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Welcome to AOS43, If you are new to AOS43 you should know that we (Alternative Organizational Structure 43 are an entity

that com!ines the school districts of SA"4# and SA"3#, overseeing and $roviding central office and educational% administrative%!usiness services for ten towns, si& schools and nearly #,3'' students( AOS43 came into e&istence in )uly of *'##( +ow in our third year, we are $roud of the initiatives that we have develo$ed and are em!arking u$on( Some of the highlights of our three year e&istence are, - .el$ing to restore financial sta!ility to SA"3#( - /sta!lishing an AOS wide administrative team (A 0eam that oversees all educational initiatives in the two district region( - 1reation of an AOS wide curriculum coordinator $osition to hel$ lead and advance federal, state and local educational initiatives( -1reation of our AOS43 2rofessional 3rowth 2lan to su$$ort the im$lementation of a new system of teacher and leader evaluation and $rofessional growth(

- 4ormation of an AOS wide $olicy committee to review and u$date $olicies for our two districts( We are currently com$leting enrollment studies for !oth districts in order to e&amine long range $lanning for the entire region and for our schools( 1heck the new AOS43 We!site $eriodically to learn more a!out current AOS43 activities and undertakings( 4inally, I would like to thank the two district !oard chair$ersons, "onald 1rossman of 5ilo (SA"4# and 2amela .atch of /nfield (SA"3# ( 0hey have continually $rovided a sense of reasona!leness and calm, sta!ility and common sense to the educational undertakings of the region( Without this leadershi$ educational initiatives !ecome difficult to advance( We are fortunate to have "on and 2am at the helm of our two !oards( 0hank you !oth for your commitment to the future of our students(

Sincerely, 5ichael 1( Wright Su$erintendent of AOS43 Schools

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