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EDT 421M - McGowan

Classroom Management Plan

Taylor Davis

CMP, Part 1 Five Day Lesson Plan:

Week 1 - Monday Welcome class, my name is Mr. Davis and I will be your teacher this year for social studies. This year in history we will be talking about one of my favorite time periods, the Americas from !"# until the $ivil War and %econstruction. In geography we&re going to be talking about natural resources, how people interact, and a number of other topics. 'ou&ll learn how credit cards work, how to balance a checkbook, and how a checking account works. (eedless to say we have a lot of ground to cover, full of really e)citing things. A little about me, I&ve been a teacher at this school for a number of years. I&ve loved history since I was young and I want to show you why I love it so much. *ow did the + colonies, a group of barely connected citi,ens with almost no military e)perience beat what was then the largest and strongest army in the world, -reat .ritain/ *ow did a group of 00 men propose and implement a radical new form of government against opposition from most of the colonies/ I have high e)pectations for my classes in terms of behavior, participation, and work you do in class or at home. I&m going to work hard to make this year interesting, letting your 1uestions and ideas guide our discovery. In return, I ask you to come to class everyday prepared and ready to work. We will have a chance to dive into many different topics and do more than 2ust memori,e dates and events. I&m not concerned if you can repeat facts back to me. There are specific times, places, and themes we will be discussing but this year is all about 2ust understanding. It is important that everybody attends class every day. We have a lot of ground to cover and only a few hours to do it each week. If you miss a class, I e)pect you to work hard and make up what you missed. .ecause our time is limited, we will have at least one homework assignment each week. These will be e)plained well before they are due and will take no more than an hour to complete. In other words, there is no reason you cannot get them finished before they need to be turned in.

I will leave you with one of the most important phrases I want you to remember this year3 The only stupid 1uestion is the one that you don&t ask. I want your 1uestions and curiosity to drive our learning this year, not my assignments. Autobiography 4 5tudents will fill out the attached form asking basic 1uestions, what they like to do, their likes6dislikes and so on. .y collecting this form, I will have a general introduction to students. I could use this information in a number of ways including posting it on my walls to create a collage of students. I will use this information, information in each student&s school file, and observations from the first week to set seating assignments and determine future small groups for small group work. These groups will change and adapt as the year goes on, but for the first month at least I will set the group members. *omework for Tuesday3 .ring in two ob2ects from your house that you think helps describe you. 7or e)ample, if you play a trumpet you might bring in your mouthpiece or if you like taking pictures, you might bring in a roll of film. These two artifacts don&t have to describe all of you, 2ust a few aspects of your life you would like to share. Tomorrow we will have each person briefly talk about their ob2ects and why they chose them. 8rocedure of the day9 4 4 4 :very day this week I will highlight a few important procedures in my classroom. Today the procedures are3 Moving around the classroom o 5tudents stay seated in their seats unless directed otherwise by me. 8laces like the pencil sharpener, teacher&s desk, and so on can only have there at a time. 4 $lass 8articipation o 5tudents will raise their hand to participate in classroom discussions or to answer 1uestions. This procedure will be in place unless I inform them otherwise for a specific class period or activity. person

After discussing them and making them clear, write the procedure on an sheet of paper and post on the wall.

by ;

Week 1 - Tuesday <hio Academic 5tandard3 -rade = > ?.5. 5tudies from !"#4 =;; Topic > $oloni,ation to Independence $ontent 5tatement > #. (orth America, originally inhabited by American Indians, was e)plored and coloni,ed by :uropeans for economic and religious reasons. %esources 4 :)ample Artifacts $lass %osters 8rocedures $hart Markers >-etting to know you activity > Two Items from *ome o I brought in this coconut shell because I love humor and silly things like Monty 8ython. *as anybody seen The @uest for the *oly -rail/ If so, you understand what these coconuts are about. 'ou&ll see this year that I love to 2oke and laugh so that drives how I teach. o I also brought in this picture of the woods that I took last year. .eing outside is really important me, I like to be there whenever I can. $anoeing, hiking, playing sports, I don&t really care what I&m doing as long as it&s outside with family and friends. 4 4 5tudents briefly discuss the two items they brought in to represent themselves with their seat partners After partners share, students will choose one of their two items and briefly e)plain it to the entire class Activity # > This <ne Time IA 4 .efore beginning this activity, push all desks and chairs to the sides of the room.

Activity 4

I will model how to present about the ob2ects using my two ob2ects

4 4

This is a getting4to4know you activity where students switch places in a circle with someone who has done something similar. <ne student will start in the middle of the circle. All the other students and teacher will be in a circle surrounding this student. *e6she will say Bthis one time IAC inserting something that he or she has done. 7or e)ample, the student might say BThis one time I made a cake with my motherC. At this point, any student that has made a cake with their mother will have to switch places in the circle with another student who also has that in common. The student in the middle will also try to take the spot of another student in the circle. The person left without a spot will be the ne)t person in the middle.

