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Name_________________________________ Period______ Date______________________

Descriptive Essay Rubric

Title of Essay reflects content: Yes No Peer Assessor: ______________________
CATEGORY Introduction 4
Introductory paragraph clearly states subject o essay and captures reader!s attent"on#

Introductory paragraph states subject o essay but "s not part"cularly "n$"t"ng to the reader#

Introductory paragraph atte%pts to state subject o essay but does not capture reader!s attent"on#

No atte%pt "s %ade to state the subject o the essay "n an "ntroductory paragraph#

Sensory Details

Essay "ncludes deta"ls that appeal to at least three o the "$e senses &taste' touch' sound' s"ght' s%ell(# *r"ter uses $"$"d )ords and phrases that l"nger or dra) p"ctures "n the reader!s %"nd' and the cho"ce and place%ent o the )ords see%s accurate' natural and not orced# *r"ter e ect"$ely uses s"%"le' %etaphor' and person" "cat"on to descr"be the subject#

Includes deta"ls that Includes deta"ls that Includes no deta"ls appeal to e)er appeal to only one that appeal to one than three o the o the "$e senses# o the "$e senses# "$e senses#

Word Choice

*r"ter uses $"$"d )ords and phrases that l"nger or dra) p"ctures "n the reader!s %"nd' but occas"onally the )ords are used "naccurately or see% o$erdone# *r"ter uses one e-a%ple o s"%"le' %etaphor' or person" "cat"on to descr"be the subject#

*r"ter uses )ords that co%%un"cate clearly' but the )r"t"ng lac+s $ar"ety' punch or la"r#

*r"ter uses a l"%"ted $ocabulary that does not co%%un"cate strongly or capture the reader!s "nterest# ,argon or cl"ches %ay be present and detract ro% the %ean"ng# *r"ter does not "nclude s"%"le' %etaphor' or person" "cat"on "n essay#

*r"ter %ay try to use s"%"le' %etaphor' and person" "cat"on but does so "ncorrectly#

Simile/Metaphor/ ersonificat ion Sentence Structure !Sentence "luency#

All sentences are )ell.constructed )"th $ar"ed structure# /ost sentences are )ell.constructed )"th $ar"ed structure# /ost sentences are )ell.constructed but ha$e a s"%"lar structure# 0entences lac+ structure and appear "nco%plete or ra%bl"ng#

$rammar% Spellin&% Capitali'ation% ( unctuation

There are no errors "n gra%%ar' spell"ng' cap"tal"1at"on' or punctuat"on# Rubr"c "s attached to essay# Essay "s co%pleted on t"%e#

There are so%e errors2 ho)e$er' these errors do not d"stract the reader# Rubr"c "s attached to essay# Essay "s co%pleted on t"%e#

There are errors that d"stract the reader# Rubr"c "s attached to essay# Essay "s co%pleted on t"%e#

There are ser"ous errors that "nter ere )"th the reader!s understand"ng o the essay# Rubr"c "s not attached to essay# Essay "s co%pleted on t"%e#

Name_________________________________ Period______ Date______________________

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