cosmos is of a finite amount, the Kabbalah explain to
us the infinity of the processes of the light. The Kabbalah is the synthesis that brings us back to
the original principle responsible of the creation; how the light came to be, therefore the
wisdom that we search for so eagerly for has to be retrieve from secular scientific data made of
the natural principles assemble into the simple term call "the word". To posses mnemonically
some data without knowing what to do with them is to be a dead-mnemonic-file, Zombieness!
Simplism! To have the knowledge of how to use them (the natural principles), to comprehend
their functions, is to be mnemonically alive, to find the simplicity of things. Peoples full of
sectarism prejudices like cultural and religious bigots, as mentioned in the Kabbalah, will rebel
against the Kabbalah teachings, but the open-minded individuals who seek for the truth will be
amazed by its subtlety and the intellectual splendours it contain. We are our own artisan of
who we are, we are our own creation, our own piece of work, our own opus self-made with our
manipulation of the sounds of the light. The Cabbalists uses analogy to hermetized the secular
in a esotheric form, but we can find the truth that lurk behind plenty of the Torah literal saying
as well as the Kabbalah by using similitude’s. By studying the Kabbalah we have to grasp the
evidence that the actual knowledge of humanity start from a degeneration of many thousands
of millenniums old sophisticated civilizations; the knowledge of Noah was far more advance
than our present knowledge. In the Stone Age, Gros-Magon was a moron, but Noah was a
super genius compare to us, the Torah and the Kabbalah tells us why indirectly by pinpointing
their ages which was by the hundreds of years, thus indicating indirectly to us the presence of
space travelling. Our psyche (body and soul) not only symbolizes but IS the osmosis between
the Dark Universe and this Physical universe, our soul belongs to the Dark Universe. Our body
which belongs to this physical universe is the mortal part of our psyche. The ancient secret
secular knowledge under its esotheric form was vulgarized by uncultivated morons in charge
of politics to become empty rituals and low class idolatry toward an inexistent religious
"Living God". The universe is the philosopher's stone into which is engraved the natural
principles known esoterically as the famous "Moses tables of the laws". Moses was a wise man
who was the keeper of the sacred laws (universal principles) and who was under oath to shut
his mouth concerning the secular truth. These laws carved in stone are still to be seen all over
Egypt in their hieroglyphic forms, what a joke! All these similitude’s we can find in plenty of
civilizations concerning their knowledge of the natural principles has for origin these famous
"Tables of laws" that is engraved all over the universe which is the philosopher's stone! The
religious vision of the universe is very close to blindness; the natural principles do not contain
any flaws, but religiosity is basic trash. The manifestations of the natural principles are in the
light: the ways of the lights, "God's ways" as the religious bigots puts it, and they are accessible
to all in their fonder quintessence (which is the light). The similitude is not the identity, plenty
of esotheric teaching in the Torah and the Kabbalah uses similitude’s in allegoric forms to
indicates that the presence of the identity exist; esoterism is the hide-and-seek sense of the
teaching. Light is the "absolute spirit" since it has nothing to do with a self-sensory system, it
has none, light is not alive but its moving and it creates, therefore light is perfection as it is
"movement". The universe is "awake" because of the movement.

Religiosity is base on literal beliefs which are hallucinated assumptions that can only lead to a
failure to mature psychologically since it is a closing door to intellectuality, thus to reason; the
religious bigots are saying themselves “use beliefs, not reason to conduct our life”! For the
religious bigots, like the Catholics, Islamists and other kouac sects, to say they will be "save"
and "go to paradise" because of their religious faith while the atheist ethico-humanists, among
others (like the Buddhists), will experience "the fire of hell" is can of presumptuous and an
insult to reason, isn't it? Reason tells us it is more likely to be the other way around. Sigmund
Freud knew that, he told us that, but he was so euphemistic…. On the other hand Nostradamus
told us the same thing but in its own hermetic way; as for Karl Max he also try in his own
social way.

The Brain and the Mind

Our physical environment as objects of nature is more significant as a learning tool than
whatever we might achieve to created (like a fridge and a stove) with it. It is by the use of our
sensory system that our understanding of nature can never be finite but in constant evolution
Our nerves all over our body are part of our brain, they are brain extension, our sensory
system (nerves) are actualizing the present events in our mind via our brain. Without it our
mind (soul) wouldn't make the difference from memories residing in our superego and actual
events that affect us at the present time. In the vessel that our human body is, our mind and
our brain are not parallel but are “mixed” together like coffee and milk in a cup (of coffee). This
is why when an individual having an arm or a leg remove, he can “feel” the presence of the
missing limb and part of the environmental stimulus by using “the phantom limb”, but without
affecting the environment. In the case of blind people it is called the “Blind sight”. By itself, the
fact of the presence of the “phantom limb” establishes the essential bond between body and
mind in one psyche (in our case: human body) to cope with physical matter.

There is something about the nature and character of the energy from which the mind (soul) is
made of that makes possible for us to distinguish it from our human body. The same principle
apply concerning the dark universe and the physical universe, they are intermingling in every
other point of the universe, a point of space which do not belong to one, belong to the other one.

That intermingling of both universes into one makes our mind to strive naturally towards the
principles of nature, and as a by-product our conscious learn things. As humans making the
effort to understand the principles of how to build a fridge and a stove, we are, anyway,
learning universal natural principles for our well being. Gadgets are made from principles,
and the gimmick is to know that those same principles apply for the mind well being; by using
consciously libido and logic to our social advantage on the top of that we got it made! Utopia is
one step away.
Nature, by simple automation makes achievements. Nature does not think, forms of life do. The
only utmost that we are capable of, is to understand nature ways in its social interactions; the
rest is a question of technology. “Sanctifying our soul” is to get rid of our egocentrism and its
products (breach of trust etc..) to understand that in order to go along with nature ways to
find harmony. This is purely logic in connection with reality, nothing religious about it.

Any forms of life are the naturally ready receptacles of the terms of nature as being products of
nature, and it is our conscious acknowledgement of the nature ways, under our self-
determination, that decide if we want to still be morons for a little longer or not. We can
always accept for nature to run its course, it is part of our choices, and to leave it at that. As
time goes by the “spirituality of the mind”` is naturally by itself, under automation, getting
closer to the understanding of the infinity of nature interactions from basics principles. It
would be an easy-lazy way for us to get “illuminated” anyway, just to sit and wait, like a
moronic zombie, without having the fun of using our intellect. Spirituality is the use of our
intellect to find out what reality is all about, the truth of it. The mind can express all aspects of
reality, the physical and ultimately the spiritual as Freud & Co does. The brain and its
ramification (the nerves) is mere flesh, and the mind is the ethereal “brain storm” of who we
are. The brain is not intellectual, it is a biological computer; in that sense physical matter can
be said to be as “intellectual” as the brain is. The ethereal mind is the intellectual part. Brain
and matter has attributes and features, and those qualities of nature serves as a seat for the
intellect. Whatever we do to them and with them is always relevant to knowledge; causality
takes care of the rest of the story. It is not so much that we need to be taken out of the
remoteness of understanding than it is that our remoteness from libido must be taken out of us.
Our remoteness from libido is our intellect downfall were logic abandon us for us to live
intellectually in an impossible “morbid rational' dream.

Sleep is needed for the benefit of our intellect (we already knew that). Tired from a long day
were any kind of problems are still unresolved, like emotional, social and economic problems,
also our hope and sorrows, etc.., we fall asleep. In sleep, there is a diminution of the bond
between body and soul. Our conscious connected to our sensory system is subdued; from the
confusion of our unconscious our intellect, still at work, submits to the associative personality
different concepts and ideas to cope with everyday life in a form of metaphoric dreams. We
may or we may not remember those dreams, but nevertheless the concepts and idea are
already formed and ready to surface to our conscious, under the right stimulus, when we are
awake. In essence, sleep preserves and enhances the fusion of body and soul by letting the
constant work of the intellect doing its natural function alone to create mind-harmony without
conscious subjective interference. “Remoteness of the senses” is a Jewish “sensory galut” that
can be described as a time when our “asleep” sensory system let the main cognitive flow of
information from our superego, and the secondary flow of information from the exterior, to
stimulates our intellect without the interference of our conscious mind. Because of the presence
of the neuroplasticity phenomenon that stimulation can be measure in the neurons level.

The “Mind-galut” or “Mind-exile” meaning “mind remoteness from reality” is when our
intellect, stimulated by the flow of cognition, is under the influence of the subjectivity of our
conscious mind, full of paradoxical nonsense, for our intellect to makes we perceive the world
as a distortion of reality. As we are sleeping we experience “mind-galut” as nightmares, it is a
surreal collage of frustrating impossibilities (paradoxical realities) in the process to be
resolved. The natural rules (automatism of nature) are intermingling with our subjective mind
and are unfriendly to nonsense. This is what renews and intensifies the intellectual bond
between nature living creation and its logical system of evolution (as “god divine soul” for the
religious mind). Mind-galut do not runs contrary to libido, the natural automatic persistence
of libido being unfriendly to nonsense makes it painful for our mind to keep our paradoxical
illusion of reality, that is what will always makes us to come back to libido, as libido is the
highest level of the logic of life. We have to mentally evolve (to return from mind-exile) to get
rid of our mental and societal headaches. All of our trial and tribulation are for spiritual profit
(mental evolution) for our remoteness of understanding (or our mental dispersion of logic) to
come back from exile (galut). As analogy does exist, the same principle applies equally to the
physical form of galut. It is exodus that gives to the return its whole awaking joy.

There is no such thing as a subjective "will of God" but there is the presence of natural
principles that are behaving always the same when the conditions are assembled. Therefore to
be caught in a volcanic eruption, or to drown under a tidal wave when we live by the sea shore
is not by the will of God but by our own mistake to be a bunch of fools or not having enough
knowledge (original sin) to know better. Now-a-days we develop a lot of technologies which
can gives us warning signs of what's coming our way weather wise and on other fields of
interest were statistics is involve. Plenty of time what we call “God will” is simply man mistake,
and we do have a fancy organic sensor in our disposition called the brain which relay
information to the fancy computer called the “mind” for us to dispose at our will in order not
to make those mistakes that we call “God will” when rationalizing our foolishness.

By the end of the "Messianic era" plenty of former evangelists, priests and others church
leaders who in their ethical mind never did take advantage of their leader position for personal
purpose will become the best psychologists, sociologists, psycho-sociologists, and will become
those Genius politicians who will leads countries toward social harmony the ethico-secular
way. They will be highly regarded as scholars for whom the deep understanding of the natural
principles will come easily. They will also understand the "first philosophy”. Plenty of them will
lead research centers concerning ESP phenomena; they will also seek Jewish advice like the
USA will. It will be a rapid negative correlation between religious faith and secularism; over
the doom of Islam Egypt and Israel will become close partners in the study of the secular
meaning of Ancient Egypt “religion” compares to the Jewish “religion”. In Greece, while the
former orthodox church will atone, the peoples will compare their ancient mythology with
Egyptian mythology to find all the positive secular scientifical correlations; and the
philosophical discipline of the western civilization will have a massive interest renewal toward
Greek philosophy concerning cosmogony and cosmology to find out what they knew
concerning the unified field theory better known a “Genesis”. The USA will be more interested
in the political dimension than the Jews will be in the psychosocial dimension; and Asia will
have a massive renewal of their faith in ancient medicinal approach where the dynamics of the
whole psyche is one with the dynamics of nature as the Tibetan knowledge of herbal medicine

By using philosophical logic as its approach to reality, Modern Metaphysics is the avant-garde
of our scientific unified field’s theory which uses the scientific approach.

Self-Destructive Religions

The source of all our troubles is our original sin: agnosticism; because of it we have to labour
hard to reach the kingdom of reason (been called "The kingdom of God" by some religions).

Changing the world starts by self. To say "it is God will" when confronted with all the armed
conflicts and psychopathic behaviors that take place around the world is not only a defeatism
approach to reality but also an asocial response since we are the ones how can make a

Any kind of scriptures was written by man, not by the hand of any god; therefore when taking
the human factor (man unreliability) into consideration we must be careful of believing, or not,
anything that is written without the scientifical approach. Man unreliability is the part of man
that still in its agnostic stage.

From the Greeks, “Gnosis” signifies “Knowledge”; the lack of it is agnosticism. If we want to go
into virile details, we have to say we are born agnostic and we become atheist by choice when
face with the possibility to believe in one or more gods, and refusing to believe in any deity
other than the ways of nature. The difference between atheism and agnosticism is a “bagatelle
concerning intellectually” a mere technicality were vanity is involve between scholars. So far
we can see ourselves as secular Humanists where Atheism is involve from an conscious
Agnostistic base (be conscious) but with an innate structural Gnosistic supporting device
(universal rules) that belong to our unconscious. Be conscious is simply the dynamics of our
memory in action, and be aware throughout our sensory system, of their constant aport of
data. The first philosophy open its domain for who desire to build human harmony from
ethico-secularism and who comprehend in the deeps of his soul that primal religions, primal
myths and their allegories are metaphors of what lays in the domain of the first philosophy. In
the eyes of religiosity it is infamy not to believe in "God", and that defection from "God" sends
the non-believer straight to hell since he put himself in a state of disgrace. Well ... these
religious bigots do not see that they stigmatize themselves in the eyes of the universal natural
laws by that asocial way of thinking. The universal natural rules are the resources needed to
heal any physical and psychological wound. Religiosity is of no help for mental health
problems, it created some of them. On the other hand, psychology and psychosociology teaches
the general public how to recognize the signs and symptoms of plenty of social and
psychological mental health problems. Humanity is suffering from a lack of basic knowledge of
how to find harmony in the psychosocial level; Halas that top-of-the-mind issue is mainly on
the hand of religions. Plenty of Religions stigmatizes their followers and non-followers; it is a
mental health issue that has to be deal with by the legal system concerning mind pollution. The
fear to be ostracized and to be treated as a crackpot by the rest of our entourage stop most of
us to say the plain truth as it is, even plenty of psychologists and psychiatrist prefer to be very
euphemistic about it. Christians believers self-stigmatizing themselves muzzle their innate
common-sense in the profit of infantilism; but in the near future, when the minds will be
awaken (resurrecting of the dead minds) man will see that some religions where the sole
responsible for plenty of man mental illness. Science will be disclosing the truth about Genesis
and "God", and that will be a huge step forward to the building of utopia. Religiosity is a
treatable condition as most mental functional illness is. We have to talk about the religiosity
mental health issue as openly and easily as we can talk about physical health issue, or else it
would lead us to various mood disorder under the cultural stigmatizing pressure (or cultural
bullying from bigots). Coping strategies to face who we are, where we went wrong and how to
fix-up problems (it is call atoning), include cognitive behavior therapy were psychoanalysis is
the most important part; that will keep us out of the blackness just by bringing our artificially
induced fears to light. Working in a valuable recovery plan from religiosity and low-self
esteem required the understanding of some part of the universal knowledge concerning the
universal natural rules and the religious myth man created from their presence.

Hope is the key for survival for without hope there is death. On the other hand, when hope is
based on paradoxical data, like to base our hope in literal saying of kouac sects and religions,
than there is dead of the mind; reason taking a hike. Hope has to be base on reality for survival
purpose, to adapt. Our present speculative philosophy reaches the frontiers of live astrophysics
by the fact we postulate that the dark universe is alive, as a natural phenomenon, and its being
a very integral part of our universe: its soul! That gives us hope for the reality of an eternal
live and the reality of an eternal love after our existence on this planet resume its course.
Automatically, by definition, we are challenging various religions, where did they think
“paradise” was situated? Plenty of religious misconceptions came from the fact that the
leaders and representatives were turning their back on science in order to see where
everything belongs. Religions were made to be self-destructive, even the primal religions.
Primal religions are a subliminal cocoon surrounding science. Science also studies life, and life
can be measured since life came from energy, and energy is measurable. By measuring, by
calculation and by observation, science can contradict some paradoxical religious teachings
that are not from primal religions, by demonstrating the misconceptions of their philosophy
and the faint remaining presence of the primal original sublimating scientific messages they
contain. There is no other form of energy in our universe than the one which is already there;
therefore, anything can be measurable and follows specific laws being called: universal

Everything indicates that for our cosmic ancestor the knowledge of the processes of the mind
and the evolution of humanity was far more important than any technological knowledge. It is
by past experience of the capacity of the human factor (some unpredictable stupid acts of man)
that our cosmic ancestors invented religions. They left us plenty of clues about life interaction
with the environment (and also with the cosmos, planets etc...), human interaction with
human, self-help for mental health and they also put an accent on hygiene. They never left us
any hint how to build a tricycle nor a washing machine, they left that to us as it is of secondary
importance. They are pushing us, throughout the primal religions to study human mental
functions and social behavior since they are interrelated. Such phenomena as perception,
cognition, emotion, personality, behavior, interpersonal relationships, and the study of the
unconscious mind were handling to us in a form of mythical stories where gods represents
those phenomena. Plenty of gods from the antiquity were symbolic interpretation of their
critical analysis concerning the psychological and sociological field. They knew we will be
employing the scientific method to understand the role of mental functions in any forms of life
and how it affect social behavior in the animal kingdom (that’s including humanity).
Effectively, our present applied disciplines in these fields of research involve the systematic and
scientific study of that mental and social phenomenon. Of course they knew it would be only a
question of time for us to realize that their “religions” are in fact all the psychological and
social answers we are seeking for. Here we are, like a bunch of retarded masochist chimps, in
their stupid bigotry, chanting alleluia to the sky and waiting for the second coming of God in
human cloths instead of studying what is the most important: psychology and sociology; those
fields of knowledge are the cream on the top of the utopian cake of wisdom. We must all
explore and understand the underlying physiological and neurological processes that make us
behaving socially as human and as a human community worldwide to be in the position to find
inner peace and to construct worldwide peace. This is what all the primal religion is all about!

There is two main form of bigotry: 1) Religious bigotry; 2) Cultural bigotry. Incoherence and
inconsistency come from subjective thinking not following the ways of the universal rules. That
leads to self-contradiction which becomes auto-destruction. Human failure is to believe,
without proof and without personal research, such “prophets” as mentally sick individuals who
become religious leaders. To attain any certitude it's always by means of scientific methods,
not by relying on individual who say God or the angel Gabriel left them some messages;
individuals saying those things are heroes in their own sick mind. They fantasize. For one
individual to think he is the sole representative of the whole universe is to show to the whole
world his folly of grandeur. Even our scientists who are studying different fields of the
universe are very careful about what they say. They are the ones who discover the truth bit by
bit. Only the initiated ones like Moses, prophets and Co. know what they were talking about.
They were busy cocooning scientific data. Cocoon having as one of its much function to
disintegrate as time go by and our technology evolves. That excluded the mythical Jesus of
Nazareth and Muhammad being real prophets. All they did was rubbing their noses on the
surface of that cocoon. Moses, prophets and Co.'s messages were riddles and the word God is a
veil that covers science. To resolve the riddles, of which the Torah is made, is to discover the
science behind it.

Mentally sick religious leaders, by their outward-directed destructive fantasies are aggressing
feeble people’s minds. Playing with human fear of non-being after death they only succeeds to
activate their death instinct. Then they are promising the resurrection of the flesh for one to be
judged at the end of time...that would be a kind of stinky meeting to chase any skunk away!
They keep playing with our fear of pain by mentioning the terrifying eternal hell for the
nonbelievers. That is black-mail. For some of them, between death and the resurrection of the
flesh there is nothing! A nonbeing! Nonbeing is infinite emptiness, it is Thanatos! The void that
lies outside our universe. Energy is not emptiness; energy fills up emptiness, therefore any
form of energy will always be energy, and cannot become emptiness. That means life remains
as it is, life is life, and our death is a door between two different aspects of the same universe.
Here, in this research, we depict death as a door between the dark universe and this universe.
Life would be vain if nothingness followed the death of our body. We see future nonexistence
for the body only, not the mind. That automatically includes incarnation when we come to
earth and reincarnation if we come back again. This is plain common sense. One will never
cease to be, we are simply changing places of residence. Any of our journeys is not in vain, our
mind will never reach an inanimate state, and it would be against the general law of evolution.
Evolution makes us acquire knowledge. The understanding of our knowledge in all its forms,
physical and mental (spiritual), it’s passing by our social behaviors. To acquire understanding
of the truth we have to win Aphrodite heart; only then she will open her mind to us. As the path
of understanding pass trough Aphrodite heart to reach her mind. Aphrodite feelings (heart)
are the cistern where the understanding of the truth resides. Her mind and her heart function
as one by the process of the psychopomps (intellectual process) which gives life its meaning: To
reproduce in harmony. Secondary religions which are basically moronical copies of the real
primal religions containing only real scientific data, are self-destructive, therefore doom to
disappear being pursued by the laugh of reason. We have to demystify our mind from
traditional religious beliefs by self-presenting to our intellect a down to earth understanding of
natural things, the way they are. We need to emphasize common sense to actively prepare
ourselves for the world to come. Nature is the dynamics of the universal laws. The
understanding of the “divine presence” that is the natural laws, as being the essence of matter,
will be the “resurrection of the dead minds” toward reality; after some “yacking” here and
there from the clerical establishment, it will finally be the climax of the final “mind-
redemption” following by the universal peace of mind. That's makes the post-Messianic era the
time for us to finally enjoy the fruits of our long and arduous study of nature to fully
comprehend our unity with it. The only basic faith we need to have, and to prove to ourselves
(easily feasible by our scientifical approach) is the fundamental faith in the objectivity of
nature, all the rest come from there, even the dark universe and libido as they are products of
nature. There are no other inner meanings of things than the ones we have in the back of our
mind when we do whatever we do. It is “down to Earth” to say that but that is the way the
things are. It is not other ultimate reward for the soul than the mind self-reward to function
adequately under the universal emotive unity contain in the libidinous influence. “Soul reward”
or “being part of hell” is a perspective of the mind; “Soul reward” is simply to have the belief
that by taking care (serving) nature for nature to serves us (taking good care of us), that's
includes forms of life, will bring the entire world to recognize that harmony is in nature and its
components (us included). Religions say: “Serving gods brings harmony, otherwise we are
thrown to hell by our wrong self-doings” that's was kind of close enough explanation to define
mental sickness (mental hell). Where ever our psyche or our soul go, we bring with us our own
hell or our own harmony. Why our mind as to become our enemy and reason to be a criminal?
Why condemn the wises for crimes reason has not committed? Nature is the “Creator” of
things and of life. Life is a product of nature, and forms of life are created by life. The spirit of
life is the principle of life, and it is part of the natural objectives rules. Any “spirit of
(whatever)” its rulings from natural principles. It is not so complicated to understand basic
common sense! “The spirit was there before the Universe was” mean that the potential of the
rulings of nature was there before nature was; it is (nature is) purely a phenomenon of
physical dimension in the astrophysical field: energy! Big Bang being the releasing of energy
(by the presence of the void) from its potential form that was the primal uniform mass. “Divine
perfection” is on the human mind since the whole universe is continuously updating.

We need to adjust our priorities, do we really want to keep working so hard to make trouble
around the world for economical reason, using the gods of religions as arbitrary referees? Or
do we need to work smarter in order to fulfill our needs without raising hatred around? To
repent is not a religious thing, it is not to say sorry to a subjective inexistent “living God”, it is
to get back in the psychosocial highway of harmony by simply using good old common sense,
that is our innate education; to think others peoples around the world also have children’s to
raise like we do would be of some help to reach deeper in the pool of our latent libido.
Our Working Trinus

The basics

Our working trinus has two opposites and a link. The basic math of the trinus is:

1) If Gog = 1

2) Then Magog = 0.1

3) And the link = 1 - 0.1 = 0.99

4) Magog + the link = 1 = Gog

5) 2 Gog’s = 2

As an example the math that belongs to the unveiling of the percentage of energies of the visible
and invisible universe, in correlation with the expansion of the Universe would be of this

Example 1


1) Because Magog = 0.4

2) And Gog = 4

3) And the link = 3.6

4) Then, 3.6 + 0.4 = 4

5) Therefore: the Magog + the link = the Gog

Example 2, If Gog = 4


1) In 1 trinus, there is 2 Gog’s, and 3 sides.

2) One Gog - the link = Magog

3) One Magog + link = one Gog

3) Gog + Magog + link = 2 Gog’s = 8

Example 3, if Gog = 4


1) Gog x link = 4 x 3.6 = 14.4

2) 14.4 x 10 (interest) = 144

3) 12 x 12 =144

4) 144 x 1000 = 144. 000

Example 4, if Gog = 4


1) Then, Gog x 10% over time = (4 x 10): 100 = 0.4

2) And Gog + 10 % over time = 4.4

3) Link + 4.4 = 3.6 + 4.4 = 8 = 2 Gog’s

Example 5, if Gog = 4


1) Gog = 4

2) Gog x 10 = 4 x 10 = 40

3) Gog x 100 = 4 x 100 = 400

4) 400 + 40 + 4 = 444

5) 1000 - 444 = 666

And so on, and so forth...

All those numbers are numbers belonging to the field of astro-physics concerning the
almagation of the visible and invisible sides of our one Universe. They are the link between

For us to become adults, meaning ethico-scientific minded individuals in a childish bloody

world, and being part of the building of utopia, we have to brave some extreme situations
where evil politics hides behind religiosity, and we have to acts according to what common
sense tells us, base on our restrained possibilities; even knowing that bad things might befall
upon us only for a short term, we need to be courageous. We all possess qualities for greater
achievements than to accept the moronical acquired attitude to respect the statu-quo between
free societies and religious beliefs, there is no intellectual nobleness to be a bunch of
psychological cowards. The deed to know the truth is toward ourselves, we have the capacity
to discover the truth but we learned to lack the mental strength to sacrifice a cozy life for
telling and accepting the truth in regard of secularist scientific evidence concerning
existentialism. We shall cease to be bold and to be capable of great achievements only in our
secret fantasies and we shall look at reality and to really become bold with the help of the
universal principles to erase evilness from the world, the natural principles are there to help
us, always. To confront religions is very unpopular for now, but we need to confront them to
understand where they come from and the why of their presences. Never mind the moronic
opinions of the religious extremists, their supporters and the political cowards, these are doom
to disappear. We have the natural ability to unearth any kind of truth, so let's do it! In
psychology a lack of response extinguish (or destroy) the behavior, therefore boycotting stupid
religions is simply to ignore them and to keep going along in our way of discoveries, doing that
we become the “disappearing” components of the “rapture”. To get rid of bad religions is like
the consumer market, if the demand is not there the product cease to exist; therefore is no need
for any kind of wars for the Pope, as a matter of speaking, to pick-up his suitcases and to leave

Many will come and talk peace

including powerful monarchs and men of high office.
But peace can only be granted to the souls
of those who obey the natural principles.

(Nostradamus VIIIa-2)

Ancient Egypt and our Astrophysics

One design of the Zodiac discovered on the ceiling of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera in
central Egypt, is known as the Zodiac of Dendera. The inner circle of figures, which move
counter clockwise like the stars, shows the astrological signs of the zodiac circling around the
North Pole, which is symbolized by the deity Anpu. The outer circle of figures represents the 36

[(Gog - Magog = 4 - 0.4 = 3.6) x 10 = 36.] This is a 10-days week of the Egyptian year. Thus
one had a circle (36 x 10 = 360 degrees). The twelve figures (12 signs of the Egyptian zodiac)
outside the circle represent the 12 months of the year and their arms, the 24 hours of the day.

The territory of the universe spread over 36 billion light-years. The speed of light is 300 000
km per second, covering a distance of 946 trillion kilometres per year. To reach the figure of 36
billion a spedolightmeter must operate continuously for 1000 years. “Understand that one day
mean 1000 years” said a Hebrew prophet whom has the relativity of time in mind in positive
correlation with space traveling, from his knowledge of the unified field theory which includes
the Dark Universe.

Each sign governed three decans and was called one of 'the watchers of the hours.' The word
'hour' derives from the God Horus, thus the signs of the Egyptian zodiac were also 'the
watchers of Horus' - and hence the origin of the word 'Horoscope'.

The Egyptian Astrological Signs, in Egyptian Zodiac order are:

1) THOTH (29 Aug - 27 Sep). Thoth is the Egyptian God of wisdom. 2) HORUS (28 Sep - 27
Oct). Horus is the Egyptian God of the rising sun, the sky and of light and goodness.

3) WADJET (28 Oct - 26 Nov). Wadjet is the Egyptian Goddess of Justice.

4) SEKHMET (27 Nov - 26 Dec). Sekhmet is the Egyptian Goddess of War and Conquest.
5) SPHINX (27 Dec - 25 Jan). The Sphinx is the Egyptian Goddess of the Nile.

6) SHU (26 Jan - 24 Feb). Shu is the Egyptian God of the Air and the Wind.

7) ISIS (25 Feb - 26 Mar). Isis is the Egyptian Goddess of the feminine forces, fertility and

8) OSIRIS (27 Mar - 25 Apr). Osiris is the God of the Netherworld, ruler of the realm of the
dead and regarded as the source of renewed life.

9) AMUN (26 Apr - 25 May). Amun is the Egyptian God of creation. 10) HATHOR (26 May - 24
Jun). Hathor is the Egyptian Goddess of love, music and dance, and queen of heaven.

11) PHOENIX (25 Jun - 24 Jul). The Phoenix is the God of immortality and resurrection.

12) ANUBIS (25 Jul - 28 Aug). Anubis is the Egyptian God of the future.

The 12 pointed stars are found cross culturally and can refer to the 12 Disciples, the 12 Knights
of the Celtic Round Table, the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, the 12 lictors of Romulus, the 12 Peers of
France and even the 12 Namshans of the Round Council of the Dalai Lama. 12 inches in an
imperial foot, 12 old British pence in a shilling, 12 items in a dozen, 12 dozens in a gross (144,
square of 12), etc. The Romans used a fraction system based on 12, including the uncia which
became both the English words ounce and inch etc...

Nabta Playa, in the Nubian Desert, 500 miles south of Cairo, seems to be a very interesting
archaeological site. That region became occupied from 10 Th and 8 Th millennia w.c by some
people that led a life at a higher level of organization than the one expected for that prehistoric

In Gen 15:5 “Please look toward the heavens and number the stars” mean astrology and
astronomy can teach us lots of things. Astronomy is the study of the many stars, heavenly
bodies, and many galaxies.

When the Hebrew left Egypt because of the plagues, they bring with them the ancient Egyptian
knowledge from “the times of the old”, meaning before the Pharaoh's times, to protect it under
a different metaphorical form. They knew the real secret which the initiated passed along
under an oral form call the oral Torah. Statistics tells them to do just that or the world will
languish a very long time in its misery before it can finally find harmony. Longer than it would
be necessary if they do not protect that knowledge. They makes believe Pharaoh was the enemy
and ask their children to pass on that belief, “You shall say to your son, 'We were once slaves of
Pharaoh in Egypt, but the lord brought us out of Egypt with his strong hand” (Deuteronomy

Astrology is the ancient knowledge, “from the time of the olds” or previous times before Noah,
that the movement of the stars in the heavens and our lives are in close relation. Our lives are
in the universe hands, its causal forces. The movement and function of suns and planets are
determined by causal forces and designed by them. Information gathered from their
movement can be used to try to determine the future; that is for whoever has the exact
knowledge concerning that field.

Miriam knew astrology, she was called Miriam the prophet at the Song of the Sea. Miriam
prophesies: “My mother will give birth to a son who will save Israel” (sheyoshia et Yisrael) talk
about the messiah to come, from Aphrodite womb. It is easy enough for her to say that since
she was an “insider” of ancient knowledge! Aphrodite (the dark universe) being the mother of
everyone, and one day, of course, someone will discover the truth and only but the truth that
Israel is the one that detain the ancient knowledge and holding it back until the “times are
ripe”; “to save Israel” simply mean to save Israel from any more of all the trouble that nation
went through to protect the integrity of its scientific and historic knowledge which was hiding
in its religion.

True astrologers can predict the coming of some events. Some ancient prophets were also
astrologers. Of course Abram did believe in astrology. But he knew enough of the old science
for him to give no further heed to astrology.

Religions are the poor bastards of philosophy, that's make Christianity to be a bastard and
Islam to be a greater bastard. History tells us that it takes a moronical bastard to think he can
rules better than the well educated legitimate king son’s (“the son’s of God” meaning: well
ethically scholarized individuals).

The primal philosophy can be reached throughout a mild trance that do not interfere with our
perception of our direct environment (but buffer it); that mild trance is a condition of mental
concentration induced by meditating toward an object of interest while setting temporary
aside the ego (which contain the human factor), without rejecting our identity (since we need
our consciousness), for the mind to passes under the control of the universal natural principles
in the form of a transmission of communications between the universe and self ( where our
intellect become one with it) and base on previous knowledge in accord with fundamental
ethics and logic. That mild trance is also known as “spirituality” by some circles, but in fact it is
all a question of merging our mind with the pure universal logic contains in the natural
principles, no big deal! Nostradamus was good on that, the knowledge of history, the
perception of reality from scientific knowledge, and statistic based from common sense made
Nostradamus to write his quatrains concerning future events in a veiled manner since some of
them concern the Vatican, where he see the underlying and metaphorized truth as the essence
of Christianity, but Catholicism taking the scripture literally hasten its own ruin as the
discoveries of science contradict the literalism of the scriptures; the Catholic religion is veiled
under the word “Rome” as the translation of this following quatrain reveal:

O great Rome you ruin approaches

not from your walls, your blood or your essence
it will be sharpen words inflicting horrible notches
like pointed daggers been driven to the handle into many souls.
(Nostradamus X-65)

The Trumpets of Jericho: A Mining Operation

The trumpet is a wave vibrating instrument (a vibration maker) considered as a musical

instrument and being played by blowing air through closed lips; that's produces a “buzzing”
sound which starts a standing wave vibration in the air column inside the instrument. The
trumpet has the highest register in the brass family. The predecessors to trumpets did not have
valves and pistons to lower the most higher pitched of those wave making instruments. At the
base, any pipe can be used as a trumpet as wave making instrument.

Vibration also called “vibratory motion” is the motion of a particle or system of particles like
quanta. The terms vibrations and oscillations are interchangeable. Any displacement of
quanta (energy) or moving particle from its equilibrium position would compress some part of
space and stretch others (see the veils of time), building up potential energy which in turn gets
converted into kinetic energy.

Trumpeting biblically around the walls of Jericho would be enough to crumble its walls
depending on the walls tolerance against some vibrations when we take in consideration that
it is a fundamental principle of nature in its dynamical systems that all systems tend to seek
their least energy configuration especially if the Hebrews keep turning around the walls of
Jericho, keeping trumpeting. We have to keep in mind that “Work” is involved in moving
charged particles around in the space. When a state of the vibratory motion is repeated in
equal intervals of time the motion is called “periodic”; and the time it takes for the motion to
return to a same state is called the “period” of the oscillation; the number of times a motion
revisits the same state in a unit of time is called the “frequency” of the oscillations. Frequency
and period are reciprocals of each other: “Period=1/Frequency”. It also helps knowing the ark
of covenant was equipped with laser weapons and an antigravity dispositive. Against the
biblical saying there is reality; actually “the trumpets of Jericho were a mining method knows
these days as the “Frasch process”.

For the one that do not follows natural laws: “they shall be wasted with hunger, and devoured
by plague and poisonous pestilence; I will send the teeth of beasts against them, with the
venom of things that crawl in the dust.” (Deuteronomy 32:24). Hebrews follows natural laws
under the directives of Moses, High Priest and Co, that is why they were being sent out from
Egypt by Pharaoh to work their way against plagues on the loose.

We have to approach the “battle of Jericho” as an engagement under the angle of approach as”
Operation Jericho” to get the history straits. The biblical battle of Jericho (Operation Jericho)
was never an operation of destruction but an operation of constructiveness. After the plague
that kills a lot of Hebrews, which were of Egyptian nationality, a census had to be done to see
who the survivors were. They were already in Jericho and Moses was still alive, therefore
there is an obvious hint that Josuah, the successor of Moses did not have to battle against
Jericho after Moses death, and destroy the city since they were the majority of the human

“After the plague, the Lord (common sense) said to Moses and to Eleazar the son of Aaron, the
priest, “Take a census of all the congregation of the people of Israel, from twenty years old and
upward, by their fathers' houses, all in Israel who are able to go to war.(to go into operation)”
And Moses and Eleazar the priest spoke with them in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at
Jericho, saying, “Take a census of the people, from twenty years old and upward,” as the Lord
(the logical thing to do) commanded Moses. The people of Israel who came out of the land of
Egypt were:” etc...(Numbers 26:1 to 26:4).

The term Yericho (Jericho) derives from the Canaaneans, Arabic and Hebrew word “Reah” or
“rei'ach” that translated as “smell” or “fragrant”. Beside plenty of fragrant flowers from
cultivated trees and bushes there were also sulphur mines in Jericho. To smell is having the
ability to perceive odor.

An odor (or odor) is a volatilized chemical compound perceive by the sense of olfaction. Odor
is also called smells. Unpleasant odor are called malodorous, raunchy, stench and stink.

In general an odor at the source is higher than the ambient odor concentration, and some odor
sources can emits high concentration of gasses consisting of chemical compound that are lethal
to man. Man exercises controls at the point of the emission of odor that affecting his way of life.

Some inorganic substances, such as hydrogen sulphide and ammonia are odorants, but the
widest range of odor consists of organic compounds to be found in different variety of odor
sources, it can be water surfaces, under water, wet surfaces, ground, underground, and
ambient air surroundings. High temperatures and high moisture contents inside the odor
source leads to complications to the environment when the odor leaves its source, when it cool
down or warms up it can lead to growth of bacteria or when drying out it can release more

The Canaanites, a branch of undesirables organism (microbial little pests) living in the plains
of the Moabites (also infectious diseases sources) is the land of Jericho were the unwelcome
inhabitants of Jericho. Microbes are everywhere and within human’s settlement, but not by
any mean a microbe is a part of the human race. Like the Gog's (human and animal feces)
containing harmful bacteria's (microbes) were to melts away with the advance of the pest
controls agency set by the Hebrews to search out the land around Jericho in order to get rid of
any form of source of pestilence while mining for brimstone. Sulphur with a distinctive isotopic
composition has been used to identify pollution sources. The Hebrews armed with insecticides
and fungicides were on the lookout for infectious diseases ready for dusting sulphur. Elemental
sulphur in powdered form is a common fungicide to preserve many vegetables and several
other kinds of crops against diseases. It is efficient against plenty of powdery mildew diseases
and “black spots”. Sulphur is one of the oldest pesticides used in agriculture and is also used as
insecticide against mites. Sulphur as part of many bacterial defense molecules is a part of most
beta lactam antibiotics, including the penicillin’s, cephalosporins, and monobactams. Sulphur
is also an ingredient in some acne treatments. Pure powdered sulphur was also used as a
medicinal tonic and laxative. Sulphur was also used in baths for people who had fits.
Magnesium sulphate, (Epsom salts), is used as a laxative, an exfoliant, a magnesium
supplement for plants, and a desiccant. According to the Torah, when one reads between the
lines, Jericho is the place where the Hebrews settle, led by Joshua, succeeding Moses, when
escaping the Egyptian plagues as their base for fighting back the plagues; “And the Lord spoke
to Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, saying, “Speak to the people of Israel
and say to them, When you pass over the Jordan into the land of Canaan, then you shall drive
out all the inhabitants of the land from before you (microbes and harmful bacteria's) and
destroy all their figured stones and destroy all their metal images and demolish all their high
places.” (Numbers 33:50 to 33:52). Geologically speaking, a figured stone is a stone figured by
stripes or veins. When repossessing a land from wild life, one has to clear any form of
undesirable wild life from his new land.

Rich alluvial soil, plenty of sunshine and abundance of spring water always made Jericho an
attractive plain for human habitation for thousands of years. Jericho is situated below sea
level and surrounded by a low mountainous country with the cliffs sloping toward it. Jericho is
considered as being the lowest and the oldest inhabited settlement on earth; in its lowest point
Jericho is located 258 meters (846 ft) below sea level in an oasis in Wadi Qelt in the Jordan

Thanks’ to its copious springs in and around Jericho the settlement functioned as an
agricultural center where emmer wheat, barley were cultivated among other things, and being
watered with canalized streams; Jericho functioned also as a crossroad, the settlement was
known in biblical time as the “City of Palm Trees” mixed with all kinds of cultivated and fruitful
trees. Bananas trees, dates trees, and sugarcane were cultivated. Many flowers were of strong
fragrant odor.

Jericho gardens were like balsam parks containing various pleasantly scented plant products.
These oily and gummy oleoresins, containing benzoic acid or cinnamic acid were cultivated to
obtained, from the exudates of those various trees and shrubs, the base for some botanical

The houses were made of mud-brick on stone foundations. The rooms had red or pinkish
terrazzo-floors made of lime, and clay floors made the courtyards. Deads bodies were exposed
before burial and then usually buried under the floors by some ancient Jericho inhabitants;
mats were made of reeds or rushes.

There were also sulphur mines in Jericho, the only ones in the Palestine region. Sulphur is an
abundant multivalent non-metal commonly referred as “brimstone”, in its native form is a
yellow crystalline solid; the crystallography of sulphur is complex depending on specific
conditions, and sought after by mineral collectors for their brightly colored polyhedron shapes.
As pure element it is found in nature as sulphide and sulphate minerals. Sulphur is widely used
in insecticides and fungicides and it is an essential element for life as soil fertilizer. Burning
sulphur produces sulphur dioxide, it is the smell associated with burnt matches. Using sulphur
to sanitize oak barrels is done by burning sulphur in the barrel, the release of sulphurous gas is
effective in preventing microbial growth inside the barrel; sulphites, derived from burning
sulphur, are used as preservatives in dried fruits, an there were plenty of them around Jericho.

Sulphur is extracted by mainly two processes: the Sicilian process and the Frasch process, that
latest is a method that produces sulphur with a 99.5% purity content, no further purification is
needed. In the Frasch process three concentric pipes are used (trumpets) the outermost pipe
contains superheated water, which melts the sulphur, and the innermost pipe is filled with hot
compressed air (blowing the trumpet), which serves to create foam and pressure. The resulting
sulphur foam is then expelled through the middle pipe. Sulphur melts to a blood-red liquid, and
indigo is produce by mixing blue and red; Jericho produced also indigo as one source of
revenue along with scented Dead Sea sulphur soap. Elemental sulphur is mainly used as a
precursor to other chemicals form a series of metal sulphides. Natural metal sulphides are
common, especially those of iron. Iron sulphide is called pyrite, the so-called fool's gold. Pyrite,
polymeric sulphur nitride. Shows electrical semiconductor, optical and metallic properties
without containing any metal atoms. Sulphur was also in uses as a light-generating medium in
lighting fixtures known as sulphur lamps. The unpleasant rotten egg smell of sulphur usually
refers to the odor of hydrogen sulphide; that rotten egg odor emanates from the slow oxidation
of raw sulphur in the presence of air producing Hydrogen sulphide which is the odor of sewage
and flatulence. Sulphur occurs naturally in volcanic emissions, such as from hydrothermal
vents, and from bacterial action on decaying sulphur-containing organic matter. Sulphur
serve as chemical food source for some primitive organisms: some forms of bacteria use
hydrogen sulphide (H2S) instead of water, these so-called sulphur bacteria breathe sulphate
instead of oxygen and are responsible for the rotten egg smell of some intestinal gases and
decomposition products.

The biblical narrating of the history concerning “Operation Jericho” is a perfect example
showing us that we have to do some archaeological research before believing any mythical
stories as the literal truth. The “walls of Jericho” are the areas where the veins of sulphur are
located, or “protected” from view and destruction; the trumpets of Jericho went around that
problem and were a mean to extract the ore from its protective “walls”. If we still stupid
enough to stay in that moronical position to takes literally any riddle as a undeniable fact
concerning the true nature of things without using our investigative intellect, than we deserve
to be classified as a retarded human species. It takes a retarded to believe that common sense
(the lord) pushes anyone to wage wars to self-appropriate countries belonging to someone

In plenty of case during the old days (few millenniums ago) the head of the community, the
high priest, offered as a gift to God, especially on Sabbath, the best, leaner and healthier
animals as a sacrifice on the altar, and then eat that cooked Kosher meal. Now-a-days the
believer, head of the household, use a barbecue to cook their greasy and artificially preserved
and flavored family meal on Sunday and recites grace for the factory made hot dogs and
hamburgers they are about to enjoyed. In the old days they use sulphur to light their altar; we
still doing it sometime also. In the old days some time they were having fun to light the altar
with water; they simply purr water into a mixture of lime, sulphur and napalm placed under
the altar. Now-a-days, plenty of time, we use explosive gas to cook the meal and use water to
extinguish fire. It seems that the ancient High Priests from the Stone Age era were wiser and
knowledgeable than we are now; why?

Sexual activity is a must as being part of general evolution. The Catholic Church mistake in
regard of that evolutionary process was to forbid it for their official representatives, and that'
leads to various psychosocial troubles as history tells.

The present system of the Yallatola Iranians can be compared to the old European
Inquisition; the fundamental difference is we live today the atomic age. "Armageddon"
is when the forces of the United Nations unite against the forces of the extremist

Egyptian and Electromagnetic Forces

Our scientific disciplines make our mind to open up to the whole universe while learning its

If we look closely at the ancient Egyptian pantheon, what their science tells us under the cover
of mythical stories, we have to conclude that, ultimately, they knew the complexity of the
universe came from a very simple mathematical principle in the form of a trinus, just look at
the Pyramids! It seems that somewhere between the 5th and 6th millennium b.c, and most
probably waaaay before that, they knew the Gog and Magog principle. It seems it would be
personified by Hathor, the two faced goddess.

Time, represented by Chronos in the Greek mythology, segmented the universe into different
phenomenon, each of which contained the same basic mathematical principle reproducing
itself indefinitely. The main segmentations are in the Zodiac. Increasing segmentations are the
multiplying number of Egyptian gods. The ancient Egyptians knew the universe was a
computer! It was the ultimate computer that produced life according to the instructions of the
supreme Logic which is Hathor. Hathor produced the zodiac by producing Horus. Ancient
Egyptians knew we were the products and the users of the Universal computer. The eye of
Horus was the center of the very first trinus in existence. The eye of Horus not only indicated
wisdom as the harmonious balance between each universal component, but is also of great
astrophysical value in regard to electromagnetic technologies. The eye is the middle of any
electromagnetic field where there is a neutral space between the north and the South Pole.
With regard to the electromagnetic strength (force) at the planetary level, the living planets,
the ones having an electromagnetic field like ours, are “rolling” into this neutral gap between
the two electromagnetic forces. It is this gap, between opposite electromagnetic direction of
current, that align the rolling living planets and the “sliding “satellites. That gap is like a
spacial ditch where the balls are rolling between currents. That is the principle of
electromagnetic transportation where no gasoline is needed to “turn” a motor. The Dutch
“windmill principle” is the one to follow to take advantage of the current, under another
design, of course. Tesla knew that. The teardrop from the eye of Horus means “evolution” in the
broad sense. The ancient initiated Egyptians knew that the forces were currents of subatomic
particles, and the more particles there was, bigger the force. They also knew that the faster a
current of particles moved, higher the intensity of the force. They knew, from the planets to the
subatomic particles, the same laws were in command, depending on the trinusial systems. For
them to know all that, between the 5th and 6th millennium b.c, including the astrophysics of
the visible and invisible facet of our universe and also evolution in all possible fields, one
wonders, where that knowledge came from? ...Oh yes!: our cosmic ancestors, Noah included.
Ancient Iunu (ancient Heliopolis), was the place of obelisks (pillars). All the obelisks were
paired. A pair of obelisks represented the two first components of the beginning of the
universe, potential of energy and the void. Of all the obelisks adorning the temples of Iunu,
only one is left. One of a pair of obelisks, known as the “Cleopatra needle” that belonged to one
of the Iunu temples, now adorns the Thame embankment of London. The other is located in
central park New York. If there is a sacred cultural relic of the world it is the obelisks.

It is by "drilling a hole" in the fabric of space in a certain direction and with a certain speed
that a "Vimana" can "fall" (or drop) in that direction and in that speed using gravity
propulsion. The term “Gravity propulsion” is more like “Gravity attraction” or simply
put:”attraction” which is the vacuum phenomenon itself. The vacuum phenomenon is a volume
of space that is totally empty of matter (thus light), therefore not containing any kind of
pressure (thus resistance); that volume of space attracts light and matter since it is a "free
space" for the taking. In the ancient Greek mythology it is known as "Ouranos". Our present
science calls one of the points of that space “Graviton”.

Law: The speed of a particle of light is directly proportional to the number of gravitons
encounter during its course; that’s make the speed of light to be relative to the integrity of the
vacuum phenomenon.

Law: A particle of light is a subatomic particle “in flight”; when not in flight it is a particle of
static electricity or static energy.

Transcending matter is an intellectual thing (not a religious “spiritual” thing), it is to

comprehend that the natural principles that rules the physics and the chemistry components
from which things are composed of, also rules the processes of the mind; it’s nothing magical
about that, nor a religious experience; it is simply a down-to-earth secular approach toward
natural phenomena which required some concentration also call "meditation".

Note: Systemic means: “on a system, took as a whole”.

The systemic trinus of any life form is called “the systemic trinus of life”. The systemic trinus of
life includes social beings, and antisocial beings. The link (the bond of affiliation) is the
environment. That includes society and nature. Within this trinus are social characters versus
the environment.

The opposites in any systemic trinus are not necessarily facing each other. They are grouped
by various dispersions in several different parts of the system according to their nature. Like
attracts like.

The components of the same nature are grouped in different parts of a system and do not
necessarily face their opposites. If the opposites always faced each other, there would be
cancellation of the universe itself. It is this principle that allows us to find veins of a same
group of elements. Our mining industry relies on that. Diversity is needed as much as the
grouping is needed.

Natural principles are also grouping to give different dimensions to our understanding and
behaviors as in this example: "The natural principles are the same for all, living things and
things inerts" also encompass the well know law "any object of interest will act the same when
all the same conditions are assembled"; therefore it is easy to see that this next law make
sense: Law: Disparity is needed for adaptation to be present in order for evolution to occur.
These are the three basics laws that we need to fully comprehend their dimension in order to
live a psychosocial understanding of the universe ways and that no one is better than another
in the universal scheme. Those laws are the basic intellectual blocs of building utopia when
they are fully understood. We can only rely on ourselves as a united human race to build
utopia by assembling the required psychosocial conditions. The grouping of these three laws
gives us the possibility to also built utopia at least by simple common sense, when we realize
their dimension, even if the full libidinous feeling is not part of our conscious mind. Part of
utopia will be when all the kids of the world will understand that school is a marvelous place to
spend some time for their need of knowledge to be fulfilled like their others basic needs are.
New knowledge reach us every moment, it is up to us to make it as a positive experience.

The Universe is a mechanical singularity in motion due to the presence of the surrounding void
which springs it to drive its mechanism in a perpetual and cyclic motion. Under causality,
various oscillation of energy composing the universe controls the rate of any of the cosmic
cycle in existence. Any action happening in the universe is subject to the oscillating of energy in
positive correlation with the surrounding gravity. It is gravity and the trinus phenomenon
(which is the balance for harmony) in specific parts of the universe that regulate the rate at
which some systems of the universal mechanism moves. Vibrations determine the rate of time
in a system.
Common Sayings and Metaphors

The meaning and origin of a specific expression and use of specific words originate from a
wide variety of sources such as mythology, folklore, religion, superstition, old customs, idioms,
symbolic expressions etc. Some explanations and the meanings of common expressions,
sayings and words used as metaphors are to be found in the cultural environment where they
originated if they still in use. If not we have to use science and our faculty of reasoning to find
out were some expression may coming from. “God” and “Gods ways” as metaphor became a
way to describe some phenomena or all the phenomena. Moses uses the word God to make his
writing more interesting, entertaining and to be safe from destructive morons. Any statement
including the word God or “the lord” means that God is something other than “The creator”,
that word covers a vast scientific field. We have to find the right words and the right field.

When Moses told us: “God says” or “The word of God” etc..., it really means: “According to the
most recent data” or “From what I know” or “Here are the results of my thoughts” etc.
Evangelists and various religious sects’ leaders who said they are inspired by God mean in
reality that their religious thoughts are in accordance with what they believe in. The
appropriate words can be found in the oral torah and by careful reasoning.

“But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it.”
(Deuteronomy 30:14)

The religious “God” never was, and our love was consumed by a man made shadow; lets the
real love once in our eyes, when we were babies so charming and innocents, now free of that
ancient sparkling, become once more the mirrors of our innocent and unconditional love
chasing away our dark melancholies.

In a few decades, this research, the contain of this book will be considered as basic knowledge,
then kids will wander how come we were so stupid to turn our back on reality, neither to see
the obvious nor to listen to common sense. The aim of this document is to find reality, and
reality is under the appearances, science is for understanding reality by studying what lurks
behind the appearances. Psychology and psychiatry is, among other things, the study of
diverse form of life behaviors, especially human behavior, the study of their soul (or mind).
Now a days, big company's in need of bright an ethical managers to take charge of some of the
heavy responsibilities for the good functioning of their society are dressing a psychological
profile to see who will be best for the job as mention in “1 Samuel 16:7”: “But the Lord said to
Samuel, 'Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected
him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord
looks on the heart.” It is easy for anyone with a good heart (good heart = strait mind + libido =
humanist) and basic knowledge to translate that one; in this case “Lord” meaning science of

A paradox will create other paradoxes like a lie will create others lies. To try to explain a
paradox is to try to cover a lie with rationalization, we cannot rationalize a paradox without
walking away from logic. Christianity rationalizes its faith while science finds logical reasons
behind the universe behaviors. Is Christianity can live with the faith that their man-made God
transcends logic in the sense being illogic and subjective? Therefore being under the influence
of the human factor?

A paradox is a mental blind that prevent the light of logic to enter our mind.

Moschiach is not God or a paranoid being posses by "la folie des grandeurs" who think he has
the responsibility over six billions lives, he don’t! Moschiach know that everyone is the sole
responsible of himself under the vigilance of the natural principles.
To Transcends

"Libido" is the emotional feeling of the universal logic that lies in fundamental ethics.

Truth unifies, falsehood disunites; truth is contained in all forms of reality, and to believe in
God is to withdraw from reality. By transcending God we find reality.

For the philosopher transcending matter to better understand the universe his body became ice
while his mind became a blaze of light. He had so much pleasure to be united with the cosmos
that his senses slumber when awakes his mind. Man is intelligent, but fools cannot transcend;
and it takes a fool not to use reason to think war can lead to something good. Fools can have as
much knowledge as scholars, the difference reside in the consciousness of the presence of libido
and to be part of it. Fools are attracted by the void of gravity were riches are dust while ethical
peoples, transcending matter, concentrates on the riches of the mind that the principles which
creates matter induces man to build all kind of harmony. They know reality is not merely an
illusion, but it is the non ethical values base on the economical values of some form of matter
(like diamond) that creates the illusion that to possess matter is to show the riches of the mind.
Fools do not realize yet that the inherent value of matter (its essence) is to keep within itself the
dynamics of the universal principles. Even if their intuition tell them so, they won't listen to
their innate voice of reason and let gravity takes its toll, sending fools to their own hell.

The concept of transcendence is simply to understand, or searching to understand, how the

universal rules affect things, and create things from energy; also what is our place in the
universal scheme etc...Transcending is made of basics questions and self-answers. Simply put,
we are asking the basic question: why are the things the way they are? A young kid will ask
that question, it is natural, no big deal! The presence of that question indicates the presence of
a scientific mind, therefore the presence of an objective universal scientific science. Universal
principles are natural and automatic happenings, they are not there to fools us, but we are the
one who fools ourselves by misusing them at our disadvantage. There is more risk not to sit at
the window of scientific data concerning socio-psychological interaction with economy than
wanting to have a full view of all the statistical possibility if we do not take ethics in
consideration when using the science of the universal principles.

We believe we are here because it is so obvious! We also believe there are natural forces at
work for our psyche (body and mind) to function and to evolve as it gets older because it is
obvious! It is also obvious that we can study and discover the laws that rule those forces.
Therefore it is obvious that things do have a scientific character and all things are made to be
unveiling by our scientific mind. That leave no place for a living subjective “God” that can go
over those natural rules; any rules of nature has to be natural, logic, universal, and
unbreakable. We can use them at our discretion, for our advantage or not, natural rules do not
have a soul, and do not come from a single soul call “God” since it is those rules made of
interactive energy that produce souls! Natural rules create “gods”; and no “gods” can creates
natural rules. The black universe has to obey natural rules. They are ruling over the ultimate
and only Goddess (Aphrodite) and they are ruling over us. Aphrodite does not rule us; she is a
libidinous living soul’s factory under specific natural rules. We have our own self-
determination to makes any mistakes we want.

We are some kind of “rejected souls” from Aphrodite womb, “all of the world miseries escaping
from Pandora box”, being fractal unfinished parts of a whole. We have to make our own
coming. One own coming is the traveling distance from point “a” to point “b” in the field of
knowledge and understanding, by starting from “a” (being a completed moron) and arriving
to “b”(understanding wisdom). Point “a” being the Alpha and point “b” the Omega; that makes
the whole universe itself to be the Alpha and the Omega. It takes us much life time (see
reincarnations) to reach point “b” during our coming! Our self-ultimate and natural goal in
this life is to makes Utopia to happen for us to adapt better to our situation of “being here” and
simply “being” is as simple as that, and our natural goal in life is also to “demoralize” ourselves
by ourselves under the inflexibility of causality. Causality makes us to atone, to bend our mind
under objectives natural rules. Self-redemption is to understand that fact and to go along with
it in our social interactions. Nothing complicated about that, nor is there any religiosity of any
kind in that statement. It is purely scientific. It is impossible for a normal mind not to believe
that! Morons won't. True and complete redemption is synonyms of building Utopia: see where
our mistakes are and do something about it worldwide. So simple isn't it? We cannot want to
understand all the universal rules alone and to live only in the contemplation of the Black
Madonna alone (the Dark Universe = Aphrodite), it would be against our nature; libido is also
the sharing of joy in the sharing of the Earthly pleasures while taking advantage of them (but
please do not drink yourself to sickness). It is wrong not wanting anything at all; oneness with
the universe implies the wanting of all aspect of it: all its pleasures in a libidinous universal
feeling. The narrative description of metaphysical events and the style of its delivery in the
Torah are far beyond the ability of the common asocial morons (the asocial gentiles) to grasp,
but nevertheless it is absorbed by their long term memory for ulterior references. On the mean
time their intellect is at work at the unconscious level to make them to see the light of things
much life time from now. Utopia will do without them, they will be eradicated (uprooted from
Earth) until their next existence.

To illustrates libido and the sharing of pleasures, by being ourselves and also to be part of a
whole, we have to understand that our exertions (efforts) toward the abstraction (the essence)
of the truth of things and to manipulates their concretism (matter) has to be pleasurable,
because pleasures indicates were one become one with is real nature when doing things. An
individual having the natural tendency to be a plumber will not find pleasure by forcing
himself to be an astrophysicist. They both have in common to transcend the material side
(concrete aspect) of their respective trade to understand the principles (the abstraction) behind
the motion. An astrophysicist and a plumber can please each other by offering one another the
benefices of their respective trades. It is as simple as that! Where troubles start is when
everybody is out to rips off each other’s up. We have to transcend that! Go over it. Real atoning
come after transcending with the help of self-psychoanalysis; to listen to our common sense
within versus our wrong doings that come from our wrong thinking. Our general mental
attitude has to change, and it will! Our intellect is taking care of that; it is its natural tendency
to do so. No one is bond to live in its own mental hell forever and ever! That was a Catholic lie!
A complete non-sense. When the days will come when all the religion of the world will share
their religious views with each other’s and listen to each other’s views, than they all will realize
that the only thing they agree upon is to have in common all the scientific data contain in all of
these different religions. Transcending everyday reality and be inspired by the principles
involved allows us all of having our share of parcels of enlightment. "To see the light" meaning
to experience "enlightment" was always a mental psychological state of mind involving reason
where intellectuality does a good job; the other extreme is to confound intellectuality base on
reality to be: religious” spirituality” base on illusion, and to experience folly.

Often enough it is on the furnace of their despair that some individual found beautiful gems of
raison; and out there are some peoples who's soul cry's to the heavens from the volcanoes of
their suffering; and like phoenixes’ their reason will be made of the gems of heaven, as heaven
is on the mind as well it is a universal cosmic place, and it is the rivers of reason that quench
that paradise.

It would be too easy for the religious bigots who stigmatized and hounded and prosecuted to
torture, and exterminate the humanists and the pagans alike, “crucifying" them in public to
say "oups! ... sorry, we didn’t know better", in apocalyptic times, if it wasn’t for the facts that
the humanists and pagans will have then more peace of mind and better social positions than
the former bigots who have to live their redemption. It is societies, in their desire to reach
faster social order from the masses by the uses religions as helpful psychological tools for their
own behavioral purposes, that keeps third rate religious nonsense in place since they contain
some form of fundamental ethics that fits with their present politics.

A circus clown know he is a clown, he perform amusing acts to makes the crowd laugh and
that gives him the possibility to be part of libido while putting bread on the table; religious
bigots, unfortunately for them, do not know how sadly they can be in their amazing clownests
behaviors, they only amuse, in a certain way, the ones who know better, like the Atheists and
humanists, but they retrieve the "bread of reason" from the intellectual table of the mind.


Time is in our hands to use it as we please.

A usurper is a thief arrogating for himself an exercise (of function) under false pretences, and
by force; as a result he can lead people, nations and civilizations to disaster. Muhammad was
a usurper; it was by force and by inducing fear that he bends peoples under his will. It is still
by cultural fear and pressure that today bigots religious extremists are who they are, and do
what they do. Muhammad and Hitler have a lot in common, but Hitler lost the war and
Nazism never became a religion.

The universe is a cosmic house, it contain heaven and hell, only the basement stink!

Usurpers are marketing themselves in various ways. Part of marketing is to thrive on peoples
deepest fears and like vultures to use those fears at their advantage as a marketing tools to sell
their "stuff"; a part of our present religions is of marketing-racketing character.

1) The dictionary defined a usurper as a thief of exercise and bears titles and decorations to
which he has not right.

2) Under normal conditions, titles of functions, exercise of functions and decorations are
distributed by the social environment (society) which is not under any kind of threats or
blackmail to do so.

Note- Adolph Hitler became legally the first chancellor of Germany, he was not a usurper. He
did not have false pretences. He clearly defined his objectives before being in power. He was a
clever politician. We can say Adolph Hitler was the Anti-Zoroastre. He did exactly the opposite
of Zoroastre.

3) Normally, at the moment, and after examination, whoever postulates to secure a function
has to fulfill the criteria required. Then and only then, if he is deserving, he receives its titles of

4) Decorations and honors are discerned according to merits and values.

5) Thievery of a title of function is for one to call himself the holder of a post for which he has
neither been chosen, nor been appointed by the community.

6) The usurper desires to live his fantasy. His wishful thinking becomes reality when he gives
himself a title which does not belong to him. He may wages war and kill to lives his fantasy
and to believe in it.

7) For one to live his fantasy is to assume a character (as an actor) where his imagination
plays the main role under the leadership of an untamed and unpredictable creativity.

8) When we are the heroes in our own fantasies and we do not affect the environment, then our
fantasy participates in our adaptation. In the field of mechanisms of adaptation (see
Psychiatry), the use of illusory compensation, like fantasy, is well known.

9) Fantasy plays are part of children’s games and they recognize those games as what they
are: only fantasies. They are having fun with their make-believe to be the fearless pirates of the
Caribbean or snow white.

10) Adults fantasies, especially on the sexual level, are safety valves, providing agreements are
reciprocal and these games are of a libidinous nature.

11) For one to live his fantasy by theft of a title of function, and his fantasy profoundly affects a
circle who really believes that the fictional character is real, can have disastrous repercussions.
Since the person who assumes the role of a character is a real person, therefore his disciples see
him as real. A usurper can seriously affect the mental functions of the individuals who believe
in him without their knowledge. One can sell his fantasies when they complement people’s

12) One whose followers (apprentices) believe in who he is not, to better live his fantasy, the
individual exercising this behavior is mentally disturbed.

13-a) or he is aware of his psychological destructive acts. 13-b) or he is not aware of the
possible consequence of his destructive acts.

13-c) “a” and “b” are opposites.

14) Even if some of their teachings are imbued with values, it remains that these individuals
are apocryphal (not true); they have within the seeds of a mental illness they are transmitting
to the masses.

15) For one to live his fantasy is already in itself a rejection of who he really is. He replaces
who he is with an alternative ego.

16) To live his own fantasy and to drag his followers into believing in his alternative ego is to
push these followers to reject the reality of who they are. As a result they produce, under the
direction of some chimerical teaching, their own alternative egos.

17) For one to build an alternative ego is to reject who he really is. An alternative ego does not
relate very well to reality.

One way to cope when things go too far, when frustrations are too numerous, is for one to
close his mind to adequate reasoning, and keep existing in a dream.

A good example to mention would be the “Messianic complex” was some people line-up for the
open position to be the next king of Israel. They are trying their best to fill-up the profile
thinking they do understand the metaphoric side of it. The word “Messiah” put together a
religious concept that indicates a particular scholar anointed (getting mudded) with holy
anointing oil. Figuratively, anointing is done to signify that a scholar is being chosen for a
responsible task of significant importance. The word “Messiah” refer to a person who will open
the mind of the world so the people can use their intellect in the appropriate direction in order
for the whole world to find harmony; in other words he will be a intellectual savior; a spiritual
savior, meaning a mind savior, among other things according to some parts of the Christian
concept. Therefore the messiah means “the chosen one” by the Jews to be their leader, and
whom was already “divinely chosen” to put Israel on the map (that was a symbolic
expression). That's what is in the Jewish messianic tradition and eschatology. “Son of God” is a
metaphorical expression that signifies, from hundred of millenniums ago: son of science,
therefore a man of science. The Buddha was some kind of a “son of good” and plenty of other
highly genius scientists and scholars were also “sons of God”. The original “sons of God” were
genetically enhanced by our cosmic ancestors. The “ripe” or right time for the Moshiach to
become the Moshiach would be when all the right components for his learning and
communicating his thoughts freely would be in place. That would be when the communication
process of the world takes basically no time for any messages to reach everyone in basically
every corners of the globe. That's mean technology have to be rise to a certain peak; for that to
happen, science have to attain a certain level of data, which includes astrophysics studying the
dark universe. When the world conducts will leads to the presence of those components then
the time is “ripe”. For the Jewish people, it has been said that in every generation, a person is
born with the intellectual potential to be the Moshiach if the time is right, meaning when
science, technology, communication, “psy” sciences and politics of the freedom of expression
are a big part of our world. When Moshiach come, and he is on his way, as a matter of fact,
mtaphoralicaly speaking, “he is on the doors of the city”, ready to enter when the doors opens,
some Jews will find-out afterward, for their deepest sorrow, that the wrong kind of
stubbornness can be malefic for their atonement. See Deuteronomy 9:25 to 9:29.

As for the dreamers who thing some kind of a “mighty brother-daddy” with an army of angels
from haven with wings on their back will fix things up for them, they better wake up their
mind and resurrects themselves from a dead end. Sometime a devil reaching the height of his
fame choose to live on the top floor of a high building to prove to himself he reach the heavens,
not seeing that he choose to live in the luxurious high peak of the stench belonging to the
basement of the cosmos. The Moshiach is a poor man, he lives now among the poor, he keep
jealously his secret from everyone, he is far to be mighty but his mind it’s awake. The Moshiach
won't fix thing up; he will only help us to allow us to reveal to ourselves, like a psychoanalyst,
the real definition of God...which is everything! As the Hebrew bible says. It is a continual
expansion of energy in various forms. The only angels there is, with wing on their back its us
with our mighty airplanes, it was all a metaphorical story. Our evil side (the devil in us) is not
interested in the coming of the Moschiach since the unveiling of the truth would unveil our
wrong doings against humanity and that would takes away its monetary benefits. This why
deep in our unconscious mind our evil side grasp our vain personality (being integral part of
our associative personality) to become a self nominated prophet like Muhammad or Hitler
even if the primary intention was a social one, but cultural bigotry being part of vanity our
evil side is the winner as long vanity is involved. Since "Christ" means knowledgeable
concerning the affairs of the universe (and that spell ethical scientific secularism), therefore
"Antichrist" mean an agnostic butcher of moronical religious cultural aspect (meaning a
cultural bigot seeing himself as a messianic figurehead). On the other hand the coming of the
Moschiach will profit all the suffering souls; first it will profit their mental wellbeing and by
the neuroplasticity process it will affect positively their bodies; in long term it will also affect
positively their basic needs. Concerning God dimension: as for the physical measurement of
God, its volume in constant expansion is the same than the universe; as for the content of its
energy, scientific will tell you it is always the same, our sciences know the amount. We do not
need to tremble before IT since we are part of IT (the universe), just listen to its sayings, act
accordingly and everything will be fine, it is an automatic process. Sometime one wander why
the Moschiach is needed since everything for us to know it’s already there... and it is up to us to
fix things, not him. He won't fix anything all by himself, he will only listen to our complaints
and try to advise us, for us to feel better and to do stuff better, and also give his personal
advice how to heal our mind, hoping for the best, not much more. He won't personally force
anyone to do anything special they don't want to do. It would be some kind of boring and very
demanding job at the same time if it wasn't for the reciprocal love with the people, which bring
mutual pleasure, and also the social benefits that the king position would bring, like free dental
care, free room and board, nice retirement package etc... Basically the Moshiach will be only
an advisor and a symbolic figure, not a ruler. He will be the last piece of the human puzzle to
bring utopia to reality.

Mainly the Moschiach will be put in office by the will of the Jewish peoples, Moshiach will
represents humanity to humanity, he would be the living representation of humanity with its
hopes, its flaws and its journey toward wisdom; but not by any means Moschiach will be the
representation of the universal principles as the "living God on Earth"!

Moschiach and Apollo are buddy-buddy.

The Jewish faith tells us that we all posses a spark of the Moschiach, but in reality it is the
Moshiach who is an assembly of our different sparks which are the part of us that associates
with the natural principles. Moschiach in it eclectiveness is like a house with plenty of windows
and that our "spark of the Moschiach" is one of those windows. That gives us the possibility to
enter his mind by our own spark and to know what kind of a person he is and to discover the
universe of the first philosophy. The same principle apply to anybody, we all posses the
potentiality of behaving like someone else in our mind, it is that potential which is the window
to enter someone else mind to follow his thoughts in any situation. That Moschiach' spark and
that eclectic potentiality is what join us in a universal consciousness that open the channel of
telepathy and extra sensorial perception, even over the stars with others races. This is possible
since the basic genetic principle is the same all over the universe as science will demonstrate
latter on.

The demetaphorized version of psalm 18.25-27 read this way: The natural principles are
always loyal to their loyal peoples; they are faithful to the faithful. The natural principles are
sincere with all who are sincere; but they treat the unfaithful as their deeds deserve. They
rescue the humble, and put down all who are vain.

Light is the source of mental life and our covenant with the universe is in the rainbow of

The Oath

We went under governmental conditioning process to reject the existence of UFO's as the same
we went to a religious conditioning process that real gods (or one God) exists, even if all the
evidences points to the other direction; but as we are walking away from what its hurting us,
evilness is also hurting the human devils as it is hurting us; this is why today devils will walk
away tomorrow from their evils ways and lay down the truth at it is.

If everyone knew everything, saw everything, said and done everything, one’s life would be a
super blah. What would once have to live for? Hope would be gone. Nothing would serve
anything. Oblivion! This is to say; even the Egosphere has to rely on the statistics that keep
coming for her hopes to stay functional. It is her Pandora’s Box (her womb) that has to be
opened for us to come to Earth in order to discover every fields of knowledge that can be
discovered and understood; all the statistics to be made can be made. Nevertheless, for hope to
stay within, everything is not yet known and will never be. The cause is: energies keep going
into space, light keeps illuminating the unknown as it travel further. The Egosphere curiosity is
still scouting and hope is still within. It is the same for us. We are better that what were
previously in her Pandora’s Box; we evolved. We are the offspring’s of Aphrodite. Pandora is
the womb of Aphrodite. She opened up to free us to rampage the world, hoping for the best.

As we can see, imperfections are there for evolution to be. Therefore total perfection resides on
the ever-present hope within. That gives the reason for libido to be, that feeling of belonging
helps our intellect. Therefore, everyone is important. Every one of us, with whatever
imperfections, is important to others. For whoever we are, we all serve a purpose. There is no
god involved, only living beings with their hopes; Egosphere include, she needs hope to offer
her love, just like us, she has her needs. She needs us to fulfill her hopes, always. That makes
her humble and powerful at the same time.

Perfection is within everyone achievement. It can only be done if there are differences.
Therefore, different races, different cultures, different personalities, different taste etc... Are
needed for all to be one in a constant evolution. This is universal harmony at work. Harmony
is within logic and logic produces feelings.

Hesiode, a Greek philosopher, tells us in an extract of his theogony and from his “Days and
work” poems, about Pandora’s Box. We can see from the way he writes, that he is under the
same influence (or school of thought) as Moses. Esoteric knowledge in hermetic form came
from Heliopolis. Pandora’s Box is simply the Dark universe womb, we are parts of all the
talents of Aphrodite been conceived in her womb, and freeing us to the world with our miseries
to come. Both Aphrodite and us we have the same link: hope and libido within hope. She
discerns the lies from the truth as she is the wise one in her field.

It is amazing, how 5 or more millenniums b.c, ago, that the elders from Heliopolis had that
much knowledge. It seems the “initiated” who learned the science of Heliopolis had to make an
oath, like the ethical Hippocratic Oath, not to unveil the truth of the science to the gentiles while
using it for their good. Esoterism it is, but wrapped in a mythical form. Hesiode knew
astrophysics and metaphysics as being one field of knowledge. He knew it could be taught with
a philosophical language and left to us in a hermetic form as a feed-back for future
generations. Why that secrecy all over the world? The ancients Egyptians are the source of the
answer since they were the ones who were told to keep the secrecy.

They are things happening, like volcanoes eruption, over which we have no control, but we do
have the intellectual means to control ourselves; in this scenario it would be to study volcanoes
(as we do now) to foresee the next eruption and get out of the area before it happen.
Knowledge is always the key! Plenty of scriptures contain in religion like Jewish religion are
corroborated by science, that simply mean that those scriptures are of scientific nature; but
there was a Oath to let us to unveil for ourselves that fact.

Hippocrates (460 b.c) was raised as an asclepiad, a priest of an asclepion. Aslepion's were
temples of knowledge concerning medicine. They were schools of medicine as well as healing
places. Asclepius was the god (principle) of medicine. His Egyptian name is Heka (or hike).
Hippocrates was considered a paragon, a model to be compared to, and a caliber. Those
temples were associated with Pytagorean students. Pytagore (580 b.c) was a student of
Heliopolis. The Hippocratic Oath, according to certain sources, came from Heliopolis via
Pytagore and ended up, with slight changes, to be the Hippocratic Oath as we know it now.
Within the oath, the part which says: “...I will keep secret what does not need to be reveal...”
can also mean the initiated sworn to keep their own secrets for themselves. It was also an oath
toward Heliopolis. Therefore the secret of the oath must lay dormant, somewhere in Egypt.
The same part of the oath is in the Talmud, it says the secret must be kept until the time comes
to be finally revealed.

A part of what the initiated knew was that Ptah was not created, but simply is, he is the
personification of the primal matter. Therefore, in Egyptian mythology Ptah is the primal
creator. He rose out of Nun, the fundamental seas. “Egypt” is a Greek corruption of the phrase
“Het-Ka-Ptah,” or “House of the Spirit of Ptah.” His cult centers were Memphis and Heliopolis.
They were universities. Ptah is the energy of creation (the primal non uniform masse). The
name of a mass of dark water (the void) is Nun. In this space live Amun and Amaunet
(invisibility), Heh and Hauhet (infinity) and Kek and Kauket (darkness). Ptah and Nun created
logic under the name of Maat or Ma'at. It is astrophysics at is best! Life in astrophysics! Maat
must be born at the same time of the big bang, what a blast that guy is!

