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Faculty Evaluation Summary of Accomplishments and Goals

Name: Suzanne Gollery Rank: Associate Professor Department: Science and Technology Date: April 2 ! 2"#

The purpose of this form is to pro$ide an outline for a report to your Department %hair and Pro$ost &ith information regarding this past year's acti$ities and accomplishments and to esta(lish goals for the ne)t year! including resources and assistance that you &ould like to re*uest from Sierra Ne$ada %ollege to achie$e your goals+ ,ou &ill re$ie& your summary of accomplishments &ith your Department %hair+ ,our Department %hair &ill respond to your Summary and Accomplishments and Goals in &riting using the last page on this form+ ,ou &ill rank yourself #-. in each area in accordance &ith the /aculty 0and(ook+ ,our Department %hair &ill also pro$ide a #-. ranking+ The final ranking &ill (e assigned (y the Department %hair after you ha$e discussed your e$aluation in conference+ Department %hairs &ill meet &ith the Pro$ost to discuss departmental e$aluations as a &hole+ ,ou do not need to meet &ith the Pro$ost unless re*uested (y you or your %hair to discuss a specific issue related to the e$aluation+

Self Assessment: Report Sections

1hen completing the sections (elo&! please pro$ide a ranking from # to . in accordance &ith the follo&ing scale: . 2 Performance &as e)ceptional 3 2 Performance e)ceeded e)pectations 2 Performance met most or all e)pectations 2 2 Performance did not meet e)pectations # 2 Performance &as unsatisfactory


Teaching A. Report and Assessment of Teaching

Please state last year's 2"#242"# goal: Teaching goals for 12-13: 1) Continue to introduce more active learning into BIOL 101 10! and BIOL 102 10"# a# In $articular% im$rove the &ualit' of in&uir' la( activities in BIOL 10! and introduce some in BIOL 10" (# Introduce some oral $resentations or de(ates into BIOL 101 2) Colla(orate )ith other science facult' in flushing out the ne) *esearch +ethods course# a# ,esign and im$lement assessments of critical thin-ing% $ro(lem solving% and $rofessional s-ills )ithin this course# (# B' the end of the course% have hel$ed all students interested in follo)ing through to have made a good start that the' can )ra$ u$ (efore the student s'm$osium %omplete the %ourse 5$aluation Data ta(le for your courses using end4of4term course e$aluations for the pre$ious Spring and /all semesters+ Also include midterm e$aluation data for the current spring term if applica(le+ Record the a$erages for end4of4term *uestions 64#7 under the 8/aculty9 heading! a$erages for *uestions #64 " under the 8%ourse9 heading! and the o$erall a$erage for all " *uestions under the 8:$erall9
1 Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

heading+ ;These a$erages &ill (e calculated for you at the (ottom of each course e$aluation spreadsheet including Spring 2"#2! /all 2"#2 and current midterm e$aluations for Spring 2"# +< =f one of the *uestions &as not applica(le for your course! for e)ample! if you taught a studio art course that did not ha$e a te)t! then (e sure to point this out in the comments section+ Also make comments a(out any other circumstances of &hich others should (e a&are in interpreting your course e$aluation data+ =f a$aila(le! you should also attach teaching e$aluations (y your chair or other peers+ ,ou may attach other significant supporting documentation of your teaching accomplishments! (ut please do not include sylla(i and assignments from e$ery course+ Please summarize teaching accomplishments of the past year! including your efforts to impro$e content! methodology of your teaching in areas of need! and efforts to align your courses &ith SN% core themes+ Please address your attempts to incorporate acti$e learning or high impact practices in courses+ Restate your teaching goals and your efforts to achie$e these goals+ Re$ie& ma>or changes in course content and ne& courses de$eloped+ ?ist the personal! professional! and collegiate resources and assistance you called upon to achie$e these goals! including professional conference attendance+ Please reference the /aculty 0and(ook! Section #": /aculty 5$aluation and De$elopment for additional information on teaching e$aluation measurements+ /inally! rank your teaching accomplishments using the fi$e4part scale prescri(ed in the SN% /aculty 0and(ook: Performance &as 5)ceptional@ Performance 5)ceeded 5)pectations@ Performance Aet Aost or All 5)pectations@ Performance Did Not Aeet 5)pectations@ or Performance &as Bnsatisfactory+ Narrati$e: Overall% I am $leased )ith m' achievement in teaching in the $ast 'ear# I am ver' $leased )ith im$rovements to BIOL 101 10! and BIOL 102 10" and some)hat less $leased )ith ho) *esearch +ethods turned out% (ut it )as a first-time course# 1) .oal: Continue to introduce more active learning into BIOL 101 10! and BIOL 102 10"# a# .oal: In $articular% im$rove the &ualit' of in&uir' la( activities in BIOL 10! and introduce some in BIOL 10" /ccom$lishments to)ard goal: I ado$ted a ne) in&uir'-(ased learning la( te0t aligned )ith Biolog' I content# Thus% most la( activities )ere in&uir'-(ased and the assignment $rom$ts )ere much (etter thought out than the $rom$ts I had )ritten )hile ada$ting these la( e0ercises m'self in the $revious 'ear# 1ot all assignments )ere ideal as )ritten% (ut it )as a good start# The $re-la( assignments hel$ed students to thin- through the in&uir' $rocess (efore coming to la(# +an' of these &uestions )ere addressed again in $ost-la( &uestions% so that students got frustrated )ith re$etition% so I ma' )ant to re-design either $re-la( or $ost-la( assignments for ne0t 'ear# (# .oal: Introduce some oral $resentations or de(ates into BIOL 101 /ccom$lishments to)ard goal: The ne) oral $resentation assignments )ere actuall' attached to the la( 2BIOL 10!) )ith t)o oral $resentations of student e0$eriments and a $oster session# In the first% all students $resented one $articular in&uir' activit'% (ut the others allo)ed students to choose their $resentation to$ic from among several e0$eriments the' had conducted# The students )ere $articularl' enthusiastic a(out the $oster session and even u$$er division students commented that it )as great to see a $oster session in (iolog'% as it )ould have hel$ed them in u$$er division courses to have had some $ractice designing a $oster in their first semester# In 12-13% I re-used activities that had (een )ell-received or $roduced good results in the Biolog' I and II series the $revious 'ear and introduced more into (oth Biolog' I and Biolog' II# 3hen I did feel that m' $resenting difficult conce$ts in class )as the (est a$$roach% I fell into a conversational 4lecture5 st'le in )hich I as-ed fre&uent &uestions to chec- in a(out conce$ts introduced earlier and assess student understanding of conce$ts or facts that )ere addressed in their C6/ &uestions# This class res$onded ver' )ell and most students activel' contri(uted information% so that even 4lectures5 )ere interactive#
2 Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

