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Cabriolet Top Replacement Experience Forrest King Warning: Any attempt to repair you car may cause problems.

I am not responsible for your car, your errors, or your economic losses resulting from your use of t is information. !" fol"s, I #ri$e a %&&% Cabriolet t at originally came 'it a #ar" blue can$as top. After sitting for a fe' years ' ile t e pre$ious o'ner 'as inn possession, t e top 'as a bit #ilapi#ate#. T e can$as 'as torn left to rig t all t e 'ay across t e top at t e first fol# point (about % foot aft of t e ea#er). I s oppe# aroun# in my region an# 'as *uote# astronomical prices for t e replacement of +ust t e outer ,s ell-, any' ere from ./01 at an up olstery s op to .%233 at 4ra# 5oe 6W in Tulsa, !K. After pea"ing 'it one of t e local up olstery s ops on t e p one I stoppe# by to c ec" out t eir operation an# let t em see t e tops actual con#ition. T is is ' en I #eci#e# to replace t e top myself7 t e guy 'as going on an# on about o' muc experience you nee# to #o t is repair an# o' 6W tops are by far t e most #ifficult, an# t en I met is s op elp. T e s op elp 'as %0 an# 'as in #esperate nee# of some e#ucation, e a# been 'or"ing for t e guy for 8 'ee"s an# 'as in t e process of replacing a 9ustang top7 alone. :RE:ARATI!5 (p ysical an# mental) ;ome re*uire# "no'le#ge: T e 6W top is el# on by t ree cables, one at t e bac" an# t'o on t e si#es. T e si#e cables must be replace# an# are a$ailable at your local 6W <ealers ip for about .%% =;. T e rear cable can be reuse# an# you 'ill most li"ely 'ant to #o t is as it costs .&2 =; at your #ealer. T e best place to learn about t e 6W top is t e replacement top. I suggest you lay it out on your li$ing room floor an# +ust ta"e it in for a fe' minutes. >ou 'ill notice t at t ere is no ole for t e rear 'in#o', <! 5!T TR> T! 9AKE !5E 5!W. >ou 'ill also notice t at t ere is a ,poc"et- at t e front of t e ne' top, t is is ' ere t e top is slippe# o$er t e frame on your car, it is t e attac ment point for t e front of t e car. >ou 'ill see a t ic" bea# stitc e# into t e rear of t e rear of t e replacement top, t is is ' ere t e rear cable runs an# is t e attac ment point for t e rear of t e top. T e si#es a$e slots t at run ? t e lengt of t e entire top, or t e area o$er t e 'in#o's if you can picture t is. T ese slots are for t e si#e cables, t ese cables an# t eir accompanying springs are t e attac ments for t e si#es of t e top. I searc e# locally an# on t e internet for ot er people ' o a# replace# 6W Cabby tops t emsel$es an# foun# a fe' great references, I 'ill inclu#e t ese lin"s at t e en#. After $ie'ing t eir reports I create# a list of tools t at I 'oul# nee#, it inclu#e# all of t ese: ;cre'#ri$ers, : illips an# flat =tility Knife (or ra@or) Craftsman &mmA%3mm offset ratcheting wrench (pt B C22/0) Wooden clot espin ;pray Dlue, 29 or ot er reputable bran#, get t e strongest bon#. :liers, nee#le nose preferably

Electric staple gun ('it staples an# extension cor# if nee#e#) Roll of nylon string7 not cotton an# not rope 9iscellaneous ot er an# tools, inclu#ing 'renc es an# soc"ets. A critical tool in t e replacement of my top 'as t e Craftsman !ffset Ratc eting Wrenc , it brings a certain amount of ease to a orribly #ifficult situation. Rea# !n. To start, remo$e t e lo'er benc of t e rear seat, it is el# in by 8 scre's on t e front lip of t e seat7 t at-s all. Remo$e t e pac"age tray, t at is t e piece co$ere# in carpet t at i#es t e contents of your trun". Fol# #o'n t e rear seat, you #o t is by pulling t e "nob i##en un#er t e trun" #oor an# t en pulling t e strap locate# on t e si#e of t e rear seatbac" near t e top. Eea$e t e trun" li# open. T e seat bac" s oul# fol# #o'n nearly flat. Remo$ing all of t ese components 'ill create more 'or"ing area in your car an# gi$e you places to contort your bo#y ' ile attempting to remo$e t e rear cable. 