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Anticipation guides are used to pre-assess what students on a given subject. Unlike a KWL, which is completely openended, an anticipation guide presents students with a number of statements to either agree or disagree with. The statements that are presented should be directly linked to the key concepts of the content to be taught. This may be used to preface a unit or a single lesson. Once the students have responded to all of the given statements independently, they will share and discuss their answers with the class. Once all the material has been covered, the anticipation guide will be revisited and corrections will be made as needed.

Content Application
Science: Students will be presented with a sheet with several statements pertaining to birds on it. They must agree or disagree with these statements. Some examples would be Birds are the only animals that lay eggs, Not all birds can fly, Bats are a type of bird, and All birds build nests. Students will be given 5 minutes to read over these statements and either agree or disagree with them, marked with an A or a D, respectively. Once all students have answered, the class will discuss their answers. Students will then take a virtual field trip to the National Aviary and conduct research on different types of birds. Once the lesson is over, the class will review their answers from the Anticipation Guide and make any necessary changes.

Intelligence Style

Anticipation Guide


Verbal-Linguistic: Students must read the statements presented to them and respond to them. Intrapersonal: Students must reflect on prior knowledge to respond to the presented statements in a manner they feel is correct. Naturalist: Students must access prior knowledge about nature in order to respond to the statements given.

Students will be given the same statements as above; however, students will have to provide at least one example to support their decision, whether or not they agree or disagree.

Students will be allowed to work in pairs to answer the statements presented above.


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