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Physical, Language, Development

Physical, language and cognitive development in early childhood.


Atypical Development
Early childhood atypical developments are delays in language such as Slow Expressive Language Development (SELD), dyslexia, and visual impairment/blindness, autism spectrum disorders.

Physical: Body becomes longer and leaner, motor skills are refined, and children become more self controlled and self-sufficient (Berk, 2012). Gross motor skills start to develop, walking starts to develop a smoother gait, they also begin to run, jump and hop (Oswalt, 2014). Develop better upper body mobility, which helps with catching and throwing (Oswalt, 2014). They can start to go up and down the stairs alone in the adult fashion (Oswalt, 2014). Fine motor skills start to be come better defined, children are now able to create things with their hands, manipulate clothing fasteners, and refine their eating skills (Oswalt, 2014).

Language: Expands at an outstanding pace, a sense of morality becomes evident, and children establish ties with peers (Berk, 2012). Egocentric speech, having difficulty taking the perspectives of others (Berk, 2012). Talk for self in which they express thought in whatever form they happen to occur, regardless of whether a listener can understand (Berk, 2012). Children who freely use self-guiding private speech during a challenging activity are more attentive and involved and show better task performance that their less talkative age mates (Berk, 2012).

Cognitive: Make-believe play blossoms, supporting every aspect of psychological development (Berk, 2012).

Physical, Language, Cognitive Development

Preoperational stage, which spans the years 2 to 7, the most obvious change, is an extraordinary increase in representational, symbolic, activity (Berk, 2012). Drawing, a variety of cognitive factors influence the development of childrens artful representations (Berk, 2012). Include the realization that pictures can serve as symbols, improved planning and spatial understanding, the emphasis that the childs culture places on artistic expression (Berk, 2012).

To help your child along through development during early childhood, if you see they are having difficulty with speech speak with your childs teacher and see if the school has a speech therapist. With you and the teacher working together you will be able to help figure out the help your child needs. If your child has an autism spectrum disorders, knowing and understanding what these orders are about can help get your child the help they need. Play games with you child that will help further develop their gross motor skills, do arts and crafts projects to help develop their fine motor skills.

Physical, Language, Cognitive Development

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