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A MESSAGE TO ALL MYSTICS. THE HINDU MAGIC MIRROR. BY DR. L. W. DE LAURENCE. Copyright, 191 , !y "# L$%r#&'#, S'ott ( Co.

, )%!*i+hi&g D#p$rt,#&t. A sincere and true message to all faithful Brother Mystics and those who may wish to join this Occult Organization which exists here and in the Astral or unseen world. Given under and by the direction of the great Occult Organization and Brotherhood of Magic for the never ending advancement of human souls through Dr. . !. de aurence" whose su#reme desire is to educate ca#able and sincere brothers and sisters to act in concert with our Brotherhood of unseen Mystics and teach them the wor$ that they must do #re#aratory thereto. %" Dr. . !. de aurence" do hereby state" truly" and #ositively" that % $now that the existence of a #owerful Occult Organization and Brotherhood of Mystics" both here and in the great unseen world" to be an incontestable truth& and" furthermore" that % '(O! that the )cience and Art of Magic as o#erated by these Mystics is worthy of faithful investigation. *urthermore" be it $nown to all the world" and es#ecially so unto him or her into whose hands this message may come" not by reason of their own solicitation" or by advertisement" but by their own Astral influence and Occult magnetism" that the hereinafter sim#le message to Brother Mystics and those who desire to rid themselves of the bonds and shac$les of gross ignorance" theology" su#erstition and materialism" regarding the famous +Magic Mirror"+ that wonderful Astral %nstrument so long used by leading Mystics" Ade#ts" and Occult wor$ers for communication and #re#aratory develo#ment for communication between the two worlds" will hel# all who heed. ,his message hereinafter written % have given verbatim as it has come to me" under the direction of the great Brotherhood of Mystics from the unseen Astral world. #. -./ Every soul will rest at some mile-post in life Those never ending, unnumbered, unknown points All void, vacant, and dark. Yet, be still, for as it looks once more A multitude assembled; nnumberable Astral souls reveal a force !upreme, "nvincible for human advancement, The annulment of man-made law;

The concert uplifting and educating of humanity. #isten, $h ye capable brothers, for out of darkness %omes this &ystic &essage. THE MESSAGE. )$rt O&#. ,O ,0O)1 M2),%3) ),% %( 1A4,0 %*1" ,01 A),4A B4O,0140OOD O* MAG%3" A( O335 , O4GA(%6A,%O(" )1(D) GOOD !% " %G0, A(D G411,%(G). 'T"# Y$ , ()$T*E) A'+ !"!TE) ,-'$. T*Y!E#/, A'+ T*E 0$!!"("#"T"E! $/ ,T*Y!E#/,, (Y A'+ T*)$ 1* T*E '+E)!TA'+"'1 $/ ,!E#/,, A'+ A)E A(#E T$ kindle the Astral fire within, there is labor for us to perform in assisting you in your preparatory work thereto. The shackles and chains of centuries, of cycles of ages, of anti2uity, are riven at length by their own corroding and heart-eating rust 3materialism4 . 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

et ye" oh brother and sister listen most attentively" for no shac$le or bond that comes of theology" dar$ness or su#erstition" or gross ignorance" can ever endure the full light of inner truth nor the full dawn of the day. ,o carry this wor$ onward to its and your own full success we must have true" faithful" sincere and ca#able brothers on the 1arth 8lane who have common sense 9sense that is not common:" and who will act in full concert with us for the u#lifting and Occult 1ducation of humanity. (o city code" or man;made law" can overthrow" annul or set aside the laws of God 9)1 *" (A,541:. ,he #rogressive Mystic who has received his or her Occult 1ducation will always act unselfishly" for they have by their education become (ature<s 9GOD<): own legitimate and true instrument in human advancement. ,hey have steadfastly met and overthrown error" su#erstition" theology" ignorance" and arrogance in high and so;called holy #laces" and have thus denied the so;called Divine right of 'ings" Ministers and 8riests" and those who would scoff at s#iritism. ,hey have without hesitation u#rooted and overthrown the rule #. -/=

of des#ot and tyrant" have led true brothers and sisters with the #otent wea#on of mental thought and Astral force" to trium#h over su#erstition and ignorance" and will finally be the means of ending the reign of the beasts of materialism and selfishness who can exist only for a time" and times" and half time. Before the truths of our Brotherhood and Occult Organization the bonds and shac$les of fettered humanity are destined to melt as snow beneath the )un of Aries. Do not be so foolish as to as$ whether yo% $r# $ My+ti' or whether you can develo# sufficiently to become identified with this great Occult Organization and ultimately communicate directly and #ersonally with the unseen Brotherhood. 1ach and every sensible and true soul #ossesses within itself these #ossibilities which are sim#ly the attributes of Divine )oul 8owers. Of course you may su##ress and crucify them" or #ermit them to lie dormant" but only to your own loss and sorrow& or you can allow them to thrive and bloom" li$e the lotus blossoms on the river (ile" to a beauty and #ower that will allow you to outste# those who have devoted themselves to more inferior studies and #ursuits. Are you su#erstitious> Are you orthodox> Are you stingy> Are you selfish> Are you a doubting ,om> As$ yourself these ?uestions. ,hese are the dee#" treacherous" underlying false conditions you must combat and overcome. C$& yo% *$y $+i"# th#+# +#*-i+h or +%p#r+titio%+ i&+ti&'t+ $&" .or/ -or th# goo" $&" %p*i-ti&g o- $** .orthy Broth#r+ $&" Si+t#r+ i&+t#$" o- th# $ggr$&"i0#,#&t o- +#*-1 %f you can" then you are .#*'o,# to our Astral Organization and great Occult Brotherhood. %f such you are" then we stretch out to you a hel#ing hand over the infinite s#aces" from the dim" forgotten centuries" and recognize you as a true brother or sister and comrade. 2ou may rest assured" and the future will #rove the truth of this statement" that the reign of truth and absolute justice and absolute unselfishness ultimately will come to every #lanet. ,o such culmination the #rogress of earth life is mar$ed with every vicissitude that change and man;made laws may im#ly. !hen such a condition has been brought about the #lanetary forces that #reviously indicated so much sorrow and suffering are discovered to be essential to #erfect social organization. @,is thus the condition of adversity is turned into the force of #er#etuity& the disa##ointments of failures and obstruction and slow decay are turned into a condition of sure" safe advancement. %nfinite force and infinite intelligence are infinitely good. I- .h$t yo% r#$" h#r# +tir+ th# +o%* $&" +,o*"#ri&g -or'#+ .ithi& yo% it i+ th# r#+po&"i&g 'ry o- yo%r tr%#

