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Stream of Consciousness

Timed writing! Write about anything that comes to your mind first! You will have 60 seconds and you cant stop writing or lift your pen. Wait to start writing, until I tell you to start!

What am I thinking?

What am I thinking?

What am I thinking?

Stream of consciousness

What is it? Literary device shows the inner thoughts and emotions a character is experiencing Usually the characters thoughts seem uncontrolled, it just goes from brain to pen

Also known as..

*Inner-voice *Internal monologue *Internal speech *Often sounds mixed up and not fluid

How/Where is it used?

lets the reader

listen to the thoughts of the speaker in a short story or narration

Reflect and answer

Why do you think writers often do not use proper grammar, punctuation, or sentence structure while writing stream of consciousness?

Example: The Sound and Fury by William Faulkner

Thinking it would be nice for them down at New London if the weather held up like this. Why shouldnt it ? The month of brides, the voice that breathed She ran right out of the mirror, out of the banked scent. Roses. Roses. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Richmond Compson announce the marriage of. Roses. Not virgins like dogwood, milkweed. I said I have committed incest, Father, I said. Roses. Cunning and serene. If you attend Harvard one year, but dont see the boat-race, there should be are fund. Let Jason have it. Give Jason a year at Harvard.

Exit Slip:
As we know, Modernism was a time of change and a time where people were breaking all the traditional forms of art, writing and way of life. Why do you think Modernist authors use stream of consciousness in their writing?

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