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MODELING OSMOSIS (LAB) PROBLEM: Which way will water flow when a raw egg is placed in 250ml of vinegar?

HYPOTHESIS: If a raw egg is placed in vinegar (water) and left for four days, then the water will flow from the area of high concentration, across the membrane into an area of low concentration, causing the egg to expand. THEORY: Osmosis is the diffusion of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration across a selectively permeable membrane. The water will flow from the water, across the membrane into the egg because vinegar in the water dissolves the Calcium Carbonate, which is present in the egg. After this, the selectively permeable membrane will be exposed. The vinegar consists of 95% water while the egg consists of only 74% water. Therefore, the water will flow across the selectively permeable membrane, into the egg after the vinegar dissolves the shell. PROCEDURE: 1. Measure circumference of a raw egg using string and a ruler in cm. 2. Place egg in beaker and fill with 150 mL of vinegar. 3. Record observations. 4. Measure circumference for 4 days and record observations. DATA/OBSERVATIONS: DAYS 1 2 CIRCUMFERENCE (cm) 13.2 15.8 LIQUID LEVEL (ml) 300 ml 300 ml OBSERVATIONS o Bubbles collecting on egg. Liquid levels displaced 50 ml. o Liquid level after egg was removed 240 o Egg is floating o Squishy o Cant see embryo o Lots of bubbles and foam on top o Slimy o Shell dissolved o Displaced 90 mls o See Membrane o Bubbles o


290 ml


Carlin, Victoria

Friday, October 11, 2013 8:22:15 AM Pacic Daylight Time


AVERAGE EXPANSION CLASS = 2.6 cm AVERAGE EXPANSION (7th GRADE)= 2.7 cm 100% of the 39 eggs that were tested expanded.

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CONCLUSION In this lab, the question we tested was which way will the water flow if placed in 250ml of water. I hypothesized that that the water would flow into the egg.x The water molecules flowed from an area of high concentration outside the egg, across a selectively permeable membrane to an area of low concentration inside the egg, causing the egg to expand 3.1 cm. Our groups egg expanded more than the class average, which was 2.6

Carlin, Victoria

Friday, October 11, 2013 8:22:15 AM Pacic Daylight Time


cm and the grade average, which is 2.7 cm. My hypothesis was correct, the water flowed across a selectively permeable membrane, into the egg. ANALYSIS 1. When the calcium carbonate in the eggshell and the weak acid in the vinegar combined, it created a chemical reaction that caused the eggshell to dissolve and reveal the selectively permeable membrane 2. Period 7, group 3s egg expanded by 4.5 after 4 days compared to group 7, whos expanded 1.1 cm. Group 3s egg expanded 3.4 more. The groups must have measured wrong. Also the amount of vinegar is a factor in the amount of expansion. 3. Cells need water to keep shape. Also, the water is needed for chemical reactions. Also, water is needed for cell reproduction.

Carlin, Victoria

Friday, October 11, 2013 8:22:15 AM Pacic Daylight Time


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