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What is creativity? I will use ball. Definition:

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. Doing things in different way. Creativity is not only decoration. Use paper & color for game.

What is the need of creativity?

1. God has created us in this manner. (Creative) 2. Life will be dull without it. 3. God is creative; He created us in His image. (Our God is God of verity, He made different flowers, birds, fishes, plants, etc) 4. God has made us versatile 5. Creativity gives a purpose. 6. Just imagine life without creativity. (same food daily, same dress, same song, everything same daily)

Only human can use it. Important areas for creativity;

1. Personal: Me & God- (Quiet time, prayer, Study the word of God) , Me & myself- (Identify our talents, gifts), Me & others (Communication, Language,) 2. Family: Relationships. Decoration, Cooking, 3. Ministry: Bible studies, Sermons, Visiting students, Inviting them etc. Some Biblical examples:

1. God (creation)(decoration) 2. Esther (communication)

3. Tabitha (stitching) 4.Jesus(using examples & parable)

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