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Kevin Edwards BIOS 2320 4B A&PII Professor Stallwood HW UNIT 3 Blood

Question 1: What is the most likely explanation for the young woman's problem? Answer 1: Her slightly high pH of 7.5(normal 7.35-7.45) and below normal PCO2 are most likely due to hyperventilation, which puts the body into an alkaline pH. The dizziness is due to the hemoglobin's inability to let go of the oxygen which results in hypoxia of the brain. Question 2: What is the connection between the alkaline pH of her blood and the decreased CO2 level? Answer 2: This is explained by the bicarbonate buffer system (CO2) + (H20) --- (H2CO3) --- (H+) + (HCO3-) Breathing pushes the equation to the left and hyperventilation does so at an accelerated pace resulting in both lower Hydrogen ion concentrations(an increase in pH) as well as less CO2. Question 3: Hyperventilation apparently resulted from stress in this instance. It can also occur at high altitudes. Why? Answer 3: At high altitudes there is less oxygen which can cause an increase in breathing driving the bicarbonate buffer system to off load CO2. Question 4: You may have heard of the remedy frequently recommended in situations like this: breathing into and from a paper bag. What does this accomplish?

Answer 4: This accomplishes rebreathing CO2 driving the bicarbonate buffer system back the opposite direction to increase Hydrogen ion concentrations and reduce pH back to normal. Question 5: How might she avoid similar episodes in the future? Answer 5: Avoid excessive stress, practice controlled deep breathing exercises, listen to music, a good night's rest, anything that reduces anxiety.

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