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Automation TC Mechatronics CT 1 Kim Haza 2 Michael Formato 3 Ben Lagadon


Quality TC

1 Robert Marsh 2 Jon Hineman 3 Valentina Petreska

Welding TC Welding CT

1 John Durbin 2 Doug McKiddy 3 Bryce Eaton

To look at the TC and the correspon Step 1: courses should make up the TC and to use. For the CT degree, we can in Step 2: courses have been determined, need order to accomodate a student finish Step 3: courses have been determined, and in the worse shape, and require the in rank order of most important to r

Industrial Electrical TC Electrician CT

1 Roy Long 2 Tom Box 3 Mark Esch-Williams

Industrial Mechcanical TC Fluid power CT

1 Robert Parker 2 Ron Thibos 3 Byron Butterfield

look at the TC and the corresponding CT and determine the following: p 1: Which urses should make up the TC and CT degrees? For the TC degree, have 8 courses (24 cr) use. For the CT degree, we can increase number of hours, have working range of 18-24. p 2: After urses have been determined, need to look at what pre-reqs will need to be changed in er to accomodate a student finishing the degree with-in one year, or 3 semesters. p 3: After urses have been determined, and pre-reqs changed, which courses listed in the degree are he worse shape, and require the most development to make the degree work. Please list ank order of most important to re-develop.

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