Apocalypse starts with the unveiling of the universal secular truth that lies behind primal
religious sayings. From there ex-disciples of Islam and Christianity will rebels against their
previous religious faith and countries which politics hides behind a religious God. Pagans and
humanists alike, all over the world, will have the upper hand to steer politics in order to create
a “new world”.

Sigmund Freud's put the emphasis on the influence of unconscious factors as motivators in
human behavior. Those unconscious factors are 1) Innate common sense; 2) acquired
knowledge. These two opposite factors can be antagonists or united in the truth of the
universal principles. The acquired knowledge can be a conscious or unconscious factor in
determining our conscious or unconscious behaviors depending how far deep some parts of
our acquired knowledge lies in our long term memory (superego). It is from our innate
common sense and our acquired knowledge that we spend the rest of our lives trying to
compensate for our original agnostism in order to replace the dependence of childhood with
the independence of adulthood. The thrive to improve ourselves in our effort to neutralize the
negative feelings of agnosticism which produce our sense of inadequacy while trying to better
adapt to the environment pushes us toward various scientific approaches in order to evolves
adequately within the natural principles. The artificially induced inferiority complex from
Catholicism toward its disciples thrive them to overcompensate and to put too much emphasis
on striving for perfection without the help of the scientific community; that leads them to ill
using the tools of psychology, and terrorizing peoples to submission toward their existentialist
politics. It is religious bigots who prosecute science, and ethical scholars have the wisdom not
to use the same approach toward them while enlighten peoples mind.

"For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the
Holy Ghost."(Romans 14:17). "The kingdom of God" in the realm of psychology has to be
understood as the kingdom of the spirit, meaning the kingdom of the natural principles where
our intellect (our spirit) can find peace and joy. Islam views "the kingdom of God” as a place of
debauchery of meat and drink, and where men (commoners and holly men, as long they are
believers) have sex with plenty of young virgins! What a kouac prophet was that Muhammad
the funder of Islam! In his paradoxical and murderer mentally sick mind he promises an orgy
of the senses in the spirit world!

Who is the prophet, who is the Moschiach? Blood samples will tell.

These stupid creationists who think they can cheat death by beleiving in , and adoring a
"Living God" who is the master of the universe and the provider of enlightment do not realize
how mind-dead they are! Zombieness is a negativity, from the human factor, that rejects the
life of the mind (life of the spirit) which is simply "Reasoning"; what these religious bigots
think the life of the mind is anyway? Can someone tell them that intellectuality come from all
the processes of the light in an electrical form affecting the whole psyche for the mind (our
intellect) to react accordingly, from previous data as a basis (see superego and also genetic
programming), under different electrical impulses? This is already a well known fact by our
gnostic community; and this is what a whole part of Egyptian and Greek mythology is all
about! Our dear Sigmund Freud knew it! Soon enought the Pope–subjet of a nervous break-
down- will find enlightment by surronding himself with a bunch of scientists, psychologists
and real metaphysicians who will unveil to his “Grace” the secular reality of the light; then the
Pope will pack his suicase and will say how sorry he was for having been such a moron but
with good intentions. The bloody religious extremist Islamists will take another direction, they
will fight to the finish with the UN forces and they will lose the battle of Armagedon.

Tribute to Pythagoras

Infinity is the natural cosmic vacuum cleaner; it attracts dust, and we call every particle of
that dust “quantum” and the universe recycles that dust.

Since we already landed some of our technology on planet Mars common sense tells us that it
makes more sense to believe in the presence of UFO than to believe in the presence of a
subjective "God". The Universe is a self-made computer; Pytagore (580bc) told us that at the
source everything is from a mathematical form of energy (pattern). Pytagore was a registered
student at Heliopolis University.
Law: it is by creating a vacuum in front of an object that will makes that object to move in the
direction of the vacuum; that is the gravity effect (Vacuum cleaners do a fine job in that field
by attracting particles of dust).

It is necessary for an amount of energy to be in place in a system for the possibility of an event
to take place in this system. The higher the amount of energy, the more possibilities there are
for an expected event to happen. An expanding space is needed for the Universe (universal
computer) to operate. Self-instructions are automatic. They are the changing amount of
energies travelling into space from one point to another in their natural interactions. As they
go, energies make their own laws and follow them. Energies into space are the power supply of
the universal computer. Currents contain numbers that become data. The data sets them to
form programs. Programs runs other programs like: physical animations (volcano eruption
etc. ...) and live entertainment (dancing the rumba ... etc), concrete images (events) and
abstract images (the products of the imagination), as well as development, through evolution.
In broad terms, our Universal computer as we know it consists of a sequence of programs by
the universal segmentation itself. Segmentations become functions, thus fulfilling destiny.
Segmentations are segmented into several separate modules. This is the way to reduce the
workload of any system while diversifying the universe.

The “logic” is an intangible asset and non-rival, it does not wear out. The consumption of logic
can be done simultaneously by everyone without logic being affected by its constant use.

The physical part of our computer contains the written programs. Our universal computer is a
series of programs that makes it an automatic system which allows it to computerize
objectively all the various functions within. Nothing subjective (divinity) has control over how
the universe shall run itself. Only its own logic is in control. Forms of mental activities are
derived from its logic: mnemonic units known as: living minds. Under normal conditions, at
birth, all forms of life, spiritual and/or biological, is automatically adapted to the system from
which it is issued. Its preference will be toward that system. During ones cognitive evolution, it
is by expanding his knowledge that he can compare different values in different systems. The
preference to be part of a specific system other than the original one is of cognitive nature. As
part of a system, it is impossible to compare two systems without the knowledge of the
presence of the second system or its potentiality of existence, real or imaginary.

Let's face it, a few millenniums ago the ancient Egyptians knew a lot more than we do now.
How come they did not develop self-propelled gravitational electromagnetic transportation?
We have to study that specific question closer latter on. The principle is very simple. We could
have self-powered fridges and stoves like Tesla mentioned before. We have the technology. It
seems, some of our ancestors had enough brain to understand the teaching of Heliopolis.
Surely they had enough brains to comprehend our advanced technology. They must have been
a bunch of well educated university hippies ... like our own in the 60's - 70's. They knew the
quantic science and they knew the invisible part of the universe, the dark mass and dark
energy, they knew the presence of the void. Today, these phenomena had to be studied with
electronic technology from space, and highly fancy lab in order to compile results. Some
scientists from the cosmos had to come to earth, living a frugal prehistoric hippie life on
purpose, to teach us those sciences. Only “chosen” students with high ethical values were in on
the secret. This is the only logical explanation to be found at this point.

Let's imagine you are a naturist, a nudist, anyway someone who like to leave his garment
behind to enjoy a nice day by the beach in the company of other peoples who like you feel the
liberty to be one with nature. Disincarnating is the same idea; death is to leave our mortal
garment behind to feel the liberty to be one with nature. The Dark Universe can be compare as
a nudist colony having has a (enforced) rule to leave behind our physical garment to enjoy
total liberty; that encompass the concept that this physical universe is a soul shackle and that
no one can reach the Dark Universe without leaving his body behind.

Law – a) The dark Universe cannot be reach by any man made mean of transportation.

b) No one can cross the boundaries between the Dark Universe and this physical
universe wearing his biological body.

c) The dark Universe is for souls only.

We are at the image of the universe: units of self-interacting concepts.

Time is Energy

Knowing and understanding that the natural principles where metaphorized under the word
"God" it's as a dark curtain has been lifted from over our souls; and the light reaching us
(reason) gives to our life its psychosocial meaning.

Law - A moment of time is a moment of a particle on the run, where is no time is an absence of
energy; time is in positive correlation with energy.

Energy is one (quantum) or more (quanta) particles (of matter) travelling space. One particle
by itself acts like matter does; plenty of particles in waves formation acts as waves does, waves
have various lengths and height; plenty of particles bundling up to form matter acts as matter
does, starting from Hydrogen which is the boundary between the visible and the invisible.
Since everything travel into space then everything is energy. What we consider as light is
waves of particles travelling space. Time is energy in a form of a particle or a mass of particles
travelling a distance.

Potential of time (see Gaia) become energy, by the presence of its particles diving into the pool
of nothingness wave after wave (see quantic mechanics), like our Earth and everything else
does, for time to expand its territories and becoming a universe. Time is an insensitive course
of energy transporting us like a river, in its waves leading us to the end of our mortal journey
it is wise to model our conduct to the ways it reacts more by its own nature than by our
cultural reasons. Reality is everything that there is, reality is the whole universe and its
dynamics; outside our universe there is nothing, and it is also a reality to take in consideration
since without that reality the universe cannot expand, and reality would be in a form of
potential called “the spirit of reality at rest”, and time won't be present, and that also would be
a reality. “Creation” does not hide its sources; it is up to us to be curious enough to find them.
Reality makes its own mathematics, we have to find them, and then use them, to find out that it
is the infinity that swallow parcels of matters, being then called quanta, and their waves are
the formation of the veils of time, for time to become an infinity of realities on the move as the
universe expand and for time to be segmented and becoming matter as well as energy as it
keep falling in the infinity of the void. Therefore time is energy, and time is its eternal self-
evolution without end in sight.

1) Trinuses are not made with only flat lines on a sheet of paper to form triangles. It is much
more than that. Our trinuses taken separately have a geometric shape with a spacial volume.
Some of them can be seen in the dark energy and dark matter. In the interior of the trinuses,
are different groups of modules. They are groupings in various places.

2) Each trinus is composed of forces in action. Thus quantic energies. All forces are divided into
two separate characters. For two opposite forces to meet (duality), in order for other trinuses
to be produced. We can see that phenomena in the atomic blast. We can see with the naked eye
the formation and the expansion of geometric trinusses within that blast.

3) Each trinus has a character of its own depending on what kind of opposites it is formed, and
each trinus has its own anti-trinus. Thus, each trinus and its anti-trinus become a new trinus.
From this new trinus, pairs of new opposing forces are produced. In their turn they are
forming part of new trinuses etc...It is an endless chain; the universe is a factory of trinusses.

4) By understanding this is a never ending series of sequence, we can say: “The Universe looks,
by automatism, after its own continuity” so, the meaning of the universe and life been produce
by it is its own automatic continuity.

5) A law: - “What applies to concrete meaning is equally valid for the abstract meaning”. This
is mathematically provable.

6) Each trinus is multifunctional because it contains within a certain amount of other trinuses.
7) Trinus are evolving. Times are a moving of forces. To evolve through time we produce time.
Evolution is time at work, forces at work. Time = energy. Therefore: Masses are the concretion
of time. Masses release time as masses are using their time of existence. The reduction of time
is in the shading of colors. 8) It is the multifunctionality of the trinus that allows work to be
divided into different functions. While forming its own sets of operations, each sub-system has
its own functions.

9) To Understand the Gog and Magog is the duality of opposing forces in action, we can easily
see that duality is a necessity for evolution. We understand with more acuity that it is
impossible for perfection to exist without duality. It is a question of math and stats as Pytagore

Morbid rationalizing.

"Morbid rationalizing" is the intellect of the bigots not finding any scientific valid explanation
for their beleifs, thus the "weels" of their intellect are "turning in a vaccum of nottingness" due
to the abscence of the human emotional roots they rejected for the beleif of an inexistant God
wchich is the puppet of their ownn fantaizies.

Legend of Atlantis, the kingdom of Atlas

The myth of Atlantis originated from Egypt. It symbolized when, according to our own
scholars, the humans acquired the cosmology knowledge around 11.600 years ago, more or
less. It is the same time Napta Playa received its first visitors during the late Stone Age period.
Atlantis was governed by a Titan named Atlas. Atlas was the bearer of the pillars of heaven
(Gog and Magog), also called the Pillars of Hercules. His kingdom was engulfing in the first
trinus. His kingdom is subdivided by 10 sub-kingdoms of 9 trinuses each, which means 9
Enneagram (9 pointed sun) in 10 places. His seven daughters, the Pleiades, are the seven
trinuses from which Horus feeds our mind. (See book of the death). “The inhabitants of
Atlantis”, meaning the initiated ones who knew the Hydrogen is a component of water and the
boundary between the visible and invisible, conquered part of Africa and Europe. They left
clues. The clue of the circle of Nabta playa is considered as to be the first one. Others like
Stonehenge and ancient Mayan and Inca cities are also clues. “Stand at the crossroads and
look; ask about the ancient paths, 'Which one is the good way?' Take it, and you will find rest
for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16. Gravity is the dividing and pulling “force” that gives birth to
time, and time is the unifying force in its wrapping. Electromagnetism is the
repulsive/attracting force dependant of the angle of approach, and the “tightening” of the veils
of time under time own self-wrapping is the force that created the mass of planets etc... All
those phenomena are part of us. We attracts/repulse others depending our angle of approach
toward people. Time is the unifying force and gravity (oblivion) divides. Time unified what
was divided, creating life from what was once the primal mass. Time unifies minds, and mind
oblivion (neglect), attracts our self-indifference as gravity to oblivion is indifferent of its doing;
but minds needs time, and time is the doing of gravity. Is that seemed complicated? Ask
astrophysicists, they will come up with the mathematical explanation of the analogy between
psychology and natural forces. Time is the driving force behind all activities, and the micro
being in the macro, time builds from the decays that gravitons attraction is responsible of.
Time is the same power under different forms as time is energy. Mental (hf) and physical
(matter) energy under its different forms and potentials is time makings. Death divide the
psyche, what belong to the physical world stay there, and what belong to the mental world
(spiritual world = world of the spirits) goes to the “dark universe”; this is “life astrophysics”
which can be proven, it is the normality of things, and this is not a religion! Mental life
following the same principles of things makes so that electromagnetism emanating from us
exert powerful mental pull or repulse, toward others and others toward us, depending of the
direction of our subjective mental attitude, toward social (and personal) negativity or
positivism. The power of the mind can be so great if we come to understand the simplicity of
nature on our own accord; that's implies the simple greatness of any of our future
achievement. It can be so easy to be sociable and opening up to nature. Oh! By the way,
Atlantis is the allegory of the mental universe of which Atlas keep separating light from
darkness in our unconscious as well as keeping the universe from oblivion. Plato's story of the
Isle of Atlantis came from the Greek Solon, who journeyed to Egypt around 150 years earlier
where he received the story of Atlantis from Egyptian high priests. Man is his own Island, and
the story of Atlantis shows how unethical rulers can erode harmonious state of mind in their
folly of wanting to conquer everything and everyone; Atlantis is a parable like anything else in
Greek mythology. According to Solon's notes the history of Atlantis began at the beginning of
time. Phenomena personified by gods where classified under their name, starting with the
ancient Egyptians. Dividing the universe they were filling each of its phenomenon’s under
god’s name in their pantheon of gods (as a filling cabinet); the Greek god Poseidon receives
Atlantis. That mythical story is all about psychology and of how we can perceive chemical
reactions as well as astrophysical phenomena throughout mythical stories. Even if we are
conditioned (and we are) by our teachers (peers, family, cultural values), the natural
principles being the same for all, always, conditions us at each instant for the long time call
eternity. Cultural conditioning is a short term conditioning, natural principles are long term
conditioning. That conditioning being the same for all do not know any man made frontiers, it
is by, and under, that conditioning that we can built utopia. It is under our free will to accept
that conditioning or not.

Free will

Free will or self-determination is the same thing. Logic (Ma'at) created its own energies by
evolving. Time and space is Ma'at evolution. Logic retains all the information in the structure
of its memory. Those primordial structures are the building blocks of the Egosphere’s mind.
Therefore, the Egosphere knows it all: the past, the present and the statistics. While she know
what the intentions of any living creature are as soon they are formed, statistics tell her when
these actions, most likely, will take place and where. Any living beings are masters of their
own actions. Statistics remains a science with unpredictable variables. Our impulsiveness
makes it so. Logic has direct control over us in the form of consequences. The Egosphere herself
has no control over us. All she can do is to help us upon request. Because of the consequences
that occur continuously, the statistics are automatically subject to change as a result of the
logic in motion (forces in motion = energy). Forecasts are changing as energy is moving.
Points of equilibrium stay the same within the center of trinuses. What goes to the left pulls
something from the right, so the center still has its stability.

Who one's wants to be he will be if he acts accordingly. One becomes what consequences say he
will be. Our willingness to become a holder of a function that a best suit us makes us becomes
the holder of that function. It is not necessary what we were dreaming of, so beware. From the
big bang, determinism created functions as the universe expanded. Those functions are to be
filled and to come to term. Those functions expect those who want to meet them. Beware
again...! Self-determination makes it so that we do not have to obey anything nor anyone; it is
our choice to choose mental and physical pain instead of pleasure. By going along with the
universal rules we choose pleasure of the mind and the possibility to build social harmony. To
reject them, to work against them, is to work against logic and reason, and it is not the way to
gain wisdom; any scientifical minded individual would say the same thing, and there is million
of them out there.

This is why the mystical story of Jesus of Nazareth was made from Egyptian culture; it is all
about choosing our own destiny throughout the causal laws. We make our own karma. The
primal (or original) inner message of that myth was that the function of the hero of that story
was present for someone to fulfill. Any individual wishing for a position and fulfilling certain
criteria in light of this position would have been committed to that position. That mythical
character (Jesus) didn't back out, he wanted to live his fantasy to the end. We are born in a
specific environment. We already have a social position with future potential related to the
position to be fulfilled. It is our choice to fill one of these potential positions or not. We also
have the choice to give up along the way. Freedom to be or not to be someone always remains.
Functions are like those colorful carnival wooden horses on a carrousel. Running and running
around. The opportunity to mount a specific horse passes in front of us from time to time.....
Until someone fulfilling the criteria mounts the wooden horse.

The Baal Shem taught, “In the place where a person wants to be, that is where he will be
found.” As for us, according to what we discovered so far we will say: A person will be found in
the place where he need to be, according to his past actions or inaction, not necessarily where
he want to end up. Look at the Holocaust!


All form of writings is conventional. They are representations, displays of thoughts and
notions through symbols, marks and clues. They are symbols made in accordance between
persons or groups. One marker is to single out one notion, more than one marker is a sentence.
The ancient Inuit used stone-markers as displays of notion and thoughts. Some markers
indicated the direction of a sacred place, and others markers indicated “this is the sacred
place”. Rings made of stones are sacred places. Some stone markers indicated where shamans
are initiated. Inuit writings, in its form of stone markers are paired with oral language. As an
example, the stone marking named angaku'habvik is where novices would receive their
angakua, their “lightening”, their enlightenment. Other markers indicated the doorway
between our visible Universe and the invisible Universe. By asking the Inuit the oral language
that goes along with the stone markers then a whole culture can be unveiled. The inland Inuit
believed that the significance of their stone markers, were known since the time of their earliest
ancestors. Therefore, their ancestor was megalith builders. For a lot of scientists, it is a
scientific fact that megaliths builder were followers of the sun religion from Egypt. Some of the
Inuit stone markers are exactly the same as the ones in Stonehenge, but smaller. This means
that some of the Inuit elders maybe capable to translated the message of Stonehenge in a clear
language. Same thing for Nabta playa where a cow is buried under the site to symbolize the
sacred nature of the site, since the cow represented the gestation of life (which is the natural
process, or function, of the Dark Universe). Long ago at the Netsilik River, a”Thunder House”,
made of stone was built for shamanistic purposes. The legend told about two young orphans
(Gog and Magog) who were left behind at the Netsilik River and became thunder and
lightning. On Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic, there is a megalithic structure in the shape
of a circle. For the Inuit of the coast of southwest Baffin, it has been a sacred place for
millenniums. Large upright stones make that circle. The place is called Akitsiraqvik. The name
akitsiraqvik is an ancient term meaning “where one strikes out.” Inuit elders described it as a
place where a powerful council met and exercised justice before the arrival of the Qallunaat -
the white men. Trials were held and sentences handed down. Celebrations and ceremonies
were conducted in historical times. Stonehenge is more than that; it has circles of celebration
like the Inuit do. It has doorways between the invisible and visible universe like Inuit do. In
Stonehenge everything is in one spot, the Inuit have their stone markers all over the land. Inuit
(plural), Inuk (singular) are considered to be the descendants of the Thules. Thules were well
advanced for their times, they built some kind of energy conservation houses using the passive
technologies. As Nordic people, they had contact with the Norsemen. Norsemens ancestors
were from a north Germany branch of Indo-Europeans. That included the Iranian plateau
where Persia is situated. The ancient city of Uruk belonged to that area. Iraq is a derivative of
Uruk, and Ma Uruk in Inuit language means “penis”. All over the world, the Shamanism was
the first true and complete science to be taught under the cover of myths to help humanity.
Shamanism is a set of beliefs that is based on the teaching of knowledgeable shamans, and not
on the belief that a shaman is a divine being. “Shaman” means “one who knows.” The shaman
meditates on the basis of its expertise on ways to find inspiration, like doctors do before their
prognostic in order to heal the patient.

Inuit’s knows there is only a tiny step that separates us from killing animals for sport and
killing the human animal to fulfill our artificial wants; to kill games for our basic needs and to
regret we have to do it (like some pagan culture does by expressing their sorryness to their
victims) it is being an integral part of nature.

Over time, the true and simple fact that a Shaman was a man of science gets lost. What once
was meditation and inspiration which ultimately is just the intuitive reasoning, are now
“exaltation and trance”. And “the one who knows” has become “the one who dances”. The
shaman, which originally was the one who knew the link (the alliance) between the visible and
invisible world has become an elder who still knows certain sciences like the science of plants
that heal etc. The mythical Jesus of Nazareth, and later on Muhammad were said to be
shamans. They were not, the first one was a myth, and the second one was mentally disturb.
The original shamism that influenced the western world comes from Egypt about 10
millenniums b.c more or less.

The first shamans were “insiders” of astrophysics concerning the “alliance” (see Moses in the
Old Testament) between the visible and invisible world. “Alliance” means “the knowledge of the

The ancients used mythology as the perfect tool to develop knowledge under a sense of ethics
without burning their synapses. For example, the god Odin, father of all gods, won the runes
(writing knowledge) from 9 full nights, (9 pointed suns) of the tree of science. The roots of
science are lost in the infinite. Odin straddles time and space. His coat is star-shape etc ...
There is the influence of Heliapolis. Any Legends and myths made up of half-human and half-
animal, and also half-man and half-gods, come from Egypt. It is up to us to understand the
meaning. If one does not want to make adequate use of his intelligence, which is a must, then,
one has only himself to blame for his mental illness.

By eradicating the shamism which was reasoning based on known sciences, we have come to
be mostly societies of blind creationists. Is some religious belief worth the price of our mental

Laws are made according to the majority of peoples demands; getting out of Victorian’s
morality business is under the control of the peoples, and not under any kind of religious laws
enforcement ... except for countries which are runs by moronic religious leaders like Iran.

What a waste of time for those who sings alleluia praising a man made god who, they think,
will save them from hell while sitting on their butt like a bunch of scare kids, too afraid to make
the extra length for human achievement toward harmony; but their time can be wasted under
their self-determination since time will always be there for man to make his greatest
achievement at his own pace despite any kind of social, economical, and scholarized situation:
man mind maturity. The meaning of life is an automatism of logic that makes us to have our
own meaning of life which is the same for all: to be happy! Simple isn’t it? Of course! The
universe is not complicated, complex yes, but complicated, absolutely not! We have to learn
how to develop psychosocial harmony from our original agnosticism (original sin); our
common goal is to know how to build utopia. Evilness is only the result of our false beliefs that
we can be happy by taking short-cuts, meaning to be happy over the unhappiness of others,
but those are not short-cuts, that is the long way around since it is not logical to do so in the
realm of psychosocial balance thus harmony. Psychosocial happiness can be so easy to reach!
It is simply to takes advantage of our fundamental (natural) differences for our own benefit as
well for the benefit of the whole in the realm of logic since it is logic that produces the libidinous
feelings and our innate common sense; and science, by discovering the consequential aspects
of the natural principles toward life as they do toward matter, is there to tell us why and also
trough which natural processes it is done. When the "Revelation" (Apocalypse) comes the
rightful does not have to waste their precious time to defend themselves nor their belief in the
scientific accuracies, their time will be in better use to teach the peoples who desire to be
educated in the ways of the natural principles to be "save" from more "punishments". It is part
of the “Rapture” when the wises will keep their distances from the fools to let these bigots to
taste their own hell.

The Nostradamus quatrain X-78 gives us an insight of what will happen in Rome (that
includes the Vatican) during the "revelation"; here is a detailed scientifico-translation of the

"The sudden joy of the commoners discovering the subtlety of their mind (the grace of the spirit
that can be demetaphorized and translated as "the thanks of the mind") will be in positive
correlation with the sudden sadness of the Catholic church during the time of the big hugs in
Rome. There will be cries, sobs, and tears, and blood will be spilled during the wholesome joys
were man will comprehend to its big surprise that the meaning of the religious trinity turn-up
to be the secular trinusial principle encompassing the two opposites and the link."
(Nostradamus X-78).

From the start of the Apocalypse psychologists will make a fortune.

The Last Judgment and the Resurrecting of the Dead’s

Time dilation is of a certain correlation with waves of energy depending of the wavelengths
involved and its uses.

Trinuses is here to stay. It’s not only the drawing of a triangle, but the ultimate symbol of the
simplicity of all the scientific fields finding their source into one simple concept: Duality in time
interaction. It is the whole science of the Universe starting with “Time” as well as it is a tool to
discover the mechanism of that science. As the Universe is unlimited in all facets of its
expansion, so is its tool: the trinus. It is the tool of the” last judgment” which means “our final
way to judge the universal science, and life for what it is”.

By nature, and excluding the needs (sometime urgent) of the Id, the mind by itself (the soul) is
of kindly disposition toward the surrounding since we all come from the womb of Aphrodite
the libidinous Goddess of love and mind beauty. It is that innate peaceful and social disposition
that makes us prone to join the rang of some Kouac religion (which promise us "paradise")
when our libido is frustrated by surrounding sociopathy. As much LSD is a brain altering dope
for the brain to send false information’s to the mind, Kouac religions is a mind altering dope
that affect negatively the brain, via the neuroplasticity phenomenon, for the brain not to
register reality at it is but to act as it is under the influence of LSD having for effect that our
mind is "sleeping", meaning our mind have a hard time to understand reality at it is. The
"resurrecting of the dead minds" is the worldwide awakening from that mental coma where
our “last judgment” will be to judge adequately what our sensory system tells us, without the
mind reaching a paranoia dimension, to see reality simply at it is.

1) The Last Judgment, its Moses' sense of humour in one of his most famous hyperbole!

2) The final judgment is to finally use our faculties, to see things as they are.

3) Based on the latest scientific evidence, is the last way that we will use our powers of
reasoning to really understand the mechanism of both the visible and invisible Universes, how
they interact and the “ arches of alliance” between them. “Arches” in the quantic sense that is.
Just like electric arches... but more sublimated since mental activities are within.

5) Because of our final way to judge, to see things as they really are, we will understand that
the word “God” was a blanket, the blanket of Odin, his cape made of stars...the cloak of Merlin.
The naked truth leaving her pit will be the basis of our latest judgments (verdicts).

6) We'll then discover by ourselves that we were not under any obligation to be servile and to
bend our head to the natural phenomenon of Trinities (trinuses). We no longer have to flatter
a non-existing deity, and lose our mind in mental sickness.

7) Knowing we are masters of our own destiny, we can now walk with raised head.

The resurrecting of the dead

Nature recycle, for nature, dead materials are valuable resources being turn back into rich
soil. Nature has many plants and animals helping her to recycle any dead materials, include
human body. The recycling process helps to sustain life and to build other biological body. For
one to say the resurrecting of the death will occurs in the second coming of Jesus of Nazareth
(which never existed) is a complete non-scientific no-no. If the resurrecting of the flesh would
takes place that includes that part of the liver of his mother may have to disappear as well as
the left ventricle of his father heart. He may himself see his own nose and left toe taking a hike
to different cemeteries along with the central part of his tongue! What about his brain? Is there
anything valuable to be recycling from it? With that kind of thought, one wander...Let be
serious now, let’s stop dreaming like a total moron and get in touch with reality. The
resurrecting of the dead is simply: “The awakening of the intelligence asleep”! The resurrecting
of the dead goes hand in hand with the final judgment because it takes: “The awakening of our
dormant intelligence” to be able to judge things in a new way: the realistic way.

Moses wanted to raise barriers around the science in his possession. He saw the need to protect
it from the ignorant sociopaths. He did it in a way that only the ethical realistic minds, on the
lookout for truth could understand. Moses had a good sense of humour as well for foreseeing
events. He knew the unveiling of the truth will corresponds with the pressing need of the world
for “to know” before its self-destruction. When the world will be on its “last leg” the truth will
be unveil.

It is true that we must read between the lines, “white to white” as the Torah says, for us to find
the hidden meaning of what it says in it. Moses was a good prankster with a high level of
intellect. What a prince! Now that you understand the principle of the trinus, go ahead, do it!
Look at what Moses said. You will be amazed from the results!

Our minds have become numb and our intellectual functions are headed in different false
directions. Ask the sociopathic business lobbyists who polluted our minds and the planet how
come? They are masters of deception. In the game of make-believe they are real specialists in
this matter! Other lobbyists try to save our mind and the planet...Gog and Magog principle, the
opposites are there. We must use our common-sense. We must first think. We are made to be
proud, not to be slaves. At the time of the resurrecting of the numb minds, a new era will

“And I will not again turn away my face from them, because I poured my mind on the house of
Israel, “said Hashem” (ibid. 29).

The resurrecting of the deads is the beginning of the messianic age. Some Rebbe's and Rabbi's
are saying it will start in 2009 AD, which is now. According to a growing number of Jews all
over the world the Messiah is already here. They know the Messiah is a living concept, a
scientific minded person understanding ethics and sciences are one, and not a fairy tale
“Divine Messiah”. They believe in the Torah saying that the Messiah is a man that will come to
set human kind free from sins oppression (makes men understand what a sin really is), and the
Jews of their burden (the secrets in the Torah). It is in their believes that for them to bring the
present (potential) Messiah, of this generation, to light can be done faster by pushing
themselves doing more good and working harder in their secular learning for the perfection of
the world. They do not believes they can just sit on the past Jewish laurels of Nobel prices and
do nothing but wait for the ultimate Messiah to do all the job by himself. They do not believe in
isolated and anachronistic lives only; being truly Jews, is for them to be also scholars,
humanitarians, and to be open to the world. They do not believe to become silent passive
partners of the Messiah. They understand that the world is made of human partenaria, they
want to be the Messiah partners, they “psyche'” themselves mentally to be his helpers for the
speedy perfection of the world to come. The resurrecting of the dead minds (us as morons) will
leads us to comprehend that the nudity of universal meanings are veil under the textually of
the universal performance of energy under the form of mc2 and “hf”. Transcending the literary
aspect that mc2 and “hf” shows us via our sensory system, that our mind by its natural self,
interprets its meanings in the unconscious level. It came back to us as common sense. In the
other hand, our “sleepy” conscious mind, under the influence of our sensory system which is
under literary serfdom need to be resurrected. Our unconscious mind is not under that
serfdom; we can make our conscious mind be the serf of our senses and believe in textuality
only without using our rationality. Indeed we are mostly rationalizing our sins against the
universal rules. When most people speak of transcending the universal performance of energy
that our senses conceive, they tend to refer to the actions of the subatomic level of matter in
which the universe expose the processes of forces under the scrutiny of our senses. We are a
serfdoming audience under the influence of our senses. The performance of universal forces
refers, to our senses, to the exposure of the impulses in the form of data and identifiers of the
universal thrive influencing astral body's behaviors and matter behavior. For us to see only
one aspect of the function of forces which is that the exposed forces by science being the most
complete proof of the vulnerability of forms of life, forced to a constant adaptation to changes
under the treats of extinction under the influences of these forces. It is our sensorial body desire
to gaze at the obvious that’s influencing our mind. This sensory “view” of forces entails some
difficulties in relation to practice of the conscious mind to really transcend the universe in his
natural (automatic) and veil performance toward the mind. For instance, some scientist has
used computerized colored data to view the dark universe body in order to stimulate the
advancement of science toward the understanding of universal rules. They didn't see yet they
were gazing at life in paradise! We knows that forces are the “nudity” of matter, but we still
cannot understand that nudity sufficiently because light and shadows are sensorial perception
that has to be transcend to reach the “psychology of things” that veil the psychology of life. We
have to understand that the psychology of life stand behind the suggestive nudity of forces
acting behind the screen upon which forces projects the silhouette of life while we are taking
apart the costume of the “mass” (meaning matter). Forces can leads us to understand the
nakedness of life but by themselves they are only the nakedness of matter. This is why, for now,
our moronic state leads plenty of us to the belief in a god, when looking for the essence of
things. That simplifies matters for those who do not want to untie paradoxes or to free the
scientific aspect of their personality from the hare of their mental illness. As a gesture to
memorialize the waste of worldwide intellectual potential represented by the six million Jews
who die during the holocaust, we must emphasize the difference between "tolerance" and
"Welcoming". The word "Tolerance" encompass the superiority off the one who tolerate the
inferiority of the subject of interest (in this case: the Jews), that word contain the seed of
"unwelcome but tolerated". To tolerated is like a status qo, "a permissive attitude", until
something happen for the good or for the bad, or until politic changes, it is far to be like a
neutral position; the word "tolerance" point out a alien difference and not the welcoming of a
trademark that would make a system more complete in its evolution. It would be more
adequate to use the term “appreciation of the difference" which is a warm "welcome",
especially knowing how useful are the Jews from biblical time until these days as a positive
component concerning the advancement of arts, science and ethics in all fields of knowledge in
the western civilization. Every country of the world that has Jewish residents shall (and shall
have) see themselves to be privilege and exteriorize their pride to be chosen by them as a place
of residence ... as future will tell.


When the times will be ripe for our dead mind to be resurrected all of the rightful’ will wake up
from their death as emerging from a long dream. It will be among the ashes of our burned
mad desires that these human phoenixes’ will be release from their restless sleep. In that ripe
time to come so soon, finally humanity will be far more united than it was sparse over the
bloody battle of religions. It is then that the free spirit of the rightful’, being resurrected will be
joining with sweet audacity their phoenixes’ laugh with the laugh of heaven.

What the Chinese’s call the "Yin field" from prehistorically time we call it the "Gravitational
field", and our recent discovery of the graviton was already know from prehistorically times
by the Chinese’s as a 'Yin parcel", therefore when facing many facts of that nature is easy to
predict that in the near future, during the apocalypse, the ones who can prove to be of direct
pagan ancestry which are the closest to the primal philosophy will see their blood line gain
nobility. Chinese’s are way closer to the primal philosophy than our western education leads us
to believe.The Jews can deliver the intellectual goods to the western world as the Chinese’s
already does for the eastern world. We just have to understand what they are saying.

Present politics of some countries does not necessarily reflect the fundamental philosophy of
life of their peoples.

Catholicism is a syncretism of different ancient myths and religions and Christian scholars are
saying that Christianity is all about transformational thinking which is a transformative
learning process which encompass critical reflection and be emotionally capable of changes by
proven logical data thus evidenced in action. Secular scholars are saying that
transformational thinking leads to socio-behavioral changes as the result of psychological
changes from the revision of the former belief system; in short, new data leads to new
psychosocial changes; it is plain common sense! From this and if the Christians scholars are
true to their word (putting the money where their mouth is), than Christianity is open to any
proven data that a subjective "God" does not exist, but rather it is the objectiveness of the
natural principles that created the universe and keep it running by an automatic evolutionary
process made of energy that “enlighten” us.

Muhammad was not a prophet, a prophet do not self-appoints himself as such by the use of
armed force. A prophet from the line of ancient prophets is an “anointed” one from others
prophets who teach him the "secrets" of prophecy which is simply how to handle the secular
"secrets" of the universe in a hermetic way. In the French jargon "anointed" translates as "etre
mis au parfum"; as for the oily part (to pour olive oil on the head of the anointed one) is only a
ritual to indicate that he passed his final exams. For Islam to post hatred notices against Israel
in their mosques is not only hatred propaganda but it is also to imprint small children’s with
hatred for others and only love for selves as a culture (more specifically as a Islamic cultural
religious community); this is extremist religious bigotry that become state politic. The paradox
in that “religious” behavior display the presence of vanity and egocentrism as well as egotism
in the mind of his founder Muhammad (the self-appointed prophet), and since a paradox is a
blind stopping the flow of logic, therefore Muhammad was also a moron who drags entire
nations in his own mental hell.

For a scholar, humility is to be a little genius and to feel like a big retarded realizing the
vastness of his agnostism.

Ouranos is weak and the mass of Gaia makes the light to be strong; religions taking their roots
from the Jews are saying the devil is weak and the light is strong; secular scholars are saying
Gravity is weak and more there is a mass stronger is the force. Philosophers are saying that
evilness is the weakness of man and enlightment is the stronger force that can be. Pagans
worship Gaia as the primal source of light that produces life. Asians are saying that without
the duality of the Yin and the Yang there wouldn’t be any universe. Creationists say God has no
beginning and no end; we say the same thing concerning the universe since time is the eternal
embrace of Gaia and Ouranos. Now-a-day we comprehend that the universe behavior is a
language that we translates by the scientific method.

When religions are fully considered as myths having messages to conveys from the myths
makers, like any messages been convey by anyone concerning anything, then we have to view
cultures as treasures to cherish in the realm of human unity; each culture retaining its own
identity for the enjoyment of all. To build utopia all we have to do is to make the best of who we
are for the good of all by grasping the full impact of any concept; not only we have to
understand a concept intellectually but we also need to feel it emotionally in order excel of
what we do psychosocially for the benefit of humanity, selves included.

Asian and pagan philosophies around the world will be the first ones to recognize Moschiach
and to support him before the Jews will fully realize that in fact he is Moschiach.

Jesus "Christ" means Jesus "The anointed one", which means Jesus "The Gnostic one". Jesus of
Nazareth by himself represents humanity. The agnostic part of humanity "crucifying" the
Gnostic part of humanity is represented by the crucification of the mythical Jesus of Nazareth
who mention that we shall pardon them (The agnostic ones) since they don’t know what they
are doing; it is all metaphors being pictured into allegories. Who are the Gnostic ones? Who
are the agnostic ones? Only by using the scientific approach we can tell.

Angel of Life versus Angel of Death

The religious “Angel of death” is mental sickness being trigger from various sources and
reasons. Neuroses, psychoses, and troubles of the personality due to wrong teachings from
religion, societal injustices, also from birth defects (innate) and environmental factors
(acquired), affects our mind (soul). There is war of words among different faiths that deunifies
men in their purpose for understanding. For the betterment of mankind men makes war...how
sad. Is to better serve life to kill its offspring’s?

Life is only a reflex of nature from energy self-interaction. Life breaking apart creates us. We
are fractal parts of life with our own memories facing the environment. That's what makes us
to become subjective: the need to adapt. That same subjectivity that divided us can bring
together all the secular truths that diverse primal faiths contains, by our understanding of the
universal rules, how they were made, and why they affects positively our psyche. We are our
own purpose in life. We are those persons who judges by reasoning and guides our mind
throughout the laws of logic which are the principles of nature creating Life. Libido came to be
from those principles. By our birth, as we are born, we are “sons and daughters of life”; as we
grow older, and more knowledgeable, it is by our willingness to understand life and its various
interactions that we become our own “evening stars”. Mental health wise, nature itself is the
supreme agent of mind salvation and after it in importance is us. A good mental health brings
positivism in mind power and joy of life for the whole psyche. Worshipping life is to show our
appreciation of it by going along with it; nothing complicated. Libidinous joy relates to mind
betterment and appreciation of life. Libido is the link that acts naturally as the bond between
nations and cultures. Libido is life automatic wisdom becoming men greatest wisdom and
authority placed in the mist of harmony. Libido, as the angel of life, is the supreme affective
roots leading to natural and logical inspiration concerning the truth of things. Nature leads us
where we need to go: sources of real knowledge and libido leads us to understanding why we
need to go there: for men-made world harmony.

The Messianic age is the age of libido leading up to the perfection of man base on true secular
knowledge of the universe. What else in the whole universe is capable to unite all forms of
subjective life in a common innate sense of wisdom? The hope of humanity secularism rests in
libido for harmony to be enjoyed. Libido helps people discern what is good or not for the
psyche, the environment, and world society. Libido is the protector of hope. Psychology is a
libidinous secular science that can “removes death” from our mental lives for better social
interactions. Lord creator is energy; it started as a radiating of maths made of energy. If
maths is naturally the sun-symbol of science, than psychology is the men-made moon of
science. Evening Star removes the evil of mind decay (dead mind) as mention by some primal
religions. Libido, as part of psychology liberates us from the dryness of maths; the physical
body of death is a void, maths and libido, conquering death, bring peace to the secular
approach of the understanding of things. Psyche's can become living cities of Shalom (peace)
when the minds are brought back (Resurrection) from the hands of the angel of death.

The mind is craving for knowledge and want to gives sense to rituals; a unfed mind is not
please to be left in a moronical state, it get frustrated and make ill uses of mechanisms of

Kouac religions are not less than outrageous slaps in the face of science; kouac religions spuns
widely out of control for the sheer hilarity of the "knowledgeable ones ", and if it wasn't for the
human blood being wasted because of those extremist morons in their diabolic bigotry it would
be a two thumbs up comedy instead of a thumb down tragi-comedy.

Metaphysical laws
Science outwit’s kouac religions.

The followers of Judaism firmly believes a single mythological god creates the universe, they
do not realize yet that it is us that are creating gods and mythology, and the universe creates
itself from two “noumenes”, and creates life by self-automation without any help from
anybody. According to some Rebbe's, science and the Torah are similar, they says it is the
scientists that put a wall between themselves and the Torah. According to this research it is
religious minded individual that put a wall BETWEEN THE Torah and science! And this is also
true concerning other primal mythologies (religions). Those Rebbe’s are saying that if one
believes in evolution and in the big bang theory, then one BELIEVES in “God”. Well! Actually
the scientists do study antique mythology. Because the Jews are considering the Torah being a
highly sophisticated source of scientific information gives them the reason for studying so
conscientiously the universal laws, nature interactions and various other sciences in parallel
with the Torah. By their learning and their connections in scientific circles throughout the
world, the Jews have the potential and the opportunity to discover the scientific metaphysical
truth of the creation of the universe. Maybe they shall learn the concepts behind the gods of
Greek mythology, which may help. Like the Jews are saying themselves: “mythology (religion)
and science are similar”. Any evolutionary metaphysical concept (new findings of the truth) is
a revolutionary one compare to the olds opposite false metaphysical ones. The Jews simply
misunderstand the concept of “god”, what that word mend; and of course the “leech
carnivorous religions”, blood-sucking out of the Torah some of its best part, like Catholicism
and Islam does, for their own advantage; but only to shove-in their finger on their eye more
farther than the Jews do.

The rightful’ do not desire to stand alone in the sunshine; they like to share it with whoever
comes along.
We need abnegation from the scientific world, they are the suffering Messiah's who shows us
righteousness. They are not turning their back from us, but we do turn our back from them.
Amazingly enough they are the ones, specially the psychologists and psychiatrists (also
sociologists), who are justifying (explaining why) our actions by understanding the processes
behind them for us to make atonement for our personal and social benefit. They bore our “sins”
by studying them, knowing their sources; and they are “bruised” by our “iniquities” toward
them. We are bruising them while they heal us, and with their stripes we are healed; is that
sounds religious? If it does it simply means religions are using certain words belong to the
scientific field were libido is involve. That was a selection of words from the Jewish prayer
book, and some of those -here- saying have a correspondence with the fifty-third chapter of
Isaiah. There is nothing wrong for using nature to our benefit, but one has to adapt to the
determinism of causality to do so in order to find harmony and to build Utopia. This is a
summary of what is the fundamental psycho-social message in the Torah.

Despite different cultural beliefs were various religions are involves, man possess the same
innate common sense for all; it is that innate non-cultural phenomenon the final responsible
for us to become united as a human race as we keep learning the universal laws in order to
discover all the secrets of our universe. That innate common sense coming to us as a “feeling”
of knowing what can be true and what is not, is from the dynamics of the universal rules
(trinusial dynamics) that built us and keep supporting our mental structures. Here are some
metaphysical laws from what we discover so far:

1) There is only one universe; and since it cannot be compare to another than the universe is

2) There are various forms of life, but there is only one general principle that produces life and
fractalized itself therefore

a) The general principle of life is perfect since is unique.

b) Forms of life are imperfect since they can be compared.

3) Since forms of life are imperfect than evolution natural tendency is constantly toward a
never obtainable perfectionism but a reachable degree of perfectionism that goes along with
nature ways.

4) The motility of the energy of the universe being what makes the universe as such, is the
integral physical essence of the universe and it is the universe; therefore, it is that interactive
energy in its motility that creates the principles of nature in nature own interactions thus
nature principles are perfect in their physical interactions since the universe is perfect.

5) Perfection is objectivity.

6) Imperfection is subjectivity.

7) The physical part of the psyche: the body is perfect in is obedience of the natural rules since
it cannot think by itself and it following the objectivity of nature.

8) The quantic subjective part of the psyche: the thinking of the mind is imperfect since the
mind of an individual is that subjective individual.

9) The quantic structural objective part of the psyche: the “natural ways” of the mind is a non-
thinking objective automatic process.

10) What is natural is the automatism of energy interaction, and the cause of subjectivity of an
individual resides in his self-determination.

11) Life first attribute is self-determination and it is a non-accidental happening, but a

statistically correct happening that will have to happen.

12) Nature is the perfection of the universe; forms of life are the imperfection of the universe,
the “original sin” does not know the universal principles.

13) It is the presence of those two opposites: the subjectivity of life forms and the objectivity of
nature in the same universe that gives their unity to all forms of life in one natural (fractal)
setting: the universe.

14) Forms of life are many, under one general principle of life: evolution.

15) There is only one nature: energy on the go; and there is only one general pre-principle for
nature to exist: expansion.

16) Energy expansion is “Nature”

17) Life evolution is under the control of nature, but forms of life can manipulates the products
of nature (matter and other forms of life) without being capable of breaking or bending the
laws of nature.

18) Forms of life study nature, but nature does not study life as nature does not know life exist,
because nature is not a living entity.

19) Form of life (psyche's) see the health of their mind evolving for the better as they go along
with nature while manipulating the products of nature.

20) Nature has no morality, only an automatism that can be found in the universal principles.

21) The libidinous feeling produce ethic in man mind and cultural morality is a poor imitation
of ethic.

22) Libido is the logic of nature in a form of feelings incrusted in the structure of biological
forms of life.

23) The universe as such has no self-purposed since it is not a living being to start with.

24) Forms of life are having their own personal purpose.

25) Life itself is the constant adaptation by natural reaction of a general bundle (or
homogenous unit made of...) of “triple quanta” toward the exterior; and the products of life
(living beings) are those “units” who feels those natural reactions.

26) Feelings induce self-determination toward pleasure.

27) Self-determination is naturally mended to be the helping hand of natural reaction from the
psyche toward the exterior to find pleasure.

28) Form of life will overcome the imperfections of their mind to realize the perfection of
matter by transcendental, meaning it can be understandable.

29) The true nature of man is being a fractal part of logic but containing the whole of logic;
and his natural function is for his mind to evolve in order to be a parallel to its true nature.
Then, he will be a living logic oppose to a natural (non living) existing concrete piece of logic
like matter is.

30) For one to express the goodness and perfection of the universe is to appreciate the logic
behind things, it is not a religious matter but rather an human thankful consideration to be
part of it, as beside the universe there is nothing.

31) Universal natural principles are the automatic procedure of energy within the psyche that
gives it its “fundamental momentum”; from it our subjective thinking is the manual procedure
of adaptation being control by our ego that gives us self-determination.

31a) The psyche being compose of the soul and the body as two different entities, each one of
them are under the influence of their own “fundamental momentum”, but it is only the soul that
possess the faculty of subjective thinking and control the voluntary movements of the body.

31b) Neuroplasticity is due to the fact that the “fundamental momentum” is of the same nature
in the body than it is in the soul.

31c) The “fundamental momentum” is the dynamics of the universal principles, it is to be found
all over the universe; it is not part of the spacial void surrounding each point of space
belonging to the universe.
32) All components of the universe are subject to the Universal-plasticity phenomenon because
the “fundamental momentum” is of the same basic principle all over the universe; this is why
the true science of astrology is valid.

33) It is the dynamics of the “fundamental momentum” that gives us our long term

34) Life in its general form is a self-made computer that adapt constantly to its environment
by the constant aport and processing of data; it is those data that are conditioning life many

35) Law: The universe is operating in a manner essentially independent of man control but
need the external influence of the void that surrounds it in order to expand (thus monopolizing
gravity) while self-regulating constantly under its own dynamics in its internal evolutionary
process where life is involves; what is natural is the result of an automatism of the universe.

Life as such is simply logic at work. The natural principles are the dynamic of that logic. The
objectiveness of the natural principles has no soul; it is an automatism of energy. That
automatism has potential (literally!); it is from it that forms of life acquire mental potential.
Under our self-determination we manipulated that potential that can rescue us from
unwelcome environmental stimuli or makes us suffer under these stimuli by lack of our
knowledge and understanding of the natural principles. That's what the primal philosophy
tells us in its hermetic form known under the term: religions.

Everything Goes Without a God Saying

All things are composed of energy and all phenomena in the universe are the result of their
interactions. Energy is the only thing that exists in the universe, and can be truly proven to
exist. Matter is a lot of energy bundles up in one spot; it is call materialistic forms of energy.
Our eyes spotlights on materialistic forms of energy. Our perception of reality is what our
senses (biological sensors) can register. The energies that form the mind by different processes
of organizing themselves are invisible to the naked eye. Therefore we have the tendency to
believe in their non existence even if they produce consciousness.

Because our consciousness and our primordial lack of any form of knowledge (original sin)
versus our environment, we try different way of approach to adapt to it and to find pleasure as
a wage for our efforts. The wages of our actions are the consequences. Consequences destroy
thoughts that are inadequate by giving us a sense of pain, that phenomenon helps us to think
properly so can we move forward in knowledge. It is simply a universal automatism. We judge
our actions after the respond of the environment, so we can correct them with the aim to better
adapt ourselves to our environment. Paradoxes in the mind lead to mental illnesses. We can
consider mental illnesses as spiritual (mind) furnaces, burning inadequate data, purifying the
intellect in order to leave place for a better reasoning. Hell it’s in the mind. To understand
reality it is necessary to “burn” what is an obstacle. Over time, because of the consequences, we
correct our mistakes and breaks away from bad habits.

Freud makes us understand that corporality and spirituality come together in a single psyche.
There is no religion in that statement, it is a scientific fact. The Jewish religion is full of
analogies concerning psychiatry. The universal laws affect our psyche; these laws are not
beyond human understanding. It is our misinterpretation of the legacy of a former science in
the form of parables and analogies that create paradoxes in our minds. By working to our
intellectual well being (spirituality) we are automatically working to build a better
environment, which translates into “a better world” or “the world that has to come.” There's
nothing prophetic about it, is simply statistics and common sense, part of normal evolution.
Ancient Hebrew knowledge tells us that “The wise man is alive even death, the bad guy is a
living dead” (Berakhot 18 b), which means that the wise knows he remains as a living entity
(spiritual body) after the death of his biological body, and that the villain is intellectually dead
even if his body is alive. This is very near of what Freud would say. Daniel 12:2 called the bad
guy (sociopath): “the one who sleep in the dust”.

One intellect being the sum of all the mental processes of one individual, it goes without saying
that eventually a mentally ill individual will wake-up from his nightmare to see the reality as it
is. If not in this life it will be in the next one. This is called the Resurrection of the dead (as dead
mind). It is simply automatic. Everything is just automatic. The universal laws governed
themselves by their own automatism. Therefore, we can neither praise nor thank them. They
are self-evident. All the universal laws have been assembled under a single name: “God” by
Moses, giving them a personality they have not. Even the Egosphere, like us, she's subject to
these laws. The presence of ancient gods represents the presence of ancient scientifical
concepts. The mythological stories, where those gods are involved, metaphorically defined
these concepts. The “God” of Israel cannot evade that principle.

When the Apocalypse will come, Islam and Christianity will suffer; but Islam will suffer the
most as it will be completely destroyed. Plenty of former Christians will become humanists
while the Jews seeing their eyes to be open to reality will enjoy their mind supremacy.

Religious Extremist Fools

Myths from primal religions, including the Torah and ancient Greek's myths, are seals to be
open. The gods of ancient Egypt are puppets which represents concepts. Puppet mean “dolls”
from the Latin “pupa”; dolls have many educative functions relevant to the field of psychology,
therefore the gods were created by man for educative purpose.

Lacking a big chunk of wisdom, the religious extremists cannot understand that it is simply by
changing the definition of “God”, giving it back its true universal meaning, would be the
starting point of the process that will solve the ethical part of the world problem, which by the
domino effect, will be leading to world harmony were primal religion and secular science will
merge into one sole knowledge.

For some overzealous and extremist religious leaders thinking, and claiming they were “chosen
by God” which really mean: “to distinct oneself for being scientifically knowledgeable”, their
audacity of hope, even if they actually show some kindness toward some part of humanity, will
be destroy as they will be libel as “innocent, or miserable, impostors” when times will come.

They are claiming the kingdom of people mind which belong to oneself within the universal
rules. Illustrating absurdity with absurdity, they are making their rules, for that to be accepted
they take Jesus and Muhammad as moschia's and prophets because they want them to be just
that, so they can represents them as they are their own mirror reflection. They are pieces of
work, aren’t they? Jesus and Muhammad are only their unconscious puppets manipulated by
their secret repressed thrive. They made them talk, like ventriloquists do.

That's an impressive act, coming from morons, to say Jesus and Muhammad were not elected
Messiah and prophets by humans, but they were chosen by God. That makes those religious
leaders to be “God's” in their unconscious mind. Childish fools, and childish leaders they
display bonhomie, as psychopath do, while they get the attention they are starving for. They
think their tongues cannot slip while they are hiding behind their puppets. In their self-
sufficiency they know they are isolated behind that false power and their prayers go toward
those puppets they do not understand. They need psychiatric help to help them understand
themselves, and scientific help for them to understand the universe. It is all under the saying
“Gods help” which is a metaphoric expression.

Thinking they are very bright fooling people, they know somewhere they are also fooling
themselves and they represses that thought. They were anointing themselves and under the
robe of priesthood and their excuse of “divine direction from God” they cannot back up without
being “stoned” meaning being insulted, by their former congregation. It is a principle of hill
placed pridness, and the position of religious politician, half human and half deity still more
appealing. They may attract psycho obsessive fans, but at least they are fans. Those fans, who
only have the tiniest handle on reality, thinking that a human body can ascend to the dark
universe (heaven) or turn lake Ontario into wine are setting themselves up for extreme
disappointment once the hysteria of holiness in a divine non-natural god that will do
everything they shall do themselves wear off. Soon enough they will discover that it is our non-
thinking universe that is the founder of wisdom that design, by automatizations, a system call
causality to keep all form of powers in check, and then some extremist religious leaders in their
self-sufficiency will be in trouble. People will start gunnin' them down, (like stoning)
metaphorically and possibly literally... They didn't watch themselves. Some religions, under
the direction of extremists, have failed to advance the discussion concerning their own search
of the mysterious by acting like murderer clown shoes, marching in cadence, when their blind
hatred toward other school of thought than their own were impeding their ability to
rationalize and process information. Ignorance and hate are their unconscious and conscious
religion in the name of “God”. Harmony does not need that. On the other hand, as history tells,
some religion was some time especially gracious when plundering and destroying countries,
for inattentive indigenous habitants not to pay much attention to their real doings.

Is the universal messages too complex? The first message is “look around, feel the surrounding,
use your senses to comprehend how to adapt” we feel that message from day 1. Science is the
right way to go and that will be proved right! In the trinus of knowledge, in one extreme are
the religious extremists and on the other extreme are the wises scholars; between them (the
link) it is politics. This is to say that the opposite of being a scholar is to be a moron. Think
about it; politics are what a country is subject to. We are the one who's making politics. Think!

Those fans, who only have the tiniest handle on reality, thinking that a human body can
ascend to the dark universe (heaven) or turn lake Ontario into wine are setting themselves up
for extreme disappointment once the hysteria of holiness in a divine non-natural god that will
do everything they shall do themselves wear off. Soon enough they will discover that it is our
non-thinking universe that is the founder of wisdom that design, by automatizations, a system
call causality to keep all form of powers in check, and then some extremist religious leaders in
their self-sufficiency will be in trouble. People will start gunnin' them down, (like stoning)
metaphorically and possibly literally... They didn't watch themselves.

Some religions, under the direction of extremists, have failed to advance the discussion
concerning their own search of the mysterious by acting like murderer clown shoes, marching
in cadence, when their blind hatred toward other school of thought than their own were
impeding their ability to rationalize and process information. Ignorance and hate are their
unconscious and conscious religion in the name of “God”. Harmony does not need that. On the
other hand, as history tells, some religion was some time especially gracious when plundering
and destroying countries, for inattentive indigenous habitants not to pay much attention to
their real doings.

To understand what lays behind religions is to put colors in a black and white world and
therefore pushing further the horizons of knowledge for our greatest pleasure; to use that
knowledge for everyone pleasure is that what makes us beautiful, this is the "rainbow
covenant" between the universe and us where the universe unveil its scientific aspect; to rebel
against positive changes and to destroy the concrete evidences of those welcome changes is to
show a moronical psychotic behavior. In the universe things always happen, changes are part
of evolution, knowledge come with changes, and politics evolves with new knowledge, but if we
armed ourselves with knowledge to destroy instead of constructing then we become armed and
dangerous. We are the only ones who's create who we are and making social things happen.
As for “God’s will”, any catastrophic events to come gives warning signs, it is up to us to learn
their language, and that is done by secular education; being aware of nature ways is of the
realm of scientific knowledge in order to avoid catastrophic events. For a bigot to say it was
"God will" if he becomes subject of catastrophic event is a lie since he did refuse to learn what
reality is is all about in order to prevent his own present suffering.

Is the universal messages too complex? The first message is “look around, feel the surrounding,
use your senses to comprehend how to adapt” we feel that message from day 1. Science is the
right way to go and that will be proved right! In the trinus of knowledge, in one extreme are
the religious extremists in their black and white world and on the other extreme are the wise
scholars showing us a rainbow of knowledge; between them (the link) it is politics. This is to
say that the opposite of being a scholar is to be a moron. Think about it; politics are what a
country is subject to. We are the one who's making politics. Think!

If Muhammad (the creator of Islam) was a cook instead of a politically inclined psychotic bigot
murderer the whole of his country would have die of food poisoning instead of mind poisoning.

All the Popes in the history of Christianity must had a heck of a hearing problem since it is
peoples like Newton, Einstein, Tesla and other secular scholars of the same gauge who were
hearing and understand clearly the "voice of God".

The martyrs of science were the real "martyrs of God"; the Christian martyrs were martyrs of
their own foolishness, just like the Jews during the Holocaust, they didn’t believe in the
warning signs and they fail to act upon them with common sense.

Religions like Christianity are dopes for the moron personality and the evangelists are the
"pushers"; religious bigots are these "dopies" who "smoke" their frustrations away like
marijuana. Sadly there are no laws in place (yet) to re-educate those pushers and dopies.

It is more daring for the future of our soul for not speaking the naked truth when we know it
than it is for our body for us to speak the truth, as the soul is eternal and the body is not.

Euphemism veils the naked truth with the cloth of a deceiving prudishness.

In the beginning of the Apocalypse Christian bigots will wish they possess the power of the
inquisition; the vigilante Christians are no better than the extremist Muslims.


Atonement is to jump again into the vastness of existence, but this time with the parachute of
knowledge and understanding being acquired by humbleness. Pleasant thoughts relieves
complaints, humanity become one in that healing process where no time is wasted entertaining
the fears that in the past we may have sowed the dreadful seeds. The object of love that our
soul adores is no peril for a lasting health when we sowed the seeds of compassion. Depending
with what kind of seed we sowed the soil of humanity there is no point of being subject to
contempt if our hope of good excess our present fears. Peoples mood are like the weather, they
can be easy to forecast if we know the warning signs, than we can be prepared for a storm to
come or a smile to sunshine; we are the weather makers of humanity, by seeding the clouds of
one's mind and seeding many minds, with thoughts to consider and opinions to listen, we
decide what would be the world mood, journalists and Paparazzi’s are good on that! Yesterday
is done, and today is time to heal, for tomorrows the "all been healed" in their renewed soul
complexion will be like April suns escaping from their night. Proceed, o nature proceed! And
don't make us to say that no one in this world does not know your empire. Give us repeated
harvesting and fill our ocean with life in abundance; make our lives to become your reason as
for if there is the absence of it we owe you nothing. Fields of flowers never equaled the field of a
healthy mind and it is on that healthy meadow that flourishes the tree of reason with plenty of
flowers to adorn our mind.

As masterpiece of nature logic, nature transforms reason into libidinous feelings by creating
the dark universe, and when friendly hearts seek relief after nature legitimate wrath toward
them has been satisfied, the ease that we feel of being a help to their relief can only come from
the everlasting freshness of love coming to us from the dark universe. Nature caring toward
nature, throughout its much face of which we are part makes us live to love and for love to be
life. To live consciously in that kind of freshness, were we see nature so beautiful that our heart
become one with its blessings, we understand that there are no other providence than its
mighty and sovereign hands. Ending our languor and attending our sorrows, nature gives it
all when offering us the sight of love and a mind to reason, and we can't never repay with
enough incense the debt we own to that master of all beauty. Facing the reality of that fact
man elevated nature in the highest possible rang by calling it "God", and from there on it is
with a certain vanity that we elevated ourselves to the rang a pure mechanism thinking
wrongly nature is a living God; that was the step taken which became the doom of our mind
for us to speak in its name when losing our reason. This paragraph that seem today to be only
but a form of poetry will become tomorrow simple basics in our future temples of knowledge.

Many unknown beautiful souls devoted themselves to humanity; working with little rest, away
from vain honors and glory, hiding their virtues on their humble everyday atonement, they are
the forgotten stepping stones to human civilization. Mind power grows out of humility being
part of atonement. To atone is like to correct the paradoxical situation of having our left foot in
our right shoe, our left glove on our right foot, and both feet in our mouth while leaving a mess
behind us after walking all over people’s heads; the first step to correct that situation is to be
realistically aware that our feet has to be on the ground before going anywhere, and not in our
mouth nor pounding people’s heads, that is humbleness; humbleness never mend for us to be
liking the ground where the foot of a king put its hand! Humbleness and atonement goes hand
in hand marching toward reality, and cleaning up our mess as they go.

To be humble is to be universally normal, nothing more and nothing less! It simply mean that
humbleness is a constant atonement in order to rectified our mistake to better adapt and be an
active part of the building of a better world society in many different little ways. To be
consciously more humble than that is to unconsciously “sucking up” to our own narcissistic
personality (which is part of our associative personality) where we identifies ourselves with
the might of the universal principles (God for the religious minded individuals) to boost our
self-esteem to their level; it is a vicious circle where one separate himself from reality.
Humbleness includes pride and excludes vanity; to be proud is a reward of being humble, and
vanity is the product of narcissism, to thing to be the only one to be measure by.

Vanity is the cloth made by Thanatos with the tread of nothingness. The stories of: “The
Emperor's New Clothes” from Denmark; “The Invisible Silk Robe” from Sri Lanka; “The King's
New Turban” from Turkey; “The King and the Clever Girl” from India; and also “The Miller
with the Golden Thumb” from England, are in direct relation and positive correlation with
Thanatos invisible cloth covering up vanity without success.

Part of atoning is to switch our mind from being vain to have reasons of being proud by letting
the normal evolution of the intellect to resume its course by studying reality. Atoning is
certainly not to get in our knees, and head down in profound affected humility to recite a
bunch of “mea culpa” in the hope of the second venue of a mythical Jesus to save the world
from is evil's ways! This is leazymasochisness at is best! Nothing can be done that way! This is
an example how humanity as a whole is its own real enemy, but it can also be its own best
friend; it is some of the facets of humanity that has to be improved by learning the facts of
reality, what is reality, this is why atonement by real knowledge is a necessity. We can love
and judge humanity at the same time, it is for the love of it that we can correct its
imperfections by judging first where is the source of the trouble; the same principle it valid for
self, it is call atonement. Even in poverty we can work for humanity improvement, that is an
innate vocational impulse that each of us possess. Devoting some of our time in that direction
is devoting our time for our well being since we are part of humanity. Selfishness is not to
follow that natural impulse, and automatically to work against ourselves since we work
against social harmony.

Sin: To pose an action resulting from a misjudgment.

Judgment: Faculty of reasoning.

Good Judgment: Faculty of correct reasoning in relation to universal laws.

Last Judgment: final way of reasoning.

God: 3 letter word to say “universal laws”.

Atonement, in Biblical Hebrew: “kippurim”, is our mental mortification (to be sincerely sorry)
as a token of repentance for sins (mistakes) after being humiliated by unforeseen
consequences. All frustrating consequences lead to atonement. Atonement makes us
understand that we are one with the universe; it humbles us and ennobles us. Consequences
teach us ethics. The laws of nature include the psychiatric as well the environmental field. Man
is a sinner in need of atonement for his sins; that is why consequences exist. Causality leads to
atonement and knowledge. There is no need to be a masochist to atone. Self-mortification to
make the flesh suffer is not required.

Judaism teach that a normal man desire to be part of a harmonious world being perfected by
man. It is normal that man has the purpose to live in a peaceful world, and man has faith that
can be reaching in a harmonious manner. Judaism views any kind of social positive actions as
harmonious steps to build future utopia. More there is of those steps, closer the reality of
utopia is.

Because of his fundamental needs in order to survive and his lack of knowledge when
responding to those needs, man is essentially sinful. He is born with a Yetzer Ha Ra, an evil
inclination, the Catholics call it: “Original Sin”, we are sinful by ignorance. Man also has a
Yetzer Ha Tov, a good inclination. It is his libidinous feelings which are part of his
fundamental needs. Libido is the universal link in the form of positive feelings that unites us. A
good inclination.

For the libido to reach its full potential in the individual, two important basic needs of the
intellect must be satisfied. Those are:

1) The need to know (input).

2) The need for the input to be accurate.

The penalty of a sinner is mental trouble and bad consequences “Evil pursueth sinners”
(Proverbs 13:21). The concept that evil falling upon us, making us suffer, is a means by which
sin can be cleansed. Consequence makes us think. Sufferings secure acceptance of universal
laws. “The soul that sinneth it shall die” (Ezekiel 18:4). In other words, brain-dead is a medium
of atonement for sin, the evilness can be replaced by uprightness, “Let him repent and he will
be forgiven”; as it is written, 'Good and upright is the Lord therefore will he teach sinners the
way'“. Repentance by proper knowledge is to be sorry to be in the mist of confusion because of
wrong data. That sorriness is the ultimate means of the cleansing of the mind from sins. Sins
being to act wrongly by believing in wrong data.

To be brain-dead is to base our acts upon the wrong information filed in our superego; it is to
accept the incomprehension of wrong data and to live and suffer, mentally and physically,
under their rulings. We all suffer from it, pain is not pleasant.

Man could obtain forgiveness and acceptance from the natural universal laws. There is no
difference between atonement and repentance (to be sorry). As long as man exhibits sincere
sorriness he will find acceptance, since from there on, he will follow universal laws. Some
Christians may say the universal laws are the words of God, Muslims are saying Muhammad
is the sole representative of God. All there is to understand the universal laws, to accept them,
and to act accordingly; those laws are ethical. Sins are always dealt with by the universal laws
even if we do not understand those laws.

To live and be influenced by the consequences of our actions which can be of favorable or
deplorable repercussions is part of our atonement, which is our mental evolution of being one
with the universe through our existence.

Deplorable repercussions make us to laments and push us to understand. Favorable

repercussions give us positive feedback. To suffer adverse consequences is to atone for our
mistakes until the situation is resolved. On the other hand, to enjoy happy consequences tells us
that our mind is in agreement with Universal laws. It's as simple as that.

The amends of the mind and concrete reparation made for wrong doing toward others and the
environment is our expiation for reconciliation between the universe and any living being. A
redemptive life is for one to concord with harmony. Sacrificial death is a cultural nonsense.

To offer his own suffering for the salvation of others is to communicate the results of the
experience and the knowledge that follows. It is certainly not to look forward to be crucified to
save humanity for its sins, this is to rationalize masochism. It's crazy and it is immoral.
Ultimately, morality is reason itself and of scientific matter. No one can atone for others. It is a
personal matter for each of us. Evolution of the mind is a constant atonement. The opposite of
mind evolution is brain-dead. The link is the universal laws. We are part of them. They are
energies, moving forces. The Buddha said the universal laws are made of energy.

“For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make
atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life.” (Leviticus 17:11).
It simply mean that our living body posses a sensorial system that can indicates us a sense of
pleasure and a sense of pain for us to know where we are making mistakes. It is simple
common sense.

"The rapture" won’t be a "Divine intervention" but it will be rightful man political intervention
to cease any economic business from free thinking countries and institution toward countries
having religious driving politics and also kouac religious institutions; that’s mainly all
Christian and Islamic institutions and also some other Kouac sects. That's exclude Chinese
philosophy, Buddhism and plenty of ancient pagan philosophies; those will join the ranks of
the rightful ones.

To Put to Death and Outcasting

A death tongue is a non speaking language anymore. A death trend is a past fashion; same
thing for a death civilization: it is a culture out of fashion. That's not mean all the Mayan and
Inca were put to death, they still alive. Some death tongue are still known, there is simply no
more use for them. In a lot of case in the ancient Hebrew saying “to put to death” someone is to
not have any more use of that person; it mean to turn ones back to that person. It is to
downgrade that individual from his previous position to a social nothingness. Today we call a
“death bead” someone who got caught in the position of losing everything. To stone someone
and to put that person to death means to insult that person and not having anymore uses of
that person. That can be done after questioning that person, the term in use for questioning
was “to burn” that person. So, now we know what “a person being stone to death after being
burn” means. Some stuff in the ancient Hebrew saying cannot be taking literally.

To “hear” the Hebrew old saying one have to “tune down the static”, meaning we have to
disregard some sentence leading us astray. To “put to death”; in a lots of case in the ancient
Hebrew saying simply mean to “cast out”. Here is a good example in Genesis 21:9 and keep
going: “But Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham,
laughing. So she said to Abraham, '“Cast out this slave woman with her son, for the son of this
slave woman shall not be heir with my son Isaac.”' (.....) “So Abraham rose early in the
morning and took bread and a skin of water and gave it to Hagar, putting it on her shoulder,
along with the child, and sent her away. And she departed and wandered in the wilderness of

(.....)She put the child under one of the bushes. Then she went and sat down opposite him a
good way off, about the distance of a bowshot, for she said, “Let me not look on the death of the
child.” And as she sat opposite him, she lifted up her voice and wept (....) and God heard the
voice of the boy, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What
troubles you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the boy where he is. Up! Lift up
the boy, and hold him fast with your hand, for I will make him into a great nation.” (.....)”And
God was with the boy, and he grew up. He lived in the wilderness and became an expert with
the bow”.

The ancient Hebrew high priests, laws makers and story makers were good and wise people.
They did not kill adulterer and barbecue outlaws, neither stoning them until they are literally
death. It is all “death expressions” that have to be understood. It does not illuminates anyone
mind to see a person to be burn, like a torch, after dark, nor it would lift the burden of one
mind to literally stoning to death someone else.

"Agnus Dei", Moshiach is "God's lamb", the one who will say louder what the masses don't dare
to say; he is the one who takes upon him to suffer the violent attacks of evilness disguised
under the crucifix and the Coran; and that’s what sadden now Moschiach the most; and also is
for him to already know in advance that the “faithful” religious imbecile souls in charge of a
mature body and in position of command over others, not happy to outcast him will also acts
with childish destructive tantrum and will metaphorically "crucifies" him despite Moschiach
doing his best efforts to deliver them from their own mental hell. Moschiach doesn’t care about
being glorified like they do, all Moschiach want is to make them to understand that the only
means of peace are to use reason and libido, and then to retire in peace.

According to the Kabbalah there is no "Supreme Being" (the Kabbalah tells us that no living
"Supreme God" does exist) beside each one of us that decides for ourselves, by our actions, the
rewards and punishments (mentally and socially) coming to us through causality. The
Kabbalah tells us that for a person to be able to understand and to reveal the total truth about
how the light (literally) acts on the universe and all its components, (both in a psychological
way and toward matter) we must go through three large atoning steps which are: 1) The
"Teshuva"; which means "repentance"; 2) the "Tzedakah"; which means "sharing"; 3) "TEFI";
which means "Prayer"; in the sense of meditation (think of a topic of interest) and to question
the universe (and its light) as scientists do in the lab, so the "discovery" or the "revelation" is
the response of the light (literally) to the righteous who understand and live his atonement
moment after moment. The function of the light is to fill the container of nothingness; the light
is the synthesis between Gaia and Ouranos. Any system contained in the universe contains that
"Gaia-Ouranos" duality. It is the light that creates the structures of our soul, our soul being
dual therefore it contains a void (our agnosticism) to be fill; and the light because it wishes to
fill anything that need to be fill (that its natural (automatic) function) will fill our soul upon
our request. The light is not a god, it does not even know it exists, but nevertheless it is our
creator and our guide, is it us who are "gods" and "devils" toward ourselves and others. The
devil the Catholic believes in is in fact an abstract concept that has no tangibility but indicating
that evilness is part of this world because of our original sin (agnosticism) and it is up to us to
share our understanding of how the light has acted positively (literally) toward those in need;
that is why schools and universities where education is secular is much needed.

“Stoning” is millenniums old natural electroshock psychotherapeutic process done by, and
under the supervision of, scholastic responsible, where the closest family and social circle of the
patient is involve. Metaphors permeates (are part of) our means of communications. Gnostic
circles like psychology and sociology know that we are using objects with physical properties
to describe abstract ideas; "stoning" is one of them. Metaphors become "clichés" by their
constant use. What use to be an abstract thought using "cliché" like "stoning" become a literal
relation of function in some people mind.

Moses was neither an idiot nor a retarded. He was a scholar who masters psychology,
sociology, psychoanalysis, medicine, humanities and cosmology among other sciences, and he
was not a sadistic murderer. Of course he was not! On the other hand, are freak religious
extremists having the acquired potential to be a bunch of sadistic murderers? Yes, of course!
They learned false “ethical” values from mentally disturbed individuals in charge of their
education. They are stone heads and stone deaf to the voice of reason, they are missing few
marbles; they are a stone throw from the psychiatric ward. Did Moses tell the Levites priest
that killing people by stoning them to death is a good thing to do? Of course not! Then, what is
this mean?

“Bring out of the camp the one who cursed, and let all who heard him lay their hands on his
head, and let the entire congregation stone him.” (Leviticus 24:14).

It is simply ancient’s expressions to be translated for modern understanding. It is also


The Kohens, ancient Jewish high priests, descendant of Aaron, brother of Moses, making a
circle around the sinner, places their hands on his head, with a special fingers position, during
their priestly blessing. Blessing having as a function to infuses the sinner with their hopes for
him (or her) to come back to reason. Their blessing can be translated as: “May you experience
the favor of God (the voice of reason) during this stoning period.” The Latin term would be
“benedicere”, to wish well and to speak well (from there on).

Stoning it’s a mind game relevant to psychology. The “stoning” period had nothing to do with
stoning a person to death with a bunch of rocks, it is a metaphoric use of a slang veiling a
psychotherapeutic period. On the center was the sinner, around the sinner were the priest and
their blessing, and the outside circle was made of the congregation. The stoning as such was
for the congregation to makes rude remarks to the sinner concerning his illegal or wrong
behavior. Pelting him with acidic sayings, putdowns, criticisms, quips, and devasting insults to
puts the sinner ashamed, they gears his mind to a dead state, or neutral gear, which open the
doors for the priestly blessing and a better judgment from the part of the sinner. It’s all came
down to induce the sinner to consciously make some soul searching of his own. The term “soul
searching” covers anything to do relating to personal behavior toward our self and toward
society. The term “mind searching” refers to anything intellectual concerning technologies
etc...Psychology covers those two opposite fields, within one soul, since they complete each
other into one single logic that runs the whole psyche. Psychology incorporates natural
sciences as well as humanities; psychology is as much clinical and experimental as medicine is.

