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Usos de "TO"

1. Preposicin de movimiento (= a, hacia): siempre con un verbo de mvto: go, come, run, walk, fly, cycle... + to) 2. Parte de un infinitivo que sigue a otro verbo sin formar tiempo verbal. (Sin traduccin) 3. Parte de un infinitivo para expresar finalidad de una accin(= para). 4. Preposicin con el complemento indirecto (to + CI) (= a) cuando va colocado despus del directo o slo: It happened to me) ACTIVITIES 1) Recognize the different functions of "to" and translate the sentence I want to go to Murcia next Saturday to buy a gift for my mom. I'll gave it to her on her birthday. (to

buy = in order to buy = so as to = para comprar)

2) Here are some common errors. Can you correct them?


want be a doctor. can't to do my homework today. study for to pass my exams. stay to my house this Friday afternoon. gave to my mom a present for her birthday.

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