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Simple Steps To

MASSIVE Muscle Gains

8-Part Minicourse
By Sean Nalewanyj
Simple Steps To Massive Muscle Gains
Brought to you by www.MuscleGainTruth.com - “Build A Powerful New Physique In 12 Weeks Or Less!”

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content herein.
As a www.MuscleGainTruth.com email course
subscriber who has completed all 8 lessons, this report
is for your own use only.


Before beginning any new exercise, nutrition or dietary supplement program

you should consult a physician first. The information presented herein is not
meant to treat or prevent any disease or to provide the reader with medical
advice. If you are looking for specific medical advice then you should obtain this
information from a licensed health-care practitioner.

This publication is intended for informational use only. Sean Nalewanyj and
www.MuscleGainTruth.com will not assume any liability or be held responsible
for any form of injury, personal loss or illness caused by the utilization of this
information. The individual results obtained from these methods will vary from
person to person and we make no guarantee as to the degree of results that
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Sean Nalewanyj

Once an awkward, 125-pound, “geeky” social outcast,

Sean Nalewanyj is now a renowned muscle building and
fat loss expert, best-selling fitness author and success

Sean has been researching and promoting natural

bodybuilding and fat loss techniques for the past decade,
has written articles for dozens of the most popular fitness
sites on the web, and is recognized as an expert authority
on the subjects of building muscle, burning fat and
gaining strength fast.

Through his highly successful website, www.MuscleGainTruth.com, and his free

information-packed online email course (visit his website using the link above for
signup details), Sean has helped thousands of average, everyday people from all over
the world overcome a lifetime of insecurity and get into the best shape of their lives.

In less than one year of existence, his widely acclaimed

online muscle building program, " The Muscle Gain
Truth No-Fail System" shot up to #1 like a bullet and
was immediately endorsed by many of the top experts
in the field.

His system garnered so much attention from the public

that it was even mentioned in the most prestigious
publication in North America, The New York Times.

In a bodybuilding world where intense marketing hype and exaggerations have

become the norm, Sean is well respected for his direct, no-nonsense approach. He
admits that achieving a standout body is not a “walk in the park” like most promoters
make it out to be, but believes without a doubt that he can help anyone achieve their
fitness goals as long as they are willing to put forth the effort…

You can read more about Sean and his full-blown muscle building success system by
clicking here to visit his website.


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Sean is also the owner and operator of “ The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner
Circle”… A private, members-only body transformation community dedicated to
keeping subscribers up to date on all of the most cutting edge fitness strategies

Not only do M.F.I.C members gain access to a massive library of regularly updated
muscle building and fat burning information, but they are also able to meet, chat and
make friends with one another using the vast collection of “interactive” applications
provided, such as instant messaging, discussion forums, live chats and more.

Lastly, Sean is the author and creator of a best-selling fat loss program known as
“ The Real Deal Body Transformation System”. If your primary focus is to burn
fat, carve out 6-pack abs and increase your health and energy levels naturally and
safely, this is the program for you.

This explosive fat loss package contains every single tip, trick and strategy you need
to achieve a lean and impressive physique without fad diets, bogus supplements or
fancy equipment of any kind.


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Table Of Contents
Lesson #1
The Most Powerful Muscle Building Tool Available 7

Lesson #2
How To Structure An Effective Workout 13

Lesson #3
Eating For Maximum Muscle Gains 19

Lesson #4
The Truth About Muscle Building Supplements 25

Lesson #5
Skyrocket Your Testosterone Levels Naturally 32

Lesson #6
Exposing The Muscle Building Myths 37

Lesson #7
Melting Away Excess Body Fat 43

Lesson #8
Harnessing Your Inner Power 48


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"Instantly Multiply Your Muscle Gains Using

One Simple But Incredibly Powerful Tool"
Dear Fellow Muscle-Builder,

Welcome to the "Simple Steps To Massive Muscle Gains Mini-

Course", where I'll be revealing some very powerful strategies that
you can apply both in and out of the gym to accelerate your gains
and finally achieve the ripped, muscular physique you deserve.

Before we dive in, let me mention 2 things about this course...

1) These strategies are not complex. There are so many other

bodybuilding authors out there who purposely over-complicate things
so that their strategies sound "revolutionary" and "never-before-

You won't find that nonsense here.

This course is designed to cut through all of the marketing hype and
B.S. and make things simpler for you, NOT more complicated. The
methods that I outline can be used by anyone. They are simple but
highly effective.

2) These strategies won't get done on their own. I can fill your head
with all of the most effective muscle-building principles available, but
it's up to you to apply them. The biggest mistake you could possibly
make is to read through all of these lessons but never actually follow
through on them. Before you read through this course, you must
make a conscious commitment to take action!

Okay let's dive right in...

In this first installment I'm going to focus on the muscle-building

process from its most basic roots by outlining the most powerful
tool that you could possibly use throughout your program.


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It's such an incredibly simple concept yet I am continually amazed at

how few people actually put it into practice.

What is this tool, you ask?

No, it's not the latest breakthrough energy pill.

It's not a pre-workout shake.

It isn't a pair of lifting gloves, straps or a weight-belt.

It's not a water bottle....

The absolute most important tool you could possibly bring to the
gym with you is this...

*Drum Roll*

A pen and a piece of paper.

"Huh? A pen and a piece of paper? What could possibly be so

important about that?"

Well, everything.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that bringing a pen and a piece of
paper to the gym will separate those who make modest gains from
those who make outstanding gains. The simple reason for this is that
a pen and a piece of paper will allow you to keep a detailed record of
each and every workout you perform.

Why is recording your workouts so critical to your success?

It's because the entire basis for building muscle is


When you go to the gym, you break down your muscle fibers by
stressing them with weights. This is referred to as "muscle overload".
When you leave the gym, your body will use the nutrients that you


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consume to repair the damages that have been done. However, as a

natural evolutionary response, the muscles will be repaired larger and
stronger in order to protect the body against a possible future

Therefore, in order to make continual gains in muscle size and

strength, you must put 100% of your focus on improving upon your
previous workouts by progressing in either:

a) The amount of weight lifted.

b) The number of reps performed.

If you are able to progress in either weight or reps from week to

week, your body will be given continual incentive to grow larger and
stronger. If you fail to improve, your muscle size and strength will
stay the same.
Think about it, if you were squatting 200 pounds today, and were still
squatting that same weight 3 months from now, do you think you
would have experienced any size or strength gains in that time

Of course not!

Your body will only become larger and stronger when it is presented
with a workload beyond that capacity.

If you want "building muscle in a nutshell", that was it.

Train for strength, and size will always follow.

I am continually baffled by the guys in the gym who come in week in

and week out, aimlessly tossing the same weights around and never
writing anything down. It's no surprise that their physiques always
look exactly the same year round.

If you want to build muscle mass as quickly as you possibly can,

always bring a pen and a piece of paper to the gym for every single
workout and keep a detailed record of the exercises you performed,
the weight you used and the number of reps completed.


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The next time you go to the gym, sit down before your workout and
review what you accomplished in the previous week. Your goal should
now be to improve slightly upon those numbers by either performing
an extra rep or 2 for each exercise, or by increasing the weight on the
bar by 5 pounds.

If you can successfully accomplish this from week to week, you will
be well on your way to success. The entire goal in the gym is to
always get better.

While the specifics of building muscle are important to understand

and implement (things like exercise selection, rep ranges and
workout structure), the truth is that regardless of what style of
training you're currently using, the ultimate deciding factor between
success and failure is progression.

You can sit around all day obsessing over specific principles, but the
bottom line is that if you aren't getting stronger every week, you
absolutely will NOT be getting any bigger.

Examine your training approach closely.

If you haven't been paying laser-like attention to the amount of

weight you've been using, the number of reps you've been
performing, and then striving with every ounce of your energy to
improve upon those numbers each week, you are completely ignoring
the very foundation of the muscle growth process.

