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Biologia-Vida A chimpanz fmea Doroty de mais de 40 anos morreu de insuficincia cardaca e enquanto era carregada todos os outros chimpanzs,

que normalmente so barulhentos e no param quietos, ficaram olhando em silncio, alguns com as mos nos ombros de outros, como se os estivessem consolando, no Centro de resgate de Chimpanzs Sanaga-Yong, em Camares, em 2008. Este comportamento leva a pensar que os chimpanzs compreendem bem o que a morte significa. Esta foto ajudou a conscientizar o pblico sobre o nvel de inteligncia destes animais que geralmente so comercializados para viverem confinados por todas suas vidas. The female chimpanzee Doroty was 40 years old died of a heart failure, and while being loaded all the other chimps, which are usually noisy and do not stop still, stared in silence, some with their hands on the shoulders of others, as if they were trying to comfort their fellows, at the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center in Cameroon, 2008. This behavior suggests that chimpanzees understand well what death means. This photo helped raise public awareness about the level of intelligence of these animals which are usually commercialized to live confined their entire lives. Photo: Monica Szczupide (http://bit.ly/12htzzm) Source: http://bit.ly/1dc8ubd / http://bit.ly/2Pxc8J / http://bit.ly/wguXWs / http://dailym.ai/hArr0P Via/texto: http://on.fb.me/11wERkO

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