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Collaborative Response to Intervention Plan Log ~ for Reading

Student:_Aspen Community School_______ Grade:_3______________ Teacher:__Allison Oeding___________________________

Baseline/Current Reading Assessment Data
Instrument(s): DRA2 (Benchmark) assessed at reading level 30 (on-grade level = 38) Date(s): January 2014 PA:__________________________ Phonics:______________________ Fluency: 82 WPM, 98% accuracy Vocabulary:___________________ Comprehension: 19/28 Intervention Exit Criteria: Meets grade level expectations on progress monitoring assessments consistently (at least 2x in a row). __x__ daily Other: _________

Long-Term Reading Goal(s)


Comprehensive Reading Instruction

Program: Lucy Calkins Reading Curriculum (grades 3-5) Teacher: Michelle Bassi Amount of Time: 90 minutes Time of Day: 8:20-9:50

Intervention Summary
Intervention Program or Plan: - Small group receiving support and additional instruction following initial Tier 1 lesson, targeting specific needs of fluency and comprehension support with research-based strategies. (5x/week, 30 minutes each day) - Planned parent support using paired reading strategy and accountability log. (expected 4x/week) - Progress monitoring = DRA2 PM before 6-week intervention period and at the end of the 6-week period + Running Records w/ recorded WPM on student fluency chart weekly. Intervention Setting(s)/Group(s): rd Small intensive group of 3 graders: Supported Tier 1 Intervention Teacher(s): Allison Oeding

Goal: By mid-year in 4 grade (approximately 9 months, 6 months in school), student X will read at a rate of 105 words per minute on the expected grade level reading passage (DRA 40). Student X will also offer a thoughtful interpretation/reflection for the text.

PLANNING SECTION Date: 3/31/14 Intervention Period & Goal Priority Intervention Strategies & Teacher(s) Responsible

Increase reading fluency:

RESPONSE SECTION Date: Notes on Student Response Progress Monitoring Data Date given: 4/9
(score/benchmark/status) Goal Met?

Dates: 4/2 4/9

Short Term Progress Goal(s) To read at a rate of 87 WPM with 97% accuracy in 1 week.

- support student with book choices at his independent reading level: M/N (all teachers) - practice oral reading through recitation of weekly poem with choral/repeated reading strategy (Allison) - practice oral reading through partner reading (Allison) - emphasize phrasing + expression (Allison)

PA _____ CO _____ PH _____ VO _____ FL _82 WPM, 98%____

PA ____/_____/______ PH ____/_____/______ FL ____/_____/______ CO ____/_____/______ VO ____/_____/______

Y or N Y or N Y or N Y or N Y or N

Intervention Period & Goal

PLANNING SECTION Date: Priority Intervention Strategies & Teacher(s) Responsible

RESPONSE SECTION Date: Notes on Student Response Progress Monitoring Data Date given:
(score/benchmark/status) Goal Met?

Short Term Progress Goal(s)

PA _____ CO _____ PH _____ VO _____ FL _____

PA ____/_____/______ Y or N PH ____/_____/______ Y or N FL ____/_____/______ Y or N CO ____/_____/______ Y or N VO ____/_____/______ Y or N

Intervention Period & Goal

PLANNING SECTION Date: Priority Intervention Strategies & Teacher(s) Responsible

RESPONSE SECTION Date: Notes on Student Response Progress Monitoring Data Date given:
(score/benchmark/status) Goal Met?

Short Term Progress Goal(s)

PA _____ CO _____ PH _____ VO _____ FL _____ Intervention Period & Goal PLANNING SECTION Date: Priority Intervention Strategies & Teacher(s) Responsible

PA ____/_____/______ Y or N PH ____/_____/______ Y or N FL ____/_____/______ Y or N CO ____/_____/______ Y or N VO ____/_____/______ Y or N RESPONSE SECTION Date: Notes on Student Response Progress Monitoring Data Date given:
(score/benchmark/status) Goal Met?

Short Term Progress Goal(s)

PA _____ CO _____ PH _____ VO _____ FL _____ Intervention Period & Goal PLANNING SECTION Date: Priority Intervention Strategies & Teacher(s) Responsible

PA ____/_____/______ Y or N PH ____/_____/______ Y or N FL ____/_____/______ Y or N CO ____/_____/______ Y or N VO ____/_____/______ Y or N RESPONSE SECTION Date: Notes on Student Response Progress Monitoring Data Date given:
(score/benchmark/status) Goal Met?

Short Term Progress Goal(s)

PA _____ CO _____ PH _____ VO _____ FL _____

PA ____/_____/______ PH ____/_____/______ FL ____/_____/______ CO ____/_____/______ VO ____/_____/______

Y or N Y or N Y or N Y or N Y or N

Intervention Period & Goal

PLANNING SECTION Date: Priority Intervention Strategies & Teacher(s) Responsible

RESPONSE SECTION Date: Notes on Student Response Progress Monitoring Data Date given:
(score/benchmark/status) Goal Met?

Short Term Progress Goal(s)

PA _____ CO _____ PH _____ VO _____ FL _____

PA ____/_____/______ PH ____/_____/______ FL ____/_____/______ CO ____/_____/______ VO ____/_____/______

Y or N Y or N Y or N Y or N Y or N

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