I significantl' im$roved $rom$ts for assignments )ith a visual literac' com$onent% such as scientific $osters and oral $resentations using slides% so that I could collect student )or- for the visual literac' -no)ledge s-ills assessment in BIOL 101 10!% *esearch +ethods% and BIOL 102 10"# I also su(mitted student )or- from all of m' courses for the )ritten communication assessment# I am also no) e0$laining to students )hen assignments are designed to teach an' of the -no)ledge s-ill areas that )e are assessing% modif'ing the ru(rics to fit m' assignment and including ru(rics in the $rom$t to sho) students )hat is e0$ected% and e0$laining )h' $racticing this s-ill is im$ortant for the $rofessional $re$aredness or )hen it aligns )ith core themes# This seems to hel$ students see the value in giving a good faith effort on the assignment% rather than 7ust doing as much as is needed to get a $assing grade# 8or e0am$le% students have (een more enthusiastic a(out oral $resentation and essa' assignments in Biolog' II )ith this e0$lanation than the' )ere last s$ring# 2) .oal: Colla(orate )ith other science facult' in flushing out the ne) *esearch +ethods course# a# .oal: ,esign and im$lement assessments of critical thin-ing% $ro(lem solving% and $rofessional s-ills )ithin this course# /ccom$lishments to)ard goal: 3e discussed and decided on student outcomes for the course as a grou$ in science facult' meetings in s$ring 2011# 9o)ever% I )or-ed on m' o)n to design course activities% $redominantl' (ecause I )asn:t assigned as the instructor until the last minute 2/ugust) )hen ever'one )as too (us' to )or- on it# I designed activities for small teams 22 or 3 students) to carr' out% then share )ith the class for criti&ue% follo)ed (' time for im$rovement (efore a $roduct )as due 2if a $roduct )as due)# I $lanned activities for each research s-ill outcome )e had listed 2the schedule of classes is attached to sho) )hat these )ere)# Overall% this course design )as effective 2$racticing% criti&uing% and then im$roving)# I sa) significant im$rovement in student s-ill during the course# 9o)ever% this $articular class )as &uite small% three of the si0 students missed class fre&uentl' in s$ite of a strict attendance $olic'% could not (e relied on to do the $re-class assignment% and resisted )or-ing in teams% so some activities )ere disa$$ointing 2es$eciall' on da's )ith lo) attendance)# The $ro(lems 2missing class% not (ringing )or- to class for criti&ue% and seriousl' resisting grou$ )or-) )ere documented $ro(lems for these students from other courses% so I -ne) this )as a challenging cohort under an' circumstances# The students )ho )or-ed at the class made o(vious $rogress in research s-ills and re$orted feeling challenged (' the assignments# T)o of the three difficult students even added significantl' to the course for some of the semester# Criti&uing a first attem$t 2and other e0am$les) is a great )a' to hel$ students see and understand )hat good research s-ills loo- li-e# /llo)ing time for im$rovement (ased on the criti&ue (efore a $roduct is turned in seemed to ma-e students feel safe enough to give it a good attem$t and (e creative in their a$$roaches# (# .oal: B' the end of the course% have hel$ed all students interested in follo)ing through to have made a good start that the' can )ra$ u$ (efore the student s'm$osium /ccom$lishments to)ard goal: This goal )as not achieved% in that no students follo)ed through on the research $ro$osal the' designed in the course# The one student )ho entered on the 12-13 catalog and needed the course to graduate 2/ugust 2013) did an internshi$% so did not need to do research% and did not have time for e0tra courses )hile finishing in t)o semesters $lus summer school# One student )as )or-ing )ith Chuc- on research to ma-e u$ an incom$lete from ;$ring 2013 and did not follo) through 2one of the three 4$ro(lem5 students)# / third e0$ressed an interest in doing the research% (ut then sto$$ed attending in this and other courses# 1e0t 'ear 213-1<) there )ill (e students in the course )ho need to do research or an internshi$ for graduation% so it is li-el' that some students )ill follo) through#

