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Lesson: Learning to Listen Subject: Self-Regulation/Impulse Control Compiled by: Sarah Sampson Time: 30 minutes Materials 1.

Picture of Lips (10) *one each for half of your students 2. Picture of Ears (10) *one each for half of your students 3. Story Books (variety) 4. Big Lips stuffed toy Objectives Students will: 1. Foster self-regulation by waiting their turn to speak. 2. Learn that it is important to let others share their thoughts. 3. Understand the importance of being considerate to others by waiting their turn. 4. Begin to understand impulse control by waiting patiently for another to finish. Activity One: Discussion 1. Some examples questions could be: Why is it important to raise our hand? Why is it important to not shout out? Why is it important to wait our turn? Why is it important to let others share their thoughts? 2. Talk about our rights and responsibilities: - Right to share our thoughts/Responsibility to listen to others & raise our hands - Right to learn/Responsibility to help others learn & be considerate Activity Two: Reading in Partners 1. Explain that we will be working with partners to do a picture walk of a story book today. One person will get the lips; they will tell their partner what the story is about according to the pictures. The other person will get the ears, they are not allowed to talk or ask questions while their partner is doing the picture walk (just listen). 2. Once the picture walk is done, the partners switch the lips/ears and the second partner reads a different story by doing a picture walk. Again, the person with the ears is not allowed to talk or ask questions. 3. Explain the reasoning behind the lesson (the objectives) 4. Allow students to get in pairs and pick out two books (one for each). Remind the students that it is a picture walk, not trying to read the words. Be as detailed as possible. 5. Once they are in partners and spread out, hand out cards. 6. Teacher must walk around and correct those with ears who are speaking (if needed). This step is important as the listening aspect is key to the whole lesson. Activity Three: Discussion 1. Debrief the activity. Some questions could include: Was it easy or hard to not talk when you had the ears? Did you want to talk? How can we use this technique at carpet time? At our desks? 2. Introduce Big Lips; at discussions at carpet we will be using this stuffy to show us who is talking. Give demonstration. If you do not have the lips, you cannot be speaking as those people will have their listening ears on.
Inspiration from: http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/article/staff-workshop-teacher-handout-self-regulation-early-childhood-classroom




Other Relevant Curriculum Outcomes RELATIONSHIP CHOICES Students will develop effective interpersonal skills that demonstrate responsibility, respect and caring in order to establish and maintain healthy interactions. LIFE LEARNING CHOICES Students will use resources effectively to manage and explore life roles and career opportunities and challenges.


R1.1 recognize and demonstrate various ways to express feelings; e.g., verbal and nonverbal R1.2 identify physiological responses to feelings; e.g., being sad can make you tired R1.3 identify positive and negative feelings associated with stress/change R1.5 identify the characteristics of being a good friend; e.g., consideration of feelings, kindness, listening R1.6 examine how personal behaviour and attitudes can influence the feelings and actions of others; e.g., inviting others to join R1.7 demonstrate simple ways to resolve conflict, with limited adult assistance; e.g., agree to try to solve the problem R1.8 work cooperatively with a partner; e.g., take turns, respect space and property of others L1.1 demonstrate independence in completing tasks and activities, when appropriate L1.3 identify steps of a decision-making process for age-appropriate issue


Students will: 1. Develop healthy relationships with their peers. 2. Begin to understand their emotions and how they can affect others. 3. Work in groups cooperatively and resolve conflict when it arises. 4. Express their feelings in healthy and constructive ways. 1. 2. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.

Language Arts



1.1 Discover and Explore - share personal experiences that are clearly related to oral, print and other media texts - talk with others about something recently learned - make observations about activities, experiences with oral, print and other media texts - experiment with different ways of exploring and developing stories, ideas and experiences 1.2 Clarify and Extend - listen and respond appropriately to experiences and feelings shared by others 2.1 Use Strategies and Cues

- use knowledge of context, pictures, letters, words, sentences, predictable patterns and rhymes in a variety of oral, print and other media texts to construct and confirm meaning - use knowledge of print, pictures, book covers and title pages to construct and confirm meaning - preview book cover, pictures and location of text to assist with constructing and confirming meaning 2.2 Respond to Texts - participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such as poems, storytelling by elders, pattern books, audiotapes, stories and cartoons - illustrate and enact stories, rhymes and songs - remember and retell familiar stories and rhymes - tell or represent the beginning, middle and end of stories 2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques - know that stories have beginnings, middles and endings - tell what characters do or what happens to them in a variety of oral, print and other media texts Objectives Students will: 1. Actively listen to others as they tell a story through a picture walk. 2. Use picture clues to tell their own story. 3. Discuss their story with their partner. 1.1: Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how identity and self-esteem are enhanced by their sense of belonging in their world and how active members in a community contribute to the well-being, growth and vitality of their groups and communities. 1.1.3 What are our responsibilities and rights at home, at school, in groups, and in communities? 1.1.1 Demonstrate respect for their individual rights and rights of others. Students will: 1. Identify responsibilities that they have at school and at home. 2. Relate their lives to rights they have as a child and citizen 3. Distinguish between rights and responsibilities.

Social Studies




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