If you want to see the best gains in muscle mass and strength that
you possibly can, a pen and a piece of paper is the most powerful tool
you could possibly have in your arsenal!

That's exactly why I created a full, printable workout

logbook as one of the many components of my #1-
best selling bodybuilding package, The Muscle
Gain Truth No-Fail System. This logbook can be
instantly downloaded, printed off and easily placed
in a 3-ring binder to bring to the gym with you.


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It contains an in-depth 26-week workout plan outlining which muscle

groups to train on which days, all of the exercises that should be
performed for each workout, proper warm-ups along with the exact
number of sets, reps and rest periods for each.

Here's what natural bodybuilding champion, Lee Hayward, had to say

about my teachings...

"I Would Highly Suggest Listening To

What Sean Has To Say!"

"Sean cuts right through all of the useless hype

and crap that so many other sites are filled with
and instead provides a detailed, highly effective
muscle building system that is laid out in a
simple step-by-step format. I have personally
used the techniques and strategies that Sean
teaches in my own training to get in my all time
best shape ever. If your goal is to become
bigger, stronger, and more muscular, I'd highly
suggest listening to what Sean has to say!"

Lee Hayward
Competitive Natural Bodybuilder – LeeHayward.com

If you're truly serious about changing your physique by building

more muscle, gaining strength and burning off excess body fat, then I
strongly encourage you to head over to my website and grab a copy
of The Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System right away.

I guarantee that you won't find a more honest, straightforward and

effective muscle-building guide anywhere else. This is currently the
most widely used online natural bodybuilding program available
(according to clickbank.com), and for good reason.

Click Here for more details (plus a ton of other unsolicited



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You've just been given a very simple but extremely important

strategy for speeding up your progress in both muscle size and
strength by utilizing the power of a workout logbook.

Talk to you soon,


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"How To Structure A Killer Workout For

Maximum Gains In Muscle Size & Strength"
Dear Fellow Muscle-Builder,

In Lesson #1 we talked about the importance of tracking your

progress in the gym and why this is the most critical overall factor
when it comes to gaining muscular body weight.

You absolutely will not experience any appreciable gains in muscle

size unless you place the majority of your focus on moving more
weight for more reps each week. If you aren't tracking each and
every workout in detail then you're flat-out ignoring the very
foundation of the muscle growth process.

But that's only part of the story in terms of the workouts that you
perform in the gym...

In this week's installment we'll be going a bit more in-depth and

addressing the specific aspects of how to plan out a proper workout

The manner in which you construct your workout routine will make
the difference between success and failure, and you must make sure
that you are following all of the proper guidelines if you want to see
significant results.

The reality of it all is that most people have no idea how to structure
an effective workout and severely limit their gains as a result. Most
people simply enter the gym with only a rough plan in mind and
aimlessly toss weights around for an hour or two without any sound
logic or reasoning behind what they're doing.

In fact, some people design their workouts in such a manner that

they actually lose muscle mass and strength.

I receive hundreds of emails each and every week from aspiring


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trainees all over the world, and when I see the workout routines that
the vast majority of them are using it literally makes me cringe in my

I would guess that around 95% of lifters make at least one or more
of the following mistakes when planning out their routine...

 They choose the wrong exercises

 They spend too many days in the gym
 They training each muscle group too frequently
 They perform too many total sets per workout and per muscle
 They fail to execute the workout with a sufficient level of
 They training for excessive periods of time

The list goes on and on.

The reality is that working out requires real effort, and it's only fair
that all of your effort is put to the best use possible. So that being
said, here are a few sure-fire guidelines that you should follow in the
gym in order to achieve the best gains you possibly can...

Focus on compound, free-weight exercises.

There are two main types of exercises you can perform in the gym:
compound exercises and isolation exercises. Compound exercises are
those that involve the use of multiple muscle groups, while isolation
exercises only involve the use of a single muscle group.

For example, a bench press is a compound exercise because it

stimulates the chest as well as the shoulders and triceps. An example
of an isolation exercise would be a bicep curl, as this exercise
stimulates only the biceps.

In order to achieve the greatest gains in overall muscle size and

strength, you should be putting most of your focus on basic,
freeweight compound exercises. Forget about wimpy little pec-deck


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machines and tricep kickbacks.

If you want to see BIG gains you must perform the BIG lifts. Here
are the basic movements that you should be focusing on...

- Squats - Chin-ups
- Deadlifts - Dips
- Bench Presses - Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
- Barbell Rows - Lunges
- Overhead Presses - Leg Presses

These movements will stimulate the greatest total amount of muscle

fiber and will have the greatest overall anabolic effect on your body.
They should form the cornerstone of any effective workout routine.
Isolation lifts can still have their place (movements such as barbell
curls or tricep extensions) but certainly not in place of these proven
compound lifts.

Train with 100% intensity on every single set.

Your muscles grow by adapting to stress, plain and simple. When you
lift weights, you create small micro-tears within the muscle tissue,
and your body responds by rebuilding the muscles larger and
stronger in preparation for the next workout.

In order to achieve the most dramatic response from the muscles

possible, you must always train with full effort and intensity. This
means that for every set you perform in the gym, you must continue
until the point of concentric muscular failure.

Concentric Muscular Failure: The point at which no additional

positive repetitions can be completed using proper form despite your
greatest efforts.

In other words, you must perform each set until you are physically
unable to complete any additional reps using proper form. In doing


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this you will place your muscles under the greatest amount of stress
possible and the body will respond in the most dramatic fashion.

Simply entering the gym and "going through the motions" will NOT
get the job done. You have to earn your muscle gains, and the truth
is that most people just plain don't train hard enough.

Train each individual muscle only once per week.

When it comes to training for muscular size, more is certainly not

better! You must let go of this traditional way of thinking and realize
that in order for your muscles to grow, they must be given proper
recovery time.

If you train too often you will prevent your body from rebuilding your
damaged muscles, and you will interfere with the muscle-growth
process as a result. Because of this, you should only train each
individual muscle group once per week.

As long as you train with 100% intensity and effort you will not
require any more than this.

Do not spend excessive periods of time in the gym.

As far as each individual workout is concerned, you should always try

to complete it within one hour. This doesn't include warm-ups, but
comes into play beginning with your first high-intensity set and ends
with your final high-intensity set.

As your workout drifts beyond the one-hour mark, your mental focus
and intensity will rapidly decline. Your body will also secrete a
powerful catabolic hormone called "cortisol" which will stimulate the
breakdown of muscle tissue for energy.

If you're looking to build and maintain as much lean muscle mass as

you possibly can, you must avoid cortisol at all costs. By completing
your workout within one hour you will keep your body in an optimal


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hormonal state and will prevent yourself from overtraining.

Do not go overboard on training volume.

The reality is that most people train with far too much volume by
performing way more sets than they really need to. Your goal in the
gym is to simply "spark" the muscle growth process, and this can be
accomplished without performing endless, unnecessary sets.

If you always train to muscular failure, you simply do not need to

perform very many sets in order to stimulate new muscle growth. If
you perform too many sets you'll simply be eating into your all-too
important recovery time, and this will be counterproductive to your

Let go of the "more-is-better" mentality. Building muscle is about

quality, not quantity.

I would recommend that you perform no more than 7 total sets for
major muscle groups (like the chest, back and thighs) and no more
than 4 total sets for the smaller muscle groups (the shoulders,
biceps, triceps, abs and calves). And remember, this is total sets per
workout, NOT total sets per exercise.

Wrapping It Up

Those are some basic, highly important guidelines to follow in the

gym in order to see the best results that you possibly can.

This lesson has given you a basic overview of proper workout

structure, but if you're interested in learning the exact step-by-step
details including the optimal sequence of specific exercises, which
muscle groups to train and on which days as well as the exact of
number of sets, reps and rest periods to perform for maximum
results, then check out my highly popular program, The Muscle
Gain Truth No-Fail System.