+pirit%$* +#*-2yo%r tr%# Ego2th# A+tr$* +#*-, r#'og&i0i&g $&" r#+po&"i&g to th# "#+ir#+ $&" 3i!r$tio&+ o- th# #t#r&$* SEL4. %t rests entirely with you whether this warning and recognition bears fruit or not. #. -/A %f you decide to act" #onder and consider well our advice. 5BE SILENT.5 5B# y# .i+# $+ +#rp#&t+ !%t h$r,*#++ $+ "o3#+.5 A +##" !#-or# it +pro%t+ *i#+ 'o&'#$*#", +#'r#t $&" +i*#&t i& th# "$r/ #$rth. %t is in this condition that it finds its real and only o##ortunity for growth and develo#ment. Antagonistic elements can only swee# over it while it lies concealed& its wor$" growth and develo#ment goes silently on. )uch must be your self;develo#ment. )o must your Astral and )oul *orces develo# while silently hid in yourself. N#ith#r ,o&#y &or po+itio& .i** !%y tr%# /&o.*#"g#, &or '$& th#y "#+troy tr%# /&o.*#"g#. Astral 8owers" and )oul *orces" cannot be measured with money. 2our Magical #owers and great Astral #ossibilities must s#ring to life within yourself. Besus" the greatest Master that ever lived" saidC +S##/ y# th# 6i&g"o, o- Go" .ithi& yo%.+ !e admonish you li$ewise. )ee well to it that you heed. 2ou may be so orthodox as to thin$ that you should not heed and investigate" believing that the esoteric should not be investigated" or that your develo#ment should not be accelerated. ,here is no subject" be it #+ot#ri' or #7ot#ri'" that is too sacred for true investigation" and it is the #eculiar #rovince of the ,rue Mystic to desire to reason on all bidden and Astral forces with the utmost care. ,he health of body" the energy and confidence that an ardor for truth and #ower ins#ires" mar$ his #rogress. (o doubters" no laggard" no dotard" charlatan" no miser" no selfish one may ever ho#e to succeed" or ever overta$e the fleeting feet of true Occultism and esoteric truths. Th# tr%# M$+t#r, A"#pt or My+ti' ,%+t po++#++ $ .i** $&" i&t#**ig#&'# th$t "#3#*op+ $&" !right#&+ .ith $ttritio&. (o scoffer" no obstacle" should daunt him" no condition should bar him" nothing should hinder or discourage him in his Astral develo#ment and search after truth.

H# ,%+t $'8%ir# +#'r#t 6&o.*#"g# $&" My+ti' po.#r+ $+ $ ,i+#r "o#+ hi+ .#$*th to ho*"2hi+ +o%* hi+ +tro&g9!o7: !%t, %&*i/# th# ,i+#r, h# '$& gi3# o- hi+ +tor# $&" y#t r#t$i& hi+ $**. )teadfastness and #urity of #ur#ose and self are a necessary re?uisite while traveling the rugged #ath of Occultism and Mystic develo#ment. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

!e cannot enter into diseased or sensual conditions. !e may and desire to set those Astral forces in o#eration that will assuage dee#;seated sorrow and #hysical suffering" but we cannot be ex#ected to bring sweet music out of inharmonious notes. ,o attem#t to do so would of course be foolish and result in dee# injury to ourselves. )o we say" B1 8541" save your vital forces and #reserve them long into old age. ,he true Mystic and real Master never dissi#ates his #hysical or sex forces. ,he dissolute" sensual man does. ,he uns#ent #. -/and #reserved sex and germinal forces surrounds you with a beautiful #ur#le aura" which envelo#s you always greatly to your honor as well as being conducive to your develo#ment. ,his beautiful aura and strength;giving element is dissi#ated and destroyed by sensual acts and animal instincts. !hen this #ur#le Astral Aura is #reserved and its su##ly constantly increased from day to day by #ure acts and thoughts you will #ossess the means necessary for your develo#ment and the #ractice of true Occultism and Magic. 0eed thee" then" that your Aura remains #ur#le" unim#aired and #reserved. *or this reason children are many times clairvoyant and #ossess )#irit and Astral )ight when their #arents do not. CONDITION ESSENTIAL 4OR S)IRIT CO9ORDINATION AND COMMUNICATION. %t now becomes our #rovince to direct and indicate the way and manner best suited for communication with the unseen world. ,ry and fulfill all the re?uirements that we have indicated in the fore #art of this communication and those which hereinafter follow" #+p#'i$**y tho+# r#*$ti&g to th# pr#p$r$tio& $&" %+# o- th# MAGIC MIRROR.