This activity is a fun activity to break the ice with the class and demonstrates that the students have a lot in common with their classmates.

Activity + > 8rocedure of the day9 4 4 4 :very day this week I will highlight a few important procedures in my classroom. Today the procedures are3 :ntering the room procedures > o 5tudents will enter the room, gather their needed materials, sit at their desks and begin bell4work. If the bell work involves discussion with a classmate, they will be permitted to talk at a low level. <therwise, they should begin working on their work 1uietly. 4 Deaving the room > o 5tudents will receive a paper with + hall passes per term to be used at their discretion for bathroom breaks, retrieving something from lockers etc. 5tudents will not be allowed to leave the room unless they have one of these hall passes. When he6she wants to use the hall pass, they will bring the pass to me to be signed and then will be e)cused. 4 After discussing them and making them clear, write the procedure on an of paper and post on the wall. by ; sheet

Week 1 - Wednesday <hio Academic 5tandard3 -rade = > ?.5. 5tudies from !"#4 =;; Topic > $oloni,ation to Independence $ontent 5tatement 4 #. (orth America, originally inhabited by American Indians, was e)plored and coloni,ed by :uropeans for economic and religious reasons. %esources 4 8oster .oard and Marker 8rocedures $hart Dry :rase Markers for Whiteboard 8ro2ector to connect to my computer

.ell %inger > Eournal 4 5tudents will keep a daily 2ournal about a range of topics. :very day students are e)pected to write a paragraph using a prompt written on the board. They will begin working on it as soon as they come into class as a means to focus their attention on the topic of the day. 4 Today&s 2ournal prompt is3 What is one rule you would like to see in our classroom/ > $reating a class behavior compact o There are a lot of activities and lessons that we would like to do this year with our class but this can only happen if we can keep a high standard of behavior o I would like for us to talk about the rules we are going to have in our classroom, decide on them together, and then we will all sign our names agreeing to these rules 4 4 What rules do you think are important for our class/ 5tudents will help develop the rules for the class but these are the rules that must be included no matter what3


o Treat :veryone with %espect o <bey all school rules o $ome 8repared for $lass 4 After co4creating the list with the students, I will write the rules down on the poster board after class. The ne)t day, students will sign the compact at the bottom of the poster. In addition, I will type a copy of these rules and send them home for the students& parents& or guardians to review and sign. This lets me know that both the students and their parents are aware of the classroom rules and e)pectations. Activity # > 8rocedure of the day9 4 4 4 :very day this week I will highlight a few important procedures in my classroom. Today the procedures are3 :nding $lass 8eriod o Two minutes from the period&s end, I call the students attention and will ask the students to stop what they are doing and begin cleaning up their desks. While their attention is still on me, they will be given specific instructions for where to put unfinished work, reminders about homework, and other announcements as needed. 4 Deaving $lass o 5tudents will not leave the classroom at the end of the period until I have dismissed them. They will not be dismissed until they are seated 1uietly at their desks. 4 After discussing them and making them clear, write the procedure on an sheet of paper and post on the wall. by ;

Week 1 - Thursday %esources3 $hart 8aper and Markers Dined 8aper for fast write

<hio Academic 5tandard3 -rade = > ?.5. 5tudies from !"#4 =;; Topic > $oloni,ation to Independence $ontent 5tatement 4 #. (orth America, originally inhabited by American Indians, was e)plored and coloni,ed by :uropeans for economic and religious reasons. .ell %inger > Eournal 4 4 Today&s 2ournal prompt is3 What do you know about (ative Americans/ 5tudents will write on this prompt for no more than 0 minutes, leading us into our first activity. Activity 4 4 > Introduction to (ative Americans

Ask3 What do you think of when we say Indians or (ative Americans/ 5tudents will use this prompt as a basis for a short 1uick4write o 5tudents write everything they can think of about a topic for several minutes o If you&re stuck, 2ust write BI don&t know what to sayC or BI&m blankingC or 2ust repeat the last word your wrote over and over o 8urpose of this activity is to connect to what you already know about American Indians o The only way you can do this wrong is if you don&t write anything o (ot concerned with grammar, punctuation, or spelling, concentrated on getting words to the page

