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Test Tube


Tick () to show the effect on litmus paper Blue Red Red Blue Chemical Property Acidic Acidic No change Neutral


Orange Juice Vinegar Mineral water

No change


Cocoa Solution Salt Solution No change

No change

Alkaline Neutral

1. In your investigation, what did you a) Keep the same ? Volume substance, blue and red litmus paper. b) Change ? Type of substance c) Observed ? Changes in litmus papers, taste of substance 2. State the effects of substances of different chemical properties on litmus paper. a) Acid Turns blue litmus paper red b) Alkaline Turns red litmus paper blue c) neutral Does not change the colour of blue or red litmus paper 3. Conclusion. An acidic substance turns blue litmus paper red, an alkaline turns red litmus paper blue and a neutral substance has no effects on litmus paper.

Exercise. Do exercises from your Spot A book, book B on page 33 until 37.


a) To find out the chemical property of solutions P, Q and R. b) i) Types of solution ii) The changes of the colour of red and blue litmus paper. c) i) Acidic ii) Neutral d) Shampoo/soap solution

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