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apartment building ['ptmnt 'bld]

house [haus] , , ,
duplex ['djupleks] / two-family house
townhouse ['tounhous]
condominium [knd'mnm] / condo ['kndu] ,

dormitory ['dmt()r]/ dorm [dm] (AmE)
mobile home ['mubal hum ] ,
nursing home ['nshum]
shelter ['elt] ,
farm [fm] ,
ranch [rn] ,
houseboat ['hausbut]
the city ['st]
the suburbs ['sbb] ,
the country ['kntr] ,
a town [taun] / village ['vl] , ; , , ,

Cutlery [ktlri] -
Salad servers [sld svz] - ( , )
Fork [fk] -
Knife [naf] -
Spoon [spun] -
Dessertspoon [dztspun] -
Tablespoon [teblspun] - ,
Chopsticks [tpstks] - ( , )
Steak knife [stek naf] - ( )
Fish fork [f fk] -
Fish knife [f naf] -
Prong/tine [pr/ tan] - ; ,
Blade [bled] -
Bowl [bl]

Corkscrew [kkskru] - , ;
Can opener [kn pn] -
Bottle opener [btlpn]
salary ['sl()r] , , ,
wages [wez] ,
earnings ['nz] ,
income ['km] , .
revenue ['rev()nju] , .
profits ['prfts] - , , .
fee [fi] , , , ,
fringe benefits [frn 'benfts] , ,
, , ,
pay [pe] - , , , , ,
emoluments ['mljumnt] , , ,

stipend ['stapend] , , ,

pension ['pen(t)()n] ,

Beaker ['bik] - /
Glass Rod [gls 'rd] - /
Spatula ['sptjul] - /
Dropper ['drp]
Syringe [s'rn]
Plunger ['pln]
Burette [bju'ret]
Stand [stnd]
Clamp [klmp] - /
Graduated Cylinder ['grdjuetd / 'gruetd 'slnd] -
Petri Dish ['petr 'd] -
Cover ['kv]
Tongs [tz] - /
Pipette [p'pet]
Bunsen Burner [bns()n b(r)n(r)] -
Flask [flsk] - /
Gauze Mat [gz mt] -
Tripod ['trapd]

Rubber Tubing ['rb 't(j)ub] -

Flame [flem] - /
Retort [r'tt]
Funnel ['fn()l]
Test Tube [test t(j)ub / ub] -
Filter Paper ['flt 'pep] -
Stopper ['stp]
Test Tube Rack [test t(j)ub / ub rk] -
Evaporating Dish ['vp()ret d] -
Crucible ['krusbl]
Mortar ['mt]
Pestle ['pesl] -
Magnet ['mgnt]
Microscope ['makrskup]
Slide [slad] -
Objective Lens [b'ektv / b'ektv 'lenz] -
Eyepiece ['apis] -

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