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5th Grade Big Idea: Express Yourself 5th Grade S.S.

Essential Understanding Economic, political, and religious reasons formed the foundation of a new nation. Standard 3 "opical Understandings
3.4 #merica$s first national government, the #rticles of %onfederation, &enefited our country, &ut also had many wea'nesses.

5th Grade S.S. Essential Question What was the impact of the Revolutionary Era on self government! Standard 3 "opical Questions
For 1 What was the %onstitution! Fun!tion1 2ow did the first national government, the #rticles of %onfederation, wor'! What did it do3not do!

4.1 (raw specific evidence from informational te)ts and e)amine the issues and events encountered &y the young nation that led to the "ausation1 What caused the colonists to want to %onstitutional %onvention in *hiladelphia in +,-,. change the #rticles of %onfederation! 4.2 E)amine the contri&utions and leadership of the 'ey delegates as well as the compromises reached in the %onstitutional %onvention. 4.3 (etermine the main purposes of the U.S. Government as e)pressed in the *ream&le and the . articles of the %onstitution. 4.4 E)plain the process of ratification of the %onstitution as well as the viewpoints of the /ederalists and #nti /ederalists over the 0ill of Rights. 4.5 E)amine the 0ill of Rights. "hange1 What changes were made to the #rticles of %onfederation! "onne!tion1 2ow did the compromises effect the outcome of the %onstitution! #erspe!ti$e1 2ow did the perspectives of the /ederalists and the #nti /ederalists influence the addition of the 0ill of Rights! %esponsi&ilit'1 What responsi&ilities were given to each &ranch of government! %efle!tion1 2ow did the %onstitution form the foundation of our new nation!

(ail' )argets &' Standard

3.4 4 can analy5e the formation of #merica$s first national government, the #rticles of %onfederation. 4 can analy5e the &enefits and wea'nesses of the #rticles of %onfederation. 4 can e)plain how the #rticles of %onfederation affected the outcome of the Revolutionary War. 4 can e)plain how the #rticles of %onfederation affected the growth of the nation.

4.1 4 can identify the cause and effect Shay$s Re&ellion and led to civil unrest. 4 can analy5e the effects of the 6orthwest 7rdinance.

4.2 4 can e)amine the contri&utions of George Washington. 4 can e)amine the contri&utions of 8ames 9adison. 4 can e)amine the contri&utions of George 9ason. 4 can e)amine the contri&utions of Gouverneur 9orris. 4 can compare the :irginia *lan and the 6ew 8ersey *lan. 4 can analy5e the results of the .35th %ompromise. 4 can analy5e the results of the Great %ompromise. 4.3 4 can identify the purpose of the *ream&le. 4 can identify the purpose and responsi&ilities of the ;egislative 0ranch. 4 can identify the purpose and responsi&ilities of the E)ecutive 0ranch. 4 can identify the purpose and responsi&ilities of the 8udicial 0ranch. 4 can determine the need for %hec's and 0alances.

4.4 4 can e)plain the process of ratification. 4 can compare and contrast the viewpoints of the /ederalists and the #nti /ederalists. 4.5 4 can e)amine the 0ill of Rights and understand the li&erties protected in the first +< amendments.

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