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#0 chromic catgut #0 Dexon #0 interrupted #0 Mersilene #0 nylon #0 Prolene #0 silk #0 Vicryl #1 chromic catgut #1 Dexon #1 French #1 Vicryl #10

blade scalpel #1-0 chromic #10 French #10-0 nylon #11 blade knife #11 French #12 blade #12 French #13 French #14 French #15 blade #15 French #16 French #17 French #18 French #19 French #2 French #20 blade #2-0 chromic catgut #2-0 Dexon #20 French #2-0 interrupted #2-0 Mersilene #2-0 nylon #2-0 Prolene #2-0 silk #2-0 Vicryl #21 French #22 French #23 French #24 French #25 French #26 French #27 French #28 French #29 French #3 French #3-0 chromic catgut #3-0 Dexon #30 French #3-0 interrupted #3-0 Mersilene #3-0 nylon #3-0 Prolene #3-0 silk #3-0 Vicryl #31 French #32 French

#33 French #34 French #35 French #36 French #37 French #38 French #39 French #4 French #4-0 chromic catgut #4-0 Dexon #40 French #4-0 interrupted #4-0 Mersilene #4-0 nylon #4-0 Prolene #4-0 silk #4-0 Vicryl #5 French #5-0 chromic catgut #5-0 Dexon #5-0 interrupted #5-0 Mersilene #5-0 nylon #5-0 Prolene #5-0 silk #5-0 Vicryl #6 French #6-0 chromic catgut #6-0 Dexon #6-0 interrupted #6-0 Mersilene #6-0 nylon #6-0 Prolene #6-0 silk #6-0 Vicryl #69 Beaver blade #69 blade #69 knife #7 French #7-0 Prolene #7-0 Vicryl #8 French #9 French &c dilatation & curettage &c evacuation & curettage &c suction & curettage &c fractional dilation and curettage &s dilatation & suction .5 1.5-inch .5 2.5-inch {Backspace}-year-old community-ambulating female {Backspace}-year-old community-ambulating male {command}{Backspace}, per my interpretation, {command}{Backspace}, per my interpretation,_ {command}{Backspace}-day-old {command}{Backspace}-month-old {command}{Backspace}-pound weight loss {command}{Backspace}-vessel coronary artery bypass {command}{Backspace}-year old female who presents {command}{Backspace}-year-old

{command}{Backspace}-year-old {command}{Backspace}-year-old African American female {command}{Backspace}-year-old African American male {command}{Backspace}-year-old ambulating female {command}{Backspace}-year-old ambulating male {command}{Backspace}-year-old black female {command}{Backspace}-year-old black male {command}{Backspace}-year-old Caucasian female {command}{Backspace}-year-old Caucasian gentleman {command}{Backspace}-year-old Caucasian lady {command}{Backspace}-year-old Caucasian male {command}{Backspace}-year-old Caucasian man {command}{Backspace}-year-old Caucasian woman {command}{Backspace}-year-old female {command}{Backspace}-year-old gentleman {command}{Backspace}-year-old gentleman who complains of {command}{Backspace}-year-old gentleman who states that he {command}{Backspace}-year-old gentleman who was admitted {command}{Backspace}-year-old lady {command}{Backspace}-year-old lady who complains of {command}{Backspace}-year-old lady who states that she {command}{Backspace}-year-old lady who was admitted {command}{Backspace}-year-old male {command}{Backspace}-year-old male who presents with {command}{Backspace}-year-old man {command}{Backspace}-year-old patient {command}{Backspace}-year-old white female {command}{Backspace}-year-old white gentleman {command}{Backspace}-year-old white male {command}{Backspace}-year-old woman {command}{Backspace}-year-old-lady who tells me that she feels better {command}{Ctrl E}DISCHARGE SUMMARY{Ctrl L} {command}{Ctrl E}DISCHARGE SUMMARY{Ctrl L} {command}{Ctrl E}ELECTRICAL CARDIOVERSION{Ctrl L}INDICATIONSDESCRIPTION OF THE PROCE DUREIMPRESSIONRECOMMENDATIONS {command}{Ctrl E}EMERGENCY RESPONSE NOTE{Ctrl L} {command}{Ctrl E}EMERGENCY ROOM REPORT{Ctrl L} {command}{Ctrl E}HOSPITALIST DISCHARGE SUMMARY{Ctrl L} {command}{Ctrl E}HOSPITALIST DISCHARGE SUMMARY{Ctrl L}HISTORY OF THE PRESENT ILLNE SS {command}{Ctrl E}HOSPITALIST DISCHARGE SUMMARY{Ctrl L}PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERCONSULTAN TPROCEDURESPRINCIPAL DIAGNOSES AT DISCHARGEPRINCIPAL DIAGNOSES AT ADMISSIONPRINCIPAL TS {command}{Ctrl E}HOSPITALIST HISTORY AND PHYSICAL{Ctrl L} {command}{Ctrl E}HOSPITALIST HISTORY AND PHYSICAL{Ctrl L} {command}{Ctrl E}NEUROLOGY PROGRESS NOTE{Ctrl L}SUBJECTIVE {command}{Ctrl E}OPERATIVE REPORT{Ctrl L} {command}{Ctrl I}Chlamydia{Ctrl I} {command}{Ctrl I}Helicobacter{Ctrl I} {command}{Ctrl I}Mycoplasma{Ctrl I} {command}{Ctrl I}Staphylococcus{Ctrl I} {command}{Ctrl I}Streptococcus{Ctrl I} Clostridium difficile{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman;}{\f3\fsw iss Helv;}{\f4\fswiss System;}{\f5\fmodern\fprq1 Courier New;}{\f6\fswiss Helv;} {\f7\fswiss\fprq2 System;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}\deflang1033\pard\plain \f6\fs16\b Clostridium difficile\par} Escherichia coli{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS San s Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman;}{\f3\fswiss Helv;}{\f4\fswiss System;}{\f5\fswiss\fprq2 System;}{\f6\fswiss Helv;}}{\colortb

l\red0\green0\blue0;}\deflang1033\pard\plain\f6\fs16\b Escherichia coli\par } Escherichia coli{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS San s Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman;}{\f3\fswiss Helv;}{\f4\fswiss\fprq2 System;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}\deflang1033\pard \plain\f3\fs16\b Escherichia coli\par } flash pulmonary edema{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\f charset0 Helv;}{\f1\fnil Helv;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs16 flash pulmonary ed ema\f1} H2O{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset 2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System;}{\f3\fnil System;}{\f4\fnil Times New Roman; }{\f5\fnil Helv;}{\f6\fswiss Arial;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}\deflang1033\ pard\plain\f6\fs24 H\plain\f6\fs16\dn4 2\plain\f6\fs24 O\plain\f5\fs16\b} has no JVD{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 He lv;}{\f1\fnil Helv;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs16 has no JVD\f1} infarct pattern{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswis s\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil Helv;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\f0\fs22 inf arct pattern\b\f1\fs16} Klebsiella pneumoniae{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss M S Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman;}{\f3\fs wiss Helv;}{\f4\fswiss System;}{\f5\fswiss\fprq2 System;}{\f6\fswiss Helv;}}{\co lortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}\deflang1033\pard\plain\f6\fs16\b Klebsiella pneumonia e\par } mmH2O{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\ f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman;}{\f3\fswiss Helv;}{\f4\ fmodern\fprq1 Courier New;}{\f5\fswiss\fprq2 System;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blu e0;}\deflang1033\pard\plain\f4\fs20 mmH\plain\f4\fs13\dn4 2\plain\f4\fs20 O\plai n\f3\fs16\b} Neisseria gonorrhoeae{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss M S Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman;}{\f3\fs wiss Helv;}{\f4\fmodern\fprq1 Courier New;}{\f5\fswiss\fprq2 System;}}{\colortbl \red0\green0\blue0;}\deflang1033\pard\plain\f3\fs16\b Neisseria gonorrhoeae\par } Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0 \fswiss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman ;}{\f3\fswiss Helv;}{\f4\fswiss\fprq2 System;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}\de flang1033\pard\plain\f3\fs16\b Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia\par } pulmonary parenchyma{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\ fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fnil Helv;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\ltrpar\f0\fs2 2 pulmonary parenchyma\b\f1\fs16} Staphylococcus aureus{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss M S Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman;}{\f3\fs wiss Helv;}{\f4\fswiss\fprq2 System;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}\deflang1033 \pard\plain\f3\fs16\b Staphylococcus aureus\par } Staphylococcus epidermidis{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fsw iss MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\froman\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\froman Times New Roman;}{\ f3\fswiss Helv;}{\f4\fswiss\fprq2 System;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}\deflan g1033\pard\plain\f3\fs16\b Staphylococcus epidermidis\par } 0.25% Marcaine with Wydase and epinephrine 0.5% bupivacaine 0.5% lidocaine 0.5% Marcaine 0.5% Xylocaine 0.75% Marcaine 1 month ago 1 or 2 1 puff b.i.d. 1 tablet p.o. b.i.d. 1 tablet p.o. daily 1 tablet p.o. t.i.d. 1 to 2 days

1 to 2 months 1 to 2 weeks 1 to 2 years 1 week 1 week ago 1 year 1 year ago 1% lidocaine 1% Marcaine 1% Xylocaine 1:100,000 epinephrine 1:200,000 epinephrine 10% Betadine 100,000 colony-forming units 100-year-old 10-mm trocar 10mts 10-mm trocars 10-year-old 11-year-old 12-lead electrocardiogram 12-year-old 13-year-old 14-year-old 15-year-old 16-year-old 17-year-old 18-year-old 19-year-old 1-month history 1-month history of 1st degree AV block 1st degree AV block2nd degree AV block3rd degree block 1st-trimester ultrasound 1-year-old 2 days ago 2 liters of oxygen 2 to 3 days 2 to 3 hours 2 weeks ago 2 weeks prior to hospitalization 2 years 2% lidocaine jelly 2% Marcaine 2% Xylocaine 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off 20-year-old 21-year-old 22-year-old 22-year-old 23-year-old 23-year-old 24-year-old 24-year-old 25-year-old 25-year-old 26-year-old 26-year-old 27-year-old 27-year-old 28-year-old

28-year-old 29-year-old 29-year-old 2-year-old 3 liters of oxygen 3 times a day 3 times a week 3 weeks ago 3 x weekly basis 3 years 30 degree lens 30-year-old 30-year-old 31-year-old 31-year-old 32-year-old 32-year-old 33-year-old 33-year-old 34-year-old 34-year-old 35-year-old 35-year-old 360 degrees 36-year-old 36-year-old 37-year-old 37-year-old 38-year-old 38-year-old 39-year-old 39-year-old 3-way Foley catheter 3-year-old 4 extremities 4 times a day 4 x 4 gauze 4% cocaine 40-year-old 40-year-old 41-year-old 41-year-old 42-year-old 42-year-old 43-year-old 43-year-old 44-year-old 44-year-old 45-year-old 45-year-old 46-year-old 46-year-old 47-year-old 47-year-old 48-year-old 48-year-old 49-year-old 49-year-old 4-day-old 4th hospital day

4th postoperative day 4-vessel coronary artery bypass 4-year-old 5 times a day 50/50 mixture 50-year-old 50-year-old 51-year-old 51-year-old 52-year-old 52-year-old 53-year-old 53-year-old 54-year-old 54-year-old 55-year-old 55-year-old 56-year-old 56-year-old 57-year-old 57-year-old 58-year-old 58-year-old 59-year-old 59-year-old 5-mm trocars 5-year-old 6 month 6 months 6 systolic ejection murmur 6-0 Prolene 60 watts for 60 seconds 60-year-old 60-year-old 61-year-old 61-year-old 62-year-old 62-year-old 63-year-old 63-year-old 64-year-old 64-year-old 65-year-old 65-year-old 66-year-old 66-year-old 67-year-old 67-year-old 68-year-old 68-year-old 69-year-old 69-year-old 6-pack of platelets 6-year-old 70-year-old 70-year-old 71-year-old 71-year-old 72-year-old 72-year-old

73-year-old 73-year-old 74-year-old 74-year-old 75-year-old 75-year-old 76-year-old 76-year-old 77-year-old 77-year-old 78-year-old 78-year-old 79-year-old 79-year-old 7-year-old 80-year-old 80-year-old 81-year-old 81-year-old 82-year-old 82-year-old 83-year-old 83-year-old 84-year-old 84-year-old 85-year-old 85-year-old 86-year-old 86-year-old 87-year-old 87-year-old 88-year-old 88-year-old 89-year-old 89-year-old 8-year-old 90-year-old 90-year-old 91-year-old 91-year-old 92-year-old 92-year-old 93-year-old 93-year-old 94-year-old 94-year-old 95-year-old 95-year-old 96-year-old 96-year-old 97-year-old 97-year-old 98-year-old 98-year-old 99-year-old 99-year-old 9-year-old A 12-lead electrocardiogram A 14-point review of systems is entirely negative. a combination of

a couple of a couple of days ago a couple of episodes of a hemoglobin of a history a history of a history of alcohol abuse a history of asthma a history of congestive heart failure a history of heart disease a history of hypertension a history of ischemic heart disease a history of loss of consciousness a history of smoking a large amount of a long history of a lot of a mixture of a moderate amount of A negative a number of A positive a question of a rapid ventricular rate a rapid ventricular response a small amount of a temperature of a total of a variety of a weighted vaginal speculum was inserted a white count of a.c. a.m. A-1 pulley AB negative AB positive abandon abandoned abate abdomen abdomen and pelvis Abdomen is abdomen is benign abdomen is soft abdomen is soft and nontender abdomen is soft with normal bowel sounds abdomen soft without organomegaly abdomen was benign abdomen was soft, nontender, no organomegaly abdomen, perineum, and vagina ABDOMEN: ABDOMEN: Benign. Positive bowel sounds. Abdomen: Bowel sounds normal ABDOMEN: Exam reveals soft, nontender, nondistended abdomen. ABDOMEN: No masses, tenderness, or organomegaly noted ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Bowel sounds are normoactive. ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender. Bowel sounds are positive. No hepatosplenomegaly.

ABDOMEN: No masses, tenderness, or organomegaly noted abdominal abdominal adhesions abdominal aorta abdominal aortic aneurysm abdominal bloating abdominal carcinomatosis abdominal cavity abdominal cramping abdominal discomfort abdominal distention Abdominal exam Abdominal exam is abdominal examination abdominal exams are abdominal exams are all unremarkable abdominal exams are benign abdominal exploration abdominal films abdominal girth abdominal hernia abdominal pain abdominal series abdominal side wall abdominal surgery abdominal tenderness abdominal ultrasound abdominal wall abdominal wound abdominal x-ray abdominally abdominis abdominopelvic abdominopelvic CT abdominoperineal abdominoperineal resection abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer abdominoperitoneal abdominoperitoneal resection abdominoperitoneum abdominoplasty ABDs abduct abducted abducting abduction abductor abductor pollicis brevis abductor pollicis longus abductors abductovalgus aberrancy aberrant aberrant conduction aberrant ventricular response abilities ability ablate ablated ablating

ablation ablative able able to able to give abnormal abnormal cerebellar signs abnormal Pap smear abnormal sensation abnormalities abnormality abnormally aboard aborted aborting abortion abortions about above above and below above and parallel to the above average above findings above noted findings above studies above symptoms above the symphysis pubis above-average above-described above-elbow amputation above-knee amputation abovementioned above-mentioned above-named abovenoted above-noted above-noted findings above-related above-stated above-the-ankle above-the-elbow above-the-knee above-the-knee amputation abrade abraded abrader abrading abrasion abrasions abrasive abrupt abrupt onset abruptio abruptio placentae abruption abruptly abscess abscess cavity abscessed abscesses

absence absent absolute absolute hemostasis absolute neutrophil count absolute neutrophil count (ANC) absolutely absolutely normal absorb absorbable absorbable suture absorbed absorbent absorbing absorption abstain abstained abstaining abstinence abstinent abundance abundant abuse abused abuser abuses abusing abusive acalculous cholecystitis acanthocytes accelerate accelerated accelerating accelerating angina pectoris acceleration accelerations accelerator accentuated accept acceptable acceptable limits acceptably acceptance accepted accepting accepts access accessary accessed accessible accessory accessory duct of Luschka accessory muscle use accessory muscles accessory muscles of respiration accessory nerve accessory pathway accessory respiratory muscles accessory trocars accident

accidental accidentally accidents accommodate accommodated accommodating accommodation accompanied accompanied by accompanies accompany accompanying accomplish accomplished accomplishing accomplishment according according to according to the according to the family according to the patient according to the patient's family accordingly accosted account accountability accountant accounted accounting accounts accreta Accu-Chek Accu-Cheks accumulate accumulated accumulating accumulation accumulative Accupril accurate accurately Ace Ace bandage Ace bandages ACE inhibitor ACE inhibitors Ace wrap acentric acetabular acetabuli acetabulum acetaminophen acetaminophen overdose acetic acid acetone acetowhite acetowhite epithelium aceto-white test ache aches

achievable achieve achieved achievement achieves achieving Achilles Achilles' Achilles reflex Achilles tendon achiness acholic achondroplasia achondroplastic acid acid peptic disease acid phosphatase acid reduction acid-fast acid-fast bacilli acid-fast bacillus acidosis acidotic acknowledged acknowledges ACMI acorn acoustic acoustic neuroma acquaint acquaintance acquaintances acquainted acquire acquired acquired hemolytic anemia acquired immune deficiency syndrome acquired immunodeficiency syndrome acquisition acrocyanosis acromial acromioclavicular acromioclavicular joint acromion acromion process acromioplasty across act ACTH Actifed acting actinic actinic keratoses actinic keratosis actinomycosis action activate activated activator active

active bleeding active bowel sounds active drainage active fixation leads active labor active management active phase of labor active range of motion active uterine labor actively activities activities as tolerated activities of daily living activity activity as tolerated Activity. Fall precautions. acts actual actually acuity acupuncture acute acute abdomen acute abdominal series acute accelerating angina pectoris acute alcohol withdrawal acute and chronic alcohol withdrawal acute appendicitis acute cardiomyopathy acute care hospital acute care unit acute cholecystitis acute coronary care unit acute coronary syndrome acute distress acute exacerbation acute exacerbation of acute gastroenteritis acute grief acute grief reaction acute heart failure acute inflammation acute ischemia acute ischemic changes acute ischemic infarction acute ischemic stroke acute kidney injury acute lymphoblastic leukemia acute lymphocytic leukemia acute medical problems acute myeloblastic leukemia acute myelocytic leukemia acute myelogenous leukemia acute myocardial infarction Acute nonperforated appendicitis acute on chronic acute on chronic kidney disease acute on chronic renal insufficiency acute on chronic respiratory failure acute onset

acute onset of acute pancreatitis acute pathology acute renal failure acute renal insufficiency acute respiratory distress acute respiratory failure acute tubular necrosis acute urinary retention acute urinary tract infection acute withdrawal syndrome acute/chronic acutely acutely stabilized condition acutely stabilized condition. acuteness acyclovir ADA diet Adair clamp Adair clamps adamant adamantly adapt adapted adapter Adaptic Adaptic gauze ADC mapping add added addendum addict addicted addicting addiction adding addisonian crisis addition additional additionally address addressed addresses addressing Addstat adduct adducted adducting adduction adductor adductor hallucis longus adductor longus tendon adductor pollicis brevis adductor tendon adductors adducts adenocarcinoma adenoid adenoid hypertrophy adenoidal

adenoidectomy adenoiditis adenoiditis and tonsillitis adenoids adenoma adenomas adenomatoid adenomatous adenomyosis adenopathy adenotome adenotonsillar adenotonsillectomy adenotonsillitis adequacy adequate Adequate aspirate and biopsy Adequate aspirate and biopsy samples were obtained adequate hemostasis adequate hemostasis was obtained adequate level of anesthesia adequate level of general anesthesia adequate levels of general anesthesia adequate spinal anesthesia adequately adequately assessing the level of anesthesia adequately perfused adhered adherence adherences adherent adhering adhesed adhesiolysis adhesion adhesions adhesive adhesive tape adipose adipose tissue adiposity adjacent adjoining adjunctive adjust adjustable adjusted adjusting adjustment adjustments adjuvant ADLs administer administered administering administers administration administrations administrative administrator

admission ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: admission for ADMISSION LABORATORY, X-RAY, AND EKG DATA: admission orders admission to the hospital admissions admit Admit to medicine in fair condition. Admit to the hospital in fair condition. admits admitted admitted for admitted for observation admitted to Mercy Medical Center admitted to the hospital admitted to the hospital for admitted to the hospital under the care admitted to the hospitalist service admitted to the medical floor admitted to the service of admitted with admittedly admitting ADMITTING DIAGNOSES ADMITTING DIAGNOSES ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS admitting laboratory data admitting laboratory studies demonstrated admitting order admitting orders ADMITTING PHYSICIAN: adnexa adnexal adnexal abnormalities adnexal mass adnexum adolescence adolescent adopted adoption adoptive adrenal adrenal gland adrenal incidentaloma adrenal insufficiency Adrenalin adrenaline Adriamycin Adson forceps adult adult foster home adult home adult onset adult respiratory distress syndrome adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) adulthood adult-onset adult-onset diabetes mellitus advance

advance diet advanced advanced age advanced dementia advanced periodontal disease advanced to a regular diet advancedly advancement advancement flap advancement flaps advancing advantage advantageous adventitia adventitial adventitious adventitious sounds adverse adverse drug reactions adverse effects adverse sequelae advice Advil advisability advisable advise advised advised to advised to follow up with advised to return to the emergency department advisement advising aerating aeration aerobic aerobic and anaerobic aerobic and anaerobic cultures aerobics aerosolized aesthetically AFB stains afebrile affect Affect is appropriate. affect was congruent affected affected by affecting affective affective aphasia affective disorder afferent afferent pupillary defect affix affixed affixing affluxion afford afforded affording

affords aforementioned African American African American female African American gentleman African American male African American man African American woman African-American African-American female African-American male after after adequate anesthesia after adequate general anesthesia after adequate hemostasis had been obtained after an adequate level of after an adequate level of general anesthesia after being admitted to the hospital after discussion after EMD exam and his agreement with after his last after informed consent after initial evaluation after signing informed consent after that after the induction after the patient was placed on the operating table in the after which aftercare aftercare instructions afterload afterload reduction afternoon afterward afterwards again against against medical advice against the age age-appropriate aged agenesis agent agents age-related agglutinins aggravate aggravated aggravates aggravating aggregate aggregates aggresive treatment aggression aggressive aggressive measures aggressive treatment aggressively aggressiveness

agitated agitated behavior agitation ago agonal agonist agoraphobia agranulocytosis agree agreeable agreed agreeing agreement agrees agrees to the patient's admission for longitudinal care. ahead AICD device aid aide AIDS AIDS-associated AIDS-defining illness aiming air air bariatric bed air bronchograms air exchange air hunger air movement air trapping air/fluid exchange air-contrast barium enema airflow airflow limitation air-fluid air-fluid exchange air-fluid level air-fluid levels airplane airspace disease airtight airway airway obstruction airway protection Akin osteotomy akinesia akinesia and anesthesia akinesis akinetic alba albeit albuginea albumin albuterol albuterol and Atrovent Albuterol nebulizer albuterol nebulizer treatment alcohol alcohol abuse alcohol cessation

alcohol dependence alcohol history alcohol intake alcohol intoxication alcohol level alcohol poisoning alcohol related alcohol use alcohol withdrawal alcohol withdrawal prophylaxis alcohol withdrawal syndrome alcoholic alcoholic beverage alcoholic beverages alcoholic cirrhosis alcoholic hepatitis alcoholic ketoacidosis alcoholic liver disease alcoholic pancreatitis Alcoholics Anonymous alcoholism alcohol-related alcohol-related myelosuppression alcohol-related seizures Aldactazide Aldactone Aldomet aldosterone alert alert and cooperative alert and in no apparent distress alert and oriented alert and oriented and cooperative alert and oriented times alert and oriented times three alert and oriented x 1 alert and oriented x 2 alert and oriented x 3 alert and oriented x 4 alert and responsive alert male in no acute distress alert, in no acute distress alert, oriented, and cooperative alerting alertness aligned aligning alignment alignments aliquot aliquots alive alkaline alkaline phosphatase alkaline phosphatase (ALP) alkalinization alkalinize alkalinizing alkalosis alkylating

all All 10-point review of systems are reviewed and are negative. all 4 extremities all 4 quadrants all bleeders were all counts were correct all extremities all four extremities all four quadrants all joints all lung fields All other are negative all questions were asked and answered all the way all the way down to the all the way to the all unremarkable all vital structures allegedly Allen Allen universal stirrups Allen-Masters window allergic allergic reaction allergic rhinitis allergic to ALLERGIES ALLERGIES: No known drug allergies ALLERGIESNo known drug allergies. ALLERGIESNone known. ALLERGIESNone. ALLERGIESNoted. allergist allergy allergy shots alleviate alleviated alleviated by alleviates alleviating alligator Allis Allis clamps Allis forceps allodynia allogeneic allograft allografted allografting allografts alloplastic allopurinol allow allowed allowing allows almost alone along alongside

alopecia alpha alpha strep alpha1-antitrypsin alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency alpha1-antitrypsin level alpha-blocker alpha-fetoprotein alpha-hemolytic streptococci already also alteration altercation altered altered mental status altered mentation altering alternate alternating alternative alternative pronation-supination test alternatively alternatives although although she altogether aluminum Alupent inhaler treatment alveolar alveolar infiltrate alveolar infiltrates alveolar lavage alveolingual alveoloplasty always Alzheimer Alzheimer dementia Alzheimer disease Alzheimer's Alzheimer's disease am am going to amaurosis fugax amazingly ambulance ambulate ambulated ambulates ambulating ambulating female ambulating male ambulation ambulatory ambulatory status Ambulatory Surgery Ambulatory Surgery Recovery Room Ambulatory Surgery Recovery Room in satisfactory condition. Ambulatory Surgical Center ambulatory without any assistive devices amebiasis

amenable amenorrhea America American Diabetes Association aminoglutethimide aminoglycosides aminophylline amiodarone amitriptyline ammonia ammonia capsule ammonia level amnesia amnestic amniocentesis amnioinfusion amnionitis amniotic amniotic fluid amniotic fluid index (AFI) amniotic fluid indices (AFIs) amniotic membrane amniotic membranes amniotic sac amniotomy among amongst amorphous amount amount of amount of discomfort amounts amoxicillin Amoxil amphetamines amphotericin-B ampicillin amplification ampule ampules ampulla ampullary ampullary portion amputate amputated amputating amputation amputations amputative Amvisc amylase amylase and lipase amyloid amyloidosis amyotrophic lateral sclerosis an an adequate level of an adequate level of anesthesia an adequate level of general anesthesia an episode of

an extended period of time an incision an incision was made an x-ray of an x-ray of the anaerobic anaerobic and aerobic anal anal canal anal fissure anal fissures anal fistula anal fistulotomy anal manometry anal sphincter anal sphincter dysfunction anal verge analgesia analgesic analgesic control analgesics analogous analysis analyzed anaphylactic anaphylactic shock anaphylaxis anaplastic anasarca anastmoses anastmotic anastomose anastomosed anastomoses anastomosing anastomosis anastomotic anatomic anatomic alignment anatomic position anatomical anatomical alignment anatomical location anatomical position anatomically anatomized anatomy Ancef anchor anchored anchoring anchors anchovy ancillary and and a half and abdominal exams are and abdominal exams are all unremarkable and abdominal exams are benign and anesthetized with

and biopsy and biopsy samples and biopsy samples were obtained and certainly and creatinine and cytogenetics and dexamethasone and exhibit maturation and extremities and five sevenths weeks and four sevenths weeks and gallium and has been and has no known drug allergies and he has and her husband and in satisfactory condition and inguinal and is now and it was draped in a suitable fashion. and left and left the Operating Room in good condition. and liver function and liver function tests and may and mediastinoscopy and methotrexate and neck and no peripheral edema and nontender without organomegaly and one sevenths weeks and oriented x 4 and fully intact and percussion and platelet count and platelets and radiation and reactive to and reactive to light and rhythm and she has and six sevenths weeks and the and there is no and therefore and three sevenths weeks and two sevenths weeks and was and was brought and was brought to the recovery room in and was extubated on the operating table and was transferred and was taken and was taken to the recovery room in and was taken to the Recovery Room in good condition. and was transferred and was transferred to the recovery room in and were anemia anemia of chronic disease anemic anergy panel

ANESTHESIA anesthesia and akinesia anesthesia or anesthesia or procedure anesthesia team ANESTHESIA: anesthesiologist anesthesiologists anesthesiology anesthesiology service anesthetic anesthetic solution anesthetist anesthetize anesthetized anesthetized with anesthetizing aneurysm aneurysmal aneurysmectomy aneurysms angina angina pectoris anginal chest pain anginal equivalent anginal equivalents Angio Angiocath angiocatheter angiodysplasia angioedema angiofibroma angiogram angiograms angiographic angiographically angiography angiolipoma angiomata angioplastied angioplasties angioplasty angiosarcoma angle angle of Louis angle of Treitz angled angles Anglo-Saxon angry anguinate angulation anhedonia anhedonic anicteric animated anion anion gap anisocoria anisocytosis

ankle ankle clonus ankle dorsiflexion ankle jerk ankle jerks ankle tourniquet ankle-brachial index ankle-brachial indices ankles ankyloglossia ankylosing spondylitis announced annoyance annual basis annually annular annular abscess annuloplasty annulus anomalies anomalous anomaly anomic anoplasty anorectal anorectic anorectoplasty anorectum anorexia anorexia nervosa anorexic anoscope anoscopy another another cycle of chemotherapy anoxic brain injury Ansaid answer answered answering answers answers questions appropriately antacids antalgic gait antecedent antecolic antecubital antecubital area antecubital crease antecubital fossa antecubital vein antecubitum anteflexed antegrade antepartum anterior anterior abdominal wall fascia anterior and inferior Q waves anterior and posterior anterior and posterior fontanelles

anterior and posterior fontanelles are intact anterior aspect anterior axillary line anterior capsule anterior chamber anterior chamber intraocular lens anterior chest pain anterior circulation anterior clavicular line anterior costochondral joint anterior cruciate ligament anterior cruciate ligaments anterior fornix of the vagina anterior horn anterior infarct anterior ischemia anterior leads anterior lip of the cervix anterior midsternal chest pain anterior myocardial infarction anterior rectus fascia anterior rectus muscle anterior rectus sheath anterior repair anterior segment exam anterior segment examination anterior septal infarct anterior sheath anterior superior iliac spine anterior tibial artery anterior vitrectomy anterior wall anterior wall myocardial infarction anterior wedge deformity anterior wedging anterior-inferior iliac spine anteriorly anterior-superior anterior-superior iliac spine anterograde anteroinferior anterolateral anterolateral leads anterolateral myocardial infarction anterolaterally anteromedial anteromedially anteroposterior anteroseptal anteroseptal myocardial infarction anteroseptal wall anterosuperior anteversion anteverted anteverted uterus anteverted, mobile uterus antiadhesion antianginal antiarrhythmic antibacterial

antibiotic antibiotic course antibiotic coverage antibiotic regimen antibiotic solution antibiotic therapy antibiotic-associated antibiotic-associated diarrhea antibiotic-containing antibiotics antibodies antibody antibody level antibody screen anticholinergic anticipate anticipated anticipating anticipation anticoagulant anticoagulants anticoagulate anticoagulated anticoagulating anticoagulation anticoagulative anticonvulsant anticonvulsive antidepressant antidepressant therapy antidepressants antidiarrheal antiemetic antiemetic effect antiemetics antiepileptic antifungal antifungal therapy antigen antigens antiglycemic antihepatitis antihistamine antihistamines antihypertensive antihypertensive medication antihypertensive medications antihypertensives antihypoglycemic anti-idiotypic anti-inflammatories antiinflammatory anti-inflammatory anti-ischemic antimesenteric antimesentery antimicrobial antimitochondrial antineoplastic antineoplastics

antinuclear antibodies antinuclear antibody antinuclear cytoplasmic antibody antiparkinsonian antiparkinsonian regimen antiphospholipid antibody panel antiphospholipid antibody syndrome antiphospholipid syndrome antiplatelet anti-platelet antiplatelet regimen antipsychotic antipsychotic medication antipsychotic medications antipsychotics antireflux antiretroviral antiseptic antisocial antithrombin III anti-thrombogenic antithyroglobulin antithyroglobulin antibody antithyroid antituberculous antitumor necrosis factor Antivert antral antral gastritis antrectomy antrocele antrostomies antrostomy antrotomy antrum ants anuresis anuric anus anvil anxiety anxiety and depression anxiety disorder anxiolytic anxiolytics anxious anxiousness any any acute findings any aggravating or alleviating factors any episodes of any evidence any evidence of any further problem any further problems any further problems whatsoever any history of any loss of consciousness any medications any meningeal signs

any nausea or vomiting any numbness or tingling any shortness of breath any significant any significant pain any signs of infection any urinary symptoms any worsening of symptoms anymore anything anyway anywhere AO screw AO Synthes A-O technique aorta aortectasia aortic aortic aneurysm aortic arch aortic bifurcation aortic dissection aortic ejection murmur aortic insufficiency aortic murmur aortic regurgitation aortic root aortic sclerosis aortic stenosis aortic stenosis (AS) aortic stenting aortic valve aortic valve aortic valve replacement aortobifemoral aortocaval aortocoronary aortocoronary bypass grafting aortocoronary bypass surgery aortofemoral aortogram aortoiliac aortotomies aortotomy AP AP and lateral AP and lateral radiographs AP view apart apartment apathetic apatite aperture apertures apex Apgar Apgar scores Apgar scores of Apgars Apgars of 9 and 9

aphakia aphasia aphasic apheresis apheresis platelets apheresis unit of platelets aphthous ulceration apical apical anterior apical displacement apical hypokinesis apical inferior apical thrombus apices aplastic apnea apnea and bradycardia apneic aponeurosis aponeurotic apoplexy apparatus apparent apparently apparently, appear appear confused appear to be appearance appearances appeared appeared to do appearing appears appears confused appears in no acute distress appears to be appears well hydrated with good color appendectomy appendiceal appendiceal orifice appendiceal stump appendices epiploicae appendicitis appendicitis without evidence of perforation appendicular appendix appendix epiploica appetite appetite is appetite is good applanation applanation tonometry apple apple core lesion appliance application applications applicator applicators

applied applier apply applying appoint appointed appointment appointment to be scheduled appointments appose apposed apposition appreciable appreciably appreciate appreciated appreciates appreciating appreciation apprehensive approach approachable approached approaches approaching appropriate appropriate for gestational age appropriately appropriateness approve approved approves approving approximate approximated approximately approximately 1 hour approximately 1 hour ago approximating approximation approximations apraxia Apresoline April Aquaplast splint aquatherapy aqueous ara-C arachnoid arachnoiditis arangements arcade arch arch bar arch bars arched architectural architecture arcuate arcus senilis

arcus senilis are are all unremarkable are appreciated are clear bilaterally are completely are decreased are equal and reactive to light and accommodation are grossly intact are intact are negative are normal are pending are positive are seen and comprise are seen and comprise about are stable are still pending are unremarkable are within normal limits are without clubbing area area of the areas areola areolar areolar margin Arflanyan argument argumentative arising arm arm board armboard arms Army-Navy retractor around arousable arouse aroused arrange arranged arrangement arrangements arrangements were made arranging arrest arrest of descent arrest of dilatation arrested arresting arrests arrhythmia arrhythmia service arrhythmias arrhythmic arrhythmogenic arrival arrive arrived

arrives arriving arterial arterial aneurysm arterial blood gas arterial blood gases arterial insufficiency arterial line arterial oxygen saturation arteriectomy arteries arteriogram arteriography arteriolar narrowing arteriosclerosis arteriosclerosis obliterans arteriosclerotic arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease arteriosclerotic cardiovascular heart disease arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease arteriosclerotic coronary disease arteriosclerotic heart disease arteriosclerotic occlusive disease arteriosus arteriotomies arteriotomy arteriovenostomy arteriovenous arteriovenous (AV) arteriovenous (AV) fistula arteriovenous access arteriovenous fistula arteriovenous fistula graft arteriovenous fistulas arteriovenous graft arteriovenous malformation arteriovenous malformations arteriovenous nicking arteritis artery arthralgia arthralgias Arthrex arthritic arthritides arthritis arthrocentesis arthrodesing arthrodesis arthrofibrosis arthropathy Arthroplastics arthroplasties arthroplasty arthroscope arthroscoped arthroscopic arthroscopically arthroscopically assisted arthroscoping

arthroscopy arthrosis arthrotomy articular articular examination articularis articulate articulate historian articulated articulates articulating articulation articulations articulator artifact artificial artificial rupture of membranes artificial tears artificially artist aryepiglottic arytenoid arytenoid cartilages arytenoids as as a child as a consequence as a matter of fact as a result as a result of as a result of the as a sterile field as above as an as an inpatient as an outpatient as appropriate as before as described as described above as directed as evidenced by as far as as far as possible as far as the as follows as for immunophenotyping as for immunophenotyping and cytogenetics as high as as immunophenotyping and cytogenetics as indicated as long as as long as possible as manifested by as mentioned as mentioned above as much as as much as possible as necessary as needed

as needed for as needed for pain as noted as noted above as opposed to as outlined as outlined above as outlined by as per HPI as possible as previously described as previously mentioned as previously noted as soon as as soon as possible as stated above as though as tolerated as usual as well as well as as well as for as well as for immunophenotyping and cytogenetics as well as immunophenotyping as well as immunophenotyping and cytogenetics as well as the as you know as you recall as you well know as you will recall Asacol asbestos asbestos exposure asbestosis ascending ascending aorta ascending cholangitis ascending colon ascending ramus ascention ascertain ascertained ascertaining ascetic fluid Asch forceps ascites ascitic ascitic-like aseptic aseptic conditions aseptically Asian aside ASIF asked asking asleep as-needed basis asparaginase aspect

aspect of aspect of the aspects aspergillosis Aspergillus aspirant aspirate aspirate and biopsy aspirate and biopsy samples were obtained aspirated aspirates aspirating aspiration aspiration pneumonia aspiration pneumonitis aspiration precautions aspiration tip aspiration tube aspiration-injection-aspiration technique aspirations aspirator aspirin aspirin for secondary stroke prevention assailant assaulted assault-related assembled assembly assess assessable assessed assessing assessment ASSESSMENT AND PLAN ASSESSMENT assessments assigned assignment assist assistance assistance with management assistant assistants assist-control (AC) assisted assisted living facility assisting assistive assistive device assists associate associated associated nausea and anorexia associated nausea and vomiting associated with associates associating association associations As-stated-age female

as-stated-age man assumed assuming assumption assurance assure assured assuring asterixis asthenic asthma asthma attack asthma exacerbation asthma flare asthmatic asthmatic bronchitis asthmaticus astrocytoma asymmetric asymmetric motor examination asymmetrical asymmetrical gaze nystagmus asymmetrically asymmetries asymmetry asymptomatic asymptomatic sinus bradycardia. asynclitic asystole at at a rate of at a time at baseline at bedtime at best at birth at first at five minutes at five minutes. at home at least at length at night at one and five minutes, respectively. at one minute at one minute, at one point at one time at present at rest at risk at that level at that point at that point in time at that time at the apex at the conclusion of the case at the conclusion of the examination at the conclusion of the procedure at the end of the case

at the end of the operation at the end of the procedure at the left sternal border at the level of at the level of the at the moment at the origin at the present time at the rate of at the request of at the same time at the time at the time of at the time of admission at the time of discharge at the time of evaluation at the time of initial evaluation at the time of surgery at the time of the exam at the time of the examination at the time of this dictation at the time of transfer at the time of transfer to at the urgent care at this facility at this point at this point in time at this time at times at which point at which point the at which time at work at your convenience Atarax ataxia ataxic atelectasis atelectatic atenolol atenonol atherectomy atheroemboli atheroma atherosclerosis atherosclerotic atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease atherosclerotic coronary vascular disease atherosclerotic disease atherosclerotic heart disease atherosclerotic occlusive disease atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease athlete's foot athletic Ativan Ativan 1 mg Atlantic atlas atonic atony

atopic dermatitis atraumatic atraumatic and normocephalic atraumatic needle atraumatically atresia atria atrial atrial fibrillation atrial fibrillation with controlled ventricular response atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rate atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response Atrial fibrillation, on Coumadin. atrial fibrillations atrial flutter atrial hypertrophy atrial premature contractions atrial premature contractions (APCs) atrial septal defect atrial septal defect (ASD) atrial tachycardia atrial-septal atrioseptal atrioventricular atrioventricular (AV) atrioventricular block atrioventricular function atrium atrophic atrophic changes atrophic-appearing atrophied atrophy atrophy of the Atropine Atropine at the bedside. Atrovent attach attached attaching attachment attachment disorder attachments attack attacked attacking attacks attempt attempted attempting attempts attend attendance attendant attended attending attending physician

ATTENDING PHYSICIAN: ATTENDING PHYSICIAN attends attention attention deficit disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) attention was directed to attention was drawn to attention was then turned to attention was then turned to the attention was turned to attention-deficit disorder attentive attenuated attenuation attorney attributable attribute attributed attributed to attributes attributing atypia atypical atypical antibodies atypical antibody screen atypical chest pain atypical enzyme pattern atypicals audible audibly audiogram audiologic audiologist audiology audiometer audiometric audiometry audiovisual auditory auditory acuity auditory hallucination auditory hallucinations augment augmentation augmented Augmentin augmenting August aunt aureus auricular aurora ausculatory ausculatory exam auscultatable auscultate auscultated auscultation

auscultation and percussion auscultation of the lungs revealed auspices Austin Austin bunionectomy Austin Moore Austin osteotomy Austin/Keller bunionectomy Austin-Kailish Austin-Moore authorization auto autoamputation autoanticoagulated autogenous autograft autograph autoimmune autoimmune disease autoimmune enteritis autoimmune hemolytic anemia autologous autologous blood autologous bone marrow autologous bone marrow transplant autologous bone marrow transplant for autolysis automate automated automated irrigation and aspiration unit automatic automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator automatic internal cardioverter defibrillator automatically automobile autonomic autonomically autonomous autonomously autopsy autosomal dominant familial cardiomyopathy auxiliary AV fistula AV graft AV nicking availability available available for comparison avascular avascular necrosis avascular portion avenue average averaged averaging Avitene avium avoid avoidance avoided

avoiding aVR, aVL, aVF, I, II, III, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, V9 avulse avulsed avulsion avulsion a tearing away of a structure or part accidentally or surgically avulsion flap avulsion fracture avulsion laceration await awaited awaiting awaiting pediatrician awaiting stretcher awaits awake awake and alert awake, alert, and in stable condition awake, alert, and oriented awaken awakened awakened and extubated awakened from anesthesia awakened, extubated, and taken to the rcrsc awakening awakens aware awareness away awful awoke axes axial Axid axilla axillae axillary axillary artery axillary block axillary block anesthesia axillary contents axillary dissection axillary line axillary lymphadenopathy axillary nerve block axillary node axillary nodes axillary vein axillobifemoral axillofemoral axis Azmacort azotemia AZT aztreonam Azulfidine azygous B natriuretic peptide B negative B positive

b.i.d. Babcock Babcock clamps Babcocks Babinski Babinski's sign baby baby boy baby's bacilli bacillus bacitracin Bacitracin ointment Bacitracin ophthalmic ointment Bacitracin/saline solution back Back examination: back pain back table back to baseline BACK: No c.v.a. tenderness. backache backbiters backbiting backbiting forceps backbled backbleeding backboard backed backflow background backloaded backpack backward backwards baclofen pump bacteremia bacteria bacterial bacterial endocarditis bacterial meningitis bacterial peritonitis bacterial pneumonia bacteriologic bacteriology bacteriuria bacteroides bacteruria Bactrim bad bag bag valve mask bagged Bair Hugger Baker's cyst Bakes Bakes dilator balance balanced balanced salt solution

balancing balanitis Balfour Balfour bladder blade Balfour blade Balfour retractor ball Ballenger knife balloon balloon angioplasty balloon catheter balloon was inflated wit balloons balls ball-tip ball-tipped banana bag band bandage bandage scissors bandaged bandages BAND-AID BAND-AIDS banded banding bands bank Bankart lesion bar barbiturate barbiturates Bard-Parker Bard-Parker blade Bard-Parker handle bare barely bariatric bed baring baring sclera barium barium enema barium swallow barking cough Barr Barraquer Barraquer sweep Barraquer wire speculum barrel Barrett epithelium Barrett esophagitis Barrett's esophagitis barrier barriers Barron-Hessburg vacuum trephine bars Barthel index Bartholin bartholin cysts Bartholin gland cyst

Bartholin's Bartholin's abscess Bartholin's cyst basal basal cell carcinoma basal ganglia basal inferior wall basal insulin coverage base base excess base of the base of the appendix base of tongue baseball baseball stitches baseball sutures based based on baseline baseline dementia baseline history baseline medication baseline medications baseplate bases basic basic metabolic panel basically basilar basilar atelectasis basilar crackles basilar infiltrate basilic basilic artery basilic vein basis basket basket rongeur basketball basketing basophil basophils Bassini Bassini repair batch batches bathing bathroom battery battery voltage Battle's sign bayonet bayonet forceps B-cell lymphoma be beach-chair beach-chair position beam bean beanbag

bear bear weight bearing beat beaten beats beats per minute beat-to-beat variability beautiful beautifully Beaver Beaver blade became because because he because of because of the because of this Beclovent become becomes becoming bed bed alarm bed mobility bedbound bedfast bedrest bedridden bedside bedside commode bedtime been been doing been doing remarkably been doing remarkably well been doing well been no beep beer beer potomania beercan beers before before and after before breakfast before dinner before meals and at bedtime beg began began to begin begin treatment beginning beginnings begins begun behaved behaving behavior

behavioral behavioral disorder behaviorally behaviors behind being being admitted being careful to being treated belching believe believed believes believing Bell palsy belladonna bellies belligerent Bell's palsy belly belly pain below below average below-average below-elbow amputation below-knee amputation below-the-elbow below-the-knee Benadryl Bence Jones protein bender bending beneath beneficial benefit benefited benefits benefits and risks benign benign positional vertigo benign prostatic hyperplasia benign prostatic hypertrophy benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) benign to palpation benign without benign-appearing benignly bent Bentall benzocaine spray benzodiazepine benzodiazepine-induced benzodiazepine-induced sedation benzodiazepines benzoin benzoin and Steri-Strips Bernay retractor Berry's ligaments beside besides

best best felt bet beta beta agonist beta blockade beta blocker beta carotene beta hCG beta natriuretic peptide beta-blockade beta-blockade withdrawal beta-blocker beta-blockers Betadine Betadine ointment Betadine paint Betadine scrub and Betadine solution Betadine scrub and solution Betadine soap Betadine soap solution and Betadine paint Betadine solution Betadine-soaked Betadine-soaked Adaptic Betadine-soaked gauze Betoptic better between between the suturs bevel beveled beverages bewildered beyond bezoar biatrial enlargement Biaxin bibasilar bibasilar atelectases bibasilar consolidations bibasilar crackles bibasilar infiltrates bibasilar pneumonia bibasilar rales bibiotic solution bicarb bicarbonate biceps biceps jerk bicipital bicipital groove bicornuate bicoronal bicoronial bicuspid bicuspid aortic valve bicuspid valve bicuspids bicycle Bier

Bier block Bier block anesthesia bifascicular bifascicular block bifemoral bifid bifida bifrontal bifrontally bifurcate bifurcated bifurcating bifurcation bifurcations bigeminy bigger bilateral bilateral calf claudication bilateral carotid bruits bilateral cerebellar regions bilateral expiratory wheeze bilateral expiratory wheezes bilateral expiratory wheezing bilateral gaze nystagmus Bilateral good air entry. bilateral infiltrates bilateral inguinal hernias bilateral lower extremities bilateral lower extremity venous ultrasound bilateral myringotomy with tube insertion bilateral nephrolithiases bilateral partial salpingectomy bilateral pleural effusions bilateral pulmonary edema bilateral renal artery stents bilateral renal pyelectasis bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy. bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy bilateral symmetric auscultatory exchange bilateral tubal ligation bilaterally bilaterally and clear bilaterally clear bile bile duct bile ducts bili lights biliary biliary colic biliary dilatation biliary duct dilatation biliary obstruction biliary scan biliary stent biliary tree biliary tree obstruction bilious bilious emesis bilirubin bilirubins

Billroth Billroth II Billroth II anastomosis Billroth II gastrectomy bilobed bimalleolar bimanual bimanual examination bimanual rectovaginal examination binding bingeing binocular biocclusive biochemistry profile biofeedback biofeedback training biofeedback training Biofit biophysical bioprosthesis bioprosthetic bioprosthetic aortic valve bioprosthetic valve biopsied biopsies biopsies were taken biopsy biopsy and biopsy proven biopsy samples were obtained biopsy was biopsying biopsy-proved biopsy-proven Biopti gun biosis biparietal diameter bipartite bipedal bipedicle bipolar bipolar affective disorder bipolar Bovie bipolar cautery bipolar disorder bipolar electrocautery bipolar illness bipolar pacemaker bipopliteal birth birth control birth control pill birth control pills birth control pills (BCP) birth weight bisect bisected bisecting bismuth bit

bite bite block bitemporal bitemporal wasting biter biters bites biting bits bitten bivalve bivalved bivalved speculum biventricular biventricular defibrillator bi-weekly bizarre bizarre behavior Bjork-Shiley black black discoloration black female black female in no acute distress black female who comes black female who presents black female who presents with black female with black female with a history black gentleman black male black male in no acute distress black male who black male who presents black male who presents with black man black silk black stool black woman blackened blackish blackout blackouts bladder bladder blade bladder calculus bladder cancer bladder dome bladder flap bladder flap thus developed bladder incontinence bladder neck bladder neck contracture bladder outlet bladder outlet obstruction bladder retractor bladder spasm bladder stones bladder suspension bladder tumor bladder tumors

bladder wall bladder wall thickening blade blade knife blades Blake drain blanch blanche blanched blanching bland blank blanket bleb blebs bled bleed bleeder bleeders bleeders were cauterized bleeding bleeding point bleeding points bleeding points were coagulated bleeding points were electrocoagulated bleeding site bleeding time bleeding ulcer bleeding vessels bleeding was controlled with electrocautery blended bleomycin blepharitis blepharochalasis blepharoplasty blighted blighted ovum blind blinding blindly blindness blistering blisters bloating bloc block blockade blockage blocked blocker blockers blocking blocks blood blood alcohol blood alcohol (BA) blood alcohol level Blood Bank blood cell count blood cells

blood chemistries blood chemistry blood clot blood clots blood count blood counts blood culture Blood culture is pending. Blood culture pending. Blood culture: No growth in 48 hours. blood cultures blood draws blood gases blood glucose blood group blood in her stool blood in his stool blood in the stool blood level blood levels blood loss blood loss anemia blood loss was minimal blood pressure blood pressure 110 blood pressure 120 blood pressure 130 blood pressure 140 Blood pressure control. blood pressure cuff blood pressure is blood pressure medication blood pressure medications blood pressure monitor blood pressure tourniquet blood pressure was blood product support blood replacement blood return blood smear blood sugar blood sugars blood test blood tests blood tinged blood transfusion blood transfusions blood type blood vessel blood vessel telangiectasias blood vessels blood work blood, urine and sputum blood-borne bloodless blood-thinning blood-thinning medicines blood-tinged blood-tinged fluid blood-tinged sputum

bloody bloody diarrhea bloody fluid bloody or black, tarry-appearing stools bloody stool bloody stools blotchy blow blowing blows blue blueberry muffin spots bluish blunt blunt and sharp blunt and sharp dissection blunt curettage blunt dissection blunt technique blunt trauma blunted blunting bluntly bluntly and sharply bluntly and sharply dissected bluntly dissected bluntly dissecting bluntly divided bluntly mobilized blunt-tip blunt-tipped blurred vision blurring blurring of vision blurry blush B-lymphoblastic leukemia board board-like bobbin Bochdalek hernia bodies body body habitus Body habitus is asthenic to cachetic. Body habitus is stout to obese. Body habitus is stout. body mass index bogginess boggy bolster bolsters bolt bolts bolus bone bone cutter bone deformities bone density scan bone flap

bone graft bone grafting bone grafts bone marrow bone marrow aspirate bone marrow aspirate and bone marrow aspirate and biopsy bone marrow biopsy bone marrow examination bone marrow harvest bone marrow transplant bone marrow transplant for bone pain bone plate bone plug bone scan bone spur bone wax bone-on-bone degeneration bones bony bony deformity bony eminence bony pain bony prominence bony prominences bony septum bony spicules bony step-off bony step-offs bony structures bony tenderness Bookwalter boot boots borborygmi border bordering borderline borderline diabetes borderline elevated borderline personality disorder borders bore born born and raised in boss both both arms both ears both eyes both feet both hips both knees both legs both levels both lower extremities both lung fields both ovaries both parents

both sides both tubes both upper extremities bother bothered bothering bothers bothersome bottle bottles bottom bougie bougie dilatation bougie dilator bound boundaries boundary bounded bounding bouts Bovie Bovie cauterizer Bovie cautery Bovie coagulation Bovie electrocautery Bovied bovine aortic valve bovine mitral valve bow bowed bowel bowel and bladder bowel and bladder function bowel care bowel dysfunction bowel function bowel gas pattern bowel habits bowel loop bowel loops bowel movement bowel movements bowel obstruction bowel or bladder habits bowel or bladder incontinence bowel preparation bowel rest bowel sounds bowel sounds appreciated bowel sounds are bowel sounds are active bowel sounds are normal bowel sounds are normally active bowel sounds are normoactive Bowel sounds are normoactive. bowel sounds are positive bowel sounds are present bowel sounds were heard throughout bowel sounds were present bowel tones