B. Teaching Goals
Please list the teaching goals you &ill seek to achie$e in this coming year! including those to enhance your teaching capa(ilities! impro$e your courses in areas of identified need! and align your courses &ith SN% core
3 Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

themes+ Relate these goals to student course e$aluations and any feed(ack from peers! your Department %hair! or Pro$ost+ =n keeping &ith college priorities! you must ha$e a teaching goal related to acti$e learning and high4 impact practices+ =nclude &ays that you intend to assess achie$ement of these goals if not implied in the goal itself+ /inally! identify resources and assistance you &ill need from Sierra Ne$ada %ollege in achie$ing these goals+ 2"# 42"#3 Acti$e ?earningC0igh4=mpact Practices Goal: =se a long-term 2)ee-s or months)% 'et realistic% o$en-ended research $ro7ect as $art of (oth BIOL <1! 2.enetics La( > 8all 2013) and BIOL 3<! 2+icro(iolog' La( > ;$ring 201<)% in order to give students a real-)orld research e0$erience related to the course content# I )ould li-e to su$ervise m' student em$lo'ee% +ar- O:Berr'% in $re-running $arts of the micro(iolog' $ro7ect ahead of time to ma-e sure techni&ues are 4)or-ing5 )ith our reagents% e&ui$ment% and a student carr'ing out the $ro7ect and see ho) much time it ta-es for a student to carr' out the $rocedures# *ealisticall'% I )ill need to have him )or- on this in summer )hen he isn:t (us' )ith a full-time college schedule# Thus% I )ill need to (udget student em$lo'ee hours to $a' his salar' and ma' need to order some reagents in +a' or ?une of 2013% even though the class )ill (e offered in s$ring 201<# I have run fruit fl' inheritance e0$eriments (efore% so $re-running most $arts are not necessar'% as I -no) that this $ro7ect )ill 4)or-5# 2"# 42"#3 :ther Goal: /dd more structure to the assignment $rom$t for student-lead $rimar'

research article $resentations for BIOL 3@2: Current To$ics in Biolog' 2;$ring 201<)# This )ill (e the second time I teach this course% so I -no) )hat students had difficult' )ith in designing their $resentations last time and have ideas for ma-ing the $rom$t (etter to hel$ them succeed# I )ould also li-e to add a criti&ue to the assignment# This course im$rovement )ill not re&uire more college resources than our e0isting li(rar' materials# Teaching Rating: /aculty Rating DD DDDD II. Academic Advising A. Report and Assessment of Academic Advising
Please state last year's 2"#242"# goal: Train and mentor /nd' *ost as a science ma7or advisor so that he can ta-e on at least half of m' advising load# This )ill include mentoring him to hel$ advise students in summer 2012# Of course% I )ill also -ee$ u$ the good )or-# Please summarize your acti$ities and accomplishments as an academic or other student ad$isor! such as a E/A ad$isor+ Restate your o(>ecti$es from last year and descri(e efforts to achie$e them+ ?ist the personal and college resources used! if any! to achie$e these goals+ Please reference the /aculty 0and(ook! Section #" /aculty 5$aluation and De$elopment for additional information on ad$ising e$aluation measurements+ Rank your ad$ising accomplishments using the fi$e4part scale prescri(ed in the SN% /aculty 0and(ook: Performance &as 5)ceptional@ Performance 5)ceeded 5)pectations@ Performance Aet Aost or All 5)pectations@ Performance Did Not Aeet 5)pectations@ or Performance &as Bnsatisfactory+ Narrati$e: I mentored /nd' *ost as he (egan advising this 'ear% (oth (' arranging to do orientation advising at the same time as /nd' and at the same ta(le in 6rim Li(rar' and (' ma-ing m'self availa(le for his advising &uestions during advising $eriods (efore $re-registration# 9o)ever% mentoring /nd' through advising in summer 2012 did not )or- )ell% as /nd' )as teaching (oth morning and afternoon during the first summer session )hen most ne) students )ere advised# /lso% transfer student transcri$ts )ere not articulated (' the registrar $rior to advising in summer 2012 (ecause the registrar:s office )as short the assistant registrar% so advising ne) transfer students re&uired an e0$erienced advisor )ho could ma-e a good guess as to ho)
4 Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