0owever" should you fail" do not be discouraged or cast down.DB1 *A%,0*5 . *aithfulness and a##lication are all that will ever accelerate your develo#ment. 8ersevere. ,o +him or her who is faithful much hel# and assistance will be given. At some future time" should you decide to become a brother or sister of this Occult Organization" you will $now our meaning of the above& for we assure you we $now full well how to handle this #roblem that has vexed so many who insist in develo#ing in their own foolish way. 0owever" after you start" should no a##arent results be obtained" $ee# on" be faithful" #ersevere" if necessary" for many years" y#$, $ *i-#ti,#. 4esults and your ca#acity for wor$ and #erseverance will indicate the degree of your develo#ment and advancement as a true brother and faithful Mystic" while the cardinal #rinci#les of true 3o;ordination will #romote and signify the #rogress of your develo#ment and communication. Of course" if you really wish to identify yourself with our Occult Organization and enter into such a relationshi# with us that you can communicate" you must #lace yourself" oyo%r o.& -r## .i** $&" $''or"" in harmony and accord with those vibratory Astral forces which 3o;ordinate with our own. ,o obtain this class of vibratory forces you should read" then carefully re;read" this message many times %&ti* yo% thoro%gh*y %&"#r+t$&" it+ r#$* #+ot#ri' ,#$&i&g . (ext most carefully decide and fix in your mind just the $ind of an ideal life you thin$ a true Mystic should live. 1xamine yourself as you would a #ec$ of wheat" see$ing both the inferior and su#erior grains or ?ualities. #. -/E ,a$e heed of each inferior ?uality and virtue you #ossess. ,hen" li$e a true man or woman" decide to live what you believe to be the true ideal Mystical life. A-t#r yo% "o thi+ +## to it th$t yo% *i3# th# i"#$* *i-# $&" yo% .i** !*#++ th# "$y $&" ho%r th$t thi+ ,#++$g# '$,# %&+o*i'it#" !y yo%. U&ti* yo% +o *i3# th# i"#$* *i-#, "o &ot #7p#'t to 'o9or"i&$t# .ith %+. Sho%*" yo% "#'i"# %po& $& i"#$* My+ti'$* *i-# ,$&y 8%#+tio&+ .i** 'o,# to yo% . Antici#ating this there follows here the answer to all im#ortant ones. *irstDGood" #ure" unselfish thoughts are absolutely essential and demanded. 4emember" you see$ to identify yourself with the greatest and really only true Occult Organization in the world. A #ure mind $ee#s away all vain fancies and mental delusions. )ee$ and you will find.

A+pir# $&" yo% .i** !# i&+pir#". 8erform any good deed you can& do not defer a good deed nor a laudable ambition. ,he #ro#er time to do anything is when ambition ins#ires you to do it. ,hen your energy is sustained by a free and natural ardor and desire" and you are assisted by a clear conce#tion" unclouded by #rocrastination" which acts most effectively for success. By living a #ure mental and #hysical condition" and rounding out your existence by constantly $ee#ing before you the ideal life of the advanced Mystic" you should ra#idly advance to a degree of s#iritual light and Astral coFrdination where we may be able to establish intelligent communication with you. But remember" it all de#ends u#on your faithfulness and ca#acity to #ersevere until you have advanced to a #oint where you '$& #lace yourself in a s#here of vibratory Astral forces th$t .i** $",it o- p#r-#'t 'o;r"i&$tio& . WHEN TO USE A MAGIC MIRROR. (ow if you have begun to live the ideal life and have arisen to a degree where we can coF#erate with you through your Aura" you are now in a state where you can see$ coFrdination" communication and relationshi# with us through a Magic Mirror. 1very wise Mystic constructs his own O#a?ue Magic Mirror" not because it could not be made for him" but because" if he constructs it himself" it will be more certain to serve the occult #ur#ose for which it was made. It .i** $*+o ,or# -%**y 'o9#8%$* .ith hi+ o.& '*oi+t#r$* $&" ,o&$+ti' p#r+o&$*ity . A Magic Mirror made under these circumstances" with an intense desire in the Disci#le to succeed" will not be a means of #reventing sodality and exclusive association between himself and the Astral world" as would one constructed by another" im#regnated and #erverted with their selfish cor#oreal magnetism and de#ressed lustreless Aura" which always serves as a bar to your com#lete coalesce and association with those in s#irit life. %f you wish to succeed" disassociate yourself with any individual #. -/G whose sole object and #ursuit is financial gain" or who is of a mercenary nature. %f you ma$e it a rule in life to disassociate yourself with any #erson who has a #arsimonious" stingy nature and who is always curmudgeonly in his dealings" you will be better off.

)tay entirely away from those of a churlish" #enurious dis#osition" as they will surround you with a muddy" mottled Aura or magnetism which will hold you bac$ li$e a heavy fog or dismal va#or. *or this reason" unless you are careful" it is best to always live a se?uestered and monastic life as far as your business and earthly #ursuits will allow. *ar better that you remain untrammeled than to have to do with the close;handed and niggardly. (ever get intimate or confidential with them or their $ind.D0ave no dealings with them" as they are surrounded with an Aura that means death to your ho#es. )hun them as you would an abominable" odious" damnable thing" for if you could see them in their true light" as the Mystic can" you would shrin$ and recoil from them as you would from something that was loathsome and nauseatingD $''%r+#". (ow" should you be interested enough to follow further" and it is #urely your own affair whether you do or not" you are going to be told that if you were in a #osition to see clearly" that is to say" if your s#iritual or Astral sight was develo#ed" you would be able to observe many things which are low and unbecoming in those around you. S)IRIT SIGHT AT WILL. %f you doubt this" it<s because it is concealed from you owing to the fact that you only #ossess the #hysical sight. Th#+# thi&g+ '$& o&*y !# o!+#r3#" !y tho+# .ho h$3# Spirit Sight $t .i**. Does not your so;called 3hristian Bible" the toy and the mystery which the material minister and #riest exhort over li$e a clod;#ate of a jac$;a;dandy" tell you to 5"#3#*op th# i&&#r or +pirit%$* +ight51 3ommon sense should indicate that it is your #lain duty to #ossess Astral or )#irit )ight" which the ancients called the i&&#r or +pirit%$* +ight. %f you wish to own a real" genuine O#a?ue Magic Mirror and be able to ma$e it exactly as it was made by famous ancient Mystics so that it will #ossess Occult Hirtue and become infused with Astral Auras" then #roceed as hereinafter instructed" in this message" by this #rerogative court and Brotherhood of Mystics. *oremost" #rocure unto thyself the following materials from Messrs. de aurence" )cott I 3o." with which to ma$e your own O#a?ue Magic Mirror. One 3onvexo;3oncave su#erior trans#arent glass7 which has a #erfect and com#lete s#hericity of form on the #ro#erly indicated side& manufactured by a certain secret #rocess and formed by infusing silicious matter with fixed al$alies& but so constructed #. -/J

