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Indecission and Indevisiviness-diferenta: Factors that Contribute to Indecisiveness What are some factors that contribute to college major

indecisiveness? Well, there are many and some examples include: lac of motivation lac of self a!areness lac of no!ledge about the career decision ma ing and exploration process level of maturity"readiness anxiety and"or depression natural personality tendencies belief system including belief in inaccurate college major and career myths feeling po!erless to influence career progress or direction lo! self esteem Indecision is an inability to decide# $ometimes intelligent people lac the expertise or information to ma e an effective decision at the given moment# %athering advice or data can be !ise as long as the determination is deliberate and based on rational thin ing# Indecisiveness, on the other hand is not deliberate and is based on irrational thin ing# It&s a learned response !e&ve developed# We&re afraid to ma e a decision because of the inherent uncertainty associated !ith ma ing choices#

Emotional Intelligence Career Indecision Versus Indecisiveness: Associations With Personality Traits and Emotional Intelligence

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