5o' loo" un#er t e pac"age tray si#es (t e parts t at remaine# in t e car), you 'ill see t e ea#liner is stretc e# o$er some points to ol# it tig t. Drasp t e ea#liner an# pull is firmly but gently in t e #irection of t e points to remo$e it. After you #o t is to all of t e points t e ea#liner 'ill ang loosely from t e top. Roll #o'n all of t e 'in#o's. :op t e latc es for t e top but #o not fol# t e top yet. 5o' is a goo# time to loo" at t e si#e cables of your top7 stu#y t em, ma"e #ra'ings, ta"e pictures7 ' ate$er you nee# to #o in or#er to create t at same setup later. RE9!6AE !F TFE EI< 5ote: In t is section I am going to co$er t e remo$al of t e top. T e 6W Cabby top goes on in exactly t e same manner t at it comes off, so once again stu#y, ta"e notes or ta"e pictures. I foun# t e best 'ay 'as +ust to loo" at o' t e pieces 'or"e# an# un#erstan# t e system of parts. First, t e rear 'in#o' must be remo$e#. T is is a $ery simple use of brute strengt . Cra'l insi#e t e car an# a$e a frien# stan# outsi#e of t e car at t e rear 'in#o'. :lace t e palm of you an#, 'it as muc surface area of your an# contacting t e glass as possible, on t e rear 'in#o' at t e upper corner. :=;F. T e glass 'ill slo'ly start to come out of t e seal an# 'ill come rig t out after you release t e initial ol# of t e seal. Fa$e your bu##y catc t e 'in#o' if you become o$er@ealous in your pus ing efforts, ot er'ise a$e im gently tug at t e glass to free it. 5o' pull t e 'in#o' seal out an# set it asi#e. Det your flat ea# scre'#ri$er an# remo$e ALL of t e staples t at ol# t e ol# top to t e rear 'in#o' frame (yes fol"s, t ey staple# it toget er). !nce you remo$e t e staples you can loo" aroun# t e insi#e of t e top7 stu#y up. 5ext, remo$e as muc of t e top as you can 'it your an#y utility "nife. To remo$e t e center section 'oul# be more t an enoug . Remember you are t ro'ing t is ol# top a'ay, so feel free to sacrifice it in or#er to learn as muc as you can. I suggest cutting it from about % foot be in# t e ea#er, #o'n t e seams along eac si#e, an# across t e bac" +ust belo' t e rear 'in#o' frame.

At t e front of t e top t ere is a metal bar t at crosses t e ea#er, it as some brac"ets t at ol# t e corners on also. ;tart by remo$ing t e brac"ets at t e corners an# placing t e ar#'are in plastic @ipper bags, or $isually separating t em on a counter or ot er 'or" surface. Remo$e t e corner brac"ets an# t en remo$e all of t e scre's ol#ing t e ea#er bar. >ou s oul# t en be able to pull t e ea#er bar off, ta"ing care not to ben# it. 5o' mo$e you focus to t e si#es of t e top. >ou 'ill notice t at t ere are rubber seals co$ering t e area ' ere scre's 'oul# be. T ese rubber seals sli#e out of t eir brac"ets, but be $ery careful as t ey are no longer a$ailable from t e #ealer an# are $ery expensi$e to locate. !nce you a$e sli# out all t ree of t e seals on eac si#e you 'ill see t e metal brac"ets t at ol# t e seals an# you s oul# be able to see t e scre's t at ol# t e brac"et to t e top frame. !n some cars t e scre's 'ere co$ere# 'it tape t at ma"es a stic"y mess ' en you try to remo$e it. 4ut alas, t e scre's must be remo$e#. After you remo$e all of t e brac"ets you 'ill t en notice t at t e top is also glue# to t e frame, notice o' t is is #one because 'e 'ill be putting t e replacement top on in t e same fas ion. :eel t e top off of t e frame an# loo" aroun# insi#e. 5otice t e spring tensioners for t e si#e cables. 