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58-59 KNOW MICROSCOPY MICROSCOPES(KNOW OPERATION/HANDLING INCLUDING PARTS/FUNCTIONS) 4.1-4.4 KNOW CELLS(TYPES/GENERAL ANATOMY)+CELL THEORY Chapter 4(KNOW CELL ORGANELLE FUNCTION) Differentiate the biological levels of organization: organisms, organ systems, organs, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms.

Demonstrate effective and efficient use of the microscope.

Distinguish the light microscope and the electron microscope in their methods and their images.

Identify and explain the function of major cell structures.

PROBLEM-SOLVING M3-M6 Chapter 1(KNOW SCIENTIFIC METHOD/THEORY/DATA GATHERING/DATA ANALYSIS) Explain how scientific problem-solving was used in the development of our modern understanding of the cellular nature of organisms.

Distinguish scientific method from other types of thinking and problem-solving.

CELL DIVISION M7-M8 Chapter 9(KNOW CELL DIVISION/REPRODUCTION/DEVELOPMENT) Compare variations in cell division: fission, budding, and spore production.

Differentiate the production of sex cells in the male and in the female, both in the process and the result.

Explain how chromosome numbers remain constant during the life cycle of an organism.

DEVELOPMENT M9-M10 PP. 146-147 PP. 151-152 PP. 194-196 PP. 485-486 PP. 192-195 Chapter 23-24 Differentiate the contributions of cell division, cell growth, and cell differentiation to an organism's development.

Describe metamorphosis, with examples from the life cycles of specific organisms.

Compare sexual and asexual reproduction, providing advantages and disadvantages of each.

Differentiate identical twins from fraternal twins.

GENETIC CODE M11-M13 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Explain how the structure of the DNA molecule makes possible the storage of genetic information.

Explain how the structure of the DNA molecule makes possible the process of replication, and thus allows normal cell division.

Explain how DNA is used as a pattern for protein synthesis.

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