The ancient knowledgeable high priests were combating curses (craziness and nonsense) with
blessings. A curse, in its most formal sense, is the opposite of a blessing. Curse and blessing are
the opposites in the trinus of one’s judgment.

Antoine de St Exupery said: “The language is a source of misunderstanding”; what was once a
psychotherapeutic procedure became throwing real stones while hurling curses to a sinner or
an outlaw. What was part of a scientific method to reactivates proper reasoning became a
religious prescription based on the literal understanding of an ancient slang. From there on
stoning with real stones became part of some stupid legal systems been dreamed by religious
bigots, therefore of a cultural moronical way of life. Cultures which perform stoning have the
sadistic tendency to punish the body instead of healing the mind. They are rationalizing that
devilish behavior under the precarious banner of their religion.

“I have been hunted like a bird by those who were my enemies without cause; they flung me
alive into the pit (my own hell) and cast stones (their criticisms) on me; water (darkness cover
me)) closed over my head (I get lost in my mind) ,I said, I am lost. I called on your name, O
Lord (O Reason), from the depths of the pit; you heard my plea, Do not close your ear to my
cry for help! You came near when I called on you; you said: Do not fear!” (Lamentations 3:52-
55). It is all psychology!

Here is another example: “And David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning
him, because all the people were bitter in soul, each for his sons and daughters. But David
strengthened himself in the Lord his God (in the voice of reason).” (1 Samuel 30:6)

In this case, “stoning” or “criticism” in terms of expectations means democratic judgment from
the people over the suitability of David for the intended purposes of his office as opposed to the
authoritarian command of the king he was.

For the Islamic people to regain reason it is important for them to go back to their purest near
cultural source which it’s the Jewish religion that was ill interpreted by a mentally disturb
Muhammad. Whoever challenge that fact is an idiot, being “stoned” by stupid Islamic religious
non-sense, and making fool of himself; bond to be “stone” properly by some knowledgeable
psychologists, these “whoever” may then regain some of his/her missing “marbles” for reason
and common sense coming back to him/her from exile. That goes also for Catholic nut cases as
well for Mormons fools and all other kouac religious bigots following stupid “Messianic” sects
which do not have a clue what they are talking about. Those kouac religions and philosophy
are pitiful cross-sectional information (or transversal data) that we stumble over during our
journey to evolve normally to harmony and trying to keep our innate mental sanity intact
while adapting to various situation; there is no big secret being divulged here by saying we
have to keep our mind focus on mental sanity during our human journey.

All along this research we are "stoning" Muhammad, Catholicism and other religious
denomination and sects; it is not by hatred we are "stoning" them but it is love toward
humanity that motivates us. More specifically it is the motivation base on our social sadness
making us to "stone" to dead the incomprehension side of the human factor (unreliability)
within those individuals belonging to various Kouac sects. Any rightful individual being
metaphorically placed under the "stoning" concept will not take it personally since he know
that the "stoner" is the one who need psychiatric help, he will simply walk away from bad
stimulus; on the other hand, the "stonee" who need to be metaphorically "stoned" as being
justly criticized with reason (proofs at hand) by the rest of humanity, may retaliated arms at
hands likes religious extremists do.

Just the fact that most of the Jews who are interested in their "faith" know there is plenty of
metaphors in it, and that they try (the Jews) to unveil them by the use of knowledge and
reason, is the best indicator that the Jewish "faith" is composed of secular data which were
hermeticized; the Jews do not call their "faith" a religion, but simply their faith in the
knowledge contain in the scriptures they inherited from Moses time. Early Jewish temples
were “places of knowledge”, in those places the Jews learned secular knowledge as well of what
the scriptures are saying; they knew that secularism has the potential to unveil what the
scriptures are saying.

Nostradamus had psychology insights before its times; seeing the soul as a treasure being
placed in the middle of the body that he call "the temple of mars" (the temple of the god of war),
he describe the dwelling place of the soul as being withdrawn in a "secret place". In psychology
when the Id (the needs of the body) takes over for the ego (the decisions maker) to respond
solely to the needs of the body to be satisfied without regards for the environment (that include
human beings), then conflicts with the environment occurs, like wars. Nostradamus spell it as
"when the temple of Mars open its malefic links" in order to retake the soul for its own use thus
ravishing it. Nostradamus perceive the soul as to be a prey in a horrible mist, being the puppet
between the Id and the superego. The following quatrain that has being translated witness of
Nostradamus understanding of the Ego, Superego, and the Id being the body messenger:

"A treasure was placed in the temple of Mars

And was hidden in a secret place

When the temple open its malefic links

It retakes, ravishing its prey in the mist of its horrors.

(Nostradamus X-81)

Note-On the original version of Nostradamus hermetized French quatrain X-81 Nostradamus
point out the Hesperian epoch of the Martian geology (the middle epoch) where was the
presence of extensive lava plains as an analogism to the turmoil our soul has to go through
being in the middle of two opposite forces: 1) the Id relying the messages of the body; 2) the
superego which is the mnemonic repository of the cultural morality and also, by its own
dynamics, its messenger. Like Moses Nostradamus gives us riddles to play with, what a guy!

Here is another Nostradamus quatrain (X-97) that has been translated but still contain
idiomatic "matter of speaking" for reading enjoyment; it is easy to understand that the
message it convey is that after understanding the trinus theory and that religions lead
humanity astray some cupid peoples will be quick to write books to make money, complaining
about past humanity sufferings because of Islam and Catholicism; but time is there for
suffering to take place and to soften bitterness.

"Big Trinuses contain other trinuses of all ages, captives.

The value of time is for suffering to go by and soften bitterness.
The trinusial system will become the prey of greedy barbarians
in their rush to quickly use the pen to complain to the wind".
(Nostradamus X-97)
Yom Kippur

We are temples of Mars as we are temples of love, we contain that duality; and the
treasure hidden within is simply pure logic.

The peoples will vote to put a king in place to lead them to wisdom; and the wisdom of the king
will be to step down when the peoples can wisely govern themselves.

1) Confessing the sin; and when a sin was committed against another person, asking that
person's forgiveness.

2) Ceasing to commit the sin.

3) Regretting the sin.

4) Firmly resolving never to repeat the sin.

Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement during which judgment for the year is sealed.

Psychiatry wrestles with introspection. The term “psychiatry” comes from Greek, it means
healer of the soul, or doctor of the mind. Psychiatry treats mental disorders which are divided
into three primal categories:

1) Mental illness; 2) severe learning disability; 3) personality disorder.

In ancient Greek the word for butterfly is “Psyche”, in ancient Greek mythology, Eros was the
son of Aphrodite and Hermes. The butterfly is link to the human soul as Eros (libido), and took
a human woman named Psyche as his wife. Hermes represents our biological body; Eros
represents libido, and us as body and mind (or body and soul) being wed to each other we
become a psyche, as we are wed (or one) with our psyche.

Yom Kippur literally means “Day of atonement” meaning “Days of reflection” where one makes
his own spiritual assessment. During the Yom Kippur, the uses of the butterfly as a symbol of
transformation of the psyche, like an emerging butterfly from its cocoon, means the self-
introspection of the mind under the stimulus of the suffering of the body (expiation of the body
from the sins of the soul) call the “purification” process leading to one unity with the universe,
represented by “God”; that would be the third stage of positivism; that would also be “to be
sanctified”. In ancient Egypt it was the Phoenix (the soul) emerging from his ashes (the whole
psyche suffering) that symbolized the emerging of the “awakening” soul. The “awakening of the
soul” or “the resurrecting of the deaths” is the same thing, it means the soul finally comprehend
how lays its unity with the universe.

The word “Butterfly” literally means “Flying butter”, or “Flying cow cheese”. In some ancient
mythology's of the world (or primal religions), Aphrodite (or whatever name was given to the
dark side of the universe) was symbolized as a cow. The “secret” of the symbol of the cow
became “sacred cow”. The “flying butter”, or butter flying all over the place (that's all biological
forms of life) means the psyche (body and mind) is being churned out throughout the vessel of
existence to be “agitated and separated” (purification process) for the values of the soul to be
different from the values of the body. During the “agitation” process (our existence) we need to
make atonement (personal soul assessment). The atonement days are call “Yom Kippur”, days
of reflection. Atonement is self-psychoanalysis.

Some of our actual religions base their “religious theories” on rationalizing their beliefs while
science bases its thoughts on rationality to make theories. Religions, as politics, rationalize
their behaviors while science uses rationality to study all kind of behaviors. The meaning
behind the word “Atonement” is our use of rationality in our reflections toward our past
choices (or decisions) which made things the way they are to this day, and to make the
required corrections for better harmony.

Freud mentioning “morbid rationality” as the intellect going nowhere without the presence of
our affection source implies the presence of a “libidinous rationality” as oppose to “morbid
rationality”. Then, on the trinus of rationality, rationality itself is our mind travelling back and
forth, between those two extremes. It is pathological thoughts versus sanity. It is Gravity
versus the spirituality of life; danger versus security.

The ancient Hebrews uses the “stoning method' as community treatment as preparation and
stimulus for one self-atonement. Being “stoned” under criticisms, like being stone because of
“smoking weed”, the “patient” or mentally disturb individual with is mind flying in the twilight
zone, goes under a self-assessment, meaning his own atonement or introspection.

In Catholic religion, which finds its source in the Hebrew bible, the sacrament (ritual) of
Reconciliation, also known as the Sacrament of Penance (atonement) contains three elements:
1) conversion, 2) confession; 3) celebration. In it they find God's forgiveness. The very ancient
meaning of Confession was for an individual to seek psychiatric help throughout a
psychoanalysis session where the psychotherapist helps was mainly done by listening.

In the catholic confession, the penitent present himself as the accuser, the accuses, and the
witness. For the Hebrews it is the judicial process of one person mind under his own personal
jurisdiction choosing universal terms (or Gods terms) over men conditions; it is call
“conversion”. That's make atonement (confession and sorriness)) a process leading to sincere
sorrows. For both Catholics and Jews, the lack of atonement (penance by repairing one wrong
doings) is the only obstacle that keeps the soul away from God. One individual being mind-
united with the universal rules (God) is been call an accomplishment and that call for

For the Jews, the Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement that signifies soul-searching and
repentance. That most solemn and important of the Jewish holidays is observed throughout a
25-hour period of fasting and prayers. Yom Kippur is the tenth and final day of the Ten Days
of Repentance when Jews tries to amend themselves by public and private confessions of guilt
(Vidui). It is all about past behaviors which were wrongs done against God (bein adam
leMakom) and against their fellow men (bein adam lechavero). During that period, Jews are
seeking forgiveness (to be absolved) for their past sins, or wrong personal doings (toward
oneself) and wrong social behaviors.

Yum Kippur, as the cleansing of one mind, is to self-elevate one mind to a higher status. Yum
Kippur also leads to ready oneself for life after death as well for readying oneself to the post
Yum Kippur “era” (After the ceremony is done) for a better harmonious existence until death
occur. Originally, “Terumah” in Hebrew mean someone or something that is uplifted (or
elevated) to a higher status, that is the original meaning of Yum Kippur. Also the one soul is
uplifted to that status by the dead of the body. Death is a tribute to life; it is the tax (ma'aser)
one has to pay to secure the gift of life as a “self mnemonic unit”. The psyche being separate in
its two basic components: body versus soul, the body becomes the “ma'aser” as it decays for the
soul to be secure. As the (sacrificial) body decays, offering back to the universe the precious
basic elements of life, the lowering of its radioactivity indicates that the quantic elements are
been recycle as well as the physical components. The soul being divorce from the Earthly body
can resume its wedding ceremony with and within the heavenly womb of life: Aphrodite,
meaning the evolution of one mind being wed to the feeling of Aphrodite (libido); that produces
the libidinous rationality of the mind.

A woman is like a flower, and like a flower a woman has the innate impulse to show a
beautiful rainbow of color to honor life out of proudiness to be part of it ; halas today
marketing induces women to be more beautiful by vanity than to honor the womb of
Aphrodite, the cradle of life. For one external behavior there are two different mentalities. It is
the trinus of external beauty where pride and vanity are the opposites.

The ancient initiates were making metaphors, thus playing with psychological concepts; that
lead us in the path that these ancients’ initiates were talking a lot about psychology when
talking about mythology thus elaborating parallels between the function of objects and
psychologic processes.

Pandora Box, the cradle of life! It is the womb of Aphrodite where the "Qi" is the composite of 1)
the pure static Agnostism in his negative blackness, and 2) the active and radiant positive force
which enlighten positively the Dark universe in order to produce life. The Yin and the Yang are
within us as it is part of the whole universe for all to be one.

Meditating about what is a primal religion, the only answer we can only come-up with would
be: a form of communication concerning reality which rely on metaphors; therefore if we
transcend the presence of a primal religion we can understand that its function is to leave to
us, humanity, a far advanced knowledge which we will attain by ourselves as we become an
adult race. Therefore the faith on primal religions taking literally and our faith in our sciences
are in negative correlation. Nevertheless our sciences will reach the science that is veiled
behind the primal religions for science and primal religions to become one as our knowledge of
the scientific data that lies behind the literal of primal religions increase. That’s what makes
primal religions “sacred” to man. If today religions, no matter what domination (Christian,
Chinese or whatever), and also scholars who know ancient religions like Greek and Mayan
mythology, are willing to work in common with what our science know so far in all its fields
and all around the world, then they can become “One” in the matrix of the first philosophy after
rejecting the stains that what put in it by peoples like Mohammad (the creator of Islam).

The universe is a mechanical object; it processes energy. Made of the universe energy we are
mechanical parts of it. As any complete and functioning mechanical devise, each part of the
universe is an important part for that functioning. A lot of energy is a free travelling particle
called quantum and it has a non uniform body possessing the elasticity character. A lot of
potential energy is a quantum at rest, within matter or not. Particles of living matter are dots
of energy forming mnemonical processes. A wave of energy is made of many particles.

Our universe is unique being the only one of its kind. From two primal singularities it became
one. The void singularity gives the non-uniform masse singularity the gravitational boost to
expand, and keep expanding forever without end in sight.

Our universe is without an equal or equivalent; it is unparalleled because if it was with a

parallel it would not expand and keeping its same amount of energy from its own non-uniform
primal masse, meaning if it was parallel with another universe, or it cannot expand, or it will
lose energy, or it will gain energy; or it will be a stand still, this is not the case.

That's make it alone in a given category: The Universe. The first and the last. Solitary, the one
and only. It is without equal or rival, it is alone, and incomparable, as non comparable to any
others of its kind. Only the two primal singularities were an opposite match and one they
continue to fill-up their physical functions in the physical and mental scheme...

In the science of mathematics and logic, the phrase: “There is one and only one” is used to
indicate that exactly one object with a certain property exists. In mathematical logic, this sort
of quantification is known as uniqueness quantification or unique existential quantification,
and is denoted with the symbols “‚àÉ!” or ‚àÉ=1”; therefore all the forces being assemble under
the unified field theory will result in this final equation: ‚àÉ=1” concerning the universe; that is
the “Alpha and Omega” into One.

Universal uniqueness in expansion includes Primal Gravity (the void). That makes the
universal expansion to function out of “nothing”. Energy is free! ...And out for the sharing. The
universe itself is harmony... always; this is its ways.
The Hebrew Bible is full of examples saying just that. All we have to do is to decipher it and
understand it by using “libidinous rationality”, were the mind and the heart are one. That also
is in the Hebrew Bible.

From “One” universe, separating its memory in all direction but keeping it anyway as it is
“One”, we became separate memory beings having their own personality. We are parcels of the
universe from is spiritual (mental) life source: Aphrodite, the universal living memory, the
dark universe.

As for the physical universe, it is the biological life source from the veils of time wrapping
among themselves. The body may die but the mind shall live. Dust (the body) to dust (physical
matter), and soul (oneself as a personal living memory) to soul (Aphrodite).

Living memory, parcels of live we are one with our two source of life (physical matter, and
Aphrodite)... that compose the psyche. We are oneness with the sources of all life. Our self-
determinism distinguishes us between being the created versus the universe which is the
creator and the self-created. On the other hand we kind of self-create who we are by using the
primary singularities (the non-uniform masse and the void) to evolve within the universe.
That’s makes us to be our own universes within the universe. Our oneness with our one and
unique source: the universe makes each one of us to be part of an interconnected collectivity.
To feel and comprehend that fact is for our soul to posses the consciousness of being part of the
collective feeling which makes our mind to be a part of a “general” soul or master soul that the
religions called “God”. That is what enables us to relate to all people on all levels. Not
necessarily to have their knowledge nor their dexterity since we all have a different life
experience, it is call unity in diversity without the mnemonic parity (to be all the same). The
fear of parity in a coercive unit where one can lost his identity brings enough negative feelings
toward that nonsense that we became selfish, it is a mechanism of defenses for not losing our
sense of “self”. The realistic approach toward our expectations to be united with the universe is
to be oneself within it and for each one of us to develop our full potential by input exchanges
toward a share ideal: harmony. We need diversification for team work; one cannot expect to
make any achievement without the support of the whole “One” in its diversity. Is to revere (as:
to appreciates) the whole universe, and paying “divine” reverence to Aphrodite be idolatrous?
Of course not! The rules of the universe reveal themselves to our scientists who are looking for
them, and the rules say: “The universe rules!” The universe is the lord of hosts. Any forms of life
are the welcome hosts. The universe is not the author of any lie or falsehood or
misrepresentation of reality or false witness to the truth. Forms of life lives by every rules
(religions says: word) that proceeds from the dynamics (religions says: mouth) of the universe
(religions says: Hashem, god).

The universe is the solid rock that will never pass away, meaning it’s here to stay. We have no
other universal authority over us than the universe. The universe is without error and it have
the infallible and inerrant (automatic) authority that able it to make us wise or moronic
according to our wishes. As for a biblical translation: “Blessed are the ones who over the
universal rules does not stumble.” clearly means to be “one” with the rules and yet to be oneself,
defines ourselves in whatever place we are and position we are holding. Despise one lowly
peasant or princely appearance, incognito or being known, we are all being called not to
stumble over “divines” universal rules. It is up to us to learn and understand...throughout
consequences. It is so hard to believe that we can actually free ourselves from non-organic
mental sickness by making an effort to comprehend the universal wonders which we are part
of? This is an innate and natural instinctive knowledge which is part of us, as we are parts of
the universe. God’s believers are full of doubts it can be that simple! Even after all the “miracles
of science” and psychology they witness every day. What is to argue about? Everything is
under our eyes! We have a mind don't we? Well ... let's use it! What war we must fight against
the universe? The answer is none! We must go along with it for it to go along with us, nothing
complicated about that; we are one with it.

We fight until death for false beliefs! We kill ourselves and others to get us out of our
artificially created situations. Some of us think it is better to commit suicide and murder-
suicide than to live under strangers rules. Everything, the real reality is in our heads and also
in the feeling of our heart; it is all a question of perception. Life true quality is more in the
mental level than the biological one since physical death waits only for our biological body; as
for mind-dead is only not to see reality, not to be death for ever. To be in harmony with oneself,
as a harmonious psyche, is more important than anything else since is that what makes us to
build a harmonious surrounding. Hope is in oneself, not within an elusive subjective god that
can take human form while ruling the whole universe the way he wants. God is a human
puppet. The universe does not elude us; we are the one who try to elude its sayings (rules).
“Redemption” is at hand; it is to go along with the universe, “Redemption” means correcting
mistakes, no big deal! We can help out another’s in need for knowledge, and leaves the myth of
subjective gods on the shelf of bad dreams stories. To freed our mind from all the hard work
that paradoxes produces is to want to leave behind us the human rationalizing (excuses) to go
toward the rational (reason). Our mind died during the Plague of Darkness, the middle ages
era, were we makes what is rational (reason) to takes an hike (to turn our back from it) for the
profit of the human factor becoming a religious nut case.

No one have to be left behind in the field of knowledge. As we are one, all of us can be learning
different fields of knowledge for the benefice of one, and vice versa, just like in the three
musketeers. That will free us from all our problems. We all must help in making this happen
faster, then Utopia will be a reality sooner, Utopia is bound to be real. Every man, woman, boy
and girl must learn about themselves and reality; how their inerselves can make Utopia come
faster. Let’s revive our dying mind, let’s brought back to life again our curious “child” mind
from the time we were young and “brain alive” oppose as we are now: mostly “brain dead”
because of various illogical cultural pressures. Let’s retrieve from our long term memory, the
dungeon of Sheol, our unconscious, the curious playful kid we were. Lets ourselves by ourselves
been brought back to life again; Lets resuscitate! Let’s greet our ownselves again, but with
open eyes this time! Universal rules are the same in any languages, they are the universe
talking to us, and all we do is to translate them. To fight them is to fight again ourselves as we
are parts of them. As we can see, to hate each other is a human invention from our “wants”. Is
to “want” a reason to hate? Or it is an excuse to try to feel better with our self-destructive
mind? Let’s be constructive, lets our natural will to be one with the universe running its
natural course... to be One.

“To fight God's war” after all is to fight for our well being, our own welfare; it is to set within
us the record straight with the universal principles by which we exist to be one with them. At
least we can try our best to do so. Honest mistakes happen for lack of knowledge ... of knowing
better. Being a normal human being means to be prone to honest mistakes while on our way to
knowledge and wisdom in order to be one with the universal laws (natural principles), and
that is without losing our own identity nor personality. An antichrist is a vain self-centered
mentally disturb individual (therefore lacking reason, good judgment thus lack of fundamental
ethics) who want to find ways to self-seated in the top of the riches of the world by devious
means, like cultural bigotry, armed force, and the ill-uses of religion, and be perceived in
history books as an “benefactor of humanity” while cleansed it by the mean of genocide;
therefore showing trough that paradoxical politic a complete lack of responsibility toward
humanity socio-psychological well-being as a whole; and just like Hitler (who want to creates
his own religion), Muhammad the inventor of Islam, also fits the picture.

When being kicked in the ass a philosopher will ask "why" while a moron will kick back.

In the first philosophy, food for the body become medication, and food for the mind become
wisdom; these two are interrelated in a positive correlation.

Who think himself to be superior to any living race and species does not respect the beauty of
life because his vanity makes him blind.

We shall cease to perceive an animals as an "it", an animal is not an object but a living entities,
and respect is due; a female cat is a "she" like a male ostrich is a "he". We also come from the
animal kingdom and like any living entities we are part of our natural surrounding where the
function of each one (can) benefit the whole community.

The most humbling position is to be seated in the top of the riches of the world; it comes with
the responsibility to care for the less fortunate’s since that position gives the means to do it; the
wise man is afraid of such position and responsibility.

Before Moshiach will become the most popular man in the world he will be the loneliest person
in existence.
The Nostradamus riddles are like onions to peels; the top layer is hermetic, the second layer is
symbolism, the third layer is analogy, the fourth layer is esoterism (we have to know some
sciences and history), the 5th layer is idioms, finally the 6th layer is the real subject. These
layers are some time intermingling like a screw-up onion. The same principle goes with Moses
riddles and in many more primal "religious" riddles around the world; they all base
themselves on good old secular data. Here is a translation on the way (you can finished it) of a
Nostradamus quatrain being 3/4 peeled off:

“A religion whose name is that of the seas will win (it is science, as the “religion” of the
universe, and since energy comes in waves)
against con sects who believed in their noble parentage.
These deplorable stubborn sects will become afraid (this is Islam and Catholicism);
they are two to get hurt by the rightful claim of Israel (by the first letters of Israel).”
(Nostradamus X-96)

Here is what is being considered as the French original:

"Religion du nom des mers vaincra,

Contre la secte fils Adaluncatif,
Secte obstinée deplorée craindra,
Des deux blessez par Aleph & Aleph."

(Nostradamus X-96)

Note- The Torah is the original letter of accreditation of Israel.

Egypt and Israel

Ancient Egyptian local traditions tell us the pyramids contain the science of Astrology,
arithmetic, Geometry, and psychic knowledge. It would be interpreted by men of science. The
Sacred Sermon (secret sermon), a Hermetic text of Egyptian origin tells of ancient scientists
devoted to the growth of wisdom. Some of the cosmic ancestors of those scientists who lived in
other world (planets) before their “Great flow of immigrants” (that keep going for ever all over
the universe) have their civilizations destroyed by normal cosmic phenomena. “And there shall
be memorials mighty of their handiwork upon the earth, leaving dim trace behind when cycles
are renewed ...”

a) Hebrew - corresponding to Heb. 'ibhri “

b) Egypt - “Ha(t)-ka-ptah “temple of the soul of Ptah,”

c) Pharaoh - From Egyptian Pero', “Great house.”

d) Arab - rel. to Heb. arabha “desert”. Nomadic ways.

During 5,000 years of Pharaonic Egypt the education of science, under the name of deities
changed very little. The gods were both invisible (Amon) and visible (Apis). Each cult had their
different prevailing gods depending on the socio-economic predominance of different regions.
The names of the same gods differed according to the dialects. The Egyptians venerated the
concepts the gods represented by showing their respect toward the symbols representing them.
Natural elements, events of life and also the deepest feelings were symbolized; personified by
gods and their name. It's like having an uneasiness to talk of one’s deep feelings and project
those feeling under god’s name. Despite the misleading appearance of polytheism, the ancient
Egyptians recognized only a single God representing the dynamic of the all the universal rules.
He was known under different names as there were various dialects.

Under the control of pharaoh there was a bureaucracy of elite scribes, religious leaders, and
administrators who ensured the cooperation and unity of the Egyptian people. Teaching of
science became over time a series of beliefs. In 63 b.c, the Romans took over Palestine, the last
Jewish kingdom. Palestinians were Jews. From that time on, the Palestinians were always
referred to as the Jews of Palestine. The rule of the pharaohs officially ended in 31 BC when the
early Roman Empire conquered Egypt and made it a roman province. In 639 ad, (7th
century), The Arabs, natives of the Arab peninsula, with Berber forces (indigenous people from
North Africa, west of the Nile valley), sent their first waves of mujahideen (the singular is
mujahid) outside their borders to begin their Islamic invasion. It was the Jihad! The term
“Jihad” appears frequently in the Qur'an, it means “striving in the way of Allah (al-jihad fi
sabil Allah)” as the prophet Muhammad says, Allah want to make war against the non-
Islamic; it is an Islamic religious duty to get rid of “non-believers”. According to the Muslims,
peace can be achieved between Islamic people only. Not between Islam and pagan religions.
The whole world must be Islamic.

The representatives of Islam defeated Christians, Jews and Egyptians. They destroyed ancient
and flourishing civilizations. They burned the Constantinople library where all the scientific
data since “the days of the old” was filed. The secrets of advanced civilizations from the stars
were destroyed. That was the beginning of the end of the knowledge of ancient sciences hiding
behind ancient beliefs as the Arabs finally forced their Islamic religion to be the official one. By
the year 706, the official language became Arabic. The beautiful Egyptian culture was gone.
The light of the world, the purest of all sciences that was the basis of most of civilization was
under an Arab gag-order. It was finally buried into the silence of the tombs where it has laid
for over one thousand years. It is resurrecting slowly...

Ancient Egypt was a narrow valley bordered on either side by extensive deserts. From around
9000 BC, the hunter-gatherer inhabitants of the fertile Nile Valley enjoyed the milder post-
glacial conditions, domesticating animals and increasing in number. In the late sixth
millennium BC farming villages appeared, and the following two millennia saw the gradual
formation of small states. Canaan was part of the Phoenician coast and the Nile. Their
language was Hebrew. Cana'ani means “Hebrew merchant”. Palestinians were also
Canaaneans of Egyptian nationality. At the time of Nabta playa, Hebrew was Egyptians.
From Napta playa, and also other place in the world, the inhabitants educated all Egypt,
Canaan, and the Babylonians; the education of people kept radiating. Canaanites were virus
to be combated and Israelites were the combating good bacteria waging war against the
Canaanites; modern Jews are descendants of the house of Jacob (Israel). The land of modern
Israel and Palestine is from the house of Judah. The northern tribes are called Israel. Hebrew
was born in Egypt.

“Abraham the Hebrew” had two wives; the first one was Sarah, his half sister. Abraham, who
was close to Pharaoh being part of Pharaoh Family. Abraham had various clan chefs as
friends, they were referred as “kings” in biblical terms the second wife of Abraham was
Hagard the Egyptian, a gift from Pharaoh, and was Sarah maid. Hagard had two sons from
Abraham, Ishmael, the elder and Isaac. Abraham was sent to Canaan to conduct Pharaohs

The Philistines were mariners, people of the sea. The grain from Egypt toward Canaan was
under Abraham’s supervision, and the transportation by sea was under Abimelechs
supervision. Actually, Abimelech was a governor (judge) appointed by Pharaoh and a “king” in
biblical term. In Canaan, “God” promised Abraham he would be the father of a great nation.
Abraham became a Cana’ani, which is a Hebrew merchant which means “an Egyptian
merchant in Canaan”. The house of Abraham was rich and powerful and had strong family,
political and economic ties with Pharaoh. The house of Abraham were merchants supervising
grain and other goods transports by land and sent by sea under the supervision of “judges”
who took care of seamen, boats and the social order of the city.

Egyptians merchants and resident of Canaan (Canaaneans) invented and used stenographic
signs called “Hebraic signs” to conduct business faster. Those abbreviating signs where of
syntactic form. Phoenicians were sea traders going to every Mediterranean port where they
used those stenographic Hebraic signs to conduct business with other merchants from different
countries. From there on, it travel the western world, from sea port to sea port, and it became
our alphabet through a series of transformations made by the Greeks and the Romans. The
Phoenician writing became the language of the arameans, the camel nomads, who transported
the goods from the sea's (coastal cities) to the cities of the interior. It is called the ancient
Aramic language.

Besides their Hebraic stenography made for business purpose, the Egyptians had their own
hieratic writing. That writing was used for all the scientific and government matter. It was the
priests and government writings, called also “sacred writing”. The common people used the
demotic writing. The art of the hieroglyphics were developed later on. They are a mixture of
logo and alphabet (proto writing). They follow an artistic tradition.

The great grandson of Abraham became the vizir of Pharaoh. When the exodus begins,
Jacobs’s family supervised the whole operation under the direct orders of Moses. Some
scholars say Moses was in fact the Vizir Joseph. They took with them an ark of covenant which
was a scientific apparatus, equipped with laser beams, with a book of instructions that went
along with it. It is in the torah.

That apparatus, the ark of covenant, can produce electromagnetic power to be channeled and
used as a weapon. Bright lights came from it. One had to be on dry ground (not wet ground)
with the ark to avoid electrocution (see Joshua 3:17). The ark is now hiding in a dry place. The
ancient Egyptians knew anti-gravity very well, look at the pyramids! The Ark was used in the
desert and in Israel for a number of spiritual and pragmatic purposes. Moses used the Ark as
an indicator of when he wanted the nation to travel and when to stop. In the traveling
formation in the desert, the Ark was carried 2000 cubits ahead of the nation (Num. R. 2:9).
According to one Midrash, it would clear the path for the nation by burning snakes, scorpions,
and thorns with two jets of flame that shot from its underside (T. VaYakhel, 7). Another
Midrash says that rather than being carried by its bearers, the Ark in fact carried its bearer’s
inches above the ground (Sotah 35a). When the Israelites went to war, and during their
conquering, the Ark accompanied them in fighting. God's presence is frequently seen in the
form of a cloud (Ex. 24:16), the Ark is constantly accompanied by clouds: When God spoke
from between the Cherubs (positive and negative poles having the form of Cherubs), there was
a glowing cloud visible there (Ex. 40:35); when the Hebrew traveled, they were led by the Ark
and a pillar of clouds (Num. 10:34); at night, the pillar of clouds was replaced by a pillar of
fire, (Ex. 24:17).

Later on, King Solomon married Pharaohs daughter to keep the royal Egyptian blood in the
Egyptian family as well as all the royal scientific secrets.

Moses, born around 2.368 b.c, went to the University in Memphis, capital of Egypt, near the
Pharaohs palace. The god of Memphis was Ba'al, the master lord (it was representing Einstein
Big Bang), “The lord god” the one from whom the light shines, meaning from where science
begins. Ba'al is Hadad the son of El. El is the primary god made up of the two opposite primal
concept of oblivion. El goes under different names. Ba'al was the sun-god. In our modern time
the word “God” is a synonyms of “Ba'al” (that's make the Christian god and Allah to be the Big
Bang!) from ancient times. The names of the gods changed as politics changed and as
kingdoms rose and fell. Egyptian merchants (Hebrews) from Canaan and Palestine were from
the house of Judah, the rest, Israel and some Egyptians are the rest of the Hebrews of ancient
times before any kingdoms marked their territorial claim to the land. Most of the Judah house
stayed while the rest of the tribes (different guilds of trades) separated. Israel (a part of the
Egyptian population) separated from Egypt because of the plagues. With the help and blessing
of Pharaoh and Joseph his Vice-Roy (vizir), they formed a new religion to save the knowledge
under a different form of mysticism.

Prophecy was made about the reunification: “In those days the house of Judah will walk with
the house of Israel, and they will come together from the land of the north to the land that I
gave your fathers as an inheritance”. (Jeremiah 3:18).

“Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said, The Lord liveth,
that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; but, The Lord liveth, that
brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he
had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers,”
(Jer. 16:14-15).
The 12 tribes of Israel were in fact the 12 main specialize trade require to form a self sufficient
society. The trades formed the different class, and class became tribes.

Zion was a Canaaneans fortress called the city of King David. Zion means also the roots of all
the Hebrews, “Where all the Hebrew is one”. In Memphis, Moses learned what the “Sun-god”
lord was saying, meaning: all the universal principles, affecting equally the mind and matter
since the Big Bang. The language of the lord was astrology and his acts were astronomy.

That is the source of the twelve tribes of Israel and the twelve months of the year. As an
example, January came from “Janus” the sun-god which in roman times was represented with
two faces which were the Gog and Magog called “ Datulcius and clusius”. The month of April
represented Venus, Aphrodite for the Greeks. Mars was Ares, and so on and so forth. The
twelve tribes of Israel had specific tasks; the task of each tribe represented the “work” of the
twelve Greeks god of Olympus, which represented the task of the twelve houses of the zodiac.
Moses knew the true meaning of astrology, astronomy, and the science of astrophysics. He
knew that only the high priests, also called “the inspectors of heaven” could accurately
translate god’s words. So, warnings were made for the no initiated: “You shall not practice
divination or soothsaying.” (Leviticus 19:26, New JPS)

“When you enter the land that the lord your God is giving you (the knowledge of astrology),
you shall not learn to imitate the abhorrent practices of the nations. Let no one be found
among you who...is an auger, a soothsayer, a diviner, a sorcerer, one who casts spells.....For
anyone who does these things is abhorrent (illegal) to the lord...” (Deuteronomy 18:9-12, New

In Hebrew, astrology was called hokmat ha-nissayon, (the wisdom of prognostication or

Statistics from astrology), in distinction to hokmat ha-hizzayon (wisdom of star-seeing, or
astronomy). This is what Canaaneans mythology says:

1) Above were the heavens, were the high god El and its consorts reside; meaning the whole of
the universal laws as one.

2) Below, are the underworld and its being ruled by Mot, the god of death; that must be the

3) In between was the sea (hf) being ruled by Yam, and also the earth (physical universe),
where man reside and being rule by Ba'al (the big bang and its expansion) from which the
energy of good and knowledge radiates.

According to Canaaneans mythology, Baal (the big bang) gain control over Yam (its
radiations), and is constantly engaged to do battles with Mot, the god of the underworld (our
unconscious); periodically, Baal must yield his lordship to Mot, the god of death, in cyclical
patterns for Mot and Baal to shared lordship over inhabited land. Here we can see
astrophysics, physics, psychology, as well as the general evolutionary process where biology is
included (trough life and death cycle) in a mythical saying where metaphysics has to unseal
the veils meanings of what the Canaaneans high Priests mend to say. It is all millenniums old
science, up to date, that was way far more ahead than what our present sciences know so far!
Well ... we better take the presence of flying saucers in deep consideration, or we will keep
frying our mind with paradoxical historic and religious real absurdities as we did until now. A
true prophet does not makes false promises; he is a person who has intellectual insight and
simply lies down scientific facts still unknown to man, and makes statistical forecasts from
instinctive reasoning concerning future events with the help of logic and the present reality
with open eyes. A true prophet has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with logic,
intellectuality and reasoning. Some myths are pure fables, and the myth of Jesus of Nazareth is
a fable. The parables of Jesus are fables within his fable. Jesus is a representation of humanity
being dream on by the "knowledgeable" first Christians. Catholicism is not Christianity, but
Christianity is one of the components of Catholicism. Jesus being "crucified" between other two
condemn person’s represents humanity being metaphorically "crucified" between two "evils"
which are 1) Gaia (representing matter) and Ouranos (representing nothingness). The story
goes farther, on another level of the metaphor the crucified person on the right of Jesus, who
demand pardon and forgiveness for his sins to Jesus (representing humanity) represents
ourselves atoning to find harmony in the "right hand of God" which is "Knowledge"; as for the
other one on the left who still piss-off of everything happen to him, he represents the part of
humanity that still mind-dead, having their mind resting in the void of nothingness. The “last
supper” is a metaphor of our last way of understanding the metaphors behind Jewish
“religion” in the apocalyptic era; we have to understand the sayings of Jesus "I am the bread ...
and the wine ...etc ..." as the same as Moses manna: it is all the teaching of secular scientific
data in metaphoric forms. “Being resuscitated” after the third day” mean to get out of our
dead-mind moronic mental situation by the uses of the trinusial system. The twelve apostles
represent the four cardinal’s points under the influence of the trinusial system. Knowledgeable
Levite high priests (probably incognito) of Egyptian ascendance, has to be present in the early
formation of the Christian party (swallow latter on by Catholicism) to come up with those
fables which are a refreshing (or reshuffle) of ancient Egyptian fables (myths hiding secular

Sex is very important! It is part of life experience, and who provides sex provides a salutary
service to humanity (the Hebrews knew that). Nostradamus was also found of his own
humoristic sense of depicting the intellectual benefits of sexual intercourse as a mean of lifting
a veil of agnosticism; as this quatrain reveals a virgin can learn psychology by the behavioral
aspects of a bunch of different lovers, this quatrain pinpoint lovers showing a (previously)
merry virgin a side of the universe that was unknown to her (a world by itself) to better reach
universal intellectual and sensory heights and delights, Nostradamus uses the hiding term
"knowing" the biblical and literal way:

“The clear and splendid innocence of a merry virgin

Cannot shine forever without salt
Mingling with merchants, Russians, and odious men
She "knows" from that blend whose shows her the universe.
(Nostradamus X-98)

Scientific Information Gone Wild

Under the same stimulus bigots are praying to have food on their tables and divine wisdom to
reach them, while others in their common wisdom (natural common sense) educated
themselves to know how to plough and sow the land by their sweat.

In the eyes of the religious bigots we can detect the spark of madness while their lips are
forming in their faces the moronic inspired smile that belongs to the autistic reverie ending up
in the lake of magical nonsense.

Logic has two basic languages: 1) philosophy; and 2) Maths. The second language is present to
validate the first, but it is the first which gives birth to second.

"God" does not belong to any religion since "he" doesn't exist; but science belongs to all since it
is the objective philosophy of the universe in the form of natural principles. Man concretizing
these principles in various forms to respond to his fundamental needs build harmony around
him, but using them for vain wants by means of psychosocial destructiveness man can only
destroy his acquired evilness.

A religious bigot that cannot prove the process of its beliefs do not know what his talking
about; for one to do better in life one shall know what process is involve of what he is doing.
The mind of humanity, trough million of people, is poring over millenniums old scriptures left
by our ancestors. By them we experience the thrill of d discovery of one or more gods and self-
delusion about our liberty of mind. Thinking “outside the box” meaning looking objectively of
the presence of deities in our universe, where're putting our mental processing software
(intellect) to the test, hunting for signs of logic behind their presence. Since the beginning of
manmade myths, our mind probes all possibilities of their literal presence, and the logic behind
them; our intellect sent back to our conscious any correlation it makes with them and reality, it
is a constant cognitive processes. We are detective amateurs filling the files of human man
made curiosities in the mnemonic cabinet of our superego. Over time our conclusions is that
any antique gods don't look shorts of being the mythical representatives of the general
universal principles that attracts the mind of most scientists. Looking to the anomalous
psychological features of ancient gods, we find reality hiding under their cover. Literally
taking God's as living entities are alien to reason, it’s hardly surprising that fringe researchers
are turning up details that don't quite fit the profile of any living gods. For their part
Catholicism, Islam, Mormon and others non-primal religion, has learned to sidestep such
controversies by saying the mysteries of Gods belongs to Gods. That just leaves us in the
situation where everyone can make their own interpretation, everyone can be an explorer of
the truth, and any folks with different mindsets can be detective in metaphysic. We can
experience the thrill of discovery, and the frustration of self-delusion for ourselves. Staring
through the historical events that are refracting in the wide lenses telescopic view of our mind,
leaving mind narrowness behind, we realize that the ancient Christian party, under Rome
protective umbrella, widely publicized the religious convictions that every Roman citizen must
believe in from there on, or it will be their turn to be throw to the lions as their main meal as
their “menu du jour”, the ancients martyrs becoming the butchers, the table were turning.
Therefore that tells us right there that non-primal religions are political sets of beliefs
concerning the nature of things. That fact must shatter Christian visions concerning their faith.
As we increase the resolution of our wide lenses telescopic view of our mind, some new oddity
emerges from non-primal religions. To make a long story short, the Christian party, becoming
latter on Catholicism, was constantly trying to stir up public interest by various means,
inquisition included as a devious mean, to stay afloat as the world official religious party in
power. Purely by cultural habits, previously enforced by the Roman legions, the world felt
obligated to continue steering its mind toward religiosity more than reason since it was Rome
(the Pope) that officially, from Constantine the great, crowns the kings of the western world in
the name of God! That's makes those kings armies to be at the service of the Vatican. What a
scam! Today Vatican is too much of a huge political enterprise where economy is involved to
deal with itself. If it was the ancient Greeks who had the back-up of the Roman legions to
enforces their mythology, and be in power to crown kings and emperors, we would firmly
believe in to mightiness of Zeus today. Astrophysics can prove God do not exist as an
individual, psychology can tell us why we did believe in “him”, and history can expose the
scam. These disciplines are detectives in their fields. Soon, plenty of former Christians won't
have much respect for the Vatican, whose evidences of the real presence of a real God as one
individual will be regards as “crap”. Most of the people that runs the Catholic organization are
not necessarily fraudulent and liars, they were simply affected by a form of pareidolia;
Because human brains are designed to pick out patterns for means to adapt, our sensory
system make it so that we can pick up the shade of an hole in a path of grass, in our morning
walk in the park, without having to think about it. The mind (the human soul as self), follow
basically the same principle, pareidolia is the psychological phenomenon were we are forming
mental images in our mind to better perceive concepts, and were an individual misperceiving a
vague but suggestive mental shape, especially when it concern “God”, arrives to the conclusion
of God as being someone definitive and real; instead of the secular concept hiding behind the
myth of God to be something definitive and real. The Etymology of denial is “denegare”, to
negate. We want to belong; it is our innate pulsion of life where libido is involving that pushes
us to belong while adapting. Under peer pressure, cultural pressure, and close circle pressure
we accept the cultural value of a certain circles where our Ego is at ease with the values
inherent of that circle, it’s a question of adaptation. Anything that would be a threat to destroy
a way of life, a way of thinking, a way of feeling and loving, in a known environment in which
we evolve and adapt with a certain ease, is view as an “enemy”, and that trigger anxiety.
Concerning primal religions, they are scientific information’s and historical event being
mythologized for various reasons. Religiosity is base on the literalism of myths created by
man, and produces many false values concerning morality. When the false values of a cultural
circle is proven to be as such without a shadow of a doubt, by scientifical means and historical
facts being digged by archaeology, the natural defenses mechanism of “denial” surfaces from
our unconscious for our conscious to refuse to acknowledge that painful reality that is now
disturbing our thoughts and deranges our feeling of well-being. The non-existence of God
being an intolerable fact for some individual would lead them to negate the existence of solid
facts proving God do not exist, thus denying reality; reality is something we need to know, it is
also something we need to understand to better adapt. The refusal to accept reality cause
emotional deficiency and by the neuroplasticity phenomenon, causes also physical troubles like
chemical imbalance in the body. Denial is a natural mechanism of defenses belonging to our
unconscious mind and affects our creativeness toward the exterior mainly in the emotive field.
For not to see reality at it is by using our capacity of reasoning, we may feel a tiger is only a
gentle big pussycat while in reality that tiger may hope for us to be his next meal. By using the
defense’s mechanism of “denial”, in the field of religiosity, the emotional conflict and anxiety
are avoided by the refusal to acknowledge the thought that the non-existence of God can be
proven and has already been proven. Different culture makes us to deny specific natural
feelings, desires, and impulses, since they are “outlaws” they become consciously intolerable
for the individuals who experience them, and by negating them they negate reality, which they
are, and also their own mental power of reasoning. To reason is to face reality. Reality is
stress-producing for false values, reality is intolerable for who do not follow the path of the
truth; that seem to be a lesson of morality but it is absolutely not! It is pure logic. That is what
the “morality” part of the Torah is made of: pure logic. The primal religions shall be
demythologized in the light of what we know so far about reality, and being examined for their
scientifical value in the equally demythologized historical background. Truth and reality are
synonyms. “Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, o lord, the God of truth.”(Psalm
31:5). “Man searches the sources of the rivers of knowledge and brings hidden things to light.”
(Deconsecrating of job 28: 11). One has to go through the natural stages of evolution, from
birth to normal maturity of the mind to find wisdom from his life time experience; “Is not
wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?” (Job 12:12).

Knowledge is to understand how the universal principles works, and wisdom is having the
insight of how to use them for an utopian purpose were harmony is present; wisdom come
after knowledge since it is knowledge with the innate sense of ethic that produce wisdom, it
may takes time. “Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly...” (Portion of
Leviticus 19:32).

Forms of Life and Rules are Different “gods”.

Antique gods are like sign language, just like the gesture of the hands their gestures (or action)
in the spacial surrounding represents cognitive concepts. By learning throughout life
experience and trough secular teaching, the ways of the natural principles, their many
functions in the psychological field as well as how they rules the physical world, changes our
moronical behaviors from our original agnosticism in the way that our conscious changes its
behavior to become more mature and follows more the "little voice" of common sense we
possess within to eventually “become one” with the universe and its harmony. From the
Pharaohs era, gentiles and scholars knew that diverse forms of life and universal principles
were represented under different “gods” figure.

Ancient Egyptian scholars still teaching us, in our unconscious level, that our relationship with
the universe is for us being the bridge between “good an evil”, meaning between libido and
unsociability; and also as being the bridge between the physical universe and the spiritual one
(the dark universe), we are now, in this existence, parts of both of them. The automatic
(natural) overtures from the whole universe to us is for us to understand it by our scientific
researches and logic reasoning, the universe taught us anything we want to know just by its
presence, giving us all the opportunities to play with is components; it is all automatic
(natural). Without being alive, but producing life, the universe calls us to be a completed and
conscious part of it. It seems strange isn't it? It’s like the Earth calling us to be part of it, but we
are environmentally destroying the Earth by not wanting to be part of it...so, we are
destroying ourselves; it is a question to understand the concept of natural unity. Earth can
make natural unity with any form of life adapting to the Earth environment. It do not have to
be us, Earth won’t miss us if we commits mass suicide by using the universals rules against us.
Earth does not care and the objectivity of the universe does not care either. We are creating
our own hell! Living beings are the one who have to care about each others. If not, specie called
humanity will surely take the direction of extinction. Is that what we want? Or do we want

The universe speaks to us face to face, and we don't see it, and we don't hear it! Scientists do!
Why them? Because they give it their attention while living a normal lives. They are
responding to the call of the Universe, slowly maybe but surely. They are a bunch of Messiah's.
They do “Teshuva”, not to regret the past as much as to answer the calls of nature (yes that
also includes going to the bathroom when needed). Nature warnings and generosity of nature
are nature callings and the fruits of a satisfied nature; nature tells us things. We have to go
over what we hear (transcending) and listen. It is easier than most of us would think. A kid
does that naturally. The era of science (the time of the numbers) will be the Messianic era. It is
all about a change in mental attitude concerning what the truth is. Utopia will be all “pro” for
libido and all “con” for the sociopaths.

We have to regenerates our energies anew by thinking, seeing, and feeling differently under
the libidinous guidance of the feelings of the black Madonna (libido) while joining her
universal mind (logic). As a human collective we got to do, each one of us, our part in the
endeavor of building a social Utopia. Scientists will be the tools of the people for that to
happen. Utopia is a question of human accomplishments and will not happen through a
questionable and non-existent person call “God” the creator, there is no such thing. We are as
human: “god’s creators” as any forms of life is producing creative thoughts and concretize
them in much area of science arts etc.... We creates stuff according to our will, knowledge, and
dexterity because it is our interest to do so, we do it for our pleasures, nothing wrong with that.
Subjective “gods” are any form of life; an objective “god” is not a form of life, it is a universal

Behind the veils of the official stories of history lays the truth. That truth tells that the Jews
were chosen, directly, by pharaoh as his special people to protect an ancient knowledge
coming from the stars, meaning the human race from others planets. All the ancient gods that
represented different concepts were united into unique gods representing all concepts.
Pharaoh did not play favorites, it was the only solution available, and Israel was it. Ancient
Greeks were also depository of that knowledge under their own mythical gods, as to spread
that knowledge from one nation alone would be insufficient.

Various Pharaohs not satisfied with the contribution of the Jews alone desired the service and
participation of all nations under their sphere of influence. Some human races born in Earth
were chosen for the mission to spread that knowledge in the unconscious part of the mind.
Greek mythology is not anymore “alive”, the Torah is.
The responsibility it entails by being chosen by Pharaohs was harmonized to the gentiles. The
aim was for nations to dedicate themselves to teach other nations the same science into
different aspects to hasten the development of the intellect of Earth people. This is why to this
day Jews still promote themselves of being the chosen nation to hold to the true knowledge.
Moses was serving Pharaoh's purpose and so are we. Pharaoh's ways to spread ancient
human knowledge were at the same time a blessing and a curse; blessing for rationality and a
curse for nations like the Jewish nation. To be teachers of the truth is a humbling motif to say
one is the chosen one to do so. Jews and Gentiles alike can benefit from what the line of the true
knowledgeable Pharaoh's did for humanity; Moses was the individual that accepted to be
figure head hiding Pharaoh's true purpose. Behind the veils of the official history we can see
that the Pharaohs were humble and mighty scholars. What Pharaohs, and Moses for that
purpose, does expect from us is that we develop our inner potential for the harmony of the
human scheme within the parameters of the logic of nature to create our Utopia.

Earth-Men as being naturally a moron human race being divided into different cultures while
trying to adapt by various means, some cultures are actively seeking to obliterate other
cultures for some benefit at the expense world harmony, and personal psychological well
being. This is why Pharaohs were the invisible inducements to the gentiles for the
diversification of the same science to be adapted-myths according to different cultures. In that
way, multiculturalism can achieve to carry the same knowledge in a pluralism way, each
culture thinking they are the chosen one. So far, until the human unity under a world
community is done, minorities still holding parts of that knowledge in the form of “primal
religion” (like some North American first nations) feel like outcasts, and being called
“arrogant” when they say they were the “chosen ones” to spread the truth.

If the Yin and the Yang exists independently there wouldn’t be any universe; since this is
impossibility for them to be apart, therefore they never did live independently, and therefore
the universe is eternal, without beginning and without end. To give a date to the birth of the
universe is subjectivity in positive correlation with the relativity of time from a certain position
in space.

One of the greatest wish of Moschiach and also from the Catholic Church will be
excommunication; either way if the Moschiach is excommunicated or not Moschiach is the

Nostradamus, being a realistic down-to-Earth individual, was also talking about normal man
behavior concerning the response of his wife (or lady friend) toward his sexual urges and
desires as the next translated quatrain witness:

"As conclusion, men that can be comparing to wolfs, Lyons, ox and asses
are timid waking up by their woman side every morning.
More they taste the delights of sexual pleasures she provide
more vigilant they are to keep that morning custom".
(Nostradamus X-99)

Here is what is believed to be the original French version:

"La fin le loup, le lyon, bœuf & l'asne,

Timide dama seront auec mastins,
Plus ne cherra à eux la douce manne,
Plus vigilance & custode aux mastins."

(Nostradamus X-99)


"Islam" in Arabic means "submission to the will of God", therefore according to Islam: "one
must submit to the will of God and live according to his laws". The only problem is to find the
right definition of God and God’s laws (which are the will of God), and Muhammad get's it all
wrong! He was never scholarized in the secret Levite knowledge that would teach him that the
“laws of God “ARE in fact the natural principles.

By definition, a humanist is an ethico-social person who uses common sense and secularism to
forms his opinions; an opinion is a belief in something, whatever it is. Does a humanist have to
feel guilty of having a personal opinion about bigot’s beliefs concerning Islam, Catholicism,
Mormon, and other moron religious denominations? Of course not! Guilt, according to various
dictionaries, is a cognitive or/and an emotional experience. Guilt occurs when a person realizes
or/and believes, whether it is justified or not, that he has violated universal and fundamental
ethical standards, and that he is responsible for that violation. Guild is closely related to the
concept of remorse and atonement. Therefore the only way to judge if a person has to feel guilty
or not in the eyes of the universe is to know the universal rules, meaning the universal principles
affecting biological life and mental life as well as matter, to form an exact opinion concerning
that matter; and that spell: s-e-c-u-l-a-r-i-s-m!

Mohammad! What an Arab’ cowboy! He frames himself up with tales as tall as the Mount
Everest to rationalize his darkest fantasies in the name of Allah! kissing the dragon of his evil
side, sex on his mind, and his penis represented on the forehead as being the horn of his
dragon, was as much his spiritual guide than his bloody folly surrounded by the pink bubbles of
his illusions of what human ideals shall be. Muhammad was far to be a saint Michael combating
his own dragon! Muhammad put himself in the position of being only capable to hatred friends,
he disguised his sadism under the honey of sensuality and his eyes filled with fake divine
lightning were threat in disguise in the form of his bloody scimitar. To cope with his evilness he
projected his own enemy face on the shoulders of his neighbors. Some cultural aspects of our
different societies, especially in some religious fields like Islam, makes some part of humanity to
be puppet of Muhammad and his most extremists representatives, hurtling them toward mind,
and ethical failure; but the mistake of Islam in its strange novelty for the reward of the afterlife to
be based on male sexual satisfaction more than the sweets of the heart and the mind, make it
so that just trough the logic of causality, the salvation of the Islamic Humanists mind will be
throughout their mind and body suffering under the cruelty of Islam toward the rest of humanity,
as that suffering, like any kind of external or internal conflicts, is the trigger that motivates the
mind to find harmonious solutions to keep adapting to existence . The day Muhammad creates
Islam he abandoned humanity, sailing the souls under his control away from the port of reason.
From day one Muhammad makes Islam to be doom to succumb to the insult of its own fate
created by the fate of his own sick mind; when Muhammad searched to destroy reason, by the
means of dead threats for the benefit of the male human passions he only succeed for reason to
takes cover until better political times when human reason will conquer human passion. Arabs,
Jews and others races born as Muslim's and under Islamic official ruling as official form of
law in countries under Islamic control are people of the world the same as any human being.
They have their own sociopsychological conflicts like the rest of us. They are capable of love
and are crying like the rest of us. They are also under their own liberty of expression act like
the rest of us as long what is being said goes along with government ever-changing politic ...
like the rest of us. Their official positive opinions about Islam do not necessarily reflect the
rightness the majority may have in their mind, but they are not fool enough to argue with
tyranny while being under its reach. They find it better to stay alive with their mouth shut than
to be death by sneezing too loud. Therefore we must deal with those peoples, Muslim's by
destiny more than by choice, like we would with ourselves in the same situation. They read and
praise the Koran under the dread of death if they don’t what would we do if we were in their
shoes? Plenty of them have enough wisdom to know things by their names but they won't
express what they think. It is difficult for them to do and to say the unethical things when they
know it is wrong. They have to say good things about Muhammad but it is not the things they
would like to say. Plenty of them would like for us to understand their sad situation. Non-sense
is due to fail, the Berlin wall was destroyed, former communist countries regain their
autonomy, and as previous despotic ruling governments decayed and sag into oblivion so
Islam will also tumble and fall to its doom. With time previous forced followers of restrictive
politics and religions, where minds were muzzle for the benefit of internal politics, will see the
light were was darkness; and as they were previously a languish flock crying for liberty, it will
be the turn of the despots to languish in despair. By fear of death, for now they keep silent for
live respect, but in their mind solitude there are so many grief’s coming to surface! The arrows
of non sense keep piercing their souls and their tragic thoughts they keep for themselves. It is
under a deadly freedom that their silent complain turns into sparkling tears. Living
testimonies of the hatred of manmade gods toward them, the pathetic Muslims by force can
only live the life of dead minds. Man under the Islamic rules has to wreck his brain to
understand an incomprehensible god, overloading his synapses in the process for better frying
his neurons, is that or get one's head' chopped! According to our finds in psychiatry
Muhammad must have schizophrenia since he hear God's voice and talk to an apparition
called angel Gabriel. If we consider the middle of the link that unites the opposite concerning
mental health in its duality as a fence separating those opposites then we can say without
error that Freud and Muhammad have in common the same fence; the difference would be that
they are on the opposite side of the fence in relation to each others, Freud being the father of
modern psychoanalysis, and Muhammad being the father of Islam, Muhammad prove himself
to be badly in need of Freud psychiatric help. As for Freud, it is unfortunate for the world that
he need mentally sick bloody fools like Muhammad to prove to the world that his theory about
schizophrenia is a valid one. To be an Islamic in a politico-Islamic oriented country is basically
to have a license to kill the "infidel" with the blessing of the state.

“Thus says the Lord God: Remove the turban and take off crown. Things shall not remain as
they are. Exalt that which the is low, and bring low that which is exalted.” (Ezekiel 21:26).

The universe do not need to be exalted since it has no need, only people and other living being
have dreams, needs and wants. Muhammad, founder of the most schizophrenian religion that
ever see the day on earth, from his day-dreams based on desires of a wonderful world,
Muhammad created his own philosophy of how to make the world a more marvelous place to
live than it was. He pictured himself as the savior of humanity under divine inspiration. His
perception of peace was that it can only be done through his teaching. For him, peace could
only be achieved within Islam, the religion he created. Muhammad said to love Islamic people
and to hate non Islamic, and to wage war against pagans to make them become Islamic by
force and killing, if necessary, was ok since it was the Godly thing to do. It was doing them a
favor. The Catholics did the same. From one man’s fantasy Islam became a dangerous religion
for the non Islamic. Violent armed religious Islamic extremists killing unharmed innocents
citizens in the name of Allah, following Muhammad teaching, called themselves "freedom
fighters", rationalizing their asocial behaviors by using euphemism to legitimate their bloody
political tendency.

According to the Islamic believer, Muhammad is the founder of Islam, and the Coran is the
word of God revealed to Muhammad. The words of God are through the revelations of the
angel Gabriel sent from God to talk to Muhammad and to lead him victoriously into battles.
Muhammad told his followers he was the messenger and the prophet of God. One wonders
what Sigmund Freud would say about that case. According to Muhammad himself, he was the
restorer of the original Islam from the previous prophets like Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah
and others like Jesus of Nazareth. The Qur'an in its actual form is generally considered by
academic scholars to record the words spoken by Muhammad, born in 570 ad in the Arabian
city of Mecca. He was orphaned at a young age. According to Muslim tradition, soon after
Muhammad's birth, or after he became orphaned, he was sent to live with a Bedouin family in
the desert, as the desert life was considered healthier for infants. The Arabian Peninsula is
dotted with towns and cities, two of the prominent one were Mecca and Medina. The tribal
grouping was encouraged by the needs to act as a unit. This unity was based on the bond of
kinship by blood. People of Arabia were either nomadic or sedentary. The survival of nomads
(or Bedouins) was partially dependent on raiding caravans and oases, and to kill when
judging necessary; they saw this unethical behavior as no crime and Muhammad swallow as
face value that cultural way of life. Medina was a large flourishing agricultural settlement,
while Mecca was an important financial center.

According to some traditions, upon receiving his first revelations Muhammad was deeply
distressed and contemplated throwing himself off the top of a mountain but the spirit moved
closer and told him that he had been chosen as a messenger of God (see Freud about one losing
his mind). After that, Muhammad himself said he was a descendant of Ishmael, son of
Abraham. Of his visits to the Mount Hira, Muhammad says that the angel Gabriel began
communicating with him here in the year 610 and commanded Muhammad to recite the
following verses: Proclaim! (Or read!) In the name of thy Lord and Cherishes, Who Created
man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood (maybe he was talking about the blood bank next
door to the sperm bank): Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful, - He who taught (the use
of) the pen, - Taught man that which he knew not. (Qur'an 96:1-5). These revelations were
accompanied by mysterious seizures (see neurology). Then Muhammad returned home.

The key themes of the early Qur'anic verses included the total submission of man towards his
creator; the resurrection of the long death bodies, and God's final judgment followed by vivid
descriptions of the sadistic tortures in hell and incommensurable pleasures with sensual young
virgins in Paradise (see the pedophilia part). Muhammad taught is that Muslims fighting for a
just cause only, his cause. In this world, there are only two choices: two sides, truth and justice,
which he is the ultimate representative, or falsehood and oppression, represented by the rest of
humanity. The new religion he created would guide the Muslims into truth and justice by the
means of the sword. The Al-Aqsa Mosque congregation building is the site from which
Muhammad is believed by Muslims to have ascended to heaven via the unbreathable coldness
of space. Islamic tradition relates that some time in 620, Muhammad experienced the Isra and
Mi'raj, a miraculous journey said to have been accomplished in one night along with the angel
Gabriel. In the first part of the journey, the Isra, he is said to have travelled from Mecca to “the
farthest mosque” (in Arabic: masjid al-aqsa), which Muslims usually identify with the Al-Aqsa
Mosque in Jerusalem. In the second part, the Miraj, Muhammad is said to have made a
touristic visit to heaven were he experience firsthand the sublime pleasures of young virgins,
and hell were he witness horrible tortures; he also spoken with earlier prophets, such as
Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Muhammad sent letters too many rulers of the world, asking
them to convert to Islam. The revelations (or Ayats, lit. “Signs of God”), which Muhammad
reported receiving until his death, form the verses of the Qur'an, are regarded by Muslims as
the true word of God. His miracles (particularly “Splitting of the moon”) have allow popular
Muslim to be inspired of divine religious thought and delightful beautiful poetry toward his so
humble personality. The Qur'an refers to Muhammad as “a mercy (rahmat) to the worlds”
(Qur'an 21:107). The association of rain with mercy in Oriental countries has led to imagining
Muhammad as a rain cloud dispensing blessings and stretching over lands. In Surah 33:40,
Muhammad is singled out with the epithet “Seal of the Prophets”. The Qur'an also refers to
Muhammad as “Ahmad” (Surah 61:6), meaning “more praiseworthy”. During his life
Muhammad married 11 or 13 women. Aisha was six years old when betrothed to Muhammad.
She stayed in her parents' home until the age of nine, when the marriage was consummated in
Medina. Here is what Aisha said:” I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet,
and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter (my dwelling
place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me.”
(Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 73; Number 151; Narrated by 'Aisha).

Kids are curious loving being, for Alisha to be wed to the prophet and to experience the loving
sexual side of Libido at a very young age was culturally normal to her...and for Muhammad.
Not too many people like Muhammad allow themselves to teach gently, with a fatherly loving
attention, little girls like Alisha and her little friends, the sexual aspect of Libido known as
pedophilia. It is cultural pressure and laws that forbids or permitted pedophilia. Negatives
cultural pressure toward Muhammad and Alisha would have lead to more disastrous, mental
and physical, consequences for them and their whole society. As it was then, it was ok. As it is
now, pedophilia it’s a cultural abomination. Muhammad was a hero for the Mormons, in some
ways they followed his footsteps, being polygamous and pedophile according to our present
laws. Let's keep in mind, before throwing any stone, that one of the Catholic Pope wed an 11
years old girl somewhere in history. Muhammad married women from important families to
gain political advantage. He came to control the oases and markets that forced traders and
tribesmen to negotiate with him. The Mormons founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-
day Saints. The Mormons considered Muhammad a great reformer, along with Confucius, and
philosophers including Socrates, Plato, and others. The Mormons said, according to the divine
actions Muhammad had done for humanity, it is the prove that Muhammad received a portion
of God's light. Mormons also considers themselves as having moral truths given to them by
God to enlighten nations and bring the whole world to a higher level of understanding. Guru
Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, viewed Muhammad as an agent of the Hindu Supreme Being
Brahman. Muslim mystics, known as Sufis, who were seeking for the inner meaning of the
Qur'an and the inner nature of Muhammad, without being psychiatrists, viewed the prophet of
Islam not only as a prophet but also as a perfect saint. Sufi orders trace their chain of spiritual
descent back to Muhammad.
Converts to Islam came from nearly all Arab tribes present in Medina, such that by June of the
subsequent year there were seventy-five Muslims coming to Mecca for pilgrimage and to meet
Muhammad. Meeting him secretly by night, the group made what was known as the “Second
Pledge of al-`Aqaba”, or the “Pledge of War” Following the pledges at Aqabah, Muhammad
encouraged his followers to emigrate to Yathrib. This was followed by the general acceptance
of Islam by the pagan population of Medina, with some exception. Some of those exceptions
were beheaded later. This was according to Ibn Ishaq influenced by the conversion of Sa¥d ibn
Mu¥adh, one of the prominent leaders in Medina to Islam.Those Medinans who converted to
Islam and helped the Muslim emigrants find shelter became known as the ansar (helpers).
Then Muhammad instituted brotherhood between the emigrants and the helpers and he chose
Ali as his own brother. With the early general conversion of Medinia pagans to Islam, the
pagan emigrants in Mecca. Economically uprooted and with no available profession, the
Muslim migrants turned to raiding Meccan caravans for their livelihood, thus initiating armed
conflict between the Muslims and Mecca. Muhammad delivered Qur¥anic verses permitting
the Muslims to fight the Meccans (see Qur¥an 22:39 to 40). These attacks pressured Mecca by
interfering with trade, and allowed the Muslims to acquire wealth, power and prestige while
working toward their ultimate goal of inducing Mecca¥s submission to the new faith. In March
of 624, Muhammad led some three hundred warriors in a raid on a Meccan merchant
caravan. The Muslims set an ambush for the Meccans at Badr. Aware of the plan, the Meccan
caravan eluded Muslims. Meanwhile, a force from Mecca was sent to protect the caravan,
continuing forward to confront the Muslims upon hearing that the caravan was safe. The
battle of Badr began in March of 624. Though outnumbered more than three to one, the
Muslims won the battle, killing at least forty-five Meccans with only fourteen Muslims dead.
They had also succeeded in killing many of the Meccan leaders, including Abu Jahl. Seventy
prisoners had been acquired, many of whom were soon ransomed in return for wealth or
freed. Muhammad and his followers saw in the victory a confirmation of their faith. Following
the battle of Badr, Muhammad also made mutual-aid alliances with a number of Bedouin
tribes to protect his community from attacks from the northern part of Hijaz.

The attack at Badr committed Muhammad to total war with Meccans, in the ensuing months,
Muhammad led expeditions on tribes allied with Mecca and sent out a raid on a Meccan
caravan. Abu Sufyan subsequently gathered an army of three thousand men and set out for an
attack on Medina, attracted the support of nomadic tribes to the north and east of Medina,
using propaganda about Muhammad's weakness, promises of booty, memories of the prestige
of Quraysh and use of bribes. Muhammad's policy was now to prevent alliances against him as
much as he could. Whenever alliances of tribesmen against Medina were formed, he sent out
an expedition to break them up. When Muhammad heard of men massing with hostile
intentions against Medina, he reacted with severity. One example is the assassination of Ka'b
ibn al-Ashraf, a member of the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir who had gone to Mecca and wrote
poems that helped rouse the Meccans' grief and anger. Muslims besieged the Banu Qurayza in
their forts for 25 days. The Banu Qurayza eventually surrendered and all the men, apart from
a few who converted to Islam, were beheaded, while the women and children were enslaved.
Demonstrating Islam was an Arabian religion, Muhammad marched on Mecca with an
enormous force, said to number more than ten thousand men. With minimal casualties,
Muhammad took control of Mecca. It was his overwhelming magnanimity of character in not
beheading anyone that converted to Islam that led to a mass conversion among the citizens of
Mecca. Even Abu Sufyan, his archenemy, under divine pressure, embraced the religion of the
Prophet. Normal people with normal education living in normal societies understand that the
need for Self-Expression concerning religious beliefs would never be satisfied by killing non-
believers since that need of self expression requires an opposite entourage, concerning ones
beliefs, to be alive and present for communication purpose and having in mind normal social
evolution toward harmonious human relations. Didn't Muhammad understand that basic fact?
Muhammad subsequently destroyed all of the statues of Arabian gods in and around the
Kaaba, without any exception. Those ancient religions had their source from Egypt. Soon after
the conquest of Mecca, many Bedouins submitted to Muhammad in order to be safe against his
attacks and to benefit from the booties of the wars. Muhammad required of them a military
and political agreement according to which they acknowledge the sovereignty of Medina, to
refrain from attack on the Muslims and their allies, and to pay the Zakat (taxe). Muhammad
had all the military power to unite the tribes of Arabia into his Arab Muslim religious policy in
the last years of his life. Islamism becomes a well armed politic power. It was without
opposition. “Allah speak with the mouth of his prophet Muhammad” said the generalissimo
Muhammad sitting in a mountain of headless bodies; and it was not until the proper method of
warfare was instituted by Allah in the Quran via his prophet Muhammad, with proper rights
and limitations according His Commandments, that any retaliation or combat was sanctioned.
Orders from Allah to Muhammad made it clear who was to be attacked, how and when and to
what extent fighting could take place. Allah, speaking with the mouth of his prophet
Muhammad preached peace among Islamic people and war toward the non Islamic. For
Muhammad to kill anyone who does not believe he is the messenger of Allah and to attack and
plunder non Muslim countries is to protect his fantasy by rationalizing sadism and vengeance.
Are there any honest Muslim psychiatrists still alive? Or this is a paradoxical question?
Muhammad left his men with instructions to make war against the Christians, Persians, Jews
and polytheist; that included millions. For the next four centuries Islam declared war on every
major religion in the world. The Jihad was steamrolling. By the time of the Crusades (when the
Europeans began fighting back), Muslims had conquered two-thirds of the Christian world by
the sword, from Spain to Syria, and across North Africa. The Arab slave-trading routes would
stay open for 1300 years.

It is an urgent necessity to recognize the fact that Islam was created by a mentally sick
disturbed moron who was redirecting, consciously and unconsciously, his unethical wrong
doings toward the rest of humanity, using transference, which makes the rest of humanity the
“bad guy”, and him alone “the good guy”. Muhammad loved who loved him, and for those who
didn't love him he hated them; he had for him an army and strong political ties to back up any
of his sayings. Let recognize that for any form of normal human harmony to takes place in any
near future in the Arab states, specially Iran, and the rest of the world depends upon the
Islamic people to “wake-up” from Muhammad own nightmare. Reports to be “inspired” by a
real living subjective god by some others “illuminated extremists” than Muhammad are greatly
exaggerated since “God” do not exist. One cannot treat the “over zealous religious disease” that
creates religious extremists before determining its causes. When the causes are determined by
the right diagnosis, then the normal procedure is to eliminate them by various means related
to that diagnostic. Any attempt to treat that disease by diplomacy and negotiations instead of
psychoanalysis and psychotherapy applies a temporary false cure that will only worsen the
situation. This is not hatred against the Arabs people, and others, firmly believing in the
Coran, but a loving attention toward them in the hope their spirit (mind) will be cure soon for
them to finally try their best to live in harmony with the rest of the world. Hopefully they will
leave Muhammad transference, disillusions, and his psychopathic perception of reality, his
hallucinations, and his folly of grandeur behind them. A country promoting democracy and
secularism like the United States of America, and a country promoting a religion like Islam as
the only politic to follow, are exclusive to each others. Progress start in the mind as part of the
evolutionary process where we understand justice to be part of the scale of harmony; meaning
knowledge of the truth leads to wisdom when ethics is involve. Islam do not tolerate the dignity
of the mind since it does not tolerate any confrontation with their moronic religious beliefs,
therefore Islam disregard human dignity, and whoever turn his back to that crying aloud fact
has to have some trouble with his chromosome number 21, or to be a Muslim himself, or a
politician cover with ostrich feathers. Democratic countries promoting secularism are already
at war with Islam, but it is not official yet. The day Islamic people will recover their reason
and automatically their human dignity they will do justice to Judaism and will praise Israel.
They will realize that Islam was crippling their minds by building paradoxical walls blocking
the stream of cognition which is so much needed to respond to the needs of intellectuality
thirst; in some country it was always a criminal offence to stop the flow that quench the thirst
of the land; therefore, by many former Islamic followers, Islam should be regarded as being a
sadistical discipline dreamed from a criminal minded individual with a bloody sword in his
hand, in this case Muhammad. History tells us that Catholicism, in its sado-masochist ways,
was not better than Islam. For Muhammad toward who so much glory abounds it was too
little for him if he cannot control the world; there are so many destinies he stopped in their
course for not willing to share the Earth! Calling his wars the miracle of Allah all he did was to
speed up Islam to be decease’s. Muhammad the fool! To think that after his death the miracle of
holly wars will still be worshiped for ever has been his bloody posterity! His religion in arms
deserving the punishment of his rashness will see all its fronts losing their proud as Islam will
break like a glass. If Buddha was here witnessing Islam defeat he would tell you that a good
philosophy for life is better than a bad religion promoting its own death. For these disturb
Muslims who firmly believe Muhammad to be so great that the size of his greatness has no
limit, they are one step away to believe that the universe is less that he deserves since the whole
universe would be too small for his greatness!

Oh Muhammad! To this day he delights the sensory evil of his disciple by offering them only
the sensuality aspect of libido. Spurring their desires from enchanted sexual promises’,
Muhammad kindle in their hearts the homicidal flame of envy. It is because of their troubled
reason that without shedding the shadow of a tear they hate human life, ransacking the
existence of others. By their Islamic faith they are forced to die as martyrs so the human flame
can perish for the benefit of the flame of Muhammad folly. Blinded by Muhammad tall tales
they cannot see that it is beauty they compel to die for the benefit of a bloody scimitar.
Muhammad madness became their madness making them blind; no beauty can animate their
pity. Sadly they cannot see that it is their deepest wishes that the heavens withdraw from them
the friendship of reason.

Do not torture and kill anyone when you are on the high of your authority because you will
meet them again when your time will come to die, your sorriness will be greater than your
might once was.

“When will be unveil the meaning of the star of Israel supported by the two trinusial opposites,
that sacred star which look like having six half-bodies et six open scissors, then man mighty
mind heir of his body will subjugated the whole universe under him.” (Nostradamus X-100)

Seven Trinuses

It takes the seven first trinuses to explain the whole birth of the universe; but it takes only six
trinuses for the universe to set itself up. From there, everything runs by itself. That is the
symbolic representation of the Jews candelabrum. ...”These seven are the eyes (trinus) of the
Lord, which range through (explain) the whole earth (universe).” (Zechariah 4:10)

We can conquer the whole universe,” Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the
Lord of hosts (reason using Logic with ethic)”. (Zechariah 4:6)

“Thus saith Hashem, He that created the heavens (Invisible universe), and stretched them forth
(universe expansion, veils of time)), He that spread forth the earth (primal mass) and that
which cometh out of it (forms of life) , He that gives breath unto the people upon it (life), and
spirit (mind, ideas) to them that walk therein”. (Isaiah 42:5)

“...Naked before God (logic)...no covering. He stretches out the north over the void (empty
space), and hangs the earth (planets) on nothing (space). ...He has inscribed a circle
(separation) on the face of the waters (space) at the boundary between light (the universe) and
darkness (The void)...By his wind (force moving into space) the heavens (all logic's) were made
fair (causality). The pillars of heaven tremble (moving force from “primal masse” which is the
first pillar, into “the void”, which is the second pillar), and are astounded at his rebuke. By his
power (energy) he stilled the sea (produced planets)...He binds up (assemble) the waters (hf) in
his thick clouds (mc2)...Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways (universal laws), and
how small a whisper do we hear of him (logic)!” (Job 26).

