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Project: Insects Course: 5th

Conte"tos %os seres -i-os: %os insectos!

Pro#ecto final .An enc#clopae)ia: the insects of the worl)!/ 0%os ni1os reali,ar*n fichas con las )escripciones )e los )istintos insectos la cual )ejar*n en la biblioteca!2

$"ponentes %ing&'sticos I like 0butterflies2! I )on3t like 0spi)ers2! 4a-e bees got wings5 Can cockroaches fl#5 (he# ha-e got !!! (he# can !!! (he# )on3t!!!! (he# are!!! 6reas le"icales: %os Insectos, acciones!

(areas interme)ias +irar una pel'cula! %eer te"tos informati-os! 7espon)er 8 o F! $scuchar para corregir informaci9n! Clasificar -ocabulario! 7esol-er crucigramas # sopas )e letras! :escribir insectos! Integrar conocimientos por me)io )e un juego! Completar fichas! 7e)actar te"tos informati-os! Cantar una canci9n!

Pr*cticas )el lenguaje 7econocer # utili,ar el presente simple! 7eutili,ar el presente simple! I)entificar # conocer acerca )e pe ue1os insectos! :escribir # pro-eer informaci9n sobre insectos!

+ateriales a utili,ar Film: A bugs life! (e"t: An a)-enture holi)a#! (e"t: Small worl)! (e"t: Spi)ers! (e"t: (he monarch butterfl#! Poem: A bee! Poem: (he ant! Song: Fl#, fl# butterfl#! Posters! %*minas! Fichas!

Presentation: Film: A bugs life

Start working with the insects that appear in the film: ant, grasshopper, caterpillar, mos uito, etc!

Intro)uce the i)ea of insects with the te"t: Small worl)!

7e-ision: Parts of the bo)#: ;ee 0Small worl)2, grasshopper 04ow)# <2

Crosswor) parts of the bo)# 0All aroun) = page >?2 Powerpoint: Insects 0@ou tube2 (e"t: %a)#bugs 0All aroun) = page ><2 Ss rea) an) complete the file! Poem: A bee 0(he teachers maga,ine2

Ss represent the poem with a )rawing! Poem: (he ant!

Aor)search! (e"t: Spi)ers! 0Ss rea) an) make a file2

Song: Fl#, fl#, butterfl#!

(e"t: (he monarch butterfl#! 04ow)# <2

Bame: Insects bingo! Ss rea) the file about the pra#ing mantis 0All aroun)2 an) write an informati-e te"t! 0All together with the teacher2 Final task: Ss work in pairs! (he# look information about the other insects an) make an informati-e te"t! (hen the# turn it into files! (eacher collects the files an) turns them into an enc#clope)ia!

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