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The Magical Approach

CONTENTS Magic Show: A Poem by Jane Roberts............................... ............. .... . ix Forewor by Robert F. !"tts ...... ........ ............ .................. . xi #ntro "ction by Jane Roberts A $ay in which Magic Comes to %i&e an Seth $escribes 'hat (The Magica) A**roach( to %i&e #s x+i SESS#ON ,: A-.-ST /0 ,123 Assemb)y4%ine Time 5ers"s Nat"ra)0 Creati+e Time. The Rationa) Min 5ers"s the Artistic Min . ...................... , SESS#ON 6: A-.-ST ,,0 ,123 The Rationa) A**roach. Scienti&ic 7ar be Rea)ity. The #nte))ect an the Magica) A**roach . .............. ,6 SESS#ON 8: A-.-ST ,80 ,123 Man an Other S*ecies. Mista9es as Correcti+e Action. $e&inition o& the Magica) A**roach. ............. ................ 6: SESS#ON ;: A-.-ST ,20 ,123 Science an Science<s Pict"re. $esire as Action . ;3 SESS#ON :: A-.-ST 630,123 Sty)es o& Tho"ght. Combining the Magica) A**roach an the So4ca))e Rationa) A**roach. .................... :, SESS#ON /: A-.-ST 6:0 ,123 Anima)s an Reasoning. Things !eyon One<s Contro) . :1 SESS#ON =: A-.-ST 620 ,123 The #nte))ect as a C")t"ra) Arti&act. Creating One<s Own Ex*erience............................... /2 SESS#ON 2: SEPTEM!ER 80 ,123 Nat"re as Man<s Careta9er. Nat"ra) Magica) Reasoning an Tr"st . =: SESS#ON 1: SEPTEM!ER 20 ,123 The !o y<s Reasoning as %ogic. !e)ie& Systems. .......................... .............2, SESS#ON ,3: SEPTEM!ER ,30 ,123 E "cation an C")t"re. The Nat"ra) Person . 2/

SESS#ON ,,: SEPTEM!ER ,:0 ,123 M")ti imensiona) S*irit"a) $ramas . 16 SESS#ON ,6: SEPTEM!ER 660 ,123 #nserting New # eas into the 'or) . 12 SESS#ON ,8: SEPTEM!ER 6;0 ,123 Rob -sing the Magica) A**roach. Precognition . ,3/ SESS#ON ,;: SEPTEM!ER 610 ,123 The Se)&. Re)axation an E&&ort)essness . ,,: SESS#ON ,:: OCTO!ER ,0 ,123 The Nat"ra) Person an the Nat"ra) -se o& Time . ,63 SESS#ON ,/: October /0 ,123 Jane<s Positi+e Res")ts . ,6= SESS#ON ,=: OCTO!ER ,:0 ,123 Jane<s S9i)) as Ancient as Man #s. The S*ecies< M")tit" ino"s Abi)ities . ,62 A**en ix A: Three o& Jane<s A +ent"res in Pre iction. Seth Comments. Jane<s Contents o& the Min . ............................................................ ,8: A**en ix !: Magica) Orientations an the Motions o& Probabi)ities. Jane<s Menta) Con+ersation . .................................................................. ,;8 A**en ix C. Jane an Rob Meet a S9e*tica) Psycho)ogist an 7is Magic. Jane<s Poem: (Magic is *"b)ic as the air ..................,;1 A**en ix $: Jane<s Cha))enges with 7er Sco*e o& # entity +s. the Scienti&ic Comm"nity. ............................................,:8

FOREWORD My wife, Jane Roberts, dictated The Magical Approach for Seth, the energy personality essence she spo!e for in a trance state, in "#$% && b't the press'res of Jane(s illness, and of o'r prod'cing other boo!s, !ept 's fro) p'blishing it *'ic!ly+ Then Jane died in "#$,, at the age of --+ . was /-+ 0oo!ing bac! fro) )y position within the fra)ewor! of si)'ltaneo's ti)e, .() a)a1ed to see that another ten years passed before the p'blication of this little boo! by A)ber&Allen23ew World 0ibrary+ Why the delay4 What happened4 Janet Mills, the p'blisher and editor for the new editions of Jane(s boo!s, s'ggested that . write a bit abo't the sit'ation+ Many others ha5e as!ed o5er the years, and .() 5ery gratef'l for e5ery one of those caring *'estions+ . !now what happened, and yet conscio'sly .(ll ne5er grasp all of the psychic ra)ifications in5ol5ed+ The day after Jane died . went bac! to wor!, finishing the last two Seth boo!s to )eet long&o5erd'e p'blishing deadlines+ Jane(s and )y dear friend, Debbie 6arris, began )a!ing copies of all of the Seth sessions, pl's the transcripts of Jane(s ES7 classes, for the collection of Jane(s and )y wor! in the archi5es of 8ale 9ni5ersity 0ibrary+ :'t while . !ept )yself b'sy, and presented a s)iling face to the world, . was n')b inside+ . cried for )y wife se5eral ti)es a day for a year+ E5en tho'gh it(s si)'ltaneo's, according to Seth, . needed ti)e for )y long ;o'rney of reco5ery+ Jane and . had corresponded with 0a'rel 0ee Da5ies for se5eral years+ Fi5e )onths after )y wife(s death, . called 0a'rel, who was an ad)inistrati5e assistant at a center for the arts and h')anities in 0os Angeles, <alifornia, for the first ti)e+ As the )any ho'rs of o'r calls *'ic!ly acc')'lated, 0a'rel and . ca)e to 'nderstand thro'gh drea)s that we had shared reincarnational relationships+ .n A'g'st of that year && "#$- && she )o5ed to El)ira to wor! with )e in a n')ber of ways+ She helped )e carry on the )assi5e pro;ect of contin'ing the wor! that Debbie 6arris had beg'n= copying )any )ore of the tho'sands of pages of Jane(s and )y wor! for the archi5es of the library at 8ale+ She answered )ail, and p't together a )ailing list+ She helped )e proofread Seth, Drea)s, and 7ro;ection of <onscio'sness for Stillpoint 7'blishing+ 0ater, she helped )e proofread the new editions of Seth Spea!s and The 3at're of 7ersonal Reality that A)ber&Allen2 3ew World 0ibrary has p'blished+ She(s wor!ed as a researcher of Jane(s )aterial for The Magical Approach && the boo! she has )ost drea)ed of wor!ing on+ 0a'rel has been Seth(s )etaphysical apprentice, as she recently p't it, for fo'rteen years now+ E5en with o'r differences, o'r s'pporti5e and co)plicated relationship contin'es+ 8et e5en so, as the years passed . began to better see that reco5ery fro) Jane(s death was going to ta!e the rest of )y life> and that within the fra)ewor! of si)'ltaneo's ti)e 'nco'nted )illions of others had e?perienced that tr'th, were doing so now, and wo'ld be doing so+ Maybe so)e day .(ll write in detail abo't Jane(s and )y li5es && b't not now@ Other than a few close friends && S'e Wat!ins a)ong the) && . saw few people+ S'e is )entioned in The Magical Approach+ So is Ta) Moss)an, Jane(s editor at 7rentice&6all+ Ta) was a great help in a n')ber of ways+ :eginning with the Spring "#$- iss'e, Ta) p'blished his 5ery interesting *'arterly, Metapsychology= The Jo'rnal of Discarnate .ntelligence, for se5eral years+ 6e incl'ded Seth )aterial in )any iss'es+ .n the )eanti)e .(d gone bac! to painting, which .(d gi5en 'p for the last two years of Jane(s life+ . painted portraits of her as . )et her in )y drea)s+ . did no writing e?cept for the grief noteboo!s that . co)posed abo't Jane(s passing and )y reactions to that e5ent+ Deliberate therapy, so)e of that+ O'r belo5ed boo!s began to go o't of print, one by one, as sales slowly declined+ . tho'ght the letters fro) readers wo'ld also slac! off+ They did to so)e e?tent && b't to )y s'rprise and pleas're they contin'ed to arri5e at that slower b't steady pace+ . tried hard to answer each one of the)+ A. still do, altho'gh at this writing .() far behind+ .(5e let answering any b't i))ediate b'siness )ail go while 0a'rel and . wor!ed on the )an'script for The Magical Approach+B For se5eral years after Jane(s death, . e?plored possible p'blishing 5ent'res with old and tr'sted friends && people who, li!e Richard Cendall and S'1anne Delisle, sincerely wanted to see Jane(s and )y wor! !ept in print+ Richard had been a )e)ber of Jane(s ES7 class in the "#D%s+ Following her passing, as a paralegal he was

also a great help in resol5ing so)e old and tro'bleso)e p'blishing hassles+ At the sa)e ti)e, . wondered often if it was of any 'se to try p'blishing Seth boo!s, old or new && why do so, if sales were falling4 Maybe people were tired of the Seth )aterial+ Maybe Jane and . had already offered the best we co'ld, for whate5er o'r efforts were worth+ The world wo'ld certainly go on, regardless+ O'r boo!s contin'ed to go o't of print, and in "##% . began wor!ing with Anne Marie O(Farrell, a literary agent+ She(s )arried to Ric! Stac!, a writer, p'blisher, and lect'rer in5ol5ing things psychic> he too was a )e)ber of ES7 class+ Witho't Anne Marie(s 'ntiring help, . *'estion whether .(d still be in p'blishing+ For she fo'nd Janet Mills and A)ber&Allen23ew World 0ibrary+ 0i!e 0a'rel, both wo)en are passionately interested in !eeping Jane(s wor! in print+ Janet told )e, after p'blishing the first two reprints, that she wo'ld li!e to p'blish all of the boo!s at once+ And added that she was already getting re*'ests to do ;'st that+ .n "##E, " saw the c'l)ination of three 5ent'res that .(d been in5ol5ed in for 5arying periods of ti)e= 0ynda Dahl and Stan 9l!ows!i, of Seth 3etwor! .nternational, p'blished the first *'arterly iss'e of the newly e?panded Seth&oriented )aga1ine, Reality <hange+ AR<, as e5eryone calls it, was fo'nded by Ma'de <ardwell in J'ne "#$%> she began it as a two&page )i)eographed newsletter+B Richard Roberts, of Fernal E*'ino? 7ress, p'blished A Seth Reader, a 5ol')e consisting of e?cerpts fro) si? of the Seth boo!s+ And :ob Terrio, of :ob Terrio 7rod'ctions, )ar!eted a 5ideo, The Seth 7heno)ena, in which . disc'ss Jane(s and )y wor!+ .() still not finished with the d'plication of Jane(s and )y papers for 8ale 9ni5ersity 0ibrary+ .ndeed, that long& range endea5or doesn(t ha5e to ha5e a discrete end+ .(5e learned that there will always be )ore to add to the collection+ For so)e ti)e now Ric! Stac! and . ha5e disc'ssed a )ost intrig'ing pro;ect= the pri5ate printing, by Ric!, of the co)plete transcripts of those first -"% sessions that Jane held before the p'blication of The Seth Material in "#D%+ This will be a )assi5e ;ob+ The set of eight 5ol')es will be called The Early Sessions, and will be sold by s'bscription only, at least in the beginning+ S'e Wat!ins, who described Jane(s ES7 class so well in her two&5ol')e <on5ersations with Seth, recently began doing research for <on5ersations with Jane Roberts= A M'ltidi)ensional Me)oir+ .() 5ery fort'nate that the help of all of those .(5e )entioned, and of others, too, is enabling )e to !eep the pro)ise . )ade to Jane on her deathbed ten years ago, when she as!ed )e to p'blish all of her wor!+ . !now that )y wife li5es within )e now, as . do within her where she is now && ;'st as we shared o'rsel5es with each other thro'gho't the nearly twenty&nine years of o'r )arriage+ That si)'ltaneo's ti)e passed with 'nbelie5able depth and swiftness+ 0ife goes on, then, only it(s different+ Of co'rse )y feelings, while being 'ni*'e in that they(re )y own, are inti)ately bo'nd 'p with those of e5eryone else+ 6ow co'ld it be otherwise, since no one can li5e in tr'e isolation4 Each one of 's is an i))ortal portion, a spar! of endless perception and bea'ty and feeling && and yes, of conflict and denial at ti)es && within this probable reality that we(re all creating together, e5en when we don(t !now we(re doing it@ . watch with awe as within this reality each one of 's e?presses as best we can o'r creati5e 'nderstanding of this wonderf'l )ystery+ :'tts 3o5e)ber "#,"##,

#NTRO$-CT#ON A $A> #N '7#C7 MA.#C COMES TO %#FE AN$ SET7 $ESCR#!ES '7AT (T7E MA.#CA% APPROAC7( TO %#FE #S !> JANE RO!ERTS Twice a wee9 when e+ening comes ?as most o& my rea ers 9now@ whi)e o"r neighbors go to mo+ies0 or sho**ing *)aAas0 or B"st ha+e &rien s in to watch te)e+ision0 # go into a trance0 ?,@ (become( Seth0 an ta9e on a 9in o& a secon )i&e0 or a )i&e within a )i&e. Act"a))y0 the sessions "s"a))y )ast anywhere &rom one to three ho"rs0 so # s"**ose that many *eo*)e s*en a goo ea) more time than that *)aying go)& or tennis. #n o"r case tho"gh0 Rob an # "s"a))y ha+e no irect a" ience ?not that we can see anyhow@0 an those &ew ho"rs s*ent in trance ha+e an im*act on my h"sban an me 44 an "*on the wor) 44 o"t o& context with the act"a) time ex*en e . As Seth #<+e *ro "ce &i+e *re+io"s boo9s: Seth S*ea9sC The Nat"re o& Persona) Rea)ityC The (-n9nown( Rea)ity0 5o)"mes # an ##C The Nat"re o& the PsycheC an The #n i+i "a) an the Nat"re o& Mass E+ents0 an Seth is ha)&way thro"gh a sixth boo9: $reams0 (E+o)"tion0( an 5a)"e F")&i))ment. These besi e my own twe)+e boo9s. Seth oesn<t answer mai) tho"gh0 or o any ty*ing0 an so as a res")t o& those trance ho"rs Rob an # s*en a goo ea) o& o"r conscio"s energy ea)ing one way or another with the e&&ects o& that trance )i&e. #n the s"mmer o& ,123 # misse Seth sessions &or near)y two months. # was &inishing wor9 on one o& my own boo9s0 The .o o& Jane. Rob was *re*aring Seth<s The #n i+i "a) an the Nat"re O& Mass E+ents &or *"b)ication. 'e were both ca"ght "* in the same e+ents as most other *eo*)e were "ring that J"ne an J")y 44 the hotter4than4"s"a) nights an ays0 the ro"ght in *arts o& New >or9 State that to"che o"r area )ight)y0 the T5 news rama as the *o)itica) *arties arg"e an *)anne &or their con+entions. Some nights the ?singing@ b"gs in the sma)) bac9 woo s were )o" er than the so"n o& o"r te)e+ision set. The same heat that ma e me groan with ismay t"rne Rob into some +ersion o& a so"th4sea is)an nati+e. 7e )oo9e s"*ercoo) in his c"t4o&& enim shortsC his )ong hair c"r)e into nat"ra) cor9screws0 his )ight "rab)e &rame seeming to )"x"riate in the heat whi)e my )ight "rab)e &rame t"rne into a s*onge that a e ten *o"n s o& &atig"e. # was between *roBects a&ter The .o o& Jane. #n the meantime #< rea o+er the ,= cha*ters o& my "n&inishe no+e)0 O+erso") Se+en an the M"se"m o& Time0 an )oo9e o+er gro"*s o& notes &or *ossib)e boo9s0 b"t nothing hit the s*ot. # as9e &or some i eas &rom my (nat"ra) s*ontaneo"s se)&0( an on A"g"st :0 ,1230 # reame that a mo+ing +an with me in it was itse)& being mo+e by a )arger +ehic)e ahea o& some *)anne time. There was a sD"abb)e o+er seating arrangements which was &ina))y reso)+e . # too9 that to mean that # wo") short)y be on the mo+e again creati+e)y0 an to be *re*are 0 so # ha Rob he)* me mo+e a)) my writing materia)s &rom the sma)) breeAeway where #< &inishe The .o o& Jane0 into the new *atio bac9 room0 as a gest"re o& being rea y to start o+er. So on A"g"st /th # sat in the *atio4room with &resh *a*er0 &resh ty*ewriter cartri ge0 an ho*e&"))y &resh min 0 )oo9ing o+er my inter*retations o& Rob<s )atest reams. #t was a +ery hot A"g"st a&ternoon. The *ieces o& the wor) &e)) neat)y into their *ro*er *)aces. The *ict"res o& the moments c)ic9e together as they "s"a))y o0 each instant *recise0 yet )ea ing into another. The motion seeme to be a)) exterior0 &rom the too4warm win that b)ew into my sma)) st" io &rom the bac9 hi))0 to the sha ows o& mo+ing &o)iage o"tsi e that &)ic9ere across the &)oor. # was g)ancing at one o& se+era) *ages o& notes that Rob ha written. At the )"nch tab)e # ha

remar9e that a *artic")ar corres*on ent o& o"rs wante (instant magic0( an my comment )e to Rob writing some notes. As # starte to rea these notes at ran om this *artic")ar *ortion ca"ght my attention ... Rob wrote: Magic as we ca)) it re*resents ?re&)ects@ a basic *art o& o"r nat"ra) heritage ... 'e *ermit istorte +ersions o& the *syche<s attrib"tes 44 c)air+oyant0 te)e*athic0 an *recogniti+e abi)ities 44 which s"r&ace as magic. ?6@ Something in his wor s str"c9 me in a new &ashion. Rob an # o&ten isc"sse s"ch s"bBects. 7e was saying that we were immerse in (magic( no matter what we ca))e it0 that mani&estations o& te)e*athy0 an so &orth0 were B"st *)aces where o"r magic (showe .( For some reason as # &inishe rea ing ... # &e)t ins*ire . Or rather0 # &e)t an inner *sycho)ogica) motion ha**ening 44 a mo+ement as e&inite0 yet s"bt)e as the sha ows that &)ic9ere on the &)oor. A change o& ba)ance 44 a +ita) b"t "s"a))y4hi en *sychic action that instant)y change me an the a&ternoon. As # recogniAe the &ee)ing o& ins*iration0 # g)ance i )y towar the 9itchen. The sight o& the tab)e str"c9 my &ancy0 *)"s my +iew o& the &ront oorway0 with the green &o)iage showing thro"gh the o*en thresho) . # tho"ght abo"t oing another *ainting o& the sceneC # ha n<t one any *ainting in months. Then # tho"ght o& as9ing Rob to ta9e a sna*shot o& the tab)e area0 so that # co") *aint it )ater. Not two min"tes *asse be&ore Rob stoo at my oor with his cameraE 7e< bo"ght a &)ash ga get se+era) months ago to "se with it0 an he ha n<t trie it o"t yet. Now he to) me he ha one ex*os"re )e&t0 an he wante to ta9e a sna*shot o& me to "se it "*. 7e ha been &"ssing with the camera at the other en o& the ho"se &rom the en. There was no way0 # tho"ght0 that # co") ha+e *ic9e "* *hysica) c)"es as to his acti+ity. >et here he stoo 0 camera an a)). My &ee)ings (c)ic9e C( the inci ent was signi&icantC an it seeme to &it in too *er&ect)y an meaning&"))y into the e+ents B"st *re+io"s0 as i& saying (yes0 yo" o o*erate magica))y( . . . an this is an exam*)e o& how those *erce*tions wor9. #& Rob ha n<t come in at that *oint0 # wo") n<t ha+e 9nown that my tho"ght abo"t cameras ha anything to o with his tho"ghts or acti+ities at the same time. So how o&ten o o"r tho"ghts re)ate in one way or another to the tho"ghts o& othersF ?8@ # to) Rob what #< been thin9ing B"st be&ore he came in. My h"nch is that beca"se o& my state o& min 44 inter*reting Rob<s reams0 an my rea ing o& his notes0 # was in a *artic")ar 9in o& corres*on ence with him0 or with his state o& min 0 that &aci)itate the inner comm"nication. 'e ta)9e abo"t it. S" en)y # ha a who)e b"nch o& tho"ghts that # wante to write "* regar ing this . . . (magica) orientation( Rob was s*ea9ing o&. Seth<s (Framewor9 6( wo") be this magica) area0 o& co"rse0 # tho"ght. >et exce*t &or the beginning o& that ?*art@ o& Seth<s materia)0 Framewor9 6 ?;@ ne+er rea))y got thro"gh to me emotiona))y. Somehow Rob<s &ew notes i 0 or maybe # was B"st rea y. The magica) orientation to rea)ity wo") inc)" e inte))ect"a) acti+ity. That went witho"t saying0 b"t the way o& re)ating to )i&e wo") be com*)ete)y i&&erent tooC the way o& ea)ing with *rob)ems or hea)th i&&ic")tiesC o& achie+ing goa)s an so &orth wo") be rastica))y i&&erent. The wor (action( wo") mean something e)se than it oes0 too. Rob<s notes he)*e me rea)iAe that a)) o& this wasn<t as a)ien as it "s"a))y seems. The magica) orientation might be in irect con&)ict with o"r training in this an most *resent c")t"res. !"t it wo") be *art o& o"r nat"ra) way o& )oo9ing at the wor) 44 a way that has been o+er)ai by o"r be)ie& in the (rationa)( way o& oing things. That way was *ro+ing to be not so rationa) at a))0 inci ent)y. !"t # tho"ght there wo") be things in each *erson<s )i&e that co") be "se as g"i e*osts0 to a magica)

9in o& orientation.... # # too9 the &an into the be room0 the coo)est room in the ho"se0 sat own on the e ge o& the be 0 an began to write own my own &ee)ings abo"t Rob<s notes ?an @ the camera a&&air 44 an what # ca))e the Magica) Connection. 7eat or no0 # ha to notice that the room seeme *)"nge into greenness 44the )ea+es tremb)ing an the &ir tree so c)ose to the win ow that a branch co") grow in i& yo" )e&t the win ow o*en )ong eno"gh. As # wrote the &an whirre 0 stirring the air against my s9in as the green )ea+es win9e 44 an # &e)t a trance at )ast entering the neighborhoo o& my min . Seth0 # 9new0 wo") start "* the sessions again that night 44 i& # wante to.... ?:@ # grinne . # wante to. >et a&ter the two4month )ayo&& # was ner+o"s tooC as # a)ways was a&ter any exten e (trance +acation.( S"**ose 44 B"st s"**ose 44 # co") n<t start "* again or # )ost the 9nac9 as s" en)y as #< acD"ire it ?,= years be&ore@F Or Seth s*o9e gibberishF # i n<t rea))y worry that s"ch things might ha**en0 b"t # was "neasi)y aware that they co") . (Nonsense0( # m"ttere 0 (it<s the heatE ( !eca"se # 9new that Seth wo") s*ea9 abo"t the magica) (connection.( # manage another grin 44 an who sho") 9now more abo"t (magic( than SethF $i n<t he emerge magica))y to begin withF Aro"n ;:33 the tem*erat"re hit 16 egrees an # tho"ght o& *"tting the session o&&. Rob an # too9 an ho"r<s na*0 tho"gh0 an ate s"**er at the co&&ee tab)e whi)e watching the e+ening news. # wigg)e aro"n a )ot trying to get com&ortab)e whi)e the (coo) as a c"c"mber( Rob sai what a great ay it was. An &ina))y0 B"st a&ter 2:83 , began to &ee) Seth aro"n . #t was o9ay. A&ter the )ayo&&0 there was Seth *oise *sycho)ogica))y once again ?&or o+er the tho"san th time@. At the thresho) o& my min those (*sychic gears( t"rne . Rob was rea y with his noteboo9 an *en. # too9 a si* o& my wine an ice. The &an whirre . A s)ight)y coo) breeAe came in thro"gh the o*en oors an win ows. Then # too9 o&& my g)asses0 (t"rne into( Seth0 an began to s*ea9. !are )egs *ro**e "* on the co&&ee tab)e Rob sat0 *en *oise 0 an the session starte . NOTES: #NTRO$-CT#ON !> JANE RO!ERTS ,. Jane Roberts writes in The .o o& Jane: (Since )ate ,1/80 #<+e c)oc9e a**roximate)y ;0333 ho"rs o& trance time0 "ring which the Seth sessions ha+e been he) twice wee9)y.... My trancetime is more concentrate than reg")ar time. #<m not "nconscio"s b"t conscio"s in a i&&erent way0 at another )e+e) ... This state o& *erce*tion has nothing to o with c)assica) *atho)ogica) issociationC an its *ro "cts 44 Seth<s &i+e boo9s 44 is*)ay a high)y4 e+e)o*e inte))ect at wor9 an gi+e e+i ence o& a s*ecia) 9in o& creati+ity. #n those trance ho"rs # <t"rn into someone e)se.< At )east # am not myse)& to myse)&C # become Seth0 or a *art o& what Seth is. # on<t &ee) <*ossesse < or <in+a e < "ring sessions. # on<t &ee) that some s"*er s*irit has <ta9en o+er< my bo y. #nstea it<s as i& #<m *racticing some *recise *sycho)ogica) art0 one that is ancient an *oor)y "n erstoo in o"r c")t"reC or as i& #<m )earning a *sycho)ogica) science that he)*s me ma* the conto"rs o& conscio"sness itse)& ... a&ter a)) this time0 #<m &ina))y examining the trance +iew o& rea)ity an com*aring it to the o&&icia) +iews o& science an re)igion.... (This is a)most a)ways an exhi)arating ex*erience0 )i9e ri ing some *er&ect gigantic ninth wa+e o& energy0 9nowing exact)y how an when to <B"m* in<0 an &ee)ing abso)"te)y sa&e an s"**orte e+en when embar9e "*on s"ch a strange *sycho)ogica) &)ight. !"t the energy an *ower o& this wa+e carries me abo+e an be)ow "s"a) rea)ity0 swee*ing me into contrasts that are microsco*ic an

macrosco*ic by t"rns.( 6. See Note 6 &or Session Two. 8. See A**en ix A &or Jane<s materia) on how some o& her own tho"ghts( re)ate in one way or another to the tho"ghts o& others.( #nc)" e a)so are excer*ts &rom Seth<s materia) on a i&&erent *re iction ex*erience o& Jane<s. ;. #n Note 6 &or Session One0 # D"ote myse)& an Seth on Framewor9s , an 6. :. See Rob<s *ainting o& Jane on the &o))owing *age.

SESS#ON ONE ASSEM!%>4%#NE T#ME 5ERS-S NAT-RA%0 CREAT#5E T#ME. T7E RAT#ONA% M#N$ 5ERS-S T7E ART#ST#C M#N$. A-.-ST /0,123 2:;2 PM.0 'E$NES$A> .oo e+ening. ?(.oo e+ening0 Seth.G@ Now: 'e wi))0 as a)ways0 begin in o"r own way. #n yo"r )atest series o& interwor9ings0 yo" an R"b"rt0 ?,@ with yo"r reams an so &orth0 with R"b"rt<s notes an yo"r own0 were both hea ing in the *ro*er irection0 ea)ing with iss"es that are im*ortant *ersona))y0 an that a)so ha+e a m"ch broa er im*act. The nat"ra) *erson is in ee the magica) *erson0 an yo" ha+e both to some extent ha +ery recent exam*)es o& s"ch acti+ity. >o" were0 an are0 trying to teach yo"rse)+es something. This is somewhat )engthy to "nra+e)0 b"t yo"r beha+ior an ex*erience0 o& co"rse0 is the res")t o& yo"r be)ie&s. Framewor9 6 ?6@ has been a rather &ascinating b"t main)y ?"n er)ine @ hy*othetica) &ramewor90 in that neither o& yo" ha+e rea))y been ab)e to *"t it to any *ercei+ab)e "se in yo"r terms. This is not to say it has not been o*erating. >o" ha+e not ha the 9in o& &ee bac90 howe+er0 that yo" want. 'hen yo" were both intense)y in+o)+e in yo"r *roBects0 B"st &inishe 0 yo" )et m"ch o& yo"r inner ex*erience s)i e0 re)ati+e)y s*ea9ing. The two o& yo" o*erating together0 howe+er0 then came "* with an i ea 44 an im*ortant one 44 that a))ows yo" to inter*ret the Framewor9 6 materia) in yo"r own ways. >o" ha instant &ee bac9 44 the inter*)ay o& a creati+e nat"re between the two o& yo" in+o)+ing yo"r reams an the camera ?8@ an so &orth. >o" were each str"c9 by the magica) ease with which yo" seeme 0 certain)y0 to *ercei+e an act "*on in&ormation 44 in&ormation that yo" i not e+en rea)iAe yo" *ossesse . Some o& R"b"rt<s notes that yo" ha+e not seen ha+e &"rther im*ortant insights as to s"ch acti+ity. The main *oint is in ee the im*ortance o& acce*ting ?"n er)ine @ a i&&erent 9in o& o+era)) orientation 44 one that is in ee not any secon ary a B"nct0 b"t a basic *art o& h"man nat"re. As yo"r own an R"b"rt<s notes state0 R"b"rt<s more c)ear)y0 this in+o)+es an entire)y i&&erent re)ationshi* o& the se)& yo" 9now with time. >o" can ma9e yo"r own connections here0 as *er R"b"rt<s camera ex*erience0 an yo"r own reams o& )ate. #m*ortant mis"n erstan ings in+o)+ing time ha+e been in a )arge meas"re res*onsib)e &or many o& R"b"rt<s i&&ic")ties0 an a)so o& yo"r own0 tho"gh they ha+e been o& a )esser nat"re. A)) o& this in+o)+es re)ating to rea)ity in a more nat"ra)0 an there&ore magica)0 &ashion. There is certain)y a 9in o& nat"ra) *hysica) time in yo"r ex*erience0 an in the ex*erience o& any creat"re. #t in+o)+es the rhythm o& the seasons 44 the ays an nights an ti es an so &orth. #n the )ight o& that 9in o& *hysica) time0 which is in+o)+e within earth)y bio)ogy0 there is no ?*a"se@ basic c")t"ra) time. That is0 to this nat"ra) rhythm yo" ha+e c")t"ra))y a e the i ea o& c)oc9s0 moments an ho"rs an so &orth0 which yo" ha+e trans*ose o+er nat"re<s rhythms. ?1:3:.@ S"ch a c")t"ra) time wor9s we)) o+era)) &or the ci+i)iAation that concentrates "*on *artia)ities0 bits an *ieces0 assemb)y )ines0 *rom*tness o& a**ointments0 an so &orth. #t &its an in "stria)iAe society as yo" "n erstan it.

The time that any artistic creator is in+o)+e with &o))ows earth<s own time0 howe+er. The creator<s time rises o"t o& the seasons an the ti es0 e+en tho"gh in yo"r society yo" ma9e a great e&&ort to &it the creator<s time into what # wi)) ca)) assemb)y4)ine time. #& yo" are a writer or an artist0 then it seems that yo" m"st *ro "ce so many *aintings or boo9s or whate+er as0 say0 an a"tomobi)e wor9er m"st *rocess so many *ieces o& the o+era)) car chassis. Partic")ar)y i& yo" want to ma9e a )i+ing at yo"r art0 yo" &a)) into the &rame o& min in which yo" thin9 that (each min"te is +a)"ab)e( 44 b"t what yo" mean is that each min"te m"st be a min"te o& *ro "ction. !"t each moment m"st be +a)"ab)e in itse)&0 whate+er yo" o with it. R"b"rt c")t"ra))y has &e)t0 &or many reasons that ha+e been isc"sse 0 that each moment m"st be e+ote to wor9. >o" ha+e to some extent &e)t the same. # sai that the artistic creator o*erates in the time o& the seasons an so &orth0 in a 9in o& nat"ra) time 44 b"t that nat"ra) time is &ar i&&erent than yo" s"**ose. Far richer0 an it t"rns inwar an o"twar an bac9war an &orwar "*on itse)&. !eing yo"r own nat"ra) an magica) se)& when yo" ream0 yo" "ti)iAe in&ormation that is o"tsi e o& the time context ex*erience by the so4ca))e rationa) min . The creati+e abi)ities o*erate in the same &ashion0 a**earing within consec"ti+e time0 b"t with the main wor9 one o"tsi e o& it entire)y. 'hen yo" &inishe yo"r *roBect0?;@ yo" ha se+era) ays o& &ee)ing miserab)e0 b"t yo" ca"ght yo"rse)& an t"rne yo"rse)& aro"n bea"ti&"))y0 an yo" ha+e e+ery right to congrat")ate yo"rse)& in that regar . The same thing ha**ene to R"b"rt0 an to some extent0 with some in i+i "a) +ariations0 the same ca"ses were in+o)+e . 'hen yo" were both wor9ing on those *roBects yo"r c")t"ra) time was ta9en "* in a way yo" &o"n acce*tab)e. Creati+e time an c")t"ra) time to some extent merge 0 in that yo" co") see ai)y imme iate e+i ence o& creati+ity<s *ro "ct0 coming o"t o& the ty*ewriters0 say0 )i9e any *ro "ct o&& an assemb)y )ine. >o" were ("sing( time as yo"r c")t"ra) training to) yo" to o. $o yo" want a brea9F ?(No. ( @ ?1:6:.@ 'hen the *roBects were one0 *artic")ar)y with R"b"rt0 there was sti)) the c")t"ra) be)ie& that time sho") be so "se ?"n er)ine @0 that creati+ity m"st be irecte an isci*)ine to &a)) into the *ro*er time s)ots. #n other wor s0 to some extent or another he trie to "se an assemb)y4)ine 9in o& time &or yo"r creati+e *ro "cti+ity. This may wor9 when man"scri*ts are being ty*e 0 an so m"ch *hysica) )abor is in+o)+e 0 b"t o+era)) yo" are "sing the (wrong( a**roach to time0 *artic")ar)y &or any creati+e artist. This again a**)ies *artic")ar)y to R"b"rt0 tho"gh yo" are not exonerate in that regar ?with some h"mor.@ ?Pa"se.@ There is m"ch materia) here that # wi)) gi+e yo"0 beca"se it is im*ortant that yo" "n erstan the i&&erent ways o& re)ating to rea)ity0 an how those ways create the ex*erience e+ents. >o" ha+e not rea))y0 either o& yo"0 been rea y to rastica))y a)ter yo"r orientations0 b"t yo" are a**roaching that thresho) . As R"b"rt<s notes a)so mention0 the (magica) a**roach( means that yo" act"a))y change yo"r metho s o& ea)ing with *rob)ems0 achie+ing goa)s0 an satis&ying means. >o" change o+er to the metho s o& the nat"ra) *erson. They are in ee 0 then0 a *art o& yo"r *ri+ate ex*erience. They are not esoteric metho s0 b"t yo" m"st be con+ince that they are the nat"ra) metho s by which man is meant to han )e his *rob)ems an a**roach his cha))enges. # "se the wor (metho s( beca"se yo" "n erstan it0 b"t act"a))y we are s*ea9ing abo"t an a**roach to )i&e0 a magica) or nat"ra) a**roach to )i&e that is man<s +ersion o& the anima)<s nat"ra) instincti+e beha+ior in the "ni+erse.

That a**roach oes in ee &)y in irect contra iction to the )earne metho s yo" ha+e been ta"ght. >o" ha+e he) on to those metho s to +arying egrees0 since a&ter a)) it seems that the wor) shares them. They are "n erstoo ways o& ea)ing with e+ents. Once again0 howe+er0 with the ex*erience o& the )ast &ew ays0 yo" are both astonishe by the magica) ease by which wor9 44 rea) wor9 44 can be accom*)ishe : e+ents *ercei+e o"t o& *)ace an time an so &orth. A)) o& that can be trans&erre to other areas o& yo"r )i+es0 an in *artic")ar to R"b"rt<s H*hysica)I i&&ic")ties0 # o "n erstan yo"r Boint concern0 an in ho) ing the session # 9now yo" want s*eci&ic answers 44 which # a)ways gi+e to the best o& my abi)ity. #t certain)y seems that the best way to get s*eci&ic answers is to as9 s*eci&ic D"estions0 an the rationa) min thin9s &irst o& a)) o& something )i9e a )ist o& D"estions. #n that regar 0 R"b"rt<s res*onse be&ore s"ch a session is nat"ra)0 an to an extent magica)0 beca"se he 9nows that no matter what he has been ta"ght0 he m"st to some egree ?"n er)ine @ &orget the D"estions an the moo that accom*anies them with one )e+e) o& his conscio"sness0 in or er to create the *ro*er 9in o& atmos*here at another )e+e) o& conscio"sness 44 an atmos*here that a))ows the answers to come e+en tho"gh they may be *resente in a i&&erent way than that ex*ecte by the rationa) min . 'hat we wi)) be isc"ssing &or se+era) sessions0 with yo"r *ermission Boint)y 44 an 0 # ho*e0 with yo"r Boint enth"siasm 44 wi)) be the magica) a**roach to rea)ity0 an to yo"r *ri+ate )i+es s*eci&ica))y0 in or er to create that 9in o& atmos*here in which the answers become ex*erience ?"n er)ine @. ?1:81.@ Trying to &it the great thr"st o& creati+ity into assemb)y4)ine time is in itse)& bo"n to )ea to con&)icts0 issatis&actions0 an &r"strations. #& the *ro*er creati+e an magica) orientation is 9e*t *rimari)y in min 0 other things wi)) &a)) into *)ace. >o" o not say to the creati+e se)&0 (Now it is =:83. Peo*)e are at their assemb)y )ines. # am at my es9: *ro "ce.( Assemb)y4)ine time oes not rea))y +a)"e time 44 on)y as time can be "se &or e&inite *rescribe *"r*oses. #n that &ramewor90 to enBoy time becomes a wea9ness or a +ice0 an both o& yo" to some extent ha+e so consi ere time. 'ith creati+e *eo*)e strong)y gi&te 0 as in yo"r cases0 the nat"ra) *erson is +ery *rominent0 no matter what yo" o. #t there&ore strong)y resents any basica))y meaning)ess constraints *)ace abo"t its ex*erience. #t 9nows0 &or exam*)e0 how to enBoy each ay0 how to co))ect creati+e insights &rom each an e+ery enco"nter0 how to enrich itse)& *hysica))y thro"gh ho"seho) chores or other acti+ities. #t is)i9es being to) that it m"st wor9 th"s an so at comman o& "nreasonab)e restraints. The nat"ra) *erson is anything b"t irrationa). #t gathers a)) o& ex*erience together an trans&orms it0 so many o& yo"r *rob)ems ha+e been ca"se by a**)ying the wrong 9in o& orientation to yo"r )i+es an acti+ities. # say wrong0 meaning no mora) B" gment0 b"t the a**)ication o& one metho to a *"rs"it that cannot be a eD"ate)y ex*resse in s"ch a &ashion. The assemb)y4)ine time an the be)ie&s that go a)ong with it ha+e gi+en yo" many bene&its as a society0 b"t it sho") not be &orgotten that the entire &ramewor9 was initia))y set "* to c"t own on im*")ses0 creati+e tho"ght0 or any other acti+ities that wo") )ea to anything b"t the min )ess re*etition o& one act a&ter another ?intent)y@. #n other wor s0 that entire &ramewor9 is meant to gi+e yo" a stan ar iAe 0 mass4*ro "ce +ersion o& rea)ity. None o& its conce*ts can ?9noc9ing the tab)e@ rationa))y be a**)ie to creati+e en ea+ors. The orientation that gi+es yo" the creati+e achie+ement )ies in the o**osite irection. Creati+ity itse)& has its own b"i)t4in isci*)ine0 the 9in that0 &or exam*)e0 in a ream can r"mmage thro"gh the ays o& the &"t"re to &in *recise)y the ata reD"ire to ma9e a s*eci&ic *oint.