Dept+ %hair Rating DDDDDD

/inal Rating DDDDDD

credits )ould transfer# I did transfer most of the ne) freshman and so$homore students )ho I had advised in summer 2012 to /nd'% es$eciall' environmental science and ecolog'% environmental $olic'% and sustaina(ilit' students# 9o)ever% /nd':s advising load does not a$$roach mine at this time% as I did not transfer m' u$$er division (iolog' students% nor difficult advisees% such as those )ho s)itch ma7ors or add and dro$ courses fre&uentl' (et)een advising sessions# I did not )ant to transfer too man' advisees to /nd' too &uic-l'% so that students in m' de$artment could get e0cellent advising as he learns# Because I didn:t transfer as man' advisees to /nd' as I had $lanned% I again did more than 1 3 share of the academic advising for m' de$artment# I did not com$romise m' standards of e0cellence in academic advising# 9o)ever% I did hold m' advisees more accounta(le for coming to advising a$$ointments $re$ared% mostl' (' communicating )ith them ahead of time that this is e0$ected% in order to reduce the time that I s$ent advising in the )ee-s $rior to $re-registration# This )as a goal from 11-12 that I still needed to )oron# 9olding students accounta(le for $lanning their $rogress also freed more time during advising to checin a(out career goals and $ersonal challenges and high $oints# I felt more li-e an adviser and less li-e a schedule $lanner this 'ear# I hired a 83; student as an administrative assistant this fall# /fter a cou$le of months it (ecame clear to me that she struggled )ith de$ression severe enough to immo(iliAe her and )as at ris- for failing at ;1C# Instead of firing her to hire a less challenged student )or-er% I s)itched m' e0$ectations of hel$ )ith routine administrative tas-s to an o$$ortunit' to su$$ort this student% affirm her $otential% and $ush her to get hel$# ;he is no) (eing treated $rofessionall' for de$ression and it has made a $ositive difference in her academic $erformance and her a(ilit' to $rovide me )ith hel$# I -no) that m' su$$ort made the difference that -e$t this student in school# 9er $otential is more evident all the time% as is her a(ilit' to en7o' life#

B. Goals to!ard e"cellence in Academic Advising

Please list any goals to enhance your academicCstudent ad$ising skills and performance for ne)t year! including the &ays you intend to achie$e these goals and ho& you &ill assess these achie$ements+ =dentify resources and assistance you &ill need from Sierra Ne$ada %ollege in achie$ing these goals+ 2"# 42"#3 Goal: 3or- )ith /nd' *ost on some advising issues that he still needs hel$ )ith% so that he can ta-e on more advisees and I can distri(ute advisees fairl' e&uall' among ;teve% /nd'% and m'self# These issues include: 1# +a-ing himself more availa(le to students during advising $eriods 2# /c&uiring familiarit' )ith )hen the de$artment offers ma7or courses so he can more effectivel' advise students to ta-e the courses )hen the' are availa(le 3# /c&uiring more familiarit' )ith the (est course se&uence choices for freshmen )ith different career goals and transfer students )ho )ant to finish )ithin as fe) semesters as $ossi(le <# 9el$ing /nd' (ecome comforta(le articulating unofficial transcri$ts for $ros$ective transfer students

Academic Advising Rating: /aculty Rating D#DDDD III. Dept+ %hair Rating DDDDDD /inal Rating DDDDDD

Scholarly Research and$or %reative &or' and$or Industry(Government Service and$or )rofessional Gro!th A. Report of Scholarly Research and$or %reative &or' and$or Industry(Government Service
5 Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

and$or )rofessional Gro!th

Please state last year's 2"#242"# goal: 1) Ta-e student $anel to ;cience in ;ociet' meeting in Ber-ele'% C/B net)or- )ith science educators $romoting active learning and undergraduate research at $eer institutions# 2) ;u$ervise some (iolog' seniors in research related to metagenomic anal'sis of La-e Tahoe Basin communities# Please state accomplishments in gi$ing ser$ice to scholarly or professional societies! education or go$ernmental agencies! andCor industry through lectures! papers! pu(lication! consultations! and creati$e accomplishments+ =f &ork is not pu(lished! please indicate ho& it has contri(uted to your o&n! Sierra Ne$ada %ollege's! andCor the community's professional en$ironment+ =ndicate &here your scholarly! creati$e! and professional &ork aligns &ith SN% core themes+ ?ist all a&ards! honors! fello&ships! or commendations you ha$e recei$ed+ Please indicate any other information you (elie$e important to ha$e in your file concerning your scholarly and professional contri(ution+ Please reference the /aculty 0and(ook! Section #" /aculty 5$aluation and De$elopment for additional information on e$aluation measurements+ /inally! rank your professional accomplishments using the fi$e4part scale prescri(ed in the SN% /aculty 0and(ook: Performance &as 5)ceptional@ Performance 5)ceeded 5)pectations@ Performance Aet Aost or All 5)pectations@ Performance Did Not Aeet 5)pectations@ or Performance &as Bnsatisfactory+ Narrati$e: .oal 1) I accom$lished m' goals related to ;oTL: a# I did ta-e 1icole Lut-emuller% *'an B'rge% and .raham ?ohnson to the ;cience in ;ociet' meeting% )here )e ran a )or-sho$ on in&uir'-(ased learning in undergraduate science education# The )or-sho$ )as scheduled at the end of the da'% so our attendance )asn:t large% (ut the $eo$le )ho came )ere activel' involved# /ttendees included three students from a universit' in India% so )e )ere a(le to com$are and contrast science education there and at ;1C# There )as a lot of discussion a(out the challenges of doing in&uir' learning at large universities# 1icole% in $articular% enthusiasticall' $artici$ated in the varied discussions of science education and the interface of science and societ' at the meeting# 8unds for m'self and the students to attend this meeting )ere (udgeted in the 8C13 1320 .eneral ;cience (udget# (# I )as a reader of the /6 Biolog' e0am in Dansas Cit'% +O% in ?une 2012# /s usual% this $rovided an o$$ortunit' to net)or- )ith other college and high school /6 (iolog' teachers to share ideas# The College Board led )or-sho$s on im$lementation of the ne) /6 Biolog' $rogram% )hich em$hasiAes the a(ilit' of students to solve $ro(lems related to ma7or conce$ts of (iolog'% such as evolution and the relationshi$ of structure and function% rather than (road -no)ledge of content details# This made the $rofessional $resentations at the conference more useful than usual# /lso% the te0t (oo- vendors )ere there en masse to $romote their ne) te0ts em$hasiAing conce$ts% rather than facts# I found m' e0cellent Biolog' I la( in&uir' (iolog' te0t at the 6earson-s$onsored $art'# ET; $a's readers e0$enses% so there )as no cost to ;1C for this $rofessional develo$ment# .oal 2) I did not accom$lish this goal# There )as no senior student interested in doing research and m' other teaching% advising% and administrative duties $recluded me )or-ing on this on m' o)n#