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It can be downloaded in less than 5 minutes and literally covers

everything you'll ever need to know to build muscle mass and
strength as quickly as you possibly can.

The package comes with a ton of incredibly valuable bonus items, and
you'll also gain instant access to my Online Muscle-Building Video
Lesson Series where you'll learn the most effective ways to train
your chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs and abs with a special
online video lesson specifically dedicated to each muscle group.

Click Here for more details and get started right away.

So, when structuring your workout routine, always remember to:

 Focus on basic, freeweight compound exercises

 Take all sets to positive muscular failure
 Train each individual muscle group only once per week
 Complete your workout within one hour
 Perform no more than 7 total sets for large muscle groups and
no more than 4 sets for small muscle groups

Best regards,


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"Why Proper Muscle-Building Nutrition Will

Literally Make Or Break Your Success!"
Dear Fellow Muscle-Builder,

If there's one area of the muscle growth process where most trainees
fail miserably, it's in their diet.

They go to the gym, train their asses off, and then completely neglect
to provide their bodies with the proper nutrients needed to actually
build new muscle.

One of the biggest myths in the bodybuilding and fitness industry is

that "as long as you exercise, it doesn't really matter what you eat."

Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Nutrition is an absolutely vital part of the muscle-building process,

and most top experts consider nutrition to be even more important
than what we accomplish in the gym.

You train hard and break down your muscle fibers by lifting weights,
but without the proper materials needed to facilitate recovery, muscle
growth will be next to impossible.

Most people highly underestimate the nutritional side of building

muscle and have no idea just how badly it's hurting their progress.
Actually, it's not really a matter of hurting their progress; if you fail to
eat properly, you WILL NOT make progress. Period.

You absolutely must provide your body with the proper amounts of
high quality protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and
water throughout the day, or you can kiss your gains goodbye.

The most important thing to realize when it comes to building muscle

is this...


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In order to build muscle, you must consume more calories

than you burn!

This is the most basic rule you can implement, and building muscle
will be physiologically impossible if you do not follow it. In order to
build muscle, your calories in MUST exceed your calories out.

Now, this does not mean that you can gorge yourself on chips, pop
and ice cream in order to load up on calories. Not all calories are
created equally, and you must consume the right types of calories in
order to gain lean, muscular body weight.

There are 3 major food groups that you should be obtaining the bulk
of your calories from...


This is by far the most important muscle-building nutrient because it

is responsible for the growth and repair of damaged muscle tissue.
Every meal that you eat should contain some high quality protein.

To achieve optimal gains in muscle mass and strength you should try
to consume anywhere from 1-2 grams of protein per pound of
bodyweight daily.

So if you weigh 150 pounds, you should be eating 150-300 grams of

protein every single day. You must also make sure to consume the
right types of protein, from high quality sources such as...

- Poultry - Skim Milk

- Lean Red Meat - Nuts/All Natural Peanut Butter
- Fish - Cottage Cheese
- Eggs - Whey

Protein intake is critical to monitor. If you aren't eating enough

protein, your body will be physically unable to build new muscle


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Carbohydrates are used as an energy source for the muscles and

brain. They also aid in the absorption of protein. All carbohydrates are
eventually broken down into their simplest form: glucose.

Rather than choosing your carbohydrates based on the traditional

view of "simple" or "complex", you should instead pay attention to:

1) Where they place on the glycemic index.

The GI ranks how fast the sugars are absorbed in the bloodstream.
As a general guideline, stick to carbohydrates that are on the lower
end of the glycemic index (with a ranking under 55) as they will
provide your body with a steady stream of energy and will prevent
large fluctuations in blood sugar levels (which ultimately leads to fat

2) Whether they are natural or refined.

Refined carbohydrates are foods where the high fiber bits (the bran
and germ) have been removed from the grain. White rice, white
bread, sugary cereals and any item made from white flour are all
examples of refined carbohydrates. These sources of carbohydrates
are very simplistic in structure, low in nutritional value and raise
blood sugar levels quickly and sharply.

Natural carbohydrates are simply those which have not been modified
and still contain the whole grain, including the bran and germ. These
sources are high in fiber, take longer to digest, are more nutritious,
will keep you feeling full for longer, and have a negligible effect on
blood sugar levels when consumed as part of a balanced meal.

Some great natural carbohydrate sources to include in your muscle

building diet include oatmeal, potatos, brown rice, whole grain


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breads, whole grain cereals, yams, barely and fresh fruit.


If you want to maximize your muscle gains, do NOT be afraid of fats!

Not all fats are created equally, and the unsaturated form is actually
beneficial to overall health. Consuming an adequate amount of
unsaturated fat each day will accelerate your lean muscle gains while
also minimizing the rate at which you store body fat.

Unsaturated fats play many important roles in the muscle-growth

process (such as boosting testosterone levels and improving the
energy production of cells) and should not be overlooked.

Some good sources of unsaturated fat are flaxseed oil, extra virgin
olive oil, sunflower oil, walnuts, all-natural peanut butter, cold water
fish and avocados. A bit of saturated fat is okay, just don't go

Meal Frequency

One of the biggest muscle-building nutrition mistakes that you could

possibly make would be to follow the traditional method of "3 square
meals a day". This just isn't an effective approach for maximizing
your lean muscle gains.

Instead, you should focus on eating smaller meals more frequently

throughout the day. The most effective way to achieve this is by
consuming 5-7 small meals daily, spaced out every 2-3 hours. This
will keep your body in an anabolic, muscle-building state at all times
and will also keep your fat burning metabolism raised.

Here's an example of what a solid day of nutrition would look like for
a person trying to gain muscular body weight...


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Meal 1 - 7:30am - Whey protein shake, 1 bowl of oatmeal, 1 tbsp

flaxseed oil
Meal 2 - 10:30am - 3 Whole Eggs, 1 cup of hash browns, 1 cup
orange juice
Meal 3 - 1:30pm - 6 oz. chicken breast, 1/2 cup of brown rice
Meal 4 - 4:30pm - Meal replacement shake, 1 apple, handful of
Meal 5 - 7:00pm - 6oz. lean beef, 1/2 cup of brown rice, 1/2 cup
green beans
Meal 6 - 10:00pm - Whey protein shake, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1
tbsp. olive oil

Do NOT overlook the nutritional side of building muscle!

If you pay close attention to when and what you eat you will make
muscular gains far beyond anything you previously imagined.

If you're looking for the complete inside scoop on how to structure a

perfect eating plan that will allow you to pack on inches of lean, solid
muscle mass while burning through stubborn body fat, my best-
selling program, The Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System can teach
you just that.

You'll gain a more in-depth look at all of the major macronutrients

and will learn how to plan out a proper dietary approach customized
to your own bodyweight and personal goals in the gym.

You'll also be given instant access to a full nutrition database that

outlines the exact amount of protein, carbs, fats and calories in all of
the foods you eat.

You'll also be granted full access to 9

customized muscle-building diet plans
that you can print off for your own use.
Each plan is 12 weeks long and shows
you exactly what to eat and when to
eat it. You even get full meal prep.
instructions and grocery lists!


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In addition, you'll learn about specific times during the day when the
foods that you consume are especially critical to your success, and
how to take advantage of these special periods to accelerate your
progress even further.

Just take a look at what these real-life users of my program

were able to achieve in just a few short months...

(The guys you see below are ALL in the age range of 15-18.
They aren't even in their muscle-building prime yet!)

"I Keep Growing And Everyone "Downloaded Your E-Book A

Else Works Their Asses Off And Few Months Back - You're A
Stays The Same" F*****' Genius."

