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Cari Golden, Rhonda Nolin, & Suzanne Sullins!

LM555 - BIG6 Lesson Plan

What is an infographic?
Visual representations of information, data and knowledge. An infographic contains integrated text which combines paragraphs, headings, visual elements and design features that support and give context to one another. An infographic contains nonlinguistic interpretations - mental pictures, graphic representations of information, and even physical sensations.

Why use infographics?

It promotes visual literacy, which is the ability to create, interpret, negotiate, and make meaning from information presented in the form of an image. Infographics can be used to display your assignment by summarizing the results of your research. The process of an infographic creation tests your skills in sketching/ planning, researching and distilling large amount of data, as well as graphic literacy. The ultimate goal is to present a lot of complex information in an easy to read format.

How do you create an infographic?

First we will look at different types of simple infographics. We will also look at more complex infographics that encompass a complete concept and all of the elements related to the concept. These will be the type of infographics you will be creating for your linear equation/slope research project.

Cari Golden, Rhonda Nolin, & Suzanne Sullins!

LM555 - BIG6 Lesson Plan

Types of SIMPLE Infographics


Timelines ! !

Word Art

Cari Golden, Rhonda Nolin, & Suzanne Sullins!

LM555 - BIG6 Lesson Plan


Tables, Graphs, Flowcharts and Webs

Cari Golden, Rhonda Nolin, & Suzanne Sullins!

LM555 - BIG6 Lesson Plan

Examples of Infographics
INFORMATIONAL Source: http://www.youthandmedia.org

Cari Golden, Rhonda Nolin, & Suzanne Sullins!

LM555 - BIG6 Lesson Plan

TIMELINE Source: http://www.instantshift.com/2009/06/07/infographic-designs-overviewexamples-and-best-practices/

STATISTICAL BASED Source: http://www.instantshift.com/2009/06/07/infographic-designs-overviewexamples-and-best-practices/

Cari Golden, Rhonda Nolin, & Suzanne Sullins!

LM555 - BIG6 Lesson Plan

FLOWCHART Source: http://www.labnol.org/internet/credit-images-owchart/18943/ The handy owchart style poster should help you decide whether or not you can a particular image on your website. If yes, the poster also suggest way on how you can properly credit the original source of the photograph.

Cari Golden, Rhonda Nolin, & Suzanne Sullins!

LM555 - BIG6 Lesson Plan


1. Determine your topic (one that relates to linear equations or slope) 2. Follow the steps in the BIG 6 research model.

*As you gather data:

Think about HOW you are going to refine your data and in what way you will represent the data. A fundamental aspect of this project is that information graphics are interesting because they reveal differences. For this reason refining them and representing the data derived from their statistical treatment often reveals aspects that otherwise would be confusing, which often leads to wrong conclusions. Once data is refined you will have to choose the most effective visual representation or type of infographic. *As you create your infographic: Remember layout, textures and typography effect the overall feel of your design. Typography is one of the most important key aspects of any design project. Among other things, effective typography can enrich the visual appearance by adding graphical elements with the written word. Also remember that varying the colors, reducing the saturation of what is less important and increasing it for the most relevant data, modifying the typography, the size of fonts, eliminating everything that doesnt contribute to showing and clarifying the data (irrelevant grids, redundant data, and unnecessary labels) without losing relevant information sometimes provides surprisingly improved results

Cari Golden, Rhonda Nolin, & Suzanne Sullins!

LM555 - BIG6 Lesson Plan

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