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Add a user account to active directory.

Syntax DSADD User UserDN [-samid SAMName] [-upn UPN] [Options] [-q] [{-uc | uco | -uci}] Key UserDN SAMName UPN -q -uc -uco -uci Options: [-fn FirstName] [-mi Initial] [-ln LastName] [-display DisplayName] [-empid EmployeeID] [-pwd {Password | *}] [-desc Description] [-memberof Group ...] [-office Office] [-tel PhoneNumber] [-email Email] [-hometel HomePhoneNumber] [-pager PagerNumber] [-mobile CellPhoneNumber] [-fax FaxNumber] [-iptel IPPhoneNumber] [-webpg WebPage] [-title Title] [-dept Department] [-company Company] [-mgr ManagersDistinguishedName] [-hmdir HomeDirectory] [-hmdrv DriveLetter:][-profile ProfilePath] [-loscr ScriptPath] [-mustchpwd {yes | no}] [-canchpwd {yes | no}] [-reversiblepwd {yes | no}] [-pwdneverexpires {yes | no}] [-acctexpires NumberOfDays] [-disabled {yes | no}] [{-s Server | -d Domain}] [-u UserName] [-p {Password | *}] Distinguished name of the user that you want to add. If omitted will be taken from standard input (stdin) Unique SAM account name for this user (By default, the first 20 chars from the UserDN/CN) User Principal Name of the user to add, e.g. fred@SS64.com Quiet, suppress all output Unicode format Unicode format for output only Unicode format for input only

DS* commands are available on networked machines with the server role A.D. Domain Services installed, Domain Controllers (or for XP users: XP Professional). The special token $username$, may be used to replace the SAM account name in the value of the -email, -hmdir, -profile, and -webpg parameters. Examples dsadd user "cn=fred,ou=staff,dc=ss64,dc=com" dsadd user "cn=JohnS,cn=users,dc=ss64,dc=com" -fn "john" -ln "Smith" -disabled no

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