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Romanticism in Spanish & English Traditions

Elizabeth Ibanez Michael Terrero Zuleida Pascual Luis Perez Oscar Bello

What is Romanticism?

A movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual.
The slave Ship Joseph Mallord William Turner

Romanticism Is Not Always Love.

Characteristics of Romanticism.

Nature Nationalism Fantasy vs. Reality Supernatural Death Liberalism Mystery

Adventure and Mystery.

Caspar David Friedrich: Wanderer Above The Sea Of Fog (left) & The Abbey in the Oakwood (right).

Freedom And Death.

Thomas Cole: The Third of May & leonardo Alenza Y Nieto: Satire on Romantic Suicide .

Adventure and Suffering.

Andy Simmons: Adventures, Digital Painting & Francisco Goya: The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

Jos Mara Heredia.

He was born in Santiago de Cuba in December 31 of 1803.
When he was a little boy, his family moved to Santo Domingo.

In november 1823, he joined the secret society: Los Soles Y Rayos De Bolvar
The conspiracy was discovered and Jose Heredia scaped as a sailor to Boston and lived in Philadelphia and New York. He died in Mexico in May 7, 1839.

Jos de Espronceda y Delgado.

He was born in Almendralejo, badajoz province. He formed a secret society, conspiring against Ferdinand VII and intending to avenge the death of Rafael del Riego Y Nunez. For this, he was imprisoned in a monastery and then he was exiled.

Having been inspired to a literary career by his teacher Alberto Lista, Espronceda began to write a lot of historical poems like: El estudiante de Salamanca, and Diablo Mundo. Long lyric poems such like: El Verdugo, Cancion Del Cosaco, La Cancion Del Pirata and Himno Al Sol. He died in May 23, 1842.

Gustavo Adolfo Bcquer.

Orphaned by the age of 11, becquer was strongly influenced by his painter brother, Valeriano. He moved to Madrid in 1854 in pursuit of literary career. From 1861-1868 he contributed to the newspaper El contemporaneo Becquer`s major literary works consist of nearly 100 Rimas (Rhymes), a series of 20 leyendas (Legends) in prose, and the literary essays of `Cartas Desde Mi Celda` (1864 Letters From My Cell). His Rimas are probably his best-known works, are sensitive, restrained, and deeply subjective.

He died in December 22, 1870 in Madrid

Individual Poem: Elizabeth.

Dices que tienes corazon
Dices que tienes corazon,y solo lo dices porque sientes sus latidos. Eso no es corazn..; es una mquina, que, al comps que se mueve,hace ruido.
Gustavo Adolfo Bcquer

Individual Poem: Michael.

Rima IX
Besa el aura que gime blandamente las leves ondas que jugando riza; el sol besa la nube en occidente y de prpura y oro la matiza; la llama en derredor del tronco ardiente por besar a otra llama se desliza; y hasta el sauce, inclinndose a su peso al ro que le besa, vuelve un beso.

-Gustavo Adolfo Bcquer.

Individual Poem: Oscar.

Solitario,triste y mudo hallase aquel cementerio; sus habitantes no lloran Que felices son los muertos!

Individual Poem: Luis.

En cuestin de palabras y,

no obstante,ni tu ni yo jams,
despues de lo pasado ,convendremos en quien la culpa esta.

Lastima que el Amor un diccionario

no tenga donde hallar cuando el orgullo es simplemente

orgullo y cuando es dignidad!

Individual Poem: Zuleida

Rima XI
Yo soy ardiente , yo soy morena, yo soy el smbolo de la pasin; de ansia de goces mi alma est llena. - A mi me buscas ? -No es a ti; no. Mi frente es plida; mis trenzas de oro: puedo brindarte dichas sin fin; yo de ternura guardo un tesoro. Yo soy un sueo, un imposible, vano fantasma de la niebla y luz; soy incorprea, soy intangible; no puedo amarte. -Oh, ven; ven tu.

-A mi me llamas ? -No; no es a ti.

William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth was a major English Romantic poet who helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with the 1798 joint publication Lyrical Ballads.

He was born April 7, 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland.

The World is too Much with Us by William Wordsworth

And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers, The world is too much with us; late and soon, For this, for everything, we are out of tune; It moves us not. Great God! I'd rather be A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn; So might I, standing on this pleasant lea, Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn; Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea; Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.

Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;

Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon, The winds that will be howling at all hours,

Key Words
Sordid =disgusting= Asqueroso. Bares= Naked=Desnudas. Bone=Blessing=Bendicion. Suckled=Amamantar.

outworn= Out of date= fuera de fecha. wreathed= Surround it= Rodeado

http://www.poesi.as/Gustavo_Adolfo_Becquer.htm http://marialiteraturaap.jimdo.com/romanticismo-y-realismo/romanticismo-pinturas/



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