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In composed tenses, the verbs are conjugated with the auxiliary 'avoir' or 'tre': the tenses are thus

composed of a conjugated auxiliary and of the past particip le of the verb, past participle whose agreement depends on the auxiliary: with t he auxiliary 'avoir', the past participle agrees with the direct object compleme nt (COD) only if there is one that is placed before it in the sentence. With the auxiliary 'tre', the past participle agrees with the subject. All the transitive verbs (those who can have a COD or an indirect object complem ent COI) are always conjugated with the auxiliary 'avoir' while all the pronomin al verbs (those who are conjugated with a reflexive pronoun dealing with the sam e person or the same object than the subject : je me..., tu te..., il se..., ell e se..., on se..., nous nous..., vous vous..., ils se..., elles se...) are alway s conjugated with the auxiliary 'tre'. Some intransitive verbs (those who never h ave any COD and COI) are conjugated with the auxiliary 'tre'. Some verbs describi ng a motion are conjugated with the auxiliary 'avoir' in a transitive way or wit h the auxiliary 'tre' in an intransitive way. To conclude some verbs describing a n exchange are normally conjugated with the auxiliary 'avoir' to put the emphasi s on the exchange, but can also be conjugated with the auxiliary 'tre' to insist on the result of that exchange. The passive form, without being a true past participle, is always built with the auxiliary 'tre'. Transitive verb Intransitive verb Pronominal verb Verb of motion verb of exchange Passive form 'avoir', agrees with the COD before it 'avoir' in transitive use 'avoir', put the emphasis on the exchange

Often 'tre', agrees with the subject 'tre', agrees with the COD placed before it if it refers to the subject 'tre' in an intransitive use 'tre', put the emphasis on the result 'tre', aggress with the subject

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