William Tsang - Hong Kong Oscar Lizano - Georgia, USA

"I've Gained More In 12 Weeks "My Friends Are All So Jealous

Than My Last 2 Years Of And Won't Stop Asking Me
Training Combined!" What My 'Secret' Is"

Neil N. - Arizona, United States Saud Ahmed - Calcutta, India

If these young teens can make the outstanding gains you see
above in just a few short months, what kind of gains will YOU


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Click Here for more details (plus a ton of other testimonials).

You should now understand just how important the nutritional aspect
of building muscle really is, and you are now armed with some easy-
to-follow guidelines that you can start implementing right away.

Talk to you soon,

Best regards,


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"Learn Which Bodybuilding Supplements

Are Worth Your Money And Which Ones
Are Nothing More Than Pure Hype!"
Dear Fellow Muscle-Builder,

Nothing is more confusing in the world of bodybuilding than the all-

too controversial topic of muscle-building supplementation. Just
flip open any muscle magazine and you will be instantly flooded with
endless advertisements for all kinds of pills, powders and liquids that
promise dramatic gains in minimal time.

Health & fitness supplements are a multi-billion dollar industry, and

their carefully planned out marketing campaigns have been sucking in
good, honest people just like you for years.

Before I go any further, I want you to truly understand one important


There are no shortcuts to any place worth going!

If your goal is to achieve a strong, muscular body, I guarantee that

you will not get there by pounding back bodybuilding pills and
powders. If supplements actually followed up on the promises that
they made, everyone would be huge and muscular.

You might be thinking by now that I am completely against the use of


This is definitely not the case!

All I want you to realize is that supplements are just that:

supplements. They are there to supplement your diet and fill in those
missing gaps that whole food simply cannot provide.

If you're training hard and eating properly, supplements can definitely

help you reach your goals faster than you would without them.


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However, supplements are not there to replace anything. They are

simply there to give your program an extra boost.

The important thing is for you to learn which supplements are worth
your money and which ones are not. But with the endless number of
products out there and all of those greedy marketers trying to get
their hands on your money, how can you possibly know who to listen

Luckily for you, that's what I'm here for!

Here are a few supplements that make the cut on my "approved"



While it may be true that natural foods contain all of the vitamins and
minerals necessary for an average person to stay fit and healthy,
those who train intensely with weights have much higher nutritional

Intense workout sessions place heavy demands on the body, and

therefore greater amounts of vitamins and minerals are necessary to
allow for optimal performance and recovery.

Taking a high-potency multivitamin everyday is a great way to make

sure that you're receiving all of the vitamins you need. Vitamins
perform literally thousands of functions within your body that are not
only important to overall health but are critical in the muscle-growth

Protein Supplements

If you're looking to add a considerable amount of muscle to your

frame, you will need to eat roughly 1-2 grams of protein per pound of
bodyweight every day, which should be spaced out over 5-7 meals.


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This is extremely difficult to do using strictly whole-foods, and this is

where protein supplements come in handy.

Whey shakes, meal replacements and protein bars will allow you to
easily boost your protein intake and consume a quick meal without
endless preparation and cooking.


Creatine is found naturally in fish and red meat, but in order to obtain
a significant amount you'd have to eat a lot of these foods. Creatine
is the most researched sports supplement available and has been
shown time and time again to be both safe and highly effective.

Creatine will aid you in building muscle by hydrating your muscle

cells, increasing your short-term energy stores, buffering the effects
of lactic acid and by improving your recovery.

For the best results, use 5 grams daily.

Essential Fatty Acids

Otherwise known as the "good fats", essential fatty acids are highly
beneficial to the muscle growth process. Among their many positive
effects on overall health, EFA's can help to speed up your results by
increasing testosterone levels, improving your metabolism and
volumizing your muscle cells. Flax seed oil and extra virgin olive oil
are great sources of EFA's.

These are just a few of the basic, proven supplements that will help
to enhance your gains. Just remember, supplements will NOT do the
work for you! They are just one small piece of a much larger puzzle.

You can find some more detailed advice on these supplements by

checking out a great little video article I put together for you....


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- Bonus Video Lesson -

"The Only 4 Muscle Building
Supplements You REALLY Need!"

Click Here To View This Video Lesson

It's also very important to remember that there are far more
worthless supplements out there than there are legit ones. Every
month a new company comes out with some new "revolutionary
breakthrough" that promises huge gains. You must be aware of this
and not allow yourself to get sucked into the never-ending mass of
marketing B.S.

Here are a few supplements that are marketed heavily but that you
should definitely avoid...

Citrulline - Considered "the next big thing in bodybuilding", citrulline

supposedly works by increasing the body's levels of nitric oxide,
which translates into greater power output and muscle growth.
Sounds great, except for the fact that there isn't a single study out
there that supports its benefits.

Ecdysterone - Ecdysterone is what is known as a "plant sterol": a

compound found in plants that is structurally similar to anabolic
human steroids such as testosterone. After various tests and studies,
most scientists concluded that ecdysterone simply did not have any
anabolic effect on humans whatsoever.

N02 - Although still a very popular muscle building and strength

gaining aid that continues to fly off the shelves, anyone who pays
attention to the latest research knows that N02 has basically been
"debunked" at this point.

Not only is there no clear-cut evidence that arginine (the active

ingredient in N02 supplements) raises nitric oxide levels in the body


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(the claimed benefit of these products)... but there is also no

evidence that increased nitric oxide levels even have any positive
effect on muscle growth or strength increases in the first place.

Make sure to choose your supplements carefully. Here are a few other
products that I would generally suggest steering clear of...

 tyrosine
 chromium picolinate
 taurine
 methoxy
 myostatin blockers
 carnitine

The supplementation issue is a tricky one, and that's why I took the
time to personally review and evaluate 24 of the most popular muscle
building supplements on the market today. These reviews can be
found in chapter 5 of my complete e-book, The Truth About
Building Muscle.

All of the products are separated into 4 organized categories that

rank each product based on its effectiveness. This could potentially
save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars of your hard-earned
money by allowing you to only spend it on products that are going to
have an appreciable effect on your results.

The e-book contains a full review and detailed look at all of the
following products:

- Whey Protein - Meal Replacements - Protein Bars - EFA's

- Creatine - Glutamine - Glucosamine - Tribulus
- Multivitamins - N02 - Caffeine - CLA
- HMB - Methoxy - Taurine - Myostatin Blockers
- Citrulline - Tyrosine - Chromium Picolinate - BCAA's
- ZMA - Ecdysterone - Carnitine - Beta-alanine

Click Here for more details.


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We've now outlined 4 of my "approved" muscle building supplements

and we also talked about a few products that are marketed heavily
but should be avoided.

Talk to you soon,

Best regards,


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"Instantly Accelerate Your Muscle

Gains By Naturally Boosting Your
Testosterone Levels!"

Dear Fellow Muscle-Builder,

If there's one substance in the body that could be considered the

"Holy Grail" of muscle growth, testosterone would be it.

It is without a doubt the most important hormone involved in building

muscle, and is one of the limiting factors that determines how much
muscle a person can gain.

The reality is that we all posses different levels of this powerful

hormone, and aside from poking yourself with a chemically enhanced
needle, it can be difficult to control these levels.

In this installment I'm going to cover some basic, scientifically backed

methods that will allow you to naturally raise your body's levels of
testosterone. These increased levels will almost certainly have a
positive impact on your resulting muscle gains. In addition to
increasing your lean muscle mass, raised testosterone levels also
have the following benefits...

 Decreased body fat levels

 Increased sex drive and sexual endurance
 Improved mood
 Decreased levels of "bad" cholesterol

Now, I certainly do not claim that using these methods will result in
"steroid-like effects" or that they will allow you to pack on an extra 20
pounds of muscle in 2 months, but they will certainly help to speed
up your overall progress both in and out of the gym.

Anyone who tries to tell you that you can achieve the same effects as


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steroids by using anything other than steroids is completely full of it.

Don't believe the hype!