A)) o& this materia) a**)ies to R"b"rt<s con ition0 an an "n erstan ing o& it wi)) create the c)imate in which bene&icia) res")ts can a**ear. $o yo" want a brea9F ?(>es.G@ Then we wi)) contin"e. ?1::84,3:3:.@ 'hen R"b"rt &inishe his *roBect ?.o o& Jane@0 he &o"n himse)& with a)) o& that time that was s"**ose to be "se ?"n er)ine @. 7e a)so became aware once again o& his )imitations0 *hysica))y s*ea9ing: There was not m"ch0 it seeme 0 he co") o b"t wor90 so he too9 the rationa) a**roach 44 an it says that to so)+e the *rob)em yo" worry abo"t it. At the same time the nat"ra) *erson i emerge. R"b"rt &o))owe his im*")ses an inter*rete yo"r reams 44 a)) o& which )e yo" both into &resh creati+e acti+ity. !"t it was not wor90 yo" see. 'hat he nee e to o was rea))y re)ax0 not *ro+e that he co") or sho") or m"st imme iate)y begin another boo9. Tr"e creati+ity comes &rom enBoying the moments0 which then &")&i)) themse)+es0 an a *art o& the creati+e *rocess is in ee the art o& re)axation0 the )etting go0 &or that triggers magica) acti+ity0 an that is what R"b"rt m"st )earn. # wi)) ha+e D"ite a bit to say0 again0 abo"t the magica) a**roach0 an # o thin9 the term wi)) he)* each o& yo" bring Framewor9 6 &ar more into yo"r ex*erience. As &ar as R"b"rt<s *resent sit"ation0 he sho") not wear0 say0 one *air o& Beans &or a wee90 b"t instea a)ternate0 with two or three *airs that can be worn o& co"rse many times. The "n erc)othes are a *oor 9in 0 both &or the weather an &or someone whose motions are restricte . 7e sho") a)so +ary his nightwear more. >o"r s"ggestion that he wa)9 one more time0 when he mentione a *rogram0 was exce))ent. #t ma e him rea)iAe how )imite his acti+ity ha become0 an again &o))owing the *rescribe rationa) *rescri*tion0 he worrie abo"t it. Then he contraste his *resent *osition against the i ea)iAe esire one0 a)) o& which ser+e to )ower his moo 0 an intensi&y his s"sce*tibi)ity to the heat0 chair *ress"re0 an so &orth. # want it "n erstoo that we are in ee ea)ing with two entire)y i&&erent a**roaches to rea)ity an to so)+ing *rob)ems 44 metho s we wi)) here ca)) the rationa) metho an the magica) one. The rationa) a**roach wor9s D"ite we)) in certain sit"ations0 s"ch as mass *ro "ction o& goo s0 or in certain 9in s o& scienti&ic meas"rements 44 b"t a)) in a)) the rationa) metho 0 as it is "n erstoo an "se 0 oes not wor9 as an o+era)) a**roach to )i&e0 or in the so)+ing o& *rob)ems that in+o)+e s"bBecti+e rather than obBecti+e meas"rements or ca)c")ations. Those metho s wor9 )east o& a)) &or any art. #t is a trite statement0 *erha*s0 b"t the r")er<s meas"rements ha+e abso)"te)y nothing to o with the meas"rements ma e by the heart0 an they can ne+er be "se to ex*ress the inca)c")ab)e meas"rements that are ma e a"tomatica))y by the sma))est ce)). The rationa) min a)one0 as it is *resent)y "se ?beca"se it is a rather arti&icia) constr"ct0 a &"nction gi+en *rominence@0 can ne+er "n erstan the ream meas"rements that yo" "n ertoo9 in or er to come "* with the !renner ream. ?:@ ?,3:6;.@ R"b"rt 9e*t a strong rationa) a**roach to ma9e s"re that he was 9ee*ing his *sychic acti+ity in )ine0 beca"se in yo"r society this seeme the on)y rationa) thing to o ?ironica))y@. >o"r *rob)ems

ha+e not been so)+e 0 then0 )arge)y o& co"rse beca"se yo" ha+e ta9en the wrong a**roach0 an that is beca"se yo" were Boint)y not con+ince as yet. >o" sti)) he) to those traine be)ie&s. #n that regar 0 R"b"rt has s"&&ere more than yo" ha+e. The o) be)ie&s0 o& co"rse0 an the rationa) a**roach0 are e+erywhere rein&orce 0 an so it oes in ee ha+e a great weight. The magica) a**roach has &ar greater weight0 i& yo" "se it an a))ow yo"rse)+es to o*erate in that &ashion0 &or it has the weight o& yo"r basic nat"ra) orientation. The rationa) a**roach is the s"*erim*ose one. # thin9 that yo" are both rea y to "n erstan that. #n this session is materia) that wi)) in ee a))ow R"b"rt to get o"t o& the *resent sit"ation0 b"t we wi)) contin"e the isc"ssion at o"r next session. # ha+e gi+en yo" some s"ch materia) be&ore0 as # inten to gi+e yo" short)y. 'ith yo"r own recent ex*eriences0 howe+er0 the materia) wi)) be more meaning&") an signi&icant now0 so that yo" can in ee *"t it this time to better "se0 an # wi)) a)so be somewhat more s*eci&ic. # wi)) a)so go into any D"estions yo" want regar ing yo"r )ater reams or their im*)ications. #t is goo to be bac9 with yo" again. En o& session0 an a &on an magica) goo e+ening to yo" both. ?(Than9 yo"0 Seth. ( ,3:83 P.M.@ NOTES: SESS#ON OF A-.-ST /0,123 ,. Seth is the (energy *ersona)ity essence( Jane s*ea9s &or whi)e in a trance or issociate state. Since he ca))s Jane by the ma)e4oriente name o& her )arger or who)e se)&0 (R"b"rt0( it &o))ow that Seth a)so ca))s her (he0( (his0( an (him.( 6. #t<s tr"e0 &o))owing the enth"siasm we &e)t when Seth &irst escribe Framewor9s # an 6 three years ago0 that Jane an # ha+en<t consistent)y trie a)) that har to raw &rom that o+era)) conce*t the res")ts we thin9 we conscio"s)y want. #n Mass E+ents0 Seth s*ea9s o&ten abo"t Framewor9s # an 6. From my o*ening notes &or Session 2,;0 which Jane he) on October 20 ,1== &or that boo9: (Then0 in a *ri+ate session he) on the e+ening o& Se*tember ,=0 ,1==0 Seth came thro"gh with a +ery exciting conce*t ca))e <Framewor9 # an Framewor9 6.< Jane an # were so str"c9 by the *ractica)0 &ar4reaching im*)ications o& this *ro*osition that we began a concerte e&&ort to *"t it to "se in ai)y )i&e. !rie&)y an +ery sim*)y0 Seth maintains that Framewor9 60 or inner rea)ity0 contains the creati+e so"rce &rom which we &orm a)) e+ents0 an that by the *ro*er &oc"sing o& attention we can raw &rom that +ast s"bBecti+e me i"m e+erything we nee &or a constr"cti+e0 *ositi+e )i&e in Framewor9 ,0 or *hysica) rea)ity.( Seth s*ea9s in Session 26/0 he) &or Mass E+ents on March 20 ,1=2: (Any e+ent0 there&ore0 has an in+isib)e thic9ness0 a m")ti imensiona) basis. >o"r s9ies are &i))e with breeAes0 c"rrents0 c)o" s0 s"n)ight0 "st *artic)es an so &orth. The s9y +a")ts abo+e the entire *)anet. The in+isib)e H+a")t o&I Framewor9 6 contains en )ess *atterns that change as0 say0 c)o" s o 44 that mix an merge to &orm yo"r *sycho)ogica) c)imate. Tho"ghts ha+e what we wi)) &or now term e)ectromagnetic *ro*erties. #n those terms yo"r tho"ghts mix an match with others in Framewor9 60 creating mass *atterns that &orm the o+era)) *sycho)ogica) basis behin wor) e+ents. Again0 howe+er0 Framewor9 6 is not ne"tra)0 b"t a"tomatica))y inc)ine towar what we wi)) here term goo or constr"cti+e e+e)o*ments. #t is a growth me i"m. Constr"cti+e or <*ositi+e< &ee)ings or tho"ghts are more easi)y materia)iAe than <negati+e< ones beca"se they are in 9ee*ing with Framewor9 6<s characteristics.(

8. Seth escribes the camera e*iso e a&ter 1:,: P.M. in the next session0 which Jane he) on A"g"st ,,. ;. , ha B"st &inishe ty*ing the man"scri*t &or JaneJSeth<s The #n i+i "a) an the Nat"re o& Mass E+ents0 an Jane ha B"st &inishe ty*ing the man"scri*t &or her own .o o& Jane. Prentice47a)) *"b)ishe both boo9s. :. See my acco"nt o& the !renner ream0 Jane<s inter*retation o& it0 an Seth<s materia) on it0 in the A"g"st ,, session.

SESS#ON T'O T7E RAT#ONA% APPROAC7. SC#ENT#F#C 7AR$!E$ REA%#T>. T7E #NTE%%ECT AN$ T7E MA.#CA% APPROAC7. A-.-ST ,,0 ,123 2:;8 P.M.0 MON$A> To ay # bo"ght Jane a (water c"shion( to ai in her sitting i&&ic")ties0 b"t "*on &i))ing it a&ter s"**er we i n<t thin9 it wo") wor9. # a)so bo"ght her three 9in s o& "n erc)othes to try ... !e&ore the session we s*ent an ho"r or so watching the $emocratic Nationa) Con+ention in New >or9 City. 'e saw the &irst session0 in which the Carter &orces0 who wante a (c)ose ( con+ention0 e&eate the Kenne y &orces0 who wante an (o*en( con+ention. ?# to) Jane0 Bo9ing0 that the $emocrats might achie+e a show o& "nity in their con+ention0 b"t that come e)ection time in No+ember they might en "* saying something )i9e: ('e))0 we )ost b"t we were "nite ( against Reagan. To me the *o)itica) sit"ation0 meaning a choice between Carter an Reagan0 is a)most into)erab)e0 an # won ere why o"r co"ntry ha chosen this time o& tra+ai)0 as they say. ? ('e))0( Jane sai at 2:;30 (#<m abo"t as com&ortab)e as # can get0 so # might as we)) begin. # &ee) him aro"n . At )east # &ee) a )ot better than # ha+e been.( 'e<+e rea o+er the )ast session se+era) times0 an ha+e gone o+er Seth<s reso)"tions ai)y. Jane has a)so been (wa)9ing( twice ai)y0 "sing her whee)e ty*ing tab)e as a s"**ort 44 tho"gh we s9i**e this e+ening<s soBo"rn in )ie" o& T5 watching. The night was h"mi b"t not too warm. Thro"gh the o*en oors an win ows we hear the great rhythms o& the cric9ets an cica as. Then: @ Now 44 ?(.oo e+ening0 Seth.G@ .oo e+ening. #t is not that yo" o+er"se the inte))ect as a c")t"re0 b"t that yo" re)y "*on it to the exc)"sion o& a)) other &ac")ties in yo"r a**roach to )i&e. Perio . The inte))ect is bri))iant0 b"t on its own0 now ?"n er)ine @0 it is in ee in its way iso)ate both in time an in s*ace in a way that other *ortions o& the *ersona)ity are not. 'hen it is o+er)y stresse 0 with a)) o& the "s"a) &ramewor9s or rationa)es that go a)ong with it0 it can in ee become &rightene 0 *aranoi 0

beca"se it cannot rea))y *ercei+e e+ents "nti) they ha+e a)rea y occ"rre . #t oes not 9now what wi)) ha**en tomorrow0 an since it is o+er)y stresse 0 its *aranoi ten encies can on)y &ear the worst. Now those ten encies are not nat"ra) to the inte))ect0 b"t on)y a**ear when it is &orce to o*erate in s"ch an iso)ate &ashion44 iso)ate not on)y in time an s*ace0 b"t *sycho)ogica))y iso)ate &rom other *ortions o& the *ersona)ity that are meant to bring it a itiona) in&ormation that it oes not *ossess0 an a 9in o& magica) s"**ort. The so4ca))e rationa) a**roach to )i&e0 as it is *ractice 0 is a high)y *essimistic one0 carrying a)ong with it its own metho s an (so)"tions<< to *rob)ems0 its own means o& achie+ing en s an satis&ying esires. Many *eo*)e are so stee*e in that a**roach to )i&e that they become *sycho)ogica))y b)in to any other 9in o& orientation. S"ch is ob+io"s)y not the case with yo" an R"b"rt0 or yo" wo") not be ha+ing this session0 or any other s"ch acti+ity. The rationa) a**roach o& co"rse s"its certain 9in s o& *eo*)e better than others0 e+en whi)e it sti)) carries its isa +antages. >o" ha+e been )i+ing in an in "stria)iAe 0 scienti&ic society0 so that the bene&its an the great isa +antages o& the rationa) a**roach a**ear e+erywhere in the socia) an *o)itica) wor) . Artists o& any 9in &in s"ch an a**roach the )east &rien )y0 &or it irect)y contra icts the +ast thr"st o& man<s creati+ity in se+era) im*ortant areas. >o"0 howe+er0 an R"b"rt0 o ha+e e+i ence that har be rea)ity is D"ite i&&erent. #n the *ast yo" ha+e both &e)t at some isa +antage yo"rse)+es0 &ee)ing o"r wor9 to be theoretica))y &ascinating0 creati+e)y +a)i 0 b"t not necessari)y containing any statement abo"t any 9in o& (scienti&ica))y +a)i ( har be rea)ity. ?A)) with m"ch em*hasis.@ ?2::/.@ >o" i not thin9 yo" were ea)ing with &iction. On the other han 0 yo" were not wi))ing to ca)) it &act0 either. >o" are0 in &act0 ea)ing with a )arger +ersion o& &act &rom which 44 as # ha+e sai be&ore 44 the wor) o& &act emerges. There ha+e been n"mero"s &ascinating bits o& e+i ence in yo"r own )i+es0 a*art &rom these sessions0 tho"gh certain)y to some extent stim")ate by the 9now)e ge yo" gain in the sessions. They remain iso)ate bits0 o s an en s0 in which case they begin to *resent yo" with a )arger &act"a) re*resentation o& rea)ity. A)) o& this materia) a**)ies to yo"r )i+es in genera) an to R"b"rt<s *hysica) con ition0 beca"se yo" m"st be c)ear in yo"r min s as to yo"r own stat"s in that regar 0 an m"ch o& this materia) wi)) c)ear the air an isso)+e )ingering o"btsC o"bts that ca"se both o& yo" 44 b"t R"b"rt in *artic")ar 44 to ho) on to the rationa) a**roach in a misg"i e e&&ort to maintain what he thin9s o& as a ba)ance +iew*oint an o*en min . #t seems0 beca"se o& the e&initions yo" ha+e been ta"ght0 that there is on)y one narrow 9in o& rationa)ity0 an that i& yo" &orsa9e the bo"n ary o& that narrow e&inition0 then yo" become irrationa)0 &anatic0 ma 0 or whate+er ?a)) +ery em*hatica))y@. The thin0 co) (rationa)ity( that is recogniAe as s"ch is instea a &a9e +eneer co+ering a &ar ee*er s*ontaneo"s rationa)ity0 an it is the existence o& that magica) rationa)ity that *ro+i es the basis &or the inte))ect to begin with. The rationa)ity that yo" acce*t is then b"t one sma)) c)"e as to the s*ontaneo"s inner rationa)ity that is a *art o& each nat"ra) *erson. Now: #n one ream when yo" were as)ee*0 when yo" were seeming)y not rationa)0 when yo"r inte))ect was seeming)y not o*erating0 yo" *ercei+e in&ormation abo"t yo"r *ast *hysica) en+ironment. >o" saw yo"r o) neighborhoo ?on J"ne ,30 ,123@ ?,@ 44 the !renner<s *)ace0 with anima) an in "stria) waste a)) o+er the yar . Symbo)ica))y yo" saw the sit"ation in yo"r own &ashion0 b"t yo" 9new that the !renner<s *ro*erty ha been *o))"te . >o" sti)) ha+e a )o+e o& that area. >o" are in a certain corres*on ence with it. #n a &ashion0 yo" 9ee* yo"r eye o"t &or in&ormation regar ing it.

>o" are a)so somewhat i ea)iAing the *ast0 howe+er0 so yo" i not sim*)y get the in&ormation (straight on0( b"t yo" recei+e it in s"ch a &ashion that it ma e its own *sycho)ogica) *oints a)so0 an was &"rthermore wo"n into other action not on)y within that ream0 b"t in a series o& reams. ?1:,:.@ The ream ma e its *oint0 whether or not yo" rea the Artic)e that )ater a**eare ?in the E)mira *a*er@. The ream ma e its *oint0 in &act0 whether or not yo" remembere it0 tho"gh yo" i . >o" remembere it beca"se yo" wante to bring into yo"r conscio"s range instances o& yo"r own greater 9nowing. The *ortion o& yo" that &orme the ream 9new o& the *o))"tionC b"t a)so 9new o& the awar 0 the news*a*er artic)e0 an o& yo"r habit o& rea ing the e+ening<s *a*er. A)) o& that in+o)+es a *sycho)ogica) motion o& nat"ra)0 magica) im*ort. #t shows yo" that the r")es o& the rationa) wor) are &i))e with ho)es. #t shows yo" that the rationa) wor) <s +iews o not re*resent the b")war9s o& sa&ety0 b"t are instea barriers to the &")) "se o& the inte))ect0 an o& the int"itions. R"b"rt0 ha+ing inter*rete yo"r ream0 )oo9e wi e4awa9e b"t re)axe thro"gh his st" io into the 9itchen. 7e tho"ght o& as9ing yo" to ta9e a sna*shot o& the tab)e with yo"r camera0 showing the *artia))y4o*ene &ront oor0 so that )ater he co") *aint the scene. >o"r camera co") not ta9e in a)) o& that0 a &act he ne+er tho"ght o&. %ess than two min"tes )ater0 yo" came o"t into his st" io with the camera that yo" ha not "se &or months. R"b"rt ha a)so been thin9ing new)y abo"t the magica) a**roach &rom i eas in yo"r own notes ?6@ that he ha B"st rea . >o" came o"t as i& in answer. As i& to say0 (>es0 the magica) a**roach oes in ee o*erate0 an this is how.( R"b"rt<s state o& min was in corres*on ence with yo"r own state o& min 0 e+en as yo" are in some 9in o& corres*on ence with yo"r o) en+ironment0 so in these cases yo" ha+e a &ree &)ow o& in&ormation at other )e+e)s. Now when yo" "n erstan that inte))ect"a))y0 then the inte))ect can ta9e it &or grante that its own in&ormation is not a)) the in&ormation yo" *ossess. #t can rea)iAe that its own 9now)e ge re*resents the ti* o& the iceberg. As yo" a**)y that rea)iAation to yo"r )i&e yo" begin to rea)iAe &"rthermore that in *ractica) terms yo" are in ee s"**orte by a greater bo y o& 9now)e ge than yo" conscio"s)y rea)iAe0 an by the magica)0 s*ontaneo"s &o"ntain o& action that &orms yo"r existence. The inte))ect can then rea)iAe that it oes not ha+e to go it a)) a)one: E+erything oes not ha+e to be reasone o"t0 e+en to be "n erstoo . ?Jane e)i+ere the abo+e *aragra*h o& materia) as Seth with m"ch em*hasis an con+iction0 as she has &or m"ch o& this session. # thin9 it exce))ent0 an *)an to ma9e co*ies to *in on my st" io wa)) &or easy re&erence.@ This in&ormation is &act"a). # am not saying that # o not "se ana)ogies o&ten0 or that # am not &orce at times into symbo)ic statements0 b"t when # am # a)ways say so0 an e+en those statements are my best re*resentations o& &acts too )arge &or yo"r e&initions. The inte))ect0 then0 can an oes &orm strong *aranoi ten encies when it is *"t in the *osition o& be)ie+ing that it m"st so)+e a)) *ersona) *rob)ems a)one 44 or near)y 44 an certain)y when it is *resente with any *ict"re o& wor) wi e *re icaments. The rationa) a**roach0 b"i)t "* aro"n this &ramewor90 insists that the best way to so)+e a *rob)em is to concentrate "*on it0 to *roBect its e&&ects into the &"t"re0 to r"minate "*on its conseD"ences0 (to stare at the bare &acts hea on.( This brings abo"t an atmos*here in which the *rob)em is com*o"n e . The inte))ect on its own 44 so it seems 44 m"st ea) not on)y with the *rob)em to ay0 b"t with its e&&ects in the *roBecte isastro"s

tomorrows. This we))4intentione concentration0 this etermination to so)+e the *rob)em0 this rationa) a**roach0 then ca"ses an e+en ee*er sense o& ina eD"acy. The concentration "*on the *rob)em brings abo"t a 9in o& mechanica) re*etition0 a re*eate ty*e o& hy*notic &oc"s. ?1:8/.@ The inte))ect is a great organiAer 44 a)ong certain )ines0 now 44 so i& this concentration is contin"e it begins to organiAe its *erce*tions an ex*erience a)ong the same )ines. #t is a 9in o& misg"i e attem*t to &in or er by &in ing ata that agree with itse)&. #t co))ects e+i ence0 then0 to *ro+e its *oint0 beca"se the rationa) min 0 as yo" "n erstan it0 m"st ha+e an acce*tab)e reason &or e+erything ?"n er)ine @ ?a)) intent)y@. #n the meantime0 o& co"rse0 D"ite +a)i roc9be e+i ence that oes not &it into the *ict"re gra "a))y becomes iscar e 0 ignore 0 thrown away. #t is there b"t it is not "se . #t isa**ears as e+i ence0 becomes inacti+e. That metho o& *rob)em4so)+ing0 nee # say0 is a *oor one0 an i& anything it ca"ses &ar more *rob)ems than it e+er so)+es. #n terms o& R"b"rt<s con ition0 he o&ten thin9s that he is (&ace with the e+i ence( that his con ition is not im*ro+ing0 that it is growing worse0 that a)) the e+i ence says s"ch con itions o eteriorate rather than im*ro+e. 7e sometimes thin9s that he is being rea)istic with s"ch tho"ghts. 'hat ha**ens0 o& co"rse0 is the *rocess # ha+e B"st o"t)ine . Other D"ite rea)0 D"ite *hysica) e+i ence 44 a)ways0 now0 a**arent in his bo y at any gi+en time 44 is ignore as nonessentia)0 too tri+ia) to bother with0 or ta9e serio"s)y0 beca"se it oes not &it into the so4ca))e rationa) *ict"re that has been e+e)o*e . ?($o yo" want to gi+e an exam*)eF( # as9e Seth0 b"t Jane went on s*ea9ing so smooth)y that # won ere i& heJshe ha hear the D"estion.@ The *rocess is exact)y as gi+en in the *aragra*h abo+e0 so # want that "n erstoo . Any im*ro+ement0 "n)ess state 0 is a)most o+er)oo9e 0 not consi ere as m"ch har e+i ence0 whi)e any i&&ic")ties e&inite)y are consi ere har e+i ence beca"se they &it into the o+era)) ata4co))ecting inte))ect0 as state abo+e. They are signi&icant0 whi)e the im*ro+ements o not seem to be near)y as m"ch so. ?Now Seth began to gi+e in&ormation re)ati+e to my D"estion.@ R"b"rt has ha some re)ease in the *ast wee9 o& the Baw0 nec90 an sho") er areas. 7is eyes at times0 on three or &o"r occasions0 rea remar9ab)y better. For some time his an9)es an 9nees ha+e ha greater &ree om o& motion 44 in certain motions 44 b"t a)) s"ch e+i ence is ignore 0 )arge)y 44 or worse0 it is +iewe ironica))y0 since he is not wa)9ing any better. >o" *ic9e "* the in&ormation abo"t the !renners beca"se yo" were in corres*on ence with that en+ironment. >o" *ic9e "* inner e+i ence in that regar . >o" ignore co"nt)ess other bits o& in&ormation. R"b"rt *ic9e "* yo"r own camera acti+ities beca"se he was in corres*on ence with yo". 7e m"st be in corres*on ence with the e+i ence o& mobi)ity that his bo y tries to gi+e him0 so that it can b"i) "* a new *ict"re o& his bo y. >o" change yo"r &oc"s *oint. >o" change what yo" consi er signi&icant. This session brings "s to the beginning o& a isc"ssion o& the magica) a**roach to )i&e0 to the so)+ing o& *rob)ems. # ho*e to stress what to o rather than what not to o0 a)tho"gh at times # m"st ma9e the istinction c)ear. #& yo" "n erstan this session thoro"gh)y0 an i& yo" ha+e the intent to rea))y change yo"r orientation0 then the atmos*here wi)) a"tomatica))y be create in which esire changes occ"r.

En o& session 44 ?(Than9 yo". (@ 44 an a &on goo e+ening. ?1::/ P.M. As soon as she was o"t o& trance # to) Jane the session was an exce))ent one. # was a)so D"ite irritate 0 beca"se Seth<s in&ormation ha the abi)ity to ma9e things seem se)&4e+i entC &rom that *oint one was a)ways )e&t won ering how anything so basica))y c)ear an sim*)e co") be so easi)y misse an Jor misinter*rete by those who most ear)y wante to *"t it to "se. #<+e ex*erience these *henomena o&ten in *ersona) sessions0 an each time en "* reso)+ing to o better next time 44 to see more c)ear)y0 to o a)) o& those things that wi)) easi)y an e&&ort)ess)y bring the esire res")ts. Jane o&ten &ee)s the same way0 tho"gh # on<t thin9 she has so m"ch )ate)y0 B" ging &rom certain remar9s she<s ma e. >et this 9in o& materia) gi+es one ho*e0 an consi ering it can )ea to at )east momentary &ee)ings o& tr"e "n erstan ing an concomitant ho*e0 on my *art0 at )east. The thing is0 # rea))y be)ie+e the in&ormation is goo 0 an that it can wor90 that basica))y it<s the best 9in o& in&ormation *eo*)e can get. ?# s"**ose my own irritation beca"se o& the *oints )iste abo+e comm"nicate itse)& to Jane easi)y eno"gh. 'e ha a )i+e)y an bene&icia) isc"ssion beca"se o& o"r &ee)ings0 tho"gh0 so a)) in a)) the session is a +ery goo one. ?8@ , want to arrange my a**roach to Seth<s )atest boo90 $reams0 (E+o)"tion0 ( an 5a)"e F")&i))ment0 so that # can D"ote Part o& this session in a note.@ NOTES: SESS#ON OF A-.-ST ,,0 ,123 ,. From my ream noteboo9: ($ream0 +ery ear)y T"es ay morning0 J"ne ,30 ,123. (#n +i+i co)or: # )i+e in my *arents< ho"se at =3; North 'i)b"r A+en"e0 in Sayre0 Pennsy)+ania. # was my *resent age0 /,. That the ho"se ha )ong been so) 0 that my *arents ha ie in the ear)y ,1=3s0 an that Jane an # ha been marrie &or 6/ years an )i+e in E)mira0 New >or90 were irre)e+ant in the ream. Jane an my *arents were not in it0 or were any members o& the !renner &ami)y. (>ears ago0 a&ter my brothers an # ha )e&t =3; to &o))ow o"r own )i&e *aths0 the !renner &ami)y ha b"i)t a ho"se next oor to o"r *arents< *)ace. This re*resents a contra iction in the ream 44 or0 rather0 that # trie to combine two s*ans o& time. On a s"mmer e+ening a&ter "s9 in the ream0 # went &or a wa)9 with F)oy 'aterman ?#<)) ca)) him@0 a <rea)< &rien &rom E)mira who was +isiting me. F)oy is a contractor. (To reach 'i)b"r A+en"e we c"t across the tennis co"rt0 o& grass0 that my &ather ha b"i)t &or his teen4 age sons so )ong ago. #n *hysica) )i&e the !renner ho"se sits where the co"rt ha existe . B"st beyon the co"rt0 an next to the si ewa)90 grew an o) shagbar9 hic9ory tree that # ha a)ways )o+e 0 an sti)) remember +i+i )y. The tree wo") be in the !renner<s &ront yar now. (As F)oy an # c"t across the co"rt # saw that the !renner<s )awn as es*oi)e with a mixt"re o& anima) an in "stria) waste0 )i9e *o))"tion. <'hat<s thatF< # exc)aime to F)oy 0 as # saw a )arge ar9 sha*e near the hic9ory tree. At &irst shoc9 # tho"ght it was a eer that might ha+e been 9i))e by a car the night be&ore0 say. #t )ay on its si e with its bac9 to "s. Then to my amaAement # saw that the s"**ose anima) was act"a))y the bro9en remnants o& a ho))ow0 )i&e4siAe meta) stat"e o& a eer that ha stoo &or years in the &ront yar o& a ho"se on 7arrison Street0 in Sayre0 at the other en o& town. The ho"se ha been owne by the Maynar s0 who ha no chi) ren. 'hen my next4yo"ngest brother an # were in gra e schoo)0 o"r &ami)y ha )i+e a &ew ho"ses own 7arrison &rom the Maynar s. Mr. Maynar ha been a car*enter. 7e an his wi&e an my *arents ha been &rien s. A)) o& "s 9i s in the neighborhoo ha been &ascinate by the eer0 which ha been *ainte brown. 'e ha c)imbe a))

o+er it. My &ather ha *hotogra*he it. (Now # saw0 again to my s"r*rise0 that the eer ha been bro9en in *ieces an )ay in the !renner<s &ront yar 0 where the hic9ory tree ha stoo a moment ago. # exc)aime to F)oy 'aterman that +an a)s ha one the amage 44 yo"ng 9i s that # 9new were ca"sing tro"b)e in the neighborhoo . They< bro9en o&& the anima)<s )egs. The !renner<s &ront oor was o*en an # saw the warm ye))ow )ight in their )i+ing room. # 9new that # ha to r"n into their ho"se an te)) them abo"t the *oor bro9en eer )ying in their &ront yar .( On J")y 680 ,123 44 ,8 ays a&ter # ha my ream 44 the writer o& a story in the E)mira Star4.aAette escribe how the !renner &ami)y won an o"t4o&4co"rt sett)ement o& o+er L,30333 &rom the !oro"gh o& Sayre an a )arge store owne by a we))49nown s"*ermar9et chain. The store is )ocate a co"*)e o& b)oc9s &rom the !renner home0 an B"st o&& North 'i)b"r A+en"e. Constr"ction at the store ha o+er)oa e sewage *i*es an ca"se them to bac9 "* a&ter rain storms0 &i))ing the basement o& !renner ho"se with sewage se+era) times. # ha n<t conscio"s)y 9nown abo"t the sit"ation in any way. #n ee 0 # ha+en<t been to Sayre in many months0 e+en tho"gh my o) home town is on)y ,2 mi)es away. Jane hasn<t been in o"r car &or some time now0 an # )ea+e her a)one in the ho"se as )itt)e as *ossib)e. 7ere is Jane<s inter*retation o& my ream: (Rob<s ream states D"ite c)ear)y0 *recogniti+e)y0 abo"t the *o))"tion o& the !renner *ro*erty &rom the s"*ermar9et B"st "* the street. Many o& Rob<s reams ha+e in+o)+e a nosta)gic +iew o& the *ast0 *)"s D"estions o& sa&ety an anger. # thin9 he *ic9e "* on the *recogniti+e e)ement to show himse)& that his *ict"res o& the *ast were too i ea)istic. (The stat"e o& the eer re*resents that i ea)istic image o& the *astC &in ing it bro9en in !renner<s yar connects its rea) en+ironment where Rob )i+e as a sma)) boy Hon 7arrison StreetI to 'i)b"r A+en"e where he )i+e )aterC meaning that he< i ea)iAe both bac9gro"n s. The stat"e o& the eer0 an inanimate anima)0 contrasts with the waste )e&t by a )i+ing anima). # ea)iAe ones0 stat"es0 on<t )ea+e waste0 b"t they on<t )i+e either. (F)oy 'aterman re*resents someone who has a connection with )i+ing anima)s in the *resent Hon his &armI0 an connects the times in the ream0 since he a)so is in the constr"ction b"siness an oes car*entry wor9 44an the man who owne the eer was a car*enter. Rob<s a)so ha other reams in+o)+ing F)oy an anima)s.... 6. Seth re&ers to a *ortion o& the notes # wrote on the a&ternoon o& A"g"st :0 ,123 44 the ay be&ore Jane he) her &irst session on The Magica) A**roach: (#t was har to re "ce my insight to wor s0 b"t when # escribe it to Jane at o"r )"nch tab)e0 she sai it ma e sense to her. The insight was triggere by a remar9 she ma e whi)e we were eating0 as she rea one o& the )etters #< B"st *ic9e "* at the mai)box. (The )etter4writer escribe se+era) we))49nown esoteric organiAations that he be)onge to 44 whi)e a)so as9ing &or *ersona) he)* &rom Jane. <7e wants magic0< Jane sai . 7er comment remin e me o& some materia) #< written )ast month0 an ha mentione to her a &ew times since 44 that o+er +ery )ong s*ans o& time the earth an a)) o& its creat"res stay the same0 re)ati+e)y s*ea9ing0 an that on)y h"man beings0 with their i eas o& <*rogress< an < e+e)o*ment< change. (The insight that &)ashe into my conscio"sness was that h"man beings ha+en<t change either0

rea))y0 that o"r more com*)icate menta) *rocesses on)y ma9e it seem that we ha+e. Co"*)e with this is the i ea that magic0 as we ca)) it0 re&)ects a basic *art o& o"r nat"ra) menta) eD"i*ment an abi)ities0 b"t that o"r *resent co"rse o& action0 o"r &oc"sing "*on the materia) an the inte))ect"a) 44 the <reasonab)e< *ortions o& o"r *syche 44 has create arti&icia) i+isions0 in which magic seems D"ite <"nreasonab)e< or "nrea). Act"a))y0 o"r nee &or magic is a +ery rea)0 +ita)0 an integra) *ortion o& o"r *syches. (The conscio"s i ea o& magic0 then0 is a mas90 or contri+e +ersion0 o& the *syche<s innate c)air+oyant0 te)e*athic0 an *recogniti+e abi)ities. 'e *ermit istorte +ersions o& those attrib"tes to s"r&ace as magic0 as entertainment 44 which th"s re)ie+es "s o& the nee to ta9e them serio"s)y. That<s the co"rse o"r s*ecies has chosen "ring m"ch o& o"r recor e history0 so &ar0 an &or many reasons. (# thin9 that # bro"ght my magica) insight into conscio"sness a)so beca"se o& some o& my recent reams0 that seem to contain *recogniti+e an Jor c)air+oyant e)ements. The !renner ream is one o& those. Jane has been oing in+a)"ab)e wor9 &or me recent)y0 inter*reting those reams. #n ee 0 she<s the one who<s "g "* many o& the ream an rea)4)i&e connections. (A e a )itt)e )ater: Jane sai this materia) on the magica) *ersona)ity <...rea))y t"rne me on.< She<s been oing some writing o& her own on o"r magica) orientation. # to) her that her materia) co") easi)y go into a cha*ter o& one o& her boo9s.( 8. An yes0 the sit"ation can be re+erse 0 too: Seth can get irritate J&r"strate with Jane an me. This excer*t is &rom the *ri+ate session o& No+ember ,,0 ,1=1: (. . . the same 9in o& reactions0 howe+er0 are in+o)+e in a)) acti+ities0 an it is sometimes &r"strating &or me that yo" cannot *ercei+e the &ascinating &acets o& any e+ent. >o" sti)) 44 an # o not sim*)y mean yo" two a)one 44 o not &ee) the "ns"r*assab)e &orce that tho"ghts ha+e. >o" o not "n erstan that they o &orm e+ents0 that to change e+ents yo" m"st &irst change tho"ghts. >o" get what yo" concentrate "*on.( See A**en ix ! &or Jane<s materia)0 written )ater0 which she inten e to go with this Session Two.

SESS#ON T7REE MAN AN$ OT7ER SPEC#ES. M#STAKES AS CORRECT#5E ACT#ON. $EF#N#T#ON OF T7E MA.#CA% APPROAC7. A-.-ST ,80,123 2::= P.M.0 'E$NES$A> # &inishe ty*ing the )ast ha)& o& Mon ay<s session B"st be&ore the session tonight. # remin e Jane that # thin9 it<s an exce))ent one0 an that # want to ty*e co*ies &or "s o& the materia) between 1:,: an 1:8/0 wherein Seth ex*)ains that the inte))ect nee s to rea)iAe that it oesn<t ha+e to go it a)one0 that it is s"**orte an ai e by other *ortions o& the se)&. # thin9 this insight can he)* Jane great)y. # a)so to) her # want to D"ote *ortions o& Mon ay<s session in Seth<s c"rrent boo90 $reams.

?A note: The $emocratic Nationa) Con+ention is in its thir ay. As # ty*e away a&ter s"**er0 # co") te)) that Jane was )istening to the s*eeches on T5 in the )i+ing room. Then # rea)iAe #< goo&e : %ast Sat"r ay0 o"r )oca) *a*er ha carrie a short artic)e to the e&&ect that a *sychic we< hear o& ha *re icte recent)y that Senator Robert !yr o& 'est 5irginia wo") obtain the $emocratic nomination &or *resi ent0 a&ter a ea )oc9 between Carter an Kenne y e+e)o*e at the con+ention. # rea the artic)e an ca))e it to Jane<s attention. #< meant to sa+e it0 b"t instea the *a*er en e "* b"n )e "* with the trash &or *ic9"* this morning. Since the Carter &orces won the &ight to 9ee* the con+ention (c)ose ( "ring its &irst0 Mon ay session0 this ass"res Carter the nomination on the &irst ba))ot. Th"s the *sychic is wrong in the *re iction0 which e+i ent)y obtaine nationa) circ")ation. ?At )east0 # to) Jane tonight a&ter # remembere that #< &orgotten to c)i* the artic)e &or my *re ictions &i)e0 we 9now where the artic)e is on &i)e0 where it can be )ocate i& necessary: at the news*a*er o&&ice. # s*ec")ate abo"t the reactions o& *"b)ic *ersona)ities when their *re ictions on<t wor9 o"t. # ho*e their errors are not rationa)iAe 0 or ma e B"st &or the *"b)icity0 since the *sychics ha+e to )i+e with them. 'e<)) 9ee* a )oo9o"t &or any &o))ow4"* artic)es on the s"bBect0 b"t # s"**ose it wi)) ie )i9e any other item in yester ay<s news. 'hat o the *re ictors secret)y thin9 in s"ch sit"ations0 tho"ghF No one is *er&ect. Jane hasn<t trie to *re ict simi)ar e+ents. For some o& Jane<s *re ictions see A**en ix A. ?Jane0 &or her *art0 sai she i n<t *artic")ar)y &ee) )i9e ha+ing a session tonight0 that she was ( oing it B"st to o it. ( # s"ggeste that by a)) means she ha+e it. She<s been &ee)ing better at times0 so o"r new *rogram is getting some 9in o& res")ts.@ .oo e+ening. ?(.oo e+ening0 Seth.G@ ?'ith some ry am"sement: @ Now: # myse)& ha+e hear it sai that a)) other s*ecies *reser+e nat"re0 whi)e man has a *ro*ensity &or estroying it. ?See my notes o& J")y ,=0 ,123.?,@ Seth contin"e to stare at me as he *rocee e in the same manner: @ # ha+e myse)& hear it sai that other creat"res beha+e with a nat"ra) grace0 sa+e man. # ha+e myse)& hear it sai that a)) o& nat"re is ?*a"se@ content "nto itse)& sa+e man0 who is &i))e with iscontent. S"ch tho"ghts &o))ow (nat"ra))y( the ict"ms o& so4ca))e rationa) tho"ght. 'hen yo" thin9 s"ch tho"ghts0 yo" thin9 o& them at the most straine )e+e) o& inte))ect"a) s*ec")ation 44 that is0 the tho"ghts seem se)&4e+i ent to the inte))ect that is &orce to o*erate by itse)&0 re)ati+e)y s*ea9ing0 i+orce &rom the se)&<s other &ac")ties. #t then oes in ee seem that man is somehow a*art &rom nat"re44 or worse0 an "ngrate&") b)ight0 a)most a *arasite0 "*on the &ace o& the *)anet. That +iew itse)& is a sym*tom o& the inte))ect<s i&&ic")ty. #n the *osition in which yo"r c")t"re *)aces the inte))ect0 it oes ?"n er)ine @ see itse)& D"ite a)one0 se*arate both &rom other *ortions o& the *ersona)ity0 &rom other creat"res0 an &rom nat"re itse)&. There&ore science0 &or exam*)e0 says that creat"res 44 exce*t &or man 44 o*erate by b)in instinct0 an that term is meant to ex*)ain a)) o& the com*)icate beha+ior o& the other s*ecies. There&ore the g")& between man an anima)s0 the inte))ect an nat"re0 seems to ee*en. #n those terms ?"n er)ine @0 it is D"ite as tr"th&") to say 44 as # ha+e sai be&ore 44 that man<s inte))ect is a)so instincti+e. 7e begins thin9ing at once. 7e cannot he)* b"t "se his inte))ect. The inte))ect0 again0 o*erates magica))y0 s*ontaneo"s)y0 a"tomatica))y. #ts most 9een reasoning *rocesses rise as a

res")t o& that nat"ra) magica) action ? e)iberate)y.@ ?Pa"se.@ The inte))ect has been ta"ght to i+orce itse)& &rom its so"rce. #t rea)iAes in that regar a sense o& *ower)essness0 &or to some extent it is *hi)oso*hica))y c"t o&& &rom its own so"rce o& *ower. 'hen it )oo9s0 there&ore0 at the wor) o& *o)itica) e+ents0 the *rob)ems seem inso)"b)e. Man ma9es many ecisions that may seem D"ite wrong to the inte))ect beca"se o& its be)ie& systems0 an beca"se it is so c"t o&& &rom other so"rces o& in&ormation. A goo )y n"mber o& those mista9en ecisions0 or (*oor mo+es0( o&ten re*resent se)&4correcti+e actions0 ecisions ta9en on 9now)e ge not conscio"s)y *ercei+e 0 b"t this esca*es yo"r conscio"sness. ?1:,;.@ #n the same way0 some *ri+ate4)i&e ecisions or e+ents may a**ear isa +antageo"s to the inte))ect &or the same reasons0 whi)e instea they are a)so se)&4correcti+e meas"res that yo" are not ab)e to *ercei+e beca"se o& yo"r be)ie&s. The rationa) a**roach0 as it is now "se 0 carries a basic ass"m*tion that anything that is wrong wi)) get worse. That be)ie& o& co"rse is high)y etrimenta) beca"se it r"ns against the basic *rinci*)es o& )i&e. 'ere this the case in yo"r terms o& history0 the wor) wo") ne+er ha+e )aste a cent"ry. #t is interesting to note that e+en be&ore me ica) science0 there were a goo )y n"mber o& hea)thy *o*")ations. No isease r"bbe o"t the entire s*ecies. 'hen yo" be)ie+e that the worst wi)) ha**en yo" m"st a)ways be on g"ar . #n yo"r c")t"re *eo*)e "se the term (inte))ect( a)most )i9e a wea*on to *rotect themse)+es against im*en ing isaster. They m"st be a)ert &or angers o& a)) 9in s. They begin to co))ect e+i ence o& anger so that any other 9in o& orientation to )i&e seems &oo)har y0 an to be a rea)ist means in that &ramewor9 to )oo9 o"t &or the worst. First o& a))0 i& yo" rea)iAe that the inte))ect itse)& is a *art o& nat"re0 a *art o& the nat"ra) *erson0 a *art o& magica) *rocesses0 then yo" nee not o+erstrain it0 &orce it to &ee) iso)ate 0 or *"t it in a *osition in which *aranoi ten encies e+e)o*. #t is itse)& s"**orte 0 as yo"r int"itions are0 by )i&e<s magica) *rocesses. #t is s"**orte by the greater energy that ga+e yo" an the wor) birth. That *ower is wor9ing in the wor) 0 an in the wor) o& *o)itics0 as it is in the wor) o& nat"re0 since yo" ma9e that istinction. 'hen yo" &o))ow that so4ca))e rationa) a**roach0 howe+er0 yo" are bo"n to &ee) threatene 0 i+orce &rom yo"r bo y. >o"r tho"ghts an yo"r bo y seem se*arate. $i+isions seem to a**ear between the menta) an the *hysica)0 where again each are s"**orte by those magica) *rocesses. That rationa) a**roach goes against what # can on)y ca)) )i&e<s irecti+es an )i&e<s nat"ra) rhythms. #t is contra ictory to bio)ogica) integrity0 an again0 it oes not ma9e sense. That rationa) a**roach is0 o& co"rse0 connecte now with scienti&ic i eas mentione ear)ier: )i&e s"rro"n e by chaos0 the str"gg)e &or s"r+i+a)0 an so &orth. # o not mean to *"t own the inte))ect. #t is high)y im*ortant0 b"t it is0 i& yo" wi)) &orgi+e me0 as nat"ra) as a cat<s whis9ers. #t is not some a B"nct to nat"re0 b"t a *art o& it. ?Seth may ha+e ma e his h"moro"s re&erence to a cat<s whis9ers when he i beca"se o"r cat0 !i))y0 ha B"st meowe rather &rantica))y as he chase a "sty4)oo9ing moth thro"gh the )i+ing room.@ The magica) a**roach ta9es it &or grante 0 in the sim*)est terms0 that the )i&e o& any in i+i "a) wi)) &")&i)) itse)&0 wi)) e+e)o* an mat"re0 that the en+ironment an the in i+i "a) are "niD"e)y s"ite an wor9 together. This so"n s +ery sim*)e. #n +erba) terms0 howe+er0 those are the be)ie&s ?i& yo" wi))@ o& each c4e4)4) ?s*e))e @. They are im*rinte in each chromosome0 in each atom. They *ro+i e a b"i)t4in &aith that *er+a es each )i+ing creat"re0 each snai)0 each hair on yo"r hea . Those ingraine be)ie&s are0 o& co"rse0 bio)ogica))y *ertinent0 *ro+i ing the im*et"s o& a)) growth an e+e)o*ment.