Logic and libido produces wisdom, here is what wisdom has to say:”The Lord (logic) possessed
me at the beginning of his work... Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the
earth (visible universe)... For whoever finds me finds life (sanity) and obtains favor from the
Lord (logic), but he who fails to find me injures himself (mentally and physically); all who hate
me love death (torturing their own mind).” (Proverbs 8).

Each biblical day is a completion of an evolutionary stage. One trinus is one stage completed,
and three trinuses three stages completed. Some time, death is referred to as brain death;
resurrection of a brain death mind can be done after the completion of the teaching of the first
three trinuses. The first one is the birth of time, the second one is the happening of Logic, and
the third one is the birth of the Egosphere. Trinus number 4 is the separation of the invisible
universe from the visible universe, etc...The triad would be: The Egosphere, she is the living
invisible universe, the filial link; the spirit, which is the intellect of the Egosphere; and what
fathers the Egosphere and her spirit is logic, for reason and libido finding their way to be the
extremes of logic.

The point zero of the beginning of time is to be considered as south, expanding to north, as the
expansion of the universe does, and that explains the electromagnetic field: “...I will bring your
offspring from the east, and from the west I will gather you. I will say to the north, Give up,
and to the south, do not withhold;” (Isaiah 43:5). That is the basis of electromagnetic
propulsion, and antigravity.

The explanation of natural phenomena; the story of Creation, in regard to hidden matters, is
not foreign anymore to human experience, we travel the cosmos now. We walk on the moon.
Science and the use of logic are not beyond the ordinary range of human knowledge. We are
uncovering hidden things; we discover secrets by the use of logic and from basics such as
history and science. Disclosure of what was unknown is revealing what once was a mystery.
Already in ancient Greece the western civilization learned that the gods represents the goods of
the universe, making mysteries to become subjects of reason, and even if ancient Greece still
influence our western civilization, the Christian part of it cannot clue in that all the ancient
family of gods are one into the Christian God, which make "God" to be the entire universal

As our technologies are upgrading, is our ethics degrading? That would be mind leprosy. Is
our minds became lepers as technology advances? We have to heal our leprous sores one at a
time. We have been induced to mental illness by being wrongly taught. We have to conquer
that sickness, we have to conquer ourselves.

The beginning of the common sense era is self-revelation using logic and reason. It is to unveil
previous mysteries from scientific data. This is the fate of mankind. The Messianic age is no
more than the age of science. Science is the Messianic tool. Once the secrets of the beginnings of
the religions are disclosed by scientific data, the element of mystery disappears. We get our
human pride back by the use of common sense.

From birth to death, during our journey we collect a lot of knowledge but it is not the amount
of data we collect that count but what we do with it for our own sake. What we do with that
knowledge is like building a house in a certain area; Karma is to come back and to start anew
from that house.

On one hand suppose you are a realistic humanist atheist, on the other hand suppose that the
worst idiots of the world, who deeply believes in Santa Klaus with religious fervor, are been
corralled in a village specially made for them; Now try to picture yourself having written a
book about reality. Here is where the fun start, plenty of those idiots call you names and want
to get rid of you and your secular book because you "kill" the Santa Klaus they believes so
dearly into, what would you do? As Shakespeare said: "To be or not to be?" there is no question
about that: we have "To be"! But wisdom tells us that some time we have “to be” in hiding as
Nostradamus did; that’s why he burned plenty of the results of his researches before his dead
or his son Caesar would have been paying the price. On one hand suppose you are a realistic
humanist atheist, on the other hand suppose that the worst idiots of the world, who deeply
believes in Santa Klaus with religious fervor, are been corralled in a village specially made for
them; Now try to picture yourself having written a book about reality. Here is where the fun
start, plenty of those idiots call you names and want to get rid of you and your secular book
because you "kill" the Santa Klaus they believes so dearly into, what would you do? As
Shakespeare said: "To be or not to be?" there is no question about that: we have "To be"! But
wisdom tells us that some time we have “to be” in hiding as Nostradamus did; that’s why he
burned plenty of the results of his researches before his dead or his son Caesar would have
been paying the price. On the following quatrain Nostradamus gives us a warning with a
certain sense of humour (using idioms) concerning the secular knowledge of the trinusial
system (or any other forms of scientific secular knowledge for that matter) and the
consequences that would happen if we use that knowledge for wicked purposes:

Whomever open the monument that has been found

and will not use it properly (to be promptly closed to it)
evil will come to him and he will be unable to prove
If it would be better to be a king, a Breton, or a Normand.
(Nostradamus IX-7)

As we can see Nostradamus was against wars and all for sex as mentioned in previous

Note - Warnings like that are considered as “spells” by ancient cultures like in ancient
Egyptian tombs.

Chastity, symbol of the purity of the fire was practiced by the Roman Vestal Virgins,
priestesses dedicated to Vesta (Hestia for the ancient Greeks), who were responsible for
ensuring the public fire of the temple of Vesta keep burning. "Hestia" in Greek translates as
“house fireplace". Vesta power reside in her function to protect the fire, and therefore man
serenity from his consciousness of the cosmic truth which by domino effect makes her to be also
the protector of families, cities and countries. Hestia was the guardian of knowledge.Fire
represent energy and energy come by waves (Nostradamus call it water for hermetical
purpose, like in the Old Testament) and mentions that the fire can be found in water.
Nostradamus symbolizes our future knowledge of the energy to be the trigger of our
consciousness (no God involved) has been found in the temples of the Vestals. Of course our
future knowledge about what consciousness it’s all about will cause certain market to fall, like
oil and other non renewable forms of energy as an example. Nostradamus understands our
mind as a lamp burning the inextinguible universal fire. Here is the translation of
Nostradamus quatrain:

When the lamp burning the inextinguible fire

will be found in the temple of Vesta
man will understand fire by studying water
his mind will drawn in it, and markets will fall.

(Nostradamus IX-9)

Where are the remains of Nostradamus there lays the remains of a potential Moschiach from a
long line of potential Moschiachs; but the times were not ripe.

The Noah Myth

Common sense tells us that before believing in any religion is to find out how it was made. We
have to be detectives in the affairs of the minds as well as putting two and two together. Noah
and other ship captain like him bring to Earth a new generation of human of different colors
such as Black, RED, WHITE, and yellow to conceive and prosper. Just by knowing Noah age
we can deduct that space travelling was involved. In the Jewish history there was a massive
immigration call the “Noah flood”.

Scientific information WAS handed down to us by good men of science, ethical men, in the form
of primal religions. It was the only logical way to do so, considering the intellectual capacity
and stage of evolution of early earth Homo sapiens. In this context, it doesn't really matter if
early Homo sapiens were a genetic manipulation from our cosmic ancestors (induced
evolution) or part of the Darwinian natural evolution of the species. The fact remain that early
Homo sapiens did have to learn and to go through some normal stage of humanity evolution.
Thus, for our “High Priests” cosmic ancestors, the handling down of sciences under the veil of
primal religions to the Earth human race, known as “the new generation of man” was a noble
gesture to help us in our normal evolutionary process concerning having a “back-up” to lean
on when in mental state of uncertainty. That would help us to speed-up, by ourselves, the
natural psychological process of learning, and to lessen humanity blood bath. As surprising it
can be to realize that, primal religions were in fact a mean to shorten humanity conflicts. Noah
was one of those scientists and spaceship captain.

Noah means Nuh, which is Athena for the Greeks. Noah’s ark was a real “machine” the same as
the “ark of covenant”. Noah’s ark ran under electromagnetic self-power, closed-circuit engine.
It had the capacity to contain people and provisions. The “reem” was a giant septic tank and
the “og” was the refuse that went into the septic tank; they were (the reem and the og) left
outside the ship because they contained an army of bacteria. A trap door connected them to the
ship. The ship also had the capacity of antigravity and to travel among the stars. The number
“40” in both the Moses in the desert and in Noah’s story have a relation with “0.4” and “4”
concerning the astrophysics of the visible and invisible Universe. Let's keep in mind that
anything of the sub-atomic level does not obey the law of energy conservation, an atom will
give up more energy than received. Look at the atomic bomb. We could have had a society of
free electromagnetic energy long ago; and pay for the parts only.

Nothing lasts forever with the exception of the natural universal laws. According to what
science says, our sun will expand to a Red Giant in five billion years engulfing our solar
system. Before that happen it will be time for humanity to pack-up its suitcases and look for
another home. That's what did already happen before. We are part of a new generation of
humans brought to this planet by Noah.

From the stars, Noah arrived on earth, fully armed with weapons. He had provisions with
him. After disembarking the cargo, he gives the keys of the ark to Shem. The keys identifies the
tonic triad (tonic trinus) of Noah’s ship. They were made of a functional harmony, a sequence
of chords leading to one or more cadences. The keys had scale, an ordered set of notes. The
keys were in accordance with the center of gravity of Noah’s ship, they were established by
particular chord progressions which commanded the ship. For Noah to hand the keys of the
spaceship to Shem, means from there on Shem was in command of the ship. Shem was using
the ship for other tasks. Maybe the ship was based in Arrara region for a while. Maybe the
name of Noah’s ark was “Bat”, who knows ...”Amun” is the primal masses that enter the empty
void which is “Mut”; that created “Ra”, the first trinus. The destructive and purifying power of
“Ra” is called “Bat”. It is personalized in a cat goddess. Since Noah’s ark was fully armed, one
wonders if that was the name of the ship, especially knowing the veneration toward the cats in
those early Egyptian times.

Noah brings with him the Noahide Code which was in effect in his spaceship. It was a guide
made of 7 basics rules from which politics can be issued. Those rules can be easily followed
without conflicting with Ethics or interfering with commerce. Those basic rules are from
advanced civilizations travelling between the stars and made for new worlds immigrants,
particularly rule number one and rule number seven. Those two rules do not apply for those
advanced races; rule number one because they know better, and rules number two because the
captain of the ship represent the law. The rest of the rules, from rule number 2 to rule number
6, apply also specially for space travelling.
Here are the seven rules of the code:

1. Man is commanded to believe in only one God.

2. Murder is not permitted.

3. Adultery is forbidden.

4. Blasphemy is forbidden.

5. We must not steal.

6. We cannot eat the flesh of a living animal.

7. Mankind must establish courts of justice.

Shems descendants were the seeds of the eastern side of the hills of the arraras all the way to
Sephar, Aramaic name (Semite) of that region that includes Canaan. Are the Joktan's the
Jhuran's? Joktan's are direct descendants of Shem and they have the keys of the ship. The color
of Shem’s skin was darker than the rest of the crew. Noah was the captain of the ship. The rest
of the occupants were also real individuals. They were not necessarily blood related nor of the
same race. They were the pairs of males and females, one pair for each race, and the crew of
the ship made of different races to become the seeds of humanity, Noah’s age as mentioned in
the Torah is probably correct, space travel slows aging. They were using the power of the ship
for various tasks... Noah’s ark means “The ship from the primeval waters (space)”. Primeval
waters are composed of “hf” into space. The keys of the ship were the navigating “tunes” that
made it float in space. That information is in the Egyptian mythology. There is the option of
Einstein’s relativity about space and time. The faster and longer one spends times in space, the
less aged he will be, compared to the time of the planet where he lives. It means Noah’s age and
his sons and grandsons etc... Age, are indicators for how long they were using the ship. What
once was the safety procedures to enter and leave the ship, and to operate the ship, (same thing
for the ark of covenant), became religious temple rituals.

Those early scientific rituals for safety were also in use for that reason in early religious
ceremonies where handling of chemical, and radiation were involve. Over time it become
meaningless rituals toward a non-existing god and toward some “illuminated” mentally
deranged people. There are still plenty of them now thinking they are illuminated by a
religious god. They are making the mistake of thinking they are the messiah. They are
delusional and disturbed even if they try to be good. (See Freud). YHWH means “Pure science”
which is the complete universe and its dynamics, “The existing one”. The universe, “my lord”
(Adhonai). The Universe does not have a name, it is the Universe.

Maybe the ship is still somewhere on earth, maybe not. A good place the hide a ship of those
measurements would be in plain view; just build a tower or a pyramid around it. Who knows?
Maybe it is under the sphinx. The Lion of Judah has its origins in the Book of Genesis where the
Israelite tribe of Judah had the lion as its symbol. Judah (in Hebrew: Yehudah) is the original
name of the Tribe of Judah traditionally symbolized by a lion. In Genesis, the patriarch Jacob
refers to his son Judah as a Gur Aryeh, a “Young Lion” (Genesis 49:9) when blessing him.

Of all human races currently living on our planet, is there only a certain percentage that are
really indigenous of our planet? If any of them remain alive... Several different races, having
already their own cultures from different color and complexion came to populate our planet.
We can find in some old religious belief, part of the history of this mass immigration dating
back to the time of Noah. This means that their moral values are not necessarily consistent
with our man made cultural ethics. Ethic x pleasure = Libido. Ethics say not to leave anybody
ignorant, and Libido tells us to share the pleasures. Sigmund Freud knew more than he told us.

The original religions are from scientific data, the first myths of Egypt are those from ancient
knowledgeable cultures from other places in the cosmos. The torah came from Egyptians
myths and knowledge. The Bible and Islam are from the torah. From Catholicism came several
different religions and from them the evangelists tells us about their inspiration from a god
who does not exist. As time passes, most religions, like Catholicism and Islam are moving
away from the source of ancient knowledge while science merges with that source. The Buddha
knew that would happen.

The ark of covenant is probably still on earth. Inside the ship maybe? Some Levites may
answer that question. “Then David said that no one but the Levites may carry the ark of God,
for the Lord had chosen them to carry the ark of the Lord and to minister to him forever.” (1
Chronicles 15:2).

The immigrants from Noah’s spaceship built a first city named Babel (Babilu Akkadian), it was
like a big tall tower, and of course they were speaking the same official language! They most
probably had different dialects or languages of their own since they were of different races. It
is over time, when they went their own different ways that the official languages started to
fade and differ. Mixed with the different dialects belonging to the different races, it became
bastardized. “The great flood” in the mythical sense means a flow of immigrants from the
cosmos to planet earth; it seems another star-ship was hit by a rock (asteroid) according to
other cultural religious sources than the Torah. How many star ships was part of the great
flow of immigrants? They came after the earth (the continents) divided (separated). In world
mythology, there was also another spaceship, not rectangular like the Noah ark, but cubic.
They were using atomic rods to maintain the electromagnetic field required to run the star
ship. Copper, silver, gold are all parts of electrical and electronic equipment. On earth, the
connections and the mechanisms of atomic power, electromagnetic power and electrical power
were hiding under elaborate symbolic pieces of art, like statues, fancy columns, fancy boxes
like the ark of covenant etc...The special protective linen against radiations the high priests had
to wear gives us clues about what was going on.

Because Noah’s ark was a life sanctuary, (a tabernacle is a portable sanctuary), temples
(sanctuaries of sciences), were built in remembrance of the ship, and the sacred place of the
temple represented the engineering room, the “motor” of the ship; one had to wear special
safety linen to operate from that room because of radiation and electromagnetic surges.
Temples were a kind of replicates of Noah’s ship. Same thing with the ark of covenant. The
tabernacle was the dwelling place of god, made according to the pattern which god gave
Moses (Exodus 25:1, 8-9). This earthly tabernacle was a copy of the heavenly tabernacle
(Hebrews 8:5 = Revelation 21:1-3). Tabernacle means: “for taking observations”.

On earth, we had the indigenous beings from Darwin’s theory and the newcomers from
“Noah’s ark”. How many more “ships” came?? Like our invasion of the Americas, the crew and
immigrants (livestock) of these ships became part of the population. By their teaching and
leadership, human social and mental evolution progressed at a faster pace than if they weren't
coming. It is in the Torah. The Pharaoh’s were required to make a pilgrimage to the cradle of
knowledge, the land of the gods, and prior to their ascent to the throne. Is the star ship of Noah
still on earth and in hiding in Jhuan's land in Somali?

From Noah’s time, the genealogy is correct as far it concerns Africa... Can we differentiate the
direct descendants of Noah’s ark crew from all the indigenous African earth-peoples by their
DNA? Without Noah and his immigrants, and others space ship, it is possible that the
indigenous people of earth might still be living in a stone age...and who know still be

Here is the real story in short: our cosmic ancestors, coming from seven different planets
colonized seven different locations on Earth from a minimum of seven different star ships like
Noah ark. For us to show a common front as a human race, they dint let us know clearly the
history of our human roots; they are recorded in some primal (pagan) religions in a
hermetized form. By doing so, the ancient commoners by not being in the secret won’t feel to
have being abandoned by their culture and get royally piss by having to reinvent technology
all over again (but high priest knew all about it) and also that gives the opportunity for lesser
racism and for all races on Earth to intermingle and rejuvenate the genetic pool.

The general trinusial system is composed of many different secondary trinusial systems each
contain the two opposites and the link, also call "Thesis and Antithesis", the link would be the
"Synthesis’s" for the creativity process to occur, that trinusial system is the blueprint of
creation: the cosmic "Seed" known as "God" by religious minded individuals. The “Time of
redemption” would be when we recognize that secular fact. “Redemption” is an intellectual
process of the mind where an individual uses reason to make atonement, and that is part of the
“Rising of the dead-minds” toward comprehension. The secular truth was always there all
around us, and when Moshiach will come he will indicates that fact in his own human way;
until then there is confusion, secularism is the search for the real truth, the one that can be
proven. "Eerum" is the stage of "mind-exile" where the Nations of the world, will cease to
oppress the Jewish nation but will be helping it to gather intellectual treasures of secularism
for Israel to realize that their King Moshiach is a secular prophet in need of much secular data
to assemble them into a general unified field theory that includes life as a mnemonical
phenomenon. King Moshiach won’t do it alone, that theory will be done, mathematically, by a
group of Jewish scholars under the advices of Moshiach.


We shall never feel guilty to say the truth!

The biggest sin of the bigots is to disregard the free gift of reason.

The Jews have to understand that Elijah the prophet was a secular scholar in chemistry.

By definition, a humanist is an ethico-social person who uses common sense and secularism to
forms his opinions; an opinion is a belief in something, whatever it is. Does a humanist have to
feel guilty of having a personal opinion about bigot’s beliefs concerning Islam, Catholicism,
Mormon, and other moron religious denominations? Of course not! Not if what he says is the
truth, with or without euphemisms! Guilt, according to various dictionaries, is a cognitive
or/and an emotional experience. Guilt occurs when a person realizes or/and believes, whether
it is justified or not, that he has violated universal and fundamental ethical standards, and that
he is responsible for that violation. Guild is closely related to the concept of remorse and

The speed of light (c), the perimeter of the great pyramid, the time it takes the light to cross the
universe, the symbol “pi” (3.1416), the circumference of the earth and the extent of a cubit have
reports of numerical value between them that follows the Gog and Magog principle.

These are messages in the form of scientific clues the ancient Egyptians high priests left for us
by teaching them to other civilizations like the Greeks. They had the scientific knowledge; we
have to find it by ourselves. There are many other clues left all over the world. These messages
tell us that we live in a Universe which program and reprogram itself from a basic principle;
and it is our turn to program ourselves properly. That gives us a purpose and it can be a
smooth operation. Religions were baby talk, we are grown up now. It is time to wake up, to
face ourselves and start talking like adults. Darwin theory makes human from monkeys and
kouac religions makes monkeys out of us while science makes test tubes babies and genetics
can transform any forms of life to fulfill any biological function at our discretion by
manipulating the genetic code. Therefore why more advanced cosmic civilization than us
cannot have the possibility to creates test tube humans in a far away galaxy and sow the Earth
with it hmm? Another clue that religions are science in disguise is the “sacred cow”. The
goddess Hathor, Aphrodite for the Greeks, is the “eye of Ra”. Hator was known as the great
Menat. All around the world in prehistoric time, from cave painting to “cow burial” for the
sanctification of a special site, the “sacred cow” indicated the knowledge of advance
astrophysics. In Somali, the land of the gods, the Hajhuran ancestors bored wells in the rock
using far advance knowledge, and did cave painting that represents very sharply pro-
Egyptian symbols. Somali is in the north-eastern part of Africa called the Horn of Africa. The
Ajhuran ancestors were mysterious peoples, and different from the rest of humanity. The horn
of the sacred cow is a symbol of fertility which was represented latter on as the unicorn. The
Torah uses the term “horn” to indicate the penis. The unicorn is the penis of a male (stud). To
have the “horn” is to be sexually aroused (horny). Even Nostradamus mentioned the cow in
relation to the Gog and Magog, and the trinus and the last pope who will look at the origin of
the religions.

In prehistoric times, from the land of the gods, the Jhuran's radiates and so did their
knowledge. They became part of the building of the Kerman civilization. The land of Punt was
part of it and became the Kushite Empire with females as rulers. The high priestesses were
calling Kandake. The Tutsi, were part of the Kushite empire without being from the Kusch
branch. Descendants of the ancient Jhuran’s, they call themselves Hebrews and have some
similarities with the ancient Hebrew language. Where the Ajhuran hid their secrets was
Somali, the land of the gods. The would-be Pharaoh's were required to make a pilgrimage to
the cradle of knowledge, the land of the gods, and prior to their ascent to the throne.

Surely there are some representatives of the royal lineage of Pharaohs or high priests who
knew the real secret of the scientific source that lead to the history of Egyptian religion; they
know about Somali the land of the gods, their secrets, and where to find the Ark of the
Covenant. This is where the ultimate proof of the view taken by our theory resides.

Like we do say “the queen of the bees” or “the lion king of the jungle” and makes stories out of
those monarchs, so did the Hebrews in their “religion”. Here is a hint: “the locusts have no
king, yet all of them march in rank”. (Proverbs 30:27). Plenty of king in the Hebrew bible were
not human and plenty of wars were against pest, insects and any forms of microorganism that
bring disease, sickness and death. Millenniums ago, the Egyptian priests treated bacterial
infections with pieces of molten breads as antibiotics, they knew about penicillin long ago.
Hygiene is part of the Hebrew ritual; they knew long ago, “og” is the feces which are composed
of a huge army of bacteria. That army decimated populations and they called it “plague”. The
Hebrews were been called by the city residents of Egypt and other part to help getting rid of
those “pest”. There was a conventional flag to be raised over a city in case of a plague, it is
written in the torah and the old testament, “plagues descend upon people who do not comply
with the word of god”, means: who do not comply with the principles of hygiene. There are
plenty of hints about the speed of development of our civilizations, there is no way the regular
indigenous caveman would develop human civilization and the principles of hygiene that fast
without external help from the cosmos. Whoever can genetically claim to be of Noah’s descent
is basically of immigrant blood. The rest of humanity, if any is left, are from the indigenous
caveman descent who descent from the ape who descented from the tree.

All the different lands of earth belong to whom? The cavemen or the immigrants? Shall the
cavemen descendents chase the immigrants away? What would Aphrodite have to say about
that? After all, we all come from her Pandora’s Box, her womb.

“God created you from the deepest darker part of your mother womb” (Tanakh), meaning the
womb of the Dark Universe.

“You knit me together in my mother womb” (psalm 139)

Jerusalem means “foundation of peace”, which is the libido. Aphrodite’s feeling (the libido) is
the foundation of peace.

“Shall I bring to the time of birth, and not cause delivery,” says the lord. “Shall I, who cause
delivery, shut up the womb?” says the lord. “Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all
you who love her; rejoice for joy with her, all you who mourn for her; that you may feed and
be satisfied with the consolation of her bosom, that you may drink deeply and be delighted
with the abundance of her glory.” (Isaiah 66:9-11)

Jerusalem symbolizes Aphrodite. The name of one of her kings, Adoni-zedek, means “the ruler
loved by Aphrodite”. Jerusalem represents also the sun-city as Heliapolis did, therefore secret
knowledge are integral part of Jerusalem.

“I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, (I put you on oath; so throughout the Song) by the
gazelles or the does of the field, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases.” (Song of
Solomon 2:7).

“Before she was in labor she gave birth;” (Isaiah 66:7).

The womb of Mariam is the womb of the Egosphere. Mariam is the secret name of Jerusalem.

Ah those bigots! They pray to possess wisdom, and when wisdom tell them to listen to reason
they think it is the devil talking to them since in their mind religion, being no secularistic, do
not represents the voice of reason.

If the Catholic church excommunicates Moshiach the church will send the message that in fact
Catholicism is an antichrist; if the Catholic church does not excommunicates Moshiach it send
the message that it recognize Moschiach values and their excommunication idea has less power
than a little burst of wind. Either ways Moschiach will be the winning party since the Catholic
Church has made sand traps for itself by creating religious paradoxes; the truth is not made of
paradoxes since the truth is logic.

The ethics in primal religions is common sense in disguise. What will be left when the religions
will be part of the folklore of humanity is the fundamental ethic that was incrusted in them.
That ethic is what unites humanity as one; religions is what disunited humanity. Religions are
fables passing away, but fundamental ethic being part of the logic of what the natural
principles are made of (meaning the logic being the result of the natural processes of energy) is
universal and accept no compromises; no matter what deal we want to make with the natural
principles, they are the ultimate non-living and objectives masters. Our only fundamental huge
mistake was to perceive the whole of them as a unique living god, which there are not. The
universal principles are the mechanism of the universe, the universe thus all of its dynamics
and components. We can flush our false perception of the existence of a living god down the
toilet and learn the universal mechanisms by using our intellectuality for once by having faith
in ourselves since the natural principles are naturally part of us; that is the only joining of
force there is between the mythical "God" and us for all forms of harmonies to be ours. Every
part of our being its running naturally by common sense (that little voice of common sense that
we disregard to often) since we are made of the natural principles themselves, we are all
united (all forms of life) trough that common common-sense. It is from that common sense that
we base our human ethics to make our human laws which gives an opening for self-
improvement and social improvements, but it is our selfishness that sees those opening as
loopholes to do evil things legally. Laws makers have a huge responsibility toward humanity;
it is one of the most humble positions for the righteous ones since laws has to be based on
reality. The natural principles are always the same, but it is our psychosocial reality that
changes according of our way of handling the effects of the natural principles, therefore our
laws has to change accordingly to counteract any of our psychosocial wrong doings; it is call
psychosocial atoning.

The Jewish faith

The secret and sacred function of the Jews was always to protect reason by protecting the
Torah since the aim of Primal Religions was to explain the technical issues of the unified field
theory in terms that the common peoples can understand easily while discovering for
themselves the secular scientific data concerning their existentialism under their self-
It is the most religious bigots among the Jews how are waiting impatiently for Moshiach to
lead them to salvation, but are they really ready for the secularism of their Moshiach the lead
them to their own mind-salvation under their own self-determination? Their religious
imprinted infantilism toward an inexistent living "God" will be a big barrier to reason for them
to overcome!

The Jews, from a young age, learns that their faith is to help the world to rules itself under
their guidance. Now, technology and our scientific knowledge make the world a more suitable
setting for Utopia to occur soon. The conflict between realism and religious idealism is the
same as between being knowledgeable and being a moron. Libido and knowledge can make us
built the world as we would like it to be. It is our moronic state that makes the world as it
actually exists. Making Utopia a goal means looking at our psychological state of mind and
what effect it has over the world surrounding us, and be willing to repair any bad
consequences from the past mistakes we made; it is called atoning from our past mistakes for a
better world to emerge. Understanding how our mind works is to encounter the fundamental
humanistic goodness that each individual is born with. We have to commit ourselves not to
push away to our unconscious that natural potential that is ready anytime to surface to our
conscious mind. Dreams of Utopia will statistically becoming concrete reality. Time is in our
hands. We may as well focused our mind on this natural purpose of nature and do something
about it now because it is due to happen anyway! We may as well do our share to be happy
sooner. Utopia cannot be done without the Jews being involved; but because of their actual
religiosity, for now, the Jews have no other means of bettering the world situation and their
own situation than strengthening their Torah study, their secular study and their acts of
kindness. their genius minds are been caught in a blind mental alley from which the only
prospect of escaping is to let go their religiosity for the profit of reality by seeing that
secularism is the answer to study their Torah. There won't be any remedy for their suffering
until they see that their redemption lies in the removing of the religiosity hermetic wrapping
that surrounded an extraordinary esoteric teaching, by secular means. Until then no action or
scheming on their part will change the present state of world affairs. All they can do for now is
to try to put out fires as and when necessary. Until they are waking up their dormant mind
concerning “God” there will be no permanent solution to their problems. They do have the
mental power to end the exile of their mind from reality, but they do not have the cultural peer
pressure to let “God” go as humanists do. It is an entire nation that has to renew its religious
view in a total independence toward a non-existent god. They have to do it through their
natural mental means. What a challenge! The religious “God” endanger their spiritual well-
being. “Mind liberty” wills arms their mental potential with the formidable weapon of
understanding. Their best scholars shall not give up their last drop of strength on their mental
capacities for hopelessness to become their disillusionment in the human race. So far their
Torah leaders do everything in their power to ease their difficulty to fight mind subjugation by
using rationality toward the study of the environment, astrophysics included. They are so close
to understand! And here they are: hopelessly waiting for the day of Hashem's salvation, not
understanding yet that they have within them the one general remedy for all the ills of the
world: their genetically advanced mind. For now, like beggars, they bend their heads towards
each cry and try to mediate viable solutions. By transcending the whole world situation from
Noah and the exodus from Egypt, one can understand that the Jewish nation has to be seen as
the parent who do not know how to mentally feed a kid (the world) and the kid, as history tell,
is rebelling against his parent for not feeding him. It is all in the unconscious of humanity. For
the whole humanity unified in one single unconscious mind, the Jews are the one who
represents Hashem's, meaning “knowledge”. For the Jews to wait for Hashem is for the Jews to
wait for themselves! Can their brilliant minds see that? One has to have faith on himself before
guiding others.

Every race has the potential to autodestructs itself before their messianic age. Sciences can be
“dry” to understand, babies stories as “myths” where libido (love) is involve are more fun to
hear. Religious myths are more in the moron reach for understand unconsciously the concept
of sociology than to try to understand literally the reality of the finds of the science of
sociology; the same goes for psychology. The function of primal religions was to give us a
“morality” to follow while they also give us a mental puzzle to resolve until we understand
why. Then we are in our own. As strange as it may seem, primal religions gives us the
opportunity to reach our messianic age without auto destructing ourselves before it. As for the
secondary religions such as Catholicism and Islam, they have the merit to be so unrealistic that
our faculty of reasoning, in parallel of our scientific knowledge, react positively toward
common sense as it rebel against any nonsense they are teaching. Noah and Co, then Moses
and Co. knew that would happen. Noah bring ancient knowledge to Egypt (the knowledge of
the “olds”), and Israel safeguarded that knowledge. Today we can compare that knowledge
with what our science discovered so far to see that they are both one and the same. “Insight”
can only occur by conscious reasoning or intuitive reasoning; intuitive reasoning is simply the
intellect working logically by itself behind our back. The process of apprehending the true
nature of any object of interest, thus to seize by logical discernment the underlying truth it
represent, can only by base on previous knowledge; the mind simply extrapolate logic with
logic in order to understand the forces involved that make an object of interest to be what it is
and to behave to way it does. There is no short-cut to any cosmic process (included life and
mental process), the only short cut is man technology versus evolution to speed up the process;
all processes obey stages of development. Therefore our manmade "God" is only a manmade
subjective short-cut following the chaos theory, since “God” cannot exist, which is an indication
of our lack of knowledge, and we are fulfilling that gap (agnostism) with a "God" of our
invention. Our manmade "God" is in positive correlation with our agnostism. Thanks to the
eternal presence of Gaia and to the vastness of the infinity of Ouranos, which both created
single handed the universe, and keep it evolving for eternity, the universe is a fine self-tuned
mechanic that creates life as part of its consequential and automatic (natural) mnemonic
system. All universal components are interrelated like a fine piece of watch making (without
the presence of a “God watchmaker”), and it is the evolutions of the systems that makes us
think one way or another (and act accordingly) under their various stimulus; that is part of
the general, natural (automatic), universal evolution. The alignment of the planets is part of a
cycle that affect them as its affect us both in parallel within the general evolutionary cosmic
stimulus. That General cosmic stimulus which start from the primal principle (the trinusial
phenomenon) multiplying itself indefinitely is what affect directly the planets behaviors as well
as our behavior at the same time; thus the planets alignment are part of an general
evolutionary process that affect their behavior as well as our way of thinking trough time and
cycle of time from various cosmic and close environmental stimulus; the planets alignment is
in a positive parallel correlation with our social and personal evolution. It is not the planets
that affect us but they are a good indicator of our evolution, since there is the presence of the
parallel phenomenon between them and us. Man politics are farther away from cosmic
mechanics when man is full of selfishness (the ways of the universal mechanic is not our ways;
the politics are not the same. Subjectivity is for survival, and objectivity is a natural, thus
automatic, process), that's what causes psychosocial troubles. Man psychosocial harmony is
directly and in positive correlation with the ways of cosmic harmony, and that harmony is to
be found in the reason of the cyclic cosmic alignment of stars and planets where the infinity of
Ouranos (Gravity) plays its role from the non-uniformity of Gaia (primal finite matter).

The trinusial evolutionary process is made of two opposites and a link; that link produces sub-
links which becomes themselves sub-trinusials evolutionary processes. 1) The first and original
evolutionary process is natural and follows the Darwin theory of evolution; 2) the opposite
and secondary evolutionary process is artificially induced, meaning it is genetically
manipulated (or genetically enhance). The link (or the "child") is a speedy evolutionary result
having a (or more) specialized function that would, or not, fit with the present environment,
and therefore can adapt or not to the present environmental conditions. That link, in turn, can
become itself a primary source of evolution having its opposite, both creating a new
evolutionary link, etc ...The whole thing follows the same system than the "incestuous" Antique
gods of Greek Mythology, which is a metaphor of a mathematical form of explaining the
trinusial system concerning the natural phenomena of the cosmic field; Starting with the two
primal singularities (Gaia and Ouranos) all the way down to psychological disposition and
evolution of forms of life to better adapt to the environment. If we follow the mathematic and
the statistics of natural evolution from the dinosaurs era until modern man, there is the
presence of an impossibility that man is the pure product of the natural Darwinian
evolutionary process; therefore man is the product of: 1) genetic manipulation; 2) of a genetic
manipulation being seeded in this planet by a far technologically advanced race. That brings
us back to Noah spaceship transporting a flow of immigrants to this planet: man, animals and

Under his own self-determination an individual decides who he want to be in the future and
who he is now; therefore determining its function which is the meaning of its own existence
having its place in the larger picture of humanity in its ecosystem called planet Earth.

What we do not know contains an aura of mystery, before Einstein our understanding of the
energy versus matter was tinged with mysticism. Thus, the aura of mystery that still
surrounds the occult dissipates gradually as we gain a greater secular understanding of the
mechanisms of the universe. That is where the Kabbalah intervene, between the religious and
the secular: the Kabbalah is intended as an esotheric aid for us to understand the universal
dynamics in a sense to incites use to change slowly our religious perception concerning what is
real; even the light and the sounds are real even though we can only perceive a part of them,
same thing concerning the quanta, they are real because they are the ones that make up light.
The Kabbalah is both a working tool on the self (psychology) and an esoteric way (that we
have to decipher) so we can understand the righteousness of some beliefs in all the systems that
surround us from different cultures (anthropology) and for us to make a valid Synthesis to
formulate truthful concepts related to the unified field theory where each universal unit find its
rightful place, and that's included us. The Kabbalah is an intellectual access to our inner-self at
the heart of the universe that surround us and that is within us, in order for us to intellectually
become one with everything there is.

Riddles and dreams

The essence of the Kabbalah comes down to this: “Study the 'Word' received within self"; in
more simple terms: to listen to our good old common sense! Oy!

Because everything we do is part of our memory, whatever we do, we do it to ourselves. The

children models after their parents and disciples models after their master-teachers. That is
until one has enough personality to question the whole Universe. By doing so in the religions
context it is easy enough, with some searching, to realize that the ancient religions are made of

Ancient mythologies from thousands of years ago were composed of a series of scientific
riddles. Those riddles are brain teasers to keep our reason awake in the unconscious level, if
not in the conscious level. The source of those riddles came from the different ancient races that
came to populates planet Earth. One of the reasons of the presence of the riddles instead of
direct scientific information has to be of psychological nature. Ancient Greek riddles,
concerning the realities of our universe, and also the realities of psychology, made in the form
of mythical stories attract our attention that is the purpose of it. From there on we can use our
reasoning. We have to ask ourselves the question: if one race know everything that have to be
known concerning the presence of the universe, is that possible that the faculty of reason will
become so lazy as for one to find life boring? Are riddles their ways to give intellectual jolts to a
lazy mind?

Or...They went so far in their philosophical thoughts, from their racing mind, concerning the
immensity of the universal interactions that their dizzying mind starting to be consume from
that vastness of knowledge cry for them to step back ... and be more playful?

To find themselves consciously awake in the middle the vortex of universal principles and
knowledge did they came to the conclusion to be nothing of any importance after all? The only
importance is only to simply adapt ... together ... as a whole...? That to be one with the universe
is to be nothing of real importance except for oneself and others who needs us? And at the same
time we are everything there is to be? Is there a final psychotic form of distorted wisdom full of
sorrow for one to lose his mind in the void of the desire of non-being...to be all? God said to
Moses: “do not come near” (Exodus 3:5). “For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who
increases knowledge increases sorrow.” (Ecclesiastes 1:18).
In the face of the danger of a final mind psychosis that will discord their reality for a long time,
and taking a step back, following the dreams principle which are riddles to reduce mind
anxiety, they automatically developed a riddling manner of speech because they knew so
much. The Hebrew inherits that manner of speech. Dreams and scientific riddles that became
religions have a lot in common. Riddles activated our faculty of reasoning; our conscious
wishes are to interpret them. Dreams are riddles in the unconscious level. Dreams and riddles
are chaotic signals exciting our long-term memory (our unconscious) during waking and
sleeping life.

Both dreaming and the desire to understand a riddle involves synthesizing out internally or
externally generated information with reality checking. It is reasoning to find solutions, to
solve problems. Dreams are our intellect making riddles in our unconscious level. Riddles are
metaphors of reality. “Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.
(Psalm 19:2)

Dreams and riddles are part of the same family of electrical excitations that link distant and
related memories into a smooth narrative in the unconscious. To be of the same family, dreams
and riddles became consolidated in a semantical approach in our mind for us to discern,
awake or not, truth from false. Dreams and riddles create ideas. Ideas are mutations of values
and knowledge. By conscious or unconscious random thought the mind retains what seems to
be a valuable conclusion. Even when we are sleeping our reason is at work.

Dreams and riddles is a safe place to hide the scientific connections-making that concern the
whole universal reality. It allows the individual to integrate thoughts that may be dissociated
otherwise. The metaphor of reality lowers stress levels. It is clinically proven that the most
common emotion experienced in dreams is anxiety.

In the asclepieions found in the ancient Greek temples of Asclepius, dreams are considered as
guidance for divine inspiration, meaning proper reasoning. Dreams and riddles convey their
own mental activity to the perceptive faculty to resolve a problem. Jung says that dreams are
an efficient language, comparable to poetry and uniquely capable of revealing the underlying
meaning. Just like riddles.

And he said, “Hear my words: If there is a prophet (a scientific mind) among you, I the Lord
(all the universal laws) make myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him (revealing the
truth) in a dream. (Numbers 12:6)

“Because an excellent spirit, knowledge, and understanding to interpret dreams, explain

riddles, and solve problems were found in Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, now let
Daniel be called, and he will show the interpretation.” (Daniel 5:12)

Daniel is a proper name; in Hebrew it means “God is my judge”.

The road to mental hell it’s paved from imbecile’s good intentions. An imbecile, from Latin
"imbecillus", is a weak-minded individual affected with moderate mental retardation; those
individuals having hard time to understand riddles and even to realize there are presences of
riddle, thus taking most of the time things literally, are easily fooled. Feeble-mind' the
imbeciles are lacking proper education in the specific field where they are fooled the most; as
an example an astrophycisian can show imbecility in the field of how to make a sherry pie.
Imbecility comes with having overconfidence toward the ones who leads them astray in
certain fields. This is why imbeciles are "innocents", like Childs, by agnosticism and over
confidence toward the ones whom they perceive as to be the authority. Imbeciles are morons in
certain fields and can be genius on others. Imbeciles will vote for the biggest imbecile of them
all to be in charge of their moronical group, that's making the Catholic Pope the biggest
imbecile of Catholicism. If it was not the case than it would be the most dangerous Catholic
psychopath in charge of the psychological "well being" of millions of souls! It is better to be the
biggest moron than the biggest psychopath since "heaven" still open to innocence; and mental
hell is the hare where lay evilness. The Catholic Pope is a kid at heart and having the mind of
an innocent when it come to scientific knowledge, that's makes him the king of the Catholic
imbeciles considered his age.

We shall not be influence by the position of authority that a sick person holds when it comes to
diagnose his mental or physical sickness.

Plenty of times the biblical “three days” are in direct relation with the knowledge of the trinus
theory; in those cases "after three days" mean "according to the knowledge of the trinus
theory". Concerning the resurrection "Being resuscitated after three days" simply mean
humanity will be "resuscitated” from mind-dead (from the deads) after humanity will
understand the knowledge of the trinus theory.

An intelligent man atoning from his mistakes walks away from any position of pure
imbecility; that why the last Catholic Pope “being resurrected from the deads” will walk away
from his job, and that job won’t be fill again by anyone.

Islam and Catholicism do not have any religious right over Jerusalem (therefore no territorial
rights) since these religions are Kouac! Jerusalem belongs to Israel as a secular city made
"religious" by ancient Jewish High priests who metaphorized millenniums old science which
contain well done statistics concerning humanity future behaviors and taken literally by
Catholicism and Islam. The protests concerning these rights which includes the psychological
war between secularism and religious bigotry (fideism) in the cross-road of Islam, Catholicism
and the Jewish faith is known by us under the Biblical term of "the battle of Armageddon".

The Jewish Moshiach has been raised from the dead-minds from his existentialistic questions
and secular answers; and because of the righteousness of the natural principles the fruits of
Moschiach mind (his concepts) will become the First Fruits of salvation (to be "resurrected")
of those who’s mind are still asleep. Moshiach won’t decide anything for Israel, it is Israel that
has to decide by itself the right path to follow to reach mind maturity and wisdom, thus gets
out –by itself- of its moronic infantilism. It doesn’t matter what kind of cultural imprinting we
were subject to, it is the righteousness of the natural principles that can free us from our
agnostism (our original sin).

The righteousness of the dynamics of the light is the salvation of the minds; religious minded
individuals know that secular fact as: God is the soul’s salvation since God is light.

Gravity and Attraction. Metaphysical Laws

Our cosmic ancestors from Noah ark were wise men, they keep the secret. If we knew that the
cradle of humanity came from others planets we would have being immensely pissed-off for
millenniums for having being abandoned in our own like plague-stricken. Our wars would
have been bloodier and our hope toward our own evolution would have being stain by hatred
toward Noah and Co. We would have developed a mentality of revenge when our technology
would be more advanced. Instead, those men of genius, by developing primal religions, left us
with ethical guidance and scientific information’s for us to understand what evolution is all
about when we will be psychologically ready to accept our reality.

One day we will be visiting the home-worlds of our cosmic ancestors, like today Australians
visiting England.
With our present knowledge about astrophysics and physics, it is easy enough to comprehend
that “God will” is the will of logic –its automatism- meaning the displacement of energies by
self-interaction causing causality to be present under the influence of gravity which produce
the possibility for patterns to occur from the non-uniformity of Gaia.

Infinity is an absence of time, therefore, an absence of energy. Mental and biological life is
forms of energy. Eternal life is not part of infinity; it is part of eternal time.

1) The concrete aspect of eternity potential is in the primal non uniform mass.

2) The abstract and on the same time “physical” aspect of infinity is the primal void. It is a
space with nothing in it. Infinity.

a) There is only one void: the primal void. The location of the primal void is the outside of each
point of our universe.

B) Space as we know it is not a void. Space contains energy, and space is moving to the
direction of each point of the void. That is the universal expansion, its enlargement.

c) According to Torah, North is the direction of the void where energy is attracted. That's
makes South to be the central starting point from where energy move from.

d) Any point of space occupied by a quantum is south, and the direction where a quantum
travels to is the universal North; South fills the void of the North.

3) The primal force is not “something” pushing, but it is the components of the primal masses
(quantum’s) that are being sucked into the primal void. Space being the result. Popular saying:
“Do not put the ox behind the plow”. That is the “free fall” from Einstein idea: non-uniform
parcels of the primal masse (quantum) falling freely into the primal void. It is part of the big
bang expanding itself, that we now call: the universe.

4) When 2 different frequencies (hf) meet, they form a higher percentage of quanta in a volume
of space.

5) It is a high amalgamation of quanta into a volume of space that makes mc2.

Law - Any area between two opposite poles (usually the equator) that experience a lack of flow
of energy, therefore a lack of the flow of time, forms a whirlpool (like to be inside a giant
screw) that is composed of many gravitons, thus making that whirlpool a short-cut in time.
The magnitude of that whirlpool is directly proportional of the number of gravitons. A
graviton is an anti-quantum.

5a) a quantum is not a little rounded ball of light. It is a non uniform string of energy,
constantly changing form, made of depressions and mounts.

5b) a quantum is non uniform because the sucking force of the spacial void elongated it when
being ripped off from the primal mass. The sucking force of the spacial void is the primal force.

5c) After being ripped off from the primal masse a quantum experienced and acquire the
“spring” characteristic, propriety, and its elasticity, which made it to vibrate and to be a
string. The tail end of the newly liberated quantum from the primal masse “pushes” under the
influence of the spring principle (slinky principle) toward the head, and that makes the whole
quantum to vibrate. That pushing force is the secondary force. A quantum is a fancy slinky
called “string”.

5d) between the primal force and the secondary force is the slinky-spring principle.

5e) each quantum is a string under the influence of the primal force (pulling force) and the
secondary force (pushing force). Those two forces are opposite and complementary. The link is
the slinky-string. That trinus is the primal trinus of forces.

5f) the primal trinus of forces is pulsating constantly, therefore, quanta are pulsating slinky
string constantly changing forms and rotating. Without the slinky effect it wouldn't be any
force or energy in existence. Therefore no Universe! No heartbeat. The heartbeat of the
universe is in the pulsing of the quanta. Life comes from it.

6) The “sucking” force of space can be translated as the force of attraction.

6b) Behold, since the primal void is “nothing” that attract toward itself the energy, in every
point of the universe, each point of that void can be considered as a graviton: a point of
“nothing” attracting quantum of matter.

6c) the void is the gravitational death wish (Thanatos) enslaving the psychopomps to do their

6d) the expansion of the universe is a flow of quantum (quanta flow) towards the outside of the

6e) to produce “antisuccional doors” meaning antisuccional forces, in some area of the
universe can alter and slow down, to a stop, the flow of the Expansion of the universe in that
specific area and increase the antigratinional field.

6f) these doors are likely electromagnetic, following the “Atlas principle” but in a physical

6g) a place of space located under the influence of one of these doors will see its gravitational
field modulate and the flow of the amount of energy outward regulated. That will affect the
universal expansion in that area of space.

6h) Antigravitationels Fields are natural phenomena and can be produced artificially.

6i) artificial gravitational fields are produced by intelligent beings

6j) a means of transport may be designed to use the Antigravitationels method to move the

6k) we can consider each point of the universe as being a place of the channeling of the energy
toward its exterior.

6l) to cut the quanta flow by a door in several places is to create an “anti-sucking” phenomenon
in those places.

6m) the strength of anti-sucking phenomenon in different places of a vehicle in motion, by

frequency modulation, defines the direction of his motion.

6n) a quanta unit made of a double quantum (two quanta) is two quanta that are incrusted to
each others, like puzzle pieces; it take a higher force than gravity to detach them.

6o) a quanta unit made of three quanta is the basic complete unit; it is a quantum of life (triple

6p) Quantum is little point of light because they are moving.

7) Force of attraction: Living planets are magnets. Their force of attraction depends on the
force of the magnet. Planets are like conductors, sucking up (attracting) energy from south
toward north with a neutral space in the middle.

8) Planets are deformations of space, deformations of time.

9) Force of gravity: The flow of energy, and its intensity, from north and from the edges of the
neutral space of the planets, and other magnets that is coming back to the planets, can be
considered as the repulsive force that keeps the satellites (moons etc...) in orbit.

10) Since masses is “knots of space” or “concentration of space”. And since space “attracts”
components, like the void does, then, the more massive a “knot of space”, the more the

11) When mass “a” hits a masses “b”, the shockwave is transmitted to the opposite side of mass
“b”, givens the illusion that mass “b” produce a repulsive force.

12) The only repulsive force is when one goes against the current.

13) To go with the current is to be attracted to space and space knots.

14) To cancel the attraction is to create a neutral space like the one in the middle of a magnet.
Behold, cancelling the effect of attraction it’s to close the door between quanta of energy and
anti-quanta which are gravitons.

15) Passive magnetic propulsion is to join currents.

16) The mass of one second of time in a place of space is directly proportional to the mass of
energy contained in that space.

a) Since all point of space wants to be balanced, a point of space that has been “emptied” will
look for free floating energy to fill the place of the missing one. The emptied space is of positive
reception (North) that means it's ready to receive free floating energy from South. An emptied
space (North) sucks up free energy. A space with positive reception is a space of attraction

b) When a flow of free energy moves to fill an emptied space, it is called a current of energy
from South to North.

c) Free energy is made of particles and ions which are not attached to any solid matter. Free
energy is ready to move toward an emptied space.

d) The emptier a space is, the stronger is the attraction from that space toward the free energy.

+) the emptied space is of a positive reception. It is called the positive pole.

- ) When the free energy is on the move, it is an emission (flow) of energy. It is an amount of
energy being retrieved (negativity) from an area of space (negative pole) in the direction of an
emptier space. Negative (surplus) going toward positive (deficit).

Planet Earth is negatively charged. Earth generates an electric field of approximately 100 volts
per meter of elevation. Planet Earth produces its own magnetic field.

Free energy is static energy. Flow of static energy is “hf” on the move and also frees electrons
on the move.

Force of repulsion - Two like poles repulse each other because it is the two different flows of
free energy that go in or out of those poles that “pushes” them apart. The bigger and faster
those flows, the stronger will be the repulsive force.

Producing a large magnetic field around an object “a” will alter the motion of energy in that
object in such a way as to oppose the influence of the larger magnetic field “b”.

A force can be strong enough to compensate the force of gravity by acting on every single atom
of the object. So, the object won't feel any force at all and will become a spacecraft.

Therefore, a spacecraft that runs on electromagnetic power contains a device that produces a
large magnetic field outside the spacecraft. That external field can be controlled for travelling
purposes. The living beings inside the spacecraft won't feel any force since each atom of their
body reacts negatively toward the large external magnetic field as the spacecraft does.

Planet Earth is a spacecraft that contains its own dynamo, think about it.

Earth's core produces the planet's magnetic field; the Earth's core is the self-sustaining Earth's
dynamo that fuels a self-sustaining magnetic field. Magnetic fields can be produced with a low
flow of current.

The Pharaoh's were no fools; they were hiding their secret knowledge in plain view, in
hieroglyphic forms chiseled in their immense monuments made of stone. Stone having less
value than gold, the sacred (we have to see "sacred" as inducing respect) knowledge
metaphorized in forms of art made of gold were bond to be smelted down to make money to
pay armies for conquests and colonialism purposes. Pharaoh's also burry in their tombs that
ancient secular knowledge for future generations for us to discovered it in order to compare
their "religious" myth with our modern science for us to realized it is one and the same
scientific information in different languages (or different ways of communicating the same
secular data). Other ancient civilizations like the Maya, Inca, and ancient Asians civilizations
did the same.

Law: the natural principles concretize themselves in all form of matter: physical matter,
intellectual matter, and social matter; it is the same light that self-interact in all forms of

Law: Everything comes to pass except the natural principles. Like tongues doom to die
religions come and goes, the only eternal tongue that's here to stay is the language of the

Law: there is not, never was, and never will be any miracles of religious character; everything
in the universe, every phenomenon is subject, forever, to the natural principles.

"To possess", by itself, it’s of no importance, doom to be lost; what is important is to enjoy
whatever we possess and that joy will stay with us forever as when it’s time to depart we travel
light, and the luggage of living joys is lighter than the heaviness of dead matter.

Law: The pains are heavier than the joys and it is the pains that’s brings us back from Heaven
to Earth to be reincarnated again, that’s make our task to bring joy to self and others; it’s all
automatic thus natural.

It is less work and less painful to spell the secular truth as it is than hiding it under hermetic
quatrains as Nostradamus did by wise prudence for not to be another tortured and dead
victim from the sadistic anger of the Catholic church. Islamic sadistic bigots have to be
conquered yet by reason. If the potential Mahdi (the Islamic Moschiach) was an Iranian citizen
(which he is not) under Islamic rule his secret name would be Nostradamus. In the context of
the “revelation” (thus the Apocalypse) the following quatrain from Nostradamus targets as
well Islam than Catholicism since both are composed of peoples from the church as “Temple”
for Islam.

“The blood of the people from the church will be widespread

like water in great abundance
and for a long time it will not be forgotten.
Woe, woe for the clergy, ruin and grief.”

(Nostradamus VIII-98)

That previous quatrain contents a metaphoric level as well as a literal level of understanding.

All the secular dudes of the world are sparks that Moshiach assembles under one messianic
flag (the natural principles) for humanity own well-being; and anyone who says he is the
religious minded Moshiach (like Mohammad think he was) is a strong candidate for the lunatic

Another View of the “Big Bang”

There is only one valid form of obedience in order to build harmony around, and it is toward
the natural principles.

In theory: Before time was, nothing was moving. Before anything was there to happen, there
was nothing in motion. Motionless was black, and it was a potential of something since
everything is something good for something, even nothing! Therefore before the beginning
everything was deep black. Interestingly enough duality was already present in two different
forms of nothingness having physical properties. Motionless was the black of the primal masse
and it was the potential of all colors; and the black of the void was a total emptiness of
anything, a potential for the takes called “infinity”; and these two primal singularities were
already the “essence” of physics, its “spirit”: a potential for motion to take place. The “spirit” of
physics was there before motion became in existence since two forms of potential's were
already there before the universe was. Therefore “Duality” was there before time was,
therefore before the universe was; and the primal masse cannot be rounded because there was
no gravitational force yet, only its potential; therefore the primal masse was non-uniform and
finite. When all the certain all the parts of the primal masse, in each point of the primal masse,
were “rip off”, being “suck-up” in a tridimensional spacial void, being devoid of time, then
gravity appeared at the same moment that the phenomenon of “time” appeared, “time” being
Composed of travelling tiny parts of the primal masse that became quanta of energy: Light!
Light became the universe! And outside the Territory of light, there is nothing: the void! Time
becomes the fourth dimension, and time is made of light, and light is energy. The “big bang”
(Einstein theory) made the totality of the primal masse, called the primal universal singularity,
the matter that became energy for “time” to appears; and “time” became the affiliation (the
link) that united the primal masse and the primal void, the whole of it forms the first Trinus.
That first trinus is being represented by a Triangle, by various esoteric sect and religions,
which in turn symbolizes “the lord” as “God”. “Time” is in control and become “the lord” of the
land (the landlord) which is the universe; being personalized by the universal Principles it
produces throughout the trinus principle it keep reproducing (therefore self-reproducing its
own basic principle) as it constantly updates itself, it was named “Adhonai” by the Hebrews.
Commonly known under the name: “God”. Time being made of travelling forces called energy
and those forces are waves made of quanta, waves of parcels of the non-uniform Primal
masse. The relativity of time depends of how fast forces travel or are at rest. That's make the
primal void to be gravity itself where the primal masse was “free falling” decomposing itself in
each of its point. Therefore the expansion of the universe is done in every point of the universe.
Every point of the universe is a boundary in expansion. Therefore it is the same amount of
energy, which was previously the finite amount of the primal matter that will always be our
universe. The primal void still around each point of the Universe, making the universe to
expand on each of his points, by “falling” into the void, without gaining or losing energy, but
gaining Space. As long there is the presence of the external void, the universe will keep falling
in it; and the void is “infinity”. The universal Expansion is gravity at work from “outside” each
point of the universe since the universe is made of dots of primal masse and gravity is not.
Gravity is made of dots (called gravitons) of the primal void. In electricity we consider a
negative potential to be the one that is ready to gives away energy. We consider a positive
potential the one that is ready to receive energy. Therefore the primal masse was of a negative
potential, and the still existing void is of a positive potential. Therefore the primal flow of
energy, which is the flow of time, did travel from negative to positive. This is to say that
gravity is directly dependant of the flow of time from negative to positive. To reverse the flow
is to lower the force of gravity and eventually to be free from it. By doing that we are playing
with the relativity of time. We are dynamic memories, bundles memories of past times. Past
times evolved to create and recreate us as an evolutionary process, as present time does. It is
call evolution and the relativity of evolution is in directed positive correlation with the
relativity of time was the observatory is. That is the link of all living being. It is that link that
makes us naturally sociable; we are part of the same process, using the same energy; it is our
cosmic belonging. Time is our primal parent and our present mnemonic heritage. Our
thoughts are directing the flows of currents within our psyche, and vice versa, under the
plasticity phenomenon. Those flows of currents produce our emotions. Libido as a feeling it’s
also a process of energy. Or we direct our mind toward the gravitational field of oblivion,
which is the death instinct, or we direct our mind toward the social link of our cosmic
belonging, which is Libido.

A spiritual life (mental life) is an individual “essence””, an individual who is way more concern
with concrete matter like the accumulation of earthly treasure bends its mind toward the
gravitational field of oblivion. On the other hand, a spiritual life (the mental or intellectual life
of an individual) which is way more concern with abstract matter like the accumulation of the
treasures of knowledge bends its mind toward the real instinct of life and leaves behind
triviality. Human wisdom toward reality of this existence resides in a well balance mind
between those two impulses. This is not a question of morality we are talking about; it is the
quantic and electrical forces in action that influence our psyche. Morality came from social
advice as: if you hit your finger with a 20 kg slug hammer that will hurt. In that sense
universal “morality” it’s only universal advises for us to follows or not, it’s our choice, we are
free. Morality is a human invention to bring some kind of an “order” within a cultural group or
society. Universal laws are simply energy interactions, there is no morality in them, and they
simply tell us: “what’s happening if”. That's all it is. From them we can make statistics, prophet
zing the truth...

On one hand, the universe is doom to constantly expand without end in sight, on the other
hand, it is humanity, as any other forms of life that has to go through a cycle of mind
expansion for the generations to gain knowledge and wisdom as it adapts. Renewal of the
same cycles (stages of evolution) are present for new generations to be born from the universal
“contractions” of the dark universe, just like a mother giving birth. The ancient Egyptians
called the dark universe “Isis”, viewed as a “Black Madonna”. Therefore, we can see that it was
easy for our cosmic ancestors, having the psycho astrophysics knowledge to foresee the human
psycho-sociological events that would takes place on earth since they also experienced them
first hand, and they know the same general evaluative cycle renew itself endlessly, the
Canaaneans mythology is clear enough in that subject, that phenomenon was told to humanity
in different primal religious forms, and in different parts of the world. How can we tell
millions of kids that Santa Klaus never existed! Especially if those kids are ready to defend that
myth over their death bodies and having control of nuclear power! The same principle applies
concerning religious extremists in regard of the non-existence of “God” as a specific individual.
On its path of knowledge and wisdom, the first challenge of humanity is to discover the truth,
the second challenge is to communicate it, and the third challenge is for humanity to accept the
truth for what it is: reality! For now some parts of Earth is a psychological battlefield where
religions makes wars to reality, and twisted politicians takes advantage of that situation.

For now, by the uses of any candy-coated psychological means they can think of, religions like
Catholicism and Islam manipulates peoples; they are inducing their victims with functional
paranoia by forcing religious delusional and erroneous beliefs which are keeping their mind
hostage by fear and false promises; as a result these victims (the disciples) develops the
acquired tendency to find truth in irrationality and to use rationalization to defend their
moronical religious beliefs. These disciples develop forms of schizoaffective disorders by loving
a puppet-god, which become real for them, more than they love their family and the rest of
humanity. Religious communities are sharing the same religious psychotic delusional disorder
which contain many complexities such as: paranoia (fear), grandiosity (vain), somatic (see
neuroplasticity), erotomatic disorders (gods loves only them, they are the chosen). Their over-
inflated sense of self-worth makes them to believe in their "special mission" whatever it is that
the religious authorities tell them it is (see bomb-martyr Islamic religious extremists); that's
gives them the potential to be extremely dangerous as history is our witness. Usually in that
kind of psychopathic behavior these individual believe that the rest of the world is plotting
against them.

Law: the natural principles does not do any special favours, they are unshakable.

The ancient Christian party

What the prophet says has no value, it is merely sounds; the value reside in what the prophet
witnesses and the relay of that information. The only merit of the prophet is his willingness of
the sharing of information’s that comes naturally to him.

According to the Jewish scriptures, what created the universe (their god) established a
covenant with all forms of life and makes a special covenant or contract with the peoples of
Israel for them to protect the scriptures. Some Universal laws were transformed by Moses and
some Levites, under the cover of some God commandments to follow, and others scientific
metaphors of psychosocial interest were hiding under the veil of social principles and social
ethics embodied in the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible. The Torah study of all the commandments,
texts, and laws is directed by learned scholar Rabbis to come up with a proper interpretation
of the metaphors it contains.

As time go by, The Jewish peoples were under the influence of different politics, cultures and
school of thought. The different responses from the Jews under different rules created a Jewish
division. They formed different sects, social groups, or movements into which some conflict
were of cultural value, between those who favored hellenization and those who resisted it. The
Sadducees wished to change the Jewish understanding of the Torah but at the same time the
scriptures were given a more primitive interpretation than the Pharisees translation of them.
The Pharisees became a political party having its own separated school of thought. There was
also an anti-Hellenistic Jewish movement. Other schools of thought having their own political
supporters were the Essenes; the revolutionaries which include the Sicarii and the Zealots. One
conflict was concerning the class, the disparity between the wealthy and the poor; and then of
course were also the Christian party among others school of thoughts.

The Christian party, among other political objective in their agenda, is to deny human kind of
its animal heritage and to introduce a mythical personage as the son of “the” ultimate god
known as Jesus of Nazareth, to reinforce their politics. The stories which Jesus is the hero are
metaphors, and the Jesus character is a personifications of abstract ideas coming from an
ancient Egyptian myth. That personification came from Egypt under a god or more gods’
name. Some scholars say it is Horus. The Jesus story predate of few millenniums the official
date set by the ancient Christian party. John brings that ancient Egyptian story back to life for
uniting the party under one banner. It is all a question of politics. To follow Freud steps, we see
that one of the present causes of believer’s constant neurosis is their denial to be civilized
animal by firmly believing they are part of another kingdom of more divine and majestic
grandeur even if their biological heritage (ADN) says otherwise. As Freud says: “neurosis is an
intellect dilemma which, over the course of mental evolution, eventually evolved into guilt and
discontent”. During our evolutionary progress, according to Freud, self-denial in different
forms is responsible for the defensive mechanism of repression. That’s the source of psychic
ambivalence, and some chronic mental illness leading to disastrous cultural events.

As we can see, for the ancient Jews, the understanding of religions and politics go together.
The Christianity party emerges in Jerusalem. It began within First-century Judaism. Using the
Septuagint translation (Greek translation of the Jewish Scriptures from Alexandria) that was
in general use among Greek-speaking Jews they develops their bible by synthesizing Jewish
morals, Greek theology, Egyptian mythology, and Roman administration with their own view,
the “Q” document was part of Christian writing. As politics goes the Christian party was
swallowed by the Catholic party. Constantine the Great considering that the Christians
doctrine inside Catholicism were addressing human needs better than their rivals, and that it
was also not only a non threatening religious-political movement for his government but also
a uniting “one God for all” banner under which he can bring peace to his kingdom, Constantine
the Great makes the doctrine of the Christian party within Catholicism the prevailing one.
From there on the mythical Jesus was considered as the son of God and God himself, by force
of law. That contradiction did not stop the Christian party to its tracks, “It is a mystery that
only God can explain” said the disciples of the Catholicism. The Christians didn't know
anymore, as oppose to the ancient Egyptians, the difference between an allegory representing
the struggle of the mind, and reality. The Christians inside Catholicism, because of Catholicism
obedience to Rome and its willingness to be a Roman allied become, at that time, the favored
religion of the powerful Roman Empire. The Christian party and Catholicism become one and
were starting using Latin as their official language adapted to the Roman rule and laws. The
first Jewish Christian party did not become a ruling Jewish government but became a ruling
Roman religion inside Catholicism....and Israel were under Roman rule. We can deduct from it
that the ancient Christian party now embodied in Catholicism was an opportunist one with a
long term political view... and we still paying the price!

Effectively the ancient political Christian party became integral part of Catholicism, then,
recently from Henry the 8 of England, Catholicism branches out to form different Christian
denominations. Showing their gratitude toward Constantine the Great to let them to be the
representative of the official religion of the Roman Empire, the early Roman-Christians
“crowned” him (metaphorically) officially as the first Christian Roman emperor. From there
on they worked together to improve peace and control over the empire.

Since the ancient Christian party crowned (officially and metaphorically) Constantine the
Great as the first Roman Emperor who makes the decision for Christians to be the official
holders of the word of God (the religious truth), the Catholic religion takes as an official habit
to makes politico-religious laws for kings to follows, in the name of God, like the validity of
marriage and the conditions for divorce. Charlemagne was the first emperor to be officially
and literally crown as such by the Pope. From there on Europeans politics and wars were
sometime dictated by the Pope and his politics. Some of the reason Catholicism was in fashion
was for their mighty political allies and our lack of scientific knowledge concerning the
energies and their relations between us and the cosmos, and the fact that Ancient primal myths
were science in disguise. The mighty allied of Catholicism were conquerors; from Spanish
conquistadors to French, Portuguese and English discoverers, Thanks to them the Catholic
religion, from being a small Christian political party of little importance to start with, by
mixing-up with Catholicism became a huge political religious power that spread all over the
world and destroyed plenty of ancient cultural knowledge that were directly under the
influence of primal myths. The Vatican did that with the armed muscle of its mighty Christian
allies to better implant its religious politic. In return, those allies taking the implant of
Christianity to the “pagans” as an excuse, plunders those cultures with the blessing of the

Natural principles talk to us throughout waves of energy, it seems that the religious bigots are
tone-deaf but they shall not give up, our most recent scientific discoveries can unplug their
ears. As science makes progress and discovers new universal laws, Catholicism gives-up
territories and wears out. When it will be accepted and proven that the catholic religion, and
Islam for that matter, is poor, atrophied, and mostly wrong interpretations of scientific data,
they will become obsolete.

Then, what will replace Catholicism and Islamism which were laws makers under the
assumption they were the representatives of the ultimate scientific data named “God”? Already
the free countries, which allow free thinkers, like the humanists, take more advice from
scientists than religious authorities. Some religions became already folkloric. We are returning
to the Pharaohs era where the “insiders” High priests, true scientists of that time, were king’s
counsellors. We are coming back to our veritable roots, but without the hermeticism that
created religions. For now there is nothing wrong to be a moron, it is part of our original
agnostism; but it is wrong to be an asocial one, and it is very wrong to be an religious imbecile
who do not believe in humanity godliness, thus be capable to build by itself a better world.

Religions like Catholicism and Islam are doom to become folkloric, and their religious figures
like the Pope and Muhammad to be part of the allegoric carnivals floats being dress as
clowning bloody fools. As for some of their most beautiful temples and basilica, they will be
protected by UNESCO.

Since "God" means the "natural principles" then the religious bigots are the illegitimates "sons
of God" and trough them all hell break loose.

Religious faith based on speculations does not equal man faith on secular facts concerning

A Universal Tool

The "Tree of Life" is the Dark Universe; the "Tree of Knowledge" is composed of the structures
of our physical universe from where our secular sciences come from, so let’s soak our mind in
the light of things, Oi!
The “Gog and Magog” tool is a universal Trinusial tool following the general universal
principle of the Trinusial system. It can be use by introducing any factor like the factor time,
the human factor etc... Antigravity and anti matter principles can be found with the use of this
tool. The so called “Gog and Magog war” simply indicates the presence and the dependability
of those two anti- that constantly interacts in all different fields that composes the universal
reality. We can do what pleases us with them, we can use them physically and psychologically,
we are parts of them and they are parts of us. They are parts of our intellect; without them
there wouldn't be any intellect.

Here are some basic laws and math example of how to play with number by using it in the field
of statistics:

Mathematically speaking, how can we find the value of an event that happened versus an
event that did not happen?

It takes scientific experiments in order to make laws. The analogies and the maths are also
there to help us.

A trinus is conditional; it is formed under certain conditions

1) Something happened = “a”

2) What might have happened = “-a”

3) The link = “y” is the condition (present or not). The condition is a statistical factor.

4) (-a) + y = a

5) If you want something to happen (a) we must create the factor “y”. Without the factor “y”
nothing will happen.

6) To determine the factor “y” you must know that (-a) x 9 = y

7) Therefore, 0.9 x = y

8) Since “a” is known, thus we know “y” which is none other than 0.9a.

9) We have: 0.9a + (-a) =a

10) The result will be: - 0.9a = (-a)

In this way by knowing what happened (a), and turning the event into numeric value one is
able to determine: 1) what could happen (-a), 2) The requirement for something to happen (y).

This completes our trinus, since our basis was already there (a).

By simply doing this:

A: 10 = (-a)

This gives us proof that:

a - 0.9a = a: 10 = (-a)

If a = 4 then (-a) = 0.4

If “a” = 40, then (-a) = 0.04 etc....

The numbers over a decimal in a system have their anti-corresponding (opposing) number,
under the decimal in its anti-system.

A trinus is composed of two contrary or “anti-” which are “a” and “-a” and a bond of affiliation
(y) which united them.

This principle can also be part in the research method in the antigravity and antimatter field.

“For the unity “1” to be stable it is necessary for the opposites to be of exact opposing value as
in this example: If Gog = 1.000

Then, Magog = 0.001

Gog x Magog = 1.000 x 0.001 = 1

The link is: 1.000 - 0.001 = 999.999 “

Gog + Magog + link = 2 Gog’s

Magog + link = 1 Gog

This is how the mechanism of the universe works (work = energy).

Law: 1 unit of antimatter = 1 unit of graviton

mc2 = n (hf)

mc2 - n (hf) = n x antimatter (graviton)

(1 x 10 power n) x Magog = Gog

(1 x 10 power n) x (1 x ma) = Gog

Antiparticles that make antimatter have spacial vacuum properties.

Matter is sucked into the vacuum of antimatter. N unit of Anti matter is a subdivision of the
void, if it weren't for the presence of antimatter (gravitational field made of graviton) there
wouldn't be any space. Antiparticles are spacial quantities which are responsible for the
attraction. They are the vacuum between masses of matter; the primal “glue”. To cancel the
“vacuum” between two masses of matter is to create the so called antigravity; this is done by
increasing the intensity of frequencies that counteract the “vacuum” frequencies between
masses, in order to “unglue” them. That seems to be what Ezek said. He talked a lot about flow
of electromagnetism when he talked about rivers and (spacial) seas, and how to increase the
anti-flow (intensity) 3 times by 1000, by using the electro poles and the east and west side of
the magnet ( the neutral areas) for the motion of the Antigravitationels machine.

Anywhere from the old testament of the Torah where the word “God” is mentioned must be
replaced by anything to do with “words of science” to discover the true meaning of what is
Flying machine (UFO)

“Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures,
with his four faces. The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of a
beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a
wheel in the middle of a wheel. When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they
turned not when they went. As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and
their rings were full of eyes round about them four. And when the living creatures went, the
wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels
were lifted up.”Ezekiel 1:15-19.

Law: The natural principles are the automatism of energy; therefore they define themselves by
their own behaviors.

Paradoxically the religious bigots really believe that they would be lead to knowledge by
having faith that the "God" mystery cannot be unlock; because these bigots never learn how to
reason they never learn how to rely on life rationality and the logic of libido. Peoples will act
upon what they believe in; therefore it is dangerous to handle a teaching licence to a fool. To
say “it is the will of God” when something bad happen to us is to rationalize our past mistakes
for lack of knowledge and understanding. So far we were using a mister potato head call
"God" to get along with (to compensate for) our lack of knowledge of the natural principles in
the field of life and existentialism, but now-a-days man can go along just fine without kouac
religions (that's exclude pagan philosophies toward the understanding of nature) since our
present scientific discoveries are witness of our acceptable knowledge of the natural principles
in every fields of what is in existence; but as long we accept, tolerates and grant permission for
religions like Islam and Catholicism, among others, to keep "licensing", by fear and false
promises, the ones who will have the privilege to go to heaven, the fear of "God" will
overwhelm the respect of the natural principles, and reason will keep its place on the back seat.
We are manipulating the future by what we are doing today (today is the cause); the future is
the effect of the present, and the past is the cause of our present. It is by our uses of the
relationship of cause and effect that we know when a train leaving Brussels in a certain time
will arrive in Paris. Our constant manipulation of something has repercussion in the ripples of
time. We know the future when we are working toward it, we build planes to depart from one
point to arrive on another one in the time we choose; already by building the planes we are
building parts of the future and also building the statistics that goes with it. We are seeding the
future in the present like farmers; we are the artisans of our Karma; there is no other will than
our own will to use the natural principles and their effects as we wished. "Future" from Latin
"futurus" meaning "about to be" can be manipulated at the present. Times yet to come are in
our hands throughout the natural phenomenon of the universal recycling of energy in all its
cycle processes. To go the extra length is to realize that anything happen by the "will of God"
means that the future being the effect of anything we do at the present happen throughout the
natural principles. To tolerate religious lies that keep peoples delusional toward existentialism
is to welcome with open harms psychological disorders leading to world disorders.

The will of “God” is the objective automatism of the natural principles.

Metaphysics study the uncharted waters (waves of energy) of physics; metaphysics is basically
the study of some aspect of natural physics phenomena still unknown to us and not being part
yet of our current and officially accepted knowledge of physics.

Honk 4 joys, reality is the universal truth and the truth enlighten us; at least some science
fiction alien characters define possibilities, but the living God of the bigots is a total

Utopia is simply worldwide psychosocial harmony.

The true and original Kabbalah is an exact science presented in an esoteric format, originally
reserved for insiders only of Jewish ascents, which covers all secular knowledge concerning
the cosmos, sociopsychology and the beginning of the history of humanity on this planet called
"Earth". The Kabbalah contains the key that unlocks the door which open the passage from
esoterism to secularism, here is the key:

The knowledge of the Kabbalah has for basis these following rules to study:

1) A unique and eternal principle, the only reality, is the eternal cause of all that is, was, or
ever will.

2) This principle is balanced by three events: two opposite and a complementary and that link,
which is the complementary, is the equilibrium.

3) These two opposites and the link that forms the eternal principle are self-developing into a
multitude toward the void of infinity.

4) The manifestation of this multitude is the entire cosmos (the universe, its components, and
its dynamics).

5) Man is at the image of the cosmos: What is below is like what is above (since all is energy).

6) Man is subject, like the cosmos, to the law of evolution and involution.

Reality versus Cultural Realities

Utopia is simply worldwide psychosocial harmony.

The homeless can find consolation in the fact that in a way they have reached one of the
degrees of humility of Diogenes that has made his greatness.

Not realizing it is by automatism that the natural principles crown our mind with intelligence
the religious bigots are spoiling their agnostism by seating their manmade god in a divine and
mysterious seat. Everything concerning the mysterious unknown of existentialism its call
"God" by the believers and it required faith toward religious scriptures and the "God" of the
bigots. Evangelists ask peoples to have faith in something they don’t known themselves what
they are talking about and to send them money for more preaching purpose and religious
marketing (that’s including charity boxes with their name stamped on them) in the name of
"God". What is known concerning our universe belongs to the scientific field; science proves the
presence of natural principles from which we can have faith, to rely on them, in order to
conduct safely our everyday live. Everything concerning "God" require faith and some
evangelists are making big buck' out of it without paying taxes. Everything concerning science
require strict secular discipline for any kind of data to be proven as following the path of the
natural principles; Universities accept donations for research purpose and scientists has to
pay taxes from their well earned paycheck.