Before we get into the actual methods of increasing testosterone

levels, let's first cover some quick biology so that we're all on the
same page. Here is how the body produces testosterone:

1) The brain releases LH (luteinizing hormone) and this "tells" the

body to start producing testosterone.
2) The adrenal glands release DHEA into the bloodstream.
3) LH and DHEA travel together to the testes where testosterone
production begins.
4) Testosterone is then released into the bloodstream.

So without further ado, here are some basic methods you can
implement in order to naturally raise your body's levels of
testosterone and take advantage of all of its amazing benefits. I've
broken this up into 3 separate categories: training, diet and lifestyle.

1) Place the majority of your emphasis in the gym on big,
basic compound movements.

These basic exercises will place your body under the greatest amount
of stress in the gym, and this will force your body to secrete higher
amounts of testosterone. Isolation exercises can have their place, but
compound movements should be the cornerstone of your workouts.

2) Always train with full effort and intensity.

Whether you're performing a compound movement or an isolation

movement, you must always push yourself hard in the gym by taking
all of your sets to the point of concentric muscular failure. The more
stress you place on your body in the gym (without crossing the point
of recovery), the greater your testosterone production will be.


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3) Train your legs equally as hard as your upper body.

Leg training can be extremely difficult to execute with a high level of

intensity, but the rewards are great when you do. Push yourself hard
on basic leg exercises like the squat and leg press in order to
stimulate the release of testosterone.

1) Increase your consumption of Essential Fatty Acids.

When most people structure their muscle-building diet, they almost

always follow the idea of "high protein and low-fat". Big mistake!

Fats play a critical role in the muscle-building process and have a

direct impact on testosterone levels. You should be consuming about
25% of your daily calories from healthy, unsaturated fat sources such
as peanuts, avocados and fish as well as nutritional oils like flax seed,
olive and canola.

2) Reduce your intake of soy.

Soy protein raises your body's levels of estrogen (the main female
hormone). When the body's production of estrogen increases,
testosterone levels plummet. Avoid soy products as much as possible
in order to keep your estrogen levels low and testosterone levels

3) Limit alcohol consumption.

Alcohol has been shown to have quite a dramatic effect on

testosterone levels, so try to limit your "binge drinking" nights and
keep your alcohol consumption in moderation.

4) Increase your consumption of cruciferous vegetables.

These vegetables have been shown to have a significant estrogen-


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reducing effect, thereby raising testosterone. Some good choices are

broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, cabbage and brussel sprouts.

5) Eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.

Rather than eating the traditional "3 square meals a day", try
consuming 5-7 smaller meals spaced out every 2-3 hours. This will
keep your body in an anabolic state at all times and will keep
testosterone levels peaked.

1) Lower your levels of stress.

Stress contributes to the release of a highly catabolic hormone called

cortisol which has a highly negative effect on testosterone levels.

2) Increase your sexual activity.

Sexual stimulation causes the body to increase the production of

oxytocin which then increases endorphin production (the "feel-good"
chemical), and this has a direct impact on testosterone secretion.

3) Get adequate sleep every night.

Failing to provide your body with proper sleep each night will raise
cortisol levels, and this in turn will decrease your testosterone
production. A solid, restful 8 hours of sleep every night will keep your
cortisol levels in check.

Wrapping It Up

There you have it, a few basic, easy-to-follow guidelines for

increasing your testosterone levels naturally.

Start implementing some of these techniques on a consistent basis

and you should experience a noticeable improvement in your muscle


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and strength gains as well as your overall mood and sexual


This is just one of the many simple but powerful methods for
achieving a lean and muscular physique outlined in my complete
program, The Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System.

If you've made it this far through the email course and still haven't
grabbed a copy of this package, I'd highly suggest doing so if you
really want to make a difference in your physique.

Click Here for more details.

Best Regards,


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"Warning: You've Been Lied To!

Learn The Truth About These Common
Muscle-Building Myths..."

Dear Fellow Muscle-Builder,

If you're truly serious about making a solid commitment to a muscle-

building program, you need to be very careful of who you take advice
from. Bodybuilding and fitness is literally a multi-billion dollar industry
with new websites popping up every single day.

Many of the so-called “experts” out there really don't have a clue of
what they're talking about and are only motivated by pushing
expensive pills, powders and “miracle programs” on you that you
don't really need in order to make a quick overnight buck.

If you don't watch your step you may end up falling for some fatal
muscle-building pitfalls that will literally destroy your gains and
prevent you from ever achieving the impressive, muscular physique
you desire.

In this installment I'm going to cut through the hype and expose 5
very common muscle-building myths in order to keep you on the
proper path to the mind-blowing muscle and strength gains you

Myth #1: In order to build muscle, you must achieve a

"pump" during your workout. The greater the pump you
achieve, the more muscle you will build.

For those of you who are just starting out, a “pump” is the feeling
that you get as blood becomes trapped inside the muscle tissue when
you train with weights. The muscles will swell up, increase in both
size and vascularity and will leave your body feeling bigger, tighter,
stronger and more powerful.


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While a pump does feel fantastic, the truth is that it has very little, if
anything to do with properly stimulating your muscles to grow. A
pump is simply the result of increased bloodflow to the muscle tissue
and is certainly not indicative of a successful workout.

A huge pump in the gym does NOT mean that you've had a successful
workout, and a small pump does NOT mean that you haven't had a
successful workout.

A successful workout should only be gauged by the concept of

progression. If you were able to lift more weight or perform more
reps than you did in the previous week, you did your job.

Myth #2: If you want your muscles to grow you must

“feel the burn!”

This is another huge misconception in the gym. The “burning”

sensation that results from intense weight training is simply the result
of lactic acid (a metabolic waste product) that is secreted inside the
muscle tissue as you exercise.

Increased levels of lactic acid have very little to do with muscle

growth and may actually slow down your gains rather than speed
them up. You can limit lactic acid production by training using lower
reps rather than the traditional range of 10 and above.

Myth #3: You must always use perfect, textbook form on

all exercises.

While using good form in the gym is always important, obsessing over
perfect form is an entirely different matter. If you're always
attempting to perform every exercise using flawless, textbook form,
you will actually increase your chances of injury and simultaneously
decrease the total amount of muscle stimulation you can achieve.

Remember, we are not robots!


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It's very important that you always move naturally when you
exercise. This could mean adding a very slight sway in your back
when you perform bicep curls, or using a tiny bit of body momentum
when executing barbell rows.

Loosen yourself up a bit and move the way your body was meant to
be moved. Obsessing over perfect form will actually work against you
rather than for you.

Myth #4: Building muscle will cause you to become

slower and less flexible.

This one goes back to the old days when people described
bodybuilders as being “muscle bound” and “bulky”. Contrary to what
you may think, building a significant amount of lean muscle mass will
actually speed you up rather than slow you down.

Muscles are responsible for every movement that your body makes,
from running to jumping to throwing. The bottom line is that the
stronger a muscle is, the more force it can apply.

Having stronger, more muscular legs means increased foot speed,

just as having stronger and more muscular shoulders means the
ability to throw farther.

Strong muscles are able muscles, not the other way around.

Myth #5: In order to achieve an impressive physique,

you should use the same techniques as the "buff" guys at
the gym or the bodybuilders in the magazines.

It's very important for you to realize that just because a fellow lifter
at the gym is strong and muscular does not necessarily mean that
they are highly knowledgable and are doing things "correctly".
Genetics play a very large role in the muscle-building process, and
some people can develop an impressive physique no matter how they


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I've seen guys train 2 days a week, pay very little attention to their
diets, get drunk every weekend and still have a muscular, rock-solid
build. These are simply the people who were lucky enough to be
blessed with superior muscle-building genetics.

As for professional bodybuilders, that's a completely different story.

Virtually every single bodybuilder that you see posted across the
pages of your favourite muscle magazine has enhanced their recovery
ability using various steroids and hormones, and in very high

For natural trainees with average genetics, following the routines of

pro bodybuilders would be, quite simply, muscle-building suicide.

