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8AILL nAMIL1CN 4420 Great Cak koad kockv|||e, MD 208S3

hone: 301-461-3739 L-Ma||: bham||ton3Qe|on.edu

Elon 0niveisity Nay 2u14
Bacheloi of Aits in Stiategic Communications Elon, NC
Ninoi in Ait
Stuuy Abioau: Floience, Italy Fall 2u12
+!%"!,-.'/ %)" ')0(+0!1!)&
E-Talk Executive Boaiu Wintei 2u12- Piesent
"# $%%&'()*+%& *)' ,-%. /*)*.0& Elon, NC
Wiite anu euit blog content
Bevelopeu anu implementeu new Naiketing Stiategy anu mateiials
Nanage all social meuia as well as the blog
Reseaich, book anu piepaie E-talk guests
BeiCampus.com August 2u1S- Piesent
$%)+&(12+(). 32+4%&
Wiite an aveiage of S pieces a month
Repoit on what is going on at Elon, cuiient tienus, people to know, oi anything ielevant to
a college stuuent
Naintain a Peisonal Blog }anuaiy 2u14 - Piesent
Nembeis of the Bei Campus Bloggei Netwoik
Attiact steauy site visitois anu followeis
Post biweekly
SpacesaveiInfolinx uioup Becembei 2u1S- Febiuaiy 2u14
<*-09 =)+0&) Kensington, NB
Shauoweu Infolinx Sales Team
0bseiveu client meetings anu sales calls
Netwoikeu anu attenueu inuustiy events anu conventions
Contiibuteu to the company iebianuing anu website ieuesign piocess
Peifoimeu colu calls as follow ups to an Inuustiy Tiaue Show
Wiote anu piepaieu piofessional Naiketing Nateiials
ueoigetown Events }une 2u1S- Septembei 2u1S
/*&>0+(). *)' <*-09 =)+0&) ueoigetown, B.C.
Implementeu anu manageu all social meuia to attiact customeis anu piomote the venues
Besigneu anu cieateu online oiueiing foims
Reseaicheu anu aiueu in the cieation of Event Sponsoiship Packages foi potential investois
Planneu anu manageu piivate anu coipoiate events incluuing paities, meetings, anu festivals
Reseaicheu anu puichaseu the social meuia app, "Stealz" to moie effectively engage customeis
Acteu as an outlet foi customei feeuback anu helpeu to impiove customei ielations
Waitei on the Way Becembei 2u12-Febiuaiy 2u1S
"21-(; #0-*+(%)9 =)+0&) uaitheisbuig, NB
Bevelopeu anu executeu a social meuia stiategy to engage customeis
anu expanu client base
Cieateu piomotional mateiials incluuing flieis anu biochuies
2(,3 .'-&(,4
}.Ciew Febiuaiy 2u1S- Piesent
<*-09 399%;(*+0 uieensboio, NC
The Pink Palm Nay 2u11-Piesent (seasonal)
<*-09 399%;(*+0 Bethesua, NB
Eaineu the 2u12 Regional NvP awaiu

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