that it #ossesses none of the ?ualities of the lens" so that rays of Astral light #assing through it are not made to change their direction or to magnify or diminish objects at a certain distance" as does the crystalline humour of the human eye. %n other words" this exclusive Co&3#7o9Co&'$3# su#erior trans#arent glass must be so made by a s#ecial #rocess that it has no mitigating" assuasive or lenitive ?ualities whatsoever. %ts exact size must be J /KAL M N A=KAL inches. (ext obtain a sufficient amount of a secret !it%,i&i-#ro%+ +%!+t$&'# li$e that used by the ancient mystics and old #hiloso#hers for this very #ur#ose. Also one small brush& very fine. ,he entire cost of the above materials" securely #ac$ed and sent in a s#ecial mailing case to any #ostoffice address in the world" should not exceed the amount of OE.==. ,he materials referred to above were #ositively" #revious to this communication" not obtainable anywhere in the world arranged ready for instant use. (ext obtain a box with a lid on to hold your mirror. (ext #rocure one yard of new cloth. ,hese are s#ecial materials from which you can ma$e a genuine su#erior O#a?ue Magic Mirror. ,he material for ma$ing a )u#erior Magic Mirror" that is" the 3onvexo;3oncave trans#arent non;magnifying su#erior glass" J /KAL M N A=KAL inches" and the +#'r#t !it%,i&i-#ro%+ substance to be used for coating your Magic Mirror" and the fine brush also to be used to a##ly the coating" you must obtain as told above" of Messrs. de aurence" )cott I 3o. ,he box for holding the Magic Mirror" the yard of cloth and the #int of tur#entine which you will also need" you of course can easily obtain yourself at a nominal cost from the stores where you reside. ,hese 3onvexo;3oncave su#erior glasses for ma$ing the Magic Mirrors are #re#ared es#ecially for this #ur#ose and are only sold by Messrs. de aurence" )cott I 3o." who are the biggest and only official dealers in these materials as well as standard Occult" )#iritual and Magical boo$s and ,em#le %ncense in the world. ,hey are also official and direct im#orters" maintaining #ermanent offices and connections in %ndia and the Orient for the im#orting of such materials as ,em#le %ncense and costly essences which are used by the 8riests and Mystics in the Orient and 0indu Occult 3hambers. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

7 ,hese #articular su#erior trans#arent glasses" from which a Magic Mirror can be made" can not be obtained of anyone in the world outside of Messrs. de aurence" )cott I 3o." notwithstanding that after the #ublication and circulation of this Message others may offer them for sale. )o" unless you $now that your dealer obtains them from this firm direct" you have no assurance they are genuine. 5nless they are genuine and made after the s#ecial #rocess as above" they will fail to serve the #ur#ose for which you have obtained them. #. -/L ,o #revent this" obtain materials direct from this firm" or tell your dealer to do so. ,o #revent the sale of s#urious materials for the ma$ing of genuine O#a?ue Magic Mirrors by unscru#ulous dealers who will be anxious to su##ly you after the #ublication and circulation of this message" you should write Messrs. de aurence" )cott I 3o." direct and they will advise you by return mail whether your dealer is obtaining his materials from them or not" or whether he is im#osing u#on you. ,hey also sell" at a small cost" an excellent s#here or 3rystal" which no Mystic or Ade#t ever thin$s of being without. S## p$g#+ < =9< 9. A Mystic or real Ade#t would be in no better sha#e to carry on Occult or Mystical wor$ without his 4oc$ 3rystal or +0indu Beryl"+ or an im#orted +Astral )#here"+ than would a man who tried to write with no in$ in his #en. Messrs. de aurence" )cott I 3o. have on exhibition in their offices a genuine 4oc$ 3rystal or 0indu BerylDim#orted Astral )#hereDvalue of which is OAJ=.==" the same being the #ersonal #ro#erty of Dr. . !. de aurence" who has re#eatedly refused OJ== cash for it. )tudents and Mystics as well as others owe much to this #rogressive firm" whose business has increased so ra#idly that they have been com#elled to move in larger ?uarters" and there is a #ossibility that they may be com#elled to erect their own building as their business is increasing daily. ,his firm im#orts from the Orient and 1uro#e and in turn ex#orts boo$s and other goods to every country in the world. Dr. . !. de aurence<s name is as well $nown in )outh Africa" Gold 3oast Africa" %ndia and British !est %ndies as it is in 1uro#e and the 5nited )tates. After a careful canvass and chec$ing u# of sales it was found that there was not a city nor town in the 5nited )tates but what sheltered one or more students who had #urchased and studied this famous man<s boo$s. Another thing students have this firm to than$ for is their bold manner of sto##ing dealers in charging exorbitant #rices for official boo$s and materials necessary to carry on Occult wor$. A case in #oint is their recent #ublication of a fine edition of that famous boo$ sold in ondon entitled" +,he Mysteries of Magic"+ by 1li#has evi. %m#orters and ondon