For the rest of us mere mortals, a sensible, logical, rational routine

just like I've been outlining in this email course is by far the best

Wrapping It Up

I hope this installment has cleared up some of the confusion you may
have previously had, but the reality is that these 5 myths are just the
tip of the iceberg.

There is so much bogus and downright counterproductive muscle-

building information floating around out there that it literally scares
me sometimes.

I understand just how frustrating and difficult it can be to find a

reliable source of natural bodybuilding information out there (trust
me, I was there once!), and that's exactly why I wrote The Truth
About Building Muscle.

It's a 266-page, step-by-step e-book that cuts straight through the

hype and lays out the honest facts about how you can maximize your
ability to build muscle and burn fat in the shortest time possible. It's
the main component of The Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System.


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Along with the "Chapter 7: Muscle-Building Myths Uncovered"

section that outlines and explains 15 of the most common and
counterproductive mistakes that trainees make both in and out of the
gym, this e-book also covers all of the other important topics you'll
need to know such as proper training, nutrition, supplementation,
injury prevention and more.

"I Would Have Saved Tons Of Money

And Effort If I Had This Information
When I First Started Out!"

“Hey Sean – I’ve been training for about 10 years now and
after reading through your material I came to realize that
much of what I was doing before was a flat out waste of
time. I was stuck following the routines in the magazines
and spending all of my money on supplements to try and
get results.

After following your training, diet and cardio advice I

trimmed my waist down from 34 to 31 inches and ended
up with a much more muscular and defined body as a
result. I wish I had this information when I first started out,
as I would have saved tons of money and effort on all of
the B.S. programs that I was following at the time. Thanks

Adrian Pace
Sliema, Malta
drinupace [at] hotmail.com


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Click Here for more details (plus a ton of other real-life


Talk to you soon,


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"Melt Away Excess Body Fat And Leave Your

Muscles Rock-Solid, Shaped And Defined!"
Dear Fellow Muscle-Builder,

A very common question that I'm often asked is...

"How can I build muscle AND lose fat at the same time?"

Well, the unfortunate answer is that achieving both of these goals

simultaneously is extremely difficult, if not impossible to accomplish.
In order to build muscle, you must consume more calories than you
burn, and in order to lose fat you must consume fewer calories than
you burn.

Obviously you can't have both a caloric surplus and a caloric deficit
going on at the same time within your body, so you can see the
conflict here.

Don't be fooled by all of the marketing ploys about "building 30

pounds of muscle while dropping 25 pounds fat". This is nothing more
than B.S. hype designed to mislead you and arouse your interest.

It's certainly possible to increase your lean muscle mass AND burn off
excess body fat, but you simply cannot do them both at the exact
same time.

The best approach is to train in "cycles", by focusing on building

overall size for a period of time, and then focusing on burning off
excess fat for a period of time.

Everything we've covered up to this point has focused on the

concepts of building overall muscle size, and that's why I wanted to
create a special installment to give you some tips and tricks for
implementing a proper "cutting phase" and burning off the inevitable
excess fat that arises from a caloric surplus.


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The good news is that this fat can easily be dropped with a few
dietary manipulations and the utilization of cardiovascular workouts.
Also, since you've now put on some solid muscle size, burning fat
becomes even easier.

Your muscles are basically giant furnaces where fat metabolism takes
place, and the more muscle that you build, the faster your
metabolism will become.

Once you've built your body to a size that you're happy with, here a
few things you can do to strip off the excess body fat that you have
gained while maintaining the majority of the muscle mass you've

Perform 3-5 cardio workouts per week.

This would seem like common knowledge, however, it's very

important that you perform the right type of cardio workouts. The
traditional 45 minute, moderate intensity sessions really are not the
best way to burn fat and maintain muscle mass. These sessions are
highly catabolic to your muscle tissue and do not have a significant
impact on your resting metabolism.

You should instead focus on performing shorter, more intense

cardio sessions. These sessions will minimize muscle breakdown and
will also stimulate your body to burn more fat while you are at rest.

The key thing for you to realize here is that the fat burning benefit of
cardio is mainly due to the effect that it has on your resting
metabolism and NOT due to the actual calories burned during the

Choose a basic piece of cardio equipment that doesn't require a lot of

"skill" to perform, such as a stationary bike or stair stepper. This will
keep the session as safe as possible.

Perform 15 minutes of high intensity cardio on the "interval" setting,

and focus on increasing the intensity in each successive workout by


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either traveling a farther distance or increasing the resistance on the


Lower your caloric intake.

If you want to burn fat then you need to consume fewer calories than
you burn. This can be accomplished by creating a slight caloric deficit
within the body. Your goal is not to drastically lower your calories and
starve yourself, but to gradually burn fat over time.

Make sure to continue eating frequently with 5-7 small meals per day,
but decrease the actual volume of each meal so that your total caloric
intake is lower. A good general guideline is to consume 15-20% fewer
calories than is needed to maintain your current weight.

You should also make sure to minimize your intake of simple sugars
and saturated fats. Stay away from sugary, refined carbohydrates
and stick to natural, high fiber, unrefined sources. Also make sure to
have the majority of your fat intake coming from healthy,
unsaturated foods.

Increase your water intake.

This will keep your muscle cells hydrated at all times and will keep
your metabolism at peak rates. Increased water intake will also "fill
you up" so that you won't be tempted to consume quite as many
calories at each meal.

Here are a few other quick fat loss tips...

 Increase your vegetable intake. Vegetables (partcularly green

fibrous vegetables) are very high in bulk yet low in calories. That
means you can fill yourself up without exceeding your caloric
 Increase your consumption of low-fat dairy foods.
 Always eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking.


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 Consume a large portion of your daily calories in the few hours

following a workout.
 Increase your meal frequency.

These all seem like simple strategies, and they are. But the truth is
that most trainees go about their "cutting phase" at a completely
counterproductive angle. They're usually successful at burning body
fat, but since they fail to properly structure their diet and cardio they
also end up wasting away huge amounts of lean muscle tissue in the

This is not a good thing!

You may be primarily focused on building overall muscle size and

strength right now...

But what good is a muscular physique without the proper cuts, lines
and definition?

After you've gained a considerable amount of overall body weight it's

almost certain that you'll want to implement a cutting phase so that
you can strip off the excess body fat you've gained to reveal those
rock-hard muscles you worked so hard to build.

That's why I spent nearly a full YEAR creating a brand new program
that completely focuses on this goal...

It's called " The Real Deal Body Transformation System", and
contains every single tip, trick and strategy you need to quickly burn
off stubborn body fat while maintaining your hard-earned muscle
tissue. (This is a totally separate program from "The Muscle Gain
Truth No-Fail System" I've been talking so much about)

The full-blown package contains my comprehensive 261-page e-book,

"The Truth About Burning Fat", along with a detailed collection of
killer support modules and bonus items. It really is the fastest and
most explosive method I know of for blow-torching the fat in record


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If you're more concerned with losing body fat rather than bulking up
(or if you just want to expand your fat burning knowledge for when
the time is right), go ahead and check out this award-winning fat loss
system right away...

Click Here For More Information

(A quick tip for you: If you purchase either The Muscle Gain Truth
No-Fail System OR The Real Deal Body Transformation System, you'll
receive a special coupon to grab the OTHER program at a steep 40%

We've just covered some simple but powerful fat burning tips that
you can implement into your "cutting phase" in order to burn off
excess body fat and define your muscles.

Talk to you soon,


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"Learn How To Condition The Most

Important 'Muscle' Of All... Your MIND!"
Dear Fellow Muscle-Builder,

"Whether or not you believe you can do a thing, you are right".

Those are the famous words of Henry Ford.

He was right.