"God's weapon" is the knowledge of the universal principles and how to uses them wisely for
psychosocial harmony (utopia). It is a well known fact for scholars in the social field that
plenty of evilness is prolifering due to some peoples wanting to get out of intense poverty and
suffering any way they can. Ways of evilness is one way as a short-cut, it is a antisocial short-
cut; and that way grows more sophisticated of how the human devils (seeing themselves being
forced into that situation) do business as these individuals gains experience and makes
connections in that field. Some riches devilish peoples are so by fear of poverty. As we can see
evilness can be easily combated and erased only if wise and Gnostic (meaning knowing what
they do and why: to build psychosocial harmony) Governments and Gnostic peoples alike
addresses the woeful anti-psychosocial conditions that society created leading to consequential
stimulus (like poverty and suffering) which are responded by a segment of the affected
population by using devilish behaviors in order to survive mentally and physically; that is
their way to cope with their “bad karma” and making their situation worse; this is why
antisocial gangs are prolifering. Without enlighten libidinous help toward the ones in needs,
psychosocial deterioration will continue its course. Ones Karma is ones present situation; and
to get out of a bad karma is by helping others to better themselves, which in return helps us to
better ourselves, and that will helps us to evolves to a better mental attitude which gives us
automatically the potential to evolves better socially and economically. Building utopia is
simple; it is a self-determining act from the part of all humanity; no religious “God” or “son’s of
God” is involves but the natural principles and ourselves.

In the universal scale reality is much more marvelous and elegant of simplicity than any man-
made religion, any man-made science-fiction stories, and any man-made politico-economics
situations. We all see reality, reality is incredibly obvious, and what are the revolutionary facts
of reality is what we didn't know previously. The amazing thing in this picture is when an
individual tell new facts that would disturb former neurotic beliefs, then only a handful
individuals or no one, will believes newfound realities no matter how obvious the facts can be.
Anything we don't understand about reality is something that has to be discover, reality is
already its own evidence.

The ambiguity of the reality of things is that our thinking is severed between multiple
influences. Truths and lies are both real, they are part of reality. Religions are closely related
to the process of social transformation of cultures from which they belong. Knowing and
understanding the real sources of religions, the idea behind them, is essential for our mental
well-being. Only an objective and systematic exposure of their history, which influence our
thoughts and our actions, may highlight why those disparities on ethics exist from one culture
to the next.

To study the origin of the universe, the discovering of it, the understanding of it will put us in
the critical position from which we can build elements of a synthesis allowing us to properly
design the origin of biological and spiritual needs. Comparing the simple and ultimate primal
process that gives existence to our universe, with the differences between cultural human
moralities, would be to reconciliation those moralities under the light of their primal historical
truths; that would separates fiction from reality.

Lies are fictional realities; we must take into account the history of religions in the pursuit of
our goal which is to find out what the heck it’s going on with humanity versus the creation of
the universe. Many of our destructive actions are based on ignorance; we intertwined different
realities with what we think love is. Speaking of love while oppressing one mind is surely not a
sound pedagogy that leads to the nothingness of the death drive (Thanatos). As an example
look at the suicidal bombers. We must defuse the politico-philosophical bombs that are certain
religious concepts, and defusing as well the destructive fictional politico-ethics that have little
to do with the real universal libido. We are too often inventing what is not there, we are
fictionalizing a lot. Affirmation of what is true or false belongs to the different scientific
domains dealing with that subject, let them do their jobs, get advises from them, and get
religious beliefs out of our ways to do things.

Freud explains the mechanisms of social integration which causes the individual to be willing
to accept “freely” its own societal submission, for not to be alienated by his own culture. All
cultures contain two mental and physical repressive, punitive, elements within themselves:

1) They repressing the liberty, in some extend and under different means, for one individual
daring to be different.

2) They have the tendency to believe to be the best holder of the true behaviors to follow; it is
call politic.

Fundamentally all religions thinks they have the best politics concerning the teaching and
handling of psychology, sociology, economics and astrophysics where the factor life is include;
it is so evident that those disciplines are united in the secular field of research.

The reality is: a cultural reality is a social reality artificially constructed and not “the”
universal reality.

By their use of the behavioral methods under their legalization call “laws” we think what our
cultures want us to think appropriately. That's what directs us to mental sickness if we don't
use our own natural freedom to use reason instead of rationalizing.

Our mind became prisoner of various acquired artificial cultural behaviors which leads us to
an unnatural robotic state. “Mind revolts” under those unnatural pressures paralyzing its
proper intellectual process can leads us easily to mental sickness; “Mind revolt” is the intellect
revolting against non sense and want to dissolve the nods of paradoxes that make it to suffer.

Psychoanalysis gives us the opportunity to get out of our “mind revolt”, call mental sickness, by
talking about it. That form of natural communication has as a result for the mental process to
readjust itself to its natural orderly manner. Under psychoanalysis therapy we can reclaim
our humanistic thoughts.

The use of behavioral science can lead us to Sheol by paralyzing our mind or can help us to get
out of it by redirecting us to think freely. Behavioral science is a double edge sword, to kill or to
defend. Psychoanalysis is a natural communicating process. Humanism is our natural state of

Only science can produce a “quiet revolt” by pointing out all the evidences whatever they are.
Without the presence of science it would be basically impossible to resist the cultural side that
contains the non sense. According to Freud, any resistance would lead to a personal guilty
feeling which would leads to either an automutilating process of internalizing the dominant
values, or to regressive attitudes under the death impulse or death drive (Thanatos). On the
other hand, because the opposites are always present, the death wish, conscious or not, are the
nothingness of the primal void that is always present on the hand of whom hold its value; this
is to say the sociopath hold it close to his heart. Oppose to the sociopath there is the ethical
person who choose life instead (libido).

As Sigmund Freud mentioned our sciences are not perfects, and of course they are there to
replace religions since the primal religions were representing science. In their imperfections
our sciences it’s all we have to counteracts no sense. Each scientific discipline in their specific
domain are searching to be a part of the universal rules and to understand them. Whatever
fiction there is in our life it’s not scientific, it’s as simple as that. Fictions, or invented realities,
are paradoxes in nature. Where do we want our mind to be? In a mental heaven or in the Sheol
of the damned (sick) minds? Most of us are in between, in the mind purgatory: as Freud said
“we are all neurotics’ minds”.

We have our self-determination to make any choice...The universe don't' gives a damn;
Aphrodite wont' cry for us, and the universal rules wont' change. What's left? ...Our ownselves!
We are facing our own atonement.

We got to play according to the rules, the rules produce life; the universe is ruling. The
universe does not have any ruler than itself...its automatic self. Outside the rules it’s the outside
of the universe; there lies Thanatos, death, the mind void, the total void. The rules are not a
subjective politic but it is determinism in its pure automatizations made of energy. The rules, in
constant expansion (the universal expansion), takes over the territory of Thanatos to create the
domain of Libido throughout the evolutionary process ...without end in sight. Time is eternal.
Outside time there is nothing.

Sigmund Freud was no fool; he was a good man and an excellent scholar. Throughout his
achievements he leads us to think that he didn't know more than what he teaches us to this day.
That's leaves room for future improvement in the psychiatric field. The world was not ready
yet to comprehend the most important part of his discoveries, that is: 1) the relation between
the objective laws of electricity, electricity itself and our subjective thoughts, by his discovery
that the id was hiding under electrical impulses, that's why he call “impulses” our...impulses. ;
2) The real origin of the universe as mention in this research by his knowledge of ancient
Egyptian mythology and its signification.; 3) The undeniability of reincarnation and the
eternal life of one mind in the real reality of things. We have to read between the lines of his
teaching to discover those facts. Whoever guns' down Sigmund Freud guns' himself down.
Under his apparent dominating personality Sigmund Freud was a humble scholar, that's what
makes him a giant of science. Our intellect makes us discovers our common bond of affiliation
with the universe; and Libido is the universal principle of pleasure within the universal reality;
that's makes the Universal libido to be the sharing of the pleasures of existence in harmony.
Our future better understanding of the dynamics of the universe and to comprehend what are
their correspondence with all forms of reality will help us in that direction. By experiencing
that the shared pleasures is to be part of the real reality will be for us to live fully our existence
within the reality of the mental and physical universal dimension. The real reality being
simply that the universal rules (laws) are made of non-thinking energy and its dynamics will
always unfolds according to the same unchangeable and unstainable natural rules.

Islamic religious extremists are “child soldiers” since they are in an infantile stage of maturity
regardless of their chronological age; the same goes for religious cultural extremists like
Catholics during some dark era of human history. During the Hitler era it is chronicled that
well trained and well brainwash (by propaganda) child soldiers do not surrender nor flee
before the enemy in the face of mortal danger; they rather stand their ground and get kill.

The translation of Daniel 7:13, 14 goes like this: "I visionized that one man was coming to mind
maturity (the "coming" of an individual is throughout the processes of the evolutionary stages
of development) to find the truth in human history, and reality, up to the "ancient days" when
man come to populates planet Earth from the Cosmos, and his mind was brought before the
natural principles. That "coming" to maturity before anyone else gave him dominion and glory
and a kingdom, and all peoples of all nations shall help him to build utopia. By understanding
the natural principles they became his dominion, which is an eternal one that cannot be
remove from him nor anyone who become subject and master of that "dominion" (thus the
natural principles); that is the ultimate dominion that cannot be destroyed." (Desecration of
Daniel 7:13, 14).

"In the last days of our infantile conception of what "God" is, the "world university" as the
"Third temple" will be established as chief university among all the other universities; it will
be raised above the hills of our actual knowledge, and all nations will stream to it. Many
people’s will come and say, 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of knowledge, to the secular
house of the "God" of Jacob who knew the secular truth. We will be tough the natural principles
ways, so that we may walk in their paths.' The acknowledgement of the natural principles
being metaphorized as "God" will go out from Zion, and the universal teaching from
Jerusalem." (Deconsecrating of Isaiah 2:2-3, Micah 4:1-2)

God and Gravity versus Aphrodite

We shall not mistaken "freedom of speech" where anyone can say anything (which indicates
who they are and their place in the mental evolutionary process), and "freedom to teach”
where we need to be licensed under strict secular rules. Freedom of speech is a universal right;
freedom to teach is a privilege. We can, and it is our duty as a human race, to attack stupidity;
but it is by arming ourselves with the tolls of knowledge and psychology, rather than bombs
(which would be stupid), that we can erase stupidity from the mind of humanity. Stupidity and
agnostism is different; stupidity is the use of our knowledge the wrong ways leading to
physical suffering. The masochists religious Catholic Faithfull’s accept Jesus as their lord; and
the realistic righteous ones accepts the natural principles as their guides to lead them toward
harmony by using them to conduct any of their everyday affairs. In any arena of life we need
to bring our knowledge of the natural principles with us in order to have rightfulness in our
mind and on our tongue, we cannot possibly leave them at the doors’ that would be disastrous.
The most empowering knowledge there is is the one of the natural principles, and the only
universal “design” there is is the automatism of the primal trinus self-reproducing indefinitely.
It is always the truth that will set us free, and to find the truth is by using the good old secular
scientific approach, other ways having “faith” in something without solid proofs is like
gambling in the casino of existence.

The sum of the natural principles in its dynamics is our only true “friend” we can rely on, it
brings intellectual life to those in darkness.

On the beginning of this research, in the chapter concerning the Freudian instances, we were
talking about the “forcing phenomenon” which is the source of the dynamic of things. As we
know now “things” came from the primal non-uniform masse which had no force of its own,
and the “forcing phenomenon” is a “sucking phenomenon”; it is gravity...the total void. For
anybody to say “God” is the primal force is to say “God” is the nickname of Gravity. Gravity
being nothing in its vastness, then God is non-existing and a total oblivion. On the other hand,
gravity is “sucking-up” the (dumb) primal masse to do things...Even a vast “nothing” as
gravity is, it’s not going to waste! We can play with words endlessly with that one. That is
what Moses, prophets & Co did, and the ancient “enlighten” Egyptians before them.

Wasting is not in the Universal vocabulary, recycling is. Therefore when talking about “God”,
religions may well talk about Gravity. On the other hand Aphrodite can be consider as the one
eternal and unique incorporeal Goddess that knows the thoughts and deeds of man, she do not
really care...All she is concern about is to answer libido with libido. She does not rule the
Universe, she do not have the power to punish the wicked. The wicked punish themselves
throughout causality. The universe is a non-living sucker...it didn't' have any other choice than
to be what it is. As for us, we do...and not. Determinism is an automatic phenomenon under no
one supervision. Libido is the reward of the living having no other choice than to live eternally.
The “dark universe” is not a non-living universe; it is a huge living pulsating mnemonic being,
of feminine character, call Aphrodite among plenty of other names to chooses from.

The very basic of what's makes the difference between religions having their source in Judaism
versus secularism is man conceptualization and perception of the dynamics of the natural
principles as to be a "He" instead of an "It"; that's make what all having been said about "It" in
a religious terms (as a He) to be basically exact. To replace “He” by “It” demetaphorized the
entire part of the Torah concerning “God ways”. To live accordingly to the natural principles
ways, under their leadership (God commands, God leadership) is to find harmony. To switch
“It” for “He” is the only way to reconcile Judaism faith with the unified field’s theory; and that
leads us automatically to the third stage of positivism which of course is the “revelation” better
known as the Apocalypse.

The underlying and unconscious purpose of the religious bigots is to fight mind maturity. We
don’t have the natural obligation to "adore" the dynamics of the natural principles as if the
sum of these dynamics was a living God, which would be retarded; all we have to do is to
respect them in order to adapt and evolve harmoniously. The vain and religious bigots walk on
tiptoes when talking about “God” they are slackers when it comes to be in intelligence with the
universe; and the rightful ones, teaching the secular truth, are walking with pride (by
escaping stupidity) and humility (by realizing they do not know it all).

A tradesman rents his services for wages; the same goes for politicians. Both are expected to
keep their promises for a job well done as they are hired to fulfill some needs. Sexual
prostitution is also the renting of services for wages. Representatives who negotiate wages
between tradesman's and patrons can be unions, mafia or pimps, depending of the context,
and the representatives chosen under personal and external pressure, some are free-lances.
When social pressure over politicians made prostitution, which existed since Noah's times, to
be illegal then the mob takes over and the quality of services rendered from that ancient trade
become subject to wanders. For various fundamental reasons, like to feed the children’s and
educates them properly in secular schools; also for personal survival, some women chooses to
be whores; and it is those reasons previously mentioned that makes prostitution to be a noble
trade if the services rendered are up to their promises and without bad surprises, like sexual
transmitted diseases. When prostitution is legalized and legislated, that noble ancient trade
can be elevated to an art form for the benefit for the whole of society beside been a pleasant
tool for mental and physical therapy; also that will keep at bay the asocial characters like the
mafia and some religious peoples (bigots). This is why Moshiach will legalize and legislated the
oldest and noblest trade in existence that touches our very essence: prostitution, it doesn't
matter if it concerns a plumber, a politician or a whore. In a utopian society survival can be a
pleasure for both parties: patrons as well as tradesmen, as long libido is involve, where both
are consumers of goods. The real bad prostitution there is is to sell our soul for money meaning
to agree for producing asocial thus non-libidinous behaviors against fundamental ethics and
the normal evolution of society in general in its journey toward wisdom. As long bigotry still
influences men in power utopia will still sharing with truth the same cramped place in the
deeps of the human well. Selfishness repels understanding, and therefore steps away from
harmony. The light creates its own shadows by creating matter, and who lives by the shadows
of the light cannot understand its various processes; the shadows is the means for existence
but it is the light that is the source of life.

The universe is an ocean of knowledge for the righteous ones to quench the thirst of their

“Q” Document and the Bible

From the German: “Quelle”, meaning “source”, the hypothetical “Q' document is one of the key
element of the New Testament.

Giving witness to the creation of a sayings collection, or metaphors, made available to the
Evangelists, the early Christian writer Papias of Hierapolis, 70-155 AD (bishop of Hierapolis,
now modern Pamukkale, Turkey) said: “ Matthew compiled the oracles (Greek: logia) in a
Hebrew manner of speech”. Many copies, as much as needed were made in that time. It is now
a lost textual source for the Gospel of Matthew, Mark and Luke call the “Q” document. It is a
collection of sayings, myths and parable written in Greek. Many scholars believe “Q” was a
real document that has not withstood the test of time.

This lost document is also called the Q Gospel, the Sayings Gospel Q, the Synoptic Sayings
Source, and the Q Manuscript. Gospel means good news.

The “Q” collection was expanded by including a layer of judgmental sayings (cultural morales)
and false historical events to create fables to include the fictional history of Jesus tradition that
has being retrieved from ancient Egyptian mythology. Parts of those fables became a collection
of “Jesus' sayings” in the “Q” document. Jesus was an ancient Egyptian imaginary being just
like God is a metaphor. They are myths taking on the morales and political values of a
religious community in a Hebrew manner of speech. “God” being the original Hebrew and
Christian metaphor, and Jesus to be believed as the son of God, makes Jesus a sub metaphor
being stolen from the ancient Egyptian culture; in another term: a myth that became the
source of Christianity. Moses from the Old Testament assembled all the Egyptian gods under
one unique god. Christianity came from a new invented testament with Jesus as the main
personification of the universal laws within humanity. Jesus is simply a mythical copy of the
Hebrews god interacting with humanity and Hebrew sayings that comes from ancient Egypt.

“Q” may be a convenient term for a variety of myth-making sources and parables shared by
Matthew, Luke and Mark to become a single unified source. That's what makes the unity in “Q”
for us to see “Q” as a single document from which a huge part of the bible come from.

Here are some portions of the New Testament that are believed by scholars to have originated
in “Q”:
The Beatitudes;

Love your enemies;

The Golden Rule;

Judge not, lest ye be judged;

The Test of a Good Person;

The Parable of the Wise and the Foolish Builders;

The Parable of the Lost Sheep;

The Parable of the Wedding Feast;

The Parable of the Talents;

The Parable of the Leaven;

The Parable of the blind leading the blind;

The Lord's Prayer;

Expounding of the Law;

The Birds of Heaven and the Lilies in the Field.

The New Testament came to be a fabrication from a different school of thought (the Christian
party) than the one Moses created because that school of thought was confronted with the
Pharisee's inflexibility to change an iota of the Torah and to make new parables and sayings
more modern and up to date. The Christians, wanting to explain the word of God from their
own perspective, were certainly not all composed of Levites insiders that's knew the truth.
John was an insider. Some of them didn't know “the word of God” means in reality “God is only
a word”. To makes different portions of a new testament to binds together, but to stay in the
Jewish tradition, and to give them a canonical value, a mythical figure was needed, a savior.
Jesus was the key name of the character chosen as the fictive hero binding together a list of
new parables and ancient allegory from ancient Egypt that will start a new religion. Like
“God” Jesus is only a word.

The name Jesus as we know now is from the Greek “Lesson” meaning “savior”, the underlying
secular meaning is: secular lessons saves us from agnostism. In Hebrew, it read as “Yeshua”
were “Jah” means salvation. When the Greek origin of the name was forgotten it becomes
treated as Iesus Hominum Salvator “Jesus Savior of Men.” In Talmudic Hebrew, notzri, “of
Nazareth,” mean “a Christian. “Jesus the Christian” became Jesus of Nazareth, the savior of
humanity. The Superman of the Christians.

Moses created God and the creators of Christianity created the son of God. That school of
thought call themselves the first Christians. The writing of their gospel was first done in the
Greek language, not Hebrew. The writers of the New Testament were not contemporary of the
dates mentioned concerning the fictional life of Jesus.

The four canonical texts (authoritative scriptures) that form the base of the New Testament are
from Mattew, Luke, Mark and John. Matthew is a proper name, from the Hebrew. Mattathyah
“gift of Jehovah.” Luke is a proper name that indicates he is a Lucani' from Lower Italy. The
Lucani's belong to the branch of the Sabelline race. Mark is a proper name, coming from
Marcus, in relation to Mars, the Roman god of war. Mattew, Luke and Mark, according to
some scholars, may have used the “Q” document for their gospel. John is a proper name from
the Hebrew. Yohanan ( y'hohanan) “Jehovah has favored,” from hanan “he was gracious.” The
Gospel of John differs completely from the other three canonical scriptures. Theme, content,
style, time duration and order of events are not the same. John scriptures are more spiritual
and highly symbolic. It is not from “Q”. John appeal to our reason for us to understand the
meaning of the fables. By reading between the lines it seem that John was maybe one of the
initiates Levite, well versed in ancient Egyptian mythology, and who want to offer us some of
the Moses riddles in a different form. The scriptures of John contain a series of “signs”, for us to
interprets, under the Jesus myth.

1) The first sign is the transformation of water into wine at Cana (John 2:1-11);

2) The second sign is the cure of the royal official's son (John 4:46-54).

3) The third sign is the cure of the paralytic at the pool.

4 and 5) John 6 contains two signs, the multiplication of loaves and the walking on the waters
of the Sea of Galilee.

6) The sixth sign is the sign of the young man born blind; meaning we cannot see reality. (In
John 9)

7) The seventh sign, the raising of Lazarus indicated the beginning of the Apocalypse when our
mind, having a change of consciousness, finally wakes up to reality. Lazarus it’s a metaphor
for “the brain-dead finally understand reason”. Lazarus is the famous “resurrecting of the
dead”. Lazarus is from the Greek rendition of the Hebrew “El'azar” meaning “God has helped.”

The uses of metaphors by the ancients “insider” it’s for us like dreaming metaphorically; it keep
our emotional level low. Metaphors do not stress our mind by confronting us to a reality that
our mind is not ready to accept. This is why, while using metaphors, the “insiders” tells us to
use our reason. Plenty of the true prophets, like john, did that. The true ancient prophets had a
fair understanding of psychology. As for Muhammad, he really existed. He was way less smart
than the creators of Christianity, having the political backing-up of Rome, and Jesus, their
mythical superman, but Muhammad was also physically powerful having his own army to
backup any of his saying. The power of the mythical Jesus resides in the libidinous principles
being teaches through that psychological “Jesus” tool. Muhammad did not have any
understanding of the science and cosmology hiding behind the Hebrew riddles. Any scholar
with a basic education can see Muhammad for what he is: a fake prophet, a mentally sick
person thinking he knows it all, with a bloody sword in his hand. As history will tell in the
future, diplomacy can only go so far....

Law - Any phenomena repeating itself under the same circumstances is an automatism of
energy intermingling with itself; that automatism is therefore natural and each part of it is
known by man under the term: natural principles.

Millenniums ago universities were call temples of knowledge were secular data was learned by
disciples of various disciplines with the use of puppet-gods; when the metaphors that those
puppet-gods were become taken literally these temples of knowledge become temples of
worship and churches. To worship a god is not part of our basic needs for survival; it is simply
a cultural imprint thus a learned behavior from a cultural want belongs to some metaphysical
groups getting out of their sanity. Our basic needs leads us to a learning behavior of how to
adapt to the environment in order to respond logically and positively to them, that adaptation
is make easy by the fact that all phenomena will act the same way under the same
circumstances, which leads us to our scientific discoveries. This is just basic common sense and
no living puppet-god is involve; man-made dolls living only in man dreams are not alive, they
are fantasies, they compensate for our lack of knowledge and from frustrated desires, they are
short term placebo to patch-up voids in our intellect. Who believe in a god as a living almighty
being need the care of an atheist psychiatrist. Clowns by trade are inoffensives and amusing;
religious bigots are dangerous clowns some time amusing and some time bloody vampires. It
is the spike of reason driven in the heart of religions that kill the vampire that man has become.
That is what the original vampire stories were all about; crypts, church organs, church music,
candles, church like castles, sucking young blood, the night is their domain, they cannot stand
the light etc … they were all metaphors. In other words religions make man to be a sucked and
a sucker, they take us for a ride into the night. Look at Muhammad, the founder of Islam, he
bring millions of souls with him in the darkness of his mental illness! Let’s stop the
haemorrhages of the intellect; this is what the “revelation” is all about. Apocalypse is a time
when Catholicism and Islamic bigots become choleric; it is well known in Gnostic circles that to
be choleric is to show mental constipation. They need a laxative for their souls and it is called
“knowledge” so they can better adapt to existence and therefore having better relation with the
cosmos and by domino effect with the whole of the human race.

Psychology is the key that unlock the door between man behavior in the physical world and
man behavior in the mental world to enter people’s minds.

Let’s enter Nostradamus mind: “Flora Greek Goddess of revival, Goddess of spring and flowers
fled to this day the Vatican cold darkness, and keep fleeing away from Catholicism, as for
consequence the Catholic Church will not renew itself. During our existence, in our odyssey we
are the “Jason’s” of the Greek mythology on our quest for knowledge riding the waves of
energy; and the waters of the cosmos rising up to Olympus (Waves of energy making us (our
mind) to understand Existentialism by the scientific approach) will be responsible for the
bloodshed (metaphorically speaking) of the greatest princes of the church who get caught
right-handed having shameful sexual relationships; neither the Catholic Church nor Islam will
be forgiven.” (Nostradamus VII-8).

In the future, after apocalypse, during the new world order: Oh! how sad the righteous will be
when they will view those TV reruns how today evangelists in their religious empty bigotry
where so close and yet so far from the truth by mistaking the natural principles for a living
God; and these righteous persons from the future will pardon today bigotry knowing it was
part of the natural cycle of life.

If anyone thirsts for knowledge, let him go to secular school and universities. Whoever puts his
trust in the natural principles, rivers of "Living (moving) Waters" (the natural principles in the
form of waves of energy) will flow from his inmost being; “God” and his light are one: it is our
universe. It is the natural principles that give our mind its majesty, and that’s makes us all
“Son’s of God”! Oi!

Any human internal wars (Jihad included) are fought in the name of stupidity.

The stupid answers of hatred, their measurement, from Islamic extremists short of intellectual
marbles, toward Moschiach teaching will be in the velocity and the mass of the stones they will
throw to his picture; and concerning the rest of the world, peoples will be “stone”
(metaphorically speaking) that Moshiach is simply a man to be considered as the Einstein of
Modern Metaphysics, Oi!

To find wisdom is so simple: is to love humanity, to respect life, and to use basic common sense
base on secular data we already know; by doing so we will perceive existence as our ally for us
to evolve harmoniously; but by any mean that’s not forbids us to tell the truth (like to tell an
idiot that he is an idiot) and to laugh at the face of stupidity, that is to be “spiritual” meaning
having a sense of humour while being righteous. Oi!

This is spirituality: In her prayer Chana's is giving thanks to "God" for fulfilling her request to
have a child: “He will give strength to His king and exalt (to rise, inflates, elevates) the horn
(the horn is the penis) of His anointed" (1 Samuel 2:10); oi, oi, oi.

The Pharaoh Akhenaten knowing that there was one universe from which most of its
phenomena was represented by various gods pioneers a monotheistic religion to simplified
matters. That did not work very well for various political reasons. Nevertheless that idea
became latter-on Judaism as we know it when the plagues hit Egypt’s; Moses, one of Pharaoh
many sons start another religious culture that survive the Egyptian Pantheon of gods. Both
cultures were saying the same thing but with a different approach. Sigmund Freud knew that.

Moses and Co mystified the credulous morons (their disciples, thus the Jews) to believe in a
living God by making obscure, thus hard to understand, the "mysteries" of the universe
concerning the field of existentialism. To this day, believers are still perplexes of religious
answers when facing the question of existence and prefer to leave their faith in the hand of the
religious "specialists" who supposedly are closer to "God" than anyone else; Theism is a hoax
created by Moses and Co to makes us to think! The Jewish’s know already that the Torah has to
be demystified to be understand, but somehow they are not mature enough to demystified the
word “God”! Aie, aie! That’s makes Mohammad to be a huge imbecile, and his followers a
bunch of dangerous idiots. Compare to Muhammad, Karl Heinrich Marx, who was descended
from a long line of rabbis, was a realistic libidinous genius (thus a humanistic genius), almost
the potential Moshiach of his generation. The anthropologist Karl Heinrich Marx, choosing to
become atheist by reason, was a clear minded individual, Muhammad was crazy; that’s make
the communism concept to be closer to “God”, and the Islamic concept closer to mind (or soul)
perdition. Karl Marx was not a chauvinist like Muhammad and all the Catholic Popes were, he
was somehow connected with the feminist movement. We must give credit to communism, the
idea behind it is a noble one; Karl Heinrich Marx gave to social science and communism its
nobility. As for any form of democracy it is the voters who got the last political word
concerning their faith. One thing is for sure, is that the universe is not democrat; it is the
ultimate monarch -without being a despot- that lies down its natural laws without possible
compromise. Because of its perfection Moses call it "God" for all its majesty; and the function
of Moshiach is to be the best individual representing the universe ways concerning causality
where life is involved. Moshiach will be more like the mythological god "Pecan" (the
psychiatrist) sticking his nose in world politics (under formal invitation) in order to be the
motivator for humanity to build utopia by itself.

Our Newfound “Q” document

An “absolute” religion in its rightfulness is the one that is constantly seeking for the truth, and
in its humbleness adapts its concepts to provable newfound universal knowledge.

Jesus of Nazareth is an allegory representing the suffering humanity. The life of Jesus is a
staging for a way to push through allegorical stories. Thus: "to be resurrect the third day
among the dead's" simply means when humanity reaches the third state of positivism through
the evolution Psycho-social evolution, reaching a certain cognitive standard, be achieved
through the trinusial principle, then a part of humanity will wake up from "among dead-
minds'. And of course thinking how stupid man can be some time!

From the German Quelle, “source”, our “Q' document is the key element of our hypothesis of a
programmed universe. Our document starts with those three metaphysical laws:

1) Universal laws are for all, and the newborn, in his own innate way, start to understand
science as well as the wisest man in the world.

2) We all have the innate potential to understand with facility the universal laws since they are
the ones that create us and are part of us.

3) We were never born with any of the acquired religious knowledge. They are not naturally
part of us.

Creation is not a finish and static result; it is a never ending process call “evolution”. The
mission of the line of the first and true prophets (Hebrew scientists) was to make us to
understand what is right and what is bad for our psyche. Our intellect produces our reasoning
for our constant adaptation under the guidance of the consequences. Consequences, effects,
reaction, repercussion, results, conclusion, etc... Are all the same, they are synonyms.
Consequences can leads to a problem or a solution. It is part of the trinus theory. In their own
way the consequences indicates by their own automatizations that the universe gives us the
absolute right of free thought, self-exam and our own consciousness to understand our unity
within it. We have no obligation to be in love with the universe, but without understanding its
laws we are helpless. To acquire virtues and attain wisdom it is to comply with its laws by
understanding them. From birth our real nature is to adapt and to find pleasure, science and
knowledge are inseparable in our quest; love come from universal science in a form of a
positive and associative feeling. Science adjusts itself to all. The universe do not hide itself, it is
all around us and part of us. Any scientific study unveils its interactions. We do not need to be
Einstein to understand that. A minimum of reasoning would tell us that scientific instruction
gets us closer to understand its language. Knowledge put the mind at rest. The lack of it can
lead to catastrophe. The non-reverence or non-respect of these laws mean trouble; if we try to
kick a wall with bear feet, we'll find out soon enough what are the Newton's laws of
causality...Reverence of the laws do not mean adoration, but simply to consider their presence
and to use our power of reasoning accordingly.

God's laws always mend “universal laws” it’s as simple as that! There is no God but there are
natural laws. The human emotion of love and our perception of universal wisdom were
projected into those laws, creating a human god to adore and obey. The laws acquired a
religious dimension because of the human zeal where man sees himself as the custodian of the
alliance between the universal laws and mankind. This zeal is often seen as the form of
warnings to raise awareness in case of our infidelity to the laws. Infidelity can remove the
benefits withdrawn from our natural alliance with the laws and start up a series of ordeals.
Even if the laws are following their own automatism, they are a graceful process aiming to
peaceful solutions. In their abstract and concrete forms there is the light. Light of the mind (to
comprehend) and light (energy) that created a whole universe. We became their subjective
offspring that makes our own ordeal under their rules. When we do not accept to follow those
laws, there is only dissatisfaction (frustrations). That is why we have to respect them. To think
they are subjective is a mistake; yes they are the source and they do not care if we adore them
or not, they are not alive even if they produce life. The religions are only propaganda of
opinions. They are doctrines base and formulate from different scientific data and mixed with
human hope from which some of us rest their faith. Lifting the veil (in Greek: Apocalypses) of
what was hidden behind the religions leads to the end of an age; the Greek phrase for it is:
apocalypses eschaton. We can therefore consider that the Messianic age will be a new era was
the discovery of the veritable “revelation” of things occurs. That will be before the “new times”
when the world does not tremble anymore over various psychological and physical terrors but
will resume its developments within the truth. The beginning of the Messianic age will be filled
with revenges as old debts will be dealt with. According to the ancient Greeks, the Messianic
age is also call “Apocalypse” and it’s situated before the era of universal peace. Thinking about
it, by simply using logic and statistics we can arrive at the same conclusion. As the torah say, a
new kind of university (temple of knowledge) will be build. It means the teaching will be way
more accurate, and all the sciences will be easily connected together by the trinus theory.

As long there is the presence of believers in the world there will be presence of sociopaths who
will take advantage of that presence. The Trinus theory worldwide will mature people mind
and will erase the presence of believers (the preys) and the human vampires sucking their
bloods; therefore both the prey and the hunter who are now sucking the blood of the myth of
Jesus of Nazareth will disappear as the source become exhausted. That leads us to understand
that the story of the last scene when Jesus say "this is my body ..etc ..." really means for the
believers to use the myth of Jesus (his body) until the story is exhausted and goes nowhere
anymore for peoples will grow up from that Cinderella story. The twelve’s apostles represents
the twelve months of a years, therefore representing a cycle; their presence represent the cycle
from birth to mind maturity within the realm of the reincarnation phenomenon. The ancient
knowledgeable ones elaborated myths from secular data with so many details that we can
check up on with the use of archaeology that we can see the aim of the making of primal Myths
is for us to overgrow them by seeing their paradoxical non-sense and therefore forcing us to
use our power of reasoning to understand what they are really covering-up. "Religion" refers
to metaphorized secular data, therefore how Christians can say the Bible is a good book since
they cannot read it?

As mentioned before all natural laws are the same for things inerts as for things alive; that's
make the thousand monkey theory and also the transmission of thoughts from one person to
another, better known as telepathy, to be part of the resonance phenomenon where a mental
vibration from subject "A" will induce the mind of subject "B" to vibrate in step with subject "A"
which is "in tune" known as to be in the same frequency with subject "A"; there is no ESP in it
but a simple question of physics. That explain why the same idea can occur at the same time a
different place around the world and why some religious bigots see themselves being
"inspired" by God when sometime it’s simply the resonance phenomenon at work. Telepathy is
well study by our scholastic circles which makes good uses of twins for that project. The same
principle of resonance applies when being in touch with disincarnated souls. We already know
from cultural common sense that we can feel “bad vibes” and “good vibes” coming from specific
individuals; it is simply the resonance phenomenon pairing with innate psychology, and
innate psychology came from the innate common sense handle to us by the natural principles
from which we are conceived. The truth is in us. The righteous is full of common sense by being
on the same frequency than the natural principles while others do not want to be on these same
frequencies that are part of them, they simply don’t want to listen to common sense.

Freedom is in the mind; it is preferable to have a free mind in a shackle body than to have a
shackle mind in a free body: the man made god of monotheist religions keep prisoner the
minds of the bigots while science free the mind of the righteous. Sociopath loves the presence of
a false god in the minds of the fools so they can take advantage of the opportunity, but they
cannot fool the righteous ones. "God" is so good as a marketing product for sociopaths in
power to take advantage of it that churches who speak in its name doesn't have to pay taxes as
reward to keep the crowd quiet while been plunder. Liberty! Liberty! who doesn't know mind
liberty is a walking pile of "dry bones"; liberty is not to pour rivers of sweat to possess a bit of
gold to buy what marketing tells us to buy, but liberty is to be able to comprehend the truth by
the right education in order to know that we are in total control of ourselves while being one
with the cosmos. It is not possible for man searching for who he is to find his true self without
mind liberty even if his body its in shackles; but the body itself can be mind shackles as it can
be mind best friend, it’s all in the mind, depending if one’s mind its free or not. A free man in his
mind see his body as his mortal best friend and a man with a shackled mind has only hatred
for that body aging against his will. A free man in his sane mind know that as more the body
age more total liberty is coming near. Liberty! Liberty! Liberty is with the mind. Liberty!
Liberty! Liberty is the mind! Freedom is to think righteously under our total self-
determination. It was always our choice to be free or not!

The universal truth is the universe, it is all around us and as a part of us; free for all it is there
for our evolving pleasure. Man perception of the truth is for sale trough plenty of marketing
gamics. The prophet gives away the truth since it is not his to own and been for sale for his
own profit, he won’t forces it to anyone since it is part of all of us; the prophet know that the
truth is for humanity to enjoy freely by looking into itself. The universal truth it’s the only
riches that is common to all. The shadow of the light is for the shadow of the soul to enjoy for a
short period of time, but the sparkling of the light is for the soul to enjoy forever. It is vanity
and selfishness that makes us to grasp the shadows, and those shadows are only bunches of
particles of dust going nowhere; it is by transcending the shadows that we can find the light,
our scientists are doing a good job doing just that. Shadows are time at rest, and light is
eternal time passing by. It is light that makes us to evolve, and it is the shadows that stall our

For anything to have any value it has to be functional thus to fulfill a need; otherwise it is
useless, taking up space by being merely a want, thus a concrete projection of our vanity to
posses, a lost of precious space; on the other hand nothing forbids the response to a need to be
artistically pleasant to the senses. A simple photograph can be a psychological need as well as
an elaborate frame surrounding a mirror; it is of good taste to say that objects fulfilling needs
contain more psychological advantages to be pleasant than not.

Let's redefines the word "spirituality": spirituality is a burst of intellectuality having a good
sense of humour. The Biblical Moses was spiritual. Moses was no fool, he knew very well that
today religious infantile moron bigots in their religiosity will have a hard time to stomach that
there is no God and that our ancestors come from the cosmos, even if the story of Israel
mentions appropriately the presence of the relativity of time throughout space travelling by
pointing out the ages of the patriarchs who lives to be hundreds of years old; meaning the uses
of ufo was still on during early biblical time.

It is the conscious exploration, without detour, of who we are that leads us naturally to an
intellectual quest which encompass the entire cosmos.

The modesty of our ancient cosmic ancestors is to be found in their “Victorian pudicity”
concerning the truth. Catholic mythology is the ever-changing politic of the Catholic Church
telling us how to perceive the Christian scriptures from ancient time; the original Christian
mythology is like the ancient Egyptian, Greek and Hebrew mythology: bashful secular data!
The job of the Kabbalah is to strip the veil of that "Victorian" pudicity one little garment at the
time, thus teasing our mind; the "Victorian pudicity" is the concealment of the nudity of the

The Zombies are these mind-blind who swim badly in the ocean of truths.

Law - A “scout quantum” cease to be such under the eye of the observator since the energy
produce by the witness affect that quantum; this is why a “scout quantum” seem to appear
from “nowhere”.

Every day events are realities pointing to abstract explanations. Those explanations were
metaphorized by the "Ancients" to illustrate them better -by the use of allegories- to their
moronic disciples who have to find by themselves the hidden knowledge they contain. Primal
fables finding their source in the primal philosophy are pointing the natural (automatic)
wisdom of causality in all interactions and these interactions were transformed into
"religious" myths. This is how the ancient knowledge becomes hidden in primal religions.
Ancient knowledge been allegorized thus becoming easy enough mental pictures in the minds
of the agnostic ones became syllogism of the truth. The primal aim of the "Ancients" was for us
to discover that fact trough our life experience which includes our learning of scientific secular
data to discover the syllogism between primal religions and secular scientific data. The
"ancients" encompass our cosmic ancestors, their direct descendants and the ancient High
Priests who were in the "secret" that become "The Sacred Knowledge" thus of esoteric
character. The only "Creator Will" is a simple primal cosmic pattern of the "First Principle" of
cosmic dimension interacting with itself and causing the natural principles (God's Laws) to
appears under a simple and elegant primal causal phenomenon, becoming more complex in
each of its self-interactions, due to the non-uniformity of the primal mass (Gaia) made of dust.

The Moses Riddle

Time pass, technology change, environment differ, human nature evolves but emotions still the
same, and no one can destroy the universe; neither the universe can be self-destroy. How can
the two primal singularities (primal non uniform mass and the void can be self-destroyed? it is
a total impossibility!

How can the primal void in its infinity can be destroy since is pure nothing? How can the
primal masse can be destroy since this is what already happen when it became a bunch of
quantum invading an infinity of nothing that has no end?

The concretization of their mutual destruction gives birth to our universe, but on the same time
they are infinitively indestructible. This is all over ancient primal myths.

We have to approach the Torah as a riddle book of knowledgeable information (The Jews
already know that). The Torah is like a crossword puzzle to solve, we can use it as a relaxing
toy to play within our spare time; it has as function to develop our intellect, our understanding
and wisdom. The wise men plays with the Torah game to become wiser.

Spiritual life it’s the life of the spirit, the life of the mind. It is all the mental process leading us
to reasoning. More advances is a culture in its knowledge, more sophisticate its thoughts
become. Our stupid religious wars are fights over ancient riddles signification.

Moses riddle like any riddle in the Jews religion it’s of a highly metaphorical genius level.
Those ancient riddles are from older and far advanced gentle civilizations. They were so far
advanced intellectually that they developed sophisticated thoughts mostly unknown to us to
this day. They see the universe as an infinite playground. They make riddles as we are making
cross-word puzzles. Their riddles are multilevel thoughts. The Jewish religion is made of pages
over pages of those riddles that are mixing up with historical events.

Yocheved (or Joshebed) was the mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses. Yocheved was the
daughter of Levi, Jacob's son. Amram, Moses father, and his wife Jochebed are blood related.

Jacob had twelve sons and one daughter,

Joseph was the 11h son of Jacob and his wife Rachel. Joseph was the brother of Levi. Levi was
the third son of Jacob and Leah. Kohath was a son of Levi. Amram, Moses father was a son of
Kohath, and grandson of Levi. Therefore, Joseph, brother of Levi, and vizir of Egypt was one of
the great-grand uncles of Moses.

Between the lines of Genesis 44, it seem that it is written Joseph was already of royal
Pharaoh's blood, and he was a ruler over all the land of Egypt; That's make Jacobs house and
his direct ancestors to be of royal Pharahonic's blood. Therefore, all direct descendants of
Shem, Noah biblical son, were royal blood. They keep the royal blood in the family by blood
related marriage.

King Pharaoh's daughter Bithyah (also called Bathia), was a midwife, She save Moses from the
“waters”. “He became her son. She named him Moses, because, she said, “I drew him out of the
waters.” (From Exodus 2). She conceives and bore Miriam, Shammai and Ishbah in her
amniotic sac, her “waters”. Was Bithyah in reality Yocheved? It was common then to be known
under other names. If yes, then Kehat was the King Pharaoh’s that has to be proving.
According to the book of Jasher, Bathia (or Bithyah) mother was Alparanith (Aparanith): Wife
of Pharaoh, Queen of Mitzraim. She had three sons and two daughters from Pharaoh, these
were their names: the firstborn Othri, the second Adikam, and the third Morion, and their
sisters, the name of the elder Bathia and of the other Acuzi.

Moses was a given name, not his real name. Moses was known by other names: Jared, Abi
Gedor, eber, Abi Soko, Jekuthiel, Abi Zanoah, Heman, and Shemaiah. Those names were given
to him by his mother, his father, his brother Aaron, his sister Miriam, his nurse, his
grandfather Kehat, and Israel. “Pharaoh” is the general title used to designate Egyptian kings.
The Pharaohs kings were the religious and political leaders of ancient Egypt. The personal
names of the Pharaohs and princes consisted of more than one name. Moses marriage with
Adoniah the Cushite Queen wife of Kikianus, made Moses to be king over the Cushites on that
day. The marriage didn't last, and the Queen son Menacrus was anointed king for Moses to be
able to go away in peace.

Miriam was 7 years or older than Moses; she was a model of scholarship, teaching and
uprighness. She was a prophetess and a scientist. Aaron, Hebrew: Aharon, of Egyptian origin,
was 3 years older than Moses. Aaron was the great-grandson of Levi, representing the priestly
functions of his tribe; he was the first High Priest of the Hebrews. Eloquent and persuasive in
his speeches, his function included the duties of speaker. Moses function was directive; Aaron
function was ministerial.

Elizabeth was the wife of Aaron, from the Hebrew Elishebha “God is an oath”. The name is
related to nishba “he swore” originally “he bound himself by (an oath). An oath is a statement
of fact, an affirmation of what is real. Truth in scientific data is oaths. “God is an oath” means
the truth is in science.

Jacob was the son of Isaac with Rebekah. Jacob had a twin brother, Esau. They were
grandsons of Abraham. Abraham son of Terach (idol makers, and a contrator for Paraoh,
according to tradition) was born under the name Abram in the city of Ur in Babylonia. Abram
has two wives. The first one was Sarah, Hebrew for “princess”, she was also his half-sister.
Abraham second wife was Hagar. She was a daughter of Pharaoh, she bore Abram a son,
Ishmael, and Sarah also bore Abraham a son, Isaac. Abraham took another wife, whose name
was Keturah. (Genesis 25:1).

Abraham father was the son of Nahor. Terah wife was Amthelo, daughter of Cornebo. Terah
was the father of Haran, Nahor, and Abraham (Also called Avram and Abram), and with
another wife, he was also the father of Sarah. Abraham married his half-sister Sarah. (Genesis
20:12). Nahor was a son of Serug. They all are descendant of Shem.

Noah three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, were made kings over their lands, they correspond
to three races: Europeans, Semites, and Africans. Other races came from other ships like Noah
ship. Shem was a King, a ruler. Shem descendants, rulers and founders of civilizations are:
Rashad, Shelach, Eber, Peleg, Reu and Serug. They were royal blood. Therefore Moses was a
real prince, and the retrieving of Moses from the amniotic sac of his mother became “Moses
saved from the waters”.

The sons of Ham were Cush (founder of the Cushing Empire), Egypt, Put, and Canaan. It is
normal to think that the first Egyptian king was Egypt, son of Ham. One the first world
civilizations, the Egyptians, developed a formal religion to explain all the natural phenomena.
That required the building of universities (temples) and idols representing deities that
represented natural phenomena. That makes some Pharaohs to be in need of more “idols-
making” than others. Terah, Abraham father was an idol-maker. Abraham did not become
Pharaoh, but he can be considering as the first unofficial king of Judaism since he was the
founder and father of Judaism. What was the office of his two brothers Haran and Nahor?

The Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, parallel of Egyptian teaching founded their own
school of thought known as teaching or religion now known as Judaism. Their descendants,
the Jewish people, are from Egyptian blood. Moses knew both forms of teaching, the one that
uses many deities as teaching tool and Judaism that uses only one deity.

The Hebrew word Eloah with a plural suffix is Elohim. It is a Hebrew word which expresses
concepts of divinity. The only divinity there is, is reason formulated by the universal laws or
principles. Moses laws came from reason.

Moses knew that the basic difference between Judaism and any other school of thought
(religions) which are using a pleiade of different gods is on the language only; more
specifically in the different construct forms that gives descriptivity to a “divine” concept.

The Hebrew word “El”, Eloah (or Elohei) with a plural suffix is Elohim. It is a Hebrew word
which expresses concepts of divinity. The only divinity there is, is reason formulated by the
universal laws or principles. Moses laws came from reason. In the Tanakh: “In the beginning,
Elohim created the heavens and the earth” refers to the beginning of the universe were Elohim
is made of the two primal causes:

1) A spacial void; 2) an non-uniform mass of energy. El is the first name for God given, and
Elohim is the Name of God as the Creator and Judge of the universe. The plural form of El
means “Strong One”, the force (see science of physics). God is called according to his actions,
when he has mercy he is named YHVH” means “to be”.
The base name (The basic form) El, Eloah, Elohim combined with other designating words
provides additional description about God. These other names or titles for God are called
“construct forms”. “Elohei” means “God of”; it is already a construct form. In Hebrew it would
appears with a qualifying descriptor. “My God” in Hebrew would be “Elohai”. “The God of
Abraham” would be “Elohei Avraham”. “The God of gods” would be”Elohei Haelohim”. “The
Eternal God” would be “Elohei Kedem”. “Our God” would be “Eloheynu”. Etc...The different
construct forms of one god gives base to Judaism. The ancient Egyptians uses the different
construct forms as being deities of their own. That gives them plenty of Gods.

As an example, “Job 34” speaks of all natural phenomena under one god guidance (all the
natural laws) instead of taking the old Egyptian approach that gives each natural
phenomenon a godly will of its own (its own natural law). Job tells us it is all a matter of
scientific approach.

“It is not the old who are wise, nor the aged who understand what is right. But it is the spirit in
man (reason), and the breath of the Almighty (science), that makes him understand.”(Job

Anyone who say "God" lives as an individual and everything happening, every phenomenon, is
"God will" demonstrates his unwillingness to mature intellectually therefore showing his
laziness to use reason, thus his willingness to alienate himself from the objectivity of universal
principles which are the motor of evolution. It is human folly, holding tight to the human
factor, for not wanting to understand that “God” exist only as a word that encompasses all the
natural principles, their dynamics. Religious bigots who are defending their religious faith are
making fools of themselves; they are only rationalizing their stupidity. The third of humanity
is made of believers of different denominations; their main concern about existentialism is;
"What is God?" Knowing now that it is a word that encompasses the dynamics of the natural
principles we can see the rest of the story as being a whole bunch of mere details for us to
adapt and evolve harmoniously by using the natural principles for the benefit of all. Because
the essence of any living being is intellectual there is nothing above intellect, and various
proofs for any rightful intellectual finds are out there following the natural principles, thus
empirical evidences are everywhere to be found concerning that it is the objective rightfulness
of the natural principles that enter our mind for our mouth to spell them out; that is to say we
are the sole responsible for every word coming from our mouth and for any evilness and
goodliness within.

We experience social sin everyday as ways to defend ourselves from inextricable social
paradoxical situations in order to survive, in other words we break sometime the social laws in
order to survive, mainly to feed the body. That is part of our life experience, and it is trough
that toils to survive that we develop also our intellect. It is the intellect which by breaking
through the basic needs of the body, and because of them, that gives us the possibility to reach
the real perception of the natural principles. In other words we philosophize about reality from
frustrated needs and our mind (our soul) keep searching for answers to better adapt to
existence by finding answers that would gives us a better perception of the ways of the natural
principles. As we can see life experience can direct our mind toward a level of practicality were
we understood that the use of libido is a must to survive. That understanding gives us the
ability to perfect our thoughts therefore our social behaviors and consequently our social
deeds. That whole process is an automatism of evolution easy to follow, but somehow we
acquire the artificial behavior not to do it; that what's makes societies to go hay-wire and start
trouble by the lack of understanding the logic residing in libido."Now" is always the time to
succeed to follow our natural libidinous instinct (the impulse of life), we have as resource the
unlimited and eternal universal light (literally) that keep our intellect alive and running. We
can possess the facts of reality right as the ways of the light reveals itself in so many
interactions. There is not an iota of religious revelation in the ways of the light, simply pure
and simple knowledge for us to grasp the secular way.

The Kabbalah is to receive knowledge directly without intermediary, simply by mind-gazing,

to contemplating, to think about reality.
End of Times

Marketing his vicious religious invention that he call Islam by using threat’ of dead as
motivator to make peoples to bend their mind to his will Mohammad, after all, can only
prophesize the dead of the non-believers of Islam he can put his hand on.

“End of times” simply means the end of an era concerning humanity moronic understanding of
the universe in positive correlation with the cosmic alignment of 2012. Since the early
Christian party, exploiting dangerously the Jew religion for political achievement, became a
policy making power, the Christian World policy became influenced by their own
eschatological view to the Present days. Eschatology is the study of the end times. According to
Jewish scriptures (if one can read between the line) the Universal laws under the word “god”
have only one king enemy, it is: “Incomprehension” and its followers. Our own
incomprehension it’s our own natural enemy. We can bring global peace and the destruction of
that enemy of reason. We can induce national and international consciousness by restoring the
kingdom of the mind (reason) which Israel was the guardian, it is known under the saying:
“the restoration of the kingdom of Israel”. It was hermeticism; of course Israel will also end-Up
with its own kingdom which is the re-establishing of its old biblical orders. No one in
particular can established his absolute control over the world, the world have to control itself.
The “resurrecting of the (dead) minds” will allow people to come to their own conclusions
concerning “the end of times”. The idea of the defeat of evil and his armies, meaning the defeat
of incomprehension and its followers became lost in many translations where the
eschatological views of the predominant religions dictate their politics. Politics which in turn
affect the here and now of governments promoting their own view of holiness and
righteousness. Religion and politics are not completely separated. Because Israel is one of the
holder of the original teachings of sciences from the pharaohs era (we must not forget ancient
Greece), under a different mystical form, the Hebrew religion still plays an important role in
shaping the domestic and foreign policies of nations. Israel atonement to come is the nation
reflection over the true meaning of its religion and past mistakes made from the
misunderstanding of it. From there on, for Israel to understand that reason is in the universal
laws, made of energy, which were artificially personified by Moses, and to comprehend their
actions over our intellect is the automatic “redemption” of the original sin which is our
incomprehension. Sigmund Freud and Einstein was Jew's. The “redemption” of Israel is the
resurrecting of the “dead minds” of its people. Israel comprehension of its own religion will
allow the self-redemption of the rest of the Christian world. Other religions from original
sources around the world will follow the same path. By doing so, Israel will fulfill the
prophesies that said Israel should take the first step towards the end times by re-establishing
the kingdom of the mind (reason) of which that nation was always the guardian. When that's
happen, Israelis carrying their enthusiastic messages “their mind being transports in haven”
will understand what to be the “chosen one” by Pharaoh to protect the ancient knowledge
really mean. The triumph of reason over incomprehension all over the world will bring “God”
kingdom on earth meaning the universal laws will be more in good use than they are now. Any
tactic or strategy which involves arms conflicts to hasten “the end of times” of being stupid’s,
thinking it is acceptable and divinely sanctioned it’s a no-no, it is a contradiction. To find
reason and to help the naked truth out of her hiding place do not justify harsh armed means.
When diplomacy fail, then armed defense it’s justified to protect them for disappearing again.
In some case, in this context, the best defense is to attack first. Armageddon is the victory of
righteousness over evil.

The end of times will be the ultimate crescendo of the symphony of truth around the world. The
only insular Jewish event from it will be the fact that they would be finally recognize, by all, of
been one of the chosen nation, ions ago, to protect the truth in a form of a “religion”. From the
first man and woman to the greatest scholar, in the near and farthest corners of the world, the
knowledge of the truth concerning our relation with the universe and the discovery of the
beginnings of human history on earth, will usher the period of peace after the period of
disorder those revelations will bring.

It doesn't matter under which excuse and for what reason we kill another human being,
directly or indirectly, it is our psychopathic personality that makes us kill others without
remorse and sometime with joy (sadism); It is that psychopathic personality that has to be
kept in the background of our associative personality, without ever let it be in control. We all
possess that personality, it is part of our original Agnostism (original sin) pairing up with our
defensive system in order to control any threatening situations; we have to accept the fact that
it is a normal instinctive behavior to get rid of any source that's out to destroy our existence or
our means to survive. It is wiser not to kill another human being since we all need each other to
help each other from our differences, that's what to be civilized is all about: to use our wit and
pairing it with our basic needs in order to develop a social mind, that will makes us to care for
each other psychological well being by responding to the basic needs of humanity, technology
is secondary concerning "to be civilized".

The Concept of Eternity

The Jews cannot fail to realize that their spiritual potential was always under their noses, and
because some of them know the slaying of their “religion” very well, they will develops a speedy
understanding of the true nature of thing. They will be a nation of scholars, and not be just one
more nation in the world, proud to have a flag in the UN plaza. Then the Jewish nation, being
a scholar nation, will continue to conducts itself as a separate entity from the rest of the
nations, still considering itself as a nation of “holy people” but under a different definition of
the words. The nations of the world will ask Israel advice for their own “salvation”. When man
will recognize the whole universe as the true creator and teacher, and gladly submit the
direction of their thought under their own free will by considering them from a different
perspective, by understanding also their “psychic” meaning (also call spiritual meaning), then
the enlightened among us, which are the “open scientific minds” will comprehend without
difficulty, despite various social position, the version of the creation of the universe which is:
The universal laws are the beginning and the end. They were issue from the meeting (or
mating) of two primal forms: the voids and a non-uniform potential; alone by themselves
those singularities were useless, and a total “void” by themselves. As energy came to be, the
laws came to be, and the universe became them as they came to be, as they are the universe.
That s was we came from and that is where we'll stay forever. Before the laws there were no
laws, and after the laws there are none other, as the laws are our universe. Simple isn't it?
That's from the Jewish bible. The Jewish redemption it’s their own atonement under a scientific
mind. The time for Jewish redemption will linger on as long as there are sizeable numbers of
Jews playing the international scene begging to be admitted to the “unholy portals” of
sociopathic firms and societies, and forgets about any forms of atonement. The Vatican close to
Christian heart was protecting so many lies in its agnostic innocence! To Honor the mind, like
the Greek did, what was not in the Christian agenda during the best days of the Roman
Empire. Christianity made itself believe it was a heaven for so many conquered countries, but
it was more a political force than an Asylum of peace. Some actual former Christians will wish
that the Pope would never leave when time come. History tells that days were shadows for the
weeping races being enslaved by the Vatican armed hands. Where can a secular fugitive go
when the flattering Christians own the soul of Constantine for the sword of Rome to be at the
disposal of the Vatican? Humanity learns to meditate without regrets over the senseless
deaths, victims of the inquisition. The tumultuous days of Rome are gone, science pushes
religions toward the cliff of the Useless.

The frivolous murdering human taste for blood that were filling the coliseum seats is no more.
Which heart will again have the desire to follow the blood trail that put the price of the living
over their pain for pain to be accepted as a virtue? Where were the charming pleasures of
Rome in its enthusiasm to kill and conquer? Is a pure heart need the help of the sword to bring
upon the word of God? What great pleasures are there to delight in the pain of others to hold
on to power? The Christian church is a save heaven it had been said, but for who and for what?
Who did laugh at human misery when scientists were jailed and burns for God's pleasure? ...
Or God was only a poor puppet of man that forbids reason to fill the mind for the soul to
understand humanity? Today discoveries are tomorrow real harmony and looking deep in the
eyes of the ancient gods we can see the moon and the stars being teaches trough their stories by
the mouths of the ancient wises. Soon antique Rome will be no more when its last remain, the
lifeless Vatican, will disappear. We are all unified within the same universe. That's makes the
same basics questions to “pop in” in every one mind. Therefore there is nothing freaky about
us, asking ourselves, and around the same question that everyone asks themselves about the
concept of eternity. Our present state of mind is bond to evolve to accommodate the immortal
concept of its own status. The question can be very overwhelming for people living in a
condition of social “obedience” without questioning the “mysterious”.

Some religions are quick to gives answers and explanations without really comforting our
curious social mind. Most of the time we can't remember what we were told because we are
burying within our unconscious the anxiety that goes with it. The long “forever” part with no
end in sight of any form of suffering, or being in a boring state forever, or obeying a “god” we
cannot understand for eternity is what freaked us out of our mind. The concept of eternal life
without the proper basic explanations can kept us up for countless nights....

Time rules and time is the moving of energies in their interactions. Time is binding all living
and non-living things alike. We are in the grasps of time and time is in our grasp. Time do not
have a life, it is an automaton, but life being born from time by being the times memory in
“oneself unit” can be understand. We are grasping more and more our own reality as time
goes by. We can fully “think” to eventually grasp the concept of eternity of times by grasping
the social reality and our own self-reality within the frame of time of which we are built. As we
can see it is within us; we are self-processing units of our past memories. That's what gives us
a life of our own. We are processing the present, to understand the concept of eternity and the
statistics of the future.

Existing forever and be dead forever does freak out most of us, and as a general rule we turn
our back from those anxious thoughts. Whenever we try to envision the no-end times, some of
us get totally freaked thinking about the possibility of existing forever or be dead forever.
Those thoughts are based, and can be based only, of what we know so far about reality, and of
what we can extrapolate from it; that include joys and suffering. Some individuals are pretty
terrified by the thought of eternity, panic attacks following that thought is not uncommon.
Others were being told by their religions that one isn't supposed to think about it, so whenever
the question does pop into their head they try to think of something else. For some wandering
souls in their despair never to find understanding, there is no more terrifying thought than the
idea of living forever, and they also can't envision dying. What's worse? They can’t decide.

As much we wouldn't want to cease to exist when we are in a balanced normal state, as much
the thought to live forever bring anxiety from a possible never ending boredom or suffering.
Evolution has it that boredom is a status quo that goes away, and for past joys leading to the
know how to be happy. Happiness then, can last forever but in different forms with news
challenges in between each form. Self-Joy and an awake mind goes by pair, and brings joy to
others when we resolve social challenges. To live forever do not have to be fear when we are
mentally awake and the social environment need our help to evolve. Joys, as reward for our
mind evolution mean fabulous time! How can one be scare of that!

It is the “living dead mind” that are fearing mental and physical pain forever, they are
experiencing the “ impulse of dead” as they are forced, by evolution, to keep going forward and
to suffer more mentally than physically as they evolves until their awakening. What should
freak us out is now, our poor social doings because of our ill uses of our cognition. No mind can
cease to exist; it is a dynamic unitary essence, a dynamic unit, made of memories thoughts and
feelings processing concepts and new data. Great minds think alike in their respective fields,
and the new discovery made by one can bring joy to all, there is no boredom in that. We cannot
be all the same and we will never be, it is against basic statistics, but we all have the same
bonding of the universal rules; that what makes us different entities and sociable by nature.

That concept of eternal life without boredom with a total mind liberty is easy enough to
understand when we realize that evolution it’s also eternal; but at the same time our present
experience of reality it’s a poor example to grasp the full potential of that concept. We have to
keep in mind that we are the one who are making our own reality. The material thing around
us are “obeying” to the automatism of the universal rules under: 1) normal evolution; 2) Forms
of life interference (like us), but always according to universal rules. It is easy enough to grasp
that part; even a monkey can feel that. To try not to think about living forever is to close a door
to our mind processes, slowing down the flow of our intellect.

There is no end in evolution, but there was a self-beginning. Our original sin is for the oneness
not to have clarity of mind about our own presence nor all of the existing dynamics (natural
rules in action). Our mind is processing forever all the data influencing us for clarity to takes
place. Truly! We can mentally process anything; it just takes time that what evolution is all
about. We can see that our mind (oneself) is not finite and never will be, because the constant
aport of new data, they are the one that keep our minds to evolve constantly. Our own intellect
is the revelation of things, the Messiah within. It is a “magical” candle that grows up more and
more as we use it to chase mental darkness away.

As we can see, eternity is a not a “whole of time “all in once and forever, but it have a fractal
character, it breaks down into parts for the process of evolution to resume its course always.
Being “mind awake” will makes our tomorrows more joyful than our yesterdays. Knowing that
in our present makes us eager to open more our minds for its own present and future
pleasures. We are already living in eternity, Death as such is only a door to the “dark universe”
also call paradise; and being born in here, is living the dark universe (again) to come back
here. Our genes know who we were previously by the phenomenon of universal bondage that
our biological parents are part of us, and we part of them, and also our long term memory;
our previous memories are hiding very deep in our unconscious. Truth is within us, and we are
our own truth in the reality of things.

Metaphysical law: In each point of the universe, the universe is falling into the bottomless hole
of infinity, therefore expanding its frontiers, that phenomenon is call gravity. The same
principle apply to the mind where nothingness attract the mind intellect; if an individual do
not hold a firm mental grip on the harmonious trueness of the universal rules his mind can
only expand toward total ignorance. For one mind to harmoniously expand to uncharted
territories an individual has to follow the path of reason that lies within the natural rules.

Not really knowing what will happen next, in the future, and relying on different sources
having each their own versions of metaphysical reality, without seriously thinking about it
(processing the information consciously) can lead to a future form of “anxiety without object”
as we are burying deep in our unconscient what disturb us at the present. So, don't just don't
think about it! But instead let’s contemplate what options our intellect submits to our reason.
Then we won’t have to compensate anymore our lack of understanding with glasses of wine,
but we will reward you with a glass of wine after thinking about it to push a little more the
limit of self-knowledge. Then, if you want to, get drunk! Why not? As long happiness do not
turn into sickness.
In his 2003 book, “There is No Messiah and You're It” The Rabbi Robert N. Levine let the people
of Israel know there won’t be a “religious” Messiah send “miraculously” by God, but rather it
will be a non-passive person, standing out of the crowd, by studying the fields concerning the
truth of the universal matters that will become the Messiah. He says that each and every one of
us can be the potential messiah if we put our mind to it. The rabbi says that we were not
“create” to be passives, sit back, pray, and wait for things to happen for us, that there is none
other “Anointed Ones” than ourselves that can saves us from our wrongs doings. He said it is
much more meaningful for us to conceive Messiah as a normal human being, understanding
universal concepts, opposed to a divine entity.

The Messianic age to come is the age of understanding, no big deal! It is preferable than the
age of darkness. It can only be socially better than now, after the transitional period full of
some yakking here and some yakking there from the unhappy ones, which will be the wicked
minds and the religious bigots, the rest of us will adapt to a better way of living after some
overdue and welcome social modifications. During the transitional and the “Messianic”
periods, were purely a social human part of history, (no god involve) personal business can go
as usual: women getting pregnant, French’s making their cassoulets, men shaving (or not) in
the morning etc...The wise will not be looking to put themselves into unnecessary troubles.

The transitional period is when the Gog and Magog can be seen as a “mind war”. There will be
two wars:

1) The most important one is the war we will have to fight within oneself when the time will
come to understand the concept of eternity

2) The less important one is the war against religious extremist who want to remain “brain
dead”, having their own interpretations of Utopia and eternity where their egocentric
pleasures, which includes sexual intercourse with young virgins (without asking their opinion)
as Islam mentions, will be on the loose eternally under the benevolence of a subjective (non-
existent) god. Peace is a product of harmonious thoughts in a conscious mind toward reality
from an individual who realize nature is his ally.

Unraveling some riddles

The righteous do not seek fame or power over others; he only seeks harmony and power over
his own mind.

Like a blossoming flower our mind opens up when unravelling primal myths. It doesn't cost
anything to bail us out of our moronical state of mind if we are willing to make an honest self-
introspection under what we already know from previous consequences of our acts (life
experience) versus our past secular knowledge. The other option is to rely on others to makes
us understand the reality of things. University fees and psychiatric fee can be really expensive,
and most of governments do not have the financial means to bail all of us out of our mental
troubles. We shall self-anoint ourselves in knowledge by understanding reality as it is. The
gifts of nature are made as well for the well being of our mind than for the well being of our
body; but we are more eager to open up the gifts of nature for our wants than our needs. Our
wants wage troubles and our needs (like the one for affection) wages harmony.

The “anointed by God” indicates an initiated person in the matter of true knowledge, science
and exact history matter. It is a term used in the Hebrew Bible to describe priests (scientists)
and kings who were traditionally initiated, which gives them the “insight” to prophesying; and
then they were anointed with oil as a symbolized gesture. Any “anointed” person or king can
bring freedom and peace upon his house or kingdom. Goodness came from libido and insight
which came from social feeling and understanding true data. There were plenty of initiated
one in ancient Pharaoh's times and also in very ancient times...”the time of the old” ...the time
before the Pharaohs, millenniums before them. They were traveling space, which affect their
aging process and our understanding of their chronological order in history.

The time of the old was when people knew about space travelling and find it a natural part of
their life as we do now. Some scientists (high priest) were busy, in different part of our planet,
writhing down in hermetic form their knowledge. That's what was the source that gave birth
to the first “true” religions: the primal religions. They were talking about supernatural
existence, which is life after death, the phenomenon of the living dark universe (Aphrodite) and
also the existence of our intellect as a living memory with its own personality. They tell us that
to “know God” in a physical and “visual” sense, which is the universe and its components, we
have to look upon the stars, within ourselves, and into the visible and invisible form of matter,
which is energy. Our scientists are doing just that; they are studying God by studying the
universe... “To look within ourselves” belong to the studying in psychologic field as well as the
genetic field, the medical field, and the neurotic field as Sigmund Freud did.

Freud self-learned how to take care of mental illness, “the leprosy of the mind or forehead” as
the ancients Hebrews puts it. Cleaning and bandaging a number of mind sores with
psychotherapy, Freud was treating the “poor mind” of riches and poor alike. Freud teaches us
how to cleanse, bandage and rebandage the sores of our mind, and how to untie paradoxes in
our mind. The world has plenty of mind sores to take care of. Everyone have to atone for
himself with or without therapeutic help. One does not have to be rich to heal his mind. It is all
in the mind. One can be “self anointed” according to his willingness of atonement (reflecting on
his past mistakes and make a plan of action to better one) and his desire to learn what science
and history has to say and let his mind do the automatic extrapolation from there. It is called
“god inspiration” in some religious circles. It is simply the automatic process of the intellect
bringing ideas to our conscious.

Today it’s always a good day to better our existence. We are building from an automatic
common sense made of energy; it is the “rock”, as the Hebrews puts it, which is the solid
foundation to build our mental life. The rest is all science, history and libido. The “Fear of God”
always mends the respect of universal science. Universal science it’s the whole of all the natural
universal laws. To know them is to prevent bad consequences. Evil and tyranny are not able to
stand before them. Joy and gladness came from their appropriate uses. Peoples of the world
turn to them for intellectual (spiritual) guidance. They rebuild ruined minds and restore peace
within. Common sense makes us know instinctively some of them. They tell us, in our instinct,
to welcome communication to avoid warfare, as warfare is sometime a last resort to
communicates one pain. They make us masters of our own destiny by letting our mind express
its distinctive genius in every area of science.

Every individual human being is responsible for himself first. As one become self-anointed,
starting to know how to heal and bandage his mental sores, then he can takes on the
responsibility to teach rightfulness. One does not need to be a saint martyr, sitting in a seat
made of hallelujahs, to be a school teacher that would be a no-no. Teaching with clarity
various pedagogic subject can be done if one understand science, the basis of human behavior
and communication as Zephaniah 3:9 mentioned in the conversion of the nations: “For at that
time I will change the speech of the peoples to a pure speech, that all of them may call upon the
name of the Lord (science) and serve him (teach it) with one accord”. It is amazing how easy
sometime it is to unravel ancient Hebrews riddles. The Torah laws and stories contain both
clear language and secret layers which are not to be treated literally. The secret layers are
easy enough to find out since we need the help of science, history, etymology, and other
disciplines to decipher them in order to understand their secret meanings.

The religious vision tunnel syndrome is a functional mental disorder caused by the suppression
of adequate reasoning causing mind numbness; the individuals affected by that mental illness
are called “religious bigots”, the Pope is one of them (or he wouldn’t be Pope). “Spiritual
healing” was originally mended to be understood as just plain down-to-Earth mind healing; it
is a secular psychological process where intellectuality is involved in its developing stages, as
to go through a cyclic process of development. As for “Miracles” being involved in body healing
it is simply the phenomenon of neuroplasticity at work. What still separates religion and
science is our folly of grandiosity where we are thinking our heads reaches the “divine” in its
heavenly clouds, but by thinking that our heads are in fact reaching the bottom of mental hell
clouding our minds. In the eye of eternity any future is near as time is relative;"soon" simply
means when a cycle is done; therefore soon we will be healed throughout a natural cycling
process, and not by a “divine” intervention of religious character. We shall keep in mind when
vanity clouds our imagination is when creativity takes a hike with reason as its companion. A
righteous man is proud, humble and secular; a deceitful man is vain, arrogant and stupid; it is
by his tone of voice, how he markets himself and by using which means of deceit that we can
unveil man deep self. “God” as a literal living lord is a means of deceit. Too many believers
having good social intentions are mistaking “humbleness” with “masochism”, and they are
spreading “the word of God” not knowing what they are talking about; that is ignorance and
arrogance, their ignorance make it so that they do not realized their arrogance. In most of the
cases the socially inclined religious bigot, vitreous eyes (like”under the influence”), enthroned
on the top of the majesties of his divine knowledge have an idiotic-masochistic inspired smile
glue on his face. Is the truth hurting yet? The truth can only hurt sinners against reason. By
their findings and teaching the scientists makes their contribution for the up keeping of human
reason; by their faith and teachings the evangelists makes their contribution to keep daily
bread on the psychiatrist’s tables. The pride of being a human being cannot be found in the
belief of being the obedient slave of a living God but rather in the knowledge that we are our
own master. Don’t we possess the innate tendency to fight slavery? ... Hmm? It will be hard
for believers to accept to drop their God-potato-head to which they can send their griefs, their
dreams and their hopes; it is a whole side of a cultural way of life that will be very frustrated
by the existentialistic truth. It will be like to tear away a kid favourite toy with all the
commotion (shock waves, like in an Earthquake as being metaphorized in the book of
revelations) and the aftershocks that will follow, that will rips friends and families apart.

Before Gaia was falling apart Gaia was darkness, and we were parts of Gaia and therefore we
were darkness. When Gaia wed Ouranos we become light and we evolve as memories of light.
As the light is with us we are in the light as the famous Einstein equation encompass.

The presence of causality (the vengeance of God) comforts the righteous.

No one can temper with the spirit of reason and the sword of causality.

There is only one truth and we have to work intellectually to find it.

Morale and Morality

How wicked is a politician whom do not believe in God but makes the believers to believe that
he does? The true meaning of "salvation" is mind (soul) salvation, what else? It is by showing
peoples their intellectual mistakes that we show our respect for them and their life; by showing
them, with proofs at hand, the right path to follow will stop them to fall over the cliff of reason
and plunging to their mental hell. Primal myths are teaching tools to illustrate (or
allegorizing) secular data; whoever takes myths as the original data is missing the point. It
makes ones wander how smart is a politician whom believe in God... It is so easy to say it is
God will when everything goes wrong. God is the scapegoat for human mistakes!

Is there a greater pleasure for a teacher to see the eyes of his pupil to open up to reality under
his guidance, and for the pupil mind to taste the pleasure coming from his knowledge of
nature and the wisdom that universal libido contain? Yes we can listen to what evangelists and
other politicians has to say, but it would be very wise to see and understand what evangelists
and politicians do with their life, and what they are inducing peoples to do to themselves and
toward humanity, also what are the meaning of some of their insinuations in reality and
toward reality. The science of psychology pairing with statistics is there to help us.

We all have our own ways of doing things, what is the wrong way or what is the right way
depends of the results we are seeking. We have to know the universal rules to foresee the
results we are seeking, statistic is base on that. Are the results obtained in accord with the
social environment? Causality tells. Harmony between results obtain and environmental
reaction is within the ethics of things (see libido) where everyone is contented (having
pleasure) by any result obtain. That's mean libido and ethics has to be taken in consideration
when we are doing anything that affects the life of others, therefore we better use marketing
for the good of all instead for ripping-off hard working individuals from their earnings, their
life and their reason. The logic of things and universal morality is of the same fundamental
principle, it is within the universal rules for all to adapt well under the objectivity of causality.
On the logic of things, feeling and reason is a fractalized One within the universal rules that
produces life.

There is a difference between morale and morality:

A) Morale is an intangible term to define the binding of a group of individuals forming a

specific culture; as long they are pulling together with consistence their organization, to give it
order, they maintain their belief in the institution they have created.

B) Belong to the behavioral trinus of code of conduct, here are the two opposite:

1) Social morality, from the Latin moralities, “proper behavior” defines the “right and wrong”
that belong to the code of conduct of a society.

2) Universal morality came from the Libido, the “feeling” of the dark universe (Aphrodite),
which gives us universal ethics, the ideal code of conduct which is base on the logic of things.

Link) The link is causality. Causality is what tells us what is right or wrong.

