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AOS 43 Curriculum

Grade 3 English Language Arts

Revised 7.22.11

Upon successful completion of this class, students will be able to:

Reading skills " #se a range $% strategies as the& read. " Dem$nstrate use $% a''r$'riate v$ca(ular& in c$nte)t and %$r a variet& $% meanings. " Determine the meaning $% un*n$+n +$rds (& using a variet& $% strategies. " ,luentl& and accuratel& read te)t- +ithin a grade.a''r$'riate s'an $% te)t c$m'le)it&. Reading comprehension " denti%& the authors purpose t$ descri(e- e)'lain- 'ersuade- entertain- and in%$rm. " /a*e and 0usti%& c$nclusi$ns a($ut the motives of characters and the consequences of their actions. " denti%& important characters in 1ualit& +$r*s c$ntaining several characters and (e a(le t$ identi%& +h$ is s'ea*ing. " denti%& and e)'lain literar& devices such as e)aggerati$n and simile. " Rec$gni2e themes that are e)'licitl& stated in te)ts. " E)'lain +h& '$ems are di%%erent %r$m $ther *inds $% %icti$n. Informational text " 3egin t$ generate questions that can (e ans+ered using te)t. " #se organizational text features such as gl$ssar&- inde)- title 'age- ta(le $% c$ntents- charts- diagrams- inserts- and ca'ti$ns. " denti%& ans+ers in the te)t. " 3egin t$ ma*e and re%ine predictions a($ut ideas in the te)t. " ,$ll$+ sim'le two- or three-step written directions.

4age 1 $% 4

AOS 43 Curriculum

Grade 3 English Language Arts

Revised 7.22.11

Upon successful completion of this class, students will be able to:

A. READ !G 5CO!6 !#ED7

Persuasive text " 3egin t$ rec$gni2e that the auth$r8s 'ur'$se is t$ persuade the reader. " 3egin t$ identi%& the main idea and supporting details. " 3egin t$ rec$gni2e the di%%erence (et+een facts and opinion.

3. 9R 6 !G
Writing process " 3egin t$ pre-write using gra'hic $rgani2ers $r $ther structures. " 3egin t$ include an introduction and conclusion. " 3egin t$ +rite c$herent paragraphs that have su''$rting sentences. " 3egin t$ revise original drafts t$ im'r$ve. " Edit %$r c$rrect grammar- usage- and mechanics with assistance. " 4r$duce legi(le %inal dra%ts. Writing for a variety of purposes " 3egin t$ +rite narratives that relate events- ideas- $(servati$ns- $r rec$llecti$ns. " 3egin t$ +rite t$ summarize information %r$m reading- listening- $r vie+ing. " 3egin t$ +rite poems. " 9rite friendly letters. " Write four-step directions %$r c$m'leting a tas*.

4age 2 $% 4

AOS 43 Curriculum

Grade 3 English Language Arts

Revised 7.22.11

Upon successful completion of this class, students will be able to:


" denti%& *e& +$rds and c$nce'ts related t$ research 1uesti$ns. " L$cate and access in%$rmati$n (& using $rgani2ati$nal %eatures. " C$llect- evaluate- and $rgani2e in%$rmati$n t$ address research 1uesti$ns. " C$mmunicate %indings using a variet& $% 'rint and n$n'rint s$urces. " Dem$nstrate an understanding $% 'lagiarism and grade a''r$'riate citati$n. " Rec$gni2e that there are multi'le r$les and 'ur'$ses $% media including ($$*s- advertisements- televisi$n- and the nternet.

anguage " #se c$rrect %$rms $% n$uns- ver(s- ad0ectives- adver(s. " #se sim'le and c$m'$und sentences. " 4unctuate c$rrectl& %$r end 'unctuati$n 5period, question mark, exclamation point). " Ca'itali2e c$rrectl& 5 eginning of sentence, !, proper nouns such as names, days of week, months, states, towns, countries 7. " 3egin t$ underline ook titles and use quotation marks $n cha'ter headings. " S'ell high %re1uenc& grade.level +$rds.

4age 3 $% 4

AOS 43 Curriculum

Grade 3 English Language Arts

Revised 7.22.11

Upon successful completion of this class, students will be able to:

E. L S6E! !G A!D S4EA; !G

istening and speaking " Attend and res'$nd a''r$'riatel& t$ classmates and adults. " #se clari%&ing 1uesti$ns. " ,$ll$+ multi'le.ste' $ral instructi$ns. " E)'lain ideas clearl& and res'$nd t$ 1uesti$ns +ith a''r$'riate in%$rmati$n. " S'ea* using e&e c$ntact- clear enunciati$n- and gestures %$r em'hasis and a''r$'riate v$lume and rate.

4age 4 $% 4

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