If there's one thing I've learned through my own personal

bodybuilding experience and in all of the years I've spent helping
others reach their goals, that would be it.

I've learned that if you truly believe you can accomplish something...
if you believe in yourself and in your ability to succeed... if you want
it badly enough... then nothing and no one can stop you.

I've learned that if you fully believe that you can achieve a certain
goal, and you truly want it, it's yours for the taking.

I've learned that building an impressive, muscular physique is

ultimately an inner battle that is only won by those who possess a
strong, positive mindset.

And the final thing that I've learned in my interactions with thousands
of aspiring gym trainees from all over the world is that the majority of
people do NOT possess the type of mindset that is necessary for
muscle-building success to be had.

Most people have conditioned themselves to think negatively and

have unintentionally "pre-programmed" themselves for failure.
They've bombarded their subconscious mind with self-defeating
statements and limitations, and this negative way of thinking
dramatically decreases their chances of ever attaining the body they


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The world is full of people with unrealized potential.

It is filled with people who are stuck in the middle, living lives of
mediocrity and never moving forward and turning their deep-down
desires into reality. And the reason for this is that most people simply
possess a weak mindset.

Here's the thing... If you don't believe you can achieve the body that
you desire, then you WON'T achieve it. If you don't know how to get
yourself motivated and stay motivated, you're virtually guaranteed
to fail.

There are many powerful ways to condition your mind for success,
and in this lesson I'm going to share one of my favourite ways.

We'll be taking a look at the process of Visualization and

Verbalization, and how you can use these techniques to your
advantage. This isn't science fiction fairytale fluff either... this is real-
life stuff that has been proven to produce real, positive muscle-
building results…


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Visualization/Verbalization Exercise

Here is what I want you to do…

1) Clearly define exactly what you want to achieve.

What is it that you want to achieve? What are your ultimate goals?
You're reading this email lesson for a reason. You opened your
Internet browser, found my website, you signed up for this course
and you felt that it was worth your time to read through it.

Okay, great, but why was it worth your time? What was your reason
for signing up?

Don't say, "I want to build more muscle", or "I want to increase my
bench press." If this is a goal of yours, fine, but what exactly do you
want to achieve?

I may be asking a lot of questions here, but it's extremely important

for you to find the answers. A vague image of your goals simply isn't
enough; you must have a clear, well-defined image in mind if you
truly want to be successful.

If you wanted to build a house, you wouldn't go about it by grabbing

some wood and nails and trying to haphazardly piece them together.

Instead, you would make a blueprint and clearly define exactly what
it was that you wanted to build. And so it must be the same for your
muscle-building journey.


Close your eyes. Eliminate any distractions around you. Relax, and
breathe deeply.

I want you to visualize the body that you ultimately want to achieve.
I'm not talking about a vague, fuzzy picture of a body that would "be


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nice to have." I'm talking about a well-defined, crystal clear depiction

of the exact physique that you are going to build.

Look at your new body from the third person perspective, that is,
from someone else's point of view. Imagine your new physique from
the front, and then slowly rotate it in your mind so that you can see it
from every angle.

You must focus on details here. You must see everything exactly how
you want it to look from your chest to your shoulders to your back to
your legs.

Lock that image in your brain and focus intensely on it.

Now in one quick, explosive movement, transport yourself into that


You are now experiencing your new physique from the first person,
looking through its eyes. Look down at your muscles and see them as
if they are yours.

Feel them. Flex them. Experience them.

Imagine that you're looking in the mirror and seeing a reflection of

this new body. Try to make this visualization process feel as real as
possible. Experience this reality in your mind as if it were actually
happening. Imagine the sounds, the smells and the textures that are
around you.

2) Clearly define the purpose as to why you are trying to

achieve that body.

Okay, so you've now made a clear mental picture of the body that
you want to achieve.

You see, an impressive physique is ultimately a material possession.

As human beings, we strive to acquire material possessions because
they make us feel a certain way.


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Muscles are just muscles.

But why do you want muscles? What will they do for you? How will
they make you feel?

Why do you buy a new car, take a trip to Hawaii or go to a restaurant

and order a New York steak?

It's because it makes you feel good .

So what do muscles do you for you? Why do you want them?

Think deeply about this and examine your ultimate purpose. You want
to develop an impressive physique for a reason . What is that reason?
Analyze this reason and be honest with yourself.

Maybe you want more attention from the opposite sex. Maybe you
enjoy the idea of being physically dominant among your peers. Maybe
you want to feel healthier or become more skilled at a sport. Or
maybe you just want to get noticed, period. Maybe it's a combination
of a few, many, or all of these.

Whatever it is, define it.

We don't train merely to build muscles. We train to build feelings.

Muscles evoke these feelings, and that's why we want them.

I now want you to focus not only on the physical aspects of your new
body, but also, the emotional aspects of your new body. I want you
to focus on the feelings that are associated with that body.

Find that feeling. Search it out, and pull it from your brain.

Now feel that feeling.

Focus intensely not only on your new body, but on how it feels to
have that new body.

Soak it up. Magnify it. Let the feeling consume you.


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Create scenarios in your mind of what life will be like once you
achieve this new physique. If your goal is to gain more attention from
the opposite sex, imagine it happening. For example, maybe you're at
the beach and you notice that women are eyeing you out whenever
you walk by. Or maybe a female friend compliments you on how huge
your arms are. Transport yourself to these situations and experience
them. Focus on the benefits of your new body. After all, the benefits
are what you are out to capture, not merely the body itself.

Now, hold that thought!

3) Verbalize It.

Keep your eyes closed. Continue to visualize your new body and the
feelings that are associated with it.

Focus very hard on it.

Now I want you to take all of those positive thoughts and feelings you
are experiencing, and verbalize them. You may find this embarrassing
to do, but this a very important part of the entire process.

I want you to say out loud everything that you are experiencing and
make sure to say it as if it has already come true.

Don't just say it, believe it.

It might sound something like this…

"My body is thick, muscular, defined and strong. I have massive

shoulders, a thick, chiseled chest, gigantic, vascular arms and a
ripped, 6-pack stomach. My legs are like tree trunks; wide and
powerful, and my calves protrude like footballs. I feel strong,
powerful and confident. I'm going to walk up to every person who
ever poked fun at me for my size and watch the disbelief on their
faces. I'm enjoying comments from friends and family who have
noticed the impressive results I've achieved. I can talk to women with


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full confidence because I know that they think I look good. My life has
completely changed for the better."

By clearly visualizing your goals, experiencing the feelings of reaching

them, and then verbalizing them with concrete words, you will
literally create a surge of emotion-producing chemicals within your
body. This surge will help to physically reaffirm your goals and will
always remind you of why you are putting in the work that you'll be
putting in.

You should repeat this process at least once a day (or as often as
you'd like) so that you never lose sight of you what you are trying to
accomplish, and so that you always keep your mind on the right

If you simply brush this procedure off and believe that it won't help
you, you are sadly mistaken. Visualization and verbalization are two
of the most widely used motivational techniques around and are
utilized by virtually all of the top success coaches in the world.

You cannot embark on a journey that has no clear destination! So

create that destination.

But more than simply creating that destination, you must truly
believe that you will get there.

You must have faith in yourself, in your inner-strength and in your

ability to succeed. If you do not truly believe with every fiber of your
being that these goals you have envisioned can and will be attained,
then you aren't ready to try and reach them.

Above and beyond simply believing is knowing.

You must let go of all doubts, inhibitions and fears and simply say to
yourself, "I know I can do this."

And the truth is that you really, really can. The only thing that could
possibly stop you is you yourself.


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All of the tools that you need to achieve your goals are already
present within you. All you need to do is to tap into those tools and
put them to use.

Let go of your limits, and hold on to the belief that you can achieve
anything you want.

And if you really, truly and fully believe this, anything is possible.