dealers sold this boo$ at OE.NJ" #re#aid" chea#ly gotten u#& de aurence" )cott I 3o obtained a co#y" set their ty#esetters" their #latema$ers" their #rinters and binders to wor$" and #ublished a modern edition of this excellent wor$ on Occultism and Magic" bound it in red sil$ and stam#ed it in #ure gold and sold it all over the world for O-.==" #re#aid" thereby saving sincere students OA.NJ on this one boo$. )till another caseC +%ndia<s 0ood 5nveiled"+ +)#irit )ight At !ill"+ written by a native of )outh %ndia" was being sold from %ndia at a high #rice" #ublished in #a#er covers. ,oday de aurence" )cott I 3o. have their own exclusive edition of this wor$ on the mar$et for O-.==" #re#aid" finely bound. Dr. . !. de aurence has given to the world" with the sole object of forming 5Th# Co&gr#++ o- th# A&'i#&t Di3i&# M#&t$* #. -/N P#aragra#h continuesQ ( Chri+ti$& M$+t#r+,5 to "$t#, -i3# gr$&" 5T#7t Boo/+,5 &$,#*y> 4ir+t, 5Th# I,,i&#&'# o- Go"5256&o. Thy+#*-5: S#'o&", 5Go" th# Bi!*# Tr%th $&" Chri+ti$& Th#o*ogy5: Thir", 5?oro$+t#r, th# Gr#$t )#r+i$&5: 4o%rth, 5A @%#+tio& o- Mir$'*#+5: 4i-th, 5S%p#r+titio& i& A** Ag#+.5 ,hese wor$s are having an un#recedented sale and edition after edition is rolling from the #resses. !hen these wor$s get well into circulation they will be the foundation and credentials for the greatest 3ongress and Brotherhood ever $nown. 0owever" not wishing to digress too far from the subject matter in our message to you" we will return" but then it<s well for you to $now these things" which are true" for no man in the world today can #roduce the results that Dr. de aurence has. 0e has written and #ublished and #ut into circulation a larger number of standard Occult wor$s than any man who has ever lived before in the world" and it is unli$ely that any one man ever will e?ual this great master in this res#ect. +,he Great Boo$ of Magical Art"+ 0indu Magic and 1ast %ndia Occultism" a large volume weighing six #ounds" was issued ten years ago by him. All admit that this wor$ is the only reliable and standard wor$ on this subject in #rint. ,he first edition" owing to the great cost of #ublishing" were sold for OA-.== #er co#y. Dealers in rare boo$s bought this wor$ through their #u##ets and resold it for O-J.==" OJ=.== and OAJ=.== a co#y. Dr. de aurence immediately sto##ed its #ublication for three years" being greatly dis#leased at this.

Messrs. de aurence" )cott I 3o. now sell this celebrated volume" bound in full cloth" for OL.NJ" #re#aid. ,his of course $illed the rare;boo$ dealers< little game. %t is needless to say that any wor$ which has sold day in and day out for ten years and is still enjoying a large sale is a )tandard wor$. HOW TO CONSTRUCT AND USE A MAGIC MIRROR. )$rt T.o. M1))AG1 8A4, ,!OC ,he tur#entine" which you are to obtain where you live" you are to use to thoroughly clean your brush and 'o&3#7o concave glass with. ,he !it%,i&i-#ro%+ +%!+t$&'#" with which you are to coat the Magic Mirror so as to ma$e it o#a?ue" you will receive from Messrs. de aurence" )cott I 3o." ready mixed" and will not need diluting unless it should be too thic$& in this event" mix a little tur#entine into it. ,he brush M5), be new" as must be all the materials used in the construction of your o#a?ue Magic Mirror. ,he box" which you are to obtain where you reside" may be of wood" but new. ,he cloth" which you are to obtain where you reside" should be of p%rp*# or !*%#" and of goods very agreeable to your touch and sight. %f you cannot obtain blue or #ur#le" #. -/. get gr##& or .hit#" but under no circumstances use red. !ra# your Magic Mirror in the cloth when not in use and $ee# it in the box. !ith all materials ready you are to #ass into a room by yourself when all conditions are agreeable" and #roceed as hereinafter instructed. !ith a #iece of new cloth 9a small #iece will do: clean the concave glass of dust after di##ing the cloth in tur#entine. ,his will cause the bituminiferous substance to adhere to the glass when you a##ly it. Di# your brush also into the tur#entine" wi#e it off" then #roceed to #aint or coat th# 'o&3#7 +i"# o- th# g*$++ .ith th# !it%,i&i-#ro%+ +%!+t$&'#. ,he outside of the glass is th# 'o&3#7 side $&" i+ th# +i"# to 'o$t. Do&At coat the concave or inside. )tart coating at one end of glass and #roceed slowly until you reach the other end. A##ly the bituminiferous substance smoothly and as evenly as #ossibly" not resting for any other #ur#ose until you have entirely finished your wor$. 2ou must not go bac$ over the glass" as any im#erfection or strea$ in the coating can be remedied by the next coat you are to a##ly on another day. 2ou are to a##ly three coats" as above" which will be necessary to ma$e this s#ecially #re#ared convexo; concave su#erior trans#arent glass O#a?ue" on three different days. HOW TO MAGNETI?E A MAGIC MIRROR.

After you have #re#ared the convexo;concave glass as above" allow it to dry while you are washing your hands" etc. (ext #roceed to infuse into it the #articular individual virtues of your own aura and magnetism. ,his is accom#lished as followsC 8ass the right hand" #alm down" in a circular motion over the Mirror after each coatingDyour hand being about two inches above it. 4e#eat with the left hand. ,hen o#erate as above" with both hands at once. 2ou should" however" ma$e any $ind of a motion over the glass that you feel im#ressed to ma$e. Do all this with confidence" as it certainly #ertains to your own individuality. 2ou should ma$e no fancy motions for effect" but should $ee# your mind solemnly on your tas$. et your movements be deliberate and regular. )ee to it that the #alms #ass close to both sides of the glass. At times allow the hands to sto# near both ends of the glass. %t is not the movements of your hands" of course" that infuses and magnetizes the bituminiferous substance. %t is your aura" which you have #rojected and transmitted into it. ,his bituminiferous substance is of such a nature that it readily absorbs your vital Aura and magnetism. %t is the only substance $nown that will do this so well" and the secret of its #re#aration is $nown only to Dr. . !. de aurence" who has received it direct from the unseen Mystics. )ome may scoff at this" howeverD be that as it mayDit is true" nevertheless" and you should not be influenced by any sort of so#histry. Be sure that you give this bituminiferous substance am#le time to ta$e on and absorb your Astral Aura so that it becomes thoroughly infused and well im#regnated with it while you are in a #. -// #erfectly ?uiet mental state of dee# meditation" all the while $ee#ing before you the ideal Mystic life you have decided u#on living. After you feel that you have about exhausted your Aura and that it has been absorbed by the substance on the Mirror you should sto#. Before and during the #rocess of ma$ing your Magic Mirror let yourself be #rom#ted only by high as#irations and #ure desires. Drive out all worry and thought of self and earthly desires by meditating on your wor$ and the #ur#ose for which you have made your Mirror. 4ead and re;read this message before you begin this wor$. After you have #re#ared the Magic Mirror then lay it u#on a #iece of heavy #a#er or cardboard" the coated side u#& #lace it in the box to dry" some #lace where it will not be disturbed and the atmos#here is of an even tem#erature" or nearly so. Allow the cardboard to remain under the glass until you have on three different days recoated and re;infused or magnetized it. 2ou now have a Magic Mirror whose o#a?ueness will be #erfect" and it will be ready for use three days after you a##ly the last coat. ,hese are the only com#lete instructions ever given out to the world in #rint for this wor$" and it is given without thought or desire for #ayDit being our desire and re?uest that it be given free to all who are far enough advanced to a##reciate their great value.