Bowel tones are present. bowels bowing boyfriend boyfriend's brace brachial brachial artery brachial plexopathy brachial plexus brachial pulse brachial vein brachial veins brachiocephalic brachiocephalic vein brachioradialis brachioradialis muscle brachytherapy brady bradyarrhythmia bradyarrhythmias bradycardia bradycardia/tachycardia bradycardiac bradycardia-induced dyspnea bradycardia-tachycardia bradycardic bradydysrhythmia bradykinesia bradykinetic brain brain death brain metastases brain metastasis brain natriuretic peptide brain stem brain tumor branch branched branches branching brand brassiere BRAT diet brawl breadth breadths break breakdown breakfast breaking breakout breaks breakthrough breakthrough pain breakup breast breast 12 o'clock breast and breast artifact

breast augmentation bilaterally with silicone implants breast biopsies breast biopsy breast cancer breast center breast cyst breast disease breast examination breast lesions breast lump breast mass breast masses breast parenchyma breast reduction breast self-examination breast tissue breast tissue proper breast tissues breast-feeding breasts breath breath sounds breath sounds bilaterally and clear breath sounds equal breathe breathed breather breathing breathing is unlabored breathing treatment breathing treatments breathless breathlessness breaths breech breech delivery breech presentation Brescia-Cimino arteriovenous Brescio-Cimino arteriovenous fistula graft Bretylol brevis bridge bridging bridle bridle suture bridle sutures brief brief history BRIEF HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS BRIEF HISTORY: BRIEF HISTORY BRIEF MEDICAL HISTORY: briefly bright bright red blood bright red blood per rectum brighter brim bring bringing

brings brisk briskness broached broaches broad broad based broad ligament broad ligaments broad-based broaden broadest broad-spectrum broad-spectrum antibiotic coverage broad-spectrum antibiotics broke broken bronchi bronchial bronchial asthma bronchial washings bronchiectasis bronchiolar lavage bronchiolitis bronchitic bronchitis bronchitis-like bronchitis-like process bronchoalveolar bronchoalveolar lavage bronchocutaneous bronchocutaneous fistula bronchodilator bronchodilator protocol bronchodilators bronchodilatory bronchodilatory support bronchogenic bronchogram bronchopleural bronchopneumonia bronchopneumonitis bronchopulmonary bronchoscope bronchoscopic bronchoscopic drainage bronchoscopies bronchoscopy bronchoscopy and mediastinoscopy bronchospasm bronchospasms bronchospastic bronchospastic cough bronchus bronchus intermedius Brooklyn Hospital Center brother brother-in-law brothers brought

brought down brought in by ambulance brought into position brought out brought out through brought to the brought to the emergency room brought to the recovery brought to the recovery room in brought together using brought up Broviac Broviac catheter brow brown brown sputum brownish brownish-green brownish-yellow Brudzinski Brudzinski sign Brudzinski's sign bruises bruising bruit bruits Brun nystagmus brunescens Brunner gland hyperplasis Brunner gland hyperplasis (BGH) Brunschwig retractor brush brush biopsies brush biopsy bubble bubble study bubbles buccal buccal mucosa buccogingival Buchwalter retractor Buck traction bucket buckle buckling Buck's fascia budding Bufferin Bugbee Buie Buie hemorrhoid clamp Buie hemorrhoidectomy build building built bulb bulb suction bulb suctioned bulb syringe bulbar

bulbar urethra bulbocavernosus bulbocavernosus muscle bulbous bulge bulged bulges bulging bulging disc bulk bulky bulky dressing bulky vegetations bull bulla bulldog bullet bullet clamps bullet tenaculums bullets bullosa bullous bullous emphysema bullous keratopathy bullous pemphigoid Bumex bump BUN BUN and creatinine bunching bundle bundle branch block bundles bunion bunionectomies bunionectomy bunionette bunions Bunnell Bunnell sutures bupivacaine bur hole bur hole reservoir bur holes buried Burkitt Burkitt lymphoma burn burned burning burning sensation burns burr burred bursa bursal bursectomy burst burst fracture bursts

burst-type compression fracture bury bus but but not but otherwise but she butterfly buttock buttocks button buttonhole buttonholing buttress by by history by means of by mouth by nasal cannula by the family by the paramedics by the time by the time of discharge by the use of bypass bypass graft bypass grafting bypass grafting surgery bypass surgery bypassed bypassing C1-2 C1-C2 C2-3 C2-C3 C3-4 C3-C4 C4-5 C4-C5 C5-6 C5-C6 C6-7 C6-C7 C7-T1 CA-125 CA15-3 CA-19 CA19-9 CA-19-9 cab CABG cable cables cachectic cachexia cadaveric renal transplant cafe-au-lait spots caffeinated caffeine caffeine restriction

caffeine-free cage caked calamine Calan calcaneal calcaneofibular calcaneus calcar calcific calcification calcifications calcified Calcimar calcitonin calcium calcium blocker calcium carbonate calcium channel blocker calcium channel blockers calcium chloride calcium phosphate calculate calculated calculated free thyroxine calculating calculation calculations calculi calculus calculus cholecystitis Caldwell-Luc calf calf tenderness caliber calibers calibrated calibration caliceal calices California caliper call call for Dr. called calling callous callus calm calmed calorie calories Calot Calot's triangle calvarium calvary calves came camera camouflage

Camper's Camper's fascia Campylobacter can canal canalicular canaliculi canaliculitis canaliculus canaliculus (s)canaliculi (p)latin canalize canalized canals cancel canceled cancellation cancellations cancelled cancelling cancellous cancellous bone cancellous screw cancellous screws cancer cancer institute cancerous cancers Candela Candela laser lithotripsy Candida Candida albicans Candida esophagitis candidal candidate candidate for candidate for surgery candidates candidemia candidiasis candy-cane candycane stirrups cane canine canker sore canker sores cannabinoids cannabis cannot cannot be ruled out cannot rule out cannula cannulas cannulate cannulated cannulating cannulation canopener can't canthal canthus

cap capability capable capacity CAPD capillaries capillary capillary blood glucose (CBG) capillary fill time capillary refill capillary return capillary wedge pressure capital capital fragments capnography Capoten capped capsular capsular bag capsule capsulectomy capsules capsulitis capsulorhexis capsulorrhaphy capsulorrhexis capsulotomy Captopril captopril capture captured caput caput formation caput medusa caput medusae car Carafate Carbocaine carbon carbon dioxide carbon dioxide gas carbonate carbonated carbonation carboperitoneum carboplatin carboxyhemoglobin carbuncle carcinoembryonic carcinoid carcinoid tumor carcinoma carcinoma in situ carcinoma of the carcinoma of the lung carcinoma of the prostate carcinoma-in-situ carcinomata carcinomatosis carcinomatous

card Cardene cardiac cardiac ablation cardiac ablation procedure cardiac amyloidosis cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes cardiac arrest cardiac arrhythmia cardiac care unit cardiac catheterization cardiac catheterization lab cardiac consultation cardiac disease cardiac echocardiogram cardiac electrophysiologist cardiac enzymes Cardiac enzymes are flat. Cardiac enzymes are negative. cardiac exam cardiac examination cardiac history cardiac intensive care unit cardiac isoenzymes cardiac markers Cardiac markers are flat. Cardiac markers are negative. cardiac monitor cardiac monitor reveals cardiac monitor reveals a normal sinus rhythm cardiac monitoring cardiac monitoring reveals a normal sinus rhythm cardiac origin cardiac rate is regular cardiac rhythm cardiac rhythm is regular cardiac rhythm is regular with no ectopics cardiac risk factors cardiac silhouette cardiac stress test Cardiac Surgical Care Unit cardiac troponins cardiac workup CARDIAC: Exam is normal. CARDIAC: Exam reveals regular rhythm, normal rate. No murmur appreciated. CARDIAC: Normal rate and regular rhythm. CARDIAC: Normal. CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm. cardinal cardinal and uterosacral ligaments cardinal ligament cardinal ligaments cardinal/uterosacral complex cardinal/uterosacral ligament complex cardinal/uterosacral ligaments cardinals cardioembolic cardioesophageal junction cardiogenic cardiogram

Cardiolite cardiologic cardiologist cardiology Cardiology consult was requested for further management. CARDIOLOGY CONSULTATION Cardiology consultation was requested cardiology evaluation Cardiology was consulted for further management. cardiomediastinal cardiomediastinal silhouette cardiomegaly cardiomyopathy cardioplegia cardioplegic cardioplegic solution cardioprotective cardiopulmonary cardiopulmonary arrest cardiopulmonary bypass cardiopulmonary bypass time cardiopulmonary resuscitation cardiopulmonary unit CARDIOPULMONARY: Cardioquin cardiorespiratory cardiorespiratory arrest cardiorespiratory distress cardioselective cardioselective beta-blocker cardiothoracic cardiothoracic ratio cardiotonic cardiovascular cardiovascular disease cardiovascular exam cardiovascular examination cardiovascular system CARDIOVASCULAR: CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain or shortness of breath. Cardiovascular: Regular rate and rhythm CARDIOVASCULAR: S1, S2, and regular. cardiovascularly cardioversion cardioverted cardioverted cardioverting Cardizem Cardizem CD Cardura care care being taken care being taken to avoid care instructions care unit care was taken Care will be transferred to cared careful careful dissection

careful inspection carefully carefully dissected carefully identified and preserved carefully inspected carefully irrigated caregiver caregivers caretaker caretakers carious carious teeth C-arm C-arm fluoroscopy Carmalt clamps Carmel clamps carmine carotid carotid arteries carotid artery carotid artery disease carotid bruit carotid bruits carotid disease carotid Doppler carotid Doppler ultrasound carotid Dopplers carotid endarterectomy carotid pulses carotid sheath carotid sinus massage carotid stenosis carotid ultrasound carotid upstroke carotid upstrokes carotids carotodynia carpal carpal tunnel carpal tunnel release carpal tunnel surgery carpal tunnel syndrome carpal tunnels carpel tunnels carpi carpometacarpal carpometacarpal joint carpopedal spasms carried carried down carried down through carried down through the carried down to carried down to the carried out carried through carried through the carrier carries carry

carrying cart cartilage cartilages cartilaginous cartridge caruncle cascade case case was discussed with case was discussed with Dr. case was discussed with the case was discussed with the patient case was fully discussed with cases cast Castroviejo forceps Castroviejo scissors casually cat CAT scan catalogue cataplexy cataract cataract extraction cataract lens cataract surgery cataract, left eye cataract, right eye cataractous cataracts catastrophe categoric catgut catgut suture catguts cathed urinalysis cathed urine catheter catheterization catheterize catheterized catheterizes catheterizing catheters Caucasian Caucasian female Caucasian male Caucasian man Caucasian woman cauda equina cauda equina syndrome caudad caudal caudally caudal-most caudal-most portion caudate causative cause

caused causes causing cauterization cauterizations cauterize cauterized cauterizing cautery cautery coagulation caution cautioned cautioning cautious cava cavagram caval cave cavitary cavities cavity CAVS Nursing Home cavum septum pellucidum CBC CBC was normal CBC was obtained with CBC within normal limits cc C-cup CD4 count ceased cecal cecectomy Ceclor cecostomy cecum cefazaflur Cefazolin Cefobid Cefotan cefotetan Ceftazidime Ceftin ceftriaxone cefuroxime Celestone celiac celiac access celiac sprue cell cell and flare cell block cell carcinoma cell carcinoma of cell carcinoma of the cell carcinoma of the lung cell count Cell Saver cells cells with round

cells with round to irregular Cell-Saver cellular cellularity cellularity and cellule cellules cellulitic cellulitis Celsius cement cemented cement-filled cementing center centered centering centers centigrade centigray centimeter centimeters central central canal stenosis central direct bilirubin central direct bilirubin central line central line placement central nervous system central vascular disease central venous central venous catheter central venous line central venous pressure central venous pressure line centralize centrally centration Centrax cephalad cephalad and caudad cephalad and caudad directions cephalgia cephalhematoma cephalic cephalic artery cephalic position cephalic presentation cephalic vein cephalization cephalopelvic cephalopelvic disproportion cephalosporin CEPHALOSPORINS cerclage cerclage wire cerebellar cerebellar examination cerebellar hemisphere cerebellar lesion

cerebellar regions cerebellar signs cerebellar testing cerebellum cerebral cerebral aneurysm cerebral angiogram cerebral angiography cerebral artery cerebral edema cerebral hemisphere cerebral hypoxemia cerebral hypoxia cerebral infarct cerebral infarction cerebral palsy cerebral pontine myelinolysis cerebral vascular accidents cerebro-pontine myelinolysis cerebrospinal cerebrospinal fluid cerebrovascular cerebrovascular accident cerebrovascular accident cerebrovascular accident (CVA) cerebrovascular accidents cerebrovascular disease cerebrovascular insufficiency certain certainly certified cerumen cervical cervical adenopathy cervical block cervical bruits cervical canal cervical cancer cervical chain cervical chains cervical collar cervical dilators cervical disc cervical diskectomy cervical dysplasia cervical fracture cervical fusion cervical intraepithelial neoplasia cervical laminectomy cervical lymphadenopathy cervical motion tenderness cervical myofascial disease cervical nodes cervical os Cervical radiculopathy cervical spine cervical spine series cervical stenosis cervical strain cervical vertebra

cervicitis cervicovaginal cervicovaginal junction cervicovesical cervix cesarean cesarean delivery cesarean section Cesarean Section Room cesarean sections cesium-137 cessation cGy chains chair chalazion chalazion abscess challenge challenged challenging chamber Chamberlain-Daniels mediastinotomy chamfered chance chances change change from change in change in bowel habits change in mental status change of position changed changes changing channel channeled channeling channels chaperone character characteristic characteristically characteristics characterization characterizations characterize characterized characterized by characterizes charcoal charcoal with sorbitol charcoal without sorbitol Charcot foot Charcot-Marie-Tooth chart chart navigator chart navigator ChartMaxx ChartMaxx Chart Navigator charts

chauffeur check Check an echocardiogram checked checking checks checkup cheek cheerful cheesy chelation Chem bG chem-22 chemical chemical dependence chemicals chemist chemistries Chemistries are normal. chemistry chemistry panel Chemistry panel is remarkable for chemistry profile Chemistry profile was normal. chemistry shows sodium chemoradiation chemoradiotherapy chemotherapeutic chemotherapies chemotherapy chemotherapy and chemotherapy as chemotherapy for chemotherapy given chemotherapy today chemotherapy was chemotherapy with chemotherapy-responsive Chem-Screen chest chest cavity Chest clear chest congestion chest CT angiogram chest CT with contrast chest CT without contrast chest discomfort chest discomfort on exertion chest examination chest heaviness Chest is clear Chest is clear to auscultation chest pain chest pain free chest pain or shortness of breath chest pains chest palpitations chest physiotherapy chest physiotherapy (CPT) chest pressure

chest tightness chest tube chest tube placement chest tubes chest wall chest wall discomfort chest wall tenderness chest was clear to auscultation chest was clear to auscultation and percussion chest was symmetrical chest x-ray chest x-ray demonstrated chest x-ray demonstrates chest x-ray is chest x-ray revealed Chest x-ray reveals chest x-ray reveals no chest x-ray reveals no acute disease chest x-ray showed chest x-ray shows chest x-ray was chest x-ray was negative chest x-ray was obtained chest x-ray which chest x-ray which was Chest x-ray: No acute infiltrates. chest x-rays Chest: Clear breath sounds bilaterally CHEST: Clear breath sounds without rales or crackles. CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. CHEST: Exam reveals equal chest expansion. Clear breath sounds. No rales, wheez ing, or crackles. chest-abdominal chevron chevron incision chevron osteotomy chewing Cheyne-Stokes Cheyne-Stokes respirations CHF exacerbation Chiba needle chickenpox CHIEF chief complaint chief complaint of CHIEF COMPLAINT: CHIEF COMPLAINTAbdominal pain. CHIEF COMPLAINTChest pain. CHIEF COMPLAINTMental status changes. CHIEF COMPLAINTShortness of breath. chief complaints child child abuse childbirth childhood children chill chills chills or fever chills, fever, night sweats, or rigors

chin China Chinese Chinese female Chinese male Chinese-American chipped chips chips were irrigated out chips were irrigated out using an elevac chiropractor chisel chiseled Chlamydia chloral chloral hydrate Chlorambucil chloride chlorides chlorothiazide chlorpropamide ChlorTrimeton chocolate chocolate fluid chocolate-brown choking episodes cholangiocarcinoma Cholangiocath cholangiocatheter cholangiogram cholangiograms cholangiography cholangiohepatitis cholangiole cholangiopancreatography cholangitis cholecystectomy cholecystitis cholecystoduodenal fistula cholecystopancreatography cholecystostomy cholecystotomy choledochal cyst choledochoduodenal choledochoduodenostomy choledochoenteric choledochoenterostomy choledochojejunostomy choledocholithiasis choledochoscope choledochoscopes choledochoscopy choledochostomy choledochotomy choledoscopy cholelithiasis cholestasis cholesteatoma cholesterol cholesterolemia

cholestyramine chondral chondrocalcinosis chondroma chondromalacia chondromalacic chondroplasties chondroplasty Chopart joint chord chordee chordotomy chordotomy needle choreiform chorioamnionitis chose chosen Christian chromic chromic catgut chromic suture chromics chromium chromopertubation chromosomal chromosomal analysis chromotubation chronic chronic abdominal pain chronic alcoholism chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis chronic anticoagulation chronic anticoagulation with Coumadin chronic atrial fibrillation chronic atrial fibrillation chronic back pain chronic bronchitis chronic calculus cholecystitis chronic chest congestion chronic cholecystitis chronic cholecystitis and cholelithiasis chronic congestive heart failure chronic constipation chronic cough chronic difficulties with chronic difficultiy with chronic diffuse changes chronic dyspnea chronic fatigue chronic fatigue syndrome chronic GI bleed chronic incontinence chronic interstitial cystitis chronic iron loss chronic ischemia chronic kidney disease Chronic kidney disease. chronic low back pain Chronic low back pain. chronic lymphocytic leukemia

chronic microvascular ischemia chronic myelogenous leukemia chronic myelomonocytic leukemia chronic obstructive airway disease chronic obstructive disease chronic obstructive lung disease chronic obstructive pulmonary disease chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), compensated. chronic pain chronic pain medication chronic pain syndrome chronic pelvic inflammatory disease chronic pelvic pain chronic pneumonia chronic renal dialysis chronic renal disease chronic renal failure chronic renal insufficiency Chronic renal insufficiency. Chronic renal insufficiency. chronic renal insufficiency chronic rhinitis chronic schizophrenia Chronic sinusitis chronic stasis dermatitis chronic steroid usage chronic undifferentiated type chronic vascular changes chronic venous access chronic venous changes chronic venous insufficiency chronic venous stasis chronically chronicity chronological chronological age chronotropes chylous cicatricial cicatrix cigarette cigarette smoker cigarettes cigarettes per day cigars ciliary ciliary sulcus CIN cineangiography Cipro ciprofloxacin circled circular circular capsular fibers circularly circulate circulated circulating circulating nurse

circulation circulatory circumareolar circumareolar incision circumcise circumcised circumcising circumcision circumference circumferential circumferential incision circumferential wall thickening circumferentially circumflex circumflex artery circumflex coronary artery circumflex marginal circumflex stenosis circumlental circumlinear circumlinear incision circumscribe circumscribed circumscribing circumstance circumstances circumstantial circumventing circumzygomatic cirrhosis cirrhosis of the liver cirrhotic cirrus cisapride cisplatin cisplatin and cistern citizen Citrobacter civil rights civil rights were read claiming claims clammy clamp clamped clamped and cut clamped and ligated clamped, cut, and divided clamped, cut, and ligated clamped, cut, and suture ligated clamped, cut, and sutured clamped, cut, and tied clamped, divided, and doubly ligated clamped, divided, and ligated clamped, divided, and suture ligated clamped, tied, and ligated clamped, transected, and stick tied clamped, transected, and stick-tied clamped, transected, and suture ligated

clamping clamps class classic classical classification classify claudication clavicle clavicles clavicular clavipectoral clavipectoral fascia clean clean and contaminated clean and dry clean and uncontaminated clean catch cleaned cleaned and draped cleaned and dressed cleaned and incised cleaning cleanly cleans cleanse cleansed cleansing cleanup clear clear amniotic fluid clear and equal bilaterally clear angina clear bilaterally clear cell carcinoma clear cornea clear cut clear fluid clear liquid diet clear liquids clear lungs clear sputum Clear to A&P clear to auscultation clear to auscultation and palpation clear to auscultation and percussion clear to percussion clear urine clear without erythema or exudate noted clear, yellow urine clearance clearcut clear-cut clear-cut evidence clear-cut signs cleared clearing clearly clearly identified clearly visualized

cleats cleavage cleaved cleaver cleft cleft lip cleft palate Cleocin click clicked clicking clicks climb climbed climbing clindamycin clinic clinic in one clinic in three clinic today for clinical clinical abnormality clinical care unit clinical course CLINICAL COURSE: CLINICAL DATA clinical decision clinical diagnosis CLINICAL HISTORY: CLINICAL IMPRESSION ON ADMISSION: CLINICAL IMPRESSION: clinical improvement clinical picture clinically clinically jaundiced clinically significant clinically stable clinics clip clipped clipping clips clockwise Clomid-induced pregnancy clonic/tonic clonidine clonus close close monitoring close observation closed closed fracture closed head injury closed in layers closed management closed reduction closed reduction and internal fixation closed suction drain closed suction drains closed with

closed-door placement closed-head closed-head injury closed-head trauma closely closer closest closing Clostridium Clostridium difficile Clostridium difficile colitis Clostridium difficile toxin Clostridium difficile toxin assay closure closures clot CLOtest cloth clothes clots clotted clotting clotting studies clove Clozaril clubbed clubbing clubbing or edema clubbing, cyanosis or edema clubbing, cyanosis, or edema clumps clumsiness cluster cluster headaches clustered clustered irregular microcalcifications clusters cm cm from the incisors cm in diameter CMG CMT CMV CNS CO2 CO2 content CO2 narcosis CO2-retaining chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) CO2-retaining COPD coagulase coagulase negative coagulase-negative coagulate coagulated coagulating coagulation coagulation factors coagulation parameters coagulation studies coagulator

coagulopathy coaptation coapted coarse coarse rhonchi coarseness coated coating coaxial cob cobblestoning Cobb-Ragde double-prong needle Cobb-Ragde needle cocaine cocaine abuse cocaine and heroin cocaine dependence cocaine use cocaine-soaked coccygectomy coccyx cod code CODEINE codependency codependency issues codependent codominant coexisting history of co-expression coffee coffeeground coffee-ground emesis coffee-ground material coffee-ground vomitus coffee-grounds coffee-grounds emesis coffee-grounds material Cogentin cognac cognition cognitive cognitive function cognitive impairment cognitive status cognitively cognizant cogwheel rigidity cogwheeling cogwheeling rigidity Cohen coherent coherently cohesion coil coin coincidence coital Col/ADP Col/EPI

Colace colchicine cold cold blood cardioplegia cold cut biopsies cold cut biopsy cold intolerance cold knife cold sores cold-cut colectomy coli Colibri forceps colic colicky colitis collaborative collagen collagen shield collapse collapsed collapsed lung collapses collapsing collar collateral collateral ligament collateral ligaments collateralization collaterals colleague colleagues collect collected collecting collecting system collection collections collective collectively college Colles Colles' fractures colli Collings knife collodion colloid goiter colloids colon colon cancer colon carcinoma colonic colonic anastomosis colonic polyp colonic polyps colonies colonization colonoscope colonoscopic colonoscopies

colonoscopy colons colony colony-forming unit (CFU) colony-forming units colony-forming units (CFUs) color color Doppler color is good coloration colorectal colored colorless colormetric colormetric CO2 detector colostomy colotomy colovaginal colovaginal fistula colovesical colovesical fistula colovesicular colovesicular repair colpectomy colpoperineorrhaphy colpoplasty colporrhaphy colposcope colposcopic colposcopies colposcopy colposuspension colpotomy columella columellae column coma comatose comb combative combination combinations combine combined combines combining Combitube Combivent metered-dose inhaler come comes comfort comfort measures comfortable comfortable-appearing comfortably comforted comforting comforts coming comitant

commanding commands commence commenced comment commented comments comminuted comminuted fracture comminution commissure commissures commissurotomies commissurotomy committed suicide commode common common bile duct common bile duct (CBD) common bile duct exploration common carotid artery common digital nerve common duct common femoral artery common femoral vein common hepatic duct common iliac vein commonly communicable communicate communicated communicating communicating hydrocephalus communication communicative communis community community acquired community-acquired community-acquired infection community-acquired infections community-acquired pathogens community-acquired pneumonia community-acquired pneumonia community-acquired regimen community-ambulating comorbid comorbidities companion company comparable compared compared to comparison comparison study compartment compartment syndrome compartmental compartments compatible

compatible with Compazine compensate compensated compensatory compensatory ventriculomegaly competence complain complained complaining complaining of complaining of abdominal pain complaining of chest pain complaining of pain in complains complains of complains of pain complaint complaint of COMPLAINT: complaints complete complete blood count complete heart block complete hemostasis complete pathologic response complete pathologic response to complete remission complete spontaneous abortion completed completed in completely completely asymptomatic completely intact completely normal completely unremarkable completeness completes completing completion complex complex and difficult complex commands complex issues complex partial seizure complex partial seizure with secondary generalization complex partial seizures with secondary generalization complexes complexity compliance compliant complicate complicated complicated by complicates complicating complication COMPLICATIONS COMPLICATIONS: None COMPLICATIONSNone.

component components composed composed of small composed of small cells with composed of small cells with round to compound compound comminuted compound fracture compound, comminuted fracture comprehensive comprehensive metabolic blood chemistry panel comprehensive metabolic panel compress compressed compresses compressible compressing compression compression dressing compression fracture compression fractures compression screw compression screws compressions compressive comprise comprise about comprised compromise compromised compromises compromising compulsion compulsive computed tomographic angiography (CTA) computerized concavity conceivably concentrate concentrated concentrating concentration concentrations concentric conception concepts concern concerned concerning concerns concha conchal concise history conclude concluded concludes concluding conclusion conclusions

conclusive conclusively concomitant concomitantly concrete concur concurred concurrence concurrent concurrent with the concurrently concurring concussion concussive condensation condensations condition condition at the time of admit is condition at the time of admit is stable CONDITION AT THE TIME OF DISCHARGEStable. CONDITION ON ADMISSION: CONDITION ON DISCHARGE condition on discharge is stable condition on discharge was improved condition on discharge was stable CONDITION ON DISCHARGE: conditioned conditioner conditioners conditioning conditions conducted conduction conduction abnormality conduction delay conductive conductive hearing loss conduit condylar condyle condylectomy condyles condyloma condyloma acuminatum condylomata cone cone biopsy cone-shape cone-tip conference confident confidential morbidity report configuration confined confinement confines confirm confirmation confirmatory confirmed

confirming confirms conflict confluent conform confront confrontation confrontational confronted confronting confuse confused confusing confusion congenital congenital heart disease congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia congenitally congested congestion congestive congestive heart failure congestive heart failure (CHF) congestive heart failure (CHF) exacerbation. congestive heart failure (CHF), compensated congestive splenomegaly conical conization conjoined conjoined tendons conjugate nature conjunction conjunctiva conjunctivae conjunctival conjunctivitis Conjuntivae are slightly yellow. connect connected connected to straight drainage connecting connection connections connective connector connectors Connell Connell sutures conquer conscious conscious sedation consciousness consecutive consensual consensually consensus consent consent was obtained consented consenting

consents consequence consequences consequent consequential consequently conservation conservative conservative management conservative medical management conservative treatment conservatively consider considerable considerably consideration considerations considered considering consist consisted consisted of consistency consistent consistent with consistent with consistent with her consistently consisting consisting of consisting of vincristine consists consolable consolidate consolidated consolidating consolidation consolidation chemotherapy consolidations consolidative pneumonia consonant consonant (Baker & Feldman say this. Means consistent.) conspicuous constant constantly constellation constellation of symptoms constipated constipation constituted constitutional constitutional symptoms CONSTITUTIONAL: constrict constricted constricting constriction constricture construct constructed

constructing construction constructional apraxia constructions constructive consult consultant consultants consultation CONSULTATION SUMMARY: consultation with consultation with Dr. consultations consulted consulting consults consume consumed consumer consumes consuming consumption consumptive consumptive problem consumptive thrombocytopenia contact contact dermatitis contact Dr. contacted contacted by telephone contacting contacts contagiosum contain contained container containers containing contains contaminant contaminants contaminate contaminated contaminating contamination contemplate contemplated contends content contents context contiguous continence continent contingent continual continually continuation continue continue aspirin

Continue aspirin. Continue IV antibiotics. continue the continue to continue to monitor Continue with Continue with current antibiotics. Continue with diuresis. continue with home regimen of continue with symptomatic management continue with the continued continued to continues continues to continues to complain of continues to do continues to do well continues to do well in followup continues to have continues to improve continuing continuity continuous continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis continuous bladder irrigation continuous fashion continuous interlocking stitch continuous mandatory ventilation continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) continuous running locking suture continuous running sutures continuous sutures continuous venous pressure continuous, running, locking suture continuously continuous-running suture contour contoured contouring contraceptive contraceptives contract contracted contractility contracting contraction contractions contractions were occurring contracture contractures contraindicated contraindicating contraindication contraindications contralateral contrast contrast dye contrast-enhancing contrast-induced

contribute contributed contributing contributing factors contribution contributions contributor contributors contributory control controllable controlled controlled hypertension controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) controlled ventricular response controlling controls contused contusion contusions conus medullaris convalescence convalescent convalescing convenient conventional converging conversation conversations conversion conversion reaction convert converted converting convexity conveyed convince convinced convincing convulsant convulse convulsed convulsion convulsions convulsive cook Cook catheter cookie cutter cookie-cutter cool cooling Cooper ligament cooperate cooperated cooperating cooperation cooperative cooperative and in no acute distress Cooper's ligament coordinate

coordinated coordinating coordination coordination and gait testing coordination examination COORDINATION OF CARE cop COPD COPD exacerbation copies copious copious amount copious amounts copious amounts of copious amounts of fluid copious amounts of normal saline copious amounts of saline solution copious amounts of sterile saline copious irrigation copiously copiously irrigated copiously irrigated with copy cor pulmonale coracoacromial coracoacromial ligament coracobrachialis coracoid process coral cord cord blood cord blood for Coombs and Rh was obtained cord gases cord structure cord structures cord was clamped and cut cordectomy cords cords, clubbing, or edema core core vitrectomy coreneal reflex Corgard coring corked corkscrew corkscrew extractor corn cornea corneal corneal implants corneal reflex corneal scissors corneoscleral corneoscleral groove corneoscleral incision corneoscleral junction corneoscleral scissors corner corner suture

corner sutures corners cornu cornual corollary corona coronal coronaries coronary coronary anatomy coronary angiogram coronary angiography coronary angiograpy coronary angioplasty coronary arteries coronary arteriogram coronary arteriography coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease coronary artery coronary artery bypass coronary artery bypass graft coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) coronary artery bypass graft surgery coronary artery bypass grafting coronary artery bypass surgery coronary artery disease Coronary artery disease. coronary artery risk factors coronary artery spasm coronary artery stenosis coronary artery stenting coronary atherosclerotic heart disease coronary bypass surgery coronary care unit coronary catheters coronary disease Coronary disease. coronary heart disease coronary history coronary insufficiency coronary ischemia coronary obstructive disease coronary risk factors coronary thrombosis coronary vascular disease corpora cavernosa corporal bodies corporal body corpus corpus callosum corpus luteum corpus luteum cyst correct correctable corrected correcting correction corrective corrective lenses correctly

correlate correlated corresponded corresponding corresponds corroborate corroborated corroborating corroboration cort cortex cortex material cortical cortical atrophy cortical change cortical erosion cortical function cortical material cortical screws cortical-capsular cortical-nuclear cortices corticocancellous corticosteroid corticosteroids corticostriate corticostriate artery Cortisol cortisone cortisone injection Cortisporin Cortisporin Otic Suspension coryza cosmesis cosmesis (as pertains to wound laceration fixing) cosmetic cosmetically cost costal costal margin costochondral costochondral joints costochondral junction costochondral junctions costochondral-type pain costochondritis costophrenic costophrenic angle costophrenic angle blunting costosternal costotransversectomy costo-transversectomy costovertebral costovertebral (CV) costovertebral angle costovertebral angle tenderness cosyntropin stimulation test Cottle elevator Cottle scissors cotton

cottonoid Cottony coud coude catheter coude Foley catheter cough cough and phlegm production cough or phlegm production cough productive of cough, nonproductive of sputum coughed coughing coughing paroxysms coughs could could be could not be could not be ruled out could not be seen Coumadin Coumadin failure coumadinization coumadinize coumadinized coumadinizing counsel counseled counseling counselor counselors count count fingers count is counter counterclockwise counterincision counterpressure counterproductive countersunk counts county couple couple of couple of months couple of weeks coupled course COURSE IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE IN THE HOSPITAL coursed courses coursing court mandate court ordered courtesy cover coverage covered covering coverings

covers cow coworkers coxsackievirus CPAP CPAP therapy CPK isoenzymes crack crack cocaine cracked cracking crackles crackling cramp cramping cramps crampy crampy abdominal pain cranial cranial nerve cranial nerves Cranial nerves are Cranial nerves are grossly intact Cranial nerves are intact Cranial nerves grossly intact Cranial nerves II through Cranial nerves II through XII Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact cranial nerves II through XII were grossly intact cranial nerves II through XII were intact Cranial nerves II-XII Cranial nerves II-XII are Cranial nerves II-XII are intact Cranial nerves II-XII intact Cranial nerves II-XII were grossly intact Cranial nerves intact craniectomy craniocaudal craniocaudal dimension craniofacial craniopharyngioma cranioplasty craniotome craniotomies craniotomy crankcase C-reactive protein cream crease creased creases create created creatine kinase creatine phosphokinase creating creatinine creatinine 0 creatinine 1 creatinine clearance

creatinine phosphokinase creation credence cremaster cremasteric cremasteric fibers cremasteric mucles cremasteric muscle crepitant crepitation crepitations crepitus crescendo crescendo angina crescendo-decrescendo crescent crescent blade crescent knife crescent-shaped crest crest was prepped and crest was prepped and anesthetized with crests crevice cribriform cricoid cricoid cartilage cricopharyngeal cricopharyngeus cricothyroid cricothyroidotomy cricothyroidotomy VERIFY cricothyrotomy cried Crile clamps crimped crises crisis crisp crisscross criss-cross crisscrossed criss-crossing criteria critical critical care critical care time CRITICAL CARE TIME Critical Care Unit critical condition critical illness myopathy critically Crohn Crohn disease Crohn's Crohn's disease cross cross reactivity cross-barred crossclamp

cross-clamp cross-clamp time crossclamped cross-clamped cross-clamped, cut and tied cross-clamped, cut, and tied cross-clamped, severed, and ligated crossclamping crossed cross-finger cross-finger flap crosshair cross-impulse crossing cross-like crossmatch crossmatched crossover Crowe-Davis mouth gag crown cruciate cruciate incision cruciate ligament cruciate ligaments cruciform crura crush crush injury crushed crushing crusting crutch crutches crying crying spells cryoablation cryocauterization cryocauterized cryocautery cryoglobulin cryoglobulins cryolesions cryopexy cryoprecipitate cryoprobe cryosurgery cryosurgical cryotherapy crypt cryptic cryptococcal cryptococcal meningitis cryptococcosis Cryptococcus cryptogenic cryptogenic cerebrovascular accident cryptogenic liver cirrhosis cryptorchidism cryptosporidium crystal clear

crystal-clear crystallization crystalloid crystalloids crystals C-section CSF C-shaped C-spine CT brain scan CT enterography CT of the abdomen CT of the abdomen and pelvis CT of the head CT of the head without contrast CT of the lumbar spine CT scan CT scan of CT scan of the CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis CT scan of the head CT scan of the head with and without contrast CT scan of the head with contrast CT scan of the head without contrast CT scans CT-guided CT-scan-guided cubic cubital cuboid cuboid fracture cues cuff cuffed cuffs cul-de-sac culdoplasty culprit culture culture and sensitivity Culture is pending. cultured cultures culturing cuneiform cup-disk ratio cup-to-disc ratio curative cure cured curet curets curettage curettages curette curetted curettes curetting curettings curl

current CURRENT COMPLAINTS: CURRENT MEDICATIONS CURRENT MEDICATIONS: CURRENT MEDICATIONS: Dolobid 500 mg b.i.d. Tylenol #3 one to two p.o. q.4-6 h. p.r.n. CURRENT MEDICATIONS CURRENT TREATMENT: currently currents cursing curvature curve curved curved incision curved Mayo scissors curvilinear curvilinear incision curving CUSA CUSA knife cushingoid cushingoid-appearing Cushing's cushion cushioning cuspid custodial custom customary cut cut downs cut, suture ligated, and tied cut, tied and ligated cut, tied, and ligated cutaneal cutaneous cutaneous lesion cutaneous lesions cutdown cutter cutting cutting needle CVA tenderness noted CVP cyanosis cyanosis, clubbing, or edema cyanotic CyberKnife cycle cycle cardiac enzymes cycle of cycle of chemotherapy cycle of her intensification cycled cycles cycles of MAID chemotherapy cycles of MAID chemotherapy and cyclical

cycling cyclitic cyclops cyclosporine cylinder cylindrical Cypher drug-eluting stent cyst cyst of Morgagni cyst wall cyst/soft tissue mass cystadenofibroma cystadenoma cystectomies cystectomy cystic cystic artery cystic duct cystic duct junction cystic hydroma cystic mass cystic vessels cystitis cystitis cystica cystitis glandularis cystitome cyst-like cystocele cystogram cystometrics cystometrogram cystopanendoscopy cystoprostatectomy cystorectocele cystosarcoma cystosarcoma phylloides cystoscope cystoscoped cystoscopic cystoscopic examination cystoscopically cystoscopies cystoscopy Cystoscopy Room Cystoscopy Suite cystoscopy table cystostomy cystotome cystotomy cystourethrectomy cystourethrogram cystourethroscope cystourethroscopic cystourethroscopy cysts cytogenetic cytogenetics cytokind support cytokine cytokine support

cytokine support following chemotherapy cytologic cytological cytologically cytology cytology report cytomegalovirus cytomegalovirus diarrhea cytometry cytopathology cytopenia cytoplasm cytoreduction cytoreductive cytosine cytotoxics Cytoxan D&C D5 and half normal saline D-50 D-5-W dab Dacron Dacron graft dacryocyst dacryocystitis dad daily daily basis damage damaged damaging damp danazol Dandy-Walker variant danger dangerous dapsone dark darkish dark-tinged dartos dartos pouch Darvocet Darvocet-N data date DATE OF ADMISSION: date of birth DATE OF BIRTH: DATE OF BIRTH DATE OF CONSULTATION: DATE OF DISCHARGE: DATE OF OPERATION: date of service date of visit DATE OF VISIT: date, time, and place dated dates

dating daughter daughter-in-law daughters Davol Davol catheter Davol drain Davol drains day day course day eight day five day four day nine day of admission day of discharge day prior to admission day seven day six Day Surgery Office Day Surgery Unit day three day two day-of-life days days of daytime somnolence day-to-day D-dimer de Quervain's deactivated dead deafness deal dealing dear death DeBakey DeBakey clamps DeBakey scissors DeBakey vascular scissors debilitate debilitated debilitated female debilitated male debilitating debilitation debilitative debility debride debrided debridement debridements debris debulk debulked debulking debulkings decade Decadron

decayed deceased decedent decelerated deceleration decelerations December decide decided decided to decides deciding decision decision was made to admit decisions declared declination decline declined declines declining declining condition decompensate decompensated decompensates decompensating decompensation decompensations decompress decompressed decompressing decompression decompressive decompressive laminectomies decompressive laminectomy deconditioned deconditioning decongest decongestant decongestants decongested decongestion decorticate decorticated decorticates decorticating decortication decrease decrease in decrease in her decreased decreased and decreased anterior forces decreased anterior transition decreased appetite decreased breath sounds decreased breath sounds at the bases decreased force of stream decreased gastric motility decreased hearing

decreased level of consciousness decreased mental status decreased range of motion decreased vision decreased visual acuity decreases decreasing decubiti decubitus decubitus position decubitus ulcer decubitus ulcers deemed deemed necessary deep deep fascia deep femoral artery deep inspiration deep knee bend deep palpation deep tendon reflexes deep tendon reflexes are deep transverse metatarsal ligament deep venous thrombophlebitis deep venous thromboses deep venous thrombosis deep venous thrombosis (DVT) deep-buried deepen deepened deepened in the same plane deepening deeper deepest de-epithelialization de-epithelialize de-epithelialized de-epithelializing deeply deep-seated defatted defatting defecate defecated defecating defect defective defectiveness defects defer deferens deferred deferring defervesce defervesced defervescence defervescent defervescing defibrillated defibrillation

defibrillator defibrillator placement defibrillator shocks deficiency deficit deficits define defined defining definite definitely definition definitive definitive care definitively deflated deflating deflation deflexed defocused deformation deformed deforming deformities deformity degenerate degenerated degenerates degenerating degeneration degenerative degenerative arthritis degenerative changes degenerative disc disease degenerative disk disease degenerative joint disease degenerative lumbar disk disease deglove degloved degloving degree degrees degrees Fahrenheit degrees Fahrenheit orally degrees Fahrenheit rectally dehisce dehisced dehiscence dehiscing dehydrated dehydration deinsufflated delaminate delaminated delay delayed delayed anterior transition delayed capillary refill delaying delays

DeLee DeLee suction catheter deleterious delicate delicate anatomical dissection delightful delineate delineated delineating delineation delirious delirium delirium tremens deliver deliverable delivered deliveries delivering delivers delivery delivery room delobulated deltoid deltoid muscle deltoid muscles deltopectoral deltopectoral groove delusion delusional delusional ideation delusions demand demanded demanding demarcate demarcated demarcating demarcation DeMartel clamp demeanor demented dementia dementia-related Demerol demise demonstrable demonstrate demonstrate full range of motion demonstrated demonstrated no demonstrates demonstrates full range of motion demonstrates no demonstrating demonstration demoralization demyelinating demyelinating lesion demyelinating lesions demyelination

demyelinization denervation denied denied a history of denies denies any denies any chest pain denies any fever denies any fevers denies any loss of denies any loss of consciousness denies any numbness or tingling denies any other complaints denies any other injuries denies any other symptoms denies any shortness of breath denies drinking alcohol denies fever or chills denies having any chest pain, pressure, or tightness. Denies having any chills, fever, night sweats, or rigors. denies having any complaints denies history of denies history of any denies smoking denies smoking or drinking alcohol Denonvilliers Denonvillier's fascia dense dense adhesions dense hemiparesis dense right lower lobe infiltrate dense-appearing densely densities density dent dental dental soft diet dental work dentate dentate line dentate line (rectum) dentition dentoalveolar denture dentures denudation denuded deny denying Depakote department departments depend depended dependence dependency dependent dependent diabetes mellitus dependent edema

depending deperitonealized deployment DepoMedrol Depo-Medrol deposit deposited deposits depot depress depressed depressed fracture depressed mood depressing depression depressions depressive depressive symptom depressive symptoms depressor depth depths deQuervain's deQuervain's disease derange deranged derangement derivative Dermabonded dermabraded dermabrader dermabrasion dermal Dermalon dermatitis dermatochalasis dermatochalasis dermatofibroma dermatologic dermatological dermatologist dermatologists dermatology dermatomal dermatome dermatomyositis dermis dermoid dermoids derotating desaturate desaturated desaturating desaturation Descemet's descend descended descending descending colon descending ramus

descends descensus descent Deschamps needle describe described described above described below described herein describes describing DESCRIPTION deserve deserved deserves desiccated design designated designed desirability desirable desire desired desires desires permanent sterilization. desiring Desmarres membrane desmoplasia desmoplastic desperately despite desquamated desquamating desquamation desquamative destroyed destroying destruction destructive desufflate desufflated desultory desultory course Desyrel detached detached retina detaching detachment detail detailed details detect detectable detected detecting detection detector deteriorate deteriorated deteriorates

deteriorating deterioration determinant determinants determination determinations determine determine whether determined determines determining detorqued detorsed detorsion detox detoxification detoxified detoxifies detoxify detrusor devascularized develop developed developed a developing development developmental developmental delay developmental delays developmentally develops deviate deviated deviated nasal septum deviated septum deviates deviating deviation deviation or subcutaneous emphysema deviations device devices devitalization devitalized devoid devoid of bowel, bladder, or omentum dexamethasone Dexon Dextran dextrorotated dextrose dextrose in half-normal saline dextrose in lactated Ringer dextrose in lactated Ringer solution Diabeta diabetes diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus (DM) diabetes mellitus, type 1 diabetes mellitus, type 2

Diabetes mellitus. diabetes, type 2 diabetic diabetic gastroparesis diabetic ketoacidosis diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) diabetic nephropathy diabetic neuropathy diabetic retinopathy diabetic teaching diabetic ulcer, left diabetic ulcer, right diagnosable diagnosed diagnosed with diagnoses DIAGNOSES DIAGNOSIS diagnosis of DIAGNOSIS ON ADMISSION: DIAGNOSIS: DIAGNOSIS diagnostic diagnostic and surgical arthroscopy diagnostic arthroscopy diagnostic bronchoscopy DIAGNOSTIC DATA DIAGNOSTIC DATANo labs done today. Diagnostic features of DIAGNOSTIC IMPRESSION: diagnostic laparoscopy diagnostic procedures diagnostic ST changes DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES diagnostically DIAGNOSTICS diagonal diagonal coronary artery diagonally dial dialed dialysate dialyses dialysis dialysis spatula dialysis speculum dialyze dialyzed dialyzer dialyzing diameter diameters diamniotic diamniotic membranes diamond diamond-shaped Diamox diaphoresis diaphoretic diaphragm

diaphragmatic diaphragmatic excursion diaphragms diaphyseal diarrhea diarrheal diastasis diastasis recti diastole diastolic diastolic blood pressure diastolic dysfunction diastolic heart failure diathermy dic Dicloxacil dictate dictated dictates dictating dictation dictations dictator did did have did not did not appear did not have any did not reveal any did not seem did not seem to did not show did not show any did not show any evidence of did not show evidence of did show evidence of did well didelphic didn't Didronel died died of diet dietary dietary indiscretion dietary indiscretions diet-controlled diethylstilbestrol dietician dieting difference differences different differential differential count differential diagnosis differentials differentiate differentiated differentiating

differentiation differently difficile difficult difficult to arouse difficult to assess difficult to understand difficulties difficulties with difficult-to-control difficulty difficulty ambulating difficulty breathing difficulty with difficulty with breathing difficulty with reading diffuse diffuse disease diffuse intravascular coagulation diffuse mild plaque diffuse rales diffuse tenderness diffused diffusely diffusely tender diffuseness diffusion diffusion-weighted imaging diffusion-weighted imaging and ADC mapping Diflucan dig digit digital digital examination digital nerve digital nerve block Digitalis digitalized digitally digiti digitorum digitorum longus tendon digits Digoxin digoxin level Dilantin Dilantin level dilatation dilatation and curettage dilatation and curettage (D&C) dilatation and curettage with suction dilatation and evacuation dilatation and suction dilatation and suction curettage dilatation catheter dilatation of the bowel dilatation, suction, and curettage dilatations dilate dilated

dilated cardiomyopathy dilated fundus exam dilated left atrium dilated left ventricle dilates dilating dilation dilations dilator dilators Dilaudid diligence diltiazem dilute dilute heparin solution diluted dilution dilutional dimension dimensions dime-sized diminish diminished diminished breath sounds diminishes diminishing diminishment diminution diminutive dimple-down dimpling ding dining dinner diopter diopters dioxide dip diphtheria diphtheria tetanus booster diphtheria tetanus immunization diplococci diplococcus diplopia dipped dipstick direct direct and indirect Coombs test direct bilirubin direct Coombs test direct current (DC) cardioversion direct fluorescent antibody direct hernia direct inguinal hernia direct laryngoscopy direct left inguinal hernia direct questioning direct right inguinal hernia direct testing direct vision

direct visualization direct-current cardioversion directed directed chemotherapy directing direction directions directly director direct-vision dirty disabilities disability disabling disappear disappearance disappeared disappearing disappoint disappointed disappointing disappointment disarticulate disarticulated disarticulation disassembly disc discard discarded discarding discectomy discern discerned discernible discerning discernment discerns discharge DISCHARGE ADVICE: DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES AND PLAN DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES: DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES discharge diagnosis DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS DISCHARGE DIET: discharge impression discharge instructions DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS AND MEDICATIONS DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS discharge medication discharge medications DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS discharge planning discharge plans DISCHARGE PLANS: DISCHARGE PROGNOSIS:

