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The project entitled TOURISM MANAGEMENT is developed for computeri !tion of v!rious pl!ce det!ils in !nd !round selected !re!" It includes the e#pense for tr!velin$ !nd other e#penses" O%jective of the s&stem is to computeri e the inform!tion re$!rdin$ the tourist spot !ll over Indi!" The project $uide &ou the inform!tion !%out the pl!ce 'hich &ou f!vor" The m!nu!l 'or( %& !n individu!l is reducin$ %& usin$ this project" )urrentl& developed Soft'!re minimi es the %urden of office st!ff to elimin!te the hum!n error* to minimi e the time consumption !nd hum!n po'er" This project m!inl& focuses on improvin$ the perform!nce of the comp!n&" It m!(es it possi%le for us to control the or$!ni !tion completel& ri$ht on our des(top" It !lso effectivel& m!n!$es the or$!ni !tion" This project is computeri !tion of TOURISM MANAGEMENT 'ith fine user+ friendl& inter!ctive modules" The v!rious st!tistic!l reports $ener!ted %& this S&stem 'ill s!ve lot of time* v!lu!%le cost for the m!n!$ement" This soft'!re is developed %& usin$ ,-"NET !s the .ront+end !nd Access /"0 !s the -!c(+end" The s&stem c!n %e implemented in 'indo's pl!tform* !nd cr&st!l 1"0 is the reportin$ tool"

MO2U3ES4 5" 6!ssen$er det!ils" This module consists of !ll the det!ils of the p!ssen$ers* !nd the re$ul!r p!ssen$ers" This module is ver& much helpin$ full remindin$ the re$ul!r p!ssen$ers" 7ere 'e c!n !utom!tic!ll& remind the p!ssen$er for re$ul!r tours" 8" 6!c(!$e !llotment" This 'ill !utom!tic!ll& !llot the p!ssen$er for their p!c(!$e* if the p!ssen$er !lre!d& 'ent to the previous p!c(!$e tour* ne#t time other t&pe of tour 'ill %e !utom!tic!ll& !llotted here" 9" Tic(et Reserv!tion" All tic(et reserv!tion !nd tic(et %oo(in$ is !v!il!%le here" -oth c!sh !nd credit c!n %e used here" :" Tic(et )!ncell!tion The reserved tic(ets 'ill %e c!ncelled here" And the c!sh 'ill %e $iven to the customer" The full !mount 'ill not %e refunded * 1;< of the !mount onl& redfunded" ;" Se!son!l p!c(!$e This module is common for !ll t&pe of people* industri!l visit !nd 'ee(end tours det!ils 'ill %e !v!il!%le here" 2iscount 'ill %e $iven for the re$ul!r customers"

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