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Mutation - a change or alteration in form or qualities Nebula - a large cloud of gas and dust in space, spread out in an immense

volume Nocturnal - belonging to or active during the night Nuisance - a bothersome annoying person Omnivore - an animal that feeds on both animal and vegetable substances Outrageous - greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation Ozone - a colorless gas (O3) soluble in alkalis and cold water Parasite - an animal or plant that lives in or on a host (another animal or plan t) Phloem - (botany) tissue that conducts synthesized food substances (e.g., from l eaves) to parts where needed Plateau - a relatively flat highland Polygon - a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides, a flat shape with man y straight sides Protagonist - the principal character in a work of fiction Pulverize - destroy completely Quandary - a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleas ant or trying one Quarantine - isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease Quota - a prescribed number Rainforest - a tropical forest, usually of tall, densely growing, broad-leaved e vergreen trees in an area of high annual rainfall. Random - lacking any definite plan or order or purpose Recede - become faint or more distant Renaissance - the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world Renegade - a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or pol itical party or friend etc. Repose - lean in a comfortable resting position Sacrifice - kill or destroy Silhouette - a drawing of the outline of an object Participle - a verb form that can act as the m

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