DISCHARGE SUMMARY DISCHARGE SUMMARY DISCHARGE: discharged discharged ambulatory and clinically improved discharged ambulatory and clinically stable discharged from the discharged from the emergency department discharged from the emergency room discharged home discharged home in good condition discharged in good condition discharged in stable condition discharged with discharges discharging disclose disclosed discloses disclosing discogenic discogenic back pain discoid discoid atelectasis discoloration discoloration discolored discomfort discomforting discomforts disconnected discontinuation discontinue discontinue (D/C) discontinue nitroglycerin discontinued discontinued (D/C'd) discontinues discontinuing discontinuity discontinuous discoordination discordant T wave discordant T waves discouraged discover discovered discovering discreet (as in affair) discrepancy discrete discretion discs discuss discuss the case discussed discussed the case discussed the case with discussed the case with Dr. discussed with

discussed with Dr. discussed with him discussed with the discussed with the patient discusses discussing discussion discussions disease disease and disease in disease in the diseased diseases disengage disengaged disheveled disheveled-appearing disimpact disimpacted disimpacting disimpaction disinfected disinserted disinserting disinsertion disinsufflated disintegration disk disk protrusion diskectomies diskectomy diskometry disks dislocate dislocated dislocates dislocating dislocation dislocations dislodge dislodged dislodging dislodgment dismissal disorder disordered disorders disorganization disorganized disorganizing disorient disorientation disoriented disorienting displace displaced displaced fracture displaced right hip fracture displaced subcapital fracture

displacement displacing display displayed displaying disposable disposable port disposable trocar disposal dispose disposed disposes disposing DISPOSITION DISPOSITION: dispositioned disproportion disproportionate disqualify disrupt disrupted disrupting disruption disruptions disruptive dissect dissected dissecting dissection dissectioning dissections dissector dissectors disseminate disseminated disseminated disease disseminated intravascular coagulation disseminating dissemination dissimilar dissipated dissipates dissolution dissolve dissolved distal distal aspect distal biceps area distal fixation distal ileum distal interphalangeal joint distal interphalangeal joints distal light touch is fully intact distal motor distal neurovascular examination is intact distal neurovascular function is intact distal phalanx distal portion distal pulses distal pulses are intact

distal radius distal spacer distal vascular status distal weakness distally distally-based distalmost distal-most distance distances distant distant breath sounds distantly distended distended gallbladder distending distends distention distention or edema distilled distinct distinguish distort distorted distorting distortion distortions distract distracted distractibility distractible distracting distraction distraction of the fibula distractor distress distribute distributed distributing distribution distributions distributor disturb disturbance disturbances disturbed disturbing disturbs Ditropan diurese diuresed diuresing diuresis diuretic diuretic therapy diuretics diversion divert diverted diverticula

diverticula (plural) diverticular diverticulitis diverticulosis diverticulosis coli diverticulum diverting diverting colostomy divide divide and conquer divide and conquer technique divide-and-conquer technique divided divided and doubly ligated dividing division divisions divorce divorced divot dizziness dizzy DNR do do not Do Not Resuscitate DO NOT RESUSCITATE (DNR) Dobbhoff Dobbhoff feeding catheter dobutamine echocardiogram dobutamine stress test doctor doctors document documentation documented documented on the written chart documenting documents docusate sodium does does follow verbal commands does have does not does not appear does not appear to does not appear toxic does not follow verbal commands does not have does not reveal does not reveal an does not reveal any does not use tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs. doesn't dog doing doing fairly well doing remarkably well doing well doll's eyes

dome dominant done done well Donnatal donor donor site donor sites don't donut donuts door dooring dopamine Doppler Doppler echo Doppler studies Doppler study Doppler ultrasound dopplerable Doppler-guided Dopplers Doptone dorsal dorsal and lumbar spine dorsal aspect dorsal kyphosis dorsal linear dorsal lithotomy position dorsal recumbent position dorsal spine dorsal supine position dorsal vein complex dorsalis dorsalis pedis dorsalis pedis pulse dorsalis pedis pulses dorsally dorsi dorsiflex dorsiflexed dorsiflexion dorsiflexors dorsiflexory dorsocutaneous dorsolateral dorsolinear dorsolinear incision dorsolumbar dorsomedial dorsomedial eminence dorsosynovial attachments dorsum dosage dosages dose dose chemotherapy dose methotrexate dose of dose of chemotherapy

dose to be confirmed dose-rate doses doses of dosimetry dosing dosing as per Pharmacy dot double double clamped double lumen double phototherapy double simultaneous stimulation testing double vision double-action double-action bone cutter double-armed double-barrel double-blade double-blade curved doubled double-J Double-J stent double-layer double-lumen double-lumen catheter double-stranded double-tooth tenaculum double-toothed double-velour doubling doubly doubly clamped and cut doubly clamped and severed doubly clamped, cut, and suture ligated doubly clipped and divided doubly ligated doubt doubted doubtful dough Douglas down Down syndrome down to down to the down to the level of the downgoing downgoing toes bilaterally downhill Down's syndrome downtown downward downward gaze downwardly downwards Doxil and Velcade chemotherapy doxorubicin doxycycline Doyen periosteal elevator

dozing Dr. drain drainage drained draining drains DRAINS: dramatic dramatically drank drape draped draped in a sterile manner draped in the usual fashion draped in the usual manner draped in the usual sterile fashion draped in the usual sterile manner drapery drapes draping draw drawback drawer drawer sign drawing drawn dress dressed dressed with Neosporin ointment dressing dressing change dressing changes dressings drew dribbled dribbling dried drift drifts off to sleep drill drill bit drill bits drill hole drill holes drilled drilling drills drink drinker drinking drinking binge drinks drip drips drive driven driver drives driveway

driving driving under the influence droop drooping drop dropped dropped out dropping drops drove drowning drowsiness drowsy drug drug abuse drug allergies drug fever drug reaction drug related drug treatment drug use drug user drug-eluting stent drugging drug-induced drug-related drugs drug-seeking behavior drug-to-drug interaction drum drums dry dry and nonproductive dry dressings were applied dry gangrene dry heaves dry lap pad dry lap sponge dry mouth dry mucous membranes dry skin dry sterile compression dressing dry sterile dressing dry sterile dressings dry sterile dressings were applied dry weight dry without rashes or lesions dry, sterile cotton dry, sterile dressings dry, sterile gauze dry, sterile, compressive dressing dry, sterile, occlusive dressing dry, sterile, occlusive dressings Dry-seal D-shaped DTRs symmetric with downgoing toes dual dual antiplatelet therapy dual-chamber dual-chamber pacemaker

dual-chamber pacemaker implant dual-layer dual-lumen dual-port Dubowitz exam duck duct ductal ductal carcinoma duction ductions ducts ductules ductus due due to due to her due to his due to the due to the fact that Dulcolax dull dullness dullness to percussion duly dumbbell dunked duodenal duodenal bulb duodenal ulcer duodenitis duodenojejunostomy duodenoscope duodenoscopy duodenum DuoNebs duplex duplicated duplication Dupuytren contractures Dupuytren's Dura dura mata Duragesic dural Duramorph duration Duricef during during that time during the during the course of during the hospitalization during the past during this admission during this time during which during which time dusky dusky discoloration

DVT prevention. DVT prevention. Lovenox 40 mg subcu daily. DVT prophylaxis DVT prophylaxis with elastic stockings DVT prophylaxis with low-molecular weight heparin. dwelling dwindle d-Xylose test Dyazide dye dyes dying DynaCirc dynamic dynamic changes dynamically dynamics dynamization dysarthria dysarthric dysconjugate dyscrasia dysequilibrium dysesthesias dysfunction dysfunctional dysfunctional bleeding dysfunctional uterine bleeding dysfunctional uterine fibroids dyskinesia dyslipidemia dyslipidemia, on treatment. dysmenorrhea dysmetria dysmorphic dysmotility dyspareunia dyspepsia dyspeptic dysphagia dysphonia dysphoric dysplasia dysplastic dyspnea dyspnea at rest dyspnea on exertion dyspnea or diaphoresis dyspneic dysrhythmia dysrhythmias dystaxia dysthymia dysthymic dystocia dystonic reaction dystrophic dystrophy dysuria dysuria or hematuria

E Coli sensitive to E to A E to A changes E. coli e.g. e.g., each each day each eye each month each morning each side each time each week each year eager ear ear canal ear canals ear drops ear examination ear infection eardrum eardrums earlier earlier today earliest earlobe early early active labor early age early development early labor early mobilization early mobilization and stability of the fracture early satiety earrings ears Ears, Nose, and Throat ease eased easily easily arousable easily identified easily visualized east/west elevator easy easy bruising eat eaten eating eating disorder eating disorders eating habits eburnated eburnation eccentrically ecchymoses ecchymosis ecchymotic

ECG echo echo contrast echo Doppler echocardiogram echocardiographic echocardiographic guidance echocardiography echodensity echogenic echogenicity echolalia echovirus Ecotrin ectocervical ectocervix ectoendocervical ectopathy ectopia ectopic ectopic beats ectopic pregnancy ectopics ectopics or extra sounds ectopy ectrocardiogram ectropion ECU course eczema edema edematous edentulous edge edged edges educate educated education EDUCATIONAL HISTORY: EENT effaced effacement effect effected effecting effective effectively effectiveness effects effects from effectuate efferent Effexor efficacious efficacy effluence effluent effluvion efflux effluxed

effluxing effluxing clear urine effort efforts effusion effusion complexes effusions eggshell egophony egress eight eight days eight days ago eight hours eight months eight o'clock eight thirty o'clock eight to ten weeks size eight weeks eight weeks in size eight weeks size eight years eighteen eighteen-year-old eighth rib eight-hole eight-year-old eighty-eight-year-old eighty-five-year-old eighty-four-year-old eighty-nine-year-old eighty-one-year-old eighty-seven-year-old eighty-six-year-old eighty-three-year-old eighty-two-year-old eighty-year-old either either side ejaculate ejaculated ejaculation ejaculatory eject ejected ejecting ejection ejection fraction ejection murmur ejections EKG EKG done in the ER showed EKG leads, oxygen saturation monitor, and blood pressure cuff EKG reveals a normal sinus rhythm EKG shows EKG was obtained which revealed elaborate elaboration elapsed elastic

elastic stockings elastic stockings for DVT prophylaxis elastics Elastoplast Elavil elbow elbows elderly elderly black female elderly female elderly female elderly lady elderly male elderly man elderly white female elect elected elected to proceed elective elective abortion elective cesarean section elective repeat cesarean section elective sterilization elective surgery elective termination of pregnancy elective tubal sterilization electively electric electric cardioversion electric scooter electrical electrical alternans electrical alternans electrical cardioversion electrical diathermy electrically defibrillated electrocardiogram electrocardiograms electrocardiographic electrocardiographic changes electrocardiographic monitoring electrocardiography electrocardioversion electrocauterization electrocauterized electrocautery electrocautery technique electrocoagulate electrocoagulated electrocoagulating electrocoagulation electrocoagulator electroconvulsive therapy electrocorticography electrode electrodes electrodiagnostic electrodiagnostic assessment electrodiagnostic studies electrodiagnostic study

electrodiathermy electrodissection electroencephalogram electroencephalograms electrofulgurated electrographic seizure electrohydraulic electrohydraulic lithotripsy electrohydraylic lithotriptor electrolyte electrolyte abnormalities electrolyte imbalance electrolyte imbalances electrolyte panel electrolytes electrolytes are normal Electrolytes are within normal limits electrolytes within normal limits electromechanical dissociation electromyogram electromyography electron electronic medical record electronic medical record (EMR) electronystagmography electrophoresis electrophysiologic electrophysiologic evaluation electrophysiologic study electrophysiological studies electrophysiologist electrophysiology electrophysiology (EP) electrophysiology consultation electrospatula electrosurgical electrosurgical tool electrovaporization elects element elemental elements elevate elevated elevated blood pressure elevated white count elevates elevating elevation elevations elevator elevators eleven eleven o'clock eleven thirty o'clock eleventh eleven-year-old elf elicited eligibility

eligible eliminate eliminated eliminating elimination elixir Ellik Ellik evacuator Elliot forcep Elliott forceps ellipse ellipses ellipsoid elliptic elliptical elliptical incision elliptically elliptocytes elm elongated else elsewhere elucidate elucidated elucidating elucidation elude eluded eluding emaciated emanated emanating embedded embolectomies embolectomized embolectomy embolectomy catheter emboli embolic embolism embolisms embolization embolus embryologist emerge emerged emergence emergencies emergency emergency care unit emergency department EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT CONSULTATION EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE: emergency department treatment EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT TREATMENT: emergency petition emergency room EMERGENCY ROOM CONSULTATION emergency room course EMERGENCY ROOM COURSE:

emergency room physician emergency room report emergency room report patient name emergency room staff emergency rooms emergent emergently emesis eminence emotional emotionally emotions empathized emphasis emphasize emphasized emphasizing emphysema emphysematous empiric empiric antibiotic therapy empiric antibiotics empiric antimicrobial coverage empiric therapy empiric trial empirical empirically empirically covered empirically started on empirically treating employed employee employing employment emptied empty emptying empyema empyema thoracis empyemic emulsified en bloc en bloc turning en route enable enabled enabling Enbrel-induced pneumonitis encapsulate encapsulated encapsulating encapsulation encapsulations encase encased encasement encasing encephalitis encephalomalacia encephalopathic

encephalopathic nature encephalopathies encephalopathy encircle encircled encirclement encircling enclose enclosed enclosing enclosure enclosures encompass encompassed encompassing encore encounter encountered encountering encounters encourage encouraged encouraged to encouragement encourages encouraging encroached encroaching end end diastolic end of the case end of the procedure end organ end stage endarterectomies endarterectomize endarterectomized endarterectomy endarteritis end-colostomy end-diastolic end-diastolic pressure endeavor ended end-expiratory end-expiratory wheezes end-firing end-gaze nystagmus ending Endo Endo scissors Endobag endobronchial endobutton endocapsular endocardial endocarditis endocardium EndoCatch EndoCatch-type

endocervical endocervical canal endocervical curettage endocervical curettings endocervix endocoagulate endocoagulated endocoagulating endocoagulator endocrine endocrinologic endocrinologist endocrinology endocrinology clinic endocrinology consultation endocrinology service end-of-life endoforceps Endo-GIA endoillumination light pipe endoilluminator Endolaser Endoloop Endoloops endometrial endometrial cavity endometrial curettage endometrial curettings endometrial sampling endometrioid endometrioma endometriomas endometriosis endometriotic endometritis endometrium endomyocardial endopelvic endopelvic fascia endoperitoneal endophotocoagulation Endopouch endoprosthesis endorectal end-organ endosalpinx endoscope endoscoped endoscopic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) endoscopic retrograde cholecystopancreatography endoscopically endoscopies endoscopist endoscopy endoscopy suite Endoshears Endostapler

Endostar endothelial endothelium endotracheal endotracheal intubation endotracheal tube endotracheally endotracheally intubated endplate endplates Endrococcus Endrococcus fecalis ends endstage end-stage end-stage kidney disease end-stage liver disease end-stage pulmonary fibrosis end-stage renal disease end-stage renal disease (ESRD) end-stage renal failure end-to-end end-to-end anastomosis end-to-side end-to-side anastomosis endurance end-viewing enema enemas energy engaged English engorged engorgement engraftment enhance enhanced enhancement enhancer enhances enhancing enjoy enjoyed enjoying enlarge enlarged enlarged prostate enlargement enlargements enlarger enlarges enlarging enormous enough enroll enrolled enrolling enrollment ensue ensued

ensuing ensure ensured ensuring ENT grossly intact ENT service entailed enter enteral enteral feeding enteral feeding access enteral feedings enteral supplements entered entered sharply enteric enteric-coated enteric-coated aspirin enteric-coated aspirin one p.o. q.d. entering Enterobacter enterocele enterococcal Enterococcus Enterococcus faecalis enterocolitis enterocutaneous enterocutaneous fistula enteroenterostomy enterography enterolysis enteropathy enterotomies enterotomy enterovaginal enterovirus enters entertained Entex entire entirely entirely normal entirely unremarkable except for entirety entrance entrance site entrance wound entrance wounds entrap entrapment entrapments entrapped entrapped and perforated entrapping entropion entry enucleated enucleation enuresis envenomation

environment envisioned enzymatic enzyme enzymes EOMs EOMs full eosinophil eosinophilia eosinophilic eosinophilic esophagitis eosinophilic pneumonia eosinophils EP ablations ependymoma epibulbar epicanthal epicardial coronary artery disease epicenter epicondylar epicondyle epicondyles epicondylitis epidermal epidermal necrosis epidermis epidermoid epididymis epididymitis epidural epidural anesthesia epidural anesthetic epidural bleeding epidural catheter epidural hematoma epidural space epidural steroid injection epifascicular epigastric epigastric area epigastric cramping epigastric discomfort epigastric pain epigastric region epigastric tenderness epigastrics epigastrium epiglottic epiglottis epiglottitis epilepsy epilepsy monitoring unit epilepticus epileptiform discharge epileptogenicity epileptographic epinephrine epinephrine 1:100,000 epinephrine 200,000 Epinephrine at the bedside.

epineural epineuriotomy epineurium epineurolysis epinucleus epiphysis epiploic epiretinal epiretinal membrane episclera episcleral episiotomy episiotomy was repaired episode episode of episodes episodes of episodic episodically epistaxis epitenon epithelial epithelial cells epithelialization epithelials epithelioid epithelium epitrochlear epitympanum Epivir Epley maneuvers Epogen eponychial eponychium Epstein-Barr equal equal and react to light equal and react to light and accommodation equal and reactive to light equal and reactive to light and accommodation equal bilaterally equal breath sounds equal breath sounds bilaterally equal breath sounds bilaterally and clear equal, round, and reactive equaling equally equidistant equilibrates equinovarus equipment equivalent equivocal ER er:YAG laser therapy eradicate eradicated eradicating eradication eraser cautery

eraser-tipped cautery Erb palsy erectile erectile dysfunction Erich arch bar eroded eroding erosion erosions erosive erosive esophagitis erosive gastritis erratic erroneous erroneously erupting eruption eruptions erythema erythema multiforme erythema nodosum erythema or drainage erythematosus erythematous erythematous patch erythrocyte sedimentation rate erythrocytosis erythrodermic psoriasis erythroid erythroid elements erythromycin erythropoietin escalate escalated escalates escalating escalation escalations escape escaping eschar escharectomy eschars Escherichia coli escorted Esgic Esmarch Esmarch bandage esophageal esophageal adenocarcinoma esophageal dilatation esophageal dysmotility esophageal motility esophageal motility problem esophageal reflux esophageal spasm esophageal stricture esophageal tumor esophageal varices esophagitis

esophagogastrectomy esophagogastric esophagogastric junction esophagogastroduodenoscopy esophagogastroscopy esophagoscope esophagoscopy esophagram esophagus esotropia especially especially in essence essential essential hypertension essential tremor essentially essentially intact and bilaterally symmetrical essentially negative essentially nontender essentially normal essentially unremarkable essentially within normal limits establish established establishes establishing establishment esterase estimate estimated ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS estimated blood loss for the procedure was estimated blood loss was estimated blood loss was minimal estimated blood loss was negligible ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSSMinimal. estimated date of confinement estimated date of delivery estimated fetal weight estimated gestational age estimated length of stay ESTIMATED LENGTH OF STAY: estimates estimating estimation estranged estranged husband estranged wife estrogen estrogen receptor estrogen receptors estrogen replacement estrogen replacement therapy estrogen-progesterone estrogen-replacement therapy etanidazole ethal ethanol

ethanol abuse ethanol level ethanol use Ethibond Ethicon Ethilon ethmoid ethmoid sinus ethmoidal ethmoidectomies ethmoidectomy ethmoiditis ethnicity etiologic etiological etiologically etiology etiology questionable etiology uncertain E-to-A changes ETOH etoposide Eulexin eustachian eustachian tube eustachian tubes euthymic euthymic mood euthyroid euthyroidism euvolemic evacuate evacuated evacuating evacuation evacuation and curettage evacuations evacuator evaginated evaluate evaluated evaluating evaluation evaluation and treatment evaluation in the emergency room evaluation of evaluation revealed evaluation reveals evaluation to start evaluation to start a new cycle evaluations Evans syndrome even evened evening evenly event eventful eventfully eventration

events eventual eventuality eventually ever eversion evert everted every every 12 hours every 2 hours every 2 to 3 hours every 2-3 hours every 24 hours every 3 hours every 3 to 4 hours every 3-4 hours every 4 hours every 4 to 6 hours every 4-6 hours every 6 hours every 6 to 8 hours every 6-8 hours every 8 hours every evening every hour every meal every morning every night every other day every year everyday everyone everything everywhere evidence evidence for evidence of evidence of disease evidence of dissemination evidence of infection evidence of injury evidence of recurrent disease evidence of vincristine toxicity evidenced evidencing evident evidently eviscerate eviscerated eviscerating evisceration evoked potentials evolutionary changes evolved evolving evulsion ...the act of plucking out; a rooting or casting out EX pulsed exacerbate exacerbated

exacerbates exacerbating exacerbation Exacerbation of exacerbation of asthma exacerbations exact exact same procedure exactly exaggerate exam Exam does not reveal exam is exam is limited to exam is nonfocal Exam is nonfocal. exam is remarkable for exam is unremarkable exam revealed Exam reveals exam was exam was unremarkable examination Examination does not reveal examination general examination is unremarkable examination is unremarkable except for examination of the examination of the left examination of the right examination patient is in no acute distress examination revealed Examination reveals examination shows examination under anesthesia examination under anesthesia was performed examination vital signs examination was examinations examine examined examiner examining examining finger exams exams are all unremarkable exams are benign exanthem exanthems exceed exceedingly excellent excellent condition excellent flow excellent health excellent hemostasis excellent historian excellent thrill except except for

except for hypertension except for some except for the except for the left except for the right except that exception exceptions excess excess debris excess foreskin excessive excessively exchange exchangeable exchanged exchanges exchanging excise excised excising excision excisional excisional biopsy excisions exclude excluded excludes excluding exclusion exclusive exclusively excoriate excoriated excoriation excoriations excrescence excrescences excretion excruciating excursion excursions exenterated exenteration exercise exercise group exercise intolerance exercise stress test exercise stress testing exercise tolerance exercise tolerance test exercise treadmill test exercised exercise-induced exercise-induced asthma exercises exercising exert exerted exerting

exertion exertional exertional angina exertional chest pain exertional dyspnea exertions exfoliated exfoliative exhausted exhaustion exhibit exhibit maturation exhibited exhibiting exhibiting good turgor and hydration exhibition exhibits ex-husband exist existed existence existent existing exists exit exit site exit wound exit wounds exited exiting exocervical exocervix exocranial bruit exogenous exogenous obesity exophthalmometry exophthalmos exophthalmus exophytic exostectomy exostosis exotropia expand expanded expander expanders expanding expansile expansile reaction expansion expect expectancy expectant expectant management expectantly expectation expectations expected expecting expectorant

expectorate expectorated expectorating expedient expediently expedite expedited expeditiously expelled expelling experience experienced experiences experiencing experiment experimental experimented expiration expirations expiratory expiratory loop expiratory phase expiratory prolongation expiratory wheeze expiratory wheezes expiratory wheezing expire expired expiring explain explained explained in detail explained in detail to the explained to explaining explains explanation exploration explorations exploratory exploratory laparoscopy exploratory laparotomy exploratory laparotomy. explore explored exploring expose exposed exposes exposing exposure exposures express expressed expressing expression expressive expressive aphasia expulsed expulsion

expulsive expulsive effort exquisite exquisite tenderness exquisite tenderness to palpation exquisitely exquisitely tender exsanguinate exsanguinated exsanguinating exsanguination ex-smoker extend extended extended bilaterally extended care facility extended down to extended laterally extended period extended period of extended period of time extended-care facility extending extending from the extends extension extensions extensive extensive adhesions extensive history extensive irrigation extensive workup extensively extensively irrigated extensor extensor carpi ulnaris extensor digitorum brevis extensor digitorum communis extensor digitorum communis tendon extensor digitorum longus extensor hallucis brevis extensor hallucis longus extensor hallucis longus (EHL) extensor indicis proprius extensor pollicis brevis extensor pollicis longus extensor tendon extensor tendons extensors extent extenuating extenuating circumstances exterior exteriorization exteriorize exteriorized exteriorizes exteriorizing exteriorly external

external abdominal oblique external and internal external auditory canal external auditory canals external auditory canals are unremarkable external auditory meatus external beam irradiation external beam radiation external capsule external carotid artery external female genitalia external fetal monitor external fetal monitoring external fixation external fixator external genitalia external genitalia, Bartholin, urethral, and Skene glands (EGBUS) external hemorrhoidal external hemorrhoidectomy external hemorrhoids external iliac external iliac artery external iliac vein external inguinal ring external jugular artery external jugular vein external male genitalia external monitoring external monitoring of pulse oximetry, blood pressure, and cardiac rhythm external oblique external oblique aponeurosis external oblique fascia external oblique muscles external ring external rotation external sphincter externalize externalized externally extirpation extra extra large extraabdominal extra-abdominal extra-abdominally extracapsular extracapsular cataract extracapsular cataract extraction extracorporeal extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy extracranial extract extracted extracting extraction extraction was done atraumatically. extractions extractor extradural

extrafascial extrahepatic extrahepatic biliary tree obstruction extra-large extramucosally extramural extraocular extraocular eye movements extraocular motions intact extraocular movements Extraocular movements are intact extraocular movements intact extraocular movements intact without nystagmus extraocular movements were intact extraocular movements were normal extraocular muscles extraocular muscles intact extraoral extraorally extraordinarily extraordinary extraovarian extra-ovarian extraperitoneal extraperitonealized extrapyramidal extrapyramidal side effects extrasystole extrasystoles extravasate extravasated extravasating extravasation extreme extremely extremely difficult extremely pleasant extremely well extremes extremis extremities Extremities are extremities are within normal limits extremities are without clubbing extremities reveal no cyanosis extremities show no clubbing EXTREMITIES: EXTREMITIES: 1+ leg edema. EXTREMITIES: 2+ foot edema. EXTREMITIES: 2+ leg edema. EXTREMITIES: 2+ leg edema. EXTREMITIES: Exam does not reveal any cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. EXTREMITIES: No edema or cyanosis. EXTREMITIES: No edema, no clubbing, and no cyanosis. EXTREMITIES: No edemas or calf tenderness. EXTREMITIES: Well perfused. No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. EXTREMITIES: Without cyanosis, clubbing, or edema.

extremity extremity examination extremity pain or tenderness extrinsic extrinsic compression extrude extruded extruding extrusion extubate extubated extubating extubation extubation process exudate exudates exudation exudative exudative process exuded eye eye contact eye contact was fair eye doctor eye drops eye examination eye movements eye muscle surgery eyeball eyebrow eyebrows eyedrops eyeglasses eyelid eyelids eyes eyes were reactive to light and accommodation eyes, ears, nose, and throat EYES: Pupils are equal and reactive to light with normal extraocular movements. eyesight face face mask faced facemask facet facet joint facet joints facetectomies facetectomy face-to-face facets facette facettes facial facial asymmetry facial droop facial nerve facial pain facial plethora facial rhytides

facies facilitate facilitated facility facing fact factor factor V Leiden factors Fahrenheit fail failed failed back syndrome failed induction failed outpatient treatment failed to demonstrate failed to improve failed to respond to failed to reveal failed to reveal any evidence of failed to show failing fails failure failure to failure to descend failure to dilate failure to progress failure to progress in labor failure to thrive failures faint faint crackles fair fair aeration fair amount fair condition fairly fairly extensive fairly good fairly stable fairly stable health fairly weak fairly well falciform falciform ligament falciform ligaments fall fall precautions fall risk fallen falling Fallope-Ring Fallope-Rings fallopian fallopian tube fallopian tubes falls Falope ring Falope ring applicator

Falope rings false false aneurysm false positive falsely familial familial polyposis familiar families family FAMILY & SOCIAL HISTORY: family conference family doctor FAMILY HISTORY FAMILY HISTORY Negative for inheritable disease. family history of FAMILY HISTORY: FAMILY HISTORYNegative for inheritable disease. FAMILY HISTORYNegative. FAMILY HISTORYNegative FAMILY HISTORYNoncontributory. family meeting family member family members family nurse practitioner family physician family planning family practice clinic family psychiatric history family therapy fan fan-like farsightedness fascia fascia lata fasciae fascial fascicular fasciculation fasciculations fasciectomy fasciitis fasciocutaneous fasciotemporal fasciotomies fasciotomy fashion fashioned fashioned snugly about the operator's finger fashioned snugly about the operator's index finger fashioning fashions fast fast foods fast-absorbing fasten fastened fastener fasteners fastening

fasting fasting blood sugar fasting glucose fasting lipid panel fasting lipid profile fasting medical profile fat fat graft fat grafts fat pad father father-in-law father's fatigue fatigued fatty fatty food intolerance fatty liver fatty tissue fatty-appearing favor favorable favorably favored favorite favors FDA fear fearful feasibility feasible feat feathered feathering feature featured features features of featuring febrile February fecal fecal impaction fecal incontinence fecalith fecaluria feces feculent fed fee feed feeder feeding feeding gastrostomy tube feeding jejunostomy feeding tube feeding tubes feedings feeds feel

feel that feeling feeling better feelings feels feels that feels well feet fell felt felt signifcantly better felt significantly better after that felt to be felt to be due to felt to be in felt to be in satisfactory condition felt to have female female genitalia female in no acute distress female in no apparent distress female infant female involved in a motor vehicle accident female presents complaining of female presents to the female presents with female was brought in female who is alert female who presented to the emergency room female who presents to the emergency room female who presents with female who presents with a history of female who states that female who states that she female with a history of female without significant health problems femoral femoral artery femoral bruit femoral bruits femoral groove femoral head femoral hernia femoral neck femoral neck fracture femoral nerve femoral popliteal bypass femoral pulses are full femoral rodding femoral vein femoral/popliteal femoral/popliteal bypass femoral/popliteal occlusive disease femoral-femoral femoral-femoral bypass femoral-peroneal femoral-popliteal femorals femoris femorofemoral

femorofemoral bypass femoroperoneal femoropopliteal femoropopliteal bypass femorotibial femorotibial occlusive disease FemoStop femur femur fracture femurs fenestrated fenestration fentanyl fentanyl patch Feosol Ferguson retractor Ferguson-Hill Ferguson-Hill retractor Ferguson-Moon retractors ferning ferritin ferrous ferrous gluconate ferrous sulfate fertility fertilization fetal fetal alcohol syndrome fetal distress fetal fibronectin fetal heart monitor fetal heart rate fetal heart rate decelerations fetal heart rate tracing fetal heart tones fetal heart tracing fetal macrosomia fetal monitoring fetal movement fetoprotein fetus fetus at risk fever fever and chills fever of undetermined origin fever of unknown origin fever or chills fever spike fever spikes fever, chills or sweats feverish fevers fevers and chills fevers or fevers or chills fevers, chills, or sweats few few bacteria few days few hours

few minutes few months few seconds few times few weeks few years fewer fib fiber fiberglass fiberglass splint fiberoptic fiberoptic bronchoscopy fiberoptic colonoscopy fibers fibrillate fibrillated fibrillating fibrillation fibrillations fibrillatory baseline fibrin fibrin split products fibrinogen fibrinous fibroadenoma fibrocalcification fibrocartilage fibrocyst fibrocystic fibrocystic breast disease fibrocystic changes fibrocystic disease fibrocystoma fibrofatty fibroglandular fibrohistiocytoma fibroid fibroid tumor fibroid tumors fibroid uterus fibroids fibrolipoma fibromas fibromuscular fibromyalgia fibro-osseous fibrosed fibrosing fibrosis fibrotic fibrous fibrous capsular contracture fibrous dysplasia fibula fibula fracture fibula-free fibular fibular sesamoid fibular/tibial

fibular-tibial fibulas field fields fifteen fifteen-year-old fifth fifth grade fifth hospital day fifth intercostal space fifth intercostal space, midclavicular line fifth postoperative day fifth rib fifth toe fifty-eight-year-old fifty-five-year-old fifty-four-year-old fifty-nine-year-old fifty-one-year-old fifty-seven-year-old fifty-six-year-old fifty-three-year-old fifty-two-year-old fifty-year-old figure figure-of-eight figure-of-eights figures file filed filiform filiform catheters filiport fill filled filling filling defect filling defects filling pressures fills film filmed films filmy filmy adhesions filter filtered filtering fimbria fimbrial fimbriated fimbriated end fimbriated ends final final decision final diagnosis FINAL DIAGNOSIS: FINAL DIAGNOSIS FINAL IMPRESSION: finally

financial financial constraints find finding FINDINGS findings, impressions, and recommendations finds fine fine dissection fine mesh gauze fine tremor fine-needle aspiration fine-needle aspiration (FNA) fine-needle biopsy finger finger breadths finger dissection finger rub fingerbreadth fingerbreadths fingernail fingernails finger-nose finger-nose-finger fingers fingerstick fingerstick glucose fingersticks fingertip fingertips finger-to-nose finger-to-nose movements finger-to-nose movements without dysmetria finger-to-nose testing finish finished finishes finishing Finochietto Finochietto retractor FIO2 Fiorinal fire firearm firearms fired firefighter fireman fires firing firings firm firm mass firming firmly first first and second first and second heart sounds first- and second-degree first annular pulley

first assistant. first course first day of the last menstrual period first day of the last normal menstrual period first degree first diagonal artery first diagonal branch first episode first heart sound first hospital day first interspace first knife first layer first layer including myometrium and endometrium first metatarsal head first metatarsal phalangeal joint first metatarsophalangeal joint first obtuse marginal artery first obtuse marginal branch first obtuse marginal coronary artery first of all first of the first portion of the duodenum first postoperative day first responders first rib first scalpel first time first trimester pregnancy first trimester pregnancy for therapeutic termination. first trocar first visit first-degree first-degree arteriovenous block first-degree atrioventricular block first-degree AV block first-degree heart block first-generation first-stage Fisher knife fish-flesh fishmouth fishmouth incision fissure fissurectomy fissures fissuring fissurotomy fist fistula fistula tract fistulae fistulas fistulectomy fistulization fistulogram fistulotomies fistulotomy fistulous fistulous tracts

fit fitted fitting Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome five five days five finger breadths five hours five minutes five months five o'clock five thirty o'clock five weeks five-day five-hole five-vessel five-year-old fix fixate fixated fixation fixative fixator fixed fixed defect flaccid flaccidity flag-type Flagyl flank flank discomfort flank pain flanking flap flapped flaps flare flared flares flare-up flare-ups flash flash pulmonary edema flashback flashes flat flat affect flat and erect flat and upright flat line flat muscles flat plate flatly flatten flattened flattened hemidiaphragms flattened T-waves flattening flatulence flatus

flavum Fletcher-Suit Fletcher-Suit apparatus flex flexed Flexeril flexes flexibility flexible flexible bronchoscope flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy flexible sigmoidoscope flexible sigmoidoscopy flexible-tip flexing flexion flexion and extension flexion contracture flexion contractures flexor flexor aspect flexor carpi radialis flexor carpi ulnaris flexor digitorum longus flexor digitorum profundus flexor digitorum superficialis flexor pollicis brevis flexor pollicis longus flexor tendon flexor tendon digitorum profundus flexor tendon sheath flexor tendons flexors flexure Flieringa ring flight flight of ideas flight of ideas and loose association flight of stairs flights flimsy flipped floated floating floor floor of mouth floppy flora florid Florida flow flowed flower flowing flows flow-volume loop Floxin flu fluconazole

fluctuance fluctuant fluctuate fluctuated fluctuates fluctuating fluctuation fluctuations fludarabine fluent fluff fluffed fluid fluid and electrolyte imbalance fluid bolus fluid collection fluid overload Fluid overload. Continue with diuresis fluid replacement fluid restriction fluid retention fluid status fluid wave fluid waves fluid-air exchange fluid-filled fluid-gas exchange fluids fluids given flu-like flu-like symptoms flu-like symtoms fluorescein fluoroscope fluoroscopic fluoroscopic guidance fluoroscopically fluoroscopy fluoroscopy table fluorouracil flush flushed flushing flushing symptoms flutamide flutter foam focal focal abnormalities focal abnormality focal cerebral lesion focal crackles focal deficit focal deficits focal glomerulosclerosis focal infiltrate focal infiltrates focal infiltrates or effusions focal neurologic deficit focal neurologic deficits

focal neurologic exam focal neurologic symptoms focal neurological deficits focal weakness focality focally foci focus focused focused and defocused focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) exam focusing Fogarty Fogarty catheter Fogarty catheters Fogarty embolectomy catheter folate fold foldable folded folding folds Foley Foley catheter Foley catheter to bag Foley catheter to gravity Foley catheter to side drainage Foley catheter to straight gravity Foley to gravity Foley urethral catheter folic folic acid follicle follicles follicle-stimulating hormone follicular follicular cell follicular cyst folliculitis follow follow up follow up in Follow up in the a.m. follow up with Follow up with Dr follow up with Dr. follow up with her primary care physician follow verbal commands followed followed by followed by Dr. followed by radiation followed closely followed out followed up followed-up follower following following her following his

following informed consent following instructions following labs were obtained following medications following the administration of following this following which follows follow-through followup follow-up followup appointment followup care followup care followup evaluation followup examination followup in followup instructions FOLLOWUP PLANS followup visit followup with Dr. fontanelle food foods foot footdrop footling footling breech footling breech presentation footplate for for a followup for a followup visit for admission for aggressive for an extended period for any persistent pain for any signs of infection for approximately for chemotherapy for close monitoring for completeness for consideration of for control of discomfort for evaluation for evaluation and treatment for evaluation of for evaluation to for evaluation to start for example for followup for followup care for followup visit for further for further evaluation for further evaluation and treatment for further followup for further management for further observation and management for hydration purposes

for hypertension for immunophenotyping and for immunophenotyping and cytogenetics for many years for neuroblastoma for now for observation for recheck for reevaluation for relapsed for routine for routine followup for several days for several hours for several months for several weeks for some time for suture removal for the for the last for the last month for the last week for the left for the meantime for the next for the past for the past couple of weeks for the past couple of weeks to a month for the past month for the past week for the patient for the purpose of for the purpose of exsanguination for the right for the time being for this reason for treatment for weeks for which for your review foramen foramen of Winslow foramen ovale foramina foraminal foraminotomies foraminotomy force force of stream forceps forearm forearm muscles forearm, wrist, and palm forearms forefinger foregut forehead foreign foreign bodies foreign body

foreign body or signs of infection foreshortened foreskin form formal formal thought disorder formation formations formed former former smoker formerly formidable formidably forming forms formula formulation forniceal fornices fornix fornix-based fornix-based conjunctival flap fornix-based flap forth fortuitously fortunately forty forty eight weeks forty five weeks forty four weeks forty nine weeks forty one weeks forty seven weeks forty six weeks forty three weeks forty two weeks forty weeks forty-eight-year-old forty-five-year-old forty-four-year-old forty-nine-year-old forty-one-year-old forty-seven-year-old forty-six-year-old forty-three-year-old forty-two-year-old forty-year-old forward forward flexion forward flow fossa fossa ovale fossae foster foster care foster care environment foster care home foster care providers foul

foul smelling foul-smelling found found down found to be found to be adequate found to be alert found to be intact found to be normal found to be satisfactory found to have foundation four four cycles of four cycles of MAID four cycles of MAID chemotherapy four days four extremities four finger breadths four hours four minutes four months four o'clock four quadrants four thirty o'clock four weeks four years four-chamber fourchette four-day four-day-old four-hole four-holed four-layer four-pillow four-pillow orthopnea four-point four-point restraints fourteen fourteen-year-old fourth fourth and fifth fourth hospital day fourth postoperative day fourth-degree fourths four-vessel four-year-old fovea Fowler Fox Fox shield fraction fractional fractional dilatation and curettage fractionation fractions fracture fracture dislocation fracture fragment

fracture of fracture of the fracture of the distal fracture of the right fracture site fracture table fractured fracture-dislocation fractures fracture-subluxation fracturing fragment fragmentation fragmented fragmenting fragments frail frail-looking frame framework frank frank blood frank pus frankly frayed fraying free free air free edges free flap free flow of oxygen free fluid free from free from the free of free of disease free of pain free thyroxin index free thyroxine index free tie free ties freebasing freed freed up freedraped free-floating freeing freely Freer Freer elevator freestanding freezable freeze freeze/thaw cycle freeze-dried fremitus French French Foley catheter frenectomy frenulum

frenum frequency frequent frequent neurological checks frequently fresh fresh frozen plasma fresh frozen plasma (FFP) fresh, frozen plasma freshen freshened freshly friability friable friction rub Friday fried friend friends frightened frogleg from from a from completion of from the from the emergency department from the emergency room from the emergency room in good condition from the hospital from the level of the from the operating room from the patient from today showed front frontal frontal headache frontal headaches frontal infarct frontal lobe frontal sinus frontalis frontally frontocranial frontomaxillary frontoparietal frontotemporal frontozygomatic frontozygomatic maxillary frontozygomatic suture frontozygomaticomaxillary front-to-back frost frozen frozen section frozen shoulder frustrate frustrated frustrations fulgurate fulgurated

fulgurating fulguration full full active motion full active range of motion full and equal full body bone scan full liquid diet full liquids full radius resector full range of motion full range of motion of extraocular muscles full range of motion throughout full sentences full thickness full thickness graft full to confrontation fuller full-mouth fullness full-scale Full-Scale IQ full-strength full-term full-term newborn female full-term newborn male full-thickness full-thickness graft full-thickness skin graft full-time fully fully awake condition fully discussed with her fully discussed with him fully informed fully informed consent fully intact fully oriented fun function function tests functional functionally functioned functioning functions fundal fundectomy fundi fundi are benign fundi were benign fundi were negative fundi within normal limits fundoplication fundoscopy fundus funduscopic funduscopic exam funduscopic examination funduscopy

fungal fungal culture fungal infection fungating fungemia fungi fungus funnel-like furosemide furrowed further further assessment further bleeding further care further care and evaluation further care and treatment further chemotherapy further details further difficulty further dilated further dissection further doses further evaluation further evaluation and care further evaluation and treatment Further evaluation revealed further evidence of further examination further management further managment further monitoring further observation further observation and treatment further past medical history further problem in the intervening period further problems in the intervening period further problems whatsoever further problems whatsoever in the intervening period further questioning further questions further recommendations further therapy further treatment further workup furthered furthermore furthest furuncle fuse fused fuses fusiform fusion futile future gadolinium gadolinium contrast gag gag reflex gain

gained gainfully employed gaining gait gait disorder gait disturbance gait examination gait retraining session gait testing galactocele galactoceles galactogram galea gallbladder gallbladder bed gallbladder disease gallbladder fossa gallbladder polyp gallbladder polyps gallium gallium scan gallop gallops gallops or rubs gallstone gallstone pancreatitis gallstone-induced pancreatitis gallstones Gamazole Gambino gamma gamma globulin gammaglobulin ganciclovir ganglia ganglion ganglion cyst ganglion cysts ganglionic cyst gangrene gangrenous gap gapping GAP-POMP Garamycin garbled speech Gardnerella Gardnerella vaginalis garments gas gas/fluid exchange gaseous distention gases gas-filled small-bowel loops gasserian ganglion gastrectomy gastric gastric antrum gastric artery gastric bypass surgery

gastric cancer gastric carcinoma gastric lavage gastric outlet obstruction gastric tube gastric ulcer gastric ulcer disease gastric ulcers gastric-occult positive gastrin gastritis gastrium gastrocnemius gastrocnemius area gastrocolic gastrocolic ligament gastroduodenal gastroduodenectomy gastroduodenoscopy gastroenteritis GASTROENTEROLOGIC CONSULTATION gastroenterologist gastroenterologists gastroenterology gastroenterology service gastroenterology workup gastroenterostomy gastroepiploic gastroepiploic vessel gastroesophageal gastroesophageal junction gastroesophageal reflux gastroesophageal reflux disease gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Gastroesophageal reflux disease, on treatment. gastroesophagitis Gastrografin gastrohepatic gastrohepatic ligament gastrointestinal gastrointestinal (GI) gastrointestinal (GI) bleed gastrointestinal bleed gastrointestinal bleeding GASTROINTESTINAL CONSULTATION gastrointestinal series gastrointestinal side effects gastrointestinal symptoms gastrointestinal tract gastrointestinal upset gastrointestinal workup GASTROINTESTINAL: No abdominal pain. gastrojejunal gastrojejunostomy gastroparesis gastropathy gastropexy gastroplasty gastroschisis gastroscope

gastroscopy gastrostomies gastrostomy gastrostomy tube gastrotomy gather gathered gathering gauge gauged gauze gauze dressing gave gaze gaze is conjugate gaze nystagmus GE junction Geiger counter gelatinous Gelfoam Gelfoam pack Gelfoam plug general general anesthesia general anesthesia by inhalation general anesthetic general anxiety general anxiety disorder general appearance GENERAL APPEARANCE: general endotracheal anesthesia general endotracheal anesthetic general endotracheal intubation general endotracheal intubation anesthesia general endotracheal tube anesthesia General endotracheal. general exam revealed general inhalation anesthesia general intubation anesthesia general mask anesthesia general medical examination general oral endotracheal tube anesthesia general orotracheal anesthesia general psychiatry general thinning of the skin general worsening condition General. GENERAL: Examination reveals this generalization generalize generalized generalized abdominal discomfort generalized anxiety disorder generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) generalized atrophy generalized malaise generalized seizure generalized tonic-clonic seizure generalized weakness generally

generally unremarkable generated generator generous generously genetic genetics geniculate genital genital examination genital herpes genital warts genitalia genitals genitofemoral genitofemoral nerve genitoperineal genitorectal genitourinary genitourinary distress genitourinary examination genitourinary irrigant genitourinary tract gentamicin gentian violet gentle gentle diuresis gentle hydration gentle IV fluid hydration gentleman gently gently and atraumatically gently hydrate genuine genus geographic geriatric geriatric psychiatry geriatrics germinal germinal matrix Gerota's fascia gestation gestational gestational age gestational diabetes gestational diabetes mellitus, class A-1 gestational size get getting getting along getting worse GFR more than 60 GI GI cocktail GI prophylaxis GIA stapler giant giant-cell arteritis giardiasis

gigantic gigantomastia Gigli saw Gill's gingerly gingiva gingival gingivitis gingivobuccal girdle girl girlfriend girlfriend's girth Gittes bladder neck suspension give give-away weakness given given a prescription for given a prescription for Tylenol given the gives giving giving her a GFR greater than 60 giving him a GFR greater than 60 glabella glabellar gland glands glandular glans glans penis Glasgow Coma Scale Glasgow score glass glasses glass-like glaucoma glaucomatous Gleason Gleason combined score glenohumeral glenohumeral joint glenohumeral ligament glenoid glide Glidewire glioblastoma glipizide glistening global global hypokinesis global ischemia globally globe globose globular globulin glomerulonephritis glomerulosclerosis

glossectomy glove gloved gloves glucagon Gluceana glucocorticoid glucometer gluconate Glucophage glucose glucose intolerance glucose normal glucose of glucose tolerance test glucose was glucoses glucosuria Glucotrol glue glue-like gluteal gluten enteropathy gluten-restricted diet gluteus gluteus maximus gluteus medius gluteus minimus glycemia glycemic glycerin glycine glycohemoglobin glycopyrrolate glycosylated hemoglobin gm/dL go goal goal directed goal-directed goals goes going going to going to be going to continue goiter gold Goldman bar Gomco clamps gonadal gone gonioscopy gonococcal gonococci gonorrhea gonorrheal good good air exchange good appetite

good body mechanic good bowel sounds good bowel sounds appreciated good breath sounds good breath sounds bilaterally good candidate good color good condition good control good dentition good distal pulses good eye contact good femoral pulses good general condition good health good hemostasis good historian good inspiratory-expiratory effort good performance status good position good purchase good quality heart tones good range of motion good range of motion of all extremities good repair good response good results good return good spirits good tidal volume good tone good visualization good wound approximation Gore-Tex Gore-Tex graft Gore-Tex patch gorging gossamer got gotten gotten worse gout gouty government gown gowned gowns gracilis grade grade 1 diastolic dysfunction grade 2 diastolic dysfunction grade 4 diastolic dysfunction grade five grade four grade I/III grade I/IV grade I/V grade II/III grade II/IV grade II/V

grade III/III grade III/IV grade III/V grade IV/IV grade IV/V grade one grade three grade two graded gradient gradual gradual improvement gradual onset of gradually gradually dilated gradually worse graduated graduated dilators graduated Hegar dilators graft graft site graft thrill grafted grafting graftotomy graftotomy incision grafts graft-to-graft graft-versus-host graft-versus-host disease grains gram gram positive Gram stain Gram stain and culture gram-negative gram-negative bacilli gram-negative rods gram-negative septicemia gram-positive gram-positive bacilli gram-positive cocci grams Gram's stain grand grand mal seizure grand mal seizures grandchildren granddaughter grandfather grandiose grandiosity grandmother grandmothers grandparents grandson grandsons granular granular casts granulate

granulated granulates granulating granulation granulation tissue granulocyte granulocyte colony-stimulating factor granulocytes granulocytopenia granulocytosis granuloma granulomas granulomata granulomatosis granulomatous grapefruit graphically grasp grasped grasper graspers grasping grasping forceps grate grating grave gravel Graves disease Graves' disease gravid gravid uterus gravida gravity gravity drainage gray grayish grayish-colored greased great great care great care was taken great deal great difficulty great toe great toes great vessels greater greater curvature greater omentum greater saphenous vein greater than greater trochanter greater trochanteric greater-than greatest greatly green Green hook green sputum Greenfield

Greenfield filter greenish greenish discharge greenish phlegm greenstick grew grew out gridiron grimacing grin grip grip strength grip strength measurements gritty groan and genitalia groggy groggy-appearing groin groin and genital area groins grommet grommets grooming groove grooved grooves grooving Groshong catheters gross GROSS AUTOPSY FINDINGS GROSS DESCRIPTION gross findings gross focal deficits gross hematuria grossly grossly intact grossly normal grossly within normal limits ground ground glass ground-glass ground-glass appearance ground-glass infiltrate ground-glass infiltrates ground-glass opacities ground-glass opacity ground-level fall group group home group psychotherapy group therapy grouped groups growing grown growth growth scans G-tube guaiac guaiac negative

guaiac positive guaiac stools guaiac-negative guaiac-negative brown stool guaiac-negative stool guaiac-positive guaiac-positive stool guaiac-positive stools guaiacs guarantee guaranteed guarantees guard guarded guardian guarding gubernacular gubernaculum Guibor probes guidance guide guide pin guide wire guide wires guided guidelines guidepin guidewire guiding gun gunshot gunshot wound gunshot wounds gurgling gurney gush gushed gushing gutter gutters Guyon's canal gynecoid gynecologic gynecological gynecological consultation gynecological oncology gynecological service gynecologist gynecology gynecology clinic gynecomastia gyrus h.s. H2 H2 blocker H2 blockers habit habits had had a complete pathologic response

had a complete pathologic response to had an x-ray of the had been had been feeling had been obtained had had had no complications had no loss of consciousness had not been had the had this sent hadn't Haemophilus influenzae Hagar Hagar dilators Haglund's hair hair distribution hair-bearing hairline Halcion Haldol half half inch half normal saline half-buried half-depth half-inch half-length half-normal saline half-strength half-tapered half-thickness half-thickness graft halfway halitosis Hallpike halluces hallucinated hallucinating hallucination hallucinations hallucinosis hallucis hallux hallux abductovalgus hallux limitus, left foot. hallux limitus, right foot. hallux rigidus hallux valgus hallux valgus deformity hallux valgus, left foot hallux valgus, right foot hallux varus hallway Haloperidol halothane halves hamburger hammer

hammer digits hammer toe deformity hammer toes hammered hammertoe hammertoe deformities hammertoe deformity hammertoes hamstring hamstrings hand hand motion handed hand-foot syndrome handheld hand-held handheld nebulizer hand-held nebulizer hand-held speculum handing handle handled hand-over-hand handpiece handrail hands handsewn hand-sewn hands-on physical therapy handwritten chart hang hanging hang-up hang-ups Hank Hank dilator Hank dilators Hanks happened happening happily haptic haptics haptoglobin hard hard of hearing hard palate hard shaking chills harden hardened hardly hardness hardware harmful Harrington rods harsh harsh murmur Hartmann Hartmann's Hartmann's pouch

harvest harvested harvesting harvests has has a has a chief complaint of has a history of has a history of asthma has a history of hypertension has a history of ischemic heart disease has a history of prior has a long history of has a normal rate and regular rhythm has a past history of has a past medical history has a regular rhythm without murmurs has become has been has been able to has been admitted has been admitted to the hospital has been complicated has been decreased has been diagnosed has been discontinued has been doing has been doing remarkably well has been done has been feeling has been followed has been found has been found to have has been having has been increased has been married for has been no has been no discharge has been no nausea has been noted has been obtained has been on has been seen by has been started has been taking has been treated has been unable to has been used has been written has been written for has completed has continued has continued to has demonstrated has developed has done has done so has done well has drank has experienced

has felt has full range of motion has had has had no has had some has improved has made has never has never been has never married has no has no adenopathy has no edema of the has no evidence of has no hepatosplenomegaly and has no hepatosplenomegaly and no peripheral edema has no history of has no known allergies has no known drug allergies has no known health problems has no known medicine allergies has no medical illnesses has no motor or sensory deficit has no other has no other complaints has no other medical problems has no other medical problems and takes has not has not been has not been has not exhibited has not had has not had any has not had any fever has not had any other has noted has occasional has remained has resolved has returned has shown has tolerated has tried has written admitting orders in this case Hashimoto Hashimoto encephalopathy Hashimoto's Hashimoto's thyroiditis hasn't Hassan cannulas Hassan trocar hat have have any further problem in the have any further problems in the have any further problems whatsoever have been have been caused have been made have been ordered

have been present have been used have been written have discussed the case have had have not have not been have remained have some having having been having difficulty breathing having some having some pain having tolerated the procedure well hay fever hayfever haziness HDL cholesterol he he also has a history of he also reports he also reports that he appears to be he came he carried a diagnosis of he complained of he complains of he continues to he denied he denied having he denied having any he denies he denies any he denies any new acute medical problems he denies having any He denies having any abdominal pain or discomfort. He denies having any chest pain or shortness of breath. he developed he did have he did have a he did not he did not want he did not want to be he does have he does have a he does have some he does not he does not appear in acute distress he does not appear to be he does not drink alcohol He does not know he does not smoke He does not use tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs. he feels much better he feels that he had he had a he had to he has