?1:86.@ Each ce)) ?*a"se@ be)ie+es in a better tomorrow ?D"iet)y0 with am"sement@. # am0 # a mit0 *ersoni&ying o"r ce)) here0 b"t the statement has a &irm tr"th. F"rthermore0 each ce)) contains within itse)& a be)ie& an an "n erstan ing o& its own ine+itabi)ity. #t 9nows it )i+es beyon its eath0 in other wor s. The i ea o& hea+en0 &or a)) o& its istortions0 has o*erate as a theoretica) &ramewor90 ass"ring the inte))ect o& its s"r+i+a). Science has be)ie+e to the contrary in the "tter annihi)ation o& the inte))ect a&ter eath0 an since man ha by then *)ace a)) o& his i enti&ication with the inte))ect0 this was a shattering b)ow to it. #t enie man a necessary bio)ogica) im*erati+e ?a)) intent)y@. A)) o& these reasons )ie beneath man<s mass *rob)ems0 an a**)y in each )i&e. # want to note0 again0 that R"b"rt ear)ier eci e to ban9 on his inte))ect as a chi) 0 rather than "*on bea"ty0 as he &e)t his mother ha . #n his case a)so0 as gi+en in the *ast0 he &e)t that the &eminine D"a)ities were those o**ose to inte))ect"a) e+e)o*ment. ?Pa"se.@ 7e was gi&te int"iti+e)y an inte))ect"a))y0 howe+er0 an nat"ra))y was *ro*e))e towar growth in both areas 44 areas that he &e)t stresse contra ictory rather than com*)ementary characteristics. ?6@ Now ta9e any other *erson 44 or rather0 more to the *oint0 any other woman 44 in the so4ca))e *sychic &ie) . R"b"rt tries to *ro+e that he is reasonab)e0 rationa) ?"n er)ine @0 where s"ch *eo*)e0 he &ee)s0 ha+e ne+er )earne to "se their *owers o& reason0 an instea tr"st e+ery stray tho"ght that comes into their hea s. So to o"bt himse)& was *rotecti+e. ?%ong *a"se.@ 7e a)so &e)t that the D"estioning *ower o& the inte))ect was not B"st one o& its &"nctions 44 which it is 44 b"t its *rimary *"r*ose0 which it is not. #n yo"r terms the inte))ect<s *rimary &"nction is to ma9e c)ear e "ctions an istinctions in+o)+ing the *ersona)ity<s re)ationshi* with the wor) . >o"r society0 howe+er0 has in ee consi ere the rationa) a**roach to be the masc")ine4&a+ore one 44 so R"b"rt ha an a itiona) reason in that regar to be s"ch a *ro*onent o& the rationa) a**roach. A)) o& the be)ie&s connecte with the sex were o& co"rse erroneo"s0 b"t they were *art an *arce) o& that (rationa)( &ramewor9 itse)&. ?1:;;.@ #t is certain)y too sim*)e to say what # am going to say0 yet it is a)most as i& yo" wo") be better o&& t"rning the entire rationa) a**roach "*si e own0 ta9ing it &or grante that a)) o& its ass"m*tions were &a)se0 &or they are in ee more &a)se than tr"e ?intent)y@. Again0 yo" see0 the i+isions are arbitrary on yo"r *art. The inte))ect is0 again0 the res")t o& high)y s*ontaneo"s *rocesses o& which it itse)& 9nows nothing0 an the int"itions that are consi ere so "n isci*)ine an "nreasonab)e are base "*on ca)c")ations &ar more s*ectac")ar than those o& which the conscio"s min can concei+e. The inte))ect co") not &o))ow them0 so the istinctions are not basic: They are the res")t o& be)ie&s an habit"a) "sage. There&ore0 o& co"rse0 # s*ea9 o& them se*arate)y0 as yo" thin9 o& them. The magica) a**roach ta9es it &or grante that the h"man being is a "nite creat"re0 &")&i))ing *"r*oses in nat"re e+en as the anima)s o0 whether or not those *"r*oses are "n erstoo . ?Pa"se.@ The magica) a**roach ta9es it &or grante that each in i+i "a) has a &"t"re0 a &")&i))ing one0 e+en tho"gh eath may be tomorrow. The magica) a**roach ta9es it &or grante that the means &or e+e)o*ment are within each in i+i "a)0 an that &")&i))ment wi)) ha**en nat"ra))y. O+era))0 that a**roach o*erates in yo"r wor) . #& it i not0 there wo") be no wor) . #& the worst was bo"n to ha**en0 as the scientists certain)y thin90 e+en e+o)"tion0 in their terms0 wo") ha+e been im*ossib)e0 o& co"rse 44 a nice *oint to *"t somewhere ?a)) intent)y@. >o" nee e this bac9gro"n 0 &or # want to b"i) "* the atmos*here in which this magica) a**roach can be com*rehen e . Then s*eci&ic materia) can be "ti)iAe . #n yo"r ream ?8@ yo" were0 o& co"rse0 in the *rocess o& &orming new i eas abo"t the nat"re o& the

magica) se)& ?thro"gh my art@ an so in yo"r way wor9ing that i ea o"t thro"gh imagery. The ream is abo+e a)) an exam*)e o& (wor9( being one at other )e+e)s o& awareness. R"b"rt<s HrecentI menta) con+ersation with (Mary0( ?;@ an yo"r own ream abo"t Mary with the s9etchboo9 sheets ?:@ 44 a)) o& these ex*eriences are in ications o& the exD"isite 9in o& reasoning that goes on at the )e+e)s o& awareness that are "s"a))y consi ere "nreasonab)e. That 9in o& materia) enriches the inte))ect an reass"res it. One note: $o ha+e R"b"rt te)) yo" how he is oing moo wise0 &or now yo" can he)* him there. 7e m"st rea)iAe that re)axation is a)so a *art o& the creati+e *rocess. %e&t a)one0 he wo") o (the right thing.( 'e wi)) contin"e this isc"ssion at o"r next session0 an in the meantime be on the )oo9o"t &or other hints an c)"es that wi)) bring yo" a better i ea o& the magica) a**roach. En o& session. ?(5ery goo . Than9 yo".(@ # wish yo" a magica))y content e+ening. My heartiest regar s to yo" both. ?(Than9 yo". The same to yo".G@ ?,3:3: P.M. (# can<t remember any o& that0( Jane sai . (# B"st 9now # i n<t ha+e any o& that in my hea be&ore the session.( ?This is certain)y magica) 44 Jane<s *er&ormance as Seth0 in the sessions. This note0 which # wrote a co"*)e o& ays )ater0 was ins*ire by Seth<s materia) in this session: ?(Seth0 o& co"rse0 not on)y ictates his magica) materia) 44 the session44 b"t m"st 9ee* the who)e session in min whi)e oing so0 so that each sentence as he e)i+ers it ma9es sense com*are to its *re ecessors0 an those to &o))ow. M"ite a &eat on his *art0 an Jane<s0 once yo" sto* to thin9 abo"t it. 7ow is this *ossib)eF Seth has no scri*t to go by0 nor can he re&er "ring the session to my own notes to chec9 "* on what he<s a)rea y sai . ?(#< say that a great memory m"st be in+o)+e here0 co"*)e on ee*er )e+e)s with a shortening o& time as we thin9 o& it. Seth<s abi)ities remin me o& materia) #<+e written recent)y on how certain *ortions o& the *ersona)ity or *syche m"st +ery shrew )y an care&"))y constr"ct reams in a +ance0 so that when the reams are *)aye bac9 they ren er B"st the right message to the *arts o& the *syche that nee it. #<m not being contra ictory here when # write that the ream is a s*ontaneo"s *ro "ction0 a)so. ?(These comments abo"t Seth<s abi)ities seem ob+io"s when they<re consi ere as #<+e B"st escribe them0 yet # on<t thin9 #<+e tho"ght o& what Seth can o in B"st that way be&ore. They ma9e his *er&ormances a)) the more remar9ab)e. See the materia) a&ter 1:;; in the session o& A"g"st ,80 abo"t the inte))ect an the <"n isci*)ine an "nreasonab)e< int"itions. Act"a))y0 that who)e session a**)ies here.(@ NOTES: SESS#ON OF A-.-ST ,80 ,123 ,. 'hen # wrote these notes on J")y ,=0 # har )y ex*ecte that se+era) wee9s )ater Seth wo") so e&&ecti+e)y (*"t them in their *)ace0( so to s*ea90 as he en)arge "*on his isc"ssion o& the magica) a**roach:

(<7a+e yo" e+er notice 0< # sai to Jane the other ay0 <that e+erything on earth remains the same exce*t h"man acti+ityF< Jane has hear #t a)) be&ore. #t<s one o& my &a+orite notions0 an one &rom which # raw 44 with my own 9in o& *er+erse h"mor it seems44 great com&ort an stabi)ity. (# co") )ist h"n re s o& exam*)es o& what # mean. This is one o& those ob+io"s i eas that seem chi) ish once it<s tho"ght o&. # on<t care whether or not it<s a *ro&o"n tho"ghtC it has meaning &or me. !"t as &ar as # 9now0 we h"mans are the on)y s*ecies that<s obsesse with <change<0 an <*rogress<0 an <contro))ing or mastering nat"re<C with )earning abo"t o"r *ast an with charting o"r &"t"re. 'e stri+e towar an im*ossib)e0 or at )east rosy0 &"t"re in which we wi)) ha+e met a)) o& o"r cha))enges so that we<)) )i+e in some sort o& "nrea) won er)an on earth. 'hat o we o next 44 or wi)) we gi+e "* on that i ea tooF Perha*s we<)) s*en a)) o& o"r time contem*)ating each otherE (Anyhow0 each morning when # scatter bir &ee in the ri+eway o& the hi)) ho"se0 the car ina)s an the mo"rning o+es0 the chic9a ees an the b)"e Bays an the other bir s are waiting in the nearby R"ssian e)ms0 the oa9 tree0 or )ine "* on the te)e*hone wires. Their beha+ior is the same each morning. #& Jane an # an o"r ho"se e+a*orate between one ay an the next0 an o"r )ot was magica))y trans&orme into its nati+e habitat0 the bir s wo") sim*)y switch to <nat"ra)< see s instea o& cons"ming the s"n&)ower see s0 mi))et an other grain *ro "cts that o"r mar9et*)ace so con+enient)y *ac9ages &or them. <'o") those &eathere s*ecies remember "sF 'hy im*ose o"r concerns an habits "*on themF (The rabbits in o"r neighborhoo wo") contin"e to )i+e as "s"a) witho"t o"r he)*0 a)tho"gh they might miss nibb)ing "*on the )ea&y +egetab)es in the )oca) gar ens. The &ish an a)) o& the com*)ex min"tiae o& the )oca) ri+er bottoms wo") go on )i+ing as they a)ways ha+e. The eer # see in the woo s north o& the hi)) ho"se wo") contin"e to bo"n thro"gh the br"sh an among the trees. They< )i+e the same as e+er0 since it<s i))ega) &or "s to &ee them 44 a)tho"gh they o )i9e to mo+e own the hi))si e at night an sam*)e certain shr"bs we ha+e 9in )y *)ante abo"t o"r ho"ses. (#n my ar9er moo s # &in myse)& thin9ing that # )o+e the earth an e+erything "*on it exce*t the increasing)y estr"cti+e acti+ities o& h"man beings 44 an sometimes # won er abo"t the h"man beings themse)+esE # )o+e the eserts an &orests0 the oceans an ri+ers an )a9es o& the earth0 the *)ains an the *o)es0 the marshes an the mo"ntains. An # 9now that in the P"erto Rico trench in the At)antic Ocean0 )i&e in the sea at more than 20333 &eet own goes on B"st as it has &or many mi))ennia. #t<s been )i9e that &or a)) o& the sea creat"res an the &)ora o& the oceans. #t<s been )i9e that &or a)) o& the interwo+en )i&e &orms o& the *o)es an the tro*ics0 o& the eserts an woo )an s an *rairies0 Each s*ecies )i+es within its en+ironment0 whate+er its con itions. An # thin9 that in its way each )i&e &orm m"st 9now that an )o+e its home0 an has no esire to change or estroy it. (So what abo"t aci rain0 say0 to name b"t one h"man creation that<s ha+ing a strong e&&ect "*on the earth<s s"r&ace an aeria) en+ironmentsF 'e<re to) that it<s now e+i ent in a n"mber o& *)aces on earth 44 o&ten ownwin &rom certain 9in s o& in "stria) acti+ity. As to be ex*ecte 0 in "stry owners an o*erators maintain that their *)ants ha+e )itt)e or nothing to o with the creation o& the ea )a9es in the A iron ac9s in New >or9 State0 &or exam*)e0 or in certain Cana ian *ro+inces across the .reat %a9es. ('ere there aci rains an &or a)) # 9now. . . . ( N (!oy0 Seth0( # tho"ght a&ter tonight<s session0 ( i # go o+erboar in that *ieceE >o" he)*e me ea )a9es in E"ro*e in the ,=33s0 &or instanceF There may ha+e been0

"n erstan some things0 yet what # wrote sti)) contains tr"th &or me0 too. #<m angry beca"se # thin9 44 # 9now 44 that we h"man beings ha+e the b)esse creati+e ca*acity to o so m"ch better. So why on<t weF( 6. This session was he) on A"g"st ,8. Thirteen ays )ater0 Jane an # were most intrig"e to rea an artic)e in a nationa) *"b)ication in which researchers show0 a&ter eight years o& tests0 that not on)y o women o most things as we)) as men 44 they act"a))y o"t*er&orm men in many areas0 both inte))ect"a))y an int"iti+e)y. For exam*)e0 women test as eD"a) to men in sensiti+ity to so"n C c)ear0 )ogica)0 an rationa) thin9ingC acc"rate rea ing an writingC memory &or esign in areas )i9e ra&ting an i))"strationC n"mber memoryC tweeAer exterityC &oresight0 as in the &)ow o& i easC s"bBecti+e *ersona)ity )in9s to s*ecia)iAe wor9. 'omen excee men in s"ch areas as &inger exterityC acco"nting a*tit" esC rate o& i ea &)ow0 as in sa)es0 writing0 an teachingC obser+ing sma)) changes in *hysica) etai)C non4tangib)e i eas reD"iring com*)ex +ocab")ary0 as in me icine an )awC the abi)ity to +is"a)iAe three4 imensiona) re)ationshi*s0 as in engineering. Accor ing to these tests0 "s *oor g"ys excee women in on)y two categories: str"ct"ra) +is"a)iAation0 as in engineering0 mechanics an b"i) ingC an meas"res o& sim*)e m"sc")ar strength. 8. From my ream noteboo9: ($ream0 +ery ear)y 'e nes ay morning0 A"g"st ,80 ,123. ?See my *ainting at the en o& this session.@ (#n +i+i co)or0 as "s"a): # reame that in New >or9 City # ha gone bac9 to my &irst )o+e0 rawing comics. Not comic boo9s0 howe+er0 b"t a syn icate &antasy4a +ent"re story to be r"n in co)or an ta9e "* a &")) S"n ay news*a*er *age. 5ery "n"s"a). # saw my art &or the &irst *age0 *erha*s ha)& again as )arge as the *rinte +ersion wo") be0 )ying on a &)at rawing tab)e. #t was in b)ac9 <)ine<0 b"t a)so with &)at washes o& co)or. For comic boo9s0 # ha rawn on)y the b)ac9 *)ate. The *rinter ha &"rnishe the co)or *)ates. (# was not conscio"s o& my age0 /,0 in the ream0 nor o # remember anything abo"t being committe to raw a ai)y stri* a)so. # ha a m"ch yo"nger assistant who remin e me o& Tom %antini0 an artist &rien who ha been a year behin me in Sayre 7igh0 o"r hometown schoo) in Sayre0 Pennsy)+ania. #n the ream0 #< )e&t certain areas b)an9 in the *ane)s ma9ing "* the S"n ay *age0 an my name)ess assistant ha one the art to &i)) in those *)aces. My main character0 a ma)e who wore a tight4&itting S"*erman4ty*e cost"me with a &)owing ca*e0 occ"*ie a s*ace se+era) *ane)s high right in the mi )e o& the *age 44 D"ite a aring conce*t &or a comic )ayo"t. # 9new the character ty*e we)) beca"se in the ear)y ,1;3s0 in <rea)< )i&e0 #< been one o& the artists who ha rawn the +ery *o*")ar comic4boo9 hero0 Ca*tain Mar+e). My ream character stoo con&i ent)y &acing the rea er 44 exce*t that #< omitte rawing his hea E My assistant ha rawn the hea 0 tho"gh0 on a sma)) se*arate *iece o& boar 0 an *rotecte it with a *iece o& tracing *a*er. # tho"ght the hea was too sma))0 b"t we)) one0 D"ite yo"th&") with c"r)y b)ac9 hair an han some &eat"res0 as one wo") ex*ect s"ch a magica) character to ha+e. # a)so saw that the hea was a)most too yo"th&") &or the strong *hysiD"e o& the character #< rawn0 a)tho"gh # wasn<t critica) o& this. A)) that remaine was &or the *rinter to &it the hea an the bo y together. # sat at the rawing tab)e examining the assistant<s wor9.( N My art teacher in high schoo)0 Miss !owman0 ha ta"ght Tom %antini a)so 44 an as she ha )oane me money to go to commercia) art schoo) in New >or9 City0 so ha she gi+en Tom &inancia) ai so

that he co") atten the same schoo). See my note concerning Miss !owman at the en o& the session o& Se*tember ,3. Tom starte schoo) a year a&ter # ha 0 an # he)*e him obtain a room in the same schoo)4a**ro+e boar ing ho"se that # )i+e in0 with other st" ents. # to) Jane that at &irst # was somewhat Bea)o"s o& Tom0 *robab)y &ee)ing that in some way he was intr" ing into my own s*ecia) re)ationshi* with Miss !owman. Jane sai that ma9es my ream e+en better. This is her inter*retation o& the ream: O'e . A"g. ,8 ream0 ,123. (Another great ream o& Rob<s. #n o"r sessions )ate)y Seth has been ta)9ing abo"t the nat"ra) se)& or nat"ra) *erson0 saying that it is a)so the magica) *erson. #n this ream Rob is in the *rocess o& wor9ing o"t that i ea0 +is"a))y. 7is c)osest connection to magic wo") be his comics ex*erience when he rew Ca*tain Mar+e) 44 a magica) character. The res")ting image0 in two *arts0 shows that the i ea is a)most com*)ete in his min 0 B"st nee ing to be *"t together. #n the ream he sees himse)& ret"rning to the comics0 on)y the S"n ay e ition ?s*ecia)@0 an the s"*erhero character is m"ch more *rominent than the comics wo") or inari)y ha+e itC the sma))er hea re*resenting0 # thin90 the i ea that the inte))ect<s *)ace is sma))er or o& a )esser nat"re than he ear)ier s"**ose . At ream<s en Rob says that the hea was a)most too yo"th&") &or the bo y he< rawn 44 maybe a remin er that the nat"ra) *erson is yo"nger in ways than the inte))ect"a) se)&. # thin9 that Rob is himse)& in the ream0 re*resente by the s"*er character as the magica) se)&C an a)so that he is the assistant who ha *re*are the &ig"re<s hea . (#n the ream the assistant is a &e))ow st" ent. #<m not s"re o& the connection "n)ess it means that at the time he 9new Tom0 as yo"th&") artists both Rob an Tom be)ie+e in the magica) as*ects o& )i&e 44 which now come to Rob<s ai assisting him by rawing the character<s hea .G ;. Two ays a&ter e)i+ering the &irst session &or The Magica) A**roach0 Jane ma e notes abo"t her menta) exchange with o"r ear )ong4time &rien 0 OMaryG ?the name #<+e gi+en her@: (A"g"st 20 ,123. O... )ater in the night0 )ast night0 # became aware o& a menta) con+ersation between Mary an myse)&. She was saying that she wante to +isit0 an then sai she wante to stay o+ernight. # became somewhat a)arme an the con+ersation b)e o&&. The &ee)ing # ha was that something ha ha**ene between Mary an her new h"sban 0 an arg"ment. She wante to stay here &or the night0 *erha*s )ea+ing her son with her h"sban 44 which # i n<t thin9 was a goo i ea. #<+e *ic9e "* on Mary<s re)ationshi*s be&ore.... (This morning0 Mary ca))e . She so"n e +ery ownC Rob0 who a)so ta)9e to her0 agree . !"t # i n<t mention my ex*erience0 m"ch as # wante to chec9 it o"tC # i n<t want to intr" e ...... :. My Mary ream: ($ream0 +ery ear)y S"n ay morning0 A"g"st ,30 ,123. ($i&&ic")t to reca))0 an what # o reca)) ma9es no sense to me at a)). #n +i+i co)or: # reame that Jane an # were eating at a )itt)e tab)e in an o*en4air resta"rant or ca&e4ty*e setting. #t was a bea"ti&") s"mmer ay. O"r &rien Mary came "* to "s. She was by herse)& an # on<t reca)) her saying anything to "s. She was carrying a )arge s9etch *a 0 *erha*s a 664by4834inch siAe. One wo") ex*ect the *ages o& the *a to be white0 rea y &or rawing. #nstea 0 as Mary )i&te the co+er o& the *a 0 ho) ing the *a o"t &or Jane an me to see0 we saw that the to* *age was co+ere by a )o+e)y )arge &)ora) *attern o& )ea+es an &)owers0 as one might see on be sheets these ays. # examine se+era)

*ages o& Mary<s *a an saw that a)) o& them were co+ere by the same esign0 in re s an greens0 etc. The *attern ma e the *ages o& the *a D"ite "se)ess &or their or inary *"r*ose. # wo9e "* se+era) times with this ream in min 0 te))ing myse)& to remember it.( An Jane<s inter*retation0 written on the same ay # ha the ream: (A terri&ic )itt)e ream that bea"ti&"))y states its message: Mary<s i eas o& romance an ma9ing )o+e ?re*resente by mo ern4 ay &)owere sheets@ are being trans*ose &rom the be room into the area o& her art0 an in a way that mars the art itse)&. The trans*osition o& the &)owere esigns o& be sheets to sheets o& *a*er is greatC Rob chose s9etch *a rather than0 say0 ty*ing *a*er0 # thin90 beca"se *ainting is his art whi)e Mary<s is writing. A)so *erha*s to ma9e connections with Mary<s s9etches o& her own )i&e. Maybe by "sing his own art symbo)0 the s9etch *a instea o& the ty*ing *a*er0 Rob rein&orce the i ea o& Mary<s con&)icts abo"t the nat"re o& her own wor9. (Mary shows "s the )arge s9etch *a*ers in an o*en4air resta"rant44 a setting where *hysica) nee s are satis&ie in *"b)ic. The o*en air s*eci&ies this *"b)ic as*ect0 meaning that Mary<s i eas are connecte with socia) +a)"es wanting her nee s satis&ie in a socia))y acce*tab)e *"b)ic &ashion. This wo") re&er to her recent marriage.... (As yo" can see0 the ream states a)) this &ar more sim*)y an concise)y than #<m ab)e toE( !"t0 # to) Jane0 she i a &ar better conscio"s an int"iti+e Bob o& inter*reting my ream o& Mary than # e+er co") . #<m grate&")E A note: Se+era) ho"rs be&ore she he) to ay<s session0 Jane wrote: <'e nes ay0 A"g"st ,80 ,123. (Ca))e Mary. Since # ta)9e to her )ast0 she<s eci e to )ea+e her h"sban . . . . (

SESS#ON FO-R SC#ENCE AN$ SC#ENCE<S P#CT-RE. $ES#RE AS ACT#ON. A-.-ST ,20,123 1:,3 P.M.0 MON$A> ?# sneeAe three times B"st as Jane too9 o&& her g)asses an went into trance. As Seth0 she stare at me with D"ite an am"se air0 waiting "nti) # was rea y to ta9e notes.@

.oo e+ening. ?(.oo e+ening0 Seth.G@ Now: # want to begin by mentioning one o& the most im*ortant an +ita) messages in yo"r g)ass4 oor ream ?o& two ays ago@0 ?,@ &or its tr"th a**)ies to the magica) a**roach as we)). That is0 the ream was gi+ing yo" an exam*)e o& one o& the main characteristics o& what we wi)) ca)) the magica) a**roach. R"b"rt i not stress this in his inter*retation0 which was otherwise exce))ent. The main iss"e was the re)ati+e ease with which yo" were ab)e to en)arge the ho)e in the g)ass oor. Ease is the 9ey wor . To the wor) o& the inte))ect0 a g)ass oor m"st be consi ere so)i 0 as is in the wor) o& *hysica) senses. #n other D"ite as &act"a) terms0 in ee in the )arger &ramewor9 o& &acts0 the oor o& co"rse is not so)i at a))0 as no obBects are. Ob+io"s)y that is 9nown to science. Science e)egates the wor) o& nat"re as the rea)m o& exterior nat"ra) e+ents. #ts +iew o& nat"re is there&ore mechanistic. The nat"ra) se)&0 howe+er0 )i9e the rest o& nat"re0 *ossesses a rich imension o& insi e *sycho)ogica) e*th0 that science0 beca"se o& its own e&initions0 cannot *ercei+e. Te)e*athy an c)air+oyance0 &or exam*)e0 are a *art o& nat"ra) e&&ects0 b"t they be)ong to a nat"re so m"ch more ex*ansi+e than science<s e&initions that they ha+e been ma e to a**ear as high)y "nnat"ra) eccentricities o& beha+ior0 rather than as nat"ra) com*onents o& conscio"sness. ?Pa"se.@ #t is a)so &or that reason that they seem to &a)) o"tsi e o& the rea)m o& the s4a4n4e ?s*e))e @. S"ch characteristics are0 howe+er0 basic *ro*erties o& the nat"ra) *erson. They o not a**ear +ery we)) "n er the a"s*ices o& the scienti&ic metho 0 beca"se the scienti&ic metho is itse)& *rogramme to *ercei+e on)y in&ormation that &its into its *reconcei+e *atterns. S"ch abi)ities a**ear to be "n*re ictab)e0 iscontin"o"s0 on)y beca"se yo" are so re)ati+e)y "naware o& what is act"a))y D"ite constant *sycho)ogica) beha+ior. That is0 s"ch abi)ities o*erate so smooth)y0 so contin"o"s)y0 an with s"ch ease ?intent)y@ that yo" become aware o& them on)y "n er certain con itions. >o" are aware o& what seem to be iso)ate hints o& o characteristics. The inte))ect is basica))y ab)e to han )e many 9in s o& in&ormation0 an in&ormation systems. #t is &ar more &)exib)e than yo" *resent)y a))ow it to be. #t can han )e se+era) ?*a"se@ main wor) +iews at once0 rea)iAing that they are each metho s o& *ercei+ing an a**roaching rea)ity. To some egree historica))y s*ea9ing0 that sort o& sit"ation o*erate in the *ast when 44 com*arati+e)y s*ea9ing0 now 44 *eo*)e rea)iAe that there was in ee an inner wor) o& com*)exity an richness that co") be a**roache in certain &ashions0 one that existe a)ongsi e with the *hysica) wor) 0 so that the two intersecte . Certain a**roaches wor9e in one area0 an others wor9e in the inner rea)ity. ?1:61.@ The inte))ect co") han )e both a**roaches0 o*erating with se*arate ass"m*tions. There were se*arate ass"m*tions that a**)ie to i&&erent rea)ities. # o not mean to i ea)iAe those times. #n so4 ca))e mo ern ages0 howe+er0 the inte))ect has been stri**e own0 so to s*ea9. Science *ercei+e the s*ectac")ar com*)exity o& exterior rea)ity0 b"t t"rne its sights com*)ete)y away &rom any recognition 44 any at a)) 44 "nti) it regar e s"bBecti+ity itse)& as a mere throw4away *ro "ct0 acci enta))y &orme by a min )ess matter. A)) o& this a**)ies to yo"r sit"ation0 &or # want yo" to thoro"gh)y "n erstan 0 inte))ect"a))y an emotiona))y0 the errors o& c"rrent tho"ght0 so that yo" can see that o"r materia) is in ee *ro+i ing yo" not on)y with (creati+e materia)0( b"t with a more &act"a) *resentation o& the &ramewor9 in which yo" ha+e yo"r existence. #n mo ern times0 then0 the inte))ect was &ina))y )e&t with on)y one acce*tab)e wor) +iew0 with one set o&

ass"m*tions0 with on)y one main a**roach to rea)ity an ex*erience. The acce*tab)e ass"m*tions to a )arge extent ran irect)y contra ictory to b"i)t4in bio)ogica)0 s*irit"a)0 an *sycho)ogica) ass"m*tions that are a *art o& man<s heritage. The inte))ect oes try to or er ex*erience0 to ma9e sense o"t o& *erce*tion. 'hen it is enriche ?*a"se@ by ha+ing in its *ossession se+era) wor) +iews0 then it oes an exce))ent o& Bob merging those into meaning&") *atterns o& sorting in&ormation an sen ing it to the *ro*er *)aces0 so to s*ea9. #t "n erstan s0 &or exam*)e0 that c)air+oyant materia) is a *art o& the *ersona)ity<s o+era)) characteristics0 so it is not a&rai o& *ercei+ing it 44 an it is ab)e to se*arate s"ch in&ormation con&"sion &rom *resent *hysica) sense *erce*tion. Or er)iness0 then0 is one o& its main characteristics. 'hen it is gi+en on)y one wor) +iew0 an on)y one gro"* o& ass"m*tions0 its or er)y nat"re ca"ses it to throw o"t a)) in&ormation that oes not &it. #t is a)most &orce to ma9e an or er)y *ict"re0 say )i9e a Bigsaw *"AA)e *ict"re0 whi)e being enie ha)& o& the *ieces. The inte))ect is not to b)ame. #t oes the best it can "n er those con itions. Now in yo"r ream0 yo" were D"ite c)ear)y seeing the thresho) between *hysica) rea)ity an the magica) imension in which that *hysica) rea)ity has its so"rce. >o" were being shown 44 or showing yo"rse)& 44 the i&&erence in the r")es or ass"m*tions between the two. The og<s esire &or &oo )e him to wa)9 magica))y thro"gh the oor0 &or the esires o& the nat"ra) creat"re are satis&ie ?*a"se@ with an ease that has nothing to o with yo"r i eas o& wor9. 'hat # am getting at is the intro "ction o& the conce*ts o& a i&&erent 9in o& wor9 44 +ery +a)"ab)e0 +ita) wor9 that is *er&orme at another )e+e) an in a i&&erent &ashion. ?1:;2.@ A *rime exam*)e0 o& co"rse0 is the (wor9( one to 9ee* each an e+ery creat"re a)i+e an breathing0 the (wor9( one to 9ee* the *)anets in their *)aces0 the (wor9( being one so that one e+o)"tionist can me itate o+er his theories. Now in yo"r ream yo" got the &ee)ing o& that 9in o& wor90 or action. #t is the gi+en *ower o& the wor) 0 the gi+en *ower o& nat"re. #t is the irecte &orce o& +a)"e &")&i))ment. ?6@ #n other terms it is o& co"rse the energy o& A)) That #s. The tro"b)e is that the rationa) +iew o& )i&e has se*arate man &rom a sense o& his own *ower so"rce. 'hen he has a *rob)em0 the rationa) a**roach to its so)"tion seems the on)y answer0 an o&ten0 o& co"rse0 it is no answer at a)). R"b"rt wante to ma9e s"re that he was right. ?%ong *a"se.@ 7e trie to go ahea an not go ahea at the same time. 7e trie to be aring an ca"tio"s0 bra+e an sa&e. This a**)ies to some extent to each o& yo"0 o& co"rse0 *recise)y beca"se yo" were gi&te strong)y both inte))ect"a))y an int"iti+e)y. >o" trie to rationa)iAe yo"r creati+ity0 both o& yo"0 to some extent. The rationa) )ine o& tho"ght &in s creati+ity high)y isr"*ti+e0 so in those terms as high)y gi&te creati+e *eo*)e0 yo" wo") ha+e enco"ntere some i&&ic")ties in any case. #t is time that yo" regar e s"ch i&&ic")ties instea as cha))enges that are a *art o& a creati+e a +ent"re that yo" ha+e yo"rse)+es chosen. >o" chose the a +ent"re beca"se it was the 9in best s"ite to yo"r own in i+i "a) +a)"e &")&i))ment. #n reconci)ing the many conce*ts an contra ictions &or yo"rse)+es0 yo" a)so )ea the way &or many others. #t wo") 0 again0 he)* consi erab)y i& yo" tho"ght o& yo"r wor9 more as an a +ent"re0 an exciting creati+e a +ent"re0 than o& wor9 in yo"r o) terms. This wi)) a))ow yo" to inc)" e the &ee)ing o& inner0 magica) (wor9( into yo"r ca)c")ations. #t wo") a)so begin ?"n er)ine @ to gi+e yo" a &ee)ing &or the magica) s"**ort that "*ho) s yo" both0 an yo"r )i+es 44 the s"**ort that R"b"rt can co"nt "*on0 an that can bring abo"t the so)"tion to his *hysica) i&&ic")ties. 7ere0 again0 the +ita) wor is ease or e&&ort)essness. #& yo" want to ?)ong *a"se@ &ee a og in the *hysica) wor) 44 an he is on the other si e o& the oor 44 yo" m"st o*en it. #n the inner wor)

yo" or the og can wa)9 thro"gh the oor witho"t e&&ort0 beca"se esire is action. $esire is action. #n the inner wor) 0 yo"r esires bring abo"t their own &")&i))ment0 e&&ort)ess)y. That inner wor) 0 an the exterior one0 intersect an interwea+e. They on)y a**ear se*arate. ?Pa"se.@ #n the *hysica) wor) 0 time may ha+e to e)a*se0 or whate+er. Con itions may ha+e to change0 or whate+er0 b"t the esire wi)) bring abo"t the *ro*er res")ts. The &ee)ing o& e&&ort)essness is what is im*ortant. #t is D"ite *ro*er &or R"b"rt<s inte))ect to "n erstan this0 an to say0 sim*)y now0 (That is not my rea)m. # wi)) )ea+e the so)"tion to that *rob)em where it be)ongs. 'e wi)) "se the magica) a**roach here.( #& yo" want to0 rest yo"r &ingers brie&)y. ?,3:32. (O9ay.G Then at ,3:31: @ Now0 brie&)y: # wi)) contin"e the abo+e isc"ssion at o"r next session. R"b"rt &ee)s ho*e)ess at times beca"se the ass"m*tions o& the rationa) a**roach o&ten )ea in that irection0 an beca"se he has not been certain eno"gh o& himse)& in those other areas to get the 9in o& )ong4)asting res")ts he wants. This a**)ies to both o& yo"r attit" es at times. At a conscio"s )e+e)0 o& co"rse0 neither o& yo" rea)iAe 0 or wante to rea)iAe0 the 9in o& com*)ete re*ea) an o+erha") that was im*)ie by o"r sessions0 an &or some years yo" manage to ho) many o&&icia) +iews o& rea)ity a)ong with the newer conce*ts0 not rea y to "n erstan that an entire new way o& thin9ing was in+o)+e 0 a new re)ationshi* o& the in i+i "a) with rea)ity. So yo" trie o"t some new metho s *iecemea)0 here an there0 with goo 4eno"gh res")ts. O& co"rse0 an entire reorientation ?with em*hasis@ is instea im*)ie 0 an that entire reorientation wi)) e&&ort)ess)y bring abo"t a new re)ationshi* o& R"b"rt with his bo y0 with his )i&e0 an with the a +ent"re the two o& yo" ha+e embar9e "*on. 7e wi)) sim*)y a"tomatica))y get better0 beca"se the &ramewor9 wi)) a))ow him to o so. A &ew m"n ane b"t he)*&") notes. 7e m"st o& co"rse be a))owe some "ninterr"*te writing time. Neither o& yo" "n erstan yo"r attit" es towar the be room. !oth o& yo" a+oi ma9ing )o+e in it. #t is the one room that is not ?*a"se@ a *art o& yo"r o+era)) acti+ities0 o& co"rse. #t seems iso)ate &rom yo"r )i+es. >o" o not &ix it "*0 &or exam*)e. This is *artia))y the res")t o& o) i eas0 where s)ee* is a se*arate0 iso)ate *art o& )i&e0 or o& the *ersona)ity. >o" wo") both &ee) better in it i& it showe more o& yo"r other interests. For R"b"rt0 some boo9s or boo9cases. #t is a room that shows no e+i ence o& his wor90 yo" see. #t sho") ho) some o& yo"r c"rrent *aintings 44 b"t in some way it sho") be tie in with yo"r )i+es more. # ea))y0 a new be wo") be a +antageo"s0 both *hysica))y an symbo)ica))y. Re)axation 44 )aying own0 &or exam*)e 44 wo") be &ar more easi)y assimi)ate on R"b"rt<s *art0 a)so0 i& a cot or eD"i+a)ent 44 a aybe or whate+er 44 were a *art o& his writing room0 or in the breeAeway. >o" enBoy the )i+ing room &or a na* beca"se o& its sens"a) reaches. >o"r metabo)isms are i&&erent0 D"ite nat"ra))y0 an "n er the "s"a) sit"ations0 gi+en yo"r )"nch ho"r0 R"b"rt nee s a goo mea)0 sometimes certain)y between &i+e an six at the )atest. Otherwise he ex*eriences a nat"ra) *hysica) irritation that is com*)icate then by other iss"es. >o" nee yo"r *ainting time0 as yo" ha+e isco+ere . 7e enBoys the twi)ight ho"r in his writing room an tho"gh the seasons ha+e something to o with that0 sti)) it is a goo i ea when *ossib)e. >o"r own reass"rances are +ery he)*&") 44 an remember that they o*erate on other than *hysica) terms.

