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By Giulia Socolof

Color- Typically white or colorless, possibly with light
shades of other colors

Luster- Vitreous or pearly, can be transparent Streak- White

Identification (cont.)
Hardness- 3

Crystal Structure- Trigonal

Cleavage/Fracture- Cleavage
works in 3 directions, fracture is conchoidal (has several grooves).

Chemical composition- CaCO3 Special properties- Double light


Trigonal structure

Most often formed by small calcium carbonate deposits from
plankton, algae, etc. that has to be picked up from the ocean

Could be from crystallization of calcium carbonate solution, where

water evaporates. This would normally be man-made.

Can also form by mist in cave roofs that crystallize, forming long,
thin, calcite straws found by underground mining

Straws break very easily, so be delicate when mining

Calcite cave crystals

Chalk (a form of limestone, composed of calcite)

Limestone/cement commonly
Sometimes jewelry or watches


Importance and Location

Calcite is a very common mineral, and can be found
almost anywhere around the world. It is even found in mines in Franklin, NJ! Its also a very common mineral in mines in Africa.

Calcite is almost the most abundant mineral on Earth,

and plays an important part in our everyday lives, from construction to jewelry to classrooms.

Thank you!

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