,he entire cost of #rinting and mailing this information to you will be #aid #ersonally by Dr. . !. de aurence. ,he amount is not a small one" as you $now when you consider that we have directed it to be mailed to -J"=== #eo#le" and as you are one of these" we trust that you will realize that our only object is to show you that we have recognized you as a brother;sister and comrade. After you have finished the first" second and last coating" clean your brush with tur#entine and #ut it aside for future use. Also cor$ u# your bituminiferous substance tightly" as it is a rare and very ex#ensive #re#aration. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Once started" $ee# steadily on living your ideal Mystical life" as near as your conditions and family" if you be married" affairs will allow. 1xamine yourself at the end of each day and resolve to do better the next. ,ry and avoid la#ses. ive a life that each hour" each wee$" each month and each year ma$es you better morally and stronger #hysically. 0el# those who are worthy and need assistance. ,his $ind of a life will surely bring you health" #eace of soul" and the ins#iration to do good will become stronger" as will your desire for truth and goodness. %f you do this you will really feel yourself getting stronger and better. 2ou will feel your Astral and s#iritual self unfolding. As you #erfect yourself and succeed in Astral attainments so will you attract to yourself by your Aura higher and #urer forces and as#irations. !ith these there will come to you" and be added unto you" Astral and Mystical #owers that will well re#ay you for your effortsDthe #ower that will #. E== ma$e you a #ower and a Mystic. 4emember" Brother and )ister" that each should give according to his or her ability and will receive according to his or her ca#acity. ,his develo#ment" this ins#iration" this Astral unfoldment" this #rogress" these #owersD all theseDand moreDmust come from withinDfor" remember" +,he 'ingdom of God %s !ithin 2ou.+ !ithout this unfoldment of your Astral self all the s#irits and Astral 8owers in the 5niverse might be ready to hel# you and obey your invocation" but no results would follow their ministrations. Yo% ,%+t %&-o*". A+tr$* )o.#r+, A+tr$* Sight, $&", Spirit Sight M%+t %&-o*" -ro, .ithi& yo%. 2ou can blindly follow the childish instructions and methods of the so;called #rofessors and mediums and surface writers and so;called authors until you are sore tired" heartbro$en and discouraged" and you will never even be able to receive intelligently an Astral or mental im#ression from the unseen !orld" let alone being able to co;ordinate and enter into intelligent communication. !ith a heart destitute of selfishness" with your soul on fire for humanity" and a mind desiring and as#iring for hel# and truth" always desiring to engage in good Occult wor$s

Dall these the fruits of a good lifeDyo% .i** &##" $&" +h$** h$3# o%r h#*p $&" 'o,p$&io&+hip. Once your Magic Mirror has been constructed strictly according to our direction in this message it will be necessary of course for you to give us an o##ortunity to materialize and also communicate with you. Thi+ '$& o&*y !# $''o,p*i+h#" !y yo%r 'o&-or,i&g to '#rt$i& 'o&"itio&+ $+ h#r#i&$-t#r i&"i'$t#". ,he first essential is regular sittings or #eriods of meditation" when you must get mentally and #hysically ?uiet" so as to com#letely bring about a condition of rece#tivity to external #sychic and astral forces. 2ou should go into silent and secret meditation at certain s#ecified times and observe that you attend well this duty" always endeavoring to bring about a state of intros#ection. 2ou will observe we have advised that these sittings be secret. ,his of course is for your own welfare and #rotection. 'ee# it from the curious and we do here admonish you in this beginning to be secret" and neither teach nor manifest to anyone this wor$" or #lace" or time" nor your desire" or will" exce#t it be to a true com#anion" brother Mystic or Master of this wor$" who li$ewise should be faithful" discreet" silent" and dignified by nature" education and conduct. N#3#r are you to ex#ose or reveal them to unworthy or unscru#ulous #ersons& but reveal them only to faithful" discreet and chosen friends" for your association with a #rating com#anion" whose misbelief" doubting" ?uestioning" and" lastly" unworthiness" hinders and disturbs the effect and result of every Magical and Occult o#eration" conse?uently" and" in consideration of what has been said in the fore#art of this message" about the undesirable astral Auras some #eo#le carry around with them" you should not see$ the com#anionshi# of those who are unworthy. #. E=A )et a given time for your meditation #eriod and develo#ment in the use of your Magic Mirror. Arrange these sittings at a convenient hour" then allow nothing to interfere exce#t sic$ness or something beyond your #ower to #revent. 2ou should also #rocure unto yourself an I&'#&+# B%r&#r of good ventilation and some %m#orted ,1M8 1 %(31()1 and burn the same as directed on #ages EA=" EAA" EA-" EAE. B%r& $ +,$** $,o%&t o- thi+ 'o,po%&" $t #3#ry +itti&g .ith $ M$gi' Mirror or $ Cry+t$*. One im#orted #ac$age will do for fifty or more sittings. ,his +)oul;Hision+ and +Astral; ight"+ inducing subtle" fragrant com#ound" should always be burned in a s#ecial %ncense Burner #rocurable of Messrs. de aurence" )cott I 3o.