He he He he he he he he He he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he He he he he he he he he He he he he he he he He he he he he He he he he he he he he he He he he he he he He

has a history of has been has been admitted to the hospital has been feeling has been given has been having has been having some has been placed has been treated has been written for has done well has had has had no has history of has no has no hepatosplenomegaly has no hepatosplenomegaly and no peripheral has no hepatosplenomegaly and no peripheral edema has no other has not been having has not had has not had any has not noted has noted has tried has worked is is a is a well-appearing is able to is afebrile is alert and oriented to person, place, purpose, and time is alert. is allergic to is doing is doing well is given is having is having some is married. is on is oriented to person, place, purpose, and time is otherwise without complaints is placed on is presently asymptomatic is single is speaking in full sentences is status post is telling me is to follow up with is well appearing and lives alone lives with lives with his wife. moves upper and lower extremities symmetrically needs to be noted noted the onset of presented to presents to the emergency room

he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he He he he he he He

quit smoking remains reported reports reports that reports that he and his resides in smoked stated stated that states states he states that states that he states that he felt states that he had states that he has states that he has been having states that he was states that his tells me that underwent was was admitted was advised was arrested was born in was discharged was found was found to be was found to have was given was given a prescription was given a prescription for was given some was having was hydrated with was instructed was not was noted to be was noted to have was placed in was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion was seen was seen by was seen in the ER was started on was switched to was told was transferred wears glasses will be will be able to will be admitted will be covered prophylactically will be given will be placed on will be written for will continue on will continue with

he will follow up he will not be he will return he works head head and neck head and neck examination head and neck examinations HEAD AND NECK: HEAD AND NECK: Examination within normal limits. HEAD AND NECK: Normocephalic, atraumatic. The neck was supple. HEAD AND NECK: Pupils equal. Supple neck. No jugular venous distention. Orophar ynx is clear. head colds head CT scan Head CT shows no evidence of mass, infarct, or hemorrhage. head injury head injury instructions head is atraumatic and nontender head is normocephalic head normocephalic head of the head of the pancreas head of the proximal phalanx head trauma HEAD, EYES, EARS, NOSE, AND MOUTH: Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat headache headaches heading headpiece headrest heads heal healed Healey healing Healon health health care health care provider health insurance health problems healthcare-associated pneumonia healthy healthy children healthy-appearing healthy-appearing male in no acute distress healthy-looking Heaney clamp Heaney clamps Heaney retractor heaped hear heard heard best heard best at the apex hearing hearing aid hearing aids

hearing loss hearing voices heart heart attack heart attacks heart beat heart block heart catheterization heart disease heart examination heart failure Heart is regular rate Heart is regular rate and rhythm heart is regular, without murmurs heart murmur heart palpitations heart rate heart sound heart sounds heart sounds were normal heart sounds were regular heart tones are normal without murmurs Heart without gallops heart, lung, kidney, or digestive disorders HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs or gallops appreciated. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. Normal S1 and S2. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 normal. Heart: Regular rhythm, no rubs or gallops. S1 and S2 present. No murmurs heartbeat heartburn heat heat intolerance heat or cold intolerance heat syncope heating pad heavier heavily heaviness heavy heavy alcohol heavy drinker heavy lifting heavy metal intoxication heavy metals heavy smoker heavyset Heberden's nodes heel heels heel-shin heel-to-shin heel-to-toe HEENT HEENT exam HEENT exam is HEENT exam is unremarkable HEENT exam was HEENT examination HEENT: HEENT: Conjunctivae and sclerae normal

HEENT: Head is atraumatic and normocephalic. HEENT: Head is normocephalic and atraumatic. HEENT: Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. HEENT: Unremarkable. Sclerae and conjunctivae are not icteric. Oropharynx is cl ear. HEENT: Unremarkable. Sclerae and conjunctivae nonicteric. Oropharynx is clear. HEENT: Pupils are equal and reactive to light. Extraocular movements are intact. Conjunctivae and sclerae are negative. Fundi normal HEENT: Unremarkable Hegar dilator height Heineke-Mikulicz held helical Helicobacter Helicobacter pylori helix HELLP syndrome heloma heloma durum heloma molle help helped helpful helpfulness helping helpless helplessness hemangioblastoma hemangioma hemangiomas hemangiomatous hematemesis hematobilia hematochezia hematocrit hematocrit 27 hematocrit is hematocrit of hematocrits hematogenous hematogenous spread hematologic hematological hematologically hematologist hematology hematology consultation HEMATOLOGY FOLLOWUP hematology-oncology hematoma hematoma block hematomas hematopoiesis hematuria heme heme negative heme positive heme-negative heme-negative brown stool

heme-negative stool heme-positive heme-positive brown stool heme-positive stool hemi hemianopia hemianopsia hemiarthroplasty hemiatrophy hemiblock hemibody hemibody neglect hemicalvarium hemicolectomy hemidiaphragm hemidiaphragms hemidistal hemigastrectomy hemiglossectomy hemilaminectomies hemilaminectomy hemilaryngectomy hemi-LeFort hemiparesis hemiparetic hemiparetic-type deficit hemiphalangectomy hemiplegia hemiplegic hemiscrotal hemiscrotum hemisphere hemispheric hemispheric stroke hemispherical hemithorax hemithyroid hemithyroidectomy hemitransfixion hemitransfixion incision Hemoccult Hemoccult was negative Hemoccult-negative stool Hemoccults hemochromatosis hemoclip hemoclipped hemoclips hemoconcentration hemodialysis hemodynamic hemodynamic findings hemodynamic instability hemodynamic monitoring hemodynamic stability hemodynamically hemodynamically stable hemodynamically stable condition hemodynamically unstable hemodynamically unstable arrhythmias

hemodynamics hemoglobin hemoglobin A1c hemoglobin and hematocrit hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet count hemoglobinopathies hemoglobins hemogram hemolysis hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome hemolytic hemolyze hemolyzed hemoperitoneum hemophilia hemopneumothorax hemoptysis hemorrhage hemorrhages hemorrhagic hemorrhagic conversion hemorrhaging hemorrhoid hemorrhoidal hemorrhoidal banding hemorrhoidectomy hemorrhoids hemosiderosis hemostasis hemostasis was achieved hemostasis was controlled hemostasis was maintained Hemostasis was noted to be adequate. hemostasis was obtained with Hemostasis was obtained with a cautery. Hemostasis was obtained with Bovie electrocautery. hemostasis was obtained with electrocautery Hemostasis was obtained with electrocautery. Hemostasis was satisfactory. hemostasis was secured with hemostat hemostatic hemostatic challenges hemostatically hemostaticly Hemostats hemothorax hemothorax (preferred; Dorlands) hemotympanum Hemovac Hemovac drain Hemovac drains Hemovacs hence Henoch-Schonlein purpura heparin heparin solution heparin-induced thrombocytopenia heparinization heparinize

heparinized heparinized saline heparinized saline solution hepatectomy hepatic hepatic artery hepatic duct hepatic encephalopathy hepatic failure hepatic flexure hepatic insufficiency hepatic metastases hepatis hepatitis hepatitis A hepatitis B hepatitis B core antibody hepatitis B surface antibody hepatitis B surface antigen hepatitis C hepatitis panel hepatitis surface antigen hepatitis-B hepatitis-B surface antigen hepatobiliary hepatobiliary scan hepatocellular hepatocellular carcinoma hepatocellular disease hepatocellular dysfunction hepatocolic hepatocolic ligament hepatoduodenal hepatoduodenal ligament hepatogenous hepatojugular hepatojugular reflux hepatology hepatoma hepatomegaly hepatorenal syndrome hepatosplenomegaly hepatosplenomegaly (HSM) hepatosplenomegaly and hepatosplenomegaly and no peripheral hepatosplenomegaly and no peripheral edema hepatosteatosis hepatotoxic hepatotoxic agents hepatotoxicity heplock heplock IV her her abdomen her blood pressure Her blood pressure is Her blood pressure was her bone marrow her chemotherapy today her condition

her electrolytes her family her first her last menstrual period her last menstrual period was her last visit her left her LFTs are her medications include her mental status her methotrexate her oropharynx her performance status is her platelet count her platelets her primary medical oncologist her regular doctor her right her symptoms her temperature is her treatment her usual physician her weight is her white count her white count is here here in the emergency department here in the emergency room hereditable hereditable familial illnesses hernia hernia repair hernia sac hernial hernial sac hernias herniated herniated disc herniated disk herniated lumbar disk herniated nucleus pulposus herniating herniation hernioplasty herniorrhaphies herniorrhaphy heroic heroic measures heroin heroin abuse heroin and cocaine heroin dependence heroin use heroin withdrawal herpangina herpes herpes simplex herpes simplex virus herpes zoster herpes zoster virus

herpetic herself hesitancy hesitant hesitate hesitated Hespan Hesselbach's triangle heterogeneous heterogenous heterosexual hexamethylenamine hiatal hiatal hernia hiatus Hibiclens Hibiclens scrub brush hiccup hiccuping hiccups Hickman Hickman catheter HIDA HIDA scan hidradenitis hidradenitis suppurativa high high blood pressure high blood sugar high calorie high cholesterol high dose high doses high fevers high fiber diet high ligation high on the differential high power magnification high probability high residuals high risk High risk all high school high sliding scale high-calorie high-dose high-dose Advil high-dose chemotherapy high-dose methotrexate high-dose steroids high-dose therapy higher highest high-fat high-fiber high-flow oxygen therapy high-frequency high-grade high-grade disease high-grade fever

high-grade lesion high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion high-grade stenosis high-loupe highly high-pitch high-pitched high-power field high-powered field high-pressure high-protein diet high-resolution high-risk high-school education high-speed high-speed bur high-speed drill hilar hilar adenopathy hilar border Hildreth cautery hilum hilus him himself hinders hinge hip hip extensors hip flexors hip fracture hip joint hip pain hip replacement hip spica cast hip, knee, and ankle hippocampus hips Hirsch-Meltzer Hirschsprung's disease hirsute hirsutism his his blood his blood pressure His blood pressure is His blood pressure was his bone marrow his chemotherapy his condition his family his last visit his left his left shoulder his medications include his mental status his methotrexate his neurologic exam is his peripheral his platelet count

his recommendations were his right his ROS is negative his ROS is negative in detail his stated age his symptoms his temperature is his treatment his usual physician his white count is Hispanic Hispanic female Hispanic male histiocytosis histologic histologic analysis histological histological evaluation histologically histology histopathological histopathology histoplasmosis historian historical histories history HISTORY & PHYSICAL history and physical history and physical examination HISTORY AND PHYSICAL: HISTORY AND PHYSICAL history of history of abdominal history of angina History of asthma history of atrial fibrillation History of atrial fibrillation. history of bigeminy history of breast cancer history of congestive heart failure history of coronary artery disease History of depression. History of diabetes history of gout history of having history of heart disease History of hypertension History of hypothyroidism. HISTORY OF INJURY: history of ischemic heart disease history of peptic ulcer disease history of peptic ulcer disease. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS history of prostate cancer history of similar history of type 2 diabetes History of Type 2 diabetes.

histrionic hit hitch HIV disease HIV negative HIV positive HIV related HIV serology HIV testing HIV/AIDS Hivid HIV-negative HIV-positive HIV-related hoarse hoarseness hockey-stick hockey-stick incision Hodgkin Hodgkin disease Hodgkin lymphoma Hodgkin's Hodgkin's disease Hoffmann reflex Hohmann hold holder holding holding area hole holes holiday hollow holmium holmium laser lithotripsy holmium YAG holosystolic holosystolic murmur Holter Holter monitor Holter monitoring Homan Homans' sign homatropine home Home Health home health aide home health care home hospice home medication HOME MEDICATIONS HOME MEDICATIONS home O2 home oxygen home regimen of home today homebound homeless homelessness homemaker

homicidal homicidal ideas homicidal ideation homicidal thoughts homogeneous homogenous homonymous homonymous hemianopia homonymous hemianopsia homosexual Honan balloon honeycombing hood hook hooked hooking hooks hope hopeful hopefully hopeless hopelessness hopes horizontal horizontal gaze nystagmus horizontal incision horizontal mattress horizontal mattress sutures of horizontally hormonal hormone hormone blockade hormone imbalance hormone-replacement therapy hormones horn horseshoe horseshoe-shaped hospice hospice placement hospital HOSPITAL COURSE HOSPITAL COURSE: HOSPITAL COURSE hospital day hospital gown hospital gurney hospital staff hospital stay hospital-acquired hospital-acquired pneumonia hospitalist hospitalist service hospitalist staff hospitalization hospitalizations hospitalize hospitalized hospitals hot

hot flashes hour hour and a half hourglass hour-long treatment hours house house officer housed household housekeeper housewife housework housing however however, Hoyer lift HSV PCR huffed huffed some hairspray huge hugged Hulka Hulka clamp Hulka clamp applicator Hulka clamps Hulka clips Hulka tenaculum human human bite human immunodeficiency virus human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease human papilloma virus humeral humerus humerus fracture HUMI HUMI cannula HUMI catheterization HUMI catheters HUMI uterine manipulator Humibid humidity humor hump Humulin hunting Huntington's hurt hurts husband husband's hyaline casts hyaline membrane disease hyaluronate hydatid hydatid cystectomy hydatid cysts hydatid of Morgagni

hydradenitis hydradenitis suppurativa hydralazine hydrate hydrated hydrated with hydrated with good color hydrating hydration hydration and sedation hydrocele hydrocelectomy hydrocephalus hydrochloride hydrochlorothiazide hydrochromotubation hydrocodone hydrocortisone hydrodelineated hydrodelineation hydrodissect hydrodissected hydrodissection HydroDIURIL hydrogen hydrogen peroxide hydrogen peroxide douche hydronephrosis hydronephrotic hydropic hydrops hydrosalpinges hydrosalpinx hydroureter hydroureteronephrosis hydroxy hydroxyapatite hydroxyurea hydroxyzine hygiene Hygroton hymenoptera envenomous hyoid Hypaque hype hyper hyperacidity hyperactive hyperactive bowel sounds hyperactivity hyperaeration hyperaldosteronism hyperalimentation hyperammonemia hyperammonemia hyperamylasemia hyperbilirubinemia hypercalcemia hypercapnia hypercapnic

hypercapnic respiratory failure hypercarbic hypercarbic respiratory failure hypercellular hyperchloremia hypercholesterol hypercholesterolemia Hypercholesterolemia, on treatment. hyperchromic hypercoagulable hypercoagulable state hypercoagulable workup hyperdynamic hyperdynamic systolic function hyperechoic hyperemesis hyperemesis gravidarum hyperemia hyperemic hyperesthesia hyperexpanded hyperexpansion hyperextend hyperextended hyperextensibility hyperextension hypergammaglobinemia hyperglycemia hyperglycemic hyperhomocysteinemia hyperinflated hyperinflation hyperkalemia hyperkeratosis hyperkeratosis plantaris hyperkeratotic hyperlipidemia Hyperlipidemia. hyperlipoproteinemia hypermagnesemia hypermature hypermenorrhea hypermobile hypermobility hypernatremia hyperosmolar hyperparathyroid hyperparathyroidism hyperphosphatemia hyperphosphatemia hyperpigmentation hyperpigmented hyperplasia hyperplastic hyperplastic polyp hyperplastic polyp hyperproteinemia hyperprothrombinemia hyperpyrexia hyperreflexia

hyperreflexic hyperresonant hyperresonant on percussion hypersensitivity hypersensitivity pneumonitis hypersomnolence hypersomnolent hypersplenism hyperstimulated hypertension hypertension, controlled. Hypertension, controlled. Hypertension, labile. hypertensive hypertensive cardiovascular disease hypertensive encephalopathy hypertensive heart disease hypertensive urgency hyperthermia hyperthyroidism hypertonic hypertonicity hypertriglyceridemia Hypertriglyceridemia, on treatment. hypertrophic hypertrophic hyperpigmented areas hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy hypertrophied hypertrophied inferior turbinates hypertrophy hypertropia hyperuricemia hyperuricosuria hypervascular hyperventilated hyperventilation hypervigilant hypervolemia hypervolemic hyphema hypnagogic hypoactive hypoactive bowel sound hypoadrenalism hypoaeration hypoalbuminemia hypoaldosteronism hypoattenuation hypocalcemia hypocellular hypocellular marrow hypochloremia hypochloremic hypochromia hypochromic hypochromic, microcytic anemia hypocontractile hypocontractility hypodense hypoechoic

hypogammaglobinemia hypogammaglobulinemia hypogastric hypogastric region hypogastrium hypoglossal hypoglossal nerve hypoglycemia hypoglycemic hypoglycemics hypogonadism hypoinflation hypointense hypointense lesion hypointense lesions hypointensity hypokalemia hypokalemic hypokinesia hypokinesis hypokinetic hypomagnesemia hypomanic hypomethylating chemotherapy hyponatremia hyponatremic hyponychium hypo-osmolality hypoperfusion hypopharynx hypophonia hypophosphatemia hypopigmentation hypopigmented hypopituitarism hypoplastic hypopotassemia hypoproteinemia hypoprothrombinemia hyporeflexic hypospadias hypotension hypotensive hypotensive episode hypothalamic hypothalamus hypothermia hypothermic hypothyroid hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism. hypotonic hypoventilated hypoventilatory hypoventilatory syndrome hypovitaminosis D hypovolemia hypoxemia hypoxemic hypoxemic respiratory failure

hypoxia hypoxic Hyskon hysterectomy hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy hysterectomy with oophorectomy hysterosalpingogram hysteroscope hysteroscopic hysteroscopically hysteroscopies hysteroscopy Hytrin I I did not appreciate I did not appreciate any I discussed the case with I do not appreciate I do not appreciate any I had the opportunity to evaluate I had the opportunity to see I have described the risks and benefits, goals, and possible complications of an esthesia and surgery to the patient, and a thorough preoperative informed consen t was obtained. All of the patient's questions were answered, and she wishes to proceed with surgery. I have discussed I have discussed the case with I have interpreted I have seen and examined I have signed the interpretation I have signed the interpretation. I have written some holding orders to facilitate his flow to the floor. I then dipped the tip of the endoscope in 2% Xylocaine jelly and gently and atra umatically introduced it into his mouth, oropharynx, and into his upper, mid, an d distal esophagus. I to E ratio I was asked I was asked by I was asked to I was kindly asked by I will discharge the patient today. I will discuss the case with I will keep you posted. i.e. i.e., I/I I/II I/III I/IV I/V IA handle iatrogenic iatrogenic hyperprothrombinemia iatrogenic hyperthyroidism iatrogenic hypoprothrombinemia ibuprofen ice ichthyosis icteric icteric sclerae

icterus idea ideal ideas ideas of reference ideation ideations identical identical fashion identical procedure identifiable identification identification (ID) IDENTIFICATION: identified identified and isolated identified and ligated identified and mobilized identified and preserved identified and released identified and resected identified and retracted identifies identify identify and preserve identify and retract identifying IDENTIFYING DATA IDENTIFYING DATA: IDENTIFYING DATA identity idiopathic idiopathic cardiomyopathy idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis (IHSS) idiopathic polyneuropathy idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura idiosyncratic idiosyncratic reaction idioventricular idioventricular rhythm if if necessary if needed if needed for if no better in 2 to 3 days if not improved if not yet done if possible if there are any problems if you have any ifosfamide Iglesias resectoscope II II through XII are II through XII are grossly intact II/II II/III

II/IV II/V III III/III III/IV III/V ileal ileal conduit ileal diversion ileal loop ileal loop diversion ileal loop for transitional carcinoma ileitis ileoanal ileocecal ileocecal junction ileocecal valve ileocecostomy ileocolic ileocolic intussusception ileocolonic ileocolostomy ileoileostomy ileoinguinal ileojejunal ileorectal ileosigmoid ileostomy ileum ileus iliac iliac angiogram iliac artery iliac crest iliac crest bone graft iliac crest was prepped iliac crest was prepped and iliac crest was prepped and anesthetized with iliac fossa iliac spine iliac vein iliofemoral iliohypogastric ilioinguinal ilioinguinal nerve iliopsoas iliopubic iliopubic tract iliotibial iliotibial band iliotibial tract ilium ill ill appearing ill contacts ill effects ill-defined illicit drug illicit drug abuse illicit drug usage

illicit drug use illicit drugs illicit substances illness ILLNESS: illnesses illogical illumination illusion illusions illustrated IM image image intensification image intensifier Imagecast imaged images imaging imbalance imbedded imbricate imbricated imbricating imbrication immature immediate immediate family immediately immediately p.r.n. immersed imminent imminently immobile immobility immobilization immobilize immobilized immobilizer immobilizing immune immune compromised immunization immunizations immunocompromised immunodeficiency immunoelectrophoresis immunofixation immunoglobulin immunoglobulins immunohistochemical staining immunologic immunology immunoperoxidase immunophenotyping immunophenotyping and cytogenetics immunosuppressant immunosuppressant therapy immunosuppressants immunosuppressed

immunosuppression immunotherapy immunotyping impact impacted impacted valgus displacement impaction impair impaired impaired renal function impairing impairment impairments Impar impede impeded impending imperative impinge impinged impingement impingement syndrome impinging implant implantable implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implantation implantation therapy implanted implants implemented implicate implicated implicating implication implied imploded importance important importantly impossible impotent Impra graft impregnated impress impressed impressing impression impression, findings, and recommendations IMPRESSION: IMPRESSIONPlease see Smart Chart for completeness. impressions impressive impressively improve improved improved condition improvement improvement in improvement of

improvement of symptoms improvements improves improving impulsivity Imuran in in 1 month in 1 to 2 weeks in 1 week in 2 days in 2 layers in 2 months in 2 weeks in 3 days in 3 layers in 3 months in 3 weeks in 4 days in 4 months in 4 weeks in 5 days in 5 months in 5 weeks in 6 days in 6 months in 6 weeks in a in a continuous fashion in a continuous locked fashion in a continuous locking manner in a continuous running fashion in a locking fashion in a motor vehicle accident in a retrograde fashion in a running fashion in a running locked fashion in a running locking fashion in a running subcuticular fashion in a similar manner in a simple interrupted fashion in a stable condition in a sterile fashion in a sterile manner in a subcuticular fashion in a vertical fashion in acute distress in addition in addition to in all 4 extremities in all extremities in all four extremities in all major groups in all quadrants in all spheres in an attempt to in an effort to in an interrupted fashion in anticipation of in any acute distress

in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in

any event association with both directions both quadrants conclusion, conjunction with consultation by critical condition detail divided doses excellent condition excellent postoperative condition fact fair condition front of general good condition good general condition good general health good health good postoperative condition good repair her left her office her right his left his office his right horizontal mattress fashion its entirety layers light of light of the fact that line with the fibers mild distress mild to moderate distress moderate distress my office my opinion no acute distress no apparent acute distress no apparent distress no distress no extreme distress no obvious distress no real acute distress no respiratory distress obvious distress one week order to other words our office particular place poor condition reference to regard to relation to remission running fashion

in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in

satisfactory condition satisfactory postoperative condition simple interrupted fashion situ spite of stable condition standard fashion standard sterile fashion subcuticular running fashion summary terms of the the absence of the area of the the background of the balloon the chart the clinic the direction the direction of the direction of its fibers the distant past the emergency care unit the emergency department the emergency room the ER the evening the event of the eye the family the following manner the form of the future the hall the hospital the interim the intervening period the last the last few months the last several months the last week the left the left arm the left eye the left lower quadrant the lithotomy position the lower the meantime the midline the morning the near future the next week the normal fashion the normal manner the normal sterile fashion the normal sterile manner the office the operating room the past the past year

in the presence of in the process of in the prone position in the range of in the remote past in the right in the right arm in the right eye in the right upper quadrant in the routine fashion in the routine manner in the routine sterile fashion in the routine sterile manner in the same plane in the setting of in the standard fashion in the standard surgical fashion in the supine position in the supine position on the Operating Room table. in the upper lung fields in the urgent care in the urine in the usual aseptic fashion in the usual customary sterile fashion in the usual fashion in the usual manner in the usual sterile fashion in the usual sterile manner in the usual sterile ophthalmological fashion in the usual strict sterile fashion in the week in the wound in three layers in toto in toto. in touch in touch with in two layers in vertical mattress fashion in view of in view of the fact that in view of this in vitro fertilization inability inability to bear weight inability to walk inadequate inadequately inadvertent inadvertently inanition inappropriate inappropriately inappropriateness inattentive inattentiveness inaudible incapacitated incarcerate incarcerated

incarcerating incarceration incarcerations incentive incentive spirometer incentive spirometry incentive spirometry flutter valve inch inches incidence incident incidental incidentally incipient incise incised incising incision incision and drainage incision site incision was carried down incision was carried down through incision was closed incision was closed with incision was deepened incision was healing well incision was made incision was then made incisional incisional biopsies incisional biopsy incisional hernia incisional hernias incisions incisor incisors include included includes including Including the indications, the procedure itself, the risks, and possible complic ations, as well as the management of these complications, and the alternatives t o this examination were carefully discussed with inclusion inclusion cyst inclusion cysts incoherent incoherently incompatible incompetence incompetent incompetent cervix incompetent perforators incomplete incomplete abortion incomplete breech presentation incomplete spontaneous abortion incompletely inconclusive incongruity

inconsistencies inconsistency inconsistent incontinence incontinent incoordination incorporate incorporated incorporates incorporating incorporation incorrect increase increase in increased increased AP thoracic diameter increased cough increased difficulty increased effort of respiration increased risk for increased thirst increased uptake increased work of breathing increased work of respiration increases increasing increasing fatigue increasing pain increasing shortness of breath increasingly incremental incurred indeed indefinitely indent indentation indentations indented indenting independence independent independent ambulator independently Inderal indeterminate index index finger index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger index, long, ring, and little fingers indicate indicated indicated procedure indicates indicating indication INDICATIONS INDICATIONS: indicative indicator indices

indices were macrocytic indigestion indigo indigo carmine indigo carmine dye indirect indirect hernia indirect inguinal hernia indirect left inguinal hernia indirect ophthalmoscope indirect ophthalmoscopy indirect right inguinal hernia indirectly indistinct individual individual therapy individualized individualized as per individually individuals Indocin indoctrinated indoors induce induced induced sputum induced vomiting induces inducible inducted induction induction of labor induction radiation therapy inductions indulge indurated induration indurations indwelled indwelling indwelling catheter indwelling Foley catheter indwelling suprapubic catheter infancy infant infants infant's infarct infarct evolution infarct pattern infarction infarction pattern infarctions infarcts infected infecting infection infection, ulceration, or trauma infections infectious

infectious disease INFECTIOUS DISEASE CONSULTATION infectious etiology infectious infiltrate infectious process infectious processes infective inferior inferior border inferior endplate inferior endplate insufficiency inferior endplate of L3 inferior infarct inferior mesenteric artery inferior myocardial fixation inferior myocardial infarction inferior oblique inferior pole inferior rectus muscle inferior turbinate inferior turbinates inferior vena cava inferior wall infarction inferior wall myocardial infarction inferiorly inferiormost inferolateral inferolateral infarct inferolateral ischemia inferolateral myocardial infarction inferomedial inferomedially inferonasal inferonasally inferotemporal inferotemporally infertile infertility infiltrate infiltrated infiltrates infiltrating infiltrating duct carcinoma infiltrating ductal carcinoma infiltration infiltration of 1% Xylocaine with 0.5% Marcaine solution infiltrations infiltrative inflamed inflammation inflammative inflammatory inflammatory bowel disease inflammatory joint disease inflammatory pelvic disease inflammatory process inflatable penile prosthesis inflate inflated inflating

inflation inflow influenza influenza A and B informal informally informant informants information informed INFORMED CONSENT informed consent obtained informed consent was obtained INFORMED CONSENT: informed witnessed consent informing infra-axillary infraclavicular infractured infraduction infrainguinal inframammary inframammary fold infranasal infraorbital infraorbital rim infrapatellar infrapopliteal infrarenal infrascapular infrastructure infratemporal infratemporally infraumbilical infra-umbilical infraumbilical fold infraumbilical incision infraumbilically infraxiphoid infrequent infrequently infundibular infundibular pelvic infundibulopelvic infundibulopelvic junction infundibulopelvic ligament infundibulopelvic ligaments infundibulum infuse Infuse-A-Port infused infuses infusing infusion infusion cannula infusion port infusions ingested ingesting ingestion

ingrown inguinal inguinal adenopathy inguinal canal inguinal hernia inguinal hernia repair inguinal hernias inguinal herniorrhaphy inguinal ligament inguinal ligaments inguinal regions inguinal ring inhalant abuse inhalation inhalation (INH) inhalation abuse inhalation anesthesia inhalation therapy inhaled inhaler inhalers inhibition inhibitor inhibitors inhouse inion initial Initial blood pressure initial cardiac enzymes initial cycle initial cycle of chemotherapy initial diagnosis initial evaluation initial exam initial examination initially initiate initiated initiating initiation initiative inject injectable injectables injected injected with injecting injection injection drug use injection fraction injection of injection-aspiration-injection injections injects injure injured injuries injuring injury injury instructions

injury pattern-type change injury pattern-type changes inlet inner inner aspect inner ear inner layer inner lower quadrant inner table inner-upper quadrant innominate innominate artery innominate vein inoperable inoperative inorganic inpatient inpatient rehabilitation input input and output inputs and outputs inquiry INR inscriptions insect insect bite insent insert inserted inserting insertion insertions inserts inset insetting inside insidious onset insight insight and judgment insignificant insinuated insomnia inspect inspected inspecting inspection inspections inspiration inspiration and expiration inspirations inspiratory inspiratory and expiratory wheezes inspiratory wheezing inspiratory-expiratory effort inspired oxygen inspissated inspissation inspite instability installation

installed installment instances instantaneous instead instead of instill instillation instilled instilling instills institute instituted institutes instituting institution institutional institutionalization institutionalize institutions instruct instructed instructed to follow instructed to follow up instructed to follow up with instructed to return instruction instructions instructions were given instructor instrument instrument and sponge counts instrument, lap, and needle counts instrument, needle, and sponge counts instrumentation instruments insufficiencies insufficiency insufficient insufficiently insufflate insufflated insufflating insufflation insufflator insular insulated insulin insulin therapy insulin-dependent insulin-dependent diabetes insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent diabetic insulin-dependent gestational diabetes insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes Insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes insulin-requiring diabetes mellitus insult insulted insurance

insured insuring intact intact bilaterally intact membranes intact perineum intact strength in all extremities intact to light touch intact tone in all extremities intact without nystagmus intake intake and output intakes Intal integrity integument intelligence intend intended intense intensely intensification intensified intensifier intensity intensive intensive care Intensive Care Nursery intensive care unit intent intention intention tremor intentionally inter interact interarticular interbody intercartilaginous Intercede intercondylar intercondylar notch intercostal intercostal brachial nerve intercostal space intercostal space (ICS) intercourse intercurrent intercurrent complications interdental interdentally interdigitations interest interested interesting interestingly interface interfascicular interfere interfered interference

interfering interferon interfixation interfragmentary interim interior interiorized interiorly interlaminar interleukin-2 interlock interlocked interlocking interlocking bolt interlocks intermaxillary intermaxillary fixation intermediary resistant intermediate intermediate care unit intermediate coronary care unit intermetatarsal intermetatarsal ligament intermittent intermittent chest pain intermittent claudication intermittent episodes intermittent positive pressure breathing intermittent problems intermittently intermuscular internal internal and external internal and external hemorrhoidal internal and external hemorrhoidectomy internal and external hemorrhoids internal auditory canal internal capsule internal carotid artery internal carotid artery (ICA) internal derangement INTERNAL EXAMINATION internal fetal monitor internal fixation internal hemorrhoid internal hemorrhoidal internal hemorrhoidectomy internal hemorrhoids internal inguinal ring internal jugular internal jugular artery internal jugular vein internal mammary artery internal maxillary fixation internal medicine internal medicine clinic INTERNAL MEDICINE CONSULTATION internal oblique internal oblique aponeurosis internal oblique muscles

internal optical urethrotomy internal ring internal rotation internal sphincter internalization internalized internally internist internist on call internists internuclear ophthalmoplegia interosseous interphalangeal interphalangeal joint interposed interposition interpret interpretation interpreted interpreted by me interpreter interprets interrogate interrogated interrogating interrogation interrupt interrupted interrupted mattress sutures interrupted simple sutures interrupted stich interrupted stitches interrupted sutures interrupted sutures of interrupted vertical mattress sutures interruptedly interrupting interruption interscalene interscapular interscapular discomfort intersection interspace intersphincteric interstitial interstitial cystitis interstitial lung changes interstitial lung disease interstitial marking interstitial markings interstitial nephritis interstitial pattern interstitially interstitium intertriginous intertriginous skin rash intertrochanteric intertrochanteric fracture intertrochlear groove interval

interval change interval changes INTERVAL HISTORY: intervals intervals and axis intervalvular fibrosa intervascular volume intervene intervened intervening intervention interventional interventional treatment interventions interventricular septal defect interventricular shunt intervertebral intervertebral disk space interview interviewed intestinal intestine intestines intimal intimal hyperplasia intimate intimately into intolerance intolerant intoxicate intoxicated intoxicating intoxication intoxification intra intraabdominal intra-abdominal intraabdominal catastrophe intraabdominal cavity intraabdominal hemorrhage intraabdominally intra-abdominally intra-aortic intraaortic balloon catheter intraaortic balloon pump intra-aortic balloon pump intraaortic balloon pumping intra-aortic balloon pumping intraarticular intra-articular intraatrial intraatrial thrombus intracamerally intracanalicular intracapsular intracapsular cataract extraction intracardiac abscess intracartilaginous intracavity

intracellular intracerebral intracerebral hemorrhage intracervically intracolonic intracolonic pathology intracondylar intracoronary intracorporeal intracranial intracranial hemorrhage intracranial pressure intractable intractable nausea and vomiting intracutaneous intracuticular intradermal intradermally intraductal intraepithelial intrafascial intrahepatic intra-intestinal intraluminal intraluminal processes intramedullary intramedullary fixation intramedullary nail intramedullary rod intramedullary rodding intramural intramurally intramuscular intramuscularly intramyometrial intranasal intranasally intranipple intraocular intraocular lens intraocular lens implant intraocular pressure intraocular pressures intraocular pressures were normal intraocularly intraoperative intraoperative bradycardia intraoperatively intraoral intraoral cavity intraorally intraorbital intraparenchymal intraparenchymal hematoma intraparenchymal hemorrhage intrapartum intrapelvic intraperitoneal intraperitoneal cavity intraperitoneally

intrapleural intrarectal intrarenal intrascalene intrasphincteric intraspinal intrathalamic intrathalamic hemorrhage intrathecal intrathecal chemotherapy intrathecally intratrabecular intraumbilical intraurethrally intrauterine intrauterine cavity intrauterine device intrauterine fetal demise intrauterine growth restriction intrauterine growth retardation intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) intrauterine pregnancy intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) intrauterine pregnancy at term intrauterine pressure catheter intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) intravaginal intravaginally intravascular intravascular volume contraction intravascularly intravenous intravenous access intravenous antibiotics intravenous block anesthesia intravenous chemotherapy intravenous contrast intravenous corticosteroids intravenous crystalloids with Pitocin intravenous D5 lactated Ringer's intravenous D5 lactated Ringer's with Pitocin intravenous diuretics intravenous drug abuse intravenous drug use intravenous drug user intravenous drugs intravenous fluids intravenous heparin intravenous heroin intravenous high-dose intravenous hydration intravenous immune globulin intravenous infusion intravenous Lasix intravenous line intravenous piggyback intravenous Pitocin intravenous pyelogram intravenous sedation intravenous therapy

intravenous Unasyn intravenous Valium intravenously intravenously in divided doses intraventricular intraventricular conduction defect intraventricular conduction delay intravesical intravesically intravesicular instillation intrinsic intrinsic compression intrinsic muscle function intrinsically introduce introduced introducer introducer sheath introducers introducing introduction introital introitus intubate intubated intubation intubation process intussusception intussusceptum intussuscipiens invade invaded invading invaginate invaginated invaginating invagination invasion invasions invasive inverse ratio ventilation pressure control inversion inversions invert inverted inverted-L inverted-U inverting inverting interrupted simple sutures investigate investigated investigating investigation investigations investigator investing investment involuntarily involuntarily admitted involuntary

involuntary movements involuted involve involved involved in involved in a motor vehicle accident involvement involvement is involvement of involvements involves involving involving the right inward inwardly inwards iodine iodine solution iodine-125 iodine-impregnated iodoform Iodoform gauze ipsilateral ipsilaterally iridectomy iridotomies iriocorneal iris iris scissors iron iron deficiency iron deficiency anemia iron deficiency panel iron percent saturation iron replacement iron repletion iron stores iron studies iron sulfate iron supplement iron-binding capacity iron-deficiency anemia irradiated irreducible irregular irregular contractions irregular corneas irregularities irregularity irregularly irregularly irregular irregularly irregular rhythm irreversibility irreversible irreversibly irridiated irrigant irrigate irrigated irrigated with

irrigated with normal saline solution irrigating irrigating and aspiration device irrigation irrigation and aspiration irrigation and debridement irrigation jet normal saline irrigation-aspiration irrigation-aspiration unit irrigator irritability irritable irritable bowel symptoms irritable bowel syndrome irritate irritated irritating irritation irritative is is a is a well-appearing and cooperative is a well-developed is able to is able to give is abnormal is admitted is advised to is afebrile is alert and cooperative is alert and oriented is allergic to is allergic to codeine is allergic to penicillin is appreciated is atraumatic and nontender is being is being admitted is clear to auscultation is clear to auscultation and percussion is clear without erythema or exudate is complaining of is currently on is decreased is decreased at is discharged with is discharged with the diagnosis of is doing is doing fairly is doing fairly well is doing well is elevated is elevated at is elevated with is entirely unremarkable is essentially normal is felt to be is felt to be in satisfactory condition is found to be alert is fully intact

is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is is

going to here for here for followup in no acute distress increased increased at increased with intact to light touch located over the medically cleared necessary negative negative for negative in detail no adenopathy no evidence of no lymphadenopathy no other normal normal at normal with normal with a not notable for noted to be now now admitted for obtained on no medications otherwise without complaints pending positive positive for present probably related probably related to referred to regular rate and rhythm regular with no ectopics related to remarkable for scheduled to seen in followup for significant for soft and soft and nontender soft with normal bowel sounds stable status post supple and nontender supple without lymphadenopathy to call or to call or return to call or return straightway to follow up to follow up with to follow up with Dr. to return to to return to the to return to the emergency room

is unable to is unchanged is unremarkable is unremarkable except is unremarkable except for is up to date is well appearing and is well appearing and cooperative is well developed, well nourished is within normal limits is without complaints I's&O's ischemia ischemic ischemic bowel ischemic cardiomyopathy ischemic cardiomyopathy ischemic changes ischemic colitis ischemic heart disease ischemic heart disease ischemic infarct ischemic infarction ischemic ulcer ischial ischial spine ischial tuberosity ischiopubic ischiorectal ischiorectal abscess ischium isn't Isocal isodense isoelectric isoenzyme isoenzymes isolate isolated isolates isolating isolation isometric Isoptin Isordil isosceles isosorbide isotope issue issued issues i-STAT isthmectomy isthmic isthmic portion of the tube isthmica nodosa isthmus it it appears to be it does seem

it does seem that it does seem that he it does seem that she it does seem that the patient it is it is clear it is difficult it is important it is possible it is unclear it should be commented that it should be mentioned that it should be noted that it was it was a pleasure to it was decided it was decided to it was determined it was determined that it was difficult it was elected it was elected to it was explained it was felt it was felt that it was found that it was my pleasure It was my pleasure to see your patient it was necessary it was not clear it was not possible it was noted it was noted that it was obvious it was possible to it was recommended it was suggested it was thought that it would be prudent itching items ITP of pregnancy itraconazole itself IU/L IU/ml IV IV antibiotic IV antibiotics IV conscious sedation IV diuretics IV fluid IV fluid hydration IV fluid resuscitation IV fluid therapy IV fluids IV mantle zone lymphoma IV piggyback (IVPB) IV steroids IV/IV

IV/V J: jackknife jackknife position Jackson-Pratt Jackson-Pratt catheter Jackson-Pratt drain Jackson-Pratt drains jackstone bladder calculi Jacob Jacob tenaculum Jacobs Jacobson jagged Jameson hook Jamshidi needle Jamshidi shunt Janeway feeding gastrostomy Janeway gastrostomy Janeway tube Jansen-Middleton forceps January Japanese-American Jarcho cannula jaundice jaundiced jaw jaw claudication jaw pain jawed J-catheter Jehovah's jejunal jejunoileal jejunojejunostomy jejunojejunostomy tube jejunostomy jejunostomy feeding tube jejunostomy tube jejunum jelly Jennings mouth gag jeopardize jerk Jewish Jobst stockings jogging John: Johnson & Johnson Johnson and Johnson joined joining joint joint capsule joint capsules joint disease joint mouse joint pain joint space joint spaces

jointly joints joints demonstrate Joseph periosteal elevator joules joystick J-point elevation J-pouch J-stent J-tube judged judgment Judkins coronary catheter Judkins right coronary catheter jugular jugular artery jugular vein jugular vein distention jugular veins jugular venous (JV) jugular venous (JV) distention jugular venous distention jugular venous distention (JVD) jugular venous pressure jugular venous pulsations jugular venous pulse jugular venous pulse pressure and pulsations jugular venous wave forms July jump junct junction junctional junctional bradycardia junctional rhythm junctions juncture June just just prior to admission just recently just-described juvenile-onset juvenile-onset diabetes juvenile-onset rheumatoid arthritis juxtapose juxtaposed juxtaposition JVD or bruits J-wire J-wires Kahn Kahn cannula Kantrex Kaposi Kaposi sarcoma Kaposi's Kaposi's sarcoma Kaposi's sarcomas Kartagener's syndrome

Kazanjian button K-Dur keen keep Keep atropine at the bedside. keep down Keep epinephrine at the bedside. keep vein open keeping Keflex Kefzol Kegel exercises Keith Keith cutting needle Keith needle Keller Keller bunionectomy Kelly Kelly clamp Kelly clamps Kelly plication Kelly punch Kelman-McPherson forceps keloid keloids kept keratectomy keratoacanthoma keratoconjunctivitis keratoconus keratoma keratome keratopathy keratoplasty keratoses keratosis keratotic keratotomy Kerley B lines Kerlix Kerlix gauze Kerlix-type Kernig Kernig sign Kernig's sign Kerrison Kerrison forceps Kerrison punch Kerrison punches Kerrison rongeur Kerrison rongeurs Kessler Kessler sutures Kessler-type ketoacidosis ketoconazole ketones Ketoprofen ketosis keyhole

kid kidney kidney disease kidney failure kidney function kidney function study kidney infection kidney infections kidney stone kidney stones kidney transplant kidneys kidneys, ureters, and bladder kill Killian Killian incision kilocalories kilogram kind kind of kind referral kink kinked kinking Kirschner Kirschner retractor Kirschner wire fixation Kirschner wires kitchen Klebsiella Klebsiella oxytoca Klebsiella pneumoniae Klepinger Klepinger forceps Klepingers Kleppinger Kling Klonopin Klor-Con knee knee immobilizer knee jerk knee joint knee pain knee replacement knees knew knife knife blade knot knots knotting know knowing knowledge Knowles pin known known allergies known diabetic known drug

known drug allergies known health problems known hiatal hernia known history known history of known medical known medical problems known medications known medicine known medicine allergies known to known to have knows knuckle Kocher Kocher clamp Kocher clamps Kocher incision Kocher maneuver Koerner flap Korean K-Pratt dilator K-rider Kronner Manipujector KUB x-ray Kussmaul Kussmaul respiration Kussmaul's sign kw1023 K-wire K-wires K-Y jelly kyphoplasty kyphoscoliosis kyphosis kyphotic L.P.N. L1-2 L1-L2 L2-3 L2-L3 L3-4 L3-L4 L4-5 L4-L5 L5-6 L5-S1 L6-7 la belle indifference lab labeled labeling labetalol labia labia majora labia minora labial labile labile hypertension labile mood

lability labium labor labor and delivery labor down labor pains Labor Room laboratories laboratory LABORATORY AND X-RAY DATA laboratory data LABORATORY DATA: laboratory evaluation laboratory exam today reveals LABORATORY FINDINGS Laboratory investigations laboratory results laboratory studies laboratory studies on admission laboratory tests laboratory values Laboratory values from laboratory values from today showed laboratory work labored labored breathing laboring laboring down laboriously labral labrum labs labyrinth labyrinthectomy labyrinthine labyrinthine dizziness labyrinthitis labyrinths lace laced lacerate lacerated lacerating laceration laceration instructions laceration over the laceration to the right lacerations Lachman lack lack of lack of coordination lacking Lacri-Lube lacrimal lacrimal duct lacrimal hypertrophy lacrimal sac lactate lactated

lactated Ringer lactated Ringer's lactated Ringer's (LR) lactic acid lactic acidosis lactose fermenter lactose intolerance lactose-fermenting lactose-free lactulose lactulose retention enemas lactulose-retention enema lacuna lacunar lacunar infarct lacunar infarction lacunar infarcts lacunar stroke lacunes ladder lady lag screw Lahey Lahey clamp laid lambda chain disease lame lamella lamellar lamina lamina papyracea Laminaria laminectomies laminectomy laminoforaminotomy laminotomies laminotomy landed landing landmark landmarks Landsman lanes Langer's lines language languages Languor's Lanoxin lap lap and instrument counts lap and sponge counts Lap and sponge counts were reported as correct lap pads lap, instrument, and sponge counts lap, needle, and instrument counts lap, needle, sponge, and instrument counts lap, sponge, and instrument counts lap, sponge, and instrument counts were correct. laparoscope laparoscopic

laparoscopic appendectomy laparoscopic cholecystectomy laparoscopically laparoscopic-assisted laparoscopy laparotomies laparotomy laparotomy pad laparotomy pads laps large large amount large amounts large bowel large cell lymphoma large pannus large quantities large quantity large volume large-bore large-capacity large-cell large-cell carcinoma largely larger larger than largest large-volume large-volume paracentesis laryngeal laryngeal mirror laryngeal nerve laryngectomy laryngitis laryngomalacia laryngopharyngeal laryngoscope laryngoscopic laryngoscopic examination laryngoscopies laryngoscopy laryngospasm laryngotomy laryngotracheal laryngotracheotomy larynx lase lased laser laser ablation laser therapy laser-attached lasered lashes lasing Lasix L-Asparaginase last last admission last bowel movement

last CD4 count last couple of weeks last evening last fall last few days last few months last few weeks last few years last hospitalization last known last menstrual period last menstrual period was last month last night last normal menstrual period last one last pap smear last several years last tetanus shot last time last visit last week last year lasted lasting lastly lasts latae late lately Latema latency latent latent content later lateral lateral aspect lateral aspect of the lateral border lateral capsular release lateral chest x-ray reveals lateral chest x-ray reveals no acute disease lateral clavicular line lateral collateral lateral collateral ligament lateral decubitus position lateral eminence lateral femoral condyle lateral gaze nystagmus lateral gutter lateral joint line lateral malleolus lateral meniscus lateral meniscus tear lateral rectus muscle lateral recumbent position lateral tibial plateau lateral T-wave flattening lateral wall lateral-based

lateralis lateralization lateralized lateralizes lateralizing lateralizing deficits laterally laterally displaced lateralmost lateral-most laterals lateral-to-medial Latin American latissimus latissimus dorsi latissimus dorsi muscle latter laughter lavage lavaged lavages law lawyer laxatives laxity layer layered layering layers laying Layne S. Jorgensen, DO. lazy-S L-capsulotomy LDH isoenzymes LDL cholesterol lead lead impedance leading leads leaf leaflets leak leakage leaked leaking leaks lean leaning leans learned learning disabilities learning disability least leathery leave leave of absence leaves leaving ledge LEEP