Now # bi yo" a &on goo e+ening0 an my congrat")ations to yo"r &ingers. ?(They<re o9ay. (@ .oo e+ening. ?(Than9 yo". .oo night0 Seth.( ?,3:61*.m.@ NOTES: SESS#ON OF A-.-ST ,20 ,123 ,. From my ream noteboo9: ?See my *ainting at en o& Session ;.@ ($ream0 +ery ear)y Sat"r ay morning0 A"g"st ,/0 ,123. (#<)) try to remember a)) e)ements o& this ream in seD"ence. Most "n"s"a). A)) in bri))iant co)or: (# reame that # was in the 9itchen o& the hi)) ho"se0 in E)mira0 cro"che own B"st insi e the room<s g)ass storm oor0 which was c)ose . The 9itchen<s insi e woo en oor was wi e o*en0 B"st to my )e&t. ."s0 the &rien )y o) Shet)an shee* og who be)onge to o"r neighbors cross the street0 came "* to the storm oor0 )oo9ing &or the han &") o& ry &oo # gi+e him each morning when # scatter bir see in the ri+eway. ."s was on the other si e o& the oor0 on the screene 4in bac9 *orch0 as he sho") be 44 on)y then # saw to my amaAement that he was starting to wa)9 thro"gh the g)ass *ane) in his eagerness to get to the &oo . # &e)t his hea *"shing e&&ort)ess)y thro"gh the g)ass0 an exc)aime abo"t this to Jane0 who sat at her "s"a) *)ace at the brea9&ast tab)e B"st in bac9 o& me. # was rea))y s"r*rise . # ha my han s on ."s<s hea as he so"ght to enter the 9itchen thro"gh the g)ass. (# gent)y *"she against ."s<s hea 0 an he began to bac9 o"t thro"gh the g)ass. 'ith a s" en ins*iration # 9e*t my han s on his hea "nti) they went thro"gh the g)ass with him as he with rew. Then0 in or er to obtain some *hysica) *roo& that this was rea))y ha**ening0 'ith my right han # began to <car+e< a sD"arish ho)e a &ew inches across in the g)ass where ."s<s hea ha been. # ma e the o*ening as the g)ass began to <congea)<. The ho)e<s si es were smooth)y ro"n e an *ose no *rob)em as &ar as shar* e ges went. An # en e "* with the *roo& # wante 44 an irreg")ar ho)e that # ha &orme in the g)ass with my &ingers. The ream g)ass was abo"t one4D"arter4inch thic9 44 o"b)e0 say0 <rea)< thic9ness. (A&ter the ."s *art o& the ream0 # saw thro"gh the g)ass oor a man stan ing D"ite at mi)itary attention. 7e was o) er0 graying0 im*eccab)y resse in the ar9 b)"e "ni&orm o& an o&&icer o& the Na+y. 7e was han some an ta)) an s)im. 7e )oo9e something )i9e the b)"e ma)e #<m *ainting &rom a recent ream0 a)tho"gh that one is in ci+i)ian c)othes. There<s a resemb)ance between the two0 b"t #<m not *artic")ar)y c)aiming that the o&&icer is the ci+i)ian. # on)y want to note that this wo") ma9e the secon instance recent)y in which # might ha+e ha the same character a**ear in se*arate reams. (The Na+y man ne+er came thro"gh the oor )i9e ."s ha 0 tho"gh0 nor i he s*ea9 to me or mo+e. 7e sim*)y stoo at attention on the *orch0 symbo)iAing # on<t 9now what. 7e was an o&&icer o& consi erab)e ran90 with a n"mber o& stri*es on his c"&&s. Perha*s the eD"i+a)ent o& an army co)one). (%ater in the ream0 maybe at night0 # was sitting on a co"ch with some c)ose &rien s0 as at a sma)) *arty. My brother %in en0 &rom o"t o& town0 co") ha+e been there. The room i n<t )oo9 m"ch )i9e o"r )i+ing room at the hi)) ho"se. Jane was *resent. # be)ie+e we ha the T5 on. Either a character on the screen sai something0 or someone in the room i 44 whate+er0 it triggere my memory o& the ."s e*iso e. # began to )a"gh an sD"irm with g)ee0 te))ing o"r &rien s that #< ex*erience something great0 an that # co") show them the *hysica) e+i ence o& it. # i n<t get to act"a))y show the ho)e in the g)ass0 tho"gh0 b"t &or some )itt)e time # 9e*t )a"ghing an saying0 to e+eryone<s s"r*rise an

am"sement0 that #< rea))y ha that a +ent"re this morning.( Jane inter*rete the ream the same ay # ha it: ($ream o& A"g"st ,/0 Sat"r ay ,123 44 the han thr" g)ass ream. (This is another terri&ic ream0 contin"ing the one in the )ast session0 in which Rob was constr"cting an image o& the magica) se)& 44 seeing it as a 9in o& Ca*tain Mar+e) character. #n this ream0 tho"gh0 he "ses the magic himse)&0 ma9ing it &ar more accessib)e. (The ream ta9es *)ace in the 9itchen0 a room e+ote to *hysica) no"rishment. ."s0 the neighbors< og0 in an intense esire to get &oo Rob ho) s0 wa)9s right thro"gh the g)ass oor 44 signi&ying the im*ortance o& esire in bringing abo"t the magica) satis&action o& nee s. ."s *robab)y a)so re*resents the <creat"re< magica) se)&0 showing its creat"re characteristicsC that it<s nat"ra)0 a&ter a)). (At the same time0 it<s Rob<s "s"a) se)&0 )earning &rom the creat"re4magica) se)&0 who then <gets the e+i ence0< en)arges the magica) ho)e in the g)assC signi&ying two things 44 that the so4ca))e "s"a) conscio"sness can )earn &rom the magica) *art0 &o))ow its )ea an there&ore catch itse)& <*er&orming mirac)es.< (%ater in the ream Rob is remin e o& this inci ent by something someone says0 either on T5 or in the room 44 signi&ying a i&&erent mobi)ity o& conscio"sness0 a)most a ream within a ream0 an a)so estab)ishing the &act that *hysica) an magica) e+ents are re)ate . (#<m not D"ite s"re o& the meaning o& the o) er han some Na+y man who stan s at attention 44 an a"thority &ig"re ... whose *"r*ose is mere)y to stan g"ar an obser+eC *erha*s a reass"rance to Rob that the rationa) se)& is there0 in its tr"e *osition 44 b"t stan ing a*art0 obser+ing the magica) *rocee ings....G N Jane i s"ch a &ine Bob inter*reting the ream ?in my estimationE@ that # i n<t b"g her &or more etai)s. %ater0 howe+er0 # wishe that #< as9e her a &ew D"estions. # thin9 she<s D"ite right abo"t the na+a) o&&icer being a symbo) &or the more con+entiona)0 or rigi 0 rationa) se)&. # wo") ha+e )i9e my wi&e<s comments on my brother %in en being in the ream. 7e<s a year yo"nger than # am0 an )i+es with his &ami)y own in Pennsy)+ania. 7e<s become D"ite re)igio"s)y oriente 0 as is his right. # thin9 that as # Boy&"))y ta)9e abo"t my magica) ex*)oration in the ream0 # was te))ing him something )i9e: (7ey0 there<s more than one way to ex*)ore the se)&0 to be re)igio"sE( An # thin9 that %in en an # were in corres*on ence in the ream state0 an that in some way he got the message .... 6. Accor ing to Jane an Seth0 within o"r time scheme each *h+sica))y4en owe conscio"sness0 whate+er its &orm or siAe or com*)exity0 inherent)y see9s to &")&i)) its own highest *otentia) 44 not on)y &or itse)&0 b"t &or the bene&it o& each other s"ch conscio"sness in o"r rea)ity. There is no ri&ting thro"gh )i&e0 then0 b"t a b"i)t4in search &or the &")&i))ment o& +a)"es0 whate+er *ossib)e s"ccesses0 con&)icts0 or &ai)"res may be in+o)+e 0 an no matter how mo est or great or com*)ex any o& those D"a)ities may be. The ecstasy an )o+e o& being a)ways o*erate to ens"re the D"a)ity an growth o& )i&e<s existence thro"gh +a)"e &")&i))ment.

SESS#ON F#5E ST>%ES OF T7O-.7T. COM!#N#N. T7E MA.#CA% APPROAC7 AN$ T7E SO4CA%%E$ RAT#ONA% APPROAC7. A-.-ST 630,123 1:32 P.M.0 'E$NES$A> ?'e sat &or the session at 2:;:. Jane has been &ee)ing consi erab)y better: OMy bac9si e &ee)s =:P better0G she sai again now. #<m bac9 wor9ing on the chrono)ogy &or Seth<s )atest boo90 $reams0 an ha+e been oing some *aintings in+o)+ing my own reams. Jane has one exce))ent wor9 inter*reting the reamsC some o& my nighttime exc"rsions ha+e res")te &rom these sessions on the magica) a**roach.@ ?'his*ering: @ .oo e+ening. ?(.oo e+ening0 Seth.(@ A contin"ation o& o"r isc"ssion. The scienti&ic. &ramewor9 o& re&erence has become eD"ate with the term (rationa) thin9ing0( to s"ch an extent that any other s)ant o& tho"ght a"tomatica))y seems to be irrationa). Tho"ght has become0 in that regar 0 too s*ecia)iAe 0 *reB" ice 0 an in&)exib)e. Now there are sty)es o& tho"ght. Each in i+i "a) has his or her own sty)e o& thin9ing0 a *ec")iar0 rich0 in i+i "a) mixt"re ?*a"se@ o& s*ec")ations0 &antasies0 ?*a"se@ i eocentric ways o& "sing s"bBecti+e an obBecti+e ata. Science has so ominate the wor) o& tho"ght0 howe+er0 that many n"ances an areas once consi ere D"ite (rationa)( ha+e become D"ite "nres*ectab)e. Science tries to stic9 to what it can *ro+e. ?,@ -n&ort"nate)y0 it ten s to set "* a wor) +iew that is then base "*on certain materia) on)y. >o" en "* with se*arate isci*)ines: bio)ogy0 *sycho)ogy0 *hysics0 mathematics0 an so &orth0 each with its own gro"* o& &acts0 Bea)o"s)y g"ar e 0 each *ro+i ing its own wor) +iew: the wor) as seen thro"gh bio)ogy0 or rea)ity as seen thro"gh the eyes o& *hysics. There is no se*arate &ie) that combines a)) o& that in&ormation0 or a**)ies the &acts o& one isci*)ine to the &acts o& another isci*)ine0 so o+era))0 science0 with its bran o& rationa) tho"ght0 can o&&er no e+en0 s"ggesti+e0 hy*othetica)0 com*rehensi+e i eas o& what rea)ity is. #t seems that each in i+i "a) is in e&&ect iso)ate in certain +ita) regar s 44 gi+en0 say0 a genetic heritage an a certain amo"nt o& "ns*eci&ie energy with which to r"n the bo y<s machinery ?intent)y@. #ntent0 *"r*ose0 or esire o not a**)y in that *ict"re. The in i+i "a) is0 again0 a stranger0 a)most an a)ien0 in his or her own en+ironment0 in which he m"st str"gg)e to s"r+i+e0 not on)y against the ("ncaring( &orces o& the imme iate en+ironment0 b"t against the genetic eterminism. 7e m"st &ight against his own bo y0 o+erem*hasiAe its s"sce*tibi)ity to b"i)t4 in e&ects0 iseases0 an against a b"i)t4in time bomb so to s*ea90 when witho"t warning extinction wi)) arri+e. Science oes not stress the coo*erati+e &orces o& nat"re. #t g)ories in istinctions0 s*eci&ications0 an categories0 an is D"ite b)in 0 genera))y s*ea9ing0 to the "niting &orces that are o& co"rse e+ery bit as rea). There&ore0 when # s*ea9 o& the nat"ra) *erson being a)so the magica) *erson0 it is easy to trans*ose e+en that i ea into more iso)ate terms than # inten .

?1:68.@ #t is not B"st that each *erson has his or her so"rce in a Omagica)G imension0 &rom which his or her o+era)) )i&e emerges0 b"t that the *ri+ate so"rce itse)& is a *art o& the +ery energy that "*ho) s the entire *)anet an its inhabitants0 an the o+era)) constr"ct that yo" "n erstan as the "ni+erse. Fie) s0 or *4)4a4n4e4s ?s*e))e @ o& interre)ate ness connect a)) 9in s o& )i&e0 s"**orting it not thro"gh0 say0 B"st one system 44 a bio)ogica) one or a s*irit"a) one 44 b"t at e+ery concei+ab)e *oint o& its existence. >o" are not B"st gi+en so m"ch energy0 in those terms ear)ier mentione . (New( energy is e+erywhere a+ai)ab)e. Again0 there are no c)ose systems. Again0 the en+ironment is conscio"s an a)i+e. There are constant comm"nications between a)) *ortions o& yo"r bo y an a)) *ortions o& the en+ironment. ?Pa"se.@ #n yo"r terms this means that yo" o not ha+e to re)y "*on what yo" thin9 o& as yo"r *ri+ate reso"rces a)one. !asica))y ?"n er)ine @0 +a)"e &")&i))ment is one o& the most im*ortant characteristics o& existence0 so that a)) things act in i+i "a))y an together in ways that best *ro+i e &or the o+era)) &")&i))ment o& the entire constr"ct. >o" were born beca"se yo" esire to be born. A *)ant comes to )i&e &or the same reason. >o" )i+e in a i&&erent &rame o& re&erence than a *)ant0 howe+er: >o" ha+e more choices a+ai)ab)e. >o" interact with nat"re i&&erent)y. >o"r inte))ect is meant to he)* yo" ma9e choices. #t a))ows yo" to *ercei+e certain *robabi)ities in a *hysica) time context. >o" "se the inte))ect *ro*er)y when it is a))owe to *ercei+e *hysica) con itions as c)ear)y as *ossib)e. Then it can ma9e the most bene&icia) ecisions as to what goa)s yo" want to achie+e. ?Pa"se.@ Those goa)s are "s"a))y conce*t"a)iAe esires0 an once &orme they act in a &ashion )i9e magnets0 rawing &rom those +ast &ie) s o& interre)ate ness the 9in s o& con itions best s"ite to their &")&i))ment. The inte))ect a)one cannot bring abo"t the &")&i))ment o& those goa)s. The inte))ect a)one cannot bring abo"t one motion o& the bo y. #t m"st co"nt "*on those other *ro*erties that it oes in ee set into motion 44 that s*ontaneo"s array o& inner com*)exity0 that or er)y magic. Perio . 'hen the inte))ect is "se *ro*er)y0 it thin9s o& a goa) an a"tomatica))y sets the bo y in motion towar it0 an a"tomatica))y aro"ses the other )e+e)s o& comm"nication "n9nown to it0 so that a)) &orces wor9 together towar the achie+ement. Consi er a hy*othetica) goa) as a target. 'hen *ro*er)y "se 0 the inte))ect imagines the target an imaginati+e)y then attains it. #& it were a *hysica) target0 the *erson wo") stan Hbow an I arrow in han 0 thin9ing on)y o& hitting the b"))<s4eye0 menta))y concentrating "*on it0 ma9ing *erha*s some )earne gest"res 44 *ro*er &ooting or whate+er 44 an the bo y<s magica) *ro*erties wo") o the rest. 'hen the inte))ect is im*ro*er)y "se 0 howe+er0 it is as i& the inte))ect &ee)s reD"ire to somehow 9now or *ersona))y irect a)) o& those inner *rocesses. 'hen the erroneo"s be)ie& systems an negati+ity connecte with so4ca))e rationa) reason a**)y0 then it is as i& o"r *erson sees the target0 b"t instea o& irecting his attention to it he concentrates "*on a)) o& the i&&erent ways that his arrow co") go wrong: #t co") &a)) to the )e&t or the right0 go too &ar or not &ar eno"gh0 brea9 in the air0 &a)) &rom his han 0 or in m")tit" ino"s other ways betray his intent. 7e has switche his attention &rom the target0 o& co"rse0 com*)ete)y. 7e has *roBecte "*on the *resent e+ent the *ict"re o& his &ears0 rather than the *ict"re o& his origina) intent. 7is bo y0 res*on ing to his menta) images an his tho"ghts0 brings o"t actions that mirror his con&"sion. #n other wor s0 the magica) a**roach an the so4ca))e rationa) one are to be combine in a certain &ashion &or best res")ts. Peo*)e sometimes write yo"0 te))ing o& their intent to ma9e money 44 or rather0 to ha+e it. They concentrate "*on money0 so they say0 an wait &or it in0 &")) &aith that it wi)) be attracte to them beca"se o& their be)ie& an concentration. They might o the *oint o& *ower

exercise0 ?6@ &or exam*)e. They may a)so0 howe+er0 ha+e D"it their Bobs0 ignore im*")ses to &in other wor90 or to ta9e any rationa) a**roaches0 an re)y "*on0 say0 the magica) a**roach a)one. This oes not wor9 either0 o& co"rse. As R"b"rt "ses the magica) a**roach an as yo" "se it0 yo" wi)) see that it b)en s in *er&ect)y with the rest o& existence0 inte))ect0 ins*ires *hysica) motion 44 &or it acti+ates *hysica) *ro*erties. # wi)) contin"e escribing the ways in which the two a**roaches wor9 together. The main *oint # want to ma9e is0 howe+er0 the &act that yo"r *ri+ate so"rce o& *ower is a *ortion o& that greater &ie) o& interre)ate ness0 in which yo"r being is sec"re)y co"che . #t is not something yo" ha+e to strain a&ter. #t was e&&ort)ess)y yo"rs at birth0 an be&ore0 an it carries with it its own emotiona) an int"iti+e com*rehensions44 com*rehensions that can in ee s"**ort yo" thro"gho"t a)) o& yo"r *hysica) existence. #& yo" "n erstan that then in a )arge manner many o& yo"r &ears wi)) Boint)y +anish. ?Now to my s"r*rise0 Seth answere a D"estion or two #< as9e Jane ear)ier to ay to re)ay to S"e 'at9ins 44 materia) # co") "se in my chrono)ogy &or $reams. S"e ha recent)y gi+en me some in&ormation0 an )atest D"estions are extensions o& those.@ Tam ?8@ ma e the ecision se+era) times0 b"t ear)y in the game he eci e that the boo9 ?S"e<s (Con+ersations 'ith Seth(@ sho") &eat"re i))"strations. .eorge HRhoa sI was *assi+e in the arrangement. E)aboration oes not seem necessary. >o" can ha+e it i& yo" want. ?(O9ay0( # sai . # meant # i n<t nee the e)aboration0 b"t Seth mistoo9 my re*)y0 e+i ent)y0 to mean that # i want it.:@ Tam wante i))"strations &or a &irst boo9. 'hen he rea o& .eorge<s s9etches he instant)y tho"ght o& i))"strations. S"e0 o& co"rse0 wante to o .eorge a &a+or0 to ma9e "* &or o) iss"es. There were other *robabi)ities accor ing to .eorge<s sit"ation0 so that the a&&air at )east o*ene "* the i ea that .eorge co") o other wor9 &or Prentice i& he nee e money. This ga+e him a sense o& reass"rance. That is a)) &or this e+ening. # bi yo" a magica) goo e+ening again 44 an remember to )oo9 &or hints an c)"es at a)) )e+e)s o& yo"r existence. ?(Than9 yo"0 Seth. .oo night.G@ ?,3:32 P.M. E+en tho"gh it was a shorter session0 Jane<s e)i+ery ha o&ten been intent an em*hatic. A goo session0 # to) her. #t<s the next night as # ty*e the session0 o& co"rse. To ay # sent S"e a co*y o& a recent *age o& Seth<s materia) on the inte))ect0 an a )ist o& the D"estions abo"t .eorge that Seth isc"sse abo+e. # ex*ect her answers to ta))y with Seth<s. ?Jane s*ent more time than "s"a) in be to ay0 )aying own in tween her wor9ing stints.@ NOTES: SESS#ON OF A-.-ST 630 ,123 ,. See A**en ix C &or Jane<s materia)0 written )ater. 6. Seth em*hatica))y says: T7E PRESENT #S T7E PO#NT OF PO'ER. Accor ing to him0 the *oint o& *ower is where &)esh an matter meet with s*irit. That B"nct"re embo ies the actions an be)ie&s we choose to raw &rom a)) o& o"r *re+io"s *oints o& *ower. From o"r c"rrent *resent we *roBect0 &or better or worse0 those choices0 *)"s any new ones we may eci e "*on0 into each o& the *resents we<)) be creating thro"gho"t the rest o& o"r )i+es. The contents o& o"r *roBections0 then0 are o& s"*reme

im*ortance. As Seth s"ggests0 thro"gh e+en a &i+e4min"te exercise0 in which we sit D"iet)y an )oo9 abo"t0 we can become aware that the *resent is the *oint o& *ower. #n his exercise0 we gent)y remin o"rse)+es that we aren<t at the mercy o& o"r *ast be)ie&s "n)ess we thin9 we are. 'e ha+e the &")) &ree om to insert new creati+e goa)s in o"r *oint4o&4*ower exercises. Next0 we re)ax0 to gi+e o"r &resh s"ggestions time to begin wor9ing within "s. Next0 *hysica))y we ma9e a sim*)e gest"re or act0 no matter how mo est0 that is in )ine with o"r esires &or the &"t"re. Perio ica))y we re*eat the exercise 44 b"t easi)y0 witho"t *ress"re0 con&i ent that we<re oing we)). Action is tho"ght in *hysica) motion0 Seth te))s "s .... #n The Nat"re o& Persona) Rea)ity0 Seth ea)s extensi+e)y with the *oint o& *ower0 its exercises an meanings an bene&its. See es*ecia))y sessions /:/4:= in Cha*ter ,:. 8. Tam Mossman was the e itor at Prentice47a)) &or both Jane an S"e. Con+ersations 'ith Seth is S"e<s &ine two4+o)"me acco"nt o& the ESP c)asses Jane he) &rom Se*tember ,1/= to Febr"ary ,1=:. Tam<s enth"siastic an int"iti+e he)* was a)ways in+a)"ab)e to Jane0 e+er since he enco"rage her to *"b)ish her &irst boo90 The Seth Materia)0 in ,1=3. Artist .eorge Rhoa s a)so atten e ESP c)ass. To Seth0 .eorge an Jane an S"e an # are (co"nter*arts( 44 entities *sychica))y connecte to each other0 an to other men0 women0 an chi) ren a)i+e now in this co"ntry an in others. The connections can be conscio"s0 "nconscio"s0 or both. Many o& "s wi)) ne+er meet *hysica))y0 b"t as a gro"* a)) o& "s are ex*)oring re)ate )i&etime themes in ways that no in i+i "a) can o. Ob+io"s)y0 some ESP c)ass members met co"nter*arts in c)ass. !"t # 9now that #<+e a)so met a co"nter*art o"tsi e o& c)ass0 an )ater in )i&e: %a"re) %ee $a+ies0 the bea"ti&") yo"ng )a y &rom #owa who<s been my )o+ing com*anion &or some years now0 &o))owing Jane<s eath in ,12;. %a"re) is he)*ing great)y as we *"t The Magica) A**roach together. She is oing in+a)"ab)e wor9 as a research an e itoria) assistantC st" ying Jane<s noteboo9s0 Bo"rna)s0 an *oetry0 an *"tting together materia) &rom those so"rces to be inc)" e in this boo9. She has a)so been wor9ing with an choosing the *"b)ishe an "n*"b)ishe Seth sessions &or The Magica) A**roach. %a"re) mo+e here in ,12: with "s ha+ing that Bob &or her in min . # &ee) that %a"re)<s an my re)ationshi* is a c)ear case in which a )ong4stan ing ("n9nown( co"nter*art connection came into o"r conscio"snesses when we were rea y &or it to0 an that e+ent"a))y it )e to o"r meeting. %a"re) has been in+o)+e with Jane<s0 Seth<s0 an my wor9 since No+ember o& ,1=10 when she was 6; years o) . 7er boy&rien recommen e Seth S*ea9s to her. A)tho"gh he i not be)ie+e in meta*hysica) rea)ities0 he ha hear the boo9 was the best o& it<s 9in 0 an they &o"n it in a "se 4boo9 store in Seatt)e0 'ashington. %a"re) began writing to Jane an me in ,123 44 whi)e Seth was ictating The #n i+i "a) an the Nat"re o& Mass E+ents an Jane was writing her .o o& Jane. 'hat interesting timing.... For m"ch more Seth materia) on the co"nter*art conce*t0 see Session =86 an A**en ix 6: in 5o)"me ## o& The (-n9nown( Rea)ity ?Prentice47a))0 #nc.0 Eng)ewoo C)i&&s0 NJ. ,1=1@.

SESS#ON S#Q AN#MA%S AN$ REASON#N.. T7#N.S !E>ON$ ONE<S CONTRO%. A-.-ST 6:0,123 2:;1 P.M.0 MON$A> ?Jane contin"es to show im*ro+ements. !"t she<s been bothere more than once )ate)y by the contents o& some o& her mai) 44 the )etters o& woe she attracts &rom rea ers who earnest)y *etition ai o& +ario"s 9in s &rom Seth an herse)&. To ay the trigger was &"rnishe by another )etter &rom a )a y who )i+es in Kent"c9y. She<s )ost both breasts &rom cancer0 an has a host o& other *hysica) an emotiona) *rob)ems. # s"ggeste Seth comment on Jane<s reactions tonight. # a)so to) Jane that her reactions were *robab)y triggere at )east in *art beca"se o& her own +")nerab)e *osition0 "e to *ersona) cha))enges. ?Jane<s (wa)9ing( has im*ro+e m"ch in the )ast wee90 es*ecia))y0 an o+era)) since Seth began this series o& *ersona) sessions. She now can ta9e0 say0 ten ste*s at a time0 )eaning on her ty*ing tab)e0 instea o& the one or two *re+io"s)y *ossib)e. !"t we<+e a)so grown care)ess again: She wa)9s b"t once a ay0 instea o& the twice # s"ggeste recent)y0 an which she to0 an which Seth secon e in a recent session. Sti))0 we<re +ery *)ease with her *rogress. ?'e sat &or the session at 2:;3. The e+ening was another bea"ti&") one: #t was ar9 a)rea y0 with the hor es o& cica as an other insects so"n ing o&& in rhythmic chor"s. Their m"sic echoe thro"gh the nearby woo s. ?'his*ering:@ Now 44 ?(.oo e+ening.(@ 44 goo e+ening. ?'ith many *a"ses: @ Part o& the i&&ic")ty arises &rom the c"rrent ?*a"se@ scienti&ica))y4oriente b)en o& rationa)ism. #t )ies in the way in which the in i+i "a) is e&ine . As a s*ecies0 yo" thin9 o& yo"rse)+es ?*a"se@ as the (*innac)e( en o& an e+o)"tionary sca)e0 as i& a)) other entities &rom the &irst ce)) onwar somehow existe in a stea y )ine o& *rogression0 c")minating with anima)s0 an &ina))y with man the reasoning anima). ?#n *arentheses: with a)) o& that *rogress occ"rring o& co"rse by chance0 inci enta))y.@ New sentence: That *artic")ar b)en o& rationa) thin9ing with which yo"r society is &ami)iar ta9es it more or )ess &or grante then0 that man<s i entity as a s*ecies0 an the i entity o& the in i+i "a)0 is &irst an &oremost connecte with the inte))ect. >o" i enti&y yo"rse)+es with yo"r inte))ect0 *rimari)y0 casting asi e as m"ch as *ossib)e other eD"a))y +ita) e)ements o& yo"r *ersonhoo . New sentence: #n yo"r historica) *ast0 when man i enti&ie his i entity with the so")0 he act"a))y ga+e himse)& greater )eeway terms o& *sycho)ogica) mobi)ity0 b"t e+ent"a))y the conce*t o& the so") as he) res")te in a istr"st o& the inte))ect. ?Pa"se.@ That res")t was the ine+itab)e &o))ow4"* o& ogma. Perio . Part o& man )atest o+er4i enti&ication with the inte))ect is0 o& co"rse0 an o+erreaction to those *ast historica) e+ents. Neither re)igion or science grant other creat"res m"ch s"bBecti+e imension0 howe+er: >o" )i9e to thin9 o& yo"rse)+es0 again0 as the reasoning anima) in terms o& yo"r s*ecies. ?1:3,.@ 7owe+er0 anima)s o reason. They o not reason in the same areas that yo" o ?intent)y@. #n those areas in which they o reason0 they "n erstan ca"se an e&&ect D"ite we)). Their reasoning is

a**)ie 0 howe+er0 to )e+e)s o& acti+ity to which yo"r own reasoning is not a**)ie . There&ore0 o&ten anima) reasoning is not a**arent to yo". Anima)s are c"rio"s. Their c"riosity is a**)ie to areas in which yo" se) om a**)y yo"r own. The anima)s *ossess a conscio"sness o& se)&0 an witho"t the h"man inte))ect. >o" o not nee a h"man inte))ect to be aware o& yo"r own conscio"sness. Anima)s0 it is tr"e0 o not re&)ect "*on the nat"re o& their own i entities as man oes ?*a"se@0 b"t this is beca"se that nat"re is int"iti+e)y com*rehen e . #t is se)&4e+i ent. # on)y want to show yo" that the sense o& i entity nee not ine+itab)y be co"*)e with the inte))ect exc)"si+e)y. >o"r inte))ect is a *art o& yo"44 a +ita)0 &"nctioning *ortion or yo"r cogniti+e *rocesses 44 b"t it oes not contain ?"n er)ine @ yo"r i entity. ?%ong *a"se at 1:,3.@ The0 nat"ra) *erson is "n erstoo *erha*s more c)ear)y by consi ering any *erson as a chi) . #n a &ashion the chi) isco+ers its own inte))ect0 as it isco+ers its own &ee)ings. Fee)ings come (&irst.( The chi) <s &ee)ings gi+e rise to c"riosity0 to tho"ghts0 to the o*eration o& the inte))ect: <'hy o # &ee) th"s an soF 'hy is grass so&t an roc9 har F 'hy oes a gent)e to"ch soothe me0 whi)e a s)a* h"rts meF( The &ee)ings an sensations gi+e rise to the D"estions0 to the tho"ghts0 to the inte))ect. The chi) in a &ashion &ee)s 44 &ee)s R its own tho"ghts rise &rom a re)ati+e *sycho)ogica) in+isibi)ity into imme iate0 +ita) &ormation. There is a *rocess there that yo" ha+e &orgotten. The chi) i enti&ies with its own *sychic rea)ity &irst o& a))44 then isco+ers its &ee)ings0 an c)aims those0 an isco+ers its tho"ghts an inte))ect0 an c)aims those ?a)) D"ite intent)y@. The chi) &irst ex*)ores the com*onents o& its *sycho)ogica) en+ironment0 the insi e st"&& o& s"bBecti+e 9now)e ge0 an c)aims that inner territory0 b"t the chi) oes not i enti&y its basic being with either its &ee)ings or its tho"ghts. That is why0 &or exam*)e0 it o&ten seems that yo"ng chi) ren can ie so easi)y. ?Sti)) intent)y: @ They can isentang)e themse)+es beca"se they ha+e not as yet i enti&ie their basic beings with )i&e ex*erience. Perio . #n most cases chi) ren grow "*0 o& co"rse ?*a"se@0 a)tho"gh in00 the +ast o+era)) *ict"re o& nat"re ?*a"se@ a goo )y *ro*ortion o& in i+i "a)s o in ee ta9e other co"rses. They ser+e other &"nctions0 they ha+e other *"r*oses0 they ta9e *art in )i&e thro"gh a i&&erent cast o& action. They a&&ect )i&e whi)e themse)+es not com*)ete)y immerse in it. They ie yo"ng. They are aborte . They remain0 howe+er0 an im*ortant e)ement in )i&e<s o+era)) *ict"re 44 *art o& a *sycho)ogica) "n er*ainting that a)ways a&&ects )ater +ersions. # ea))y0 howe+er0 chi) ren &ina))y c)aim their &ee)ings an their tho"ghts as their own. They i enti&y nat"ra))y with both0 &in ing each +a)i an +ita). !y the time yo" are an a ")t0 howe+er0 yo" ha+e been ta"ght to isconnect yo"r i entity &rom yo"r &ee)ing as m"ch as *ossib)e0 an to thin9 o& yo"r *ersonhoo in terms yo"r inte))ect"a) orientation. >o"r i entity seems to be in yo"r hea . >o"r &ee)ings an yo"r menta) acti+ity there&ore a**ear0 o&ten0 D"ite contra ictory. >o" try to so)+e a)) *rob)ems thro"gh the "se o& reasoning a)one. ?1:6=.@ >o" are ta"ght to s"bmerge the +ery int"iti+e abi)ity that the inte))ect nee s to o its *ro*er wor9 44 &or the inte))ect m"st chec9 with the &ee)ing *ortions o& the se)& &or &ee bac90 &or s"**ort0 &or 9now)e ge as to bio)ogica) con itions. $enie that &ee bac90 it can s*in on en )ess)y in &renAie ry r"ns. ?%ong *a"se.@ At each moment0 &rom the most microsco*ic )e+e)s the bo y ?*a"se@ in one way or another is ascertaining a constant *ict"re o& its *osition within *hysica) rea)ity. That *ict"re is com*ose o& mi))ions o& e+er4changing sma))er sna*shots0 as it were 44 or mo+ing *ict"res is better 44 etermining so many con itions0 *ositions an re)ationshi*s that they co") ne+er be escribe . >o"

en "* with a *re ominating *ict"re o& rea)ity in any gi+en moment 44 one that is the res")t o& the acti+ity o& *sycho)ogica)0 bio)ogica)0 an e)ectromagnetic stratas. One *ict"re is trans*ose "*on the others0 an ca)c")ations ma e constant)y0 so that a)) o& the com*onents that ma9e "* *hysica) existence are met0 an intersect to gi+e yo" )i&e. None o& that is the inte))ect<s concern at an inte))ect"a) )e+e). At a bio)ogica) )e+e)0 an at an e)ectromagnetic )e+e)0 the inte))ect0 o& co"rse0 *er&orms &eats that it cannot conscio"s)y 9now thro"gh the "se o& its reason ?a)) intent)y@. S*ontaneo"s)y0 with the *rocess B"st mentione 0 mi))ions o& *ict"res are being ta9en a)so o& the *robab)e actions that wi)) 44 or may 44 be nee e 0 in yo"r terms0 in the moment imme iate)y &o))owing0 &rom microsco*ic action to the motion o& a m"sc)e0 the ri+ing o& a car0 the rea ing o& a boo90 or whate+er. One o& the inte))ect<s main *"r*oses is to gi+e yo" a conscio"s choice in a wor) o& *robabi)ities. To o that *ro*er)y the inte))ect is to ma9e c)ear0 concise ecisions0 on its )e+e)0 o& matters that are its concern0 an there&ore to *resent its own *ict"re o& rea)ity to a to the entire constr"ct. ?%ong *a"se.@ On the one han yo" ha+e been to) to i enti&y yo"rse)+es a)most com*)ete)y with yo"r inte))ects. On the other han 0 yo" ha+e been ta"ght that the inte))ect0 the (&)ower o& conscio"sness0( is a &rai)0 +")nerab)e a B"nct 44 again0 a chance creation0 witho"t meaning an witho"t s"**ort 44 witho"t s"**ort beca"se yo" be)ie+e that (beneath it( )ie (*rimiti+e0 anima)istic0 b)oo y instincts0( against which reason m"st exert what strength it has. ?1:;/.@ $es*ite a)) o& that0 men an women sti)) &in the so)"tions to many o& their *rob)ems by re isco+ering the )arger sense o& i entity ?,@ 44 a sense o& i entity that acce*ts the int"itions an the &ee)ings0 the reams an the magic ho*es as +ita) characteristics0 not a B"ncts0 o& *ersonhoo . 'hen # te)) yo" to remember yo"r own nat"ra) *ersons0 # o then want to remin yo" not to i enti&y with yo"r inte))ects a)one0 b"t to en)arge yo"r sco*es o& i entity. A"tomatica))y those other0 o&ten4sh"nte 4asi e characteristics begin to a their richness0 &")&i))ment0 an +ita)ity to yo"r )i+es e&&ort)ess)y. ?1::3.@ Now gi+e "s a moment. ?Pa"se.@ 'ith R"b"rt: The new orientation is bringing res")ts0 an the res")ts o a**ear e&&ort)ess)y. ?6@ The a&&air with MitAi ?one o& o"r cats@ i in+o)+e action at other )e+e)s 44 a magica) orientation. R"b"rt is oing we)). 7a+e him remember that creati+e acti+ity goes on within him a)) o& the time0 an he is o&ten most acti+e *recise)y when he is not aware o& it. 7e is on)y aware o& those moments when creati+e acti+ity s"rges into his conscio"s awareness0 an by then m"ch o& the (wor9( has a)rea y been one. 7e is not res*onsib)e &or other *eo*)e<s rea)ities0 b"t he is res*onsib)e &or his own. .i+e "s a moment.... ?Pa"se0 eyes c)ose @. The i)) woman<s rea)ity oes not threaten his own in any way. The sit"ation0 howe+er0 shows that he sometimes sti)) thin9s he sho") be ab)e to so)+e a)) *rob)ems0 an to 9now a)) the reasons &or any gi+en sorrow or trage y. The inte))ect cannot han )e that 9in in&ormation at that )e+e). Some answers come when yo" are rea y &or them. Then they come nat"ra))y0 as a matter o& "n erstan ing an com*rehension. The D"estion o& )i&e<s trage ies sti)) cannot be answere satis&actori)y at the )e+e) at which either o& yo" 44 or anyone e)se 44 is c"rrent)y as9ing it. # can gi+e hints an c)"es an ex*)anations that are D"ite +a)i within that context ?intent)y@. ?%ong *a"se.@ As a matter o& &act0 the 9in o& )itera) answers that yo" may thin9 yo" want can in ee )ea yo" somewhat astray in terms o& the )arger *ict"re0 so R"b"rt m"st say: (That is not my *ro+ince0( sen energy0 a note now an thenC b"t the *artic")ar *rob)em0 the s*eci&ic *rob)em is the woman<s0 not R"b"rt<s.

The reason &or the *rob)em is a *hi)oso*hica) concern o& R"b"rt<s0 an o& yo"rs0 b"t it is one whose answer 44 or answers 44 wi)) gra "a))y "n&o) . A)) o& this in&ormation # consi er necessary0 again0 to *ro+i e an o+era)) atmos*here o& com*rehension that wi)) a))ow the re)ease o& yo"r own +ita)ities an strengths in an e&&ort)ess manner0 in s"ch a way that yo"r own *rob)ems begin to isso)+e. The 9in o& orientation # am s*ea9ing o& re*resents the tr"est *ict"re # can gi+e yo" o& man<s nat"ra) re)ationshi* with himse)& an the wor) . This is how it wor9s. This is *hysica). En o& session 44 an again0 a magica) goo e+ening. ?(Than9 yo"0 Seth. .oo night.(@ ?,3:3= P.M. # to) Jane that i& Seth ha n<t gone into it on his own0 #< ha+e as9e him to comment on her mai) reactions. Jane sai she< a)so wante materia) on the mai)C she se) om as9s &or anything s*eci&ic &rom Seth be&ore a session. # to) her she< one we)). ?Abo"t Seth<s re&erence to MitAi: %ast month both o o"r cats0 MitAi an !i))y0 came own with hea+y cases o& &)eas 44 D"ite "n"s"a) &or them tho"gh they are o&ten o"tsi e. # bo"ght &)ea co))ars0 an got one on !i))y witho"t tro"b)e. 'hen # trie to s)i* the other one o+er MitAi<s hea 0 tho"gh0 # ran into a hornet<s nest o& resistance0 an Jane co") n<t he)*. MitAi acti+e)y a+oi e "s &or many ays be&ore we co") ma9e &rien s anew with her. ?%ast Sat"r ay0 on the 68r 0 # bo"ght another *air o& &)ea co))ars. MitAi in the meantime ha become thoro"gh)y miserab)e0 an # ha etermine that # was going to get a co))ar on her somehow. A &rien ha s"ggeste "sing a towe) to *re+ent her scratching. 'hen # set o"t to o the Bob that a&ternoon0 Jane s"ggeste "sing catni* on the towe). A&ter some coaxing on the bac9 *orch0 # got MitAi ro))ing aro"n in the catni* on the towe)0 b"t on)y ha)& s"ccee e in wra**ing her "*. # carrie her sD"irming into the 9itchen. Jane was oing the ishes. # 9ne)t on the &)oor ho) ing the cat0 whi)e Jane menta))y trie to soothe her str"gg)es 44 an # s"ccee e in0 getting the &)ea co))ar in *)ace aro"n her nec9. Act"a))y0 MitAi i n<t resist ha)& as m"ch as #< &eare she wo") . #< tho"ght # might tota))y a ate her this time i& she &o"ght too har 0 b"t s"ch was not the case. Jane sai she< sent MitAi a stream o& s"ggestions whi)e # coaxe her in into )et )etting me *"t the co))ar on her. E+erything wor9e we)). , &e her a &ew times that a&ternoon0 an s"ccee e in ma9ing &rien s o9ay. MitAi hasn<t trie to get the co))ar o&&. #t has a me icina) sme)). Now0 se+era) ays )ater 44 as # ty*e this session on 'e nes ay night 44 she seems to &ee) m"ch better.@ NOTES: SESS#ON OF A-.-ST 6:0 ,123 , See A**en ix $. 6 Jane wrote these notes in her Bo"rna) )ast S"n ay0 the ay be&ore she e)i+ere this session on A"g"st 6: 44 b"t # *resent them here to show how0 &rom her own *ers*ecti+e0 she +ery nice)y co+ers e+ents # wrote abo"t in connection with the session. 8 ; (S"n ay0 A"g"st 6;0 ,123. : / (>ester ay wa)9e with the ty*ing tab)e sti)) &"rther0 the &")) )ength o& the 9itchen. Again0 this re*resents the best im*ro+ement in that area since )ast winter ...