5o' is a goo# time to remo$e t e si#e cables. =se your nee#le nose pliers to remo$e t e cables at t e front an# t en slip t em off at t e rear spring. :ull t e springs out, but notice ' ere t ey came from. >ou 'ill nee# t ese ol# si#e cables to ma"e t e ne' si#e cables t e correct lengt 7 #o not cut t em or t ro' t em a'ay, you may a$e to cut t e top to get t em out. 5o' you s oul# be able to remo$e most of t e top, if you cut t e top li"e I suggeste# abo$e you 'ill be able to remo$e e$eryt ing except t e last fe' inc es of t e rear. T ese last fe' inc es of t e rear are ' ere t e cable is ol#ing t e top on. T is cable is insi#e of a lip t at is forme# into t e car c assis, t e top is lai# o$er t e lip, an# t en t e cable o$er t e top. T e cable is pulle# tig t an# it suc"s t e top into t e groo$e create# by t e lip7 a neat little setup by 9r. Karmann. To remo$e t is cable you a$e to cra'l insi#e t e car an# lie on your bac". T e en# of t e cable is locate# be in# t e rear 'in#o' an# #o'n insi#e t e bo#y of t e car. =se t e %3mm ratc eting offset 'renc to loosen t e nut on t e en# of t e cable. If you inten# to reuse t is cable it is imperati$e t at you use a bac"up 'renc ' ile loosening t is cable (an# ' en tig tening it later) ot er'ise you 'ill t'ist t e en# off of it an# a## %33 #ollars to your bill. !nce t e cable is loose at one en# s'itc to t e ot er si#e an# remo$e t at nut, it s oul# be easier no'. After remo$ing bot nuts retreat to t e outsi#e of t e car. <rin" a <os E*uis, you #eser$e it. :ull on t e last scrap of t e top t at is still on t e car, you 'ill be pulling out t e cable also. 5otice o' t e cable lays o$er t e top an# o' t ese t'o fit into t e groo$e belo' t e lip7 stu#y, ta"e pictures, ' ate$er. >ou a$e no' remo$e# t e entire top. :lace t e rear cable in a safe area 'it its correspon#ing nuts. 4oy you are scre'e# if it starts raining. RE:EACE9E5T !F TFE EI< >ou are more t an alf 'ay #one, if you a$e ta"en t e time to obser$e t e met o#s use# to attac t e top you 'ill a$e no problems from ere on out. 5o' ta"e t e top an# put it o$er t e empty frame. <o not try to put t e frame in t e poc"et, or #o anyt ing rig t no', +ust place t e top on t e car an# $isuali@e ' at you are #oing. It loo"s nice #oesn-t it.

To start t e operation you 'ill nee# to put t e top bac" on t e groun#. Do fin# t e si#e cables you sa$e# from earlier, an# t e ne' cables you boug t at t e #ealers ip. T e ne' cables came straig t (not pre crimpe#). Ta"e t is time to put a crimp on t e en#s of t e cable an# fis a string or fis tape t ru t e slot in t e replacement top. Tape t e en# of t e ne' cable to t e fis tape an# pull it t ru. Eet t e cable sit t ere *uietly for no'. :lace t e ne' top bac" on t e frame, t is time seat t e frame in t e poc"et of t e top. 5o' is t e time to attac t e ea#er bar. 4e careful an# try to get t e front bea# of t e top to sit flat against t e 'in#s iel# frame. If you mess up #on-t 'orry, you can re #o t is later to get t e front e#ge of t e top to seat correctly. >ou 'ill most li"ely be #oing t is ' ile stan#ing on your front seats 'it t e top in a alf open position. Eea$e t e top in t is alf open position an# ea# to t e bac" of t e car. >ou are no' going to t rea# t e rear cable t roug t e slots in t e top an# into t e bo#y of t e car. T is step is frustrating because t e top can pop out of position an# be generally #ifficult, if your elper as not consume# all of your beer use im to ol# t e top an# cable in place. >ou may fin# it easier to t rea# t e cable t roug t e top on one si#e only an# t en slip insi#e of t e car an# scre' a nut on t e en# of t e cable +ust a fe' t rea#s. >ou can t en return outsi#e an# continue trying to line up t e top an# t e cable. T e i#ea ere is to a$e t e cable sit +ust abo$e t e bea# on t e rear of t e top an# #irectly o$er t e groo$e. If you can get t is to line up you are #oing great. >ou 'ill t en 'ant to slip t e ot er nut onto t e ot er en# of t e cable (if you a$e not alrea#y #one t is in t e course of trying to line it all up). =sing t e bac"up 'renc an# t e ratc eting %3mm put a small amount of tension on t e cable. T e : ysics of tig tening t e cable to #ra' t e top into t e groo$e are all 'rong. >!= WIEE 4REAK TFE CA4EE IF >!