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Unza Rehan Section F-10U0520 Methodology

This research was conducted into Pakistans metropolitan areas, such as Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi, established to conduct the research about the impact of sex education on adolescents behavior. In order to reach out to most of the households and learning institutes, questionnaires were considered to be the most appropriate methodology. The questionnaire was uploaded online by using Google docs and distributed in different learning institutes as well, for the respondents to fill in. The sex education measures were adapted from Kaiser Family Foundation Sex Education Survey. Respondents were asked whether schools should hold some responsibility towards sex education, whether sex education was in their childs institute and do they feel that it should be taught in such learning institutions. Apart from these, another set of questions were asked, which were adapted from Strange et al., (2002) in which respondents were asked about the credibility of the peer education and to which extent adolescents are influenced by their peer fellow beings.Other measures were adapted from Brown et al., (2000) and Frankham, (1993) in which role played by media and teachers is dicussed, the level of importance media holds in the formation of adolescents' behavior and how teachers play a crucial role in providing sex education to the children and guiding them towards their family life. Response options were given on a five-point Likert scale (1=strongly Disagree, 2= Somewhat Disagree, 3=Neither Agree Nor Disagree, 4=Somewhat Agree, 5=Strongly Agree). Respondents were also asked to mention their age and gender for demographic reasons. Coding of the 205 respondents was done by using SPSS 20. Various techniques were used to find the relationship between different variables. Correlation analysis, construct averages, frequency tables, partial correlation, cross-tabulation, reliability analysis and regression analysis were run. another AMOSS software was used to conduct

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