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SOCIOLOGY MIDTERM 2 What is the dark figure of crime crimes not known to the police because ppl don't

;t report victimization What r v to look for in maps look for trends, highest and lowest rates Strain theory most ppl want to achieve things and they r unable to achieve the desired thing Criminals are basically strain theory Group think group defers to the worst decision in decision making process Cuban missile crisis No interpersonal relations Committing a crime is normative (j-walking), deviance violates standards of etiquette Propinquity = physical proximity Violent crime is higher in the west than in the east Crowd definition When men and women share housework, men do bounded work that can b postponed to the weekend unlike women doing the unbounded labor at home Social structure theories vs conflict theories ss treats crime as a problem while c looks at why people from bad backgrounds are seen as probs Memorize % of gay people from textbook 2011 Crowd temporary cluster of individuals o Not related to triads, just 3 people Natural environment vs social environment o Layers of the theory of family that places it in the circle Pluralist vs elite theory o P power is going to b divided and requires democracy o E different groups with differ interests and work to get something together Absolute deprivation is Somalia Contraceptive maps on test Lassiez faire is least successful in achieving decisions Questions: 1. A 2. B 3. E

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