= TR> T! :=EE TFE T!: I5T! TFE DR!!6E 4> ;I9:E> TIDFTE5I5D TFE CA4EE. =se t e en# of t e 'oo#en clot espin to get t e top an# cable into t e groo$e, a rubber mallet 'ill elp too, but #on-t tap t e clot espin ar# enoug to tear t e top. >ou can also position t e clot espin on t e cable, t en you a$e to 'orry a little less about tearing t e top, but it re*uires more force to seat t e cable if you c oose t is manner. I suggest you start in t e center an# 'or" your 'ay to eac e#ge. Fa$e your frien# "eep an eye on it, too, an# ma"e sure t e top #oes not go on croo"e#. !nce t e entire cableAtopAgroo$e system is seate# you 'ill nee# to return to t e insi#e an# tig ten t e %3mm nuts, using t e bac"up 'renc , tig ten t is up until you are 'orrie#. T e tig ter t e better, unless you get it too tig t an# t en you a$e to buy a ne' oneG T e si#es an# rear s oul# all tuc" in nicely as you tig ten t is cable, a$e your no' #run" frien# gently use t e clot espin to insure it all fits. 5o', #rin" a fe' <os E*uis yourself, t at nut on t e cable is a bear. (you s oul# be at 2 beers in about C ours so far.) 5o' is t e time to close t e top. >ou 'ant to ma"e sure ' en it latc es t at it pulls t e 'rin"les out of t e top an# loo"s goo#. T e si#es s oul# still be anging loose at t is point. Eoo" at t e front of t e top, ' ere t e bea# of t e top contacts t e 'in#s iel# frame. >ou 'ant t at bea# to be flus an# uniform, so get your : illips scre'#ri$er out an# ma"e a fe' a#+ustments an# see if you can get it to loo" nice. T e si#es are relati$ely easy. If you #i# t e rear cable t en you can #o eart surgery an# ice sculpture7 t e si#es s oul# be a piece of ca"e. Attac t e si#e cables to t e front attac ment point an# t en re7assemble t e spring tensioner assembly. Refer to your pictures, notes or beer bottle #iagrams at t is point to ensure correctness.

Dlue time. Det t e up olstery glue t at you purc ase#, it s oul# be a strong glue t at as a ig release point temperature7 29 is goo#, but a$oi# t eir 00 an# ;uper 00. =se a piece of car#boar# to s iel# t e interior of your car an# spray small amounts of glue to t e frame rails. >ou are applying glue to t e part ' ere t e seals an# seal brac"ets mount, 5!WFERE EE;E. After you apply t e glue pull t e flaps on t e top aroun# t e frame an# stic" t em to t e glue. Follo' t e Dlue 9anufacturers #irections in regar#s to if you s oul# place glue on eac piece to be assemble#, or +ust on one. !nce you a$e satisfactorily positione# eac of t e t ree flaps you are going to install t e seal mounting brac"ets. T ese brac"ets act as a clamp to ensure t at not ing flops loose at 01 9:F. >ou 'ill attac all of t e brac"ets ma"ing sure to place t em in t e correct position an# si#e from ' ic t ey originally cameH 5!, t ey are not all t e same. !nce you a$e attac e# t e brac"ets you 'ill 'ant to use t e utility "nife to remo$e t e excess material on t e insi#e of t e brac"et. Ta"ing your time an# cleaning up really pays off ere, un#er t e oo# it #oesn-t matter too muc , but in up olstery 'or" cleanliness counts to'ar#s functionality. T e seals sli#e into t e seal brac"ets. =sing 6aseline or anot er lubricant is elpful. ;ilicone spray is al'ays a goo# bet ' en trying to lube rubber parts. Ta"e care in replacing t e rubber seals, t in" ..... I a$e seen a use# set of t ese sell for .833I. After you a$e replace# t e si#e rubber seals an# are appy 'it t e 'ay t e front fit you are going to 'ant to trim t e material from beneat t e ea#er bar. Ta"e care to not cut t roug t e ea#liner an# really foul t ings up. >ou s oul# be able to at t is point, close t e top an# get in t e car. >ou s oul# be able to roll up t e 'in#o's, an# sit in peace 'it in t e confines of your car an# #rin" anot er <os E*uis. W ile you are consuming t e a#ult libation you may notice t at you can-t see +ac" out t e rear 'in#o'. T is is because t e rear 'in#o' is sitting on t e lo$e seat in t e family room. >ou can #ri$e your car at t is point an# it loo"s really cool. It appears to be a mix bet'een t e European Dolf 6ans an# a Cabriolet.


