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Captulo 1A Qu haces en la escuela? Dear Parent or Guardian, The theme of our current unit is Tu da escolar (Your schoolday). This chapter is called Qu haces en la escuela? (What do you do in school?). Upon completion of this chapter students will be able to use the school vocabulary, ad ectives, comparatives, the present tense of stem chan!in! verbs and affirmative and ne!ative words in order to " # describe classroom ob ects and activities # tal$ about classroom rules # e%press affirmative and ne!ative ideas # compare the school rules and customs in other countries with those of their own school &ur te%tboo$, Realidades, helps with the development of readin!, writin!, and spea$in! s$ills throu!h the use of strate!ies, process spea$in!, and process writin!. 'n this chapter, students will( # read and understand an article about !ood study habits # spea$ about school rules )emember that additional help is available online at www.*+,chool.com by usin! the Web -odes in the ,tudent .dition or in the *ractice Wor$boo$. Spanish beyond the classroom setting. / 0t the end of the chapter, have your child use the new vocabulary from this chapter to tell you about five classroom rules. Then have him or her tal$ about three thin!s he or she does in class. Sincerely,

Sra. Hodgson-Clopein

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