LEEP excision LeFort LeFort III LeFort incision left left amaurosis fugax left and right left ankle left ankle fracture left antecubital left antecubital fossa left anterior descending left anterior descending (LAD) left anterior descending artery left anterior descending coronary artery left anterior fascicular block left anterior hemiblock left anterior oblique projection left arm left arm pain left atrial left atrial enlargement left axilla left axillary left axis left axis deviation left base left brachial reflex left breast left breast 12 o'clock left breast mass left bundle branch left bundle branch block left buttock left calf left carotid endarterectomy left carpal tunnel surgery left cerebellar hemisphere left chest left circumflex left circumflex artery left circumflex coronary artery left colon left coronary angiogram left coronary artery left coronary catheter left coronary ostium left coronary system left corpus callosum left costal margin left decubitus position left direct inguinal hernia left ear left elbow left extensor hallucis left external carotid artery left external jugular vein left eye left facial droop left fallopian tube

left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left Left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left

femoral artery femoral vein femur fibula fifth finger flank flank pain foot forearm fourth finger frontal lobe frontal lobe ischemic infarction frontal parietal genu genu of the corpus callosum greater than right groin hand heart catheterization heart catheterization and coronary angiograpy heel hemiparesis hemiplegia hip hip fracture humerus iliac iliac angiogram index finger indirect inguinal hernia inguinal hernia inguinal herniorrhaphy internal carotid artery internal jugular vein internal mammary artery internal mammary artery graft internal thoracic artery intertrochanteric fracture intertrochanteric hip fracture kidney knee lacunar infarction lateral lateral decubitus position lateral position lateral Sims position lateral tilt leg little finger lobe long finger lower lower extremity lower eyelid lower leg lower lobe lower lobe consolidation lower lobe infiltrate lower lobe pneumonia lower lung field

left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left left

lower pole lower quadrant lower quadrant pain lower sternal border lung main artery main coronary artery main trunk mainstem bronchus middle finger middle lobe modified radical mastectomy more than right neck nostril obtuse marginal occipital occipital region occiput anterior occiput anterior position one ovarian ovary patella pleural effusion popliteal artery pupil ring finger sacro-anterior position salpingo-oophorectomy shift shoulder side side of sided sternal border subclavian port subclavian vein temporoparietal region testis the emergency department thigh total knee replacement tube upper upper arm upper back upper extremity upper eyelid upper lid upper lobe upper pole upper quadrant upper quadrant pain upper quadrant ultrasound upper sternal border upper thigh ureter ureteral colic ventricle

left ventricle (LV) left ventricular angiogram left ventricular angiography left ventricular cineangiogram left ventricular cineangiography left ventricular contractility left ventricular dysfunction left ventricular ejection fraction left ventricular end-diastolic pressure left ventricular enlargement left ventricular function left ventricular functions left ventricular heave left ventricular hypertrophy left ventricular hypokinesis left ventricular outflow tract left ventricular pressure left ventricular systolic dysfunction left ventricular systolic function left ventricular volume left ventricular volume, wall motion left worse than right left wrist left-curved left-flank-up left-hand left-hand dominant left-hand dominant left-hand side left-handed left-handed female left-handed gentleman left-handed man left-handed woman left-sided left-sided chest pain left-sided facial droop left-sided facial drooping left-sided flank pain left-sided heart failure left-sided hemiparesis left-sided neglect left-sided radicular complaints left-sided weakness left-to-right leftward leftward tilt leg leg edema leg pain leg ulcer legal legally Legg-Calve-Perces disease legionella legionella and pneumococcal antigen studies legs Leibinger plate leiomyoma leiomyomas

leiomyomata leiomyomata uteri leiomyosarcoma Lejour-type Leksell Leksell rongeur Leksell rongeurs Lembert Lembert stitch Lembert suture Lembert sutures Lempert rongeur length length of the incision length of the original incision length of the original skin incision length of the skin incision lengthened lengthening lengthens lengths lengthy lens lens loop lens nucleus lens ring lensectomy lenses lentectomy Leptospira leptospirosis lesion lesion in question lesioning lesions less less likely less than lesser lesser curvature lesser omentum lesser sac lesser trochanter let let me know if you have any questions lethargic lethargy letter leucovorin leukemia leukocyte leukocyte alkaline phosphatase leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP) leukocyte esterase leukocyte esterase (LE) leukocytes leukocytosis leukoencephalomalacia leukoencephalopathy leukomalacia

leukopenia leukopenic leukoplakia leukoplakic leuprolide levator level level of consciousness level of demarcation level of functioning level of the level surfaces leveled leveling levels levers levodopa-responsive Levophed Lewy body Lewy body dementia Lewy body disease LFTs are LFTs are within normal LFTs are within normal limits Lhermitte's sign libation liberally Librax Librium lichenification lid lid lag lidocaine lidocaine jelly lidocaine with lidocaine with epinephrine lidocaine without life life expectancy life threatening lifelong lifesaving lifestyle life-threatening lift lifted lifting Liga clip Liga clips ligament ligament of Treitz ligamenta flava ligamentous ligaments ligamentum ligamentum flavum ligate ligated ligating ligation

ligations ligature ligatures light light and accommodation light perception light pipe light source light touch light touch is fully intact light-chain disease lightheaded lightheadedness lightly lightning ligotomy like likelihood likely likely due to likely due to a likely secondary to likewise limb limbal limbs limbus limit limitation limitation of motion limitations limited limited by limited history limited range of motion limited stage limiting limits line line of Toldt line sepsis linea linea alba linear linear incision linear longitudinal incision linearly lined liner lines lingual lingular atelectasis lining linitis plastica lint Lioresal lip Lipase is elevated lipase is normal lipectomy

lipid lipid panel lipid profile lipidemia lipodystrophy lipohyalinosis lipoma lipomas lipomata lipomatosis lipomatous lipomatous hypertrophy lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum lipomyelo meningocele lipoprotein profile liposarcoma liposuction liposuctioned lips Lips are chapped. liquefaction liquefaction necrosis liquefied liquid liquid diet liquid stool liquids lisinopril list listed listen listened listening listless listlessness lit liter literature liters liters of carbon dioxide liters of fluid liters per minute by nasal cannula lithiasis lithium lithium carbonate lithium level litholapaxy lithotomy lithotomy position lithotripsy lithotriptor little little bit of little finger Littler Littler scissors live live female infant live male infant live-born

liveborn female liveborn male lived liver liver and kidney functions liver and spleen liver bed liver biopsy liver cancer liver cirrhosis liver disease liver echogenicity liver edge liver enzymes Liver enzymes are mildly elevated. liver failure liver function liver function abnormalities liver function studies liver function tests Liver function tests unremarkable. Liver functions are within normal limits. liver hemangioma liver laceration liver span liver transplant liver was palpable liver, kidney, and spleen liver, spleen, and kidney liver, spleen, kidney liver, spleen, kidneys lives lives with living living children living situation living-related L-mini loaded loaded with bacteria loading loan lobar lobe lobectomy lobes lobular lobulated local local anesthesia local anesthesia with intravenous sedation local anesthetic local care local control local infiltration local infiltration anesthesia local infiltrative anesthesia local mass effect local physician local recurrence

local standby local steroid injection local with standby local wound care localization localizations localize localized localizer localizes localizing localizing symptoms locally locate located located over the locating location locations lochia lock locked locked-door seclusion locking locking screw locking screws locular loculate loculated loculation loculations locum tenens lodged Lodine logical loin Lomotil long long discussion long finger long history long history of long leg cast long saphenous vein long thoracic nerve long time long, ring, and little finger long-acting long-arm cast long-bladed longer longevity longitudinal longitudinal care longitudinal incision longitudinally long-leg long-leg cast longstanding long-standing

longstanding history longstanding history of long-standing history of long-standing history of long-stem longterm long-term long-term care facility long-term memory long-term prognosis long-term vascular venous access long-time longus longus colli look look forward look to be in any acute distress looked looking looks looks normal in appearance looks well loop loop electrocautery excision procedure looped loops loop-type loose loose association loose bodies loose stools loosely loosely approximated loosely reapproximated loosen loosened looseness of associations Lopid Lopressor Lorazepam Lortab lose loss loss of loss of appetite loss of consciousness loss of range of motion loss of resistance loss of resistance syringe loss of vision losses lost lot lotion Lotrimin loud loud noises Louis: loupe loupe magnification

loupes low low back low back pain low blood pressure low blood sugar low cervical cesarean section low cervical transverse cesarean section low cholesterol diet low dose low doses low energy low flap transverse cesarean section low flap transverse uterine incision low flap uterine incision low grade low level low mood low probability low salt diet low segment transverse low segment transverse cesarean section low segment transverse incision low segment transverse primary cesarean section low sliding scale coverage low sliding scale insulin coverage low transverse low transverse cervical cesarean section low transverse cesarean delivery low transverse cesarean section low transverse incision low transverse primary cesarean section low transverse uterine incision low voltage low wall intermittent suction low-attenuation change low-attenuation changes low-average low-calorie low-cholesterol low-cholesterol diet low-dose low-dose prednisone low-dose steroids lower lower abdomen lower abdominal pain lower anterior uterine segment lower back lower back pain lower endoscopy lower esophageal sphincter lower esophageal stricture lower extremities lower extremity lower extremity cellulitis lower extremity edema lower extremity swelling lower extremity venous ultrasound lower gastrointestinal bleed

lower leg lower lid blepharoplasty lower lobe lower lobe infiltrate lower lobes lower outer quadrant lower pole lower quadrant lower quadrant abdominal pain lower quadrant pain lower quadrant tenderness lower quadrants lower right quadrant lower segment lower segmental cesarean section lower uterine cervical segment lower uterine incision lower uterine segment lower uterine transverse incision lowered lowering lower-inner quadrant lowermost lower-most lower-outer lowers lowest low-fat diet low-flow low-flow oxygen low-grade low-grade fever low-grade fevers low-grade lesion low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL) low-grade temperature low-lactose low-level low-molecular weight heparin low-normal systolic function low-powered field low-probability low-profile low-protein low-salt low-salt diet low-segment transverse incision low-sodium low-viscosity low-voltage QRS lozenges lozenge-shape Lozol L-plate L-shape L-shaped L-thyroxine L-transposition lubricated

lubrication lucencies lucency lucid and coherent Ludwig's angina Lugol Lugol's Lugol's iodine Lugol's solution lumbar lumbar compression fracture lumbar diskectomy lumbar fusion lumbar laminectomy lumbar myelogram lumbar puncture lumbar radiculopathy lumbar spinal stenosis lumbar spine lumbar stenosis lumbodorsal lumbodorsal fascia lumboperitoneal lumbosacral lumbosacral spine lumbrical lumen lumens lump lumpectomy lumpiness lunch lunchtime lung lung base lung bases lung biopsy lung cancer lung cancerstage I, stage II, stage IIA, IIB,etc lung disease lung examination lung field lung fields lung mass lung sounds lung sounds are clear lung sounds are clear throughout lung volume lung volumes lungs lungs and abdominal lungs and abdominal exams are lungs and abdominal exams are benign lungs are lungs are clear lungs are clear and equal bilaterally lungs are clear to percussion and auscultation lungs were lungs were clear lungs were clear to auscultation

lungs were clear to percussion and auscultation LUNGS: Clear to A&P. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No rhonchi, no wheezing appreciated. LUNGS: Clear to percussion and auscultation. LUNGS: Diminished. LUNGS: Diminshed, but clear. Lupron lupus lupus arthritis lupus erythematosus lupus nephritis luteal luteum luxury LV systolic dysfunction lying lying down lying in bed lying supine Lyme disease Lyme titer lymph lymph node lymph node dissection lymph node involvement lymph node survey lymph nodes lymphadenectomies lymphadenitis lymphadenopathy lymphangitic lymphangitic streaking lymphangitis lymphatic lymphatics lymphedema lymphocele lymphocyte lymphocytes lymphocytic lymphocytic colitis lymphocytic leukemia lymphoepithelioma lymphoid lymphoid hemologic malignancy lymphoidal lymphoma lymphomas lymphomatous lymphoproliferative lymphoproliferative disorder lymphoscintigraphy lymphostases lymphs lyse lysed lysing lysis lysis of adhesions

lytic lytic lesions M.D. m.p.h. Maalox macerated maceration Machemer irrigating lens Machemer lens machine Mackenrodt's ligaments macroadenoma macrocytes macrocytic macrocytosis macroglossism macromastia macrosomia macular macular degeneration macular edema macule macules maculopapular Maddrey Maddrey scores Maddrey scores (alcohol hepatitis) made magnesium magnesium oxide magnesium sulfate magnetic magnetic resonance angiogram magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) magnetic resonance imaging magnification magnified magnifying magnum MAI MAID chemotherapy MAID chemotherapy and main main left coronary artery main stem main stem bronchus mainly mainstem maintain maintained maintaining maintains maintenance maintenance dose major major concern major depression major depression with psychotic features major diagonal artery majora

majoring majority make makes making malabsorption malaise malalignment Malar male male genitalia male in no acute distress male in no apparent distress male infant male involved in a motor vehicle accident male who male who is male who is alert male who presents to the emergency room male who presents with a history of male who was male with male with a history of male without significant health problems Malecot Malecot catheter malformation malformations malformed malfunction malfunctioned malfunctioning malignancies malignancy malignant malignant ascities malignant fibrous histiocytoma malignant hypertension malignant pleural effusion maligned Mallampati class 1 airway Mallampati class 2 malleable malleolar malleolare malleoli malleolus mallet malleting Mallory-Weiss tear malnourished malnutrition malodorous malposed malpositioned malpresentation malrotation malunion mammary mammary hyperplasia

mammogram mammograms mammographic mammographic abnormality mammographically mammography mammoplasty man manage manageable managed managed expectantly management management of manager manages managing Mandarin mandible mandible nontender and stable mandibular mandibulectomy maneuver maneuvered maneuvering maneuvers manic manic depression manifest manifest by manifestation manifestations manifested manifesting manifests Manipujector manipulate manipulated manipulating manipulation manipulations manipulative manipulative behavior manipulativeness manipulator manner mannerism mannerisms mannitol manometry mantle zone lymphoma manual manual differential manually manually and completely manually extracted manually removed many many bacteria many months

many times many years many years ago map map-dot dystrophy mapped mapping mar Marcaine Marcaine 0.75% March Marfan's syndrome margin marginal margins Mariceau-Smellie-Veit maneuver marijuana marital history mark marked marked conjunctival erythema marked improvement marked relief of pain markedly markedly agitated markedly elevated markedly elevated at markedly neutropenic marker markers market marketing marking marking pen markings marks Marlex Marlex mesh Marlex plug maroon marriage married married black man married white female married white male marrow marrow aspirate marrow aspirate and biopsy marrow biopsy marrow cellularity marrow cellularity and marrow harvest marrow transplant marrow transplant for Marshall Marshall fascia Marshall-Marchetti Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz urethropexy marsupialization marsupialize

marsupialized marsupializing Maryland Maryland dissector mask masked facies masking mass mass effect mass in mass lesion mass, left breast mass, right breast Massachusetts massage massaged masses masses or masses or hernias masses or organomegaly masses or organomegaly noted masses or tenderness masses or tenderness or organomegaly masses or tenderness or organomegaly noted masses palpable masses, tenderness, or organomegaly massive massively massively obese mastectomies mastectomy mastectomy scar Master-Allen syndrome Mastisol mastoid mastoidectomy mastopexy masturbation mat match matched matches matching mate material materialize materially maternal maternal expulsive effort maternal history of maternity mathematician matriculation matrix matted matted adenopathy matter mattered matters mattress

mattress fashion mattress suture mattress sutures maturation mature mature cataract mature-appearing matured matures maturing maxilla maxillary maxillary sinus maxillary sinusitis maxillectomy maxillofacial maxillomandibular maximal maximal cardioselective beta-blocker maximal medical therapy maximal predicted heart rate maximally maximize maximized maximum maximum benefit maximum medical improvement maximus Maxitrol Maxitrol ointment Maxon Maxzide May may be necessary may have may need maybe Mayfield Maylard incision Mayo block Mayo scissors Mayo-type block MB percent of McBride bunionectomy McBurney McBurney incision McBurney's McBurney's point McCall culdoplasty mcg/dL mcg/kg/min McIvor gag McIvor mouth gag McPherson cannula McPherson forceps McRoberts maneuver McVay repair MD me meal

meals mean mean arterial pressure mean corpuscular volume meaning meaningful means meant meantime meanwhile measurable measure measured measurement measurements measures measuring meatal meatal stenosis meatotomy meatus meaty mechanic mechanical mechanical ventilation mechanically mechanically ventilated mechanics mechanism mechanisms Meckel Meckel's Meckel's diverticulum meclizine meconium meconium aspiration meconium fluid meconium stained amniotic fluid meconium-stained meconium-stained fluid media medial medial arterial calcification (MAC) medial aspect medial border medial collateral medial collateral ligament medial cortex medial eminence medial femoral condyle medial joint line medial malleolar fracture medial malleolus medial meniscectomy medial meniscus medial meniscus tear medial rectus medialis medialization medially

medially, dorsally, and laterally medialmost medial-to-lateral median median episiotomy median nerve median nerves median sternotomy median survival mediastinal mediastinal mass mediastinal nodes mediastinal structures mediastinitis mediastinoscope mediastinoscopy mediastinotomy mediastinum Medicaid medical medical advice medical care Medical Center medical consultation MEDICAL DECISION MAKING medical evaluation medical findings medical history medical history is medical history of medical illnesses medical intensive care unit medical issues medical management medical noncompliance medical oncology medical or surgical problems medical problems MEDICAL PROBLEMS medical record medical records MEDICAL RECORDS: medical regimen medical staff medical therapies medical therapy Medical treatment with risk factor modifications. medically medically cleared medical-telemetry Medicare medicated medication medication for MEDICATION LIST MEDICATIONS medications as directed medications at the time of discharge medications include medications listed

medications listed on medications listed on the medications on a regular basis medications on admission MEDICATIONS ON ADMISSION: medications on transfer MEDICATIONSReviewed. medicine medicine clinic medicine consultation medicine service medicine team medicines medicines on a regular basis mediolateral MediPort MediPort catheter MediPort placement MediPort-DL double-lumen catheter Meditec medium medium size curet medium-sized medium-sized curette medius Medpor Medpor implant Medrol medullary medulloblastoma meet meeting meetings meets Megace megacolon megakaryocytes megaloblastic melanocytic nevus melanoma melanotic melena Mellaril mellitus Melphalan member members membrane membranectomy membranes membranes and canals membranes and external auditory canals are unremarkable membranes are bilaterally clear membranes are clear membranes are clear bilaterally membranous membranous glomerulonephritis membranous urethra memorial memory

menarche Meniere disease Meniere disease Meniere's disease meningeal meningeal signs meningioblastoma meningioblastomas meningioma meningismus meningitis meningocele meningococcemia meningoencephalitis meniscal meniscal tear meniscal tibial ligament meniscectomies meniscectomy menisci meniscus menometrorrhagia menopausal menopausal syndrome menopause menorrhagia menses menstrual menstrual bleeding menstrual cycle menstrual history menstrual period menstrual period was menstrual periods menstruate menstruated menstruating menstruation mental mental health mental health unit mental illness mental retardation mental status mental status changes MENTAL STATUS EXAMINATION mental status intact mentally mentally ill mentation mention mentioned mentioned above mentioning mentions mentor mEq mEq/L meralgia Mercedes

mercury mere merely merge meridian meridians Mersilene mesenchyma mesenchymal mesenteric mesenteric adenopathy mesenteric lymph nodes mesenterium mesentery mesh meshed meshing mesial mesoappendix mesocolon mesodermal meso-occlusal distal amalgam meso-occlusal distal amalgam restoration meso-ovarian mesosalpinx mesosigmoid mesothelial mesothelial-lined mesothelioma mesotheliomas mesothelium mesovarium message met metabolic metabolic acidosis metabolic alkalosis metabolic encephalopathy metabolically metabolics metabolism metabolites metabolize metabolized metacarpal metacarpals metacarpophalangeal metacarpophalangeal joint metacarpophalangeal joints metachronous metal metallic metallic staples metamonocytes Metamucil metamyelocyte metamyelocytes metanephrines metaphor metaphyseal

metaphyseal region metaphyseal/diaphyseal junction metaphysis metas metastases metastasis metastasized metastatic metastatic adenocarcinoma metastatic brain disease metastatic breast cancer metastatic clear cell carcinoma metastatic colon cancer metastatic disease metastatic lung cancer metastatic lung disease metastatic ovarian cancer metatarsal metatarsal cuneiform metatarsal cuneiform joint metatarsal head metatarsal heads metatarsal primus varus deformity metatarsals metatarsophalangeal metatarsophalangeal joint metatarsophalangeal joints metatarsus metatarsus primus varus meter metered metered dose inhaler metered dose inhalers metered-dose inhaler meters per second methacrylate methadone methamphetamine methamphetamine abuse Methergine methicillin methicillin-resistant methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE) methicillin-resistent Staphylococcus epidermidis (MRSE) methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) method methodology methods methotrexate methotrexate and methotrexate for methyl methacrylate methylene methylene blue methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) meticulous meticulous hemostasis meticulously meticulously dissected

Metoprolol metrorrhagia Metzenbaum Metzenbaum scissors Mevacor mg mg a day mg b.i.d. mg daily mg p.o. mg p.o. q.d. mg per kilogram mg q.d. mg/dL mg/kg microbacterial microbiological microbiology microblade microcalcification microcalcifications microcrystalline microcuret microcytes microcytic microcytic anemia microdiskectomy microdissect microdissection microdissectors microdiverticulum microembolic shower microgram micrograms microhematuria microhook microinstrument micro-instruments Micro-K microlaryngeal microlaryngoscopy micromastia micromesh micromolar micromoles per liter Micronase micronebulizer micronodular microns micropoint Micropore tape microscope microscopic microscopic analysis MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION microscopic examination microscopic hematuria microscopically Microsharp Microsporum

microsurgery microsurgical microsutures microtechnique microtechniques microtip microvascular microvascular ischemia microvitrector micturition mid mid forearm mid left anterior descending coronary artery mid right coronary artery mid-400's midabdomen midappendix midaxial midaxillary midaxillary line midback midbreast midcalf midcanal midcircumflex midclavicular midclavicular line middle middle aged middle cerebral artery middle cerebral artery (MCA) middle colic artery middle ear middle finger middle lobe middle lung fields middle meatus middle phalanx middle turbinate middle-age middle-aged midepigastric midepigastric tenderness midepigastrium midesophagus midface midfield midjejunum midleft midleft anterior descending midline midline episiotomy midline incision midline scar midline vertical incision midlung midneck midnight midorbital midpalm

midpalmar midpoint midportion midposition midprostatic midquadrant midright midsentence midshaft midsternal midsternal discomfort midsternal line midsystolic midtarsal midthigh midthoracic midureteral midurethral midventricular wall motion abnormalities midverumontanum midvitreous midway might might be migraine migraine headache migraine headaches migraine variant migraines migrated migration Mikulicz pad mild mild aortic stenosis mild dehydration mild dementia mild diastolic dysfunction mild distress Mild expiratory wheezes mild renal insufficiency mild respiratory distress mild tenderness mild to moderate mild to moderate distress mildly mildly decreased mildly dilated mildly elevated mildly obese mildly uncomfortable mild-to-moderate mild-to-moderate disease mild-to-moderate edema miles per hour milestones miliary milieu milieu therapy milk milk of magnesia

milking milliamps millicuries milliequivalents millimeter millimeters million million units milliseconds millivolts mind mineral mineralization mineralocorticoid mineralocorticoid effect minerals miner's mini minilaparotomy minimal minimal abdominal tenderness minimal amount minimal amount of minimal assistance minimal exertion minimal urine production minimalizing minimally minimally displaced minimally invasive minimally invasive test Mini-Mental Mini-Mental status exam minimize minimized minimizes minimizing minimum minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) mining miniplate mini-plate miniplates Minipress miniscope ministroke minor minora minus minute minutes Miochol Miochol solution miosis mirabilis mire mirror miscarriage miscarrier

misplaced missed missed abortion missing mission Mitec mitochondrial mitomycin mitomycin trabeculectomy mitomycin-soaked mitotic mitral mitral annular calcification mitral annulus mitral insufficiency mitral regurgitation mitral regurgitation (MR) mitral stenosis mitral valve mitral valve mitral valve insufficiency mitral valve prolapse mitral valve replacement Mityvac Mityvac vacuum extractor Mityvac vacuum extractor mixed mixed type mixed with mixer mixing Mixter clamps mixture mix-up mm mm H20 mm in diameter mm of mercury mmHg moaning mobile mobile uterus mobile, anteverted uterus mobility mobilization mobilize mobilize secretions mobilized mobilized anteriorly mobilized inferiorly mobilizing Mobitz type 2 modalities modality mode model moderate moderate amount moderate amount of moderate amount of discomfort

moderate assistance moderate bacteria moderate clinical dehydration moderate dermatochalasis moderate distress moderate left ventricular systolic dysfunction moderate muscle wasting Moderate obesity. moderate quantity moderate respiratory distress moderated moderately moderately elevated moderately hypocellular marrow moderately nourished moderately overweight female moderately overweight male moderately-nourished moderate-size moderate-sized moderate-to-severe moderate-to-severe regurgitation moderating moderation modest modestly modification modifications modified modified barium swallow modified Kessler stitch modified left radical mastectomy modified lithotomy position modified Pomeroy technique modified radical mastectomy modified Richardson technique modified right radical mastectomy modified-W modify modifying modular moist moist lap pads moist lap sponge moist laparotomy pad moist laparotomy pads moist mucous membranes moist sterile dressing moistened molar mold molded molding mole molecular molluscum molluscum contagiosum mom moment momentarily

momentary moments Monday Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Monday-Wednesday-Friday money monitor monitor electrolytes monitor reveals a normal sinus rhythm monitored monitored anesthesia care monitored bed monitoring monitoring equipment monitors mono monoblock monochorionic monoclonal Monocryl Monocryl suture monocular monocular eye pad monocyte monocytes monocytoid monocytosis monofilament monomorphic monomorphic ventricular tachycardia monomorphic ventricular tachycardia cardiac arrest mononeuritis mononuclear mononucleosis monophonic monoplegia monopolar Monopril monos monotherapy mons Monsel Monsel solution Montevideo units (MVUs) Montgomery elevator month month and a half monthly monthly basis -month-old months month's months following months following his months status post Monticelli-Spinelli mood mood and affect are appropriate mood assessment mood disorder

mood stabilization mood swing mood swings mood was euthymic mood was slightly depressed moon boot moon facies Moore moral morale Moraxella catarrhalis morbid morbid obesity morbidities morbidity morbidly morbidly obese morbidly overweight female morbidly overweight male more more than moreover Morgagni moribund Morison's pouch morning morning of admission morning stiffness mornings MORPHINE morphine sulfate morphologic morphological morphologically morphologies morphology morphology and function morselized mortise mosquito mosquito clamps mosquitos most most consistent with most important most likely most likely due to most likely secondary to most recently mostly moth-eaten appearance mother mother states that mother-in-law mother's motility motion motion of motion of all extremities motion of extraocular muscles

motion of the extraocular muscles motion without limitation motions motivate motivated motivation motor motor and sensory exam normal motor evoked potentials motor examination motor or sensory deficits motor or sensory deficits are noted motor or sensory deficits noted motor strength motor strength is motor vehicle accident motor vehicle accidents motor vehicle collision (MVC) motorcycle motorized Motrin mottled mottling mount mouth mouth gag mouthwash movable move moved movement movements movements are intact moves moving Moynihan MRI MRI scan much much better much greater much improved much less much more mucin mucinous mucobuccal mucobuccal fold mucocele mucocutaneous mucocutaneous junction mucogingival junction mucoid mucoid cyst mucolytic mucolytics Mucomyst premedication. mucoperichondrial mucoperichondrial flap mucoperichondrial flaps

mucoperichondrium mucoperiosteal mucoperiosteal flaps mucoperiosteum mucosa Mucosa is dry. mucosal mucosa-to-mucosa mucositis mucous mucous fistula mucous membranes mucous membranes are Mucous membranes are mildly dry. Mucous membranes are slightly dry. mucous membranes moist mucous membranes were mucous plug mucus muddy sclerae muffled MUGA mugged Muller mullerian multicentric multicystic multidisciplinary multi-drug multifactorial multifocal multifocal atrial tachycardia multifollicular multiforme multigravida multiinfarct multi-infarct multi-infarct dementia multiinfarction multilayer multilayered multilength multilevel multilineage multilineage cytopenias multilobar multilobulated multi-lobulated multiloculated multiloculated fluid collection multimicrobial multinodular multinodular goiter multiparity multiparity desires permanent sterilization multiparity for voluntary sterilization multiparous multiple multiple adhesions multiple admissions

multiple biopsies multiple brain metastases multiple carious teeth multiple complaints multiple complex issues multiple coronary risk factors multiple episodes multiple hospital admissions multiple laboratory studies multiple layers multiple lytic lesions multiple medical comorbidities multiple medical conditions multiple medical problems multiple medications multiple myeloma multiple myocardial infarctions multiple odontectomy multiple personality disorder multiple sclerosis multiply multisepted multisystem multisystem organ failure multitude multivessel multivitamin multivitamins mural thrombus murky murmur murmur or gallop murmur, gallop or rub murmur, gallop, or rub murmur, rub, or gallop murmur,rub or gallop murmurs murmurs noted murmurs or gallops murmurs or gallops or rubs murmurs or rubs murmurs, gallops or rubs murmurs, gallops, or rubs murmurs, rubs or gallops murmurs, rubs, or gallops Murphy sign Murphy's sign muscle muscle belly muscle fascia muscle flap muscle groups muscle hooks muscle relaxant muscle spasm muscle spasms muscle strength muscle tone muscle use muscle wasting

muscle weakness muscled muscle-invasive muscles muscles were intact muscle-splitting muscle-splitting incision muscular muscular dystrophy muscular power loss muscularis musculature musculofascial musculoskeletal musculoskeletal examination musculotendinous musculotendinous junction mushroom musician must mustache mustache dressing my myalgia myalgias myasthenia gravis mycobacterial mycobacterium Mycobacterium avium Mycobacterium avium complex Mycobacterium kansasii Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycolog mycoplasma Mycostatin myelinolysis myelocyte myelocytes myelocytic myelocytic leukemia myelodysplasia myelodysplastic myelodysplastic syndrome myelofibrosis myelogenous myelogram myelography myeloid myeloid elements myeloid metaplasia myeloma myelomeningocele myelomonocytic leukemia myelopathy myeloproliferative myeloproliferative disorder myelos myelosuppression Mylanta myocardial

myocardial infarction myocardial infarction (MI) myocardial infarctions myocardial ischemia myocarditis myocardium myocutaneous myocutaneous flap myofascial myofascial disease myofascial release myoma myomas myomata uteri myomatous myomectomies myomectomy myometrial myometrium myopathy myositis myringotomies myringotomy myringotomy with tube insertion myself myxedema myxedema myositis nabothian cysts Nadbath Nadbath block nail nail bed nail bed pressure nail beds nailed nailing Nalfon name NAME OF OPERATION named namely names naming nanograms nap Naprosyn narcolepsy narcoleptic narcotic analgesics narcotic dependence narcotic therapy narcotics Narcotics Anonymous nares nares (plural, both nostrils) nares and oral pharynx naris naris (single nostril) narrow narrow-based gait

narrowed narrowing narrowly nasal nasal airway obstruction nasal bone nasal cannula nasal cavity nasal congestion nasal decongestant nasal decongestants nasal deformity nasal discharge nasal fracture nasal hemianopsia nasal mucosa nasal obstruction nasal oxygen nasal pharynx nasal polyps nasal polys nasal septal deviation nasal septum nasal spray nasal stuffiness nasally nascent nasoendotracheal nasoendotracheal tube nasoethmoid nasoethmoidal nasogastric nasogastric tube nasolabial nasolabial fold nasolacrimal nasolacrimal duct naso-orbital nasopharyngeal nasopharyngeal airway nasopharyngeal catheter nasopharyngoscope nasopharynx nasoseptal nasotracheal nasotracheal intubation nasotracheal tube nasotracheally nasotracheally intubated native native vessel disease natural natural causes nature nausea nausea and vomiting nausea but no vomiting nausea or vomiting nausea, vomiting, diarrhea nausea, vomiting, fevers, chills

nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea nauseated nauseous Navane navicular near near cavity obliteration near future near-anatomic reduction near-and-far near-and-far sutures nearby neared nearly nearsightedness near-syncopal near-syncopal episode near-syncopal event near-syncope nebulization nebulized nebulized bronchodilators nebulizer nebulizer treatment nebulizer treatments necessarily necessary necessitate necessitated necessitates necessitating necessity neck neck dissection neck examination Neck is supple Neck is supple and nontender Neck is supple without Neck is supple without lymphadenopathy neck mass neck pain neck stiffness neck supple neck vein distention neck veins neck was supple NECK: Neck is supple without adenopathy. NECK: Neck is supple without lymphadenopathy. NECK: Supple NECK: Supple. NECK: Supple. No JVD. necked necklace necks necrosis necrotic necrotic slough necrotic tissue necrotizing necrotizing enterocolitis

necrotizing fasciitis nectar-thick liquids need NEED FOR FURTHER MEDICAL TREATMENT: NEED FOR FUTURE MEDICAL CARE: need to needed needed for pain needing needle needle and sponge counts needle biopsy needle bladder neck suspension needle localization needle track marks needled needle-localization biopsy needle-point needles needless needs needs to be admitted negative negative and negative behavior negative behaviors negative bilaterally negative chronotropes negative for negative for any negative for any obvious negative for blood negative for fracture negative in detail negative pressure negative pressure source negative stools negativity neglected negligible negotiate negotiated neighbor neighborhood neighboring neighbors Neisseria Neisseria gonorrhea neither Nembutal neoadjuvant neoadjuvant chemotherapy NeoDecadron Neodecadron ointment Neodecadron Ophthalmic Ointment neodymium neodymium YAG Neomycin neonatal neonatal intensive care unit

neonate neonatologis neonatologist neonatology consultation neoplasia neoplasm neoplasms neoplastic neosalpingostomies neosalpingostomy Neosporin Neosporin ointment Neo-Synephrine neovascular neovascularization nephew nephrectomies nephrectomy nephritis nephrogenic nephrolithiasis nephrolithotomy nephrologist nephrology Nephrology consultation nephrology service nephropathy nephrosclerosis nephrostomy nephrostomy tube nephrostomy tubes nephrotic nephrotic syndrome nephrotic-range nephrotomogram nephrotoxic nephrotoxicity nephrotoxin nephrotoxins nephroureterectomy nerve nerve block nerve conduction studies nerve conduction study nerve conduction velocities nerve conduction velocity nerve graft nerve hook nerve palsy nerve root nerve roots nerves nerves are grossly intact nerves grossly intact nerves II through XII nerves II through XII are nerves II through XII are grossly intact nerves II through XII are intact nerves II-XII are nerves intact

nervous nervous breakdown nervousness net network Neupogen neural foramen neuralgia neurapraxia neuritis Neuro grossly intact neuroblastoma neurocardiogenic neurocirculatory neurodermatitis neuroendocrine neurofibroma neurofibromas neurofibromatosis neurogenic neurogenic bladder neuroleptic neuroleptics neurologic neurologic complaints neurologic consultation neurologic deficit neurologic exam neurologic exam is neurologic examination was nonfocal neurologic functioning neurologic or functional deficits NEUROLOGIC: NEUROLOGIC: Alert, oriented x3. No focal deficit NEUROLOGIC: Appropriate for age NEUROLOGIC: Exam is normal. NEUROLOGIC: He is alert and oriented x3. There are no focal deficits. NEUROLOGIC: No focal deficit. NEUROLOGIC: No focal deficit. NEUROLOGIC: No focal deficits. NEUROLOGIC: No focal findings. NEUROLOGIC: Nonfocal. NEUROLOGIC: She is alert and oriented x3. There are no focal deficits. neurological neurological consultation neurological examination NEUROLOGICAL EXAMINATION: Neurological examination: Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact. No motor or sensory deficits. Deep tendon reflexes are normal Neurological examination: Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact. No motor or sensory deficits. Deep tendon reflexes are normal neurological findings neurological status neurologically neurologically intact neurologist neurology neurology service neurolysis neuroma

neuromalignant neuromuscular neuron neuro-ophthalmology neuropathic neuropathy neuropediatrician neuropraxia neuropsychiatric neuropsychiatrist neuropsychiatry neuropsychological neuroradiologist neuroradiology neurosurgeon neurosurgeons neurosurgery neurosurgical neurotic neurotrophic neurovascular neurovascular bundle neurovascular bundles neurovascular examination neurovascular structures neurovascularly neurovascularly intact neutral neutrally neutropenia neutropenic neutropenic fever neutrophil neutrophils never never had nevertheless nevus new new acute medical problems new cycle new cycle of new cycle of GAP-POMP new cycle of her new cycle of her intensification New Jersey new onset New York New York City newborn newly newly diagnosed new-onset next next day next few days next month next morning next of kin next time

next visit next week next year NG tube ng/ml nice nicely nick nicked nicked in the midline nicotine nicotine abuse nicotine abuse disorder nicotine addiction nicotine dependence niece night night of admission night sweats nightly nightmare nightmares nighttime nine nine days nine hours nine months nine o'clock nine thirty o'clock nine weeks nine years nineteen-year-old ninety-eight-year-old ninety-five-year-old ninety-four-year-old ninety-nine-year-old ninety-one-year-old ninety-seven-year-old ninety-six-year-old ninety-three-year-old ninety-two-year-old ninety-year-old nine-year-old ninth rib nipple nipple areolar complex nipple areolar pedicle nipple discharge nipple inversion nipple retraction nipple-areolar complex nipples Nissen fundoplication nitrate nitrates nitrites Nitro paste Nitro patch Nitro-Bid Nitro-Dur

nitrofurantoin nitroglycerin nitroglycerin paste nitroglycerin patch Nitrol IV Nitropaste NitroPatch nitroprusside nitrous nitrous oxide NKDA no No abdominal pain. no abnormal cerebellar signs no abnormal findings no abnormalities no abnormality no accessory muscle no accessory muscle use no active bleeding no acute abnormalities no acute changes no acute disease no acute distress no acute findings no acute ischemic change no acute ischemic changes no acute lesions no acute pathology no acute process no adenopathy no air-fluid levels no alcohol no allergies no apparent acute distress no apparent distress no arthritis no asterixis no back pain no bacteria no blood or no bony abnormalities no bony tenderness no bruits no bruits auscultated No carotid bruit. no carotid bruits No carotid bruits. no cerebellar signs no cervical lymphadenopathy no change no change in no chest pain no chest pain or palpitations No chest pain, pressure, or tightness. No chest pain, tightness, or pressure. no children No chills or fever. no chills, fever, night sweats, or rigors No chills, fever, night sweats, or rigors.

No no no no no No no no no No No no no No no no no no no no no no no No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No no no no no no No no No no No no no no no no no no no no no

chills. clear-cut signs clubbing, cyanosis or edema clubbing, cyanosis, or edema complaints complaints. complications convincing evidence of cough crackles or wheezes. crackles or wheezing. crackles, wheezing, or rhonchi CVA tenderness cyanosis, no clubbing, no edema noted. diagnosis difficulty difficulty with discharge noted drainage dullness to percussion ectopics or extra sounds edema edema of the legs edemas or calf tenderness. erythema evidence evidence of evidence of any evidence of disease evidence of fracture evidence of fractures evidence of injury evidence of recurrent evidence of recurrent disease evidence of trauma extreme distress family history of fat fever fever or chills. fever, chills, night sweats fever, chills, or night sweats fevers fevers or fevers, chills, or sweats fevers. fluctuance focal deficit focal deficits focal deficits. focal findings focal tenderness to palpation foreign bodies foreign body free air further further abnormalities further bleeding further change further evidence

no no no no no no no No no no no no no no No no no No no no no no no no no no No no no no No no no no no no no no No no No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No no no

further evidence of further intervention further problems further problems with growth guarding or rebound guarding, no rebound guarding, rigidity, or rebound tenderness. headaches heavy lifting hemorrhage, AV nicking, or papilledema is appreciated hepatosplenomegaly hepatosplenomegaly and hepatosplenomegaly and no peripheral edema hepatosplenomegaly noted. hepatosplenomegaly, masses, or hernias history history of history of any history of cardiac history of diabetes improvement indication infiltrate injury jugular venous distention JVD. known known allergies known coronary history known coronary history. known diabetes known drug allergies known health problems known history known history of known medical problems known medicine allergies labs obtained today. lesions lightheadedness. limitation longer loss of loss of consciousness loss of range of motion lymphadenopathy mass masses or organomegaly masses or organomegaly noted masses or tenderness masses or tenderness or organomegaly masses or tenderness or organomegaly noted masses, tenderness, or organomegaly noted medical illnesses medications medicines on a regular basis melena or hematochezia. meningeal signs meningeal signs on exam

no no no no no no no no no no no no no No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no No no no no no no no no no

meningismus more motor or sensory deficit motor or sensory deficits motor or sensory deficits are noted motor or sensory deficits noted murmur murmur, gallop, or rub murmur, rub or gallop murmur, rub, or gallop murmurs murmurs or murmurs or gallops murmurs or gallops appreciated. murmurs, rubs, or gallops nasal obstruction nausea or vomiting neck pain new complaints nodes nodes noted nodes or thyromegaly numbness or tingling nystagmus obstruction organomegaly other other abnormalities other aggravating or alleviating factors noted. other complaints other complaints at this time other injuries other injury other medical or surgical problems other medical problems other symptoms other symptoms or complaints overlying abrasion pain palpable adenopathy palpable lymphadenopathy palpable mass palpable mass, organomegaly, or hernia palpable masses paraspinous muscle tenderness past history of past history of peptic ulcer disease pathological findings pathological reflexes peptic ulcer disease or renal problems peripheral edema peripheral edema. point tenderness point tenderness over the spine previous history previous history of prior history prior history of problem problems

no pronator drift no rash no rash present No rashes, icterus, or lesion. no rebound or guarding no rebound or rigidity no remarkable past medical history no residual chips no respiratory distress no sense of palpitations no sequelae no shortness of breath No shortness of breath or cough. no side effects from no sign no significant abnormalities no significant abnormality no significant change no significant changes no significant disease no significant interval change no signs of no signs of injury no sinus tenderness no spider angiomata no splinter hemorrhages no stone no surgeries no symptomatology no symptoms no tenderness no tenderness in the no tenderness of the no tenderness on palpation no thrush no thyromegaly no tobacco no tracheal deviation no treatment for the problem no urinary symptoms no vitreous no warmth no wheeze or rhonchi no wheezes no wheezes, rales, or rhonchi No wheezes, rhonchi, or rales. nocturia nocturnal nocturnal BiPAP nocturnal dyspnea nocturnal hypoxemia nodal nodal blocker node nodes nodes in nodes were nodular nodularities nodularity

nodule nodules Nolvadex non non-absorbable nonabsorbable sutures nonalcoholic steatohepatitis nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) nonambulatory nonambulatory state non-anion gap metabolic acidosis nonattached non-bleeding non-Burkitt noncardiac noncardiac chest pain nonclotted non-clotting noncommunicative noncompliance noncompliant nonconfirmatory noncontact noncontrast non-contrast noncontributory non-contributory nonconvulsive nonconvulsive status epilepticus noncooperative noncritical noncrushing noncytic nondiagnostic non-diagnostic nondilated funduscopic exam nondisplaced nondisplaced fracture nondisplaced pathologic fracture nondistended non-distended nondistensible nondrinker non-drinker nondyed none none palpable non-English non-English-speaking nonenhancing nonerythematous nonetheless nonexertional nonfasting nonfasting glucose nonfixation nonfocal non-focal Nonfocal. nonfocused

nonfriable nonfunctional nonfunctioning nongravid non-guarded nonhealing non-Hodgkin non-Hodgkin lymphoma non-Hodgkin's nonicteric non-icteric noninflamed noninflammatory noninjected noninsulin non-insulin non-insulin dependent type 2 diabetes noninsulin-dependent non-insulin-dependent non-insulin-dependent diabetes noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus non-insulin-dependent diabetic noninterlocking noninvasive noninvasive intraductal carcinoma noninvasive monitoring devices noninvasive ventilation nonischemic nonischemic cardiomyopathy nonlocking nonmalignant nonmetastatic non-metastatic nonmobile nonobstructing nonobstructive non-obstructive nonobstructive coronary artery disease nonobstructive coronary disease nonocclusive nonocclusive DVT nonpalpable nonpalpable distal pulses non-paratrabecular nonpegylated nonperforated nonperforated appendicitis nonpitting nonprescription nonprescription drug use nonproductive non-productive nonproductive cough nonradiating nonreactive nonreassuring nonreassuring fetal heart pattern nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracing nonreassuring fetal tracing

nonrebreather nonrebreather mask non-rebreathing nonrecurrent nonreducible nonresolution nonrestorable nonrevascularizable nonsensical nonsignificant nonsmall non-small non-small-cell non-small-cell carcinoma non-small-cell lung carcinoma nonsmoker non-smoker nonspecific non-specific nonspecific bowel gas pattern nonspecific changes nonspecific proteinaceous free fluid nonspecific ST (NSST) nonspecific ST-T wave abnormalities nonspecific ST-T wave abnormality nonspecific ST-T wave changes nonspecific ST-T-wave abnormalities nonspecific ST-T-wave changes nonspecific T-wave changes nonstaining non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome nonsteroidal non-steroidal nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medication nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications nonsteroidals nonstress nonstress test Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) nonsustained ventricular tachycardia nonsymptomatic nonsyncopal nontender non-tender nontender chest wall nontender to palpation nontender with normoactive bowel sounds nontender without nontender without any meningeal signs nontender without JVD or bruits nontender without masses nontender without organomegaly Nontender. nontoxic nonunion nonvascular

nonvascular pattern nonverbal nonviable nonvisualization nonweightbearing nonweight-bearing nor norm normal normal active bowel sounds normal affect normal anatomical position normal and normal and symmetric normal automated differential normal axis normal bilaterally normal bowel gas pattern normal bowel sounds normal bowel tones normal cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes normal cardiac silhouette normal cardiomediastinal silhouette normal cardiomediastinal silhouette without pulmonary infiltrate normal childhood diseases normal childhood illnesses normal circumcised male normal diastolic function normal differential normal differential cell count normal except for normal external auditory canals normal external genitalia Normal female genitalia. normal gait normal in appearance normal in size normal indices normal intervals normal LFTs normal limits normal limits except for normal limits without normal male external genitalia Normal male genitalia. normal manner normal menstrual period Normal ovaries, tubes, and uterus were noted. normal platelet count normal point of maximal impulse normal pressure hydrocephalus normal pulmonary parenchyma normal range normal range of motion normal rate and regular rhythm Normal rate and regular rhythm without normal rate and regular rhythm without murmurs normal RBC indices normal S1 and S2 normal saline

normal saline IV normal saline solution normal sinus rhythm normal sinus rhythm with normal sinus rhythm without normal sinus rhythm without ectopy normal size normal size and shape normal sphincter tone normal spontaneous vaginal delivery normal spontaneous vaginal delivery normal sterile fashion normal tone normal vaginal delivery normal variant normal ventricular function normal vessels normal vital signs normal white cell count normal with normal-appearing normalcy normality normalization normalize normalized normalizes normalizing normal-looking normally normal-pressure normal-saline normal-sized normoactive normoactive bowel sounds normoactive bowel tones normocellular normocephalic normocephalic and atraumatic normocephalic and atruamatic normocephalic without masses or tenderness normochromic normochromic-normocytic anemia normocytic normotensive normotonic normovolemic Norplant North Carolina north/south elevator Norvasc nose nose and mouth nose and throat nosebleed nosebleeds nosocomial nosocomial pneumonia no-stitch nostril

nostrils not not a good surgical candidate not appear to not associated not available not been not clear not enlarged not married not obtainable not orthostatic not otherwise specified not particularly not performed not seen not tested notable notable for notable only for notably notch notchplasty note note that noted noted to noted to be noted to be adequate noted to be hemostatic noted to be normal noted to be satisfactory noted to have noted to return notes noteworthy nothing nothing seems to make it better nothing seems to make it worse notice noticeable noticeably noticed notices noticing notification notified notify notifying noting nourished Novantrone November Novocain Novolin now noxious noxious stimulation NPH insulin nubbin

nuchal nuchal cord nuchal rigidity nuclear nuclear cataract nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear material nuclear medicine nuclear scan nuclear sclerosis nuclear sclerosis with haze nuclear sclerotic nuclear sclerotic cataract nuclear sclerotic cataract, left eye nuclear sclerotic cataract, right eye nuclear stress test nucleated nucleated red blood cell nucleus NuGauze Nu-Gauze nulligravida nulliparity nulliparous numb number number seven numbering numbers numbing numbness numbness and tingling numbness or tingling numbness, tingling, paresthesias numbness, tingling, weakness numerous numerous occasions numerous times Nupogen Nuprin Nurolon nurse nurse practitioner nursery nurses nurse's nursing nursing facility Nursing Home nursing home placement nursing staff nutrition nutrition consultation nutritional nutritional insufficiency nutritional status nutritional supplement nutritionally nutritionist Nylan-Barany maneuver

nylon nylon suture nystagmus Nystatin O negative O positive O.S. OB/GYN history obese obese black female obese black male obese female in no acute distress obese white female obese white male obeserved obesity obesity hypoventilation object objectify objection objective objective complaints objective findings OBJECTIVE FINDINGS: objective general objective vital signs OBJECTIVE: OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVEGENERAL: OBJECTIVEGENERAL: VITAL SIGNS: OBJECTIVESKIN: OBJECTIVEVITAL SIGNS: OBJECTIVEVITAL SIGNS: See graphic. objectively objects obligation obligations oblique oblique incision obliquely obliterate obliterated obliterating obliteration obliterative obnoxious O'Brien O'Brien block O'Brien lid block obscuration obscure obscured obscures obscuring observable observation observation status observational examination observations observe

observed observed in the emergency department observed in the emergency room observed in the emergency room for observes observing obsessional obsessions obsessive obsessive-compulsive obsessive-compulsive disorder obsessively obstetrical obstetrical history obstetrician obstetrics and gynecology obstipation obstruct obstructed obstructing obstructing calculus obstructing prostate obstruction obstruction series obstructions obstructive obstructive airway disease obstructive asthma obstructive jaundice obstructive lesion obstructive lesions obstructive lung disease obstructive pattern obstructive pulmonary disease obstructive sleep apnea Obstructive sleep apnea. obstructive uropathy obstructive voiding symptoms obstructs obtain obtain an echocardiogram obtainable obtained obtained on the indication of obtained with obtaining obtains obtundation obtunded obturated obturating obturator obturator fossa obturator nerve obturator space obturators obtuse obtuse marginal obtuse marginal branch obviate

obviated obviating obvious obvious deformity obvious distress obviously obviously uncomfortable occasion occasional occasional alcohol occasional premature beat occasional white blood cell occasionally occasioned occasions occipital occipital infarction occipitoanterior occipito-anterior occipitoanterior position occipitoparietal occipitoposterior occipitoposterior position occipitotransverse occiput occiput anterior position occlude occluded occluding occlusal alloy occlusal amalgam occlusion occlusion catheter occlusive occlusive disease occlusive dressing Occucoat occult occult blood occult blood (OB) occult spinal dysrhaphism occult-blood positive stools occult-blood-negative occult-blood-negative stool occult-blood-positive occult-blood-positive stool occupation occupational OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY: occupational therapist occupational therapy occupied occupies occupy occupying occur occurred occurrence occurrences occurring

occurs Ochsner clamps o'clock O'Connor-O'Sullivan October ocular oculocephalic OD od meaning right eye . Dangerous list. odontectomies odontectomy odor odynophagia of of a of abdominal pain of chest pain of congestive heart failure of course of extraocular muscles of her disease of her intensification of her left of her right of his left of his right of jaundice of MAID chemotherapy of metastatic breast cancer of motion throughout of note of pain in the of peptic ulcer disease of present illness of recurrent disease of small cells of small cells with of small cells with round to irregular of the abdomen and of the cervical spine of the extraocular muscles of the extremities of the left of the left breast of the marrow cellularity of the marrow cellularity and of the neck of the procedure of the right of the right hand of the symptoms of uncertain etiology of uncertain origin of unclear etiology of vincristine toxicity off off and on off of the offer offered

offering offers offhand office office visit officer offices official official report off-midline offset often oh ointment ointment-impregnated OK okay old old age old incision old inferior wall infarction old inferior wall myocardial infarction old male presents old male presents complaining of old records old scar old trauma older older than stated age olecranon olecranon bursitis olfactory oligohydramnios oligomenorrhea oliguria oliguric Olympus Olympus colonoscope Olympus flexible sigmoidoscope Olympus video colonoscope omental omental adhesions omental cake omentectomy omentum omentum or bowel omentumectomy Ommaya catheter Ommaya reservoir Ommaya shunt on on a daily basis on a hospital gurney on a regular basis on admission on an atraumatic needle on an outpatient basis on and off on arrival in the emergency room on behalf of

on both sides on call for Dr. on call for the hospitalist service on call for the hospitalist staff on direct testing on discharge on each side on either side on estrogen replacement on estrogen replacement therapy on estrogen-replacement therapy on evaluation in the emergency room on examination on examination of the on exertion on exploration on further questioning on no medications on no medications at this time on nondilated funduscopic exam on one occasion on palpation of on physical exam on physical examination on presentation on presentation to the emergency room on presentation to the ER on questioning on room air on the on the basis of on the chart on the date of admission on the day on the day following admission on the day of on the day of admission on the day of discharge on the eye on the floor on the following day on the following medications on the job on the left on the left side on the morning of admission on the operating table on the opposite side on the other hand on the other hand, on the right on the right side on the table on the unit on transfer on-and-off onboard once once a day once a week

once again once more once this had been done once this was accomplished once this was completed once this was done once this was performed oncologic ONCOLOGICAL CONSULTATION oncologist oncology oncotic pressure one one and a half one and five minutes, respectively. one and one-half one day one day prior to admission one dose one finger breadth one fingerbreadth one half pack of cigarettes one hour one inch one layer one mile one minute one month one month ago one month prior to admission one month's time one o'clock one of the one or two one pack one pack of cigarettes one pack of cigarettes per day one pint one pint per day one thirty o'clock one time one week one week ago one week prior to admission one week prior to hospitalization one year one year ago one year old one-day one-day history one-eighth one-eighth-inch one-fourth one-gram one-half one-half hour one-hundred-year-old one-month history one-month history of one-on-one

one-pillow one-pillow orthopnea one-quarter one-quarter-inch one-third one-to-one one-to-one preparation of one-vessel one-week one-week course one-week history one-week-old one-year history one-year-old ongoing ongoing difficulties only only for only medication is onset onset of onto onycholysis onychomycosis oocyte oocytes oophorectomy oophoritis ooze oozed oozing opacification opacifications opacified opacity opaque open open graft open heart surgery open reduction open reduction and internal fixation open reduction and internal fixation open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) open wound open-angle glaucoma opened open-ended opening opening pressure openings openly operable operate operated operating operating microscope operating room Operating Room in good condition Operating Room in satisfactory condition Operating Room in stable condition

operating room table operating suite operating table operating theater operating time operation OPERATION: operations OPERATIONS AND PROCEDURES: operative operative area operative candidate operative cholangiography operative course operative field operative findings operative finger operative intervention operative laparoscopy operative note operative port operative procedure operative procedures OPERATIVE REPORT operative site operative sites operatively operator operator's ophthalmic ophthalmic artery ophthalmic manner ophthalmic ointment ophthalmic procedure ophthalmic surgery ophthalmologic OPHTHALMOLOGIC CONSULTATION ophthalmological ophthalmologist ophthalmology ophthalmoplegia ophthalmoscope ophthalmoscopic ophthalmoscopy opiate opiate dependence opiate withdrawal opiates opinion opinions opioid tolerance opioid-induced constipation opisthotonos opportunistic opportunistic infection opportunistic infections opportunities opportunity opposed opposing

opposite opposite side opposition oppositional behavior oppositional defiance disorder oppressive OpSite Op-Site opted optic optic chiasm optic discs optic nerve optical optimal optimally optimistic optimistically optimization optimize optimized optimizing optimum option options Opti-view trocar optometrist or or any other problems or any worsening of or any worsening of symptoms or organomegaly noted or other problems or other symptoms or sensory deficits are noted or sensory deficits noted or shortness of breath or signs of infection or tenderness or organomegaly oral oral abscess oral agent oral agents oral analgesic Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic oral antibiotic oral antibiotics oral candidiasis oral cavity oral cavity was clear oral contraceptive pills oral contraceptives oral contrast oral feeding oral fluid intake oral hygiene oral hypoglycemic oral intake oral lesion oral lesions

oral medication oral medications oral mucosa oral pain medications oral pharynx oral rehabilitation oral surgeon oral surgery Oral Surgery Clinic oral thrush oral ulceration oral ulcerations oral/maxillofacial oral/maxillofacial surgery orally orbicularis orbicularis muscle orbicularis oculi muscle orbicularis oris orbit orbital orbital floor orbital fracture orbital rim orbital septum orbital wall orbitale orchidopexy orchiectomy orchiopexy order ordered ORDERS orders were written ordinarily ordinary organ organic organic brain syndrome organic mood disorder organism organisms organize organized organoid organomegaly organomegaly is noted organosplenomegaly organs orient orientation oriented oriented times three oriented x oriented x 1 oriented x 2 oriented x 3 oriented x 3 and in no distress oriented x 4 oriented x 4 and fully intact

oriented x3 ORIF orifice orifices origin original originally originate originated originating origins oris oroendotracheal oroendotracheal intubation oroendotracheal tube orogastric orogastric (OG) orogastric tube oronasal suction oropharyngeal oropharyngeal anesthesia oropharyngeal infection oropharynx oropharynx and nasopharynx oropharynx are clear without erythema oropharynx are clear without erythema or exudate noted oropharynx is oropharynx is clean oropharynx is clear oropharynx is clear oropharynx is clear without erythema oropharynx is clear without erythema or exudate oropharynx is clear without erythema or exudate noted Oropharynx is pink and moist. Oropharynx looks normal in appearance. oropharynx was clear oropharynx was clear without oropharynx was clear without erythema oropharynx was moist without lesions orotracheal orotracheal anesthesia orotracheal intubation orotracheal intubtion orotracheal tube orotracheally Ortho Ortho-Novum orthopedic ORTHOPEDIC CONSULTATION orthopedic evaluation orthopedic surgery orthopedically orthopedics orthopedist orthopedists orthophoric orthopnea OrthoSorb Orthosorb fixation orthostasis

orthostatic orthostatic changes orthostatic hypertension orthostatic hypotension orthostatics orthotopic Orudis OS os left eye Dangerous list os calcis os calcis (calcaneous) Os-Cal oscillate oscillated oscillating oscillating saw oscillation oscillatory osmolality osmolarity osseocartilaginous osseous ossicle ossicles ossicular chain ostectomy osteitis pubis ostensible ostensibly osteoarthritic osteoarthritis osteoarthropathy osteoarthrosis osteocartilaginous osteochondral osteochondritis dissecans osteochondroma osteodystrophy osteogenesis osteomyelitis osteomyelitis (OM) osteonecrosis osteopathic examination osteopenia osteophyte osteophytes osteophytic osteoporosis osteoporotic osteosarcoma osteotome osteotome and mallet osteotomes osteotomies osteotomize osteotomized osteotomy ostia ostial ostial disease