We are the only ones who can redeems ourselves from our own stupidity, and the price we pay
for it is our own sufferings until we know better how to follow the lead of the natural
principles; that's how we can "revive" (resurrecting of the deads) mentally as reason become
our under the causality phenomenon. It is the suffering humanity being represented by Jesus
of Nazareth, the mythical son of the mythical god, self-redeeming. It is by life experience and
reason that we can reclaim our mind (our soul) from the hare of mental hell where our own
stupidity was sending us. When that is done we can build utopia.

We can do whatever we want, we are completely free to do anything we desire to do, and this
is self-determination at its best! The universe does not have a morality as such nor a specific
religion. Some of its components do. Aphrodite (the dark universe) feeling induces universal
ethics toward all forms of life. The whole universe has its own science which is the sum of its
eternal natural principles. There is no morality in them, only causality. Some parts of human
morality came from the understanding, using reason, of some of the causal possibility from
our behaviors; like what are the consequences of pollution toward our health etc...We are the
one who creates our own social cultural morality. Some other part of human morality came
from the feeling of Aphrodite.

Morality it’s a question of animal cultural matter (we are from the animal kingdom); it is a
cultural acceptance or not toward certain forms of behaviors. Animal tames themselves with
specific social behaviors, call social morality, within a group. A culture is a group of persons
having in common the same habits of thinking and doing things. A cult is a group of person
following a school of thought for which they are infatuated because the ideas behind that
school of thought follows their innate, or acquired inclinations to see, understand ,and to
accept things.

In the sexual field, such infatuations as homosexuality, bisexuality, group sex (which involves
the presence of a super libido and a super belonging), animalism, sado-masochism etc...It’s a
question of cultural acceptance, or not, depending on its psychological concepts concerning the
sharing of pleasures toward those infatuations that dictates the morality of a culture
concerning that field. As long pleasure of the consenting partners, and hygiene its involve, the
causality side of the universe do not respond negatively to the mind progression; sex, touching,
caresses and pleasure are part of the learning process at all age. Any forms of teaching, and
that's include sexual teaching and experimenting, shall involve pleasure, not fear. Only the
negativity of cultural pressure, protecting their “religious” subjective order, toward some
forms of pleasure does culpabilizes the willing party's involves and creates psychological
disorders. “Clean pleasure” involves hygiene of the body and of the mind (sanity). “Unclean
pleasure” involves insanity (mental troubles) and non hygienic habits, and also forcing
individuals to participate in activities they do not wish to be part of. One repulsion toward a
sexual infatuation of someone else cannot be considered as to be the gauge of the universal
morality. Sexual orientation is part of the general learning process, it is our psychological
state of mind, in the frame of personal evolution, that's gives us our sexual orientation. As a
fact, like it or not, universal morality according to the universal rules was never dependant of
sexual orientation but only from ethics (see libido). Any kind of sexual orientation is under the
causal principle (natural consequences) in relation with carefulness or non-carefulness
concerning the guidelines of ethics, cultural beliefs, health and hygiene, and also manmade
politics concerning the subject. Our sensory system is part of the evolutionary process, when
we all find pleasure in any of our doings, then its harmony at its best. The sensory system is
there to help our physical and mental health. Our body is the tool of our mind and has to be
considered as such. The mind is behind the conscious actions of the body, and the universal
rules are behind the automatism of all the body systems and functions. We can only judge what
morality is in reality by taking the natural rules as comparison. The religious “God's
commands” is in fact the whole of the universal principles, and it takes a scientific mind to
decipher them, and absolutely not the mind of a religious or cultural bigot. King Solomon
understood that. For the Hebrew “the left hand” is the asocial things to do, and “the right hand”
is the social things to do; as King David puts it: “You make known to me the path of life; in
your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm
16:11). In other words, the shared pleasures is the gauge of morality, libido being that gauge,
and we have to use reason and feelings to experience that pleasure of the senses and pleasure
of the mind are mend to be united in a harmonious psyche.

Universal morality is to be found in universal harmony which is a social discipline on the

universal level where causality is in charge of any “disciplinary' action. Disciplinary action has
to be view as educative action concerning forms of life, and as processes of stabilization of
forces concerning matter. The presence of duality is related to both of the extremes of the
rewarding process. All cosmic objects are subject to “disciplinary” action, us included. All
objects has to be directed, under the influence of natural causal forces, in one direction or the
other of the extreme of duality in order for the natural equilibrium of things to always be
resumed on the scheme of general evolution. Universal equilibrium is an automatism; any
subjective action made by any form of life will trigger an objective causal reaction (see
Newton's laws) for universal harmony to be part of general evolution where the role of duality
is to be the dynamic of the rewarding process; in this context the rewarding process mean
redistribution of forces, concerning matter, for equilibrium to assume its function; and
concerning forms of life it means a balanced retribution for any action done. In that sense we
always find what we looking for, consciously or not. Individual harmony or troubles being
experience by the psyche is part of the universal harmony in its evolutionary process. It is our
actions that force upon ourselves any disciplinary action where rewards can be painful or
pleasurable; it is all under the objectives laws of universal harmony. In the universal level,
meaning the level of general evolution where energy, matter and life are in tight collaboration,
any form of life is the sole responsible of any of its action. Universal harmony makes it so that
in the universal court of justice (equilibrium of forces) we are our own judges, our own
witness, and the one on trial. Instant after instant we are under the influence of the court
verdict from which we have to naturally submit to: to live our own karma. Instant after
instant we are the artisans of our karma who are using the universal tools of harmony:
natural forces and their consequences. No one can escape the painful consequences of his
wrong doings; also, no one can escape the pleasurable rewards of his rightfulness in the
relativity of time.

Universal morality is within the function of the universal memory, its being part of the soul of
the universe, which is the dark universe; the function of the universal memory is for any of our
most secret actions and thought to be register as supporting data for the logic of general
evolution to base itself upon it to resume its behavioral course of action.
The natural principles are part of us; they are part of whom we are, part of our personality.
To put ourselves willingly and for any reason in a situation of dependence other than to the
natural principles (which are our natural thus automatic life line) is to sale our soul to a
master, thus to let the master walk all over our personality as he wishes; therefore the reward
of selling our soul is mental hell. This is where the expression “to sell our soul to the devil” come
from; it is simply a psychological matter, not a religious one. When we find ourselves
unwillingly in a situation of dependence as a poor person having cancer and not the financial
means to afford the overpriced medications, then how to prevent the human devils to exploit
the needy and the dying? The obvious answer would be not to be in that situation of
dependence, but how? Psychology tell us that an absence of response does extinguish the
behavior, which mean not to put ourselves at the mercy of the human devils will extinguish
their exploitation toward us since we are not asking for their services. Therefore, as an
example concerning exploitative pharmaceutical companies the dying need to tap into a
parallel service that do not exploit peoples; this is where competition is required; Chinese,
Tibetan herbal medicine and other sources like it are options to consider since original
medication came from plants. Chemical medications are poor copy of natural healing from
plants extracts. Fortunately some Shamans and pagan medicine peoples still around, the
inquisition didn’t kill them all. The Hebrews must have stash somewhere a heck of a huge
medicinal library from plants extract since that was their primary job as “Pharaoh Peoples” to
fulfill by wandering in the desert in order to save Egypt from the plagues. It would be wise for
the young generation to learn more about pagan plant medicine from Shamans keeping in
mind that on their old age they can plant for low price their medicine in their garden between
the carrots and the lettuces; we already know the beneficial effects of garlic.

A “living God” is a delusion; the objectiveness of the natural principles gives us righteousness.
We are what we think the answers to our questions are; we can be righteous or erroneous
(toxic) responses who become stimulus to others and self in a circle without end been called
“evolution”; we are our own Alpha and Omega. Under the strict guidance of the natural
principles the erroneous data in our mind (the toxins in our mind or mental wound inducers)
has to “perish” ”, leading to its death a part of our personality (that may produce various
forms of psychosis), for us to be reborn as “Phoenixes”. Therefore, in a sense, we will never by
more than a zombie unless we "die" before we can produce a lot of seeds of knowledge. The
rebirth of a mind goes trough mental pain; as the ancient metaphor says: it is the toxic aspect
of lead being transformed into the beneficial aspects of gold. A psychosis is a partial but
important collapse of the mind which was under attack by an overwhelming number of toxins
(or mental wound inducers). The causes of a functional psychosis are erroneous data
(delusions); the cause of an organic psychosis is toxins as we know it; and can also be of
genetic nature, or also by physically induced wounds.

Visible and invisible quantic mass

Whoever say that a particle of Gaian dust doesn't have a mass must be the same one who thing
nothingness is a big mass! Let put it this way: something, anything has a mass, and pure
nothingness doesn’t; nothingness is made of gravitons which are little points of the space of the
infinity of nothing, while a Gaian particle at rest is a Gaian particle, and a "falling" Gaian
particle is a quantum. Then we have a "scouting" Gaian particle on the move (scouting
quantum), which is the one ahead of the whole bunch -taking the territory of the infinity one
graviton at the time- thus not experiencing friction, and then we have the "non-scouting"
quantum which is bond to experience friction and to bundle-up with others and also to be a
"mass destroyer" when hitting another particle, or atom, at full speed. A pure quantic "Force"
is made of one and usually more quantum affecting another quantic mass, or atom, deforming
its form, speed, and nature while being suck-up be the gravitational effect of nothingness. The
invisibility of the "scout quantum" -since it is not experiencing any kind of friction- make us to
believe that a quantum of light can come from nothing when all the certain that "scouting
quantum" become subject to friction and lose its first place in its race to nothingness and
therefore becoming a visible particle of light subject to speed variations and therefore
becoming an interactive quantum. All that can be prove the mathematical way and can also be
see with the appropriated equipment. The funny part is that all this information is in the Greek
Symbolic Expressions

Religions like Catholicism pray and wait for the second coming of their Christ but are trying
by any possible means to push away the future and its secularistic truth. The natural principles
are the same truth for all. Different religions are manmade perception of what the truth is. All
sciences into one universal truth shows what the truth is. Peoples became martyrs for being
representing what is their perception of the truth. Politics anchor peoples mind by means of
force under the term “peace, law, and order” concerning their search of the truth and how they
can communicates it; but deep down everyone has a common sense that tells what the
universal truth is made of, and also what is all about: being made of energy self-interaction,
the truth is made of logic from those “social” interactions that creates an universe by
automation of physical means. As we search for the universal truth, which can only be to
pinpoint the natural harmony in all systems, our subjective self produces ideas and concepts
when facing reality where one has to adapt to specific situations to respond to his basic needs.
Products of our mind are ideas to adapt. The products of one's hands is the products of one's
mind, and it shows where lays the priorities of an individual; and products of one's mouth is
less credible than the products of one's hands as there are the tangible proofs of who one's is in

Symbolic expressions are used some time to protect verbal expressions. The equivalence of
symbolic expression and verbal expression has been part of Hebrew's practice. The repetitive
use of certain same numbers indicates symbolic expressions. To understand the Hebrew's way
(practice) of communicating, one have to know their knowledge, their culture and their
history, starting from the Pharaoh's times and even before...it is not that simple! The use of the
number “40” can be understand as a Hebrew conspiracy to use that number to symbolize
something having a connection with the passage of time and genetic manipulation. The use of
“40” in the Hebrew bible is a symbolic expression. Hebrew's literal writhing was freely mixed
with symbolic expressions. Moses and the Hebrew's High priests were using symbolic
expression as part of their politics to protect the Torah, to see that the lack of future freedom of
speech and press would not affect their “religion” and the messages it contain. Plenty of
numbers, and words, repeating themselves in the Hebrew bible, are symbolic expressions.

One of the main legacy of the ancient Egyptian knowledge that the ancient Christian party
appropriated for itself and being transform into the mythical Jesus of Nazareth was the basic
psychological expression: “to respond to evil with good”, meaning when one experience evilest
doings against him, he shall respond by his self-seeking of the universal rules, find them, and
teach them, as the universal rules also rules the mind for mind to reach harmony. This is why
we need to build schools and universities (temples of knowledge) for the most deprived.

Also the expression “Who live by the sword will perish by the sword” do not necessarily have a
literally meaning but concerns the phenomenon of causality in the psycho-socio field. Any
consequence is a natural reaction; and who makes his living by doing wrongs to others
(society) will have to face the physical and psychological consequence soon or latter by the
natural social reaction against his antisocial ways of living.

The expression “spirit of God” in the second part of Genesis 1:2 underline the intention of the
person who writhe the text to expresses the presence of an automatic form of determinism of
physical character: “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”; It seem
that in the biblical sense the word “Water” being composed of waves of energy, is also being
use to mention both the primal singularities at once. Concerning the first part of Genesis 1:2, it
simply mentions the void external of the universe: ““The earth was without form and void, and
darkness was over the face of the deep;”.

The natural principles are overshadowing evilness: man shadow.


Idioms are cultural figures of speech, cultural expressions; their meaning does not follow the
literal definition and contradict the principle of compositionality. The figurative meaning of
each idiom that is commonly in use came from different historical sources belonging to specific
cultures. It is easy to forget the meaning of some of the idioms which are no longer in use since
they are not making any sense from a literal definition. As an example, in the English
expression “kick the bucket” means to die.

Symbolic expressions and idioms are some time melting together; they came from different
specific cultures. The Hebrew expression “reading white on white” have the same meaning
than the French expression “read between the lines”. It means to find what a phrase, an article,
a book are really saying by understandings metaphors, idioms, and what a writing is leading
to without saying it. At first, lost meaning of some idioms make us believe they can be a
hermetic way of talking concerning an esoteric subject. The quantic theory is an esoteric
subject for whoever does not know the subject. If one talk about the quantic theory using
Idioms as means of communication then it seems the whole teaching is hermeticism around
esoterism for the non-initiates. Then it becomes metaphysics since it includes unknown cosmic
truth's leading to the creation of life. Some metaphorical meaning of certain idiom can be more
easily deduced than others because they are more universally used.

An idiom is a colloquial metaphor, and the Hebrew language in the Hebrew bible, concerning
the creation of the universe among other things, is full of idiomatic expressions that we are not
familiar with them, it is a language one must learn by finding its historical and scientific
source by the many “clues” the ancients initiated Hebrews High Priests left us in their bible.
This is better than a common cross words puzzle! It is a question of who want to play the
game, any takers? Moses & co metaphors and idioms have, with certainty, a relationship to
human cognition. “One must be more intelligent than a monkey to play that game without
being an Einstein” is the latest idiomatic expression insert in that book. Easy isn't it? As long
we know what we are talking about, we have to “ laisser l'esprit de clocher derriere nous”
because it is only a “back seat driver” in our search for the truth. Plenty of words from diverse
languages have an idiomatic origin; they became assimilated so that their figurative senses
have been lost.

The word “dream” to be found several times in the Torah is sometime use in a metaphoric sense
to indicate “visualizing”; when we are thinking about something we are visualizing our
thoughts like dreams imageries. When visualizing how to transform regular literal data into
metaphorical sentences then we “dream” in different ways to do it. This is what happen often
enough in the Torah when someone is “having a dream” and ask a prophet (scholarized secular
teacher) to explain the riddles by relying on his power of reasoning and his secular knowledge
of things to solve logically any problems as it is mentioned in Daniel 5:12 “because an excellent
spirit, knowledge, and understanding to interpret dreams, explain riddles, and solve problems
were found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar. Now let Daniel be called, and he
will show the interpretation.” (Daniel 5:12).

In neuroses and psychoses the part(s) of the mind that collapse under pressure are "false
bridge(s)" made of delusional data linking two or more realities together. In psychosis the
measurement of these bridges are bigger than in neurosis.
Law: All is needed is a finite amount of energy to produce an infinite amount of abstractions.

Law: The eternity of time is cycles within cycles without end in sight since the universe expand
into infinity; and matter is the concretisation of time having its own lifespan.

Law: Eternity is the everlasting presence of time. Only a point in time is ephemeral, but not
time itself; time is eternal in its dynamics; and cycles, from their begenning to their ends, are
the actions of time. A moment in time is n(quantum) in a specific point of space in its cyclic

Law: The everlasting arms of time creates and destroys in its many cyclic processes, thrusting
out the ennemies of the evolutionary process.

Law: Time is the “Eternal” and the whole universe is ticking.

Deuteronomy 33:27 - The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the
everlasting arms. And he thrust out the enemy before you, and said, Destroy.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 - He has made everything beautiful in its time; also he has put eternity into
man's mind, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end.

Our Cosmic Ancestors

We can say that primal religions are metaphysical school of thoughts playing with our
unconscious for us to find the reality of things; it is the conscious part of the memory of zealous
religious people that refutes the scientific aspect of it. It is from our conscious metaphysical
thoughts with the backing up of science and the knowledge of historical events that we are able
to reach the third stage of positivism: the revelation of things.

No angel Gabriel is involved.

The formation of ideas follows an automatic pattern. It is an automatic mental or mnemonic

process (call the intellect) leading to the extrapolating of data. From any idea that “pop' in” in
the mind, it is the ego that choose which one it like the best according to our culture, feelings
and common sense. This is the exact point where our mental liberty (or liberty of thoughts)
resides. It’s that liberty that gives us a mental life. In Greek mythology our intellect (mental or
mnemonics processes) are called “psychopomps” because it is a pumping process of mnemonic
data. According to Greek mythology, the psychopomps (or the whole of our mental process),
escort the soul (or mind) of the newly-deceased to the afterlife. In Greek, psychopompos mean
literally “guide of souls”. In Jungian psychology, the psychopomp is a “go-between” between
the mnemonic domain of the unconscious and the conscious.

For the original religions makers, our cosmic ancestors, who were wise scholars regarded in
high esteem, it was a question of using psychology from their part to be successful to protect
their knowledge throughout the ages. The way they said things was for us to discover their
meanings. Throughout the ages they are still playing with our unconscious mind and our
intellect. They knew how to manipulate our intellect. To know psychology that well, it was not
hard for them to make statistics in the form of prophecies because they were manipulating the
statistics, knowing in which point of our technological development some of us will attain the
third stage of positivism. Plenty of their prophecies concern our actual technological
development. For them it was only a question of pure common sense. Because of the wrong
doings of part of their world(s) to themselves and to their planet, their world(s) was doomed,
too much of uncleanable chemicals on the land, lakes, rivers and seas were also part of the
destruction, “The waters of Nimrim are a desolation; the grass is withered, the vegetation fails,
the greenery is no more.” (Isaiah 15:6). It was too late to repair the damage. They have to
immigrate and we are their descendants.

They came to seed planet Earth with the best genetically representatives of diverse cosmic
human races, that can adapt to this planet, and their wisest scholars, “the sons of God” having
the seal of God on their foreheads (meaning the wisdom to use their scientific knowledge
properly), to leads them. To have “the seal of God on the forehead” means to comprehend the
universal rules, their causality toward minds and things.

Base on their own experience they invented religions to save our world from future self-
destruction. They knew it is the untamed and uncontrolled wants of the people that destroy the
environment, and eventually their own planet. To “go green” is the solution for our mind and
our planet; “The Lord (scientific knowledge and the wisdom to use it adequately) is my
shepherd; I shall not have (asocial) wants. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads
me beside fresh waters.” (Psalm 23:1- 3; the Lord Is My Shepherd, a Psalm of David.)

Did our cosmic ancestors experience, first hand, the end of their world, meaning its destruction
because of their uncontrolled wants? If they did, they preferred for us to experience the end of
an era instead our self-destruction. Something else than a whole world, which would be planet
Earth, has to be “sacrificed” for our mistakes, so they makes it as to be as an era of mankind
instead of a whole planet; they did it by manipulating our mind. It is that possible what
happened was that our end of the world will be the beginning of a new era on the same world
versus their end of the world was the beginning of a new era on different worlds, and their
purpose was for our atonement to be “The” world atonement to be made before the destruction
of our planet, not after? They sacrifice “religions” to save the world. That's what make all the
religions the (artificial) sacrificial lambs (the artificial Jesus included) to be sacrificed to save
the world. In that sense are the primal religions the meaning to save the world? Yes. They will
be destroyed, sacrificed, and the world will be saving. Only their scientific parts will be one
with universal science. The rest of it will become “revealed myths” in our history books.
Buddha will be seen as a pillar of wisdom...as always.

Metaphorically speaking, knowing one have to go through mental hell (Sheol) to know better,
they artificially created our own future mental hell by the means of religions for us to know
better and eventually to learn faster not to destroy our planet. Religions were the element that
hastens the stopping of our wrong doings before it is too late for our world to be saved from
our destructive wants. They give us a chance they didn't have. “If I ascend to heaven (joy to
have a clear mind), you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol (mental hell), you are there!”
(Psalm 139:8). They knew how universal principles work in people mind by the process of the

The god new about our cosmic human cousins is that one day we will meet them, but the bad
news is they maybe pissed off at us for some good reason.

We are the ones who have to live forever with our own self; therefore we can be our worst
enemy or our best friend. Not believing in the obvious of what reality is made of is a sin
against self and an offense against logic. To turn our back to reality because of religious,
cultural, and political pressure is to sell our soul to the devil. Sorryness always comes after not
having believed in reality. Be a component who forbids any kind of truth to be released is
committing sin against humanity since he is stalling a part of humanity evolution thus to
adapt faster to new developments and to fixes problems if there is any. Keeping humanity in
the dark is to not believe in its potential and it’s a negative projection of how ones perceive self.
Honesty is to be truthful in any civilized manner for evolution to be a soft process. The truth is
only explosive for sociopaths, liars and imbeciles. Anything is bound to be unveiled, truths as
well as lies; but it is when lies are unveils that troubles starts. More lies there was more
troubles there will be. More truths there is more harmonies comes to us, and we are the only
ones who are building the future of humanity. No one alive can assume a god-position in his
mind in regard of his degree of authority over others since any degree of authority over others
come with the same degree of responsibility, therefore humbleness and righteousness is involve
when it come to tell the truth. To play “God” with others is to show self-delusion therefore the
presence of mental troubles that can be very ill-fated for the environment (that’ include living
beings as well as the ecosystem).
"Mabus" means " Abuses" with a Majuscule on the beginning of the word; Nostradamus
indicates man evilness in general and particularly in the Catholic Church that currently
pervades our society as a whole, and Catholicism leaving us in darkness, away from the light
and the truth residing in the light processes. Sociopaths, belonging to the Church or not, are
human devils, they are the deceivers and also the biggest morons representing evilness,
selfishness and arrogance. In interpreting Century II, Quatrain 62, it mean that after the cycle
of man abusing man in so many different forms, finally a conscious awareness of
intellectuality will occur to fill-up the vacuum that the disappearance of various superstition
left behind. That would be the beginning of a new age as an amazing period of human
psychosocial renewal, metaphysical awakening, and complete acknowledgment and
understanding that the universal duality affecting our intellectual mnemonic life is purely a
physical phenomenon. Nostradamus want to tell us that we must put an halt to the imprinting
of religious nonsense from evangelists to our children’s, it affects their intellectuality in a
negative manner.

(Original in French)
Mabus plus tost alors mourra, viendra,
De gens & bestes vn horrible defaite:
Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, faim quand courra la comete.
(Nostradamus Century II, Quatrain 62)

Aussitot que les abus disparaitront alors viendra
une horrible defaite de gens bêtes:
puis tout a coup on verra la vengeance
quand passera le cycle de la superstition.
(Nostradamus Century II, Quatrain 62)

as soon the abuses will disappear then will come
an horrible defeat of the morons:
then all the certain we will see vengeance
when pass away the cycle of that superstition.
(Nostradamus Century II, Quatrain 62)

Traces of an Ancient Civilization and its Spaceships

In present days where the facts do not match the politics, religious or others, than their
politicians cover the facts with lies, but nevertheless according to what we know about space
travelling it is possible to go to space for a few earth years and come back 500 earth years
latter to father children’s even with our own greats great great great etc...Granddaughter!
Now, some earth years from others planets are different. One earth year of one specific planet
can be 3 earth months for us. “After Noah was 500 years old, Noah fathered Shem, Ham, and
Japheth” (Genesis 5:32).

Let us theorize what may have happen with Noah world before he came to planet earth: When
the original world of Noah became over polluted by man, over mining, chemical pollution, and
over “work-out” like an “old whore”, the universal laws made an a automatic ruling that
natural phenomena reacts as they should do; volcanoes in eruption, earthquake, floods “For
behold, I will bring a flood of waters”: tsunami after tsunami(Genesis 6:17); pestilence
etc...That what's make the world filled with natural violence or “acts of God” and man was the
responsible. That world was doomed to destroy itself and the “old humanity” (times of the olds)
with it. It is clearly stated In Genesis 6:12 and Genesis 6:13; “And God saw the earth, and
behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth (...) And God said to
Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence
through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” It is easy enough to comprehend if
we open our mind to scientific evidence and leave the myth of “God” behind; by doing so, those
words, their syntax, takes a different dimension. Maybe the new way of Noah “good” kind to
reinvent humanity somewhere else was to fool us in purpose to believe in some gods and a
supreme God over all the gods until we are in the verge to destroy the planet earth like they did
with their own. The major cultural difference between then and now is they knew then there
was not any gods, only man (meaning woman also), and as for us we are thinking there is
definitively, or possibly or maybe there is a God. For us to finally discovering and knowing,
using our mind for reasoning, that what we do to ourselves it’s what they did to themselves.
They gave us a religious culture, they didn't have, for its meaning to be unveiled by ourselves
“when times come”, knowing, or hoping, that difference will save humanity and its world (our
earth) from a certain self-destruction. The beginnings of a world starting to self-destruct itself
gives warnings, those warnings or signs are defined on the Hebrews bible, and now they are a
reality all over our world. We can see that the importance of the Hebrew bible was
incommensurable, it was of vital importance that all the words remain unchanged thought the
ages. The Jews became persecuted and almost wiped out of the map because their unreachable
faith in those “holy” words.

In Judges 5, some parts of the Song of Deborah and Barak seem to refer as the use of the sky
(space, heaven), maybe they were conflicts somewhere, maybe not, it is hard to know for now,
and it is all metaphorical sayings. Some others parts of the Hebrews history also refer to the
use of stars ships and others space travelling ships.

“In the days of Shamgar, son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were abandoned, and
travelers kept to the byways.” (Judges 5:6).

“ Gilead stayed beyond the Jordan; and Dan, why did he stay with the ships? Asher sat still at
the coast of the sea, staying by his landings.” ((Judge 5:17)

“From heaven the stars (ships?) Fought, from their courses they fought against Sisera.”

'“Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why tarry the hoofbeats of his chariots?'“(Judge 5:28)

“Love the sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.” (Deuteronomy 10:19). (....)
these great and terrifying things that your eyes have seen. Your fathers went down (landing)
to Egypt seventy persons, and now the Lord your God has made you as numerous as the stars
of heaven.” (Deuteronomy 10:21-22).

Here is a mention of the Pharaoh's unstained “leadership” bloodline from the immigration era
were the Noah's fleet of star ships were the transporters: “The princes of Zoan are utterly
foolish; the wisest counselors of Pharaoh give stupid counsel. How can you say to Pharaoh, 'I
am a son of the wise, a son of ancient kings?' (Isaiah 19:11).

“To him who rides in the heavens, the ancient heavens; (...)” (Psalm 68:33).

“Do not move the ancient landmark that your fathers have set.” (Proverbs 22:28); like the
Nazca lines.

“Do not move an ancient landmark or enter the fields of the featherless, for their Redeemer is
strong; or they he will plead their case against you. Apply your heart to instruction and your
ear to words of knowledge.” (Proverbs 23:10 t0 23:12)

Meaning: “Do not remove the ancient’s landmark of the star ships or enter their fields, like the
field of the Nazca line, for the regain of their knowledge. Etc...”

In Psalm 24:7 to 24:10, it is obvious, by replacing the lord (God) by science and “the ancient’s
doors” are the doors of science that passage it are all about the knowledge of science:

Psalm 24:7; “Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors that the King of
glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty
in battle! Lift up your heads, O gates! (O minds?) And lift them up, O ancient doors, (must be:
O science, lift up the minds!) that the King of glory (understanding of knowledge) may come in.
Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory! Selah”

“The lord” is the universal laws, their dynamics. “The hosts” are the mind of all living things.
To be alive is to have a mind, even as primal as it can be.

Like a crystal crowing from a seed in an Earth dark cave, so is our soul (our mind) growing
from a seed of light in the dark cave of our body. The existentialistic truth can be found by
gathering information’s and by proving their validity by the scientific approach; our science
do a good job in that field; not our present religions. Ancient primal religions knew what they
were doing by metaphorizing and allegorizing the truth; our present religions are the result of
the Gnostic ancient’s high priests leading peoples astray by their metaphors taken literally. It
is so obviously mentioned in the Jewish scriptures, ands that knowing also the finds of our
today sciences it is so incredible and amazing that so many literate Gnostic peoples are still
intellectually blind to that fact. It is so well mentioned in the Jewish scriptures that the faith
Israel has to believe in is made of scientific data, and the science they have to learn by
themselves the secular way is to uncover these scientific data.

It is so hard to understand simplicity itself? That the same rules apply for all thing inerts and
alive? It is so hard to understand that by following these rules we won’t hurt ourselves? The
natural principles are natural rules from which nature is made, and being part of nature we
are part of these rules, and because of it by stepping out of common sense we deserve to feel
what suffering it’s all about, we are the sole responsible of ourselves, therefore it make sense to
help each others to discover more of these rules and to follow them; we don’t have to lose our
personality … who we are by doing so; we will simply do things better, that’s all! No big deal!
So, let’s go over the religious and political bla-bla-bla and let’s stop acting like fools from our
laziness to make good use of our faculty of reasoning due to cultural pressure and lets us be
adults for once.

Religious delusions as well as cultural delusion can leads to functional paranoid schizophrenia
to an otherwise mentally sane individual; to put that individual in a high political position is to
ask for future conflicts, like wars, to happen; look at Hitler and Muhammad.

Isaiah 1:18 - "Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like
scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like

Let us reason together: Logic after all is time self-interaction in its various cyclic processes
having for results an evolutionary process throughout various stages of developments.

Daniel 4:36 - At the same time my reason returned to me; and for the glory of my kingdom
(mind sanity), my majesty (pride) and splendor (well balance personality) returned to me. My
counsellors and my lords sought me, and I was established in my kingdom (social position),
and still more greatness was added to me.

The affairs of the mind are more important than showcasing our earthly possessions; a sound
mind (to be righteous) can do good by helping the “lost minds” (also called the lost sheep’s) to
reason, but who attach more importance of showing off his possessions than to be of sound
mind attracts only jealousy and envy from the lost minds.

1 Samuel 24:17 - He said to David, "You are more righteous than I; for you have repaid me
good, whereas I have repaid you evil.

The universe is our shepherd and its words are the natural principles.

Proverbs 30:5 - Every word of God proves true (by the scientific approach); he is a shield to
those who take refuge in him.

Ezekiel 34:15 - I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep’s, and I will make them lie down, says
the Lord GOD.
Sons of God

Vanity concerns self only; pride concern the satisfaction of some realizations made by self for
the good of the whole. The sons of God were pride men, being legitimately proud of their
realizations. The term “sons of god” excludes any religious interpretation; the term makes
reference only to some of the humanist scholars belonging to the universal scientific field; the
broad field of the universe itself. Concerning the field of the universe, one goes farther with
scientific thoughts than our most recent moronic religious thoughts like Catholicism, Islamic'
Mormons and various others kouac sects; only science open one’s mind. To this date some of
humanity moronic Religious thoughts are only distorted social politics with some kind of libido
in them. Science can proves itself right, and not by any means any moronic religions. The only
parts moronic religions can prove to be right are the ones that belong to the scientific field
which they were supposed to represent and protect to start with. An educated moron believer
it’s an individual that receives a moronic education from a moronic religious sect or religion,
and firmly and literally, believe in the infallibility of some of their condescending dogma
despite any other scientific knowledge he may have. For any Humanist, scientist or not, to be
excommunicated by any one of those moronic sects or religions, because of his teaching that
any act of nature are what the religions call acts of God, by turning their back on science, that
excommunication can be consider as a personal achievement of one of the highest merit as it
indicated he attain one of the next notch toward the “sons of Gods” (meaning “sons of science”)
honorific mention. A “son of God” meaning “son of science”, scientist by trade or not, is a
humanism who know by study's and comprehension of his study that metaphysic, physics and
all others science belong to the same natural objective source: the universe. There is only one
science which divided itself, automatically, to various natural rules. A “son of God” is affirming
the dignity and worth of all people and their ability to learn; and that truth and morality can
only be sought through the mind, natural (instinctive) feeling and scientific investigation.
Knowing self-determination it’s a natural condition belonging to any form of life, a “son of
God” bases his determination of what it’s right and wrong on rationality and libido. The
cosmic principle of unity, is simply the whole “heavenly” universe itself, visible and invisible,
and that includes its “wonderful” dynamic that created its “supreme” rules that can never be
change is a “Divine IT” that produces life, as forms of life are pieces of universal memories
(data) under the universal dynamic which gives them self-determination. Moronic religions
call it God, thinking wrongly that the personalization of the whole universe invented by the
“sons of God” means a god personality. The “sons of God” did not invent nor constructed the
universe; therefore they cannot call themselves the fathers of it. By inventing a personalization
of it, then they become the “sons of God” since that personalized universe represents itself to us
as a ruling unity. The mistake was easy to make to think that a ruling unity that has
supremacy over life and thoughts is a subjective one. As for the dark universe, all living being
are her children’s. The roots of the humanistic approach can be trace back to the original “sons
of god” from various human cosmic races.

Matter is the slowing down of the light to become the light own shadow and whom believes the
riches of the world is made of matter only slows down its intellectual processes and become his
own shadow, but whom study the process of the light open his mind to the whole universe.
Economy is the means of existence by using the shadow of life; for it is by it that we can afford
to live in order to discover the light of life. To go the extra length in our understanding of the
light is to embrace its shadows as well as it sparks; we cannot reject the benefits of matter
without rejecting the benefits of the light. To live and prosper throughout existence we need
light as well as its shadow; light is beneficial in all its forms and functions, only man can
transform light into its own detriment by his own choosing. Evilness start when man
selfishness wants to appropriates for itself the shadow of the light. It is a well known fact that
the human laws are made for the law enforcers to be legally able to lie to get the truth out of
criminals and on the other hand they can also lie to make criminals out of innocents; but the
"son's of God" knowing, metaphorically as well as literally, that there is light because there is
its shadow also know that man irrational beliefs in things that have no scientific basics pushes
man to creates laws base on the human factor which is man unreliability from innate and
original agnostism. The light is the truth. The light on the tongue of the wise tells the story of its
righteousness; without it the tongue got glue to the palate. Wisdom comes from realities that
secularism represents.

A Short Story of a Stolen Good

From the Cosmos Noah fleet came to populate Africa millenniums ago while other fleets came
to populate other parts of the world. Egypt, in Africa, became peacefully one of the legitimate
territories of the original partition according to the number of the “sons of God”. In that very
ancient time, the land of Israel was a little part of ancient Egyptian territory. Over time some
big area of Pharaonic Egypt became plagued with mortal diseases, Exodus happened. Part of
the Egyptian population call “Hebrews” left that part of Egypt, to preserve the ancient
knowledge under a different form. Pharaoh partitioned Egypt and gives to Israel their land
known as their “promise land”. It was an Egyptian province as it was part of Egypt. It became
a kingdom. In those ancient peaceful times, religion and politics were not two separate entities.
It was one social general behavior under a scientific knowledge with history as background.
Their politic dictates social behaviors under scientific guidance. By wrapping those facts with
hermeticism we get “religions” as a result.

As time go by, history takes its course and Israelis lost territories under the invasion of various
armed conquerors. The “promise land” that was a Jewish kingdom for over a thousand years
was under different invading rulers as more time go by. Plenty of Jews were exiled. The exiled
Jews and the remaining Jews always continued to see it as their home, and the return of its
original borders under Jewish control to be their sacred mission. As Einstein said “time is
relative”, since the first armed conqueror rip them off of their land, the Jews always want
what's belongs to them by ancient rights. The claim they are making to their land is an
historical fact. Palestine is part of that land were lives the remanding Jews whose ancestors
were not exiled. Because of the Islamic Arab's conquest some of those Jews think themselves as
being Islamic Arabs. It is so sad to know that these thieves are also Jews, but Islamism’s; it is
Islam that makes some Jews to steal their own country from themselves... “Arabs” means
“nomads” and Arabs were nomads that worked for pharaoh, transporting the goods from
Egypt to the sea ports; Arabs have their own ancient territories which were not part of ancient
Israel. Abraham and Pharaoh were blood related; direct descendants of the “sons of Gods”. The
real blood related descendants of Prince Abraham and the Pharaoh's (king of Egypt) daughter,
princess Hagar, which bear Abraham son Ishmael are of pure Jewish-Pharaonic blood,
descendant of “The sons of Gods” in the same title than Isaac; and they were not Arabs; as
mentioned by “Muhammad the prophet” who put his foot on his big mouth one time too many.
Egyptians and Jews are related to Noah spaceship crew and immigrants. Arabs came from a
different human race from Noah ship. They were few different human races on that ship. From
each race, few individuals were “sons of Gods” while the majority were skilled immigrants.
Africa was partitioned between them.

For the ancient Hebrew peace was above everything else, they only attack pests and virus with
advanced technology. They did not have death penalty, instead they outcast the outlaws. Of
course they defend themselves against invaders. There claims to their land are really
legitimate claims since they were invaded and they did not sold their land to invading party.
When in exile not one Jews even try to reclaim any former possession they sold to anyone. We
all reclaim our stolen goods, why can't they? ... Time is relative. When do a stolen goods from a
nation belongs legally to someone else because it was stolen a couple of thousand years ago?
Israel was always a Nation; their land was stolen under their feet...just like a carpet. Alone of
all nations, the Jews became country less. Is the fact that Israel homeland was stolen under
their feet by armed forces not give them property rights over their land that some descendants
of the armed thefts now occupies?

The Jewish claim to their own homeland is not religious, is historical. The Torah is not a
religion and it supports this historical claim. That's what legitimizes the claim. The Torah and
our historical research, combine with the “digging-up” of ancient sites are the reasons that
confirm the existence of the Israeli kingdom, and it was never for sale!

Thanks to Moses, prophets & Co, the Jews real history became theology and plenty of Jews
prayed three times a day to have their land return to them.

Of course, if one nation can legitimately make a claim for the land that was stolen from their
ancestors over 2,000 years ago, we may have chaos...; the North American Indian would be
able to make that same claim concerning their own stolen land as the Inuits did. What is the
right thing to do? Wars or peace? To give back the stolen good to its original owner which is a
whole nation...or not to give it back? Then what? For one to say the Jews have no right to hold
the land of Israel is not a viable alternative to peace there is an easy solution somewhere. Now
days when under attack the Jews fight back for their survival and the rightful ownership of
their own land, nothing less.

Pharaoh and Moses where “Sons of God” it was in their direct royal lineage. They knew exactly
the causal laws and the science of statistics that goes with them when Aphrodite is involved. By
giving Moses a land for the creation of the Israel nation and as their spiritual inheritance an
ancient veiled scientific knowledge, they knew that inheritance will be Israel inheritance
forever. Before Noah no one had a claim over Africa. Because that inheritance was taken
peacefully by Noah and from nobody (where is peace libido is involve), by the causal laws
(which includes the relativity of time) that land will come back to them at the same time the
revelation of their ancestral human source and their ancient knowledge will be divulges to the
world. For the Jews to regain the control of the totality of their land, that result can be reach
by two different basic process: a painful one or a pleasant one...as any result does under the
causal laws of cause and effect. What would that be? It is up to us. It is of a mathematical
simplicity ...They will get their kingdom back and Aphrodite will be unveiling. It is not a
question of morality or fairness; it is simply a statistical certainty. The people of Israel will
have their king. His righteous mind will conquers more territories than the mightiest army, as
armed conquerors can conquers only a limited amount of dust while the righteous mind of
their king will conquers peacefully the spirit of the whole universe.

When, from his long journey on Earth, the king of Israel, living in another country, will finally
come to Israel by Israel invitation, he will rest his feet on the Mount of Olives to contemplate
the panoramic view of the Temple site. On evening there shall be electric light in the hotel
rooms were feast and joy will take place. That day no mercantile trade shall take place. (See
Zechariah 14).

Wars is a destructive way of venting when we get emotional, it is where man creativity is
becoming destructive. On the other hand venting our emotion the constructive way leads us to
marvellous feats of creativity. Expression of emotions can be creativeness at its best when
positiveness become the ally of creativity where an individual is pulling a thorn from his crown
made of thorns out of its mind; that was the unveiling (demetaphorizing) of the message of
what the crown made of thorns of the mystical Jesus of Nazareth (representing humanity)
means to convey. We can die, metaphorically crucified, our mind crowned with thorns or we
can live forever our soul been crowned by the natural principles been represented by the God
of Israel. The Moschiach position is the most humbling of all, and surprisingly enough the
Dalai Lama position is far more humble that the Papal position since it required a lot of
scientific knowledge. A man of science even if he is the most outrageous national bigot in
existence is more humble than the Pope since he has to atone every step of its scientific journey,
and understand the well founded logic in it in his heart and in his mind. The prophet is the
potential Moshiach and it is humanity whose decide if the times are ripe. The prophet will
become Moshiach by the will of Israel if the prophet accepts the position; if not then the
prophet is there before Moshiach. If the prophet accepts the position then a new line of
prophets will follow Moschiach event. At first the thorns has to be present for the mind to
blossom like a beautiful flower under our self-determination and under the guidance of the
natural principles in order to reach psychosocial harmony thus to build utopia. Muhammad,
the founder of Islam, was a thorn who left his poisonous legacy to humanity. It is by belonging
to the whole of humanity that we open our mind to the "universal spirit of things" without
being mentally disturb while setting us free from psychosocial sins toward self and others; it is
our selfish desires that makes us weak as a psyche and therefore weakening our manmade
laws and making them to be paradoxical. The desires of the flesh are for the psyche survival,
and the mind has to understand the desire of the flesh to fulfill its own intellectual desires, that
is the” blood covenant”. Without seeking guidance from the natural principles our manmade
laws cannot help us to built utopia. Life is simplicity in its automatic (thus natural) elegance
made of logic which processes (its dynamics made of energy) gives us our own life to live
throughout its existence as each one of us is an independent mnemonic and dynamic data
processor; it is selfishness that makes our existence to be complicated. On the other hand it is
the presence of selfishness that gives us the opportunity to see the difference between good
(logic) and evil (illogicness). Wrong weather forecasts can be made by miscalculating the
speed of the winds and their future directions, and so is our subjective political forecasting
(man subjective and relative opinion) concerning the objectiveness of the natural principles;
only the objectiveness of the scientific approach can join forces with the natural principles for
man to understand the logic from which libido is made. Time relativity is the link between light
and its shadow (matter). A particle of light at rest produces its own shadow since matter its
light at rest: as E /c square = masse; so obvious isn’t it?! Cat scan confirms that a mind at rest
produces more shadows that a mind at work since the brain is the link between the body and
the external influences affecting the intellectuality of the mind throughout the neuroplasticity
phenomenon; that’s simply means intellectuality is produced by the processes of light. Judaism
says God is the light and it is by God that the righteous ones are inspired. He! What a riddle!

The function of the body (its meaning of existence) besides being the means of locomotion of the
soul in this physical universe it’s also to be a sensory receptor for the intellectual soul journey
toward wisdom throughout hard labor (or hardship). Organic troubles is organic hell, and
organic death is the death of the body; functional death is the "death" of the soul, meaning the
presence of psychological troubles which can makes intellectuality totally non-functional in
regard to psychological harmony; “death of the soul” is mental hell at its worst. Death of the
body is the taking away of our mortal garment to let the soul to breathe freely. That is what
religions finding their sources in Judaism are saying in their own words.

The essence of being “anointed” is to know the “secret”. Originally the meaning of the word
“divine” was “To guess, to make out by insight”; which also meant “soothsayer, the power of
foreseeing, prediction,” The word became related to deus “god, deity” as Zeus (“Dieu” in
French); over time “divine” become a weakened sense of “excellent”. “A divine influence been
upon the “anointed one” simply mean: The insight of the rightful one is influence by his
scientific observations leading to the libidinous rationality of his mind. It is sociology,
psychology, ethics, sciences and observation that's makes the “divine” influence. It is the innate
feeling of knowing and the scientific acquired knowledge working together as one unit: the
psyche. Let’s simply say to be anointed is to know “God’s secrets”.

From 3rd to 1st centuries BC, the Tanakh (the Old Testament) was translated into a Greek
version called the Septuagint. “Christ” is the English term for the Greek “Khristo” meaning “the
anointed” that translates:” Messiah” from the Hebrew “Moschiach”.

Anointing is a ritual, a sacramental gesture like the catholic “confirmation” indicating the
“divine” influence is upon the anointed one. The primal source of the meaning of anointing
someone in Africa comes from ancient Egypt. Temple reliefs from ancient Egypt depicted
Pharaoh being anointed by Horus (sun god and “father” of Pharaoh) and Thoth (god of
wisdom). The “liquid” depicted as a mean of anointing is a stream of ankhs; the Ankh is the
ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbolizing life and knowledge. The primal meaning of a
“anointed one” mean the one who have the knowledge and the understanding that goes along
with the life of the mind. It is knowing science, understand all its implication and also been
aware of the origin of human history on Earth. It is phrase out as “the Spirit of the Lord came
upon the anointed one”; it would be esoterism if we did know (now) the meaning of that

For the Hindu's the ritual anointing was done with Yogurt, milk or butter from the revered
cow, as the cow represents Aphrodite (or whatever name they give her), and Yogurt, milk or
butter represents all forms of life acquiring knowledge. For the ancient Hebrews, the High
Priest, the king and some Prophets were often called “the anointed” if they were “insider” or
“initiated” to the secret ancient knowledge. They were all “Messiah's” as they were “insiders”.
The so impatiently expected Messiah is a plain normal human being which came from that
lineage. It is plain common sense! “The” Messiah is one of the descendants of the originals
“Sons of God”.

All of those ancient Messiah's were under oath; they had to keep the secret. It makes sense to
think that some of their direct descendants who know the truth still alive...and under oath.
There is a strong possibility, and statistics say: “yes”! They keep doing their job under different
subliminal means of communications .This is to say that “The” expected Messiah has to
discover by himself, from scraps and scratches, the whole truth and be willing to communicate
the results. There is a strong possibility that, effectively, throughout the age some people did
discover that but were not ready to be literally burn as sorcerers because the world wasn't
ready for those highly scientific information. One wander what Sigmund Freud really knew...?

Among many challenges that the sons of God were facing was the formidable task of
developing religions that are underplaying the presence of the natural rules under the
automatism of “the spirit” of determinism called also God; and each universal concept to be a
lesser god. Our challenge is to understand what they had in mind and why by starting to
decipher their puzzle in parallel of our understanding of the universe and its inhabitants,
Egosphere included; for that, we need to develop an astro-psycho-socio science, what a
challenge! Now, that would be something if some of those originals “Sons of God” still alive
when we are considering the relativity of time with space travels!

“The” Messiah has to be willing to be it! From some individuals, whom are truly “potential
Messiah's” fitting the criteria (or the profile), and living amount the poor’s (without being some
kind of mother Theresa), only one will accept the job. There is a good reason for “the” Messiah
to live among the poor’s and the indigents, and not to hold any office; one have to take upon
himself the self-assignment (as non-pay assignment) to discover the truth from scraps and
scratches, that makes a budget to be thigh. Of course with that kind of philosophy to see the
matters of the mind been far more important than to work 40 hrs a days, 5 days a week, +
overtime when available with the hope of climbing the social ladder in mind (which bring more
dough), with the hard work that involves, the Messiah is not holding any office, he live from
handouts. He wouldn't be living amount the poorest tough! He is a realistic person and he need
to have the minimum basic to complete his lonely self-assignment.

The real Messiah won’t fight for the position; it would be against the whole principle! He will
accept the job under formal invitation only. As it is said in the Hebrew bible that each
generation have a potential Messiah. Some of them did prefers to be labeled as scholars,
prophets, genius, “ESP walking phenomenon” as well as “alive encyclopedia” and then retiring
in peace under a coconut tree or somewhere else...as times were not ripe. Ripping times include
electricity, an hotel being built at the mount of olives, the study of the black universe, the
weather going “hay wire”, the almost reached environmental destruction of the planet, plenty
of false Messiah (there is a long line-up) thinking it’s all about religion, world economy
following the “yo-yo principle” going madly up and down etc...”The” Messiah will be there
when badly needed, not before. “The” Messiah is the last one of the hope in the sequence of
previous hope's of human kind, that's makes, him the “last hope”. That is what the Hebrew
bible said. The originals “Sons of God” under oath makes it that way (They knew behavioral
science and statistics that goes with it) since their arrival on earth to speed up our transition
from moronic state to adult state. “Ripe times” are the transitional times.
The science of the universe is in the natural principles which are purely an automatism of
energy that some nut cases call "God" and thinking it’s a living almighty being that we have to
adore like a bunch of retarded masochists. That masochistic behavior turns into sadism
toward who do not believe in God and the results goes farther than some bigots really intended
to go, like waging wars for their precious religious beliefs; also it cost more lives than they
were really willing to obliterate. The whole religious thing goes further in its destructiveness
than the average person was expecting it to go, which tells us that the religious God is man
destructive cultural design against anyone and against other cultures having a different
cultural and secular point of view concerning existentialism than their own, what a mess! Is
that worth killing others for one’s own existentialist beliefs? Feelings arises under plenty of
different intellectual situation where we often base our knowledge of what is right or wrong
according to our imprints rather than pure ethical common sense. We may have not given our
enlighten consent to be imprinted in our young age, but as we grow older we do possess an
innate self-determination in constant evolution to consent freely to follow the little voice of
common sense. Mature Man overgrows religions, infantile morons does not, regardless of
their age. Usually idiots on the roads cannot have a driver permit, but somehow religious
bigots possess their permit for taxiing our intellectuality trough our mortal journey from
agnosticism to mental hell, travelling trough zombie’s country on the road paved with dead
bones! The cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia are among others: hallucination (the auditive
hallucination includes hearing God voice), and delusions (like religious delusion) where the
individual has trouble focusing on reality and the inability to use information concerning
reality after learning it. It seems that religiosity is a functional form (a socially induced form)
of schizophrenia. Hallucination, delusion and losing touch with reality is also part of the
positive symptoms of schizophrenia; on the other hand the negative symptoms encompass the
disruption of normal emotions and behaviors. Let's simply put this way: Religious bigots are
walking time bombs among us, ready to explode like these bloody extremists Islamic who
enjoy, in the name of Allah, to blow themselves up in the middle of a crowd, more deads there
is the merrier they are in paradise! Is that making any sense? Of course not! But this is part of
our human reality for now. So, let’s be realists and be ready for the massacre when they will
get over frustrated over the fact that a living almighty God does not exist. Sanity in the mind
makes us to care for others; it is mind insanity that makes some individuals to kill sadistically
in the name of love.

What is "natural" is an automatism of the natural principles at work under causal laws.

Primal Religions Were Made of Scientific Data

According to tradition the Kabbalah, which contain the secret key of how to decipher the Torah
and to understand the phenomenon of the primal light (Light being the manifestation of God),
start with Siméon Bar Yo'haï ( II century) who decided to write down the oral laws.
"Kabbalah" from "Qabalah" meaning "reception" meaning "to receive knowledge" is a secret
tradition belong to Judaism to transform man secular knowledge of the natural principles into
some esoteric terms which are officially presented as being the "Secret and Oral Laws" given to
Moses from God on Mount Sinai at the same time as the "Written public Laws" (the Torah).
Kabbalah is the secret secular dimension of the Torah demetaphorized and redefined by some
"spiritual" (meaning intellectually humoristic) dudes, who know perfectly the secular truth
about it, into a different esoteric angles of approach which requires secular knowledge, wit,
and total rationality to be able to decipher the secularism behind the "religious" veil. That's
make the Kabbalah to be a body of knowledge concerning reality which has been transformed
into metaphysical terms where "God" represents the universal dynamics. After all the
Kabbalah is simply another way to present the Torah riddles by some “spiritual” dudes!

Primal religions were only secular information well veiled. It is their right perception of
Genesis, base on common sense, which makes existentialism to be the right answer to all the
questions concerning existence even if the followers of that discipline didn't know all the details
of creation.

Acting with integrity Moses put all the cards in the table in metaphorical form and release
sensible scientific data bit by bit in various locations in the Torah. Moses had the realistic
expectation that man will undo what he did, that was his goal, and the myths he had created
will be unveiled according to the advancement of our science being paired with our mental
stage of personal evolution where we can accept reality at it is. Mental evolution is a waiting
game where all the stage of personal development has to be fulfilled. The best approach to
comprehend where the harmonious relation between primal religion and science reside is to
play the waiting game by learning the secular way while believing there is an universal order
where an ultimate form of logic is involve. To play that game, having control over our
emotions is crucial; we cannot argue with the universal principles, they are the winners ...
always! We have to accept their arguments and understand their points. Strong emotions
arouse fear, anger and anxiety, shutting down the doors to reason. We must raise our level of
trust toward the universal laws to comprehend that their processes affect also our mental state
as well it affect the state of matter for general evolution to take place. By being cooperative
with the universal laws is to be cooperative with ourselves concerning our mental health.
Finding common ground between the universal principles and our innate impulse to do
something, thus to be someone in a social position, would help us to reach a mental and social
harmony while being useful in both fields. Harmonious reasoning following freely the path of
logic can only be supported by solid data.

Wisdom is base on one's feelings and his knowledge; when the feeling of Aphrodite is owed to
the knowledge of the universal rules, wisdom is born and harmony is in the mind and in the
heart. Metaphysic is the field where life, emotion, and physical phenomena are joint into one
mnemonical universal phenomenon; Egyptian mythology represents natural phenomena in
their various functions. The Greek Aphrodite is the Egyptian Isis, and Osiris, the son of Isis
became the source of the story of Jesus of Nazareth. Isis represents the dark universe and the
function of Isis is the function of the dark universe.

Primal religions were made of scientific data. Primal religions were a way of teaching gentiles
and simples an advanced scientific knowledge under an easy way for the unconscious to
assimilate properly scientific evidences and for the conscious to accept them as a faith. For a
Jew to leave Judaism is like for any one of us to leave a school that have a certain way of
teaching science. In this teaching/learning context we have to understand the words “gentile”
and “simple” as “moron”. We are born as morons, at birth, all our knowledge is in an
instinctual form coming from our genes, for the starting up of our mind. In the physical
universe genes are “mind-starter”. In the mind of a wise Jew, religion and secularism are not
competing but completes each others. Knowing primal religions were scientific data, we can
see that it is absolutely unimportant for a Jew to leave the religious side of Judaism (without
rejecting Judaism) to learn science the secular way. Secular ways of teaching gives a clear
view of sciences. Secularism is a form of teaching that do not uses puns (playing with words)
to teach the spiritual and the physical learning material at the same time as primal religions
did. Psychology and physics are separated sciences for the secularism and so are astrophysics
and parapsychology. Hypnotic sublimation (using the same sayings repeatedly under different
stories) were used while writhing the Torah to anchor those sayings, veiling universal
principles, in Hebrews unconscious mind for further “illuminations” or real understanding.
For secularism, anyone saying: “We don't know what will happen before it happen” is a false
statement because as a matter of fact we can foresee things by knowing natural rules as the
result of our previous “transcendental” studies (mind understand the results of lab studies),
and also by using the power of statistics. That's how we came to learn chemistry, weather
forecasting, physics etc...And to manipulated matter. So, we can discover “Gods ways” easily
enough. We are using “Gods ways” for our “human ways”! No big deal to understand that

In this saying: “Since the “Big Bang” the light (hf = E) pushes the darkness (the void) away for
the expands of the universe (expansion of the universe) to takes place.” it is very obvious to see
the two level of teaching were astrophysics and psychology meet in a form of unveiled religion
or metaphysic. To start with, the saying:”the light pushes away darkness” belongs exclusively
to the field of physic.

The light being made of quantic waves (Hertzien wave of energy) pushes away the territory of
the void outside our universe as energy is suck-up by the void (gravity), making the universe to
expand. The exactly same principle apply for our mind under the term “the process of the
intellect”; the void of our mind is our lack of knowledge and understanding, it is the process of
that same energy (the light) that pushes away mental darkness as it fills up the territories
(parts of our mind) previously owned by darkness. It is the same gravitational effect taking
place in our mind than in the astrophysical field. As we can see the mental expansion of our
mind boils down to be basic of physics. We can only learn anything because of all the stimulus
made of energy affecting our psyche. Cognition and gravity are inter-related; without gravity
there cannot be any cognition. Things are moving and space is expanding because of gravity.
Our mind follows the same universal principle that runs the physical universe. It makes sense
is it? The same rules for all!

“Spirituality” is another word to say “Cognition”, and “Cognition” its call “universe expansion”
in the astrophysical field. Astrophysics, including the “Big Bang” became cosmogony (mythical
creation of the universe). Separated field of studies and teachings are using different words
boiling to the same principles rulings different things made of the same energy. The universe is
not that complicated to understand; it is complex under the same rules, but not complicated.
Evolution creates complexity for adaptation to continue its course, but the basics universal
rules still the same: gravity gives the motion, and energy interactions create new ways. What
we call “natural” is simply an automatic process of forms of energy under the rulings of the
causal laws.

From various sources, and according of what we know so far concerning the many differing
meanings and connotations of word “spirit”, it is defined as:

1) The non-physical part of a person, meaning a soul desincarned from the psyche (psyche =
body + soul). The spirit as being a soul, forms a natural part of a psyche (being), that's
identifies “spirit” with “mind”, and “consciousness”; as for the brain, it rely data from the
sensory system to the mind. The soul, as a relative unit of energy, is therefore a quantifiable
substance present individually in all living things. A soul pre-exist the body, the same way “hf”
pre-exist the masse, and develops and grows as an integral part of any living being (called
“psyche”) in this part of the universe (the physical universe), and also keep developing, as a
free spirit (or desincarned soul) when being integral part of the dark universe or as a ghost. A
ghost is a wandering spirit roaming the physical universe, earth in particular. A mind of a
single cell has a very primitive elemental consciousness that indicates the presence of a
(moronical) spirit.

2) The metaphorical use of the term “spirit” groups several related meanings: referring to
notions, worldview of individuals, places in space, events in time like “spirit of the age”; the
word “spirit” is also in use as a synonym.

Note: In the religious form of metaphysic, the word “spirit” is being use as “God”, for
underlying the automatism of nature by giving it some literal “intentions” that it doesn't
possess as: “the spirit of nature”.

Millenniums ago those simple basic facts, mentioned in this chapter, were too much for the
common moron (gentile) to understand, the uses of what seem to be pompous words from the
uses of etymological rules to explain simple universals laws was too heavy to handle by their
intellect, this is why primal religions were created as a multi-teaching tool of science for our
benefit to speed-up our cognition to shorten the “moronic era” (before the awakening of the
dead minds) where the stupidity of egocentrism and egoism can be understand faster by the
human race before its self-extinction. Understanding that, we have to appreciate what the first
“sons of Gods” (scholars) did for us secretively when they choose to live a colonial existence on
planet Earth away from the comfort of their original world and the affectionate support of
their relatives.

So far, in the scheme of general evolution, it look like that the major universal things put, as
simple as possible, in their right perspective goes that way:

1) There is an infinite void, and there was, opposite to it, a non-uniform mass of a finite
amount of matter (also known as primal earth).

2) From the physical character of the void which is a “pull” called gravity, the non-uniform
mass became radiations, that's become our “big bang theory”.

3) Those radiations created: a) the dark universe, which is the soul of the universe; and b) the
basic elements of the physical universe, which is the body of the universe.

4) The physical universe creates biological forms of life, while the dark universe gives birth to
the mental forms of life (souls).

5) While the biological bodies are doom to decaying, the mental body is due to evolve.

6) Decaying of matter and biological matter produces radiation; radiation from the biological
forms of life it’s called “aura”.

7) Nature recycle its energy as radiation makes matter, and matter disappear overtime by
giving up its amount of radiation; which made the time of a system to be proportional of the
amount of energy that system self-employs, or gives it away to the exterior.

8) Souls travels back and forth between the dark universe (heaven) and the physical universe
(earth) in the ladder of evolution while general evolution takes place; “..... Behold, there was a
ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels of God
were ascending and descending on it!” (Genesis 28:12).

This age contain the hope that a human sun (God's son, for the Catholics) would arise from
heaven for coming on this earth. Israel would enlighten us more if it wasn't against what they
firmly believe it would be. Even if this prediction appeared to be adventurous and against their
meaning of life and pious discourses, no suitable king would come to rules their land If Israel
do not reject its present God to embrace the lips of nature. Nature was never a miracle and it is
so uncomfortable for the mind to believe it was, but it is so pleasant to the eyes to see it!,
Science In its march forward meet its own oracles and releases to us better promise of heaven
than any religion can do. The eyes of science over all horizons are already in space and seen
the unthinkable: Paradise in the form of a black universe. Science is a step away to believe
after all that our evils are not incurable ills. The cosmic eye saw the dark cure where death is a
way to reach its healing. Certainly it is for science to produce prophets as it is to Israel to
produce for science. The fruits of science are our wishes come true for man accomplishment.
Whenever the mind tries to see the ways of the gods it will taste the fine spirits of the ancients,
as they were the ones that gives us knowledge, hiding themselves, in their play's, behind their
amusing idols. In their excess of mind pleasure, they captivate us in a great show: the birth of
the gods when the universe was born. We must go no further than to see them assembling all
the gods into one for that one to be source of many human troubles. Only good hearts well wed
with reason cannot be affected by the enjoyment of the present fools. The infallibly of wisdom
increasing our desire to know the gods makes us to produce our own flowers of wisdom. Love
worthy of its cosmic roots can now be seen behind the stars. The eyes on science travelling the
cosmos show already a great beginning for the coming of a new mankind.

Gaia without the influence of Ouranos it’s only a finite cosmic cloud of dust, called “The
Ground” (or the Earth) from which we come from, also known as the “primal mud”; the
infinity of Ouranos makes it so that from dust we become light. A particle of dust at rest is only
a particle of dust; a travelling particle of dust is a quantum; basically we are self-interacting
travelling bundles of dust, and that is the light (the breath of life) that keeps us alive. Our “God”
is a whole universe of light: our universe; that’s makes it to be the “Landlord”, also called “the
Lord”, and we are its hosts. The universe is the biblical “Lord of hosts”. The truth is made out of
eternal dusts that become light creating ephemeral shadows for infinities to come. The dust is
the ground for the beginning and the end product with time in-between: the Alpha and Omega
throughout time; Gaia is a non-uniform masse of particle of dust. “God” is the offspring of Gaia
and Ouranos, and our scientists, while paying their taxes, listen and prove the presence of the
words of “God”, which are the natural principles, in their laboratories more than any Pope and
ecclesiasts (preachers), listening to their own fantasies, can ever do under the umbrella of
their temples and churches. Time been the measurement of dust in motion, called energy, in its
various cyclic processes, will gives reason to our scientists and will raise the populace ire
against religiosity when the cyclic process of this generation will arrive (soon) at term.

Genesis 2:7 - then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Genesis 3:19 - In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for
out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

Genesis 13:16 - I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if one can count
the dust of the earth, your descendants also can be counted.

Genesis 18:27 - Abraham answered, "Behold, I have taken upon myself to speak to the Lord, I
who am but dust and ashes.

The primal cause that's makes matter to decay is the gravity that surrounding us; it is the Gaia
and Ouranos principle creating time by cycle processes.

If we want to speak with a certain sense of philosophical humour we will say that the religious
bigots are saying to transcend the whole universe is to find "God", it seem that their god is
made of out of dust; and our scientists transcends the whole universe to find “God’s” parents:
Gaia and Ouranos.

Time is eternal and dynamic, what is ephemeral is an instant of a cycle from what time is
made of. Time is the sparkling train of opportunities going by; and those opportunities come to
us waves after waves to enlighten us.


Reason is the might of the mind, also call "The Might of the Spirit" by some religious circles.

Utopia! Music to our ears, hope in our soul! Psychosocial evolution can be a peaceful process,
the will of the majority of the people will always takes over the vanity of the leaders who do not
wishes to lose face. Since it is the will of the peoples that puts a government in place, which
promises to represent the peoples, how can a leader lose face if he listen and act according to
the will of the majority? It is the validity of the same psychological principle toward oneself
being transfer to a broader context. If humanity work as one psychosocial unit while retaining
cultural diversities in their own psychosocial evolution, where ethical changes follows the rules
of reason, then world harmony would be a normality. Harmony is within the vote of the
peoples. We must build on the wealth of the mind (knowledge) and the wealth of the heart
(libido) and share their benefits equitably. Any kind of trade is cornerstone of growth: human
and global development. To be able to sustain the growth of world harmony in those two
fronts: economy and psycho-sociology we have to favor all of humanity in the fair repartition
of the riches. In the scheme of general evolution, humanity evolves inexorably into a utopia,
and time is relative. It would be just plain naive and unrealistic for one to think that everything
is bond to sit stand still! People changes as stars evolve, and we will build utopia from our
mind and our hands. The most rational approach to view the emergence of our coming
Messianic Age as the world stimulus to build Utopia is the correspondence of the third stage of
positivism with Judaism beliefs. That's makes Moshiach to be a scholar and humanist who will
be tapping our latent mind potential for us to use reason at it should be. From there on it will
be us who collectively will bring about the desired changes in the world. Moshiach is the
emergence of a normal secular social individual (a humanist) who will elicit the best qualities
of humankind, and thereby be the living stimulus that change the ways of humanity for the

By death or by the will of the peoples it is hard for a tyrant to leave, as vanity is a sickness that
never finds its own peace. It would be tyranny for a tyrant to bend to the duty and rigors of the
charge of a leader since tyranny do not accept to be restrained. It would be shame for a tyrant
not to be able to retain the power of despotism, thinking that it is the king that rules over the
peoples instead to be the rules of the peoples that provide a king his humbling position. More
than representing a cultural way, a king has to represent the sum of the reason that the people
posses. Therefore who want to be king over a barbaric nation is a higher sadist than any of his
subjects; as for anyone in need to be governed by barbarism is a greater masochist than he is a
sadist. Sadomasochism does not necessarily have to be arm with tangible weapons to destroy
the minds of the individuals. Vanity is the dark side of pride, where vanity has excuses, pride
has reason; and masochism being the reason that keeps the Sadist in power, the tyrants uses it
as an excuse to keep their subjects in their submissive mental state. Pride not being vanity can
only come after the mind liberation (resurrecting of the dead) where the shining light of
wisdom is pure humbleness within knowledge without being restrain by the chains of
masochism. We always will be in our mind who we want to be according to which human
desire we like to taste the fruits; we have total liberty to do so, it is us who makes the laws to
restrain or not any of our desire. The pride or the vanity of a leader it is to be found among his
subjects, if the subjects have more taste for foolishness than reason, then the king will be the
representative of their folly.

We are bond to makes mistakes; it is part to be imperfect while searching what perfection is.
We will never reach perfection but we will reach harmony while not being perfect, that is the
fun of it! Total perfection would be very boring, but nevertheless when we will all be part of
Utopia, the sword of Damocles wouldn't have any reason to be a frightening weapon of
causality anymore. We will not de-emphasize the need to study ourselves (psychology) nor
what surround us since everything always evolve. Our present obsession with Utopia being the
perfect world do not have to detract us from all aspects of being human in need of further
knowledge and constructive social libidinous “mind games” instead of some of our present
destructive anti-libidinous “mind games”. Loves games are better than wars games and the
sword of Damocles will still remain hanging over the head of kings and rulers as long there is
wars in the world.

Utopia is to evolve in peace, and that will always be a challenge, a constructive mind
challenge. Peace and harmony will always be a challenge for and evolving mind and for an
evolving world. Utopia will respond to that challenge day after day. If that challenge wouldn't
be there, Utopia wouldn't be there either in the future. Challenges are part of evolution, and to
respond to them are part of adaptation. Challenges cannot be destroyed they had to be meet.
As Freud said “...or they will come back in other forms”. What we actually do when waging
wars is to destroy the challenges of making peace, it is a vicious circle. Those challenges are
coming back haunting us. We shall be more obsessed to meet challenges than destroying them,
destroying them is destroying us, it’s a step back. Within the Utopical era challenges will be
easier to meet than they are today since our state of mind will be different. Our next huge
challenge now is to take our wrong religiosity away by a change of mental attitude concerning
life and the pleasure of life. Life does not ask us to be masochist at the present for the prowess
of future pleasures, but for us to be libidinous for ever-present pleasures while our psyche is

By its own nature libido repudiates suffering; but suffering is not sterile as it sterilizes our non-
libidinous feelings. This is an infinitum process of evolution. Go ask King Solomon, it would
have said the same thing!

To completes ourselves and to be completes involves to acquires and have acquired the tools of
knowledge to face the challenges proper to our position in space and time. We cannot ask
anyone to build a complete water system in our house in construction without that individual
been a certified plumber, it is plain common sense! That plumber has also to keep in touch to
the latest development of is trade to stay afloat in his business.

As we can see Utopia does not know everything at once and then to sit in our chubby rear-end
being self-satisfied forever, but it is an ever going evolutive process to perfect oneself in peace
and harmony. That is what a big part of the morality in the Torah is all about: to reach Utopia
by position of importance and viability in a fragmented world without compromising peace
and proper mind evolution. Completing ourselves is to be unified in all of what we do as a race.
It's like that is the final pieces of a human puzzle that makes sense out of all the other pieces to
see the whole picture.

So far, we are hardly making the connection of the pieces of the puzzle, in oneself and socially.
We are kind of “fractalized” in our mind we are creating and using our own “chaos theory” to
makes dots between pieces of puzzle. Religiosity is part of those dots. Life is not accidental,
every living being are part of the natural bridge that link both universe: the dark universe and
the physical universe; every form of life is made from both of them. That is what the ancients
Egyptians are saying throughout the ages. Depth and completeness is nothing else than to
understand that fact. Did some of the ancients Egyptian Grand-Priest have left any of their
offspring’s into the secret? It is an historical fact that the Levi descendants were in the secret
among others who were taking care of the ark of covenant; in this present time it is the Torah
(well protected by the Jews) that contain the universal secrets among what's left of other
primal religions (see Hinduism, Buddhism, etc...). Digging the Torah with our investigative
mind, searching what really lies under the words and reading white on white is to see what
truths are ready to surfaces from underneath of the obvious. It is exactly the same principle to
find out what are the principles that rule the obvious (material things). It is all about having a
scientific mind; in that sense, we are well-diggers, by “digging” we can reach for more
understanding from the profundity of our mental digging well. The truth has to come from
that well. As the for the allegorical Truth coming from “Her” well, it mean the Truth came from
the dark Universe (the dark Madonna), her mind. The Dark Madonna is not a “God” as such,
she cannot create life by herself, but she can produce life by the presence of the physical
universe. She did not create the universe, she is the daughter of time, and she became the
maiden of time. In the sense that she is the mother of all souls, she can be considered as the only
Goddess the universe has; but she is not the creator, there is no other creator than nature.
There is no other “God” than nature.

To understand that our natural (automatic) role is being to find (unwillingly) ourselves in the
position of living bridge components between two opposite universe in the same universal
wholeness does produce mind results concerning mind self-harmony. Our original sin is to be
morons by birth, and the universe original sin is to make us to be an unwilling part of a living
bridge. Those two sins are non subjective and from an automatism call determinism. Knowing
that fact, we can see that the basic human need (as for any other form of life) is to prepare our
mind by libidinous feeling when learning to understand the universe processes harmoniously;
Then it is time for us to makes greater commitment toward humanity than those pitiful self-
commitment we do now, just in case, to earn our little spot in paradise. Be real!

By definition, emphasizing Utopia means emphasizing a qualitatively higher and more intense
connection with oneself (psychologically), between ourselves (socially) and within the universe
(meta-astrophysical) to feel the oneness in all.

It is under our own initiative to better focus in reality, rather than the literal saying of various
myths, that we can groups our efforts toward the purpose of a better world. We have to meet
our fears of the unknown by understanding the scientific knowledge we already have in hand
to dissolve the mental barriers of hatred from jealousy and projection. We are projecting our
wrong doings in others who are only reacting in a subjective cultural way proper to them. We
have to use psychology the libidinous way as a diplomatic resource and not as a tool for future
disappointments as sociopaths do.

As a social libidinous world -wide human unity we can create new programs that bring real
knowledge of things to the forefront of global consciousness. The fundamental human
challenge, as a social unit, was always to prepare oneself and the entire world for the day of
-one's oneness into all- were most of us will comprehend our unity in life within the flow of

Nature responds automatically to that natural self-challenge toward us. It is consciously that
we can rise ourselves to that natural challenge to be happy sooner. We have to do it in a
comprehensive and organized way by leaving the literal saying of myths behind us. Our
general strategies can begin with open and candid discussion concerning our projects
concerning that matter and to come up with creative (not destructive) ideas about human
perception of reality. Whatever ideas we can come up with has to be practical’s. It would be the
only guarantee for us to find a way to make it happen.

Dynamic program, concepts and thought-provoking insights can only rely on a harmonious
relation between libido and logic. Surveys had to be made to assess the present and also future
basic needs of the psyche (intellectual and body needs). Then we can decide on realistic
libidinous (ethical) changes to the current world situation. We can, and we will build Utopia.

Nature is the objective monarch of the universe, and life is under its dictatorial leadership. If
we regard the objectivity of the existing (non-living) various mechanisms of the universe as
being a “whole” in the form of a already made universal utopia in a physical form, and
continuously evolving as the universe expand, it is easy to foreseeing that mind-utopia has to
follow the same natural rules that the universe is made off for mind-harmony to take place as
the universal principles apply equably in the social field were life is involve.

Nature, by creating life makes it is so that we are having the goal to always try to attain
perfection and to be the artisans of our destiny to find harmony. Our human race is evolving
towards the state of “natural harmonious normality” where we will keep perfecting ourselves
after the “mind-redemption” throughout self-atonement until it is done. The focus is on us
being self-redeemers. Nature does its part, let's do our own part. The duty we have toward
ourselves is to mind-creating a union between the physical world's and the natural laws for
polishing up our spiritual reality; it is “to marry Heaven and Earth” as the Jews put it. We are
our own arbitration in that match-making for it to be part of us.

The ancestors of the Jewish race, been genetically enhance in the “time of the olds” meaning the
scientifical team that prepared Noah and his samples of humanity for their journey, have been
entrusted by Pharaoh with the mission of hasting harmony in this world by bringing science
on the spirituality level where it belong for libido to became the truth of logic. That maybe
seem to be complicated to understand at first sight, but it is a very simple matter of fact. Future
will tell.

Because of the “Jewish gene pool” which gives them a “Jewish genius” advantage, and in
correlation with their cultural habits, No one else other than them can do the job for what they
were predestined to: hasten Utopia. All of the others human races stagnate in a “conflict of
interest” representing in their secularism and religious belief one of the two parties: or the
physical world that our sensory system understands, or the spiritual human world by totally
rejecting the reality of the physical world. We understand the language of both parties: the
physical world (by our sensory system) and the natural rules that runs the physical world;
forms of life are the only candidate for the merging the two to find conscious-self-harmony.
Jews know better than the rest of us, genetically, instinctively, culturally and by secular
studies that we are, as forms of life, at the same time the negotiators between both parties, and
the rightful heirs of their union because there are none others. Eliyahu HaNavi not that long
ago (time is relative) did reprimand the Jewish people, saying to them: “Ad Mosai, How long
will you waver between two opinions?” He was talking about redeeming the captive’s ones
who are wavering between those two parties: secularism and the Torah, instead to united
them in their conscious mind into the metaphysical field for “mind-Golus” to be deal with.
Sigmund Freud (knowing neurology) was trying metaphorically to tell us that.