B. Goals for Scholarly Research and$or %reative &or' and$or Industry(Government &or' and$or )rofessional Gro!th
Please state your goals to enhance your ser$ice and scholarly or creati$e contri(utions to your profession! the &ays you &ill achie$e and assess them! and the resources and assistance you &ill need from Sierra Ne$ada %ollege to achie$e them+
6 Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

2"# 42"#3 Goal: Engage in t)o ;oTL $rofessional develo$ment o$$ortunities: 1# The 2013 /6 Biolog' *eading 2# /nother $rofessional meeting related to e0cellence in science or math education# This )ill re&uire travel funds and conference fees from the 8C1< 1320 .eneral ;cience (udget#

Scholarly Research and$or %reative &or' and$or )rofessional Service and$or )rofessional Gro!th Rating: /aculty Rating DD*DDD Dept+ %hair Rating DDDDDD /inal Rating DDDDDD

I+. Service to the %ollege, the Student Body and the %ommunity A. Report of Service Accomplishments
Please state last year's 2"#242"# goal: Continue to attend $artici$ate in e0tracurricular academic events at ;1C and encourage facult' of m' de$artment% m' students% famil'% and others to do so# 6artici$ate in admission and fundraising events as a(le# Please state your accomplishments in gi$ing ser$ice to the college! student (ody! andCor community during this past year+ =ndicate ho& your ser$ice accomplishments are aligned &ith the SN% core themes+ ?ist personal and college resources e)pended to achie$e these goals+ Please reference the /aculty 0and(ook! Section #"! /aculty 5$aluation and De$elopment for additional information on e$aluation measurements+ /inally! rank your ser$ice accomplishments using the fi$e4part scale prescri(ed in the SN% /aculty 0and(ook: Performance &as 5)ceptional@ Performance 5)ceeded 5)pectations@ Performance Aet Aost or All 5)pectations@ Performance Did Not Aeet 5)pectations@ or Performance &as Bnsatisfactory+ Narrati$e: Contri(utions to ;1C: I accom$lished m' goal of (eing an active $artici$ant in e0tracurricular academic events at ;1C# I have attended the ma7orit' of the B8/ sho)s this 'ear% leant m' voice to the ;1C chorus% attended academic events s$onsored (' other de$artments% such as the (usiness $lan com$etition% $s'cholog' research fair% and a fe) )riter:s in the )oods readings% and the $oetr' slam# This models the value of integrative thin-ing central to the li(eral arts# I have taught a sam$le academic class at admissions events and res$onded $rom$tl' to admissions counselors )ith re&uests for schedule or s$ontaneous meetings )ith $ros$ective students# I have attended fundraising events as a(le% although I had another firm commitment and missed the 9olida' .ala# Contri(utions to the communit': a# I have tried to $artici$ate in =C ,avis seminars and activities# 8or e0am$le% I volunteered for one da' of the ;cience E0$o% teaching school children a(out $h'sical science $rinci$les during the ;1C s$ring (rea-% and convinced t)o of m' Biolog' II students to also volunteer# This ;1C $artnershi$ )ith =C ,avis is e0tremel' (eneficial for the $rofessional $re$aredness of our students% )ho have more o$$ortunities for environmental research (ecause of the $ro0imit' of TE*C to ;1C and its distance from the ,avis cam$us# (# I donate m' musical talent to the TOCC/T/ orchestra and chorus% a non-$rofit grou$ that su$$orts 'oung and amateur local musicians (' $roviding a grou$ in )hich the' can $la' and sing the great )or-s of the Baro&ue and Classical $eriods# c# I 7oin the 6arent (oosters and C'm(al music su$$ort grou$s at the Incline $u(lic schools and volunteer at fundraising and student-centered events in the schools at least once $er semester# 8or e0am$le% I have hel$ed the I+; (oosters clu( raise funds at )ee-end s$orting events to su$$ort the I+; s$elling (ee% science fair% and other academic e0tras# This civic involvement is consistent )ith
7 Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