(Anyhow0 ha+e been a**)ying the Magica) A**roach to a +ariety o& other areas0 ho"seho) annoyances0 with some grati&ying res")ts. MitAi0 o"r cat0 has been )oa e with &)eas. Rob trie to get a co))ar on her a month ago an there was s"ch a hass)e0 he ga+e "*0 got ma at the cat0 an +ice +ersa. >ester ay he trie again0 both o& "s remembering the Magica) A**roachC me saying menta))y that the a&&air wo") ta9e *)ace easi)y0 etc. Rob i get the thing on the cat with m"ch )ess i&&ic")tyC she i n<t e+en seem to resent it. .rante 0 this might ha+e ha**ene anyhow. The *oint is that the o s i n<t seem to go in that irection an that # o thin9 ... we i menta) wor9 at other )e+e)s that res")te in that benign e+ent. . . as i& be&ore we ga+e c)"ttere or ers &or an e+ent to ta9e *)ace. (Se+era) aches or whate+er in +ario"s *arts o& my bo y came an +anishe as # "se this a**roach ... where be&ore that sort o& thing "se to )ast )onger. 7a+e been +ery re)axe C sti)) )ay own two or three times a ay 44 o notes0 rea 0 rest ... yester ay wrote )etter to the e itor abo"t my mention in the <mirac)e< artic)e in Hthe we))49nownI *sycho)ogy magaAine. (%ater 2J6;J23 (Again0 wa)9 a bit &"rther0 an this time a&ter my shower my bac9 isn<t any worse. The *rob)em is ca"se by sitting own so m"ch 44 the *ress"re0 an the heat an h"mi ity. Answere 8: )etters o+er the wee9en ... my moo seems again magica))y im*ro+e at )east. Finishe )etter to the magaAineC it gets mai)e Mon ay A.M.(

SESS#ON SE5EN T7E #NTE%%ECT AS A C-%T-RA% ART#FACT. CREAT#N. ONE<S O'N EQPER#ENCE. A-.-ST 620,123 2:8= P.M.0 T7-RS$A> ?Jane was so "ncom&ortab)e &rom the hot an h"mi weather )ast night that she i n<t ho) the reg")ar)y sche ")e session. The tem*erat"re reache 1; egrees yester ayC at be time it was sti)) =:0 with a h"mi ity o& /2P. #t<s the )atter that she reacts to the most0 it seems &rom my +iew*oint. She *romise a (short sessionG &or this e+ening. #<+e o&ten hesitate to mention it0 b"t as # i remar9 a &ew ays ago0 # &ee) her reaction to the weather m"st ha+e other ca"ses 44 that is0 besi es those ha+ing to o with sim*)e en+ironmenta) con itions. As it is0 )i&e within the en+ironment becomes i&&ic")t. Nor am # isc"ssing )i+ing in an (i ea)( en+ironment a)) the time. ?To ay has been m"ch coo)er. # was a)most chi))y in my c"to&&s as we sat &or the session at 2:83. Jane has &e)t m"ch better. 7er wa)9ing contin"es to im*ro+e0 as we)) as her anatomy genera))y. She<s s"ccee e +ery we)) in maintaining stea y im*ro+ements that are most heartening to "s both. ?Seth comments on weather tonight. 7e began the session +ery D"iet)y0 an too9 many *a"ses0 inc)" ing a n"mber o& )ong ones0 as the session *rogresse .@

.oo e+ening. ?(.oo e+ening0 Seth. (@ Now: The inte))ect is &ar more socia))y oriente than is genera))y "n erstoo . Some o& this0 again0 is i&&ic")t to ex*)ain ?*a"se@0 b"t in a &ashion the inte))ect is a c")t"ra) ?"n er)ine @ *henomenon. Perio . #t is amaAing)y resi)ient0 in that accor ing to the be)ie& str"ct"res o& any gi+en historica) *erio 0 it can orient itse)& a)ong the )ines o& those be)ie&s0 "sing a)) o& its reasoning abi)ities to bring s"ch a wor) *ict"re into &oc"s0 co))ecting ata that agree0 an reBecting what oes not. Ob+io"s)y0 the min can "se its reasoning abi)ities0 &or exam*)e0 to come to the conc)"sion that there is a sing)e go behin the &"nctioning o& the wor) 0 that there are many go s0 that i+inity is a &antasy0 an that the wor) itse)& s*rings &rom no reasonab)e so"rce. New sentence: %i9e statistics0 the reasoning abi)ities can be "se to come to a)most any conc)"sion. This is one0 again by ta9ing into consi eration within any gi+en system o& reasoning on)y the e+i ence that agrees with the system<s *remises. This &)exibi)ity a))ows the s*ecies great +ariation o+era)) in its *sycho)ogica) an c")t"ra) an *o)itica) an re)igio"s acti+ities. ?%ong *a"se.@ 'hen any system o& reasoning becomes too rigi 0 howe+er0 there are a)ways a B"stments ma e that wi)) a))ow other &ormation to intr" e 44 otherwise0 o& co"rse0 yo"r be)ie& systems wo") ne+er change. >o"r s*ecies shares with the other s*ecies a &ee)ing o& 9inshi* &or its 9in . There is a great gi+e4an 4 ta9e o& i eas. >o" en "*0 then0 with a consens"s0 genera))y s*ea9ing0 as to what a reasonab)e *ict"re o& agree 4"*on rea)ity is. >o"r system has &rowne "*on many ex*eriences0 consi ering them eccentric beha+ior in an a +erse &ashion0 since yo"r be)ie& systems ha+e so regimente beha+ior0 an so narrow)y e&ine sanity. ?%ong *a"se.@ The inte))ect0 # want to stress0 is socia))y oriente . #t is *ec")iar)y s"ite 0 o& co"rse0 to react to c")t"ra) in&ormation. ?Pa"se.@ #t wants to see the wor) as it is seen by the min s o& others. Thro"gh that 9in o& action it he)*s &orm yo"r c")t"ra) en+ironment0 the ci+i)iAation o& which yo" are B"st)y *ro" . ?2::;.@ The inte))ect0 then0 he)*s yo"r s*ecies trans)ate its own nat"ra) *"r*oses an intents R the *"r*oses an intents o& the nat"ra) *erson 44 into their (*ro*er( c")t"ra) context0 so that those abi)ities the nat"ra) *erson *ossesses can bene&it the ci+i)iAation o& its time. Those *"r*oses an intents )itera))y change the wor) . The inte))ect<s ex*ectations an intents s*ontaneo"s)y an a"tomatica))y trigger the *ro*er bo i)y mechanisms to bring abo"t the necessary en+ironmenta) interactions0 an yo"r intent as ex*resse thro"gh yo"r inte))ect irects yo"r ex*erience o& the wor) . # am s*ea9ing abo"t the inte))ect here &or o"r isc"ssion0 b"t remember it is e+erywhere c"shione a)so. There are bac9"* systems0 in other wor s ?am"se @. #& the inte))ect be)ie+es that wor) ?*a"se@ is a threat to existence0 then that be)ie& wi)) a)ter its intents0 o& co"rse0 an there&ore the bo y<s acti+ities. The be)ie&s o& the inte))ect o*erate then as *ower&") s"ggestions0 *artic")ar)y when the inte))ect i enti&ies with those be)ie&s0 so that there is )itt)e istance between the inte))ect an the be)ie&s that it ho) s as tr"e. ?Pa"se in an intent e)i+ery.@ # am oing my best to ex*)ain the +ery *ractica) as*ects o& the inte))ect<s be)ie&s0 an their strength in rawing ex*erience to yo". At one time yo" both ha i&&ic")t with "n erstan ing some o& these i eas. ?Pa"se.@ >o"r own re)ationshi*0 yo"r *ri+ate be)ie&s abo"t the sort o& *ersons yo" wante in i+i "a))y &or mates0 bro"ght abo"t inca)c")ab)e actions that )e &ina))y to yo"r meeting 44 yet it a)) ha**ene (D"ite nat"ra))y0( o& co"rse. >o"r be)ie&s bring yo" into

corres*on ence with the e)ements )i9e)y to )ea to their a&&irmation. They raw &rom Framewor9 6 a)) o& the necessary ingre ients. They e)icit &rom other *eo*)e beha+ior that is in 9ee*ing with those be)ie&s. >o"r own attit" es0 &or exam*)e 44 an be)ie&s 44 abo"t &oreigners0 Prentice47a))0 *eo*)e<s st"*i ity an )ac9 o& integrity0 *"t yo" in corres*on ence with those same be)ie&s on the *art o& others0 res")ting in the trans)ation &iasco. ?,@ An entire)y i&&erent 9in o& beha+ior co") ha+e been e)icite &rom those same *eo*)e. %i9e attracts )i9e in that regar . Those same *eo*)e0 &or exam*)e0 a)) ha+e0 as yo" o0 be)ie&s in *eo*)e<s tr"stworthiness0 an so &orth 44 b"t "n er those con itions0 at that time0 yo" each 44 or rather yo" a)) 44 were in corres*on ence at many )e+e)s. The boo9s were *"b)ishe . They ha+e he)*e many *eo*)e0 an that is beca"se yo" were a)so in corres*on ence as &ar as many o& yo"r more *ositi+e be)ie&s are concerne an those i o"tweigh the others. >o" get what yo" concentrate "*on0 an yo"r be)ie&s are )arge)y res*onsib)e &or those areas in which yo" concentrate. ?1:,;.@ There are no magica) metho s0 on)y nat"ra) ones that yo" "se a)) o& the time0 a)tho"gh in some cases yo" "se them &or be)ie&s that yo" ta9e &or tr"ths0 when instea they are D"ite e&ecti+e ass"m*tions. A sma)) exam*)e R one0 inci enta))y0 that R"b"rt &ina))y rea)iAe C b"t it is a bea"ti&") instance o& nat"ra) metho s. 7e "se it bea"ti&"))y0 e+en tho"gh the res")ts were not *)easing at &irst. #t a)so shows R"b"rt<s growing "n erstan ing: 7e hear tomorrow<s weather re*ort ?yester ay@0 groane 0 tho"ght o& a +ery "ncom&ortab)e 134 egree tem*erat"re tomorrow Han I imagine himse)& miserab)e with the heat. #n ee 0 he began to &ee) warmer. #n a &)ash he remembere *re+io"s ays o& iscom&ort0 an in the next moment he *roBecte those into the wee9en . 7e &e)t tra**e . Mi way thro"gh this *rocess he trie to catch himse)&0 b"t he be)ie+e that his bo y co") not han )e the heat 44 an that be)ie& o"tweighe his intent to change his tho"ghts0 so they 9e*t ret"rning &or *erha*s ten min"tes. 7e contin"e 0 howe+er0 to remin himse)& that he was not going to worry abo"t tomorrow to ay0 regar )ess. 7e to) himse)& that the *re iction might be wrong0 an he began with his inte))ect to *i)e "* e+i ence that co") in one way or another bring abo"t a i&&erent0 more bene&icia) ex*erience. 7e i this by recogniAing the way he ha ear)ier been b"i) ing "* the *ict"re in the o) manner0 by co))ecting a)) the e+i ence that &itte it. 7e "se the same *rocess0 on)y &or a more bene&icia) *ict"re0 an the *rocess wor9s. >o" ha+e on)y to become aware o& it. >o"r ex*erience wi)) &o))ow yo"r concentration an be)ie& an ex*ectation. The min is a great iscriminator. #t can "se its reasoning to bring abo"t a)most any *ossib)e ex*erience within yo"r &ramewor9. Now: R"b"rt<s bo y is e&inite)y reco+ering norma) motion. %aying own is exce))ent. The a itiona) mo+ing abo"t0 howe+er0 &rom one *)ace to another0 is most bene&icia). The sensations in his b"ttoc9s o& heat0 e+en b"rning at times0 an in the )egs an &eet0 a)) re*resent a itiona) motion an bene&icia) acti+ity. Sometimes at night the acti+ity might ma9e him &ee) "ncom&ortab)e0 b"t the bo y is acti+ating itse)& in certain ways whi)e it is s"**orte . 7a+e him write a *oem a ay0 an min an bo y both re)ax. o an in9 s9etch. The tho"ght came to him. #t is a goo one0 whi)e

?'ith some am"sement: @ # thin9 that yo"r *ainting o& the og is exce))ent. ?(Than9 yo".G@

# am not an artist0 b"t # 9now what # )i9e as m"ch as anyone e)se oes. En o& session0 with one *oint: These changes in R"b"rt<s bo y are as magica) as any *recogniti+e ream in that regar . A &on goo e+ening. ?(Than9 yo"0 Seth. The same to yo". .oo night.G ?1:83 P.M. The session ha been a re)ati+e)y short one a&ter a)). # to) Jane it was +ery goo . Seth re&erre to the *ainting #<m wor9ing on o& my ream o& )ast A"g"st ,/0 44 the one in which #<m 9nee)ing at the 9itchen storm oor an thr"sting my han thro"gh the g)ass to to"ch ."s0 the og who be)ongs to o"r neighbors across the street. Seth an Jane ha+e both ana)yAe this exce))ent ream. ?6@ To ay #< shown Jane how &ar #<+e *rogresse with a charcoa) rawing base "*on the ream0 with a )itt)e *re)iminary co)or a e to some *arts o& it. ?The theme o& the ream ha intereste me *ictoria))y &rom the beginning0 # to) her0 b"t #< a)most )ac9e the ner+e to try a ren ition o& it in *aint. %ate )ast wee9 # starte the charcoa) rawing &or the *ainting0 howe+er0 &ig"ring # co") on)y try to see what # co") o... So &ar0 so goo .@ NOTES: SESS#ON OF A-.-ST 620 ,123 ,. #n October ,1=1 Jane an # saw0 to o"r ismay0 that the $"tch *"b)isher o& the trans)ation o& Seth S*ea9s ha +io)ate his contract with Prentice47a)) by ma9ing many "na"thoriAe c"ts in the boo9. #t was s"**ose to be *"b)ishe in its entirety0 b"t )ang"age i&&ic")ties )e to the mix"*. A&ter hearing &rom Jane an me an her e itor0 Tam Mossman0 the $"tch *"b)isher agree to mar9et a new0 "nc"t trans)ation o& Seth S*ea9s this year. This wi)) be an ex*ensi+e "n erta9ing 44 one we &ee) ba abo"t now that o"r initia) anger has *asse . 6. See Note # &or the session o& A"g"st ,2.

SESS#ON E#.7T NAT-RE AS MAN<S CARETAKER. NAT-RA% MA.#CA% REASON#N. AN$ TR-ST. SEPTEM!ER 80,123 2::: P.M.0 'E$NES$A> ?Jane i n<t ho) a session )ast Mon ay night. She was too re)axe . At the same time she was

ex*eriencing so many bene&icia) bo i)y changes that she i n<t &ee) )i9e concentrating. The e+ening was a)so D"ite hot an h"mi 44 with the tem*erat"re o+er 23 egrees at session time 44 an this bothere her consi erab)y. (#<m B"st ha+ing one tonight beca"se # i n<t on Mon ay0 (she sai . ?7er *hysica) im*ro+ements contin"e in the o+era)) way that Seth sai they wo") . This morning # notice a goo im*ro+ement in the mo+ement Jane<s 9nees o+er what they were ca*ab)e o&0 say0 a month ago. 7er )ower swing bac9 an &orth *erha*s &o"r inches0 so changes in the 9nee Boints ha+e occ"rre . 7er wa)9ing is sti)) better than it was. She rests in be mi 4morning an mi 4a&ternoon &or a ha)& ho"r or so0 wor9ing *art o& time on notes0 *oetry0 etc. ?#<m b"sy &ig"ring o"t +ario"s chrono)ogies to "se as bac9gro"n an re&erence materia) in my notes &or Seth<s next boo90 $reams0 (E+o)"tion0( an 5a)"e F")&i))ment. To ay # wor9e a)so on chrono)ogies &or a $"tch *"b)isher0 an &or the &i)m *ro "cer who<s o*tione the mo+ie rights to Jane<s O+erso") Se+en no+e)s. ?'his*ering:@ .oo e+ening. ?'his*ering: (.oo e+ening0 Seth.G@ Now ?*a"se@: Man )i9es to thin9 o& himse)& as the careta9er o& nat"re an the wor) . #t is c)oser to the tr"th0 howe+er0 to say 44 in that regar 0 at )east 44 that nat"re is man<s careta9erC or that man exists0 *hysica))y s*ea9ing0 as the res")t o& the grace&") s"**ort o& nat"re an a)) o& its other s*ecies. 'itho"t those other s*ecies0 man as yo" 9now him wo") not exist0 not witho"t the contin"o"s coo*eration o& those s*ecies with each other0 an their interre)ationshi*s with the en+ironment. ?Pa"se.@ Man ser+es his *"r*oses within nat"re0 as a)) s*ecies o0 an in the terms o& yo"r "n erstan ing man (thin9s( in his own way0 b"t he is a)so the thin9ing *ortion o& nat"re. 7e is the *ortion that thin9s0 in yo"r "n erstan ing0 again0 o& that term. ?1:3,.@ .i+e "s a moment... 7e ea)s with the e&&ect o& thin9ing "*on nat"re0 so to s*ea9. 7e a s to the rest o& nat"re. ?Pa"se.@ 7e there&ore a s a i&&erent 9in o& menta) organiAation 44 an organiAation0 then0 that nat"re itse)& reD"ires0 antici*ates0 an esires. Anima)s o not rea or write boo9s0 b"t the o (rea ( nat"re irect)y thro"gh the context o& their own ex*erience0 an thro"gh int"iti+e 9nowing. Man<s reasoning min a s an atmos*here to nat"re ?*a"se@0 that is as rea)0 say0 as the 5an A))en !e)ts ?or ra iation &ie) s@ that s"rro"n the earth. The thin9ing min to a )arge egree irects the acti+ity great s*ontaneo"s &orces0 HwithI energy4 ce))")ar organiAation being0 say0 the ca*tain ?*a"se@ o& the bo y<s great energy so"rces. The reasoning min e&ines0 ma9es B" gments0 ea)s with the *hysica) obBects o& the wor) 0 an a)so with the c")t"ra) inter*retations c"rrent in its time. Thin9 o& yo"r own go+ernment in i ea) terms &or a moment. #ts citiAens are a)) in i+i "a)s0 with their own )i+es an interests. The go+ernment0 i& it has their )oya)ty0 "ti)iAes their energies in s"ch a &ashion that the maBority are bene&itte 0 as is the go+ernment itse)&. >et yo" cannot rea))y *"t yo"r &inger on (the go+ernment0( tho"gh yo" might mention the 'hite 7o"se as the seat o& its *ower. The go+ernment is com*ose o& many *eo*)e0 o& co"rse0 an rea))y exten s a)) the way own the )ine0 e+en to its )east citiAen0 b"t the go+ernment can irect the "se o& energies0 o& goo s0 commerce0 *ower0 an so &orth. The *eo*)e co"nt "*on the go+ernment to rea)istica))y e&ine the con itions o& the wor) 0 to ha+e

*ro*er inte))igence so that the acti+ities in &oreign )an s are 9nown0 to 9ee* "* *ro*er comm"nication with other go+ernments0 an so &orth. Now in some im*ortant res*ects the reasoning min is )i9e the go+ernment in this ana)ogy. #& the *eo*)e in *ower are *aranoi 0 then they o+erestimate the angers o& any gi+en wor) sit"ation. They o+erreact0 or o+ermobi)iAe0 "sing a is*ro*ortionate amo"nt o& energy an time &or e&ense0 an ta9ing energies away &rom other *roBects. The reasoning min acts in the same &ashion when *aranoi be)ie&s are in *ower. #t there&ore te))s a)) o& the citiAens 44 or ce))s o& the bo y 44 to mobi)iAe &or action0 to be on the a)ert0 to *are own a)) b"t necessary acti+ities0 an so &orth. 'hen a go+ernment is *aranoi 0 it e+en begins to c"t own on the &ree om o& its own *eo*)es0 or to &rown "*on beha+ior that in &reer times wo") be D"ite acce*tab)e. The same a**)ies to the conscio"s min in that sit"ation. Now the *eo*)e might &ina))y re+o)t0 or they wi)) ta9e certain ste*s to see that their &ree om is restore 0 an so the bo y<s ce))s wi)) o the same. So what we want0 ob+io"s)y0 is to ens"re that the conscio"s min 0 with its reasoning *rocesses0 can ma9e *ro*er a B"stments abo"t the nat"re o& the wor) an the in i+i "a) citiAens within it. # wi)) ret"rn )ater to the *"r*oses o& man<s conscio"s min in nat"re0 an *art o& that isc"ssion wi)) &a)) in o"r boo9 ?$reams@. ?1:6:.@ Man<s min is rea))y more o& a *rocess. #t is not a com*)ete thing0 )i9e an arm or )eg0 b"t a re)ationshi* an a *rocess. That *rocess has its so"rce in what # can on)y ca)) ?*a"se@ (nat"ra) reasoning.( >o" are gi+en &ar more 9now)e ge than yo" rea)iAe when yo" are born0 &or exam*)e. # am not s*ea9ing o& genetic in&ormation a)one0 as yo" "n erstan it0 b"t o& a nat"ra) ?"n er)ine @ yet int"iti+e reasoning *rocess that is the res")t o& the re)ationshi*s that exist among a)) *ortions o& the bo y. This is the 9in o& (reasoning( that is the so"rce &rom which thin9ing emerges0 an yo" might thin9 o& it as magica) reasoning. Each creat"re is born tr"sting ?D"iet)y in an intent e)i+ery@. There is no s"ch thing as a 9i))er instinct0 with the im*)ications an meaning that man gi+es that term ?intent)y@. At )e+e)s most im*ossib)e to escribe to yo" in yo"r a ")thoo s0 a)) in&ants0 &or exam*)e0 9now that they are born into the en+ironmenta) niches that s"it them an no others 44 Hthat areI tai)ore to their reD"irements. >o" can "s"a))y see in a s"*er&icia) &ashion how anima)s "n er (nat"ra) con itions( &it into their en+ironments so *er&ect)y0 so that their nee s an esires an eD"i*ment meet an merge with the characteristics o& the en+ironment. #t is not near)y as easy to see that the same a**)ies to man an his menta) an *hysica) en+ironment0 his town or co"ntry or c")t"re0 b"t in&ant tr"sts &rom the +ery &irst moment. >o" may not consi er tr"st an attrib"te connecte with reasoning0 b"t it is in ee 0 &or it re*resents the creat"re<s innate "n erstan ing o& the s"**ort with which it has been gi&te . The nat"ra) *erson sti)) &ee)s that tr"st. There are many boo9s written abo"t occ")t 9now)e ge0 or magica) 9now)e ge. Most o& them are &i))e with istortions0 b"t they are a)) e&&orts to "nco+er man<s nat"ra) magica) reasoning. # wi)) a)so ha+e more to say on that s"bBect )ater. Now: 7a R"b"rt gone to a octor or a &aith hea)er when we began o"r )ast gro"* o& sessions0 an then in a matter o& a wee9 or so &o"n himse)& ab)e again to wa)9 with his Hty*ingI tab)e across the 9itchen &)oor0 some thirteen or &o"rteen ste*s *erha*s0 where be&ore three were his "ncom&ortab)e )imit0 he might ha+e attrib"te the im*ro+ement to a octor<s treatment or to a &aith hea)er<s abi)ity 44 b"t he wo") ha+e been im*resse . 7e wo") ha+e been im*resse a)so with the greater ob+io"s motion o& his &eet0 the &ee)ings o& re)ease in the )egs now s*rea ing to the bac9 an sho") ers.

Those im*ro+ements came abo"t in their way magica))y0 beca"se he has beg"n to "se an "n erstan this materia). So )et him be B"st as im*resse 44 in &act0 more im*resse 44 at the bo y<s nat"ra) hea)ing *rocesses0 that wi)) nat"ra))y &)ow an are nat"ra))y &)owing when he a))ows himse)& to tr"st his )i&e an the s"**ort o& his own being. 'or9 with the sessions o& )ate. For again0 it is yo"r "n erstan ing that sets it a)) into motion. There are changes in the hi*s occ"rring0 an remar9ab)e im*ro+ements a)rea y (in the wor9s.( They m"st be a))owe to ha**en0 howe+er0 an that ta9es *)ace as yo"r "n erstan ing brings yo" in greater corres*on ence with the nat"ra) energy that is a)ways yo"r own. ?Pa"se.@ # bi yo" a &on 44 an again0 magica) 44 goo e+ening. ?(Than9 yo" +ery m"ch.( Pa"se. (.oo night.( ?1:;2 P.M. For se+era) secon s Seth an # stare at each other with some am"sement. A&ter she came o"t o& trance Jane to) me that she ha *ic9e "* &rom Seth that he )i9e the way my *ainting o& (the ogG 44 ."s0 &rom my ream o& A"g"st ,/ 44 was coming. # &inishe the thin "n er*ainting &or it this morning an m"st now wait a &ew ays &or it to ry. #n the meantime #<m going bac9 to wor9 on my im*ressionistic tree *ainting an the one o& the ream man an boy in b)"e.@

SESS#ON N#NE T7E !O$><S REASON#N. AS %O.#C. !E%#EF S>STEMS. SEPTEM!ER 20,123 2:;8 P.M.0 MON$A> ?# B"st ho*e # can han )e it0( Jane sai again. Meaning the session. (There<s so m"ch going on in my bo y at one time it<s har to han )e that too0( she )a"ghe . She re&erre to the contin"ing series o& changes 44 im*ro+ements 44 ta9ing *)ace a)) thro"gh her bo y. At the moment these in+o)+e e&inite extra mobi)ity 44 an soreness an itching 44 in her an9)es an &eet0 &or exam*)e. Right now her arms )oo9 )onger0 straighter. To ay she<s been (*retty we)) o"t o& it0( whi)e trying to he)* me get thro"gh the changes we want to ma9e in the co*y4e ite Mass E+ents. She<s he)*e a great ea) here0 writing the initia) +ersion o& certain notes0 which #<)) then a to be&ore ret"rning the man"scri*t to Prentice47a)) &or *rinting. ?She<s a)so been D"ite rest)ess in be at night. 'hen she wa9es "* she oes exercises sometimes. # s"ggeste she get "*0 b"t the exercises seem to s"bstit"te &or the *hysica) acti+ity that getting "* wo") entai). ?Jane yawne at 2:;6: (, a)most &ee) him aro"n ... # g"ess #<)) try...( She si**e wine an )a"ghe . (#

thin9 it<)) be short.G Now: .oo e+ening. ?(.oo e+ening0 Seth. (@ A brie& session. There has been one rather remar9ab)e im*ro+ement in R"b"rt<s *er&ormance: getting to his &eet. That is the res")t o& the bo y<s magica) reasoning 44 &or the bo y reasons so D"ic9)y0 so c)ear)y an concise)y ?*a"se@0 that its e "ctions0 its )ogic0 are &ar too &ast &or the inte))ect to &o))ow. The bo y reasons irect)y. The bo y<s reasoning trans&orms itse)& into action0 with nothing to stan between its e)egant )ogic an the ?*a"se@ )ogic<s bri))iant exec"tion. R"b"rt co") not *ossib)y &o))ow a)) o& the mani*")ations necessary so that the recent im*ro+ements co") ta9e *)ace. Again0 bo i)y e&&orts are as magica)0 as creati+e0 certain)y0 as the writing o& a boo9 or a *oem ?intent)y@ 44 b"t R"b"rt in the *ast tr"ste his creati+e abi)ities as i& they were something he ha to g"ar &rom his *hysica) se)&. >o" are both &ina))y ma9ing +ita) stri es in "n erstan ing as res")t o& o"r )ast sessions in *artic")ar0 an on R"b"rt<s *art beca"se o& the change attit" es he has a))owe 0 an the change *hysica) habits: the enco"ragement o& motion0 the ex*an e &ee)ing o& i entity0 which now inc)" es the *hysica) bo y rather than trying to exc)" e it. The bo y is not a too)0 to o yo"r menta) bi ing. ?Pa"se.@ >o"r bo y is a menta) ex*ression *hysica))y materia)iAe . More im*ro+ements are in ee e+en now occ"rring0 an as )ong R"b"rt<s attit" e contin"es to im*ro+e yo" can ex*ect s"ch *rogress 44 &or again0 the bo y is D"ite ca*ab)e o& hea)ing itse)& com*)ete)y0 an with &ar greater ease than yo" gi+e it cre it &or. R"b"rt i not ha+e to o anything in *artic")ar0 &or exam*)e0 o& a conscio"s nat"re0 exce*t to state his intentions0 an the bo y<s hea)ing mechanisms imme iate)y D"ic9ene . This is beca"se he began to ta9e the *ress"re o&&0 so to s*ea90 an rea))y began to "n erstan the abi)ities an )imitations o& the rationa) min in its re)ationshi* to the bo y. ?2::1.@ >o" both be)ie+e it was D"ite *ossib)e to ha+e c)air+oyant reams0 o"t4o&4bo y ex*eriences0 creati+e a +ent"res in the arts 44 b"t to some extent both o& yo" o"bte that the same *ower or energy co") be irecte e&&ecti+e)y in the *hysica) rea)m0 so4ca))e 0 o& bo i)y hea)th0 or sit"ations o& the nitty4gritty ?with em*hatic am"sement@. Again0 the materia) is in ee ea)ing with a &ar more +a)i ex*)anation &or the wor9ing ways o& rea)ity than the o) o&&icia) be)ie&s 44 an again0 we are not B"st ?"n er)ine @ ea)ing with e+ocati+e0 creati+e hy*otheses. There is no nee 0 then0 to be s"r*rise i& some o& o"r i eas &righten Prentice47a)). ?(# was B"st going to as9 yo" abo"t that.G@ #& o"r i eas were a)rea y acce*te in the wor) 0 there wo") be no nee &or o"r wor9. Prentice47a)) is0 o& co"rse0 we))4intentione 0 an "n er their be)ie& system it is near)y sacri)egio"s to be anything more than o&&icia))y isa**ro+ing o& me ica) matters. That is0 some isa**ro+a) is acce*tab)e. To attac9 me ica) corr"*tion0 or me ica) errors0 or *artic")ar c)inics0 &or exam*)e0 is within bo"n s0 b"t to attac9 the be)ie& system o& the entire str"ct"re is something e)se again. Their obBections sho") sim*)y show yo" why o"r wor9 is so im*ortant. >o" m"st not &orget0 again0 that yo" both chose these cha))enges. >o" wante to be in+o)+e with the initiation o& new thematic materia). >o" wante the ex*erience o& getting it &or yo"rse)+es0 so to s*ea9 ?intent)y@ 44 the

exhi)aration o& isco+ery. ?So&t)y am"se : @ As a matter o& &act 44 in case yo" may thin9 sometimes that # am not &"))y aware o& yo"r mores 44 # i in ee tem*er many o& my remar9s in Mass E+ents on se+era) s"bBects0 so that the boo9 wo") not be &o"n too obBectionab)e in the context o& yo"r times. The im*)ications are there0 b"t yo"r be)ie& systems m"st be a))owe to me))ow an change in the )ight o& new 9now)e ge0 rather than to be boote asi e with an angry &oot. En o& session0 "n)ess yo" ha+e a D"estion. ?(No0 # was B"st going to as9 abo"t Prentice7a)).G@ That is a)) # ha+e to say there. They are a main)ine *"b)isher0 which means that their boo9s go to *eo*)e in a)) wa)9s o& )i&e 44 in )ibraries an boo9stores an so &orth. #t is m"ch better that the boo9s com*ete in s"ch a &ashion with the other materia) o& yo"r times0 rather than be *"b)ishe 0 say0 by a s*ecia)ty ho"se0 or co )e a)ong the way0 &or we s*ea9 to a)) o& those *eo*)e. Remember the )ast *ortion o& this session0 an yo"r stomach nee not bother yo" ?# )a"ghe @ 44 or0 more c)ear)y0 yo" wi)) not nee to bother yo"r stomach0 &or that is the *rob)em<s secret. ?,@ A &on goo e+ening. ?(Than9 yo" +ery m"ch0 Seth. .oo night.( ?1:,2 P.M. (# come o"t0 an )oo9 at my eyes0( Jane sai ha)& h"moro"s)y. Tr"e0 her eyes were re)axe into s)its 44 a)tho"gh they gra "a))y o*ene norma))y as we ta)9e . (#<m g)a # i that0( she sai 0 meaning that she< he) the session0 (b"t # rea))y i n<t 9now whether # co") . . .G ?'e )a"ghe again when we consi ere that Seth ha tem*ere some o& his materia) &or Mass E+ents. (#< hate to see it i& he ha n<t0G Jane sai . ?(# was so aware o& my bo y to ay0( she commente 0 (that # won ere i& #< be aware o& it "ring the session0 b"t a)) # remember is rin9ing wine 44 which is the 9in o& thing # "s"a))y remember.( ?See the session &or Se*tember 66 &or o"r own i eas an &ee)ings0 an more o& Seth<s materia)0 on the me ica)J isc)aimer sit"ation with Prentice47a)).@ NOTE: SESS#ON OF SEPTEM!ER 20 ,123 ,. Seth is right0 o& co"rse. As # we)) 9now0 # am bothering my stomach0 which is *er&ect)y innocent in its own right. #<+e reacte to stress this way be&ore. My stomach has been 9notting "* beca"se #<m stewing o+er the reactions o& those in charge at Prentice47a)) to Seth<s materia) in Mass E+ents abo"t me ica) matters. My *resent "ncom&ortab)e state isn<t rastic0 by any means0 b"t it is getting my attention 44 which0 a&ter a))0 is the reason #<m creating it to begin with. Maybe #< be better o&&0 # to) Jane0 i& #< B"st b)ow my to*. On)y who0 or what0 wo") # irect my &r"stration to0 or atF On the one han Jane0 Seth0 an # want to see o"r wor9 *resente to the wor) as origina))y concei+e 0 as a way to o&&er i eas to thin9 abo"t. On the other han 0 # can +is"a)iAe the i)emma those at the *"b)isher<s &ee) when they<re being as9e to *rint i eas that are0 at )east in *art0 so contrary to acce*te be)ie& str"ct"res in a +ery im*ortant &ie) ....

SESS#ON TEN E$-CAT#ON AN$ C-%T-RE. T7E NAT-RA% PERSON. SEPTEM!ER ,30 ,123 2:;2 P.M.0 'E$NES$A> ?At 2:83 this e+ening # &inishe ty*ing Mon ay<s short session H&or the 2thI. #< &orgotten to o it )ast night0 so absorbe was # in wor9ing on the co*y4e ite Mass E+ents. Then # ma e a s"r*rising isco+ery as *"t the session in *ri+ate noteboo9 n"mber 68 44 &or there # &o"n my origina) shorthan notes &or the Se*tember 8 session. #< a)so &orgotten to ty*e that one0 an &or the same reason0 e+i ent)y. # be)ie+e that<s the &irst time in we)) o+er a tho"san sessions that #<+e &orgotten to ty*e one. # e)iberate)y )et a &ew go &or a whi)e beca"se # was b"sy on other things0 b"t ha+en<t sim*)y &orgotten any. Jane misse the Se*tember 8 session0 b"t when she as9e me abo"t it a &ew ays ago # re*)ie that # was "* to ate. # remember won ering why she as9e .... ?Once again Jane was +ery re)axe as we *re*are &or the session. O# co") go to be right now0( she sai 0 (b"t it<s too ear)y 44 #< be getting "* a)) night. Right now # on<t &ee) Seth aro"n 0 tho"gh0 b"t we<)) see... My s*ine<s got a)) 9in s o& &ee)ings in it that #<m not "se to0 b"t they<re goo ones. 7ow oes Seth sitF #<m not sitting too we)). # &e)t B"st great in be this a&ternoon. There<s a rea) &)"i &ee)ing there an in my bac9. !"t # &ee) him aro"n now ...( She si**e wine whi)e # wor9e on these notes. ?So&t)y: @ Now: Remar9s. ?# no e 0 smi)ing.@

R"b"rt<s bo y is re*airing itse)& now at an exce))ent rate. #t is oing so beca"se R"b"rt is gi+ing it i&&erent (or ers.( 7e is gi+ing it a i&&erent *ict"re o& the wor) 0 an he is oing that beca"se he has &ina))y change many o& his o) be)ie&s. #n act"a)ity0 the bo y<s res*onse to s"ch in&ormation is a)ways instantaneo"s0 whether or not the res")ts show at once. R"b"rt is beginning to ho) a more (rea)istic( *ict"re o& how o+era)) rea)ity wor9s. 7e is managing to isentang)e himse)& &rom many isa +antageo"s c")t"ra) be)ie&s 44 be)ie&s that both o& yo" &or years0 )i9e other *eo*)e0 too9 &or grante . >o" might combat those be)ie&s0 str"gg)e against them0 b"t they sti)) carrie great weight. >o" sti)) be)ie+e them to an im*ortant egree. The entire i ea0 or &ear0 that R"b"rt ha at one time o& )ea ing other *eo*)e own the gar en *ath0 was base "*on those o) be)ie&s. Those i eas ha+e +anishe . >o" are a**roaching a state o& min 0 in i+i "a))y an Boint)y0 that re*resents &ar more c)ose)y one that is nat"ra)0 with which the nat"ra) *erson is innate)y eD"i**e . E "cation in yo"r c")t"re is a mixe bag ?with ironic an h"moro"s em*hasis@ 44 an e "cation comes not &rom schoo)s a)one0 b"t &rom news*a*ers an te)e+ision0 magaAines an boo9s0 &rom art an &rom c")t"re<s own &ee bac9. .enera))y s*ea9ing0 &or the *"r*oses o& this isc"ssion0 there are two 9in s o& e "cation 44 one &oc"se towar teaching the chi) to ea) with the nat"ra) wor) 0 an one &oc"se towar teaching the chi) to ea) with the c")t"ra) wor) . Ob+io"s)y0 these are "s"a))y combine . #t is im*ossib)e to se*arate them. >o"r e "cationa) systems0 howe+er0 &or a)) o& their i ea)ism0 ha+e )arge)y en e "* ?*a"se@ smothering the nat"ra) in i+i "a) bents an )eanings o& chi) ren0 an o+erem*hasiAe instea the c")t"ra) organiAation. #t became more im*ortant0 then0 &or the chi) to con&orm to the c")t"re rather

than to &o))ow its own in i+i "a) nat"ra) )eanings. #ts own characteristic ways o& ea)ing with nat"re were &rowne "*on0 so that e "cation oes not wor9 with the chi) <s abi)ities0 b"t against them. E "cation then o&ten goes against the grain o& the nat"ra) *erson. ?1:,6.@ This oes not mean that some chi) ren o not o +ery we)) "n er yo"r system. ?Pa"se.@ # o not mean to im*)y0 either that chi) ren o not nee an e "cation0 or that some isci*)ine an irection are not bene&icia). Chi) ren0 howe+er0 wi)) concentrate &or ho"rs at a time on s"bBect matters an D"estions that interest them. They are o&ten ta9en &rom s"ch *"rs"its0 an their nat"ra) habits o& concentration s"&&er as a res")t. >o" are "n)earning right now0 an isco+ering that this *artic")ar "n)earning *rocess is in ee high)y e "cationa) ?with em*hasis@. >o" are enco"ntering yo"r own nat"ra) 9now)e ge. ?Pa"se.@ #n many instances0 o& co"rse0 yo" )earne too we))0 both o& yo". The nat"ra) *erson that is yo"rse)& )o+e to raw an *aint. >o" i that a*art &rom what yo" ha to o in schoo) as a boy. >o" were )"c9y in yo"r re)ationshi* with Miss !owman.?,@ >o"r ta)ent bro"ght yo" into corres*on ence with her. >o" can tr"st yo"r nat"ra) inc)inations. These sessions0 in that regar 0 came nat"ra))y0 as the ex*ression o& nat"ra) abi)ities an ten encies0 emerging es*ite yo"r o&&icia) +iews at the time0 Boint)y. The sessions bro"ght abo"t0 howe+er0 a new 9in o& e "cation that o&ten seeme in irect con&)ict with the o) 0 an with the o&&icia) +iews o& contem*orary society. #t was o& co"rse necessary &or yo" to test them o"t. R"b"rt &e)t himse)& more res*onsib)e than yo"0 since he s*o9e the wor s &or me. A *ri+ate search was one thing 44 b"t one *"b)ic)y &o))owe was something e)se ?intent)y@. 'hether or not the sessions ha**ene as they i 0 howe+er0 once the two o& yo" met0 the *robabi)ity bro"ght abo"t by yo"r re)ationshi* meant that in one way or another yo" wo") see9 o"t a )arger context o& conscio"sness 44 a context0 beca"se o& yo"r ta)ents0 that wo") not remain *ri+ate0 b"t attract others ?intent)y@. ?1:68.@ The nat"ra) *erson is to be &o"n 0 now0 not in the *ast or in the *resent0 b"t beneath )ayers an )ayers o& o&&icia) be)ie&s0 so yo" are ea)ing with an archeo)ogy o& be)ie&s to &in the *erson who creates be)ie&s to begin with. As # ha+e sai o&ten0 e+i ence o& c)air+oyance0 te)e*athy0 or whate+er0 are not eccentric0 iso)ate instances occ"rring in man<s ex*erience0 b"t are re*resentati+e o& nat"ra) *atterns o& e+ery ay beha+ior that become in+isib)e in yo"r wor) beca"se o& the o&&icia) *ict"re o& beha+ior an rea)ity. The bo y<s nat"ra) hea)ing *rocesses each ay ri *eo*)e o& iseases0 re*air emotiona) or bo i)y i))nesses 44 an s"ch instances go )arge)y "nrecor e . R"b"rt acce*te the magic o& a *oem0 b"t not the magic o& hea)th or mobi)ity0 beca"se he was con+ince that mobi)ity stoo in the way o& his other abi)ities. 7e was a)so con+ince 44 as yo" were 44 that yo" both nee e *rotection &rom the wor) . Many o& the i eas # ha+e gi+en yo" )ate)y were in ee in Mass E+ents ?as Jane remar9e to ay@0 b"t they ha+e become a)i+e now. #n the same way0 many other conce*ts an i eas a)rea y gi+en wi)) a)so ass"me a new signi&icance an meaning0 an a to the richness o& yo"r ex*erience0 beca"se yo" wi)) be o*en to them more than yo" were be&ore 44 R"b"rt in *artic")ar 44 to i eas ha+ing to o with reincarnation0 )i&e a&ter eath0 other s*heres o& acti+ity. R"b"rt instincti+e)y )i9es yo"r tree *ainting. #t re*resents certain state o& conscio"sness 44 an in4 between thresho) imension o& awareness0 in which the imagination an the senses are a)most ca"ght in the act o& *"tting an obBect together0 or o& bringing the wor) into a sense rea)ity0 bran

new0 &rom the rea)m o& the inner min : a +ery e+ocati+e state o& conscio"sness0 an one that as # be)ie+e R"b"rt mentione 0 yo" co") a)so "se in connection with &aces. ?(Than9s0 Seth0( # sai menta))y to those 9in wor s. An #<+e rea y tho"ght o& "sing the (techniD"e( with &aces.@ R"b"rt<s bo y is then magica))y an nat"ra))y re*airing itse)& in a &"nction B"st as creati+e0 o& co"rse0 as the inner wor9 that goes on in the *ro "ction o& a boo9 or a *oem 44 a &act he is &ina))y getting thro"gh his hea . 'hen yo"r *roo&rea ing is o+er0 an R"b"rt<s reco+ery e+en more &"))y emonstrab)e0 we wi)) ret"rn to a boo9 session a wee90 an contin"e this series the other Hwee9)yI session. 'e can a)so ex*ect some im*ro+ement in +ision0 as that area is now being wor9e on. # bi yo" a &on goo e+ening 44 an remin me some time to a ?(Than9 yo"0 Seth.G@ .oo e+ening. ?<.oo e+ening.(@ ?1:8= P. M. (# i n<t thin9 # co") o it0 ( Jane sai 0 (b"t when he came aro"n # 9new # co") . ( # to) her the )itt)e session was exce))ent. ?# a)so to) her something #< tho"ght abo"t this a&ternoon0 an ha bit o& tro"b)e ex*ressing now. !"t these sessions0 ea)ing with Jane<s im*ro+ements0 +a)i ate the Seth materia) as it<s come to "s o+er the years. This has a rawbac90 o& co"rse0 in that we ha+e no o&&icia) e+i ence o& her Osym*tomsG on the me ica) recor . 7owe+er0 we o ha+e the testimony o& many who 9now "s0 *)"s years o& sessions on recor 0 *)"s o"r own memories. HOthers0 #<+e o&ten s*ec")ate 0 co") n<t rea)iAe the e*th o& Jane<s cha))enges.I As we ta)9e 0 Jane )a"ghe an sai she *ic9e "* &rom Seth that (the best boo9s are yet to come. (@ more to the materia) on e "cation.