Once you begin these sittings" be regular& do not disa##oint us unless you wish to disa##oint yourself. *our times a wee$ is often enough. Once a wee$ will do if you cannot sit oftener. )it from forty;five minutes to an hour" or an hour and a half" always commencing at the same time of day or night. 0ave a ?uiet" neat room" where you can be alone. Be com#osed" be #atient" and" above all" be faithfulDbelieve there is more in life than the demoralized material world around you on the earth #lane. 0ave the room dar$ so you will not be able to see the Magic Mirror" though you are all the time gazing into it. )it ?uiet and hold the Magic Mirror in both hands by #lacing them against the ends. Bust as soon as you start this you will be visited by members of our Occult Organization and Brotherhood from s#irit life" and all necessary data regarding your desires and #ersonality secured. 2our condition" ca#acity" ability" surroundings" vibratory forces" Astral Auras" time of sitting" and all necessary information carefully noted. A re#ort is then made and all data about you will be recorded. ,o successfully establish intelligent communication with you we must then #roceed to find some brother or sister in the s#irit world whose vibration" forces and Astral Aura will coFrdinate with you" and who will volunteer to be a com#anion to you so as to establish communication with you at given intervals. Of course it may at times seem long before we succeed in securing the right com#anion for you. 0owever" if you are faithful" #atient and regular you may rest assured the Brotherhood is interested in you and will not see you sit in vain. Many" many" times you will be visited by those of us who would li$e to tal$ with you but cannot owing to some #eculiar Astral or #hysical condition. Of course" we note these adverse conditions and set about overcoming them and to hel# bring you" into direct communication with us. Once a brother is found whose vibratory forces coFrdinate with your own and he volunteers to become your com#anion results #. E=come ?uic$ly" and will be instantly noted on your O8AR51 3O(H1SO;3O(3AH1 MAG%3 M%44O4.

*irst" you will see all around the room bright lights li$e little stars sna##ing into life& while across the Blac$ O#a?ue face of your Magic Mirror will #ass an emulsive *%,i&o%+ -i*," which will be #hos#horescentDwithout heatDof a white" cloudy a##earance. ,his is the usual manifestation of the #resence of Astral forces. After the *%,i&o%+ -i*, has #assed away a little star may be seen to #ass across the firmament of the MAG%3 M%44O4. ,his is the first indication of real advancement and success u#on your #art. 0owever" you should $ee# ?uiet at this your initial #henomena" eliminating all ?uixotic thoughts from your mind. Do not be too anxious for results or the advancement of your develo#ment. %f you heed this advice you will act as have all 'i9"#3$&t Mystics" and all others who are wise" 8%o $" ho'. Once Astral #henomena and #sychic results come you may be assured that we are around you& that we have a true gauge on you& and if you #ersevere" your ideas will undergo a com#lete transfiguration as far as Mysticism and true #neumatology is concerned. %n short" the 3#i* o- O+iri+" if your efforts are not ,#"io'r#" will be raised before your admiring gaze. Once you have learned from us" by this message" how to ma$e a real" genuine O#a?ue 3onvexo;3oncave Magic Mirror and other details which we have given here regarding Astral Hision and Magnetic Aura" it is our re?uest that you interest any worthy brother or sister in this wor$ and ma$e them a Magic Mirror should they desire you to do so. As the subject is of vital and universal interest to humanity" it may be ho#ed you will avoid all selfishness" as hereinbefore mentioned" and obtain as many brothers and sisters as you can. ,hey can either have you ma$e them a Magic Mirror or send for materials to ma$e one and thereby become a member of our Brotherhood of Mystics. %t becomes your #lain duty to do this" es#ecially should they be influenced or inclined to a##ly to you by their Astral influence and not as the direct result of #rinted matter or advertisement. %n constructing an O#a?ue 3onvexo;3oncave Magic Mirror for another who wishes to become a Mystic" ta$e just as much care with it as if it were your own and deliver it to him or her" as the case may be" no matter if you have become greatly attached to it yourself. 2our charge should not exceed OJ.==" or less if you feel dis#osed.

Admonish the one who receives it never to let anyone else handle it. ,ry to become a trained #sychic" seer and Mystic by studying and using the O#a?ue Magic Mirror and studying official and standard wor$s that treat on this subject. An excellent boo$ for assisting you in the use of a Mirror and 3rystal is ,he Mystic ,est Boo$ of +,he 0indu Occult 3hambers"+ 0indu and 1gy#tian 3rystal Gazing" together with the !onders of the Magic Mirror. ,his wor$ teaches the original and #. E=E true science of 0indu )eershi# and +)#irit;and;Astral;)ight;at;!ill"+ as it was taught by the old Masters and mystics. S## Or"#r No. 1B: C$t$*og%# )$g# No. <C. %f you would then $now the initiations and disci#les of the Mystic Brotherhood and understand the inner #sychic and Astral nature of yourself and the s#iritual basis of human Auras we bec$on you" true brother and sister" to join our Mystic Brotherhood and no longer remain in ignorance regarding your Astral or )idereal self. 2ou will then understand every system of Astral #ersonality and be able to determine the #rimary fund and nature of Astral and #sychic forces" and their nature" and their results" and their a#titudes in dominating industrial life and #ersonal destiny. %t is not our #ur#ose to here consider elaborately the nature and substance which com#ose" and the laws which govern" the Astral #ersonality of humanity" or why the nature and destiny of a #erson is" and can be s#ecifically influenced in one direction more than another by them. ,his may seem strange. 0owever" if you will consider for a moment the great contention of Occult and Astral *orces that are struggling for su#remacy in the #sychic or Astral regions around and in you" and into which you were born" and which wero born into you" and the fact that" even from a #hysical view#oint" the volume" direction and effect of these Astral forces and Auras are forever varying& surging& overcoming& and again e?ualizing each other with your every change of thought and varying mental attitude and divers #hysical conditions" it should be easily understood and realized that they may and really do influence mentality destiny and results. %t would certainly cause a sensation in all social" domestic and commercial life" and would undoubtedly change a tentative art as medicine into an exact science" if the nature and laws that underlie Astral and Occult forces were universally understood. %t does not dis#rove our claims" as contained herein" nor #lace them subject to ridicule" because many are not initiated into their use or nature& else must many arts and sciences suffer the same results. All )ages" )eers" and Mystics" and members of all )tandard and #roficient Occult organizations $now by ex#erience that Astral and #sychic Auras and forces do influence