4 4 4

After + minutes, stop the students& writing and ask for suggestions of what they wrote ?se student suggestions to create a mind map on the chart paper Fsee attachedG Discuss the responses with students o Ask3 Why do you think that we have these ideas and stereotypes in our head about Indians/ Are these ideas necessarily true/ o 5how video on (ative American representations in *ollywood FIf the room does not have a pro2ector, I will e)change this for an article on the same sub2ectG o http366www.youtube.com6watch/ vHIvg<A(d'DdsIplayne)tH IlistH8DAJK'J5 #L7:J85DW@7M M*W:A= 8A-D7?IfeatureHresultsLvideo o Ask3 What stereotypes6assumptions did you find in this clip/ o Add student answers to the mind map

Activity # 4 8ass out folders 4 4 4 4 8ass out folders for students, one color per period. %emind students that this folder will stay in my room and include any work they complete in class. *ave students write their name and period number on the top right corner of the front cover. At the end of the period, students will put their folders in the bin labeled for their period Activity + > 8rocedure of the day9 4 4 4 :very day this week I will highlight a few important procedures in my classroom. Today the procedures are3 Tardy 5tudents o All students must be in their seats and ready to work when the tardy bell sounds. If students are not in the class by the time the bell rings than they will receive a verbal warning. The second time and any other following times they are tardy, they will receive a detention.

Absent work procedures > o A folder labeled absent will sit in the completed work basket for each period. When a student is absent, the student passing out papers will place a copy of each worksheet or handout into the absent folder. When the absent student returns, it is up to him6her to retrieve the handouts and complete the assignments assigned no later than # school days after they return.

After discussing them and making them clear, write the procedure on an sheet of paper and post on the wall.

by ;

Native Americans

Week 1 - Friday <hio Academic 5tandard3 -rade = > ?.5. 5tudies from !"#4 =;; Topic > $oloni,ation to Independence $ontent 5tatement4 #. (orth America, originally inhabited by American Indians, was e)plored and coloni,ed by :uropeans for economic and religious reasons. %esources > 4 4 $opies of .ackground Jnowledge chart $opy of :ncounters in the (ew World edited by Eill Depore

.ell %inger > Eournal 4 4 Today&s 2ournal prompt is3 *ow do you think the :uropeans and (ative Americans reacted when they met each other for the first time/ 5tudents will write about this prompt for no more than five minutes, leading into a discussion of various answers the students thought of. Activity 4 4 > .uilding .ackground Jnowledge

5tudents will build background knowledge on the first interactions between the early e)plorers and (ative Americans I will read e)cerpts from + different primary sources from this period. o 8rimary 5ource > 7irsthand account of $ortes talking to the Indians > pg. !! F:ncounters in the (ew WorldG o 8rimary 5ource 4 A letter by *ernando $ortes, describing his meeting with Monte,uma > pg N04N= F:ncounters in the (ew WorldG o 8rimary 5ource > A,tec account of the $ortes& arrival in Tenochititlan > pg. N 4N0 F:ncounters in the (ew WorldG

They will fill out the chart Fsee belowG to help guide their in1uiries and discovery, column of the chart will be filled out for each resource used

I will model how to fill in the first column, the students and I will participate in guided practice to fill out the second column and students will continue the third column independently.

After completing the chart, we will discuss our answers to the final column as a class.

Activity # > 8rocedure of the day9 4 4 4 :very day this week I will highlight a few important procedures in my classroom. Today the procedures are3 5eatwork o When students are given individual seatwork, they must stay seated at their desk and complete the work given. @uiet conversations about the task at hand may occur but if students are unable to hold these conversations and complete work, then the work will become silent for the day. When individual students fully complete the assignment, they can choose to work on other homework for other classes or read a pleasure book 1uietly. 4 After discussing them and making them clear, write the procedure on an sheet of paper and post on the wall. 4 After today, students will receive a handout with all " procedures outlined. They should put this in the front section of their folders for this class. by ;

(ative American and :uropean 7irst :ncounters 4

Column 1 Source: Source: Column 2 Source: Column 3




Response: Response: Response:

Connection: I wonder:

Now that I know: I want to know:

Im interested in knowing

Differentiation Differentiation for my students will be based on their individual needs and preferences. 7or e)ample, students with individual education plans will have very specific differentiation as defined by the intervention specialist, school counselor, and parents. I will follow these suggested adaptations and further change them as needed. 7or other students, differentiation will not 2ust be based on cognitive level, but also ability to work with others, learning style, and so on. I will use the autobiography sheet, student files, classroom observations and multiple intelligences profiles to inform my planning. Assessments I plan to use a wide range of formal and informal assessments over the course of each school year. This will include 1ui,,es, long4term pro2ects, research pro2ects, student presentations, e)it slips, observations and a number of other methods. I will use this variety of assessments to eliminate assessment bias and make sure every student is able to demonstrate their learning regardless of their academic strengths and weaknesses. While tests can be one method of assessing student understanding, I do not believe it is the most appropriate for my classroom so will rely more on other measures like portfolios.

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