NOTE: SESS#ON OF SEPTEM!ER ,30 ,123 ,. 7e)en !owman 44 Miss !owman0 my *arents an # a)ways ca))e her 44 was my art teacher in the Sayre0 Pennsy)+ania0 high schoo) &rom ,18: "nti) my gra "ation in ,18=. Thro"gh an arrangement with my mother0 Ste))a !"tts0 Miss !owman )oane me the money to atten commercia) art schoo) in New >or9 City &rom ,181 to ,1;,. , was ra&te into the Air Force in ,1;60 "ring 'or) 'ar ##0 an re*ai the )oan o+er my three years o& ser+ice. A note a e ,; years a&ter JaneJSeth e)i+ere the magica)4a**roach materia): Miss !owman ie in ,11;0 at the age o& 1/.

SESS#ON E%E5EN M-%T#$#MENS#ONA% SP#R#T-A% $RAMAS. SEPTEM!ER ,:0 ,123 2::6 P.M.0 MON$A> ?To ay Jane has been rea))y (o"t o& it.( She<s &e)t a )ot o& m"sc")ar iscom&ort with her *hysica) im*ro+ements0 tho"gh0 ma9ing it har to concentrate. !y 2:830 when she < &inishe oing the ishes0 the o+era)) soreness ha issi*ate to some egree0 b"t she a**eare to be so groggy with re)axation that # har )y ex*ecte her to want to ha+e a session. She yawne again an again. At 2:;3 she s"r*rise me by ca))ing o"t the )i+ing room 44 # sat rea ing a magaAine at the 9itchen tab)e 44 that she< try to ha+e a short session. (# &ee) something abo"t re)igion. . . .G ?(Oh0 %or 0( # sai 0 Bo9ing. For # was embroi)e in trying to *ro "ce a note re)ati+e to a *assage o& Seth<s in Mass E+ents abo"t Christ<s res"rrection an ascension. For se+era) reasons0 interr"*tions among them0 #< &o"n it i&&ic")t to get into the wor90 an ha s*ent the wee9en rea ing to remin myse)& o& bac9gro"n materia). # wante the note to be coherent0 witho"t going into too m"ch etai). Jane has a)so contrib"te an exce))ent *aragra*h o& materia) &or it. As # ha+e be&ore0 # &o"n the who)e re)igio"s iss"e con&"sing an contra ictory. An the )ast thing #< ex*ecte o& Jane tonight was any materia) on re)igion &rom Seth. Ob+io"s)y0 my own hass)es abo"t the s"bBect were *rom*ting her e&&orts0 # tho"ght. ?One o& the interr"*tions concerne the o+er&)ow o& water &rom a ce))ar bathroom. %ast night #< isco+ere that a *ortion o& the ce))ar &)oor 44 inc)" ing the o) (bomb she)ter( where # 9ee* o"r &an mai) store 44 was co+ere by a D"arter inch o& water 44 B"st eno"gh to soa9 into the 6 by ;<s # ha+e the car boar boxes *)ace "*on Hto a+oi waterEI. #& the woo en s"**orts soa9 "* eno"gh water they can b)ee into the +ery *oro"s boxes. So # ha some am* corres*on ence to res"rrect 44 witho"t too m"ch tro"b)e0 act"a))y. The *)"mber c)eane o"t the ho"se<s sewer )ine this a&ternoon0 an # s*ent m"ch time mo**ing "* six &")) b"c9ets o& irty water. ?Jane<s e)i+ery &or Seth seeme to be the same as e+er0 exce*t that she too9 )onger *a"ses between sentences 44 a)most as tho"gh she waite a bit each time to gather the im*et"s to ea) with her +ery re)axe *hysica) state. !"t the materia) is exce))ent0 as "s"a)0 an # wi)) be wor9ing with it whi)e oing the note &or Mass E+ents.@ Now: .oo e+ening. ?(.oo e+ening0 Seth.G@ A &ew comments. Now: Christ was not cr"ci&ie 44 there&ore he i not res"rrect0 coming o"t o& the tomb0 nor i he then ascen into hea+en. #n the terms o& the bib)ica) rama ?"n er)ine @0 howe+er0 Christ was cr"ci&ie . 7e arose &rom the tomb an ascen e into hea+en. The resection an the ascension are in ee 0 howe+er0 the two *arts o& ramatic e+ent. ?Pa"se.@ $ogmatica))y0 arising &rom the ea a)one was c)ear)y not s"&&icient0 &or men were to &o))ow where Christ )e . >o" co") not ha+e a wor) in which the new)y4risen ea mixe with the )i+ing. Am existence in a s*irit"a) rea)m ha to &o))ow s"ch a res"rrection. ?Pa"se.@ Now in the &acts o& history0 there was no cr"ci&ixion0 res"rrection0 or ascension. #n the terms

o& history there was no bib)ica) Christ ?*a"se@0 whose )i&e &o))owe the etai)s gi+en. The organiAation o& the ch"rch is a historica) &act. The *ower0 e+otion0 an energy0 the organiAationa) ex*ertise o& Christianity0 cannot be is*"te . Nor can it be is*"te that Christianity was base "*on great re)igio"s an *sychic +ision. To some extent it in+o)+e the int"itiona) reorganiAation o& s"bBecti+e0 an then obBecti+e0 rea)ities. ?%ong *a"se at 1:3:.@ # ha+e to) yo"0 howe+er0 that the wor) o& e+ents s*rings &rom the wor) o& i eas. #t seems certain that (something( ha**ene (bac9 then( ?as # o&ten remar9@ 44 an that i& yo" co") go bac9 there0 in+isib)y st" ying the cent"ry0 yo" wo") isco+er the birth o& Christianity ?a)so as #<+e remar9e 0 tho"gh # *re&er to say that (#< )i9e to see what i ha**enG@. !"t Christianity was not born at that time. ?%ong *a"se.@ >o" might say that the )abor *ains ?intent)y@ were ha**ening then0 b"t the birth itse)& i not emerge &or some time )ater. Jewish she*her s re*resente the *)acenta that was meant be iscar e 0 &or it was Jewish tra ition that no"rishe the new re)igion in its ear)y stages be&ore its birth. Christ0 as yo" 9now0 was a common name0 so when # say that there was a man name Christ in+o)+e in those e+ents ?see Seth S*ea9s@0 # o not mean to say that he was the bib)ica) Christ. 7is )i&e was one o& those )i+es that were &ina))y "se to com*ose the com*osite image o& the !ib)ica) Christ. The mass *syche was see9ing &or a change0 an im*et"s0 a &)owering0 a new organiAation. The i ea o& a re eemer was har )y new0 b"t ancient in many tra itions. As # state be&ore0 that *art o& the wor) was &i))e with wo") 4be messiahs0 se)&4*roc)aime *ro*hets0 an so &orth0 an in those terms it was on)y a matter o& time be&ore man<s great s*irit"a) an *sychic esires i))"minate an &i))e "* that *sycho)ogica) )an sca*e0 &i))ing the *re*are *sycho)ogica) *atterns with a new "rgency an intent. There were many throw4away messiahs ?with gent)e am"sement@ 44 men whose circ"mstances0 characteristics0 an abi)ities were a)most ?m"sica))y@ the ones nee e 44 who a)most ?m"sica))y@ &i))e the *sychic bi))0 b"t who were "n&itte &or other reasons: They were o& the wrong race0 or their timing was o&&. Their intersection with s*ace an time i not mesh with the reD"irements. ?Pa"se.@ >o" m"st "n erstan the )ong trai) o& *sycho)ogica) rea)ity that exists be&ore yo" ha+e a *hysica) e+ent. >o" m"st "n erstan man<s nee an ca*acity &or &")&i))ment0 ramatiAation0 an *sychic creati+ity. There is nothing that ha**ene in those times that is not ha**ening now in yo"r own: >o" ha+e n"mber)ess g"r"s0 *eo*)e who seeming)y *er&orm mirac)es ?an some o@. So there were in those ays some rather isconnecte e+ents that ser+e as the &oc"s *oint &or great *sychic acti+ity: Peo*)e wante to be)ie+e0 an their be)ie& change the co"rse o& history. #t oesn<t matter that the e+ents ne+er ha**ene 44 the be)ie& ha**ene . An the be)ie& was man<s res*onse to ?)ong *a"se@ int"itiona) 9now)e ge0 to inner 9nowing0 an to s*irit"a) com*rehension. ?1:6:.@ These a)) ha to &)ow into rea)ity0 into *sycho)ogica) *atterns thro"gh man<s own "n erstan ing. They ha to &)ow into the e+ents o& history as he ?"n er)ine @ ex*erience history. They ha to to"ch the times0 an they i so by trans&orming those times &or )ater generations. # want it "n erstoo ?*a"se@ that the accom*)ishment ?*a"se@ is breathta9ing in its gran e"r 44 more so beca"se man &orme &rom his *syche s"ch a m")ti imensiona) s*irit"a) rama that its )ight str"c9 "*on this or that *erson0 this or that *)ace0 an &orme a story ?*a"se@ more *ower&") than any *hysica) e+ent co") be 44 hence its *ower ?em*hatica))y@. #n those terms0 howe+er0 again0 the go s o& O)ym*"s were as rea)0 &or a)) o& men<s riches are re*resentations0 *sychic ramatiAations0 stan ing &or an inner rea)ity that cannot be )itera))y ex*resse or escribe 44 b"t can be creati+e)y ex*resse or re*resente .

?%ong *a"se.@ Too4)itera) trans)ations o& s"ch materia) o&ten )ea to grie&0 an the creati+e thr"st becomes )ost. The great mystery0 o& co"rse0 an great D"estions0 rest in the nat"re o& that inner rea)ity &rom which man weans ?re*eate at my D"estion@ his re)igions0 an in the *ower o& the creati+e abi)ities themse)+es that bring them into birth ?a)) D"ite intent)y@. S"ch acti+ities on a )arge sca)e are the en res")t o& each nat"ra) *erson<s in i+i "a) re)ationshi* with nat"re0 an with nat"re<s so"rce. ?Pa"se.@ Now: R"b"rt is *rogressing +ery we))0 an with yo"r he)*0 an both o& yo" sho") become more an more aware the nat"ra) *ersons that yo" are. $o yo" ha+e a D"estionF ?(No0 # thin9 yo"<+e co+ere the materia) +ery we)).G@ Then # bi yo" a &on goo e+ening. ?(Than9 yo" +ery m"ch0 Seth. .oo night.( ?1:82 P.M. Jane agree with my own s"r*rise that she not on)y chose to ho) the session0 b"t isc"sse the Christ materia). She sai that in s*ite o& her being so re)axe 0 (There Seth was0 right there. . . .( as soon as she went into trance. !"t now she was B"st as m"ch at ease as she ha been be&ore the session. She ha ta9en many )ong *a"ses "ring her e)i+ery0 a &ew o& which #<+e in icate . ?Jane )a"ghe as we ta)9e . (>o" on<t ha+e to *"b)ish it0 b"t # ha+e the &ee)ing that he 44 Seth 44 wo") ha+e sai a)) that ear)ier0 a )ong time ago0 i& #< )et him....G ?('e))0( # sai 0 (maybe he wo") ha+e i& #< enco"rage him to o so too. ( ?She agree .@

SESS#ON T'E%5E #NSERT#N. NE' #$EAS #NTO T7E 'OR%$. SEPTEM!ER 660,123 1:3; P.M.0 MON$A> ?Jane i n<t ho) her reg")ar)y sche ")e session )ast 'e nes ay e+ening. She i n<t *artic")ar)y &ee) )i9e one tonight0 either0 b"t she eci e to ha+e it rather than (sit aro"n a)) night.( The weather was sti)) +ery h"mi an warm0 a&ter a 134 egree ay. #t<s a)so the &irst e+ening o& &a))0 which began at ::31 P.M.0 accor ing to T5. Jane has been oing we))0 tho"gh0 an yester ay wa)9e three times 44 the most in one ay that can remember o&&han . 7er genera) *hysica) im*ro+ements contin"e. ?A)) wee9 we<+e been oing a itiona) me ica) notes &or the co*y4e ite man"scri*t o& Mass E+ents.

E+en to ay Jane ta)9e to Tam Mossman0 her e itor at Prentice47a))0 abo"t +ario"s matters in+o)+ing the boo9. # is)i9e the who)e sit"ation intense)y. #n my &r"stration0 # to) Jane o+er wee9en that # inten e to go bac9 to *ainting0 starting this morning0 b"t it i n<t wor9 o"t that way. 'e<+e e+en consi ere with rawing Mass E+ents &rom *"b)ication0 a)tho"gh Tam reass"re Jane this morning things wo") wor9 o"t a)) right. # i n<t mai) a )ong )etter Jane wrote him o+er the wee9en C she co+ere its *oints in the ca)) this morning. Now we ha+e an i ea &or o"r own ty*e o& O isc)aimerG &or the &rontmatter o& Mass E+ents0 base "*on a +ery a*t D"ote &rom Seth<s materia) that we &o"n )ate in the boo9. # mai)e Tam a co*y o& it to ay. ?The who)e a&&air has )e to some egree o& e*ression on my *art. # to) Jane that # &e)t the isc)aimer *)anne &or one o& o"r boo9s by the *"b)isher co") har )y be the en o& s"ch thin9ing. O+erreacting0 # en+isione isc)aimers showing "* in a)) o& the boo9s as they were re*rinte . 'e isc"sse +ario"s scenarios o+er the wee9en 0 consi ering the ways in which we co") choose to react to the who)e b"siness. ?'e ha n<t as9e that Seth isc"ss the Prentice47a)) sit"ation this e+ening 44 b"t when Seth came thro"gh with a rather ironic smi)e ... @ ?(.oo e+ening0 Seth. (@ # ha+e a &ew *ithy comments. # wo") )i9e to gi+e yo" some insight as to why Prentice47a)) is o"r *"b)isher to begin with. Maybe we can0 in that way0 c)ear "* a matter that o&ten seems to contain some mystery ?am"se .@ ?(That certain)y wo") be nice.G@ Once sai 0 the ex*)anation wi)) certain)y seem ob+io"s. ?Pa"se.@ Prentice47a))0 in ca*s")e &orm0 so to s*ea90 is a re*resentati+e o& the most i+erse 9in s o& tho"ght c"rrent)y he) in yo"r co"ntry 44 that is0 "n er it<s o+era)) a"s*ices yo" ha+e the most con+entiona) estab)ishment4oriente textboo9s0 e+ote to contin"ing tra itiona) i eas. >o" ha+e0 there0 a concentration "*on e "cation as it is "n erstoo at that )e+e). -n er Prentice<s a"s*ices0 howe+er0 yo" a)so ha+e Par9er !oo9s 44 boo9s that are e+ote to D"ite anti4estab)ishment i eas an conce*ts 44 to a)) bran s o& *sychic0 scienti&ic0 or re)igio"s eccentricities0 gi+en to matters that contra ict the estab)ishment an cha))enge it at e+ery *oint. An there0 too0 yo" ha+e a concentration "*on e "cation0 in that the boo9s are written to instr"ct. O"r boo9s o not a**ear "n er the Par9er hea ing. ?%ong *a"se.@ They are in their way bri ges between the two o**osing ways o& tho"ght. They are too anti4estab)ishment to be co))ege textboo9s0 b"t in their way &ar too reasonab)e to be consi ere eccentricities 44 in the same &ashion0 now0 that the Par9er boo9s are. O"r boo9s are in the reg")ar tra e e*artment. This *oses some *rob)ems &or the )ega) e*artment0 which is gi+en to the most )itera) trans)ation o& rea)ity as inter*rete thro"gh )aw. >o" ha+e a)most what yo" co") ca)) a schiAo*hrenic re)ationshi*0 existing0 say0 between Par9er !oo9s an Prentice<s tra e4boo9 i+ision. The textboo9 i+ision re*resents the wor9ings o& the inte))ect in the "s"a) terms o& rationa) tho"ght0 an in those boo9s the D"a)ities o& the imagination0 o& the *syche0 o& *oetry0 o& creati+ity are D"ite )ac9ing. S"ch D"a)ities are in ee consi ere threats &or they o not acce*t easy answers0 an are not content with the stat"s D"o. Many o& the Par9er boo9s on the other han em*hasiAe creati+ity0 the int"itions0 the "se o& the

imagination0 b"t are re)ati+e)y innocent o& any c)ear reasoning0 )ogic0 or any &ee)ing &or tra ition at a)). # am sim*)i&ying here to some extent to ma9e my *oint. Prentice is a)ways0 then0 to some extent in a state o& creati+e tension0 as the seeming)y contra ictory e)ements are each ex*resse thro"gh these two i+isions. ?%ong *a"se.@ !eca"se o& those i+isions0 howe+er0 there is in ee a great *"b)ishing )eeway *ossib)e o& boo9s that otherwise co") not ming)e. ?1:68.@ .i+e "s a moment.. Prentice oes more than it 9nows it oes. As a cor*orate entity0 it a)so has a conscio"s an "nconscio"s intent0 as o a)) organiAations0 beca"se they m"st mirror the *eo*)e who be)ong to them. #n its way Prentice is an e "cationa) instit"tion. #t tries to &)y ahea with a+ant gar e i eas0 whi)e at the same time *rotecting its &)an9 o& co))ege textboo9s. ?'ith am"sement: @ #t oes not 9now i& o"r wor9 is &act or &iction0 in the ee*est o& terms. #t 9nows the wor9 is not &orge . #t 9nows that # a**ear in sessions0 &or exam*)e0 b"t it oes not 9now whether or not my i eas corres*on with a greater rea)ity0 or whether they are the res")t o& an extraor inary *sycho)ogica) creati+ity. Those same characteristics # ha+e mentione as a**)ying to Prentice a**)y in their way to Tam0 o& co"rse. 7e can in ee ex*ress great enth"siasm o+er wor9 that is high)y int"itiona)0 whi)e on the other han he has a great res*ect0 in his own way0 &or estab)ishe )earning an e "cation. Now with the +ario"s *eo*)e at Prentice0 yo" wi)) ha+e s"ch ten encies o&ten a**earing se*arate)y0 so that one *erson wi)) be high)y con+entiona) an is)i9e changes0 whi)e another might be res*onsi+e to wor9 that was emotiona))y exciting0 a+ant gar e. The *"b)ishing ho"se 44 that *"b)ishing ho"se 44 re*resents in ca*s")e &orm the extremes o& tho"ght o& yo"r time0 &rom the most con+entiona) to the most biAarre. #t there&ore re*resents the *"b)ic<s i eas in their great +ariety. The )ega) e*artment 9nows how to ea) with the Par9er boo9s. ?Tam to) Jane it<s *"tting isc)aimers in a)) Par9er boo9s.@ #t 9nows how to ea) with &iction. #t 9nows how to ea) with con+entiona) textboo9s 44 b"t in a &ashion o"r boo9s combine a)) o& those e)ements0 an transcen them. #& Prentice were as con+entiona) at heart as its )ega) e*artment0 it wo") not *"b)ish boo9s at a))0 exce*t *erha*s &or the textboo9s. O"r boo9s are attem*ting to insert new i eas into the wor) as it now is0 by combining the *owers o& the inte))ect an the *owers o& the int"itions 44 in other wor s0 by c)osing the two en s o& Prentice<s extremes. ?%ong *a"se.@ Now: 'e ha+e been ea)ing with the magica) a**roach0 an )et me gent)y remin the two o& yo" that # sai that yo" m"st be wi))ing to change a)) the way &rom the o) system o& orientation to the new0 i& yo" want the new a**roach to wor9 &"))y &or yo" in yo"r )i+es. That wi))0 as it ha**ens0 inc)" e yo"r a**roach to Prentice0 o& co"rse. Now: As # sai be&ore0 a)so0 when &ace with the i&&ic")ty0 the con+entiona)0 rationa) a**roach te))s yo" to )oo9 at the *rob)em0 examine it thoro"gh)y0 *roBect it into the &"t"re0 an imagine its ire conseD"ences 44 an so0 &ace with the i ea o& a isc)aimer ?&or Mass E+ents@0 that is what yo" i to some extent0 the two o& yo". >o" saw the isc)aimer as &act0 imagine it in yo"r min s on the *ages o& o"r boo9s0 *roBecte a)) o& that onto &"t"re boo9s an &or &ine goo meas"re yo" both imagine this &amo"s isc)aimer *"b)ishe in e itions o& a)) the boo9s as we)). That is an exce))ent exam*)e o& what not to o. ?1:;6.@ #n ee 0 yo" both began to *")) o"t o& that yo"rse)+es. >o" i at )east D"estion the a**roach.

#n the meantime0 o& co"rse0 yo"r ner+o"s systems reacte to the im*)ie threat against yo"r wor90 a threat that now existe in the *ast0 *resent0 an &"t"re. ?#ntent)y in a &ast e)i+ery: @ >o" are *rotecte . >o"r wor9 is *rotecte . 'hen yo" rea)iAe that0 yo" act o"t o& con&i ence. >o" i in ee catch yo"rse)+es. R"b"rt mentione those concerns0 b"t not with the same 9in o& &ee)ings that he wo") ha+e0 say0 H)astI Sat"r ay 44 an when yo" rea)iAe that yo" are *rotecte 0 yo"r own inte))ects can be reass"re eno"gh thro"gh ex*erience so that they o not &ee) the nee to so)+e *rob)ems with the rationa) a**roach in instances where that a**roach is not &easib)e. #n the ee*est o& terms it was not reasonab)e ?"n er)ine @ to near)y ass"me that a isc)aimer0 i& "se 0 wo") there&ore be retroacti+e)y an then contin"o"s)y "se . #t was not a conc)"sion base "*on &act0 b"t a conc)"sion base "*on a reason that a**)ie to one *robabi)ity on)y0 one series o& *robab)e acts 44 or base "*on the *robab)e act o& a isc)aimer being "se to begin with. ?,@ So again0 what we are ea)ing with is an o+era)) )esson in the way in which the reasoning min has been ta"ght to react. These are rea))y instances where the inte))ect has been traine to "se on)y a *ortion o& its abi)ities0 to Aoom in on the most *essimistic o& any gi+en series o& *robab)e actions 44 an then treat those as i& they were &acts. ?%o" er.@ An )et me a 0 # co+ere o"r &)an9 in the boo9 44

?(>o" certain)y i .( Seth<s am"se re&erence was to man"scri*t *age ;:= in Mass E+ents. Jane an # eci e to "se his *assage0 with a note0 in the &rontmatter o& the boo90 &or he stresse that "nti) they<re menta))y c)ear abo"t their be)ie&s *eo*)e sho") contin"e to see octors.@ 44 b"t o not &orget that yo" in yo"r ways0 an that cor*orate entity0 o in ee share an e "cationa) intent. # wi))0 o& co"rse0 ha+e more to say that wi)) ho*e&"))y a))ow yo" to "se yo"r inte))ects in a c)ear &ashion0 to better yo"r *er&ormances. >o" are D"ite right0 again0 to say that OThere are e)ements in this sit"ation 44 or in any gi+en sit"ation R im*ossib)e &or my inte))ect to 9now0G so the inte))ect can ta9e that &act into consi eration. Otherwise0 yo" ex*ect it to ma9e e "ctions whi)e enying it the com&ort it sho") ha+e0 o& 9nowing that its e "ctions nee not be ma e on its own 9now)e ge a)one0 b"t on the int"ition<s +ast magica) ban9 o& in&ormation 44 &rom which0 in )arger terms0 a)) o& the inte))ect<s in&ormation m"st s*ring. So # thin9 yo" are both &ina))y trying to "se a new a**roach in that irection. ?1::1.@ Now: R"b"rt<s con ition is coming a)ong +ery we)). 7e is &ee)ing more acti+e0 an he wi)). An he sho") rea the )ast gro"* o& sessions &reD"ent)y. ?Pa"se.@ $o yo" ha+e a D"estionF ?(# g"ess not.G@ $o yo"r *ainting o& yo"r )ight ex*erience ?6@ 44 an o& co"rse contin"e with yo"r HotherI *ainting. R"b"rt is anxio"s that Prentice *resent o"r boo9s in the best )ight in the wor) . They a)so ha+e their own *aranoi ten encies0 an o+erwor9e inte))ects to conten with. The magica) a**roach wi)) get yo" thro"gh0 i& yo" "se it. My heartiest regar s0 an a &on goo e+ening ?with a *)ease D"iet intensity.@ ?(Than9 yo" +ery m"ch0 Seth. .oo night.(@ ?,3:3; P.M. For someone who ha n<t &e)t )i9e ha+ing a session0 Jane i +ery we)).@

NOTES: SESS#ON OF SEPTEM!ER 660 ,123 ,. Seth was right. #t ne+er ha**ene : For a)) o& o"r worries0 those in charge at Prentice47a)) i not eci e to "se isc)aimers o& res*onsibi)ity in any o& Jane<s other boo9s. 6. From my ream noteboo9: (5ision0 ,,:;: P.M.0 S"n ay0 Se*tember 6,0 ,123: (# )ay on o"r be 0 &"))y c)othe 0 whi)e waiting &or Jane to &inish the bathroom. As "s"a)0 the )itt)e )ight on her b"rea" to my right was on. # )ay &)at on my bac90 with my hea t"rne a )itt)e towar the im )ight. # was D"ite s)ee*y0 an &e)) into a state between wa9ing an s)ee*ing. Then # became aware that once again # was *ercei+ing (the )ight o& the "ni+erse0( as Seth ca))s it. This ex*erience was mi) er than my three *re+io"s ones0 b"t was sti)) most intrig"ing. (# on<t want to com*)icate it by s*ec")ating abo"t being in an o"t4o&4bo y state whi)e ha+ing it. # rea)iAe that whi)e )ying on my bac9 with my hea t"rne a bit to the right0 # was e&inite)y )oo9ing to my )e&t0 at the to* o& a *)ain0 so)i woo en oor to a room 44 an that my +iew*oint was "*0 B"st abo+e the to* o& the oor in its &rame0 which was c)ose to a )ow cei)ing. The oor was ar9 on my si e0 an was o*en towar me *erha*s three inches at the most. (Now behin the oor was a bri))iant *")sing )ight 44 b"t # co") see on)y the sma)) *ortion o& it at the to* o& the near)y4sh"t oor. My reactions "ring the ex*erience were D"ite obBecti+e this time. # 9new what # was creating. # ha none o& the thri))ing sensations0 &or exam*)e0 that can swee* o+er me at s"ch times. (As # came o"t o& the ex*erience a &ew moments )ater # reso)+e to *aint a sma)) oi) o& it0 as #<+e one &o))owing my three *re+io"s *erce*tions o& the )ight o& the "ni+erse this year 44 on Febr"ary 1 an ,30 an on J"ne ,/. An it<s ob+io"s that in tonight<s )itt)e a +ent"re # ha once again c)e+er)y *rotecte myse)& &rom con&ronting the &")) creati+e b)ast o& the )i&e o& the "ni+erse by a))owing myse)& B"st a *ee9 at it0 an a care&") one at that0 at the to* o& a oor. Seth has to) me that as a *hysica) creat"re #< be o+erwhe)me i& e+er # came e+en c)ose to &acing that awesome conscio"s an creati+e *ower.( ?See my *ainting at the en o& this session.@ ?*ainting goes here@

SESS#ON T7#RTEEN RO! -S#N. T7E MA.#CA% APPROAC7. PRECO.N#T#ON. SEPTEM!ER 6;0,123 1:6; P.M.0 'E$NES$A> ?Jane hasn<t &e)t her best to ay: She<s ha a )ot o& soreness beca"se o& m"sc")ar changes ta9ing *)ace. First she eci e to see i& she co") ha+e a session0 then at 1:,3 she eci e against it. !"t when # sai #< ret"rn to ty*ing Mon ay night<s session0 in a rather h"moro"s t"rnabo"t she eci e to ho) a session tonight a&ter a)). (#& he comes thro"gh he<)) be oing goo 0( she sai . (# on<t &ee) him aro"n .( As # wrote these notes at 1:630 howe+er0 she i begin to &ee) Seth<s *resence. (>o"<re not eserte a&ter a))0( # sai . ?J"st be&ore we sat &or the session Jane &inishe rea ing my acco"nt my ()ight o& the "ni+erse( ex*erience o& )ast S"n ay e+ening0 Se*tember 6,0 an my acco"nt o& the ex*erience in+o)+ing. . . c)air+oyance... *recognition ... that #< ha at na*time to ay0 in+o)+ing my i ea &or a no+e) an an artic)e in tonight<s Star4.aAette0 E)mira<s ai)y news*a*er. # escribe both o& these e+ents in my ream noteboo9. ?(# wish there were wor s to "se besi es c)air+oyance or *recognition0G # sai 0 since # was somewhat re)"ctant to attach them to the news*a*er ex*erience. That is0 at the time # ha n<t ha any &ee)ing that those D"a)ities or terms might a**)y to what #< sense 44 nor o # now. Perha*s # was mere)y a&rai the ex*erience wasn<t c)air+oyant0 # sai 0 yet # &e)t o"r +ocab")ary was )imite in some in e&inab)e way in s"ch cases. A co*y o& my news*a*er ex*erience is attache to this session. ?,@ ?# m"st say that # ha n<t ex*ecte Seth to isc"ss the e+ent this e+ening0 nor ha # as9e that he o so. A)so0 &or someone who wasn<t s"re they wante to ho) a session to begin with0 Jane<s e)i+ery was exce))ent 44 "s"a))y &ast an D"ite em*hatic thro"gho"t.@ Now: Comments. ?(.oo e+ening.(@ #& yo" ha &irst rea the artic)e o& which yo" ha+e been s*ea9ing0 an then in a semi4 oAing state create yo"r i ea o& a no+e)0 re*)ete with the characteriAation o& the mother0 then yo" wo") say that ca"se an e&&ect were in+o)+e . Science might a mit that the no+e) i ea itse)& was high)y creati+e0 an exam*)e o& the min at *)ay as it "se ex*erience as a creati+e raw *ro "ct 44 b"t o& co"rse yo" ha yo"r ex*erience be&ore yo" rea the artic)e. An when that 9in o& thing ha**ens science then *roc)aims that the two e+ents are not connecte to each other at a))0 b"t are instea the res")t o& coinci enta) *atterns. #n yo"r terms0 whether a min"te or ,3 min"tes0 or an ho"r or two ho"rs were in+o)+e 0 yo" reacte ahea o& time to a hea )ine that yo" ha not as yet *hysica))y enco"ntere . >o" reacte creati+e)y0 "sing the *recogniti+e story as a basis &or a &ictiona) en ea+or. >o" t"rne it to art<s *"r*oses. ?1:8,.@ .i+e "s a moment ... As yo" )ay there yo" were aware o& the &act B"st beneath conscio"sness 44 "s"a) conscio"sness 44 that yo" ha not bro"ght in the *a*er be&ore yo"r na*0 as is yo"r habit0 an a)most at a ream )e+e) yo" i )y won ere what stories it might contain. >o"r inc)"sion o& the hos*ita) mix"* in the ta)e was0 as yo" s"s*ecte 0 connecte with the me ica) i eas yo" ha+e been ea)ing

with o& )ate ?in extra notes &or Mass E+ents0 an the boo9 by the *hysician@ 44 an here was an exce))ent &ictiona) i ea0 yo" see0 that co") 0 among other things0 bring those i eas into *rominence. The i ea0 then0 o& the no+e) came &rom *ast an &"t"re e+ents0 tho"gh yo" were to catch "* with those &"t"re e+ents +ery D"ic9)y. >o"r min int"iti+e)y organiAe a)) o& that materia)0 an *"t it together in a com*)ete)y new &ashion. Sometimes when s"ch e+ents occ"r0 the *recogniti+e trigger is not e+en recogniAe when it is enco"ntere *hysica))y0 beca"se it ha**ens too &ar ahea o& time. ?To me: @ >o" organiAe menta) an *hysica) e+ents in a creati+e manner. #n this case a no+e) was in+o)+e beca"se the conce*t0 whi)e strong)y in+o)+ing images0 carrie a time s*an that wo") ma9e narrati+e necessary. >o" "se the magica) a**roach. >o" ca"ght yo"rse)& in the act o& acting nat"ra))y0 o& emonstrating abi)ities that yo"r society to a )arge egree oes not a mit. That same 9in o& )ightning4swi&t organiAation goes on within the bo y itse)& constant)y0 as it ea)s with *robab)e scenarios to which yo" may or may not en "* reacting to. The e+ents themse)+es isc"sse in the news*a*er artic)e *oint "* the same 9in o& magica) a&&i)iations. The c4e4)4)4s ?s*e))e @ o& the yo"ng men in D"estion were a)ways in comm"nication0 an a)) o& those e)ements nee e to bring abo"t s"ch a re"nion too9 *)ace at that magica) )e+e) o& acti+ity. Conscio"s)y0 inte))ect"a))y0 the boys ha no i ea they were tri*)ets. >o" )i+e *ersona))y wor) o& )"sh creati+e i eas. >o"r inte))ect is aware o& that. ?Pa"se.@ #t is "se to wor9ing creati+e)y. The &oc"se inte))ect can in ee acti+ate the int"iti+e abi)ities 44 an the hea)ing abi)ities. >o" get what yo" concentrate "*on. ?1:;:.@ The inte))ect is a +ita) organiAer e+en i& it is not aware o& the magica) )e+e)s o& acti+ity &rom which o&ten its best i eas emerge. This wi)) be a +ery brie& session. 'hen yo" )oo9 at wor) e+ents0 howe+er0 the *resent wor) sit"ation &or exam*)e ?the war between #raD an #ran0 which began a &ew ays ago@0 try to en)arge the sco*e o& yo"r inte))ect"a) reach0 so that yo" consi er wor) e+ents as )i+ing m")ti imensiona) (no+e)s( being &orme in the *resent in res*onse to both &"t"re an *ast triggers. The im*act o& the &"t"re on the *ast0 in yo"r terms 44 or rather0 the im*)ications o& the &"t"re on the *resent 44 are high)y im*ortant0 an s"ch *recogniti+e reactions are as +ita)0 n"mero"s0 an rea) as yo" or inari)y thin9 that the reactions to *ast e+ents are ?intent)y@. This *"ts *resent wor) e+ents in an entire)y i&&erent *ers*ecti+e. Men act0 then0 in re)ationshi* to e+ents that ha+e0 historica))y s*ea9ing0 not yet occ"rre 44 b"t those e+ents ha**ening0 say0 in the &"t"re0 in certain terms cast their sha ows bac9 into the *resent0 or i))"minate the *ast accor ing to the e+ents< characteristics. There is a)ways more going on than or inary sense ata show. #n yo"r com*arati+e)y sim*)e ex*erience0 yo" can see0 howe+er0 the im*)ications o& s"ch acti+ities. Men may react to &"t"re e+ents by "nconscio"s)y trans)ating them into art0 or motion *ict"res. They may react by "nconscio"s)y ta9ing certain ste*s o& a *o)itica) nat"re that seem at the time either "nreasonab)e0 or e+en incom*rehensib)e 44 ste*s whose )ogic a**ears on)y in hin sight. The same occ"rs0 o& co"rse0 in a)) areas o& h"man beha+ior0 as we)) as in the beha+ior o& anima)s an e+en o& *)ants. This &"t"re sha owing the *resent0 or &"t"re i))"minating the *resent0 re*resents a +ita) e)ement in the &ormation o& e+ents as they are *ercei+e in time. #n a &ashion the tri*)ets were reacting in their *ast to a &"t"re e+ent that has now ca"ght "* with them0 so that each o& their actions in any moment o& that *ast ha**ene as a res")t o& a tension 44 a creati+e tension 44 between the e+ent o& their origina) se*aration an the e+ent o& their &"t"re re"nion.