The world can usher Jews in their search for world “mind-redemption” where the
understanding of the metaphysical aspect of reality is the real reality leading to harmony, by
challenging their secular mind in the metaphysical field instead of challenging their rightful
territorial claim (The Pope will be lost in that one!). The Jewish race, as been proved so many
times in history, can undergo physical challenges such as stress, opposition and health-
considerations to concentrates on their scientific destiny. For that task they, each of them, have
the half-dormant enhanced capacity to nullify their personal ego for the benefit of the world-
masses without being masochists ready to lose their associative personality. Most of them still
need their conscious mind to be consistent with the automatic will of the natural rules. It is
through Israel that we can acquired faster a good take on both parties “Heaven and Earth” to
unifies them both in our own mental being (as Sigmund Freud did in his own way). Terrorist
attacks will never shake the foundation of truth, and they are in all of us, therefore the outcome
of humanity is certain: utopia.

The link between Gnosticism and Agnosticism is knowledge and understanding throughout the
processes of time; it is of the secularism field; it is not of the religious field as the stupid bigots,
these baptismal rats, have the moronic tendency to see it. It is by Gnosticism that we acquired
trough time, and from our sweats and blood, that helps us to fix any outcomes as we wishes for
them to be, that our science of statistic prophesizes, before any battle against possible negative
stimulus begins. 2012 is a positive event for the ones whom seek enlightment, but it is the
moronic infantile religious bigots that create the negative aspect of it. Catholicism, the
bureaucratic, political and economic aspect that surround Christianity will disappear in
shame to leave place to the pure mythological riddle of Christianity; and Christianity will join
the ranks of primal religions like Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, Inca mythology and
many others like the Chinese primal mythology. Pure Christianity will join the ranks of the
Humanists in their eclectic approach to existentialism like others pagan "religions".

The price of liberty is not to sell our soul away and keep reason, which gives mind its dignity,
as the greatest treasure to cherish; we need reason to use the scientific approach to prove that
the truth is in fact the truth, and that makes science the only angle of approach from which we
can see the truth as it is in the reality of things. To have a religious "faith" toward anything
that anyone says about the truth does not contain any value until what has been said is prove
to be righteous, this is basic common sense and our court of laws base themselves on that
philosophical fact. Therefore knowing by facts that the whole of all particles of dust Gaia is
made of has been called "God" that creates a whole universe when these Gaian's particles are
falling into the infinity of Ouranos, reduces the religious "God" into a pile of ashes; that's
makes "God": ashes on the go! Of course that scientific fact will make monotheists religious
bigots around the world to be united (for once) regardless of their denomination, to protest
vehemently against that basic cosmic truth been proven by the scientific approach. We can say
that the "Gog and Magog war" is the one of the wits: speculative monotheist religions against
scientific proven data. Everything been created by "God" is therefore "Dust on the go" included
humanity which is created as "God image": a falling pile of dust into infinity. To transcend
"God" is to find it is a pile of falling dust, and to transcend that falling dust is to find its
dynamics which are the natural principles (made of light, thus enlighten us) that creates (thus
still creating by a general evolutionary process) our universe.

King Moshiach will be king by the might of his mind (the might of His Spirit).

In the above of reason there is only logic.

Love is part of logic.

To have faith in reason is a provable valid concept when we take the scientific approach since
reason follow logic and logic is what the universe is made of; in many different ways we are
looking to become more gnostic than we were previously in order to change our moronic
behaviors to better adapt, therefore to evolve toward harmony and becoming our own
Moshiach. The light of the truth (the god of bigots) lurks in our minds and our senses. The
universe is the creator and we are its creatures, thus the brilliance of its righteousness in us
and all around us guides us to find and to build our harmony.

In the light of our research it is so easy to make common sense prophesies that it is laughable.
Those that follow are just plain common sense:

The cultural achievement of utopia will be that the faith in the universal laws will be the “new
religion” worldwide, and the differences of each culture concerning their creativeness
concerning their uses of all the different disciplines will be highly appreciated.

When a country economy goes “hay-wire” because of the psychotic domino effect taking place
from the over stress populace in panic, then the psychopaths, just like wolfs, having only each
other to chew the skin out of their bones will disappears in their own deception. Unless of
course if the rest of society, made of overstress sociable Humanus Robotus, being in position to
bail them out, do so...again, in the hope of restructuring the economy.

The messianic age will be a political revolution evolving religious politics as well as secular
politics. Jews won't compare anymore human sciences to the Torah to see where sciences are
right or wrong but they will rely on sciences to prove the rightfulness of the Torah, as the logic
contain in the torah is of scientific nature.

The third step of positivism would the beginning of the finitude of metaphysic and religion, and
the understanding of the infinitude of the soul.

Agnostic by birth, we learn in the past so many time to call to a God for his relative help!
Today see us having more reason than religion for not anymore taking into account his
invisible presence. We now allow our future to attribute to our past religious beliefs the shame
for our lack of understanding humanity and not listening to our natural wisdom. As for now,
the Just will have for a short time the displeasure to listen to the fools being invited by their
dying sparks of vanity into a last jolt of stupidity going through their mouth; but these fools
will witness vanity to die in its own tyrannical desire to glue their tongues to their palates.
Their old vows, toward their previous god, losing their value in the face of the truth will
disintegrates as time will bring them comfort. Their atonement will show them the wrong they
displayed to praise themselves more than the rest of humanity. In their infidelity to reason
they will realize they were a fraud and infidelity toward nature ways.

Moshiach will not tell anyone what to do, but he will advice peoples and Nations, upon their
specific request, in the base of the natural rules (God's laws) the objectives to attain; and he
won't be fool by the futile Attempts of few evils minds to shoot him down from devious
questions. As being rightful Moshiach will understand the need for humanity to negotiates
with itself in its path to achieve world peace, as negotiation furnish the precious time for
diverse cultures to adapt to new developments for the ultimateachievement:utopia, to take
place. Humanity will understand under the “Moshiach stimulus” that it can only rely on itself
following the strict guidance of the universal principles to attain that universal goal.

Jews will cease to be religious minded individuals to become super-seculars, without

disregarding their culture, when realizing the immensity of scientific information that the
Torah contain. Soon no one will even try to reach their genius superiority. Luckily for the
world the Jews did prepare themselves, with humility, for these days. By transferring their
religious knowledge in the secular field they will become a race of genius. Anti-religious
persons all over the world, realizing the Torah contain hundred of millenniums ancient
knowledge, will ask Israel assistance to study the Torah in order to find clues of advice how to
run the world, their life, and their country in a viable and harmonious way without giving up
technology and sane economics.

Islam and Catholicism are doom. The Jewish bible will be more respected and study as never
before. The same is true for the Buddha and Confucius. The trinus theory, in it’s surprisingly
simplicity, will be widely in use. Some ancient pagan religions will also be study under the
microscope of science and history, and protected. Some of their ancient cultural folklore will be
revive. Humanists will rule and politics will walk hand to hand with science. The green party
was right all the way. Holland will gladly help the world in its search of legalizing
harmoniously certain aspect of libido. Oral Torah will be reveal and so the true holders of the
original oral Torah will come into light. Utopia will be a reality, the world will construct it.
Utopia it’s a state of mind leading to a harmonious world order. The world wide use of
gasoline will be out of fashion and the legalization of the uses of antigravity technology will
gives headaches to the laws makers. A new generation of children’s will produce plenty of
genius minds. Psychopaths are doom; they will meet their death instinct face to face. The
victorious Aphrodite will win our hearts and her memory of the truth will be retrieve of her
cistern, as her cistern it’s her mind; that’s makes Aphrodite knowledge “The truth coming out
of her pit”.

The appointed time of the messiah is, the thickness of a camel hair, before all hope of any
human toward humanity seem to be lost. The Messiah will be unveiling sooner according to
humanity acceptance of the truth that the Messiah uncovers.

If we were now under the stupid rules of the armed inquisition, those prophesies would be
surrounded by hermeticism by some occult sects. It’s that makes sense? Yes of course!

The messianic Era will follow the river of libidinous pleasure - the pleasures of King Solomon-
knowing what the Shulamite River is made of will soon be ours. Before that happen, for the
bigots of religiosity trying to comprehend what this is all about is like trying to explain what
music to a deaf person is. As we will be building Utopia, the pleasures of the mind and sensory
pleasures will reaches news highs. We will sing and dance like King David did in his joy. Our
usual forms of enjoyment will be enhancing for greater sensorial pleasure. The knowledge of
our sciences will advance so far that the libidinous person will comprehend faster and easier
the ruling universal system. We will feel like a million dollars most of the time! In those days,
spiritual pleasure do not exclude sensory pleasure, they go in pair in every area of our life. As
usual we will look for affection in physical intimacy (especially men); there is nothing wrong
with that. Our healthy mind will be wealthy of new knowledge even if we do not posses
everything we desire: a castle in Spain, and Harem in Arabia (that was for the men dream)
etc... Knowledge and understanding will inject new meanings into our lives. We will be pairing
the delicacies for the senses and the delicacies for the mind in the libidinous world of Utopia. As
we will reaches new highs of comprehension, looking behind, we will comprehend that the false
pleasures being promises by religiosity were pale compared to Utopia. In those enlightened
days of Utopia, the young will still have reckless fun as they do today. Misleading marketing
and coning lobbyists will be things of the past. The psyche will experience a better quality of
life; mind and soul will be feed properly. Our relationship with the environment will improve
as we will better understand that nature is the helping hand that produces the goods for us to
harvest in order to feed our psyche (the body and the mind).

For Utopia to really start to happen, people will slowly wake up (resurrecting of the deads) to
the fact of the real nature of the universe, meaning there is no God creator, but a Black
Madonna (the living Dark Universe) who has to obey to the automatism of the universal rules
in order to help us; also that primal religions were a lot of psychology, astrophysics, physic,
bacteriology, and other sciences in disguise. Studying sciences will be a lot easier because of
the waking up, we be able to see with a better and faster understanding of the how and the
why of things. Religiosity will be understand as the dark veil that covered our mind; that
makes a world without religiosity a place with plenty of normal ethical fun! Meditation will be
seeing in is more natural and simple way: the study of thing to comprehend their
“psychology”. Oppression from Multinational, nations, bad economy, and various individuals
will be basically gone, (some individuals will be nuts enough to give it a try). Of course we will
still be materialistic! But it is our attitude to gains the goods that will be different; it is nice to
be cozy isn't it? Yes, of course! The perception of cosines can be different from one to another,
so what! As long as everyone is happy... No one will have to worship anyone like the Christian
pie in the sky (“God”), but some people merits our sincere thank and appreciation like Sigmund
Freud, Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton and Co.

This is one of the best easier prophesy to make: In the future, Jerusalem will contain the
knowledge of Israel, and the knowledge of Israel, will contain the entire world. (This was the
deshermetisation from the Midrash part that relates in Yalkut Shimoni (Yeshayahu, allusion
503): “In the future, Jerusalem will encompass the Land of Israel, and the Land of Israel, the
entire world.”). Now, let's have fun and let's talk esoterism: The real subliminal (message)
meaning of the current international appraisal of ethics led by the USA doctrine of “all men are
created equal..” is: And the land was empty (our mind was empty)...and the spirit of god
(...and the rules of nature) floated above the water (hf = E); meaning: when nature created us
our minds were empty, and nature is in our hands, and we are in the hands of nature. Nature
rules us, and her body is for our uses according to our wishes and to transcend its body to fill
our mind. Nature does not have a mind, but “the spirit of nature” hovers over the quantic
waves. Let’s have more intellectual fun: Harmony (heaven) on this Earth made of matter is the
world to come; the dark universe is already the quantic paradise. Nations have already
portions the Earth made of matter, frontiers will changes, but all nations will all possess the
totality of harmony to come, as they will be righteous. More one offers his harmony more
harmony comes his way. Nature is the sum of its own messages and we are angels
(messengers) of nature as any other forms of life. Being born of matter, our body nickname is
“clay feet'; and the “host” is the psyche. The “Lord” is nature; the “soul” is mnemonic.
“Righteousness of the Lord” is the dynamics of the natural laws; “the Lord people” is every
forms of life created by nature, and our sciences are finding liaisons between the Lord and his
“people”. Man is a reflection of nature (God) principles as anything else in the universe. We are
not nature itself (the Lord himself), but its creations, as such we are “the ones who's as nature”
(who's as God). Jesus of Nazareth did not existed, and that myth did bring a false relative
peace of mind in morons, therefore we will all be “Anti-Christ” when our mind will be liberated
from its original sin to be a moron. After all this is the question: who want still believe in Santa
Claus and not do his homework? Concerning statistics: In our present time, we shall
understand that universal ethic is as much of an automatism than the immortality of the soul,
they both follows universal principles still unknown by most of us; but also in our present time
how can we try to explain that the eternity of time within an individual reside in the triadic
quanta of live that form the mnemonic part of our soul? How can we explain that ethics is
simply the same principle than the whole of the primal masse being still attach to itself by the
phenomenon of time, and want to socialize automatically with itself through the trinusial
evolutionary process? It’s all in a futurist kind of math's were the trinusial principle is involve
creating that new kind of mathematics.

O bloody innocence! Here is humanity arming itself to defend the god it created! Can you see in
their blindness those poor's minds shredding once more their suffering souls, their eyes being
deprived to see again the almighty they never saw; but it is them who led their mind to paint a
living god with sparkling colors to better imagine the structural marvel that creates their own
body and their own mind. O how unfortunate! Allah is dead but he never was! That superstar
who built kings fortunes and still waging so many human wars is as tied to the heavens as
much a unicorn is been tied to a garden. Where Allah was their own hell, and now that Allah is
no more it is still their own hell! See them fighting for only an annoyance! For their sorrow
having now so little entertainment they decided that whoever lives guilty of killing Allah has to
expiate his incommensurate sin. It would had been better for them to be entertain by the wise
teachings of Buddha than listening to the nonsense of a bloodthirsty Muhammad, for it is not
in the nature of a good philosophy to storytelling “fleurette” a scimitar in both hands. History
tells that the Buddha is far more of a greater teacher than Muhammad was ever the lowest of
his kind.

Our faith:

A first time, we left the womb of Aphrodite, as “tameh” we were send to Golus to suffer and to
heal; and then a second time, and so on; reincarnation after reincarnation. Teshuba's heals,
when the rulings says that a final Yom Kippur will discharges us from our human obligations,
then, forever in Aphrodite Pandora box our “Tahor” will last eternally.

As long it is not of antisocial character we need to have a hobby to relax our mind while
learning something concerning the object of our interest; as an example for some peoples who
collect rocks for hobby it may be the reducing of their earthly possession to mere rocks, and
whoever makes fun of these hobbyists makes fun of their own tunnel vision, and their stupidity
in their lack of willingness to learn something new and something new about others. In a sense
hobbyists are history lovers, it can be cultural history or geological history in the case of rock
collectors; and history is made from different fields where different knowledge are involves,
which directs us to the general field of scientific knowledge where psychology, sociology,
archaeology, geology and plenty other different sciences are involved. Therefore let's indulges
ourselves in any hobby of our fancy as long they are not antisocial thus a source of mental
troubles. One of the best therapeutic approaches toward functional mental illness is to discover
which hobby interest us the most and being able to indulge ourselves to spare some of our time
in it. Hobbies’ leads us to a sane approach to reality.

Religions in the broad sense educates us to perform social acts, specially toward other
believers; on the other hand religions are detrimental toward psychological well being
concerning how individuals shall perceive reality; laics teaching do not creates that
psychological problem and is universal. Libido is hiding under laical teaching.

Pride; Non-pride; Humility

The black Madonna, meaning “the dark universe” is a proud soul's factory without an iota of
vain thought (vanity) that is what makes it a loving “machine”. On the other hand, we are the
vain ones, self-loving our actions, and looking for recognition. We are human, and it is normal
for us to find a balance between vanity and pride depending the situation we are in. There is
only one Black Madonna, and to try to reach her level is to reject our humanity, we need to
find a right balance in any of our action to adapt without being neither sadist nor masochist,
we need to be realist. It is the vain peoples who are killing the proud ones, look at the
Holocaust. The trinusial system is an automatic universal process where energy is involved. It
is the “essence” (as the fuelling process) of the universe, there is no vanity in that “essence”; it
combines the two extreme features (duality) in any system by the presence of the link, it
teaches reality to all. It judge with righteousness, and let causality decide with equity the
sharing of pleasures and suffering. We are the living proudiness of the objectivity of the
universal existing Trinusial system. As for the trinus theory, it is the study concerning the
process of what makes the reality of diverse phenomena by the use of observations and the
study of the extremes and the link present in each system; the trinus theory identifies and
makes assertions concerning the underlying trinusial truth concerning different systems. To be
legitimately proud of oneself is the opposite of vile submission, and the link is humbleness.

1) Pride

Pride is the sense of one own worth (or valor), and according to Aristotle's (who knew some of
the ancient knowledge) pride shall be considered as a profound virtue. Pride is the greatness of
the soul in its knowledge, its work, its valiancy, its wisdom and humbleness. Pride and vanity
are not synonyms. Some of the world non-primal religions, like the Roman Catholic Church in
its submission to masochism, in their mistake to consider “pride” to be “vanity” come to the
erroneous conclusion that we shall consider pride as the most deadly of the seven deadly sins.
They forget that without self-pride when facing adversity there wouldn't be any hope to reach
any form of excellence to adapt by learning new skills from our innate intellectual capacities,
and therefore it would be vain to exist.

2) Non-Pride

Non-pride can be considering as a bypass to reach libido via its erotical means. Non-pride
defines an acquired submissive attitude; it is an acquired inaptitude of an individual to adapt
by himself to reality without tangible guidance and supervision. The personality without pride
has a low self-determination in regard to realistic achievements. We all posses to a certain
extent a “non-pride” personality as part of our associative personality. It is the irresponsible
careless sloppy one concerning the performance of tasks and duties. As causality goes, that
personality is the responsible for the psyche to eventually experience mental and physical pain
in order to boost its self-determination toward reality. Submission to “God” is a behavioral
attitude, composing a set of behaviors, from the “Dominance and submission” field (D&s, Ds or
D/s) of psychology were man creates customs and rituals relating to the accepting of
dominance of one almighty subjective “God” over humankind. That lifestyle belongs more to an
erotic context than a metaphysical context. Those who take the subordinate position under the
“Dominating God” are called submissive. Eroticism is relative to the sexual side of libido,
various attempt through various means incite that feelings. People who are lashing themselves
publicly with whips and crucifies themselves (with some friendly help) on Good Friday, (like
their basically naked symbol of erotism: Jesus), are only posing public erotic behaviors under
the cover of a religious zeal. A minor Islamic group, founded by Rashad Khalifa, called
“Submitters” is claiming to follow only the original teaching of the Qur'an Islamic bible);
Muhammad was a leader with eroticism on the back of his mind.

3) Humility

Above all, to be humble is to be realistic about who we are and seek to better oneself to adapt;
this is not a question of vanity but of survival. To be vain is for one to waste this part of his
existence by not seeking to evolve, to get over his childish egotism. Humility is the reflection of
the natural rules, and those rules define reality. Humility, being humble, defines an
unpretentious and modest person who learned to know its limits (self-worth) and scholarized
himself to better adapt to reality; by doing so that person is reflecting the natural rules. The
reflection of the natural rules contains no vanity. Where no vanity is humbleness. The peak of
realistic humility, leading to wisdom, resides in scholarized proudiness, and the peak of
unrealistic humility resides in non-proudiness and ignorance. The Buddha said that humility
achieves enlightenment through meditation. Humility is the link between “Pride” and “non-
pride”. That link, like any other link, is a scale with many graduations. “A just balance and
scales is the Lord's; all the weights in the bag are his work.” (Proverbs 16:11. The “bag” can
indicates the whole universe or any system. “Unequal weights are an abomination to the Lord,
and false scales are not good.”(Proverbs 20:23) “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of
his hand and marked off the heavens with a span, enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure
and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?” (Isaiah 40:12). “Behold, the
nations are like a drop from a bucket, and are accounted as the dust on the scales; behold, he
takes up the coastlands like fine dust.”(Isaiah 40:15).

The chapter “Job 33” has psychiatric smell (or odor) mixed with the trinusial system: “Behold,
God does all these things, twice, three times, with a man,” (Job 33:29).

Plenty of riddles mentions one universe, two opposites and one link = three days in
metaphorical (or real) events representing the trinusial process at work in all systems, and
that trinusial process “revives the spirit of man” in the sense it gives him its intellectual boost;
“night” representing non-intellectuality (mind void) and “day” representing the trinusial
process that gives man the vivacity of his mind (spirit of man) when man is using his intellect
with logic, feeding his intellect at the source of knowledge (universal principles). “Eating
bread” can represents assimilating anything tangible and consistent for the life of the body,
and “drinking water” can represents assimilating intellectual data for the life of the mind; that
would “revive” any man spirit!“And they gave him a piece of a cake of figs and two clusters of
raisins. And when he had eaten, his spirit revived, for he had not eaten bread or drunken water
for three days and three nights.” (1 Samuel 30:12).

“God called the light Day and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there
was morning, the first day.” (Genesis 1:5).

Libido is hiding under laical teaching, and laical teaching is hiding under the metaphors of
what primal religions are made of; this is why primal religions are those conveyors of very
ancient knowledge that is the same that our present sciences are discovering lately; these two
sources of human knowledge are converging into the same secular truth. Causality been less
frightening than a invented “Living God” in the mind of asocial morons (psychopaths), it is the
wisdom of the "Ancients" that makes them to hide secular teaching under the cover of religions
to keep the asocial morons to be more destructive than they are actually since there is no “God”
and we can do whatever please us.

If we compare a quantum as a string (from the string theory) then it takes a certain amount
(n) of them to creates (produces) the first atom of matter (in this case a ball made out of
strings) which is the simple form of Hydrogen; thus: n(hf) = mc square = E. Since mc square
have a mass and since a mass can only come from particles having their own mass then all the
particles of the universe are having their own masse; if it wasn’t true then a particle of no-
mass would only be a graviton which is a spacial point of nothingness in the cosmos; and
energy is not nothingness, it is particles of spacial dust on the move, wave after wave, call
quanta. A graviton is a hole in space, and it can be measure by the presence of energy
surrounding it. Concerning the human brain residing in the head basket call the cranium, it is
by cat scan that we can see the holes in the mind since the corresponding part of the brain
relying messages to the brain does not activates under specific stimulus like questions
concerning general knowledge; thus the degree of functional stupidity (or human factor)
can be measured in many different ways.

The new emerging religion to last over all the others is "Modern Metaphysics" where
man is having faith that the primal religions are scientifically tough to covering-up
secular data, and being able to prove it.

The occult of the Qabalah is base on the comprehension of what the word “God”
represents, meaning “The Light”. The Qabalah is an occult science, i.e. we must know
the key to that occult science to deshermetize it for it to become clear secular sentences,
which will make the Kabbalah to become a science regarding reality in understandable
terms. The key is: The Mythical "God" simply indicates "light", literally!

Freedom and intellectuality

The Kabbalah is made of riddles that we can play with to decipher them anytime
anywhere by anyone, even in the w.c where for some of us the “spiritual” inspiration is
at its best! The study of the Kabbalah is an essential step of mind evolution leading us
to both the "spiritual" (humorous) track and on the intellectual path. These two
channels of understanding are interlaced so that we can join the Wisdom of our Cosmic
Ancestors with a smirky smile in our face. We better understand that the main
objective of the original Kabbalah (concocted by our knowledgeable ancestors) is to
give a meaning to our lives were humour is present; this is because the universe itself
has never been an conscious objective from anyone; neither the universe has its own
conscious or unconscious objectives, nor having any choice in the matter "to be or not
to be" there. It is there because it has to from a pure automatism of synchronicity
without soul. It is simply the ultimate noumenon.

For one to control his own life and be consciously in charge of his own karma, one has
to control his own thoughts. It is by naturally starting one existence from being a
moron (and a sucker), which is the original sin of any forms of life not to be able to
control totally its own thoughts, to end-up, throughout the evolutionary process, being
in the Alpha state position to be in command of one own mind. That can only be done
throughout humbleness, where no vanity is involves, when one is learning the ways of
the universal rules that offers knowledge to his mind and where lays the potentiality of
one wisdom.

Freedom of choice, also called self-determination is a natural happening. It is a must to

adapt by self decision making, it bring knowledge through causality for mind
confusion about rightfulness to disappear. It is throughout causality that priorities
change for the better...give it time; it is causality that's makes the truth to be obvious.

One need self-pride of achievement to exist as a reality to finds realistic ways not to
hurt him, or being hurt anymore, by reaching a harmonious level of adaptation. Truth
seeking to adapt is universal rules seeking. Truth is not a religion. To reach higher
understanding of the truth (higher spiritual level) is done by seeking to understand the
natural promises of changes in behaviors for the better that lays in the natural rules.
To constantly adapt is for our intellect to have no rest; it expand as the universe
expand. Challenges excites our neurons, challenges provide our intellect its drive to
exercise its potential which is intelligence seeking to be in intelligence with the
universal rules to find harmonious ways to adapt. Challenges are the stimulus for us to
nurtures our talents even further; self-determination still gives us the choice for just
letting us be kind of happy in a non-adaptive moronical state where causality become
a pain inducer. Intellectual new strengths need the previous ones to be their solid
stepping rock from where to reach higher level of intellectuality. It is the challenge of
good versus better. Self-determination gives us the choice to decide just how high we
want our intellect to soar inversely proportional of how bad pain can be.

Without the presence of the need to adapt constantly and the proudiness to achieve it
with success there wouldn't be any intellectuality. Morons are suffering no-brainier
that creates evil to feel better. Their mental evolution leads them from a moronical
state to a psychopathic path. That's makes intellectuality versus moronism to be the
synonym of good versus evil. There are evilest sects and religions against
intellectuality out there that are producing armed trained extremists ... that's makes
them feel better in their moronic state of mind.

Hope for freedom is a state of mind without border. It is what gives the individual his
purpose in life. Freedom is the perfect state of mind where one knows he can pushes
without limits in sight his own mental borders. Even if the universe do not has a
purpose to start with, life becomes its own purpose which becomes the true purpose of
life, throughout its fractalized components: to survive and adapt. The desire for mental
wealth is the desire for knowledge and wisdom to better adapt. So, our approach to life
is to realize that adaptation and evolution is the main purpose of life as a whole, and of
our lives as fractalized units of life. That's makes life to be really all about mental
achievement (spiritual attainments); the more we put our faith in life, the more we are
connected to the universal rules. Scientifical minds constantly devote themselves to
understand the universal rules (devotion to “god”). The worship of physical wealth is
compensation to one lack of mental wealth; instead of life of the mind being the
purpose of one existence, extravagant lifestyle becomes the vain subjective moronical
purpose of one's life. It shows immaturity of the mind (immature spirit). A wealthy
mind is the pride of life, and vanity possesses the poor minded.

Pride and vanity are opposite; they are the motivating factor of hope to remain. The
path to war and the path to peace have both hope in common. Glory of the mind is base
on pride, and vanity is the glory of some forms of egotism and mental sickness where
one is the hero in his own mind. Lack of knowledge is a mind deficit that fuel humanity
problems. Knowledge and wisdom are problems solvers. Faith in the universal laws in
the sense that to believe and to prove to ourselves that they are equally valid for life as
for matter is the real investment in trustworthiness on the universal logic: the real
people's faith is based on proofs. The real victories are intellectual victories that bring
us an immense wealth made of spiritual (or intellectual) knowledge and wisdom that
we can be proud of, without any vanity involve. All the achievements of the greatest
inquiring constructive minds in human history, in their humbleness, are the reflection
of the automatic logic that creates ethics by causality, and by the domino effect made
those constructive minds to be the heralds of the nature of humanity to be one with the
logic of nature for our understanding of morality to be simply ... to be sociable! ... For
our greater joy and noble pride to find our mind to be free from religious slavery.

Allegory of the Dark Universe being represented by the Virgin Mary.

There is a painting by Titan (1516-1518) in Venise as an allegory representing the Dark

Universe. Throughout human history man produces and keeps producing form of arts in an
attempt to illustrate, and portray in tangible form the principles, and doings of nature, some of
those forms of art are religious imagery. An allegory is a symbolism representing something,
allegories are clues leading to (ancient) “secrets”, or knowledge, and in this painting from
Titan the “Universal Logic” is being represented by “God”, which is the whole of the universal
(or natural) rules, hovering over the “Virgin”. The painting of “God “is also an allegory of a
UFO (or flying saucer) using the universal laws for its gravitational propulsion. The Virgin
Mary, meaning the Dark universe, being surrounded by her children’s, is depicted as the
mother of all souls (Eve). Under Mary here we are! The “rejected” angels. We are part of the
physical universe; living our own hell, learning to “grow-up”, and to find wisdom under our
self-determination and under the natural justice of causality. The light Depicted on the
background of the upper half the painting, is an allegory saying where is the Virgin it is a
universe of light (made of quanta), not a physical one (made of matter). It seems Titan was an
“insider” who has some of the knowledge of the “ancients”.

For one to control his own life and be consciously in charge of his own karma, one has to
control his own thoughts. It is by naturally starting one existence from being a moron (and a
sucker), which is the original sin of any forms of life not to be able to control totally its own
thoughts, to end-up, throughout the evolutionary process, being in the Alpha state position to
be in command of one own mind. That can only be done throughout humbleness, where no
vanity is involves, when one is learning the ways of the universal rules that offers knowledge
to his mind and where lays the potentiality of one wisdom.

Freedom of choice, also called self-determination is a natural happening. It is a must to adapt

by self decision making, it bring knowledge through causality for mind confusion about
rightfulness to disappear. It is throughout causality that priorities change for the better...give
it time; it is causality that's makes the truth to be obvious.

One need self-pride of achievement to exist as a reality to finds realistic ways not to hurt him,
or being hurt anymore, by reaching a harmonious level of adaptation. Truth seeking to adapt
is universal rules seeking. Truth is not a religion. To reach higher understanding of the truth
(higher spiritual level) is done by seeking to understand the natural promises of changes in
behaviors for the better that lays in the natural rules. To constantly adapt is for our intellect to
have no rest; it expand as the universe expand. Challenges excites our neurons, challenges
provide our intellect its drive to exercise its potential which is intelligence seeking to be in
intelligence with the universal rules to find harmonious ways to adapt. Challenges are the
stimulus for us to nurtures our talents even further; self-determination still gives us the choice
for just letting us be kind of happy in a non-adaptive moronical state where causality become a
pain inducer. Intellectual new strengths need the previous ones to be their solid stepping rock
from where to reach higher level of intellectuality. It is the challenge of good versus better. Self-
determination gives us the choice to decide just how high we want our intellect to soar
inversely proportional of how bad pain can be.

Without the presence of the need to adapt constantly and the proudiness to achieve it with
success there wouldn't be any intellectuality. Morons are suffering no-brainier that creates evil
to feel better. Their mental evolution leads them from a moronical state to a psychopathic path.
That's makes intellectuality versus moronism to be the synonym of good versus evil. There are
evilest sects and religions against intellectuality out there that are producing armed trained
extremists ... that's makes them feel better in their moronic state of mind.

Hope for freedom is a state of mind without border. It is what gives the individual his purpose
in life. Freedom is the perfect state of mind where one knows he can pushes without limits in
sight his own mental borders. Even if the universe do not has a purpose to start with, life
becomes its own purpose which becomes the true purpose of life, throughout its fractalized
components: to survive and adapt. The desire for mental wealth is the desire for knowledge
and wisdom to better adapt. So, our approach to life is to realize that adaptation and evolution
is the main purpose of life as a whole, and of our lives as fractalized units of life. That's makes
life to be really all about mental achievement (spiritual attainments); the more we put our
faith in life, the more we are connected to the universal rules. Scientifical minds constantly
devote themselves to understand the universal rules (devotion to “god”). The worship of
physical wealth is compensation to one lack of mental wealth; instead of life of the mind being
the purpose of one existence, extravagant lifestyle becomes the vain subjective moronical
purpose of one's life. It shows immaturity of the mind (immature spirit). A wealthy mind is the
pride of life, and vanity possesses the poor minded.

Pride and vanity are opposite; they are the motivating factor of hope to remain. The path to
war and the path to peace have both hope in common. Glory of the mind is base on pride, and
vanity is the glory of some forms of egotism and mental sickness where one is the hero in his
own mind. Lack of knowledge is a mind deficit that fuel humanity problems. Knowledge and
wisdom are problems solvers. Faith in the universal laws in the sense that to believe and to
prove to ourselves that they are equally valid for life as for matter is the real investment in
trustworthiness on the universal logic: the real people's faith is based on proofs. The real
victories are intellectual victories that bring us an immense wealth made of spiritual (or
intellectual) knowledge and wisdom that we can be proud of, without any vanity involve. All
the achievements of the greatest inquiring constructive minds in human history, in their
humbleness, are the reflection of the automatic logic that creates ethics by causality, and by the
domino effect made those constructive minds to be the heralds of the nature of humanity to be
one with the logic of nature for our understanding of morality to be simply ... to be sociable! ...
For our greater joy and noble pride to find our mind to be free from religious slavery.

To condemn to the death penalty an individual for what that individual is or has done is to
condemn the responsible part of society that has makes possible for that individual to be what
he is. To condemn or to praise anyone for what he is or what he has done is to do the same
toward the aspect of society which is responsible for the events that individual triggers; on the
other hand to condemn an individual for what he is or what he has done is the message of
society toward self to condemn its own asocial or unwelcome actions, thus trying to got rid of
them, in the form of a scapegoat: the "condemn to death" individual. The casualties of wars are
the death scapegoats of morons in power. Zombies won’t do more than what they are ordered
to do; it takes a "mind alive" to use creativeness to do the "extra length" having psychosocial
benefits in mind and saving lives. The appropriate use (meaning the psychosocially inclined
uses) of the natural principles in the psychological field is the mind-lives savior, other ways the
misuses of them is devilish (the devil ways). Zombieness and evilness attracts the same, but
ethical creativity attracts the ire of the asocial minded (bigots included) rationalizing his
moronic behaviors. Ethico-secularism teaching is of constructive psychosocial character and
part of libido; religious teaching is of destructive psychosocial character where libido is
misinterpreted as God’s-egotism.

On a rock it is the crystal that is the soul, and so the same is true for the psyche. The soul of an
individual, as a living crystal, connects to the soul of matter for life to occur, that’s makes life to
be the affairs of the mind, and anything biological is a by-product since the soul was there
before the psyche biological body was for neuroplasticity to be trigger by the will of the soul.
The universe is talking to us, by waves of energy, from crystals to crystals. Talk to a rock,
crystal to crystal, and you will affects it’s contain (that can be taken both literally and as a
metaphor as “individual to individual”). Water is the supporting liquid crystal by which the life
of the mind can produces biological changes by communicating the essence of its soul (the
characteristics that forms its personality) to matter throughout the neuroplasticity processes.

Reason is the processing of universal logic (natural principles) by the mind to reach logical
conclusions; libido is the processing of the universal logic by the heart (the feeling of caring) to
build harmonious relationships. It is love (caring) and reason from the same universal logic, in
its natural opposites, that builds utopia. Reason concern existence where matter is involves;
libido concerns life where souls are involved. To reason without caring is morbid rationality
leading to disastrous psychosocial troubles.

Mathematic is a language made out of symbols; the same truth can be conveyed by different
words, different symbols, in different languages, that’s including the metaphorical language
which cannot be taken literally, myths against reason originates from metaphors. The Medias
of the truth are many (alive and inert), and whoever say he is the sole holder of the truth needs
Tender Loving Psychiatric Care (TLPC).

Erotism; Pleasure, Equilibrium, Satisfaction, and the Third B

Stage of Positivism
The third stage of positivism N
The third stage of positivism open doors, it is the most evolved stage of the mind where, for his 1
mental satisfaction, ones bases his reasoning in the development of science in its rational
explanation for scientific phenomena, mental attitudes (see psychology), and society different 6
behaviors (see sociology and cultures), and being able to perceives that the same blueprint -
(pattern) is followed in all the different systems for an harmonious equilibrium of the different E
opposing forces in those systems to automatically takes place; concerning forms of life, that N
equilibrium they subjectively seek to reach is called libido. I


Pleasure is the enjoyment one experiences from the satisfaction of the needs of the psyche,
which are related to physical, sensual, emotional and mental experiences.


Relative to the sexual and sensual side of libido, for one to find satisfaction.


1) Objective Equilibrium - It is under the sole influence of the natural rules. We can say that the
“objective” satisfaction of the systems resides in the Objective Equilibrium, simply put:

2) Subjective Equilibrium - It is the subjective seeking of all forms of life for self-harmony at
first, and following after by the seeking for societal harmony to fulfill and multiplied one own
satisfaction under diverse external influences. The study of the many forms of subjective
satisfactions created by various forms of life belongs to the field of psychology and social
psychology. The “Objective Equilibrium” makes it so that the “Subjective Equilibrium”, by
natural determinism, has to obey the natural laws; it is subordinated to them.


1) Objective emotional satisfaction refers to a feeling of achievement, (mind self-gratification)

for atonement being made (see where the mistakes are and correct them) in order to better
adapt. The mind self-gratification is pride; pride is being transforms to a pleasant healing
feeling toward the body part of the psyche by the neuroplasticity process.

2) Subjective emotional satisfaction does not follow much the objectivity of the rational, and
vanity is involved.

Science is the master and primal religions are its slaves; it is ancient wisdom that makes the
slaves to think they are the masters, coming from the same bloodline than a god-mastermind,
for these morons of servitude to become phoenixes of mind liberty when they finally destroy
the chains of slavery (trough the fire of reason) that makes them to think they are the master
race over all creation.

Law: -Any cycle encompass the non-written law stipulating that what has to be done will be
done for the cycle to resume its function regardless of any human laws.


The word “Man” (Homo, Human)) is used to mean any adult human male, and it is also in uses
to refer to humanity as a whole. The seven areas that define masculinity in the world general
culture, and his mental process being represented by some ancient gods from the Greek
mythology are considered to be:

1) Physical -- virile, strong, and brave. 2) Functional -- provider and protector of family. 3)
Sexual -- sexually active. 4) Emotional -- capable of feelings. 5) Intellectual -- logical, rational
and objective, practical and creative. 6) Interpersonal -- capable of communication and social
discipline. 7) Free being -- independent and individualistic.

The masculinity of man came with the arrival of Homo sapiens. So far DNA evidence indicates
that modern humans make their apparition in east Africa about 200,000 years ago. They were
having for their size a highly developed brain as never seeing before on planet Earth. That's
given them the mental capability of abstract reasoning, introspection, and atonement for
problem solving. Of course, they appeared with their own language already developed. They
became the dominant form of biological life affecting all aspects of the environment. They
invented Mythology to explain the universe. The descendants of the first men on Earth (us) In
their desire to understand and influence the environment around them seeks to understand
and self-explains the natural rules to manipulate natural phenomena at their advantage.
Modern man (us) does it mainly through scientific approach. Metaphysics and Philosophy are
also seeking to understand the universal principles and their interaction with man. Modern
Religion are the creation of modern man (us) remanipulating the content of ancient Mythology
according to our subjective conception of the natural rules. While doing that, throughout
history we invent complex social structures. Some are composed of cooperating groups while
others are composed of competing groups; that goes from family circle to Earth nations. Social
interactions between cooperative and non-cooperative (competition) humans groups leads to
the establishment of social ethical norm that became laws in order to cope with the wide
variety of human traditions in any of man doings, which includes sects rituals, and religious
values, as well of ways to conduct any kind of businesses. Together they all form the basis of
human society. The original ideas behind Human laws are the seeking for man social
harmony; Human laws evolve as man evolves. Human cultures are part of evolution. Humans
like any animal of the animal kingdom pass down their skills and knowledge to the next
generations for evolutive purpose. Animals are dependent upon culture (ways of doing things).
Man as natural (cosmic mechanical) phenomena and through the natural mechanisms of
evolution is subject to cause and effect; that’s making man behavior a mechanism to conform
the psyche to adapt. That malleability of life to adapt to all situation (even death of the body is
part of the general mechanism of adaptation) makes the psyche of man capable to respond to
all challenges since life itself is eternal. Man desires are the motivators of adaptation.

Oh these human desires! They are the motivators of adaptation that make all of us to tend
towards universal love! From egotism to libido they are the link between these two dual
extremes. Our desires! From daytime to the mysteries of our dreams they devour us from all
their ardors. Toward our egotism, our greed and our wickedness, the wrath of heaven, being
the left hand of causality, ensures that only the flames of our frustrated lawless desires are
burning, and our pain being felt by our selfishness. It is only the devilish spirit within that
suffers its martyrdom. Our senses becoming the bellows stoking the flames of hell are the
friends of the hammer of evolution that torments us so much while we are forged on the anvil
of existence. Our mind get temper in the water of our tears, and is the abundance of these same
tears watering the furnace of our torment that appeases the soothing flames of our most cruel
desires. When the anvil become silent and the hammer rests, then wakes up the phoenix in us;
what once was our infernal desires crumbles when they dries out and cooled down; finally
liberating our beautiful mind waiting for so long to take to take off in its beautiful flight made
of pure light.

It is the cowards who refuses to face the controversial issue between science and religions
where science will end-up to be the winner and primal religions to be unveiled as , for
memorable times, in the humble service of science.

Primal Religions

Incas and others primal pagan cultures around the world see the whole universe as the
almighty objective god as the ultimate natural phenomenon which created and sustain life all
over the cosmos. Therefore our sun being part of that universal unity which created and
sustain life in our solar system was perceive as a "deity" (as natural phenomenon) of its own.
It was then natural to venerate the sun for all of its gifts since we (our psyche') are dependant
of it. “Mother Earth” been a former star like the sun was, also keep nourishing and sustain life
it created, is also source of devotion from pagan cultures.

When terror takes over reason because of ill placed religiosity; the stakes to reach human
harmony are on the highest. We can succeed to reach our goal of an ethical psycho-social
worldwide evolution by developing an international cooperation where secularism would
teach the world that the meaning of the primal religions was to develop reason and not
terrorizing peoples mind. So far we discovered that the primal religions refers to personal
practices based on reasoning related to communal faith on science and to scientific rituals (like
cleaning hands before eating) and communication of knowledge handled down to us from our
cosmic ancestors. The ultimate origins of the primal religions are from our cosmic human
ancestors, from different planets, who immigrated and populated planet Earth millenniums

All scientific disciplines are the component factors that our cosmic ancestors transformed and
reduced into sets of beliefs that became “religions”. Religion is idioms that make possible the
description of realities for the morons. Primal religions were their methods of excellence to
answer fundamental questions coming from simple minds concerning the nature of the
universe and our place in it (cosmology). Our present methods include sciences, philosophy,
metaphysics, etc... Sciences are the core of all “primal beliefs” all over the world. Primal
religions veils secular concepts from which code of morality base on logic and the knowledge of
the universal laws were draw. They induced practices, religious institutions, oral and written
traditions, religious rituals (from scientific ritual) etc...From secularly believing in the
equilibrium of the universal system in its entire fractalized component during their
evolutionary process became a system of beliefs in “gods” representing natural processes.
Overtime, faith in scientific approach became faith in gods with the apparition of the
secondary religions which contain a lot of subjective and crazy ideas. Reverence to the natural
laws, taking them in consideration by the primal religions became reverence for a personality
called God, or various personalities called the gods with our creation of secondary religions.
From objectives our personal convictions became subjective and sado-machochistical. The
development of secular sciences from our cosmic ancestors into religions has taken many
surprising forms in various Earth cultures due to the different cosmic human races that
immigrated on Earth. We have to consider their different psychological and social roots in
their respective planets, along with their different historical development to understand such
diversity of cultural development between the human races of Earth; as an example, Chinese
and Egyptians have no cultural resemblance if it wasn't for the same Cosmogonical principles
being represented under completely different Gods and mythical stories. Their secular sciences
encompassing sets of narratives symbols and practices to follow became our beliefs and our
trust in the big universal scheme being represented by various man-made deities. Sciences
which are organized behavioral approaches to the universal knowledge from human rational
reasoning (human spirituality) became religions. Primal religions were given meaning to the
simples (not scholarized) by mythical references to higher power or truth than the mere
human. Primal religions were focusing on specific scientifical subject, their favorites concerns
the metaphysical field about reality and the cosmos being related to human nature.

Secondary religions are a deviation of primal sciences (from our cosmic ancestors) into a
feeling of hopefulness without the presence of a god and of the practices this feeling imposes.
Secondary religions also encompasses ancestral traditions (cultural traditions); in their moral
claims of representing the truth, like Muhammad representing “Allah”, they invented sets of
religious laws, and particular lifestyles that breaks apart from primal religions and common
sense, therefore from scientific knowledge. Look at Islam. Secondary religion has little
coherence in their system of thoughts; they are paradoxical. Secondary religions are also of
moronical character, they consider the natural cosmic processes that are still unknown to our
sciences to be supernatural. Religious minds looking for complications, by rejecting secularism
are stemming like mad locomotives on the bumpy rails of mental illness due to their shared
conviction that there is a superior being in higher ruling position than nature that can creates
and change the essence of the universal natural laws, which is causality being simply
transported by the flow of time. Any forms of life can manipulates “time” and “forms of time”
by their uses of natural laws, one do not need to be a god for that, all we need is to develops the
proper technologies. Nothing is mightier than the natural rules, and the might of our mind
reside in our joint venture with them. For secondary religions, what is still secret to us became
sacred to them, making universal science to become divine, and in turn the simple truth
became the highest truth! They confounds the universal laws being the primal matrix that
developed morality values, with the pleasures of an mythical (therefore non-existent) sado-
masochist god full of egotism that man created; wars and suffering is from the will of that
man-made character, becoming man puppet (or man excuse) ...That's make peace and
contentment in harmony being the product of libido, and libido being a product of nature, to be
part of logic.

Some religions, like Islam and Catholicism, reserved to themselves the right to decide which
scientific theories goes along with their beliefs and disregarding others, that does not help
much a lot of great scientific mind that have worked so hard trying to unified science and
religion, but it was wiser for them to give credit to “God” concerning the natural rules... or else.
Literal interpretation of the primal religions does not help the cause. Science know that we are
dependant of the universal rules for the advancement of human technologies and new medical
finding; math, geology, physic, chemistry and everything else is dependant of them. Secondary
religions under their feeling of absolute dependence toward a higher subjective truth than the
natural rules find themselves attracted to the void of nothingness.

Science and primal religions cannot be opposed because they are different aspects of the same
truth. There is only one objective truth, and opposite to it there are many subjective lies. In the
Trinus of Behavioral Communication, meaning to communicate our attitudes toward any
object of interest, we are seeking reason by the uses of rational mental behavior; opposite to it
lies are the seeking of excuses by the uses of rationalizing our asocial behaviors. Any object of
interest will raise arguments based on the opposite poles that form each trinus. The truth is
simple to communicates, its path is straight and easy to follow to reach understanding; there is
no lots of time to follow the path of the truth. Lies creates others lies for paradoxes to occurs,
they are labyrinths where the mind get lost (see Ariadne and the Minotaur) and precious time
is wasted. Time is the mean to reach harmony, and in the trinus of preciousness of time there
are two opposites: 1) The physical wealth of time, that is the concrete aspect of time, like
diamond, gold, etc ... can leads to associability in our race to posses it. 2) The essence of time, is
the preciousness of the natural rules, it leads to all form of harmony for who posses their
wisdom. Time is precious, but since the quantic of time (quanta of energy) goes toward
infinity, it is a good that we can dispose of at our discretion for any purpose without taking
away any of its value....we have the time, time is ours. The presence of time makes it so that
every path leads to the cosmos, as it cannot be any cosmos without time. Time carry in its flow
the psychology of the masses (sociology) where everyone swims best as he can in the middle of
the human splashes affecting his inner-self.

Esotericism refers to non-acquired knowledge yet by some individuals, which were already
available to the advanced minds in specific fields of knowledge. Privileged people obtain higher
education, from various reasons, to be initiated to the knowledge that interests them. This is
opposed to exoteric knowledge, which is basic knowledge and common sense, without formal
scholarization, that belongs to the public domain. Psychiatry is esotericism for a street cleaner
as much as plumbing can be esotericism to a pastry maker. It’s all a question of learning
certain fields were a scientific approach is necessary. Esotericism belongs to the mental field of
scholarization (spiritual knowledge) since it is the uses of our intellect by our reasoning for
better understand reality. Primal religions were esoterical for the non-initiated. The universe
integrates empirically all sciences; it is us who makes them talks by forming the universal
rules with our own symbols.

To start with, God is a metaphor of the universe, and the story of Adam and Eve is a metaphor
of Genesis which include the dark universe and that was turn into a parable; that makes the
religious personality to be an idiot one since it believe into the literal only. It is a good thing
that our associative personality is divided into different ones or we would be a bunch of idiots
for eternities to come! Into the circle of religious peoples it is the infantilism of their religious
personality that makes them to induces "wars of religions" since that kind of war need a
complete lack of logic into one reasoning (thus the uses of rationalizing stupidity mix-up with
cultural pressure), and also a good dose of sado-masochism in it; mix-up the whole thing with
a zest of egotism and we got a bloody social mess where the human factor is the slave of bloody

Minos and Theseus and the Ariadne's thread.

In the Odyssey, In Greek mythology, Ariadne who was the half-sister of the Minotaur from her
mother side, aided Theseus to overcome and kills her half-brother the Minotaur who lives in a
labyrinth. Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos of Crete (son of Zeus and Europe) and his
queen, Pasiphae daughter of Helios, the Sun-titan.

Theseus is a young man who volunteered to come and kill the Minotaur. Ariadne fell in love
with Theseus at first sight, and helped him by giving him a sword and a ball of red fleece
thread that she was spinning, so that he could find his way out of the Minotaur's labyrinth
after killing the beast.

Initiated Greeks were using the trinus principle to create their mythology. Zeus, father of
Minos, being the representation of mind harmony by the use of logic and libido, and being the
grandfather of Ariadne, than the Ariadne's thread is the thread of reason. It is all basic
psychology in a mythical story. Because the beast in the labyrinth is our own mind getting lost
from paradoxical beliefs, than Ariadne is the rational side of our mind helping the lost part of
our Mind to find the exit by following the tread of reason? Theseus can be compare to anyone
willing to help the intellect (by killing the beast) to run smoothly. Ariadne and the beast are
simply the existing opposites in that ancient Greek trinus where psychology is involve.

Our only safe and secure place to put our faith and trust is in humanity on its way to discover
wisdom while discovering the many ways of universal logic residing in the natural process of
energy known under the term : "the natural principles"; the natural principles are the solid
foundation by which evolution occur; it is at the cost of our suffering from being agnostic by
birth that we become wiser by experience, but it is our human body which become the
sacrificed part of our psyche for the value of the mind to skyrockets to new heights. The battle
between light and darkness is a psychological one where light win as usual, taking away the
territories of darkness.

Knowledge is food for the mind, and modern metaphysics seeking for the points of
convergences of ancient knowledge hiding under the veil of primal religions, and our recent
knowledge, has to rely on ancient "religious" saying like those:

Genesis 40:17 - and in the uppermost basket there were all sorts of baked food for Pharaoh, but
the birds were eating it out of the basket on my head."

Psalms 69:21 - They gave me poison for food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

Psalms 78:18 - They tested God in their heart by demanding the food they craved.

Psalms 78:25 - Man ate of the bread of the angels; he sent them food in abundance.

Proverbs 30:8 - Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with the food that is needful for me,

Knowledge – the food for the mind- was also called “manna” when the Hebrews lived in the
desert as those sayings witnesses: Deuteronomy 8:3 - And he humbled you and let you hunger
and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know; that he might
make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but that man lives by everything that
proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD. Deuteronomy 8:16 - who fed you in the wilderness
with manna which your fathers did not know, that he might humble you and test you, to do
you good in the end. Joshua 5:12 - And the manna ceased on the morrow, when they ate of
the produce of the land; and the people of Israel had manna no more, but ate of the fruit of the
land of Canaan that year. Nehemiah 9:20 - Thou gavest thy good Spirit to instruct them, and
didst not withhold thy manna from their mouth, and gavest them water for their thirst.

Knowledge is the manna that enlightens us, and it is made of light: the food of the mind. The
light is made of many quantum of energy which is like little grains of light travelling space; it
was known as "the grain of heaven" by the ancients as this Psalm witnesses": Psalms 78:24 -
"and he rained down upon them manna to eat, and gave them the grain of heaven".

The Dark Universe also known by some religion as the Black Madonna is also mentioned in the
ancient testament as "the queen of heaven" as in Jeremiah 44:17 - "But we will do everything
that we have vowed, burn incense to the queen of heaven and pour out libations to her, as we
did, both we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah and in the streets
of Jerusalem; for then we had plenty of food, and prospered, and saw no evil."

More vast is our secular knowledge, deeper are our thoughts; this is because the expression
"deep toughs" encompass a vastness of secular knowledge that's educates our mind to follow
the logic of things in order to extrapolate new toughs thus be the motor of creativity; of course
the "instinctive knowledge" from which we are built (thus the universal principles) which is the
inducer of logical thinking within plays the major role in the unconscious level for "deep
thoughts" to occur (a real prophesy coming from instinctual knowledge). More secularism in
teaching it would be, more "deep social thoughts" toward world harmony will be ponder.
Secular learning need to be more affordable than it is now, especially on the university level
and in underdeveloped countries, or otherwise the religious tendency will become more a
political force than it is now; and that would instigate, as it did before; a period of "dark age"
where religious stupidity will spill human blood over the "chicanes de clocher" which is very
detrimental toward man mind evolution thus toward an enlighten utopia.

Religions are food for the feeble minds; but as personality emerges it is science that become
food for the strong’s.


The term Apocalypticism was mend to refers that the world (humanity) will come to the final
end (final stage) of his developing stages in time. Apocalypse became a religious belief where
civilization, as we know it, will come to a tumultuous end for the next stage in time where the
truth will rule. Apocalypticism in religious and secularist circle is conjoined with esoteric
knowledge destined to change the course of human history.

The phrase “Apokalupsis eschaton” literally means “revelation at the end of the age”. The term
apocalypse refers to “lifting of the veil” or “revelation” which is the third step of positivism.
Apocalyptic beliefs occur in many other religious systems than in the Jewish culture or
Christianity; the Hindu concept of pralay is their apocalyptic view. From the time the
apocalyptic concept was created by man, and became apocalyptic beliefs in various religions
around the world, the meaning has vastly changed from the unveiling of unseen data that will
change man behavior for the better, to today's meaning of the destruction of earth as we now
know it; it’s the same idea presented differently. Our first human ancestors that appeared on
earth millenniums ago handled to us the logical disclosure of future events that was to come on
a metaphoric and symbolic form of communication through various primal religions; that
human heritage was base on a sophisticated statistical knowledge and also based on the
natural stage of development of a social unit like humanity. That concept can also be found in
the book of Daniel (see old testament) under the use of fantastic imagery.

The “Revelation”, is a clear and logical pattern of statistics that can foretell future events
related to the third stage of positivism. The preliminary events before world harmony, as
mentioned in the apocalypse, will be the destructive events bound to happen when humanity
move from one stage of its evolutionary process to its next stage. And evolutionary stage of
humanity includes intellectuality (spirituality) as well as technologies in regard of humanity
behavioral changes in many domains. The same principles of the psychological stages of
development in the individual, from birth to old age, can simply be applied to humanity
evolutive development with some variances to foresee some future events. “Apocalypse”
belongs simply to the field of socio-psychology. Man behavior always makes history, big or

Millenniums old imagery from the first humans on earth found their way in the literature of
the Hebrew Bible via the Egyptian culture and being copy and transformed latter on by
Christianity. Isaiah writings were rich of a fantastical form of poetry in his prophetic “visions”.
Job was not bad either in the field of fantastic when he mentioned “Behemoth” and “Leviathan”
which is nonetheless than the human penis! The “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” is a
plagiarized version of many part of the Hebrew bible, it represents the four human made
“plagues” (pestilence, war, famine, and death) that rides the transitional period between one
humanity stages of socio-psychologic development to the next. That term appear in the
Christian Bible in chapter six of the Book of Revelation. “Abaddon” in Hebrew, and “Applying”
from Greek mythology, both makes reference to the bottomless pit of our unconscious were all
kind of data in that dynamical mind storage are fighting each others. As for “Gog and Magog”
it defines the general Trinusial process.

Today's Mayan shamans confirm the exactitude of the Mayan calendar that mentions the year
2012 as a change in the world as we know it. After striving for accuracy among secular
sources of teaching materials and through careful cross-referencing, thus according to what
we discovered so far in this metaphysical research, there is no need to race against time to
avoid Apocalypse 2012 since it is not the extinction of the human race that is involve but an
evolutionary stage of mankind that will become extinct to leave room for the next one. Only the
wicked, afraid of the truth, will want to race against time because: “He does not keep the
wicked alive, but gives the afflicted their right.” (Job 36:6).

Some educated individuals who became stupid’s and more retorted by selling their soul to the
evil side of humanity for economical reason are already experiencing the painful side of mind
poverty by not being able to retain any loving relation. From their position of power, evil
minded individuals that suggest to others stupid educated sociopaths to cut off the life line of
the profoundly disturbs need’s, with success, will see their empire crumble by causal forces; the
need’s who experienced a breaking-up of their personality (suicide) and a breaking-up of their
relation with the environment (murder) from a ultimate gesture of hope and frustration will
haunts their souls and their dreams as worldwide atonement will takes place.

Now days, depending what form of pleasure stimulates our attention when frustration occurs,
we will or not, make the move to reach that mental reward that is the third stage of positivism,
depending of our social and personal values. Even if we became. from day one, neurotics from
the frustration of our birth, and consciously ignorant, nevertheless our unconscious its already
full of data in the instinctive state, it is those data that gives us our first unconscious sight of
what our social behaviors must be; and it is a different set of data, the one that forms the
structure of our psyche, meaning: the universal rules, that gives us our innate personal values
as well as our innate scientific knowledge of what the truth is. Humanity turns toward
religious scriptures a lot to find different kind of information's. It goes from social behavior to
find harmony to historical events, and also universal events like the creation of the universe
and the different phenomena that's rules it, in other words: humanity turns toward religions
to find Scientifics data. When we do not comprehend the meaning of a certain religious saying
in the scripture and we take them literally, then it is those various misinterpretations of “the
good words” that became sources of pain, miseries and a huge part of social frustrations for
humanity in its different cultural facets.

When the days will come where humanity will comprehend that the primal religions were in
fact Scientifics information's from millenniums old exact sciences, then all primal religions will
be united in one unique form of knowledge. Then our different personal value will become one
within the social frame of humanity. The understanding of humanity concerning the role of the
universal rules in the both physical matters and the matters of life will makes it possible. That
is the only statistical possible solution of the human puzzle in the whole picture of universal
human harmony (utopia); there is none other. Therefore some forms of pleasure, without
frustrating anyone personal sense of “morality”, will be widely in use, like during king
Solomon era, while others forms of pleasure that derivate from the mechanism of defense and
adaptation, like sado-masochism, will be less needed as humanity evolves toward its self-
harmony. Utopia will be the result of a joint cooperation between cultures in the same form of
universal secular knowledge where wisdom will be seeing as the processes of the logical and
emotional side of libido working together.

When all component of humanity will become friends, it is their difference that will speed up
the building of utopia as it is the difference in our potentials, being united, that will be the
decisive factor to speed up the time toward our common social objective.
A trinus is composed of three parts (3/3) that we can call for practical purposes: 1) The first
third: the primal action; 2) the second third: the direct opposite; 3) the third part of the trinus:
the link. The primal action is the objectivity of the natural principles; the direct opposite is the
void; and the link is formed with moments in time. Concerning social trinusses where forms of
life, in this case "humanity", is involved 1/3 is composed of antisocial components; these are
doom to disappear in time throughout many suffering humanity brings upon itself trough the
causal forces. Humanity is the link between ethical sociability thus following libido, and
associability; those opposites are better known under the general term "good and evil". The
part of the cyclic action toward the evolutive suffering human link which is a self-mnemonical-
process in time, thus 1/3 of the "social trinus", is known biblically under the term "the
tribulations" meaning man destroying man for man to evolve trough bad experiences.
Therefore by simply following the logic of things we can safely say that after and during the
tribulations come the "revelation" better known as the apocalypse where "dead-minds" will be
“resurrected” to the understanding of things which of course will be the "last judgment" which
is the final way of seeing thing in the light of knowledge and reason.

The universe unites us all: livings and non-livings. The only, unique and constant universal
truth that unites human kind is to be found in the natural laws; the whole of those laws is
contained in the General Unified Fields Theory where life and matter obeys the same natural
laws. The Restrained Unified Field Theory covers only matter.

It takes an individual to be mentally challenged to believe in the presence of a living God! Only
schyzophrenia can explain poeples hearing God voice telling them what to do.

We are not in debt to the universe since it creates us, nor the universe is in debt with us since it
gives us no choice than to be; for being integral parts of the universe we are in debt to self only
to understand its mechanisms in order to be fully "one" with it with open eyes, and proper
secular education is needed to reach that goal. Primal religions did their time, they were
mended to stall the progress of wars, now they are staling the progress of the mind. The
esotheric triangle that symbolizes God so far will symbolizes from now on the trinus theory.

Moshiach, Moses and Manna

According to what we discover so far, it is “energy” that is the essence (creative source) of the
presence of the universe. We are all made 100 % of a same energy. The terms Israel use to
define Moshiach consist of two major things:

1) It is what Israel considers as to the true definition of Moshiach which they consider
extremely deep: Moshiach is the “yechida”: the essence of all creation.

Since we are all made of the same energy, in this sense, we all are Moshiach's. This energy (this
essence) is our true self; and the natural laws that came from those self-interactive essence
(energy) only needs to be revealed by our sciences so, energy as such can shine in all its glory.

2) There is the political Moshiach who will physically bring all the Jews to Yiddishkiet (the true
Jewish essence) and rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The entire purpose of the political
Moshiach is to bring about the awareness and revelation of this essence of creation: energy.

As plenty of us are a loving bunch of Moshiach's in different fields, we all excel in one field or
another; we can very much help humanity in helping moving the rational process of humanity
along. All our talents and potential to learn by using reason base on logic can be used to bring
about the era of truthfulness were we will fully realize that harmony can only base itself on the
truth and the true nature of things. Temples of knowledge (Schools and universities)) are
needed for that. Energy is the essence of the natural rules, and the natural rules are the essence
of the Manna mentioned in the Torah. The soul of Moses lays in the Torah. Through the soul of
Moses the Jews can enjoy the food of Torah wisdom. It is by Moses merit that manna was
given to Israel by the presence of Torah. That's makes the soul of Moses present in every
generation to sustain and reinforce the faith of Israel toward the truth. The first appearance of
manna in Torah reads “man hu,” which permutes into the word “emunah.” Emunah is Moses
teaching that gives Israel its faith. “And he humbled you, let you hunger and fed you with
manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know
that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth
of the Lord.” (Deuteronomy 8:3).

When the creationists are talking about the revelation of “God's knowledge” at the “end of
time”, they are unknowingly making reference to the evolution of our mind (reasoning) under
realistic secularism new knowledge. Reasoning about new data can only be done thought the
process of cognition for our intellect to process the new data (new knowledge) to forms a
logical picture in our mind. It is an evolutionary mental process. Creationist is unconsciously a
bunch of reluctant evolutionists, and many of their sayings are veiled evolutionary truths.

From Moses manna (Moses teaching) to emunah (Jewish faith) it is up to us to find out and
understand, through secular investigation, that effectively energy produces life, the universal
rules is the essence of life, and Moses teaching is all about having faith on the essence of life.

Any psychiatrist and ecologist know that we can use nature at our own advantage or
disadvantage; human morality is base on that. There is a metaphysical law that says: Self-
determination is the phenomenon by which any form of life can use subjectively the objectivity
of the natural principles at their discretion for their own advantage or disadvantage.

Policing human determination is “la peur du gendarme” being transform by Moses by “The
fear of God” which means to: obey the laws...or else. From there the Jewish saying “to devote
all our time to God” mean to take in consideration the natural laws in any of our doings, and
study them; and “Fighting God's war” is to mention those facts. Psycho-social ethics makes it
so that to be alone, without love, and surrounded by luxury do not replaces for one to be loved,
for who he is, without regard of one earthy possessions; it is all over the Torah. “To be mark by
the seal of God” does not mean to have the skin of our forehead being stamped or tattooed, but
it mean for an individual to fully comprehend the truth concerning the merging of science and
primal religions (in this case the Torah) in its metaphysical dimension, and being capable of
teaching it. “Righteousness”, concerning living being, is of psycho-social nature in accord with
the universal laws; and concerning non living things it is their automatic obedience to the
universal rules. Our psyche contains both living and non-living components, when the living
component (our soul) lives in accord with the universal rules than the psyche reach a
harmonious functioning state. Plain common sense tells us those eons ago...

What the Jews call “deep spirituality” shall be view as “far in the understanding of knowledge”,
which is simply to be realistic about what surrounds us. Spirituality is “to think”, and “deep
spirituality” is to think far in the complexity of things belong to reality; it does not matter in
which direction (up or down, left or right). To think far, or farther, is a lengthy process that's
includes more complex ideas that logically links together; it is called the process of reason,
also: “intellectuality” and reason can only be based on reality. Opposite to reason is
aberration, which is a partial mental derangement (base on fiction), a deviation of cognition
from its natural course. “To think” come from an intellectual process from which ideas link to
each other, under the influence of gravity, to form concepts that also link together.
Determinism forms the train of thoughts, and that train is made by wagons of ideas being
pulled by gravity; the train of thoughts is a lengthy process in time and space that can be
measured. Ideas are an automatism of the intellect, and automatic writing come from it. Idea
is to be proven rights or wrongs by the scientific approach. Moses personal manna of ideas
were Moses self-concern to find solutions of how to be able to transform the scientific
knowledge he already possess into a form of religion containing obvious clues indicating that
his newly formed religion is only a metaphor of science.
The scientific aspect of Moses manna was veiled, but not the morality aspect. Since it takes an
ethical approach called “scientific approach” to investigate the universal science, it makes
sense that Moses teaches us morality, facilitating our discoveries of the scientific aspect of his
manna. Secular teaching is the unveiling of Moses manna to the people. This is why Jews were
taught to learn both: secular and Torah teaching, since both completes each others. Moses
teaching comes down to the basic message for us to have faith on the logic of the universal
science made of energy.

Cows being left alone in acres of nature naturally adapting to their environment are making
“cow's paths”. They are following the principle of the easy way to do things needed to satisfy
their psyche with a minimum of energy requirement (la loi du moindre effort). We have the
natural tendency of doing the same thing; it is called “the path of humanity”. We are paving
the human path with our doings. Moses manna was mend for us to self-paves our different
personal “human path's” with easiness by feeding our mind with the Wright kind of “intellect-
ethical” food; that's facilitates the Jews parallel learning of Torah and science until they fusion
them in one super metaphysical “God's science” were all the human sciences are the finds of its
fractalization. The learning “God's science”, or universal science, is the learning of how to be
realistic with libido in sight to built world harmony. The human path has one main direction
composed of two sens (two opposites): 1) logism; 2) illogism. The use of illogism leads to the
mental land of the quicksand’s where our mind gets bugged. As for the ones who are using
reason based on the solid rock of logic, they are guiding humanity to see the light of things.

Metaphysical laws: The Law of the Least Effort:

This is the very basic law that rules the whole universal system:

a) The same basic Trinusial principle rules all systems.

b) It is the logical multiplication of trinus and their interaction in the systems they are forming
that gives complexity to the universe.

c) Analogy is simply the very first principle of “The Law of the Least Effort” in action in
different systems.

Going as far back in time to Noah's landing in planet Earth, we can see that the whole idea,
from our human cosmic ancestors, was to leave us our self-determination while implanting the
modern human race on Earth. We have to make our own human path on this planet to earn
ourselves our own freedom from the heavy chains of ignorance. The “Ankh” is the sophisticated
key of mental liberty. The Noahide laws were a start that pushes us in the right direction. By
now, according to the data coming out from this research, everything indicates that the
psychological attitude of our direct cosmic ancestors was gentles, realistic, ethical’s, and
having a good sense of humour. Our cosmic ancestors were having trust in humanity of which
they were proud to belong. Their knowledge in astrophysics, where the living side of the dark
universe is included reaches unknown frontiers to us. They are so far advanced in their
sciences, compare to our sciences, that even the cook helper in one of their star ship can be “The
Moshiach” of this part of humanity (he Earth part of humanity) if they decides to be so! They
may have a highly developed sense of humour but they won't play that cruel joke on us.
Realistic humility do not exclude human pride, it is for an individual to realizes his limitations
while retaining his personality; otherwise it would be masochism. Our Moshiach has to be one
of our own; a pride human being knowing his limitation, one who knows he cannot reaches
(yet) the knowledge of Noah star ship cook helper.

Our cosmic ancestors blessed us with ethnicity. The reason why our cosmic ancestors came
from different world populated by human reside in the fact that ethnicity is the zest of
humanity. If it wasn't for that we all would be from the same mould and existence would be
extremely boring. In the Trinus of ethnicity the opposites are: 1) a blessing; 2) a curse. It is a
blessing for socially minded people who see diversity as nature creativity, from which
opportunities raises to learn more, and also a form of living art produced by nature. It is a
curse for those who view their own egotism as the absolute value for everyone to follow.
Egotism in an adult is intellectual laziness from mental troubles that slow down the flow of
cognition. Egotistical individuals do not have to be afraid to stay forever in that moronical
state of mind since causality has no memory, for it is an automatic process of action/reaction
of forces leading to all form of evolution. To comprehend that concept we have to realize that
determinism is under the effect of gravity, it is the action of gravity toward everything; and
causality is the action/reaction of forces while quanta (from which forces are made of) are
being pulled by gravity. Determinism has many faces, and so is causality.

We shall be bewaring of causality, as causality is the perfect judiciary compare to any man-
made god's. Causality is an unpardonable judge that sees for the sentencing to be carry out
and to reaches their term. So, whoever sadistically torments the rightful ones will taste their
own medicine. If we do not use willingly our intellect to foresee situations, it is the automatism
of our sensory system, and emotional system (chemical reactions under external stimulus)
which, by causality, will boost the processing of our intellect for us to “see” reason. Having
consciousness and possessing motility gives us self-determination to use the full force of the
causal laws at our harmonious advantage while we are swimming in the quantic “waters” of
determinism. Which mean to be one with others and earth? This is where ethnicity is important
for the term “ To be one in all in god's hand” do not excludes differences in personalities and

Moses manna that's become Jewish emunah is a very sophisticated word puzzle containing the
knowledge of the universe. We have to cross-reference the Torah with our secular knowledge
to solve the puzzle. Secularism is based on facts; we shall not disregard any fact that came
from Earth history. Our knowledge of Earth history includes mankind, and that knowledge is
bond to always evolve. We shall not be afraid to modify any of our theories concerning Earth
history as any new fact surfaces; not doing that would be ill placed vanity and an absence of
atonement. If a part of a technologically advanced electrical component belonging to unknown
millenniums old machinery were to be found by our archaeologists, it is part of Earth history.
The same goes if modern man-made footprints were found in the same geological layer than
the dinosaur era. Oddities like that are part of Earth history and belong to human heritage and
are being part of our secular research. Without our acknowledgement of those oddities it
would be more difficult for the decoding of the Torah and other primal religions by humanity.
It is secularism that separates facts from fiction. Earth oddities are matching very well
Martian and lunar anomalies.

Now that God has been reduced to a pile of ashes human phoenixes can be born from those
ashes; we are born from dust, and it is from that dust that our mind return to the truth of that
dust to live eternally. False beliefs have to be reduced to ashes for the mind to rise from those

Do not ever again believe anything without tangible proofs!

"Faith" does not have to be "blind trust", but has to be the natural mental result of one’s trust
toward proven truths. Only idiots and morons (like a baby) would have blind trust toward
someone or something without tangible proofs. The validity of any promise can be checked by
looking at the antecedents.

World Mind Emancipation

The Truth is a Universal Constancy, it always comes with proofs.

Mysteries are such for agnosticism only. Spirituality is intellectuality at work in the field of
believing and to accept that energy (higher power for the religious bigots) has ways beyond
our current understanding of all its dynamics. The word (or prefix) “Meta” means to
transcend, to understand why; therefore Metaphysics is the science that seek how energy
works in the intellectual level, metaphysic wed psychology and physique together in order to
reach the level of psycho astrophysics which can explain how the universe produce mental life
while explaining at the same time, and in measurable physical terms, the Genesis where no
god is involve.

If is not vanities that stop us in our achievements, then it is phobia's. “World Mind
Emancipation” would be the term to be used to specifically describe our intellectual efforts to
reach the final state of humanity mental evolution to understand reality. We will be
disenfranchising our mind from mental Golus!

We constructs ourselves from our previous stages of evolution were fiction and egotism were
part of our evolutionary process. As any form of life we already enjoy an equal status in
relation to the universal laws regardless of who we are. Any form of life is equal before the
universal laws. Reaching the “World Mind Emancipation” stage of humanity evolution,
humanity, in its constant search for harmony, in any and every field of interest, will
emancipates itself from its previous human made politics that does not follow the path of logic
and ethic of which the universal rules are made of. The abolition of manmade illogical laws
which will follow “World Mind Emancipation” will spread “mind freedom” around the world
for the achievement of utopia to come closer.

As for now, people are searching for better understanding of the universe and their place in it
to find some meaning and mental harmony (inner peace) in their lives. People are searching
for the one-on-one communication with the universal essence: energy; and the essence of life:
energy interaction. Lonely in our thoughts, and lonely as unique psyche's, we are all searching
for the god of love and reason who gives us life. The essence of Aphrodite, libido, is what
reason is made of, and it was always part of us. We do not need extra-sensory perception to
find Aphrodite, reason and ethic leads the way, they are the essence of Aphrodite. Our seeking
to be in touch with our human side starts with the feeling of Aphrodite. People who want a
natural, thus harmonious, meaning in their lives are seeking to reawaken a lost sense of
community in their ethical relations with nature and others to regain the lost consciousness of
their secular heritage of being one with nature. That's consciousness brings us the inner
security that automatically comes from living with the normal and natural purpose of
following nature ways to build our world harmony (Utopia).

Since sociology is the psychology of the masses, any individual, as a freelancer, can attempt to
define spirituality (to be one with nature) in their own way within the structure of science. The
belief in science is the belief that the universal structure are made of logic. The spiritual
(intellectual) quest for reason is an ongoing systematic process of mental development. Mental
growth comes from increased awareness of all the implication of the natural laws. Mental
growth has the natural tendency to come to us by itself, by causality, as part of the
evolutionary process of nature; that's leads our mind to its mental evolution (spiritual growth)
by its awareness of reality. It is the destructive side of our subjective mind that slow down the
process. There is no such thing as spirituality (reasoning with logic) without the knowledge
that our sciences are based on the discovery of universal science (also called God's science)
from which we are using the principles for any of our doings. The gap separating the material
from the spiritual is the same that separates matter from intellectuality. Since our mind exists,
then the spiritual (intellectual) exists. Our soul is our conscious experience of

Intellectuality. Our soul is not a finite product, it evolves has we establish more common
ground with the infinity of the universal rules constantly updating, intellectuality is the means
to do just that. Even a monkey or a mouse possesses intellectuality. In very ancient times
“priests” were scientists and representative of the universal rules. The Jews, by faith, know
they will take their place as “a nation of priests”. Their faith tells them that they will know the
hidden matters that are runs the universe, attaining an understanding of the universe to the
full extent of their present and ever evolving human potential. It is written: “The earth will be
filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the ocean bed.” (Isaiah 11:9). Therefore,
according to Isaiah, it won't be only the Jews that will emancipated themselves from the chain
of ignorance, but it is humanity that will work as a unit to reach the World Mind
Emancipation under the leadership of the secular scientifically minded Jews. Some part of
humanity, out of fear from diverse reasons and lack of faith in the natural laws will not
answer the last call of World Mind

Emancipation (or humanity mind emancipation). World Mind Emancipation will takes us out
from under the burdens of our mind narrowness where constricted fictional ideas concerning
reality takes place; they are the human despair from our mind Mitzrayim (narrowness). We
shall rescue ourselves from their servitude and redeem our mind with outstretched realistic
concepts that will arms our mind with great judgments. Within each of us there is a mental
(spiritual) Mitzrayim; to extricate ourselves from it is accomplished by breaking out of our
narrow mental boundaries, to emancipates ourselves from them, and let our mind rise like a
Phoenix from their ashes. The universal rules shall be our intellectual guide for our
harmonious evolution from now on. Mind redemption takes place with mind repentance
(Teshuvah) of having been so stupid in the past by our wrong thinking leading to other wrong
doings. It is a self-atonement, no big deal; it is part of nature normality within the
evolutionary process concerning the mind. Natural laws, by their nature, are gracious and
merciful, and in their elegance they will never turn away from those who use them one way or

The term “Leaving Egypt” is also mentioned in the Torah in its metaphorical sense. “Egypt” in
Hebrew, translates as “Mitzrayim” which means literally as a “place of narrowness.” “Each
and every day, every person is obligated to see himself as having personally left Egypt.”
(Talmud - Pesachim). In that sense, to emancipate ourselves from the “Egyptian chains of
slavery” is of intellectual nature. The knowledge and understanding of what the natural rules
is all about free us from “Egypt” as to be free from mind-narrowness (Mitzrayim). “Say
therefore to the people of Israel, 'I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the
burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from slavery to them, and I will redeem you
with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment.” (Exodus 6:6).