values of li(eral arts and social sustaina(ilit'# d# +' famil' has hosted a *otar' Couth E0change student from BraAil this s$ring as our daughter is on an e0change in Belgium# *otar' is ver' careful a(out the safet' of health of their e0change students% so the level of regulations and res$onsi(ilit' for trans$ortation% $artici$ating in *otar' events% and oversight of student travel a)a' from the host district at all times is not trivial# The host families receive no com$ensation for hosting a student# /s I involve m' e0change daughter in ;1C events% I model a res$ect for diverse $eo$les and cultures to ;1C students% an attitude that is essential for social sustaina(ilit'#

B. Goals for Service to the %ollege, the Student Body and the %ommunity
Please state your goals to enhance your ser$ice to the college! student (ody! or community in the ne)t year! including the &ays you &ill assess your achie$ement of these goals and ho& they align &ith SN% core themes+ =dentify resources and assistance you &ill need from Sierra Ne$ada %ollege in achie$ing these goals+ 2"# 42"#3 Goal: Continue to (e an active $artici$ant in e0tracurricular academic events s$onsored (' all de$artments at ;1C in order to model li(eral arts attitudes and values# Continue to (e engaged in the local schools% m' church% and the communit'#

Service to the %ollege, the Student Body, and the %ommunity Rating: /aculty Rating DD DDD +. Administrative -uties A. Report of Administrative Accomplishments
Please state last year's 2"#242"# goal: 1) ;u$$ort /nd' *ost in gro)ing the science $rograms a# 3or- )ith facult' to develo$ a strategic $lan for gro)ing the science $rograms (# 3or- )ith science facult' and I/ to a$$l' for a su(stantial grant for the science $rograms 2) 9el$ ;teve Ells)orth to feel more a$$reciated a(out )hat he does )ell and more engaged at ;1C 3) Oversee student em$lo'ees doing duties formerl' underta-en (' /rtie ;eelig as la( manager# a# Dee$ in com$liance )ith 8ederal and ;tate haAardous materials re&uirements (# ;u$$ort science la( courses c# +aintain e&ui$ment d# Order su$$lies > set u$ a data(ase of vendor and order num(ers for faster $rice-com$arisons (efore $urchasing <) ,evelo$ a good )or-ing relationshi$ )ith ;hannon Beets Please state your administrati$e accomplishments! including ser$ice on committees! participation in college go$ernance! core or academic curriculum de$elopment roles! special administrati$e pro>ects! and ser$ice in an administrati$e position+ =ndicate ho& your administrati$e accomplishments are aligned &ith the SN% core themes+ ?ist personal and college resources e)pended to achie$e these goals+ Please reference the /aculty 0and(ook! Section #"! /aculty 5$aluation and De$elopment for additional information on e$aluation measurements+ /inally! rank your administrati$e accomplishments using the fi$e4part scale prescri(ed in the
Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

