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Adult health nursing, case 2,trigger 4, part of task 3, Urinary problem

# retention may occurs postoperative

# causes of retention:

1- Anesthesia depress on the nervous system this allows the bladder to fill more
completely than normal before the urge to void is felt

2- Anticholinergic ( atropine) & Opoid ( pethidine)interfere with the ability to

initiate voiding ot to empty bladder completely

Dx: urinary retention related to horizontal position, pain, fear or surgical procedure

Goal: monitor for signs of urinary retention


- asses for bladder pain and distention

- percuss bladder routinely for 48 hrs postoperatively

- notify physician if pt doesn’t urinate within 6 hrs after surgery to asses for distention

- position the pt in a normal position for voiding

- use appropriate pain measures and provide privacy to reduce anxiety so voiding will be

Mo0o0ony Dalloul l ^_^

Adult health nursing, case 2,trigger 4, part of task 3, Urinary problem

# retention may occurs postoperative

# causes of retention:

1- Anesthesia depress on the nervous system this allows the bladder to fill more
completely than normal before the urge to void is felt

2- Anticholinergic ( atropine) & Opoid ( pethidine)interfere with the ability to

initiate voiding ot to empty bladder completely

Dx: urinary retention related to horizontal position, pain, fear or surgical procedure

Goal: monitor for signs of urinary retention


- asses for bladder pain and distention

- percuss bladder routinely for 48 hrs postoperatively

- notify physician if pt doesn’t urinate within 6 hrs after surgery to asses for distention

- position the pt in a normal position for voiding

- use appropriate pain measures and provide privacy to reduce anxiety so voiding will be

Mo0o0ony Dalloul l ^_^

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