ostial occlusion ostial stenosis ostium ostomy ostomy bag ostomy site O'Sullivan-O'Connor O'Sullivan-O'Connor retractor other other abnormalities are noted other chemistries normal or negative other complaints other complaints at this time other evidence OTHER HOSPITALIZATIONS: other known other medical or surgical problems other problems other side other symptoms other symptoms or complaints other than others otherwise otherwise as needed otherwise negative otherwise noncontributory otherwise normal otherwise unremarkable otherwise without complaints otic otitis otitis externa otitis media otitis media with effusion otolaryngologist otolaryngology OU OU each eye. Dangerous list ought ounces our ourselves out out from out from completion out from completion of out of breath out of control out of harm's way outbreak outbreaks outbursts outcome outdoors outer outer ear outer layer outer lower quadrant outer quadrant

outer table outer-upper quadrant outflow outflow tract outfracture outfractured outlaying outlet outline outlined outlining outlying outpatient outpatient ambulatory basis outpatient basis outpatient clinic outpatient consultation outpatient dialysis outpatient evaluation outpatient failure outpatient followup outpatient hemodialysis outpatient management outpatient setting outpatient therapy outpatient treatment output outputs outset outside outside hospital outside informant outside physician outskirts outstanding outtake outward outwards ova and parasites oval oval window ovale ovalocyte oval-shaped ovarian ovarian cancer ovarian carcinoma ovarian conservation ovarian cyst ovarian cysts ovarian mass ovaries ovary over over the apex over the counter over the course of over the course of the over the course of time over the last

over the last several over the next over the past over the past few days over the past few months over the past several over the past several months over the past several weeks overall overall left ventricular function overall prognosis over-and-over over-and-under overbearingness overcompensation overdiuresis overdose overdoses overdrilled overdrive breathing overfilled overflow overgrown overgrowth overhang overhung overlaid overlap overlapping overlay overload overloaded overlooking overlying overnight oversew oversewed oversewing oversewn oversize oversized overt evidence of over-the-counter over-the-counter medication over-the-top overweight overwhelmed overwork of breathing oviducts ovocyte ovocytes ovoid ovoids ovulate ovulated ovulates ovulating ovulation ovum owner

oxacillin oxacillin-sensitive oxacillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus oximeter oximeters oximetry oxybutynin Oxycel gauze oxygen oxygen dependent oxygen requirement oxygen requirements oxygen saturation Oxygen saturation is oxygen saturations oxygen supplementation oxygen therapy oxygenate oxygenated oxygenating oxygenation oxygenator oxygen-dependent COPD oxyhemoglobin Oxymizer oxytocin P.A.C. p.m. P.M.D. p.o. p.o. 3 times a day p.o. antibiotics p.o. b.i.d. p.o. daily p.o. nightly p.o. once a day p.o. q. p.o. q.4-6h. p.o. q.4-6h. p.r.n. p.o. q.a.m. p.o. q.d. p.o. q.i.d. p.o. q.o.d. p.o. q.p.m. p.o. t.i.d. p.o. twice a day p.o.q. p.r.n. p.r.n. for pain pa PA and lateral chest x-ray reveals PA-C pace paced paced rhythm pacemaker pacemaker generator pacemaker implantation pacemaker placement pacemaker pocket

pacemaker-dependent pacer pacing pacing wire pack pack of cigarettes pack per day pack per day of cigarettes pack years pack/year package packaged packed packed red blood cells packed red cells packets packing packings packs packs per day pack-year pad padded padding pads page pages Paget's disease paid pain pain behavior pain behaviors pain control pain in the left pain in the right pain management pain medication pain medications pain on range of motion pain or shortness of breath pain or tenderness pain syndrome pain-free painful painful stimuli painfully painless pains paint painted painting pair palatal palate palatectomy pale pale palpebral conjunctivae palliation palliative palliative chemotherapeutic agents

palliative chemotherapy palliative course palliative radiation therapy pallid pallor palm palmar palmar aspect palmar erythema palmaris palpable palpable mass palpable masses palpable pulses palpably palpate palpated palpating palpation palpation of the palpation over the palpations palpebral fissures palpitation palpitations palsy Pam Pamelor pamidronate pampiniform pampiniform plexus pan Pancoast Pancoast tumor pancolectomy pancolitis pancreas Pancrease pancreatectomy pancreatic pancreatic cancer pancreatic duct pancreatic enzymes pancreatic head pancreaticoduodenectomy pancreaticogastrostomy pancreaticojejunostomy pancreatitis panculture pancultured pancytopenia pancytopenic panel panelevation panendoscope panendoscopy panhypopituitarism panic attack panic attacks panic disorder

pannicular panniculectomy panniculitis panniculus pansensitive pansensitive E coli pansensitive Escherichia coli pansinusitis pansystolic pansystolic murmur pantaloon pants-over-vest Pap smear papaverine paper papers papilla papillae papillary papillary carcinoma papillary fibroelastoma papillated papilledema papilloma papillomas papillomatosis papillomatous papillotomy papoose papular papyracea para paraaortic para-aortic para-aortic lymph node paracentesis paracentral paracentral gyrus region paracervical paracervical block paracolic paracolic gutters paracostal paradoxical paradoxical breathing paradoxical septal motion paraesophageal Parafon paragraph parahepatic paraischemia parallel parallel to paralleled paralleling parallelism paralysis paralytic paralyze paralyzed

paralyzes paralyzing paramedian paramedian incision paramedics parameniscal parameters parametria parametrial parametrial tissues parametritic parametrium paranasal paranoia paranoid paranoid delusions paranoid schizophrenia paraovarian paraparesis parapatellar parapelvic paraplegia paraplegic parapneumonic parapneumonic effusion parapneumonic pleural effusion pararectal parasellar paraseptal parasite parasites parasitic parasitic infestation paraspinal paraspinal muscle paraspinal muscles paraspinous paraspinous muscle tenderness paraspinous muscles parastomal parasymphyseal parasymphysis paratenon parathyroid parathyroid adenoma parathyroid glands parathyroid hormone parathyroidectomy parathyroids paratonia paratrabecular paratracheal paratubal paratubal cysts paraumbilical parauterine paravaginal paravertebral muscle paravesical paravesical fascia

parched pare parenchyma parenchymal parent parental parenteral parenteral antibiotics parenteral diuresis parenteral nutrition parenterally parenternal fentanyl parents paresis paresthesia paresthesias paresthesias in any extremity paresthetica parietal parietal peritoneum parietooccipital parieto-occipital parietoperitoneum parietotemporal parivesicular Parkinson Parkinson disease parkinsonian parkinsonian gait parkinsonism parkinsonism of an asymmetric nature Parkinson's paronychia parotic parotid parotid gland parotidectomy parotitis parotitis (parotid glands) parotomasseteric fascia parovarian paroxysm paroxysmal paroxysmal atrial fibrillation paroxysmal atrial tachycardia paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT) paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea paroxysmal supraventricular arrhythmias paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) paroxysms paroxysms of pain PARQ discussion pars pars plana vitrectomy part part of the partial partial bowel obstruction partial gastrectomy

partial gaze paralysis partial hysterectomy partial meniscectomy partial resection partial small-bowel obstruction partial tear partial thickness partial thromboplastin time partially partially soaked partial-occlusion clamp partial-thickness participant participate participated participates participating participation particles particular particularly particulars partly partner partners parts part-time parvovirus parynychial PAS stockings pass passage passages passageway passed passed off the field passed off the operative field passed out passes passing passive passive atelectasis passive-aggressive passively past past couple of days past few days PAST HISTORY Past history is significant past history is significant for past history of past history of peptic ulcer disease past history reveals PAST HISTORY: PAST HOSPITALIZATIONS: past medical history past medical history is past medical history is significant for past medical history of PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:

past month past surgical history PAST SURGICAL PROCEDURES: past week past year paste past-pointing pat patch patch and shield patched patches patchy patella patellar patellar articular surface patellar reflex patellar tendon patellectomy patellofemoral patellofemoral compartment patellofemoral groove patellofemoral joint patellofemoral mobility patency patent patent ductus arteriosus patent foramen ovale (PFO) paternal path pathogen pathologic pathologic fracture pathologic fractures pathologic response pathologic response to pathological pathological analysis pathological examination pathological reflexes pathological reflexes are noted pathologically pathologist pathologists pathology pathology as well pathology as well as pathology as well as for immunophenotyping and pathology as well as for immunophenotyping and cytogenetics Pathology Department pathology pending pathology report pathophysiology of the condition pathway patient patient appears to be patient complains of patient continued to patient controlled patient denies any

patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient Patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient Patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient Patient patient Patient patient Patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient Patient patient patient patient patient patient patient PATIENT patient patient PATIENT patient patient patient patient patient patient

denies any chest pain denies any fever denies any loss of denies any loss of consciousness denies any nausea denies any other denies any other injuries denies any other symptoms had had a CBC had a chest x-ray which had an x-ray of had an x-ray of the has has a history of has a history of asthma has a history of hypertension has a history of ischemic heart has a history of ischemic heart disease has a past has a past history of has been has been admitted to the hospital has had has had no has multiple allergies has no has no known allergies has no other complaints has normoactive bowel sounds indicates is is a is a well-developed is admitted is admitted to is admitted to the is advised to is alert and appears to be is alert and oriented is allergic to is allergic to penicillin is in no acute distress is now admitted is started on left ambulatory left in satisfactory condition left the emergency department Mr. name NAME: noted the gradual onset of notes PROFILE: received remained stated that stated that she states he states she

patient states that patient states that he patient states that he has patient states that she patient states that she has patient states that the pain patient tolerated patient tolerated the procedure patient tolerated the procedure well patient tolerated the procedure well and was patient tolerated the procedure well and was brought patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred patient tolerated the procedure with patient tolerated the procedure with a moderate patient underwent patient underwent bone patient underwent bone marrow aspirate and biopsy patient underwent bone marrow aspirate and biopsy was obtained patient was patient was admitted patient was admitted to patient was admitted to the patient was advised to patient was diagnosed patient was discharged patient was discharged from the patient was discharged from the emergency room patient was discharged home patient was discharged in patient was discharged to patient was discharged to home patient was discharged to home with patient was discussed with patient was discussed with Dr. patient was dismissed on patient was found to patient was given patient was given a prescription for patient was instructed to patient was observed patient was observed in the emergency room patient was placed on patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion patient was sent home patient was started on patient was transported to patient was transported to the patient was transported to the medical floor patient was treated with Patient will be admitted patient will be admitted to patient will be placed patient will be treated Patient will continue with patient will follow up patient will have patient with patient-controlled patient-controlled analgesia

patiently patients patient's patient's blood patient's condition patient's condition on discharge patient's past medical history is patient's past medical history is remarkable for patient's private physician patients with pattern patulous Pauchet's line paucity pause pauses paw Paxil PayPal prints out to Sew Much & More, which is my legal business name in Oklahom a. This is okay and not a problem. Thank you. Kathleen Williams, ebay ID - into_ the_clouds PayPal prints out to Sew Much & More, which is my legally registered business na me in Oklahoma. This is okay and not a problem. Thank you. Kathleen Williams, eb ay ID = into_the_clouds PC pCO2 peacefully peak peak expiratory flow peak expiratory flow rate peak flow peanut pearly pea-sized pectinate pectoral pectoral fascia pectoralis pectoralis fascia pectoralis major pectoralis minor pectoralis muscle pectoralis muscles pectoralis tendon pectoriloquy pectoris peculiar pedal pedal edema pedal pulse pedal pulses pediatric pediatric feeding tube pediatric floor pediatric intensive care unit Pediatric Urology Clinic pediatrician pediatricians pediatrics pedicle

pedicles pedis peduncle pedunculated pedunculated keloids pedunculating peel peel-away peel-away sheath peeled peeling peel-off PEG tube PEG tube placement pegylated Pelosi manipulator pelvic pelvic adhesions pelvic cavity pelvic CT scan pelvic examination pelvic examination under anesthesia pelvic floor pelvic fracture pelvic gutters pelvic inflammatory disease pelvic mass pelvic organs pelvic pain pelvic relaxation pelvic rest pelvic rim pelvic ring fracture pelvic side wall pelvic sidewall pelvic ultrasound pelvic wall pelvic washings pelvis pelviscope pelviscopy pencil pending pending culture pending cultures pending final pathology pending pathologic diagnosis pending pathology pendulous penetrate penetrated penetrating penetrating keratoplasty penetration penetrations PENG PENICILLIN penile penile scrotal junction penile urethra

penile-scrotal junction penis penoscrotal Penrose Penrose drain Penrose drains pentagonal pentothal Pen-Vee K people Pepcid peptic peptic ulcer disease per per coronary angiogram per day per echocardiography per high-power field per minute per minute by nasal cannula per month per night per nostril (PN) per recent echocardiogram per rectum (PR) per week perceived perceives percent percent saturation percentage percentile perception Percocet Percocet one to two p.o. q.4-6h. p.r.n. Percodan percuss percussed percusses percussion percussion and auscultation percussions percussive percussive dullness percutaneous percutaneous abcess and fluid drainage percutaneous coronary angioplasty percutaneous coronary intervention percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement percutaneous intervention percutaneous interventions percutaneous nephrostolithotomy percutaneous revascularization percutaneous transluminal angioplasty percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) percutaneously

percutaneously punctured perennial allergic rhinitis perfect perfectionism perfectionist perfectionistic perfectly perfluoropropane perforate perforated perforating perforation perforations perforator perforators perform performance performance status performance status is performed performing perfuse perfused perfusing perfusion Pergonal perhaps Periactin periadnexa periadnexal periampullary region perianal perianal fistula perianally periaortic periapical periappendiceal periareolar periauricular peribronchial cuffing peribulbar peribulbar block pericardial pericardial drain pericardial effusion pericardial fluid pericardial space pericardial tamponade pericardial window pericardiectomy pericardiocentesis pericardiocentesis needle pericardiotomy pericarditis pericardium pericholecystic pericholecystic fluid perichondrium periclavicular periclitoral

Peri-Colace pericolostomy pericoronitis pericostal pericranial pericranium Peridex peridiverticular periductal perihepatic perihilar perihilar area perihilar infiltrate perilimbal perimenopausal perimenstrual perimeter perinatologist perineal perineal (near butt) perineal body perineoplasty perineum perineum and vagina perineum, vulva, and vagina perineural fat periocular period period of period of time periodic periodically periodontal periodontally periods periods of time perioperative perioperative complications perioperative conditions periorbital periorbital edema periorbital tenderness periosteal periosteal elevator periosteum peripancreatic peripheral peripheral arterial disease peripheral artery disease peripheral artery disease (PAD) Peripheral artery disease. peripheral blood smear peripheral differential peripheral edema peripheral gaze nystagmus peripheral IV peripheral line peripheral neuropathy peripheral pulse peripheral pulses

peripheral smear peripheral vascular disease peripheral vascular occlusive disease peripheral veins peripheral venous line peripheral vision peripheral white count peripheral zone peripherally peripherally inserted central catheter peripherovascular periphery periportal periprosthetic fracture perirectal perirectal abscess perirenal perisplenic fluid collection peristalsing peristalsis peristaltic peristomal peritenon peritomies peritomy peritoneal peritoneal attachments peritoneal carcinomatosis peritoneal catheter peritoneal cavity peritoneal dialysis peritoneal dialysis catheter peritoneal fluid peritoneal incision peritoneal reflection peritoneal sign peritoneal signs peritoneal tube peritonealized peritoneum peritonitis peritonization peritonsillar peritrochanteric peritubal periumbilical periumbilical incision periumbilically periureteral periurethral perivalvular periventricular periventricular hypointensity periventricular leukomalacia periventricular white matter periventricular white matter lesion periventricular white matter lesions perivesical perivesicular PERLA

permanence permanent permanent and stationary permanent epicardial ventricular lead permanent functional loss permanent pacemaker permanent pacemaker implantation permanent sterilization permanently PermCath PermCath catheter permissible permission permit permits permitted permitting pernicious anemia peroneal peroneal (leg) peroneal artery peroneal cutaneous nerve peroneal nerve peroneal nerve (leg) peroneus peroxide perpendicular perplexed perplexing PERRLA Persantine Persantine Cardiolite nuclear stress test Persantine Cardiolite stress testing Persantine thallium persecution persecutory delusions perseverate perseverated perseverating perseveration persist persisted persistence persistent persistent late decelerations persistent pain persistently persisting persists person personal PERSONAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY personal history personal history of personalities personality personality disorder personnel perspective perspiration

perspire perspired perspiring pertinent pertinent for pertinent laboratory data pertinent laboratory findings pertinent physical findings pertussis pervade pervaded pervading pervasive pervasively pet petechia petechiae petechial petechial hemorrhage petechial hemorrhages petechial-type lesion petechial-type lesions petite mal Pfannenstiel Pfannenstiel incision Pfannenstiel skin incision pH 7.10 (2 decimal places) Ph.D. phaco tip phacoemulsification phacoemulsification cataract extraction phacoemulsified phacoemulsify phacoemulsifying phacokinesis phacolytic phacoprobe phacotip phagocytic phalangeal phalangectomies phalangectomy phalanges phalanx Phalen sign Phalen test Phalen's sign Phaneuf Phaneuf clamps pharmaceutically pharmaceutics Pharmacia pharmacist pharmacokinetic pharmacologic pharmacologically pharmacology pharmacotherapy pharmacy pharyngeal

pharyngeal throat pack pharyngectomy pharyngitis pharyngoplasty pharynx pharynx clear phase Phenergan phenobarbital phenol phenomena phenomenon phenotype phenotypic phenylalanine phenylketonuria pheochromocytoma phimosis phimotic pHisoHex phlebitis phlebotomies phlebotomy phlegm phlegm production phlegmon phobias phone phonophobia PhosLo phosphatase phosphate phosphorus photocoagulation photograph photographs photophobia photosensitive photosensitivity phototherapy phrenic nerve physiatric physiatrist physical physical abuse physical activities physical activity physical and occupational therapy physical condition physical evaluation PHYSICAL EXAMINATION physical examination and PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ON DISCHARGEVITAL SIGNS: physical examination revealed Physical examination reveals physical examination vital signs physical examination was physical examination, the patient is in no acute distress PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONGENERAL:

PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONVITAL SIGNS: PHYSICAL FINDINGS: physical therapist physical therapy PHYSICAL THERAPY CONSULTATION Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy PHYSICAL: physically physically active physician physicians physiologic physiological physiologically physiology physiotherapist physiotherapy PICC line pick forceps picked picking pickup pickups pickwickian syndrome picture picture, archiving, and collection (PAC) system pictures piece pieced piecemeal pieces piecrusted pie-crusted pierced piercing piggyback pigmentation pigmented pigmented lesion pigtail catheter pile piles pill pillar pillars pillow pillows pill-rolling tremors pills pilocarpine pilonidal pilonidal pilonidal cyst pilonidal cyst pilonidal cyst surgery pilonidal cystectomy pilonidal cysts pilonidal dimple pilonidal sinus pilot

pin pin sites pine pinguecula pinhole pinholing pink pink and moist Pink and moist mucosa. pinkish-tinged pinned pinning pinnings pinpoint pinpoint pupils pinprick pins pipe piperacillin piratory piriform piriform aperture piriformis piriformis syndrome pit pitched Pitocin Pitocin augmentation Pitocin induction Pitressin pitting pitting bipedal edema pitting edema pituitary pituitary adenoma pituitary forceps pituitary rongeur pituitary rongeurs pivot pivot shift sign placated place Place knee high thromboembolic disease (TED) hose. placebo placed placed on placed on the operating room table placement placements placenta placenta accreta placenta percreta placenta previa placentae placental placental abruption placentas places placing plain

plain catgut plain film plain films plain lidocaine plain radiograph plain sutures PLAN PLAN Will admit for further treatment and evaluation. PLAN AND DISCUSSION PLAN plana plane plane of dissection planed planes planned planner planning plans plantar plantar aspect plantar digital sulcus plantar flexion plantar reflexes plantar response plantar response was equivocal bilaterally plantar surface plantar tuft plantarflexed plantarflexion plantarflexory plantaris plantarly plantars plaque plaques plasma plasma cell dyscrasia plasmacytoma Plasma-Lyte plasmapheresis plasminogen plaster plaster of Paris plastered plaster-of-Paris plastic plastic suction curet tip plastic surgeons plastic surgery plastic surgery consultation plastin plasty plate plateau platelet platelet count platelet count is platelet count of platelet count was

platelet function assay platelet transfusion platelets platelets are platelike atelectasis plates platform plating platinum platinum-based platinum-based regimen platysma platysma muscles platysmal playful playing pleasant please Please call me if you have any questions please do not hesitate please see ED supplemental record pleased pleasure pleated pledget pledgeted pledgets plenty pleocytosis pleomorphic plethora pleura pleural pleural adhesion pleural effusion pleural effusions pleural thickening pleural tissue pleurectomy pleurisy pleuritic pleuritic chest pain pleurocentesis pleurodesis plexopathy plexus pliable plica plicate plicated plicating plication plications pliers plug plugs plummeted plus plus or minus plus or minus pneumonia

pneumatic pneumatic ankle tourniquet pneumatic cuff pneumatic stockings pneumatic tourniquet pneumatic tourniquet was placed pneumatosis pneumatosis coli pneumatosis intestinalis pneumatotourniquet pneumaturia pneumocephalus pneumococcal Pneumococcus Pneumocystis Pneumocystis prophylaxis pneumomediastinum pneumonectomy pneumonia pneumonias pneumonic pneumonitic pneumonitis pneumoperitoneum pneumothoraces pneumothorax pneumotosis coli Pneumovax po pO2 pocket pockets podiatric examination podiatrist podiatry poikilocytes point point bipolar coagulation point of insertion point of maximal impulse point of maximal intensity point of maximum impulse is in the fifth intercostal space, midclavicular line point of view point tenderness over point tenderness over the spine pointed pointer pointing points poison ivy poison oak poisoning poked polarized pole police policies poliomyelitis poliovirus polished

pollicis POLST poly polyarthritis polyarthropathy polychondritis polycystic polycystic ovaries polycystic ovary polycythemia polycythemia vera polycythemic polydactyly polydipsia polyethylene polyhydramnios polymerase chain reaction polymerase chain reaction (PCR) polymorphic polymorphonuclear polymorphonuclear cells polymorphs polymyalgia polymyalgia rheumatica polymyositis polyneuropathy polyp polyp forceps polypectomies polypectomy polyphagia polypharmacy polyp-like polypoid polypoid masses polyposis polyps polys polysomnogram Polysorb polysubstance polysubstance abuse polyuria Pomeroy Pomeroy technique pontine Pontocaine Poole pooled poor poor appetite poor concentration poor dentition poor historian poor nutrition poor nutritional status poor oral intake poor prognosis poor respiratory status poorly

poorly controlled poorly differentiated poorly differentiated esophageal adenocarcinoma poorly differentiated tumor poorly-differentiated tumor poorly-stained pop popliteal popliteal artery popliteal fossa popliteal pulses popliteus popliteus hiatus pop-off population populations porcelain gallbladder porcine Porex implant porous porphyria port porta porta hepatis portable portable chest x-ray portable chest x-ray reveals portable oxygen Port-A-Cath portacaval portal portal gastropathy portal hypertension portal hypertensive gastropathy portal vein portals Portex portio portio vaginalis portion portions ports position positional positioned positioner positioning positions positive positive attitude positive bowel sound positive bowel sounds positive for positive for premature coronary disease positive Murphy sign positively positivity possibilities possibility possibility of

possible possibly post post menopausal bleeding post voiding full sensation postanesthesia post-anesthesia care unit Postanesthesia Recovery Room post-anesthesia recovery room post-anesthesia recovery unit postanesthetic Postanesthetic Care Unit Postanesthetic Recovery Unit postangioplasty postauricular postaxial postcardiotomy postcatheterization postcibal postcibal distention post-cisplatin post-dates post-delivery post-discharge postendoscopy poster posterior posterior aspect posterior aspect of the vagina posterior axillary line posterior border posterior capsule posterior chamber posterior chamber intraocular lens posterior circulation posterior communicating artery posterior cruciate ligament posterior cruciate ligaments posterior descending artery posterior descending artery (PDA) posterior descending branch posterior descending coronary artery posterior fornix of the vagina posterior fourchette posterior horn posterior interventricular artery posterior lateral coronary artery posterior leukoencephalopathy posterior lip of the cervix posterior malleolar fracture posterior pharynx posterior rectus fascia posterior rectus sheath posterior repair posterior sheath posterior subcapsular changes posterior subluxation posterior superior iliac spine posterior tibial posterior tibial pulses

posterior wall posteriorly posterior-most posterobasal posterobasal segmental infiltrate posteroinferiorly posterolateral posterolateral aspect posterolateral branch posterolateral coronary artery posterolaterally posteromedial posteromedially postexploratory post-exposure posthemorrhagic postherpetic postherpetic neuralgia postictal postinfarction postinfarction angina post-infarction angina postintubation Post-intubation postlaminectomy postmenopausal post-menopausal postmenopausal bleeding postmortem postnasal postnasal drip postnephrectomy postobstructive postoperative postoperative complications postoperative condition postoperative course postoperative day postoperative day #1 postoperative day #10 postoperative day #2 postoperative day #3 postoperative day #4 postoperative day #5 postoperative day #6 postoperative day #7 postoperative day #8 postoperative day #9 POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: postoperative pain management postoperative radiation postoperative recovery room postoperatively postpartum postpartum course postpolio syndrome post-polio syndrome postponed

postprandial postprandial diarrhea post-procedure postreduction films posts postsurgical post-term pregnancy post-transplant posttraumatic post-traumatic posttraumatic stress disorder posttussive posttussive emesis posttussive vomiting postulates postural postural drainage postural tremor posture posturing postvoid residuals postvoiding postvoiding residual potassium potassium chloride potassium-sparing effect potential potential complications potentially potentials Potts Potts scissors pouch pouch of Douglas pound pounds Poupart ligament Poupart's Poupart's ligaments povidone-iodine powder power power instrumentation power of attorney powered powerful powers P-R PR depression PR interval PR interval of practical practically practice practiced practices practicing practitioner Pratt Pratt dilators

Pravachol preadmission prealbumin preamble preaponeurotic fat pad pre-aponeurotic fat pad preauricular prebent precarious Pre-catheterization hydration. precaution precautions precede preceded precedence preceding preceding illness precipitant precipitant event precipitant events precipitants precipitate precipitated precipitates precipitating precipitating event precipitating factor precipitating factors precipitation precipitous precipitous delivery precise precisely precision preclude precluded precludes precoccygeal precordial precordium predict predicted predispose predisposed predisposing predisposition prednisone predominance predominant predominantly predominated predominating preeclampsia preendoscopy preexisting prefabricated preformed pregnancies pregnancy pregnancy for therapeutic termination

pregnancy test pregnancy-induced hypertension pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) pregnant PREHOSPITAL CARE preinjury prejudice preliminarily preliminary preliminary holding orders Preliminary holding orders are written, and care is transferred at this time. Preliminary holding orders are written. preliminary reading preload Premarin premature premature atrial beats premature atrial complexes premature atrial contraction premature atrial contractions premature beat premature beats premature labor premature rupture of membranes premature supraventricular complexes premature ventricular beats premature ventricular complexes premature ventricular contraction premature ventricular contractions premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) prematurely prematurity premeasured premedicate premedicated premedicating premedication premedications Premesyn premier prenatal prenatal care prenatal course prenatal vitamins prenatally preoccupied preoperative PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: PREOPERATIVE HISTORY & PHYSICAL preoperatively prep preparation preparations preparatory prepare prepared preparing prepatellar

prepectoral preperitoneal preperitoneally preplaced pre-placed preponderance prepped prepped and anesthetized with prepped and draped prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion prepped and draped in the normal sterile manner prepped and draped in the usual fashion prepped and draped in the usual manner prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner prepped and gowned prepped and gowned in the normal sterile fashion prepped and gowned in the normal sterile manner prepped and gowned in the usual fashion prepped and gowned in the usual manner prepped and gowned in the usual sterile fashion prepped and gowned in the usual sterile manner prepped in the usual fashion prepped with Betadine solution prepping prepping and draping prepuce prepyloric prerenal prerenal azotemia presacral presarcral presbyesophagus prescribe prescribed prescribes prescribing prescription prescription for prescription for Tylenol prescriptions presence present PRESENT COMPLAINTS: present illness present in normal present medications PRESENT SUBJECTIVE COMPLAINTS: PRESENT SUBJECTIVE COMPLAINTS present time presentation presented presented to the emergency department presented to the emergency room presented with presenting PRESENTING PROBLEMS: presently presents presents complaining of

presents complaining of chest pain presents to the emergency care unit presents to the emergency care unit with presents to the emergency department presents to the emergency department today presents to the emergency department today complaining presents to the emergency department today with presents to the emergency room presents to the emergency room complaining of presents with presents with a history of preservation preservative preserve preserved preserving preset president presoaked press pressed presser pressing pressure pressure dressing pressure patch pressure points pressure-assist control pressured pressure-like pressures pressure-type pressure-type feeling pressuring pressurization pressurize pressurized pressurizer pressurizing presumable presumably presume presumed presumption presumptive presumptively presurgical presyncopal presyncopal episode presyncope pre-Taxol-Decadron preterm preterm pregnancy preterminal pretibial pretibial edema pretibial pitting edema pretracheal pretransplant pretty

pretty good condition prevail prevalent prevent prevented preventing prevention preventricular prevents prevertebral previa previous previous admission previous admissions previous history previous incision PREVIOUS SURGERIES PREVIOUS TRAUMA PREVIOUS TRAUMA: previously previously described previously mentioned prick Prilosec primarily primary primary biliary cirrhosis primary care primary care doctor primary care physician primary care provider primary cesarean birth primary cesarean section primary gaze nystagmus primary gravida primary low cervical cesarean section primary low cervical transverse cesarean section primary low cesarean section primary low flap cesarean section primary low flap transverse cesarean section primary low segment cesarean section primary low segment transverse cesarean section primary low transverse cesarean delivery primary low transverse cesarean section primary low-segment cesarean section primary low-segment transverse cesarean section primary medical doctor primary medical oncologist primary medical physician primary physician primary stroke prevention primary surgical repair primary transverse lower segment cesarean section primary tumor Primatene Primaxin primigravida primiparous patient primus primus varus

principal PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS PRINCIPAL DIAGNOSIS: principally principles Prinzmetal angina prior prior episodes of prior history prior history of prior to prior to admission prior to arrival prior to delivery prior to discharge prior to hospitalization prior to presentation prior to surgery prior to the prior to the procedure prior to this admission prior tracing PRIOR TRAUMA: priority Priscoline pristine private private medical doctor private physician pro probability probable probably probably related to probably secondary to probation probe probed probing problem problem solving problematic problems problems whatsoever in the intervening period Procan Procan-SR Procardia procedural PROCEDURE procedure note procedure was terminated procedure well and was procedure well and was brought to the recovery procedure well and was taken to the recovery procedure well and was transferred to the recovery procedure with a moderate procedure with a moderate amount of discomfort PROCEDURE: PROCEDURES PROCEDURES:

proceed proceeded proceeding proceedings proceeds process processed processes processing processor processus procidentia proctitis proctocolectomy proctoscope proctosigmoidectomy proctosigmoidoscope proctosigmoidoscopy procurement prodromal prodromal symptomatology prodrome produce produced producing product production productive productive cough productive of productivity products products of conception profess professed profession professional professionally professionals profile profiles profound profound anemia profound mental retardation profound weakness profoundly profunda profunda artery profunda femoral artery profunda femoris artery profundaplasty profundus profundus artery profuse profuse diarrhea profusely progesterone prognosis prognostic program

programmed programmer programming programs progress progressed progresses progressing progression progressive progressive care unit progressive cough progressive dementia progressive disease progressive dyspnea progressive shortness of breath progressive weakness progressive weight loss progressively prohibit project projected projecting projection projections projects prolapse prolapsed prolapsed uterus prolapsing Prolene proliferate proliferating proliferation proliferations proliferative proliferative diabetic retinopathy proliferative synovium Prolixin prolong prolongation prolonged prolonged ambulation prolonged deceleration prolonged expiratory phase prolonged intubation prolonged rupture of membranes prolonging prominence prominences prominent prominent interstitial markings prominently promontory promote prompt prompted prompting promptly promptly identified and ligated

prompts pronated pronation pronator pronator drift prone prone jackknife position prone position pronounce pronounced prop proper proper position properitoneal properly prophylactic prophylactic antibiotics prophylactically prophylax prophylaxed prophylaxing prophylaxis Propine propofol proportion proposal propose proposed proposes proposing proposition propoxyphene propranolol proprioception proptosis Propulsid pros pros and cons Proscar prose prospective Prostaglandin prostate prostate cancer prostate gland prostatectomy prostate-specific antigen prostatic prostatic acid phosphatase prostatic carcinoma prostatic specific antigen prostatic urethra prostatism prostatitis prostheses prosthesis prosthetic Prostin prostitute prostitution

protamine protect protect and retract protected protecting protection protective protein protein C protein calorie malnutrition protein S proteinaceous proteinaceous free fluid proteinase deficiency proteinuria Protestant Proteus mirabilis prothrombin prothrombin time protocol protocols protodiastolic proton pump inhibitors proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) protracted protrude protruded protrudes protruding protrusion protrusions protuberance protuberant prove proved proven Proventil Provera provide provided providence Providence clamps provider provides providing provision provisional PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSES proviso provoke provoked provoking proximal proximal and distal proximal aspect Proximal gastric view included retroflexion proximal gut proximal interphalangeal proximal interphalangeal joint proximal interphalangeal joints

proximal phalanx proximal portion proximal tourniquet proximal-end proximally proximally and distally proximally based proximal-to-mid Proximate staples proximity proxy Prozac prudent prurigo nodularis pruritic pruritus pseudoaneurysm pseudoaphakia pseudoaphakic pseudoarthrosis pseudocapsule pseudoclaudication pseudocyst pseudoexfoliation pseudogout pseudohallucinations pseudomelena pseudomembrane pseudomembranes pseudomembranous pseudomeningocele pseudomonal pseudomonas Pseudomonas aeruginosa pseudonormalization pseudophakia pseudophakic pseudopterygium pseudoseizure pseudoseizures pseudotumor psoriasis psoriatic psoriatic arthritis psychiatric psychiatric consultation psychiatric emergency services psychiatric history psychiatric hold psychiatric illness psychiatric issues psychiatrically psychiatrist psychiatrists psychiatry psychiatry consultation psychodynamic psychodynamics psychogenic psychogeriatric

psychogeriatrics psychological psychological factors psychologically psychologist psychology psychomotor psychomotor activity psychomotor agitation psychomotor retardation psychopharmacological psychopharmacology psychosis psychosocial psychosomatic psychotherapist psychotherapy psychotic psychotic features psychotropic psychotropic medications PT and PTT PT and PTT are normal PTCA PTCA catheter pterygia pterygium pterygium, left eye pterygium, right eye pterygoid pterygomandibular PTFE ptosis ptosis adiposa ptotic puberty pubic pubic ramus pubic symphysis pubic tubercle pubis pubococcygeal puboprostatic pubovesical pubovesical cervical puckered pudendal Pudenz catheter Puerto Rican puff b.i.d. puffs pull pulled pulley pulleys pulling pullout pullthrough pull-through pulmonal

pulmonale pulmonary pulmonary artery pulmonary artery (PA) pulmonary artery pressure pulmonary artery wedge pressure pulmonary atresia pulmonary capillary wedge pressure pulmonary congestion PULMONARY CONSULTATION pulmonary disease pulmonary edema pulmonary emboli pulmonary embolism pulmonary embolism (PE) pulmonary embolus pulmonary fibrosis pulmonary function pulmonary function studies pulmonary function study pulmonary function test pulmonary function testing pulmonary function tests pulmonary hypertension pulmonary infiltrate pulmonary insufficiency pulmonary lobular sequestration pulmonary nodules pulmonary parenchyma pulmonary secretion pulmonary secretions pulmonary status pulmonary stenosis pulmonary toilet pulmonary updrafts pulmonary vascular pulmonary vascular congestion pulmonary vein pulmonary veins pulmonic regurgitation (PR) pulmonic valve pulmonologist pulp pulposus pulsate pulsated pulsatile pulsatile abdominal mass pulsatile antiembolic stockings pulsatile lavage pulsating pulsation pulsations Pulsavac pulse pulse generator pulse oximetry pulse oximetry monitor pulse oximetry reading pulse rate

pulse rate of pulse steroid therapy pulsed pulsed steroids pulseless pulseless electrical activity pulseless electrical activity (PEA) pulseless electrical activity arrest pulseless electrical activity cardiac arrest pulses Pulses, brachial, radial, femoral intact pulsus paradoxus pump pumped pumper pumping pumps punch punch biopsy punched punches punching punctate punctation punctations punctum puncture puncture wound puncture wounds punctured punctures puncturing pupil pupillary pupillary reflexes pupillary responses pupils pupils are equal pupils are equal and reactive to light Pupils are equal and reactive to light with normal extraocular movements. pupils are equal and round Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation pupils are reactive pupils equal and react to light pupils equal and reactive to light pupils equal and reactive to light and accommodation pupils equal, round, and reactive to light pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation purchase pure pureed pureed diet purified purified protein derivative purple purple discoloration purple toe purple toe syndrome purple toes purplish

purpose purposeful purposefully purposeless purposely purposes purpura purpuric purse string purse strings pursed lip breathing pursestring pursestring sutures pursuant to pursue pursued pursuing pursuit pursuits purulence purulent purulent discharge purulent drainage purulent fluid purulent material purulent phlegm purulent rhinorrhea purulent sputum purulent-like purulent-looking pus push pushed pushing pus-like pustule put putting puzzle P-waves pyelogram pyelograms pyelography pyelonephritis pyeloplasty pylori pyloric pyloric channel pyloric stenosis pyloric ulcer pyloromyotomy pyloroplasty pylorus pyometra pyonephrosis pyramid pyramidal Pyridium pyriform pyriformis

pyrosis pyuria q. week q.12 hours q.12 hours p.r.n. q.1h. q.2 hours q.2 hours p.r.n. q.3 hours q.4 hours q.4 hours p.r.n. q.6 hours q.6 hours p.r.n. q.8 hours q.8 hours p.r.n. q.a.m. q.i.d. q.p.c. QRS QRS duration QRS-T angle QT prolongation Q-tip quad cane quadrangular quadrant quadrant abdominal pain quadrant pain quadrant pieces quadrant tenderness quadrantectomy quadrants quadratus quadriceps quadriceps exercise quadriceps tendon quadrilateral quadriplegia quadriplegic quadruple qualifies qualify qualitative qualitatively qualitatively negative qualities quality quality and quantity quality of life quantitative quantitatively quantities quantity quart quarter quarter inch quarters quarter-sized queasy question

question of questionable questionable control questionable early infiltrate questionable etiology questionable history of questionable infiltrate questionably questioned questioning questionnaire questions Questran quick Quickert quickly Quide quiescent quiescent appearance quilted quilting Quinaglute quinaldine blue quinidine quinine Quinton catheter quit quit school quit smoking quite quite active quite concerned quite consistent with quite good quite high quite large quite low quite normal quite possible quite some time quite stable quite tender to palpation quite unremarkable quite well Q-wave Q-waves R.N. racemic racing racing thoughts rack racked radial radial and ulnar radial arterial line radial artery radial collateral ligaments radial nerve radial pulse radialis

radially radiate radiated radiates radiating radiating to radiation radiation oncology radiation therapy radiation therapy radical radical hysterectomy radical mastectomy radical neck dissection radical prostatectomy radical retropubic prostatectomy radical retropubic prostatectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy radicals radicular radicular pattern radiculitis radiculopathy radio radio ventriculogram radioactive radioactive iodine radioactive iodine seeds radioactive seed implantation radioactive seeds radiocarpal joint radiodensity radiofrequency radiogram radiograph radiographic radiographic findings radiographs RADIOGRAPHS: radiography radiohumeral joint radioisotope radio-labeled radiologic radiologic imaging radiological radiologically radiologist radiology radiology suite RADIOLOGY: radiolucent radionucleotide radionucleotide study radio-opaque radiopacities radiopaque radiopaque calculi radiopaque density radiotherapeutic radiotherapist

radiotherapy radioulnar joint radium radium-equivalents radius radius and ulna radix rag Ragnell retractors rail rails raise raised raises raising rales rally rambling rami ramus random random biopsies random blood sugar random glucose randomized Raney Raney clips range range of activity range of motion range of motion and range of motion is range of motion of range of motion of all extremities range of motion of extraocular muscles range of motion of the range of motion of the extraocular muscles range of motion secondary to pain range of motion throughout range of motion with range of motion without ranged ranging rap raphe rapid rapid alternating movements rapid atrial fibrillation rapid chemistry profile rapid sequence intubation rapid sequence intubation (RSI) rapid speech rapid ventricular rate rapid ventricular response rapid ventricular response (RVR) rapid ventricular tachycardia rapidity rapidly rare rarely

rash rashes rashes or lesions rasp rasped raspier rasping rasps rat rate rate and regular rhythm rate and regular rhythm without murmurs rate and rhythm rate and rhythm without rate and rhythm without gallop or murmur rate and rhythm without murmur rate and rhythm without murmur or gallop rate and rhythm without murmur or rub rate and rhythm without murmurs or gallops rate and rhythm without rubs rate and rhythm without rubs or murmurs rate control rated rate-responsive rates rather rather than ratio rationale Raynaud Raynaud syndrome Raynaud's Raynaud's phenomenon RAZ urethropexy razor RBC indices reaccumulate reaccumulated reaccumulation reach reached reaches reaching react reaction reactions reactive reactive airway reactive airway component reactive airway disease reactive airway disease exacerbation reactive airway disease reactive depression reactive leukocytosis reactive to light reactive to light and accommodation reactivity read readied readily

reading reading difficulties readings readmission readmit readmitted readvance readvanced ready ready for discharge reaffirmed real realigned realignment realize realized really real-time ultrasound reamed reamer reamers reaming reanalyzed reanastomosis reapplied reapposed reapproximate reapproximated reapproximated with reapproximating reapproximation rear rear-ended rear-ending reason reason for admission REASON FOR ADMISSION: REASON FOR ADMISSION REASON FOR CONSULTATION REASON FOR CONSULTATION: REASON FOR REFERRAL: reasonable reasonably reasonably well reasons reassembled reassess reassessed reassessment reassurance reassure reassured reassuring reattach reattached reattaching reattachment reattempted rebleed rebleeding

rebolused rebound rebound nystagmus rebound or guarding rebounding rebreathing recalcitrant recalcitrant historian recall recalled recalling recalls recanalization recatheterization recatheterized receive receive his receive his first receive his first dose received receives receiving recent recent diagnosis of recent difficulties recent difficulty recent history recent history of recent hospitalization recent onset recent trauma recent travel recently recently had recently hospitalized receptive receptor recess recessed recession recess-resect recheck rechecked recipient reciprocal reciprocating reciprocating saw reclosed reclosing reclot recognition recognizable recognize recognized recognizes recognizing recollect recollected recollecting recollection

recollections recollects recommend recommendation RECOMMENDATION: RECOMMENDATIONS recommended recommending recommends reconcile reconciled reconciliation reconnected reconsider reconsideration reconsidered reconsiders reconstitute reconstituted reconstitution reconstruct reconstructed reconstructing reconstruction reconstructions reconstructive reconsult record recorded recording recordings records recoumadinize recoumadinized recover recovered recoveries recovering recovers recovery recovery area recovery area in satisfactory condition having tpvwell recovery room recovery room in good recovery room in good condition recovery room in satisfactory recovery room in satisfactory condition recovery room in stable recovery room in stable condition recreate recreated recreational recreational drug use recreational drugs recreational therapy recruitment rectal rectal bleeding Rectal bleeding. rectal carcinoma

rectal exam revealed rectal examination rectal mass rectal polyp rectal prolapse rectal temperature rectal tone rectal tube rectal vault Rectal: Guaiac-positive rectally rectangle rectangular recti recti muscles rectocele rectoperitoneal rectosigmoid rectosigmoid colon rectosigmoid junction rectovaginal rectovaginal examination rectovaginal septum rectum rectus rectus abdominis rectus abdominus muscle rectus fascia rectus muscle rectus muscle bellies rectus muscle belly rectus muscle fixation rectus muscles rectus sheath recumbent recuperate recuperated recuperating recuperation recuperative recur recurred recurrence recurrence of recurrences recurrent recurrent chest pain recurrent difficulties with recurrent difficulty with recurrent disease recurrent episode recurrent episodes recurrent laryngeal nerve recurrent laryngeal nerves recurrent nausea recurrent neuroblastoma recurrent symptoms recurring recurs recystoscopy

red red blood cell red blood cell count red blood cell transfusion red blood cells red cells red rubber catheter red rubber catheters red-brown reddish redelivered redictated redictates redirect redirected redirecting redness redone re-drained redrape redraped reduce reduced reduces reducible reducing reduction redundancy redundant Reed-Sternberg cells reelevated reentered reestablish reestablished reestablishing reevaluate reevaluated reevaluating reevaluation reexamination reexamine reexamined reexamining reexcised re-excised reexcision re-excision reexpansion reexploration reexplore reexplored reexploring refer referable referable to reference referral referred referring referring physician

refers refill refilled refilling refills reflect reflected reflecting reflection reflections reflex reflex sympathetic dystrophy reflexes refloated reflux reflux disease reflux esophagitis reformation reformed reforming refract refracted refracting refractive refractoriness refractory refractory ascites refractory to refracture refusal refuse refused refuses refusing regained regaining regard regarded regarding regarding admission regardless regards regauzed regimen regimens region regional regional anesthesia regional block anesthesia regional enteritis regional epidural anesthesia regional wall motion abnormalities regionally regions registered Reglan reglove regloved regloving regown

regowned regowning regrafted regranulation regrasped regrasping regression regressive regrowth regular regular and reactive regular basis regular bowel movements regular contractions regular diet regular doctor regular exercise regular medications regular physician regular rate and rhythm regular rate and rhythm without regular rate and rhythm without regular rate and rhythm without regular rate and rhythm without regular rate and rhythm without regular rhythm regular rhythm without murmurs regular rhythm, no murmurs regular sinus rhythm regular with no ectopics regular without murmurs regularizing regularly regularly irregular regurgitant regurgitated regurgitating regurgitation regurgitative regurgitative disease rehabilitated rehabilitating rehabilitation rehabilitation medicine rehabilitative reheparinized rehospitalization rehospitalized rehydrate rehydrated rehydration reidentified reimpacted reimplanted reincised reinflated reinforce reinforced reinforcement reinforcing

murmur murmur or gallop murmurs or murmurs or gallops rubs or murmurs

reinitiate reinitiated reinitiation reinjected reinjury reinsert reinserted reinserting reinsertion reinsertions reinspect reinspected reinspection reinstitute re-institute reinstituted reinstituting reinsufflate reinsufflation reintroduced reintubate reintubated reintubation reject rejected rejecting rejection rejections rejects rejoined Relafen relaparoscopy relapse relapsed relapses relapsing relate related related to relates relating relation relationship relationships relative relative hypertension relative monocytosis relatively relatively good health relatively normal relatively well relatives relax relaxant relaxants relaxation relaxation phase relaxed relaxing releasable

release released releases releasing relevant reliability reliable reliable historian relief relieve relieved relieved by relieves relieving reloaded relocated relooped reluctance reluctant remain remainder remained remained unchanged remaining remains remark remarkable remarkable for remarkable only for remarkably remarkably well remarked remarks remarried remediation remember remembered remembering remembers reminded remission remitted remitting remnant remnants remodeled remote remote bypass surgery remote heavy smoker remote history remote history of remote past remotely removable removal removal of remove removed removed from the field remover

removing remucosalize renal renal artery renal artery stenosis renal artery stent renal calculi renal calculus renal cell carcinoma renal collecting system renal consultation renal cystic disease renal dose renal doses renal dysfunction renal failure renal function renal insufficiency renal perfusion renal pyelectasis renal service renal transplant Renal Transplant Service renal tubular acidosis renal ultrasound renal vein renal vein thrombosis renal-dose rendered rendering rent rents reopened reopening reoperation reoperative repacked repair repair of a median episiotomy repairable repaired repairing repairs repeat repeat cardiac enzymes repeat cesarean section repeat chest x-ray repeat evaluation repeat labs in the a.m. repeat laparotomy repeat low flap cesarean section repeat low flap transverse cesarean section repeat low segment cesarean section repeat low segment cesarean section via midline incision repeat low segment cesarean section via pfinc repeat low segment transverse cesarean section repeat low transverse cesarean section repeat transverse low segment cesarean section repeated repeatedly

repeating repeats reperitonealization reperitonealized repetition repetitive repetitively replace replaceable replaced replacement replacement therapy replacements replacing replenish replenished replenishing replete repleted repletion repolarization repolarization abnormalities report report patient name reported reported to be reportedly reporter reporting reports reposited reposition repositioned repositioning reprepped re-prepped represent representation representative represented representing represents reproduce reproduced reproducible reproducing reproduction reproductive reputed request request for further request for further evaluation and treatment requested requested cataract surgery requested the patient be requesting requests require required requirement

requirements requires requiring requisition re-resection reschedule rescheduled rescheduling rescrubbed rescrubbing rescue rescue inhaler rescue squad rescued reseated resect resectable resected resecting resection resection of resectional resections resector resectors resectoscope resectoscope sheath resecured resembled resembling resend reservoir reset reshaped reshoot reside resided residence resident residential residents resides residing residual residual chips residual stenosis residually residue resist resistance resistances resistant resistant to resisted resisting resiting resolution resolve resolved resolves

resolving resonance resonant resorption respect respective respectively respiration respirations respirations of respirator respiratory respiratory acidosis respiratory alkalosis respiratory arrest respiratory component respiratory compromise respiratory depression respiratory difficulty respiratory distress respiratory distress syndrome Respiratory distress. respiratory embarrassment respiratory extremis respiratory failure respiratory infection respiratory insufficiency respiratory isolation respiratory rate Respiratory rate is respiratory rate of respiratory status respiratory suppression respiratory symptoms respiratory syncytial virus respiratory system respiratory system examination respiratory tract infection RESPIRATORY: RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. RESPIRATORY: Lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally. No wheezes, rales, or rho nchi. respiring respite respond responded respondent responding response response to response to chemotherapy and responses responsibilities responsibility responsible responsive responsiveness rest rest of the extremities rest of the extremities are within normal

restaging restart restarted restarting restaurant rested resting resting comfortably resting comfortably on a hospital gurney resting tremor resting tremors restless restless leg syndrome restlessness restoration restorations restorative restore restored Restoril restoring restrain restrained restraining restraint restraints restrict restricted restricting restriction restrictions restrictive restrictive lung disease restrictively restrictor rests resubmission result resultant resulted resulting results results are pending results are still pending resume resumed resumes resuming resumption resurfaced resurgence resuscitate resuscitated resuscitates resuscitating resuscitation resuscitative resuscitative measures resuspended resuture

resuture ligated resutured retain retained retained fetal tissue retained hardware retainer retaining retains retard retardation retarded retention retention enemas retention suture retention sutures rethread rethreaded rethrombose rethrombosed reticulocyte reticulocyte count reticulocytosis retie retied retightened retina retinacula retinacular retinaculum retinal retinal detachment retinal surgery retinal thrombosis retinectomy retinitis pigmentosa retinoblastoma retinography retinologist retinopathy retinopathy of prematurity retinopexy retinotomy retired retraced retrack retract retract and protect retractable retracted retracted superiorly retracting retracting and protecting retraction retractions retractor retractors retracts retraining retrievable

retrieval retrieve retrieved retriever retrieving retroareolar retroauricular retrobulbar retrobulbar injection retrocalcaneal retrocecal retrocolic retrocorneal retroflexed retroflexed view retroflexion retrogasserian retrograde retrograde cardioplegia retrograde pyelogram retrograde ureterogram retrograded retro-orbital block retroperitoneal retroperitoneal fibrosis retroperitonealization retroperitoneally retroperitoneum retropharyngeal retroplacental retropubic retropubic urethropexy retropulsion retrosternal retrosternal chest pain retrovaginal examination retrovaginal fistula retroversion retroverted retroverted uterus Retrovir retrovirus return return for followup return to return to clinic in return to our department return to our office return to the emergency department return to the emergency room return to the emergency room immediately return to the emergency room immediately p.r.n. return to the emergency room immediately prn return to the office return visit returned returning returns returns for returns for a followup

returns for a followup visit returns for followup returns to the office Retzius revascularization revascularize revascularized reveal revealed revealed a revealed no revealed no evidence revealed normal revealing reveals reveals a reveals a normal sinus rhythm reveals a normal sinus rhythm with reveals a normal sinus rhythm without ectopy reveals evidence of reveals no acute disease reveals normal reveals normal sinus rhythm Reverdin-Laird bunionectomy Reverdin-Laird-Green reversal reverse reverse saphenous vein reverse Trendelenburg position reversed reversed saphenous vein graft reversibility reversible reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy reversing reversion reverted review REVIEW OF MEDICAL FILE REVIEW OF MEDICAL FILE: REVIEW OF SYSTEMReview of system has been unremarkable except those mentioned in the HPI. review of systems review of systems was otherwise unremarkable REVIEW OF SYSTEMS REVIEW OF SYSTEMSAs per HPI. REVIEW OF SYSTEMSCONSTITUTIONAL: reviewed reviewed by me reviewed with reviewing revise revised revising revision revisional revisions revisit revived revolvulized

