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Responsibility: Fixed Assets Manager Navigation : Depreciation Run Depreciation

Enter the following in the Run Depreciation window: Boo 'eriod !lose 'eriod !RB "# B$$%& DE!())

!lic on Run *B+

!lic on o *B+ in !aution window


!lic on o *B+ in Note window -erify that the above Re.uest /D is co0pleted with #tatus Nor0al or not by following above navigation *M+-iewRe.uestsFind-iew $utput *B+


!lic on -iew log *B+ for !oncurrent Re.uest /D : 123424)5123424,

6e are getting error:

APP-OFA-48400: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or !"e# o$ %rgum


Please proceed as follows and provide requested information: 1) Set profile option - FA:Print Debug = !S" #) Submit $Processing Pending %ransactions$ standalone from Fi&ed Assets 'anager ( )t*er ( +equests ( +un" ,) -pload t*e FAPP% log file for review" .) Provide Diagnostic: Apps /*ec0 for )FA 1Assets)" +!F!+!2/!: 2)%!".3451,"1 6ow %o +un Diagnostic: Apps /*ec0 1)'/6!/7)


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