Let's start to love ourselves for who we are and pity our previous innocent and destructive
childish ways based too often in our misunderstanding of the primal religions. “The heavens”
was mending to be understood as “mind heavens” which are two different form of heaven: 1)
the dark universe; 2) the discovery, knowledge and understanding of the universal rules. Both
heavens are made of power (energy) for the great glory of our mind (or soul). This is
something humanity is consciously and unconsciously concerned about: mind redemption (or
soul redemption) from our wrong uses of the natural rules. We are longing for knowledge for
mind harmony (soul salvation) as knowledge and understanding of the natural rules can
redeem us from our inadequate doings against any living product of nature. Our mind
salvation comes from them. The understanding of the full potential of the natural rules can
revive any “dead mind”.

Humanity reaching maturity is when our view of reality finally expands to see that what is
obvious is as much part of reality as the principles that make the “obvious matters” having
their own set of characteristics. Our mind previously limited by the limitations of our mental
capabilities didn't have the ability to master and control the concept of universal simplicity
stating: One “obvious” is the reaction

Being made under the influence of a universal principle. So, it doesn't matter how subjective
and illogic we want to be, it is always the natural laws that are in control.

Thunder has a “life” of its own, and so it’s a tornado, but they are not alive; all acts of nature
(acts of god) have life of their own, they are different “obvious acts” that are following natural
principles; concerning forms of life it does not matter what subjective thinking in involve
behind any of our action, it is always the natural laws that have the last word. Law: Behind
any subjective or objective action, of mental or physical character, there is a fundamental
objective principle. Moses personalizing all the natural laws under one god, and leaving many
clues of that is what he did, did help humanity a lot, and still does, because it is the presence of
those clues, which are to be found in the Torah, that gives us the confidence that our secular
sciences are in fact the obvious products of our knowledge of some of the universal rules.
Therefore all the primal religions of the world were mending to naturally unveil themselves
when humanity reaches the third stage of positivism which is the World Mind Emancipation
(the rising of the deeds). Primal religions are millenniums old libidinous winks that were mend
for us, today (as today is always present), from our cosmic ancestors.

Even if from the start (big bang) and the pre-start (Gaia versus Ouranos) the universe did not
have any philosophical meaning, but only a physical presence deprive of any meaning, it is its
evolutionary dynamic that produces, by automation, the meaning for forms of life to adapt to
that evolutionary process. As intellectuality reaches the level where the Alpha race of a planet
(meaning the dominant intellectual race, which in the case of planet earth is humanity) is
capable of fancy philosophical thoughts and technological means, both being based on the
secular knowledge of the universal rules (universal principles), that can destroy that Alpha
race or built utopia, then the meaning of life, for those life forms, evolves as to simply adapting
themselves to whatever situation, into adapting their mind to the philosophical aspect of live

Universal principles that those natural principles, made of energy, created as they created life.

Ethics being integral part of harmonious social relation between forms of life, humanity soon
discovered that ethic is logic at work, and logic is in the universal principles that humanity
discovers, one by one, through its scientifical approach. In psychology the term “libido” is the
one in use to define all aspect of ethic in its global interaction as a feeling. Libido is present in
all forms of life as a potential to be trigger or not, to use it or not; like the mind is the potential
of reasoning to be conscious of the logic that are the universal principles, libido is the potential
of the “feeling” of the oneness of the universal principles that unites all form of live, and the
natural pleasure being experienced when sharing that feeling, by various means, with others.
Therefore, the meaning of life, for a sufficient intellectually advance Alpha race, become the
sharing of harmonious relation by the sharing of pleasure in a logical context where being a
realistic mind is part of the learning process. This is to said it is social interaction where libido
is involves that creates meanings in individuals life, the meaning of life is with the sharing of
pleasure as it is the ultimate logical thing to do for personal and social harmonious relation.
No one has to feel to be the slave of another person when libido is involve, this is where we can
see that helping others is the logical thing to do for reason to wed feelings in a harmonious

The Moshiach Concept

The Moschiach can only help the individuals and the nations who want to help themselves
within the frame of world harmony and the truth.

King Moshiach will be consider as the most wise man on planet Earth but not in the universe,
he will not necessarily be consider as the most knowledgeable in all the scientifical fields.
Peoples like Muhammad (the founder of Islam), like the founder of the Mormon faith, and
other founders of third rate religions will be considered as the most fools that was in existence.

The Moschiach will pull the rabbit out of the hat. The rabbit symbolizing the truth, that’s makes
myths and religions to be a cover-up. Where wisdom stands is the objective we will all be
reaching, each at his own pace; and Moshiach is the first of any present generation to attain
that goal. No one in his right mind would want to be king! King Moshiach has to be out of is
human self to accept to leads the world to harmony. Moshiach will be the most dangerous
fearsome event that will ever happen for the irresponsible fools in charge of human destinies.
From every blow receive, every wound being suffered, Moshiach will retaliate with kindness
and his word will be honey; but doesn't the sting of a bee clean the blood as well as it hurt?
Peoples won't know anymore if it would be wise to knell down or to bend their head, when
facing king Moshiach, to show their respect and affection; but with certainty some individuals
will shake from fear and deep emotion in his presence. Those fools who hurt humanity in the
past will have to face the challenge to understand who they are and to honestly atone, or else
facing the dreadful consequences of their past actions leading to meaningless bloodshed. After
Moshiach's coming, humanity will start to see the light as much time there is quantum in the

“The coming of Moshiach” follows the evolutionary principle where processes are involves; the
coming of a screen star (cinema) follows a certain processes in the same title than the coming
of an astrophysical follows a different route than to be a star of the screen. Everybody is bound
to go through hell, and Moshiach is no exception. Arrival to stardom, concerning a star of the
screen, implies that a certain part of the processes is completed. Moshiach “arrival” would
make him to be a star on his own field. We all have the potential, sooner or later, to be stars in
our fields of interest after tasting the fruits of consequences. We just need to motivate ourselves

The Messianic Era is something that we have already experienced much time before in small
doses. Science make the unknown known, for us to know more about the universe, and science
is part of our mind redemption from its moronical ways for lack of knowledge. The only way
to conquer one's fear of the unknown is to evolve and adapt with the help of all available
scientific information there is. Whatever changes the ethically minded individuals of any
scientific community initiate is always with the best social intention in mind. The aim of those
scientists is to transform the world for the better; their desire is that their research and
discoveries is handling with care to bring only goodness and joy into the world. Once the
ultimate truth will be revealed by that bunch a “messiah's”, the rest of humanity will finally
wake up to transform itself our world into a more ideal place to live. The ultimate truth would
be that the theory of the united field start with gravity as the primal “force” attracting parcels
of the primal mass, to make possible the wrapping of time, leading to the creation of other
forces; and the phenomenon of the presence of life has nothing to do with any living subjective
almighty egotistic god that created a bunch of masochists in need of psychiatric help!

In our present state of worldwide politics the powers of huge sociopathic company are still
unchallenged, and wicked people are prospering under false pretences of goodness. A
sociopath does not have true friends, how can one be a true friend with people of deceive? A
friendly world is a world where social harmony takes over; sociopath can only bring trouble in
the name of (crooked) economies. When humanity will reach the third step of positivism, it will
be the advent of a new scientific knowledge, way more specific than it ever was concerning
reality and general evolution. Then the world will awaken from its sleep (resurrection of the
dead) as humanity will become profoundly aware of the truth concerning the reality of things.
The wise will then change their behaviors accordingly, understanding the fundamental needs
for world harmony; and the fools will encounter deep despair in their incompatibility to
understand reason as causality got to do what causality got to do, and no one can change that!
Nor God's, nor man. Causality, concerning all forms of life, is not only the stick for misusing
the universal principles (“Gods commandments”) but it’s also the carrot for using them
adequately. The era of humanity third step of positivism is the time was humanity will enter
the Scientifically-Messianic Era which will bring an equitable world economy as direct
consequence of the newly found humanity wisdom. A messianic thought is a creative one that
involves new scientific information needed to be proven by the scientific community.

The Messianic Era is something that we have already experienced much time before in small
doses. Science make the unknown known, for us to know more about the universe, and science
is part of our mind redemption from its moronical ways for lack of knowledge. The only way
to conquer one's fear of the unknown is to evolve and adapt with the help of all available
scientific information there is. Whatever changes the ethically minded individuals of any
scientific community initiate is always with the best social intention in mind. The aim of those
scientists is to transform the world for the better; their desire is that their research and
discoveries is handling with care to bring only goodness and joy into the world. Once the
ultimate truth will be revealed by that bunch a “messiah's”, the rest of humanity will finally
wake up to transform by itself our world into a more ideal place to live. The ultimate truth
would be that the theory of the united fields start with gravity as the primal “force” attracting
parcels of the primal mass, to make possible the wrapping of time, leading to the creation of
other forces; and the phenomenon of the presence of life has nothing to do with any living
subjective almighty egotistic god that created a bunch of masochists in need of psychiatric
help! To live in the darkness of the dark age, to be born into this environmental mind darkness
full of bigotry; having, metaphorically, never seen the light of day, and nevertheless keep
having high hope for better, as common sense whisper to their mind, some ethical people
developing all kinds of methods for coping with mind darkness succeed to find the truth in
scientifical evidence, thanks’ to the humble messiah's of science.
Creationists and religious bigots, by their nature and by definition, takes their religion as a
routine where is no need to challenge any of its understanding or if the literal meaning makes
any sense; that would be too much of a struggle for their conscious mind which has to deal
with religious cultural pressure. Seating at the fools table they get brainwash until brain-dead
occur; they refuse to push themselves to pursue loftier mind goals that require reasoning
concerning their beliefs. Well. They do not know it yet but they will be part of “The resurrecting
of the dead minds” when the secular messianic time will comes. According to Judaism,
“everyone has a spark of the Moshiach”, meaning containing “messianic sparks” which is none
other than “sparks of genius” where creativity is involved; to be creative the presence of
reasoning from a logical process is required. Therefore Moshiach is the one who see plenty of
facets of reality and tells as it is, making universal laws as he goes along in his discoveries;
that's exactly what the entire Messiah’s of science did so far! That' mean the Moshiach will be
laic, and his “coming” involves a mental processes involving the state of the natural affairs of
the universe; biting his tongue or he will be view as a psychiatric case, and also be diplomat
and bending patiently and graciously toward events out of his control, which delay him,
Moshiach is presently pursuing bodily his self-purpose in life, dictated by his own nature.
Moshiach will automatically inform us about his discoveries since Moshiach is a socially
incline individual searching for world harmony and working hard to do his share to build
utopia. Moshiach has to be resourceful since he hold no position that would distract him away
from his purpose in live (and the natural purpose of his existence), that's mean Moshiach is
financially a poor man, a “nobody”, part of the crowd, who has to keep his secret until the
world is ready to help itself by helping the Moshiach, in many different ways, to deliver his
down-to-earth secular libidinous message where the universal logic is involve.

Moshiach, the Long-Awaited Redeemer can only reveal himself and actually come (as
“coming” to be a personal evolutionary process) when the favorable conditions of current
technologies and general knowledge are meet. Our actual wonders of science and knowledge
of the soul (see psychology) pairing with the knowledge of the psychology of the masses (see
sociology) attest to the fact that the humble scholarized ones already experiences personal
atonement and are prepared for the next step of humanity evolution: the messianic era which
is the third step of world positivism. Moshiach will be like an Einstein, alone in his field, finding
the “key” of the knowledge of the truth just by thinking about it, and from there on everything
which he will be doing and have done, is from an automatism of the general evolutionary
process where an individual has no choice but to become what he was born for, and to fulfill
his natural function for his own sake and the sake of humanity from which he belong. Since the
Moshiach will be an individual holding no official position during his coming, he will
encounter many set-back in the field of communication in order to get his words out. The
Jewish people are already sitting at the table of knowledge, the table of the natural rules which
gives them secular knowledge. They are ready for the messianic era, in the days of Moshiach
they will only need to open their eyes and listen to the voice of reason. At first they will fear the
truth, but they shall not fear since they can study in total liberty the teachings of Moshiach
(pnimiyus haTorah) in a way that they can actually visualize it by grounding their thoughts on
their acquired secular knowledge, and their innate natural instinct, to realize that in fact he is
the missionary of the truth. To greet the righteous Moshiach it’s like to greed a secular Einstein
of the Torah after proofs are obvious. All the world needs to do actually is, after the full
understanding of his teachings, throughout the scientifical approach, to greet him and accept
him as a Moshiach's of science like many others before him.

Moshiach and the era of Moshiach are critical cornerstones for both the third stage of world
positivism and also of Judaism where the mystery of creation will be unveil with the advent of
the Era of Moshiach. Part of Judaism beliefs is that all revelations of the truth have to come
through people, and the Jewish people always believed in leaders who were “Gods”
spokespersons. For Judaism to be without the notion of a leader is a total departure from
tradition. The rationale behind the leadership of a chosen Moshiach by Israel is in the purpose
for him to keep clarifying the concept of creation by synthesizing the physical and spiritual
domains into one Oneness. According to Judaism Moshiach has to be a “trade”, meaning an
individual who demonstrate that a human being can be at the same time a humble and a social
minded scholar who can understand “god’s ways” and put goodness in practice while teaching
wisdom to the world. One of Moshiach function would be to bring Israel out of “Golus” (mind
being exiled from reason) which is a state of mind that dresses mental barriers that stop the
synthesis of the physical and spiritual world in one’s mind.
The final stage of humanity evolution is the attaining of the building of Utopia, “the world to
come” as some religions put it. It is to that natural goal that all our effort is, consciously or
unconsciously, directed. It is a normal part of general evolution. In those times to come, we
will be astonished that highly scholarized people who have carefully studied sciences were
inclined to repose their faith in myths alone without discovering the scientific truth that was
lying behind them. Take Islam for example, some of those scholars put trust in a man's
pretensions to prophecy, and Muhammad did certainly not excel in wisdom since he never
discover that primal religions were scientifically data in disguise; the same thing goes for the
Mormons, and so on ...The real Messiah is not an ignoramus and he will not even claim to be
the Messiah, that's up to Israel to decide. The concept of existence need to be clarified, it has
fallen into chaos and disarray by our creation of second and third hands religions versus
science. The concept was known in ancient (Egyptian) times, Noah bring it with him it was
fractalized and in hiding under different Egyptian deities representing that concept. As a direct
consequence, people's opinions, concerning the creation of the universe and general evolution
that follow it, have fallen into great confusion since a huge part of humanity were taking
literally the existence of those gods. Secular scientific community is the place to find anyone
possessing some of the clear ideas on this subject. Human errors concerning the science of
things are based on literal interpretations of biblical and rabbinic texts.

The goods which we reap from obedience to the natural law always consist in our own labor

Following those universal principles. Already we are making big progress concerning
technology, health, life longevity, fertility of land by water desalination and proper forest
management, etc ...

Beside all those material gratification there is the mental gratification which harmonizes our
psyche while adapting to any form of the general evolutive process as the ultimate goal of the
observance of the natural laws. Humanistic approach in its secularism view of the order of
thing goes to great lengths to combat the literalism in religious minds. For no ulterior motive
than their beliefs on human goodness and mind freedom in the scheme of general evolution, the
humanists wished to return the natural focus of humanity to regard the worship of nature as
the study of nature while we are respecting nature ways to use them at our advantage;
Humanists and primal pagan religions understand that the respect toward nature is the
respect toward ourselves, and it is the ever simple, ultimate, and natural, goal of humanity to
adapt harmoniously to nature; we all know that instinctively. The fundamental order of
nature, following the universal rules, will never change or be compromised by any of man
advent in the scheme of General evolution, that's include the coming of any Moshiach; in its
third stage of positivism earth humanity will be elevated to a more realistic state of knowledge
and will practice more consciously ethics in any of its doings. The knowledge and acceptance
of the universal rules is for our own sakes. We have no other choice but to obey these precepts
in order to develop technologies as well as developing our mind. The ultimate aim of the Torah,
by holding us out the promises it contain in metaphorical form, was to protect reason and to
helps us to perform well under the guidance of the universal precepts. Knowledge of the truth
free man of mundane worried so that any scientific minded person can devote himself to the
single-minded pursuit of knowledge of the truth whenever he wish. In the messianic days, the
knowledge of the truth will increase, “For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord”
(Isaiah 11:9), and also for the sociopathic minded: “I will remove the heart of stone from your
flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26). [Laws of Repentance]. Prophecies found in Jewish religion and in
various rabbinic statements are allegories that are consistent with the natural order of things
when translated properly; that's makes any literal sense of those prophecies to be like a bunch
of Freudian dreams that has to be deciphered.

The harmonious relation and positive use of technology that people will enjoy in the post-

Era will be part of the natural consequences of the conditions that will then prevail, when
people become conscious of their natural purpose: to better know the universal rules in order
to better adapt, then societies reaches stability and order. There is nothing miraculous about
that, the messianic era is part of humanity normal evolutionary process, a natural state of the
universe affairs.
In the “World-to-Come” we will be more inclined by realism than we are now, and less inclined
for over materialism in order to “show-of” in the hope to buy love; the Judaism's concern will
keep its normal focus, as usual, on material well-being while keeping their search for the
truth , to be materialistic to a certain extend is important for the psyche well being, we have to
keep in mind that it is hard to devote oneself to the pursuit of disinterested knowledge when
we find ourselves overburdened with the physical and psychological concerns of our psyche,
and the Moshiach is no exception, he is a normal human being with normal mental and
biological functions that he has to take care of. Via the scientific and secular route we will
know the things that are so far concealed to us, our sciences have more to discover, as science
keep unveiling what was once mysteries to us we will attain an understanding of the universal
rules to the utmost capacity of the human intellect.

It was never beyond the human mind to fathom the designs of the universal rules, we do it in

technologies; for the ways of the universal rules are not our ways since our ways is to use their
ways as we see fit to, at our discretion, under self-determination, for our constructive or
destructives ways. Our thoughts can be base on the “thoughts” of the universal rules for us to
comprehend the mechanisms of the universe. Universal rules are a pure language that any
culture can understand and put into action, anyone can call upon the name of science to serve
himself as he wishes with the logic of the universal rules, humanity already agree with one
consent that we need the presence of the universal principles to develops ways to adapt, create,
invent, and understand things. Those “God's commandments” as the believers put it are the
universal rules that are the truth behind things, they will never lost their validity and they will
be binding for all eternity. If it was not the case the universe would never had existed. For the
soul to finally attain the knowledge of “God”, meaning “nature” one has to study its ways by

On the beginning of the messianic days priorities will start to change, wisdom will be view as
a scientific venture where social feelings are involve for reason to shine through every aspect
of our scientific knowledge; the truth will be so obvious, that we will find difficult to do
anything wrong. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the messianic age some religious fools,
refusing to evolve psychologically, still won’t believe what reality show them, nor taking
advantage of the inheritance of many generations of scientists. They will reject the power of
their own mind to remains morons, at ease in their infantile and dependant stage of evolution.
In their failure to follow a logic thought, and in order to obligate their moronical conclusions,
and following the rationalizing principle were rationality is absent, meaning finding any kind
of stupid excuses, they will try, but will be incapable of contriving elaborate logical schemes to
demonstrate that their absolute beliefs is the truth that everyone has to believe into. They will
be pulling endless discussions into an eternal spiral of complication and confusion. Some of
them will have great difficulties to realize that humbleness do not reside on mind emptiness by
nullifying oneself into the nothingness of refusing to accept who we are, but humbleness is in
the will to understand logic by realizing our own relative limitations, to correct our mistakes,
and also to accept the fact that there is the presence of a general evolution divided in many
stages; it is called atonement with the purpose to attain greater knowledge and some wisdom.
General evolution is the general influence of everything over everything in the broad frame of
time self-interaction where evolution takes place as the universe expands. The wise person,
becoming a normal adult, overcoming his infantile stages, always uses his mind to find reason
from the logic of things in order to evolve harmoniously. In the frame of general evolution, the
primal and natural goal is to adapt, this is for everything to constantly evolve towards a state
of perfect harmony as the universe expand. It that sense we are our own redeemers who posses
self-determination to choose any leader that represents us in our actual state of evolution.

In the frame of general evolution we can say (almost) for certain, meaning in general, what
will happen in the Messianic era since the evolution of humanity follow the same principle than
the evolution of a person, only the time frame and the knowledge from scientific discovery
leading to our present technology differ. From there on it is a question of statistics to be base
on actual knowledge concerning normal evolution. That's what ancient prophesies from
ancients scientist called “high priests” were all about. Speculations made from the science of
statistic are closer to the true nature of things than literal religious sayings; we have to
understand some of the primal religious sayings as elaborate metaphors containing exact
statistical knowledge. Judaism teaches that every individual must live responsibly, must be
doing good deeds, be sociable, and learn science, to bring about the messianic age; according
to Judaism a charismatic man called the Moshiach, chosen by Israel, will become the symbol of
the mind redemption of humankind from its evils (non-sociable) ways. That required
psychological knowledge that goes along with general scientific understanding of the nature of
things. Because Judaism teaches that it is heretical for any man to claim to be “God” Himself or
his only son, clearly indicated that the Moshiach will be a secular humanist scholar that will
unveil the secret meanings of the Torah. The reality of the Jewish unity does not reside in their
view of how to understand the torah, but in their secularism. It is the essence of Israel, as
Pharaoh “chosen people” to be leads by Moses throughout the ages and in their secular
humility, to tip the scales of time in favor of the universal knowledge to come faster to
humanity. The threshold of the commencement of world atonement will be when Psychology
(the study of the soul) associates itself with physic and astrophysics; then the continuation of
the messianic age will immediately ensue and Israel will understand that the essence behind
building the third temple (for the third time the place of universal knowledge in the land of
Israel) is to acquired knowledge via secularism and to acquire wisdom by feeling ethics while
studying the secular way (see libido). It all boil down to the fact that the essence of the torah is
to teach humanity the human need to create places of knowledge like secular schools and
secular universities. We have to understand that Moses lead the people of Israel out of the
Egyptian cultural ways more than he lead them out of Egypt. It was under a direct order of
Pharaoh that his son Moses created a different culture from the same basic Egyptian
knowledge that Israel was educated on. Jews were never slaves as such, no more than we are
now; they were the working class composed of different trades called “tribes”. The grand
Priests of Israel created new ways of teaching concepts to people of Israel by assembling them
all under one god instead of many different gods like the Egyptian did, and latter on the
Greeks, from their Egyptian secular influence; the greatest Greek philosophers were taught,
the secular way, in Egypt; metaphors were made for common people. The essence of Judaism
“one Gods” is to teach us that we are one with the universe and with the source of all forms of
life that the universe created naturally, meaning: the dark universe; the only thing that
distinguish the created beings and the dark universe (the black Madonna) is the sum of
mnemonic data that we each contain, and also the difference in our respective functions.

The Moshiach concept is humanity being united as one since everyone has a spark of the
Moshiach. As for the human Moshiach himself, he will be chosen by Israel to be humanity best
representative as a king represents the people. It is the people that's makes Moshiach for the
Moshiach to become their voice. On the other hand it is the Moshiach knowledge,
understanding, wisdom and unselfishness that stimulate the people to be united as one in a
harmonious interactive relation.

The concept of the messianic age originates in the Jewish Torah and was carry on by the line of
prophets, that concept was later borrowed from other sects and religions, like Christianity and
Islam, and being changed to fit their own purposes. According to the Jews, Judaism is a
realistic form of an ancient knowledge that has to be deciphering, and their Moshiach will be
the specific person capable of doing so, and by doing so a chain of events will start
automatically that will change the world for good; that is an often repeated promise to be
found in the Torah. During the messianic age the world will continue its natural course toward
evolution as humanity ascends to the most natural state where we will be free from fictional
beliefs to see reality for what its various facets are made of: the same basic energy. The Jewish
Moshiach is a compelling factor influencing the “redemption” of the mind, bringing the
fulfilling of ancients promises.

In that era, the natural rules will have their place in the sun as having their “dwelling place
among mortals”. That automatic goal of general evolution will be realized in the Era of the
Mind Redemption where reason will takes over from fiction. For millenniums now, this part of
humanity (living on planet earth) has been consciously or unconsciously constructing dwelling
places such as: temples of knowledge, universities etc... To be closer to the universal
knowledge. Those places of knowledge were always emerging before humanity very eyes
throughout world history. General evolution has long been ready to bring humanity to its
emancipation from the chains of ignorance. Humanity is anxious to finally reach its final stage
of development that will leads to world harmony. Our generation is ready for “mind
redemption” since our present scientific knowledge can cross reference with the Torah, and the
potential Moshiach of this generation is anxious to unveil the truth contain in the Torah. For
now his path is obstructed by mere technicalities such as: technological and economics.

The knowledgeable Jewish Sages associates Moshiach with the word “poets” meaning “the one
who breaks through”; those sages are trying to explain that it is the task of Moshiach to break
through his internal barriers of “mind exile” that's keep him away from his understanding of
the innate knowledge contain in his soul to finally emancipates humanity from its past
evolutionary stages were ignorance was still the beast to conquest.

In their impatient wait for their emancipation from “exile” where the three fundamental
component of Israel harmony will be bring together as one, for when all Jews will be assemble
under the same banner, the Jews exerts themselves to bring their Moshiach closer by doing: 1)
ethical deeds, and being zealous in: 2) learning both the Torah and: 3) secular teaching in
parallel, for the harmonious fashioning of those three elements to become one universal
fundamental truth. We can see that “bringing the Moshiach closer” means: closer to their
mind; that would made the fashioning of the Moshiach mind with Israel mind, to become “one
people”; they both need each other. That's what the ancient promises are saying.

In their intellectuality (internal life) the Jews are aware of the presence of the universal rules
in everything, they called it “God's presence”, and the faithful commits themselves to lives their
life ethically (Teshuvah) to follow the logical direction that presence indicates. Compared to the
Jewish faithful, the rest of the world is waiting, kind of passively, for the fulfilling of some
predictions from different sources to happen, maybe, for better or worse while presently
coping with the worse and hoping for the best as the people are taking care, as usual, of their
different earthly affairs. The Jews, in their mind are prepared for their Moshiach by their
learning and intellectuality concerning ethical affairs, while the rest of the world is mainly
technologically prepare for his appearance and to prove or disprove any of his messianic

Humanity has the natural tendency to shield itself behind what is “known”, it is basic
psychology that an individual feel more comfortable with what is known than the unknown.
The people who will believes the words of the Moshiach, after studying them, and challenging
their own mind, to finally base their conclusion on their own logical reasoning, are those who
will break through their own internal paradoxical barriers to follow, like beautiful phoenix, the
newly rediscovered path of logic for reason to vanquish ignorance.

Moshiach will thanks’ the Jewish nation for helping his coming by keeping the Torah intact, by
their secular finds in various scientific fields, and also their constant good deeds leading him to
comprehend the logic in ethics.

The fools and the wises

In the field of adaptation the mnemonic process is a mechanical process of information (data)
which has for function to suggest different solution to our ego. This is why an individual
having mnemonical components (data) from cultural and religious bigotry stand in the high
statistical probabilities to be a religious extremist. Cultural bigotry is neurosis which can turn
into serious social problems and also as psychiatric cases. A psychiatric case is not the one
who really did see an UFO (or more), but the fool who, not only do not believe the witness of a
true event, but discredits that witness, without any proof and base his bigot thoughts on
cultural values only; a cultural fool learned to believe to takes allegories as face value and the
literal messages describing reality as allegories. Truth and reason does not care and does not
give a dam about cultural value; reason base itself on truth and transcends any cultural value.
If Newton was witnessing a flying saucer landing on Earth for lunch break while being hit on
the head by an apple, our present technology concerning transportation, meaning: oil
affecting world economy, would be different; we would already have being capable to enjoy
travelling tours to mars on a small budget, for our holidays, since Newton would have come up
with the proper equation concerning gravitational means of transportation.

Newton was a wise man who liked to find logical explanations touching any phenomenon, or
subject of interest, he was witnessing. Thanks’ goodness that he was certainly not a cultural

Psalms 43:3 - Oh (universe) send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me, let them bring
me to thy holy hill (reason) and to thy dwelling (logic)!

The forces that lurk behind the events of everyday life are simply electromagnetic forces.

Moshiach, leader of a secular Israel

It is basic logic to say that only human reason will usher humanity in an era of world peace
since humans are the dominant intellectual specie of planet earth. Secular sciences keeps
deepening their insight into the various functions of the natural laws, this is how psychology
was born, and sociology see the importance of man in creating places of knowledge (creating
dwellings for God), such as secular universities to hasten world harmony. Knowledge and
ethics produces wisdom for a leader to be positively productive in the social scheme. There is
always a final greatest world leader and political genius that the world has ever seen
before...until the next one; it is basic statistics. Any last world leader of that sort will
automatically be the wisest man ever to have lived on earth since he “claims over the shoulders
of giants like Newton's” as Einstein once said. That leader who will rise during the messianic
era will put his talents in the service of humanity for human kind. Humanity, using the
messiah “arrival” or “coming”, meaning the comprehending of the universal rules by that
Moshiach-man, will precipitate a worldwide intellectual revolution which will bring the speedy
process of Utopia to change humanity ways, and to influences all people to takes causality in
consideration while they adapts to diverse surprising and unforeseen situations. Of course, to
talk statistics by pure reasoning, and without any mathematical model involve it’s called
“prophesy”. In that sense the Jewish Messiah will also achieve prophecy and become the
greatest prophet in history, second only to Moses, according to Jewish faith. Moshiach and
Moses have science in common besides being blood related; Moses makes the riddles, and
Moshiach, by finding their meaning, resolves the puzzle of primal religions; in that sense the
messiah and Moses complete each others. In the messianic time, “God's spirit” meaning being
one with reality will come to rest upon humanity. That will, by a natural chain of events,
blessing humanity with the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and
might, the spirit of knowledge which leads to be respectful of the universal rules also called;
“fear of God”. This is not far from what “Isaiah 11” said. Using those mental capacities in the
psychological field anyone can see through the deceptive facade of psychopathic behaviors in
their hypocrisy of some part of this world, like armed extremists political bigots (hiding their
faces, of course!), and also multinational company well armed with political ties and an army
of psychopathic lobbyists without ethics but toward themselves. We all have the power to sense
a person's spirit (state of being), by using the psychological approach in its eclectics view,
meaning to assemble all theories concerning psychology into one, to have a panoramic view of
one mind, to mentally “flying over the coucou nest” of anyone, anytime, anywhere even if the
person, as the object of interest, is not present. Similar to the gift of prophecy, meaning using
reason for statistical purpose, the power of the panoramic psychological view can only be
developed gradually as secular teaching, and the comprehension of the natural rules, takes
away fears of the unknown. According to the Jewish faith, and If we picture all schools and
universities of the world to be a flotilla of ships of knowledge, than the newly reconstruct
temple of Jerusalem will be the flag ship of that fleet of secular knowledge; this is the real
function of the reconstructed temple of Jerusalem, that is why it need to be rebuild. To rebuilt it
is to rebuilds humanity past knowledge, to files in it the real story of humanity and the
universe, and for Israel to be a leader in the formation of laic teachers.

Lately we witness an explosion of knowledge in the realm of science, and some parts of our
recent discoveries in modern secular science are reaching parts of humanity past knowledge:
the ancient primal religions. When we find our secular science to start having millenniums old
religious implication concerning our understanding of nature, then it is time to ask ourselves
the question why there is a convergence between our modern science and primal religions
from where the Torah came from. We know already that primal religions are of scientific
nature because they are telling us so, and they are also telling us to understand riddles and
metaphors. In their implications in a variety of scientific disciplines, primal religions are
demanding from their disciples to have faith in their science while they are learning how to
adapt to existence. This is exactly what the Jews do!

In living organisms, for their adaptation, there is a base of operation where are sitting the
universal rules, concerning intellectuality, that is build-in into the structures of the mind, they
are the structures of the mind itself, the deepest regions of unconsciousness. The structural
engineering of our mind is the repository of the universal memory as being the universal rules
itself that also forms the structure of our genes among others different assuming functions.
Genes are the broad dynamics of recording, compiling and stimulating (motivating) the
individual toward his quest to adapt. The experiences of one social group of one specific species
can be found into the gene of one individual of that specie; that's what gives individuals of the
same group from a particular specie to come to the same cultural and innate understanding in
order for altering their behavior in a particular way as a united group within a specie. Species,
genetically and intellectually, evolves in a common knowledge in regard to its never ending
adaptation. In their lack of data, or understanding existing data available, and according to
the chaos theory, and following unconsciously its path, Jung called that structural
phenomenon: “the collective unconscious” while Judaism calls it a “group soul”. “The spark of
the Moshiach” mentioned so often by the Jewish religion is simply a spark of the pure logic
(secular knowledge) contain in every living being, and since the human race is intellectually
the dominant one, those “sparks” are proportional of the genetic heritage, which mean we got
plenty of them firing in our brain, neuron to neuron to affect positively our mind. Universal
rules are everywhere in the scheme of general evolution, forming and changing the structure
of things as the universe expand, and the Jewish Moshiach who “fight God's war” is simply a
human being having to wage an intellectual combat against ignorance by the use of the
rightfulness of the universal rules, nothing more; plenty of humanists, scientists or not, are
already in that constructive path to help humanity toward its mental development to finally
see the concrete aspect of its long lasting dream to come to reality: Utopia.

Universal rules are the mind unconscious reservoir of structural information and motivation
that is common and jointly accessible to all forms of life; members of a particular species will
act as a “living unit' under their influence. Their structural and concrete aspect is in the genes
formation. Effectively, it is under the influence of causality, that various stimulus from that
structural reservoir of universal rules pokes through into our consciousness, exerting a visible
and tangible influence in our mind, giving us new awareness which can be witnesses by newly
developed set of behaviors from a species as a whole, as the genes of each individual of a
specific homogenous group evolves when their mind evolves (see neuroplasticity). That
phenomenon is logical and consistent, and in agreement with both: secular science and Torah
science. This new millennium witness a important excitement in the religious Jewish
communities, those Jews are heralding the coming of their Moshiach: “Moshiach is coming”
they keep saying day after day, and that the universal logic (God's thoughts) goes as far that it
has for not attracting the attention of those who will uses weapons instead of reason, for their
welcoming of Moshiach’s sayings, that Moshiach will enter by the back door. The term “The
back door” means of being born from the common people, not rich nor having a family crest,
and make good use of the Internet; that would make him to “appear” all over the world at once
as it is mentioned in the Jewish religion. There will be those bigots who will rejects reason
when messianic time will arrive, but the universal laws are already clearly established; the
messianic era will be when more newfound laws will be added to the one discovered so far,
plus the fact that the added dimension of life in all of them will transforms the understanding
of primal religion to be, after all, a bunch of scientific information in their metaphysical
dimension. This is what Moshiach function is all about: making reports; to be realistic it’s easy
to perceives that Moshiach will be view, by the ethical and secular world, as an essential
human resource for world harmony, his metaphysical discoveries and “teachings” (which will
be more of scholarized reports character than formal teaching) will help ethical governments,
desiring to help humanity by ruling themselves adequately, to implant policies to tackle many
complex social issues. Nevertheless, Moshiach will restraint the flow of his revelations to the
world, he has to do it for humanity safeguard against itself; Moshiach will withholds
information for not overwhelming a world which it’s still remain limited on its understanding
of certain ethical matters, and its present acceptance of what the completed truth is concerning
that matter. Humanity, as a recipient of knowledge, can only cope with a certain amount of
universal truth; outpouring of too much information at once can be a disaster for the mind, the
brain, and human civilization.

General evolution makes so that every day when man wakes up, he has the determination to
adapt better to his present situation to perfects his world. It can goes from working in creative
social changes to a suicide attempt, it’s all a question of personal ethics; for now the ethical
view of things is still a cultural versus a personal perception of what libidinous pleasures are
or shall be. Behind all of man behaviors (as any other form of life) there is an absolute truth:
the universal rules; they are self-made set of instructions (there sum it’s called “God” by
various religions) that shows themselves in ways that leaves no room for doubt, thereby
uniting all of humanity to work for its own harmony in a universal ethical manner. Universal
rules are the only transcendent reality which defines their own mechanical purpose, they are
the objectives, mechanical meaning, of the whole concept of a purpose to life: to adapt! And the
sensory system, by relying pain and pleasure to the mind, helps a lot in that direction. The
Jewish Moshiach is a secular Moshiach, is that one individual who brings about the unanimous
recognition of the fact that the universe is a self-sustain fine mechanic from which humanity
has no choice but to have faith in it since humanity is part of it, is there any other choice? It is
only in his broad secularistic view of the universal mechanic, were libido is included, that
Moshiach will be considered as the world leader capable of being the central human figure that
will unites the world into one simple truth: man acceptance of the universal rules being the
universal “lords”, masters of their fields; the ancient Egyptians called them “god's” each having
their own field, and Moses assemble them all into “One” unique “God” with multiple functions,
having the whole universe as its personal field to rules. From there, “God” became the
“Landlord” of the whole universe and we became its subjects. There is a thin, but strong,
human-made line between primal religions and universal science. Judaism, in its finest riddles
acknowledges one “God” only and he is not a living being, neither physical nor spiritual; it is in
“essence” (or “the spirit of”), having no form whatsoever, that it transcends both of those forms
of energy. Man self-purpose, in creation, is to synthesize the intellectual (spiritual) and the
physical domains to adapt fully to the universal laws to find self-harmony and by direct
consequence be the builder of Utopia. According to Judaism it is only refined intellectual people
who serve as connecting mediators between man and “God” (the universal laws). The Jewish
Moshiach, the ultimate Mind-Redeemer, and also the ultimate “trade”, is only an intellectually
(spiritually) “enlightened” man because of the free flowing of energy in the canalization of his
intellectual process. Plenty of ethical scientists are “tzadik's”, meaning they are right in their
fields of expertise and socially inclines to do good for humanity in their humbleness, that's
makes them to be “righteous individuals”. Many tzadik's, throughout the ages keeps leading
humanity into its era of “Heaven on Earth”. Righteous individuals who bring about the
revelation of the universal rules to humanity are themselves revelations that are there a
universal ruling in the universe that gives priority to ethical secularism for its scientific ways
to be the ways to find the universal “Godliness” or “God's ways”. Educated Jews well versed in
their religion know that is a subtle concept to belief that Moshiach is a person and “God” is not
a living entity, and yet, the universal rules (God) has made the whole universe in such a way
that some people, mainly philosophical scientists, are channels of the “Godliness” of the
universal rules to humanity. One such person is the Jewish Moshiach. Scientists are leaders,
shepherds of their flock; and Moshiach has a scientific mind. From the Talmud, Jews scholars
identify the “spirit of God” as being “the soul of Moshiach's”. This is where the comment (to be
found in Genesis) mentioning that: “The spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters
(waves of energy)...” without being energy itself, makes full sense! All it is, it’s a popular
expression, the spirit of a very ancient popular expression.

In relation to ethics, considering where we are standing now regarding universal “morality”
where learning process its involves for all ages, humanity is not ready yet to accept some
details that the Moshiach will be withholding; Moshiach will leave them to be found and be
explained by the scholars of psychiatric circles who will find the Egyptian king Solomon, also
ruler of Israel, much more wiser than previously expected concerning pedagogical matters
where libido is involve. From the metaphysical point of view, it doesn't really matter if any
form of life is genetically enhanced or not, one way or another, by human action since the use
of the natural laws is at our discretion and causality will always do its job, positively or
negatively. Universal rules and causality are one and the same; causality is the action of the
rules. Those rules are our guideline to adapt better, meaning to find self-harmony in the
psyche level; that's all there is about their automatic functions. Our sensory system is a must,
in this existence, to really find out the righteousness of causality throughout our sense of
pleasure and pain. Universal rules are “God's sayings” and causality is “Gods doings”.

Any biological form of life can only withhold a soul tailor to it, and vise versa according to the
karma of a soul and its mental, and quantic (supporting structures of the mind) development
in the general evolution scheme. We always bring our Karma toward ourselves according to
our actions toward the exterior for general evolution to resume its course logically. Whatever
we do to the exterior we do it to ourselves since the exterior will reacts to any of our actions
(see Newton laws). No one is in charge of the universal rules, they are an automatism. This is
scarier than the presence of a living subjective god that will pardon any “bad” action to
whoever sucks-up to him, and singing hallelujah's while murdering mothers and Childs. The
“spirit” of the universal rules is in the truth, and the “spirit” of the truth is in the universal
rules; that spirit is in the energy, meaning forces in their interaction. Physics became
metaphysics when we fully realize that the principles of physics are also the principle of life
and ethics within the general evolutionary process. As far as we can see from what we learn so
far in this research, whoever would have the stupid idea to hurt the Moshiach with the
intention to stop mind progress leading to world harmony, will suffer many regrets physically
and mentally. Moshiach is protected by the dark universe pairing its forces with causality; this
is without mentioning that our cosmic cousins would be royally piss-off if some morons,
incapable of challenging their mental limits, interfere with their millenniums old statistics. The
world has to keep learning, one evolutionary step at the time, some unknown concepts. No one
can skip any step of the evolutionary process. We will always regress to any missing steps in
order to complete the harmonious process of our personal evolution. This is why Moshiach as
to keep secret some concepts that the majority of the human race on earth is not ready to
accept yet.

Modern Metaphysics is a seed, and from that seed will grow a new tree of science with many

The sum of the entire universe processes is the truth and the righteousness of the natural
principles endure forever as it is mentioned in Psalms 119:160 - "The sum of thy word is truth;
and every one of thy righteous ordinances endures forever."

The universe is the Lord, "Then the princes of Israel and the king humbled themselves and said,
"The LORD is righteous."" (Chronicles 12:6); and we try to follow its natural principles, "Can
mortal man be righteous before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker?" ( Job 4:17); but
the universe doesn't gives a damn since it is not alive as an living God, "Is it any pleasure to the
Almighty if you are righteous, or is it gain to him if you make your ways blameless?" Job
22:3). We are the only ones who gain or lose by following the natural principles or not; and it
is ridiculous to think that a subjective god can overrules the natural principles for its own
profit having a feeble for whoever sucks-up to him! Job himself is saying that “God” does not
exist: “The Almighty, we cannot find him; he is great in power (energy) and justice (causality),
and abundant righteousness (logic) he will not violate”. (Job 37:23). Only a “God of
Objectivity” which is simply the whole universe can live to that promise: “ and he judges the
world with righteousness, he judges the peoples with equity”. (Psalms 9:8). Logic in its energy
form is the foundation of the whole universe, it is by it that life can occur and science to makes
discoveries of the eternal truth in the constant of logic; “if the foundations are destroyed, what
the righteous can do?" (Psalms 11:3).

Anything made out of matter is automatically faithful toward the natural principles, that do
include our ephemeral body; and righteousness is of the realm of the universal principles as
Psalms 85:11 indicates: “Faithfulness will spring up from the ground, and righteousness will
look down from the sky.”


Man, it doesn’t really matter the size of the cave you live on nor its decorations, which is
existence; life is in the mind and you have the whole universe as your home; and if you cannot
enjoy existence, at least enjoy live.

In the pass centuries those who were interested in sciences such as medicine, astronomy,
physics, healing from natural plants, alchemy (so-called chemistry now)... etc called
themselves "Cabbalists" that occult science dating back (according to tradition) to the
patriarch Abraham, was first transmitted orally from the initiates to their followers. To
understand the Kabbalah it is necessary to understand the dynamics of universe the secular
way like the quantum mechanics, etc.. as a way of reaching the ultimate truth (metsiout) which
is the light from which everything is formed. According the Kabbalah matter is real; it is made
of vibrations of light which is called energy. Just as we have the ability to change the
vibrations of matter in various ways, we possess within the same ability to change our own
vibration to harmonize them as a way to produce a psychic equilibrium. Well! It is time to
realize that our current sciences join the teachings of the Kabbalah, thus the Kabbalah is
formed of various components of a very ancient secular science dating back to the dawn of
time that our own scientific community has not reach yet the level of its data bank. Even if he is
part of the secular teaching body a teacher if is a cabalist remains true to be a soul-researcher
who not only understands what "atoning" brings us for our intellectual advancement but also
understand the two inseparable dimension (though being separated at first glance) that are
handling the processes of our mind and the handling of the processes of matter, given that
universal principles are valid for both dimensions were causality is master; which joined one
of the essential concepts of the kabala that stress the importance of the movement since the
light moves, and that's make the creator to be always everywhere at the same moment,
moment after moment for eternity. The universe is perfect, the universe creates, so perfection
is to create, so perfection is in the movement, therefore perfection is the movement.

The concept that "perfection is the movement" is officially in the Kabbalah since the Stone Age,
and it is certainly not Cro-Magnon who did find this concept in his favourite cavern (or
modern man in his favourite tavern). The only conclusion to drawn is that the ancestors of
Homo-Sapiens are from space, meaning: from other planets. Without the help of the Torah
that says our ancestors come from seven different planets, we would be inclined to conclude
that our cosmic ancestors are from four different planets according to our colors: 1) red; 2)
Yellow; 3) black; 4) White; but the Torah is clear about that, it is from seven different planets
that our cosmic ancestors come from, and the little green fellows are not our ancestors since
that there is no green humans that roam the earth (aside of course, the occasional non-humans
visitors from space). The source of cultural pressure start with who is in charge of our social
education and who are telling us what to think, and how to think about specific subjects;
therefore cultural pressure is simply politic in action. Politics are always to be questioned.

Let’s stop dreaming that by adoring a chimera call "God" we can find soul salvation, especially
by killing others people body and soul (body and mind) if they are not “believers”; let's be real
(theism is unreal) and start caring for humanity. Originally Theism was the result of a
political decision to assemble all the natural principles that were previously represented by
many Egyptian gods into one unique supreme god. Too often, in our early youth, as a
mechanism of defence in order to adapt momentarily to a system that we are instinctively
detecting the gross flaws, and from which unfortunately we have to rely on for our own
physical survival we find ourselves in the sad situation to step momentarily over who we are
concerning our profound nature which is instinctively very closer to the "word" (meaning to
the innate common sense we possess, as the natural principles are in us as our basic
structures) than when we become adults. Peoples like Freud and Karl Max, who’s are now a
part of humanity stepping stones toward a “civilized” evolution, were in that situation, both
were Jews and both rejected latter on the religious part of their culture in order to be in the
free position to have the capacity to do that “extra length” that makes them to become geniuses
in their respective fields in the sens of having being libidinously creative in their specialize
work and therefore been each a big stepping stone for humanity to climb the ladder of
evolution; they simply refuse to live in a zombieness state of mind even if that decision makes
them to suffer the martyr during some part of their life, metaphorically speaking, they "offered
their blood" (meaning: who they are) to humanity like many others did during the history of
humanity evolution. We all can do it if we choose to, it is simply a question of being
courageous, the real courage do not lies of killing peoples, that is easy done, but to save them
from our original sin which is our original agnosticism, and that require a lot of work, sweat
and being subject of many social frustrations induced by these same moronic circles we are
trying to save from mental oblivion; it is peoples like Sigmund Freud and Karl Max that really
“sanctifies” our mind (our soul); because of them we can “clean-up” our acts (behaviors). The
mythical Jesus-Christ of Christianity is not the Moshiach, he simply represents humanity;
therefore we can be all a parcel of that mythical person in order to be one among many others
human components that will "save" us all. To “save” humanity is to educate humanity in the
many ways of the natural principles in a libidinous-secularistic manner (or socio-ethical
manner concerning secular education). Primal religions and secularism are not against the
cosmic tide, they are parallel currents coming from the same cosmic sea; they are two different
branches from the tree of Knowledge. The only difference reside in the fact that primal
religions cover in an esoteric mean of communication the secularism that we are starting to
reach now and that ancient cosmic civilizations trough peoples like Noah already bring to

We have to address the importance of recognizing the stability of the universal laws as the
mind opener (or the third eye opener) for our own mental stability since we are some of the
results of those laws, of being “created” by those laws. As such, being parts of those laws, we
greet this research as a form of scientific minded intervention to non sense and absolutely not
as part of a conspiracy to destroy the faith we place in our importance, as any living being, in
the universe. This document is not being in any forms affiliate with the Epsilon team, even if,
nevertheless, some parts of this research converge with some of their finding. We understand
the arrival of this pedagogic document as a stimulus, a teaching tool, to hasten our personal
atonement (redemption) as well as the world atonement which is the understanding of the
nature of thing by our reflection base on scientific research and evidences. Because of all the
data now available, our technology, and our means of communication the table is literally set
for our own “Messianic” banquet to feed our mind. All we need to do is basically to understand
as much as we can of all the data available. Schools and universities (temples of knowledge)
help us to do just that. Our present research can lead to no other conclusion that it is solely the
automatism of energy, its dynamics, that is clearly connect with the phenomenon of “creation”,
and not to a mysterious subjective god. Life it’s neither merely coincidental nor accidental, its
presence is statistically impossible to avoid. Science can reveal the universe to us because the
universe manifests itself in human flesh and human mind. Knowing the word “God” means the
science of nature, and causality it’s all over the Hebrew bible under mythical stories, now we
can understand with facility whole chapters like “Job 11” by simply reading them.

2012, “The year of the Revelation” will be the doom of nonsense; it is when the people of Earth
will officially recognize Islam to be a fake, a poor copy of the Jewish faith. Also Catholicism
will be recognized as a literal interpretation of Egyptian and Jewish scientifical metaphors. It
would be accepted that our cosmic ancestors seeded Earth with the semen of humanity and
speed up Earth life evolution by gene manipulation. There won’t be any more or less natural
disasters than the ones that are naturally due from natural causes and manmade causes.

Our cosmic ancestors with the help of nature and also their far advanced technology did makes
planet Earth to be ready for humanity immigration (see Noah Ark), that includes to be an
active part of the extinction of the most dangerous dinosaurs, the rest of them become today

From a speculative philosophical approach we end up with a form of constructive philosophy.

That was done by the backup of scientific evidence and real historical events. We can call it a
scientific approach to metaphysics. It is because of that approach that we finally reached the
third step of positivism.

“To understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles. The fear of the
Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:6-7)

Translation: “To understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles,
the respect of science is the beginning of knowledge. Fools despise wisdom and instruction
from knowledgeable teachers.” (Translation of Proverbs 1:6-7)

All the gods from antiquity, Yahweh included, were metaphors explaining scientific concepts.
For the religiously minded individuals to worship God is to adore unconsciously the concept
that word represents. “God” is the word that veils, by wrapping up together the essence of Life
which is logic made of energy, the energies of life which are triple quanta (trinusial quanta)
and the womb of life which is Aphrodite, the dark universe. The religions and the universe are
the two challenging courses of study for science. Those two become one in the psychological
field of astrophysics. Those two different sciences are fusing to become one since the dark
universe is a living phenomenon. Most of our modern religions have the wrong idea about the
dark universe (their God); therefore it is relevant to the field of psychology. On the other hand,
astrophysics studies the dark universe, but since it's alive, psychology is needed to help
astrophysics. Let's set the record straight and disillusion ourselves even if it is a painful
process. Not only are we not alone in populating the cosmos, but most of us are descendants of
diverse cosmic races. They left us various subliminal messages and concrete evidence in
different parts of the world and other planets and satellites like Mars and our moon. They also
left us their science as religions to decipher. It is up to us to discover who we really are; and it
won’t be surprising if we learn latter on, when we will meet our cosmic cousins, that their
ancestors (our common ancestors) are the responsible ones to bring few banana trees from
their world, among others plants and seeds, to be cultivated on earth.

This research gives us back what belong to us: our real ancestral history and the basic
knowledge that came with it. If there is no more of earth indigenous people left on earth, then
our ancestors, from different races, came from the cosmos, and not from a half human and
half ape. At least not in this world, but possibly from others worlds. Sir Darwin theory
concerning natural evolution is still valid; it is the process of evolution that can be artificially

The disclosure of ancient science from the cosmos and the origins of our civilizations were
divulged to certain privileged persons only. Grand priests, Levites and Pharaohs were among
those privileged ones. Those revelations lifting of the veil hidden from the majority of
humankind are to be found in the original oral Torah, in the Egyptian book of the dead and
other “religions from the time of the “olds” meaning: “from cosmic races” all around the world.

Covenants between people contain terms that are agreed upon mutually. Covenants are
solemn contracts, oaths, or bonds. Gods covenant toward any form of life is unilateral since the
word “God” means the universal dynamics. That covenants outworking is dependent upon
human response and its terms are all the automatic responses from the energies which are the

Most of us would like to bring into light what was veiled. This is why we have so many
research centers and so many philosophers. The sudden change in the belief of the “God”
governing our thoughts can cause a major disruption of human civilization. The forces of good
versus the forces of evil were always the forces of the universe (universal laws) versus our
dishonest and unethical human doings. To understand the real significance of the word “God”
would be an occurrence of social and personal importance and it will be the instance from
which overseeing situations will arise. We are free to do what we want (self-determination)
since we are the product of the universal determinism, pieces of it, which produces the causal
laws from which all the universal component undergo. Like the idiom concerning Karma says:
“What come around goes around”; Karma being the direct effect of causality and the indirect
effect of one past action. Ethics, from libidinous feelings, and causality are our guides to do
things right. We have to overcome our anxiety of challenging diverse moronic religious faiths
like Islam and Catholicism. We need to achieve proper knowledge for the enlightenment of
mankind. Those who feel love (libido) know ethics and science have natural ethics, it is call
consequences. Consequences are the terms of the universal covenant with all forms of life.

It is wrong to think that we have complete control of our destiny, the cosmic human races have
total control over us if they want to use it, we are their offspring, they may see Earth as under
their responsibility, so... watch out! We are subjects of study under their watchful eye; we are
part of their history. They are sending “watchers” or scouts like the Nephilim’s have to watch
over us; maybe some of them inhabits Earth and are among us. If they are, then one of their
functions would be to create subliminal and direct messages by the use of different media while
paying their income taxes. Did Cleopatra tell Gaius Julius Caesar and Marcus Antonius the
deepest Pharaoh's secrets? Hmmmm...Are our cosmic blood related human cousins still
keeping in touch with the remain of the Levites? Future will tell. Did we see their spacecrafts
throughout the ages? Yes! Do we turn our back on screaming facts? Yes! Do they want us to
know them? Yes, but only when we do smart-up by ourselves. Are they ready to intervene?
Doubtfully, unless....maybe... it would be to destroy us before we destroy the world. Maybe
living worlds for humans are scares in the cosmos, what do we do with pests starting to
destroy a house, before that house become behind repair? What would you do if you were
them? As smart as they are...Did they destroy harmful pests before their arrival ions ago?
Most probably, the Hebrew bible mentions it. The clock is ticking, Aphrodite stand a fair
chance to have plenty of visitors soon. The scary part of death is to come back as a virgin
conscious mind, and start all over again. Our civilizations developed too quickly since the
Stone Age. The discovery by the caveman regarding the properties of metals and the monetary
value of gold was far too quick for that to make sense. This is also valid in relation to his cave

There is certainly presence of an intergalactic federation that decides what kind of world is
ready and able to receive massive immigration. That federation sends scouts for the studying
of newly formed worlds and to “sterilize” them, to a certain extent, of harmfully pests; they are
“men of renown” on new frontiers; a good harmfully bacteria it’s a dead one. Are we good or
bad bacteria in the eye of mother earth? Are we destroying mother earth? Nephilim's, ancient
Egyptians, Moses include, and us to our present days keep waging wars with pests. The torah
is full of metaphorical stories mentioning that fact. From reports of the “scouting” parties,
decisions are made concerning the different breeds that are genetically fit to immigrate to new
worlds and how the territory will be shared. Those are the promise lands. When the massive
immigration started, from the cosmos to planet earth, the much needed wise leaders of new
nations which were, of course, the “sons of God” takes charge within their assign territories as
it is mentioned in Deuteronomy 32:8, “When the Most High gave to the nations their
inheritance, when he divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the
number of the sons of God.” There is a huge intergalactic power policing order between
technologically advanced worlds, and “the most High” (like his “Highness”) must be the head of
it. And here we believe we are so great in our sciences, and so right in our religions! We are
indeed in the infancy of our civilization and they know it. We are only kids playing
dangerously the make-believe game of being adults. Noah “flood”, or “Noah waters” can also
means Noah “fleet” of spaceships that bring in immigrants for 40 days, 24 hrs a day (its all
symbolic expressions) to populate the world with more genetically advanced humans than the
indigenous races. It would make more sense than to think that the descendants of only one ship
can populate the world so fast. Fleet, from fleot “ship, floating vessel,” from fleotan “to float,”
from fleut-, pleu- “to flow, run, swim” a sense of naval force. Fleeting, from fleotende, fleotan;
“floating, drifting,” “flying, moving swiftly,” According to Hebrew's bible, some others cosmic
genetically compatible races like the Nephilim's already preceded them. The Nephilim's “fallen
from the sky” were the first scouting party called the “watchers” just like Daniel Boone and
David Crockett. That's makes plenty of “flying saucers” traveling around the world for some
time...And that explain the Nazca lines and others like it around the world. The Nazca line's
and geogliphs depicting animal and plants in stylized form being the representation of the
totems of various cosmic races...they left their signature behind them just like our boy scouts.

As it is mention in Genesis, in those times, in the “days of the old” (meaning: former times,
oppose at new times), some of the “sons of God” (meaning: the: sons of science, meaning
members of the class of scientists, scholars, high priests; as referred to as the hosts of the
comprehension of knowledge), found the daughters of the sons of men (meaning: common
men, less genetically advanced; “sons of men” literally means the children’s of common men),
attractive and wed them. The two different genetic pools that separated the sons of God with
the sons of men became natural hybrids races, also the genetic pool of that race became mixed
with the Nephilim's genetic pool. From all those hybrids we are descendants. As for the “pure
genetically advanced blood, or enhanced genes, of the sons of God”, the original “sons of
science” blood, that stay “unstained” by blood related marriage, ancient king likes the
Pharaohs were part of that pool, so was Abraham, Jacob, Joseph (prince among his brothers),
Moses & Co. If Jesus of Nazareth were a real life person from the “unstained” original blood
pool of the “Sons of God” it would have acted differently. Muhammad was a real person but he
was not a “son of God” either, he was a mentally sick moron who badly search for love with a
sword in his hand “Love me or get kill” was his motto. On the other hand it would appear,
according to the lineage and the teaching of Buddha, that the Buddha would be one of the
closest relatives of the “sons of God”. The Levites were bond by a sacred (secret) oath until the
times (our time) were “ripe”. By the study of the genes that the mitochondria contain in the
female cell, the female lineage of that race can be trace back to all the original pools, as the
female mitochondria retain the same original genes. There never was any god, but the dark
universe is alive, active, and has a personality, it is Aphrodite. Original religions, having
science for a basis, like the Torah, makes true statements in riddle form. Their stories have
veiled meanings to be peel off, layer after layer, like onions. Like the universe is an enigma in
the form of a puzzle to be solved, so are the original religious riddles. They are problems
expressed in metaphorical or allegorical language. Allegories are extended metaphors
underlying abstract ideas and real stories under distorted historic events. Humoristically
speaking, people like Moses made riddles of which the answer depended on a pun. Puns are full
of metaphors. It is a game to play and to have pleasure with. The meaning of the original
religions was also (besides being sacrificial) for us to develop our ingenuity to find the
solutions to their riddles by circumspection and cogitative thinking.

“With Moses I speak mouth to mouth, clearly, and not in riddles, and he beholds the form of the
Lord (...). “(Numbers 12:8). Translation: “Moses understands scientific data; he is a scientist
and a leader. Riddles were for the non-initiated.”

Advanced races manipulates genetics, look at us, and it seem that the initiated ones, the
scientists, were most probably more genetically developed than the common immigrants
whose brain cannot competes with the brain of the initiates one concerning the assimilation of
advanced knowledge and its intellectual process. It may have short-circuited their neurons.
The initiated ones left us their heritage in a riddling form, to play with, for when we become
genetically and technologically ready to understand and for our brain not to “fry” to a sizzling
dark brown during the processing of information. Are we ready now?

From our cosmic ancestors we inherit the Earth, and it was a successful and untamed garden;
they offered us its oceans, its tall mountains and immense fields, we only have to provide a
little sweat for us to make the wheat to grows, and a little love to make the children’s to laugh.
Look! But look at our magnificent planet! This humble and beautiful gem adorning the neck of
the universe! Look! So many blooming beauties are spreading on before our eyes that it would
be a crime against love to destroy the children laugh by destroying so much beauty. When we
listen to the wind we can dream that the zephyrs caressing our earth are what's remain of the
sighs of pain coming from the chest of our cosmic ancestors laboring so hard to offer us the
pleasures of the sweets of our Earth. Primal religions use psychology to make the biggest word
puzzle ever by the playful ancestors of the Earth part of humanity who handled us their
scientific knowledge that sneaky way. We have to think of the primal religions, like the Torah,
as fancy and far advanced cross word puzzles, where those religions made the horizontal lines
of words and our sciences made the vertical lines of words for cross-reference. Actually, to be
more precise, like any cross-word puzzle, one have to find the appropriate synonym at first
and cross reference after; so, we have to think this way: the words of our modern sciences and
the words of primal religion are synonyms, and they cross reference each other to tell us, in
that man made cross-puzzle where the present meet the past, real pedagogical stories about
history, psychology and so on.

The universe! It is our home and our altar; in it our immortal souls are hurt and heal, and
when they are hungry they are feed. The universe! A sublime machine that created life by
becoming also a self-determined memory. The universe! Creating mechanically its own duality
it created its own psyche: matter and soul! We are entrenched behind its ramparts and against
any hope we should have faith on it. The universe! Sometimes we curse it, our chests swollen by
our blasphemy toward it without realizing that under its justice evils only come from
ourselves, from our original sin to be born agnostic. Man, too vain to bless the machine that
created life invented God so to rise himself to a heaven above the stars; doing so we make
enemies of ourselves by making the universe our enemy. Ah the wonderful story! The lord of
this world is a universe made of an automatism of natural laws, nothing else! And yet ...:
everything! ... Because its laws are forms of energy we can discover its saying. Between us and
the universe is the god-barrier that has been created by man, and we beheld his glory while
contemplating the universe! How stupid man can be! From the matter of its body, we built
pitiful temples, thinking in our arrogance, to honor the victorious God we created from our
image. Of our world we are taking steps to be able to better possess the rest of the universe
while murmuring our own praise projected on that sublime human God we created ... but
what is this form of deviant humility!? If our world wouldn’t be rounded it would be the cave
of the brigands because we are depriving the universe of its honor to adorn with it the god-idol
created by our sick personal mental universe; but anyway the universe doesn’t care because
we do wrong only to ourselves. A religious bigot, after all, is Satan who created the subjectivity
of “God” to better manipulate rationalization concerning logic and ethics. Ah, these bigots!
They have understood nothing! They say that the virgin is the mother of God when in fact it is
the universe that produced the Black Madonna. To use their language the truth is that it is the
universe (their "God") that created the virgin for her to create us, and we ... we have created
God! Ah, these bigots! It is by singing louder their songs of praise toward their God than the
philosopher sighed softly the universal truths, that they erect their temples for the God they
created according to the shape of their desires; and no monument was built by modern man in
honor of the universe which meets our needs; except, of course, for the ancients Egyptians and
other ancient civilizations like the Maya and Inca, who erected to the honor of the universe
their great pyramids. What a cross-word puzzle to play with!

The universe is an object that creates life by a pure automatism that we call "natural", and it is
life that elevated the universe to the rank of one unique God. We need to understand that the
domain of the idiot is confined to a parcel of land, his wealth (his universe) is limited; and the
field of righteous is the whole universe and its wealth of knowledge has no limit that confines
its abundance. Thus we see that evolution ensures that during our eternal journey (the soul
journey), from the starting point of being a moron full of national egotistic view (because of
our tunnel vision) that erects plenty of statues to honor some bloody nationalistic conquerors,
we are moving towards a universal psychosocial state of mind in one and the same spirit of
harmony for all where the rational thought of the thinking man becomes the living part of the
natural principles, thus giving life to what is responsible for the existence of thoughts.
Therefore it is man ("man" to be Understand as "all life forms") who by his presence and his
spirit gives life to the "God"-universe that created man. It is the object that created life and it is
life that has been given to the object the value it deserved. Nobody created the universe, the
universe self-created (all alone by itself) from scratches; the universes parents which are still
contain in the universe were: 1) Ouranos being a “no-body” in particular and nothingness in
his infinity and 2) Gaia which is the concretization of nothingness in his finite dusty form. As
we can see from two opposite primal forms of “nothingness” (called "Primal singularities") of
what's was out there in the theorical pre-universe something came out of it: the universe!

Ultimate Metaphysical Law: “The nothingness of the void” being a “sucking” recipient then
from that nothing something will always occur; and we better believe in it!

To "beat our swords into ploughshares" as mentioned in the Jewish “religion” means to rebuild
the world anew, in the sense to have a different way of thinking more appropriated than it is
now in regard of libido versus economy and the time we consume to reach that goal.

Do you want to lay down arms and play also?... And beat your swords into ploughshares?
Yvon Bois Biography

Yvon Simon Bois, of Jewish blood from his mother side of the family tree, was born in Belgium
in 1946 and immigrated to Canada at age 20. Part of Yvon's journey was to study psychiatric
nursing and to work in that field. Interests include Psychology, metaphysics, and world
history, which encompass man-made creations of different philosophies of life, based on
secular knowledge, and leading to various religions. To decode the ancient scientific data that
was being encoded and embeded in various philosophies and primal religions, Yvon decided to
use the secular humanistic approach to form his own idea concerning the how and why of the
presence of the Universe and human evolution. Fascinated by mythology, Yvon sensed that
there was a link between astrophysics, mythology and psychology in the social field of human
history and general evolution which encompass Darwin theory. The appearance of humanity
on Earth leads to different theories. Yvon put all his studies together and wrote this book. Yvon
has a vivid inner sense of what seem to be logically and ethically correct, like most of us do.
The problems of general human behavior and his determination to solve paradoxical thinking
lead him to a strategy of his own. Yvon see himself only as a dilettante decoder among many
others, and considers this document as a mental brick, also among many others, as his
personal contribution for humanity to be able to build its temple of wisdom. All the
information to be found in this research were already out there in different forms of
communication. Yvon does not ask anyone to believe in him or his research, he did it from a
good heart with the available amount of data he has in hand and this is enough for him. Yvon
regards the major achievements of science, past and present, as stepping-stones for the next

At the start of his Catholic religious instruction that was forced upon him, Yvon realized at a
young age the inadequacies of Catholic teaching in their futile attempts to reconcile the natural
laws of the universe with the subjectivity of an elusive God. He knew by instinct that all
universal laws were merging into a simple natural explanation, and that wasn't a subjective
and vain God who instigates sado-masochism for our pain to be his pleasure. For Yvon pain
can lead to pleasure only if we learn how to avoid pain through pain. Plenty of data, sentences
and ideas, if not all, were already out there in different contexts and under different forms by
an astronomical number of different persons all over the world, its history, and beyond. It is a
puzzle to assemble. Yvon lifelong goal was to reconcile the goodness part to be found in
religions with the common sense of ethics, and the well founded of human emotions as a
valuable component of the scientific field touching the United Fields Theory, for the goodness
part in religions to unlock their secular secrets to become scientific exactitude concerning
reality; therefore making the merging of science and religions a possibility.


This research is only a theory, a strong possibility of what reality can be made of, nothing else.
Only the scientifical approach can prove any theory to be valid or not, and this one do not
escape that fact. One of the aims of the author of this research is for everyone to think freely by
using their capacity of reasoning, no one is under the obligation to believe anything that was
said in this research, but everyone is under natural self-obligation to find out what reality is all
about to reach self peace of mind. The author do not feel the need to prove any of his finding,
but he wish that his opponents will do their best to prove him wrong with tangible proofs; that
will surely bring the truth into light. In the broad sense, the aim of science is to discover the
truth for man to better adapt to existence. From there on humanity does what it want with the
truth. The author see science in its broad sense, from philosophy to technology, from history to
eventually discover how to finally make an eatable cherry pie, humour is also considered as
being a science by itself. Please, keep in mind that this research is only a theory among many
other, and not by any mean having the pretentious and vain idea to become a religion; that
would be a step back in mental evolution. Even if the author firmly believes in the adequacy of
this theory, it is not in his intention to forces this theory upon anyone. We all posses self-
determination to prove or not anything to ourselves. We shall seek our own truth to live in
harmony with oneself and the exterior; and the ultimate truth, in the scheme of general
evolution, is the same for all. Until scientifically proven for this theory to be the discovery of a
part of the universal truth, no one is to be expected to blindly believe in it. This is only a man-
made theory that belongs to the field of philosophy that uses logic and reasoning to study
“possibilities”. In the metaphysical field concerning the third step of positivism, to have faith in
a theory can only be based in scientifically past proven data from which this theory is made,
and the use of mathematic in its various forms (like the algebra) for one to follow, and from
there on, to join the flow of logic leading to reason and mental well being. Science and religion
can easily be connected by equations and they will!

A an conclusion, we can say that “God's” body of energy can be measured, it is all the energy
the universe contain, and it’s being made of, and the amount is finite; on the other hand “God's”
psyche, meaning the totality of all forms of life, constantly reaches infinity as the universe
expand. That is the starting point of general evolution: metaphysical law: the psyche can only
evolve because it always reaches the border of infinity throughout the phenomenon of gravity;
and pushing away the borders of nothingness where lays ignorance allows the mind to
reaches its evolving eternity .

This is an appeal to the human race: please make that research to go around the world fast
and in every languages; some religious extremists will do their best for this research to go
under a gag order. If they succeed, harmony will be postponed. One individual cannot do it
alone, we need to be united. Thanks’ goodness for the presence of the Internet and peoples of
good will, it is now possible that any sensitive information concerning the truth can go around
the world fast when it is not controlled by the private capitalists under economic pressure or
government politics; gag's orders are so fast distributed under economic pressure under the
term “for internal security reason”!

May the blessing of Aphrodite, the soul of the universe, illuminates the mind of each person
that takes the time to read this document in order to understand its contain, and passing it
around for the benefit of all.


Donations are gladly accepted for the author to have the financial means and the free time to
hire a linguist to keep editing, upgrading and give away, free of charge this original and
unofficial version of this long awaited research. Nothing from this research has been
completely edited out yet. As it is, this research still need a lot of fine tuning and has to be
considered as work in progress. Please, help by sending your generous donation to:

Yvon Bois

136 Cornhill appt 608


NB Canada

E1C 6L2
Thank you very much for your contribution.

The author

Yvon Bois.

Religions divide; ethico-secular education unites; and any opposite can be found by turning
the equation upside-down. To build utopia we need wit, heart and courage; but to "save" the
world start by self and it takes the entire human race to save the world against its own
stupidity. Secular education is the destructive weapon of war against stupidity, there shouldn’t
be other wars or other destructive weapons than the ones against fundamental agnosticism
(mind poverty) which lead to social poverty, and therefore war against stupidity is also war
against poverty. By not caring for others by not responding to their basic needs we just don’t
care about self since we retrieve from others their basic needs that we need them to enjoy in
order for them to help us; Love is not only a feeling, but it is a feeling that contain the whole
universal logic (literally!). We cannot protect the truth by a lie, lies are self-destructive by
nature, and this is why the truth will always prevail. The truth is we are self-determined and
self-updating living computers runs by logic, and nature provides us with a sensory system to
cope with this existence; nature -as the whole universal dynamics- is our objective and non-
living god, and there is no other. In that sense god is a self interacting cosmic singularity
known as "the universe".

Time didn’t have any beginning and will not have any end; Souls have a beginning but won’t
have any end. It is eternally that plenty of cosmic civilizations -all over the cosmos- flourished
and disappears, and we are the seeds of some of these cosmic human civilizations. We did not
come from the Earth apes and if we did come from the apes ... well ...it was from somewhere
else than planet Earth! The Darwin theory concerning the evolution of the species is correct,
but it is also correct that we can manipulate the genetic pool to create any species according to
our wishes. We are a young generation being genetically manipulated and planted on Earth
by some far advance human cosmic civilizations; Noah spaceship and other spaceships bring
our human ancestors to Earth in every continents when the planet was "kosher" enough (good
for consumption) for the this generation of the cosmic human race to flourish in it. That is what
the primal religions are saying and what common sense tells us; and that what our sciences
will discover soon enough. We don't have to be worry about any doomsday meteorite; our
cosmic cousins can take care of any of these threats by changing their course at will with their
advanced technologies that uses the "antigravity" technology to take care of it. Humanity
"doomsday" is simply the Apocalypse where humanity reaching the third stage of positivism
finally attains mind-maturity despite some crazy bloody extremist religious bigots.

When it will be time to die, the righteous one will pass away with a smile on his face, but the
sociopath won’t.

Eternity! Thou Honours the presence of the light of life.

It is the patience of Thou time becoming a universal existence

That works all over the cosmos to favour our own memories.

Eternity, breaking apart, offers us the treasure of a renewed present.

And time, decorous, gives us the favour of its existence within our being.

And the gaiety of our soul to love its own desire, self-determines us.

And look at us, while every second of time passes away

Making our body become closer to its own extinction,

We abuse the gifts of nature while singing songs of love!

While we sing our joys with our ephemeral human voices

Eternity perceives us as these mighty and ingrate humans

Who are mocking its present gift by laughing at its future.

When tormenting the precious soil of Lady Nature

We are tormenting only our wondering human souls,

Bringing upon us the fury of the natural causal forces.

Nature triggers love and we love favors received so much

Without offering Lady Nature any of our presents in return

The Heavens see us preying and praying for more, like common vultures.

Where is the magic of being a mortal human being hidden?

Is it the thought tomorrow will bring us a chest of new hopes?

And what are these joys that we share when laughing at innocence?

O eternity! What are these divine furies of nature?

Why does the just have to suffer for the human devil in us

Be enriched and rewarded from the suffering of others?

Eternity, eternity O tell us, is this always how life will be?

Is love only a conditional emotion coming from our senses?

What are thou, O Eternity, if the softness is not eternal?

Why a smile fades from our lips under mysterious divine wraths?
What is this serenity that makes fun of our thousand questions?

Is immersing our mind into the pool of our sobs makes us wiser?

Why it has to be in sadness that we think and love better?

Is it in our thankless joy where we are the most gracious?

And why do our most reckless actions bring us human honors?

Tell us Eternity, O tell us, what is the grace of the spirit

In the infinity of revivals that offer our souls so many emotions?

Explain to us the sense of present destruction for us to find future harmony.

Eternity, tell us, tell us before life, once more, takes us away

From our dying bodies, those old companions, which embrace already

The dark and mighty lips of Thanatos, the door to oblivion.

And Eternity answers:

Man called the light "God"

And man called the dynamics of the light "God's ways"

And the light is eternity.

Light is the Might

Man is one with the light

And the light teaches man.

Light in its finite amount reaching infinity

To become eternity for evolution to be created

Inspires man his most elegant and noblest concepts.

Light can be measured

Light can be found

Light can be handled

From an waving ocean of light

Light become matter

And light wedding matter become flesh.

Light creates man

And the light rest upon man

And the light is within man.

Yvon Bois

Like benevolent parents our human cosmic cousins are watching silently over our well
being that no cosmic event like a meteorite can wipe out humanity from the face of the
Earth until the time come that we are mature enough and technologically advanced
enough that we can finally look out after ourselves as one united humanity.

In the post-Moschiach era secular education will be available worldwide and free for

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