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Last February 13, 2013, the PRISM held once again its concert at the university gymnasium !

ith the theme "#lobal $omination%, the concert consisted o& a variety o& acts &rom di&&erent countries all over the 'orld li(e )S*, South +orea, India, and Phili,,ines *s a member o& the said organi-ation, I 'ould say that it 'as indeed success&ul Provided that 'e only .ust had a &e' days to ,re,are and rehearse our acts because o& the e/amination 'ee( that had .ust &inished, 'e still managed to ,rovide a decent and a 'orthy0to0be0called concert 1es, there 'ere &e' dull moments and noticeable &la's during the event, but 'ith the loud screams and cheer o& the audience be&ore and a&ter the ,er&ormances2 you can tell that they didn3t matter anymore 4ur hardshi,s had de&initely ,aid o&& 5he concert may not be as ,olished and as ,er&ect as most ,eo,le e/,ected it to be, but I3m ,retty con&ident to say that it 'as de&initely a &un scene to 'atch given the &act that the 67* de,artment is giving out o,,ortunities not only to those 'ho love s,orts, or to those 'ho e/cel in academics, but also to those 'ho 'ant their talents to be sho'n, recogni-ed and a,,reciated

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