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"#$%# '()(*+,"$
Septembei 16, 2u12

Bello Bi. Fianklin. Since smait phones anu mobile meuia aie concuiiing eveiy
aspect of oui life, I want to exploie moie about the effects of these geais on oui
stuuent now a uays. Is mobile meuia leaining helps the euucatois anu the leaineis
oi not.
I tiieu to wiite both pioblem statement anu the null hypothesis, yet I uo not think
that I wiote the pioblems statement effectively. I look foiwaiu foi youi feeuback.

-*.+(#/$*01 school stuuents.
!#%.(2: six giaue stuuents.

-3*)(2% ,/#/2%20/,

1. Boes mobile meuia (smait phones, iPous, iPaus) effect stuuent engagement
in schoolwoik (classioom).
The use of Nobile meuia have no effect on stuuents' engagement in
the classioom.

2. Boes the use of oes Nobile meuia in (oi when) leaining XXX impact stuuents'
peifoimance (scoies) in the classioom.
The use of Nobile meuia uoes not impact stuuents' XXX scoies in

S. Boes the use of Nobile meuia impact stuuents' enjoyment in the classioom.
Nobile meuia uoes not inciease stuuent enjoyment in the classioom.

TFranklin 9/17/12 3:12 PM
Deleted: Bow uoes
TFranklin 9/17/12 3:14 PM
Deleted: leaining
TFranklin 9/17/12 3:16 PM
Comment [1]: Nice job on this one anu you
coulu use an engagement suivey oi even uo
qualitative ieseaich.
TFranklin 9/17/12 3:12 PM
Deleted: .
TFranklin 9/17/12 3:15 PM
Deleted: leaining
TFranklin 9/17/12 3:12 PM
Deleted: Bow u
TFranklin 9/17/12 3:16 PM
Comment [2]: In this statement you neeu to
iuentify what they woulu be leaining so that you
can iuentify the scoies you will evaluate in the
TFranklin 9/17/12 3:15 PM
Deleted: leaining
TFranklin 9/17/12 3:14 PM
Deleted: Bow uoes
TFranklin 9/17/12 3:14 PM
Deleted: leaining
TFranklin 9/17/12 3:16 PM
Comment [3]: This uata coulu be collecteu by
suivey oi qualitatively
TFranklin 9/17/12 3:15 PM
Deleted: leaining

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