# o not mean that the re"nion was ine+itab)e or *re estine 0 b"t the +igor o& that *robabi)ity0 yo" might say0 magni&ie the origina) tension. # want R"b"rt to a**)y a)) o& this to his own sit"ation0 both in terms o& creati+e en ea+ors an his *hysica) sit"ation0 so that he begins to "n erstan that he can start to react in the *resent to a &"t"re reco+ery. ?%ong *a"se at ,3:3,.@ 7e can see how im*ortant *erio s o& )etting go are. >o"r ex*erience ha**ene when yo" were near)y as)ee*0 b"t mere)y re)axe 0 not worrying0 with yo"r inte))ect in a 9in o& &ree &)ow. >o" were not ham*ering it. #t was momentari)y &ree o& )imiting be)ie&s0 an it nat"ra))y "se 44 an chose to "se 44 the magica) a**roach to answer what was a +ery sim*)e0 now4&orgotten inte))ect"a) D"estion: 'hat might be in to ay<s news*a*erF The "s"a) answer0 or the "s"a) metho o& obtaining an answer0 was at the time incon+enient: >o" were not abo"t to get "*0 go o"tsi e an get the *a*er0 so on its own the inte))ect *resse the magica)4a**roach b"tton0 yo" might say0 getting the in&ormation the D"ic9est an easiest way *ossib)e. #t i not gi+e yo" the bare hea )ine0 howe+er 44 e+en tho"gh that an the story were *ercei+e &ar too D"ic9)y &or yo" to &o))ow. 'hat yo" were aware o& were yo"r own creati+e re+eries in res*onse to that in&ormation. Now )e&t a)one0 the inte))ect wi)) o&ten so)+e *rob)ems in B"st s"ch a &ashion0 when it is a))owe to0 when yo" &orget what is s"**ose to be *ossib)e an what is not0 when yo" &orget that yo"r min is s"**ose to be *e estrian an *arochia). ?Pa"se.@ En o& session 44 ?# smi)e at Seth as (he( )eane towar me. (# tho"ght so. #t<s been +ery interesting.(@ 44 an a &on goo e+ening. ?(Than9 yo". The same to yo". .oo night.(@ ?,3:31 P.M. (!ri))iant0 hon0( # sai to Jane as she D"ic9)y came o"t o& her trance state. She was *)ease . For someone who ha n<t 9nown whether they wante a session0 she< one +ery we))0 with her e)i+ery being o&ten &ast an em*hatic. # to) her that it )oo9e as tho"gh Seth "se my news*a*er inci ent to act"a))y s"mmariAe in ca*s")e &orm m"ch o& the materia) he<s been gi+ing "s in this )atest gro"* o& *ri+ate sessions. (>o" co") n<t as9 &or a better emonstration o& the who)e thing0 ( # sai . ?# inten to co*y a *age or two o& the session to insert in my noteboo9 containing s"ggestions o& notes &or $reams0 Seth<s )atest boo9. # mean the materia) abo"t time. # a)so tho"ght we sho") somehow 9ee* the session in min 0 an not )et it get )ost in the &i)es as the years *ass 44 one o& the reasons # want to "se *art o& it in $reams. Since it<s *ri+ate0 it might not be *"b)ishe any time soon otherwise. ?A note: the way things (wor9(. . . On Th"rs ay morning 44 the ay a&ter this session was he) 44 Jane an # saw the three yo"ng men re&erre to in the news*a*er artic)e on a we))49nown +ariety show. 5ery interesting. One o& them sai he he< ha (a ream( abo"t ha+ing brothers. The others weren<t as e&inite0 b"t at )east in icate they ha n<t &e)t a)one. The T5 host ne+er re&erre to the &act that the three yo"ths were act"a))y members o& D"a r"*)ets 44 that a &o"rth brother ha ie at birth0 accor ing to the news artic)e. Neither i the brothers. # a)so mentione to Jane the simi)arity in the a o*ti+e )ast names o& two o& the brothers: Ke))man an .e))an .@

NOTE: SESS#ON OF SEPTEM!ER0 6;0 ,123 ,. Ex*erience0 ;:33 P.M. 'e nes ay. Se*tember 6;0 ,123. # )ay own &or a na* in the be room a&ter Jane got "* &rom her own. # ha the &o))owing i eas as # )ay in that state between wa9ing an s)ee*ing. # &o"n myse)& m"sing abo"t what # tho"ght was a great i ea &or a no+e). # trie to escribe it to Jane as we ate s"**er an watche the news on T5. # tho"ght o& myse)& as a woman at the ma)) in !ig F)ats0 near E)mira. As # went thro"gh a o"b)e re+o)+ing oor # ca"ght a g)im*se o& a yo"ng man0 say in his mi 4twenties0 who was an exact "*)icate o& my own son0 who # 9new was not in the ma))0 b"t was away on b"siness o& some 9in . The shoc9 o& seeing my son<s o"b)e was so great that instea o& chasing him to D"estion him0 # ha to sit own on a bench to reco+er. !y then the yo"ng man was gone. # en+isione myse)& ret"rning to the ma)) again an again to see i& # co") see the *erson 44 an &ina))y # i . Either # &o))owe him to his car0 then ta)9e to him0 or &o))owe him to where he )i+e with his *arents 44 b"t he bore an "ncanny resemb)ance to my own son. # o not 9now how or when the two )oo94a4)i9e yo"ng men met0 b"t in my re+erie # tho"ght o& the mother in D"estion tracing bac9 connections a)) the way to her son<s birth at the E)mira hos*ita). # en+isione the e)i+ery rooms there0 an the room where +isitors see the babies ?#<+e ne+er seen those rooms in (rea)( )i&e@. The story "n&o) s when the mother "nco+ers e+i ence o& a mix"* in the baby com*)ex at the hos*ita): She ha been gi+en on)y one o& her chi) ren0 or some s"ch a&&airC either that0 or she ha manage to a o*t a baby &rom there. Either way0 she &in s o"t thro"gh m"ch etecti+e wor9 that a who)e series o& mix"*s ha occ"rre in the hos*ita) that ay 44 that in the E)mira area there are se+era) sets o& *arents who ha+e been raising the wrong chi) ren a)) these years. There ha been mix"*s in the hos*ita) beca"se o& new he)*0 etc. # tho"ght it wo") ma9e a great no+e) as a)) o& the entang)e threa s were "nwo"n 0 an consi ering the emotiona) tang)es that ha been b"i)t "* o+er the years as *arents raise chi) ren they tho"ght were theirs. # thin9 that the i ea o& mix"*s in the hos*ita) came &rom a boo9 Jane an # ha+e been rea ing the *ast wee90 written by a octor who warns against me icine0 e)i+ery rooms0 the who)e bit0 in the estab)ishment *ractice o& me icine. 7e wrote that s"ch baby mix"*s are &ar &rom rare. Then as we sat on the co"ch0 # remembere that &or the &irst time in )itera))y months #< &orgotten to bring in the e+ening *a*er0 so we co") )oo9 at it whi)e we ate an watche T5. # a)most in+ariab)y bring in the *a*er be&ore # )ay own &or a na* be&ore s"**er0 so Jane can rea it whi)e # s)ee*. On the &ront *age o& the *a*er was a rather )ong story0 with *hotogra*hs0 te))ing how tri*)ets were "nite by (chance( )ast wee9en in New >or9 City 44 a case we ha n<t hear o& in the me ia be&ore now. #< &orgotten to escribe my i ea &or a no+e) to Jane0 b"t the artic)e imme iate)y remin e me to o so. There were simi)arities in the story that remin e me o& my own ex*erience. The &irst two o& the brothers were re"nite thro"gh a &rien ?instea o& a mother0 say@ who notice the resemb)ance between them. T"rns o"t the three were gi+en "* &or a o*tion at birth0 an a)tho"gh they 9new they were a o*te 0 they i n<t 9now they be)onge to what act"a))y ha been a D"a r"*)et gro"*. ?A &o"rth brother ha ie at birth.@ Their "n9nowing wo") match my own ream)i9e i ea o& the two yo"ng men )i+ing in the E)mira area b"t not 9nowing o& each other. E+en the ages o& the tri*)ets 44 ,1 years 44 *)aces them &air)y c)ose to my son<s age o& 6: in my re+erie0 rather than0 &or exam*)e0 brothers in their ;3s.

# was D"ite str"c9 by the simi)arities between the news story an my own ex*erience. Jane thin9s that beca"se # &orgot to bring in the *a*er be&ore # )ay own0 # may ha+e t"ne into it0 o"t there in the box besi e the mai)box. # i n<t ha+e any strong &ee)ing that # ha 0 howe+er0 b"t get a &ew thri))s as # &inish this acco"nt. # sho") a that # )ay own at abo"t ;:63. On wee9 ays the motor carrier "s"a))y )ea+es the *a*er in its box aro"n 8:,:48:830 so the *a*er was (in *osition( &or me to Aoom in on it. #n &act0 we can see o"r box on the roa &rom o"r be room win ows0 )oo9ing s)ight)y north. # *")) the sha es be&ore )ying own. # on<t remember i& # ha**ene to g)ance at the box to ay whi)e )owering them. The box is *erha*s ;:4:3 &eet &rom the be room win ows0 an its bac9en is towar o"r ho"se. # can te)) i& the *a*er has come0 tho"gh0 by )oo9ing across the roa into o"r neighbor<s box. On wee9en s0 when the *a*er is e)i+ere in the morning0 an is sometimes )ate0 # o&ten chec9 the neighbor<s box.

SESS#ON FO-RTEEN T7E SE%F. RE%AQAT#ON AN$ EFFORT%ESSNESS. SEPTEM!ER 610,123 1:,2 P.M.0 MON$A> ?# ha+e b"t a &ew sessions )e&t to chec9 on the co*y4e ite man"scri*t &or Mass E+ents. Then # can start corre)ating it with the &irst carbon Hwhich we 9ee*I0 be&ore mai)ing the man"scri*t bac9 to Prentice47a))0 *robab)y )ate this wee90 &or *rinting. The boo9 is sche ")e to be in the stores in May ,12,. ?Jane contin"es her im*ro+ements0 a)tho"gh she<s been ha+ing *erio s o& worry an o"bt. Now she waite im*atient)y &or Seth to come thro"gh: At &irst #< tho"ght she wo") *ass "* the session. Fina))y she &e)t her boy aro"n . (#<m g)a 0( # Bo9e . (# was a&rai he might on)y get as &ar as Co)eman A+en"e 44 a b)oc9 away 44 or some*)ace )i9e that. # i n<t want to sit aro"n waiting0 an wasting my time. . . .G@ Now. 44 ?(.oo e+ening.G@ #t is not tr"e0 o& co"rse0 that be&ore the time o& mo ern *sycho)ogy man ha a conce*t o& himse)& that ea)t with conscio"s exterior as*ects on)y0 a)tho"gh it has been written that "nti) that time man tho"ght o& himse)& as a 9in o& &)at4s"r&ace se)& 44 min"s0 &or exam*)e0 s"bconscio"s or "nconscio"s com*)exity. #nstea 0 *re+io"s to *sycho)ogy<s entrance0 be&ore *sycho)ogy ma**e the acce*tab)e or &orbi en0 the angero"s or sa&e com*artments o& the se)&0 man "se the wor (so")( to inc)" e his own entire com*)exity. That wor was )arge eno"gh to contain man<s ex*erience. #t was )arge eno"gh to *ro+i e room &or con+entiona) an "ncon+entiona)0 biAarre an or inary states o& min an ex*erience. #t was

roomy eno"gh to ho) images o& rea)ity that were *hysica))y *ercei+e or *sycho)ogica))y *ercei+e . Now the ch"rch &ina))y *)ace a)) o& the con emnation o& its re)igio"s )aws against certain *sycho)ogica) an mystica) ex*eriences 44 not beca"se it i not consi er them rea)ities0 o& co"rse b"t *recise)y beca"se it recogniAe too we)) the isr"*ti+e in&)"ence that0 say0 re+e)ationary ex*erience co") ha+e "*on a wor) or er that was base "*on a "ni&orm ogma. ('itches( were not consi ere insane0 &or exam*)e0 or erange 0 &or their *sycho)ogica) be)ie&s &it in on)y too we)) with those o& the genera) *o*")ace. They were consi ere e+i) instea . ?Pa"se.@ The +ast range o& *sycho)ogica) ex*ression0 howe+er0 ha some 9in o& &ramewor9 to contain it. ?Pa"se.@ The saint an the sinner ?*a"se@ each ha access to great e*ths o& *ossib)e heroism or es*air. Psycho)ogica) rea)ity0 &or a)) o& the re)igio"s ?*a"se@ angers *)ace "*on it0 was anything b"t a &)at4 s"r&ace ex*erience. #t was in &act beca"se the ch"rch so be)ie+e in the great range o& *sycho)ogica) acti+ity *ossib)e that it was so ogmatic an tire)ess in trying to maintain or er. ?%ong *a"se at 1:88.@ -n&ort"nate)y0 with the e+e)o*ment the scienti&ic era0 a e+e)o*ment occ"rre that nee not ha+e ha**ene . As # ha+e mentione be&ore0 science<s etermination to be obBecti+e a)most imme iate)y bro"ght abo"t a certain arti&icia) shrin9ing o& *sycho)ogica) rea)ity. 'hat co") not be *ro+en in the )aboratory was *res"me not to exist at a)). Anyone who ex*erience (something that co") not exist( was there&ore to some extent or another e)" e or erange . There is no o"bt that the acce*te imensions o& *sycho)ogica) rea)ity began to shrin9 *recise)y at the time that mo ern *sycho)ogy began. ?%ong *a"se.@ Mo ern *sycho)ogy was an attem*t to ma9e man con&orm to the new scienti&ic wor) +iew. #t was an attem*t to &it man within the *ict"re o& e+o)"tion0 an to man"&act"re a creat"re whose +ery existence was somehow *itte against itse)&. E+o)"tionary man0 with $arwinian roots0 co") not be a creat"re with a so"). #t ha to ha+e hi en in its *sycho)ogica) roots the b)oo y remnants o& the str"gg)e &or s"r+i+a) that now cast it in its "neasy ro)e. ?Pa"se.@ There is no o"bt that the ch"rch cast the so") in a *osition o& stress0 ca"ght as it was between its hea+en)y so"rce an origina) sin 44 b"t there was a sense o& *sycho)ogica) mobi)ity in+o)+e 0 one that saw contin"e existence a&ter eath. The new *sycho)ogy sh"t o&& mobi)ity a&ter eath0 whi)e gi+ing each in i+i "a) an "nsa+ory *rimiti+e *ast heritage 44 a heritage genetica))y carrie 0 that )e &ina))y on)y to the gra+e. ?%ong *a"se.@ Psycho)ogica) acti+ity was sca)e own in between )i&e an eath0 then0 e+en whi)e the *ossibi)ity o& any a&ter4 eath ex*erience was consi ere the most "nreasonab)e an "ninte))ect"a) o& s*ec")ations. ?%ong *a"se at 1:;8.@ Any man might rise in yo"r emocracy &rom a *oor *easant<s son to be the Presi ent. O"tcasts might become the socia))y *rominent. The "n)ettere might become high)y e "cate . The i ea o& achie+ing greatness0 howe+er0 was consi ere high)y s"s*ect. The se)& was 9e*t in bo"n s. .reat *assion0 or esire or intent 44 or geni"s 44 i not &it the *ict"re. ?%ong *a"se.@ Now some *eo*)es wo") not &it into that mo) . They wo") ta9e what they co") &rom yo"r techno)ogy0 b"t in conscio"s an s*ontaneo"s ways they reta)iate 44 an sti)) o 44 by exaggerating a)) o& those h"man ten encies that yo"r society has he) own so we)). #& yo" can ha+e reason witho"t &aith0 then in ee 0 &or exam*)e0 yo" wi)) see that there can be &aith witho"t reason. 'hen h"man ex*erience becomes shr"n9en in s"ch a &ashion 44 com*resse 44 then in a &ashion it a)so ex*)o es at both en s0 yo" might say. >o" ha+e atrocio"s acts committe 0 a)ong with great heroisms0 b"t each are ex*)osi+e0 re*resenting s" en re)eases o& withhe) energies that ha+e in other ways been &orbi en0 an so man<s mass *syche ex*resses itse)& sometimes )i9e ex*)osi+e &irewor9s0 sim*)y beca"se the re)ease o& *ress"re is

necessary. E+en yo"r *oor misg"i e mora)Jre)igio"s organiAation is saying in its &ashion to the scienti&ica))y4 oriente society: (7ow is &aith not rea)0 thenF 'e<)) change yo"r )aws with it. 'e<)) t"rn it into *ower 44 *o)itica) *ower. 'hat wi)) yo" say thenF 'e ha+e been )a"ghe at &or so )ong. 'e wi)) see who )a"ghs now.( Fanaticism abo"n s0 o& co"rse0 beca"se the h"man ten encies an ex*eriences that ha+e been enie by the main)ine society er"*t with ex*)osi+e &orce0 where the ten encies themse)+es m"st be acce*te as characteristics o& h"man ex*erience. #ran is an exam*)e &or the wor) 0 in ex*)osi+e ca*s")e &orm0 com*)ete with historica) bac9gro"n an a mo ern *o)itica) one. Mo ern *sycho)ogy oes not ha+e a conce*t o& the se)& to begin to ex*)ain s"ch rea)ities. Now0 in the wor) yo" ?to me@ ear)y &orme yo"r own be)ie&s an strategies. #n mi )i&e yo" were *resente with o"r sessions 44 or Hthe two o&I yo" *resente yo"rse)+es with them0 i& yo" *re&er. >o" recogniAe the o+era)) +ita)ity o& o"r materia) ?)ong *a"se@ 44 b"t again0 yo" i not rea)iAe that it meant a com*)ete reorientation o& yo"r attit" es. >o" i not rea)iAe that yo" were being *resente 0 not mere)y with an a)ternate +iew o& rea)ity0 b"t with the c)osest a**roximation yo" co") get o& what rea)ity was0 an how it wor9e 0 an what it meant. ?,3:3=.@ # ha+e been +ery gent)e in my treatment o& yo"r mores an instit"tions 44 &or # o not want yo" to be against yo"r wor) 0 b"t &or a more &")&i))ing one. Towar the en o& o"r *resent boo9 ?$reams@0 we wi)) be isc"ssing how o"r i eas can be a**)ie by the in i+i "a) in terms o& +a)"e &")&i))ment0 so that in i+i "a)s can begin to rec)aim those imensions o& ex*erience that are in ee yo"r right&") heritage. Now: For R"b"rt0 # want him to remember the i ea o& e&&ort)essness0 beca"se with the best o& intentions he has been trying too har . ?Pa"se.@ # want him to remember that re)axation is one o& creati+ity<s greatest cham*ions 44 not its enemy. 7e is nat"ra))y gi&te with the D"ic9ness o& bo y an min . Remin him that it is sa&e to ex*ress his nat"ra) ?"n er)ine @ rhythms0 to remember the nat"ra) *erson. >o"r most +ita) ins*irations are e&&ort)ess)y yo"rs. # want yo" to see how many o& yo"r be)ie&s are the res")t o& the o) &ramewor90 &or in that way yo" wi)) &in yo"rse)+es re)easing yo"rse)+es more an more0 so that yo"r own strengths come to yo"r s"**ort. En o& session0 an a &on goo e+ening. ?(Than9 yo"0 Seth.(@ ?,3:,; P.M. Jane ha no i ea o& most o& the materia) in the session 44 that is0 she ha n<t 9nown Seth was going to e)i+er it. Now0 howe+er0 she remembere that B"st be&ore the session she< *ic9e "* the i ea that Seth wo") mention e&&ort)essness in connection with her own sit"ation.@

SESS#ON F#FTEEN T7E NAT-RA% PERSON AN$ T7E NAT-RA% -SE OF T#ME. OCTO!ER ,0 ,123 1:8, P.M.0 'E$NES$A> ?$"ring her mi 4morning exercise4an 4rest brea9 to ay0 # as9e Jane i& she ha any i ea why Seth ha come thro"gh with the materia) gi+en "s in )ast Mon ay e+ening<s session. At &irst she sai no0 rather matter4o&4&act)y. Then: ('e))0 # on<t te)) yo" e+erything0 b"t &or some now #<+e 9nown Seth gi+es what # ca)) <&i))4in< sessions0 or &)oating materia) 44 st"&& he co") gi+e any time. #t isn<t *ri+ate0 rea))y0 or boo9 wor9 either. They<re )i9e <maintenance sessions.< #t<s goo materia)0 a)) right0 b"t. . . .( ?(So a&ter a)) these years # &in that o"t0( # answere . ('hat e)se ha+en<t yo" to) meF 7ow come the big secretF( ?(>o" ne+er as9e me0( she sai 0 which ha a &ami)iar ring. HChec9ing )ater0 # &o"n that she< gi+en me the same answer abo"t certain Seth materia) in Mass E+ents.I ?('e))0 # can<t as9 yo" abo"t something # on<t s"s*ect0( # sai . # as9e her to write a short acco"nt o& what she< B"st to) me0 an she *ro "ce it whi)e sitting in be 0 a&ter she< one her exercises: ?(October ,J23. There are certain sessions #<+e )abe)e <&i))4in< sessions in my min &or some time now0 or tho"ght o& them as co+ering <&)oating materia). < They aren<t boo9 sessions or s*eci&ica))y *ersona) ones. They 9ee* the sessions going o+er *erio s o& time. %i9e maintenance sessions0 b"t "s"a))y by isc"ssing *ast materia) 44 connecting it with the *resent H<connecti+e sessions< is more )i9e itI 44 whi)e not necessari)y a ing new thr"st. An not s*eci&ica))y gi+en to one s"bBect. ?(Origina))y the Christ sessions starte that way. ?(# thin9 s"ch connecti+e sessions ha**en between boo9 sessions0 &or a change o& *ace 44 where materia) oesn<t ha+e to &it a more concentrate o+era)) boo9 &oc"s. ,,:,: A.M.( ?Jane has grown increasing)y rest)ess o+er the brea9s in her acti+ities that are ca"se by the rest *erio s she<s ta9ing se+era) times ai)y. At the same time her bac90 &or exam*)e0 has im*ro+e consi erab)y. She was angry as we sat &or the session. (#<m so ma # can<t ta)9 abo"t it0 ( she sai 44 whi)e ta)9ing abo"t it &or some 63 min"tes. # to) her # 9new she i n<t want to ta9e the rest *erio s0 an that # ha )itt)e to o&&er as an a)ternati+e0 beyon her sim*)y c"tting own on them. # &ig"re she< be a)tering her sche ")e. (!oy0 Seth0 yo"< better bai) me o"t0( she sai +ehement)y. (# can<t ha+e a session on it beca"se #<m too in+o)+e 44 yo" ha+e to ca)m own be&ore yo" can o that. . . . ( ?# i say that her wa)9ing was the 9ey to reco+ery: The more she wa)9e 0 the )ess the *ress"re in any consistent way on other *arts o& her anatomy. >et # co") n<t eD"ate the &ew moments she s*ent wa)9ing with the ha)&4ho"r rest *erio s0 either. ?#n s*ite o& her *rotestations0 howe+er0 Jane &e)t Seth near as we ta)9e 44 then when he came thro"gh he i isc"ss the s"bBects we were concerne abo"t at the moment.@ Now: Comments. ?# no e .@

O"r &rien is now &ee)ing somewhat more ambitio"s o& )ate. A &ew wee9s ago0 he co") har )y wait to )ie own at the a**ointe times0 )i9e it otherwise or no0 sim*)y beca"se he was so "ncom&ortab)e. Now0 things ha+e change somewhat. The shar* iscom&ort has gone. A &ew wee9s ago he bare)y consi ere ta9ing two ste*s in the 9itchen0 m"ch )ess wa)9ing twice the )ength o& the )i+ing room0 or consi ering wa)9ing a&ter inner. The &act that he is now thin9ing o& wa)9ing a&ter inner is an ob+io"s a +ance. 7is irritabi)ity is somewhat nat"ra) 44 b"t a)so base on the i ea0 sti))0 that when he is )aying own that is ea time ?with am"sement@0 or "se)ess time0 en&orce inacti+ity. #t wo") he)*0 o& co"rse0 i& he remin e himse)& that his creati+e min is at wor9 whether or not he is aware o& it0 an regar )ess what he is oing0 an that s"ch *erio s ha+e the *otentia)0 at )east0 o& acce)erating creati+ity0 i& he a))ows his inte))ect to go in a 9in o& &ree ri+e at s"ch times. >o" might ha+e him become more aware o& when he act"a))y becomes tire 0 or "ncom&ortab)e0 so that he oes )ay own then. The wa)9ing a&ter inner wo") be exce))ent0 o& co"rse 44 the i ea being0 howe+er0 that i& he became "ncom&ortab)e &rom sitting that he )ie on the be 0 *erha*s be&ore watching te)e+ision the e+ening. One im*ortant *oint0 again0 is to remember that in any ay his moo is o&ten exce))ent &or many *erio s o& time. 7e sho") concentrate his attention "*on those *erio s0 rather concentrating "*on the *erio s when he is b)"e or "*set0 an berating himse)& &or those reactions. #n that way0 the goo moo s become )onger. They increase. They ?"n er)ine @ become signi&icant. #n s"ch ways he wi)) isco+er what *romotes these goo moo s. %ater0 # wi)) ha+e some things to say abo"t what # wi)) ca)) (the ai)y hy*othesis0( &or each *erson has s"ch a ai)y hy*othesis 44 one that might be D"ite i&&erent &or0 say0 Fri ay than it is &or Mon ay. >o" b"i) yo"r ai)y ex*erience *artia))y by s"ch wor9ing hy*otheses. ?1.;; in a &ast e)i+ery.@ .i+e "s a moment .... ?%ong *a"se.@ To some extent R"b"rt<s issatis&action with )aying own a&ter inner a)so means that he is )earning more abo"t his own nat"ra) rhythms0 &or he oes &ee) acce)erate at that time0 an by the e+ening0 as yo" o. This is beca"se many o& the be)ie&s that yo" ha+e in i+i "a))y an Boint)y are somewhat re)ie+e in the e+ening0 in that they so o&ten a**)y to the ay<s acti+ities0 when the rest o& the wor) seems to be engage in the nine4to4&i+e assemb)y4)ine wor) ex*erience. >o" o not *roBect as many negati+e i eas "*on the e+ening ho"rs0 an the same a**)ies to most *eo*)e to +arying egrees. That is at )east one o& the reasons why these sessions ha+e been he) in the e+ening0 where it was at )east not as )i9e)y that yo" wo") try to in+est them with the wor9a ay 9in o& wor) +a)"es. That is a)so why it is easier0 genera))y s*ea9ing0 &or R"b"rt to recei+e s"ch in&ormation in the e+ening0 beca"se yo" are Boint)y &ree o& )imitations that might ham*er yo" at other times o& the ay 44 not sim*)y that +isitors might arri+e more "s"a))y then0 b"t beca"se yo" yo"rse)+es are )ess +isite by *reconce*tions o& what yo" are s"**ose to o in any gi+en ho"r o& the ay. The nat"ra)0 magica) &)ows o& yo"r own rhythms are more o&ten bro9en "* in the aytime. This a**)ies to other *eo*)e as we))0 beca"se o& yo"r i eas o& what yo" sho") be oing at any gi+en time0 or what is socia))y res*ectab)e0 *ro*er0 "*right0 e+en mora) ?wry)y@ in )imite terms. ?%ong *a"se.@ >o" ha+e sett)e "*on a system that seems to be nat"ra))y base 0 the exc)"si+e res")ts o& yo"r historic *ast0 one in which yo"r main acti+ities are aytime ones. #t seems on)y nat"ra) that ear)y man0 &or exam*)e0 carrie on a)) o& his main acti+ities in the ay0 hi ing a&ter ar9. ?Pa"se.@ As a

matter o& &act0 howe+er0 ear)y man was a nat"ra) night we))er0 an ear)y e+e)o*e the "ses o& &ire &or i))"mination0 carrying on many acti+ities a&ter ar90 when many nat"ra) *re ators s)e*t. 7e a)so h"nte +ery we)) in the ar90 c)e+er)y "sing a)) o& his senses with high acc"racy 44 the res")t o& )earning *rocesses that are now D"ite )ost. ?,3:33.@ #n any case0 man was not by any means exc)"si+e)y a aytime creat"re0 an &ires within ca+es exten e acti+ities &ar into the night. #t was agric")t"re that t"rne him more into a aytime rhythm0 an &or some time many be)ie&s )ingere that res")te &rom ear)ier nighttime agric")t"ra) *ractices. Many *eo*)e<s nat"ra) rhythms0 then0 sti)) o inc)ine in those irections0 an they are a)ways 9e*t o*erab)e as a)ternate rhythms &or the s*ecies as a who)e. R"b"rt has some inc)inations in that irection0 as o many creati+e *eo*)e0 b"t these rhythms are o&ten near)y com*)ete)y o+er)ai by c")t"ra))y4)earne ones. C")t"res that were night4oriente ?*a"se@ a**reciate the night in a i&&erent &ashion0 o& co"rse0 an act"a))y "ti)iAe their conscio"snesses ?*a"se@ in ways that are a)most near)y &orgotten. # be)ie+e there are ancient &airy ta)es an myths sti)) s"r+i+ing that s*ea9 o& these "n erwor) s0 wor) s o& ar9ness 44 b"t they o not mean wor) s o& eath0 as is "s"a))y inter*rete . #n a &ashion0 the inte))ect goes han 4in4han with the imagination "n er s"ch con itions. #t is not that man stresse *hysica) ata )ess0 b"t that he *"t it together i&&erent)y 44 that in ar9ness he re)ie "*on his o"ter senses in a more "ni&ie &ashion. The night)y *ortions o& yo"r *ersona)ities ha+e become strangers to yo" 44 &or as yo" i enti&y with what yo" thin9 o& as yo"r rationa) inte))ect0 then yo" i enti&y it &"rther with the aytime ho"rs0 with the obBecti+e wor) that becomes +isib)e in the morning0 with the c)earc"t *hysica) obBects that are then be&ore yo"r +iew. ?,3:,3.@ #n those times0 howe+er0 man i enti&ie more with his int"iti+e se)&0 an with his imagination0 an these to some extent more than now0 irecte the "ses to which he *"t his inte))ect. This meant0 o& co"rse0 a )ang"age ?*a"se@ that was in its way more *recise than yo"r own0 &or conce*ts were ro"tine)y ex*resse that escribe the +ast com*)exity o& s"bBecti+e as we)) as obBecti+e e+ents. ?Pa"se.@ There were myria re)ationshi*s0 &or exam*)e0 im*ossib)e now to escribe0 between a *erson an his or her ream se)+es0 an between the ream se)+es o& a)) the members o& the tribe. Partic")ar)y in warmer c)imates0 man was nat"ra))y noct"rna)0 an i a goo ea) o& his s)ee*ing an reaming in the aytime. >o" m"st remember0 o& co"rse0 that the "se o& c)oc9s is a &air)y recent *henomenon. ?Pa"se.@ Men tho"ght in terms o& rhythms o& the time0 or o& &)owing time0 not o& time in sections that were arbitrary. So as &ar as creat"rehoo is concerne 0 yo" ha+e a a*te to a time en+ironment that yo" yo"rse)+es ha+e &orme . Creati+e *eo*)e0 again0 are o&ten aware o& those connections0 at )east at certain )e+e)s0 an R"b"rt in *artic")ar has a)ways &e)t that way to some extent. >o" ha+e )arge)y b"rie yo"r own nat"ra) &ee)ings in that irection. #t is "* to yo" whether yo" want to ca)) this a &i))4in session or not 44 ?(# was B"st going to as9 yo" abo"t that.(@ Those are R"b"rt<s esignations0 not mine. $o yo" ha+e a D"estionF ?(No0 that was it0 abo"t the &i))4in session.G@

The sessions &rom the beginning were base "*on the nat"ra) &)ow o& R"b"rt<s energy0 ta9ing a +antage o& it in s"ch a &ashion. En o& session 44 b"t those rhythms are a)so more nat"ra) to yo" than yo" ha+e s"s*ecte . >o" o&ten ha+e &ree oms0 then0 that yo" o not "se 44 a 6;4ho"r *erio that yo" "se D"ite arbitrari)y0 one that is a)rea y sectione &or yo" by society 44 b"t on)y i& yo" a))ow it to be. #t can be "se in any &ashion that yo" wish. ?<'e))( # sai 0 somewhat e&ensi+e)y0 (#<+e a)ways enBoye ha+ing the sessions at night0 wor9ing a&ter s"**er0 an so &orth.G@ >o" bare)y to"ch the s"r&aces o& the 9in o& &ree om that # an s*ea9ing o&0 tho"gh yo" certain)y o &ar better than most. A &on goo e+ening 44 ?(Than9 yo" +ery m"ch. (@ 44 an this is *artia))y in res*onse to yo"r comments abo"t the e+ening ho"rs. ?,3:6: P.M. Jane ha no i ea O...what he was going to say0 or anything. (An note that she i manage to ha+e a session tonight abo"t her own cha))enges0 e+en tho"gh she was D"ite "*set beca"se o& them at the same time. 7er e)i+ery ha 0 in &act0 o&ten been &ast an &orce&"). ?A&ter the session # remin e Jane that she< B"st gi+en a terri&ic session 44 something that no one e)se co") o 44 b"t that she i n<t gi+e herse)& m"ch cre it &or it. My remar9s came abo"t beca"se as she sat on the co"ch a&ter the session she sai that she ha n<t one anything to ay O...b"t s)ee* an )ay aro"n . . . . (@

SESS#ON S#QTEEN JANE<S POS#T#5E RES-%TS. OCTO!ER /0,123 1:,; P.M.0 MON$A> ?The &o))owing *ri+ate materia) is &rom the reg")ar 163th session. Seth o&ten i this 44 whether we as9e him to or not 44 c)osing o"t boo9 an Jor genera) sessions with comments o& +arying )ength &or Jane an me.@ ?,3:82.@ A note: R"b"rt<s bo y is contin"ing to res*on . The )egs an arms are )engthening0 an becoming stronger. 7e sho") be &ee)ing increase D"ic9ness o& motion in some res*ects soon. 7e is oing we))0 concentrating "*on the goo moo s0 which ha+e increase as a res")t. An # bi yo" both a &on goo e+ening. ?(Than9 yo"0 Seth.( ?Seth no e an c)ose Jane<s eyes.

?(.oo night.G ?,3:;3*m.@ ?en o& session ,/@


?At )"nch to ay # rea the )atest gro"* o& *oems Jane has *re*are &or her boo9 o& *oetry &or Prentice47a)). ?The secon game o& the 'or) Series starte at 2:83 44 # thin9 44 tonight0 a)tho"gh # har )y g)ance at it on te)e+ision as we ma e rea y &or the sessionC the set went o&& a&ter the &irst Hscore)essI inning anyhow. # ha a )etter ha)& one &or Jeanne Mi)es0 my we))49nown artist &rien who )i+es in New >or9 City. MitAi was chasing one o& her *a*er&oi) toys own the ce))ar stairs.... ?#< B"st &inishe ty*ing the )ast &ew *ages &or Mon ay night<s session0 an # as9e Jane what she tho"ght o& my &ina) note: #< s*ec")ate abo"t any reincarnationa) connections that might tie her abi)ities to s*ea9 &or Seth0 witho"t he)* o& any mo ern 9in 0 to the abi)ities ancient man ha is*)aye 0 when0 accor ing to Seth0 he< been ab)e to carry a)) o& his history with him menta))y. As ancient man ha )i+e witho"t the news me ia we<re so "se to0 so oes Jane s*ea9 &or Seth witho"t a)) o& that mo ern he)*. # ha n<t ex*ecte Seth to go into re)ate materia) this e+ening. .oo e+ening. ?(.oo e+ening0 Seth.(@ Now: R"b"rt<s s9i)) is as ancient as man is0 an in ee a)) o& yo"r arts0 sciences0 an c")t"ra) achie+ements are the o&&shoots o& ?*a"se@ s*ontaneo"s menta) an bio)ogica) *rocesses. ?Pa"se0 one o& many.@ # choose my wor s D"ite care&"))y at times0 beca"se # rea)iAe the +ario"s inter*retations that can be *)ace "*on them. Perha*s the &o))owing ex*)anation wi)) ex*ress more c)ear)y what # mean. #n the &irst *)ace0 as o&ten mentione )ate)y0 the reasoning min is s*ontaneo"s)y &ire . The s*ecies

contains within itse)& a)) o& the necessary s*ontaneo"s attrib"tes that are necessary to &orm a ci+i)iAation0 &or exam*)e. ?Pa"se.@ A)) o& yo"r reasone acti+ities 44 yo"r go+ernments0 societies0 arts0 re)igions an sciences 44 are the *hysica) rea)iAation0 o& co"rse0 o& inner ca*acities0 ca*acities that are inherent in man<s str"ct"re. Ta9e yo"r theaters< mo+ing *ict"re ramas. These are the materia)iAation in yo"r time o& man<s nat"ra) acting abi)ity 44 a characteristic high)y im*ortant in the beha+ior o& the s*ecies. Ear)y man0 &or exam*)e0 s*ontaneo"s)y *)aye at acting o"t the *art o& other anima)s. 7e too9 the *art o& a tree0 a broo90 a roc9. Acting became a teaching metho 44 a way o& *assing on in&ormation. ?%ong *a"se.@ Man a)ways *ossesse a)) o& the 9now)e ge he nee e . The tas9 was to ma9e it *hysica))y a+ai)ab)e. Peo*)e )i9e R"b"rt trans)ate inner 9now)e ge in many ways 44 thro"gh acting it o"t0 thro"gh singing or ancing0 thro"gh rawing images on ca+e wa))s. #t was the inte))ect<s Bob to *"t s"ch in&ormation to *ractica) "se0 an th"s the int"itions an the inte))ect wor9e han in han . ?%ong *a"se.@ Man ea)t then with s*ontaneo"s 9nowing in a more irect &ashion. ?Pa"se at 1:,3.@ #t is +ery i&&ic")t to try to ex*)ain the +ario"s sha ings o& *sycho)ogy that were in+o)+e . Ear)y man i act in a more s*ontaneo"s manner0 more a"tomatica))y0 in yo"r terms0 b"t not min )ess)y. #& yo" remember the ear)y *ortions o& o"r )atest boo9 ?Mass E+ents@0 then this in&ormation sho") &a)) into *)ace0 &or conscio"sness emerge &rom the insi e o"twar . Anima)s enBoy rama0 an in their &ashions they *)ayact. #t was )e&t to man to trans)ate his inner in&ormation with a &ree han . 7e is ab)e to &orm many i&&erent 9in s o& c")t"res0 &or exam*)e. 7e *"ts his sciences an re)igions0 his )ang"ages0 together in m")tit" ino"s ways0 b"t there m"st a)ways be a trans)ation o& inner in&ormation o"twar to the wor) o& sense. There sti)) is. Man<s ca*acities ha+e not imme in that regar . Thin9ing0 &or exam*)e0 is as a"tomatic as e+er ?am"se @. #t is sim*)y that yo"r c")t"re *"ts the +ario"s e)ements together in ways that stress the D"a)ities o& what yo" re&er to as rationa) thin9ing. 'hen the s*ecies nee s certain abi)ities0 they rise to the &ore0 as in the case o& R"b"rt now. 'hen yo" are *ainting *ict"res yo" are a)so trans)ating inner 9now)e ge. Ear)y artists rew *ict"res to share the images they saw in their reams. #n a &ashion they *ractice reaming in their s)ee*0 an th"s )earne a)so to thin9 ?"n er)ine @ in terms o& the meas"rement o& *hysica) images0 an to mo+e obBects aro"n in their min s be&ore they i so *hysica))y. Poetry was an art an a science. #t con+eye D"ite necessary in&ormation abo"t man an the "ni+erse. The same can be sai o& many ca+e rawings. 'hat yo" ha 44 what yo" sti)) ha+e0 tho"gh yo" are not near)y as aware o& it 44 was an exce))ent gi+e4an 4ta9e between the inner an o"ter senses. Thro"gh chanting0 ancing0 *)ayacting0 *ainting0 story4te))ing0 man s*ontaneo"s)y trans)ate inner sense ata into *hysica) act"a)iAation. The *hysica) senses on)y *resent yo" with c)"es as to yo"r own sensiti+ities. R"b"rt trans)ates what # gi+e him witho"t being conscio"s)y aware o& recei+ing the materia) in "s"a) terms0 or o& trans)ating it. #t has to be bro9en own0 *artic")ar)y to a time &rame0 an then into conce*ts that can ta9e a +antage o& the wor) +iew that is he) in yo"r c")t"re. E+erything m"st be s)ante to &it the +iew*oint o& creat"res who be)ie+e most &irm)y in the s"*eriority o& matter o+er min 44 who are immerse in a *artic")ar bio)ogica) &ramewor9. ?1:6=.@ # cannot ignore those be)ie& str"ct"res ?intent)y@ 44 or what # say wo") )itera))y be incom*rehensib)e. A)) o& this is a"tomatica))y ta9en care o&.