and control the #sychical and #hysical nature of men" women and children" and" in short" all active life. Th# A+tr$* $&" p+y'hi' +ight $&" th# i&t%itio&+ o- $** A&'i#&t $&" Mo"#r& My+ti'+ i+ p#r-#'t. 4esults are as a rule more regular in Occultism than those said to be obtained from the unmeasured #hases of religion& ethics& morality and some other branches of so;called human $nowledge and #hysical or material sciences. 8eo#le are fast giving u# orthodoxy and religion and the more advanced of man$ind are wor$ing out the solutions regarding the Astral or inner self. %ndis#utable facts manifesting the Astral and mental forces are #. E=G attested to by great and fearless Mystics and men of research all over the world. ,he near future will be devoted to the solution of man<s inner or Astral self. 8eo#le are beginning to greatly desire Astral vision and to understand the silent" ever;#ulsating forces of the unseen world. %nteresting" valuable and wonderful revelations are being secured by many today. Dr. . !. de aurence" who we have honored as being the medium and instrument through which this message is given to humanity" is well trained for Astral sight and 8sychic vision" and to this great and fearless Mystic and )eer and his wonderful #ublications we desire to call your s#ecial attention in this message. 0e has written" #ublished" and even given to his fellow brothers and sisters and his disci#les the very information they needed to become a Mystic and )eer. A su##lemental and full record of the life of this great man and Mystic is now being written daily in the unseen world by an eyewitness" and will be given to the world after his death through the mediumshi# of a certain brother Mystic who has no #ersonal $nowledge of Dr. de aurence" his early manhood" his travels in Oriental countries" his steadfastness" his trials" his initiations while a chela 9disci#le: into the greatest Occult organization existing today. Dr. de aurence has a mission to #erform in 1uro#e" America" !est %ndies" Africa" etc.& his mission is teaching +,01 %MMA(1(31 O* GOD+. in contest with Orthodoxy and the so;called 3hristian church" as well as true Occultism and Magic. Dr. de aurence is a man well advanced in life" although strong and ca#able as a man of twenty;five.

0is intention is to live one hundred and fifty years" so as to give to the world such information and hel# as it may need regarding man<s Astral" Mental and 8sychic forces. Many Mystics and advanced students have develo#ed Astral and )#iritual consciousness by studying his wor$s. ,he alchemy of life" ,ele#athy and %ntuition" Dream and ,rance states" wider states of mental #lane and consciousness of Astral Hision" %nherent Hibrant Astral force" higher Auras" )tages of 3lairvoyance" 8sychic Hibrations" which control the emotional and mental nature of men and women and children" and inter#enetrate the #hysical body for health or disease" are fully and most intelligently treated by him. ,he very fact that his boo$s have been simultaneously acce#ted as )tandard and official by all the leading )#iritualists and Occult students has convinced us" as well as his record as a successful Mystic and )eer" that he was the #ro#er one for us to select as our Medium to give this message to you. Again" he has more corres#ondents than any other teacher" besides being in the best #osition to circulate it #ro#erly. 4egarding the #ersonal character and ability of Dr. de aurence as an author" com#iler and #ublisher" we" as well as his thousands of students and all who $now him #ersonally" have the utmost res#ect. 0owever" there are some who will see$ to belittle #. E=J him" for they belong to a class of mental deformities who are attem#ting to build u# their own interests by s#ea$ing ill of others. Dr. de aurence is $nown to be a man who will not utter an ill word about any one" and those who have made themselves cons#icuous in com#laining about bis radical methods of cutting boo$ #rices and other business methods sim#ly have shown that they #ossess a low grade of mentality" desiring to rise by #ulling down a good man. THE IMMANENCE O4 GOD, 6NOW THYSEL4. ,he #ublication of +,he %mmanence of God" 'now ,hyself"+ +God" the Bible" ,ruth and 3hristian ,heology+ and +6oroaster" the Great 8ersian+ have come li$e a boom among church officials" ministers and #riests. ,hese wor$s have shoc$ed ,heology and Orthodoxy to its very foundation. Boo$s that will follow in time will do even more. )o mental underlings" and the +#oc$et edition+ $ind of an individual can sneer because that is their breed" and they must do it or their soul will corrodeDthe ministers and #riests may shrug their shoulders and show their sneering natures by ignoring" but they cannot gainsay the truth of these boo$s. Our wor$ and teaching will go out to the intelligent world in s#ite of all the critics and underlings. !e care not for creed" color or clime" and this message will be read in Africa" %ndia and America" as well as in Budea and Galilee" Ba#an and 3hina.

!e have sincere brothers and sisters in all climes. All are !1 3OM1 to test their #sychic ?ualities" or investigate the dynamic and #sychic world" so that they may thereby obtain a better" fuller and clearer conce#tion of the #ossibilities" faculties" nature and ?ualities of their inner or Astral self and the world of vibratory forces around them. 2ou need not as$ if whether or no you are a Mystic. 1very soul contains .ithi& itself the attributes of divinity. ,hey may be re#ressed and crucified to the loss of the soul" or they may be made to bloom" li$e the lotus" to a beauty and #ower that may set the more inferior limitations of existence at any length. Are you selfish> ,his is the ?uestion you should as$ yourself. ,his is the dee#" underlying condition we must combat. 3an you lay this selfish instinct aside to wor$ for the good of all in #lace of the aggrandizement of self % %f so" then we welcome you to our Brotherhood. !e reach out to you a hand over the ( infinite s#aces" from the dim" forgotten centuries" and recognize you as brother and comrade. Before the truth of our Brotherhood the bonds and shac$les of man$ind are destined to melt as snow beneath the )un of Aries.

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