Dept+ %hair Rating DDDDDD

/inal Rating DDDDDD

SN% /aculty 0and(ook: Performance &as 5)ceptional@ Performance 5)ceeded 5)pectations@ Performance Aet Aost or All 5)pectations@ Performance Did Not Aeet 5)pectations@ or Performance &as Bnsatisfactory+ Narrati$e: /ccom$lishments to)ard these s$ecific goals: 1) I achieved the second $art of this goal# I had done the detail )or- to $re$are a list of e&ui$ment needs )ith vendors and $rice estimates (efore 8C13% (ut )e had not found a s$ecific grant to a$$l' for# ;andra 3allace had t)o ideas for granting agencies and I &uic-l' u$dated this list and )or-ed )ith her to su(mit t)o grants# 3e received one% a grant for F30%000 for science e&ui$ment from the E#L# 3iegand 8oundation# 3ith these funds )e )ere a(le to $urchase a full-siAe autoclave% re$lace some molecular (iolog' e&ui$ment that )as not functioning )ell% and e0$and the e&ui$ment for teaching la(s to accommodate our gro)ing student num(ers# I did su$$ort /nd' in e0$anding the earth science offerings at ;1C (' scheduling and (udgeting for E;CI 101 10!: .eolog' and La( and E;CI 301 30!: 9'drolog' and La(# 3e made the fall 2012 science de$artment cam$ing tri$ an E;CI 10! field tri$# I have used some of the 3iegand grant funds to $urchase h'drolog' e&ui$ment% such as sno) and stream sam$ling e&ui$ment# I also su$$orted /nd' in develo$ing a third earth science course% E;CI 320: Climatolog' and Climate Change% and $utting this into the 13-1< schedule# 9o)ever% )e did not do much strategic $lanning for gro)ing the ;1C science $rograms# 2) This goal )as accom$lished# ;teve and I disagreed strongl' a(out his evaluation last s$ring and this lead to some fran- discussion of )hat )e )ere feeling and )hat $eo$le seemed to $erceive a(out his )or-# ;teve clarified that he reall' did love teaching# I communicated that missing meetings and failing to res$ond )hen as-ed for hel$ )ith administrative tas-s made it seem li-e he )as not ha$$'# ;teve has (een much more careful to $rom$tl' res$ond )hen as-ed for information or hel$ )ith tas-s# 9e also coo$erated a(out teaching an E1G; 20! section in fall to fill out his )or-load and en7o'ed it# 9e has (een o(viousl' e0cited a(out teaching the added Biological ;tatistics course this s$ring and a(out )or-ing )ith the $s'cholog' students needing e0tra advise a(out statistical anal'sis of their senior research data# It has (een eas' to find reasons for -udos and he seems much more engaged than last 'ear# 3) This goal has (een $artiall' achieved% (ut )e are essentiall' letting la( manager duties go undone much of the time# +ar- O:Berr' has conscientiousl' $rovided su$$ort cleaning u$ after the teaching la(s# *'an )as on tas- in the first fe) months of the 'ear and hel$ed a lot )ith $re-fall 2012 clean-u$ and organiAation% as )ell as $re$$ing the chemistr' la( for ;ean *'land# 9o)ever% (oth students feel $ressure in some )ee-s to forgo la( su$$ort )or- in order to get their course)or- done# I hired Hach ;chom$ to hel$ ,e(i 3al-er )ith /natom' and 6h'siolog' la( tas-s# /lthough )e have su(stantiall' com$lied )ith haAardous materials regulations% )e have la$sed in re$orting% and I have had to nag instructors and 83; students to follo) through )ith safe storage $ractices# 3e did get ;ode0o to ta-e over regular chec-ing of safet' sho)ers and e'e )ash stations% )hich means it is (eing done# Chuc- has hel$ed significantl' )ith haAmat com$liance% using his chemistr' -no)ledge to neutraliAe enough haAardous )aste that )e have (een a(le to $ut of having it removed another 'ear% )hich saves ;1C a(out F!000# Other than sending e&ui$ment out for re$air )hen it is essential% )e have not )or-ed on maintenance# I have had m' 83; administrative assistant )or- some on a data(ase for fre&uentl'ordered items% (ut it is not 'et com$lete enough to have hel$ed much > I have still had to do com$arative $ricing for some instructors 2Chuc-% ;teve% /nd'% ;ean% and ,e(i do it for their o)n la( courses)# <) I am more comforta(le )or-ing )ith ;hannon after a 'ear# I a$$reciate her commitment to fair com$ensation for all facult' and to $rofessional develo$ment that hel$s us to (ecome more effective $rofessors# /$art from these goals% administrative accom$lishments include:
! Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

;ervice on man' committeesB those that )ere active this 'ear include: ,e$artment chairs% 6ro(lem ;olving /ssessment% 3ritten Communication /ssessment% a )or-ing grou$ on strengthening the ;ustaina(ilit' ma7or tem$late% Emergenc' $lanning% Curriculum committee% Core curriculum committee# Tr'ing to -ee$ assessment meaningful for the science facult'# o ;oliciting in$ut on 6/*;% indicators that )e )ill use for 6/*;% ;teve had a great idea for a facult' assessment of student s-ills surve' that )e have develo$ed and )ill use (eginning )ith 1213 graduates# This $rovides another good indicator for our 6/*;# 9o) )e )ill im$rove or incor$orate assignments that can (e used to assess students: -no)ledge and s-ills 3or-ing )ith science facult' to collect student )or- for assessment# This is challengingI I thinthat t)o of m' ran-ed facult' are so organiAationall' challenged that it is not eas' for them to -ee$ on to$ of this# I have tried to include ad7unct facult' in this $rocess% (ut the' have much less understanding of )hat )e are tr'ing to do# I have gotten )or- from Chuc-% /nd'% and Datie Lar-in% and have turned in )or- m'self#

o o

Dee$ing trac- of the (udget and e0$enditures )ell enough that )e should not (e over (udget# 6rom$ting m' instructors to order su$$lies far enough ahead of time to )or- )ith the a$$roval $rocess# Tr'ing to -ee$ costs do)n )hile using vendors )ith )hom )e have accounts% since I can:t float the college a lot of mone' for ver' long# ;oliciting in$ut from science instructors in order to (udget for the ne0t 'ear# Tr'ing to meet deadlines and $rovide needed information to the registrar% the admissions team% +allor' for assessment% committees% administratorsJ ;cheduling classes so that science students can finish degree re&uirements in a reasona(le num(er of semesters )hile -ee$ing class siAes large enough to (e frugal# ;cheduling a 'ear in advance% stic-ing to the schedule% 'et )or-ing )ith students and instructors )hen there is enough interest in adding a course# 6ushing for course fees that cover costs for more e0$ensive classes 2there has (een resistance to this among science facult')# ;u$$orting ;1C $olicies (' encouraging science facult' coo$eration% such as using the tri$ $lanning $rocess% re&uesting IT and facilities )or- through the right channels% $lanning ahead to get $re-a$$roval (efore $urchasing things for coursesJ The academic de$artment chairs )al- a fine line% (oth advocating for facult' in our de$artments and ena(ling them to e0cel and advocating for administrative $olicies and goals% so that ;1C as a )hole can succeed% It is usuall' not $ossi(le to $lease ever'one all of the time and the chairs are fre&uentl' caught in the middle )hen (oth our facult' and our su$ervisors are disa$$ointed )ith the other contingent# I am constantl' thin-ing a(out leadershi$% management% and $romoting team)or- among a (unch of reall' smart $eo$le )ho all thin- the' have the (est ideas and )ant to $rioritiAe for themselves# It is the hardest $art of the de$artment chair gig and I have had no formal training% so it has re&uired lots of gro)th for me#