?%ong *a"se.@ Now: The s*ecies has m")tit" ino"s abi)ities0 each necessary0 each a ing to the entire &")&i))ment an attrib"tes o& yo"r *eo*)e. Some in i+i "a)s choose to s*ecia)iAe0 &o))owing s*eci&ic )ines o& abi)ities thro"gho"t many existences 44 accommo ating these0 howe+er0 to the times in which they are born. !oth o& yo" ha+e been s*ea9ers in that regar . The metho s may change. >o" may (s*ea9( thro"gh art or m"sic0 thro"gh trance acti+ities0 b"t yo" wi)) s*ecia)iAe in the "se o& the inner senses0 an in trans)ating the inner 9now)e ge o& the s*ecies0 bringing it to whate+er )e+e) o& or inary conscio"sness that is consi ere the o&&icia) one. ?%ong *a"se at 1:8:.@ >o" 9now what so"n is0 yet as R"b"rt 9nows0 what yo" consi er so"n is on)y one o& so"n <s many s*ectr"ms. !esi e trans)ating inner images into *aintings0 &or exam*)e0 yo" may "n9nowing)y be trans)ating sens"a))y in+isib)e so"n s into images. #n a way D"ite im*ossib)e to escribe0 it wo") be tr"e to say that o"r sessions act"a))y trans)ate m")ti imensiona) images into wor s. >o" ha+e no wor s &or the 9in s o& images # am s*ea9ing o&0 &or they are not obBects0 nor *ict"res o& obBects0 nor images o& images0 b"t instea the inner imensions0 each se*arate an g)owing0 b"t connecte 0 *risms o& 9now)e ge0 that ha+e within themse)+es more rea)ity than yo" can *resent)y begin to imagine. To a certain extent0 # m"st tra+e) &rom those rea)ities into yo"r com*rehension0 wrest myse)& &ree in or er to &orm an e+er4changing0 e+er4mo+ing0 e+er4on4the4mo+e entity that can s*ea9 here an be there at the same time. So # am istant an c)ose at once. That istance &rom yo" a)so re*resents the reaches0 howe+er0 o& the h"man *syche0 an the +ast corri ors o& *sycho)ogica) acti+ity &rom which it is &orme 0 an &rom which yo"r wor) emerges. For the wor) s are so com*ose that each one is a *art o& each other one0 an there is no isconnecting. There is no *)ace or s*ace0 *sycho)ogica)0 *sychic0 where those wor) s exist a*art &rom each other0 so yo" cannot say that one is more high)y e+o)+e than another. ?%ong *a"se at 1:;:.@ There are as many &rontiers as there e+er were0 an there is no catastro*he that wi)) annihi)ate conscio"sness0 or *"t an en to earth)y )i&e. 'hen yo" thin9 in terms o& earth<s estr"ction0 or the en ing o& the wor) 0 yo" are thin9ing o& co"rse o& a contin""m o& time0 an o& beginnings an en ings. From yo"r +iew*oint in s*ace an time0 it seems that *)anets ha+e come an gone0 stars co))a*se 0 an when yo" )oo9 o"twar in s*ace0 it a**ears ?"n er)ine @ that yo" )oo9 bac9war into time ?%ong *a"se.@ There are great *")sations0 howe+er0 in existence 44 *")sations that ha+e nothing to o with time as yo" "n erstan it0 b"t with intensities. #n the ee*est o& terms0 the wor) a)ways was an a)ways be. #t changes its *atterns o& acti+ity0 it comes an goes0 b"t it is a)ways itse)& in its comings an goings. To me0 that is excee ing)y sim*)e 44 b"t as &ar as yo"r conce*ts are concerne 0 it can seem to im*)y irreconci)ab)e com*)ications. En o& session. A sma)) note to o"r &rien 44 again 44 to tr"st the great *ower o& the "ni+erse that &orms his own image0 to tr"st his s*ontaneity0 an his bo y<s nat"ra) "rges towar re)axation0 motion0 an creati+ity0 as these show themse)+es in their own rhythms. A ear an coAy goo e+ening to yo" in yo"r sweet ho"se 44 with ?am"se @ the baseba)) game ahea o& yo"0 an a)) o& the )o+ing *ara*herna)ia that is so s*eci&ic in yo"r s*ace an time. ?(Than9 yo"0 Seth. .oo night.( ?1::/ P.M. (!oy0 # was o"t with that0(Jane sai . (That rea))y hits me: yo" can te)) yo"<re o"t there so &ar0 with a)) o& this energy0 b"t yo" can<t go any &"rther0 yo" 9now what # meanF At the same time0 it<s so sim*)e... #t was a i&&erent session in some way. My &ee)ings are that # was i&&erent0 a)tho"gh # on<t 9now abo"t what i&&erent things yo" might get own. Right now #<m )oo9ing at the c)oc9 44 an it

seems that yo" were so &ar away that it seems # sho") ta9e &o"r ho"rs to get bac9. Not that # ha any sense o& time in the session....( ?The session is in ee an exce))ent one0 an Jane<s e)i+ery0 a&ter a s)ow start0 ha o&ten been intent an ins*ire .@ NOTE: SESS#ON OF OCTO!ER ,:0 ,123 ,. Jane ca))e her boo9 o& *oetry #& 'e %i+e Again: Or0 P"b)ic Magic an Pri+ate %o+e0 an Prentice4 7a)) *"b)ishe it in ,126. Poetry was her &irst0 chi) hoo )o+e0 an it remaine a *ower&") creati+e &actor thro"gho"t her )i&e. #n ee 0 in some o& her ear)iest *oetry we &o"n conce*ts that Seth was to e)aborate "*on many years )ater. As Seth to) "s in ,1=10 Jane ha been a *oet a)) o& the time0 in its most *ro&o"n meaning. She< been )etting #& 'e %i+e Again grow &or some time as she se)ecte *oems &or it &rom the many she ha written0 an 9e*t writing. Jane a)so wrote three intro "ctory essays &or the boo9. 7ere are her o*ening )ines &rom the &irst essay0 (Poetry an the Magica) A**roach to %i&e(: (To me at )east0 *oetry 44 )i9e )o+e 44 im*)ies a magica) a**roach to )i&e0 D"ite i&&erent &rom the *resent)y acce*te rationa) way o& )oo9ing at the wor) . That is0 *oetry brings o"t )i&e<s hi en n"ances. #t e)ights in &orming corres*on ences between e+ents that seem D"ite se*arate to the inte))ect"a))y4t"ne conscio"sness a)one0 an re+ea)s "n erc"rrents o& "s"a))y4concea)e actions that we D"ite ignore when we<re most concerne abo"t thin9ing rationa))y. Act"a))y0 that 9in o& +ision contains its own s*ontaneo"s rationa)ity0 an o&ten s"**)ies "s with answers more satis&ying than *"re)y inte))ect"a) ones.(

APPEN$#Q A T7REE OF JANE<S A$5ENT-RES #N PRE$#CT#ON. SET7 COMMENTS. JANE<S CONTENTS OF T7E M#N$. This a**en ix contains three o& Jane Roberts< ?"n&inishe @ essays on i&&erent 9in s o& (*re iction( an *recognition ex*erience. A)so inc)" e is one excer*t by Seth abo"t Jane<s ta)ents with a simi)ar 9in o& ex*erience. Jane isc"sses (*re iction( an *recognition in her boo9s: 7ow to $e+e)o* >o"r ESP Power0 A +ent"res in Conscio"sness0 Psychic Po)itics0 an The .o o& Jane. She wrote these essays in ,123 an ,12,. They were ta9en &rom her Bo"rna)s an e ite as )itt)e as *ossib)e to *reser+e her origina) s*irit. Jane "s"a))y wrote se+era) ra&ts &or her (own( boo9s0 b"t s*o9e her boo9s by Seth in &ina) ra&t &orm.

NNN ?May ,123@ This sma)) inci ent &ascinate me. 'e nes ay night a&ter the Seth session0 be&ore be 0 # s" en)y began to won er i& the *aintings Rob ha so) to %ib<s S"**er C)"b0 bac9 in the /3s0 were sti)) there. Rob an # starte ta)9ing abo"t them as # sat on the be 0 an we got rea y to retire. # remembere an escribe three o& them0 tho"ght there was a &o"rth0 b"t co") n<t remember it. This is the &irst time we<+e isc"sse those *aintings in . . ten yearsF # com*)ete)y &orgot o"r isc"ssion "nti) )ast night0 Fri ay0 when the .a))aghers Ho"r ear &rien s0 Peg an !i))I +isite . #n a )")) o& con+ersation0 Peg .. )eane &orwar an sai : (# was at %ib<s S"**er C)"b0 an yo"r *aintings are sti)) there0( or other wor s to that e&&ect0 mentioning both %ib<s an the *aintings. # &e)t a sma)) sense o& shoc9. My eyes )ea*t to Rob<s 44 # co") see he &e)t the same way. Then Peg to) "s that 'e nes ay e+ening0 tho"gh ear)ier than ?Rob<s an my@ isc"ssion0 she< as9e someone to chec9 the signat"re0 an saw that they were in ee Rob<s. This is the &irst time since the sixties that the .a))aghers ha+e e+er mentione those *aintings to "s a)soC a)tho"gh they<+e been to %ib<s many times in those years ... #t<s a)so interesting that Peg i n<t see the &o"rth *ainting0 either ... She an # seem to (*ic9 "*( &rom each other &air)y we))0 accor ing to *ast instances ... #& she ha n<t mentione her +isit to %ib<s0 an the *aintings0 Rob an # ne+er wo") ha+e rea)iAe that anything beyon "s"a) *erce*tion was o*erating in o"r )itt)e isc"ssion. An the isc"ssion was . . . extreme)y c)ear in my min . So how may times oes this 9in o& thing ha**enF 'hat cross4c"rrents o& *erce*tion o*erateF 'hat 9in s o& ata o we *ic9 "* on 44 an whyF Rob an # can<t be s"re whether o"r isc"ssion was 'e nes ay or T"es ay night. 'e nes ay was the night Peg .. +isite %ib<s an the *aintings. #& o"r isc"ssion act"a))y ha**ene T"es ay0 be&ore Peg<s +isit ?which was *)anne ahea o& time@0 then we r"n into other *ossibi)ities than i& o"r isc"ssion was on 'e nes ay ... ?as we tho"ght@. On 'e nes ay # m"st ha+e *ic9e "* on Peg<s +isit ear)ier that same e+eningC her +isit to %ib<s0 her s*eci&ic interest in the *aintings. She as9e someone to chec9 the name beca"se she wasn<t s"re they were Rob<s wor9. Then )ater that night0 re)axe 0 sitting on the be 0 somehow those inner *erce*tions ?o& mine@ wo") ha+e s"r&ace ... b"t witho"t re+ea)ing their so"rce. # can<t remember why # began the isc"ssion0 &or exam*)e. So exact)y what "nconscio"s *rocessing went onF 'hy i n<t Rob *ic9 "* the inner in&ormation an begin the isc"ssion instea o& me0 since they<re this *aintingsF An how many times o we o this0 in+isib)y win ing s"ch ata into the &abric o& o"r *erce*tions0 reacting to it witho"t e+en rea)iAing itF #& Rob an # isc"sse it on T"es ay0 # co") ha+e *ic9e "* on Peg<s *)an to go to %ib<s0 won ere abo"t Rob<s *aintings 44 an ha+e somehow gotten my D"estion across to her. So that0 +isiting the next night0 she was attracte to the *aintings0 answering my D"estion Fri ay when she ga+e "s her

acco"nt o& the e*iso e. A)) o& this remin s me o& my o) i ea o& a *roBecte boo9: The Contents o& the Min 0 or the -no&&icia) Contents o& the Min . A&ter rea ing this &irst *age o& notes abo"t Peg .. an the *aintings0 # remember my o) i eas ... that we organiAe the contents o& o"r min s a)ong certain )ines that then become habit"a). 'e<re both high)y intereste in Rob<s *aintings0 &or instance0 so o& co"rse # *ic9e "* on that 9in o& ata &rom Peg. #<+e organiAe ata with the &oc"s o& art in min as a &oc"s *oint thro"gh which to ... *ercei+e the wor) . The i ea is to be a)ert &or *sycho)ogica) contents o& the min that we "s"a))y ignore0 that science can<t *ro+e or is*ro+e ... where we ta9e ex*erience o+er theory. This is another c)assic exam*)e o& an e+ent that science wo") )abe) sim*)y (coinci enta)( witho"t being ab)e to gi+e any obBecti+e *roo& to bac9 "* its contention. The (nat"ra)( s"bBecti+e ex*erience 44 the &ee)ings in+o)+e 44 gi+e the o**osite ex*)anation. They insist that more than coinci ence is in+o)+e 44 that the e+ent is signi&icant. An in s"ch cases we ha+e e+ery right to go with irect ex*erience an o"r &ee)ings. NNN Too o&ten ?Jane writes@ we B"st want to go &")) steam ahea 44 we want s"b)ime +isions. !"t here0 in these s"bt)e ?byways@ o& s"bBecti+e action0 we +ery we)) might be seeing some o& these hi en *sychic motions "*on which *hysica) e+ents rest. . . an how to ay<s e+ents an )ast year<s r"b against each other )i9e )ea+es &rom the same tree. An how Seth<s sessions o& )ast A"g"st seem to a**)y new)y to to ay<s e+ents. 7ow snea9y an ob+io"s it a)) is at the same time. To ay be&ore # began wor90 &or instance0 # scribb)e own ten D"ic9 *hrases "n er the hea ing (Pre ictions: A"g"st 6;0 ,12,.( This too9 *erha*s three min"tes or so. HPresente exact)y as written by Jane.I Pre ictions 44 Mon ay0 A"g"st 6;0 ,12, 44 Noon 44 Jane Roberts , Snow ba)) machine 6 Engagement once ro**e re4sche ")e 8 Egg carton ; Prominent triang)e 44 maybe gi&t. : Snow shoesF / !oxe 4in canyon = Mi)9 man 2 etecti+e 1 Sto+e comes ear)ier. ,3 o"b)e igit series Aro"n ,:33 P.M.0 as Rob an # &inishe )"nch in the 9itchen an waite &or the mai)man0 a &an t"rne "*. A yo"ng )a who "s"a))y showe "* once a year. 7e was the one # escribe in The .o o& Jane who &e)t himse)& to be a woman tra**e in a man<s bo y. 7e has some s"ici a) ten encies0 an #<+e worrie abo"t that. !"t here he was0 a)) grins this time ... a)i+e an se+era) *o"n s more s"bstantia).

Rob ha to go to the ban90 so he exc"se himse)& an )e&t B"st a&ter the mai)man arri+e . # rea the mai) o+er. This year<s coo) A"g"st air b)ew thro"gh the ho"se0 an # tightene my sweater. One )etter in *artic")ar ca"ght my eyes beca"se it was &rom an o) &rien 0 E 0 the man who ha intro "ce Rob an # to begin withC a man who we ha )ost to"ch with "nti) two years ago when he< s" en)y written &rom A)as9a. So as # )istene to o"r +isitor ?#<)) ca)) him %arry@ ta)90 # browse thro"gh the )etter. My tho"ghts went bac9 to the years when E an Rob *ro "ce the etecti+e comic stri* Mi9e 7ammer together with Mic9y S*i))ane. Then # tho"ght o& E <s &irst )etter o& two years ago0 brea9ing a twenty4year4o) si)ence0 mai)e &rom A)as9a where E was s9iing. #n &act0 the )etter be&ore me mentione the A)as9an s9i tri*. That might ha+e been the re&erence that s" en)y ga+e me sma)) shi+ers. %arry was te))ing me that he ha a new Bob0 r"nning the cash register at a con+enient grocery store0 an # no e b"t the ?shi+ery@ &ee)ing *ersiste ti)) the next moment when # chec9e my *re ictions. Some now ma e *er&ect sense. # circ)e n"mbers ,0 : an 2 ?see *re iction )isting@ which rea : (Snow ba)) machine0 snowshoes0 etecti+e.( S"re)y they a)) a**)ie to E <s )etter in which he mentione his A)as9an s9i tri*0 an &rien s he ha when he an Rob i the etecti+e comic stri*. The )etter itse)& ha been in the mai)man<s tr"c9 when # ma e my morning<s *re ictions. The *re ictions weren<t the greatest0 b"t they ha a satis&ying &ee). # &ig"re that (snow ba)) machine( an (snow shoes( were my inter*retations to escribe any snow eD"i*ment. !esi es s9iing E *robab)y "se a snowmobi)e an snowshoes. So # grante them as &air4eno"gh *re ictions0 *artic")ar)y in s"mmertime when norma) associations i n<t "s"a))y in+o)+e snow. # a)so grante a (&air( *re iction to ( etecti+e.( My eyes scanne the )ist. Co") 8 an = 44 egg carton an mi)9 man 44 a**)y to %arry<s grocery store BobF These # B"st mar9e e+ocati+e. Then # tho"ght o& another connection with (mi)9 man( 44 o"r yo"ng &an0 %arry0 once wo") on)y rin9 mi)90 he was on a nat"ra) &oo iet 44 or ha been. #n &act0 # ha o&&ere him mi)9 as # went o+er my *re ictions ... # s" en)y remembere something e)se. That morning be&ore beginning wor90 # sat at my es9 "nacco"ntab)y thin9ing abo"t the way Rob an # ha met. # ha the im*")se0 &or no *artic")ar reason0 to write abo"t the meeting to ay instea o& writing on this boo9 ?The Magica) A**roach@ an s*ent a goo ten min"tes thin9ing abo"t the entire a&&air. #n memory<s D"ic9 +i+i images # saw the +ery &irst meeting: S*ring nightC my &irst h"sban an # B"st *"))e "* in &ront o& my mother<s ho"seC the r"shing so"n s o& a car *"))ing in ahea o& "s. E Robinson<s +oice 44 the E o& the A)as9an )etter now recei+e thirty years )ater0 ?the E who was then oing the etecti+e comic stri* re&erre to in the ay<s *re ictions@ an a stranger<s +oice. The stranger who bent his hea to o"r car win ow was Rob. E ha recogniAe my h"sban <s car an &o))owe "s0 as9ing "s to go to his ho"se to meet his new wor9 *artner0 Rob0 when # was &inishe +isiting with my mother. A)) o& that came to min this morningC not that it co") n<t ha+e B"st been (coinci ence( that )ater in the ay # hear &rom E 44 a&ter ma9ing three *re ictions that seeme to a**)y to him. !"t s"re)y there is a *oint where &ee)ings themse)+es are meaningsC where the heart<s e+i ence recogniAes int"iti+e)y what the inte))ect m"st D"estion. An # 9now that those memories an tho"ghts were connecte with my )ater *re ictions an E <s )etter in the noon mai). #< been reacting to E <s )etter be&ore its arri+a). ?(Res")ts(@

,0 :: #n to ay<s mai) )etter &rom E Robinson 44 Probab)y o"r 8r F NAnyhow 44 a&ter 63 years we hear &rom him in ,1=2 44 &rom A)as9a 44 s9iing &rom A)as9a !ac9 Co"ntry 44 he mentions A)as9a s9iing to ay. 'hen we 9new E Robinson 44 o+er 63 years ago 44 he was oing Mi9e 7ammer comic stri* &or Mic9y S*i))ane. Rob Boine him an that<s what he was oing when # met him ?Rob@. NNote: Ear)y A.M. # thin9 abo"t writing to ay abo"t &irst meeting Rob 44 tho"gh #<m wor9ing on Cha*ter Two o& Magica) A**roachE S"r*rise by the im*")se 44 then &orget it. 80 = B"st note. E+ocati+e b"t not e&inite eno"gh. A &an ?%arry@0 here &rom Pennsy)+ania0 says he has a new 6n Bob 44 in grocery chain con+enient mar9et ?that se))s basics 44 nothing &ancyC eggs0 mi)90 beer0 etc.@. %arry rin9s on)y mi)9 ?at one time@. 6 Note: Mon ay0 A"g"st 6;. (F)oy ( sai he< be here this a&ternoon. A&ter not a**earing on Bob &or ays. Abo"t ,6:83 he ca))s0 can<t ma9e it 44 again 44 s"**ose )y wi)) come tomorrow. The next morning0 T"es ay0 A"g"st 6:0 ,12,0 ) scribb)e own another short )ist o& *re ictions. Rea ing them bac9 # rea (o) &rien 0 A") %ang Syne. ( Not )i9e)y0 # tho"ght0 B"st a&ter hearing &rom one o) &rien . Remembering the E a&&air o& yester ay0 # tho"ght ironica))y this m"st be o) &rien wee9. An 0 in a way it was. The sto+e we bo"ght this wee9 was e)i+ere . One o& the e)i+ery men &rom Sears recogniAe Rob an # at once as a co"*)e he ha 9nown brie&)y in the sixties0 when we o&ten +isite with the Ma*)es ?o) &rien s who 44 again 44 we ha+en<t hear &rom in 63 years@ who he ha )i+e ownstairs &rom. An a 9in o& ghost)y e)egance was a e Th"rs ay when another o) &rien +isite an showe "s co)or s)i es ta9en in %on on on QmasJNew >ears0 ,1230 an mentione they a)) chime in to sing (A") %ang Syne.( # get the &ee)ing that e+ents are getting 9noc9e into an o"t o& *rominence a)) the timeE !"t catching the motion is something e)se again. HPresente exact)y as written by Jane.I (Pre ictions( 44 A"g"st 6:0 ,12, R Noon 44 Jane Roberts ,. Steam sho+e) 6. More &rom $ic90 $a+i 8. French Fran9 44 FranD"eF ;. Si)+er *ennent or chain :. Fishery /.N O) Frien 0 A") %ang Syne =. 7oe 2. night 44 s*)en or 1. 7o*e 44 name ,3. O+er4achie+er an &ather (Res")ts( N/ Not ba . The man who e)i+ere o"r new sto+e &rom Sears t"rns o"t ?to ay@ to 9now "s &rom 63 years ago. 7e says he )i+e ownstairs &rom o"r o) &rien s0 Ata)ie an %y ia Ma*)e who mo+e away

in the mi 4,1/3<s. N/ Another o) &rien +isits A"g"st 6=th0 Th"rs ay. 7e shows s)i es o& a tri*. Mentions they a)) chime in to sing A") %ang SyneE ?New >ear<s )ast.@ NNN Seth escribes another sort o& *re iction ex*erience o& Jane<s in 5o)"me ## o& $reams0 (E+o)"tion( an 5a)"e F")&i))ment. From the 186n session0 which she he) on A"g"st ;0,12,: (.. . One morning )ast wee9en ?Sat"r ay@ R"b"rt HJaneI &o"n himse)& s" en)y an +i+i )y thin9ing abo"t some marrie &rien s. They )i+e o"t o& town0 se*arate in time by a ri+e o& a**roximate)y ?ha)& an ho"r@. R"b"rt &o"n himse)& wishing that the &rien s )i+e c)oser0 an he was s" en)y &i))e with a esire to see them. 7e imagine the co"*)e at the ho"se0 an s"r*rise himse)& by thin9ing that he might in ee ca)) them )ater in the ay an in+ite them own &or the e+ening0 e+en tho"gh she an Jose*h HRobI ha both eci e against g"ests that wee9en . F"rthermore0 R"b"rt i not )i9e the i ea o& ma9ing an in+itation on s"ch short notice. Then he became aware that those *artic")ar tho"ghts were intr"si+e0 com*)ete)y o"t o& context with his imme iate)y *re+io"s ones0 &or on)y a moment or so ear)ier he ha been congrat")ating himse)& *recise)y beca"se he ha ma e no *)ans &or the ay or e+ening at a)) ... abo"t &i&teen min"tes )ater he &o"n the same i eas ret"rning0 this time more insistent)y. They )aste *erha*s &i+e min"tes. R"b"rt notice them an &orgot them once again. This time0 howe+er0 he eci e not to ca)) his &rien s0 an he went abo"t his b"siness. #n abo"t a ha)& ho"r the same menta) acti+ity ret"rne 0 an &in ing himse)& str"c9 by this0 he mentione the e*iso e to Jose*h an again cast it &rom his min . !y this time it was somewhat )ater in the ay. R"b"rt an Jose*h ate )"nch0 an the mai) arri+e . There was a )etter written the morning be&ore ?on Fri ay@ by the same &rien s that ha been so m"ch in R"b"rt<s min . They mentione going on a tri* ?on Sat"r ay@0 an s*eci&ica))y as9e i& they co") +isit that same a&ternoon. From the way the )etter was written0 it seeme as i& the &rien s 44 ca)) them Peter an Po))y 44 ha a)rea y starte on their Bo"rney that ?Sat"r ay@ morning0 an wo") sto* in E)mira on their ret"rn m"ch )ater towar e+ening. There was no time to answer the )etter0 o& co"rse. ... #t wo") be sim*)e eno"gh0 o& co"rse0 to ascribe R"b"rt<s tho"ghts an &ee)ings to mere coinci ence. 7e remembere the +i+i ness o& his &ee)ings at the time0 howe+er. #t )oo9e as i& Peter an Po))y were in ee going to arri+e a)most as i& R"b"rt ha in &act ca))e an in+ite them. That e+ening the +isit i ta9e *)ace. Act"a))y0 some wor9 ha *re+ente the co"*)e &rom )ea+ing when they inten e . #nstea 0 they ca))e )ater &rom their home to say that they were B"st beginning their tri*0 an wo") sto* on their way. R"b"rt was we)) *re*are &or the ca)) by then0 an &or the +isit ...G

APPEN$#Q ! MA.#CA% OR#ENTAT#ONS AN$ T7E MOT#ONS OF PRO!A!#%#T#ES. JANE<S MENTA% CON5ERSAT#ON SECON$ ESSA> !> JANE RO!ERTS: $REAMS FOR T'O AN$ SET7 !E.#NS A NE' PROJECT A"g"st /0 ,123. So we were bac9 at the sessions again. #t too9 me on)y a &ew secon s to come o"t o& trance. (Tho"gh # sho") stay in one0( # sai 0 (beca"se # was more com&ortab)e than #<+e been a)) ay.( !eca"se the heat i n<t bother Seth0 ?or me s*ea9ing &or him@ at a)). Ret"rning to my "s"a) state o& conscio"sness # was instant)y hot again. ('e))0( Rob sai 0 (someone sai a mo"th&") tonight.( # grinne . The cric9ets an woo b"gs rose "* in song &rom the s"mmer4thic9 woo s o"t bac9. # co") n<t remember what #< sai as Seth 44 an # wasn<t s"re i& # 9new what magic was 44 or wasn<t 44 !"t # 9new that the night was ... magica)0 a)i+e with its own nat"ra) ceremonies. An that somehow the Seth sessions were as nat"ra) an right as the s"mmer e+ening. NNN # began writing more an more *oetry0 D"ite ca"ght "* with many o& the i eas that Seth was isc"ssing. Act"a))y # i a )ot o& scribb)e *oetry notes sitting on the si e o& the be with the win ows o*en an the &an &")) b)ast0 trying to ta9e my min o&& the near)y stea y 134 egree or higher tem*erat"re. Sometimes # tho"ght that i& Rob sai it was a terri&ic ay B"st one more time0 #< scream. There were se+era) other themes &)oating abo"t o"r )i+es ... S"e 'at9ins< new boo9 Con+ersations with Seth abo"t my E.S.P. c)asses was to a**ear in the &a)). A +ag"e "neasiness was growing in my min : #t seeme that Prentice47a)) was ta9ing "n"s"a))y )ong to o&&icia))y c)ear The .o o& Jane an Seth<s The #n i+i "a) an the Nat"re o& Mass E+ents. # ex*ecte to hear &rom my e itor any ay. #n the meantime the *esty &)eas contin"e their ho"seho) tyranny an a)) o& this was somehow wra**e aro"n a ribbon o& excitement as we watche the $emocrats an Re*"b)icans batt)e on the news B"st be&ore we )e&t &or o"r res*ecti+e wor9 rooms. >et a)) o& those e+ents seeme to ha**en in a s)ight)y i&&erent 9in o& atmos*here than be&ore0 as Seth<s i eas o& the Magica) A**roach cast their )ight "*on c"rrent beha+ior. N"mero"s b"t s"bt)e instances o& (magica)( orientation 9e*t a**earing in o"r )i+es. 'e seeme to catch tiny g)im*ses o& or inary e+ents be&ore they were &"))y &orme 0 an to sense the motions o& *robabi)ities in+isib)y b"t c)ear)y stirring in the o+er4heate s"mmer air. #n the beginning these s"ggesti+e e+ents B"st stretche o"r imaginations an tho"ghts0 b"t )ater they became n"mero"s an *ersistent so that we ha to ta9e them into consi eration as we ma e norma) ecisions. As with so many instances0 these weren<t esoteric start)ing +isions0 b"t a 9in o& in4between e+ent0 i&&ic")t to i enti&y0 or one )i9e the &o))owing0 that was secon 4han e . On A"g"st =th at s"**er time a yo"ng &an a**eare "nex*ecte )y at the oor. #<)) ca)) him John. Rob grinne when he saw himC John ha been here twice be&ore ?once a year@0 he was goo 4h"more 0 goo 4)oo9ing0 eager0 hea)thy an strong. 7e was engaging0 an 9new it. 'e ta)9e to him &or an ho"r ?whi)e0 a)as0 inner got co) @0 b"t he was one o& those *eo*)e *)easant)y gi&te in a +ariety o& &ie) s who ha n<t yet sett)e own to concentrate on the e+e)o*ment o& any one or two abi)ities in *artic")ar. 7e was )i9e some 9i a miring a box o& choco)atesC each *iece re*resenting one o& his own ta)ents0 won ering which *iece to nibb)e on &irst. Somewhere in the con+ersation0 with a smi)ing sense o& won er0 he to) "s what

ha ha**ene as he ro+e thro"gh E)mira on the way to o"r ho"se. As he ro+e into town ... he saw on the street a gir) who )oo9e &ami)iar. No won er 44 he< met her at a bar the &irst time he was in town. (#<+e on)y been in this town twice0 when # +isite yo" be&ore0( he sai . (>et ear)ier tonight ri+ing own a street # s" en)y recogniAe a gir) who )oo9e &ami)iar. # s)owe the car an )oo9e . She was wa)9ing on the si ewa)90 an s"re eno"gh0 it was the same gir) #< met at a bar "ring my &irst tri* to E)mira. # co") har )y be)ie+e it0 b"t # sto**e the car an we ta)9e awhi)e. She remembere me at once. So the chances o& that 9in o& meeting m"st be astronomica).( She ha to) him he co") stay at her *)ace o+ernight. Coinci enceF 'e on)y s*o9e to him &or an ho"r0 an he sai he ha won ere ear)ier what he< o with the who)e e+ening ... so what exact)y ha**ene at the magica) )e+e) o& acti+ityF The same night # ha an ex*erience with a menta) con+ersation Hthat t"rne o"t to be *recogniti+eI. ?,@ # thin9 both instances re*resent acti+ity an comm"nication ... at the magica) )e+e). They re*resent a 9in o& mobi)ity ... a *sycho)ogica) motion0 at another )e+e) than the "s"a))y conscio"s one. O"r next sche ")e Seth session was &or the &o))owing Mon ay 44 another ay high in the 13s0 an # &o"n myse)& antici*atory an ho*e&"): 'o") Seth isc"ss some o& those iss"esF # &e)t again that an entire new (*ac9age( o& session materia) was coming o"r way 44 an # wante to be ab)e to *"t it to *ractica) "se. See the secon session0 with an e ite +ersion o& Rob<s notes0 e)eting on)y high)y *ersona) materia).

APPEN$#Q C JANE AN$ RO! MEET A SKEPT#CA% PS>C7O%O.#ST AN$ 7#S MA.#C. JANE<S POEM: (MA.#C #S P-!%#C AS T7E A#R. ..G .ramacy was a *sycho)ogist an a magician0 an he came to o"r ho"se beca"se he was a scientist )oo9ing &or some rea) magic. 7e was a com*act0 ar94s9inne an ar94haire *erson with so&t brown )arge eyes that were 9e*t ha)& c)ose when he was being a *sycho)ogist0 an t"rne )arger0 comman ing an yet in+iting when he was being a magician. !oth his eyes an his han s were rea))y too ex*ressi+e &or a scientist<s0 an he trie to be a scientist e+en when he was being a magician 44 *erha*s then most o& a)). 7e t"rne on a sma)) recor erC c)assica) m"sic with a tinny D"a)ity swir)e thro"gh the room. 7e bowe his ar9 hea &or B"st a moment then )i&te it0 those so&t eyes now ... so&ter an har er at the same timeC his han s mo+e in rhythm with the m"sicC his who)e bo y was a mar+e) o& motionC sho") ers0 hea 0 arms0 chest 44 his who)e tr"n90 res*on ing to the m"sic. Then at his comman 0 &o"r si)+er o))ars isa**eare thro"gh the tab)eto* an he ca"ght them "n erneath in the *a)m o& his han s. P)aying car s a**eare an isa**eare . 7e was in a trance o& his ownC so were Rob an #0 watching. An in the bac9 o& his min was the im*robab)e ho*e that one ay0 somehow0 the coins wo") rea))y go thro"gh the tab)eto*.... (Or that something wi)) ha**en to me0 that wi)) *ro+e that there is more to )i&e than "s"a) ca"se an

e&&ect0( he sai to "s. (# a)most be)ie+e that there is. !"t in my own )i&e0 # can<t &in it. #t<s not in my bag o& tric9s0( he went on s"ggesti+e)y. (!"t i& someone e)se to) me things abo"t myse)& that no one co") 9now....G O'hy not catch yo"rse)& with 9now)e ge yo"<re not s"**ose to ha+eF( # s"ggeste . (%i9e *recogniti+e in&ormationF # ne+er ha+e any. That<s what # mean0( he sai . # re*)ie 0 (7a+en<t yo" e+er 9nown that someone was going to ca)) yo"0 B"st a moment be&ore the *arty act"a))y ca))e on the *honeF Or ha+en<t yo" e+er 9nown that the oorbe)) wo") ring B"st be&ore it i 0 or that yo"< meet someone yo" ha n<t seen in a )ong time B"st be&ore yo" act"a))y o meetF( (Coinci ence0( .ramacy answere o"r)y. (#< ex*)ain s"ch instances that way.(

(!"t i& yo" wrote own each s"ch instance an 9e*t trac90 yo" might &in that there were too many to assign to coinci ence0 or isco+er that coinci ence co") n<t a**)y to some at a))0( # sai . (>o"< ha+e yo"r own growing bo y o& instances to examine. >o" can<t *ro+e that coinci ence is or isn<t res*onsib)e &or s"ch things0 b"t yo" co") consi er the "no&&icia) hy*othesis as a *ossibi)ity. >o" might &in that yo" ha+e *roo& o& *recognition in yo"r own )i&e that yo"<re ignoring.( 7e raise a &"rry eyebrow: (#< sti)) rather ha+e some rea))y great e+ent ha**en. # mean0 why notF( 7e grinne . (%i9e the New >or9 Times a test with Seth yo" two i an wrote "* in The Seth Materia). Now that wo") con+ince meE( Rob re*)ie 0 (That test was B"st one o& many we i . 'e i n<t isco"nt anything. 'hen yo" "se coinci ence as a han y ex*)anation &or e+erything0 then yo" ne+er get that &ar.( .ramacy no e . (# 9now a magician can "*)icate a)most any *hysica) mani&estation that a *sychic can *er&orm...G (That<s why we on<t bother with e&&ects that can be "*)icate 0( Seth s" en)y sai 0 (b"t with this *er&ormance an o"r boo9s0 which cannot be "*)icate . For where oes the materia) in the boo9s come &romF 'here oes it 9ee* coming &romF( (-h0( .ramacy sai . Rob )a"ghe . An in a twin9)ing #< change into Seth. (%oo9( # sai 0 (no strings0 no car s hi en within car s0 no bag o& tric9s besi e me on the &)oor.( Smi)ing0 hearty0 Seth ta)9e abo"t magic an ca"se an e&&ect0 b"t at the same time he emonstrate a magic that is beyon the c)e+er mani*")ation o& a**earances. Another *ersona)ity &rom whate+er rea)m ha Boine the *arty. #t<s rea))y "n&ort"nate an D"ite "n"s"a) that we i n<t recor the session. Seth came thro"gh be&ore # tho"ght to remin .ramacy that he co") recor Seth0 i& Seth came thro"gh. !"t somehow in my min at )east0 not recor ing that session a e to it<s magica) D"a)ity ... the s*ontaneo"s *sycho)ogica) or *sychic trans&ormation came an went ... 'e were sitting at the )i+ing4room tab)e with the )am*)ight c)ear on my &aceC .ramacy co") &o))ow Seth<s *sycho)ogica) *assageC see my &eat"res change0 ta9ing on e+er so s"bt)y those other conto"rs. An Seth<s +oice was Bo+ia)0 booming0 yo" i n<t ha+e to strain to hear those wor s. There was no *re*are message either. 'e ha n<t 9nown that .ramacy was a scientist "nti) he to) "s that night0 an it was as a magician rather than as a scientist that Seth a resse him0 te))ing him to tr"st his ramatic an imaginati+e &)air. NNN Magic is *"b)ic

as the air0 so ob+io"s an c)ear that it a**ears in+isib)e. An we )oo9 thro"gh it at the wor) 0 which rises "* abo"t "s e+erywhere. 'hen we wa9e "* in the morning0 the wor) is a)ways there waiting. 'e ne+er catch it coming or going0 an no sma))est *art o& it isa**ears be&ore o"r eyes0 b"t stays intact. !"t a)) o& that im*)ies B"st too m"ch *recision to ha**en a)) by itse)&0 a who)e wor) mysterio"s)y a**earing o"t o& nowhere0 *"tting itse)& together B"st right witho"t instr"ctions or *re+io"s ex*erience. S"ch a master)y *ro "ction ma9es me thin9 instea that there are c)"es we<+e o+er)oo9e . 'e )i9e to thin9 that chance a)one co))ecte the *ieces o& the wor) 0 stitching together the continents0 t"rning the "mb e)ements into &ish an &ow)0 an yo" an me0 &ina))y. O& Master Magicians

whose conB"rings &eat"re the amaAing tric9s o& s*ace an time0 *ro "ce so s9i))&"))y an &ast that we<re aAA)e with the e&&ects0 an miss the magica) s)ights o& han beneath the &)ashy gest"res o& the ays an nights. Pro "cing &rom it<s magica) bag o& tric9s0 one mar+e)o"s &orm o& )i&e a&ter another0 &ish0 bir 0 mon9ey0 man ?not B"st one o+e or rabbit@ with a s9i)) an swi&tness so ast"te that o"r wise men thin9 one t"rns into the otherE J"gg)ing a mi))ion mi))ion atoms a)) at once0 s*inning them into twir)ing ce))s o& men an wha)es0 tric9y0 s*inning so)i mo"ntains &rom thin air0 with &ish trans&orme into &)ying bir s 44 Now that<s A Magic ShowE Jane Roberts A"g"st 610 ,123

APPEN$#Q $ JANE<S C7A%%EN.ES '#T7 7ER SCOPE OF #$ENT#T> 5S. T7E SC#ENT#F#C COMM-N#T> As her *sychic abi)ities began to ra*i )y grow0 &o))owing her initiation o& the Seth materia) )ate in ,1/80 Jane co") n<t he)* b"t become more an more concerne abo"t conscio"s)y en)arging her (sco*e o& i entity.( #t became ob+io"s to "s )ater0 o& co"rse0 that e+en her &irst o"bts an D"estions abo"t things *sychic ma e it ine+itab)e that she wo") con&ront s"ch a basic iss"e. As was characteristic o& "s0 a)so0 we wor9e by o"rse)+es &or a )ong time as we attem*te to )earn more abo"t what we were oing. !"t nai+e creat"res that we were0 when we i begin to reach o"t we were D"ite "n*re*are &or the s9e*ticism we wo") meet &rom the )earne (estab)ishment.( #n )arge *art0 that reBection was to contin"e. 5ery "n erstan ab)e0 then0 that Jane0 both &or herse)& an &or Seth0 wo") write so e)oD"ent)y abo"t the is*arity between her *sychic abi)ities an (the c"rrent)y scienti&ica))y4oriente b)en o& rationa)ism0( as Seth escribes that D"a)ity ear)ier in this Session Six &or The Magica) A**roach. E+er since she began st" ying Jane<s wor9 &o"rteen years ago0 my com*anion0 %a"re) %ee $a+ies0 has been +ery conscio"s o& the con&)ict between the rationa)istic ominance so common in o"r c")t"re0 an the *otentia) &or greater e+e)o*ment that she sense within herse)& As she researche Jane<s *"b)ishe an "n*"b)ishe notes0 Bo"rna)s0 an boo9s &or The Magica) A**roach0 %a"re) )earne that my wi&e ha origina))y inten e to ca)) this boo9 The Magica) A**roach: A JaneJSeth !oo90 an wrote o& it as being (a *sychic4nat"ra)istic Bo"rna).( #& Jane ha *)anne to a to Seth<s origina) sessions0 what might she ha+e inc)" e F 'e &o"n se+era) o& her re)e+ant essays0 an ha+e *resente them in these a**en ices an in her #ntro "ction. %a"re) *ointe o"t a n"mber o& &orce&") *assages Jane wrote on c")t"ra) acce*tance in The .o o& Jane in ,123 44 the same year in which she ictate The Magica) A**roach &or Seth. ?Prentice47a)) *"b)ishe The .o o& Jane in ,12,.@ For exam*)e0 in Cha*ter ,6 o& her own boo90 Jane began an im*assione &o"r4*age isc"ssion o& the s"bBect by D"oting her own notes: Science worshi*s s9e*ticism0 "n)ess s9e*ticism is a**)ie to science0 its hy*otheses0 *roce "res0 or metho s. 'hat we nee are more s9e*tics who are not a&rai to B" ge the c)aims o& science with the same &ine iscrimination "se to examine other a)ternate isci*)ines an &ie) s o& en ea+or. %i9e The New >or9 Times0 science *"b)ishes (a)) the news that<s &it to *rint0( meaning a)) o& the news that &its into the o&&icia))y4acce*te +iew o& rea)ity. That news is a)rea y in+isib)y censore 0 an yet we<re s"**ose to )i+e o"r )i+es in accor ance with that o&&icia) e&inition o& ex*erience. #ns*ire by Jane<s i eas0 %a"re) wrote on Se*tember 6=0 ,11;: Science arose o"t o& a re)igio"s wor) that was &i))e with (witchcra&t.( #t began as a *rotection &rom0 an a e&ense against0 some o& the mysteries o& the nat"ra) wor) . #t has since &o"n itse)& enying the rea)ities it arose to tame. Jane Roberts an Robert !"tts ha+e ha )etters &rom scientists o& a)) 9in s0 many o& them aca emics. #n some ways the Seth materia) has been gi+en cre it by the estab)ishmentC being ta"ght as "ni+ersity co"rse wor90 &or exam*)e. !"t o&ten rea ers ha+e been a&rai to a mit *"b)ic)y that they ha+e &o"n tr"th in meta*hysica) so"rces. They ha+e been tra**e by the bo"n aries o& what science has so &ar acce*te into its &ami)y: an ethnocentrica))y *er&ect (set( o& be)ie&s0 with meta*hysica) mysteries enie 0 a+oi e 0 or written o"t. So &ar0 meta*hysics has on)y been entertainment0 a ste*4science o& o"r c")t"reC *art o& the exten e

&ami)y o& science &or the *"r*oses o& ins*iration an i eas0 b"t not gi+en cre it as scienti&ic tr"th. Frowne "*on. E+en &eare . Scienti&ic tr"ths ha+e a)ways been rewritten thro"gh the cent"ries. # be)ie+e that meta*hysics is a science o& em*athetic res*onses. The Magica) A**roach is a *er&ect exam*)e o& a scienti&ica))y4"nacce*tab)e metho o& wor9ing with rea)ity. >et0 The Magica) A**roach wor9s. # can state that with amaAement &rom my own ex*erience. At &irst it may not seem to be gi+ing yo" the res")ts yo" ex*ect0 b"t yo" are wor9ing within s*acio"s time. >o"r sche ")e may ha+e to change. >o" may start bringing in i&&erent ex*eriences than yo" thin9 yo" are see9ing0 then materia)iAe yo"r origina) reD"irements )ater on. >o"r wish4&oc"s isa**ears into Framewor9s 60 80 an ;0 ?,@ an then rea**ears )ater. Nat"ra) magic: This *rocess can bring yo" more com*)ex i eas an *roo& than yo" concei+e o&. The com*)exity o& )i&e an rea)ity encom*asses both *ositi+e an not4so4*ositi+e ex*eriences within +a)"e &")&i))ment. The Magica) A**roach can he)* with both. # wi)) be intereste in hearing abo"t yo"r magica) research. #t is an honor &or me to ha+e wor9e as a research an e itoria) assistant &or this boo9. # ha+e abso)"te &aith that Seth an Jane Roberts0 as we)) as Rob0 9now how # mean that with a)) my heart. %a"re) $a+ies ,. Rob escribes Framewor9 6 in Session One0 Footnote 6. Seth isc"sses Framewor9s 8 an ; in The #n i+i "a) an the Nat"re o& Mass E+ents as creati+e en+ironments to 9ee* in min a)so.

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