If you're ready to take a stand and finally achieve the powerful,

muscular body that you deserve, then it's time to take action, right
here, right now. It's time to put the excuses aside, get to work and
start turning that ripped body you've been dreaming about into a

This is it. The choice is yours.

You can grab your very own copy of my complete #1 best-selling

muscle-building package, The Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System,


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equip yourself with all of the most powerful strategies available for
maximizing your muscle growth in the shortest period of time
possible... And watch as your body, your mindset and your entire
life dramatically changes for the better each passing week...


You can close this lesson, get up, walk away from your computer, and
continue living your life unhappy with the way you look. You can
continue to feel insecure and weak compared to everyone around
you. You can ignore your deep-down desires and 20 years down the
road wonder...

"What if?"

J.P Clifford (owner of one of the most popular program review sites
online) recently had the chance to check out my product, and this is
what he had to say...

"Follow Sean's Prescription and

BIG Things Can Happen!"
"After reviewing dozens of online muscle building programs,
most look to have been slapped together over a weekend. Sean
Nalewanyj's program is different. It is obvious that Sean has
both the sincere desire and the ability to help others accomplish
their bodybuilding goals.

From nutrition to training to supplements, Sean weeds out all

the training B.S. that typically leads trainers astray. He leaves
you with a highly effective muscle-building prescription that is
on-target for quick and big muscle-building results. The
program is thorough, well-organized and, most importantly,
highly effective. Follow Sean's prescription and big things can

JP Clifford
Online Bodybuilding Program Reviewer


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Not only will you receive a copy of this best-selling e-book, but you'll
also have the chance to download a very special add-on, "Inner
Game: Psychological Strategies For Bodybuilding Success".

This special 61-page report outlines a complete step-by-step process

for getting yourself highly motivated and staying that way over the
long run using strategies such as goal-setting, affirmations,
subconscious conditioning, mental workout techniques and more

Click Here for more details (plus a ton of other real-life


You've just been taught a very valuable process for conditioning your
mindset using the incredible power of visualization and verbalization.

All the best,


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Are You Ready To Build Your Dream Body?

If you’ve got the drive and the motivation to get started right
away… To begin blasting your body into an almost
uncontrollable surge of lean muscle growth… To start
adding inches of rock-hard, granite-like mass to your chest,
back, arms, shoulders and legs… To develop an impressive,
powerful new body that turns heads at the beach, the mall,
at work, at school and everywhere else you go…

Then the ONLY thing left for you to do now is to formulate a proper plan to get
there. And not only to get there… but to get there as quickly, easily and painlessly
as you possibly can.

So before you even set foot in a gym, I would strongly urge you to make sure that
your training and diet plan is properly structured, and that you’re implementing the
most powerful muscle-building and fat burning techniques available. Like I said
earlier in this report, many people have the motivation to succeed, but they simply
lack an effective training and nutrition plan to go along with it.

I would absolutely hate to see you put a bunch of time and effort into your program
only to become frustrated and impatient when the results don’t come like you had
expected. And even worse, I’d really hate to see you end up like 95% of the
population who flat-out quit and give up due to a lack of progress.

This report has armed you with 8 very powerful steps towards achieving positive


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results from your muscle-building program… But the truth is that there is a lot more
to it than just this.

While these techniques will help you to lay the foundation for your program, there are
many other factors to take into account if you want to experience significant,
mind-blowing muscle size and strength gains…

That’s What The “ Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System” Is All About!

I wanted to provide eager lifters like yourself with the chance to experience
guaranteed success, without all of the regular marketing hype and B.S that you see
everywhere else.

There’s so much bogus information circulating around in books and on the Internet
that it can often be hard to know who to trust. And the dead-honest truth is that
there are many people who you cannot and should not trust.

I’m talking about the billion dollar supplement companies… the salesman at your local
supplement shop… the fitness equipment infomercial spokesperson… the “know-it-
alls” on the online forums… and even some well-known “gurus” who think they know
what they’re talking about, but really don’t have a clue.

The Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System cuts straight through the hype and
delivers a complete, in-depth, step-by-step success system that covers the muscle
growth process from every possible angle.


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Training, nutrition, supplementation, recovery, injury-prevention, motivation…

You’ll literally learn everything you need to know to build that rock-hard, head-
turning body you’re after, and in a fraction of the time it would normally take you.

You’ll receive my #1 best-selling e-book, “The Truth About Building Muscle” along
with a complete collection of critical support modules and bonus items. This includes a
full workout plan and printable logbook, audio and video courses, a video exercise
database, step-by-step meal plans, progress tracking software, hardcore training
footage, interview transcripts and much more.

It’s the same system that I used to transform from a 125-pound, weak and
underweight “nobody”, into a 200-pound, lean and muscular bodybuilding and
fitness author…

And it’s the same system that thousands of average, everyday people from all over
the world have implemented with wild success…

People like…


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"Your Book Is The Concrete Slab & Foundation Of My Training…"

"I am just another satisfied customer... I know it's hard to
believe, but I have just completed my second 8 week cycle and
have put on another lean 19 lbs. Everyone I know is amazed...
People always comment on my massive growth rate and insist
there is no way I could have achieved it naturally. For the record,
I have never touched or used any anabolic steroids… Everyone
just calls me "Big Rick" now.”
Rikki Dibeneddeto
Sydney, Australia

"You’re A F*****’ Genius!”

"Hey Sean… I downloaded your program a few months ago. I have
to tell you, excuse my language, but you're a f****** genius.

I've never seen anybody who understands and explains muscle

growth so well and so clearly. My gains have increased dramatically
since using your principles. Thanks for all of your continued
Oscar Lizano
Georgia, USA

"A Much More Muscular And Defined Body..."

“I've been training for about 10 years and after reading
through your material I realized that much of what I was
doing before was a flat out waste of time. After following
your advice, I trimmed my waist down from 34 to 31 inches
and ended up with a much more muscular and defined body
as a result. I wish I had this information when I first started
out… I would have saved tons of money and effort!”

Adrian Pace
Sliema, Malta

These are just three of the thousands of emails I’ve received from thrilled users of
this program, eager to share their success with me…


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Will YOU Be Next?

If you’re motivated and ready to start building that shredded, muscular physique
you’ve been dreaming about, then do yourself a favor and multiply your chances
of success.

Over a year and a half of solid work was put into The Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail
System, and I’m confident that this will be the one program that will help you to
reach your muscle building goals in record speed and finally be happy with your
reflection in the mirror.

In fact, I’m so confident that my best-selling system will work wonders for your
body, your mind and your entire life, that I’m literally going to GUARANTEE that it
will work for you.

How does this sound…


“Try The Muscle Gain Truth No-Fail System for a full 8

weeks. If you aren’t completely and totally thrilled with
the results… If you don’t look and feel better than you
ever have in your entire life… If your friends, family and
co-workers aren’t raving about the amazing changes
you’ve made… Simply email me for a prompt, courteous,
no-questions-asked refund of your payment!”


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You’ve Got NOTHING To Lose!

… And a brand new, rock-hard, head-turning body to gain.

Click the link below to get started TODAY…

I look forward to hearing from you!

Click Here For More Information!

Here’s to your brand new physique,



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Additional Product Information

Learn more about Sean’s other 2 best-selling fitness products below…

“The Real Deal Body Transformation System”

Complete Fat Burning Success Kit

Learn the exact step-by-step strategies for

burning off maximum amounts of body fat
while increasing your health and energy
levels quickly, safely and naturally.

Contains the best-selling e-book, “The

Truth About Burning Fat” along with a
comprehensive collection of support
modules and bonus items.

Click Here For More Information

“The Muscle Building & Fat Loss Inner Circle”

Online Fitness Support Community

A private, members-only bodybuilding and

fat loss community that keeps you up to
date on all of the most cutting edge fitness
strategies available.

You’ll also have the chance to meet, chat

and make friends with other members
from all over the world…

Click Here For More Information


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