RhRh isoimmunization Rh+ rhabdomyolysis rhabdomyosarcoma rhabdomyosarcoma of the rhegmatogenous rhegmatogenous retinal detachment rheumatic rheumatic fever rheumatic heart disease rheumatica rheumatoid rheumatoid arthritis rheumatoid disease rheumatoid factor rheumatologic rheumatologic disorder rheumatologically rheumatologist rheumatology rheumatology clinic rheumatology consultation rheumatology evaluation rheumatology service rhinitis rhinoplasty rhinorrhea rhinosinusitis rhinotomy rhizotomies rhizotomy RhoGAM rhomboid rhomboid muscles rhomboid-type rhonchi rhonchi or rales rhonchi, rales, or wheezes rhonchorous rhythm rhythmic rhythmically rhythmicity rhythms rhytidectomy rib rib fracture ribcage ribs rich Richards Richards screws Richardson retractor Richardson retractors ricin-linked ridge riding rig right

right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right

4th finger amaurosis fugax and left angle angle clamp ankle ankle fracture antecubital antecubital fossa anterior oblique projection arm atrial appendage atrial enlargement atrium axilla axis deviation base brachial reflex breast breast mass bundle branch block buttock calf carotid bruit carotid endarterectomy carpal tunnel surgery cerebellar region cheek chest clavicle colon common hepatic duct coronary anatomy coronary artery coronary artery (RCA) coronary catheter coronary ostium coronary system corpus callosum costal margin decubitus position direct inguinal hernia ear elbow external carotid artery external jugular vein eye facial droop fallopian tube femoral artery femoral vein femur fibula fifth finger flank foot forearm fourth finger frontal lobe genu

right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right

genu of the corpus callosum greater than left groin hallux hand heart catheterization heel hemiparesis hemiplegia hip hip fracture humerus iliac angiogram index finger indirect inguinal hernia inguinal hernia inguinal herniorrhaphy internal carotid artery internal jugular vein internal mammary artery intertrochanteric fracture intertrochanteric hip fracture kidney knee knee replacement lacunar infarction lateral lateral decubitus lateral decubitus position lateral rectus resection lateral Sims position leg little finger lobe long finger lower lower extremity lower eyelid lower leg lower lobe lower lobe infiltrate lower lobe perihilar infiltrate lower lobe pneumonia lower lung field lower quadrant lower quadrant pain lung lung base mainstem bronchus medial lateral episiotomy middle finger middle lobe middle lobe pneumonia modified radical mastectomy more than left neck nostril occipitoanterior position occipito-anterior position occipito-anterior presentation

right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right

occipitoposterior occipitoposterior position occipito-posterior position occipitotransverse one ovarian ovary parietal area patella pleural effusion proximal ureter pulmonary artery pupil renal artery ring finger sacro-anterior position sacroposterior position salpingo-oophorectomy shoulder side side of side of the sided sternal border subclavian catheter subclavian port subclavian vein subcostal margin temporoparietal region testis thigh to left total hip replacement total knee replacement tube upper upper arm upper back upper extremity upper eyelid upper lid upper lobe upper lobe pneumonia upper quadrant upper quadrant pain upper quadrant tenderness upper quadrant ultrasound upper sternal border upper thigh ureter ventricle ventricular dilatation ventricular enlargement ventricular heave ventricular hypertrophy ventricular impulse ventricular pressure ventricular response ventricular volume ventricular volume, wall motion

right worse than left right wrist right-angle right-angle clamp right-angle retractor right-hand right-hand dominant right-hand side right-hand-dominant right-handed right-handed female right-handed gentleman right-handed man right-handed white male right-handed woman right-of-midline right-sided right-sided facial droop right-sided facial drooping right-sided flank pain right-sided heart failure right-sided hemiparesis right-sided neglect right-sided radicular complaints right-sided weakness rigid rigid contact lens rigid esophagus rigid proctosigmoidoscopy rigid sigmoidoscopy rigidis rigidity rigidly rigor rigorous rigorous chilling rigorous chills rigors ring ring finger ring fingers Ring forceps ringed ring-enhancing ring-enhancing lesion ring-enhancing lesions Ringer Ringer lactate ringers Ringer's Ringer's lactate rings rinsed rise risen rises rising risk RISK FACTORS RISK FACTORS:

risk for aspiration risk stratification risk-benefit ratio risk-factor modification risks risks and benefits risks and complications risks and possible complications risks, benefits, and alternatives risks, benefits, and possible complications risks, complications, and benefits Risperdal risperidone Ritalin Robaxin Robitussin robot robotic Rocaltrol Rocephin rock rocked rocker Rockey-Davis Rockey-Davis appendectomy incision Rockey-Davis incision rock-hard Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever rod rodding roentgenogram roll rolled roller roller gauze rollerball roller-blade rolling rolling walker Romberg's sign rongeur rongeured rongeurs roof room room air room in good condition room in satisfactory condition room in stable condition roommate roommates root roots rope ROS is negative ROS is negative in detail Roscoe-Graham rose Rosomoff chordotomy needle rostral

rostrally rosy rot rotary rotary bur rotate rotated rotating rotation rotation flap rotational rotational atherectomy rotator rotator cuff rotator cuff repair rotators rotavirus roticulating rotobur roto-osteotome rotosteotome Rottweiler rough roughly round round and reactive round and reactive to light round ligament round ligaments round to irregular round, regular, and reactive rounded rounds round-shaped route routine routine anesthesia monitoring routine antibiotic prophylaxis routine basis routine examination routine fashion routine followup routine health maintenance routine laboratory studies routine laboratory workup routine manner routine medication routine medications routine office visit routine pathological examination routine postoperative care routine postpartum check routine sterile fashion routinely Roux retractors Roux-en-Y Rovsing row rows Roxicodone

rub rubber rubbery rubella rubella immune Rubin cannula rubor rubs rubs or extra sounds rubs or gallops rubs or murmurs rule rule out rule out myocardial infarction rule out pneumonia rule out pulmonary embolism rule out pulmonary embolism (PE) ruled ruled in rules rules out ruling running running fashion running locked fashion running locking suture running stitches running suture running sutures running-interlocking running-locking runny nose runoff runoff disease runs runs in the family rupture rupture of membranes ruptured ruptured disc ruptured disk ruptured globe ruptures rupturing rush Russian-speaking rust-colored rust-colored drainage R-wave R-wave progression S & H needle S1 and S2 were within normal limits; no S3, S4 or murmurs. saccades saccular sacculation sacculations sacral sacral decubitus ulcer sacral decubitus ulcers sacral prominence

sacral spine sacrificed sacroanterior sacro-anterior sacrococcygeal sacroiliac sacroiliac joint sacroiliac joint (SIJ) sacroiliitis sacroposterior sacrum saddle saddle anesthesia safe safe sex safely safety sag sagging sagittal sagittal saw Sagura stone basket said sail saint sale salicylate saline saline drop test saline solution saline-filled saline-soaked saliva pool salivary Salmonella salpingectomy salpingitis salpingo-oophorectomy salpingostomy salpingotomy salpinx salt salutary salutary fashion salutary improvement salvage salvage chemotherapy salvageable salvaged Sam same same day same fashion same manner same procedure same-day same-day surgery sample sampled samples

samples were obtained sampling San sandbag sanguinous sanitary sanitary pad saphenofemoral saphenofemoral junction saphenous saphenous vein saphenous vein bypass graft saphenous vein graft saphenous vein graft bypass sarcoid sarcoidosis sarcoma sartorius sat satellite satiety Satinsky clamp satisfaction satisfactorily satisfactorily instituted satisfactory satisfactory condition satisfactory hemostasis satisfactory level satisfactory local anesthesia was achieved throughout with the satisfied satisfy satisfying saturate saturated saturating saturation saturations Saturday Saturdays saucerization saucerized save saved saver saw say saying Sayre Sayre elevator says scab scabbed scabs scalene scalene node biopsy scalp scalp flap scalp laceration scalp wound

scalpel scalpel blade scan scan of scan of the scanning scans scant scant amount scanty scaphoid scaphoid, soft, nontender scapholunate scaphotrapezial scapula scapulae scapular scapulas scar scar revision scar tissue scarification scarlet fever Scarpa Scarpa fascia Scarpa layer Scarpa's Scarpa's fascia scarred scarring scars scatter scattered scattered diverticula scattered lymphocytes scattered rhonchi scattered wheezes scattering scenario Schatzki ring Schatzki's ring schedule scheduled scheduled to scheduling Schiller solution Schiotz tonometer Schiotz tonometry schistocytes schizoaffective schizoaffective disorder schizoid schizophrenia schizophrenia, chronic undifferentiated type schizophrenic schizophreniform schizotypical school schoolteacher sciatic

sciatic nerve sciatica scissor scissoring scissors sclera sclera anicteric sclerae sclerae and conjunctivae sclerae anicteric sclerae are anicteric sclerae are clear sclerae are muddy sclerae are white sclerae nonicteric sclerae were anicteric sclerae white scleral scleral buckle scleral buckle procedure scleral depression scleral flap scleral groove scleral icterus scleral tunnel sclerectomy sclerodactyly scleroderma sclerolimbal junction sclerosed sclerosing sclerosing cholangitis sclerosis sclerostomy sclerotherapy sclerotic sclerotomal sclerotomal lupus sclerotomies sclerotomy scoliosis scoop scooping scoops scope scoping scopolamine score scored scores scoring scotch scout scouted scraped scraping scrapings scratcher scratching screaming

screen screening screening labs screening sigmoidoscopy screw screw hole screw holes screwdriver screwed screwing screws scribed scrotal scrotal cellulitis scrotal contents scrotal hematoma scrotum scrub scrubbed scrubbed, prepped, and draped scrubbing scrubbing and draping scrubs scrutinized sculpted sculpting S-curve sea seafood seal sealed seamstress search searched searching seasonal seasonal affective disorder (SAD) seasonal allergies seasonal allergy seat seat belt seated sebaceous sebaceous cyst seborrheic seborrheic dermatitis seborrheic keratoses seborrheic keratosis seclude secluded seclusion second second and third second assistant. second course second cycle of second cycle of chemotherapy second grade second heart sound second husband

second incision second knife second layer second look second marriage second obtuse marginal artery second obtuse marginal branch second opinion second postoperative day second rib second scalpel second stage second trocar second week second wife secondarily secondary secondary arrest of dilatation SECONDARY DIAGNOSES: SECONDARY DIAGNOSES secondary diagnosis SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS: secondary generalization secondary hemorrhagic conversion secondary hypertension secondary intention secondary stroke prevention secondary to secondary to hypertension second-degree second-degree heart block secondly seconds secretary secretion secretions secretory section sectional sectioned sectioning sections sector Sectral secure secured secured to the skin securely securing security sed rate sedate sedated sedating sedation sedative sedatives sedentary sediment sedimentation

sedimentation rate sedimentation rates see see present illness see progress note seed seeding seedings seeds seeing seek seeking seem seemed seems seems to be seen seen and comprise about seen by seen by Dr. seen in consultation segment segmental segmental left ventricular systolic function segmental reresection segmental resection segmental wall motion abnormalities segmentation segmentectomy segmented segmented neutrophils segmenters segments seizure seizure activity seizure control seizure disorder seizure free seizure history seizure precautions seizurelike seizure-like activity seizures Seldane Seldinger Seldinger technique selected selective coronary angiography selective coronary arteriography selective left and right selective right and left self self-anticoagulated self-approaches self-attitude self-blame self-care self-catheterization self-confidence self-destructive

self-exam self-examination self-retaining self-retaining retractor self-retaining retractors self-retracting self-sealing self-sound self-suction sella turcica semen semen analysis semicircular semicomatose semicystic semielliptical semi-elliptical semielliptical converging incisions semi-elliptical incisions semi-Fowler position semi-Fowler position semilateral semiliquid semi-lithotomy semi-lithotomy position semilunar seminal seminal vesicle seminal vesicles seminiferous tubules seminoma semipressure semisolid semi-transfixion semi-urgent manner semiurgently send sending senile senile cataract senile dementia senile dementia of the Alzheimer type senile mature cataract senile mature cataract of the left eye senile mature cataract of the right eye senility senior senior citizens Senokot sensation sense sensitive sensitive to sensitivities sensitivity sensor Sensorcaine sensorimotor sensorineural sensorium

sensory sensory completely intact sensory deficit sensory deficits sensory deficits are noted sensory deficits noted sensory evoked potentials sensory exam normal sensory examination sensory is intact sensory is intact to light touch sensory modalities sensory motor exam sensory neuropathy sent sent for culture sent home sent to pathology sent to pathology as well as sent to pathology as well as for sented sentencing sentinel separable separate separated separately separating separation separations separative sepsis sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy septal septal deviation septal infarct septal perforating branch septated septations September septic septic arthritis septic emboli septic shock septic workup septicemia septoplasty septorhinoplasty Septra septum septum orbitale sequela sequelae sequence sequences sequential sequential aliquots sequentially sequestrate sequestrated

sequestration serial serial assessments serial cardiac enzymes serial CPKs serial dilatation serial electrocardiograms serial enzymes serial examination serial hematocrits serial isoenzymes serial sevens serially serially clamped serially dilated series serious seriously seriousness serologic serological serologically serologies serology seroma seromas seromuscular seropositive serosa serosal serosanguineous serosanguineous fluid serosubmucosal serous serous drainage serous fluid serous otitis media serrated scissors Serratia marcescens Serratieae marcescens serratus serratus anterior serrefines serum serum alkaline phosphatase serum chemistry serum creatinine serum electrolytes serum glucose serum iron serum metanephrines serum osmolality serum protein electrophoresis serum sodium serum toxicology serum toxicology screen serve service services sesamoid

sesamoidal sesamoidal apparatus sesamoids sessile sessile polyps sessions sestamibi scan set setting settings seven seven days Seven Feathers seven hours seven months seven o'clock seven thirty o'clock seven weeks seventeen seventeen-year-old seventh seventh rib sevenths seventy seventy-eight-year-old seventy-five-year-old seventy-four-year-old seventy-nine-year-old seventy-one-year-old seventy-seven-year-old seventy-six-year-old seventy-three-year-old seventy-two-year-old seventy-year-old seven-year-old several several centimeters several days several days ago several episodes several hours several liters several millimeters several minutes several months several months ago several nights several occasions several seconds several times several units several weeks several weeks ago several years several years ago several-day history several-month several-month course several-month history several-week history

several-year history severance severe severe anemia severe aortic stenosis severe cellulitis severe CO2-retaining chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) severe CO2-retaining COPD severe debilitation severe diastolic dysfunction severe hearing impairment severe hypertension severe ischemic cardiomyopathy severe pain severe respiratory distress severe right hip pain severed severely severing severity severity of stressors sewing sewn sex sexual sexual abuse sexual contacts sexual dysfunction sexual function sexual intercourse sexual orientation sexual partner sexual partners sexual transmitted diseases sexually sexually active sexually transmitted diseases shadows shaft shaggy shaking shaking chill shaking chills shaking chills or rigors shall shallow shape shaped sharp sharp and blunt sharp and blunt dissection sharp and blunt technique sharp curettage sharp disc margins sharp discs sharp dissection sharp knife sharp pain sharp scalpel sharp scissors

sharply sharply and bluntly sharply and bluntly dissected sharply dissected sharply divided sharply excised shattered shave shaved shaved and then widely prepped with Betadine shaved, prepped, and anesthetized shaver shavers shaving she she admits she also reports she also reports that she appears to be she appears well she complains of she complains of pain she continues to she denied she denied having she denied having any she denies she denies any she denies any new acute medical problems she denies any shortness of breath she denies having any She denies having any abdominal pain or discomfort She denies having any chest pain or shortness of breath. she developed she did have she did have a she did not want she did not want to be she did well she does have she does have a she does have some she does not she does not appear in acute distress she does not appear to be she does not drink alcohol She does not know she does not smoke She does not use tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs. she exercises she feels she feels much better she feels that she had she had a she had no she had to she has She has a history of she has been

She she she she she she She she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she She she she she she she She she she she she she she she She she she she she she She she she she she she she she she she she she she she She she

has been admitted to the hospital has been doing has been feeling has been given has been having has been placed has been treated has been written for has done well has had has had no has had some has history of has never smoked has no has no adenopathy has no other has no other complaints has not has not been having has not had has not had any has not noted has noted has tried has worked is is a well-appearing is afebrile is alert and oriented to person, place, purpose, and time is alert. is allergic to is complaining of is currently is doing well is given is having is having some is married. is not is on is oriented to person, place, purpose, and time is otherwise without complaints is placed on is presently asymptomatic is speaking in full sentences is status post is telling me is to follow up with is very is well appearing and lives alone lives with moves upper and lower extremities symmetrically needs to be noted presented presented to presents to the emergency room remains

she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she she She she she She she she she she she

reported reports reports that reports that she and her resides in smoked stated states states she states she has states that states that her states that she states that she felt states that she had states that she has states that she has been having states that she was states that the tells me that understands underwent was was admitted was advised was advised to was afebrile was discharged was found was found to be was found to have was given was given a prescription for was given some was having was instructed to was not was noted to be was noted to have was placed in was seen was seen by was seen in the ER was started on was switched to was told was treated was treated with will be will be able to will be admitted will be covered prophylactically will be given will be written for will continue with will follow up will not be will return to will return to clinic in works

shear sheared sheath sheaths shed shedding sheer sheet sheeting sheets shelf shell shelled shellfish shelter shelters shelving shelving edge Shepard grommet myringotomy tube Shepard grommet tubes shield shift shifted shifting dullness shifting fluid wave Shiley catheter shingles shingling shivering shock shock liver shoehorn-type shoot shoplifting shopping shoring short short arm cast short course short gastric vessels short gut syndrome short leg cast short of breath short saphenous vein short term short-arm cast shorten shortened shortening shorter short-leg cast shortly shortness shortness of breath shortness of breath and shortness of breath or short-segment Barrett esophagus of quiescent appearance short-term goals short-term memory short-term prognosis

shot shotty shotty lymphadenopathy should should be should be considered should be considering should he have any further problems should he have any further problems whatsoever should not be should she have any further problems shoulder shoulder dystocia shoulder girdle shoulder pain shoulder roll shoulders shoulders, elbows, wrists Shouldice Shouldice repair shoveling show showed showed no showed no evidence showed no evidence of showed no significant abnormality showed no significant disease shower showing shown shows shows a white count of shows no evidence shrapnel shredded shreds shrinkage shrunken shunt shunting shunts shut sialoadenectomy sialoadenitis siblings sick sick contact sick contacts sick sinus syndrome sickle sickle cell sickle cell anemia sickle cell crisis sickle cell disease sickle cell pain crisis sickle cell trait sickle-cell side side branches

side effect side effects side effects from side of the side plate side port side table side wall side walls side-biting side-by-side sided sideplate sides side-to-side side-to-side anastomosis sidewall sidewalls sidewise sight sigmoid sigmoid colon sigmoid mesentery sigmoid polyp sigmoidal sigmoidectomy sigmoidoscope sigmoidoscopy sigmoid-to-bladder sign signal signals signed signed out significance significant significant amount of significant anxiety significant change SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS/HOSPITAL COURSE: SIGNIFICANT FINDINGS/HOSPITAL COURSE significant for significant health problems significant improvement significant luminal irregularity significant other significant risk factors significant stenosis Significant test results: significant toxicity significantly significantly better significantly elevated significantly improved signifying signing signing informed consent signs signs and symptoms signs are stable

signs of signs of infection signs or symptoms Silastic silent silent pneumonia silhouette silhouettes silicon tipped extrusion cannula silicone silicone oil silk sill Siltex Silvadene Silvadene ointment silver silver nitrate sticks Simco cannula Simcoe similar similar discomfort similar episode similar fashion similar manner similar procedure similar to similarly simple simple 1-step commands simple commands simple cyst simple fashion simple interrupted sutures simple interrupted type simple questions simple suture simple sutures simplest simplex simply Sims Sims hand-held speculum Sims retractor Sims speculum simulating simultaneous simultaneously since since admission since his last since last visit since that time since then Sincerely yours, Sinemet Sinequan singed single single black female

single black male single black woman single intrauterine pregnancy single layer single layer fashion single lumen single white male single-chamber single-channel single-guarded single-layer single-lumen single-prong single-prong tenaculum singleton singleton intrauterine pregnancy single-tooth single-tooth tenaculum single-toothed single-vessel single-vessel coronary artery disease single-vessel saphenous vein graft bypass Sinskey sinuous sinus sinus arrhythmia sinus bradycardia sinus congestion sinus disease sinus drainage sinus infection sinus mechanism sinus mechanism noted on telemetry sinus mechanism noted on telemetry monitoring sinus node dysfunction sinus rhythm sinus rhythm with sinus rhythm without sinus tachycardia sinus tenderness sinus tract sinus tracts sinuses sinusitis sinusotomy sir sirolimus-eluting stents sister sister-in-law sisters sit site site, size, and configuration Site-Rite sites sitting sitting balance sitting in bed sitting position situ

situated situation situational anxiety situations sitz baths six six days six hours six months six o'clock six thirty o'clock six weeks six years six-hole six-month-old six-pack six-pack of platelets six-packs sixteen-year-old sixth rib sixty-eight-year-old sixty-five-year-old sixty-four-year-old sixty-nine-year-old sixty-one-year-old sixty-seven-year-old sixty-six-year-old sixty-three-year-old sixty-two-year-old sixty-year-old six-vessel six-year-old size size of size of her sized sizer sizers sizes Sjogren disease Sjogren's skating skeletal skeletization skeleton skeletonization skeletonize skeletonized skeletonizing skilled nursing facility skilled nursing facility (SNF) skin skin and extremities skin and subcutaneous tissue skin and subcutaneous tissues skin breakdown skin cancer skin care skin changes skin clips

skin crease skin edges skin examination skin flap skin flaps skin fold skin graft skin grafting skin grafts skin hooks skin incision skin incisions skin lesion skin lesions Skin normal. HEENT: Conjunctivae and sclerae normal. Neck supple. No nodes or thyromegaly. Chest, heart, regular sinus rhythm, S1, S2. Lungs are clear to aus cultation and percussion. Abdomen: Bowel sounds normal. No hepatosplenomegaly, masses, or hernias. Extremities normal. Neurologic normal. Pulses, brachial, radial, femoral intact skin popping skin rash skin staples skin tag skin tags skin turgor skin ulcer skin was closed in layers skin was then closed with skin wedge skin without lesions SKIN: No rash or lesions. SKIN: No rashes. SKIN: Warm and dry. SKIN: Warm and dry. Skin: Normal. HEENT: Conjunctivae and sclerae normal. Neck supple. No nodes or thyromegaly. Heart/Lungs: Regular sinus rhythm, S1, S2. Lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion. Abdomen: Bowel sounds normal. No hepatosplenomeg aly, masses, or hernias. Extremities normal. Neurologic normal. Pulses: Brach ial, radial, femoral intact skinned skin-to-skin skipped skirting skull skull base skull fracture skyline slash sleep sleep apnea sleep disturbance sleep study sleepiness sleeping sleeping pills sleeplessness sleeps sleepy sleeve sleeved

slider slides sliding sliding board sliding scale sliding scale coverage sliding scale insulin regimen slight slightly slightly below normal slightly below normal at slightly depressed slightly diminished slightly elevated slightly low slim sling slip slip knot slipped slips slit slit knife slit-lamp examination Slo-Bid slope Slo-Phyllin sloppy slouching sloughing slow slow taper slow ventricular response slowed slow-growing slowing Slow-K slowly Slow-Mag slowness Sluder knife sludge sluggish sluggishly sluggishly reactive sluggishness slumped slurred slurred speech slurring slurring her speech slurring his speech slurry SMA SMA-12 SMA-18 SMA-20 SMA-6 SMA-7 SMAC

SMAC-20 small small amount small amount of small amount of Healon small amounts small bowel small bowel adhesions small bowel capsule endoscopy small bowel follow-through small bowel loop small bowel loops small bowel obstruction small bowel resection small cell small cell carcinoma small cell carcinoma of small cell carcinoma of the lung small cell lung carcinoma small cells with small cells with round to irregular small for gestational age small incision small intestines small sharp curette small stroke syndrome small vessel ischemia small vessel ischemic change small vessel ischemic changes small vessels small volume nebulizer (SVN) small volume nebulizer (SVN) treatment small volume nebulizer treatment small-bowel small-bowel adhesions small-bowel follow-through small-bowel obstruction small-bowel resection small-cell small-cell carcinoma small-cell carcinoma of the lung smaller smallest smallish small-vessel small-vessel disease small-vessel ischemic changes small-vessel ischemic disease Smart Chart SMAS Smead-Jones Smead-Jones sutures smear smelling smile smiling smoke smoke or drink smoked smoker

smokes smoking smoking cessation smoking history smooth smooth pursuit eye movements smooth reversal smoothed smoothened smoothly smoothly induced smoothly reversed smooth-tear smooth-walled snap sneeze sneezing sniffing position snip snorted snorting snow snug snugly so so as to soak soaked soaks soap sob so-called social SOCIAL HISTORY SOCIAL HISTORY: SOCIAL HISTORY Social Security Social Services Social Services consult social work social work consultation social worker social workers socially socket sod sodium sodium bicarbonate sodium chloride Sodium is Sof-Rol soft soft and nontender soft and nontender without soft and nontender without organomegaly soft palate soft palate retractor soft tissue soft tissue attachments soft tissue connections

soft tissue mass soft tissue swelling soft tissues soft with normal bowel sounds soft without organomegaly Soft, nontender, benign. Soft, nontender, nondistended Soft, nontender. softened softener softeners softening soft-tissue soleus solid solid mass solidified solids solitary solitary plasmacytoma Solu-Cortef Solu-Medrol Soluset Solu-Set solution solutions solvents some some degree of some degree of improvement some evidence somebody somehow some-odd pounds someone something sometime sometimes somewhat somewhat guarded somewhat unclear somewhere somnolence somnolent son son-in-law sonogram sonograms sonographic sonographically sonography sonorous sonorous respirations soon sooner as needed soothe sopping sore sore throat soreness

sort sought sound sounded sounding sounds soup source sources south South Carolina sow Spa space space of Retzius spaces spacial Spanish-speaking Spansules spare spared sparing sparse spasm spasmodic spasmodic breathing spasms spastic spastic colon spastic paralysis spastic pose spasticity spatula spatulae spatulated speak speaking speaking in full sentences speaks speaks in complete sentences spears special special care unit specialist specialists specialized specializes specializing specially specialty species specific specific gravity specific gravity of specifically specification specifics specified specify SPECIMEN

SPECIMEN TO PATHOLOGY: SPECIMEN TO PATHOLOGY specimens specimens were sent to Specimens were sent to pathology as well specimens were sent to pathology as well as for immunophenotyping and cytogeneti cs speckled speckled pattern speculum speculum examination speculums speech speech is garbled speech is garbled and difficult to understand speech pathology speech therapy speech-language pathology speed spell spelled spelling spells spend spending spent sperm spermatic spermatic cord spermatocele sphenoethmoid sphenoid sphenoidal sphenoidale sphenoidectomies sphenoiditis sphenoidotomies sphenoidotomy sphenomaxillary sphere spherocyte spherocytes spherocytosis sphincter sphincter of Oddi sphincter tone sphincteric sphincteroplasty sphincterotome sphincterotomies sphincterotomy sphincters spica spica cast spiculated spiculations spicules spider angioma spigelian hernias spike

spiker spikes spiking spill spillage spilled spina bifida spinal spinal accessory nerve spinal anesthesia spinal board spinal canal spinal cord spinal cord compression spinal fluid spinal fluid examination spinal fusion spinal immobilization spinal needle spinal stenosis spinal tap spinal taps spindle spindle cell tumors spindle-cell melanoma spine spine film spine films spines spinous spinous process spinous processes spiral spiral blade spiral-tip spirits spirochete spirometer spirometry spironolactone spite spitting splashed splayed spleen splenectomy splenic splenic flexure splenocolic splenocolic ligaments splenomegaly splenorenal splint splinted splinter hemorrhages splinting splints split split thickness skin graft split-thickness

split-thickness skin graft splitting spoke spondylitis spondyloarthropathy spondylolisthesis spondylosis sponge sponge and instrument count sponge and instrument counts sponge and instrument counts were correct sponge and lap counts sponge and needle counts Sponge and needle counts were sponge and needle counts were correct sponge count sponge stick sponge, instrument, and needle counts sponge, lap, and needle counts sponge, needle, and instrument counts sponge, needle, and instrument counts were correct sponged sponges spongy-like spontaneous spontaneous abortion spontaneous bacterial peritonitis spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) spontaneous coagulopathy spontaneous conversion spontaneous echo contrast spontaneous encephalopathy spontaneous rupture of membranes spontaneous vaginal birth spontaneous vaginal deliveries spontaneous vaginal delivery spontaneous venous pulse (SVP) spontaneously spontaneously converted spontaneously defervesced spoon spooned spoons sporadic spot spots spotting spouse sprain sprawled spray sprayed sprayer spraying sprays spread spreader spreaders spreading spreads

spring sprinkled spur spuriously spurring sputum sputum culture sputum culture grew Sputum culture is pending. Sputum culture pending. sputum cultures sputum production squamocolumnar squamocolumnar junction squamous squamous cell cancer squamous cell carcinoma squamous cell carcinoma antigen squamous epithelium squamous intraepithelial lesion square squared squeezing St ST and T-wave ST changes ST depression ST depressions ST elevation ST- or T-wave ST- or T-wave changes ST segment abnormalities ST segment changes stab stab incision stab incisions stab wound stab wounds Stabilette stability stabilization stabilize stabilized stabilizer stabilizers stabilizes stabilizing stable stable and satisfactory condition stable condition stable for discharge stable to all stresses stable to the Recovery Room stable vital signs stably stabwound stabwounds staff staffed stag

stage stage I adenocarcinoma stage I decubitus stage II stage II adenocarcinoma stage II decubitus stage II decubitus ulceration stage III stage III adenocarcinoma stage IV stage IV adenocarcinoma Stage IV mantle zone lymphoma stage V staged stages staghorn calculus stain stained staining stainless stainless steel stainless steel staples stainless steel wire stainless steel wires stains stairs stairstep stalk Stamey Stamey needle stand standard standard fashion standard gas meter standby standing standpoint staphylococcal staphylococcal infection Staphylococcus Staphylococcus aurens Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus endocarditis Staphylococcus epidermidis Staphylococcus lugdunensis staple stapled stapler staplers staples stapling star staring start start a new cycle start a new cycle of her intensification started started on started yesterday starting

starts stasis stasis dermatitis stat state state of health stated statement statements states states that states that he states that he has states that he has had states that she states that she had states that she has states that she has been states that she has had states that she is states that she was states that the states that the child states that the pain statin intolerant statin myopathy stating station status status asthmaticus status epilepticus status intact status post status post status post bilateral tubal ligation status post motor vehicle accident status post pacemaker placement status post radiation therapy status post remote stay stayed ST-changes steadily steadiness steady steady and stable steal syndrome steatohepatitis steatorrhea steel steep steep Trendelenburg Stelazine ST-elevations stellate stellate ganglion block stellate ganglion blocks stellate-type stem stenoscopy

stenoses stenosing stenosing tenosynovitis stenosis stenostomy stenotic stenotomy Stenotrophomonas maltophilia stent stent deployment stent placement stenting stents step stepdaughter stepfather stepmother step-off deformity step-off deformity angulation steps stereotactic stereotactic CyberKnife Steri-Drape sterile sterile conditions sterile drapes are placed sterile dressing sterile dressing was applied sterile dressing was placed sterile dressings sterile dressings were applied Sterile dressings were applied. sterile dressings were placed sterile dry compression dressing sterile dry dressing sterile fashion sterile field sterile gauze sterile manner sterile pressure dressing sterile saline sterile vaginal examination sterile water sterilely sterilely draped sterilely prepped sterilely prepped and draped sterility sterilization sterilized sterilizing Steri-Strip Steri-Stripped Steri-Strips sternal sternal border sternal compression tenderness sternal manubrium sternal notch sternal osteomyelitis

sternal pain sternal rub sternoclavicular sternoclavicular arthritis sternoclavicular junction sternocleidomastoid sternocleidomastoid muscle sternohyoid sternotomy sternum steroid steroid dependence steroid dependent steroid induced steroid injection steroid-dependent steroid-dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease steroid-dependent COPD steroid-induced diabetes steroid-induced hyperglycemia steroid-induced leukocytosis steroids stethoscope Stevens hook Stevens scissors stick sticking sticks stiff stiff neck stiffen stiffening stiffens stiffer stiffly stiffness still stillborn stimulants stimulate stimulated stimulating stimulation stimulator stimuli stimulus stipulation stirrups stitch stitched stitches stitching stockinette stocking stocking-glove stockings stoma stomach stomach cancer stomatitis

stone stone-like stones stony-type stood stool stool culture stool cultures stool was Hemoccult negative stools stop stopped stopping stops storage Storz stout strabismus straight straight catheters straight clamps straight drainage straight Keith cutting needle straight leg raise straight leg raising straight leg raising test straight-away straighten straightened straightening straightforward straight-leg raising test strain straining strangulated strap strap muscles straps strategic strategies strategy straw straw-colored streak streaking stream street strength strengthen strengthened strengthening strengths strenuous strep streptococcal Streptococcus Streptococcus faecalis Streptococcus pneumoniae Streptococcus viridans streptokinase

stress stress incontinence stress test stress testing stress thallium stress ulcer prophylaxis stress urinary incontinence stressed stresses stressful stress-induced cardiomyopathy stress-induced ulceration stressor stressors stretch stretched stretcher stretches stretching striated muscle complex striations strict stricter stricture strictured strictures stridor stridulous striking strings strip stripped stripped and ligated stripper strippers stripping stripping and ligation strips stroke stroke prevention stroke-like stroke-like symptoms strokes stroma strong stronger strongly struck structural structural compromise structural failure structurally structure structured structured environment structures strut struvite struvite stone Stryker saw

ST-segment changes ST-segment depression ST-segment elevation ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction ST-T ST-T abnormalities ST-T changes ST-T wave abnormalities ST-T wave abnormality ST-T wave changes ST-T wave-abnormalities ST-T-wave changes stuck studded studding student studies studs study stuffiness stuffy nose stump stumps stupor stuporous sturdy Sturmdorf Sturmdorf sutures stuttering course stuttering infarct stuttering infarction ST-wave style styloid sub subacromial subacute subacute bacterial endocarditis subacute inferior myocardial infarction subacute ischemic stroke subacute left lacunar infarct subacute right lacunar infarct subaortic subarachnoid subarachnoid aneurysm subarachnoid hemorrhage subarachnoid space subarachnoid spinal cord cyst subareolar subcapital subcapital fracture subcapsular subcapsular and subperiosteal subcarinal subchondral subchronic subciliary subciliary-type subclavian subclavian artery

subclavian catheter subclavian port subclavian vein subclavicular subconjunctival subconjunctivally subcoronal subcortical subcortical infarct subcortical infarcts subcortical left frontal area subcostal subcostal incision subcostal margin subcostal retractions subcostally subcutaneous subcutaneous adipose tissue subcutaneous emphysema subcutaneous fascia and fat subcutaneous fat subcutaneous nodule subcutaneous pocket subcutaneous tissue was closed with subcutaneous tissues subcutaneous tunnel subcutaneously subcutanous nodules subcuticular subcuticular layer subcuticularly subdartos pouch subdeltoid subdermal subdermally subdiaphragmatic subdivision subdural subdural hematoma subendocardial subendocardial ischemia subendocardial myocardial infarction subepidermal subepididymal subfalcine herniation subfascial subfrontal subgaleal subglottic subgroup subhepatic subjacent subjected subjective subjective complaints subjective fever subjective fevers subjective findings SUBJECTIVE: SUBJECTIVE

subjectively sublingual sublingual nitroglycerin sublingual nitroglycerine sublingually sublux subluxated subluxation subluxed submammary submandibular submandibular adenopathy submandibular region submaxillary submental submerged submetatarsal submetatarsals submit submitted submitted to pathology submitting submucosa submucosal submucosally submucous submucous resection submucus submuscular subnormal suboccipital subocclusive suboptimal suboptimally subpectoral subperiosteal subperiosteally subphrenic subplatysmal subpleural subpleural honeycombing subpleural pneumothorax subretinal subscapular subscapularis subscapularis muscle subsequent subsequent to subsequently subsequently discharged in stable condition subserosal subserosally subserous subside subsided subsides subsiding substance substance abuse substance abuse counseling

substances substantial substantially substernal substernal chest discomfort substernal chest pain substernal chest pressure substernally substitute substituted substitutes subtalar subtherapeutic subtle subtotal subtotal hysterectomy subtrochanteric subumbilical subumbilical incision subumbilically suburethral cyst subway subxiphoid succeed succenturiate lobe success successful successfully succession successive successively succinylcholine succumb succumbed such suck sucked sucker sucking suction suction and curettage suction and irrigation suction Bovie cautery suction Bovie electrocautery suction curettage suction dilatation and curettage suction, dilatation, and curettage suction-assisted suction-assisted lipectomy suctioned suctioning sudden sudden cardiac death sudden death sudden onset sudden onset of suddenly suffer suffered suffering

suffers sufficiency sufficient sufficiently suffusion sugar sugar tong splint sugars sugar-tong suggest suggested suggesting suggestion suggestions SUGGESTIONS suggestive suggestive of suggestively suggests suicidal suicidal attempt suicidal ideas suicidal ideation suicidal intent suicidal or homicidal ideation suicidal thoughts suicidal threat suicidality suicide suicide attempt suicide attempts suitability suitable suitably suite sulcus sulfa sulfa 1 p.o. b.i.d. sulfate Sullivan elevators sum summary summer summoned sump sun Sunday super Superblade superficial superficial abrasions superficial femoral artery superficial femoral vein superficial laceration superficial radial nerve superficial venous thrombosis superficial venous thrombosis (SVT) superficialis superficially superimposed

superinfection superior superior border superior iliac spine superior mesenteric artery superior mesenteric vein superior oblique superior pole superior rectus superior rectus bridle suture superior rectus muscle superior rectus muscle bridle suture superior rectus muscle fixation superior vena cava superior-based superiority superiorly superiorly and inferiorly superior-most superolateral superolaterally superomedial superomedially superonasal superonasally superoposterior superotemporal superotemporally superscrew Supersharp supertherapeutic superventricular supervise supervised supervises supervising supervision supervisor supination supine supine position supplanted supple supple with full range of motion supple without lymphadenopathy Supple. No carotid bruit. supplement supplemental supplemental oxygen supplemental oxygen supplementary supplementation supplemented supplementing supplements supplied supplies supply supply-demand mismatch supplying

support supported supporting supportive supportive care supportive management supportively supports supposed suppositories suppository suppress suppressant suppressed suppressible suppressing suppression suppressive suppressive therapy suppressor suppurativa suppurative suppurative appendicitis suppurative appendicitis without evidence of perforation suppurative flexor tenon synovitis suppurative hidradenitis supra supracervical supraclavicular supraclavicular adenopathy supraclavicular or cervical adenopathy supraclavicular retractions suprafascial supraglottic suprahepatic suprahepatically suprahyoid suprainguinal supranasal supranasally supraorbital suprapatella suprapatellar suprapatellar pouch suprapatellar pouch puncture suprapubic suprapubic catheter suprapubic prostatectomy suprapubic region suprapubic tenderness suprapubically suprapubicly suprarenal suprascapular suprasellar supraspinatus suprasternal suprasternal notch supratemporal supratherapeutic

supratherapeutic INR supratonsillar supratonsillar region supraumbilical supraumbilically supraventricular supraventricular arrhythmias supraventricular complexes supraventricular tachycardia supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) sure surest surface surface antigen surfaces surgeon SURGEON: surgeons surgeon's surgeries SURGERIES surgery surgical surgical abdomen surgical amputation surgical candidate surgical clinic surgical consultation surgical history SURGICAL HISTORY surgical incision surgical intensive care unit surgical intervention surgical procedures surgical resection surgical scar surgical scars surgical site surgical site infection surgical stabilization surgical time surgically surgical-related Surgicel Surgilene Surgiport Surgiports Surgitome surprisingly surreptitious surround surrounded surrounding surrounding areas surrounding erythema surrounding structures surrounding tissues surroundings surrounds surveillance

survey survival surviving susceptibility suspect suspected suspecting suspects suspend suspended suspension suspicion suspicious suspicious for suspicious lesions suspiciousness sustain sustained sustained ventricular ectopy sustaining sustentaculum suture suture ligated suture ligated with suture ligating suture ligation suture ligature suture ligatures suture line suture material suture removal in sutured sutures suturing swabbed swabbings swallow swallowed swallowing swallowing evaluation swallowing study swallows Swan-Ganz Swan-Ganz catheter swan-neck sweat sweat shirt sweating sweats sweep sweeping Sweet Success Sweet Success gestational diabetic program Sweet syndrome Sweetheart Sweetheart retractor Sweetheart tenaculum swelling swelling of the swept

swimming swinging swings swipes swish swish and swallow switch switched switching swivel swollen swoop swung sylvian fissure sylvian tissue symbol symbols Symmetrel symmetric symmetric palatal elevation symmetric with downgoing toes bilaterally symmetrical symmetrical bilaterally symmetrically symmetry sympathectomy sympathetic sympathetic block symphyseal symphysis symphysis pubis symptom symptom complex symptomatic symptomatic management symptomatically symptomatology symptomatology is due to symptoms symptoms of cough symptoms or complaints sync synchronized synchronized electrocardioversion synchronous synchrony synclitic syncopal syncopal episode syncopal episodes syncopal event syncopal events syncope syncope or presyncope syndactyly syndesmosis syndesmosis screw syndrome syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone synechia

synechiae synovectomies synovectomy synovial synovial cyst synovial fluid synovitis synovium Synthes syntheses Synthroid syphilis syphilitic syringe syrup system system at risk for life-threatening failure systematic systematically systemic systemic arterial hypertension systemic chemotherapy systemic hypertension systemic lupus erythematosus systemic symptoms systemically systems systems at risk SYSTEMS REVIEW: SYSTEMS REVIEW systolic systolic blood pressure systolic blood pressure (SBP) systolic dysfunction systolic ejection fraction systolic ejection murmur systolic function systolic murmur systolic pressure T wave inversion T10-T11 T11-T12 T12-L1 T1-T2 T2-T3 T3-T4 T4-T5 T5-T6 T6-T7 T7-T8 T8-T9 T9-T10 TA-90 table tablet tablets tabs tachometry tachyarrhythmia tachyarrhythmias

tachybradia tachy-brady syndrome tachycardia tachycardia-bradycardia tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome tachycardiac Tachycardic. S1 and S2 were increased. No S3, S4, or murmurs. tachydysrhythmia tachypnea tachypneic tack tacked tacking tact tactile tactile fremitus tad tag Tagamet tagged tagged red blood cell scan tail tail of the pancreas tailored tailor's bunions tails Takahashi Takahashi forceps take takedown taken taken back taken down taken down from taken down through the taken down to taken to surgery taken to the operating room taken to the recovery taken to the recovery room in takes takes no medications takes no medicines on a regular basis taking taking care to takotsubo takotsubo cardiomyopathy talc talk talked talking tall talofibular talonavicular talonavicular joint Talwin tamoxifen tamponade tamponade physiology tampons

tandem tangential tap tape taped taper tapered tapered reamer tapering tapers tapes tapped tapping tardive dyskinesia target cells targeted targeting tarry tarry stools tarsal tarsometatarsal tarsometatarsal joints tarsorrhaphy tarsotendinous taste taught Taxol T-capsulotomy T-cell TcHIDA TcHIDA scan T-clamp T-clamps teacher teaching teal team teams tear tearful tearfulness tearing tears teased teaspoon technetium technical technically technician technicians technique techniques technology TED hose tedious tediously teenage teenager teeth teeth in good repair

Teflon Tegaderm Tegretol telangiectasia telangiectasias telemetry telemetry monitoring telephone telescope telescoping television Telfa Telfa wicks tell telling Temp is temperature Temperature 100 Temperature 101 Temperature 102 Temperature 104 Temperature 97 Temperature 98 Temperature 99 temperature curve Temperature is being obtained at this time. temperature maximum temperature of temperature on arrival temperature on arrival is temperature spike temperature spikes temperatures template templated templating temporal temporal arteries temporal arteritis temporal artery temporal lobe temporal region temporal wasting temporalis temporalis fascia temporalis muscle temporally temporarily temporary temporary basis temporary disability temporary epicardial pacemaker temporary pacemaker temporary pacemaker temporary pacemaker placement temporomandibular temporomandibular joint temporonasal temporooccipital temporoparietal

temporoparietal cerebrovascular accident (CVA) temporoparietal CVA temporoparietal region temps ten ten o'clock ten thirty o'clock tenacious tenacula tenaculae tenaculum Tenckhoff catheter tendency tender tender to palpation tenderness tenderness in the tenderness in the left tenderness in the right tenderness noted tenderness of the tenderness on palpation tenderness or organomegaly tenderness or organomegaly noted tenderness over the left tenderness over the spine tenderness to deep palpation tenderness to palpation tenderness to percussion tendinitis tendinous tendon tendon function is fully intact tendon reflexes are tendon sheath tendonitis tendons tenesmus tenia tenia coli tenia versicolor tennis tennis ball tennis elbow tenolysis Tenon Tenon's Tenon's capsule Tenormin tenosynovectomy tenosynovitis tenosynovium tenotomy ten-point TENS unit tense tensely tension tension headache tensioned

tension-free tensions tensor tensor fascia lata tensor fasciae latae tent tentative tentatively tented tenth tenting tenuous ten-year-old teratoma terbutaline term term gestation term intrauterine pregnancy term pregnancy termed terminal terminal ileum terminalis terminally terminals terminate terminated terminates terminating termination terminations terminus terms terms of term-sized territorial territorial infarct tertiary contracture tertiary contractures Tessalon Perles test test dose test results tested testes testicle testicles testicular testicular sonogram testicular tortion testing testis testosterone tests tetanus tetanus immunization tetanus shot tetanus toxoid tether tethered

tethered cord syndrome tethering tetracaine tetracycline tetralogy of Fallot Tevdek textbook texture textured textures T-fashion T-fastener thalamic thalamo thalamotomy thalamus thalassemia thallium thallium perfusion scan thallium treadmill stress testing thallium treadmill test than than the previous than usual thank thank you thank you again thank you for thank you for allowing me to participate in thank you for asking thank you for referring thank you for your kind referral of thank you once again thank you very much thank you very much for the referral Thank you very much for the referral. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. Please let me know if yo u require information at this time. that that given that he that he had that he has that he has had that night that she had that she has that she has been that she has had that she has not that she is that she was the the abdomen the abdomen and pelvis the abdomen is the abdomen is soft the abdomen is soft and nontender the abdomen was obese

the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the The The the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the

abdomen was soft and nontender abdomen was soft, flat, and nontender absence of acute onset adhesions aorta Apgar scores baby back base of the bladder bleeders were cauterized bone bone marrow bowel breast care of Dr. case has been discussed with case is discussed with case was discussed with case was discussed with the patient case was fully discussed with catheter cavity cervical canal was dilated with cervix cervix was dilated using cervix was grasped with a chart was reviewed chemistry profile was negative chemotherapy chest chest is clear chest was clear to auscultation and percussion chest was clear to percussion and auscultation child cranial nerves cranial nerves II through XII day prior to admission decision was made decision was made to development of diet was gradually advanced discharge medications included dome of the bladder dressings were then applied emergency care unit emergency department emergency room emergency room physician end of esophagus estimated blood loss was estimated blood loss was minimal. estimated date of confinement was etiology exception extent of extremities are within normal limits eye

the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the The the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the

fact that family family's fascia fascia was approximated with fascia was closed with fascia was reapproximated with flap fluid was clear following day following instructions fracture fundi were benign fundi were unremarkable future gallbladder gradual onset graft hand head head is normocephalic head was normocephalic heart demonstrated regular rate and rhythm heart had a regular rate and rhythm hip history history is obtained from history was obtained from hospital hospital course was uncomplicated. hospital for further hospital under the care iliac crest iliac crest was prepped and anesthetized importance of incision infant informant was informants were instruments instruments were removed intensive care unit internist on call issue of jejunum joint kidney knee laboratory studies on admission demonstrated laboratory studies on admission showed last last menstrual period was last several days lateral aspect lateral aspect of left left breast left eye left index finger left lower

the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the The the the the the the the the the the the the the the

left lower extremity left lower quadrant left side left side of left side of the left sternal border lesion liver lower lower extremities lungs are clear lungs were clear lungs were clear bilaterally lungs were clear to auscultation bilaterally lungs were completely clear marrow cellularity and mass membranes were intact membranes were ruptured microscope mother states that mucosa was pink muscle muscles neck neck is supple neck was supple neck was supple with full range of motion need for next next several days next week nose was patent nucleus nursing home omentum operating room operation operation was started oropharynx oropharynx is oropharynx is clear pancreas patient patient admitted to patient also complains patient also has patient and I processed patient appeared to patient appears to patient appears to be patient began patient came to the emergency room patient complained of patient complains of patient continued patient continued to patient denied patient denied any patient denied having

the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the The the the the the The The The the the the the the the the the the the the the The the the the the The the The the the the the the

patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient patient

denies denies any denies any fever denies any nausea denies any other denies any other injuries denies having any did have did have a does have does not does not appear in acute distress does not appear to be does report does report that he had does report that she had feels gives a history had had a CBC had an had an x-ray had CBC had no known allergies had noted had to has has a history of has a past has a past history of has been has been admitted to has been admitted to the hospital has been cleared for discharge by the cardiology consultant. has been cleared for discharge by the nephrology consultant. has been feeling has been given has been having has been placed has been written for has experienced has had has had no has multiple has no has no known has no known allergies has no known drug allergies. has not been having has not had has not noted in the indicates is is a is a well-developed is admitted is admitted to is advised is alert

the patient is alert and the patient is allergic to the patient is allergic to penicillin The patient is an The patient is appropriate the patient is being discharged The patient is brought in now for evaluation and treatment. No aggravating or al leviating factors are otherwise noted. the patient is discharged the patient is given the patient is in the patient is in no the patient is in no acute distress the patient is intact The patient is lucid and coherent. The patient is married. the patient is obtunded the patient is on the patient is placed on the patient is scheduled for a followup visit the patient is speaking in full sentences the patient is started the patient is status the patient is to the patient is to take the patient left ambulatory the patient left in the patient left in satisfactory condition the patient left the the patient left the emergency department the patient left the operating room the patient noted the the patient noted the gradual onset of the patient presented the patient received the patient remains the patient reports the patient reports that the patient should be the patient smokes the patient stated that the patient stated that she the patient states the patient states she the patient states that the patient states that he the patient states that he felt the patient states that he has been having the patient states that she the patient states that she felt the patient states that she had the patient states that she has the patient states that she has been having the patient states that the the patient states that the pain the patient takes the patient tells me that the patient tolerated the patient tolerated both the procedure and anesthesia well the patient tolerated the procedure

the patient tolerated the procedure extremely well the patient tolerated the procedure quite well the patient tolerated the procedure very well the patient tolerated the procedure well the patient tolerated the procedure well and was the patient tolerated the procedure well and was taken to the The patient tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to the recovery roo m in satisfactory condition the patient tolerated the procedure without complications the patient tolerated the whole procedure well the patient underwent the patient underwent bone marrow aspirate and the patient was the patient was admitted The patient was admitted and the patient was admitted to the patient was admitted to the the patient was admitted to the hospital the patient was advised the patient was advised to the patient was alert the patient was alert and cooperative, oriented x 4 the patient was alert and oriented the patient was brought the patient was brought to the Operating Room and the patient was brought to the operating room and placed on the operating table the patient was brought to the operating room and placed on the operating table in the supine position the patient was brought to the Operating Room and was placed the patient was brought to the Operating Room, and the patient was brought to the Operating Room, put on the table the patient was continued the patient was diagnosed the patient was discharged the patient was discharged from the the patient was discharged from the hospital the patient was discharged home the patient was discharged in the patient was discharged to the patient was discharged to home the patient was discharged to home with the patient was discussed the patient was discussed with the patient was discussed with Dr. the patient was examined the patient was given the patient was given a prescription for the patient was having the patient was hospitalized the patient was in the patient was instructed the patient was instructed to the patient was not the patient was noted the patient was observed the patient was observed in the the patient was placed the patient was placed in the patient was placed on the patient was placed on the operating room table

the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the The the the the the the The the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the The the the the the the the the the the the

patient was prepped and draped in the usual manner patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion patient was removed from the operating table to the patient was requested patient was seen patient was seen and evaluated patient was seen by patient was seen in consultation patient was started patient was started on patient was subsequently seen in consultation by Dr. patient was taken patient was taken to the Operating Room and patient was taken to the Operating Room, and patient was told patient was transported patient was transported to patient was transported to the patient was treated patient was treated with patient will patient will be patient will be admitted patient will be admitted to patient will be followed up as an outpatient patient will be given patient will be seen patient will be written for patient will continue with patient will follow up patient will have patient would patient's patient's condition was improved patient's family patient's groin and genitalia were prepped and draped patient's last menstrual period was patient's mental status patient's private physician patient's wound was pelvis peritoneum peritoneum was closed with physical examination reveals placenta placenta was delivered plan is to platelet count is platelet count was preparations were made for closure. presence of procedure procedure was terminated procedure well procedure well and was procedure well and was brought to the procedure well and was taken to the procedure well and was transferred to the procedure with procedure with a moderate amount of

the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the The the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the

product of prognosis is good prognosis is guarded pupils are equal and reactive pupils were equal and reactive to light pupils were equal, round, and reactive pupils were equal, round, and reactive to light pupils were reactive to light and accommodation pupils were round, regular, equal and react to light pupils were round, regular, equal, and react to light question question of recovery room in recovery room in good condition recovery room in satisfactory condition recovery room in stable condition rectal examination was deferred remainder remainder of remainder of the remainder of the case remainder of the examination respiratory rate was rest of her rest of review of system is essentially negative. rest of the examination rest of the extremities rest of the extremities are within rest of the physical examination was normal results of right right breast right eye right lower right lower extremity right lower quadrant right side right side of right temporal region right upper right upper extremity right upper quadrant risks and benefits same same procedure was performed on the opposite side same procedure was repeated on the opposite side scope second layer imbricating the myometrium situation situation was discussed with skin skin was closed with skin was closed with staples skin was warm and dry specimen specimen was sent to specimen was submitted to pathology spine staff stomach

the sutures the symptoms The systems at risk The systems at risk the temperature was the throat is clear the time of the time of discharge the tip of the catheter the toes were downgoing the tongue was in the midline the tourniquet the trachea was in the midline the treatment the tube the tumor the tympanic membranes are clear the tympanic membranes were clear the upper the upper extremities The urinalysis is normal. the urine the uterus the uterus was sounded to a depth of the uvula was in the midline the vagina the vein the very near future the wound the wound appears clean the wound was the wound was cleaned the wound was dressed the wound was irrigated the wound was irrigated with the wound was thoroughly irrigated the wounds the x-ray examination theater thecal thecal sac their them themselves then thenar Theo-Dur theophylline theophylline level Theragran-M therapeutic therapeutic abortion therapeutic abortions therapeutic range therapeutic termination therapeutic window therapies therapist therapy there

there there there There there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there There there there there there there there there there there there there there There there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there there

appears to be are are no are no focal deficits. are no meningeal signs are no other are no other complaints are no other complaints at this time being no complications has been has been no having been no complications is is a history of is full range of motion is good expansion is no is no adenopathy is no convincing evidence of is no cyanosis is no erythema is no evidence is no evidence of is no family history of is no focal deficit. is no guarding or rebound is no history is no history of is no history of any is no jugular venous distention is no lymphadenopathy is no obvious is no organomegaly is no other is no pain is no paraspinous muscle tenderness is no peripheral edema is no peripheral edema. is no significant is no tenderness is tenderness to was was evidence was evidence of was no was no bleeding was no evidence was no evidence of was no history of was no loss was no loss of consciousness was no lymphadenopathy was no past history of was no scleral icterus was no significant was noted to be were were no were no complications were no complications during the procedure

there were no complications noted there were no obvious complications thereafter thereby therefore thereof thermal thermocoagulation thermodilution technique these they thiamin thiamine and folate thick thick meconium fluid thickened thickened skin thickening thicker thickest thickness thick-walled thigh thigh pain thigh tourniquet thighs thin thin walled thing things think thinking thinks thinly thinned thinning thin-walled third third and fourth third course third grade third portion of the duodenum third postoperative day third rib third-degree third-degree heart block third-generation thirds third-stage thirteen thirteen-year-old thirty thirty eight weeks thirty five weeks thirty four weeks thirty nine weeks thirty one weeks thirty seven weeks thirty six weeks thirty three weeks

thirty two weeks thirty weeks thirty-eight-year-old thirty-five-year-old thirty-four-year-old thirty-nine-year-old thirty-one-year-old thirty-seven-year-old thirty-six-year-old thirty-three-year-old thirty-two-year-old thirty-year-old this this admission this afternoon this evening this has been this is this is a This is a new medication. This is a new regimen. this is a pleasant this is a well-developed this is an this is an alert this may this month this morning this time this was done this was performed this was sent this was sent to this was supplemented with intravenous sedation with routine anesthesia monitori ng this week this year Thompson Thompson retractors Thompson self-retaining retractor thoracentesis thoracic thoracic aneurysm thoracic aorta thoracic aortic aneurysm thoracic cavity thoracic nerve thoracic outlet syndrome thoracic spine thoracic surgery thoracoabdominal thoracocentesis thoracodorsal thoracodorsal nerve thoracolumbar thoracolumbar metastatic disease thoracoplasty thoracoscope thoracoscopic thoracoscopy

thoracostomy thoracostomy tube thoracotomies thoracotomy thorascopic thorascopy thorax Thorazine Thornwaldt's cyst thorough thoroughly thoroughly irrigated those though thought thought broadcasting thought disorder thought insertion thought processes thought to be thoughts thousand thrashing thread threaded thready threat threaten threatened threatened miscarriage threatened spontaneous abortion threatening threatening behavior threatens threats three three days three finger breadths three hours three layers three minutes three months three o'clock three phase technique three thirty o'clock three times three weeks three weeks ago three years three-clamp three-corner three-in-one three-layer three-lumen three-month-old three-phase technique three-pillow orthopnea three-point three-point fixation three-quarters

three-stage three-vessel three-vessel cord three-vessel coronary disease three-way three-way catheter three-way continuous bladder irrigation three-year-old threshold threshold and sensitivity thrill thrills thrive thrived thriving throat throat and oropharynx throat and oropharynx are clear throat and oropharynx are clear without erythema throat pack throat was clear throbbing thrombectomies thrombectomize thrombectomized thrombectomy thrombin thrombin-soaked Gelfoam thromboblastin thrombocytopenia thrombocytopenic thrombocytopenic purpura thrombocytosis thromboembolectomy thromboembolic thromboembolic disease thromboembolic disease (TED) hose thromboembolism thromboembolus thrombolysis thrombolytic thrombolytics thrombophlebitis thromboplastin thrombosaphenous thrombose thrombosed thrombosed arteriovenous graft thromboses thrombosing thrombosis thrombotic thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura thrombus through through a through a stab wound through an through the

through the emergency room through the skin and subcutaneous tissue through this through-and-through throughout throughout all lung fields throughout both lung bases throughout both lung fields through-the-ear thrush thumb Thursday Thursdays thus thymoma thymusectomy thyroglobulin thyroglossal thyroglossal cyst thyroglossal duct cyst thyroid thyroid disease thyroid disorder thyroid dysfunction thyroid enlargement thyroid function thyroid function studies thyroid function tests thyroid gland thyroid nodule thyroidectomy thyroiditis thyromegaly thyroplasty thyrotoxicosis thyroxine thyroxine uptake tibia tibia/fibula tibia-fibula tibial tibial artery tibial fracture tibial plateau tibial sesamoid tibial tuberosity tibialis tibiofemoral tibiofibular tibiofibular fracture tibioperoneal tibiotalar ticarcillin tick bite Ticlid tics tic-tac-toe tidal volume tied ties