T e rear 'in#o' is an easy installation. If you stoppe# an# #ro$e your car for a fe' 'ee"s li"e I #i# t en t is a##itional step s oul# ta"e C1 minutes inclu#ing setup an# installation. If you are continuing on t en it s oul# be anot er 23 minutes or so. Feel aroun# t e rear 'in#o' to figure out ' ere t e frame is, you are going to a$e to cut a ole insi#e t e #imensions of t e rear frame 'it out getting e$en t e slig test bit out of t e lines, I suggest you cut small an# t en staple. >es, staple. >ou s oul# cut an J s ape t roug t e top 'it in t e 'in#o' frame, you are going to nee# to ma"e relief cuts in t e top material at t e corners in or#er to get it to lie #o'n 'it out 'rin"les. TFE T!: 9=;T 4E CE!;E< A5< EATCFE< C!9:EETEE> 4EF!RE C=TTI5D !R ;TA:EI5D. 4e sure to not cut a circle out as t is se$erely limits t e amount of material you a$e left to tug on. >ou 'ill pull t e material taug t an# t en use t e electric staple gun to fire staples t roug t e top material into t e frame of t e 'in#o'. T e frame is 'oo#en if you are 'on#ering, t ey +ust paint it blac" to matc t e interior. 5o' t at you a$e staple# all t e 'ay aroun# t e frame ta"ing care to use at least as many staples as t e factory #i# you are rea# to pop t e rear glass in place. If you a$e e$er installe# a 'in# s iel# into a gas"et type setting t en you are use# to t is. If not, rea# on. Ta"e t e rear 'in#o' gas"et an# install it onto t e rear 'in#o'. Det a roll of nylon string an# 'rap t e string aroun# in t e seal groo$e at least t'ice, if not more. If you a$e ne$er #one t is before you 'ill be 'rapping t e string an# trying o$er, so #on-t fret. If you complete t e follo'ing steps t'ice 'it out success #rin" <os E*uis an# t en come bac" to it. >ou a$e t e string 'rappe# aroun# t e seal, so set t e 'in#o' up against t e outsi#e of t e car. Fa$e your slo'ly sobering bu##y ol# it in place. Cra'l insi#e of t e car an# fin# t e E5< of t e string (not t e beginningG), gently pull t e string at a &3 #egree angle from t e plane of t e glass. T is 'ill roll t e lip of t e seal in an# allo' t e ' ole t ing to seat nicely. >ou 'rappe# t e string t'ice or more so t at parts of t e gas"et #o not roll in on t e first lap aroun# t e 'in#o' t ey 'ill a$e anot er c ance on t e next lap. 6W 'in#o's fit 'ell an# t is s oul# be easy for anyone ' o can butter brea#. CEEA5 =: >ou are no' finis e# replacing t e top. Congratulations. ;en# me pictures: forrest"ingK+uno.com preferably of eac step an# t e complete# #eal. :ut your tools a'ay an# t en go insi#e an# apologi@e to your significant ot er. >ou are a touc too tipsy to #ri$e so maybe a$e a nice #inner at ome or a$e t e pre$iously mentione# significant ot er #ri$e to #inner. I ope t is elps. If you a$e problems 'it my spelling or grammar feel free to ma"e a contribution to'ar#s my tuition: Forrest King, %L30 ;. Mac"son A$e BA, Tulsa, !K 0C%30.

;!=RCE; Top: Worl# =p olstery, %7L3378887&100 . :lease tell t em I sent you. T e la#y ' o ans'ers t e p one is a R=<E, but t e pro#uct is ama@ing an# fits perfectly. 4etter *uality t an MCW itney. I pai# .8%L s ippe# for a $inyl cabriolet grain top in a custom blue. Wrenc : ;ears. 4uy t e #amn 'renc . >ou 'ill t an" me. !nline Resources: ttp:AApages.ct ome.netAfran".$an asteA$'ragtop. tml (a goo# reference) ttp:AA'''.$'interiorsan#tops.comA

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