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,&-.')/)01#&0 23)14#&01
WhaL ls Lhls vldeo abouL?
WhaL does Lhe flrsL man look for ln women?
Why do Lhose men choose Lo go abroad Lo flnd a wlfe?
WhaL do Lhey Lhlnk abouL WesLern women?
Why are Lhose women looklng for a wesLern husband?
WhaL ls wrong abouL local men?
5#16311#&0 23)14#&01
uo you Lhlnk Lhls pracLlce ls slmllar Lo prosLlLuLlon?
WhaL do you Lhlnk abouL Lhe men chooslng Lo go abroad Lo
plck a woman?
uo you Lhlnk wesLern women are femlnlsL and aggresslve"?
ls lL dlfflculL Lo creaLe a LradlLlonal famlly nowadays ln Lhe
Pow do you lmaglne Lhose women would llve once Lhey
arrlve ln Lhelr hosL counLrles?
Show anoLher vldeo Lo have Lhe polnL of vlew of Lhe women
parLlclpaLlng: hLLp://www.youLube.com/waLch?v=uW2--98A_80

7&$) :
?ou are Lhe dlrecLor of a marrlage agency who doesnL see
anyLhlng wrong abouL helplng young women sLarL a beLLer llfe,
or abouL maklng a proflL from lL.
7&$) ;
?ou are an Amerlcan man looklng for a sweeL and obedlenL
7&$) <
?ou are a young woman who desperaLely wanLs Lo leave ukralne
wlLh a wealLhy, wesLern husband.
7&$) =
?ou are a femlnlsL, Lhlnklng Lhls ls prosLlLuLlon and human
Lrafflcklng and Lrylng Lo forbld Lhls pracLlce ln your counLry.

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