Tietze disease Tietze's disease (Teet-zee's) Tigan tight tightened tightener tightening tightens tighter tightest tightly tightness tilt tilted tilting tilt-table tilt-table examination timated time time being time of admission time of arrival time of discharge time of surgery Timentin timeout times times control times five times four times one times per day times three times two time-to-time Timoptic Timothy J. Powell, MDFamily Practicepowjo tin tincture tincture of iodine tinea capitis tinea corporis tinea cruris tinea pedis tinea unguium tinea versicolor Tinel's sign tinge tinged tingeing tingling tinnitus tiny tip tipped tiptoes tire tired tissue tissue expander

tissue induration tissue plasminogen activator tissue swelling tissues titanium titer titers titled titrate titrated titrating TLS drain TMs clear bilaterally to to admit the patient to allow for to arrange to auscultation and palpation to auscultation and percussion to be to be admitted to be alert to be alert and to be confirmed to be continued to be followed to be in to be in any to be in no to be in satisfactory condition to be in some to be intact to be intact. to be normal to be seen to be taken to call my office to chemotherapy and to clinic in to clinic in 1 to clinic in 3 to clinic today to come to my office to come to our office to come to the office to contact to contact me to continue to control bleeding to cover for to create to date to discuss to do so to do well to evaluate for to evaluate for malignancy to evaluate the patient to expose to facilitate venous drainage

to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to

follow up follow up with follow up with Dr. go home have have some light and accommodation my office observe our department our office pathology as well pathology as well as pathology as well as for immunophenotyping perform proceed return to the emergency department return to the emergency department if return to the emergency room return to the office review the results of rule out see me see the patient see us start a new start a new cycle start a new cycle of her the the abdomen the apex the cecum the chart the clinic the emergency care unit the emergency department the emergency room the ER the family the floor the hospital the hospital for the hospital under the hospitalist service the intensive care the intensive care unit the left the level of the level of the the medical floor the office the operating room the patient the pediatric floor the point where the recovery the recovery room the recovery room in the recovery room in good condition the recovery room in satisfactory condition

to the recovery room in stable condition to the right to the sacrum to the skin to the wound to this facility To Whom It May Concern: tobacco tobacco abuse Tobacco abuse. Nicotine patch 21 mg daily. tobacco addiction tobacco cessation tobacco dependence tobacco disorder tobacco history tobacco use tobacco use disorder Tobacco use. tobacco, alcohol and drugs Tobradex Tobradex-soaked tobramycin tocolysis tocometer today Todd paralysis toe toenail toenails toes toes are downgoing toe-to-toe toe-touch toe-touching together toilet toilet paper toileting told Toldt tolerable tolerance tolerant tolerate tolerated tolerated the procedure tolerated the procedure very well tolerated the procedure well tolerated the procedure well and was tolerated the procedure well and was brought to tolerated the procedure well and was taken to tolerated the procedure well and was transferred to tolerated the procedure with tolerated the procedure with a moderate amount tolerates tolerating toleration Tom Tom Jones fashion tomogram

tomography tomorrow tomorrow morning ton tone tones tongue tongue base tongues tonic/clonic tonic-clonic tonic-clonic seizure tonic-clonic seizures tonicity tonight Tono-Pen tonsil tonsillar tonsillar fossa tonsillar fossas tonsillectomy tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy tonsillitis tonsils too many to count too numerous to count took Tooke Tooke knife tool tools Toomey syringe too-numerous-to-count too-numerous-to-count white cells tooth tooth number toothache toothed toothed tenaculum tooth-related pain top top normal size tophaceous gout tophaceous gouty arthritis tophi topical topical agent topical anesthesia topical steroids topically top-normal-size toppers topside Torecan torn torn cartilage Torpin-Waters culdoplasty torsed torsion

torticollis tortuosity tortuous tortuous aorta total total abdominal hysterectomy total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy total abdominal hysterectomy. total bilirubin total cholesterol total colonoscopy total diverting ileal diversion total hip arthroplasty total hip replacement total hip replacements total iron-binding capacity total knee arthroplasty total knee arthroplasty (TKA) total knee replacement total knee replacements total occlusion total parenteral nutrition total protein total temporary disability total tourniquet time total vaginal hysterectomy total volume total white cell count totaling totality totally toto touch touch is fully intact touched touching touch-me-not tourniquet tourniquet elevated tourniquet time tourniquets toward towards towel towel clamps towel clip towel clips towels toxemia toxic toxic encephalopathy toxicity toxicology toxicology screen toxicosis Toxoplasma toxoplasmosis T-plate trabeculated trabeculation

trabeculations trabeculectomies trabeculectomy trace trace edema trace ketones trace leukocyte esterase trace pitting edema trace protein traced tracer traces trachea tracheal tracheal deviation tracheal ring tracheal tube tracheobronchial tracheobronchitis tracheoesophageal tracheoscopy tracheostomy tracheostomy tube tracheotomy tracing track track marks tracking tract traction traction suture traction sutures tractional tracts traditional train trained trainer training trajectory TRAM flap tranquilizer trans pars plana vitrectomy transabdominal transaminase transaminase liver enzymes transaminases transaminitis transaortic transcarpal transcatheter transcervically transconjunctival transcoronary transcribed transcutaneous transcutaneous pacemaker Transderm-Nitro transducer transect

transected transecting transection transectional transendoscopy transependymal transependymal flow transesophageal transesophageal echo transesophageal echocardiogram transesophageal probe transfer transfer diagnosis transfer in saturation transferred transferred to a local nursing home transferred to the floor transferred to the recovery transferred to the recovery room in transferrin transferring transfers transfix transfixed transfixedly transfixion transfixion sutures transforaminal epidural steroid injection (TFESI) transformation transformation zone transfuse transfused transfuses transfusing transfusion transfusions transgression transhiatal transient transient episode transient improvement transient ischemic attack transient ischemic attack (TIA) transient ischemic attacks transient ischemic event transient tachypnea of the newborn transilluminate transilluminated transilluminating transillumination transit transit time transition transitional transitional carcinoma transitional cell carcinoma transitional stools transitional zone transitioned transitory

transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) transjugular intrahepatic protosystemetic shunt transjugularly translate translated translating translation translator translocation translucent transmandibular transmandibular implant transmetatarsal transmetatarsal amputation transmitted transmural transorbital transparent transperineally transplant transplant for transplant for relapsed transplantation transplanted transplants transport transportation transported transporting transpose transposed transposition transprecordial pressure transrectal transrectal prostatic biopsy transrectal ultrasound transrectally transrectus transscleral transsphenoidal transsphincteric transthoracic transthoracic echocardiogram transudate transudative transureteroureterostomy transurethral transurethral prostatectomy transurethral resection of bladder tumor transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) transurethral resection of the bladder transurethral resection of the prostate transurethral ultrasound transurethrally transvaginal transvenous transvenous intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) transvenous pacemaker transversalis transversalis fascia

transverse transverse arch transverse colon transverse diameter transverse fashion transverse incision transverse myelitis transverse process transverse processes transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous transversely transversus transversus abdominis transversus abdominis muscles Tranxene trap trap-dooring trapeziometacarpal trapeziometacarpal joints trapezium trapezius trapezius muscles trapping traps trauma traumas traumata traumatic traumatically traumatize traumatized traumatizing Travasol traveled traveling traverse traversed traversing tray trazodone Treacher Collins syndrome treadmill treadmill exercise test treadmill stress test treadmill test treat treatable treated treated with treating treatment treatment options treatment plan treatment resistant treatment team treatment with treatment-resistant treatments treats tree

tree-in-bud tree-in-bud nodular infiltrate Treitz tremendous tremendously tremor tremors tremulous tremulousness Trendelenburg Trendelenburg position trending Trental trephine trephined trial trial of labor after cesarean section trials triangle triangle of Calot triangles triangle-shaped triangular triangular fibrocartilage complex triangularis triangulation techniques tributaries tributary triceps Trichomonas trichomoniasis trichotillomania tricompartmental degeneration tricuspid tricuspid regurgitation tricuspid valve tricyclic tricyclics Tridil tried trifurcating trigeminal trigeminal nerve trigeminal neuralgia trigger trigger finger trigger finger release trigger finger releases trigger fingers trigger point trigger point injection triggered triggering triggers triglyceride triglycerides trigonal trigone Trihemic Trilafon

trilineage trilobal trilobar trilobar prostatic hypertrophy Trilone trim trimalar trimalleolar trimester trimethoprim trimmed trimming trip triphasic triple triple lumen triple-lumen triple-lumen catheter triple-phase bone scan triple-phosphate stones triple-vessel triple-vessel coronary artery disease triple-vessel disease triply triply clipped tripod tripped trisegmentectomy trocar trocar and sheath trocar obturators trocar site trocar sleeves trocars trochanter trochanteric trochanteric decubiti trochanters trochlea trochlear trochlear groove trophoblast trophoblastic troponin troponin I troponin I leak troponin leak troponin less than 0.04 troponins trouble troubled troubles troublesome troubling trough Tru-Cut Tru-Cut needle true true vocal cord true vocal cords

trumpet trunk trunks trying tryptophan T-shaped T-tube T-type tubal tubal adhesions tubal ligation tubal obstruction tubal pregnancy tubal sterilization tube tube and ovary tube feeding tube feedings tube placement tube replacement tube-fashioned tubercle tuberculosis tuberosities tuberosity tubes tubes and drains tubes and ovaries tubing tuboovarian tubo-ovarian tubo-ovarian abscess tubular tubular adenoma tubules tubulovillous tubulovillous adenoma tuck tucked tucking Tuesday Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Tuesdays tumor tumor markers tumor mass tumors tunica tunica albuginea tunica vaginalis tunnel tunneled tunneler tunneling tunnel-like tunnels Tuohy needle turbid turbinate turbinate hypertrophy

turbinates turbinectomy turbinotomy turgor turn turned turning TURP turtle-neck sign T-wave T-wave abnormalities T-wave abnormality T-wave changes T-wave flattening T-wave inversion T-wave inversions T-waves twelfth twelve twelve o'clock twelve o'clock, three o'clock, six o'clock, and nine o'clock twelve thirty o'clock twelve-year-old twenty twenty eight weeks twenty five weeks twenty four weeks twenty nine weeks twenty one weeks twenty seven weeks twenty six weeks twenty three weeks twenty two weeks twenty weeks twenty-eight-year-old twenty-five-year-old twenty-four-year-old twenty-nine-year-old twenty-one-year-old twenty-seven twenty-seven-year-old twenty-six-year-old twenty-three-year-old twenty-two-year-old twenty-year-old twice twice a day twice a week twin twinge twins twist twisted twisting twists twitches twitching two two cycles of two days

two days prior to admission two finger breadths two fingerbreadths two hours two layers two minutes two months two o'clock two packs of cigarettes two thirty o'clock two to three finger breadths two weeks two weeks ago two years two-day history two-day-old two-handed two-layer two-part two-pillow orthopnea two-shot two-stage two-step two-step instructions two-story two-thirds two-vessel two-way two-year-old tying Tylenol Tylenol No. 3 Tylenol with codeine tympanic tympanic membrane tympanic membranes tympanic membranes and external auditory canals tympanic membranes and external auditory canals are tympanic membranes are bilaterally clear tympanic membranes are clear tympanic membranes are clear bilaterally tympanic membranes are red tympanitic tympanomastoidectomy tympanomeatal tympanoplasty tympanosclerosis tympanostomy tympanostomy tube tympanotomy tympanum tympany type type 1 diabetes mellitus type 2 diabetes type 2 diabetes mellitus Type 2 diabetes. type and cross type and screen type I

type II type II diabetes mellitus type III typed typed and crossed typed and crossed for typed and screened types typhoid fever typical typical chest discomfort typically typing tyrosine Tzanck's UA is abnormal. UA is normal. U-incision ulcer ulcer disease ulcerated ulcerating ulceration ulcerations ulcerative ulcerative colitis ulcers Uldall catheter ulna ulna and radius ulnar ulnar artery ulnar aspect ulnar collateral ligament ulnar deviation ulnar nerve ulnar nerves ulnar neuropathy ulnaris ultimate ultimately ultrafiltration UltraPulse ultrasonic ultrasonograph ultrasonographic ultrasonography ultrasound ultrasound guidance ultrasound guided ultrasound of the ultrasound of the abdomen ultrasound Site-Rite ultrasound-guided umbilical umbilical cord umbilical hernia umbilical hernia repair umbilical herniorrhaphy umbilical incision

umbilical tape umbilically umbilicus umbrella Umpqua Umpqua Community Health Center unable unable to unaccessible unaffected unassociated Unasyn unavailable unaware uncertain uncertain etiology uncertainties uncertainty unchanged uncinate uncinate process uncircumcised uncle unclean catch unclear unclear etiology unclear reasons uncoiled uncomfortable uncomfortably uncomplicated unconscious unconsciousness uncontrollable uncontrolled uncontrolled hypertension uncooperative uncovered uncovering undamaged under under adequate general anesthesia under an adequate level of under anesthesia under aseptic conditions under direct video laparoscopic guidance under direct vision under direct visualization under epidural anesthesia under fluoroscopic control under fluoroscopic guidance under fluoroscopy under general anesthesia under general endotracheal anesthesia under local anesthesia under local infiltrative anesthesia under my direct supervision under satisfactory general anesthesia under spinal anesthesia under sterile conditions

under the under the care of under the care of Dr. under the influence of under the service of undergo undergoes undergoing undergone undergraduate underlying underlying coronary artery disease underlying malignancy underlying psychiatric issues undermine undermined undermining underneath undersewn underside undersign understand understanding understands understood undersurface undertake undertaken underwater underway underwear underwent underwent bone marrow underwent bone marrow aspirate and biopsy undescended undescended left testicle undescended right testicle undescended testicle undescended testicles undesired undesired fertility undetermined undetermined etiology undifferentiated undigested undisturbed undocumented undoubtedly undraped undue undyed unemployed unemployment unencumbered unengaged uneven uneventful uneventfully unexpectedly unexplained

unfaithful unfavorable unflexed unfolded unfortunate unfortunately unicornis unifocal unifocal PVCs uniform unilateral unilateral weakness unilaterally unilocular unimpressed unimpressive uninflamed uninjured unintelligible uninvolved union unipolar unit units units of units of heparin units per liter universal universal bladder retractor universally University unknown unknown dose unknown etiology unknown left ventricular function unknown origin unknown primary unlabored unless unlikely unmeshed UNNA UNNA boot Unna boots unnecessary unobstructed unobtainable unocclusive unopposed unorganized unpacked unpatched unpredictable unprepped unprotected unquantified unraveled unreamed unreasonable unrecalled

unrelated unrelenting unrelenting pain unreliable historian unrelieved unremarkable unremarkable except for unremitting unresectable unresponsive unresponsiveness unrevealing unroofed unroofing unruptured unsettling unspecified unstable unstable angina unstable angina pectoris unstable angina protocol unstated unstated dose unsteadiness unsteady unsteady gait unsuccessful unsuccessfully unsure untied until untreated unusual unusual weight change unusual weight changes unusually unwanted unwanted pregnancy unwarranted unwillingness up up and about up to date up to date on up-and-down upcoming updated updraft updraft nebulization updraft nebulization treatment updraft nebulizer updraft treatments updrawing upfront upgoing upgraded uplifted uplifting upon upon admission

upon arrival upon entering upon presentation upon presentation to the upper upper abdomen upper abdominal pain upper airway obstruction upper and lower extremities upper arm upper chest upper endoscopies upper endoscopy upper esophageal sphincter upper extremities upper extremity upper gastrointestinal bleed upper gastrointestinal bleeding upper gastrointestinal endoscopy upper gastrointestinal series upper gastrointestinal tract upper inner quadrant upper lid blepharoplasty upper limit upper lobe upper lung fields upper midline incision upper motor neuron deficit upper outer upper outer quadrant upper pole upper quadrant upper quadrant pain upper quadrant tenderness upper respiratory flora upper respiratory infection upper respiratory infections upper respiratory symptoms upper respiratory tract infection upper, mid, and distal esophagus upper-hand upper-lid blepharoplasty uppermost upper-outer upper-outer quadrant uppers upright upset upset stomach upstate upstroke uptake up-to-date upward upwards urea nitrogen uremia ureter ureteral ureteral calculus

ureteral catheter ureteral catheters ureteral orifice ureteral orifices ureteral stent ureteral stents ureteric ureterocele ureterogram ureteroileal ureterolithotomy ureterolysis ureteropelvic ureteropelvic junction ureteroscope ureteroscopy ureterostopic ureterovesical ureterovesical junction ureters urethra urethra and bladder urethral urethral meatus urethral stent urethral stricture urethral strictures urethritis urethrocele urethrocutaneous urethrocutaneous fistula urethrogram urethropexy urethroplasty urethroscopy urethrotome urethrotomy urethrovesical urge urge incontinence urgency urgent urgent basis urgent care urgent care clinic urgently uric uric acid urin urinalyses (pleural) urinalysis urinalysis by clean catch Urinalysis is negative Urinalysis is negative urinalysis on dip urinalysis reveals Urinalysis shows urinalysis was urinary urinary bladder

urinary complaints urinary diversion urinary dribbling urinary frequency urinary hesitancy urinary incontinence urinary output urinary problems urinary retention urinary stream urinary stress incontinence urinary symptoms urinary tract urinary tract infection urinary tract infection (UTI) urinary tract infections urinary urgency urinate urinated urinates urinating urination urine urine catheterization urine collection urine culture Urine culture is pending. Urine culture pending. urine cultures urine cytology Urine drug screen is negative. urine efflux urine electrolytes Urine is cultured. urine osmolality urine output urine pregnancy test urine protein electrophoresis urine specimen urine toxicology screen urobilinogen urodynamic urodynamically urodynamics uroflow urogenital urokinase urolithiasis urologic urological urological consultation urologically urologist urologists urology urology clinic urology service uropathy urosepsis uroseptic

urostomy urostomy bag urothelial urothelium urticaria urticarial us usage use used useful user uses U-shape U-shaped using using a combination of using a knife using a mixture of using bipolar cautery using Bovie cautery using electrocautery using eraser cautery using sharp dissection U-stitch usual usual childhood diseases usual childhood illnesses usual fashion usual manner usual medications usual physician usual position usual state usual state of excellent health usual state of good health usual state of health usual sterile fashion usual sterile manner usually uteri uterine uterine arteries uterine artery uterine atony uterine bleeding uterine cancer uterine cavity uterine contractions uterine corpus uterine cry uterine fibroid uterine fibroids uterine fundal massage uterine fundus uterine incision uterine leiomyomata uterine manipulation uterine manipulator uterine polyp

uterine polyps uterine procidentia uterine prolapse uterine segment uterine tumor uterine vessels uterine wall uterocervical uteroovarian utero-ovarian uteroovarian ligament utero-ovarian ligament utero-ovarian ligaments utero-ovarian vessel uterosacral uterosacral cardinal complex uterosacral ligament uterosacral ligaments uterovaginal junction uterovesical uterovesical fold uterovesical junction uterovesical peritoneum uterus uterus, tubes and ovaries uterus, tubes, and ovaries utilization utilize utilized utilizing Utrata Utrata forceps uvea uveal uvula uvulopalatal uvulopalatopharyngoplasty V V/Q scan V/V VA facility VA hospital VA Medical Center vacation vacationing vaccination vaccination status vaccinations vaccine vacuum vacuumed vagal vagal maneuvers vagina vagina and perineum vagina, perineum, and groin vaginal vaginal birth after cesarean section vaginal bleeding vaginal canal

vaginal cuff vaginal delivery vaginal discharge vaginal examination vaginal hysterectomy vaginal introitus vaginal mucosa vaginal packing vaginal vault vaginal wall vaginalis vaginally vaginectomy vaginocervical junction vaginoperitoneal vaginosis vagotomy vagotomy and pyloroplasty vague vague historian vague history vagueness vagus vagus nerve valgus valgus stress test Valium valley Valsalva value values values from today values from today showed valve valve disruption valve graft valve leaflets valves valvular valvular abnormalities valvular disease valvular dysfunction valvular heart disease valvular stenosis valvular vegetations valvulectomy valvuloplasty valvulotome valvulotomy van van Buren sound van Buren sounds Van Lint Van Lint block Vancenase Vanceril vancomycin vancomycin resistant vancomycin-resistant vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)

vanilla VanLint Vannas Vannas scissors vaporization vaporized VaporTrode Vaportrode ablation variability variable variable block variable conduction variable decelerations variables variably variably cellular variance variant variation variceal variceal bleed varicella varicella zoster varicella zoster virus varicella-zoster virus varices varicocele varicocelectomies varicocelectomy varicoceles varicose varicose veins varicosed varicosities varicosity variety various variously varix varus varus angulation varus-valgus varus-valgus stress test varying vas deferens vasal vascular vascular access vascular bundle vascular clamp vascular clamps vascular disease vascular loop vascular pattern vascular pedicle vascular prominence vascular status intact vascular structures vascular surgery vascularity

vascularization vascularize vascularized vascularizing vascularly vasculature vasculitis vasculopathy vase vasectomies vasectomy Vaseline Vaseline gauze Vaseretic vasoconstricted vasoconstriction vasoconstrictive vasodepressor vasodilation vasodilator vasogenic edema vasomotor vasomotor rhinitis vaso-occlusive crisis vasopressin vasopressor vasospasm Vasotec vasovagal vasovagal syncope vast vastus vastus lateralis vastus medialis oblique vault vaults V-block VDRL was nonreactive vegetable vegetation vegetations vegetative vegetative symptoms vehicle vehicles vein vein graft vein stripping veins velamentous velamentous insertion Velban velocities velocity vena vena cava vena caval venacavagram venae venereal disease

venereal warts venipuncture Venodyne Venodyne boots venogram venostasis venothromboembolic venotomy venous venous access venous anastomosis venous distention venous distention or venous distention or edema venous drainage venous insufficiency venous line venous stasis venous stasis changes venous stasis ulcer venous stasis ulcers venous stenosis venous thromboembolism venous thrombosis venous ultrasound vent vented ventilate ventilated ventilating ventilation ventilation perfusion scan ventilation tube ventilation/perfusion scan ventilation-perfusion scan ventilator ventilator assist-control mode ventilator dependent ventilator-dependent ventilatory ventilatory failure Ventolin ventral ventral hernia ventral hernias ventrally ventricle ventricles ventricular ventricular arrhythmia ventricular catheter ventricular dimension ventricular ectopic beats ventricular ectopy ventricular escape ventricular escape mechanism ventricular escape rhythm ventricular fibrillation ventricular fibrillation arrest ventricular functions

ventricular hypertrophy ventricular puncture needle ventricular rate ventricular rate of ventricular response ventricular response rate ventricular septal defect ventricular tachyarrhythmia ventricular tachycardia ventricular wall ventricular-paced rhythm ventriculogram ventriculography ventriculomegaly ventriculoperitoneal ventriculoperitoneal (VP) ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt ventriculoperitoneal shunt ventriculoperitoneal shunting ventriculoseptal ventriculoseptal defect ventriculoseptal defect (VSD) ventriculostomy ventrolateral ventrolateral flat muscles vera Verapamil Verapamil-SR verb verbal verbal abuse verbal commands verbal commands verbal IQ verbal output verbalization verbalize verbalized verbalizing verbally Verelan Veress Veress needle verge verification verified verify verifying vermiform vermiform appendix vermilion vermilion border vernal vernal exacerbations verruca plantaris verrucal version versions were full and comitant Versi-Port versus

vertebra vertebrae vertebral vertebral artery vertebral bodies vertebral body vertebrectomy vertebrobasilar vertebrobasilar insufficiency vertebrobasilar system vertebrocostal vertex vertex occiput anterior vertex position vertex presentation vertical vertical fassion vertical gaze nystagmus vertical gaze paresis vertical incision vertical mattress vertical mattress sutures vertical midline incision vertical skin incision vertically vertiginous vertigo verumontanum very Very best regards, very carefully very close very closely very concerned very difficult very fatigued very fine silk ligatures very good very high very large very little very mild very much very pleasant very poor very poor historian very quickly very slowly very small very tender very thin very uncomfortable very unpredictable very well vesical vesical neck vesical outlet obstruction vesicle vesicles vesicocervical

vesicolaryngeal vesicoperitoneal vesicoperitoneal fold vesicoperitoneum vesicoureteral vesicoureteral reflux vesicoureterogram vesicourethral vesicourethropexy vesicouterine vesicouterine flap vesicouterine fold vesicouterine peritoneum vesicouterine reflection vesicouterine serosa vesicovaginal vesicular Vesi-loop vessel vessel loop vessel loops vessels vest CPT vestibular vestibule vestibulitis vestibuloplasty vestigial vest-over-pants vet veteran VI systolic ejection murmur via via the emergency room viability viable viable female infant viable female neonate viable male infant viable male neonate vial vials Vibramycin vibrate vibration vibratory vibratory sensation vibratory sense vicinity Vicodin Vicryl Vicryl suture Vicryl sutures video video camera video control video laparoscope video magnification video screen videoarthroscope

video-assisted video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) videocamera videoendoscope video-endoscope videoscope videothoracoscope Vi-Drape view viewed viewing viewpoint views vigorous vigorously vigorously irrigated villous adenoma vimentin V-incision vincristine vincristine toxicity violaceous violate violated violating violation violations violence violent violent behavior violently violet viral viral disease viral endocarditis viral infection viral load viral syndrome viremia Virginia Virtual virtual radiologist Virtual Radiology virtually virus Vis-A-Port viscera visceral visceral peritoneum visceromegaly visceroperitoneum Viscoat viscoelastic viscous viscus visibility visible visibly vision Visi-Port

visit Visit Account # needed visit three weeks visit three weeks ago visitation visited visiting visiting nurse visiting nurses visitor visits Vistaril visual visual acuity visual axis visual changes visual disturbances visual field visual field test visual fields visual hallucinations visual laser ablation of prostate visual loss visual problems visual-assisted laser ablation of the prostate visualization visualize visualized visualized and preserved visualizing visually vital vital sense Vital Signs vital signs are all stable vital signs are stable vital signs stable vital signs stable. vital signs were stable VITAL SIGNS: vital structure vital structures vitamin vitamin B vitamin B12 vitamin B6 vitamin C vitamin D vitamin deficiency vitamin E vitamin K vitamins vitrectomy vitrector vitreomacular vitreoretinal vitreoretinopathy vitreous vitreous aspirate vitreous cavity

vitreous cutter vitreous detachment vitreous fluid vitreous hemorrhage VMA metanephrine vocal vocal cord vocal cord polyp vocal cord polyps vocal cords vocal folds vocalization vocalizations vocational rehabilitation voice voices void voided voiding voiding cystourethrogram voiding trial voids volar volar aspect voltage voltage criteria voltages Voltaren volume volume depletion volume detracted volume overload volume resuscitation volume status volumes voluntarily voluntarily admitted voluntary voluntary admission voluntary guardin voluntary guarding voluntary interruption of pregnancy voluntary sterilization voluntary termination of pregnancy volunteer volunteered volunteering volunteers volvulus volvulus-like vomer vomerine vomit vomited vomiting vomiting and diarrhea vomiting or diarrhea vomits vomitus Von Willebrand

Von Willebrand disease vortex V-osteotomy vote VP-16 VQ scan V-shape V-shaped V-to-Y V-type block vulva vulva, vagina, and cervix vulva, vagina, and perineal areas vulvar vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia vulvectomy vulvovaginal vulvovaginitis wadding Wagner granulomatosis wait waited waiting wake waking Waldeyer's fascia walk walked walker walking wall wall motion abnormalities wall motion abnormality walled walls wander wandered wandering wandering historian want wanted ward warfarin anticoagulation warm warm and dry warm and dry without rashes warm and dry without rashes or lesions warm and well perfused warm blood cardioplegia warm normal saline warm saline warm saline solution warmed warmer warming warmth warnings warrant warranted warranting

warrants wart warts was was able was accomplished was accomplished with was achieved was achieved with was added was addressed was adequate was adherent was adjusted was administered was admitted was admitted because of was admitted for was admitted on was admitted through the emergency room was admitted to the was admitted to the hospital was admitted with was advanced was advised was advised to was advised to follow up was advised to follow up with was advised to return was afebrile was affixed was again was alert was alert and oriented was allowed was also was ambulated was amputated was anastomosed was anesthetized was anesthetized with was applied was appreciated was approached was approached first was approximated was approximated with was arranged was as follows was asked was aspirated was associated with was assured was attached was attempted was available was awakened was begun was begun on was benign

was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was

biopsied born born to a brought brought in by ambulance brought to the brought to the emergency room brought to the recovery room in called cancelled carefully carefully inspected carried down carried down to carried out checked chosen clamped cleaned cleared closed closed as follows. closed in closed using closed with completed confirmed considered contacted contacted and contacted by telephone continued controlled controlled with copiously irrigated copiously irrigated with counseled covered created crushed cultured curetted cut debrided decided decompressed deepened deflated dehydrated delivered demarcated demonstrated depressed described desufflated detached detected developed diagnosed diagnosed with

was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was

difficult dilated directed discharged discharged from discharged from the discharged from the emergency room discharged home discharged home today discharged in discharged to home discharged to home with discharged today discontinued discussed with discussed with Dr. discussed with the discussed with the patient dissected dissected off divided divorced done drained drained with drawn dressed drilled easily easily identified educated elected elevated emptied emulsified encased encountered encouraged engaged enlarged entered entered with entertained established evacuated evaluated eventually everted evident examined excellent exchanged excised explained explained to explored exposed expressed exsanguinated extended

was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was

extracted extubated fashioned febrile felt felt to felt to be felt to have filled finished fixed flushed followed formed found found to found to be found to have freed freed up fulgurated fully discussed with gently given given a prescription given a prescription for given an given Tylenol good grasped grasped with groomed with good hygiene harvested having held heparinized hospitalized identified immobilized in her normal in her normal state of health in his normal state of health in no distress incised included increased indicated induced infiltrated infiltrated with inflated informed infused initially injected inserted inspected instilled instructed instructed to

was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was

insufflated insured intact internalized introduced introduced into the intubated involved involved in irrigated irrigated copiously irrigated copiously with saline solution irrigated thoroughly irrigated with issued kocherized lavaged left lifted ligated localized located loosely approximated made maintained marked married measured minimal mobilized moist monitored moved narrowed necessary needed negative negative for no noncontributory nonfocal normal not notable for notable only for noted noted to be noted to have observed in the observed in the emergency room obtained obtained with occluded offered on opened ordered otherwise outlined oversewn

was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was

packed painted palpated passed patched peeled performed picked up placed placed in placed on placed. planned poor positioned positive positive for prepared prepared and draped prepared with Betadine solution prepped and prepped and anesthetized prepped and anesthetized with prepped and draped prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner prepped with prescribed present preserved protected provided pulled punctured put quite raised reached readmitted reamed reapproximated reapproximated with reassured recognized recommended reduced reevaluated reexamined referred referred to reflected refused regarded as regular reinforced released relieved remarkable for remarkably only for removed

was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was

reopened repaired repeated replaced reported reported to be requested required resected resolved restarted restored retracted returned reversed reviewed revised rocked rongeured rotated ruled out run sacrificed said to be satisfactory saved scheduled scored scrubbed secured sedated seen seen in consultation selected sent sent to pathology separated sewn shaved signed significant for skeletonized slowly withdrawn smooth soft sounded spent split stabilized stable started started on steady and stable stopped stripped subsequently subsequently discharged in successful suctioned suggestive of

was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was was

supple sutured sutured with switched symmetrical tagged taken taken down taken to the taken to the recovery room taken to the recovery room in tapered tender terminated tested then then carried out then closed then closed using then closed with then given then made then passed then performed then placed then removed then used therefore thoroughly irrigated thought thought to be threaded tied titrated told trace traced transected transferred transferred from transferred to transferred to the transferred to the recovery room in transfused transfused with transported transported to transported to the traversed treated treated for treated with trimmed tunneled turned unable unable to unchanged undermined undertaken

was unremarkable was used was used for was used to was utilized was viable was visualized was washed was waxed was weaned was widened was withdrawn was within normal limits was without was wrapped wash washed washed, prepped, and draped washer washing washings wasn't wasted wasting watch watch and wait watched water Waterman osteotomy waterseal watershed watertight watertightness watery watery bowel movement watery diarrhea watery stools watt wattage watts watt-seconds Watzke sleeve wave wave forms waves wax wax and wane waxed waxed and waned waxes waxes and wanes waxing waxing and waning waxy WBC is we we also processed we processed we then we will

we will continue we will give we will obtain weak weak and dizzy weakened weakening weaker weakness weaknesses weaned weaning weapons wear wearing weather Webril Wechsler Weck Weck-cel wedding wedge wedge biopsy wedge pressure wedge resection wedged Wednesday week weekday weekend weekends weekly weekly basis -week-old weeks week's weeks' weeks' gestation weeks' gestation weeks in size weeks size weeping weighed weighing weighs weight weight change weight gain Weight is pounds. weight is stable weight loss weight reduction Weight Watchers weighted weighted Sims speculum weighted speculum weighted speculum was placed weighted speculum was placed in the vagina weighted speculum was removed weighted vaginal speculum

weightlifting weight-loss weight-loss diet weight-loss program weights Weitlaner Weitlaner retractors well well and was brought well and was brought to the recovery room well and was taken well and was taken to the recovery room well and was transferred well and was transferred to the recovery room well appearing well as for immunophenotyping well as for immunophenotyping and cytogenetics well as immunophenotyping well as immunophenotyping and cytogenetics well balanced well built well circumscribed well controlled well defined well developed well developed, well nourished well differentiated well documented well dressed well formed well groomed well healed well hydrated well hydrated with good color well in followup well informed well known well nourished well oriented well padded well perfused well seated well tolerated well within normal limit well within normal range well within normal ranges well-aligned well-appearing well-appearing and cooperative well-apposed well-balanced well-balanced diet well-being well-built well-circumscribed well-coagulated well-contracted well-controlled well-controlled diabetes well-countered

well-defined well-demarcated well-developed well-developed, well-nourished well-developed, well-nourished well-differentiated well-diffused well-documented well-dressed well-embedded well-encapsulated well-explored well-exposed well-formed well-groomed well-grown well-healed well-healed surgical scar well-healing well-hydrated well-hydrated, high-fiber diet well-identified well-irrigated well-isolated well-known well-lubricated well-mobilized well-molded well-motivated well-nourished well-nourished female well-nourished female in no acute distress well-nourished male well-nourished male in no acute distress well-nourished white female well-nourished white male well-nourished, well-developed well-nourished, well-developed well-oriented well-padded well-padded ankle pneumatic tourniquet well-padded ankle tourniquet well-padded thigh tourniquet well-padded tourniquet well-perfused well-positioned well-preserved well-seen well-supported well-tolerated well-visualized Wenckebach Wenckebach block went were were achieved were added were administered were advanced were allowed

were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were

also anesthetized answered applied appreciated approached approximated arranged as follows as previously described as previously mentioned asked aspirated attached auscultated available begun benign bovied brought brought out buried carefully carried cauterized changed checked chosen cleaned clear cleared clipped closed closed in closed using closed with coagulated coated completed concerned confirmed continued contoured controlled copiously irrigated correct covered created cultured cut debrided decompressed deferred delivered demonstrated described detached detected dilated discontinued

were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were were

discussed dissected divided done drawn dressed elevated encountered entered essentially unremarkable established examined excised explained explained to explained to the patient explored exposed fashioned felt felt to be filled fitted fixed flushed formed found found to be freed up frozen given grasped with held identified immobilized incised included increased infiltrated infused injected inserted inspected instilled instituted instructed intact introduced isolated kocherized left ligated located loosened lysed made maintained moist moved necessary

were negative were normal were not were notable for were noted were noted to be were observed were obtained were occluded were opened were opened with were ordered were oversewn -were packed were palpated were passed were patent were peeled were pending were performed were picked up were placed were positive were prepared were prepped and draped were prepped with were present were present in normal were preserved were protected were pulled were put were reformed were reapproximated were recommended were regarded as were remarkable for were remarkable only for were removed were repaired were repeated were reported were reported as correct were reported as correct at the end of the case were requested were required were restarted were retracted were returned were reversed were reviewed were reviewed with were ruptured were saved were scrubbed were secured were seen were sent were sent to were sent to pathology

were sent to pathology as well as were separated were severed were sewn were shaved were signed were split were stable were started were stopped were submitted were suctioned were suggestive of were sutured were symmetric were taken were tested were then were then closed were then closed with were then made were then placed were then used were therefore were thinned were tied were tightened were transected were transferred were transfused were treated were trimmed were unchanged were unremarkable were unsuccessful were used for were used to were utilized were visualized were washed were withdrawn were within normal limits were without West Virginia Westcott Westcott scissors Western Blot wet field cautery wet gangrene wet lap pad wet mount wet/dry line wet-field wet-field cautery wetted wet-to-dry wet-to-dry dressing wet-to-dry dressing changes what what sounds like

whatever whatsoever wheelchair wheeled wheeze wheezed wheezes wheezing when when this had been done when this was accomplished when this was completed whenever where whereas whereby whereupon wherever whether whether or not which which demonstrated which has demonstrated which is which is excellent which is improved which is normal which resulted in which revealed which showed which was which was felt to be which was normal which was unremarkable which were which were normal which were unremarkable which will be done while while in the emergency department while in the emergency room whiplash Whipple Whipple procedure whirlpool whisker whistle-tip whistle-tip catheter whistle-tipped white white blood cell white blood cell count white blood cells white blood cells per high-power field white blood cells per high-powered field white blood count white cell white cell count white cells white count

white count is white count of white count today is white female white female in no white female in no acute distress white female involved in a motor vehicle accident white female who white female who appears white female who is white female who is alert white female who presents white female who presents to the white female who presents to the emergency room white female who presents with white female who presents with a history of white female who states white female who states that white female who states that she white female who was white gentleman white line of Toldt white male white male in no acute distress white male presents with white male who appears white male who is white male who presents white male who presents to white male who presents with white male who presents with a history white male who states white male who states that white male with a history of white man white matter white sputum white woman whiteout whites whitish whitish-yellow who who appears in no acute distress who comes in with who comes to the who comes to the emergency room who complains of who feels fine who feels well who had who had a history of who has a who has a history of who has been who has complaint of who has had who is a who is admitted who is admitted now

who is admitted with who is alert who is here for who presented who presented to who presented to the ER who presents who presents complaining of who presents to the emergency care unit who presents to the emergency department who presents to the emergency room who presents today who presents with who presents with a history of who reports that he feels better who reports that he feels fine who reports that he feels well who reports that she feels better who reports that she feels fine who reports that she feels well who returns for who returns for a followup who returns for a followup visit who states that who was who was admitted who was admitted to the hospital who was admitted with who was admitted with a who was admitted with a history of who was brought who was diagnosed who was diagnosed with who was hospitalized who was noted to have who was referred to me who was seen who was transferred whole whom whooshes whose wide wide excision wide margin wide-based gait wide-complex rhythm wide-complexed bradycardia widely widely prepped and draped wide-mouth widen widened widening wide-open widespread widest widow widowed width

wife wild will will admit the patient to will be will be administered will be considered will be considering will be decreased will be discharged will be discharged to will be followed up will be given will be increased will be obtained will be placed will be placed on will be seeing will be taken will be treated will be treated with will begin will call or return will call or return to our department Will check Will check a will continue will continue on will continue to will continue to follow Will continue with Will continue with current medication. Will continue with current medications. will follow will follow up in will follow up with Will follow with you. will give will have will receive will receive his first will receive his first dose will return will return to clinic will return to clinic in will return to the clinic willing willingly willingness Wilson Wilson frame wind window windows wine with meals wing wings Winslow wiped wire

wire lid speculum wire speculum wired wire-guided wires wiring wisdom teeth wisdom tooth wise wish wished wishes with with a with a blood pressure with a chief complaint of with a combination of with a complaint with a complaint of with a diagnosis of with a first day of last menstrual period with a hemoglobin of with a history of with a history of decreased visual acuity with a knife with a long history of with a mixture of with a moderate with a moderate amount of discomfort with a past medical history with a past medical history of with a prescription for with a previous history of with a pulse of with a question of with a ratio of with a recent history of with a referring diagnosis with a scalpel with an estimated date of confinement with and without contrast with and without intravenous contrast with biopsy with Bovie electrocautery with cautery with chief complaint of with contrast with correction with difficulty with downgoing toes bilaterally with Dr. with ease with electrocautery with epinephrine with evidence of with exertion with fluctuance with full range of motion with good pain control with good relief

with good relief of with good variability with heparin with high risk with history of with instructions with instructions to with inverted mattress sutures with IV contrast with known coronary artery disease with left shift with meals with metastatic with nausea and vomiting with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea with no acute ischemic changes with no evidence with no evidence of with no history of with no previous history with no prior history with no significant with normal bowel sounds with normoactive bowel sounds with private physician with regard to with resolution of with resolution of her with resolution of his with resolution of the patient's with rhabdomyosarcoma with round to irregular with sedation with shortness of breath with significant improvement with some with some improvement with sterile saline with the with the addition of with the aid of with the chief complaint of with the diagnosis of with the exception of with the family with the following with the help of with the patient with the patient in the With the patient in the supine position on the operating table the with the use of with the use of a with the use of the with Ventolin with which with Wydase withdraw withdraw to painful stimuli withdrawal withdrawal precautions

withdrawal seizures withdrawal symptoms withdrawals withdrawing withdrawing to painful stimuli withdrawn withdraws withdraws to painful stimuli withdrew withheld withhold within within functional limits within normal limits within normal limits except for within normal range within normal ranges without without a primary care provider without acute changes without acute ischemic changes without adenopathy without any without any acute changes without any assistive devices without any complications without any diagnostic ST changes without any difficulties without any difficulty without any evidence without any evidence of without any evidence of jaundice without any focal infiltrates or effusions without any foreign body without any foreign body or signs without any meningeal signs without any problems without any significant without bruits without carotid bruits without change without complaint without complaints without complication without complications without contrast without cyanosis, clubbing, or edema without difficulty without difficulty. without ectopy without ectopy or arrhythmia without edema Without edema. without effect without egophony without epinephrine without erythema without erythema or exudate noted without evidence without evidence of

without evidence of cholelithiasis without exudate without fluctuance without focal crackles without gallop or murmur without gallops without guarding without guarding or rebound without heaves without hepatosplenomegaly without improvement without incident without infiltrates without JVD or bruits without lesion without lesions without limitation without lymphadenopathy without masses or tenderness without murmur without murmur or gallop without murmur or rub without murmur, rub, or gallop without murmurs without murmurs or gallops without nausea and vomiting without nausea or vomiting without nystagmus without organomegaly without peripheral edema without problems without pulmonary infiltrate without pulmonary infiltrates without radiation without rashes or lesions without rebound or guarding without relief without rubs or murmurs without sequelae without significant without significant disease without significant health problems without significant improvement without success without symptoms without tenderness without thyromegaly without tracheal deviation withstood witness witnessed witnessed arrest Witzel jejunostomy Witzel technique wobbling woke Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome woman women wondered

wonderful wonderfully wondering wonders Word catheter words work work hardening work of breathing worked worked up worker Worker's Compensation working working full-time work-related work-related injury works workup workups World War II worried worries worrisome worry worrying worse worsen worsened worsening worsening of symptoms worsening pain worsening symptoms worsens worth worthwhile would Would also continue would be Would continue would not be would obtain would offer Would titrate wound wound care wound care instructions wound culture wound dehiscence wound edges wound expectancy was clean wound formation wound infection wound site wound V.A.C. wound was wound was closed wound was closed in layers wound was closed with wound was irrigated

wound was irrigated with wound was then closed wound was then closed in layers wounds woven wrap wrapped wrapping wraps wrench wrinkle wrist wrist fracture wrist joint wrist pain wrists writer written written informed consent W-shape W-shaped Wydase Xanax xanthelasma xanthelasmas Xanthomonas Xeroform Xeroform gauze xerostomia X-fashion XII are grossly intact xiphisternum xiphoid xiphoid process x-ray x-ray examination x-ray is x-ray is negative x-ray of x-ray of the x-ray of the left x-ray of the right x-ray revealed x-ray reveals x-ray reveals no acute disease x-ray showed x-ray shows x-ray which x-rays x-rays of x-rays of the x-rays of the cervical spine x-rays of the left x-rays of the right x-rays were X-suture Xylocaine Xylocaine 1% Xylocaine 2% Xylocaine 4%

Xylocaine 5% Xylocaine digital block Xylocaine jelly Xylocaine local Xylocaine plain Xylocaine with epinephrine Xylocaine with epinephrine anesthesia Yankauer Yankauer suction tip yard year year and a half yearly yearly basis year-old -year-old years year's years ago years following years of age years old yeast infection yell yelling yellow yellow sputum yellowish yellowish coryza yellowish fluid yellowish-looking yellow-white yes yesterday yesterday afternoon yesterday evening yesterday morning yet Y-fashion yield yielded yielding yields Y-incision Yin-Yang Y-keratome Y-limb you you will recall you'd you'll young young child young female young male young man young woman younger younger than stated age youngest

youngster your you're Zadik procedure Zantac zap Zaroxolyn Z-CoiL shoes Zenker's diverticulum zero Zestril zigzag zigzagged zigzags Zimmer Zimmer dermatome Zimmer sagittal saw Zinacef zip Zithromax Z-line Zocor Zofran Zoloft zone zone lymphoma zones zonular zonules zoo zoom zoomed zoster Zovirax Z-plasties Z-plasty Z-type zygoma zygomas zygomatic zygomatic arch zygomaticofrontal zygomaticofrontal suture zygomaticomaxillary zygomaticomaxillary complex zygomaticus Zyloprim

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