4 4

B. Goals for Administrative -uties

Please state your goals to enhance your administrati$e role at the college! including the &ays you &ill assess your achie$ement of these goals and ho& they align &ith SN% core themes+ =dentify resources and assistance you &ill need from Sierra Ne$ada %ollege in achie$ing these goals+ 2"# 42"#3 Goal: 1) Im$rove math instruction and se&uencing: a# Encourage math teachers to find some a$$ro$riate $rofessional develo$ment for effective math instruction for $eo$le afraid of math or resistant to math# /rrange funding for this $rofessional
1" Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

develo$ment# (# Tr' 2through advising )ithin the de$artment) to have students revie) alge(ra and or trig (efore ta-ing chemistr' and $h'sics to see if it significantl' im$roves student:s a(ilities to solve $ro(lems re&uiring &uantitative s-ills 2) 3or- )ith science facult' on strategic $lanning to gro) our $rograms to)ard their $otential

Administrative -uties Rating: /aculty Rating DD#DDD Dept+ %hair Rating DDDDDD /inal Rating DDDDDD I thin- that all academic de$artment chairs )ho are not floundering are e0ceeding e0$ectations for our $osition descri$tions as )ritten#

11 Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

Faculty Evaluation %ourse Evaluation -ata

Spring *./*, Fall *./* and %urrent Spring *./ 0idterm Evaluations

Name: Suzanne Gollery Rank: Associate Professor

Department: Science and Technology Date: April 2 ! 2"#

#! F 33#! please a$erage all le$els together as one
%ourse ;G#64 "< 3+ H :$erall ;G#4 "< 3+3H

=f a course is 8stacked9! for e)ample! DRA1 #2#! 22#! course+

%ourse #: 3+. credits %ourse 2: 3+. credits %ourse : H credits %ourse 3: #"#".! #"#"H E=:? #"2!#"H Spring 2"#2 #"# #! #"# 2 E=:? 3#! 3. Spring 2"#2 6""23! 6""2.! F 6""2H E=:? #"#!#". /all #2 6" 63 E=:?! 6" 6H 5NJP! F 6" 6. 5NJS 7# /all 2"#2 midterm 6" 63 E=:?! 6" 6H 5NJP! F 6" 6. 5NJS 7# /all 2"#2 end4of4term Aean: 3+.2

/aculty ;G 64#7<








3+ I


3+ 2



%ourse .: credits


3+ 7


3+ I

%omments: %ourse 2: E=:? 3#C 3. Aicro(iology - = tried an am(itious e)periential learning research pro>ect in micro(iology la(+ =t took much more time than &e had scheduled for la(! so impacted contact hours on other course content+ Some students &ere *uite frustrated &hen things 8didn't &ork9+ 0o&e$er! (ased on final e)am scores! the class learned as much micro(iology content as pre$ious classes! they >ust had to o&n it and do more outside of class+ %omments on end4 of4term course e$als are o$er&helmingly negati$e a(out the la( pro>ect+ %ourse 3C.: E=:?! 5NJP! and 5NJS 7#: Research Aethods - a ne& course taught the first time in the department and first time for me+

12 Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

Faculty Evaluation
-epartment %hair Response to Summary of Accomplishments and Goals
Name: Rank: Department: Date:

Department %hairs should &rite a response to Summary of Accomplishments and Goals for each /aculty Aem(er+ The summary may (e *uite (rief if the Department %hair fundamentally concurs &ith the /aculty Aem(er's self4e$aluation and supports hisCher proposed goals+ The %hair may summarize additional information pertaining to the /aculty Aem(er's accomplishments to&ard goals and should do so if the %hair's e$aluation does not agree &ith the /aculty Aem(er's+ The %hair's response should affirm the faculty mem(er's goals for the upcoming academic year andCor summarize suggestions for amending these goals+ The %hair's summary should also include a response to any re*uests for assistance or resources from the department and Sierra Ne$ada %ollege! stating &hether or not the assistance &ill (e a$aila(le and outlining plans for pro$iding it+ 5ach /aculty Aem(er should recei$e a copy of the chair's response! although this record should not su(stitute for a face4to4face discussion of the /aculty Aem(er's Summary of Accomplishments and Goals+ The %hair should for&ard a copy of the /aculty Aem(er's Summary of Accomplishments and Goals! including the %hair's response! to the Pro$ost and copies should (e retained for the /aculty Aem(er's file+ The Department %hair &ill then schedule an appointment to meet together &ith the Pro$ost and re$ie& a /aculty Aem(er's e$aluation+

13 Faculty Evaluation Revised 4-11- 13 S Beets / K Wong

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