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Kingdom of cambodia


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Location: Southeast Asia

bordering the Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos


Capital: Phnom Penh (Hill of Penh) fficial Language: Khmer !otal Landmass:"#"$%&' s(uare kilometres Population: o)er "*+#,million

("% million population in "-./ 0as nearl1 hal)ed$ and is onl1 "" million in "--#)

fficial 2eligion: !hera)ada 3uddhism 4o)ernment: Constitutional 5onarch1


"6 *6

Khmer 7ietnames e Chinese thers


8!H9:C 42 ;PS

earl1 histor1

K:94< 5 F F;9A9: first empire in :ndochina /th C89!;2=: Funan 0as o)erthro0n b1 nati)e Khmers #%> A<: ?a1a)arman :: founded the Angkor <1nast1 (King of Kambu@ades) #%>A<A"*&"3C: Khmer empire con(uered all of :ndochina and 5ala1a$ central 3urma$ and part of !hailand !he capital 0as mo)ed to Angkor !hom (3ig !o0n)$ BAnkor the 5agnificentC

Angkor Dat$ built b1 a ">th centur1 king Sur1a)arman ::

"*&"A&>: !hais captured Angkor$ began a period of disintegration for the Khmer empire !he SiameseE7ietnamese Dar ("#*"E"#*'): treat1 to place Cambodia under French protection "-'&: 4ained :ndependence from France 7ietnam Dar: adopted an official polic1 of neutralit1 in the Cold Dar "-.%: Sihanouk 0as ousted b1 a militar1 coup ;SAbacked ne0 regime demanded that the 7ietnamese communists lea)e Cambodia


"-.% E "-.>: the go)ernment and arm1 of Cambodia 7S the armed forces of 9orth 7ietnam 7ietnamese communists imposed a ne0 political infrastructure dominated b1 the Cambodian communists (Khmer 2ouge) "-.>: a constitution 0as adopted$ a parliament elected$ and Lon 9ol became president !he Communist insurgenc1 continued$ Pol Pot asserted his dominance o)er Communist Part1 of Kampuchea (CPK)

"-.&: CPK controlled nearl1 /%6 of CambodiaFs territor1 and >'6 of its population 9e0 =earFs <a1 "-.': Communists launched an offensi)e 0hich collapsed the Khmer 2epublic April ".$ "-.': !he Lon 9ol go)ernment in Phnom Penh surrendered @ust fi)e (') da1s after the ;S mission e)acuated Cambodia Khmer 2ouge took control of Cambodia


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