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Mapping the Ethical Experience

December 10, 2013 9:02 AM

Ethics - The philosophical study of morality. 4 experiences of ethics: The Scream - Gut response to a situation; Experience of personal response The Beggar - The Face. Calls us to compassion; Experience of the other I have to - 'Deontology' This is intolerable - Experience of contrast; Just like stepping up to a bully Philosophers Immanuel Kant - 1724-1804 Deontology - To follow the rules without Q's. Moral stance that judges actions by rules. Emmanuel Levinas The Face - Interactions/Actions based upon seeing the troubles of another and feeling responsibility. Goodness is responsibility for others, even if it sometimes bends the rules. Aristotle Teleology - To follow the rules because they have an ultimate purpose. Design + Purpose Six aspects of a person 1. Direction in Life 4. Other people are important 2. Communication & Language 5. Character & One's Body 3. Conscience 6. Development of the Conscience How the environment affects us Determinism - The way we were raised, our friends. Pre-Destination - No choices life is preplanned for you. Naturalism - We're all just 'protein cogs' life doesn't matter. Do what you want nothing matters in 100 years. Freewill - Determines you as a person Intentions - What you want to do Motives - Completely choices. What you want to happen

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