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In consideration for participating in FaisMaque Recreations and other valuable consideration. I hereby RELEASE !AI"E #IS$%AR&E A'# $('"E'A') '() )( S*E FaisMaque Recreation and+or any e,ployees -hereinafter referred to as RELEASEES. fro, any and all liability clai,s de,ands actions and causes of action /hatsoever arising out of or related to any loss da,age or in0ury including death that ,ay be sustained by ,e or to any property belonging to ,e !%E)%ER $A*SE# 12 )%E 'E&LI&E'$E (F )%E RELEASEES or other/ise /hile participating in such activity or /hile in on or upon the pre,ises /here the activity is being conducted or in transportation to and fro, said pre,ises. 3. )o the best of ,y 4no/ledge I can fully participate in this activity. I a, fully a/are of ris4s and ha5ards connected /ith the activity including but not li,ited to the ris4s as noted herein and I hereby elect to voluntarily participate in said activity and to enter the above6na,ed pre,ises and engage in such activity 4no/ing that the activity ,ay be ha5ardous to ,e and ,y property. I "(L*')ARIL2 ASS*ME F*LL RES7('SI1ILI)2 F(R A'2 RIS8S (F L(SS 7R(7ER)2 #AMA&E (R 7ERS('AL I'9*R2 I'$L*#I'& #EA)% that ,ay be sustained by ,e or any loss or da,age to property o/ned by ,e as a result of being engaged in such an activity !%E)%ER $A*SE# 12 )%E 'E&LI&E'$E (F RELEASEES or other/ise. :. I further hereby A&REE )( I'#EM'IF2 A'# %(L# %ARMLESS )%E RELEASEES fro, any loss liability da,age or costs including court costs and attorney;s fees that ,ay incur due to ,y participation in said activity !%E)%ER $A*SE# 12 'E&I&E'$E (R RELEASEES or other/ise.

<. It is ,y e=press intent that this Release and %old %ar,less Agree,ent shall bind the ,e,bers of ,y fa,ily and spouse -if any. if I a, alive and ,y heirs assigns and personal representative if I a, not alive shall be dee,ed as a RELEASE !AI"ER #IS$%AR&E A'# $("E'A') '() )( S*E the above na,ed RELEASEEES. I hereby further agree that this !aiver of Liability and %old %ar,less Agree,ent shall be construed in accordance /ith the la/s of the State of 'e/ 9ersey. >. I *'#ERS)A'# )%A) )%E FAISMA?*E RE$REA)I('S !ILL '() 1E RES7('SI1LE F(R A'2 ME#I$AL $(S)S ASS($IA)E# !I)% A' I'9*R2 I MA2 S*S)AI'. @. I further agree to beco,e fa,iliar /ith the rules and regulations of the Fais,aque Recreations concerning ,e,ber conduct and not to violate said rules or any directive or instruction ,ade by the person or persons in charge of said activity and that I /ill further assu,e the co,plete ris4 of any activity done in violation of any rule or directive or instruction. A. I also understand that I should and a, urged by FaisMaque Recreations to obtain adequate health and accident insurance to cover any personal in0ury to ,yself /hich ,ay be sustained during the activity or the transportation to and fro, said activity. B. I ALS( *'#ERS)A'# )%A) )%E 7AR)I$I7A')S ARE I'#I"I#*ALL2 RE7S('SI1LE F(R #AMA&E )( )%E FA$ILI)IES A'# )%E A))E'#I'& S7('S(R S%ALL 1E RES7('SI1LE F(R S*7ER"ISI(' (F 7AR)I$I7A')S A))E'#I'& !I)% SAI# S7('S(R. FAISMA?*E RE$REA)I('S IS '() RES7('SI1LE F(R S*7ER"ISI(' (F 7AR)I$I7A')S. POSSIBLE IN !RIES WHI"H MAY O""!R

)here are ris4s involved /hen participating in the follo/ing sports progra, offeredC Fais,aque Recreations sports leagues and recreational activities. So,e of the possible in0uries and bodily har, /hich can occur through participation in the progra,s are listed belo/. )his list is provided to ,a4e the prospective participant a/are of the possibilities of in0uries /hich ,ay be sustained. )he individual is co,pletely responsible for his+her o/n safety and health. 7(SSI1LE I'9*RIESC stains sprains pulls tears cra,ps infection rashes vo,iting bruises contusions /ounds -abrasions incisions lacerations punctures avulsions. insect bites dislocation blisters nosebleeds bro4en bones fractures cho4ing respiratory or heart failure heat e=haustion heat stro4e fainting nerve da,age shoc4 paralysis concussion and in an e=tre,e case6death. 1(#2 AREAS !%I$% MA2 1E AFFE$)E# (R I'"(L"E# I' S7(R)S I'9*RIESC head face eye ear 0a/ teeth ,outh nec4 nose chest abdo,inal bac4 ar,s elbo/ hands fingers /rist shoulders genital organs scalp bones leg 4nee hip an4le feet toes internal organs nerves ,uscles liga,ents cartilage 0oints tendons spinal cord arteries and veins brain. I+,y child have revie/ed the above infor,ation and a, a/are of the ris4s in participating in sports progra,s and the possible in0uries /hich ,ay occur. I+,y child freely and voluntarily agree to participate in any and+or all of the activities listed here /hich are offered in the FaisMaque Recreations sports leagues and recreational activities.

I' SI&'I'& )%IS RELEASE I A$8'(!LE#&E A'# RE7RESE') )%A) I have read the foregoing !aiver of Liability and %old %ar,less Agree,ent understand it and

sign it voluntarily as ,y o/n free act and deedD no oral representations state,ents or induce,ents apart fro, the foregoing /ritten agree,ent have been ,adeD I a, at least eighteen -1B. years of age and fully co,petentD and I e=ecute this Release for full adequate and co,plete consideration fully intending to be bound by sa,e. I' !I)'ESS !%ERE(F I have hereunto set ,y had on thisEEEEEEEday of EEEEEEEEEEEEEE 3FEEE. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 7articipant EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 7arent ,ust sign if under 1B 2ears old

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